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RASOOL OF A PROPHET رَسُولاً نَّبِيًّا MENTIONED IN QURANIC VERSES 19; 51 & 19; 54. A SPECIAL OVERVIEW OF QURANIC VERSE 61; 6 CONTAINING A PHRASE بِرَسُولٍ يَأْتِي مِن بَعْدِي اسْمُهُ أَحْمَدُ

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‘RASOOL OF A PROPHET’ “‫”ر ُسوالً نَّبِيًّا‬

VERSE 61:6 CONTAINING A PHRASE "‫َْحَ ُد‬ ْ ‫ول ََيِِْت ِمن بَ ْع ِدي‬
ْ ‫اْسُهُ أ‬ ٍ ‫"بِر ُس‬

After reading my article ‘Rasool is not a Prophet’ brother Fawad Khan
wrote to me in Urdu asking me to explain to him the Quranic phrase“ ً‫َر ُسوال‬
‫( ”نَّبِيًّا‬Rasoolan Nabiian) with correct translation of Quranic verses 19:51.
1954 and 61:6.
Although, I have replied to his questions in Urdu which I am pasting right
at the end of this article together with his questions for Urdu readers but
in the following lines I am also writing the same article in English for
English readers for their correct understanding about Quranic phrase
“‫”ر ُسوالً نَّبِيًّا‬
َ (Rasoolan Nabiian) and Quranic verses 19:51. 1954 and 61:6.

My Reply:

Your first question about Quranic verse 19:51.

"‫صا َوَكا َن َر ُسوالً نَّبِيًّا‬ ِ ‫"واذْ ُكر ِف ال‬.
ً َ‫وسى إِنَّهُ َكا َن ُُمْل‬ ِ َ‫ْكت‬
َ ‫اب ُم‬ ْ َ

The reason of your confusion is my research in which I have proven with

undeniable evidence that “Rasool” mentioned in the Quran is not a
Prophet but a certificate of a Prophet and a message of God which also

stands as a witness of someone’s Prophethood. “Rasool” certifies a
Prophet and no one can be called Prophet without having his “Rasool”.
Thus, a “Rasool” is a miracle of a Prophet and also is an authentic proof
of someone’s Prophethood.

When, in the mid of 8th century AD, the enemies of Allah and the
enemies of Allah’s Prophet (pbuh) founded the current religion of Islam
on the pagan roots of pre Quran religion of their forefathers, the very first
thing which they disturbed was the understanding of the message of the
Quran. It was the time when ‘message’ of God was made
‘messenger’ of God and the understanding of popular Quranic
ِ ‫اَلل وأ‬ ِ
order "‫ول‬
َ ُ‫الرس‬
َّ ‫َط ُيعوا‬ َ َ َّ ‫( "أَطيعُوا‬atiullaha wa atiurrasula) was changed from “and
obey Allah and obey the message” to “and obey Allah and obey
the messenger” so that, under obeying the messenger, they can easily
bring back and reissue the notorious idolatry of the blacklisted religion of
the banned mosque (‫ )املسجد احلرام‬and obey all myths invented in the name
of the practice and sayings of the messenger, i.e. Sunnah or Hadith.
Whereas, the Quran and earlier revelations do not support obeying men
and cult of personality is called idolatry which is known as the biggest sin

The correct understanding of the Quran could have been restored by

later scholars but they did not pay their attention to the Arabic text of the
Quran and copied the same interpretation of the Quran which was given
by the said enemies of Allah. There were various factors as to why the
subsequent scholars failed to restore the actual message of the Quran
which could be from the range of their dogma coming from generations,
their blind practice being sheep behind the sheep, their stereotype
knowledge, lack of education and obviously lack of research facilities.

However, there is another big factor which bars the majority from saying
a single word against the mainstream translation of the Quran let alone
reinstating or recovering the actual understanding of the Quran or
rectifying the conventional translation. This is the false belief that the
current translation of the Quran was given by the Prophet (pbuh) himself
to make the Quran understand to his followers, companions and people
of his time. This is one of the biggest lies and a false propaganda of the
nexus of idolater pagans and their associates who sabotaged the actual
understanding of the Quran because they knew that their false
translation does not match with the Arabic text of the Quran and one day
people will try to bring out the correct understanding of the Quran and
will translate the Quran different to the false translation given by them.

Therefore, they wanted to block that way which may lead people to
disclose their falsification and to reinstate the correct understanding of
the Quran. To stop people from reaching the true understanding of the
Quran they also made it viral that no grammar has been used in the
Quran and the language of the Quran is different to the standard Arabic
language spoken by Arabs as their mother tongue. They also invented a
method of understanding the Quran which is called “‫( ”تصریفِ یآات‬Tasreef-
e-Ayat) in which they urged taking the same meaning of all Quranic
words by putting them blindly in out of context verses of the whole Quran
wherever they appear in the Quran.

However, people don’t realize as to why will an Arab prophet (pbuh)

translate the Arabic Quran for his Arab companions, Arab followers and
Arab people when the Quran itself says it was made and revealed in
their plain and straightforward Arabic tongue so that they have no
excuse of not understanding the Quran? Also another question arises as
to why the Quran was revealed in such Arabic language which was
supposed to be translated further into Arabic? Moreover, when the
prophet (pbuh) translated the Quran if the traditional date of his death
and the traditional date of completion of the revelation of Quran are near
to each other? Finally, since it has been proven from the Quran that the
Quran was written by Prophet (pbuh) himself then why will he translate it

I do realize that the above mentioned false propaganda has now

become a firm belief of our whole Muslim nation due to which scholars,
especially who are based in strict Islamic countries, are not touching the
sensitive subjects and avoid translating the Quran going away from the
currently recognised mainstream translation.

Hence, this is a bitter reality that we are far away from the actual
teaching of the Quran and whatever we are being taught in the name of
the Quran is the preaching of Satan, devised by the enemies of the
Quran, enemies of the Prophet (pbuh) and enemies of Allah.

After the above factual preface I will advise you to study my following
article to understand the grammatical construction of coming two or
more nouns together as seen two indefinite nouns "‫"ر ُسوالً نَّبِيًّا‬
َ together in
Quranic verse 19:51 which we are studying.



In the above article the grammatical rules of Arabic language have been
well explained which apply on Arabic phrases having two or more nouns
or noun and adjective together such as: "‫ْك‬ ِ ‫ك الْمل‬ِ (Malik al Mulk), ‫"مدیر‬
ُ َ ‫"مال‬
"‫( املکتب‬Mudeer al Maktab), "‫("رئيس اجلامعة‬Rais al Jamia), "‫"مهندس كهرابء‬
(Muhandis Kaharba), "‫("معلم مدرسة‬Muallim Madrassa), "‫"مدرسة البنات‬
(Madrassatul Banaat), "‫("كتاب املدرس‬Kitab al Mudarris), "‫اَلل‬ ِّ ‫("كِتاب‬Kitab
َ َ
ِ َ‫ْكت‬
Allah), "‫اب‬ ِ
ِ ‫"علْم ال‬ ِ ِ ُ ‫"یآا‬ ِ
ُ (ilm al kitab), "‫ت الْكتَاب‬ َ (Ayat ul kitab), "‫ت الْ ُق ْریآن‬ ُ ‫("یآا‬Ayat
ul Quran), "‫یس‬ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ
َ ‫( "الْكتَاب إ ْدر‬Kitab i Idrees), "َ‫( "الْكتَاب َم ْرَي‬al Kitab I
Merriam), "‫يم‬ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ
َ ‫( "الْكتَاب إبْ َراه‬al Kitab i Ibraheem), "‫يل‬ َ ‫("الْكتَاب إ ْْسَاع‬al Kitab i
Ishmael) and "‫وسى‬ ِ
َ ‫اب ُم‬
ُ َ‫("كت‬Kitab u Musa) etc.

Although, the above phrases are copied from different verses of the
Quran but similar phrases are used in everyday spoken and written
standard Arabic language. However, according to standard linguistic
rules of Arabic language a possessive article “of” is inbuilt in such
phrases in which more than one nouns or noun and adjectives come
together without having any other conjunction or linkage such as “‫”و‬
(wao) or anything between them except definite or indefinite articles pre
attached with nouns or adjectives to make them specified or unspecified
nouns or adjectives. Therefore, the above phrases are understood using
their inbuilt “of” between them, such as: "‫ْك‬ِ ‫ك الْمل‬ِ
ُ َ ‫("مال‬Malik
َ al Mulk) is
understood to “Malik of Mulk”, "‫("مدیر املکتب‬Mudeer al Maktab) is
understood to “Mudeer of Maktab”, "‫( "رئيس اجلامعة‬Rais al Jamia) is taken to
mean “President of University”, "‫( "مهندس كهرابء‬Muhandis Kaharba) is taken
to mean “Engineer of Electricity”, "‫( "معلم مدرسة‬Muallim Madrassa) is
taken to mean “Teacher of School”, "‫( "مدرسة البنات‬Madrassatul Banaat) is
taken to mean “School of the girls”, "‫( "كتاب املدرس‬Kitab al Mudarris) is
ِّ ‫( "كِتاب‬Kitab Allah) is correctly
taken to mean “Book of the Teacher”, "‫اَلل‬ َ َ
understood to mean “Book of Allah” or “Allah’s Book”, "‫اب‬ ِ َ‫ْكت‬ ِ
ِ ‫"علْم ال‬
ُ (ilm al
kitab), is taken to mean “Knowledge of the book”, "‫اب‬ ِ ‫ت ال‬
ِ َ‫ْكت‬ ُ ‫"یآا‬
َ (Ayat ul
kitab) is taken to mean “verses of the book”, "‫یآن‬ ِ ‫ت الْ ُقر‬
ْ ُ ‫"یآا‬َ (Ayat ul Quran) is
taken to mean “verses of the Quran”, "‫یس‬ ِ ِ ِ ِ
َ ‫( "الْكتَاب إ ْدر‬Kitab i Idrees) is taken

ِ ‫( "ال‬al Kitab i Merriam) is taken to
ِ َ‫ْكت‬
to mean “The book of Idrees”, "َ‫اب َم ْرَي‬
mean “The book of Merriam”, "‫يم‬ ِ ِ ِ ِ
َ ‫( "الْكتَاب إبْ َراه‬al Kitab i Ibraheem) is taken
to mean “The book of Ibraheem”, "‫يل‬ ِ ِ ِ ِ
َ ‫( "الْكتَاب إ ْْسَاع‬al Kitab i Ishmael) is
taken to mean “the book of Ishmael and "‫وسى‬ ِ
َ ‫اب ُم‬
ُ َ‫( "كت‬Kitab u Musa) is
taken to mean “book of Musa”.

Hence, “of” or apostrophe ('s) is always inbuilt in such phrases in which

two or more nouns or nouns and adjectives come together without any
linking article.

Therefore, translating such phrases without using their inbuilt “of” or

Apostrophe ('s) between two or more nouns or noun and adjectives
coming together is a severe mistake which is purposely committed in the
translation of the Quran to disturb the actual message of the Quran. Like
all above phrases the Quranic phrase "‫"ر ُسوالً نَّبِيًّا‬
َ is also a phrase of two
single out nouns but due to their false beliefs our hypocrite scholars
don’t correctly translate this Quranic phrase "‫"ر ُسوالً نَّبِيًّا‬
َ to mean “a Rasool
of a Nabi”. Instead of giving us a correct translation they falsely add
“and” between "‫"ر ُسوالً نَّبِيًّا‬
َ and falsely translate this phrase of two nouns to
mean “Rasool and Prophet”. Where do they get “and” from when there
is no conjunction “‫( ”و‬wao) existed between these two nouns "‫"ر ُسوالً نَّبِيًّا‬َ nor
does any inbuilt “and” comes in such phrases???

However, the similar phrase of two nouns "‫سو َل ہللا‬

ُ ‫"ر‬
َ (Rasool Allah) is
translated and understood as “Rasool of Allah”!

Why don’t they translate "‫سو َل ہللا‬

ُ ‫"ر‬
َ as “Rasool and Allah”???
This is nothing but the evilness of our scholars and those who teach us
the Quran because they don’t want us to understand the Quran correctly
and they impose on us someone else’s agenda in the name of the

Hence, the Nunation or Tanveen Kasra, i.e. two dashes like marker on
letter alif coming at the end of both nouns “ً‫”ر ُسوال‬ َ and “‫ ”نَّبيًّا‬of Quranic verse
1951 "‫صا َوَكا َن َر ُسوالً نَّبِيًّا‬ ِ ‫"واذْ ُكر ِف ال‬, singles out these nouns.
ً َ‫وسى إِنَّهُ َكا َن ُُمْل‬ ِ َ‫ْكت‬
َ ‫اب ُم‬ ْ َ
Therefore, “ً‫”ر ُسوال‬ َ will be correctly translated to mean “a Rasool” and “‫”نَّبيًّا‬
to mean “a Nabi” or a Prophet. However, as a whole the correct
translation of this phrase "‫"ر ُسوالً نَّبِيًّا‬ َ will be “a Rasool of a Prophet” or “a
Rasool of a Nabi”. The opening phrase "‫"واذْ ُك ْر‬
َ means “and note”,
ِ is used to mean “in, at, within, across”, “‫وسى‬
preposition “‫”ف‬ ِ ‫ ”ال‬means
ِ َ‫ْكت‬
َ ‫اب ُم‬
“the book of Moses”, “ُ‫ ”إِنَّه‬is the combination of “that” + its”. “‫ ” َكا َن‬means
“made/instituted/existed”. The phrase “‫صا‬ً َ‫”ُمْل‬
ُ is an indefinite noun and
Nunation or Tanveen Fatha on the letter alif at the end of this phrase
singles it out to mean 'a ‫'ُمْلَص‬.
ُ However, this “‫”ُمْلَص‬
ُ is not a Persian
“sincerely” but an Arabic word “‫”ُمْلَص‬
ُ (Mukhlis) which is derived from
Arabic root “‫ ”خلص‬to mean: dedicated, faithful, truthful (‫ )موافق حبق‬genuine,
impartial, valid, proper, right, correct, absolute, unconditional,
unadulterated, free from contamination, unmixed ,pure, clear, mere,
stable, firm, strict, sturdy, solid, strong, substantial, secure ،‫ ابثبات‬،‫(اپئيدار‬
)‫حمکم‬permanent )‫(دائمی‬, constant, changeless, abiding, unflinching,
unfailing (‫)مصمم‬, indissoluble, everlasting, perpetual (‫ )اثبت‬, unending,
indestructible, undying, forever, (‫ أبدي‬،‫ )الزوال‬faithful (‫ اب امیان‬,‫)اب وفا‬,
inexhaustible, livelong, stanch. The same Arabic word “‫ ”املخلص‬is also
used to mean: the Messiah, Extricated; Redeemer, Reliever, Allegiant,
Faithful, Fair, Spillway, Channel, Compendium, Collection, Compilation
and Clearing Agent (legal term) in this sense all Rasools or Messages of
Allah are our Messiah, our Redeemer, our Reliever and obviously our
Clearing Agent but the religion has changed the Quranic concept of
Messiah to mean a man and gave us a false hope of the arrival of
Messiah in the shape of a man who will be a Prophet of God. However,
this is totally fabricated and a false concept of arrival of any Messiah as
a Prophet. This is because the actual Messiah is the Message of God by
following which we will get our salvation and will be successful here in
this world and in the Hereafter.

Arabic word “‫ ”ُملص‬is also used to mean: Keep Faith (‫)وىف ابلوعد‬, Faith,
Belief, Doctrine, Persuasion (‫ مذہب‬،‫ دین‬، ‫ عقيدہ‬،‫ )امیان‬since Arabic word “‫”ُملص‬
is also a synonym of Arabic word “‫ ”معتقد‬to mean: belief, faith, doctrine,
tenet and persuasion. This is the same “tenet” which is called “‫ ”بيت‬in
Arabic and falsely translated in the Quran to mean “House” to declare
the Pagan Shrine of Kaaba “House of Allah”. Whereas, Arabic word “‫”بيت‬
is not a “House” since no Arab calls their house a “‫ ”بيت‬but in fact a “‫”بيت‬
mentioned in Arabic Quran is a Charter, Faith, Belief, Doctrine, Dogma,
Persuasion and a Shelter.

Thus, the word for word correct translation of Quranic verse 19:51 is as
"‫صا َوَكا َن َر ُسوالً نَّبِيًّا‬ ِ ‫"واذْ ُكر ِف ال‬19:51
ً َ‫وسى إِنَّهُ َكا َن ُُمْل‬ ِ َ‫ْكت‬
َ ‫اب ُم‬ ْ َ
“And note in the book of Moses that it’s made a
dedicated undying genuine Messiah/Redeemer/
Doctrine/Faith/Belief and made a message of a Prophet”
(word to word 100% correct translation of Quranic verse 19:51)

The verse 19:54 "‫اد َق ال َْو ْع ِد َوَكا َن َر ُسوالً نَّبِيًّا‬ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ
ِ ‫اعيل إِنَّهُ َكا َن ص‬
َ َ َ‫"واذْ ُك ْر ف الْكتَاب إ ْْس‬
َ is next in your
question in which the same phrase “‫”ر ُسوالً نَّبِيًّا‬ َ occurs to mean “a message
of a Prophet” as explained in the above account of Quranic verse
19:51. Nearly all words of the verse 19:54 has been explained in the
above account of Quranic verse 19:51 except the words “‫اد َق‬ ِ ‫ ”ص‬and “‫”الْو ْع ِد‬.
َ َ
Therefore, after the true analysis of these Quranic words “‫”صاد َق‬ ِ ِ
َ and “‫”ال َْو ْعد‬
we will correctly translate the verse in question, i.e. 19:54.
Unfortunately, in all translations of the Quran like the word “‫”ُمْلَص‬ ُ of the
verse 19:51 the word “‫اد َق‬ِ ‫ ”ص‬of the verse 19:54 is also taken from Persian
language to disturb and sabotage the actual message of the Quran.
However, according to its grammatical formation the Quranc or Arabic
ِ ‫( ”ص‬sadiq) is the doer or active participle of the action (verb) of
word “‫اد َق‬ َ
“‫”صد َق‬
َ (sadaqa) derived out of Arabic root word “‫( ”صدق‬SDK)
Hence, if the action (verb) of “‫”صد َق‬َ is used to certify someone or
something, its doer or active participle “‫اد َق‬ ِ ‫( ”ص‬sadiq) will be a certifier and
itself a certificate. If the action (verb) of “‫”صد َق‬َ is used to authenticate
something or someone, its doer or active participle “‫اد َق‬ ِ ‫ ”ص‬will be used to
mean authenticating or authentication. If the action (verb) of “‫”صد َق‬ َ is
used to validate something or someone, its doer “‫اد َق‬ ِ ‫ ”ص‬will be used to
mean validating or validation. If the action (verb) of “‫”صد َق‬ َ is used to mean
ِ ‫ ”ص‬will be trustworthy. If the action
trust, its doer or active participle “‫اد َق‬ َ
(verb) of “‫”صد َق‬ ِ
َ is used to mean faith its doer or active participle “‫”صاد َق‬ َ will
be faithful.

Therefore, Quranic word “‫”صد َق‬

َ and its derivatives are falsely translated
throughout the Quran to mean “true” which is the meaning of similar
Persian word “‫( ”صادق‬sadiq) that is also used to mean “true man” or
“truthful” in Persian language. Contrary to Persian word “‫( ”صدق‬sadaq)
the Arabic words“‫”صد َق‬
َ is used to mean “come true”, i.e. come into being,
turn up, emerge, be fulfilled, be realized, become a reality, happen,
occur, take place, come to pass etc. Those who know good English they
will definitely understand the difference between “true” and “come true”
but others may struggle to understand this Quranic word without setting
aside their existing knowledge about Arabic language circulated and
taken from the fake translation of the Quran.

When Arabs call another Arab they call him “‫( ”صدیق‬sadeeq), i.e. faithful,
trustworthy, reliable, credible etc. However, when Arabs call to non-
Arabs such as Asian etc. they call them “‫”رفيق‬, i.e. ‘mate’ because they
don’t trust them. So, this is not as if when Arabs call “‫( ”صدیق‬sadeeq) to
their Arab fellows they absurdly call them “true”, “truth” or “truthful” but
faithful and trustworthy etc. However, contrary to the above stated
ِ ‫( ”ص‬sadiq) in Arabic language in Saudi
practical use of Arabic word “‫اد َق‬ َ
Arabia and rest of the Arab world our scholars and their disciples falsely
translate in the Quran the same Arabic words “‫( ”صدیق‬sadeeq) and “‫اد َق‬ ِ ‫”ص‬
(sadiq) to mean: truth, truthful and true. This is because they are
misguided and want to misguide others as well by giving them a
complete false interpretation of the Quran which does not match with the
Arabic words of the Quran.

Hence, the Quran does not use the Persian word "‫اد َق‬ ِ ‫ "ص‬to mean ‘true’,
‘truthful’ or ‘truth’ but Arabic word "‫"صاد َق‬
َ to mean credible, validating,
certifying, authenticating, endorser, legalizing, approving, ratifying and
trusting etc. Since, Arabic word "‫اد َق‬ِ ‫"ص‬is derived from Arabic root
word "‫( "صدق‬SDK) correctly means: authentication, credibility, reality,
genuineness, explicitly, endorsement, adopt, accept, implement, ratify,
validate, legalize, approve etc.

The correct meanings of Arabic word "‫( "ال َْو ْع ِد‬al wa’ad) of Quranic verse
19:54 are as follows: commitment, engagement, assurance ( ,‫ طمأن‬,‫ضمن‬
،‫)تعهد‬, guarantee, declaration, bond (‫ ضمان‬,‫ عهد‬,‫ التزام‬,‫ رهن‬,‫ تعهد‬,‫)أمن‬, agreement,
undertaking, obligation, engender (‫ أحدث‬,‫ نشأ‬,‫)تولد‬, develop, create, give
one’s word, word of honour, word (‫ أمر‬,‫ كلمة هللا‬,‫ نبأ‬,‫قول‬، ,‫)كلمة‬.

However, in Islamic literature and in the translation of the Quran Arabic

definite and indefinite nouns "‫ "ال َْو ْع ِد‬and "‫"و ْع ِد‬
َ are taken from Persian word
“‫( ”وعدہ‬wada) and translated to mean “promise”. Whereas, in Arabic
language the Arabic word "‫"واعد‬ ِ (waid) is used to mean “promising” which
has nothing to do with any ‘promise’ or ‘making any promise’ but a
potential hope, strong expectation, potential prospective and a confident
prediction. However, Arabic word "‫ "ال َْو ْع ِد‬is also a synonym of Arabic
words “‫”القوۃ‬and “‫ ”الطاقة‬and the same Arabic word "‫ "ال َْو ْع ِد‬is used to mean
the appointment and its verb “‫”و َع َد‬
َ is used to appoint or designate
someone or something, and an appointer is called “‫ ”موعد‬in Arabic

Hence, the word for word correct translation of Quranic verse 19:54 is as

"‫اد َق ال َْو ْع ِد َوَكا َن َر ُسوالً نَّبِيًّا‬ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ

ِ ‫اعيل إِنَّهُ َكا َن ص‬
َ َ َ‫"واذْ ُك ْر ف الْكتَاب إ ْْس‬
َ 19:54
“And note in the book of Ishmael that it’s made certifying endorser
of the appointment/designation and made a message of a Prophet”
(word to word 100% correct translation of Quranic verse 19:54)

Apart from the above explained Quranic verses 19:51 and 19:54 you
have also sent me the following verse 61:6 to do the correct translation.

‫ول ََيِِْت ِمن‬ ِ ِ

ٍ ‫شرا بِر ُس‬ ِ َّ ‫اَلل إِلَي ُكم مص ِّدقًا لِّما ب ي ی َد‬
َ ً ّ َ‫ي م َن الت َّْوَراة َوُمب‬ َ َْ َ َ َ
ِ ُ ‫ال ِعيسى ابن مرَي ا ب ِن إِسرائِيل إِِن رس‬
ْ َّ ‫ول‬ ُ َ ّ َ َ ْ َ َ َ ْ َ ُ ْ َ َ َ‫" َوإِ ْذ ق‬
61:6 Al Quran "‫ات قَالُوا َه َذا ِس ْحر مبِي‬ ِ َ‫َْحَ ُد فَ لَ َّما جاء ُهم ِابلْبيِن‬
َّ ََ ْ ‫بَ ْع ِدي‬
ْ ‫اْسُهُ أ‬

However, to reach the correct translation of the above Quranic verse

61:6, I will advise you to study my articles on “Rasool” to correctly
understand the words "‫اَلل‬ َِّ ‫ول‬
ُ ‫ "إِِّن َر ُس‬of the above verse 61:6 and to know
how our scholars twist “‫ ”إِِّن‬to mean “I am” to give a fabricated translation
َِّ ‫ول‬
of this phrase "‫اَلل‬ ُ ‫ "إِِّن َر ُس‬to mean “I am a messenger of Allah”. Whereas,
the whole world knows that the only pronoun "‫( "أان‬ana) is being used in
Arabic to mean “I am” since the pre-Quranic eras. Therefore, the phrase
َِّ ‫ول‬
"‫اَلل‬ ُ ‫ "إِِّن َر ُس‬correctly means: “that my message of Allah”.

In my articles it has also been clarified that Quranic word "‫ال‬
َ َ‫ "ق‬is used to
mean “express” and it is not necessary that only a man can express
something but in fact communication is the scientific and advance way of
expressing something, and in Arabic language the word "‫( "رسل‬rsl) is
used to communicate. Therefore, from the same root of "‫( "رسل‬rsl) the
Quran uses the word “‫ول‬ُ ‫”ر ُس‬
َ (Rasool), i.e. “‫ول‬
ُ ‫”ر ُس‬
َ is a product of "‫( "رسل‬rsl),
to mean sent or compiled communication. Hence, books and messages
also express things this is the reason why "‫ال‬ َ َ‫ "ق‬came in the Quran with
Allah’s communication to express His message. So, "‫( "رسول‬Rasool) or
communication is sent, i.e. "‫"ر َس َل‬
َ (rasala) and Prophets are born from the
belly of their mother like all other people.

I have already written many articles in which I have explained the

Quranic phrase "َ‫يسى ابْ ُن َم ْرَي‬ ِ
َ ‫ "ع‬which is coming in the above verse 61:6 and
this is just a waste of time to repeat things again and again for each and
every person who does not bother reading my articles. So, please get
the correct translation of this Quranic phrase "َ‫يسى ابْ ُن َم ْرَي‬ ِ
َ ‫ "ع‬from my articles
on Isa and Merriam. The word “‫ش ًرا‬ ِّ َ‫”مب‬
ُ of the above verse 61:6 has been
already explained in my article written on Quranic words "‫ذیرا‬ ِّ َ‫"مب‬
ً َ‫ش ًرا َون‬ ُ on
your request and in the light of the Quran I have explained that Quran
uses these words for Allah’s message only and not for any man.

However to correctly understand the words "‫َْحَ ُد‬ ْ ‫ول ََيِِْت ِمن بَ ْع ِدي‬
ْ ‫اْسُهُ أ‬ ٍ ‫ "بِر ُس‬of the
same verse 61:6 please study my recent articles on Prophets and
Revelations in which I have already explained that “Ahmed” and “Mehdi”
etc. are the names of Allah’s revelations, i.e. Allah’s message (Rasool)
and “‫ ”حممد الرسول ہللا‬was also called in the Quran to Allah’s Praiseworthy

I hope now you will correctly understand the above verse 61:6 without
getting me involved in further opposition against my fact finding work
which badly hurts people when their false dogma and pagan beliefs are
injured seeing the correct translation of the Quran.


Kashif Khan


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