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Behaviour Management Plan

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of a behaviour management plan

Behaviour Management Plan (example)

Quality area 5, Standard 5.2
NQS Addressed Each child is supported to build and maintain sensitive and responsive
relationships with other children and adults
Name of Child J (maintain confidentiality by using first initial only for assessment purposes)
Age 4 years
Start date 12/11/16 End ongoing
Behaviour of concern

physical aggression towards peers especially when joining ongoing play, at group time and when
required to share resources
Alternative behaviours – short term goals

Child will be able to respond to conflict verbally with support
Child will be supported to be fair and kind to others
Long Term goals

child will be able to respond to conflict verbally without educator intervention
child will understand fairness and develop positive relationships with peers
Childs Background

behaviour first noted on enrolment – 4 weeks ago
no other developmental concerns; English speaking background; no siblings; comes 2 days a week;
first time in an education and care setting; stays with grandparents other days; mum and dad both
work full time

Alternative behaviours in need of support Known warning signs of impending behaviour
1. responding to conflict verbally instead of
physically 1. entering ongoing play
2. sitting appropriately in a large group for story 2. play interrupted for story
3. sharing resources 3. limited number of resources for size of group

Preventative strategies and techniques

1. Assist child to enter ongoing play, modeling verbal strategies
2. Give appropriate warning when playtime is ending, allow large blocks of time for play,
choose stories of interest to the child
3. Ensure group size matches the number & availability of resources; discuss fairness and
model sharing when resources are limited; plan discussions of fair access to resources
4. Behaviour guidelines visual cues ‘rules’ displayed and discussed regularly “we use our words
to solve problems” “we are fair and kind to others”

Consequences for inappropriate behaviour Responsibility for implementing consequences

Time away from play area and/or experience
after a verbal warning, directing child to

guidelines for behaviour (above) saying,
All primary contact staff
“remember our rules or you will have to move

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Example of a behaviour management plan
Move child away from area of play/experience
Responsibility for providing good behaviour
Good behaviour recognition
Verbal recognition specifically addressing the
behaviour that is to be encouraged “you are
doing a great job of using your words to solve
“that was a very fair and kind thing to do” All primary contact staff
Together with smiles of encouragement,
hugs/handshakes. (These techniques apply to all

Support Internal and resources needed
Human resources: Educators, management, students and volunteers
Other resources: camera, computer, printer and laminator for making behaviour guidelines display

Support external
Family support
ACECQA – EYLF OUTCOME 1.4 – children learn to interact with others with care, empathy and
Standard National Law (s) and National Regulations (r)
5.2 s166 Offence to use inappropriate discipline
r155 Interactions with children
r156 Relationships in groups

Review date
8 weeks

Benchmark noticeable reduction in aggressive behaviour
Short term goals are met
2nd review date
6 months

Benchmark Significant reduction in aggressive behaviour
Long term goals are met

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