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Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Oral Communication 11

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I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, at least 85% of the students must have:

A. Identified and differentiate the types of speeches according to purpose;

B. Act proficiently by integrating the importance of speeches; and

C. Perform a sample speech of various types

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Type of Speeches

References: Oral Communication in Context SHS Module 6 – Lesson 1

Materials: Laptop, Projector, PowerPoint presentation, and Paper Strips

Values: Attentiveness and Cooperation

III. Procedure/Learning Activities

A. Preliminaries

1. Prayer

2. Greetings

3. Checking of Attendance

4. Recapitulation

B. Activity (Reading Aloud)

 The teacher will call 3 names randomly and each students that as called will be given a
paper strips containing a short speech, the students will read the line in front of the

1. We need to feed our brain with good thoughts, positive vibes and peaceful things
that help us maintaining a healthy mind.
2. The people should try to balance his life according to his schedule. If he manages
to do that. It will help him to keep himself healthy.

3. One should have a regular check-up for his physical health and mental health
check-up at the physician’s and therapist’s advice respectively.

C. Analysis

 The teacher will ask the following questions after the activity

a. What have you notice about the short speeches?

b. What do you think is our lesson for today?

c. Can you identify the type of speeches?

D. Abstraction

 The teacher will discuss and deliberate the types of sentences, including its importance
for professional use.

Types of Speech According to its Purpose

a. Informative Speech – provides information about a topic to the audience.

 Definition Speech - explains the meaning, theory, or philosophy of a specific


 Demonstration Speech - explains how to do something.

 Explanatory Speech - give a description of the state of a given topic.

 Descriptive Speech - creates a vivid picture in a person’s mind regarding an

object, person, animal, or place.

b. Persuasive Speech – given for the purpose of persuading the audience to feel a
certain way, to take a certain action, or to support a specific view or cause.

c. Inspirational Speech – a kind of speech that convinces people they can succeed in

d. Entertainment Speech – the purpose of this speech to entertain, to have the

audience relax, smile and enjoy the occasion.
E. Application (Speech)

 Using the different topic presented on the board, the teacher will let the students to write
a speech using the different types of speech discussed, each students will be given a 10
minutes to prepare. After 10 minutes the students will share their speeches in front of the

Topic 1: Drug Abuse

Topic 2: Poverty

Topic 3: Education

Topic 4: Climate Change

IV. Evaluation

Direction: Read the questions carefully. Write the type of speech that is appropriate for the

1. To teach the audience the importance of exercise._________________

2. To have the audience amused by a dance performance.________________

3. To have the audience understand cultural diversities.___________________

4. To have the audience support the school project._______________________

5. To have the audience participate in an anti-pollution.____________________

6. To have the audience start a small business.__________________________

7. To encourage the audience attend the concert._________________________

8. To explain the importance of family bonding.___________________________

9. To teach the audience the importance of education._____________________

10. To explain the importance of clean up drive in the community._____________

V. Assignment

 On a 1/2 crosswise analyze the speech below. Answer the following questions. Prepare
to share your answers in the next meeting.

1. What is the speech all about?

2. What type of speech does the writer use?

3. What are your insights about the given speech?

Prepared by: Submitted to:

Alliyah C. Vidad Mark Daryl Labajo

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