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Reasoning Checklist 147 PDF 2023 by Parul Gera

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Study the following information carefully and answer the below

Eight Notebooks - Z1,Z2,Z3,Z4,Z5,Z6,Z7, and Z8 are kept one above the other
on a single table, but not necessarily in the same order. The lowermost rack is
numbered as one and the topmost rack is numbered as eight. Notebook Z3 is
kept two Notebooks above Notebook Z7. Notebook Z6 is kept immediately
above Notebook Z2. Notebook Z6 is kept somewhere below Notebook Z4. Only
two Notebooks are kept between Z8 and Z7. Notebooks Z3 and Z8 are not kept
adjacent to each other. Only one Notebook is kept between Z1 and Z8.
Notebook Z4 is kept immediately above Notebook Z8.

आठ नोटबुक - Z1,Z2,Z3,Z4,Z5,Z6,Z7, और Z8 को एक टे बल पर एक के ऊपर

एक करके रखा गया है , लेककन जरूरी नहीीं कक इसी क्रम में हो। सबसे नीचे के
रै क को एक और सबसे ऊपर के रै क को आठ के रूप में गगना जाता है ।
नोटबुक Z3 को नोटबक
ु Z7 के ऊपर दो नोटबुक रखा गया है । नोटबुक Z6 को
नोटबुक Z2 के ठीक ऊपर रखा गया है । नोटबुक Z6 को नोटबक
ु Z4 के नीचे कहीीं
रखा गया है । Z8 और Z7 के बीच केवल दो नोटबक
ु रखी गई हैं। नोटबक
ु Z3 और
Z8 एक दस
ू रे के ननकट नहीीं रखे गए हैं। Z1 और Z8 के बीच केवल एक नोटबक

रखी गई है । नोटबक
ु Z4 को नोटबक
ु Z8 के ठीक ऊपर रखा गया है ।

1) Which of the following Notebook is kept on the fourth rack?

ननम्नललखखत में से कौन सी नोटबक

ु चौथे रै क पर रखी गई है ?

a) The Notebook which is kept two Notebooks below Notebook Z1

b) The Notebook which is kept immediately above Notebook Z8
c) Notebook Z6
d) Notebook Z2
e) Notebook Z5

2) How many Notebooks are kept below Notebook Z1?

नोटबुक Z1 के नीचे ककतनी नोटबक

ु रखी हैं?

a) One
b) Five
c) Two
d) Three
e) Four

3) Which of the following Notebook is kept three Notebooks below Notebook


ननम्नललखखत में से ककस नोटबक

ु को नोटबक
ु Z5 के नीचे तीन नोटबक
ु रखा
गया है ?

a) The Notebook which is kept two Notebooks above Notebook Z6

b) The Notebook which is kept two Notebooks below Notebook Z4
c) Notebook Z3
d) Notebook Z8
e) Notebook Z1

4) Which of the following statement(s) is/are true with respect to the final

अींनतम व्यवस्था के सींबींध में ननम्नललखखत में से कौन सा/से कथन सत्य है /हैं ?

I. Notebook Z5 is kept somewhere below Notebook Z6.

II. Notebooks Z6 and Z8 are kept adjacent to each other
III. Notebook Z1 is kept on an odd numbered rack.
a) Both I and II
b) Only III
c) Only II
d) Only I
e) Both II and III

5) If all the Notebooks are arranged in ascending order from the topmost rack,
then how many Notebooks remain unchanged in its position?

यदद सभी नोटबक

ु को शीर्ष रै क से वर्ाषनक्र
ु म में व्यवस्स्थत ककया जाता है , तो
ककतनी नोटबक
ु अपने स्थान पर अपररवनतषत रहती हैं?

a) None
b) One
c) Two
d) Three
e) Four



Solution :

Q.) There are eight members B, C, D, E, F, G, H and I in a family. The date of
birth of each of them falls in the month of July and October on different dates,
viz 2nd, 13th, 19th and 27th but not necessarily in the same order. There are
three generations in the family. No two members have the same date of birth.
B is the oldest member of the family. The maximum number of members were
born between the date of birth of B and that of his wife. C’s birthday is on 13th
October. I has three offspring but only two of them were born in july. C has
two offspring and one of them was born in October. C is sister-in-law of F and
E. E’s birthday is in the month having odd number of days and her elder
brother celebrates his birthday immediately after her but it is not F. F is uncle
of G. Only one member celebrates his/her birthday between F’s birthday and
G’s birthday. G and F’s birthdays are in the same month. G celebrates his
birthday immediately before his grandmother. H is sister of G. Only one
member celebrates his/her birthday between H’s birthday and her paternal
aunt’s birthday. I is a female.

1. How many members celebrates their birthdays between B’s birthday and his
grandson’s birthday?

A. None
B. Two
C. Three
D. Five
E. Four

2. Who among the following celebrates his/her birthday on 27th October?

A. D
B. I
C. F
D. B
E. H

3. On which of the following dates does G celebrate his/her birthday?

A. 2nd July
B. 13th July
C. 2nd October
D. 19th October
E. 27th July

4. Who among the following is H’s aunt?

A. F
B. D
C. E
D. C
E. None of these

5. How is I related to F?

A. Father-in-law
B. Mother-in-law
C. Mother
E. None of these

प्र.) एक परिवाि में आठ सदस्य B, C, D, E, F, G, H औि I हैं । उनमें से प्रत्येक की जन्म

तिति जुलाई औि अक्टू बि के महीने में अलग-अलग िािीख ,ों अिााि 2, 13, 19 औि 27
क पड़िी है , लेतकन जरूिी नहीों तक इसी क्रम में ह । परिवाि में िीन पीत़ियाों हैं । तकन्ीों
भी द सदस्य ों की जन्मतिति एक समान नहीों ह िी है ।

B परिवाि का सबसे बड़ा सदस्य है । सदस्य ों की अतिकिम सोंख्या B औि उसकी पत्नी के
जन्म की िािीख के बीच पैदा हुई िी। C का जन्मतदन 13 अक्टू बि क है । I की िीन सोंिानें
हैं लेतकन उनमें से केवल द का जन्म जुलाई में हुआ है । C की द सोंिानें हैं औि उनमें से
एक का जन्म अक्टू बि में हुआ िा। C, F औि E की साली है । E का जन्मतदन तवषम तदन ों
वाले महीने में आिा है औि उसका बड़ा भाई अपना जन्मतदन उसके ठीक बाद मनािा है
लेतकन यह F नहीों है । F, G का अोंकल है । केवल एक सदस्य उसका जन्मतदन मनािा है । /
F के जन्मतदन औि G के जन्मतदन के बीच उसका जन्मतदन। G औि F का जन्मतदन एक
ही महीने में है । G अपना जन्मतदन अपनी दादी के ठीक पहले मनािा है । H, G की बहन
है । केवल एक सदस्य अपना जन्मतदन H के जन्मतदन औि अपनी मौसी के जन्मतदन के
बीच मनािा है । I एक मतहला है ।

1. B के जन्मतदन औि उसके प िे के जन्मतदन के बीच तकिने सदस्य अपना जन्मतदन

मनािे हैं ?

A. क ई भी नहीों
B. द
C. िीन
D. पाों च
E. चाि

2. तनम्नतलखखि में से कौन 27 अक्टू बि क अपना जन्मतदन मनािा है ?

A. D
B. I
C. F
D. B
E. H

3. तनम्नतलखखि में से तकस िािीख क G अपना जन्मतदन मनािा है ?

A. 2 जुलाई
B. 13 जुलाई
C. 2 अक्टू बि
D. 19 अक्टू बि
E. 27 जुलाई

4. इनमें से कौन H की आों टी है ?

A. F
B. D
C. E
D. C
E. इनमें से क ई नहीों

5. I का F से क्या सोंबोंि है ?

A. ससुि
B. सास
C. मािा
E. इनमें से क ई नहीों


1. D
2. B
3. D
4. C
5. C

Study the following information carefully to answer the questions below:
Eight sweepers Pavich, Kamal, Rohan, Shyam, Tabish, Umesh, Vishal and Yash
sweep on different floors (but not necessarily in the same order) of an eight-
floor apartment where the ground floor is numbered as 1 and the topmost
floor is numbered as 8. Tabish sweeps two floors above Vishal. Kamal sweeps
on an odd floor but below Pavich. Rohan sweeps exactly between Kamal and
Vishal. Rohan sweeps adjacent to Shyam. Yash does not sweep on the topmost
floor. Pavich sweeps on an even floor. Same number of sweepers sweep above
and below Pavich and Vishal respectively. Kamal does not sweep just below

आठ सफाई कमषचारी पाववच, कमल, रोहन, श्याम, ताबबश, उमेश, ववशाल और यश

आठ मींस्जल के एक अपाटष मेंट में अलग-अलग मींस्जलों पर सफाई करते हैं
(लेककन जरूरी नहीीं कक इसी क्रम में हों) जहाीं भत
ू ल की सींख्या 1 है और सबसे
ऊपरी मींस्जल की सींख्या 8 इस प्रकार है । ताबबश ववशाल से दो मींस्जल ऊपर झाडू
लगाती है । कमल ववर्म तल पर लेककन पाववच के नीचे झाडू लगाता है । रोहन
कमल और ववशाल के ठीक बीच में झाडू लगाता है । श्याम के बगल में रोहन
झाडू लगाता है । यश सबसे ऊपरी मींस्जल पर झाडू नहीीं लगाता है । पाववच सम
तल पर झाडू लगाता है । पाववच और ववशाल के ऊपर और नीचे समान सींख्या
में स्वीपर क्रमश: सफाई करते हैं। कमल पाववच के ठीक नीचे झाडू नहीीं लगाता
है ।

1)Who among the following sweeps adjacent to Umesh?

ननम्नललखखत में से कौन उमेश के आसन्न स्वीप करता है ?

A. Rohan
B. Pavich
C. Vishal
D. Tabish
E. None of these
2)Shyam sweeps on which of the following floors?

श्याम ननम्नललखखत में से ककस मींस्जल पर झाडू लगाते हैं?

A. Floor 6
B. Floor 3
C. Floor 2
D. Floor 1
E. None of these

3)How many sweepers sweep below Pavich?

पाववच के नीचे ककतने सफाईकमी झाडू लगाते हैं?

A. Seven
B. Five
C. One
D. Three
E. None of these

4)Four among the following five pair are same in a certain manner and belong
to a group, which among the following does not belong to the group?

ननम्नललखखत पाींच जोडी में से चार एक ननस्श्चत तरीके से समान हैं और एक

समूह से सींबींगधत हैं, ननम्नललखखत में से कौन सा समूह से सींबगीं धत नहीीं है ?

A. Yash,Vishal
B. Vishal,Tabish
C. Shyam,Kamal
D. Umesh,Tabish

E. Pavich,Rohan

5)How many sweepers sweep between Rohan and Tabish ?

रोहन और ताबबश के बीच ककतने सफाई कमषचारी सफाई करते हैं?

A. Three
B. More than three
C. None
D. Two
E. One



Solution :

Only hotel are restaurant
Some hotel are banquets
Some banquets are spa
I. No restaurant are spa
II. All banquets are hotel is a possibility
III. Some hotel are not spa
(a) Only II follows
(b) All follows
(c) Only I and II follows
(d) Only I follows
(e) Either II or III follow

2. Statements:
Some birds are sparrow
Some bird are pigeon
No pigeon are sparrow
Some sparrow are crow

Some crow are pigeon
I. Some crow are not pigeon
II. Some bird are not crow
III. No bird is crow
(a) Only II and either I or III follows
(b) Only I follows
(c) Only III follows
(d) All follows
(e) Only I and Either II or III follow

3. Statements:
Some pant are hat
Some hat are shoes
All hat are shirt
No shirt are dress
I. Some shoes are not pant
II. No dress are pant
III. Some pant being dress is a possibility
(a) Only I follows
(b) All follows
(c) Only III follows
(d) Only I and III follows
(e) Either I or III follow

4. Statements:
Only a few air is liquid
Only liquid is stone
Some liquid is solid
I. No air is solid
II. All liquid being solid is a possibility
III. Every solids being air is a possibility
(a) Only I follows
(b) Only II follows
(c) None follows
(d) Only III follows
(e) Only I and II follow

5. Statements:
All rifles are guns
All bullet are RDX
No rifles are bullet
I. All bullets are Gun
II. Some guns being bullets is a possibility
III. All RDX being gun is a possibility
(a) Only II follows
(b) Only II and III follows
(c) None follows
(d) Only III follows

(e) Only I and II follow



Q.) In the following questions, the symbols ¥,@,€, * and & are used with the
following meaning as illustrated below:
‘A¥B’ means ‘A is neither greater than nor equal to B’
‘A@B’ means ‘A is not greater than B’
‘A€B’ means ‘A is neither smaller than nor equal to B’
‘A*B’ means ‘A is not smaller than B’
‘A&B’ means ‘A is neither greater nor smaller than B’
Now, in each of these questions, assuming the given statements to be true,
find which of the conclusions given below them is/are definitely true.
Give answers:
A. if only Conclusion I is true.
B. if only Conclusion II is true.
C. if either Conclusion I or II is true.
D. if neither Conclusion I nor II is true.
E. if both Conclusion I and II are true.
प्र.) तनम्नतलखखि प्रश् ों में, प्रिीक ों ¥,@,€, * औि & का उपय ग तनम्नतलखखि अिों में तकया
गया है जैसा तक नीचे तदखाया गया है :

'A¥B' का अिा है 'A न ि B से बड़ा है औि न ही बिाबि है '

'A@B' का अिा है 'A, B से बड़ा नहीों है '

'A€B' का अिा है 'A, B से न ि छ टा है औि न ही बिाबि है '

'A*B' का अिा है 'A, B से छ टा नहीों है '

'A&B' का अिा है 'A, B से न ि बड़ा है औि न ही छ टा है '

अब इनमें से प्रत्येक प्रश् में तदए गए किन ों क सत्य मानिे हुए ज्ञाि कीतजए तक नीचे तदए
गए तनष्कषों में से कौन-सा/से तनतिि रूप से सत्य है /हैं ।

उत्ति दें :

A. यतद केवल तनष्कषा I सत्य है ।

B. यतद केवल तनष्कषा II सत्य है ।

C. यतद या ि तनष्कषा I या II सत्य है ।

D. यतद न ि तनष्कषा I औि न ही II सत्य है ।

E. यतद तनष्कषा I औि II द न ों सत्य हैं ।

1. Statements : D€F&K, J@L€K

I. D€L
2. Statements : G&P, P€M, M¥O
I. G€M
3. Statements : T*S&V, X&Y*T
I. X&V
4. Statements : W&Z€U, D¥Z€G
I. G€D
5. Statements : C&R, R*B, B€D

I. R€D


1. B
2. A
3. D
4. D
5. E

Study the following information carefully and answer the given question
Q.) In a cetain code language:
‘democratic geographical information needed’ coded as ‘&V13 $V11 %V7 @M12’
‘geological survey of India’ is coded as ‘&V11 @M6 ©F7 *U3’
‘data science is required’ is written as ‘@H3 $Z5 !V9 ©X8’
‘cybercrime involves network’ is written as ‘%V8 @M9 #B11’

1. What is the code for ‘scrutiny officer’ in the given code language?
A. #X9 *U7
B. *U8 ©X9
C. $X10 *U8
D. ©X9 *U7
E. None of these

2. What is the code for ‘concept of dimension’ in the given code language?
A. #L6 *U3 $R10
B. #L8 *U5 $R9
C. #M8 *U3 &R10
D. #L8 *U3 $R10
E. None of these

3. What is the code for ‘regular inspection necessary’ in the given code
A. %V10 !V8 @M11
B. %U11 !V8 *M11
C. %V10 &W8 @M11
D. $U10 !V8 @N10
E. None of these

4. What is the code for ‘group study gives result’ in the given code language?
A. &I6 *G6 $R6 !V7
B. &I6 ©H6 @R6 !V7
C. &I6 ©G6 &R6 !V7
D. %D6 ©G6 &M6 !V7
E. None of these

5. What is the code for ‘operating system’ in the given code language?
A. ©B7 *K10
B. *J9 ©B7
C. $J9 ©B7
D. %B7 *K10
E. None of these

Q(1-5) Explanation:
1.Every symbol respresents the first letter of the respective word.

2. Every number represents one more than the number of letters present in
the respective word.
3. Every letter represents the reverse letter of the second letter of the
respective word.

1. B
2. D
3. A
4. C
5. A

Q.(1-5) Study the following questions carefully and answer the questions given
A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words
and numbers rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The
following is an illustration of input and its rearrangement.
Input : 21 37 42 75 56 18 67 92 82 13
Step I : 04 21 37 42 75 56 18 67 82 07
Step II : 09 04 21 37 42 75 56 67 07 06
Step III : 03 09 04 37 42 56 67 07 06 02
Step IV : 10 03 09 04 42 56 07 06 02 01
Step V : 06 10 03 09 04 07 06 02 01 01
And Step V is the last step of the above arrangement as the intended
arrangement is obtained. As per the rules followed in the given steps, find out
the appropriate steps for the given input:
Input : 12 25 32 65 74 16 94 83 19 57 46 86

1. Which of the following number is on the immediate left pof ’32’ in step IV?
A. 07
B. 65
C. 03
D. 57
E. None of these

2. If ’46’ is related to ‘25’ in step II in a certain way, which of the following is
related to ‘05’ in step V following the same way?
A. 05
B. 10
C. 03
D. 07
E. None of these

3. Which step number will be the following output?

’10 07 03 25 32 65 74 57 46 05 02 05’
A. Step III
B. Step IV
C. Step V
D. Step II
E. None of these

4. How many elements are there between ‘65’ and ‘02’ in Step IV?
A. None
B. One
C. Two
D. Three
E. None of these

5. What is the difference between the number sixth from the left end and the
number sixth from the right end in the second last step of the arrangement?
A. 14
B. 11
C. 15
D. 9
E. None of these

प्र.(1-5) ननम्नललखखत प्रश्नों का ध्यानपव
ू क
ष अध्ययन कीस्जए और नीचे ददए गए प्रश्नों के उत्तर


एक शब्द और सींख्या व्यवस्था मशीन जब शब्दों और सींख्याओीं की एक इनपट

ु लाइन दी जाती है तो

प्रत्येक चरर् में एक ववशेर् ननयम का पालन करते हुए उन्हें पन

ु व्यषवस्स्थत करती है । ननम्नललखखत

ु और इसकी पन
ु व्यषवस्था का एक उदाहरर् है ।

ु : 21 37 42 75 56 18 67 92 82 13

चरर् I : 04 21 37 42 75 56 18 67 82 07

चरर् II : 09 04 21 37 42 75 56 67 07 06

चरर् III : 03 09 04 37 42 56 67 07 06 02

चरर् IV : 10 03 09 04 42 56 07 06 02 01

चरर् वी: 06 10 03 09 04 07 06 02 01 01

और चरर् V उपरोक्त व्यवस्था का अींनतम चरर् है क्योंकक इस्छित व्यवस्था प्राप्त की जाती है । ददए

गए चरर्ों में अनस

ु रर् ककए गए ननयमों के अनस
ु ार, ददए गए इनपट
ु के ललए उपयक्
ु त चरर् ज्ञात


ु : 12 25 32 65 74 16 94 83 19 57 46 86

1. ननम्नललखखत में से कौन सी सींख्या चरर् IV में '32' के ठीक बायीीं ओर है ?

A. 07

B. 65

C. 03

D. 57

E. इनमें से कोई नहीीं

2. यदद '46' चरर् II में '25' से एक ननस्श्चत तरीके से सींबींगधत है , तो ननम्नललखखत में से कौन सा

चरर् V में '05' से उसी तरह सींबींगधत है ?

A. 05

B. 10

C. 03

D. 07

E. इनमें से कोई नहीीं

3. ननम्न आउटपट
ु ककस चरर् सींख्या का होगा?

'10 07 03 25 32 65 74 57 46 05 02 05'

A. Step III
B. Step IV
C. Step V
D. Step II
E. इनमें से कोई नहीीं

4. चरर् IV में '65' और '02' के बीच ककतने तत्व हैं?

A. कोई नहीीं

B. One

C. Two

D. Three

E. इनमें से कोई नहीीं

5. व्यवस्था के दस
ू रे अींनतम चरर् में बाएीं िोर से िठी सींख्या और दाएीं िोर से िठी सींख्या के बीच

का अींतर क्या है ?

A. 14

B. 11

C. 15

D. 9

E. इनमें से कोई नहीीं

Q(1-5) Explanation : In the given arrangement two numbers are arranged in
each step. In first step, we arrange the smallest at the left end by obtained by
adding their digits and the largest number at the right end obtained by
subtracting their digits. In second step, we arrange the second smallest
number at the left end and the second largest number at the right end
obtained by similar operations. This process is continued till all the numbers
are arranged.
1. C
2. B
3. A
4. D
5. B


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