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Enterprise Strategy Group | Getting to the bigger truth.


Solve Cyber Resilience Challenges with

Storage Solutions

By Jack Poller, ESG Senior Analyst; and Leah Matuson, Research Analyst
August 2020

This ESG White Paper was commissioned by IBM

and is distributed under license from ESG.

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White Paper: Solve Cyber Resilience Challenges with Storage Solutions 2

Executive Summary ................................................................................................................................................................ 3

Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................................... 3

The Cost of Complexity Is Rising .............................................................................................................................................................. 3

Solve Cyber Resilience Challenges with Storage Solutions ..................................................................................................... 4

NIST Cybersecurity Framework ................................................................................................................................................................ 4

Fundamental Capabilities of Cyber-resilient IT Infrastructure ................................................................................................ 5

Discovery of Sensitive Data and Data Management ........................................................................................................................... 5

Encryption ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6

Access Control .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 7

Immutable Storage ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 8

Data Recovery .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 8

Shifting from Cybersecurity to Cyber Resilience with IBM ..................................................................................................... 9

The Bigger Truth ................................................................................................................................................................... 10

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Executive Summary
The accelerating adoption of modern technologies—cloud, mobility, the internet of things (IoT), and now work-from-home
facilitators—has led to an increase in the complexity of IT infrastructure, as well as a proliferation of data. These factors put
organizations and their IT infrastructures at greater risk for malicious attacks, human errors, and negligent behavior.

Unfortunately, legacy strategies cannot adequately ensure continued business operations during and after cyber incidents.
Companies can weave together capabilities in an attempt to prevent attacks and data breaches, but functional gaps, poor
integration, and management complexity slow implementation and make security objectives difficult to meet.

Changing organizational mindsets from prevention to preparation for a security incident—cyber resilience—and
implementing storage solutions with built-in cyber resilience is key to safeguarding critical data assets and quickly
responding to and recovering from cyberattacks.

IT faces new challenges. Nearly two-thirds (64%) of survey respondents say IT is more complex today than it was two years
ago. This can be the result of ongoing digital transformation (as cited by 27% of respondents citing increased complexity)
and/or supporting modern enterprises with an increasing mobile workforce (24%). Other top drivers of increased IT
complexity include high data volumes (37%), the rapid evolution of the cybersecurity landscape (31%), and new data
security and privacy regulations (30%).1

Organizations also must address a problematic shortage of critical IT skills: 44% of organizations report a lack of
cybersecurity skills, the most often cited response. Additionally, these organizations are more likely to point to additional
complicating factors that increase the size and scope of the security perimeter they’re tasked with protecting, such as
application, device, and remote/mobile worker sprawl.2

The Cost of Complexity Is Rising

Organizations face many cybersecurity threats. ESG research highlights that ransomware attacks are a common
occurrence for many enterprises, with 60% of respondents experiencing ransomware attacks in the past year and 13% of
those organizations experiencing daily attacks. Interestingly, organizations that report a cybersecurity skills shortage are
also much more likely (67% versus 54%) to report being targeted by ransomware over the past 12 months.3

There may be several important reasons driving the increase in cyberattacks, but certainly the financial incentive to attack
organizations is increasing. For example, complaints to the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) increased 62% in
the past five years, while reported losses from cybercrimes hit $3.5 Billion in 2019—a 218% increase during the same
period.4 According to Ponemon Institute research sponsored by IBM, on average a data breach costs an organization
$8.19M. And costs are long-lived: 67% of the costs came in the first year, 22% in the second year, and 11% continued more
than two years after a breach.5

Source: ESG Master Survey Results, 2020 Technology Spending Intentions Survey, January 2020.
Source: 2019 FBI Internet Crime Report,
Source: 2019 Cost of a Data Breach Report

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White Paper: Solve Cyber Resilience Challenges with Storage Solutions 4

Perhaps most revealing, IT complexity amplifies data breach costs. For example, system complexity increases the cost of a
data breach by $290K. Third-party involvement in IT infrastructures adds $370K. And a breach during a cloud migration
adds $300k.6

Solve Cyber Resilience Challenges with Storage Solutions

It’s clear that a strong correlation exists between IT complexity and vulnerability to cyberattack. And as IT grows more
complex, cyberattacks will increase in frequency and cost. The truth is, given enough time and effort, anything can be
breached. This explains why organizations are shifting focus and resources are moving beyond cybersecurity toward a
more comprehensive data and business security posture called “cyber resilience.”

Cybersecurity encompasses the technology and processes that protect data and the infrastructure from malicious attacks.
Cybersecurity reduces organizational risk from attacks and protects data and the organization from deliberate exploitation.
But even with the best security, data breaches—via attack or negligence—still occur. And when they do, they aren’t always
quickly identified. According to Ponemon Institute research, in 2019 it took an average of 206 days to identify a breach and
another 73 days to contain the breach, for a total of 279 days, a 4.9% increase over 2018. Also, while cybersecurity-oriented
organizations rightly focus on malicious or criminal attacks, which accounted for 51% of breaches in 2019, 25% of data
breaches involved system glitches, including both IT and business process failures, and 24% of these breaches were due to
negligent employees or contractors (human error).7

Organizations can shift from prevention to preparedness. This approach helps organizations continue to operate and
deliver intended business outcomes despite adverse cyber events—whether malicious or inadvertent. This strategy is
called cyber resilience. A cyber-resilient organization stops reacting to cyber incidents and starts anticipating them. It puts
in place the infrastructure, tools, and processes to protect its core asset—its data. Such an organization can respond to and
recover from attacks and system failures, plus guarantee the continuity of operations before, during, and after any cyber

Cyber-resilient strategies take into consideration all data-handling components—hardware, software, people, and
processes. When developing cyber resilience, organizations shift from asking “How do I protect?” to asking, “What if?” What
if we’re hit by ransomware? What if an employee misconfigures cloud storage?

Data storage is a critical element of cyber resilience. But too often organizations do not realize the central role played by
data management and storage in a comprehensive cyber resilience strategy.

NIST Cybersecurity Framework

To help guide the conversation and develop a cyber resilience strategy, organizations can look to the cybersecurity
framework provided by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The Framework for Improving Critical
Infrastructure Cybersecurity from NIST states: “The Cybersecurity Framework Core provides a set of activities to achieve
specific cybersecurity outcomes...”8 The NIST framework provides guidance to organizations on how to plan, develop, and
implement solutions to achieve specific business operations outcomes. Typically, the outcome is continuing business
operations in the event of cyber incidents. Thus, the five elements of the NIST cyber resilience framework are:

Source: NIST Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity, Version 1.1, April 2018.

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White Paper: Solve Cyber Resilience Challenges with Storage Solutions 5

• Identify—Develop an organizational understanding for managing

cyber risk to systems, people, assets, data, and capabilities. To
ensure continuous operations, organizations must identify the
essential elements of business operations and how to protect those
elements, then develop and prioritize a protection plan.

• Protect—Develop and implement appropriate safeguards to ensure

delivery of critical services. Implementation of various policies and
controls can include the principle of least privilege access and
access controls, identity management, data security, data
protection, application and code protection, and user awareness
and training.

• Detect—Develop and implement appropriate activities to identify

the occurrence of cyber incidents that put the organization at risk.
Early detection and alerting help organizations minimize the impact
and maximize time to recover from a cyber event.

• Respond—Develop and implement appropriate activities to take action regarding a detected cyber incident. Put in
place the tools and processes to contain the impact of an event.

• Recover—Develop and implement appropriate activities to maintain plans for resilience and to restore any
capabilities, data, or services that were impaired due to a cyber incident. Advanced planning and testing of tools and
processes help ensure that organizations can restore capabilities and services that were impaired.

Fundamental Capabilities of Cyber-resilient IT Infrastructure

Organizations developing a cyber resilience strategy must require that resilience is a foundational design element of their
IT infrastructure. Some of the fundamental capabilities of a cyber-resilient IT infrastructure include:

• Data discovery, categorization, and copy management.

• Encryption.
• Access control.
• Cyber incident detection.
• Immutable storage, including air-gap data protection capabilities.
• Data recovery.

Several of these foundational capabilities of modern IT infrastructure deserve added discussion because their impacts and
technical aspects may not be as well known.

Discovery of Sensitive Data and Data Management

In the 21st century, most enterprises can state: Data is the business and the business requires data. ESG research confirms
that 20% of organizations state flatly that data is their business—their core products and services are information-based—

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White Paper: Solve Cyber Resilience Challenges with Storage Solutions 6

while another 35% of enterprises offer both tangible and information-based products and services.9 Thus, protecting the
organization means protecting the organization’s data. This is why data security ranks at the top of organizations’ overall
security strategy (30%).10

Businesses rarely throw away data because the cost of making a mistake and losing critical data is far greater than the cost
of storing that data. Thus, an organization’s volume of data is always growing, on-premises, in the cloud, and in backup
and archive systems. According to ESG research, more than half of organizations have greater than 250TB of data, and 29%
have more than 500TB of data.11 This volume of data inhibits an organization from manually tracking the location and use
of all its data assets.

Enterprises cannot protect their data if they don’t know the data exists; where the data is stored; and what tools,
applications, and people are using the data. They need help from the IT infrastructure to discover, identify, and classify
their data assets. Data discovery ensures that the organization knows about, and can therefore protect, data critical to
business operations.

However, data discovery is not enough. Organizations create copies of data for a variety of reasons, including snapshots,
backups, archives, regulatory and standards compliance, application development and testing, analytics, and access
speed. They must ensure that each copy of data is correctly protected. And when multiple copies exist, they must identify
which copy is the source of truth, so that changes made in test/dev or for other reasons don’t inadvertently propagate to
backups or production data.

Copy data management (CDM), which helps an organization identify and manage its sensitive data repositories, is an
important element of data discovery, and a component of the “identify” element of the cyber resilience framework. CDM
solutions enable IT administrators to automate and orchestrate otherwise complex data reuse scenarios for multiple
business solutions such as automated disaster recovery, test/dev, and business analytics. CDM automation and
orchestration enables push-button deployment of resources in fenced/segregated environments, quick promotion to
production, simplified post-operation clean-up, and daily validation of proper operation. Repeatability and auditability
enable enterprises to decrease the number of data copies, reducing data sprawl and concomitant risk of data breach while
helping to lower costs.

Copy data is one of the more susceptible vectors by which an organization can experience cyber events because, too often,
each copy of data is not tracked, scrubbed for sensitive information, or protected by stringent levels of security. Deploying
an effective CDM solution can help strengthen an organization’s copy data security posture by employing robust data
masking and by using policy- and role-based filtering to keep sensitive data away from prying eyes.

Negative publicity surrounding the many high-profile data breaches over the last few years has made organizations aware
of the risks arising from data exposures, whether due to misconfiguration, user error, or malicious activity. Thus,
organizations desire to encrypt data both at rest and in transit to ensure that sensitive information is protected along its
entire trajectory. According to ESG research, 31% of organizations believe that data encryption is one of the most effective
capabilities to protect sensitive data, and 89% of organizations are using or plan to use native data encryption in the next
12-24 months..12

Source: ESG Master Survey Results, The Evolution from Data Backup to Data Intelligence, January 2020.
Source: ESG Master Survey Results, Trends in Endpoint Security, March 2020.
Source: ESG Master Survey Results, The Evolution from Data Backup to Data Intelligence, January 2020.
Source: ESG Master Survey Results, Trends in Cloud Data Security, January 2019.

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White Paper: Solve Cyber Resilience Challenges with Storage Solutions 7

But it’s important to note that even when data is encrypted, organizations are still at risk of data loss. If a malicious actor
accesses an encryption key, the actor can access the associated data. If the key is lost or corrupted, the organization loses
access to sensitive and mission-critical data. With a massive amount of data continuing to proliferate across the enterprise,
the volume and the variety of keys continue to rise, and organizations may find themselves looking at millions of keys and
creating more new keys every day.

Cyber resilience demands always-on encryption, protecting all data all the time. However, data is not only stored, it is
utilized by different applications and users and is always moving throughout the organization. Thus, data must be
encrypted both at rest in the storage system and in transit in the network.

It is possible to add encryption to existing IT infrastructure using “bump-on-the-wire” technology that encrypts data
passing through individual systems or devices. However, this type of bolt-on solution is inefficient, hard to manage, and
costly to implement because the encryption solution must be added to every IT device in the organization, including
laptops, tablets, and mobile phones. And there is always the risk of missing a component.

Complete native encryption, where each data storage device and network connection use built-in encryption capabilities,
keeps all data encrypted and protected all the time, in flight and at rest. Such native solutions are easier to integrate with
centralized key management solutions, removing another threat and implementation hurdle.

Access Control
Along with complete native encryption, controlling access to data is a key component of cyber resilience strategies.
Modern organizations are implementing data security solutions based on the concept of least privilege access. Applying
this principle—giving users the bare minimum permissions they need to perform their work—is critical in helping to prevent
inadvertent or malicious unauthorized access to data.

One tool used to implement solutions based on the least privilege access principle is role-based access control (RBAC),
which involves restricting access based on the roles of individual users within an enterprise. RBAC lets users have access
rights only to the information they need to do their jobs and prevents them from accessing information that doesn't
pertain to them. Limiting access is especially important for organizations that have many workers, employ contractors, or
permit access to third parties like customers and vendors. Companies that depend on RBAC can better secure their
sensitive data and critical applications. RBAC solutions also bring a number of ancillary benefits, such as improved
operational efficiency, enhanced compliance, increased visibility into security mechanisms, reduced costs, and fewer data
breaches; plus, RBAC enables self-service data reuse to improve the speed and efficacy of analytics, application
development, and testing.

Two-factor authentication, where users provide two different authentication factors, increases the accuracy and reliability
of user authentication by requiring the user to provide something they know (the first factor, usually a password) and
something they have (the second factor). Common second authentication factors include biometrics (fingerprints and
facial scans), security tokens, and mobile devices. 2FA has long been used to control access to sensitive systems and data;
now, most organizations are using 2FA to protect user credentials from being used by hackers who have access to a
database of leaked or stolen passwords, or from guessing common and weak passwords. 2FA solutions continue to evolve.
For example, the dual control security authentication now offered on certain IBM enterprise and mainframe-oriented
storage solutions is implemented with a “maker” and “checker” approach to proactively reduce the risk of human error for
accidental deletion and malicious damage.

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White Paper: Solve Cyber Resilience Challenges with Storage Solutions 8

Immutable Storage
Buggy software, failing hardware, rogue users, and cyber criminals and their ransomware can make unauthorized
modifications to sensitive data. These changes, whether from test/dev or via malicious intent, can propagate to primary
storage and backup solutions. For example, many organizations have suffered from undetected ransomware attacks that
corrupted both primary storage and backups, hampering or preventing recovery. In December 2019, The Heritage
Company ceased operations because it could not recover from a ransomware attack, despite paying ransom. In September
2019, Wood Ranch Medical ceased operations when it could not recover patient records due to an August ransomware

One method to protect against unauthorized modifications to data is by using immutable storage. This technology ensures
data can never be changed or deleted for a specified retention period, regardless of the reason. Data that can be written
once and read many times (WORM) is immutable and protected from malicious attacks, inadvertent modifications, and
even the classic human failure—mistakenly deleting the wrong file. The immutability of the storage system can be a
physical characteristic of the device, such as a layer that is physically altered during writing (optical disks, punch cards, and
paper tape), or the software and hardware can enforce immutability, preventing storage from being written more than
once and preventing data from being deleted for a specified retention period.

An object storage system can be configured to create new objects rather than modifying existing objects. Thus, the object
storage system can both enforce immutability and automatically maintain an audit trail and history of data modifications,
along with metadata capturing the who, why, how, and when. Changes can be rolled back to known valid states using the
audit trail and previous versions of data, helping recovery from cyber incidents.

A particular approach to immutable storage is called “air gapping.” Air-gapped systems are physically isolated. They have
no network connection and data can only be transferred using removable media. Virtual air-gapped systems are isolated
from unsecured networks—i.e., the system is not directly connected to the internet, nor is it connected to any other system
that is connected to the internet. Air gapping can protect sensitive data from malicious attacks such as ransomware.
Because the ransomware cannot connect to the system over the network, it cannot encrypt the data.

Backup, archive, and data protection solutions can be physically and logically air gapped. Tape and other removable
media create a physical air gap. Once data is stored on the removable media and the media itself is removed from the
system, the data is no longer accessible, nor is it susceptible to being overwritten by ransomware. Immutable object
storage and external cloud services that are separated from a company’s network are examples of logically air-gapped
data. Air gapping both protects data from unauthorized access and aids in recovering from a cyber incident.

Data Recovery
The 3-2-1 backup rule is a proven approach to ensuring data recovery. The rule is: keep at least three copies of your data,
and store two backup copies on different storage media, with one of them located offsite. Following this rule gives
companies multiple recovery options, and companies can easily implement the 3-2-1 rule by utilizing end-to-end SLA-
based polices that automate the date protection process, including operational data backups, data replication, and long-
term data retention.

Data recovery performance is another important consideration. While tape excels at isolating backup data; disk, hybrid,
and all-flash storage enable faster data recovery. Moreover, modern data protection solutions offer global search, space-
efficient snapshots, and support for native data formats to enable near-instant data recovery.

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White Paper: Solve Cyber Resilience Challenges with Storage Solutions 9

Other capabilities that assist with data recovery are the ability to create temporary data copies for disaster recovery testing,
the ability to restore data from application-consistent snapshots, and the ability to recover data in a fenced off
environment to find valid recovery points before restoring data to a production system.

Shifting from Cybersecurity to Cyber Resilience with IBM

Fortunately, IBM has developed an extensive suite of storage and data protection solutions to help proactive organizations
shift from cybersecurity to developing and implementing a comprehensive cyber resilience strategy. The IBM solutions
incorporate all facets of a complete cyber resilience storage strategy—data discovery, encryption, immutable storage, air
gapping, and having multiple recovery options to enable organizations of any size to increase their cyber resilience and
improve their ability to identify, protect against, detect, respond to, and recover from cyber incidents (see Table 1).

Table 1. IBM Solutions

IBM Solution Description Resiliency Identify Protect Detect Respond Recover

All-flash and hybrid storage with IBM

IBM FlashCopy snapshots for space-efficient
FlashSystem immutable copies of data. Enables quick   
Storage restores and accelerates recovery from
unauthorized data modification.

High-capacity, high-performance all-flash

storage supporting continuous operations,
immutable storage, and recovery using
many immutable recovery copies across
IBM DS8900F multiple volumes or storage systems, with Encryption
   
Storage the ability to prevent ransomware Immutable
attempts to delete or modify data. In
addition, DS8900F provides secure
authentication and encryption in flight for
IBM Z environments.

Cloud-based object storage for archiving

IBM Cloud
and data protection, providing immutable
Object Storage
storage using WORM technology with the Encryption
and IBM    
ability to specify legal holds and retention Immutable
periods at an object level. The IBM
Spectrum Discover description is below.

Tape cartridges physically air gap data Encryption

IBM Tape
because they are offline. Virtual tape Immutable   
libraries can provide logical WORM storage. Air gap

Features the IBM Linear Tape File System

IBM Spectrum (LTFS) format standard to provide direct,
Immutable   
Archive intuitive, and graphical access to data
Air gap
stored on tape cartridges.

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IBM Solution Description Resiliency Identify Protect Detect Respond Recover

Identifies and manages multiple data Discovery

IBM Spectrum
copies, provides data protection for multi- Data
Copy Data    
cloud environments, and can recover data management
in an isolated network. Encryption

Leveraging IBM’s long history with data

protection, including inventing tape and
other removable media solutions, IBM
Spectrum Protect Suite supports physical
systems, VMs, containers, applications, and
IBM Spectrum multiple cloud services. The software-
Data     
Protect Suite defined storage solution can store data on
flash, disk, object storage, and physical
and virtual tape, and can detect malware
and ransomware activity by identifying
Air gap
large deviations from normal access

IBM Spectrum Data recovery using snapshots and

Scale with IBM synchronous and asynchronous
replication. IBM Spectrum Scale works in Encryption
QRadar, IBM
combination with IBM QRadar to detect Immutable
Spectrum     
Discover, and potential threats using AI-enhanced Threat
IBM Spectrum capabilities. The IBM Spectrum Discover detection
Archive description is below, and the IBM
Spectrum Archive description is above.

Enables hybrid clouds as an additional
Transparent Encryption
storage tier and provides logical air   
Cloud Tiering Air gap
gapping for data protection and recovery.

Enables companies to rapidly identify and

IBM Spectrum
categorize large-scale, heterogeneous data 
repositories using metadata management.

Helps organizations assess their needs and

IBM Cyber
develop and implement cyber resilience
Resiliency     
strategies and integrated solutions across
storage and security.

The Bigger Truth

IT infrastructures are continuing to grow more complex, increasing the opportunity for human error, system failures, or
negligence. Simultaneously, malicious actors—both inside and outside the organization—are relentless in their attacks
against IT infrastructure, searching for and exploiting weak links.
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White Paper: Solve Cyber Resilience Challenges with Storage Solutions 11

Therefore, there is little doubt that security incidents will happen. This understanding drives a change in mindset from
reactive to proactive; from attempting to prevent attack to preparing for and responding to failures. This is the
transformation from cybersecurity to cyber resilience.

Many organizations are modeling their cyber resilience strategies after the guidance provided by the NIST Cybersecurity
Framework, which recommends that organizations identify critical resources, protect those resources, detect failures and
breaches, and plan for response and recovery from cyber incidents. Leading organizations are paying special attention to
IT infrastructure capabilities that can enhance their cyber resilience through capabilities such as data discovery, copy
management, encryption, access control, immutable storage, and having multiple data recovery options.

For IT and business leaders, cyber resilience is all about making the right technology decisions and the right business
decisions with the goal of keeping the business operational.

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Enterprise Strategy Group is an IT analyst, research, validation, and strategy firm that provides market
intelligence and actionable insight to the global IT community. 508.482.0188

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