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ISSN Print: 2156-1540, ISSN Online: 2151-1559, doi:10.5251/ajsms.2011.

© 2011, ScienceHuβ,

Building construction project management success as a critical issue in

real estate development and investment
Dr. Chinedu Chidinma Nwachukwu and 2Fidelis I. Emoh

B.Sc (Est Mgt), M.Sc (Project Mgt), Ph.D (Project Mgt), PMP, ANIVS, FCRMI, Lecturer,
Department of Project Management Technology, Federal University of Technology, Owerri,
Imo State. GSM; 08033289740, E-Mail
B.Sc., M.Sc. (Est Mgt), MBA (Banking & Finance), FNIVS, RSV, MNIM. Head, Department
Of Estate Management, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka Tel: 08033532597.
The strategic importance of building as an economic facility, the construction or developmental
process and its investment potential are some attributes that attract all sectors of the economy to
its projecting rays. Building facility is like a catalyst that not only serve as an engine that energies
every other sector of the economy but gives impetus to the developmental rating of the
environment. We know that all business activities for both public and private sector are housed in
a structure called building, production activities, medical and health care, agro based activities,
educational activities, political activities, sports, transport sector to mention a few cannot operate
proficiently without having direct or indirect need for housing facility. The production of building
facility as we refer it to building construction or developmental process attracts professionals from
all fields of life and non professionals. Not only that, housing development employment cut across
all categories of human endeavor. Building material production, marketing, distribution, supply,
storage has a long and strong chain like impact on the economy as we know in commerce that
production is not complete unless the products get to the hands of the final consumers. The
income generated by way of receiving wages and salary, buying and selling by people within and
outside the country contributes positively to the world economic growth. The investment
attraction of building development by public and private sectors of the economy anchor on its
indispensable and strategic importance as a solid rock of support and strength to all sectors of
the economy. To the estate surveyor and Valuer, more than eighty percent of our professional
activities revolves around building facility. To this end, any effort to encourage investment in
building facility should be seen as a step in the right direction. One of the steps which form the
main focal point of this paper is making sure that building developments are project managed to
achieve success thereby reducing the rate at which building construction projects fail, suffer
abandonment and reduce if not eliminating the rate at which buildings collapse in Nigeria.
Keywords: Construction, management, real estate, investment
INTRODUCTION answer to project success, failure, abandonment, and
collapse of building construction lies in efficient
Achieving success in building implementation
project management. Building construction projects
process is the major function of project management.
must be made to succeed because its execution
According to Nwachukwu, et al (2010) the rate at
often involve substantial funds, the loss through
which building construction projects fail, or are
failure or abandonment, has a crippling effect on the
abandoned, and the collapse of buildings, some even
capabilities of the investors, the financiers and for the
under construction, is retrogressive in a developing
fact that scarce resources are tied down for a long
economy like Nigeria. When there is a problem of
time as opportunity cost for its alternative uses. The
building development failure, abandonment or
project may also be the only future hope of the client;
collapse, everybody looks up to the engineers who in
therefore he may expect nothing but success.
their professional pride and personality ego accept
Efficient project management is very important
the blame but could not un-ravage the menace. The
Am. J. Soc. Mgmt. Sci., 2011, 2(1): 56-75

especially in the building construction industry which newly rehabilitated or maintained infrastructure
rank very high among other economic sectors in become decrepit and wrecked within a few months of
terms of inter-sector linkages. The importance of this commissioning despite the capital commitments on
sector as an agent of development is enhanced by its them. Collapse of building facilities some even
ability to provide gainful employment for the world’s during construction in Nigeria can best be described
teeming population. According to Roy, (2005) “it is as a holistic financial lost like a prudent investor
evidenced that noticeable development and the dramatically digging a hole and burying his life
aesthetic transformation of the environment is bound savings and staving alternative investment
up with and predicated on the building construction opportunities. Building construction failure,
industry”. Building construction industry is a major abandonment and collapse dose not encourage
factor in the social and political integration of the development and investment and that calls for project
society and ranks as one of the major budgetary management solution.
areas of developing economies (Nwachukwu, 2008).
Project management is believed to be justified as a
The building construction industry is proven to be the
means of avoiding the ills inherent in the construction
corner stone and bedrock of rapid economic growth
and production sectors of the economy and for which
of any nation (Bhavesh, 2006). The products of
reasons most projects fail and or abandoned. The
construction industry are desired mainly for the
project managers role arises from the need for a
services which they help to create as most business,
technical expert to take charge, control of events on
social, religious, economic, industrial activities etc
the project implementation process, someone who
operate on building infrastructure (Nwachukwu,
understands the intricacies of co-ordinating,
2008). According to Eric, (2003), “the industry is likely
controlling, organizing and directing the efforts and
to remain a major area of development activity as the
activities of the professional team and the physical
need for the provision and replacement of
problems of implementation process with the needs
infrastructure become more important in the years
in the decision making process. The success of any
ahead”. As we have seen that building development
project implementation process in the construction
sector of the construction industry is a catalyst, a
industry in the public and private sectors depend
rock, and the strongest base for rapid economic
largely on the project manager’s concept on staff
growth, it therefore becomes very imperative that
appointments and control, strict monitoring of time,
building projects are project managed efficiently to
cost, material, quality and environmental constraints.
succeed. The success of a building project is very
important in a developing economy if we critically Real estate development as an investment and
analyze the quantum of resources wasted and its why we should project manage building
negative impact to the Gross Domestic Product(GDP) developments for success: Real estate
of the a nations economy. For the fact that building professional practices anchors more on the success
development process employs both professionals of building development success. The hope of
and non-professionals from all the fields of life, is an property management and facility management is
indication that this sector has a geometric dependent on the success recorded in building
progression financial impact on the economy. This construction projects. The right to rent, lease, sale
means that success will reflect the sector as an and all other rights affiliated to them cannot exist or
engine of growth but failure, abandonment and made promising or attractive if building development
collapse a catastrophe to nation building contracts are not project managed to succeed.
economically. Valuation of property, compensation promises will not
be attractive without good investment in building
The problem: The performance of any building
development as there is no compensation for
development project (be it public or private) depends
undeveloped land in Nigeria. More so, even
on the strategy for success adopted by the
production lines must operate in a building for there
organization responsible for its implementation and
to be adequate plant and machinery valuation. The
execution. The strategies for success in any building
environment will not be aesthetically attractive in
project are implemented in the management of the
commanding reasonable value without massive
Project Time, Cost, Quality and Material
investment on building infrastructure.
management using project life cycle concept. In most
cases, both public and private building construction Real estate investors, either directly or indirectly,
projects are hardly completed on time, within cost, purchase rights to a stream of future cash flows that
quality and material specifications. New buildings and are expected to be generated by the real estate. The

Am. J. Soc. Mgmt. Sci., 2011, 2(1): 56-75

cash flow might come from rental income, from using Ü Finally, government policies; a good example
the property as loan collateral, from cash savings is the present Nigerian Land policy and
through offsetting otherwise taxable income with tax- various property taxes, levies, cumbersome
deductible losses from the real property interest, or processes in title registration and estate
from net profits upon resale of the property interest. duties that does not only discourage
The price an investor is prepared to pay for a defined investors but threaten investment interest in
property interest depends in part on the amount and real estate development in Nigeria.
the timing of these anticipated cash flows; how much
Our concern in this paper is how to handle the
will be received, and when? It depends also on the
threat of building failure, abandonment and
degree of confidence with which expectations are
collapse of building infrastructure in which the
held and the investor’s tolerance for bearing risk. The
solution lies with building construction project
final variable is the attractiveness of alternative
investment opportunities. Virtually any investment
can be accommodated with a position in real estate. MANAGEMENT OF BUILDING DEVELOPMENT
Speculators can deal in real estate futures( by buying PROJECTS FOR SUCCESS
and selling purchase options); developers can reduce
risk exposure by using standby loan commitments or Project management: The semantics of the
taking a position in interest rate futures; investors can definition of project management cannot be fully
comprehended without a brief attempt to define the
buy fixed-income assets such as mortgage loans or
net leased properties. Real estate can be even more two major components “Project and Management”.
attractive when approached, not as a simple Project: According to Ntamere, (1995) a Project is a
investment, but rather as a business opportunity. In discrete package of investment or endeavour, policy
short, the possibilities are constrained primarily by measures and institutional and other activities
limits on investors’ ability to conceive of alternatives. designed to achieve a specific objective or set of
objectives within a designated period and involving
Real estate development and investment threats:
Real estate investors are faced with various risks the commitment of resources. To Osuagwu,(1997) a
which may threaten their desire to invest in the project simply means a series of related activities
with a goal, a beginning, and an end. Hemuka, in his
sector. The major threats are:
wisdom in an unpublished lecture, described a
The threat of building failure, abandonment project as a form of investment or development which
and collapse of buildings during and after entails the injection of scarce resources, and other
construction materials including land with the aim of realizing its
latent potentials in form of yield, or for satisfying other
Where to build, how to build and when to
social or economic benefits. A project is simply
defined as any sequence of events or process which
Ü The opportunity cost in choosing to invest in entails the putting together of different resources
real estate towards the attainment of a particular goal. A project
can be distinguished by the following characteristics:
Threat of losing financial asset and the risk
associated with time value of money Ü There must be a well articulated aim, goal or
screened objective.
Environmental challenges that influence or
affect demand and supply of building Ü A life cycle with a starting and ending points.
accommodation within a geographical area;
It must have a network of timed and cost
for example, flood erosion and gully erosion
activities to produce a specified product.
challenges, insecurity and other natural
influences. Ü The endeavour must be unique and non-
repetitive and one time program.
That rate of borrowing financial capital to
invest and make profit with time. Ü It may cut across many organizational lines.
Ü The mode of measuring profit from real Ü Lastly, it may require the establishment of a
estate investment; a decreasing profit ( special organization for its execution.
Arithmetic or Geometric Progression?)
Increasing profit (AGP?). Building development is a good example of a
project while project abound in all other sectors of

Am. J. Soc. Mgmt. Sci., 2011, 2(1): 56-75

human endeavour including Event Planning and coordinating, controlling, and directing the efforts and
Control. activities of the professional team and the physical
problems of implementation process with the needs
Management: Management is simply defined as
in the decision making process. The success of any
“planning, directing, controlling and co-ordinating of
project implementation process in the construction
individual, group or organizational goal and
industry in the public and private sectors depend
objectives with the ultimate aim of achieving
largely on the project manager’s concept on staff
maximum benefit”. In the view of Baridam, (2002),
appointments and control, strict monitoring of time,
management literally means getting thing done
cost, material, quality and environmental constraints.
through and with people, which has to do with the
planning and directing of effort toward a common Project success, failure, abandonment and
objective. The traditional functions of a manager collapse of buildings: It is imperative to understand
reflect the activities involved in managing, planning, the above terms for us to really appreciate the
decision-making, organizing, staffing, leading, functions of project management and the role of a
motivating and controlling. These functions constitute project manager in actualizing project management
a circle of action in which each component leads to goals.
the next. Since building development project
Project success: According to Cleland et al (1975),
execution involves a consortium of various
a project is termed successful if it passes four
professionals; Architect, Engineers, Quantity
success test criteria i.e. the time criterion –
Surveyors, Builders, Estate Surveyors, Urban and
completed on time; the cost or money criterion –
Regional Planners, etc it will be disastrous if there is
completed within budget; the effectiveness criterion –
non to co-ordinate their interest and roles as major
completed in accordance with the original set
stakeholders, together with other non-professionals
performance and quality standards; and client’s
and the client. The man to do the job is the project
satisfaction criterion – accepted by the intended
users or clients whether the client is internal or from
Project Management involves the proper welding outside the organization. The above success criteria
together of the activities of all these professionals call for successful project implementation by the
and non professionals by careful selection, co- utilization of proven management techniques of
ordination, programming, budgeting, monitoring their planning, organizing, directing and control. The
activities during the developmental process. The issues on life cycle management, time management,
sequential steps in project management include: conflict resolution and management, networking,
contracts management, project choice and project
> Defining the objectives of the project.
quality are the key factors that contribute to project
> Determining the task required to complete it. success. Effective project choice, for example, which
results in a good project selection, greatly improves
> Decide on important project milestone. the probability of project success especially when the
> Determine the duration of projects component project is executed in accordance with project
tasks. management implementation guidelines. The Critical
Path Method (CPM) and Programme Evaluation and
> Plan the most efficient organization of tasks. Review Techniques (PERT), for example, contribute
> Allocate resources to tasks. a lot to project success as they foster a great
discipline through definition of project scope, time
> Re-evaluate tasks relationships and schedules and scale/schedule and cost. Empirical evidence,
finally carry out the project. however, suggests that the importance of networking
Project management is therefore, justified as a is far overweighed by the contribution of other project
means of avoiding the ills inherent in building tools, which include work breakdown structure, life
development, the entire construction industry and cycle planning, systems engineering, configuration
production sectors of the economy and for which management and status reports.
reasons most projects fail, collapse or are Networking contributes to better cost and schedule
abandoned. The project managers role arises from performance but not necessarily to better technical
the need for a technical expert to take charge, control performance and better client acceptance. Perceived
of events on the project implementation process, success is more adequately defined as meeting the
someone who understands the intricacies of co- project’s technical specification or mission while at

Am. J. Soc. Mgmt. Sci., 2011, 2(1): 56-75

the same time attaining a high level of satisfaction on the most projects in Nigeria. They include: escalation
the part of the organization, clients, users and the of project cost due to inflation, difficulty in payment to
project team (Beker et. el, 1988) . The end product contractors due to government bureaucracy,
must perform satisfactorily in service. This means contractors performing below expectation, frequent
that parties associated with and affected by a project changes in government, inability of sub contractors
should be satisfied in all its ramifications by the end such as those in charge of electrification to adhere to
product. Effective project success therefore requires schedule, increase in the scope of work, change in
a judicious trade-off amongst the four tests or pre-contract consultants such as architects, poor or
success factors of timeliness, completion within the ineffective project finance arrangement, change in
budget, satisfaction in technical performance, and the original design, indiscriminate award of contracts
client or customer acceptance. without reference to funds availability, projects
completed but technically unsound and unable to
Project failure: Project failure is illustrated by a
function, materials scarcity, poor planning or shoddy
failure to achieve the four success criteria and is
work by architects, consultants, etc specification of
manifested by the lack of application of proven
costly imported materials, increase in contract sums,
project management techniques. It does not mean
poor project definition in terms of project
that the project may not have been physically
requirements for materials, equipment, personnel,
completed but the question is when is the
finance and other resources, correlates of effective
completion? Is there any time or cost overrun? Is the
project management, insufficient working capital, the
quality specified standard achieved? Can it stand the
ailing economy and general inflation. The above
test of time? Can its potential be maximally realized?
examples and the reasons adduced for project failure
Is the client and end-user satisfied? If the client is
and abandonment can be traced to a number of
proposing another project, can he insist on working
factors including poor or no project appraisal, top
with the same team? If the answers to the above
management lapses, defective contract agreements
questions are in the affirmative, the project is termed
and awards, and gross failure to apply project
successful but if otherwise it means a failure.
management techniques. Contracts for projects are
Project abandonment : Project abandonment is the awarded without adequate project planning which
unplanned suspension of the work progress includes the costing and scheduling as well as the
especially at the execution stage such as refusal or method for successful implementation. A mismatch
failure to complete a contract after practical often exists between project design and objectives on
completion time period. Abandonment and failed the one hand, and the implementation capacity of the
projects which are more predominant in the public agency or organization or ministry on the other.
sector litter every gamut of the nations environment There is often a defective control system, and in
including government quarters, university campuses some cases, the system of monitoring and evaluation
etc. The phenomenon cuts across many economic may be completely lacking. Where projects are
sectors including the construction, awarded on political considerations little or no
manufacturing/industrial and service sectors. There attention is given to the recommendations of project
have been cases when non-functional, unusable or appraisals, assuming that such specific studies are
unserviceable projects have been commissioned as undertaken.
“completed”. A monumental economic loss is
Budgetary constraints occur frequently given the
incurred in terms of heavy cost overruns, periodic
short tenure of governments, reordering of priorities
waste of resources and projects that metamorphose
or diversion of fund as time progresses. Project
into bottomless pits gulping scarce resources with no
abandonment or failure is the inevitable outcome of
concrete completion time in sight. Several Federal
the above mentioned scenario. Should the project be
Housing projects initiated at different periods, Health
included in the new set of priorities, tremendous cost
facilities especially primary health projects and
and schedule over-runs are highly probable because
divisional hospitals across the length and breadth of
of likely changes in resource requirements,
this country, these and more are eloquent
escalation in input prices and changes in the
testimonies of project abandonment and /or failure.
organization or implementing unit. This is aggravated
This phenomenon would have been avoided or
by the fact that the contractor may have to deal with
drastically reduced if judicious applications of project
different ‘owners’ or officials at different times during
management principles were accepted and applied.
different stages of the project life cycle. Often,
Various reasons were given for the abandonment of
projects are completed not within budget, time, and

Am. J. Soc. Mgmt. Sci., 2011, 2(1): 56-75

technical specifications and within customer or client successful implementation. The life cycle is used to
satisfaction. The projects are “completed” but cannot pictorially explain the rise and demise of
function. All the above causes of project organizational phases in building of structures,
abandonment will be minimized or eliminated production line and sales life cycle of a product. It is
completely if a trained project manager is in charge also one of the instruments that help managers
from the conception stage. conceptualize the work and budgetary requirements
of the project.
Building collapse: The collapse of building
infrastructure, though prominent in developing The basic life cycle concept holds for all projects and
economies is a worldwide issue. Building systems. Life cycle management is heeded because
developments collapse at the construction stages the life cycle reflects every different management
and in some cases after commissioning. Examples requirements at its various stages. In the beginning,
abound in recent times in Abuja and Lagos. The for example, in terms of manpower- human
major problem is the unquantifiable resources wasted resources-research personnel predominate,
when building construction development collapses. If subsequently, their role diminishes at the planning
the answer to this endemic problem is proper project stage. The execution which is more of concrete work
management, it becomes imperative to features more of engineers and finally marketing and
institutionalize its activities in Nigeria. sales personnel become more important. In a product
development, for example, performance would be
How to manage building development projects
assessed by the degree to which the product meets
for success using project life cycle concept: The
the specification or goal set for it. The detailed
project manger make use of the life cycle concept as
explanation of the activities of the four phases is
a valuable tool for better understanding of the stages
reflected in table 1.0 below.
of a project and likely resources required for its

Fig 1 Life Cycle Phases and Tasks Accomplished by Project Phases

Table 1.0 Life Cycle Activities

Conception Phase Planning Phase Execution Phase Termination

* Identify need *Implement schedule * procure materials * Train functional
*Establish feasibility * Conduct studies and * Build and test tooling * Transfer materials
*Identify alternatives *Develop support *Transfer responsibility
* Design systems requirements
*Prepare proposal *Build and test prototypes * Produce system *Release resources
*Develop basic budge and *Analyze results * verify performance *reassign project team
schedule members
*Identify project team * Obtain approval for * Modify as required
Source: Project Management Handbook


Am. J. Soc. Mgmt. Sci., 2011, 2(1): 56-75

Table 2.0 Taxonomy of Strategic Versus Tactical Issues

1. Level of conduct- level within the Top management Mid-to lower levels of
organization at which project management
implementation activities and issues are
performed or addressed
2. Subjective Objective Assessment- the Great subjectivity used at Less use of subjective
activities concerned with assessing strategic level values
project goals or status.
3. Nature of problem- The type of problems, Unstructured one at a time More structured and
which arise and must be dealt with during repetitive
the project implementation process.
4. Information Needs- the determination of Large amount of Need for internally
the types and quality of information that is information needed much generated, specific
required for the project. that is external information.
5. Time horizons- The scope or time frame Long-term, but it varies by Short-term and more
of management’s vision in implementing the problem. constant.
and evaluating the project.
6. Completeness- The degree to which the Covers the entire scope of Concerned only with the sub
scope of the entire organization is the organization. organizational unit involved.
7. Reference-Involves the source, or frame The source of all planning Done in pursuit of strategic
of reference, of the activity to be in the organization is plans.
considered. original.
8. Detail-Concerned with how broad or Broad and general. Narrow and problem specific
specific problems are laid out and how
generally they need to be addressed.
9. Ease of Evaluating-The ease of Difficulty, because of Easier, because of
determining the efficiency and generality specificity.
effectiveness of various activities
involved in the implementation.
10. Point of View-The assessment of the
focus of viewpoint of the various actor’s
involved in the project implementation.
Source: Project Management Handbook

To enhance project success the following strategies private and public sectors. The application will result
or guidelines are recommended; As much as in effective project selection and execution. The use
possible adopt the project management approach, of task forces to handle specific problems is a pointer
project objectives should be clearly spelt out, clear to the need for the adoption of project management
objectives create the conditions for the attainment of strategy. Agencies such as NDDC, ITF are built
good results, project requirements should be clearly around the project management idea. Projectization
defined in terms of resources, time scale, technical (application of project management concept) of
approach and the required technology. certain projects will reduce a lot of bureaucracy and
redundancy in many organizations. Moreover, the
The operators should develop an ability to manage project management elements of planning,
change – which is a major objective of the project scheduling and control will introduce the much
management approach. Plan soundly, good needed discipline for the satisfactory realization of
information flow is necessary, there should be a clear project goal.
definition of responsibilities, project selection, location
and implementation should not be politicized, there In general, life cycle events vary with phases. Project
must be a clear definition of project scope and size is quite different across the phases. The
knowledge of factors that can affect the project scope planning and the execution phase have by far the
and pay critical attention to project financing. largest project teams. The level of bureaucracy
parallels this pattern, with the greatest level
The time is ripe for increased application of the corresponding to the greater size; the organizational
project management approach in Nigeria in both the climate is such that in the early and later phases it is

Am. J. Soc. Mgmt. Sci., 2011, 2(1): 56-75

more participative while it is different in the middle variables. A project manager is often faced with
phases. Conflict entirely decreases consistently difficult job characterized by role overload, frenetic
across the phases. Job satisfaction seems to be activity, fragmentation and superficiality. A project
highest for the smallest, more organic organizations manager in spite of all these has the responsibility for
and lower for those organizations mostly mechanistic successful project outcomes without sufficient power,
in nature (Adams 1990). In Process, involving initial budget or people to handle all of the elements
strategic actions and supporting tactical activities, essential for project success. In addition, projects are
there are further implications for project performance often initiated in the context of a turbulent,
based on a consideration of strategic and tactical unpredictable, and dynamic environment. A project
issues. Table 2.0 shows breakthrough of strategy and manager would be well served by more information
tactics by high and low scores depending upon the about those specific factors critical to project
level to which these issues were addressed in the success. The project manager requires the
project implementation. A high “score” on strategy necessary tools for him to focus attention on
would imply that the strategy is well developed and important areas and send different priorities across
effective, as in the similar case with tactics. This different project elements. It can be demonstrated
value could be assessed either in a subjective or that a set of factors under the project managers
intuitive manner. control can have a significant impact on project
implementation success. The project manager should
Project success implementation factors: be better able to efficiently and effectively deal with
According to Clayland, et al (1975) the process of many demands created by his job, channeling his
building project implementation involving the energy more efficiently in attempting to successfully
successful development and introduction of projects implement the project under development. His
in the organization, presents an ongoing challenge controlling ability is demonstrated in the ten key
for managers. The building implementation process is factor model of the project implementation profile
complex, usually requiring simultaneous attention to below.
a wide variety of human, budgetary and technical

  Top  Project  Personnel   

Project  managem schedule  Client  recruitment,  Technical  Client 
mission  ent  plan  consultation  Selection,  tasks  acceptance 
support  And  

Monitoring and feedback

Trouble shooting

Fig 2 Ten key factors of project implementation profile

Source: Project Management Hand Book


Am. J. Soc. Mgmt. Sci., 2011, 2(1): 56-75

Slevin et al (1986) studied many projects in their bid which clients are personally involved in the
to evaluate factors that constraint success in project implementation process will cause great variation in
management; they articulated many factors but their support for the project.
narrowed them down to what they christened ten key
Personnel issues: Personnel issues include
factors of project implementation profile as reflected
recruitment, selection and staff training for the
pictorially above.
building project. An important, but often overlooked
Communication: The need for adequate aspect of the building implementation process
communication channel is extremely important in concerns the nature of the personnel involved. In
creating an atmosphere for successful many situations, personnel for the building team are
implementation of a building project. Communication chosen by the client especially in the public sector
could best be describe as the life wire of any project building construction with less than full regard for the
implementation success. There should be prompt skills necessary to actively contribute to the
communication to the building or project mission, implementation success.
good information flow with the top management, the
Technical tasks: This is very important in that the
building or project scheduled plan, always consulting
people who understand the project must manage the
the client, adequate communication to personnel
implementation. Stevin (1977) writing on
issues like recruitment, motivation and training etc,
implementation risk analysis identifies two of the
good understanding of the technical task and staff,
eight risk factors as being caused by technical
sequential monitoring of all work and processes given
feedback to the stakeholders, always active in
communication with trouble shooting indicators, Monitoring and feedback: Monitoring and feedback
communicating with the client at all times sensitizing refer to building project control system or processes
him with every issue that will enable him to accept by which at each stage of the implementation, key
the product after execution. personnel receive feedback on how the project is
comparing or conforming to initial projections in time
Project mission: Project mission is the same as
management, cost, quality and materials.
clearly defined goals and objectives. Project mission
has been found to refer to the condition where the Troble shooting: Problem always exist in almost
goals of the building project are clear and understood every project especially building construction, they
not only by the project team involved but by the other could be seen as conflicts which lead to the success
departments in the organization. or failure based on how it is being managed by the
stakeholders, in fact, conflict according to
Top management support: Slevin, et al (1979)
Nwachukwu, (2010). Is seen as an indispensable
noted that management support of projects especially
force that propel the wheel of success in any building
building construction has long been considered of
project implementation process.
great importance in distinguishing between their
ultimate success or failure. Beck(1979), sees project Client acceptance: This is the final stage in building
management as not only dependent on top project implementation process at which time the
management for authority, direction, and support, but ultimate efficiency of the project is determined. For
as ultimately the conduct of implementing top there to be a successful handover of the
managements plan as goal for the entire project developmental product, there is need to carry the
organization. The degree of ultimate acceptance or client along by prompt communication and feedback
resistance to the project shows the degree of throughout the stages of the building project life
management support of the project. cycle.
Project scheduled plan: According to Pinto et al Project management tools : Project management
(1989) this refers to the importance of developing a tools are mainly planning and implementation tools at
detailed plan of the required stages of the various stages of the project life cycle which is
implementation process. This is the origin of life cycle expected to foster success in the implementation
concept in building construction projects. process. At the conception stage, an effective and
efficient appraisal is a very strategic and significant
Client consultation: The need for client consultation
tool used in establishing the feasibility and viability of
has been found to be increasingly important in
a project proposal. It helps us to determine
attempting to successfully implement a building
investment alternatives, how much to invest , how to
project. Manly, (1987) found out that the degree to

Am. J. Soc. Mgmt. Sci., 2011, 2(1): 56-75

invest, where to invest, Cost benefit analyses of sector if project management is given a policy thrust
economic and social proposals, spillover advantages status in Nigeria. PERT was first used in the 1950s to
and disadvantages of project proposals, the rate at manage the Polaris Missile Program. Since then the
which a prudent investor could make profit with time, technique has been successfully used by private and
determine time value of present financial expenditure public industries and sectors such as; construction of
against future expected income and the complex building structures, shopping, office and
environmental impact assessment of project proposal subways, major maintenance efforts, pilot production
etc. Appraisals is an instrument used in processing runs and the introduction of new products. Whenever
social and economic dreams to a tangible and faced with complex situations, a manager should use
realizable aims and objective which must be unique these techniques, their cost is less than the benefits.
in nature. Some of the tools as we know include: The The two types of PERT are the Deterministic and the
Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return Stochastic.
(IRR), The Net Terminal Value, The Annual Charge, Deterministic PERT assumes that all tasks that make
The Annual Sinking Fund and Cost Benefit Analysis. up a project are sufficiently routine in the sense that
the time needed to complete each tasks is known
Network planning: Network planning is one of the
with reasonable certainty.
most significant project management techniques
Stochastic PERT on the other hand is often used to
used in planning, scheduling, and controlling a
plan either research or one-of-a-kind development
project. Planning technique is vital at all the stages of
project because of the valuable insights gained by
a project life cycle. It is a continuous process
the very act of identifying intermediate milestones
because of the prevailing need to keep track of
and establishing logical process among them.
progress changes, delays or changes in technical
conditions. Delays and changes in project
Producing the project plan
implementation are controlled by the application of
critical path methods. They enable management to By Paddy Lewis (2009)
cope with the complexities, messes of data and tight
In producing a project plan, you need to establish
deadlines characteristic of many industries and their
environment that is highly competitive.
Ü Project planning process
It is important to know at this stage that Planning and Ü Work breakdown structure
Scheduling are not synonymous. Planning is the Ü The Project Plan
establishment of objectives, definition of the content Ü Purpose
of the project and the determination of the Ü Contents
relationships between the jobs or activities. On the Ü Production and Use of the Plan
other hand, Scheduling is the development of a time Ü Time Management
table that puts time estimates next to the plan and
indicates when activities are to be accomplished. WHY PLANNING
That is, time estimates, timing calculations and job
scheduling are involved. Ü Facilitates effective project management
Ü Best assessment of how project will be
Pert and cpm networks: Programs Evaluation And implemented
Review Technique (PERT) and the Critical Path Ü Baseline against which to measure performance
Method (CPM), The Bar and Gantt charts used in Ü Gains commitment
scheduling, tracking, resource smoothing and Ü ‘The means is more important than the end’
performing time and cost-trade-offs at the execution
and termination stages are the best tools for project Work breakdown structure (WBS)
planning and control. The PERT and CPM Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) has the following
techniques help to determine cost-effectiveness as a characteristics:
way to expedite a project knowing that certain Ü It is representative of work as an activity, and this
projects can be rushed for a price. This method has work has a tangible result
been successfully and advantageously used in Ü It is arranged in a hierarchical structure
developed economies for planning large scale and
complex projects and we strongly believe that it can It has an objective or tangible result, which is
be an antidote to transform the building development referred to as a deliverable

Am. J. Soc. Mgmt. Sci., 2011, 2(1): 56-75

Fig 3 Project Planning Chat

Source; Authors Network Plan in Nwachukwu C.C (2010)

Preparation guideline for project planning Third step

First step is PBS (Project/Product Basic Steps) Ü Incorporate additional levels of work detail
appropriate for management insight and
Ü integrated management
Ü Best done in conjunction with development of
Identify the final products of the project what
must be delivered to achieve project success –
known as PBS project strategy
Ü Always a good idea to review the high-level Fourth step

project scope documents for guidance
Second step is Review and refine the WBS until project
stake-holders agree that project planning can
Ü Identify the major deliverables necessary to meet be successfully completed
the final products
Often these major deliverables are predecessor
Deliverables Theater needed to build what has Early definition of problem is very important for
been committed to, but that in themselves do not successful completion of project with time schedule
satisfy a business need (i.e., a design and budget. The possibility of effecting changing in

Am. J. Soc. Mgmt. Sci., 2011, 2(1): 56-75

the operation depends on the time at which problem has been identified.

Fig 4 Problem definition diagram

Source; Authors Network Plan in Nwachukwu C.C (2010)

ORGANIZATION AND RESPONSIBILITY Rolling Wave Planning - Work to be done soon is

Organization Breakdown Structure (OBS): planned in detail at a low level of the WBS; Work in
Organization breakdown structure covers all those the future is planned at a high level of the WBS
involved in the project and helps in defining
organizational roles and responsibilities and structure Planning Component - When insufficient definition
of the project team. of the project scope is available to decompose a
Activity Definition – identifying the specific schedule branch of the WBS down to the work package level,
activities that need to be performed to produce the team can develop a high-level project schedule for
various project deliverables that component
Project schedule: Generally, the site supervisor will
Activity Sequencing – identifying and documenting
prepare scheduling reports to be evaluated and
dependencies among schedule activities
recommended by the client. The scheduling
Activity Resource Estimating – estimating the type technique used will be the Precedence Diagram
and quantities of resources required to perform each presented in the form of Microsoft Project or
schedule activity. Primavera computer software.
This method of scheduling is becoming more widely
Activity Duration Estimating – estimating the used in most of the construction projects. Thus, with
number of work periods that will be needed to this new technique, the process of construction in
complete individual schedule activities future can be identified and understood.
Schedule Development – analyzing activity PROJECT SCHEDULE NETWORK DIAGRAMS
sequences, durations, resource requirements, and
These diagrams with activity date information, usually
schedule constraints to create the project schedule
show both the project network logic and the project’s
Decompose the project (WBS, WBS Dictionary) critical path schedule activities. They are appropriate
for detailed team analysis but not for high/senior level


Am. J. Soc. Mgmt. Sci., 2011, 2(1): 56-75

Fig 5 Schedule Network diagram

Source; Authors Network Plan in Nwachukwu C.C (2010)

Project schedule using bar chart:These charts, with as well as expected durations. Bar charts are
bars representing activities, show activity start and relatively easy to read, and are frequently used in
end dates, management presentations.

Fig 6 Bar Chart

Source; Authors Network Plan in Nwachukwu C.C (2010)


Am. J. Soc. Mgmt. Sci., 2011, 2(1): 56-75

Project schedule formats – milestone charts: external interfaces. Excellent for presentation at a
Similar to bar charts, but only identify the scheduled summary level and can serve a motivation to the
start or completion of major deliverables and key project team.

Fig 7 Mile stone chart

Source; Authors Network Plan in Nwachukwu C.C (2010)

Fig 8 Precedence Network – Example

Source; Authors Network Plan in Nwachukwu C.C (2010)


Am. J. Soc. Mgmt. Sci., 2011, 2(1): 56-75

Critical path and float: Critical Path: longest Ü Co-ordinating and supervising all aspects of
sequence of activities, shortest duration for project the work program and ensuring that quality is
Total Float: time an activity can be delayed without Ü That works or various activities are
affecting project end date completed on time and at the right budget
Free Float: time an activity can be delayed without Ü Liaison with all the parties involved in the
affecting any other activity project including the developer and the
development team
The justification and role of a project manager in Ü Directing and controlling the contractors and
ensuring project implementation success: The sub contractors to curb the excesses,
construction of a building requires a competent wastage, delay and unnecessary foot
building team, example; the designer (Architect), dragging
Engineers, Builder, Quantity Surveyor, Estate
Surveyor etc. Any of the above if specially trained as He advises on design and cost, and with his
a project manager is qualified to project manage a experience in value management or
building construction process. What justified him is engineering analyses he is able to attain set
not only his professional background that gives goals without sacrificing standards and
impetus to his technical ability but a training in project quality
management. His role arises from the need for a Ü He advises on taxation and legal matters
technical expert to take charge and control of events taking percussion in ensuring that the project
on a project site. A professional who both meets the budget
understands the intricacies of co-coordinating,
controlling, planning, and directing the efforts and Site assembling and procurement of
activities of the professional team, who also have professionally acceptable feasibility studies
good understanding of the basic contents of all the Ü Determines type of funding arrangement,
technical application required of each profession negotiates for funds and procure funds for
who’s professional is a member of the development the project execution in line with feasibility
team, who is familiar with the physical problem of studies
construction and the decision making process.
Monitors cash flow during period of
Project management is justified according to construction and makes adjustment where
Nwachukwu et al (2010) as a means of avoiding the necessary
ills inherent in the building construction industry and Ü Create a cordial working environment among
all other sectors of the economy and for which consultants, contractors and every other
reasons most projects fail, are abandoned, and worker on site.
collapse. The main justification in using a project
manager in managing building construction process It is evidence that the role of a project manager
as an opportunity cost to all other professionals is cannot be exhausted, but his role can be seen
because capital is scarce and the risks of primarily as that of reducing the client’s
development are high in an inflation prone economy (developers) problems and increase his control
like ours. To this end therefore, care must be taking over the project in terms of the accuracy of the
to committing the scarce resources and other human clients brief, the various options open to him,
resources into a project with uncertain end. Also the budgeting and programming of works he acts as
intensity of capital and the risks inherent in a shock-absorber to the client, and as a catalyst
development, justifies project management as an to the development team. He is the engine that
apparatus to check the colossal waste of funds in gives the development process is locomotive
little- understood investments when such funds have force, and of course the fulcrum that gives
better alternative uses. leverage to success of the entire project. He may
not be a magician, but he possesses scientific
The role of a project manager include: tools and techniques that make things work like


Am. J. Soc. Mgmt. Sci., 2011, 2(1): 56-75

Responsibility of some stakeholders in building Ü Shall ensure that open excavations are
project success : In order for the construction plan properly barricaded.
to meet all these requirements, though, it must have
Shall ensure the use of appropriate and
the willing cooperation and buy-in of the owner,
certified equipment for various activities and
construction manager, sub-contractors and
the operation of such equipment by certified
designers. In short, everyone needs to have some
degree of ownership in the plan. For that reason, it’s
important that the owner or construction manager to Ü Shall implement the JHA.
have the input of every major player in the project
during the design stages of the construction Project. Construction technical manager
Ü Manages all activities related in the
As early as the bidding stage, it pays to be open to
suggestions and communication. Being open to input procedure concerning the construction
from bidding subcontractors allows the plan to be aspects of the project.
refined based on the experience and capabilities of Ü He shall be the focal point for all construction
those who have tackled similar work in the past. If matters. He is responsible to ensure that the
those lines of communication are open from the very quality of the work is maintained
start, every subcontractor who makes a successful
bid has a realistic stake in the project because they Contributes towards the quality plan for the
feel they helped define the tasks and timetable. project, in particular, the quality performance
Without it, updating the schedule regularly becomes requirements of construction.
a time-wasting chore in their minds. When a Ü Shall ensure adherence to the method
contractor and his crew have an investment in the statement and other approved standards,
plan, they feel they are helping to manage it rather relevant to the activity.
than being a slave to it.
Ensures adequate monitoring process in
Project manager: place to enable effective site supervision in
Ü Shall ensure that information concerning the line with execution and construction
work is obtained. standards.

Ü Plans, directs and monitors the activities of Discipline supervisor (forman) : He shall be
the project team. responsible for performing all necessary activities to

ensure that the quality of the work has the minimum
Shall ensure required resources – personnel, requested level of quality related in the quality control
equipment and materials are present on-site plan Inspection and Test Matrix associated to this
and are in the right quantity and condition. procedure on site.
QUALITY MANAGER Ü Contributes towards the quality plan for the
Ü Assigns quality personnel to follow and project, in particular, the quality performance
inspect the job, as well as ensuring that the requirements of construction.
procedure has been distributed through Ü He shall be in possession of the “Approved
DCC. for Construction” drawings (alignments
sheets) and survey reports in order to be
Human resourse site manager
followed and assure that during the stringing
Shall ensure that a fit for purpose joint and bending activities the pipes are located
human action is produced for the activity. in the correct location.
Ü Shall ensure that there is proper control of all Quality inspector/supervisor
activities throughout the operation in such a
way that safety of personnel and equipment He shall be responsible for monitoring on site
are not compromised. the execution of the job, collecting relevant

Quality Records and makes sure if the
Shall ensure that there are appropriate records are properly filled out and archived.
signals to warn and / or direct other road
users. He shall be responsible for performing all
necessary inspection and verifies that the

Am. J. Soc. Mgmt. Sci., 2011, 2(1): 56-75

activity is being carried out as per facility that meets the expressed needs of the owner
requirements and standards, as established and that complies with applicable building codes, the
in this document and in the Quality control Architect may be retained by the owner to act as his
plan Inspection and Test Matrix filing out the or her representative in inspecting the project work,
correspondent quality report. to review and approve materials that the contractor
proposes to use in the work, to review and
Human resourse site supervisor
Ü He shall ensure all personnel are available
recommend contractor requests for progress
payments, and to perform other functions on behalf of
on site prior to the commencement of the
the owner especially where there is no trained project
Ü He shall liaise with the medical team to
ensure adequate provision of medical The contractor and sub-contractors: These are
evacuation of injured personnel and facility individuals or firms that undertake to perform required
from the site for timely medical care. construction work in return for a contract price.
Ü He shall ensure proper and adequate waste Contractors may be categorized as prime contractors
management on site. and subcontractors. Prime contractors have a
Ü Provision of adequate personnel flotation contractual relationship with the owner, whereas
device (PFD) should be made available subcontractors have a contractual relationship with
Ü He shall ensure that rules are observed on the prime contractor or with another subcontractor.
site. General contractors are prime contractors who
Human resourse site officer contract to perform specified work, possibly excluding
Ü He shall ensure that pre job meetings some specialty items such as electrical and
including tool box meeting, Job Hazard mechanical work that the owners desire to contract
Analysis (JHA) are conducted prior to the directly with the specialty contractors.
commencement of the operation.
Ü He shall ensure that rules are observed at
Resources for project planning and execution:
When everyone is together, it is more possible to
Ü He shall properly coordinate flag bearers to
identify needs for additional manpower, added
equipment, and potential time loss and gain. If a
ensure safe traffic at the site of operation.
Ü He shall ensure the availability of appropriate
delay has caused the loss of time, the entire team
can work on recovering the lost time. If there is a
work permit on site.
Ü The provision of all safety devices will be his
gain, the team can come up with the best way to use
the gain.
Clint’s/owners: This is the individual, the firm, or the There are many method employed in project
organization that funds the construction project and planning. Many project planners were used to table
will own the completed facilities. The owner, perhaps form which comprises a date list, starting or
assisted by consultants, specifies the scope of the completed information, which are provided by the
construction project. management. Regardless of the methods employed,
the decisions made will require the collection of data
In some instances, the owner may specify the
on materials, machineries, equipments, manpower,
detailed layout of the facility, the type of materials to
finance and time.
be used, and so forth. The owner, perhaps assisted
by some of the parties described below, and Construction materials: The measurement of
depending on the technical expertise of his or her quantities by the quantity surveyors and
own staff, may inspect the project work as it is being specifications can be summarized to determine the
performed and on its completion. The golden rule in particular quantity and types of materials to be used
the construction process is: "He who has the gold to perform a task. The availability and delivery period
makes the rules." Because the owner controls the for these materials should be obtained and from
purse strings, he or she dictates the kind of contract suppliers or according to experience.
that will be used and selects the other parties to the
project. Machineries and equipments: The machineries and
equipment which are required to complete a
The designers: They may be employees of the construction project will definitely depend on the
owner, but are more often recommended by the suitable types and the method adopted for safe
project manager. In addition to designing a building keeping. After the selection on the particular

Am. J. Soc. Mgmt. Sci., 2011, 2(1): 56-75

machineries or equipments is made, the availability schedule should be updated and the activities that
and delivery time must be determined. have shifted into bad or difficult weather periods
should be looked at closely and adjusted as needed
Heavy machineries such as cranes, excavator, side
to reflect the effect of weather.
boom, pay loader, cement mixers, steel bar cutter
and steel bar bending machines for structural works CONCLUSION: Project management indexes has
are required during the execution of the work and been described as the secret weapon of developed
efforts should be made to reduce if not eliminating or nations in attracting investors to investing in building
preventing idling which will induce a high cost development. Its methodologies, approach and
overrun. principles have helped such world powers as United
States of America guide their development
Labours and manpower: Labourers and other non-
processes; and in the United Kingdom where the
professional manpower personel are critical and
office of government commerce devised the Prince II
important assets in construction project management
Methodologies to grow their economy. Therefore, in
success. Without labourers, a building project cannot
driving our developmental targets, it has become
stand the test of time and must fail or suffer
imperative to institutionalize this world acclaimed
abandonment. Thus, labourers should be taken into
solutions vehicle into our economy for the
account when scheduling work to ensure that their
achievement of our nation’s development goals. One
participation is at the maximum standard.
of the major problems of project management in
Finance: The allocation of finance must be Nigeria is corruption. The question is. how do we
scrutinized to reimburse for the cost of the supply of intend to tackle that? If project management is a
construction materials, personnel and machineries. policy thrust, it will create rules for everybody to play
Any financial difficulties must be resolved to ensure by.
that the construction project can be carried out
As earlier stated, all the issues that relate to
construction sector are very relevant and
Time: The most crucial element which must be indispensable in the economy.
carefully monitored is time. The owners will normally
Construction sector is seen as the pivot on which
check for starting dates, completed dates and other
every other activity in the economy rotates on. The
relevant yet important dates in contract submissions
significant importance of this sector is evidenced in
by the contractors. Besides, there are also time limits
the fact that every business or services of diverse
which must be obeyed by construction organizations
kinds must have a shelter and a location in the
during planning stage.
environment. Therefore, any effort towards reducing
The time require for the construction materials to be or eliminating the noticeable and silent constraints
delivered to site should follow a specified schedule. that directly or indirectly affect project management
This is to fulfill worker’s demand and reduce wastage. success in this sector is a right step in the right
A proper understanding of the project requirements direction. The stake holders in any complex building
will enable a more effective and efficient materials construction project are numerous and varied with
handling at site. parochial objectives different from the main
objectives of realising the cost, time, quality and
Proper consideration of weather: Once a detailed
materials targets of the proposed construction
schedule has been developed and the expected start projects. Proper project management policy we
date for the work is known, the project team should believe, is the only solution in making sure that
review the activities in relation to the time of year in
building construction and developments do not fail,
which they are scheduled. In cold weather climates, collapse, or are abandoned at alarming rate in
activities which fall in the winter months may need to Nigeria as such threatens the foundation of economic
be shifted, or it may be necessary to plan for
growth and slim down the chances of realising vision
temporary enclosure and heating. Similarly, the 20:2020project of the federal government.
schedule may need to allow more time for certain
activities or show them being done on a limited basis RECOMMENDATIONS
because of weather considerations. Similar issues
Having seen the imperative for project management,
may arise in extremely warm areas or areas which
we strongly recommend that it should be a national
have a rainy season. If a revised project start date or
policy to be enshrined in the Constitution of the
other delays shift the work by several months, the


Am. J. Soc. Mgmt. Sci., 2011, 2(1): 56-75

Federal Republic of Nigeria as we advocate for Management than any other discipline. To this end
constitution amendment. therefore we suggest that Project Management
profession should be institutionalized as an integral
Every organization in all the major and minor sectors
option, branch and or part of Estate management
of the nation’s economy is encouraged to establish
profession especially in postgraduate studies. As
the department of project management. A project
other professionals encroach in Estate Management
manager should be appointed early enough in the
functions like agency and management of building
project life cycle to handle the management from
infrastructure, we can launch out to project
inception to completion.
management practices which have virgin
Every building development must have a resident opportunities like Events Planning, Events
project manager and not one project manager Management and Events Control etc. see the
handling the management of more than one project appendix for a pm curriculum in some foreign
at a time for an organization, for this will create universities
loopholes in realizing the development goal. There is
strong need to use the modern project planning and
control techniques in achieving the required quality Abacon, C. I (2008) “The Eight Keys to Project
and material targets of a development aim and Management Failure”, http://

For public building development projects , Accorf, D.C (2008) “ Project Failure Warning Signs”, management
government should set up a Project Management failure warning signs.html
Office (PMO) under the office of the President/Vice
President or Governor/Deputy Governor to provide Avots, I. (2001) “Why does project Management Fail?”
substantive professional project management support California Management Review II: 77-82
for national and state project planning, execution, Baker, B.N., Murphy, D.C. & Fisher, D. (2000) “Factors
monitoring/control and close out. Affecting Project Success”. In Cleland and King (1986)
Project Management Handbook. Vol.2 45-51 U.S.A:
If proper project management is institutionalized, it 920-34.
would bring about authenticity of data or information,
timely release of funds, effective management of Barnes, M. (2000)“Construction Project Management”
project risks and realization of project benefits in both International Journal of Project Management, Vol. 6
public and private sector of the economy.
Bhavesh, .M. P (2006) Project Management (Strategy
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intervention of academic researchers and major
stakeholders from building construction industry for a Evaluation and Control) PTV Ltd, New Delhi
scientific study on other factors constraining project Clifford, F. Gray and Erik W. Larson (2003), Project
management success in public and private sectors of Management (The Managerial Process), McGraw Hill.
the building development industry. Irwin, New York.
We also recommend that a comparative study be Churchill, G.F. (1988) “The Role and Relevance of Quality
undertaken to determine the level of building Assurance to Control” In Nuclear Power Station Project
development project management performance Management, Proceeding of the British Nuclear
Energy Society, London. 20-20 July 35-46.
between foreign and indigenous development firms.
To this end, we are very optimistic that an empirical Curry, B.G, and Avary, C.N. (2005), Construction Project
study in these areas may provide a level ground for Performance, McGraw-Hill Irwin, New York
all the stakeholders, clients, designers, contractors, Diakwa, M.M (1990) “Bureaucracy: Key Obstacle of Project
users, financiers and sponsors to rub minds on how Success” American Associates of Cost Engineers
to drastically reduce if not eliminating these Transactions: p.4.1-5.
disastrous elements as constraining factors to
Eric, C.E., (2003) Facility Design and Management Hand
building development project management success
book, McGraw-Hill, New York.
in Nigeria.
Frank, H and Ronald M (2001) Modern Construction
Finally, Professor Nwachukwu, a production Management, Blackwell Science Inc., USA.
engineer, once said in a private chart that Estate
Management discipline is closer to Project

Am. J. Soc. Mgmt. Sci., 2011, 2(1): 56-75

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