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Unleash The Potential of A Powerful Mind

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Unleash the Potential of a Powerful Mind

This e-book has been written for information purposes only. Every
effort has been made to make this e-book as complete and accurate as

However, there may be mistakes in typography or content. Also, this

e-book provides information only up to the publishing date. Therefore,
this e-book should be used as a guide - not as the ultimate source.
The purpose of this e-book is to educate. The author and the publisher
do not warrant that the information contained in this e-book is fully
complete and shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions.

The author and publisher shall have neither liability nor responsibility
to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or
alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this e-book.

Unleash the Potential of a Powerful Mind

Authors Bio

Chris Lee is an entrepreneur living in Singapore who loves sharing

knowledge and helping others on the topic of personal growth and
development, as well as technical know-how on Wordpress CMS.
He is a passionate person who will go the extra mile and over-deliver.

Chris Lee’s words of wisdom:

"I believe that there are no secrets to becoming successful in life. And
I truly believe the result to true success in life is the result from hard
work, the preparation and the most important of them all, the learning
from the failings.

Unleash the Potential of a Powerful Mind

Table of Contents

Introduction ........................................................................... 8
Flow State ............................................................................... 9
Fight or Flight .......................................................................... 9
Rest and Digest ........................................................................ 9
Hysterical Strength ................................................................... 9

Chapter 1: Physiology and Your Mood ................................... 10

How Your Body Affects Your Mood .............................................. 10
The Mind Needs Growth .......................................................... 11
Grow or Shrink ........................................................................ 12
The Brain Loves Growth ........................................................... 12

Chapter 2: Change Your Mindset To Help You Accomplish Any

Goal ...................................................................................... 14
Tip 1: You Have To Believe ....................................................... 15
Tip 2: You Have To Take It Slowly.............................................. 15
The Constant Fight or Flight .................................................... 15
The Problem ........................................................................... 16
The Answer ............................................................................ 17

Chapter 3: Achieving Success In Your Life by Changing Your

Mindset................................................................................. 18
Turn Failures Into Successes ..................................................... 18
Change Your Limiting Beliefs ..................................................... 19
Create Small and Manageable Goals ........................................... 19
Find a Mentor.......................................................................... 19
A Positive Mindset and Change Your Life ................................... 20
Use Positive Words To Describe Your Life .................................... 20

Unleash the Potential of a Powerful Mind

Keep a Gratitude Journal .......................................................... 20

Reframe Your Challenges .......................................................... 21

Chapter 4: Stop Negative Self-Talk In Its Tracks ................... 22

Recognize The Critic................................................................. 23
Separate Yourself From The Critic .............................................. 23
Talk Back To It ........................................................................ 23
Replace The Critic .................................................................... 23
Ways To Say No To Negativity ................................................. 24

Chapter 5: Set Your Mindset For Success ............................... 25

Create Successful Habits .......................................................... 26
Understand Your Why .............................................................. 26
Create A Vision For Your Life ..................................................... 26
Learn From Your Failures .......................................................... 26
Goal Setting To Set Yourself Up For Success .............................. 27
Set Goals That Motivate You ..................................................... 27
Set Smart Goals ...................................................................... 27
Write Down Your Goals ............................................................. 28
Make an Action Plan ................................................................. 28
Stick With It ........................................................................... 28
Things You Need For A Successful Mindset ................................. 29
Positive Self-Talk ..................................................................... 29
Your Intentions ....................................................................... 29
Grit ....................................................................................... 30
Strategy................................................................................. 30
Execution ............................................................................... 30

Unleash the Potential of a Powerful Mind

Chapter 6: Belief Is Your Key To Success ............................... 31

Toxic Beliefs That Doom Your Efforts ........................................ 33
How To Fight Back? ................................................................. 33

Chapter 7: Failure Can Help You Succeed ............................... 36

Successful People Know Failure Is Their Friend ........................... 38
Successful People Think Differently ............................................ 39
Successful People Aim To Fail Quickly ....................................... 40

Chapter 8: Proven Benefits Of A Positive Psychology ............. 42

Stronger Personal Relationships ................................................. 42
Benefits the Wider Environment ................................................. 42
Happier In General .................................................................. 43
Healthier ................................................................................ 43
More Successful ...................................................................... 43
Snowball Effect ....................................................................... 43
Confidence and Vitality ............................................................. 43
Techniques To Master Your Own Psychology .............................. 44
Meditation .............................................................................. 44
Practice Habit Formation ........................................................... 44
Concentration ......................................................................... 45

Chapter 9: Comprehensive Understanding Of Mind ................ 46

Read and Research .................................................................. 46
Meditation .............................................................................. 47
Learn From Your Emotions ........................................................ 47
Increase Emotional Intelligence ............................................... 48
Social Situations ...................................................................... 48
Express Yourself ...................................................................... 48
Undertake Charitable Acts......................................................... 48

Unleash the Potential of a Powerful Mind

Talk Directly ........................................................................... 49

Evaluation .............................................................................. 49

Conclusion ............................................................................ 50
The Circle ............................................................................... 50
How To Manage The Relationship Of The Mind Body Connection ..... 51

Unleash the Potential of a Powerful Mind


You might think of your brain as being fairly consistent.

You generally have a consistent level of intelligence; your mood is

usually pretty steady and on the whole you don’t tend to change all
that much. Or so it seems.

In reality though, your brain is constantly changing. Not only is it

growing and adapting, but it will also change in terms of what it’s
capable of and how you feel. The chemical balance is likely to change a
huge amount.

In other words, our brain goes through a number of states and

depending on which brain state you are experiencing at any given
time, you can expect very different results.

Let’s take a look at just a few mental states and how they have
incredible impacts on the way you feel and perform.

Unleash the Potential of a Powerful Mind

Flow State

A flow state is a much-coveted state that is often described as being

the state of ultimate ‘peek’ human performance.

It’s a little more complex than that. But essentially, this is a state in
which you are completely focused on a given task, normally because
you perceive it as highly important.

This actually suppresses activity in the frontal region of the brain,

allowing you to act on near pure-instinct and thereby giving you
intense mental clarity and reactions.

Fight or Flight

Fight or flight is a stress state. In this state, the body is releasing

adrenaline, dopamine and other chemicals that ramp up the nervous
system and increase strength while also suppressing immune function
and digestion.

Stress like this isn’t a bad thing in the short term. Acute stress allows
us to react to situations quickly when we need to.
The problem comes when this state carries on and becomes chronic.

Rest and Digest

The opposite of fight or flight, this is when the body is able to relax
and calm down. This is when we digest our food, when we sleep and
when we build tissue. We’re also more creative in this state!

Hysterical Strength

Hysterical strength is a little like ‘beserker mode’. Under extreme

duress, we produce so much adrenaline that we’re able to call on
incredible reserves of strength. This demonstrates just how much of
an impact our mind can have on our body – just what is possible when
you’re in the right mindset.

And there are many more. If you want to perform your best, best get
into the right mindset!

Unleash the Potential of a Powerful Mind

Chapter 1: Physiology and Your


If you want to get the most out of yourself and your life, then it
is crucial that you learn to control your mood.

Your mood will affect your ability to focus, your enjoyment of any and
all activities and so much more.

But of course, controlling your emotions is easier said than done. This
is something we would all like to do no doubt, but if it were that easy
then we would all be happy all the time!

There is a secret to doing this though that many people miss. And
while it may be impossible to guarantee that you’ll ever have complete
control over the way you feel, it can sure make a big difference and
help to give you a lot more control.

How Your Body Affects Your Mood

Unleash the Potential of a Powerful Mind

The missing key that so many people overlook is physiology. In other

words, your body and your physical state.
What are our emotions for? They’re to drive us toward desirable things
and to keep us away from things that could potentially harm us. When
we feel scared, this motivates us to seek a safer shelter. When we feel
disgusted, this prevents us from wanting to eat gone off food.

At a deeper level though, being hungry also impacts on your emotions

and motivates behavior. When you are hungry, you will usually have
low blood sugar. This in turn releases cortisol the stress hormone,
along with ghrelin.

This is why we get hangry! Conversely, when you eat, you produce
serotonin which puts you in a good mood. This then converts to
melatonin and makes us sleepy.

Being ill causes inflammation through pro-inflammatory cytokines and

these suppress activity in the brain, creating brain fog and depression.
Feelings and emotions are different. You feel hungry, you feel tired
and you feel ill. But these create emotions such as stress, anger and

So, what are we getting at here? What is the practical takeaway from
all this advice?

The moral is that it isn’t all about your thoughts and your lifestyle. If
you’re angry or if you’re sad then it may not be due to you having a
bad day – you may just be hungry or ill!

Then there’s the fact that our hormones tend to change on a cycle.
Keep all this in mind when you are trying to manage your mood and
make sure that you set yourself up with the best possible chance of a
happy, positive day!

The Mind Needs Growth

What makes you happy? What is your idea of a perfect evening? For
many of us, the answer would be something akin to relaxing on the
couch, watching a great TV show and eating something delicious.

Unleash the Potential of a Powerful Mind

Maybe you want to stay in with your other half, or maybe you’d like to
program a game.

These things are comfortable, and they are refreshing. These things
help you to feel calm and to rejuvenate from a tough week.

But you know what? Your brain doesn’t like those things. In fact, these
are about the worst things you can possibly do as far as your body is

The reason for that is simple: when you relax and when you chill, you
don’t challenge your brain. The result is that it starts to atrophy.

Grow or Shrink

The brain is able to adapt to whatever you throw at it due to a process

called brain plasticity. Brain plasticity describes the ability of the brain
to grow and change shape: to create new neurons and to become
stronger. Herein lies the principle of SAID: specific adaptations to
imposed demands.

If you practice languages, you get better at language. If you practice

balance, your brain gets better at that.

But if you’re not growing, then all that extra neural matter is just
wasted energy. The result? Your brain starts to atrophy and starts to
burn through that extra matter. The result is that you deteriorate.

Grow or shrink. Move forward or move backward. Being ‘static’ isn’t an


The Brain Loves Growth

When you learn a new language or skill, the brain will see this as
positive stimulus. It sees this as a chance to get stronger and to
ultimately improve your ability to survive. Thus, it produces positive
hormones and neurotransmitters like dopamine and brain derived
neurotrophic factor.

Unleash the Potential of a Powerful Mind

These help you to learn, but they also prevent the atrophy we
discussed. They protect the brain against degeneration, and they make
you smarter.

So, while you might feel like the very best thing you can do for your
brain is to relax and to sit down, actually the brain much prefers
challenge and learning.

Sure, have your evening off, but make sure your life isn’t just a case
of alternating between stress at work and doing ‘nothing’ at home.
Keep learning, keep going to new places and keep taking on new

Unleash the Potential of a Powerful Mind

Chapter 2: Change Your

Mindset To Help You
Accomplish Any Goal

People have a range of different dreams and goals. This is one

of the best things about people in fact.

We’re all different and we all have different aspirations – different

goals to share with one another and different things to talk about.

The unhappiest people? They’re the ones with no goals. No direction.

No motivation. A goal gives you a vision, it gives you drive, and it
makes every day seem like a positive step to an end destination that is
truly important to you.

But while goals are intrinsically rewarding, problems do arise when we

don’t know how to pursue them. Having a goal that seems completely
out of grasp and making no progress whatsoever is disheartening.

In this chapter, we’ll look at some of the things you can do to help
yourself reach your goals faster. Whether you want to write an
Unleash the Potential of a Powerful Mind

amazing book, set up a business or do anything else; these are two

tips that will apply in every situation and that you might not have
heard before.

Tip 1: You Have To Believe

This might sound like cheesy bumper-plate-sticker-advice, but it is

very true. At the end of the day, you need to have absolute faith that
the plan you have to get your book published or to become famous is
actually going to work.

Why? Because otherwise you risk putting in all the time and effort for

Think about it: have you ever struggled to stay motivated to get into
work? No! The reason for that is because you know that going to work
means getting paid. This is 100% guaranteed.

But you may have struggled to stick to a training program and part of
the reason for that is that you know it might not yield results. So
whatever plan you come up with, make sure you believe it!

Tip 2: You Have To Take It Slowly

The other problem is wanting results right now and ending up burning
yourself out too quickly. Want to write the next best-selling novel? The
way to do that is not in one or two sittings!

You need to take your time, to work steadily and to be considered in

the way you approach this goal. The best option is to plan to write one
or two chapters every day. Look up the word ‘Kaizen’ for more on why
this works so well!

The Constant Fight or Flight

It is common knowledge that many people live their lives in a constant

state of chronic stress. This is a serious problem because it triggers
the release of negative hormones and neurotransmitters that play
havoc with your health.

Unleash the Potential of a Powerful Mind

But it actually goes deeper than that. Chronic stress means that you
are constantly being pushed and thus rather than being able to stop
and smell the roses, rather than being able to actually enjoy your life,
you end up simply trying to survive it.

Not only that, but you remain constantly reactive, constantly reacting
to events and thereby unable to actually become proactive and to
decide the course of your life and the direction you want to take.

The Problem

We all have different stressors that do this to us. Some of us are

struggling with debt. Some of us are overworked in the office. Some of
us have problems in our relationships.

But no matter what the problem, they all affect the body in just the
same way that being chased by a lion would.

As far as the body is concerned, we are in danger and it needs to

produce the right hormones to increase the heartrate, to contract the
muscles and to prevent energy from being spent anywhere else –
whether that’s on digestion or the immune system.

From a psychological perspective, this means that we are simply

burned out and worn out. What many of us don’t realize, is that
energy is a finite resource. Many of us think that time is a finite
resource but in fact, energy is much more limited.

If you spend all day worrying about work and if you don’t get home
until late at night, then how are you going to choose the direction you
want to go? How are you going to write that great novel, workout, find
time to develop your career in directions that excite you?

All you are doing is treading water. And burning out all of your energy,
your passion and your vitality.

Unleash the Potential of a Powerful Mind

The Answer

So, what’s the answer?

Well, overly-simple though it might sound, the answer is to make the

choice to focus on things that really matter to you and to stop
worrying about the things that don’t.

Learn to face your fears and to stop being driven by them. Learn to
take the risk that’s necessary if you want to try a new career or write a

Say ‘enough’ and give yourself that break. Whatever it takes.

Unleash the Potential of a Powerful Mind

Chapter 3: Achieving Success

In Your Life by Changing Your

When you have a fixed mindset, you inevitable stop yourself

from getting what you want in life.

Many of us listen to that voice in our heads that tell us that we can’t
do something, or that we don’t have the skills to achieve something.

This kind of thinking keeps us stuck and is known as a fixed mindset.

If you want to achieve success, you have to change your thinking and
learn how to develop a growth mindset. Here are some simple ways
you can change your mindset to increase your chances of finding

Turn Failures Into Successes

Individuals that have fixed mindsets, quickly give up after

experiencing failure for the first time. Those who have found success,
and have learned to develop a growth mindset, tend to look at their
Unleash the Potential of a Powerful Mind

failures as an opportunity to learn from their mistakes and try again.

Start changing your mindset today by learning to turn your failures
into successes.

Change Your Limiting Beliefs

Many of us hold limiting beliefs that are holding us back from success.
If you took a long look at your values and belief systems and
compared them to what in them was keeping you back, you'd be able
to start making adjustments.

If you can change your beliefs to support your goals, you'll open
yourself up to great things, and start achieving your goals and getting
what you want.

Create Small and Manageable Goals

Take a look at the goals that you’ve set for yourself and decide how
you can best break them down into smaller, more manageable goals.
Every day take actionable steps to complete these smaller goals and
start to chip away at them.

Before you know it, you've made substantial progress toward

achieving your larger goals. There is a power to dividing things down
into more manageable chunks and working toward them little by little.

Find a Mentor

To determine how to get what you want, find a mentor who has
already succeeded. Find a mentor who will be honest with you about
your strengths and weaknesses, and who will be willing to let you
shadow them. Working with a mentor will allow you to learn essential
skills through observation.

You can get the things you want in life. You just have to utilize the
right tools to achieve your goals. By implementing any of these
techniques in your life, you are changing your mindset toward getting
what you want.

Unleash the Potential of a Powerful Mind

A Positive Mindset and Change Your Life

You may not know this, but your life is a reflection of your attitude.
Without even noticing, it can be easy to become negative and cynical
towards the world.

With our continuous exposure to injustice and tragedy, we have begun

to experience distress and heartache. This negative attitude that
you've developed is preventing you from thoroughly enjoying your life
and has a significant impact on your environment.

To turn your gloomy outlook on life around, you need to develop

positive habits and make adjustments to your mindset.

Here are some ways to you can begin to shift your mindset and
change your life:

Use Positive Words To Describe Your Life

The words that you chose have a ton of power over your life. When
you use negative words, like dull, chaotic, or mundane, to describe
your life, that is how your mind will perceive your life, and you will
start to feel the effects in your mind and body.

When you begin to switch to using positive words to describe your life,
you will begin to see your life in a more positive light and start to find
more enjoyment.

Keep a Gratitude Journal

There are times when one single event can ruin your day. Our mind
tends to cling to the negative, overshadowing the positive aspects of
our lives. When you become aware of this propensity for hanging onto
the negative, you can begin to intentionally focus on the positive
aspects of your life to offset this imbalance.

You can do this by keeping a gratitude journal. Finding things to be

grateful for can increase your happiness significantly while protecting
you from stress, anxiety, negativity, and depression.

Unleash the Potential of a Powerful Mind

Reframe Your Challenges

You have to get into the frame of mind that there are no dead ends,
only re-directions. There are very few things in life that we have
complete control over, so we have to consciously work to avoid letting
the uncontrollable occurrences affect our lives.

We have to come to an understanding that the only thing that we can

control is our reaction and effort. When you give your full effort, you
will have no reason for regret. Embrace the challenges that are before
you and stop trying to resist an experience for personal growth.

Stop allowing your negative mindset from preventing you from

enjoying your life to the fullest. Begin cultivating a positive mindset
and change your life for good.

Unleash the Potential of a Powerful Mind

Chapter 4: Stop Negative Self-

Talk In Its Tracks

Everybody, whether they are successful or not, has an inner

critic in their heads that judges them, doubts them, belittles
them, and that is always telling them that they are not good

The difference between successful people and everyone else, is they've

learned to ignore this inner critic and eliminate negative self-talk. They
understand that everything that they say to themselves matters.

Unfortunately, your inner critic stops you from pursuing the life you
truly want to live.

Here are some of the top ways to stop the negative self-talk in its

Unleash the Potential of a Powerful Mind

Recognize The Critic

You have to become aware of your inner critic if you want to be able to
gain control over it. Much of our thinking happens automatically and so
quickly that we barely notice it. This means that you will have to make
the conscious effort to slow down and pay attention to what you are
thinking. This will help you notice when the critic is present.

Separate Yourself From The Critic

Your inner critic thrives best when you mistake it for being part of your
authentic self. To separate yourself from this critic you need to give it
a name.

You can give it any name you want, like The Nag. The important thing
is that be separating it from your own identity; you are essentially
freeing yourself from its influence.

Talk Back To It

The only way to take away your inner critic's power is by talking back
to it. You merely have to tell it that you don't want to hear what it is
saying. Speaking back to it begins to give you the sense that you have
a choice in the matter. When the critic starts to talk, just tell it to go
away, and that you refuse to listen.

Replace The Critic

The best way to defeat the critic once and for all is to have an even
stronger ally on your side. You need to work on growing an inner voice
that acts like your best friend rather than your enemy.

To do this, you need to begin seeing all the good things about
yourself. You have to acknowledge that you do have positive traits and
that you can accomplish anything.

To break the cycle of negative self-talk, you have to make a conscious

effort to recognize your inner critic and change the way you interact
with it.

Unleash the Potential of a Powerful Mind

By eliminating negative self-talk from your life, you will start to see a
dramatic shift in your mindset and be able to find success in
everything that you do.

Ways To Say No To Negativity

When time is viewed as a non-renewable resource it often becomes

easier to understand the importance of managing it wisely. As with
any resource, there is a direct relationship between the supply of, and
the demand for, that resource.

When there is an overabundance of time, it is more easily wasted.

Likewise, when there is a shortage of the resource - in this case, of
time - it becomes necessary to more effectively manage even the
smallest amount of it.

Beginning to effectively manage time often begins with a change in

perspective regarding time. Each day provides only a specific number
of hours, minutes and seconds, in which to accomplish goals, and
complete tasks.

When working under a deadline, then, every minute or hour is

considered a resource which one could feasibly use to the full extent,
in order to meet a specific goal. The resource is non-renewable. Each
moment or hour that is used up is a percentage of a resource which
will not be replenished.

When there is a shortage of any resource it becomes important to

closely monitor its uses. Consider the response to a shortage of water.
Certain activities are eliminated from use, such as watering plants,
whenever there is a state of draught.

Limited activities make the most use of the resources available. The
individual undertaking a time management program then, will need to
learn to identify the ways in which even the smallest amount of time is
wasted, as well as to carefully oversee their own limited supply of this
valuable resource.

Unleash the Potential of a Powerful Mind

Chapter 5: Set Your Mindset For


If you’re struggling to find success and realize your dreams,

the most likely reason is that you lack a mindset for success.

If you want to achieve your goals, you must work on developing a

mindset for success. A successful, or growth mindset, is what sets
apart those who have success and those who don’t. You are the only
person who can change your mindset to achieve success. Here are four
tips to help you get started.

Unleash the Potential of a Powerful Mind

Create Successful Habits

It only takes 21 days to create a habit. You have to start by making

small changes in your daily routine. Sit down and create a list of the
things that you need to do to accomplish your goals.

Every day start taking small steps toward your goals. The first step in
setting your mindset for success is creating successful habits.

Understand Your Why

Changing your mindset takes work because the habits that we've
formed aren't easy to break. Understanding you're 'why' is about
starting fresh and deciding on a single dream or goal, that when you
accomplish it, it will mean a transformational change in your life.

It is essential to identify something that can make a significant impact

in your life. Once you determine your 'why' write down why it really
matters to you.

Create A Vision For Your Life

To develop a success mindset, you have to stop looking at your past.

To see all the possibilities that lay before you, you have to start
looking toward your future. Think about all the possible ways you can
live your life.

Envision what your perfect life looks like. Having this vision of your
future life will help to keep you moving forward during difficult times.

Learn From Your Failures

All successful people, who have a growth mindset, are comfortable

with failure. They've learned to keep going no matter what. When they
hit a wall, they don't make an excuse or give up because they realize
that the only thing that is keeping them from reaching their goals is if
they give up.

Unleash the Potential of a Powerful Mind

Unlike the majority of people, successful people have prepared

themselves mentally for failure. To do this, you have to permit yourself
to fail. Doing this will take the pressure off and keep you moving

Changing your mindset for success doesn’t happen by accident. It is

something that you chose. These four tips will help you get started on
setting your mindset for success.

Goal Setting To Set Yourself Up For Success

If you want to find any success in your life, you need to set goals.
Without having goals for yourself, you will lack focus and direction in
your life.

Not only do goals allow you to take control of your life, but they also
provide you with the benchmarks for determining your success.

Setting a goal is the process that begins with your careful

consideration of what you want to achieve and ends with you putting
in the hard work to achieve it.

Here are some secrets of goal setting that will set you up for success:

Set Goals That Motivate You

If you have limited interest in the outcome of your goals, or they are
irrelevant to the bigger picture, your motivation to work on achieving
them will be low. Set goals related to the high priorities in your life.

It requires a commitment to achieve your goals, so to ensure you

achieve success, you need to set specific goals that motivate you.

Set Smart Goals

For your goals to be powerful, they need to be SMART. To increase

your chances of success, your goals need to be:

Unleash the Potential of a Powerful Mind

• Specific
• Measurable
• Attainable
• Relevant
• Time Bound

Write Down Your Goals

When you physically write down your goal, it becomes real and
tangible. It eliminates any chance that you will forget about it. Be sure
to frame your goal statement positively to help increase the rate of

Post your goals someplace where you will see them every day as a
constant reminder of what you want to achieve.

Make an Action Plan

Often, we get so focused on the outcome of our goals, that we forget

to create a plan of action for accomplishing them. Take the time to
write down the individual steps that you will need to take to achieve
your goals. As you complete each level, cross it off so you can visually
see the progress that you are making.

Stick With It

Goal setting is an ongoing activity, not merely a means to an end.

Keep yourself on track by creating reminders, and schedule regular
blocks of time to sit down and review your goals and progress.

You want to make sure that the relevance, necessity, and value
remain high as you work toward accomplishing your goals.

Setting goals are more than merely saying you want something to

Unleash the Potential of a Powerful Mind

happen. To find success, you need to clearly define exactly what you
want and understand why you want it in the first place.

Implement these steps in all your goal setting endeavors and watch as
you accomplish each one.

Things You Need For A Successful Mindset

The most significant difference between those who succeed and those
that don't is their mindset.

Your mindset is a small thing that makes a huge difference in whether

you achieve success and is the primary catalyst that drives your
feelings of confidence, self-worth, and competence.

If you want to become successful, then you are going to have to

develop the right kind of mindset.

Here are some things to help you develop a successful mindset:

Positive Self-Talk

You may be thinking that the conversations that you have with other
people are what matters most when trying to achieve success.

However, it is the conversations that you have with yourself that

matter most. It is vital that you watch what you say to yourself. Talk
to yourself in a way that plants positivity, rather than criticism and

Your Intentions

Your intentions are going to set the tone for how you ultimately
navigate both professional and personal success. If you haven't set
yours high enough to challenge the status quo, then you need to think
bigger and push yourself farther past your comfort zone. Learn to be
comfortable with the uncomfortable.

Unleash the Potential of a Powerful Mind


When it comes to success, talent counts, but effort counts twice,

according to Angela Duckworth, the foremost authority on grit. Two
things that are vital to your long-term success are both your passion
and your perseverance.

Grit is what helps push us past the strong desire to give up, especially
when we experience setbacks and failures. Grit is something that you
will need to learn about and develop over time.

You will find little success if you don’t do more than merely declare
your goals. The only way for you to move forward is by developing
structure. Start by dividing your larger goals into smaller, more
manageable chunks. Then create a strategic plan to help assure you
achieve success.


Developing your strategy is one thing, but executing the plan is

something entirely different. You need to make the decision that you
will always be working toward your goal, by tackling bite-sized pieces
of the goal until you've found success.

This means that whether you are making a phone call, sending an
email, or physically maneuvering to achieve the next steps, you are
always doing something to reach your goal. Execution helps you begin
to trust yourself, so you can move one step closer to your goals.

Changing your mindset so you can achieve success is not easy. It

takes time and hard work. Follow these strategies, and before you
know it, you'll be accomplishing your goals and finding success.

Unleash the Potential of a Powerful Mind

Chapter 6: Belief Is Your Key

To Success

If you're reading this, you're looking for a way out of the

mediocrity or flat out failure you are experiencing in your life.
It's okay to admit it.

There's no shame in trying to find a solution. What is shameful is to

hide the problem and pretend that everything is okay?

Now we're on the same page, I need you to pay attention to the chair
you are sitting on as you read this chapter. It seems sturdy.
Obviously, it's able to hold your weight. It's doing its job just fine, but

Unleash the Potential of a Powerful Mind

did you know right before you sat down to read this chapter, you had
to make a quick snap decision.

In fact, it went by so quickly that you probably were not even aware of
it. Still, you need to make that decision. What am I talking about? I'm
talking about your assessment of the fitness of the chair.

That's a big deal because if you sat on the chair without thinking and
without even considering whether it's sturdy enough to hold your
weight or whether it's positioned right, you probably will fall flat on
your butt.

You might even hurt yourself. Belief is the reason you quickly went
through the emotion of sitting before you can read this chapter. You
believe the chair would hold your weight. You believe it's in good
enough shape to take care of you and prevent harm from happening to

I'll walk you through this exercise to bring home the point that belief is
crucial to your daily existence. You do it all the time. You operate out
of belief. You live in belief. Belief is the glue that ties your life
together. It informs your decisions that make your life possible.

If you can believe this chair can hold you up why do you continue to
believe in things that hold you down? If you're struggling in any shape
or form, it's because you believed in the wrong things. I know it hurts;
I know it stinks.

Nobody wants to hear this because it leads to the ultimate conclusion,

we all need to wake up. We are the authors of our life. We make that
call. We make that decision, and nothing stings more than coming face
to face with the reality you made bad choices.

If you're struggling in your relationships, at your job, with your health,

how much you weigh, and what you look like, it's because you made
the wrong call. Nobody likes to be wrong. But the good news is that
you don't have to rely on your feelings.

You don't have to remain trapped or at least you feel trapped. Instead,
you can tap into the power of belief so you can make better decisions.

Unleash the Potential of a Powerful Mind

You understand that the world doesn't care about your feelings. It
really doesn't give a hoot about what your emotional state is.

Do you know what it pays attention to? It is your actions. Get your
belief house in order and you will make better decisions. This means
taking better action which puts your life in a better position.

Belief impacts your expectations and assumptions. Start there. What

do you assume to be true about you? It is your life, your place in the
world, and your capabilities. What do you expect out of life? This is a
belief too.

The good news here is that just as you can accept certain beliefs. You
can drop them like a hot potato. Seriously, belief affects how you roll
with the blows; it affects your coping mechanisms.

Understand how belief works and understand that belief is a choice.

Choose better beliefs and you get better results. It's that simple.

Toxic Beliefs That Doom Your Efforts

Make no mistake. We choose our own beliefs. There's nobody sitting

behind you with a gun pointed to your head telling you to believe
certain things. There's nobody threatening to kill you if you don't
believe you are worthless, incapable, and not up to the job.

Nobody's forcing you to be miserable. I know that that's an

uncomfortable thing to hear because we're human beings. We're
trapped in a prison of weak flesh and we would love to have somebody
or a situation to blame.

You choose your beliefs, and these are the foundation of your reality.
They are the lenses which you used to filter out reality. That's what
you used to read reality. They're not forced on you. You've voluntarily
assumed them. You always have a say.

How To Fight Back?

Unleash the Potential of a Powerful Mind

How do you fight back against your toxic beliefs? It all boils down to
being more critical. This doesn't mean that you have to turn into some
jerk or asshole, but it means that you have to be more skeptical.

Don't think things have face value. Somebody might say something is
right or true but filter that information through your experience. Use
your logical reasoning facilities.

Unfortunately, many people are lazy because if somebody we know

who we love and respect says something or make a truth claim, we
are more likely to pick up on what they say and assume that it's true.

Why? In the back of our heads, we filtered that person as someone

who experienced many things and as someone who has achieved
credibility and authority in our mind so why do the heavy work and be
skeptical of what they say?

Basically, you transfer the time, effort, and attention to detail that you
invested in developing that friend or mentor to their claims. This is a
problem because people make mistakes all the time.

People say the stupidest things all the time and if you were mentally
lazy and adopt what they say wholesale and absorb it, there will be a
problem. Maybe they're saying something that's true to them
personally, but it's not some universal truth that applies to all people
across the board.

The next thing you need to do is to stop assuming. Don't be afraid to

look at first principles. If somebody is saying a big claim, don't be
afraid to look like a fool and say, "Hold on, what do you mean by this
and by that?"

When you do that you stop people in their tracks. You keep them from
taking leaps of faith in their argumentation. Mature, very balanced and
advanced thinking people would appreciate that because they
understand clean logic. They understand a clean progression of
argumentation in their mind.

Unleash the Potential of a Powerful Mind

However, people who are lazy or insecure would attack you and that's
okay. Be prepared for that but never fear out of asking to look at first
principles because you will be the victim if you allow them to fool you
because that's what's happening.

Do not assume. Don't be afraid to look at the premises behind their

conclusion because there might not be a good logical fit. The bottom
line to all of this is that if you adopt the mindset of being more critical
and refusing to assume things. You always think you can choose your
beliefs; you change your life.

You really do. Why? You actively make your beliefs work for you
instead of against you. Please understand that beliefs are two-edged
swords. Learn how to craft them so they are beneficial to you and
people depending on you.

Unleash the Potential of a Powerful Mind

Chapter 7: Failure Can Help You


If you're reading this, chances are you might have met with
some form of failure. I know it burns. I know it stings.

I know that if given a chance, you'd rather not deal with it and focus
more on enjoying the benefits of success.

Who wouldn't? That's how most people would respond but understand
that failure is not what you think it is. Most people believe failure
usually holds them back from achieving success.

Unleash the Potential of a Powerful Mind

Successful people think differently. They understand that failure can

help them succeed. They were more motivated by gain than
intimidated by fear. What does this mean? First, failure means pain.

It is difficult since there's pain there. It can be physical pain which is

fairly rare but possible but usually, it is a mental and emotional pain.

There's nothing more painful than thinking you've invested a

tremendous amount of time, effort, emotional energy, focus, and
willpower on something that didn't pan out.

There's also social pain because people knew you were working on
something and then now you have nothing to show for it. You feel like
a fool. It may not be pointing fingers at you, but it doesn't make the
pain go away because we want to impress people we love and respect.

Failure means pain and instead of running away from that reality,
successful people understand that this means one thing and one thing
alone. Since failure can be painful on so many levels, this means they
have to work on the project with the urgency it deserves.

This is not playtime. This is not a joke. It's not a hobby. It's not
something you do just because you have nothing else better to do. It's
real. It demands respect and focus. Successful people acknowledge it
will involve the pain.

This is why before they jump in, they get a full understanding of the
risks and consequences involved. They don't shy away from these.
They don't disregard the risk of bankruptcy. They don't brush the
possibility of fiascoes under the rug.

They look at them straight in the eye. They see that monster. They
acknowledge it for what it is and then they look at what they stand to
gain. Then, there's this calculated risk that comes out of it.

It's the pain that keeps them honest. It's the prospect of losing that
keeps their attention focused. This is how you make failure work for
you instead of wasting all this tremendous amount of time, effort, and
emotional energy by running away from it, making excuses for it,
ducking it, and so on, and so forth.

Unleash the Potential of a Powerful Mind

You understand that failure means pain, and this triggers you to step
your game up. Use the pain of failure to motivate you. Get the
motivation you need to stay focused long enough to achieve victory.

Victory will not happen tomorrow. Victory requires putting in the work,
focus, and sacrifice day after day, week after week, month after
month, and year after year.

Successful People Know Failure Is Their Friend

Did you know failure is your friend? You're probably either laughing
out loud or cringing. You probably have this almost irresistible urge to
close this chapter.

Well, hear me out. Most people are afraid of failure. It doesn't take a
brain surgeon to figure that out. This is part of the human condition.
They draw us to pleasure and we recoil from pain.

We would love the big mansions, the swimming pools, the global
vacations every two months, and the tons of money in the bank, but
we hate, or we try to avoid putting in day-after-day at the office doing
seemingly meaningless work.

Try to avoid meeting the very difficult people that can lead to great
deals but it's murder time to deal with them. We would like to get the
reward without going through the painful process. I understand that
since that's part of human nature.

This is why we're afraid of failure because we know it guarantees

nothing. We can put in the work, the time, the effort and make all the
sacrifices and at the end of that process, there's nothing there.

You're left holding an empty bag but you're already failing right now if
you're not shooting for your goals and dreams. You really are failing
because every day you spend being paralyzed by failure is a day not
spent working towards success.

Unleash the Potential of a Powerful Mind

Fear of failure can paralyze you and make you do things the wrong
way. The worst thing you can do is to put things off and wait for the
'right time' to happen but that right time never comes.

Stop waiting for tomorrow because tomorrow will never come. There
will be many duties, responsibilities, and obligations that will pop up all
over the place that will distract you. They will throw you off track. You
can bet on that.

Fear of failure can also make you hesitate and doubt yourself. Doubt is
an emotional cancer in certain contexts. In the spiritual context, it's
positive. In relationship contexts, it can be positive but for your
capabilities, it is a cancer. It can burn away at you.

The worst part is it builds slowly until it explodes at the moment you
least expect, and you end up crashing and burning. Don't doubt your
capabilities. Challenge yourself but don't doubt.

The ultimate truth about you is that you can do it if you put in the
time, effort, and sacrifice and choose the right goals. Unfortunately, if
you're so deathly afraid of failure, you don't go through the learning

You don't go through that. It's painful. That's why you're avoiding
failure, but it will not happen. You don't even give yourself the chance
to make it.

Successful People Think Differently

Successful people don't fear failure. Believe it or not, successful people

know failure is always a possibility but what do they do? They make it
work for them. They view failure as the price they pay to learn.

If you want a good example of this, pay attention to that quote from
Thomas Edison. He said, "I didn't fail to invent the light bulb. I
discovered 101 ways of not inventing light bulbs." Do you see the logic
in that? Failure is the price you pay as you learn.

Unleash the Potential of a Powerful Mind

You can use it as a steppingstone to the ultimate success or you can

use it as a gravestone to all your hopes, wishes, dreams, and
ambitions. The truth is successful people view failure as a necessity.

Successful People Aim To Fail Quickly

You have probably read the chapter title and did a double take. You're
probably thinking to yourself, "Why in the world would somebody want
to fail quickly?" "Isn't failure something we're supposed to avoid?"
"Isn't it something we're supposed to run away from?" "Isn’t it a mark
of embarrassment or even humiliation?"

Why in the world would successful people of all people aim to fail
quickly? You should understand that successful people know failure is
always a possibility. They don't candy-coat it. They don't deny that it

They don't make up excuses for it. They don't dress it up in many
fancy rationalizations, excuses, and justifications. They do none of
that. Instead, they look it straight in the eye. It's always there. People
feel the pain.

Maybe, it's monetary. Maybe, it's social which means loss of

reputation. Whatever the case may be, failure means pain. They
realize so they look at what they stand to gain. They do a calculated
risk-benefit analysis and if the analysis comes out right, and the
project is worth taking on, they still keep looking at the possibility of
failure to motivate them.

These people know the difference between wanting to fail and getting
ready for setbacks. Their mindset shifts to failing quickly. They want to
know if this will not pan out.

I want this to flame out quickly so I can pick myself up, dust myself
off, and go on to the next opportunity. Quick failure means quick
lessons. It is not a judgment on your character as a human being.

Unleash the Potential of a Powerful Mind

It is not some summation of your value as a person. It doesn't define

you. Instead, you learn what you need to learn like Thomas Edison
who once used a hair from a man's beard in his efforts to invent the
light bulb.

Obviously, that did not pan out, but that didn't stop Edison from trying
many times. You need to fail quickly so you can quickly determine that
the road you're on is not the right road. You can then shift to go to
another road and then try another one.

Quick lessons mean a faster track to eventual success. That's how

successful people think. People who struggle for the rest of their lives
experience failure and look at failure as something that defines them.

What did they do? They dwell on it. Instead of a quick failure that
yields important quick lessons, they dwell on the failure and the
lessons they get are worst lessons because it's all about them.

They're not smart enough. People don't like them. They don't have
enough money. They can't get money. They're trapped in their life
with all these 'toxic' lessons.

Fail quickly and get the lesson quickly. This enables you to minimize
the cost and the pain. Pain will always be a part of the equation, but it
doesn't mean that you have to maximize it. It doesn't mean that you
have to let it burn you and define you as a person. When you do that,
you make success more elusive.

Unleash the Potential of a Powerful Mind

Chapter 8: Proven Benefits Of A

Positive Psychology

The positive psychology movement has endured its fair share

of criticism, especially from those who believe in shadow work
and the integration of negative emotions.

Yet there is much research on the many benefits of positive


Stronger Personal Relationships

People who are happier have deeper ties with their family and friends.
Positive psychology also has a number of benefits in the workplace and
can help to increase productivity and return on investment, as well as
increasing employee satisfaction levels. Companies such as Google
place a massive emphasis on employee happiness.

Benefits the Wider Environment

Unleash the Potential of a Powerful Mind

Having a positive outlook actually rubs off on others who you come
into contact with. In other words, it's contagious. Those who spend
time with happy people are more likely to be happier in the future as
opposed to spending time with those of a negative orientation.

Happier In General

People involved in positive psychology are less likely to have

depression or mental illness. While having a positive mindset does not
stop bad things from happening, it helps to get over them. People
stuck in negative thought patterns let negative events haunt them for


People who engage in positive psychology practices tend to have lower

blood pressure. They have lower stress levels and people who are
optimistic about their circumstances are more likely to recover from
illness such as cancer at a faster rate. Studies have shown a direct link
between positive psychology and the immune system.

More Successful

While success does make people happier, having a positive psychology

is also a factor in attaining success. It is not really possible, or at least
much more difficult, to be extremely successful while having a
negative outlook on life.

Snowball Effect

Those who engage in positive thinking are more likely to be happier in

the future. Happy thoughts lead to more happy thoughts as the
momentum takes off. Those who fail to correct their behavior will
continue to engage in self-destruction patterns.

Confidence and Vitality

People who engage in positive thinking have more self-esteem and are
more confident in their day to day activities. They also have more
energy ad exuberance.

Unleash the Potential of a Powerful Mind

This makes sense, as they will be more optimistic about the future and
they also care more about what they do in the moment. People of a
negative mindset are more likely to look at their jobs as a means to an
end and see life in general as pointless.

Techniques To Master Your Own Psychology

Understanding your own psychology is something that can be difficult

to do but is something that is foundational to wellbeing and happiness.
While it is in many ways a lifetime process, there are some well-
trodden paths to help you to understand yourself better.


Meditation is the best way to observe what you are thinking and at the
same time transform how you think. In meditation, the practitioner
gains the ability to separate himself or herself from personal thought
processes. When the observer does not identify with these thoughts,
they lack energy and dissipate over time.

Then the practitioner can focus on positive thoughts as desired and

watch them materialize in the outside world. While it takes a long time
to attain levels of mastery over personal psychology, meditation alone
has many benefits.

The act of simply sitting and breathing for 20 minutes a day can do
much to alleviate built up stress levels.

Practice Habit Formation

Habits are what makes for a good quality of life. Our experiences are
really just a collection of habits, and this includes mental habits of
thought. Take a habit and make sure that you stick with it for at least
3 weeks, the verified minimum time it takes to establish a habit.

Ultimately, you want to establish a habit of identifying negative

thought patterns as they emerge. In this way, you stop their

Unleash the Potential of a Powerful Mind

momentum before they become too powerful. A habit can be

something as easy as making your bed every morning or something
difficult like visualizing your goal for 20 minutes every day. It is best to
pick something simple and stick with it initially.

You can build on these habits and the results compound over time.
Another habit could be writing a 1000-word blog post every day for 60


While meditation can largely be defined as the art of non-focus, there

are also many concentration techniques available that can serve to
sharpen the mind. One practice consists of gazing at the tip of your
nose for 5 minutes.

This is a short and intense technique that works well for those with the
discipline to stick with it. This focus can then be carried over to other
areas of study. You will be able to apply your focus to different tasks.
The skill of concentration is more important than ever before.

Social media and other technological advances really serve to distract

us, and the population is largely disassociated with little ability to focus
on basic tasks.

Unleash the Potential of a Powerful Mind

Chapter 9: Comprehensive
Understanding Of Mind

The mind is something of a vague concept that can be hard to


Even scientists disagree on the nature of the mind and matter. But you
don’t need to understand everything. You just need to know enough to
further yourself and understand how you actually operate, so you can
get to where you need to be.

Read and Research

The best way to gain an understanding of the mind and of your

personal inner psychology is to read and research. There are many
amazing books that have been written on the art of psychology and

Unleash the Potential of a Powerful Mind

But it is also good to read a wide variety of literature, and you might
consider reading some Buddhist or Zen material which describes the
more esoteric nature of the mind.

Additionally, there are some very interesting discoveries that have

been made by scientific research about how the mind operates. By
reading about the experience of others you can contrast them with
your own thoughts and ideas.

There are cultures with distinctly unique philosophies and ideas that
are opposite to those in the West. Contrast is an excellent way to
increase understanding and open-mindedness.


Meditation is the art of observing your own thoughts. It is the quickest

and most widely recognized way to understand your own mind. Even if
you are incredibly intelligent and successful, an ability to stand outside
yourself is necessary in order for progress.

Otherwise, the same habits and tendencies will simply keep repeating
themselves. Outside of meditation, it is a good idea to become very
strict about what you pay attention to.

Do not consume words and images that are not pleasant to your mind.
You will have to deal with them in meditation later.

Learn From Your Emotions

Much has been said about the power of the mind in terms of
generating our reality. The missing link in what could be arguably
described as a left-brained society is the focus on feelings.

Our emotions are a response to whether we are happy or sad with our
current environment, in a sophisticated real-time feedback system.
Emotions have been brushed aside as illogical tendencies, which is a
drastic mistake.

If you feel bad, it is time to change your thoughts and your situation
quickly. Over time, you will gain experience with regard to how

Unleash the Potential of a Powerful Mind

intricate the emotional system really is and how it can serve to guide
your thoughts.

Increase Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is a little difficult to pin down in many ways,

especially with the modern-day emphasis on mental strength. While
the two are inter-related, it can help to work on emotional intelligence
as its own practice.

Here are some proven ways to increase emotional intelligence:

Social Situations

Learning to handle yourself in social settings is the primary means

through which emotional intelligence can be increased. Some people
find social situations quite painful, but they are often the best way to

If you really want to fast track emotional intelligence, consider public

speaking or debating. These are not merely mental practices, but they
will require emotional skills to execute successfully.

Express Yourself

The majority of people do not know how to express themselves. In

many ways, society teaches us to keep our emotions repressed, with a
politically correct movement that prevents people from stating the

To offset this, learn to express yourself as much as possible. If not in a

public setting, you can write or paint in ways that express how you
truly feel. Expression is essential to wellbeing and its opposite,
repression, will result in an unhappy lifestyle.

Undertake Charitable Acts

Unleash the Potential of a Powerful Mind

While many people are focused on acquiring material possessions,

studies have shown that giving away things and taking on volunteer
work actually leads to increased meaning and happiness in life. Seeing
how other people live in substandard conditions is an excellent way to
increase emotional intelligence. It will increase your empathy and

Talk Directly

The most direct way to increase your emotional intelligence is to find

someone you are close to (such as your partner) and discuss how you
feel. This will help you to understand how the other person feels and
for you to release pent up frustrations.

Releasing bottled up energy can assist in personal mastery, as there

will be little holding you back. Good listeners are rare to find, but they
are invaluable.


Most people live in subjective bubbles. For example, the authoritarian

manager can often have no idea how he or she comes across to
others. You can evaluate how you make others feel in order to improve
your emotional intelligence.

Another way to evaluate your emotional intelligence is through

journaling your daily experience and quiet reflection. Always
remember that your relationship to yourself will be reflected in your
relationship to others.

Unleash the Potential of a Powerful Mind


The mind-body relationship is becoming clearer thanks to the

advent of modern science.

Likewise, the link between our thoughts and our emotions are also
becoming better known. Research has demonstrated an obvious
correlation between good emotions and a strong psychology.

The Circle

Our thoughts and our emotions both form a circle reinforcing the
other. Negative thoughts will generate emotions of a similar nature
and these emotions will then result in more negative thoughts.

This forms a vicious pattern that is most clearly observed in patients

suffering from PTSD and other traumas. It is very difficult for these
people to break free, and the events keep recurring in their minds.
Unleash the Potential of a Powerful Mind

Over time, such patients heal to an extent. The main way to heal is
gradually, as these patients can focus their energies on things that
they enjoy so that the memories fail to repeat themselves and lose
some of their previous force.

Calming therapeutic modalities work over time to gently alleviate

these traumas. However, modern society is anything but therapeutic.

On the other hand, healthy emotions are linked with successful and a
powerful psychology. People who are happier have more success and
better interpersonal relationships. They have better concentration,
memory, and social skills. It is far easier to be successful when you
have a positive emotional framework as a foundation than to be
struggling internally.

How To Manage The Relationship Of The Mind Body Connection

Everybody is in a situation where they need to better manage their

thoughts and emotions. It takes some time, but there are proven ways
to reinforce the strengths of our thoughts and emotions.

These include:

• Meditation
• Mindfulness
• Deep Communication
• Creative Work

Meditation and mindfulness are practices where we simply observe

what is happening in our minds. This is very beneficial in a world that
is so externally orientated. We can observe how we feel and how these
thoughts stimulate certain emotions.

Over time, we can catch the negative thoughts before they gain too
much momentum and ruin the whole day.

Unleash the Potential of a Powerful Mind

Deep communication is another technique where we work with a

therapist or practitioner to document and analyze our own patterns for
further insights.

Creative work is about self-expression. An intense dedication to

creative work is an excellent way to remove any negative tendencies.

What can happen is that we are so focused on artistic inventions that

we are not focusing any of our energies on the things that make us

This works far more quickly than meditation and mindfulness if we can
find something that we are truly passionate about.


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