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MERGE - Letter of Intent - REYES

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Matt Trakker


Bruce Sato

Scott Trakker

Alex Sector

Gloria Baker

April 17, 2021

Dear Sellers,

Potential acquisition of the entire issued share capital of Brightstone Services Company

This letter out the principal terms and conditions on and subject to which Miles Mayhem (Buyer)
is willing to buy all the issued shares (Shares) in the target from Matt Trakker, Bruce Sato, Scott
Trakker, Alex Sector and Gloria Baker (each a seller, together as Sellers) or the Sellers, as defined
in paragraph 1.2, subject to the agreement and signature by the parties of detailed legally binding
acquisition agreement.

In order for this transaction to be successful, our interest must be aligned. With that in mind, we
have designed these terms that to allow all parties to benefit from our future agreement in an
equitable way.

This letter is not exhaustive and is not intended to be legally binding between the Buyer and the
Seller except as specifically provided otherwise in this letter.


1.1. The Buyer proposes to buy directly the Shares free from all claims, lines, equities, charges,
encumbrances and adverse rights of any description (Proposed Transaction), including but not
limited to all of the assets associated with the Business, including all inventories, all intellectual
property, all accounts and notes receivable, all contracts and agreements, all equipment, all
legally assignable government permits, and certain documents, files and records containing
technical support and other information pertaining to the operation of the Target.

1.2. The Buyer also assumes as of the closing date only those liabilities and obligations:
(a) Arising in connection with the operation of the Target before the closing date;
(b) Arising after the closing date in connection with the performance by the Buyer of the
contracts and agreements associated with the business.

1.3. The Shares are owned by the Sellers in the following proportions:

Name of Seller Percentage of issued share capital

Matt Trakker 35%
Bruce Sato 35%
Scott Trakker 10%
Alex Sector 10%
Gloria Baker 10%

1.4. The target has no subsidiaries.


2.1. Subject to the completion of satisfactory due diligence and the price adjustment set out in
paragraph 2.3, the Buyer will pay an aggregate price up to total of $40,000,000 [Forty Million
Dollars] (Price) for the Shares, to be paid in accordance with clauses 2.2 and 2.3.

2.2. Upfront Payout. The Buyer agrees to purchase the Sale Share for a total of $35,000,000
(Thirty-Five Million Dollars) payable in cash in immediately available funds on closing date.

2.3. Earn-Out. In addition to the Upfront Payout, the Seller shall be entitled to receive and earn-
out (Earn-Out) of $5,000,000. The payment of Earn-Out shall be subject to the following
(i) Following the Closing Date, if the earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and
amortization (EBITDA) of the Target for the fiscal year ending 2021 is equal or greater
than $2,500,000 (Two Million Five Hundred Dollars)

2.4. The Price will be subject to the following adjustments:

(a) If the net assets of the Target at Closing are less than $5,000,000 (Five Million Dollars),
the Price will be reduced by an amount equal to the shortfall; or
(b) If the net assets of the Target at closing are greater than $5,000,000 (Five Million Dollars),
the Price will be reduced by an amount equal to the excess.

For this purpose, the net assets of the Target at Closing will be determined at least two business
days prior to the Closing Date to be agreed upon by the parties. The determination will be
based on the following information to be provided by the Seller (a) an estimated Closing
Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account of the Target (Closing Accounts). The principles
governing the preparation and agreement of the Closing Accounts and the calculation of the
net assets will be set out in the Share Purchase Agreement in terms to be agreed by the Buyer
and the Sellers.

If the Estimated Closing Net Asset Value is less than Reference Net Asset Value, the Initial
Purchase Price shall be decreased on a dollar-for-dollar basis by the amount of the difference
between the Estimated Closing Net Asset Value and the Reference Net Asset Value. If the
Estimated Closing Net Asset Value is greater than the Reference Net Asset Value, the Initial
Purchase Price shall be increased on a dollar-for-dollar basis by the amount of the difference
between the Estimated Closing Net Asset Value and the Reference Net Asset Value.


The Buyer has calculated the Price on the basis of the following assumptions:
(a) That the net asset value of the Target on Closing Date is equal to or greater than $5 Million.
(b) That earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) of the Target
on Closing Date is $2.5 Million.
(c) The Target has obtained all necessary third-party and government permits to operate the

The Proposed Transaction is Conditional on the following matters:
(a) The Buyer conducting and being satisfied with the results of legal, financial, taxation and
commercial due diligence concerning the Target and its business, assets and liabilities;
(b) The parties agreeing, signing and exchanging a share purchase agreement incorporating all
the terms of the proposed transaction, including without limitation, the matters set out in
paragraph 6;
(c) Approval of the Proposed Transaction by the Board of Directors of the Buyer and the
(d) The Sellers shall deliver to the Buyer information as may be necessary for any filings
required to be made in connection with the Proposed Transaction;
(e) Any third party, regulatory or tax consents or approvals necessary for the Proposed
Transaction being received on terms satisfactory to the Buyer;

(f) The Sellers’ warranties in the Share Purchase Agreement being true and accurate at Closing
and the Sellers not otherwise being in material breach of their obligations under such
(g) The Sellers represents and warrants that it is not involved in any discussions regarding the
disposition of the business to any third party;
(h) Between the date of the signing of this letter and the Closing, the business of the Seller
shall be run in the ordinary course, and in a manner consistent with past practices. The
Seller will not, without the consent of the Buter, enter into or perform any transaction
outside the ordinary course of business;
(i) There being no material change in the business, financial condition or capitalization of the
Company and the Subsidiaries shall have occurred between the date of this LOI and
Closing other than as required herein or in the Definitive Agreement or as agreed upon by
the parties;
(j) No contract, license, or financial agreement that is material to or affects the business of the
Target for a minimum period of five (5) years from Closing and otherwise on the terms
acceptable to the buyer;
(k) The delivery of a legal opinion from the Sellers’ lawyers, in a form satisfactory to the
Buyer, confirming, that the Sellers have the requisite power, authority and capacity to enter
into the Share Purchase Agreement and that the Sellers’ obligations under the Share
Purchase Agreement are legal, valid, binding and enforceable; and
(l) The approval of all relevant competition authorities having been obtained and no relevant
competition authority having raised any objections.


5.1. The Parties will use their best efforts to close the Proposed Transaction herein as soon as
reasonably possible following the execution of this letter.

5.2.As soon as reasonably practicable after the signature of this letter, the Buyer will arrange for
its advisers to carry out a detailed due diligence investigation of the Target, including its legal,
accounting, financial, commercial and taxation affairs.

5.3. The Seller will, so far as is reasonably practicable [(and subject always to the remaining
provisions of this paragraph 5:
(a) provide the Buyer's officers, employees, agents and professional advisers with full access
to such records, key employees, advisers and operations of the Target as the Buyer may
reasonably require to carry out its due diligence investigation;
(b) provide, or make available to the Buyer's officers, employees, agents and professional
advisers such information relating to the Target as the Buyer may reasonably require in
order to evaluate and assess the Target and its business, assets and liabilities in connection
with the Proposed Transaction; and
(c) respond to all due diligence inquires raised by or on behalf of the Buyer for the purpose of
the Proposed Transaction in a comprehensive, accurate and timely manner.

5.4. All requests for information or other enquiries made by or on behalf of the Buyer in connection
with its due diligence investigation will be made via the Seller’s designated representative.

5.5.Except with the prior consent of the Sellers, neither the Buyer nor anyone acting on its behalf
will contact or communicate directly with any officers, employees, consultants, advisers,
landlords, bankers, customers, clients or suppliers of the Target or disclose any of them the
purpose of the Buyer’s due diligence investigations.


6.1. As soon as reasonably practicable following the signature of this letter of intent by the parties
to it, the Buyer and the Sellers will begin negotiating a Share Purchase Agreement, the initial
draft of which will be prepared by the Buyer's lawyers.

6.2. The Share Purchase Agreement will include (without limitation) the terms summarized in this
paragraph 6, together with such other terms, conditions, warranties, covenants and indemnities
as are appropriate to a transaction of the nature of the Proposed Transaction.

6.3.The Sellers will provide the Buyer with customary warranties and representations appropriate
to the Proposed Transaction relating to the Target and its business, assets and liabilities, in
terms to be agreed by the parties (Transaction Warranties).

6.4.The Sellers will provide and indemnity to the Buyer, on a joint and several basis and in terms
to be agreed upon by the parties, in respect of:
(a) The Target’s tax liabilities, tax losses and reliefs and the adequacy of its provisions for
taxation; and
(b) Any other actual or potential liabilities identified during the Buyer’s due diligence
investigation in respect of which the Buyer requires indemnity cover.

6.5.The Seller’s liability under the Transaction warranties will be subject to the customary
limitation appropriate to the proposed transaction, in terms to be agreed by the parties,
including the following:
(a) The Sellers’ aggregate liability will be capped at the Price;
(b) The period for notifying any claims under the Transaction Warranties will expire five (5)
years following closing;
(c) All individual claims under the transaction warranties with a value of less than $1 Million
will be excluded;
(d) The Sellers will have no liability under the Transaction Warranties unless the value of the
claim, when aggregated with any other warranty claims having a value in excess of $1
Million exceeds $5 Million, in which case the Seller will be liable for the whole amount of
the claim and not just the excess.

6.6.The Share Purchase Agreement will include non-compete, non-dealing and non-solicitation
undertakings given by the Sellers in a form acceptable to the Buyer, including without
limitation undertakings that it will not:
(a) At any time during the period of five (5) years following Closing, compete or have any
involvement in a business that competes with the business of the Target;
(b) At any time during the period of five (5) years following Closing, seek the custom of any
customers of the Target or solicit or entice away any suppliers of the Target; or

(c) At any time during the period of five (5) years following Closing induce or attempt to
induce any customer or supplier to cease or refrain from conducting business with, or to
reduce the amount of business conducted with, or to vary adversely the terms upon which
it conducts business with the Target or do any other things reasonably likely to have such
an effect.

6.7.The business and activities of the Target will be carried on in the ordinary course with a view
to preserving the goodwill of the Target. In particular, the Sellers will give the Buyer such
undertakings regarding the operation of the business and activities of the Target in the period
between signing of the Share Purchase Agreement and Closing as the Buyer requires.


7.1. The Buyer intends to proceed as quickly as possible with the Proposed Transaction. The Buyer
and the Sellers will negotiate in good faith with a view to signing the Share Purchase
Agreement on or before May 8, 2021 and completing the Proposed Transaction no later than
June 5, 2021.

7.2. The Parties may mutually agree to extend such period in writing, upon the assumption that the
Parties are working in good faith to consummate the Proposed Transaction before the initial
completion date.

7.3. The remaining provisions of this paragraph are legally binding.

7.4.The Buyer may terminate negotiations in relation to the Proposed Transaction at any time
without giving a reason for doing so and without incurring any liability to the Sellers in relation
to such termination. For avoidance of doubt, the provisions of Paragraph 8 inclusive of this
letter will not be affected by any such termination and they will continue in full force and

7.5.The Buyer and the Sellers agree and acknowledge that this letter is not intended to, nor does
it create, a legally binding obligation to proceed with the Proposed Transaction and no such
obligation will arise unless and until a Share Purchase Agreement is agreed, signed and
exchanged by the parties.


8.1. This paragraph is legally binding.

8.2. The definitions in this paragraph 8.2 apply in this paragraph 8:

Exclusivity Period: the period commencing on the date of this letter and ending on June 5,
2021 or, if earlier, the date on which the Buyer notifies the Sellers in writing that it is
withdrawing from negotiations in relation to the Proposed Transaction.

Restricted Activity: Each and any of the following:

(a) Obtain any debt or equity capital;
(b) Be acquired through a purchase, acquisition, tender offer, consolidation or other business
(c) The disposal of all or any material part of the business assets of the Target other than in the
ordinary course of trading; or
(d) Enter into any transaction or arrangement or otherwise approve any transaction which
would result in any third party acquiring more than 5% of the outstanding equity of the
Target between the date of execution of this letter and June 5, 2021 or as such terms may
be mutually extended in writing by the Parties.

Third Party: Any other person other than the Buyer or a member of the Target or any of their
respective officers, employees, agents or advisers.

Third Party Negotiations: any discussions or negotiations between a Third Party and or any
other member of the Sellers’ relating to or otherwise concerning a Restricted Activity.

8.3. The Sellers agree that for the duration of the Exclusivity Period, they will discuss and negotiate
the Proposed Transaction with the Buyer on an exclusive basis.

8.4. The Sellers undertake that for the duration of the Exclusivity Period, they will not and will
procure that no other member of its Group nor any of their respective officers, employees,
agents or advisers will, directly or indirectly:
(a) Continue, enter into, re-start, solicit, initiate or participate in any Third-Party Negotiations;
(b) Induce, solicit, seek, encourage or respond to any approach that might lead to Third Party
(c) Solicit or encourage any offer from a Third Party in relation to a Restricted Activity;
(d) withdraw from negotiations with the Buyer in relation to the Proposed Transaction;
(e) enter into any agreement, arrangement or understanding, whether or not legally binding
with a Third Party in connection with a Restricted Activity; or
(f) supply. disclose or otherwise make available any information about the Target, its business
assets or liabilities to a Third Party for the purpose of evaluating or deciding whether to
pursue or make an offer in connection with a Restricted Activity.

8.5. On signing this letter, the Sellers will immediately terminate or procure the termination of any
Third-Party Negotiations currently taking place.

8.6.The sellers will immediately or promptly notify in writing the Buyer if, at any time during the
Exclusivity Period, the Sellers or any member of its Group or the Target, receives and offer,
whether oral or written indication of interest, proposal or enquiry from a Third Party
Concerning a Restricted Activity.

8.7.The Sellers acknowledge that the Buyer will incur significant costs, fees and expenses in
reliance on the undertakings in this paragraph 8. Accordingly, if the Sellers or any of them
breach any of those undertakings, the Sellers will, without prejudice to any other rights or
remedies the Buyer may have, indemnify the Buyer for an amount equal to all reasonable costs,
fees, disbursements and expenses (including any applicable VAT) which have been or will be

incurred by the Buyer in connection with its investigation, evaluation and negotiation of the
Proposed Transaction, including any costs, fees, disbursements or expenses incurred prior to
the signature of this letter.

8.8. Without prejudice to any other rights or remedies that the Buyer may have, the Sellers
acknowledge and agree that damages alone would not be an adequate remedy for any breach
of the undertakings in this paragraph 8 and the Buyer will be entitled to the remedies of
injunction, specific performance or other equitable relief for any threatened or actual breach of
such undertakings.

8.9. If for any reason, the Proposed Transaction is not consummated and the Buyer is unable to
enforce the provisions of this letter agreement due to the fault Sellers, the Buyer shall be
entitled to a break-up fee which will equal the sum of 1% of the purchase price and all other
expenses incurred in connection with the negotiation of the Proposed Agreement.

8.10. The Sellers’ obligation in this paragraph are undertaken on a joint and several basis and
any reference to the Sellers includes any one or more of them.


9.1. This paragraph is legally binding.

9.2. The content of this letter is confidential to the parties and is subject to the confidentiality
agreement to be made between the Buyer and the Sellers upon signing of this letter.

9.3. The sellers, together with their respective officers, directors, managers, members,
representatives, agents, owners and employees, shall not disclose and each agree to use their
best efforts to keep the existence of this LOI and its contents confidential. Any information,
including but not limited to data, business and information furnished or disclosed by one party
to the other for the purpose of the contemplated transaction herein, will remain the disclosing
party’s property until the closing of the Proposed Transaction.

9.4. All the copies of such Information in written, graphic or other tangible form must be returned
to the disclosing party immediately upon written request if the transaction contemplated herein
is not consummated unless such Information was previously known to receiving party free of
any obligation to keep it.

9.5. No announcement shall be made regarding the pending or completed transaction or agreement
without the prior consent of both the Buyer and the Seller.


10.1. This paragraph is legally binding.

10.2. Except as expressly provided in this letter, the parties shall pay their own costs and expenses
incurred in connection with the Proposed Transaction whether or not it proceeds, including
without limitation all costs and expenses relating to the Buyer's due diligence investigations
and the negotiation, preparation and execution of this letter (and any other documents
contemplated by it.


11.1. This paragraph is legally binding.

11.2. The Seller represents and warrants that the Purchaser will not incur any liability in
connection with the consummation of the acquisition of the Business to any third party with
whom the Seller or its agents have had discussions regarding the disposition of the Business,
and the Seller agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Purchaser, its officers,
directors, stockholders, lenders and affiliates from any claims by or liabilities to such third
parties, including any legal or other expenses incurred in connection with the defense of such
claims. The covenants contained in this paragraph will survive the termination of this letter


The negotiations in relation to the Proposed Transaction will be conducted in English and all legal
amendments (including the Share Purchase Agreement) will be prepared in English.


13.1. This paragraph is legally binding.

13.2. This letter and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with it or its subject matter
or formations shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of the

13.3. The Buyer and the Sellers irrevocably agree that the courts of the Philippines shall have non-
exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim out of or in connection with this letter or
its subject matter or formation.


This letter may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which may be deemed an original. It
shall not be necessary that each Party executes each counterpart, or that any one counterpart be
executed by more than one Party so long as each Party executed at least one counterpart.

If you are in agreement with the terms of this letter agreement, please sign in the space provided
below and return a signed copy to Chichi Professional Services. Upon receipt of a signed copy of
this letter, the Proposed Transaction shall proceed and be consummated in a timely manner.

Yours faithfully,

Aileen Reyes, duly authorized for and on behalf of Miles Mayhem,

We confirm or agreement to this letter of intent.


By Matt Trakker

By Bruce Sato

By Scott Trakker

By Alex Sector

By Gloria Baker


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