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Public Perception towards fifth generation of cellular

networks (5G) on social media

Kia Dashtipour, William Taylor, Shuja Ansari, Mandar Gogate, Adnan Zahid,
Yusuf Sambo, Amir Hussain, Qammer H Abbasi, Muhammad Ali Imran

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Kia Dashtipour, William Taylor, Shuja Ansari, Mandar Gogate, Adnan Zahid, et al.. Public Perception
towards fifth generation of cellular networks (5G) on social media. Frontiers in Big Data, In press,
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Public Perception towards fifth generation of

cellular networks (5G) on social media
Kia Dashtipour 1,∗ , William Taylor 1 , Shuja Ansari 1 , Mandar Gogate 2 , Adnan
Zahid 1 , Yusuf Sambo 1 , Amir Hussain 2 , Qammer H. Abbasi 1 and Muhammad
Ali Imran 1
1 James Watt School of Engineering, University of Glasgow, Glasgow,G12 8QQ,
2 School of Computing, Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh EH10 5DT, UK

Corresponding Author

3 With advancement of social media network, there are lots of unlabelled reviews available online,
4 therefore its necessarily to develop an automatic tools to classify these types of reviews. For
5 utilising these reviews for user perception, there is a need for automated tools that can process
6 online user data for optimising user perception. In this paper, a sentiment analysis framework has
7 been proposed to identify people’s perception towards mobile networks. The proposed framework
8 consists of three basic steps: preprocessing, feature selection and applying different machine
9 learning algorithms. The performance of the framework has taken into account different feature
10 combinations. The simulation results show that the best performance is by integrating unigram,
11 bigram and trigram features.
12 Keywords: Sentiment Analysis, 5G, Mobile Network Quality, Machine Learning, Opinion Mining

13 The 5th generation mobile network is new global wireless standard after 1G, 2G, 3G and 4G network. The
14 5G is new types of network which is designed and developed to connect virtually everyone and everything
15 together and consists of different machines, objectives and devices. In addition, the fifth generation of
16 cellular networks is required to be more efficient and economical in terms of Key Performance Indicators
17 (KPI). KPIs are of interest to stakeholders and different applications. These KPIs from an operator
18 perspective, consist of capacity, reliability and quality of service. From the user perspective, the KPIs
19 include uninterrupted connection, infinite capacity and zero latency. However, there no technology that
20 can offer infinite capacity or zero latency. In the past few years, there has been lots of research carried out
21 in next generation mobile network (5G), which consists of different opportunities and challenges. There
22 are different challenges in fifth generation of cellular networks (5G) that have been discussed in different
23 literature. The most significant of these are ultra-dense networks and millimetre waves, however, there are
24 other technologies which are significant for the next generation of network such as two-layer architecture
25 and cognitive radio based architectures which have great performance in the next generation of the network.
26 In fifth generation of cellular networks (5G), network data analytic and machine learning systems can
27 perform a key role. The technique to understand people’s behaviour towards the 5G network is vital and it

Sample et al.Public Perception towards fifth generation of cellular networks (5G) on social media

28 helps to improve the performance of the network communication Sharma et al. (2020) OPINCARIU et al.
29 (2019).

30 With the advent of social media and e-commerce, websites allow users to share opinions and feedback
31 about different products and services. Customers can make important decisions by reading other people’s
32 experiences. In addition, the customer feedback can be classified to make improvements on the service or
33 product. For example, if a person wants to buy a mobile phone and the reviews provide negative information
34 related to the battery, operation speed or camera, this can influence the consumers decision. In addition, this
35 can assist in providing better mobile quality by taking into account the complaints made by past customers
36 and making informed improvements to products. As another example, if someone wants to book a hotel,
37 the buyer can look over the online reviews to understand previous customer experience such as cleanliness
38 and services for the hotel. However, there are billions of bytes of data generated per day consisting of user
39 feedback which cannot be manually labelled and analysed for individual organisations and companies
40 Yadav and Vishwakarma (2020). Sentiment analysis is the process of automatically understanding and
41 classifying the data into positive and negative information from the source material such as reviews and
42 comments. The main task of sentiment analysis is to assign polarity into sentences (positive or negative).
43 However, the online review is a mixture of positive and negative comments about different aspects of the
44 products or services instead of expressing positive or negative opinions. For example, “the 5G mobile
45 network is extremely fast, however I do not feel secure while I am using the 5G network”. The sentence
46 expresses positive sentiment towards the speed of the mobile and negative sentiment towards the security
47 of the mobile network Kumar and Jaiswal (2020), Dashtipour et al. (2020).

48 Most of the current sentiment analysis approaches are focused on analysing products and movie reviews
49 and there is less work been carried out in different fields such as people’s perception towards fifth
50 generation of cellular networks (5G). However, most of the current approaches consider a small corpus,
51 which makes the task difficult for machine learning approaches to identify the overall polarity of the
52 sentence. Furthermore, the current sentences consist of lots of sarcastic and ironic words which is difficult
53 to determine the overall polarity for these types of sentences. For example, “Tell me something that I do not
54 know”. Most of the current approaches for sentiment analysis fail to understand the real noisy text consists
55 of sarcasm, idioms, informal words and sentences with spelling mistakes. In addition, there are scarce
56 availability of tools and resources.lexicon and labelled corpus are some of the tools which are available
57 for sentiment analysis. This limited range of available tools is the main bottleneck in the design of the
58 sentiment analysis approaches Kaity and Balakrishnan (2019). One of the main issue for sentiment analysis
59 approaches is lack of labelled dataset. However, it is worth to mention that, there are lots of unlabelled
60 dataset available online, but it is time consuming for users to manually label dataset.

61 In order to address the aforementioned issues and limitations, framework that exploits n-gram features has
62 been proposed to identify the polarity of sentence. This proposed approach demonstrated that the overall
63 performance and effectiveness of polarity detection in real noisy data. The ngram features are based on the
64 linguistic text rules that allow to extract text features from sentences. As a result, the ngram features take
65 into account the relation between keywords and the word order and individual word polarity to determine
66 the underlying polarity of the sentence. We perform an extensive and comprehensive set of experiments
67 using novel corpus and compare the performance of the approach with different selected features. The
68 Support Vector Machine(SVM), logistic regression, Naive Bayes and Multi Layer Perceptron (MLP) used
69 to evaluate the performance of the approach. The comparative simulation results show that the proposed
70 approach achieved better performance as compared to the state-of-art approach.

Sample et al.Public Perception towards fifth generation of cellular networks (5G) on social media

71 The rest of the paper is organised as follows: In Section 2 related work is presented, Section 3 presented
72 the proposed framework, Section 4 presented the experimental results, Section 5 presents discussion and
73 finally Section 6 concludes the work and presents the future work.

74 The extensive research in the current literature shows that the machine learning has been used in different
75 fields such as sentiment analysis Hussain et al. (2021); Dashtipour et al. (2021, 2016b,a, 2017c,b,a); Jiang
76 et al. (2020); Dashtipour et al. (2018, 2020); Guellil et al. (2021); Dashtipour et al. (2019), cyber-security
77 Adeel et al. (2019a); Jiang et al. (2019); Shiva et al. (2017); Gogate et al. (2019b), hand-written recognition
78 Ahmed et al. (2021), speech enhancement Gogate et al. (2020a,b, 2019a, 2017a, 2018); Ozturk et al. (2019);
79 Adeel et al. (2020, 2019b); Gogate et al. (2017b), posture detection Taylor et al. (2020); Liaqat et al. (2021,
80 2020) and etc. However, there is not any research carried out to detect sentiment polarity for tweets related
81 to 5G.
82 In the literature, extensive research has been carried out to implement different sentiment analysis
83 approaches. The microblogging websites are the biggest platform that allows users to share their thoughts
84 and opinions in the public domain. Twitter is the most well-known microblogging website that allows
85 people to express their feelings and emotions in the form of ”tweets” with a character range of 280. There
86 are over 250 million tweets expressing the feelings and emotions of people with different opinions and
87 situations Duong et al. (2019) Mamgain et al. (2016).
88 The twitter users vary from politicians to everyday people that provide different types of reviews from
89 different points of views. This is the the main reason a dataset collected from twitter is used in this paper.
90 There is lots of research carried out in this domain to determine people’s perception towards different
91 products such as Sony mobile. For example. Sharma et al. (2016) focused to find the most well known
92 smartphones in India, the tweets are collected and then machine learning is applied to determine a brand
93 reputation score. This will help customers to find the most branded smartphones in India. Somula et al.
94 (2020) proposed an approach to perform a sentiment analysis to determine the winner of the US election
95 in 2016, the tweets are collected with respect to Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, the tweets analysing
96 results reveals that Donald Trump received more positive scores as compared to Hillary Clinton. Mehta
97 et al. (2020) proposed a sentiment analysis approach to identify the best Indian airlines through twitter, the
98 analysis of results reveals that the customers are happier with airIndia services compared to spicejet.
99 Kumari and Haider (2020) proposed an approach using twitter API to collect corpus, after pre-processing
100 and use of natural language processing, the hybrid classifier utilised machine learning and long short-term
101 memory to improve the performance of the approach. The experimental results reveal that the proposed
102 model achieved better performance as compared with state-of-the-art approaches. Usama et al. (2019)
103 introduced a novel model multi-level feature extraction and feature combination by using convolutional
104 neural network (CNN) and recurrent neural network (RNN) to identify the sentiment in movie reviews.
105 The CNN and RNN received sentiment text as input and learn different features to network architecture.
106 The word embedding fed into CNN and learn multilevel contextual features from every layer of CNN and
107 perform multilevel features fusion. Finally, the multilevel and multitype features are combined and softmax
108 classifier is used to identify final polarity of sentences. Most of the aforementioned studies implement a
109 lexicon to determine the polarity of the text. However, the use of lexicon fails to identify the polarity of
110 word order in the sentence. In addition, most of the current studies use rules to detect negation in a sentence
111 which cannot be directly applied to English language. However, we need a framework to identify the
112 polarity of the sentence without developing a lexicon which is time consuming. Therefore, we implemented

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Sample et al.Public Perception towards fifth generation of cellular networks (5G) on social media

Table 1. Next Generation Mobile Network (5G)

Next generation mobile network
fifth generation of technology
5G devices

113 a framework for twitter sentiment analysis that integrates feature engineering and machine learning to
114 improve the performance and robustness of polarity detection in real noisy data.

115 This section describes our proposed novel context-aware framework for fifth generation of cellular networks
116 (5G) sentiment analysis. The proposed framework exploits the polarity of sentence more accurately as
117 compared to traditional word occurrence frequency-based approaches.

Figure 1. Proposed Framework for Sentiment Analysis for people perception towards fifth generation of
cellular networks (5G)

118 Data Collection: In order to collect data, we used Twitter API to collect data related to next generation
119 mobile network (5G) in the UK. The data is collected from January 2018 till August 2020. The Table 1
120 shows the related keywords for fifth generation of cellular networks (5G).

121 Pre-processing: The tweets corpus has been collected using twitter API and it has been labelled into
122 positive and negative using SentiWordNet. The corpus is divided into a training set (60%), test set (30%)
123 and validation set (10%) to apply machine learning algorithms including SVM, Naive Bayes and MLP. The
124 corpus is tokenized and normalised. The tokenisation technique is used to break sentences into words. For
125 example, “I really like mobile” will be converted into words such as “I”, “really”, “like” and “mobile”.
126 Afterwards, the normalisation technique is used to normalise the tweets. For example, “The speed for 5G
127 mobile is gr8” will be converted into “The speed for 5G mobile is great”.

128 Ngram: N-gram features are widely used in different approaches of sentiment analysis. When there is
129 one term is taken as feature is called unigram, for two term is called bigram and three terms is called
130 trigram. In our proposed approach we have been using unigram, bigram and trigram and we used the
131 combination of n-gram features.

Sample et al.Public Perception towards fifth generation of cellular networks (5G) on social media

132 SentiWordNet: In order to assign sentiment polarity into sentence we used SentiWordNet widely avaiable
133 online lexicon to assign sentiment polarity (-1, 0, 1) into sentences.

134 Machine learning classifiers: In order to evaluate the performance of the approach, the machine learning
135 classifier is used to evaluate the performance of the approach. The scikit-learn python package is used to
136 developed multi-layer perceptron, logistic regression, linear SVM, RBF SVM and naive bayes is used to
137 train the model. The MLP consist of one hidden layer which is able to apply to supervised problem, the
138 MLP are set of input and put and it learns to model the correlation between input and output. However, the
139 main issue with MLP it consists of many parameters which is fully connected and each nodes is connected
140 to other node which can result in redundancy and inefficiency. The main advantage of Naı̈ve Bayes is
141 performs fast and save lots of time however, the prediction can be wrong. In addition, the main advantage
142 of logistic regression is easy to implement and train however, the number of observation is less than number
143 of features. Finally, the main advantages of SVM is work well with unstructured data such as text, as the
144 tweets are unstructured, therefore, the SVM performs well of tweets data. However, the main issue with
145 SVM, the choosing correct kernel is not easy.

146 In order to calculate the sentiment polarity of the sentence, the SentiWordNet has been used to calculate
147 overall polarity of the tweets. The tweets extracted using different keywords such as 5G, next generation
148 mobile network, fifth generation of technology and 5g devices. The tweets are collected. After tweets
149 collection, the punctation and stop words are removed and sentence are normalised, and then its been
150 converted into BOW and finally machine learning classifiers trained. In the pre-processing stage, the
151 sentence are normalised, for example, the word ”fishing” are converted into ”fish”.

152 In order to evaluate the performance of the proposed approach, the tweets are converted into bag of words
153 (BOW). These BOWs are sent to machine learning algorithms including Linear and RBF SVM, naive
154 bayes, logistic regression and MLP to evaluate the performance of the approach. The intial experimental
155 results demonstrate that the combination of unigram and bigram achieved accuracy of 86.71%.

156 Dataset: In order to evaluate the performance of the approach the tweets have been collected from twitter,
157 the 5G hashtag has been used to collect tweets, more than fifty thousand tweets have been collected and the
158 positive and negative polarity has been assigned into tweets using SentiWordNet lexicon. The neural tweets
159 have been eliminated. The experimental results show that the combination of unigram and bigram achieved
160 better performance as compared to other approaches. In order to evaluate the performance of the proposed
161 approach, there are different evaluation metrics including accuracy, precision, recall and f-measure are
162 used:

P recision = (1)
Recall = (2)
P recision ∗ Recall
F measure = 2 ∗ (3)
P recision + Recall
Accuracy = (4)
TP + TN + FP + FN

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Table 2. Paramets of ML algorithms

Algorithm Parameter Time
SVM RBF Kernal 4 mins and 21 s
Naive Bayes sample weight = none 2 mins and 12 s
MLP activation = relu 3 mins and 31 s
Logistic regression Penalty = l2 3 mins 42 s

Table 3. Results of N-gram Features

Feature Classifier Accuracy Precision Recall F-score
Uni MLP 85.92 0.86 0.86 0.86
Uni LR 86.14 0.86 0.86 0.86
Uni Linear SVM 84.79 0.84 0.84 0.84
Uni RBF SVM 62.61 0.72 0.63 0.54
Uni NB 86.48 0.87 0.86 0.87
Bi MLP 79.16 0.8 0.79 0.78
Bi LR 78.37 0.79 0.78 0.78
Bi Linear SVM 73.98 0.78 0.74 0.72
Bi RBF SVM 62.61 0.72 0.63 0.54
Bi NB 78.82 0.8 0.79 0.78
Tri MLP 73.42 0.77 0.73 0.71
Tri LR 72.52 0.77 0.73 0.7
Tri Linear SVM 69.48 0.77 0.69 0.65
Tri RBF SVM 62.61 0.72 0.63 0.54
Tri NB 71.39 0.77 0.71 0.68

166 where TP denotes true positive, TN presents true negative, FP is false positive, and FN represents false
167 negative respectively. In addition, Table 2 shows the parameters that are used to trained the machine
168 learning methods. The scikit-learn package is used to train the machine learning classifiers. In addition, the
169 training time for each models has been presented in Table 2.

170 Table 3 shows the results of different N-gram features. The unigram (Uni), bigram (Bi) and trigram (Tri)
171 is extracted from the sentence, as the comparitive experimental result shows the unigram (Uni) achieved
172 better performance as compared to other features.

173 Table 4 shows the comparison of different N-gram features. The empirical results shows that the
174 combination unigram (Uni) and bigram (Bi) is achieved better performance as compared to other features.

175 Figure 2 displays the positive sentiment towards fifth generation of cellular networks (5G) technology, the
176 speed, security and performance towards 5G. For example, the user has a positive opinion towards speed,
177 security and performance. In order to find the most positive keywords towards fifth generation of cellular
178 networks (5G) the word frequency of the words positive sentences is calculated. The word frequency shows
179 that the most discussed keywords are speed, security and performance. As shown in Figure 2 (a) Scotland
180 and England have the most positive discussion towards speed. For example, 45% of tweets in Scotland and
181 30% in England has positive opinion about the speed of 5G. In the other hand, Figure 2 (b) demonstrate that
182 England and Scotland have most positive discussion toward security trend. 41% of tweets in England and
183 36% in Scotland has positive opinion about the security of 5G. Figure 2 (c) shows Scotland and England
184 have most positive discussion toward performance trend. 39% of tweets in Scotland and 28% in England
185 has positive opinion about the performance of 5G.

Sample et al.Public Perception towards fifth generation of cellular networks (5G) on social media

Table 4. Comparison of combination of N-gram Features

Feature Classifier Accuracy Precision Recall F-score
Uni + Bi MLP 86.71 0.87 0.87 0.87
Uni + Bi LR 86.14 0.86 0.86 0.86
Uni + Bi Linear SVM 85.92 0.86 0.86 0.86
Uni + Bi RBF SVM 62.61 0.72 0.63 0.54
Uni + Bi NB 85.81 0.86 0.86 0.86
Uni + Tri MLP 85.13 0.85 0.85 0.85
Uni + Tri LR 86.59 0.87 0.87 0.87
Uni + Tri Linear SVM 86.48 0.87 0.86 0.87
Uni + Tri RBF SVM 62.61 0.72 0.63 0.54
Uni + Tri NB 85.47 0.85 0.85 0.85
Bi + Tri MLP 76.91 0.79 0.77 0.76
Bi + Tri LR 77.02 0.79 0.77 0.76
Bi + Tri Linear SVM 77.02 0.8 0.77 0.76
Bi + Tri RBF SVM 62.01 0.6 0.59 0.6
Bi + Tri NB 71.28 0.7 0.69 0.7

186 Figure 3 displays the negative sentiment towards fifth generation of cellular networks (5G) technology,
187 the radiation, price and below technology towards 5G. For example, most users concerns towards 5G signal
188 which it might cause cancer, the price of the 5G mobile which is very expensive and also the users concerns
189 about the performance of 5G mobiles. In order to find the most negative keywords towards 5G the word
190 frequency of the words negative sentences is calculated. The word frequency shows that the most discussed
191 keywords are radiation, price and performance. As Figure 3 (a) shows the most twitter users who located in
192 England, Scotland believe that the 5G can cause cancer. It is to be noted that, 31% of tweets in Scotland
193 and 31% in England has negative concern about the cause of radiation using 5G. In addition, the Figure
194 3 (b) most twitter users who located in Scotland believe that the price of 5G mobile is very expensive. It
195 is worth to mention that, 32% of tweets in Scotland and 27% of tweets in Wales has negative concerns
196 about the expensive price of 5G technology. Additionally, the Figure 3 (c) shows the most tweets users in
197 North-Ireland are less satisfied with current performance of the 5G mobiles. It is to be noted that, 27% in
198 North-Ireland and 25% in England has negative concern about current performance of 5G.

199 In contrast, the Figure 4 displays the overall trends for the twitter users. As the Figure 4 the most discussed
200 trend in agriculture (29%), healthcare (28%) and smart home (26%).

201 The Figure 5 displays the most discussed trends towards 5G technology, the radiation, price and below
202 technology towards 5G. For example, most users concerns towards 5G signal which it might cause
203 cancer, the price of the 5G mobile which is very expensive and also the users concerns about the low
204 technology of 5G mobiles. As shown in graph 5, England (a) the most discussed trends are agriculture
205 (31%), healthcare (28%) and smart-home(16%). In addition, Scotland (b) the most discussed trends are
206 agriculture (41%), healthcare (32%) and transport (12%). Additionally, in Wales the most discussed trends
207 are agriculture (29%), healthcare (28%) and transport(18%). Finally, North Ireland, the most discussed
208 trends are agriculture (29%), healthcare (28%) and transport (18%).

209 The graph 6 displays the occupation of the twitter users who had the most positive comments towards
210 fifth generation of cellular networks (5G).

211 The graph 7 displays the occupation of the twitter users who had the most negative comments towards
212 fifth generation of cellular networks (5G).

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Speed Security


Scotland 10.0% 11.0%
N-Ireland 36.0% N-Ireland
15.0% Scotland 12.0%

Wales Wales

(a) Speed (b) Security







(c) Performance

Figure 2. Positive trends towards fifth generation of cellular networks (5G)

213 As shown in Table 5, the top 10 positive and negative bigrams keywords related to next generation mobile
214 network (5G) are presented. As the Table III shows the tweets towards price of 5G network generation is
215 positive and towards EU countries are negative.

216 As shown in Table 6, the top 10 positive and negative trigram keywords related to next generation mobile
217 network (5G) are presented. As the Table IV shows the tweets towards price of 5G network generation is
218 positive and towards EU countries are negative.

219 In this study, the tweets related to the next generation mobile network (5G) were analysed and their
220 sentiment polarity were identified. The sentiment analysis of 5G keywords tweets considered because these
221 tweets carried lots of information related to next generation of communication network. Only English
222 tweets were considered because it has large coverage and the most widely common language used in the
223 world. In the current study, more than 10,000 tweets were retrieved. There were many duplicate tweets in
224 the retrieved data which were removed from the database. However, we did not limit our dataset to tweet

Sample et al.Public Perception towards fifth generation of cellular networks (5G) on social media

Radiation Price
England Scotland

31.0% 32.0%

27.0% 23.0%
22.0% N-Ireland

(a) Radiation (b) Price


Scotland England

24.0% 25.0%


(c) Performance

Figure 3. Negative trends towards fifth generation of cellular networks (5G)

225 discussion of online users, we used feed news related to 5G network communication to analyse because the
226 news consisted of valuable information related to incidents.

227 Moreover, as part of the data pre-processing we have removed the emoji characters from the tweets.
228 However, it is worth mentioning that emoji characters are commonly used in tweets and they are useful for
229 identifying the overall polarity of the tweets. In future work, we intend to consider emoji characters as part
230 of the process to identify the overall polarity of tweets as the emoji characters can provide more accurate
231 sentiment scores. In contrast, the time frame to analyse the specific tweets related to fifth generation of
232 cellular networks (5G) might be associated with events which increases the number of tweets in certain
233 dates, weeks or months. It is worth to mention that, there are lots of tweets related to conspiracy theories,
234 for example some of tweets believed that the 5G can cause covid-19 in people or it can cause cancer.

235 Herein we explain the most topics discussed which can change the overall sentiment polarity of the tweets
236 into positive:

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Use cases

Healthcare 29.0%

26.0% Transport


Figure 4. Trend for UK towards fifth generation of cellular networks (5G)

Table 5. Most frequent positive bigrams for next generation mobile network (5G)
Positive Bigram Negative Bigram
5G cheap Low performance
Good coverage Awful services
Good supply blow Huawei
Great performance Hate 5G
High security Low speed
Fast speed Low coverage
Great system Low frequency
communication networks 5G Crap
Nokia performs Slow 5G
great satisfaction Expensive technology

Table 6. Most frequent positive Trigrams for next generation mobile network (5G)
Positive Trigram Negative Trigram
cheap 5G phones Slow coverage 5G
Good coverage phone Low suppliers services
best 5G phones blow Huawei China
Good Supply 5G 5G slow connection
Great areas coverage 5G low frequency
Good test zones About 5G dangers
5G fast speed Low frequency 5G
5G good communication New 5G Crap
great 5G signal Expect 5G Slow
Nokia performs well Expensive New technology

237 Speed: The most discussed topics related to 5G was speed of the current network. Most of the tweets
238 were positive towards the speed of 5G. However, it is to be noted that, there are large number of tweets
239 were negative about the bandwidth and speech of the 5G mobile network.

240 Security: In addition, another most discussed topic related to 5G was security of the 5G services. Most
241 of the twitter users were positive towards the current security towards the services for 5G. For example,
242 “5G is more secure than 4G”.

Sample et al.Public Perception towards fifth generation of cellular networks (5G) on social media

England Scotland

4.0% VR/AR
VR/AR 12.0%
10.0% Healthcare
16.0% 6.0% 4.0%7.0% Transport
Smarthome Factory
Factory Smarthome
(a) England (b) Scotland
Wales Wales
Agriculture Agriculture

Healthcare 29.0% Healthcare 29.0%

28.0% 28.0%

4.0% VR/AR 4.0% VR/AR

7.0% 7.0%
18.0% 18.0%
14.0% 14.0%
Smarthome Smarthome
Transport Transport
Factory Factory
(c) Wales (d) North-Ireland

Figure 5. Most discussed trends for fifth generation of cellular networks (5G)

243 Performance: Additionally, the performance of the 5G mobile network were discussed in most of the
244 tweets. Most of the tweets were positive towards the performance of the 5G network communication. For
245 example, “I am really excited with current performance of 5G mobile”.

246 Herein we explain the most topics discussed which can change the overall sentiment polarity of the tweets
247 into negative:

248 5G expose cancer: Our finding shows that, most of the tweets were discussed about next generation
249 mobile network can cause cancer. For example, “I won’t buy 5G mobile, because it can cause cancer”.
250 There is strong negative comments towards the health issue towards 5G network communication. Most of
251 the Twitter users believe that the 5G can cause damage to their health.

252 5G price: Our analysis shows that, most of the Twitter users have negative comments towards the price
253 of the 5G mobiles. For example, one tweet clearly mentioned that “How can I afford to buy such expensive
254 mobiles”.

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Sample et al.Public Perception towards fifth generation of cellular networks (5G) on social media




Number 200


Student IT Teacher

Figure 6. Occupation for most positive twitter users towards fifth generation of cellular networks (5G)






Environment Activist Student IT

Figure 7. Occupation for most negative twitter users towards fifth generation of cellular networks (5G)

255 Speed: Furthermore, one of the most discussed topics were concern of twitter users about speed of the
256 5G mobile network. For example, ”I recently bought 5G mobile but I do not like the speed”

257 Table 7 shows the example of positive and negative tweets towards the fifth generation of cellular networks
258 (5G).

Sample et al.Public Perception towards fifth generation of cellular networks (5G) on social media

Table 7. Example of Positive and Negative tweets towards Next Generation Mobile Network(5G)
Positive Negative
Currently, The 5G phones are the best that with 5G as dangerous
you can buy right now to our health
5G will be our deaths.
5G has great performance Cancer rates will skyrocket.
I gotta say, the Vivo Nex 3 5G is horrific, it causes Cancer,
5G has a pretty great DAC. it’s already banned in some countries.
The global economic
potential of 5G is staggering It is predicted to add up to it’s not good enough the 5G privacy
3 million new jobs and create $500 billion
I had good experience with 5G 5g is no good for humans health

259 In this study, we perform a series of sentiment analysis on data retrieved from twitter. The twitter data
260 under investigation was related to the fifth generation of cellular networks (5G). We have collected relevant
261 tweets in the English language. Therefore, we proposed framework for mobile networks (such as 5G)
262 based on different feature combinations. The performance of the proposed framework is evaluated using
263 different feature combination in terms of different evaluation metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall
264 and f-measure. In addition, we have compared the proposed method with different machine learning
265 algorithms such as Naı̈ve Bayes, MLP, SVM, etc. In addition, we have analysed the tweets to understnad
266 user perception towards 5G. As part of our future work, we intend to extend the current framework for
267 multilingual sentiment analysis and integration of a closed loop self organising network algorithm with the
268 proposed user sentiment analysis framework.

269 For additional requirements for specific article types and further information please refer to Author
270 Guidelines.


271 The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial
272 relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

273 Author Contributions: Conceptualization, K.D., SH.A., Y.S., W.T., A.Z ,Q.H., M.A.I.; formal analysis,
274 K.D., SH.A., Y.S., Q.H.; investigation, W.T., SH.A.; resources, writing, review and editing, W.T., Q.H.A.,
275 M.A.I.; funding acquisition, Q.H.A., M.A.I.; All authors have read and agreed to the published version of
276 the manuscript.

277 This research was funded under EPSRC DTA studentship (EPSRC DTG EP/N509668/1 Eng

278 This research work was funded by EPSRC DTG EP/N509668/1 Eng.

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