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Popular Psychometric and Projective Tests

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Popular Psychometric and Projective Tests

TEST Authors Description Features Age Limit Time Administration

Emotions Profile Index Robert Plutchik and EPI is a 62 item force-choice The basic personality traits From early 10 to 15 mins The person taking the test is simply
Henry Kellerman personality test designed to yield measured by EPI are: Timid vs adolescent asked to choose which of the two
information about certain basic aggressive, trustful vs to adults paired words is more descriptive of
personality traits and personality distrustful, controlled vs him. The choices are scored in terms
conflicts in an individual’s life. It dyscontrolled and gregarious vs of the emotions implied by the trait
reveals problem areas and provides depressed word. This can be self-administered.
the examiner with insights into the The final results are presented in an
nature of the difficulties. “emotion circle” with a separate
score for each of the 8 basic
Sacks’ Sentence Joseph m. Sacks SSCT is a variation of the word 4 areas of adjustment: N/A No time limits The subject is asked to finish a
Completion Test association method. It is designed Family – composed of attitude sentence of which first words are
to obtain significant clinical material towards the mother, the father given by the examiner. As in other
for the four areas of adjustment: and the family unit projective test, it is assumed that the
Family, Sex, Interpersonal Sex – composed of attitudes client reflects one’s own wishes,
relationships, Self-concept toward women and desires, fears and attitudes
heterosexual relationship
Interpersonal relationship –
attitudes towards friends and
acquaintances, colleagues at
work, superiors and people
Self-concept – fears, guilt
feelings, goals & attitudes
towards one’s abilities, past and

Raven's Progressive J. C. Raven in 1936 Ravens Progressive Matrices is a It measures two For children 40 to 60 mins After the instruction, the items are
Matrices leading global non-verbal measure complementary components of and adults presented according to their
of mental ability, helping to identify intelligence: the capacity to difficulty level. The person taking the
individuals with advanced think clearly and make sense of test selects one out of six or eight
observation and clear thinking skills complex data (eductive ability) answers. There is the possibility for
who can handle the complexity and and the capacity to store and multiple corrections by switching to
ambiguity of the modern reproduce information another answer or even by returning
workplace. Ravens offers (reproductive ability) to the previous item. In case a
information about someone's - Colored Progressive Matrices respondent is not able to select an
capacity for analyzing and solving (CPM): 5 to 11 years, elderly answer, s/he may omit the item. All
problems, abstract reasoning, and - Standard Progressive Matrices the omitted items will be presented
the ability to learn – and reduces (SPM): 6 to 16, 17 years and again at the end of the test.
cultural bias with a nonverbal older -
approach. Advanced Progressive Matrices
(APM): 12 to 16, 17 years and
older Page 1
Culture Fair Intelligence Raymond Cattell This extensively researched Composed of three scales: Scale children and 15 to 30 mins The test is divided into 4 subtest and
Test instrument measures intelligence 1 - for 4 to 8 years old and adults clients are instructed to choose 1
(or "g") that is not influenced by deprived adults, not group answer from the five choices given.
cultural background or verbal or administrable and usually takes The test is composed of 46 items.
scholastic background. CFIT is highly 30 minutes; Scale 2 - for ages 8
reliable and valid and excellent in to 14 years old and average
testing culturally and educationally adults, has form A&B and
deprived adults. approximately take 15 minutes;
Scale 3 - for ages 14 to superior
adult, available in forms A&B,
can be administered by group
and takes 15 minutes to

Flanagan Industrial Test John Clemans The FIT battery test offers 18 The FIT battery test has 18 For adults: Each subtest Individual tests are relatively short
Flanagan individually sold tests that are subtests: Arithmetic, Assembly, new usually takes 5 and are basically self-administered.
designed to help measure distinct Components, Coordination, applicants to 15 minutes
aptitudes or functions important to Electronics, Expression, and existing
a variety of industrial positions. The Ingenuity, Inspection, Judgment employees
test is hand-scored and uses a and Comprehension,
scoring stencil yielding 18 individual Mathematics and Reasoning,
scores. The tests maybe used Mechanics, Memory, Patterns,
separately or in any combination. Planning, Precision, Scales,
Tables, and Vocabulary.

Purdue Non-Language Joseph Tiffin, Alin PNLT is a culture fair test designed PNLT is a paper and pencil test Individuals 20-25 minutes In taking the test you will find sets of
Test Grubner & Kay to measure mental ability. It which has two forms: Form A & in grade 9- 5 drawings opposite each number. In
Inaba of Purdue consists of geometric forms which Form B both having 48 items. 12 to adults each test set of 5 drawings cross out
University can be used effectively with persons the different item.
having markedly different cultural
or educational backgrounds.

16 PF 5th Edition Raymond Cattell The 16 Personality Factor The 16 Personality factors Individuals 35 - 50 minutes Simple and clear instructions are
Questionnaire measure the 16 included: Warmth, Reasoning, with reading printed on the testbooklet. The
primary perosnality factor scales Emotional Stabillity, Dominance, ability of administrator may either read aloud
identified by Cattell 45 years ago. It Liveliness, Rule-consciousness, fifth grade or request the examinees to read
has 185 items that contains the 16 Social Boldness, Sensitivity, level to instructions silently. It uses a
personality factors as well as Vigilance, Abstractedness, adults separate answer sheet and clients
Impression Management Index Privateness, Apprehensiveness, are asked to darken the circle that
which measures social desirability. Openness to change, Self- corresponds to the letter of their
The test can be administered reliance, Perfectionism and choice.
individually or by group and uses Tension. It also includes the
scoring keys. Global Factors: Extraversion,
Anxiety, Tough-Mindedness,
Independence, and Self-Control. Page 2
Kaufman Assessment Alan Kaufman and KABC is a clinical instrument It is comprised of four global For children 35 to 85 minutes Administration of the K-ABC takes
Battery for Children Nadeen Kaufman (psychological diagnostic test) for test scores that include: aged two between 35 and 85 minutes. The
assessing cognitive development. It Sequential processing, years, six older the child, the longer the test
is was developed to evaluate simultaneous processing, months to generally takes to administer. The
preschoolers, minority groups, and achievement scales, and mental 12 years, six test consists of 16 subtests—10
children with learning disabilities. It processing composite. There is months. mental processing subtests and six
is used to provide educational an additional nonverbal scale achievement subtests. Not all
planning and placement, that allows applicable subtests subtests are administered to each
neurological assessment, and to be administered through age group, and only three subtests
research. The assessment is to be gestures to hearing impaired, are administered to all age groups.
administered in a school or clinical speech/language impaired, or Children ages two years, six months
setting and is intended for use with children who do not speak are given seven subtests, and the
English speaking, bilingual, or English. number of subtests given increase
nonverbal children. with the child's age. For any one
child, a maximum of 13 subtests are
administered. Children from age
seven years to 12 years, six months
are given 13 subtests.

Luscher Color Test Max Luscher The Color test is a projective test for Luscher Color test has 2 No Age No time limits On the Quick test, clients are
measuring person's psychological versions: The Full Luscher Color limitations presented 8 color panels in w/c he is
state based on his/her color Test w/c has 7 different panels instructed to arrange the panel of
preference. It also contains of colors, containing in all 73 colors from the ones he like best to
indications pertaining to personal color patches, consisting of 25 the least liked. Then, the examiner
assessment and special, diff hues and shades and will re-shuffle the card and ask the
professional recommendations as requiring 43 diff selections to be client to arrange the color panels
to how psychological stress and made. Then, the Quick test or again from the ones he like to the
resulting symptoms can be avoided. the Short color test w/c is not as one liked less. After administration,
comprehensive nor revelatory the examiner will record the
as the Full version. The Short corresponding number of the cards
version contains eight colors: 4 and its arrangement order.
Basic/Psychological Primaries
(blue, green, red, yellow) and 4
Auxiliary Colors (Violet, brown.
black and grey)

Myers-Briggs Type Katharine C. Briggs MBTI is a reliable and valid It identifies personality type, N/A No time limits Latest versions are the ff: MBTI Step
Indicator and daughter instrument that measures and made up of four basic I w/c consists 93 items, available in
Isabel Briggs Myers categorizes your personality and preferences, and provides a print and online formats, takes
behavior. It is a test based on Jung's positive framework to explain approximately 20 minutes to
inborn preferences. Used for how we interact with the world complete; and the MBTI Step II w/c
personality development, and each other. The four basic has 144 items (including the 93 Step I
counseling, leadership training, etc. preferences are: Extraversion- items), available in print and online
Introversion, Sensing-Intuition, formats, takes approximately 35
Thinking-Feeling, Judging- minutes to complete.
Perception. Page 3
Otis-Lennon School Published by OLSAT is a test of abstract thinking It has 21 subtests organized in For children 30 to 40 minutes On the test, students are asked to:
Ability Test Pearson Education and reasoning ability for children five areas: verbal (except Follow directions, Detect likeliness
Inc. Originally pre-K to 18 years old. It is a group comprehension, verbal preschool) and differences, Recall words and
developed by administered test, multiple choice reasoning, pictorial reasoning, to 18 years numbers, Classify items, Establish
Arthur Sinton Otis which measures verbal, quantitative figural reasoning, and old sequence, Solve arithmetic
and Roger Lennon and spatial ability quantitative reasoning. problems, and Complete analogies.

Vineland Adaptive Sara S. Sparrow, The VABS is used primarily with The scale measures adaptive From birth Survey Interview The updated forms of the Vineland
Behavior Scale Domenic V. children and adolescents from birth behavior in four major domains, to 18 years and Adaptive Behavior Scale comes in
Cicchetti, and to age 18 years, but may be used Communication, Daily Living old and Parent/Caregiver three editions, the Survey Form, the
David A. Balla adults suspected of having a mental Skills, Socialization, and Gross adults with Rating Forms 20- Expanded Form, and the Classroom
handicap based on obtained IQ. The Motor Skills. Communication mental 60 minutes Edition. Survey Form – This is the
focus of this particular test is the =Receptive Communication, problems edition that is closest in content to
measurement of the adaptive Expressive Communication, the original version of VABS that was
behaviors, including the ability to Written Communication published in 1984 by the American
cope with environmental changes, Daily Living Skills =Domestic Guidance Services. It has 297 items
to learn new everyday skills and to Skills, Personal Skills, distributed over the four domains.
demonstrate independence. Community Skills The child’s parent or primary
Socialization =Interpersonal caregiver answers the items, usually
Relationships, Play/Leisure, within 20 minutes to an hour.
Coping Skills. The Gross Motor Expanded Form – This edition is
Skills Domain is measured with most useful to teachers and
children to age five years and psychologists who are planning the
with older children and adults IEP of the special child. With 280
suspected of deficiencies in this questions added to the first 297
area. Also, the VABS includes a questions of the survey form for a
Maladaptive Behavior Scale, for total of 577 items. This edition can
use in identifying the presence be completed within 60 to 90
of behavior problems in children minutes. Classroom Edition – This
thought age 18. edition is composed of 244 items
that evaluates a child’s adaptive
behavior inside the classroom. The
teacher answers the questions but
only a qualified professional can
interpret the scores.
The Hand Test Edwin E. Wagner The Hand Test is a projective test The first 9 cards of the hand test N/A Usually takes 10 The cards are presented to the client
which is composed of 10 cards: 9 w/ portray rough outline drawing - 15 minutes one by one. The subject is asked to
pictures of hands and 1 blank card. of hands in different position tell what the hand could be doing (on
The test is designed to determine while the last card is blank. the drawing) and when the last card
adjustment level of individual's is reached, the subject is asked to
aggression. It also measures acting- "imagine a hand and tell me what it
out behavior among juvenile might be doing."
delinquents, adult prisoners,
schizophrenics, mental retardates
and alcoholics. Page 4
Rorschach Ink Blot Test Hermann Rorschach Ink blot test is a Rorschach is composed of 10 ink 5 years old no time limits It is administered individually by
Rorschach projective test used to analyze blot cards: 5 achromatic cards (I, to adults presenting to the client the 10 ink
personality and emotional IV, V, VI, VII) and 5 chromatic blot cards one at a time. There are 2
functioning. It is the second most cards (II, III, VIII, IX, X). phases of administration: Response
widely used forensic test after Responses are tabulated, scored phase (the client has to give at least
MMPI. and summarized on the 2 responses for each card) and the
Structural Summary Form. 3 Inquiry Phase (the client is asked
different scoring methods can about the location and the
be used: Beck's, Klofper's, and determinants of his responses).
Exner's scoring method.

Bender Gestalt Visual Lauretta Bender Bender Gestalt II is a brief test of The Bender Gestalt Test is used From 3 Typically 5 - 15 The test consists of 14 figures, each
Motor Test II visual-motor interpretation that to evaluate visual maturity, years old minutes to on its own 3"x5" card. The patient is
may provide interpretative visual motor integration skills, and above adminis-ter shown each figure and asked to copy
information about an individual's style of responding, reaction to it onto a piece of blank paper. After
development and psychological frustration, ability to correct which the results are scored based
functioning. Scores on the test are mistakes, planning and on accuracy and other observations
used to identify possible organic organizational skills, and such as physical demeanor, drawing
brain damage and the degree motivation. The Bender-Gestalt technique, test-taking behavior, and
maturation of the nervous system. II includes supplemental tests of attitude.
simple motor and perceptual
ability helps identify specific
visual-motor deficits.
This test can also be used to
assess neurological damage and
emotional disorders.

Mini Mental State Currently under MMSE or Folstein test is a brief 30- The examination has been N/A takes about 10 The MMSE could be administered by
Examination the copyright of point questionnaire test that is used validated in a number of mins the physician, a nurse or an assistant
Psychological to screen for cognitive impairment. populations. Scores of 25-30 out trained in the administration of such
Assessment It is commonly used in medicine to of 30 are considered normal; tools. The person administering the
Resources screen for dementia. It is also used the National Institute for Health MMSE needs to be sensitive when
to estimate the severity of cognitive and Care Excellence (NICE) the patient shows embarrassment
impairment and to follow the classifies 21-24 as mild, 10-20 as about their inability to answer these
course of cognitive changes in an moderate and <10 as severe questions. Patients should be
individual over time, thus making it impairment. The MMSE may not assured by telling them that this is
an effective way to document an be an appropriate assessment if another way of telling how the
individual's response to treatment. the patient has learning, treatment is affecting their brain
linguistic/communication or tumor.
other disabilities (eg, sensory
impairments) Page 5 Page 6

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