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Motors & Generators

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2: - The relative motion between a conductor and magnetic field is used to generate an electrical voltage Outline Michael Faradays discovery of the generation of an electric current by a moving magnet The breakthrough came when Faraday had two insulated coils of wire wound in a ring of iron. Faraday noticed that when he switched the current on or off in one coil, a current briefly appeared in the second coil. He reasoned that the induced (produced) current was due to a change in the magnetic field caused by switching the first coil on or off. To test his hypothesis he moved a permanent magnet near a coil of wire and showed a current was induced in the coil. He could move the magnet or the coil and the effect was the same. Define magnetic field strength B as magnetic flux density Magnetic field strength, B, is defined as magnetic flux density, which is the amount of magnetic field passing through a given area. Describe the concept of magnetic flux in terms of magnetic flux density and surface area Magnetic flux is measured in webers and is defined as the product of the strength of the magnetic field strength (B in teslas) and the surface area of the coil perpendicular to the magnetic field (A is meters square): - Magnetic flux = BA Describe generated potential difference as the rate of change of magnetic flux through a circuit Faraday noted that there had to be change occurring in the apparatus for an EMF (electromotive force) to be created. The quantity that was changing in each case was the amount of magnetic flux threading (or passing through) the coil in the galvanometer circuit. The rate at which the magnetic flux change determines the magnitude of the generated EMF. Account for Lenzs Law in terms of conversation of energy and relate it to the production of back emf in motors If the changing flux in a coil would produce a magnetic field in the same direction as the original change of flux, this would lead to a greater change in flux threading in the coil, which in turn would lead to an even greater change in flux. The induced current would continue to increase in magnitude, fed by its own changing flux. In fact, energy is being created without doing any work. This violates the principle of conversation of energy. Thus to create energy in a coil, work must be done. Energy is required to move a magnet towards and away from the coil. Some this energy is transformed into electrical energy in the coil. Back emf refers to the voltage generated by the coils of an electric motor as they are rotated in a magnetic field.

MOTORSANDGENERATORS Explain that, in electric motors, back emf opposes the supply emf When an electric motor is first switched on, the applied voltage across the coils produces a large current in the coils. But when the coils begin to rotate the changing flux within the coils induces a voltage in a direction that opposes the supply emf. The net effect of the back emf is that the voltage across the coils is reduced as the speed of rotation increases. To prevent the initial high current from burning out the wire in the coils, in some motors, a resistor is placed to limit current flow. Once the motor is rotating this resistor can be removed because the back emf will limit the voltage across the coils and the current flowing through. Explain the production of eddy currents in terms of Lenzs Law Induced currents can also occur: when there is a magnetic field acting on part of a metal object and there is relative movement between the magnetic field and the object when a conductor is moving in an external magnetic field when a metal object is subjected to a changing magnetic field Such currents are known as eddy currents. Eddy currents are an application of Lenzs Law. The magnetic fields set up by the eddy currents oppose the changes in the magnetic field acting in the regions of the metal objects. The direction of the eddy current can be determined using the right-hand push rule and it is always opposite to the direction of motion of the sheet.

MOTORSANDGENERATORS 9.3.3: - Generators are used to provide large-scale power production Describe the main components of a generator A generator is a device that transforms mechanical energy into electrical energy. The magnetic field of a generator can be provided either by using permanent magnets or by using electromagnets. The stationary functioning parts of a generator are called the stator and the rotating parts are called the rotor. The stators are the permanent or electromagnets and the rotors are the coils. Slip rings ensure current flows through the coil in a constant direction relative to the magnetic field so that the torque on the coil is in a constant direction. Carbon brushes provide electrical contact between slip ring commutators and external circuit. Compare the structure and function of a generator to an electric motor Generator Structure Function Has mechanical/kinetic input Transforms electrical energy into mechanical/kinetic energy Motor Has electrical input Transforms mechanical/kinetic energy into electrical energy

Describe the differences between AC and DC generators AC generators have slip rings while DC generators have split ring commutators. Discuss the energy losses that occur as energy is fed through transmission lines from the generator to the consumer Power stations are usually situated large distances from cities where most of the consumers are located. This causes problems with power losses in the transmission lines. Transmission lines are long metallic conductors which have significant resistance, meaning that they have a significant voltage drop across them when they carry large currents. So to minimize energy losses, electricity is carried at very high voltages and very low current. Assess the effects of the development of AC generators on society and the environment Effects on society resulted in many improvements in life-style with labour saving devices such as washing machines and dishwashers promoted the development of electrical and electronic inventions, leading to modern communication systems and computer networks for finance and business

MOTORSANDGENERATORS Effects on environment much of the electricity is still generated by coal burning power stations. The burning of coal is a major contributor to global warming. development of hydroelectricity involves massive disruption to ecosystems

The effects on human society are nearly all positive while the environmental effects are all negative.

MOTORSANDGENERATORS 9.3.4: - Transformers allow generated voltage to be either increased or decreased before it is used Describe the purpose of transformers in electrical circuits Transformers are devices that increase or decrease AC voltages. Transformers are designed so that almost all the magnetic flux produced in the primary coil threads into the secondary coil. When an AC current flows in the primary coil, a constantly changing magnetic flux passes through the secondary coil and produces an AC voltage at the terminals with the same frequency as the AC voltage supplied to the primary coil. Transformers are used at generating stations to step up transmission voltage to minimize energy loses by heating effects during transmission. Compare step-up and step-down transformers Step-up transformers change low voltages into higher voltages. They have more turns in their secondary coils than in their primary coils. output > input Step-down transformers change high voltages into lower voltages. They have more turns in their primary coils than in their secondary coils. input > output Identify the relationship between the ratio of the number of turns in the primary and secondary coils and the ratio of primary to secondary voltage The difference between the primary voltage and the secondary voltage is in their magnitudes. The secondary voltage can be greater or less than the primary voltage, depending on the design of the transformer. The magnitude of the secondary voltage depends on the number of turns of wire on the primary coil and the secondary coil. Explain why voltage transformations are related to the conservation of energy If a step-up transformer gives a greater voltage at the output there must be some kind of trade off. The rate of supply of energy to the primary coil must be greater than or equal to the rate of supply of energy from the secondary coil. You cannot get more energy out of a transformer than you put into it. There is a decrease in usable energy whenever energy is transformed from one form to another. In ideal transformers there is assumed to be no power loss and the primary power is equal to the secondary coil. Explain the role of transformers in electricity sub-stations The solution to minimize energy loss during power transmission is to use transformers to step up the voltage before transmission. If the voltage is increased, the current is reduced, thus minimizing resistance. Therefore minimizing power loss during electricity transmission. If transformers were not used in power distribution system, either the power stations would have to be built in the cities or the users of the electricity would have to be locate near the power stations. This means that towns would have to be located near power sources or fossil fuel stations would cause pollution in nearby populations.

MOTORSANDGENERATORS Discuss why some electrical appliances in the home that are connected to the mains domestic power supply use a transformer Transformers are used in television sets and computer monitors to provide the very high voltages to drive the cathode ray tubes. They are also used in electronic appliances such as radios to provide lower voltages for amplifier circuits. Discuss the impact of the development of transformers on society - The major impact transformers have had on society is that it is possible to transmit high voltages/low current electricity to consumers and step it down for the consumers for factory or domestic use. - People have power tools and electrical appliances to enable work to be done more quickly and efficiently in homes and workshops. - Parents can spend less time on household chores, having electrical devices to do many of these for them, thus saving time and spending more time with their kids, improving the quality of life.

MOTORSANDGENERATORS 9.2.5: - Motors are used in industries and the home usually to convert electrical energy into more useful forms of energy Describe the main features of an AC electric motor AC motors have two main parts. These are called the stator and the rotor. The stator is the stationary part of the motor and is usually connected to the frame of machine. The stator of an AC motor provides the external magnetic field which the rotor rotates. Most AC motors have a cylindrical rotor that rotates at high speeds. Both the rotor and the stator have a core of ferromagnetic material, usually steel.

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