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Scrabble List of Words PDF

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Copyright ©2012 NASPA. Permission granted
for noncommercial reproduction. SCRABBLE® Two- and Three-
is a registered trademark of Hasbro, Inc.
Contact us to learn about competitive Letter Words (1/2)
Players A SCRABBLE play in the United States and Canada. This document lists all the two- and three-letter
Association words that are acceptable for use in club and
E m a i l i nfo @ tournament play according to the Official Club and
Making words, building friendships We b Tournament Word List (2nd edition, published 2006)

Legend: Redness of word color shows approximate rarity. A single letter at the beginning or end is a unique hook (letter that can be
added to make a new word); a numeral gives the number of multiple hooks; a * is shown for more than ten hooks. An & before a word
means it takes RE- in front. Dictionary part of speech (red if tricky) is shown right after the word: / noun, + verb, > adjective/ adverb, *
adjective/adverb&verb. Regular -S and -ED hooks not shown. Each underlined letter may be omitted to form a new word.

Twos li/6 Threes 4 arb/ 2 bis 2 cos/3 u&don+3 6 eta/ fud/ s hag+ icy
b aa/2 lo 7 aah+ 2 arc+2 o bit+2 s cot/e o dor/6 4 eth/ fug+u s hah/a * ids
* ab/3 a ma/* b aal/ * are/a biz/e s cow+2 2&dos 3 n&eve/2 fun+2 haj/2 6 iff y
*&ad/3 e me 7 2 aas 2 arf/ boa/2 cox+a dot+3 ewe/r fur+2 3 ham+e 3&ifs
8 ae a mi/8 b aba/ * ark/ bob+ coy+ dow+n eye+2 gab+y c hao/ m igg+
* ag/3 2 mm abo/ 4&arm+y bod/2 coz/y &dry* fab/ e gad+i 2 hap+ 3 ilk/a
8 ah+2 mo/* * abs *&ars e bog+y e cru/2 &dub+ fad/2 gae+n has 3 * ill/y
r ai/6 2 mu/5 2 aby+e 9 art/y boo+6 s cry+ dud/e fag+ gag+2 7 hat+2 6 imp+i
6&al/6 my c 7 ace+ * ash+y &bop+ cub/e due/2 fan+3 e&gal/3 3 haw+k *&ink+y
*&am 4 a na 9 3&act+a 4 ask+ a bos 3 s cud/ dug/ a far>6 o gam+5 2 hay+ 2 inn+
* an 6 2 ne 5 &add+ 4 asp/ bot/3 cue+ duh fas 2 gan 2 heh/ *&ins
*&ar/7 o no/9 2 ado/ 6 ass/ bow+l s cum dui t fat+e gap+2 2&hem+2 3 ion/
* as 4 g nu/3 *&ads * ate/ box+y s cup+ dun+4 fax+ a gar+b 2 hen/t 9 ire+
* at 2 * od/3 adz+e 3 att/ boy/o &cur/8 duo/ o fay+ a gas+3 hep 4 irk+
* aw 4 8 oe/ 8 aff 2 auk/ bra/7 s&cut 2 dup+e &fed/ gat/e her 8 j ism/
9 ax+e of 2 4 aft 4 ava bro/2 cwm/ &dye+r fee+3 gay/ s hes t * its
* ay/e 4 oh+2 3 aga/r *&ave/r brr r dab+ * ear/2 feh/ a ged/ 2 het/h 2 ivy/
2 ba/* 2 oi l 7 age+2 avo/w bub/2 dad/2 8 eat+h fem/e 2 gee+2 5 hew+n jab+
o be+6 8 om/ 2 ago 2 awa y bud+ dag/o b eau/x fen/d gel+2 hex+ jag+g
o bi/7 * on/2 * ags awe+e bug+ o dah/l ebb+ &fer 2 gem+ 2 hey jam+b
a bo/* * op/2 h aha 4 awl/ bum+2 dak/ ecu/ fes 2 gen/3 c hic k a jar+l
a by/e 8 or/5 ahi/ 7 awn/y bun/6 dal/e edh/ fet+2 get+a 2 hid e jaw+
o&de 9 * os/e 3 ahs axe+l bur+9 dam+3 9&eds feu+d gey hie+ jay/
2&do+9 * ow 3 7 aid+e aye/ &bus+4 &dan/2 8 eek few ghi/ 2 him/ a jee+3
*&ed/h 8 ox/2 * ail+ * ays a&but/2 dap+ 8 eel/y fey gib+e 4 hin/2 jet+e
3&ef/2 8 oy m aim+ azo n &buy+ daw+3 t eff/ fez/ gid/ 3 hip+ jeu/x
4 eh s pa/* * ain/ baa+l a bye/ day/ 2&efs fib+ gie+n 6 his 3 jew+
8&el/5 2 pe/* 7 air+3 bad/e a bys deb/t 5 eft/ fid/o gig+a 3 hit s jib+2
5 em/2 pi+9 2 ais bag+ s cab+ dee/5 2 egg+y fie f a gin+k hmm &jig+
* en/2 qi/ 3 ait/ bah t s cad/2 def 3 s ego/ fig+ gip+ hob+o d jin/3
4 er 6 4 re/* 3 ala/3 bal/5 s cam/3 del/5 3 eke+ fil/5 git+e s hod/ job+
8&es/ a&sh 4 alb/a bam+ s can+2 den+4 6 eld/ fin+4 gnu/ s hoe+r joe/y
* et 2 p si/8 * ale/3 ban+5 &cap+3 dev/a 3 elf/ fir/3 goa/3 s hog+g jog+
7 ex+ so/* * all/y bap/ s car/9 dew+y y elk/ &fit+ gob+2 2 hon/3 jot+a
fa/8 2 ta/* 2 alp/ k&bar+7 s cat+e dex/y * ell/ &fix+t god+ 3 hop+e jow+l
fe/* ti/6 6&als o 2 bas 5 caw+ dey/ h elm/y fiz/z goo/5 2 hos 2 joy+
2 go+8 to * 3 alt/o bat+3 cay/ dib+ 8&els e flu/3 gor 4 2 hot+ jug+a
3 ha/* 2 uh 3 ama/h bay+ cee/ &did 2 5 eme/u &fly+ e gos h 3 how/4 jun/k
2 he/9 * um 2 2 ami/5 a bed+u cel/2 die+2 5 ems fob+ got h a hoy/a jus/t
5 hi 8 * un/ 8 amp+ bee/5 cep/e dif/f emu/ foe/ gox/ c hub/ jut+e
o hm m 7 up+o amu/ beg+ chi/6 dig+ * end+ fog+y goy/ hue/d kab/
5 ho/9 5 us e 3 ana/l &bel/2 cig/ dim+e eng/ foh n gul/3 2 hug+e kae/
* id/ * ut/2 6 and/ ben/3 cis t din+5 * ens/ fon/2 gum+ huh kaf/
3&if/f 3 we 5 * ane/w o bes/t cob/b &dip+t 4 eon/ fop+ gun+k c hum+p 2 kas/
*&in+2 t wo/8 2 ani/l a bet+2 cod+2 dis+3 2 era/ for 7 gut+ s hun/4 2 kat/a
*&is m xi/ 5 ant/3 o bey/ cog+ 2 dit/3 8 ere fou 2 guv/ w hup o kay/o
* it s xu/ 3 any bib+b col/5 doc/k b erg/o fox+y guy+ 3 hut+ kea/
jo/6 2 ya 8 6 ape+2 &bid+2 i&con+5 doe/r 4 ern/e foy/ gym/ hyp/2 kef/
2 ka/5 * ye 7 c apo/d big/ coo+6 dog+2 err+ fro 4 gyp+ * ice+ s keg+
s ki/6 yo 7 app/ bin+3 s cop+2 i dol/3 2 ers/t &fry+ 2 had 2 3 ich/ ken+2
a la/* za/3 r apt bio/g cor/7 dom/e 6 ess/ fub+ t hae+3 * ick y s kep+2
Copyright ©2012 NASPA. Permission granted
for noncommercial reproduction. SCRABBLE® Two- and Three-
is a registered trademark of Hasbro, Inc.
Contact us to learn about competitive Letter Words (2/2)
Players A SCRABBLE play in the United States and Canada. This document lists all the two- and three-letter
Association words that are acceptable for use in club and
E m a i l i nfo @ tournament play according to the Official Club and
Making words, building friendships We b Tournament Word List (2nd edition, published 2006)

Legend: Redness of word color shows approximate rarity. A single letter at the beginning or end is a unique hook (letter that can be
added to make a new word); a numeral gives the number of multiple hooks; a * is shown for more than ten hooks. An & before a word
means it takes RE- in front. Dictionary part of speech (red if tricky) is shown right after the word: / noun, + verb, > adjective/ adverb, *
adjective/adverb&verb. Regular -S and -ED hooks not shown. Each underlined letter may be omitted to form a new word.

kex/ 3 lob+2 mor/4 2 obe/y 2 pas/3 o pus/h 2 rue+r son/2 tip+i vee/2 wye/
&key+ 4 log+3 mos 4 obi/2 s pat+3 put 3 3 rug+a sop+h tis veg+ wyn/2
khi/ loo+6 mot/3 3 oca/ paw+2 pya/ 3 rum/p sos tit/i &vet+o a xis
s kid+ 5 lop+e mow+n 2 oda/h pax/ pye/ &run+3 sot/h tod/y vex+t yag/i
kif/ 4 lot+3 mud+ odd/ s&pay+ pyx/ b rut+h sou/4 toe+a via l a yah
2 kin/6 6 low+2 s mug+g 6 ode/a pea/6 qat/ rya/ &sow+n tog+a a vid/e k yak+
s kip+ lox+ mum+3 * ods s pec/2 qis rye/ sox a tom+2 vie+2 yam/
kir/2 3 lug+e mun/i * oes 3 ped/ a qua 4 sab+e soy/a ton/3 vig/a yap+
s kis 2 4 lum/2 2 mus 5 4 off+ e pee+5 4 rad+ sac/k spa/7 too 5 vim/ k yar 3
s kit+2 luv/ s mut/2 4 oft &peg+ 4 rag+4 sad 2 e spy+ 2 top+4 vis/2 yaw+3
koa/n f lux/e myc/ ohm/ peh/ rah sae sri/ tor/9 voe/ yay/
kob/o lye/ nab+e 2 oho o pen+2 rai/4 sag+4 sty+e s tot+e a vow+ yea/3
koi/ mac/3 nae o ohs pep+o raj/a sal/4 sub+a s tow+2 vox/ yeh
kop/h mad+e s nag+ 8&oil+y a per 7 5 ram+2 sap+ sue+2 toy+o vug/2 e yen+
kor/2 mae/ nah oka/y 2 pes/2 2&ran 5 &sat 2 suk/ &try+ o vum yep/
kos/ mag/2 nam e 9 oke/h pet+ 4 rap+2 sau/l sum+2 tsk+ s wab/ * yes+
kue/ &man+4 nan/a 9 old 2 s pew/ 2 ras/3 &saw+n sun+3 s tub+2 wad+3 yet 2
kye/ &map+ 2 nap+2 * ole/2 phi/z 5 rat+3 sax/ sup+e tug+ t wae/ yew/
3 lab/ mar+6 2 naw 7 oms pht 3 raw/ &say+ suq/ 2 tui/ s wag+e yid/
lac/3 a mas 5 nay/ * one/ pia/2 rax+ a sea/4 syn 2 s tun+3 2&wan+5 3 yin/
2 lad/2 mat+3 neb/ m ono/ 2 pic/3 6 ray+a sec/t s tab+u tup+ s wap+ yip+e
3 lag+ maw+n k nee 3 * ons pie+r reb/ &see+6 tad/ tut+u war+8 yob/
5 lam+4 max+i neg/ p ooh+ pig+ rec/k seg/o tae l tux/ t was 3 yod/h
3 lap+ may+2 net+t 9 oot/ s&pin+6 3 red+3 sei/f s&tag+ twa/2 2 wat/t yok/e
a lar/3 med/ 2&new/t 9 ope+n pip+2 6 ree/4 sel/2 taj/ two/ waw/l yom/
a las 4 meg/a s nib+ * ops pis 3 t ref+t sen 3 tam/2 s tye/2 &wax+y yon 2
4 lat/4 mel/3 a nil/l opt+ s pit+3 d reg/ u ser/3 tan+2 2 udo/n 2 way/ you/r
lav/2 mem/2 nim+ 7 ora 2 piu rei/2 &set 3 tao/ 3 ugh/ web+ yow+2
4 law+n 2 men 3 s nip+a 2 orb+y pix/y rem/ &sew+n a tap+2 5 uke/ 2&wed+ yuk+
f&lax/ &met 3 3 nit/e t orc/a &ply+ p rep+2 sex+2 s tar+5 2 ulu/ 2 wee/7 yum
4&lay+ s mew+l nix+2 * ore/ a pod+ 4 res/2 sha 7 2 tas 2 m umm wen/2 yup/
4 lea/7 mho/ 2 nob/ 5 ors poh 2 ret+e she/3 s tat+e * ump+ &wet+ zag+
5 led mib/ nod+2 7 ort/ poi/ rev+ shh tau/t * uns wha 3 zap+
3 lee/3 e mic/3 s nog+g 6 ose/ pol/4 p rex/ a shy* tav/ upo n who 3 zas
g leg+ 2 mid/i noh/ l oud/ pom/3 rho/ sib/b s taw+ 6 ups why/ zax/
lei/ mig/g nom/2 8 our s poo+7 a ria/l sic+2 &tax+2 2 urb/ 2 wig+ zed/
lek+2 mil/6 noo 2 6 out+ pop+e 2 rib+ sim/2 tea/5 5 urd/ t&win+6 zee/
2 les/t mim e nor 2 n ova l s&pot+ 3 rid+e &sin+4 ted+ 4 urn/ 2 wis 5 zek/
b&let+ 2 mir/4 o nos 3 3 owe+ pow/ rif+3 sip+e tee+3 b urp+ t wit+2 zep/
leu/d a mis 4 2 not 2 6 owl/ pox+y 5&rig+ sir/e teg/g 3&use+r wiz/ zig+
lev/3 &mix+t 3 now/t 6 own+ &pro/7 4 rim+2 p sis/ tel/3 uta/ woe/ zin/3
3 lex/ moa/2 nth oxo s pry+ 2 rin+3 &sit+2 ten/2 5 ute/ wog/ zip+
2 ley/ mob+ s nub/ 4 oxy psi/ 3 rip+e six/ s tet/h * uts wok/e zit/i
lez/ moc/k nun/ pac/5 pst rob+e ska/2 s tew+ vac/ &won+2 zoa
g lib/ mod/2 3 nus pad+i pub/ c roc/k ski+5 the 5 van+2 woo+3 zoo/2
s lid+o s mog+ nut+ o pah s pud/ 2 rod+e sky+ tho u var/2 s wop/ zuz/
p lie+4 mol/6 l oaf/ o pal+5 pug+h f roe/ sly> thy k vas/3 t wos t zzz
b lin/7 mom/2 s oak/y s pam/ pul/5 2 rom/p sob+a 2 tic+k vat+u s wot+
4 lip+2 mon/3 4 oar+ s pan+3 s pun+5 2 rot+5 &sod+a &tie+r vau/ wow+
lis 2 moo+5 5 oat/h pap/a pup+2 7 row+ sol/5 til/3 vav/ a wry*
3&lit/2 mop+2 s oba/ s par+6 s pur+4 2 rub+2 som/2 tin+4 vaw/ wud

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