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Flat Iron Journal Type

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Paulo, Virgilio G. , Clavel, Cendrick B. Sallao, Patrick D. , Pascual, Ronillo G.


An apparatus in which the high-frequency oscillators underneath the normally

horizontal work supporting the surface of the associated ironing board energize a
cordless flat iron. The iron's sole plate consists of a thin sheet of conductive material
and is protected from the flat iron handle electrically and thermally.The magnetic field
of a high-frequency alternating polarity generated by the oscillator above the work-
supporting surface generates eddy currents in the sole plate when the flat iron is
placed on the surface or separated from the surface by the usually non-conductive
textile material to be ironed.

The purpose of this project is to create an innovative design that uses electromagnetic
induction for a conventional flat iron. It also helps to analyze an inductive circuit's
values and working characteristics. This project includes some of the electronic
materials such as bridge rectifier, transistors and toroid core that have a significant
impact on current flow changes.

The objective of this project is to : (1) Show the difference between a traditional flat iron and a
inductive flat-iron. (2) minimize the power consumption being used in ironing. (3) help Electrical
Engineering Student learn more about inductive circuit.

Operating temperature, power rating, operating frequency range, and work coil effectiveness
are some parameters.

Keyword: inductive circuit, materials & working principle of flat iron

Chapter 1 plasma heating, electron beam
Introduction heating, and laser heating. We
Brief Overview of the Project
agreed as researchers to focus
One of the best things we c and select induction heating as
an do is to save Mother Earth as  the center of this activity.
human beings. Saving energy is t Because we see an energy
he most effective way to make lif conservation benefit which
e more meaningful. People's life i maximizes energy efficiency,
s divided into three phases, stude generates heat only when
nt life, working life, and elder life. required, regulated functionality,
In the beginning, life is about the non-contact-heating,
simplicity of hunting for food environmentally friendly as it
animals, which is transformed does not have toxic exhaust
into people who live and work for gases, and finally clean heating
money. Many years have passed, that does not contaminate the
people's lifestyles have changed heated content. Because this is
and people are changing. People non-contact.It is also very
have developed their own way of effective as the energy within the
making their jobs simple, reliable work piece is directly produced.
and quick by using modern This can be compared with other
technologies.And that technology heating approaches in which a
is constantly evolving as time fire or heating element generates
goes on, inventing many and new heat. Induction heating continues
technologies that will make to be a great innovation for these
people’s lives simple. As purposes and provides a unique
researchers, however, out team application in the industry.
must concentrate on a kind of It is also very effective as
electrical heating that can the energy within the work piece
actually solve some of the is directly produced. This can be
problem in our daily lives. compared with other heating
There are many types of approaches in which a fire or
electrical process heating such as heating element generates heat.
resistance heating, conduction Induction heating continues to be
heating, infrared radiation a great innovation for these
heating, induction heating, purposes and provides a unique
dielectric hysteresis heating, application in the industry. Heat

Urdaneta City University

College of Engineering and Architecture

can also be produced by losses in which designs are based on

materials with magnetic various processes.
hysteresis that have considerable
Researchers have come up with
relative permeability such as
the idea of a flat iron that can consume
ferromagnetic materials. Eddy less power, but still performs the same
current is created when a heating cycle, or may exceed some of
conductor is subjected to a the advantages of traditional flat iron. In
shifting magnetic field due to the this project, we will build a flat iron
induction that will solve our problems in
relative motion of the origin and
order to make our power consumption
conductor of the field or due to more efficient and decrease. To order to
time variability. This can allow succeed in this venture, scientists will
electrons, or a current, to move use the induction heating system. With
within the conductor's skin. Like order to understand the induction
heating very well, we will need to collect
all electrical current, eddy current
information by testing and solving
produces energy that is used for certain realistic equations so that we
heating induction. The higher can provide proof that flat iron induction
frequency of the current given to is the most efficient and cost-effective
the coil, the higher the induced option relative to other traditional flat
iron induction.
current flowing around the load
surface. This is called the skin
effect or kelvin. One can quickly
derive from this impact that the Statement of the Problem

heat energy generated from Statement of the Problem

electrical energy is focused on
the depth of the skin and surface The objective of this study is to determine
of the material which circuit design could be proposed to
upgrade conventional flat iron to flat iron
It is efficient because in induction.
our monthly bill, it can reduce our Specifically, this study sought to
power consumption. Most of us answer the following:
already knew this common
product that today we call it the 1. Compared to conventional flat iron, how
much energy is saved in the flat iron
induction cooker that is sold on
induction in terms of:
the market. Induction cooker is
an induction heating system in a. Power Consumption

Inductive Flat-Iron
Urdaneta City University

College of Engineering and Architecture

b. Heating Efficiency research in which researchers were able to

analyze the discrepancy between the two flat
2.Which circuit is used to regulate flat iron iron that is modern and induction. The
researchers must calculate and evaluate their
induction temperature? power consumption and temperature to allow
researchers to learn and gain from the use of
3. Which materials are required to turn the flat iron induction. By conducting such
traditional flat iron into flat iron induction? experiments, we can fully understand the
induction heating process and it can help
researchers know the right materials to use in
the study. The researchers will also use
descriptive research to gather information from
Scope and Delimitations of the Project books and other published materials that will
substantially support their claim in the
The study focused on the development consolidated research results of the future.
of flat iron inductive. The subjects of the
study were the students and faculty Figure 1.1 shows the systems engineering
participated in the study, the researchers,
design methodology used by the researchers to
the College of Engineering and Architecture.
bring forth the project.
The design project was designed through
an inductive circuit which is the main part
that can help all students of UCU.

Significance of the Project

This study aimed to develop a

conventional flat iron that will be used by
using the induction heating process to
reduce power consumption and improve
efficiency. This will help those in their
everyday lives who use such traditional iron,
particularly the students and workers who
wear uniforms. This will allow them to
reduce their monthly electric bill in order to
save money.

Students and instructors.The outcome

of this analysis of the thesis will help the
students understand how an inductive
circuit operates. It also helps students of
electrical engineering to learn how to
produce efficient energy by applying the Figure 1.0
Inductive Flat-iron design.

Research Methodology Gathering requirements In order

to generate comprehensive data that will justify
This thesis conducts experimental our study's variability, experimentation will be

Inductive Flat-Iron
Urdaneta City University

College of Engineering and Architecture

used to collect data on user's electricity needs, operative as the main concept is followed
consumption, and know their views on this type correctly. Designing of the circuit apply
of study. The researchers must perform their together with the parts acquiring needed
own experiments for the documentary study and factor for the assembly of prototype this
see what the power consumption of the two flat
project said.
iron, the induction and the traditional, will be.

In this study, analytical approach is used

primarily to critically analyze the research. It
also takes a quantitative method to complement
the study of the disparity between modern flat After the prototype constructed, the
iron and flat iron induction. researchers before this study undergo some
trial testing to assure that the project is
Data analysis. The researchers used working efficiently. As the researchers
an analysis sheet to describe the data collected
remarked the effectiveness of the output
from traditional flat iron studies and the
inductive flat iron. Upon analyzing and collecting
project, next will be connection of all the
data, the researchers must take note of the components needed to complete the
protocols that will act as their guide for carrying project.
out the task of trial and error. This project's
respondents should determine which types of Obtaining needed components.
components, equipment and electrical systems The researchers need to obtain the necessa
are going to be used to build the project. The ry equipment and parts to construct the 
researchers also applied the price canvasing for project in this portion. All materials must be 
the materials required to purchase the use of accurate to guarantee the project's desired 
the materials. result without breaking in costing to inadeq
uate parts.
To measure voltage, current,
resistance, etc., the researcher will use an Prototype construction.
As the required materials and parts are fully 
analog multimeter. And using the Meter
acquired, the prototype building is next to b
Clamp. The scientist will be able to measure eing implemented. These processes solderin
the device's production temperature by using g of materials and rewinding of
a temperature gage to determine the heating transformer. But the assurance of safety is 
capacity of the flat iron induction and solely performed to accomplish all this kind of task
resistive flat iron. .

Designing project. Gathering and Troubleshooting the Prototype. When

fulfilling all the resources and specifications the project is being built, the project has to
needed to provide a recommendation as to undergo testing just to make sure it works
how the project is designed and built. An well. In the analysis section, it is also a task
idea or concept of how to begin the design, to identify those concerns or flaws that
is needed in the development phase. occur during the assessment venture.

The researcher directed this long process of Finalizing/Completing the Prototype.

planning and brainstorming the design and The model has been shown to operate
working principle of inductive circuit and safely and effectively. The next stage is to
how it performed it presentable and attach the final parts and materials of the
model. It also looks to make the plan more

Inductive Flat-Iron
Urdaneta City University

College of Engineering and Architecture

appropriate and useful for some standard flat iron and other model materials.
developments. The system will determine the correct
interpretation of input data. The accompanying
Documentation This approach was carried figure shows the source, procedure and
out from the beginning to the end of the outcome of the analysis. Feedback should
research to show the different measures specify the induction circuit heating system to
taken or implemented by this analysis. The be used to adjust the standard flat iron and
researchers also show how to develop the other materials required for the design. The
model step by step from assembly to final method must evaluate the correct way to
testing. interpret input data.

Theoretical Framework

This research shall maintain and use 
the following concepts in electrical engineeri
ng, such as inductive type of circuit INPUT
 How much power is saved in flat iron induction
The Inductor is typically a wire loop that compared to conventional flat iron in the
creates the alternating magnetic field
following terms:
around it when an electrical current passes
through it. Inductance is an inductor feature
 Power consumption
which prevents the current change. It's
being measured in Henry. Because of this  Heating efficiency
inductance, when subjected to an
alternating current, a back emf is induced in  Which circuit is used to regulate flat iron
the coil.
induction temperature?

The Inductor is typically a wire loop that

creates the alternating magnetic field
around it when an electrical current passes
through it. Inductance is an inductor feature
which prevents the current change. It's
being measured in Henry. Because of this
inductance, when subjected to an PROCESS
alternating current, a back emf is induced in
the coil.
Proposed cicrcuit design of induction of flat iron

Conceptual Framework

The diagram below indicates the source,

method and performance of the analysis. The
input will define the induction device for the
heating circuit to be used to modify the OUTPUT

Inductive Flat-Iron
Urdaneta City University

College of Engineering and Architecture

Hysteresis - It is the heat produced by internal

friction that is created when magnetic
Gathering and analysis of Data materials pass through the induction coil

Ferromagnetic Material - It is a type of material

that is highly attracted to magnets and can
become permanently magnetized.

Frequency - It is the number of occurrences of a

repeating event per unit time.

Electromagnetic Coil - It is simply called a "coil"

Definition of Terms
created when a conductor (usually an insulated

This section includes the terms that are essential solid copper wires) is wrapped to produce an

to the project design: inductor or electromagnet around a center or

form. It generates a magnetic field when
Electromagnetic Induction - is a mechanism in
electricity is passed through a coil.
which a conductor positioned for a conductor to
pass through a static magnetic field in a shifting Resonance - It is a system's tendency to oscillate

magnetic field allows a voltage to be generated at certain frequencies with greater amplitude than

through the conductor. at others. Frequencies with a relative maximum

response amplitude are known as the resonant
Eddy Current - It is the electrical current
frequencies of the system or the resonance
circulating movement within an electrical
conductor caused by the conductor's intersection
with a moving magnetic field. Magnetic Field - It is a mathematical description
of electrical currents and magnetic materials '
Skin Effect -It is the ability of an alternating
magnetic influence. At any given point, the
electrical current AC to be transmitted within a
magnetic field is specified as a vector field by both
conductor in such a manner that the current
direction and magnitude or strength.
density becomes larger near the conductor
surface and reduces in the conductor with higher Susceptor - A metal plate which is heated by the
induction process and then used to transfer
depths. heat to a non-metallic material.

Circuit - It is a device composed of components

which will be used in this study.

Inductive Flat-Iron
Urdaneta City University

College of Engineering and Architecture

Inductive Flat-Iron

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