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My Culture, My Heritage (UCSP)

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Worksheet # 2: My Culture, My Heritage

1. Identify 2 Filipino Cultural Heritage which you think are under threat (one tangible and one
intangible). Explain why you think it is under threat and what is your plan of action to
counteract each threat.

Cultural Heritage Under Reasons Plans of action

1. Baybayin The indigenous script is By simply learning baybayin
under threat of being and promoting the use of it,
forgotten because the use of we are able to appreciate our
this ancient writing system is rich and captivating Filipino
rarely practiced, and even culture. Incorporating them
discouraged. This is due to in different art forms, as well
the belief that teaching as in modern writing, will
baybayin in schools would provide an antidote for a
wipe out local identity, and nation grappling with its
that the writing system colonial past.
serves no practical purpose.
2. Banaue Rice Terraces The Rice Terraces of Banaue The strategy is to reintroduce
are threatened by erosion agriculture to the younger
and a lack of enthusiasm in generation and persuade
farming among the younger them to modify their
Ifugao generation. This attitudes about the
enforced neglect, as well as importance of preserving
the lack of an effective their physical cultural legacy.
management system, can Subsidizing all willing
cause harm to the terraces. farmers/terrace owners to
The reliance on the the point where they can hire
government for the help if necessary in order to
maintenance and repair of preserve this cultural
the irrigation systems and heritage.
terraces has diminished tribal
rites and communal

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