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Improving energy efficiency in existing buildings- Facade improvements, HVAC
improvements, Indoor Environment
Improvements - Monitoring the performance of retrofits - Case studies on energy efficiency
improvements in existing buildings

The post occupancy evaluation (POE) of buildings is a vital component in the construction of
complex built environments. It is only from a sound understanding, based on robust evidence, of how
a building works in use that the design process can be developed to produce the built environment
that satisfies the needs of the occupants, owners and the larger environment in terms of reduced
carbon emissions. The history of POE goes back to the 1960s in the UK and was even designated as
Part M of the RIBA Planof Work (Cooper, 2001).
A strict interpretation of POE requires that the building has been completed and occupied for a
significant period – usually more than one year – and the evaluation relates directly to performance
aspectsof the building. However, a wider definition to include the design and construction process
has been used(HEFCE, 2006).
Given that modern buildings are asked to respond to a wide range of performance demands, for
example optimised space provision, productivity, costs and energy, the designs become more
challenging for the architect. Hence for more advanced and complex buildings it is important to return
to thebuilding, as constructed and used, as only by doing this can we assess the success or failure of
the design.
POEs can vary from a simple ‘walk round’ of the building through to detailed monitoring of minute
by minute performance of a specific feature over a year of operation. This chapter will outline some
of the issues that POE must address and measurement and monitoring techniques that have been
It provides guidance on methods to adopt for the variety of issues that POEs can be used to appraise
and shows the breadth of methods available. Pointers are given on how they can be used rather than
the fine detail of any particular POE method, as these can be found elsewhere in the referenced
Post occupancy evaluation tends to be used in the following situations:
• benchmarking;
• appraising a building design approach;
• investigation of a problem.
The focus of a POE can be either on the physical aspects of the building and its performance, such as
the energy or internal environmental conditions, or the responses of the occupants in relation to
matters of productivity, health or amenity.
It is not particularly important which of these two possible motives is responsible for conducting the
POE. The first question to be asked when considering a POE is ‘why is this investigation being
Answering this question will set the scene for the choice and development of the appropriate
approach. The methods used may be similar in these two cases but the aims may be quite different.
It is necessary to bear in mind that the occupant’s satisfaction can be appraised as a result of some
physical design feature of the building which is either working correctly or not; and the physical
performance of the building may be a result of occupant usage. POEs have been used in all these
permutations. The following considers the main range of interests for POEs.
Placing the performance of the building in the context of other similar buildings provides a useful
pointer as to how it is performing. This has been widely used in assessing energy performance and a
range of ‘key performance indicators’ (KPIs) can be used to judge the performance. These may be
absolute values of energy consumption, but, most often, they are based on a normalisation procedure
which makes for more reliable comparisons. For example the energy use of a school may be expressed
as the energy use per unit area of the school (kWh/m2) or based on the number of pupils (kWh/pupil).
The KPIs tend to be based on the global performance of the building using the type of information
which would be available from the utility meters used for billing. In some cases it may be desirable
to disaggregate the energy by end use.
Benchmarking can also be used for other aspects of the building such as the space allocation,
productivity and costs of construction, which may be expressed as m2 per occupant of £/m2, for
example. For the more subjective parameters such as the occupant satisfaction and amenity it is more
difficult to benchmark unless a consistent methodology and technique has been used.
Design approach
If the POE is being carried out to investigate the extent to which a design solution has been successful,
it is necessary to have a clear definition of the design intention. There can be a range of design
intentions and each of these can be expressed at different levels of design. The normal overarching
design intentions relate to one or more of the following:
• low carbon/energy use;
• sustainability;
• high productivity;
• healthy occupants;
• low cost.
These over-arching design intentions are typical of the aspirations of modern designs. However,
which of these (and how these design intentions have been realised) needs to be specified before the
POE begins.
Low energy or sustainable designs may incorporate passive design features such as night time cooling
by natural ventilation or daylighting to displace electric lighting. It may be the purpose of the POE
to evaluate the benefit of this design solution, precisely commission it, or remedy a malfunctioning
This is largely an exercise in building physics and as such will require a systematic measurement
approach based on firm physical properties.
However, it is not only the energy performance that may be the driving force behind the design. For
example, a building may have been designed to produce a highly productive office facility. The actual
design may have intended for this to come about by any number of design solutions. It may be
attention to layout of the internal space in line with current ideas about working styles or it may be
by narrow plan design giving good daylight and occupant control over natural ventilation. In this
context we may use the term ‘human factors’ to address all the variables that have an impact on the
occupants and their experience of, and interaction with, the building – including ‘occupant
The term ‘occupant satisfaction’ as used here is taken to represent, in the broadest sense, the
satisfaction of the people who inhabit the building. It can be the response of the day-to-day users of
the building to how it affects their working experience and health but it may also be the owner’s
expectation of productivity, cost, or the facility manager’s ability to control the building performance.
Many of the recent approaches to POE have been directed toward the productivity and occupant
satisfaction aspects of the building performance (Jaunzens et al., 2002; British Council for Offices,
The productivity can be a function of a wide range of factors in the building. The physical aspects of
the internal environment such as thermal comfort, lighting and ventilation can all have an impact on
the energy performance, as discussed above, but the occupant satisfaction is also highly dependent
on these parameters. In addition to this there are many other factors in the building that can affect
productivity and occupant satisfaction.
It is the POE on the design aspect of the building that serves to provide the feedback to the design
profession as to the success or failure of specific design solutions. As POEs are not required as part
of the normal duties of constructing a building it is rare that they are carried out. Typically in the UK,
the POEs that have been conducted to establish the performance of a building, based on an interest
in the design solution, have been funded as research projects such as the Energy Performance
Assessment of 1987–1993, sponsored by the Energy Technology Support Unit on the behalf of the
UK Department of Energy.
Investigating a problem
Most common is the POE that is carried out to determine why a building is not performing to the
standard required. This can be either from the energy or environmental requirements – too much
energy or occupant dissatisfaction with internal conditions – or low productivity.
When productivity is the focus of the POE the benefits to an organisation can be great if the solution
means less absence due to sickness or lower turn-over of staff. The costs of a POE can be small
compared with the long term benefits of reducing these staff related problems. The British Council
for Offices Guide to POE (BCO, 2007) gives a number of case studies of the benefits of POEs in
Key issues that influence productivity, but are not related directly to the environmental conditions,
include personal control, responsiveness, building depth and work groups. But factors such as layout
of the space, aesthetics and privacy can also have both an influence and confounding effect. Simply
measuring the ‘productivity’ of the occupants of the office may not necessarily provide the answer
to the underlying causes of the problem.
Physical performance evaluation
Providing the optimum internal environment for the occupants is one of the main purposes of the
design of the building and its services. The combination of the building and its services should also
do this using the least amount of energy. This is a key area for POE as failure to achieve the design
conditions will most likely have impacts on the overall performance of the building and its occupants.
For example, a novel daylighting scheme may well cause a problem for the occupants with glare or
gloom and also have
consequences for the energy consumption.
The key physical parameters of the internal environmental performance that require study are
• thermal comfort;
• ventilation;
• lighting;
• noise.
Thermal comfort
The thermal comfort of an occupant is dependent on many variables (BSEN 7730: 1995). The most
important parameters of the environment – other than the level of dress of the occupant – are the
temperature and the air movement. For most POEs the key parameters to measure are either the dry
air temperature or the mean radiant temperature and some aspect of air movement.
The most precise measure of thermal comfort is to use a ‘thermal mannequin’ (Tsuzuki et al., 1999).
This simulates the human form and takes account of its own internal heat source and clothing levels.
It is also fitted with the full range of sensors to determine the thermal comfort. This is more of a
specialist research method and is therefore not used in routine POE assessments.
Most commonly, the temperature of the environment is measured by a temperature sensor (platinum
resistance) covered by a small (approximately 2.5cm diameter) black sphere. This will give a
reasonable measure of the thermal experience of an occupant, if the environment is reasonably
uniform. If large radiant surfaces are near to the occupants then this asymmetric radiant field will
distort the perception of thermal comfort. Placed in direct sunlight this will give a very high reading.
The time interval for recording the temperature measured by this method does not need to be very
short, a time interval of 15 minutes is quite adequate.
Draughts are the second most important aspect of thermal comfort and this can be measured by a
suitable anemometer. Air velocities over the range 0.05m/s to 5m/s may be of interest but these are
at the lower end of the resolution for many anemometers as used in dealing with ventilation systems.
The variability of draughts can also be an issue and therefore in some cases the ‘turbulent intensity’
of the air stream is also measured.
Measuring the ventilation rate in buildings is challenging. Unlike energy or occupant satisfaction, the
rate of air exchange is difficult to measure directly. Even in mechanically ventilated buildings where
the air flowing in the ventilation system can be measured directly, the actual supply of external air
will still depend on other factors such as the air leakage of the building envelope and the ventilation
system ductwork.
The most accurate methods of measuring fresh air rates involve some means of measuring a
constituent of the internal air and noting its change with time. Ventilation studies in the past have
used a range of tracer gases that are introduced into the building in a known way and their
concentration measured over time to provide the ventilation rate of external air not containing the
tracer gas.
Unfortunately, many of the methods use gases such as sulphur hexafluoride or perfluorocarbons that
may be unacceptable to occupants and are now less acceptable as they have a high global warming
potential. The simplest method is to use the carbon dioxide which is emitted into the building by the
occupants. Using carbon dioxide from the occupants is safe and non-intrusive. If the building is empty
it can easily and safely be dosed with carbon dioxide which provides even more control over the
determination of the ventilation rate.
A study in secondary schools in England used this technique extensively (Mumovic et al., 2008) and
in doing so also carried out intervention studies to determine how changes in window use would
influence the ventilation rate in the classrooms. Under normal circumstances in buildings a carbon
dioxide analyser measuring over the range of 0–5000ppm is required. Preferably, the analyser should
have a sampling interval of approximately 5 minutes and internal memory to store the results for later
The normal analysis is to determine the decay of the carbon dioxide under the ventilation conditions
of interest. The rate of decay is then a function of the rate at which external air enters the space. It is
possible to infer ventilation rates of occupied spaces by the concentration of carbon dioxide measured
directly but this requires stable occupancy over a longer period of time to ensure that steady state
conditions have been reached.
The way in which a building is lit can have significance for both the energy use and the occupant
satisfaction and productivity. Large, deep plan offices must rely on electric lighting and this has
implications for energy use (not only for the lighting but potentially for the air-conditioning required
to remove the heat it generates) and the visual comfort of the occupants. Providing daylight to the
space can replace the electric lighting energy use but in doing so it must not produce glare or
excessive solar gains.
A simple measure of the daylighting potential is to determine the ‘daylight factor’ in the building.
The daylight factor is the ratio between the external global illuminance and the internal illuminance
under a particular type of sky condition known as ‘standard overcast’. Making a measurement of this
is not difficult
but does require the simultaneous measurement of internal and external illuminance under a
completely overcast sky – a condition which is less common than imagined. Measurements of
illuminance over the range 100 to 20,000 lux would normally be adequate for determining the
daylight factor. The measurement of the performance of a daylighting strategy is given in Heap et al.
The most likely issues with a POE of lighting will either be glare from incorrect provision of daylight
or electric light or excessive energy consumption of lights which are not sufficiently well controlled
either by the occupants or a lighting control system. Although glare is a subjective experience,
measurements of the luminance environment may show if this is a likely cause.
The acoustic environment in a building can be a crucial factor in its success or failure. At the extreme
which both have exacting standards. However, noise (simply defined here as an unwanted level of
sound) end of the spectrum of performance requirements are spaces such as concert halls and
recording studios is important in all building types. Schools are a particularly interesting case as they
incorporate a wide range of activities within a single building. Teaching spaces, that have strict
requirements of acoustic performance, can be in close proximity to gymnasia occupied with noisy
activities. In the UK this has led to the publication of Building Bulletin 93 ‘Acoustic Design of
Schools’ (DES, 2003) which deals with the prevention and control of noise. It also deals with the
fundamentals of acoustics and how it is measured in buildings and provides a series of case studies.

If noise is considered a problem it may be a consequence of a number of factors, but, most likely, it
will be too much sound or a problem with reverberation time. The intensity of the noise is a function
of the sound pressure level, most commonly expressed as dBA, which is used to indicate the human
response to a noise. The instruments for measuring sound are normally able to report a range of
measures of the noise source, including the minimum and maximum and on a time averaged basis.
The reverberation time in the space has an effect on the auditory experience but is not easily measured
without specialist equipment. In general it may be that for acoustic problems it is advisable to take
advice from an expert acoustician.
Energy performance
The energy performance of buildings is increasingly important as measures are taken to reduce their
carbon footprint. The determination of the energy use of buildings has a long history and is of course
used in billing for the energy utility. However, in terms of the POE of the performance there are still
a large number of variables to consider if a low energy design intention is to be accurately assessed.
The PROBE series of studies (Bordass and Leaman, 1995), adopted the Energy Analysis and
Reporting Method (CIBSE, 1999).
Whichever method is used it is clear that, at the least, the occupancy of the building and the weather
need to be taken into account. These are the two major determinants of the energy use of a building.
The occupants need the building to be heated, ventilated and lit for their needs and if these are not
fully measured then the energy performance will not be fully appreciated. Likewise, if the weather
prevailing at the time of the monitoring is not monitored in parallel then the energy data may not
reveal the answers that are required.
Simple analysis by means of degree-days can go some way to describe the building performance but
it needs to be decided at the outset of the POE if this level of accuracy is adequate, or if some specific
design intention is being investigated. Measurement of energy use on a daily basis is a reasonable
recording interval as it can be used to distinguish between weekdays and weekends. Some aspects of
performance that change during a day or night would require at least hourly measurements. In
general, it is probably better to measure at an interval shorter than that which has been determined as
the minimum for analysis.
Disaggregating the energy into the end uses is often required so that the performance of the
mechanical and electrical services can be determined. This can also be important to take account of
incidental heat gains from lights and appliances, as ignoring these can provide a significant under-
estimate of the heating energy required.
In larger buildings there is usually a building or energy management system. It may be possible to
use this for the monitoring but it is best to carry out a pilot study prior to committing to this for data
collection to establish that it can collect, store and allow retrieval of the data that is required.
In some cases, a very detailed evaluation of the energy performance can be used to understand some
of the underlying physical processes that are taking place. An example of this is the passive solar
heating of dwellings in which a complex set of interactions exists between the available solar
radiation and the way in which it replaces the need for heating energy. The Energy Performance
Assessment Project (Hildon,1986) and the ‘Pstar: short term energy monitoring methodology’
(Palmer et al., 1994) are examples of the techniques developed to investigate this aspect of building
Human factors
Taking the term human factors to deal with all the occupant related issues, there are many aspects of
a POE that can be investigated. POEs of the human factors can establish the performance of the
building’s productivity, health and amenity. It can tease out factors of occupant perception of the
buildings performance, their understanding of control and the social interaction aspects of the
In response to this a wide range of techniques have been developed to provide the correct level
of information. The key to this is that the study should be rigorous and evidence based. Simple
anecdotal information can be misleading and dangerous if not dealt with due regard to subjectivity
or bias.
The BCO guide (BCO, 2007) gives a very good account of how to carry out a POE of the occupant
issues. It identifies the various techniques such as questionnaires, structured interviews and focus
groups and how to deal with sampling and analysis.
Monitoring plan
Before beginning the POE it is always advisable to have a clear and written aim for the POE so that
it can be focussed and effective. If there is no known and well defined purpose to the POE then it can
become overly complex, ill-defined and finally inconclusive. Each data point collected costs time,
resources and money to acquire and if it is not needed it is useless baggage to carry throughout the
investigation. It will result in an excessive amount of data to process and analyse and may not provide
the correct answer.
The ideal approach is to prepare a monitoring plan which defines the purpose of the POE, i.e. what
question do we want to answer and what data will provide the answer. The monitoring plan that
comes from this direct question will make the investigator consider how to answer this question and
what data are needed to provide a robust answer.
For example, if a new building has been designed to avoid overheating by the use of phase-change
materials to provide thermal mass, the obvious question to answer would be ‘does the thermal mass
of the phase change material reduce the level of overheating?’ In asking this question a POE can be
developed in the form of a testable hypothesis, but, it can be seen that even this simple question raises
key methodological issues. For example, is the building to be compared with an identical building
without the thermal mass or, in the case of a single building, is the overheating to be measured before
and after installing the material. If is it only possible to make measurements with the material already
in place then how do we determine the effect of the phase change material on the overheating in
isolation from other influences within the building? Detailed consideration of the analysis route will
also help with deciding what factors should be measured.
An issue allied to this is to the state that the building is in for the period of the POE. For example,is
the POE carried out on the building ‘as found’ which is possibly malfunctioning, or is it to be re-
commissioned to ensure that it is working at the optimum ‘as designed’ condition. This is a key
decision if the POE is studying the success of a design solution which may be condemned on the
basis of a malfunctioning system. For very complex situations this may warrant some modelling of
the design to establish what factors are significant. The monitoring plan should also deal with the
need for intervention studies.
Decisions will need to be made on the type of data-collection method to be used and if it is to be
locally based or remotely accessible by interrogation over the web. The cost and scale of the project
will determine some of these options but data integrity and security are issues and the danger of data
loss is important. Regular checking of data is required to ensure that the full data set needed for
analysis is available at the end of the project. To this end, it is worthwhile retaining, and frequently
updating, a ‘data map’ showing data availability over the monitoring period.
This applies to the occupant issues as well as the physical parameters. Changes in occupancy during
a monitoring period can have a major effect on the performance that is being evaluated and if this is
not monitored during the project the conclusions may be in error.
Energy Performance Assessment project
The Energy Performance Assessment Project was a POE project that developed a rigorous
methodology for monitoring and evaluating the performance of passive solar buildings taking
account of all the physical aspects of building performance: the energy consumption, solar
performance, daylighting, natural ventilation, occupancy issues, thermal comfort, amenity,
satisfaction, control and building cost (Hildon, 1986). For houses, pilot trials of possible methods of
determining the solar performance were backed up with dynamic thermal modelling of proposed
The EPA project used the standardised methodological approach in both domestic and non-domestic
buildings to assess more than 30 buildings in the UK. The starting point was interviews with the
designers to learn the design intent and, from this, the production of the monitoring plan to test the
efficacy of the design.
In houses the main aim was to determine the ‘passive solar displaced space-heating’, a term defined
during the development of the project to judge the solar performance of the house. Monitoring for a
full year was seen as the minimum required in this case because of the whole year response of a
passive solar design, in terms of displaced space heating in the heating season and overheating in the
summer and shoulder seasons.
For non-domestic buildings the design intention was less to do with solar displaced space heating
and often to do with a combination of daylighting and natural ventilation, with some element of solar
heating. For these buildings it was even more important to learn how the designer intended the
building to operate.
However, it was acknowledged that passive solar design may cost more and possibly provide less
thermal comfort (due to overheating) than a conventional house. Therefore, the POE evaluation also
developed a series of questionnaires and occupant interviews to determine the occupants’ satisfaction
with the environment and their ability to control it.
Questionnaires were devised for both housing and the non-domestic buildings to be administered on
a monthly basis to understand the dynamics of the occupants’ response to the solar radiation and
internal conditions. At least one interview was carried out with the occupants’. The information from
these questionnaires and interviews was collated with the physical measurements to establish a high
level of understanding of the occupants’ satisfaction and the conditions provided by the design.
For the dwellings, the costing of the house was carried out by consultant QSs who also worked out
the over costs due to the solar design. For the non-domestic buildings the costs were based on tender
costs but normalised for location and time.

BSEN 7730: 1995 ‘Moderate thermal environments – Determination of the PMV and PPD indices
and specification of the conditions for thermal comfort’.
CIBSE (1991) Application Manual 5 ‘Energy Audits and Surveys’, CIBSE, London.
CIBSE Technical Manual 22 ‘Energy Analysis and Reporting Method’, CIBSE, London.
Cooper, I. (2001) ‘Post-occupancy evaluation – where are you?’. Building Research & Information,
(2001) 29 (2), pp.158–163.
Department for Education and Skills (2003) ‘Building Bulletin 93, Acoustic Design of Schools – A
Design Guide’, TSO, London.
European Parliament and Council Directive 2002/91/EC ‘Energy Performance of Buildings, Official
Journal of the Eurpean Union, 4th January 2003.
Jaunzens, D. Bordass, W. Davies, H. ‘More POE means better buildings’. Building Services Journal,
February 2002. p. 48.
Leaman, A. Bordass, B. (1998) ‘Probe 15: Productivity the killer variables’. Building Services
Journal, June 1998, London.
Tsuzuki, K. Arens, E. Bauman, F. Wyon, D. (1999) ‘Individual Thermal Comfort Control with Desk-
Mounted and Floor-Mounted Task/Ambient Conditioning (TAC) Systems’. Proceedings: Indoor Air
1999, Edinburgh


Although building energy modelling is an integral part of today’s design process, research has shown
that buildings can use twice the amount of their predicted regulatory energy performance (Pegg,
Cripps & Kolokotroni 2007). One of the first major post-occupancy evaluation studies were the
PROBE studies, which found little connection between values assumed in design estimations and
actual values found in existing buildings (Bordass et al. 2001). This makes it unlikely that the building
industry achieves model based targets (UKGBC 2007). In the UK, and most other countries,
regulatory performance is determined through compliance modelling, which is the implementation
of thermal modelling to calculate the energy performance of a building under standardised operating
conditions (occupant density, set-points, operating schedules, etc.), set out in national calculation
methodologies. Compliance modelling is useful to assess the energy efficiency of buildings under
standardised conditions to determine if minimum performance requirements are met. However, such
calculations should not be used as baselines for actual performance. Using the outcomes of
compliance modelling to evaluate actual energy performance creates a significant risk for energy-
related issues to go unnoticed, as the discrepancy between measured and modelled energy may be
understood as the result of expected differences in operating conditions and exclusion of non-
regulated loads from compliance modelling. This type of comparison has often been used to define
the term ‘the performance gap’
Carbon Trust 2012; Cohen & Bordass 2015). This was to some extent inevitable, due to the
dominance of compliance modelling in the context of the current regulatory framework in the UK
and European Union. However, comparing compliance modelling with measured energy use may
lead to a distorted view of the energy performance gap. Theoretically, a gap could significantly be
reduced if a building is simulated with actual operating conditions, in other words, when attention is
paid to the building context, defined here as performance modelling. The term performance
modelling, in this context, includes all energy quantification methods which aim to accurately predict
the performance of a building.
On-going efforts to understand the energy performance gap have utilised calibration techniques to
fine-tune a building energy model to actual operating conditions and energy use, ideally over a longer
period of time. This method gives insights into the operational inefficiencies of a building and can
pinpoint underlying reasons for differences between design estimations and actual use. Subsequently,
a calibrated model could reintroduce design assumptions to quantify impacts of any underlying
causes and their effect on energy performance. As such, a distinction can be made between three
types of modelling
efforts, which can be classified in three different ways to interpret the energy performance gap. These
are the gap between compliance modelling and measured energy use, performance modelling and
measured energy use and calibration and energy use with a longitudinal perspective:
• Regulatory performance gap – comparing predictions from compliance modelling to measured
energy use.
• Static performance gap – comparing predictions from performance modelling to measured energy
• Dynamic performance gap – utilising calibrated predictions from performance modelling with
measured energy use taking a longitudinal perspective to diagnose underlying issues and their impact
on the performance gap.
Underlying causes of the energy performance gap
There is a need for design stage calculation methodologies to address all aspects of building energy
consumption for whole building simulation, including regulated and unregulated uses and predictions
of actual operation (Norford et al. 1994; Torcellini et al. 2006; Diamond et al. 2006; Turner & Frankel
2008). Building energy simulation models need to closely represent the actual behaviour of the
building under study for them to be used with any degree of confidence (Coakley et al. 2011). In
terms of performance modelling, such models contain the design goals and should, therefore, be the
basis for an assessment to determine whether the completed product complies with the design goals
(Maile, Bazjanac & Fischer 2012). Although a margin of error between predicted and measured
energy use is inevitable, due to uncertainties in design and operation as well as limitations of
measurements systems, explaining its magnitude and underlying causes are necessary to more
confidently forecast and understand energy use in buildings.
In Figure 1 an overview is given of the underlying causes of the performance gap in the different
stages of a building’s life cycle, projected along the Royal Institute of British Architects’ (RIBA)
plan of work (RIBA 2013), and drawn in relation to an S-curve visualisation of building performance
proposed by Bunn & Burman (2015). The S-curve model allows for the transient and unstable nature
of building performance during design stages and early stages of operation, before the building
reaches steady operation, and can help visualise performance issues. These performance issues are
identified as underlying causes of the energy performance gap, some directly related to the regulatory
performance gap, whereas others are more applicable to the static performance gap, such as the
simplification of system design in modelling. These issues are discussed and qualitatively analysed
to understand their importance.
Investigation of predicted and measured energy use is necessary in order to understand the underlying
causes of the performance gap. Furthermore, feedback helps with improving the quality of future
design stage models by identifying common mistaken assumptions and by developing best-practice
modelling approaches (Raftery, Keane & O’Donnell 2011). In operation, methodologies that analyse
a discrepancy and related issues can help in understanding how a specific building is operating,
highlighting poor performing and well-performing buildings and identifying areas where action is
Figure 1: Underlying causes of the performance gap in a building’s life cycle.

Limited understanding of impact of early design decisions

During the early design stage there is a lack of focus and understanding on the energy implications
of design decisions (ZCH 2014a, 2014b). Choices such as form, orientation, materials, use of
renewables, passive strategies, innovative solutions and others should be critically addressed during
the concept design.
Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis that determine the impact of design parameters can guide the
design process through identifying and preventing costly design mistakes before they occur (Bucking,
& Athienitis 2014). The impact of such an issue can be highly dependent on the project team and is
likely to influence various aspects of the energy performance of the building.
Complexity of design
Complexity of design can introduce problems during building construction, affecting building
performance. For example, mistakes in construction become more frequent and complex systems are
less well understood (Bunn & Burman 2015). Simplicity should be the aim of the design as many of
the underlying issues are
related to the complexity of the building (Williamson 2012).
Uncertainty in building energy modelling
In the detailed design stage, building energy modelling requires a high level of detail in order to
predict energy use of a building. Myriad parameters with a certain level of uncertainty can have a
large effect on the final performance due to the aggregated effect of uncertainties. Among
uncertainties in design, those related to natural variability, such as material properties, are relatively
well covered (de Wit & Augenbroe
2002). Other uncertainties are less well understood and need a strong basis for research to be
established in modelling procedures. Investigation toward well-defined assumptions can assist in
more accurately and confidently predicting performance of a building (Heidarinejad et al. 2013).
Different sources of uncertainty
exist in the use of building simulations. de Wit (2001) classified specification, modelling, numerical
and scenario uncertainty, where heuristic uncertainty has been added to describe human-introduced
errors as reported by Kim & Augenbroe (2013)
• Specification uncertainty: Arise from incomplete or inaccurate specification of the building or
systems modelled. This refers to the lack of information on the exact properties and may include
model parameters such as geometry, material properties, HVAC specifications, plant and system
schedules, casual gains, etc.
• Modelling uncertainty: Arise from simplifications introduced in the development of the model.
These include system simplification, zoning, stochastic process scheduling, but also calculation
algorithms. Wetter (2011) asserts that mechanical systems and their control systems are often so
simplified that they do not capture dynamic behaviour and part-load operation of the mechanical
system or the response of feedback control systems
• Numerical uncertainty: Errors introduced in the discretisation and simulation of the model.
Neymark et al. (2002) performed a comparative analysis of whole-building simulation programs and
found that prominent bugs and faulty algorithms caused errors of up to 20–45% in predicting energy
consumption or COP values.
• Scenario uncertainty: Uncertainty related to the external environment of a system and its effects on
the system. The specification of weather, building operation and occupant behaviour in the design
model. Accuracy of design weather data can have a large effect on the predicted energy performance
of a building. The predicted annual building energy consumption can vary up to 7% as a function of
the provided location’s weather data
• Heuristic uncertainty: Human-introduced error in the form of modeller’s bias or mistakes. User
errors are inevitably quite common due to the complexity of building energy simulation and its tools.
These errors range from modellers setting up building systems in different ways, forgetting to
correctly apply operation or occupancy profiles to the correct zones or can be related to geometry

Inter-model variability
Ultimately, energy use prediction is performed using different tools, developed in different countries
and for different reasons, and as such introduce variability in the results when modelling the same
building, i.e. inter-model variability. This is directly related to uncertainties in building energy
simulation; model simplification, user error and numerical uncertainties will drive the variability
between different tools.
These tools are utilised for the purpose of building performance prediction and thus have to give
credible and relatively accurate results. Raslan & Davies (2010) compared 13 different accredited
software tools and highlight a large degree of variability in the results produced by each of the tools
and the consistency in achieving compliance with the building regulations for the same building. In
a more recent study, Schwartz & Raslan (2013) performed an inter-model comparative analysis of
three different dynamic simulation tools using a single case study and found a 35% variability in the
total energy consumption.
Similarly, Neymark et al. (2002) compared 7 different tools and indicated a 4–40% disagreement in
energy consumption.
On-site workmanship
As building regulations become more stringent and new technologies are introduced, the quality of
construction has to be improved. On-site workmanship needs to adapt and be trained to these
increasing levels of complexity in building construction. New skills, such as extreme air tightness for
limiting air infiltration, give rise to performance issues as airtightness is compromised during
construction by discontinuous insulation or punctured airtight barriers (Williamson 2012), whereas
Olivier (2001) reports that UK figures for construction U-values are optimistic. Installation of
services, such as drainage, air ducts and electrical pipe work can often leave gaps which also reduce
airtightness and induce thermal loss (Morant 2012). Other common issues related to on-site
workmanship are eaves to wall junction insulation, incorrect positioning of windows and doors which
reduce the actual performance of the thermal envelope (ZCH 2014a, 2014b). These issues are more
prone to affect the energy performance in domestic buildings, where usually the performance of the
thermal envelope is more significant.

Changes after design

After the building is designed, products or changes are often value engineered, which can affect
building performance while not being fed back to the design team for evaluation against the required
These changes can occur during design due to site constraints, not well thought of integration of
design modules and problems with detailing and budget. Morant (2012) reported inconsistencies
between design specified and installed lighting loads in an office, which had a considerable impact
on the discrepancy between predicted and measured electricity use. Good communication and
coordination by the contractor is essential to prevent changes in design that may influence the energy
Poor commissioning
When a building is constructed it is handed over: a separate stage that includes the installation and
com - missioning of building services. Done poorly, this results in problems such as reduced system
efficiency and compromising the air tightness and ventilation strategies. Piette et al. (1994) reported
poor commissioning of control measures, which were not set-up for proper control, and operation.
Kimpian et al. (2014) identified that inverters for supply and extract fans were provided to AHUs,
but were not enabled during commissioning, resulting in the fans operating at maximum speed at all
times. In operation, such issues persist and require frequent commissioning.
Poor practice and malfunctioning equipment
The actual operation of a building is idealised during design by making assumptions for temperature
setpoints, control schedules and general performance of HVAC systems. However, in practice it is
often the case that many of these assumptions deviate and directly influence a building’s energy use.
Kleber & Wagner (2007) monitored an office building and found that failures in operating the
building’s facilities caused higher energy consumption; they underline the importance of continuous
monitoring of a building. Wang et al. (2012) showed that poor practice in building operations across
multiple parameters results in an increase in energy use of 49–79%, while good practice reduces
energy consumption by 15–29%. Piette et al. (1994) suggest that building operators do not necessarily
possess the appropriate data, information and tools needed to provide optimal results. As such,
operational assumptions made in the design stage may not be met by building operators (Moezzi et
al. 2013).
Occupant behaviour
Another dynamic factor for a building in use are occupants. They have substantial influence on the
energy performance of a building by handling controls, such as those for lighting, sun-shading,
windows, setpoints and office equipment, but also through their presence, which may deviate from
assumed schedules. People are very different in their behaviour through culture, upbringing and
education, making their influence on energy consumption highly variable. One of the major factors
that has been reported to have a large influence on the discrepancy between predicted and measured
energy use is the issue of nighttime energy use related to leaving office equipment on (Masoso &
Grobler 2010; Zhang, Siebers & Aickelin 2011; Mulville, Jones & Heubner 2014; Kawamoto,
Shimoda & Mizuno 2004). This can be both related to occupant behaviour (not turning off equipment)
and assumptions for operational schedules, extended working hours not taken into account in the
design model. In an uncontrolled environment (not extensively monitored) it is impossible to
determine how one or the other is influencing the discrepancy. Azar & Menassa (2012) investigated
30 typical office buildings and found that occupancy behavioural parameters significantly influence
energy use. Parys, Saelens & Hens (2010) reported a standard deviation of up to 10% on energy use
to be related to occupant behaviour. A more significant value is reported by Martani et al. (2012) who
studied two buildings and found 63% and 69% variation in electricity consumption due to occupant
behaviour. Using modelling, Hong and Lin (2013) investigated different work styles in an office
space and found that an austere work style consumes up to 50% less energy while a wasteful work
style consumes 90% more energy. Similarly, Clevenger and Haymaker
(2006) studied an elementary school with varying types of occupant behaviour, whereas high-end
values affected energy use by up to 150%.
Measurement system limitations
Similar to predicting energy use using building energy models, metered energy use obtained from
measurement systems needs to be validated to ensure accuracy of the data. Limitations of
measurement systems make adequate assessment of energy use inaccurate (Maile, Fischer &
Bazjanac 2010). For energy measurement systems the accuracy is the sum of all its components and
has an error percentage of up to about 1% (IEC 2003). For monitoring environmental variables,
typical sensor accuracies lie within 1–5% for normal operating conditions, whereas incorrectly placed
sensors will have increased levels of error (Maile, Fischer & Bazjanac 2010). Most common sources
are calibration errors or the absence of calibration identified that system measurements were not
accurately representing its performance due to mislabelling, incorrect installation and not being
calibrated. They report that simply having access to large amounts of data may actually result in more
confusion and operational problems.
Longitudinal variability in operation
Finally, commonly the energy performance gap is generally assessed for a year of measured data.
However, longitudinal performance is affected by factors such as building occupancy, deterioration
of physical elements, climatic conditions and building maintenance processes and policies present a
longitudinal analysis of 25 buildings in the UK and found an increase of 9% in energy use on average
per year over 7 years, with a standard deviation of 18%. Similarly, Piette et al. (1994) analysed 28
buildings in the US and found an average increase of 6% between the third and fourth year, with no
average increase during the fifth year. Thus, a longitudinal variability in operational energy use has
to be taken into account when investigating the energy performance gap. It should be noted here that
longitudinal variability can be related to many of the previous factors mentioned, also sometimes
such increase in energy use is related to an expected increase of equipment loads or changes in
building function.
Assessing the underlying causes
All of these causes combined can have a large influence on the final energy performance of a building.
Table 1 shows a risk matrix that defines the potential associated risks of the discussed underlying
causes based on general consensus in literature. Important underlying causes identified in literature
are those that have high impact and high evidence rating. These are specifically related to
specification uncertainty in building modelling, occupant behaviour and poor practice in operation,
with an estimated effect of 20–60%, 10–80% and 15–80% on energy use respectively. Other
important factors that are likely to have high rated impact are the energy performance target, impact
of early design decisions and heuristic uncertainty in modelling. It is important to note here that
results are mainly based on studies that compare compliance modelling with measured energy use,
theoretically many of these factors have a lower quantitative impact on energy use when performance
modelling is used to predict energy use
Table 1: Potential Risks of underlying causes
Reducing the energy performance gap
A major concern in the built environment is the segmentation of disciplines involved in the building
life cycle stages. Traditionally, designers, engineers and contractors are all involved in the building
development process, but leave once the building is physically complete, leaving the end-users with
a building they are unlikely to fully understand. The design community rarely goes back to see how
buildings perform after they have been constructed (Torcellini et al. 2006). Feedback mechanisms on
energy performance are not well developed and it is generally assumed that buildings perform as
designed. Consequently, there is little understanding of what works and what does not, which makes
it difficult to continuously improve performance (ZCH & NHBC Foundation 2010). Gathering more
evidence on both the performance gap and its underlying issues can support feedback mechanisms
and prioritise principle issues. For this, the primary requirement is the collection of operational
performance data, which can be fed back to design teams to ensure lessons are learnt and issues are
avoided in future designs. It can help policy makers understand the trend of energy use and support
the development of regulations. Finally, operational data is valuable to facilities management in order
to efficiently operate the building.
Data collection
Accessible meter data is mandatory to confirm that buildings really do achieve their designed and
approved goals (UKGBC 2007). A continued lack of such data is likely to lead to a progressive
widening of the gap between predicted and measured energy use. Energy performance data can be
used by: design teams to enable them to deliver better designs, clients to enable benchmarking and
develop a lower carbon building brief, building users to drive change and management in operation,
policy makers to target plans and incentives and monitor the trend of energy use (HM Government
2010). To this end, sub-metering is now mandatory in the UK for new builds. It is common however
to find meters installed, but not properly commissioned and validated, which can make data futile
(Austin 2013). Without data collection there would be no feedback loop to inform future policy and
regulation (ZCH 2010).
Data itself does not solve any of the underlying issues of the energy performance gap as it is not
directly visible how a building is working. It needs to be clear what this data represents. The issue of
determining where errors exist between measured and simulated performance is simple when using
monthly or diurnal plots. At hourly levels, many of the traditional graphical techniques become
overwhelmed with too many data points, making it difficult to determine the tendency of black clouds
of data points. Tools to support intuitive visualisation are needed to disaggregate and display energy
uses at detailed levels (building, sub-zone, system) and for different time granularity (yearly,
monthly, weekly and sub-hourly) comparing predicted and measured energy use taking a longitudinal
Design improvements
Negating the performance gap starts at the beginning of a project. At this point it is important to set
a stringent energy performance in-use target, which can assist in a more rigorous review of system
specifications and operational risks (Kimpian et al. 2014). With such in-use expectations, it becomes
necessary to carry out performance modelling, validate assumptions made in the building model,
make sure that building fabric is constructed to a high standard, systems are properly commissioned
and that the building is operated as efficiently and effectively as possible. Making an accurate
prediction of building energy performance then becomes an integral part of the design process. A
building design, however, is based on thousands of input parameters, often obtained from guidelines
or building regulations, some of which have extensive background research while others are only
best-guess values. In particular duringthe early design stage, these values have a major influence on
the design and its final performance. Pegg,Cripps & Kolokotroni (2007) argue for the use of feedback
to inform design and the need for realistic and relevant benchmarks. Mahdavi & Proglhof (2009)
suggest the collection of occupancy behaviour information to derive generalised (aggregate models)
and utilise such models in building energy simulation. Capturing user-based control actions and
generalising these as simulation inputs can provide more accuracy in performance modelling
predictions, and ideally such results are fed back to improve compliance modelling processes as well.
Menezes et al. (2012) used basic monitoring results to feed into energy models in order to gain a
more accurate prediction of a building’s actual performance (within 3% of actual consumption for a
specific study). Similarly, Daly, Cooper & Ma (2014) showed the importance of using accurate
assumption in building performance simulation, and identified the risks associated with such
assumptions. They examined the sensitivity of assumptions on predicted energy use by using high
and low assumptions and found that payback periods of simple retrofits could vary by several years
depending on the simulation assumptions used.
Continuous feedback can improve the design process and more accurately predict actual in-use
performance. Such predictions can be further supported by introducing well-defined uncertainties in
design, improving the robustness of the building design, the reliability of energy simulation and
enable design decision support, in particular when supported by sensitivity analysis (Hopfe & Hensen
Training and education
Often, the real performance of building elements are underestimated, as they are taken from lab-tests
and omit, for example, the occurrence of thermal bridge mistakes during construction, which are
more common with a higher design complexity. During construction, robust checking and testing is
necessary to ensure that the quality of construction is maintained (Morant 2012). Clear guidance on
thermal bridging should therefore be provided to the construction industry (ZCH 2014a, 2014b).
Training and education is needed to increase skills in the construction industry and ensure better
communication and quality of construction. Similarly, training and education should be enhanced for
facility managers, to more strictly perform maintenance and operation of buildings. In the design
stage it is important to create awareness to energy modellers of the energy performance discrepancy,
while promoting skills, innovation and technological development in order to deal more appropriately
with creating a robust design.
Operational management
After construction of a building, its systems are commissioned in order to ensure they perform as
expected. However, post occupancy evaluation has shown that this is often poorly done and that there
is a lack of fine-tuning during operation (Kimpian et al. 2014). Frequent re-commissioning exercises
can help maximise the efficiency of building services, avoiding unnecessary energy use (Morant
2012). For guidance in this process, the Soft Landings framework was developed in order to provide
extended aftercare, through monitoring, performance reviews and feedback. Aftercare and
professional assistance are required as technologies and solutions made during the design often prove
too complicated to be manageable (Way et al. 2014). Continual monitoring of the performance during
operation is thus important in order to ensure that design goals are met under normal operating
conditions (Torcellini et al. 2006). It is essential that facilities managers take ownership of energy
consumption in buildings as they have detailed information of operational issues (CIBSE 2015).
When a building is in use, a discrepancy between predicted and measured energy use can be identified
by representing the operation using advanced and well-documented simulation tools. A calibrated
energy model can pinpoint differences between how a building was designed to perform and how it
is actually functioning (Norford et al. 1994), this can then allow operational issues to be identified
and solved, assisting facilities managers in the operation of their building. Furthermore, it can be used
to assess the feasibility of Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs) through forecasting energy
savings (Raftery, Keane & O’Donnell 2011). However, model calibration intends to compensate
errors that can mask modelling inaccuracies at the whole building level (Clarke 2001). A well set-up
methodology should therefore be established. Maile, Bazjanac & Fischer (2012) developed such a
method using a formal representation of building objects to capture relationships between predicted
and measured energy use on a detailed level, and were able to identify and solve operational issues.
Raftery, Keane & O’Donnell (2011) argue that these calibration methods improve the quality of
future models by identifying common mistaken assumptions and by developing best-practice
modelling approaches. Reliability and accuracy of calibrated models depend on the quality of
measured data used to create the model as well as the accuracy and limitation of the tools used to
simulate the building and its systems.


Conservation of heritage structures - Sustainability in heritage structures - Adaptive reuse of
heritage structures -
Issues in adapting a heritage structure - Use of sustainable conservation techniques - Improving
the energy performance of heritage structures - Case studies of sustainable conservation in
heritage structures

Heritage is deemed to mean those buildings, artefacts, structures, areas and precincts that are of
historic, aesthetic, architectural or cultural significance and should include natural features within
such areas or precincts of environmental significance or scenic beauty such as sacred groves, hills,
hillocks, water bodies (and the areas adjoining the same), open areas, wooded areas, etc. It must be
recognized that the 'cultural landscape' around a heritage site is critical for the interpretation of the
site and its built heritage and thus is very much its integral part.
The conservation of built heritage is generally perceived to be in the long term interest of society.
This can be better understood if categorized under 'economic’, 'cultural', and 'environmental',
although they are not mutually exclusive and, indeed, they are often interlocked. Most buildings are
capable of beneficial use, whether for their original purpose or for some other use. Buildings and
their precincts need to be used in order to survive and such use can be made into an economically
viable enterprise.
Heritage comprises archaeological sites, remains, ruins, and monuments protected by the
Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) and their counterparts in the States, and also a large number of
unprotected buildings, groups of buildings, neighborhoods, and public spaces including landscapes
and natural features which provide character and distinctive identity to cities. Conservation plans and
projects for cities must take into account both the protected and unprotected components of the
The three key concepts need to be understood to determine whether a property is worthy of listing
as a Heritage are namely according to Historic significance, Historic integrity, Historic context. Mere
listing is of limited use unless it serves the cause of preservation and conservation of the heritage of
the area. Publication of the Listing of the area does help in raising the level of awareness and public
consciousness about what constitutes their heritage. However, the cause of preservation and
conservation of heritage can be served only by providing statutory backing to the listing. Only the
statutory backing makes it an effective tool for conservation.
“Heritage building” means and includes any building of one or more premises or any part there of
and/or structure and/or artefact which requires conservation and / or preservation for historical and /
or architectural and / or artisanary and /or aesthetic and/or cultural and/or environmental and/or
ecological purpose and includes such portion of land adjoining such building or part thereof as may
be required for fencing or covering or in any manner preserving the historical and/or architectural
and/or aesthetic and/or cultural value of such building.
“Heritage Precincts” means and includes any space that requires conservation and /or preservation
for historical and / or architectural and/or aesthetic and/or cultural and/or environmental and/or
ecological purpose. Walls or other boundaries of a particular area or place or building or may enclose
such space by an imaginary line drawn around it.
“Conservation” means all the processes of looking after a place so as to retain its historical and/or
architectural and/or aesthetic and/or cultural significance and includes maintenance,
preservation, restoration, reconstruction and adoption or a combination of more than one of these.
“Preservation” means and includes maintaining the fabric of a place in its existing state and
retarding deterioration.
“Restoration” means and includes returning the existing fabric of a place to a known earlier state by
removing accretions or by reassembling existing components without introducing new
“Reconstruction” means and includes returning a place as nearly as possible to a known earlier state
and distinguished by the introduction of materials (new or old) into the fabric. This shall not
include either recreation or conjectural reconstruction.
“Authority” means National Monuments Authority “Competent Authority” means an officer not
below the rank of Director of archaeology or Commissioner of archaeology of Central or State
government or equivalent rank.
“Construction” means any erection or a building, including any addition or extension thereto either
vertically or horizontally.
“Prohibited Area” means area of the protected monuments declared as of national importance and
extending to a distance of 100 meters in all direction.
“Regulated Area” means area in respect of every ancient monuments and archaeological sites and
remains declared as of national importance and extending to a distance of 200 meters in all

The three key concepts need to be understood to determine whether a property is worthy of listing.
• Historic significance
• Historic integrity
• Historic context
Historic significance is the importance of a property to the history, architecture, archaeology,
engineering or culture of a community, region or nation.
In selecting a building, particular attention should be paid to the following:
• Association with events, activities or patterns
• Association with important persons
• Distinctive physical characteristics of design, construction or form, representing work of a master
• Potential to yield important information such as illustrating social, economic history, such as
railway stations, town halls, clubs, markets, water works, etc.
• Technological innovations such as dams, bridges, etc.
• Distinct town planning features like squares, streets, avenues, e.g. Rajpath in Lutyen's
New Delhi
Historic integrity is the authenticity of a property's historic identity, evidenced by the survival of
physical characteristics that existed during the property's historic period. Historic integrity enables a
property to illustrate significant aspects of its past. Not only must a property resemble the historic
appearance but it must also retain physical materials, design features and aspects of construction
dating from the period when it attained significance. Historic context is information about historic
trends and properties grouped by an important theme in the history of a community, region or nation
during a particular period of time. A knowledge of historic context enables listers to understand a
historic property as a product of its time.

Adaptive re-use
The re-use of historic buildings and neighbourhoods is economically sensible. It is an effective
strategy to conserve architectural heritage, particularly by using traditional craftspeople in the
process. Such re-use distinguishes between preservation as an ideal on the one hand and, on the other,
the goal to prolong the useful life of architectural heritage by retaining as much (and not necessarily,
all) of the surviving evidence as a vestigial presence.
Priority must be accorded to retaining the continuity of original functions. Any new use must be
introduced only after studying its effect on the local context, and must conform to the carrying
capacity and vulnerability of the architectural heritage. All changes to the original fabric should be
preceded and followed by comprehensive documentation. Additions and alterations must respect the
coherence of the whole, and must, to the extent possible, engage traditional materials, skills and
knowledge in the process. When it becomes necessary to modernise and comprehensively alter the
original internal functional characteristics of the building or site, its external image must be retained.
At the outset, the local community must be made aware of the changes envisaged and explained the
benefits to be derived.

Restoration/ Replication/ Rebuilding

Restoration is an appropriate conservation strategy to reinstate the integrity or complete the fractured
‘whole’ of the architectural heritage/ site. It must aim to convey the meaning of the heritage in the
most effective manner. It may include reassembling of displaced and dismembered components of
the structure and conjectural building or replacement of missing or severely deteriorated parts of the
fabric. Invariably, restoration work must be preceded and followed by comprehensive documentation
in order to base interventions on informed understanding of the resource and its context, and in
conformity with contemporary practices of local craftspeople.

In consonance with traditional ideals, replication can be accepted as an appropriate strategy not only
to conserve unprotected historic buildings, but especially if such replication encourages historic ways
of building. At the urban level, the objective of rebuilding historic structures should be to enhance
the visual and experiential quality of the built environment, thereby providing a local distinctiveness
to contest the homogenising influence of globalisation. In addition, reconstruction/ rebuilding can
provide the impetus to develop a parallel market for local buildings materials and new opportunities
for the use of alternative systems of building.

Reconstruction based on minimal physical evidence is appropriate where it is supported by the

knowledge of local craftspeople, including folklore, beliefs, myths and legends, rituals, customs,
oral traditions, etc. The objective of this practice must be to interpret the original meanings of the
resource in the contemporary context and reinforce its bond with society.

Employment generation
Conservation strategy must focus on the potential for employing local raj mistris, labour and
materials because this will prolong the economic viability of traditional ways of building. In
conditions of resource scarcity, the use of architectural heritage can provide an alternate and more
economic strategy to meet contemporary needs as well.

Local material and traditional technology

The use of local materials and traditional technologies must invariably be preferred. Their choice
must be based on the availability of traditional knowledge systems. Modern substitutes should be
considered only after their use is proven efficient and judicious, and must not compromise the
integrity and continuity of local building traditions. It is necessary to recognise that the use of certain
traditional building materials may be inadvisable on account of the damage this can cause to the
natural ecological systems. Thus the use of shell lime in coastal areas and wood generally may need
to be judicially substituted with alternate materials.

Integrated conservation
Conservation of architectural heritage and sites must be integrated with the social and economic
aspirations of society. Conservation-oriented development must be the preferred strategy for social
and economic progress. This necessitates the formation of multi-disciplinary teams to undertake
integrated conservation projects. Since social aspirations are diverse and often at odds with each
other, the conservation team must include social workers to facilitate dialogue and decision-making.

The objective of conservation should be to sustain the building and/or the traditional skill and
knowledge system of building. In this context, continuity must be seen as evolving over time. The
test of its validity must be the positive contribution it makes to the quality of life of the local




Figure 1 Documentation of Historic buildings

Listed Heritage Buildings / Listed Heritage Precincts may be graded into three categories.
The definition of these and basic guidelines for development permissions are as follows: Listing does
not prevent change of ownership or usage. However, change of use of such Listed Heritage Building
/ Listed Precincts is not permitted without the prior approval of the Heritage Conservation
Committee. Use should be in harmony with the said listed heritage site.
Through the ASI, the Central Government protects monuments more than 100 years old declared to
be of national importance. Monuments of importance to States are protected by the respective SDAs.
However, the existing legislation covers only about 5,000 monuments at the national level and
approximately 3,500 at the state level. Considering India’s vast cultural heritage, these numbers are
inadequate and their focus monument-centric.

INTACH has undertaken an inventory of built heritage in India which includes notable buildings
aged 50 years or more which are deemed to be of architectural, historical, archaeological or aesthetic

This inventory will become INTACH’s National Register of Historic Properties. It attempts to create
a systematic, accessible and retrievable inventory of the built heritage of this country. It will serve as
resource material for developing heritage conservation policies and regulations. In due course, this
database should be made more comprehensive and the information compiled should be available
online. It should also be made compatible with similar registers of other countries to facilitate
international research.

A similar Register of Craftspeople associated with the architectural heritage must be undertaken by
specialist cultural organizations (Article 8.6.3). It is important to reiterate that both buildings being
listed and associated activities that keep these building in use constitute the ‘living’ heritage. The
Register of Craftspeople is, therefore, essential to viewing the architectural heritage in a holistic
Inventory of properties / buildings
Since a large part of India’s cultural heritage has so far remained undocumented, preparing an
inventory of heritage buildings worthy of preservation is the most important task with which to begin
the process of conservation.

The primary aim of listing is to document the fast disappearing built heritage and then present it to
scholars and the general public in a user-friendly format, which aids conservation by generating
public awareness. Once a property/ building is included in such a list, it becomes justifiable to
undertake necessary conservation activities by formulating special regulations for its conservation or
according it due protection under Town Planning Acts. Ideally, the footprints of all listed buildings
should be included in the Master Plan documents of cities.

Buildings protected by the ASI and SDA should also be included in the list prepared by INTACH.

Selection criteria
Although interrelated, the following three key attributes will determine whether a property is worthy
of listing:

Historic significance
Historic integrity
Historic context
One or more of these attributes need to be present in a building to make it worthy of listing.

Historic significance
Historic significance refers to the importance of a property to the history, architecture, archaeology,
engineering or culture of a community, region or nation. In selecting a building, particular attention
should be paid to the following:

Association with events, activities or patterns.

Association with important persons, including ordinary people who have made significant
contribution to India’s living heritage.
Distinctive physical characteristics of design, construction or form, representing the work of a master
Potential to yield important information, such as socio-economic history. Railway stations, town
halls, clubs, markets, water works etc. are examples of such sites
Technological innovation represented. For example: dams, bridges, etc.
Town planning features such as squares, streets, avenues, etc. For example: Rajpath in New Delhi.
Historic integrity
Historic integrity refers to the property’s historic identity, evidenced by the survival of physical
characteristics and significant elements that existed during the property’s historic period. The
“original” identity includes changes and additions over historic time.

Historic integrity enables a property to illustrate significant aspects of its past. Not only must a
property resemble its historic appearance, but it must also retain original materials, design features
and aspects of construction dating from the period when it attained significance. Historic integrity
also relates to intangible values such as the building or site’s cultural associations and traditions.
Historic context
Historic context refers to information about historic trends and properties grouped by an important
theme in the history of a community, region or nation during a particular period of time.

Knowledge of historic context enables the public to understand a historic property as a product of its

Precincts or properties with multiple owners

A historic building complex may comprise of numerous ancillary structures besides the main
structure. Each structure of the complex must be documented on individual proformas. For example,
Jahangir Mahal, Diwan-i-Aam, Diwan-i-Khas and Moti Masjid all form part of the Agra Fort
complex but are also individual buildings in their own right and, as such, must be documented

The determination of significance is the key component of methodology. All conservation decisions
follow from the level of significance that is assigned to a building or site.

Listing work is comprised of two phases:

Background research
Field work

Background research
Before commencing actual fieldwork, the lister should gather basic information from various sources
including gazetteers, travel books and other specialised books containing information about the
architecture and history of the area to be listed and documented. This work could be done in university
libraries, the ASI, the National Museum, the Central Secretariat, the respective State Secretariats,
Institutes of Advanced Studies and Schools of Planning andArchitecture. In a given area, local experts
and university scholars are resource persons who could also provide required guidance and help.

Background research helps to ensure that no important structure or representative style of building is
left out of the list. It enables the identification of historic areas, historic development of the area,
significant events in the area and important persons associated with the area. In some well-
documented areas, distinctive physical characteristics of design, construction or form of building
resource can also be identified.

Field work
First and foremost it is necessary to carry out a field survey to identify the buildings and the areas to
be listed. Following this, a detailed physical inspection of the property and dialogues with appropriate
local people such as the owners of the property, area residents, local panchayats, etc. need to be
undertaken. By physically inspecting the property the lister can gather information regarding the
physical fabric of the building, such as physical characteristics, period of construction, etc. that need
to be cross-checked with the literature survey. By conducting a dialogue with area residents, the lister
can determine the changes to the property over time, ownership details, historic function and
activities, association with events and persons and the role of the property in local, regional or
national history.

When gathering information, the lister must be mindful of proforma requirements (Article 5.12). The
proforma is, first of all, a record of the property at the time of listing and consists of current name;
historic or other name(s), location, approach and accessibility, current ownership, historic usage, and
present use.

Claims of historic significance and integrity should be supported with descriptions of special features,
state of preservation, relevant dates, etc.

Mapping of vernacular architecture and historic settlements

The major shortcoming of the current list of legally protected architectural heritage is that it does not
recognise vernacular architecture and historic settlements as categories of heritage worthy of being
conserved. The listing of unprotected architectural heritage and sites must, therefore, include this
category. An example of such an inclusive document is INTACH’s “Listing of Built Heritage of
Delhi” published in 1999.

Sacred sites must be dealt with due sensitivity and knowledge of the local social and cultural
imperatives governing their sanctity. Listing must record such characteristics associated with these

Detailed format for all the structures

Information for each building or site should be recorded as per INTACH’s standard format as
described below.

Each proforma must contain information about listers and reviewers. Listing must be carried out by
or under the supervision of experienced conservation architects.

At least one photograph of the property/ building should be recorded for identification purposes. All
significant elements of the property also need to be photographed. All photographs should be properly

A conceptual plan (if available, a measured drawing) should be given for each building/ area listed.

Any additional information related to or affecting the built heritage of the city/town/region
documented and its conservation should be included as appendices, for example: laws and regulations
on planning and conservation, etc. A glossary should be provided explaining the technical and the
special words used must be provided. For example: “Imambara - a shrine/ religious structure of Shia

The primary objective of listing is to record extant architectural heritage and sites. But the outcome
of this process should invariably be to grade the listed heritage into a hierarchical series. This process
must be undertaken in a rigorous and transparent manner by a multi-disciplinary team of experts
whose recommendations should be available for public scrutiny. The importance of this process
cannot be underestimated because its results determine subsequent conservation decisions. Such
hierarchical categorisation facilitates the prioritisation of decisions relating to the future of
architectural heritage and sites.

This Charter recommends that buildings and sites be classified as Grade I*, I, II and III in descending
order of importance.

Buildings and sites classified as Grade I*, I and II should be conserved in accordance with the
provisions of official and legal manuals of practice (for example, ASI’s Works Manual). Some Grade
II buildings, however, and all other listed buildings and sites, i.e. Grade III, may be conserved in
accordance with principles enunciated in this Charter (Article 2.6). The decision to apply the
principles enunciated in this Charter to Grade II buildings must invariably be based on the
concurrence of the Advisory Committees of INTACH (Article 7.2.5).

The process of listing should be constantly upgraded and the list updated in keeping with the
availability of fresh information, financial and material resources, advances in technology and
developments in the understanding of architectural heritage and its constituents.

Guidelines for Conservation

For the present, the latest edition of INTACH’s “Guidelines for Conservation” should be followed,
unless otherwise indicated by the imperatives of this Charter. These Guidelines should be updated by
conservation architects periodically. It may also be necessary to bring out regionspecific guidelines
so that conservation practices can be sensitive to regional material and cultural attributes.

Heritage zone
Conservation of architectural heritage sites can be undertaken in terms of the Heritage Zone concept
propagated by INTACH. In general, Heritage Zones are sensitive development areas, which are a
part of larger urban agglomeration possessing significant evidence of heritage. The Heritage Zone
concept requires that the conservation of unprotected architectural heritage and sites must be
sensitively planned, but also aligned with the imperatives of routine development process.

Urban conservation plans must be incorporated into the statutory Master Plan of cities. This
necessitates undertaking a process of dialogue and negotiation with government town planning
departments as part of the conservation strategy. Regulations to control or mediate development
within the Heritage Zone, including new construction, demolition or modification to existing
buildings around historic structures or within historic precincts can be formulated and incorporated
within the “Special Area” provision of the respective Town Planning Acts of different States.

Role of conservation architects

The role of the conservation architect is to provide expert advice for conserving the architectural
heritage and site. Conservation, however, is a multi-disciplinary activity and conservation architects
must work closely with professionals of other disciplines in order to address its diverse objectives.
Depending on circumstances, the conservation architect may either lead the project team or simply
participate as a team member with specific expertise. In any event, the role of conservation architects
must be clearly defined, either by conservation architects themselves or by the initiator of the project.

Conservation architects also have an important advocacy role to play in promoting the conservation
of unprotected architectural heritage and sites. They need to catalyse awareness both among
administrators and beneficiaries to achieve the objectives of conservation enunciated in this Charter.
Table 1: Listed Heritage Buildings / Listed Heritage grading

2. Mapping and Evaluating Heritage, Shikha Jain, DRONAH
3. Conservation of Heritage Buildings in Delhi submitted to Centre for Civil Societyby Ujjwal
4. City Development Plan Delhi, Dept. of Urban Development, Govt. of Delhi
5. Archaeological Survey of India;
6. Environmental Factors Threatening the Survival of Heritage Buildings By Mahamoud Sodangi,
Arazi Idrus, Faris Khamidi and Adam Dahiru Adam
7. Effect of Vibrations on Historic Buildings: An Overview By J H Rainer
8. Intach Activities in Urban Heritage Conservation, INTACH, 71 Lodhi Estate, New Delhi
9. Building Conservation Guidelines By: Nicholas Hill, Architect
10. SDM Architects, Mumbai;
11. World Monument Fund;
12. Project Completion Report, Conservation Plan – Yarrows; Shimla, Himachal Pradesh,
INTACH, 71 Lodhi Estate, New Delhi
13. Maintenance and Restoration of Heritage Building – South Block, Nirman Bharti, October
2012, CPWD
14. Department of Architecture, Jadavpur University, Kolkatta;
15. Text and Photographs, courtesy Neemrana Hotels;
17. Competent Authority Delhi;

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