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Lecture 1 Boiler Feed Water PDF

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-Boiler Feed Water is an essential part of boilers operations.
-The feed water is put into the steam drum from a feed pump. .
-The feed water is
never open to the atmosphere. .
-This cycle is known as a closed system or Rakine Cycle. .
-Proper treatment of boiler feed wataer is an important of operatig and
maintaining a boiler system .
-At a minimum, boiler feedwater must be softened water for low pressure
boilers and demineralized water for high pressure boilers. It must be free of
oxygen and essentially free of hardness constituents and suspended solids.
Two Different Boiler Water Treatment

External Treatment is the Internal Treatment is the

reduction or removal of impurities conditioning of impurities within
from water outside the boiler. In the boiler system. The reactions
general, external treatment is occur either in the feed lines or in
used when the amount of one or the boiler proper. Internal
more of the feed water impurities treatment may be used alone or in
is too high to be tolerated by the conjunction with external
boiler system in question. treatment
-is an integral part of the routine boiler tests in many industries like:

*Rubber Pulp annd Paper
*Food Disterilleries
*Dyers and Paint

-A regular boiler water test assures higher efficiency and reduced

maitenance of boilers.

-It is quite essential to maintain correct water condition by careful

monitoring of boiler water to avoid scale formation, reduction in
efficiency, steam purity, an d corrosive water conditions.

A cooling system that fails to work 1. Faulty Water Pump

properly will lead to engine
overheating. Overheating, in turn, can 2. Clogged Radiator
cause all sorts of expensive problems,
from cracked head gaskets, to 3. Bad Radiator Fan
damaged pistons. The following are
the possible circumstances will
Engine cooling Water Test And Treatment

The cooling water of the engine should be

only demineralized (distilled) water with
proper treatment, which is necessary for
keeping effective cooling and preventing
corrosion of the system.

Sea water or fresh water contaminated by

sea water even in small amount is not
allowed to be used as cooling water of the
engine due to high risk of severe corrosion
and deposits formation in the system.
Checking Cooling Water and the System

The property of the cooling water may be changed during service due to
contamination or evaporation. Therefore, the cooling water itself and the
system should be checked periodically during service, preferably once a
week. Some of the changes may indicate the cause as follows:

Chloride content increasing:

Check possibility of seawater penetrating into cooling water.
Check the system which includes sea water, for example fresh water cooler
cooled by sea water.

If the quality of the cooling water after checking exceeds control limit by
water treatment, the cooling water should be replaced completely by newly
treated water.
Cleaning of Cooling The cleaning of the cooling
Water System the system includes degreasing
system should be and descaling procedures
cleaned thoroughly and which need special
then the cooling water chemicals. As the chemicals
also should be refilled may be hazardous, the
up completely by newly cleaning of the cooling water
treated water. system is recommended to
be carried out by reliable
specialist firm.

>Filling-up of cooling water

>Fill-up with distilled water

>Prepare the solution of inhibitor

>Add distilled water morer

>Run the engine for settlementr

to monitor the quality of the drinking water on board
the vessel by providing tests for important operational
control parameters and verification tests for bacteria
that can be of risk to human health

potable water analysis helps clients monitor the water

quality on their ships, helping them maintain higher
quality levels and reducing the risk of infection or

The range of tests can be used on the ship either as a

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laboratory analysis, dependant on flag state guidelines.
Designed recreational water analysis, including
water used in swimming pools and hot tubs. For
owners and operators of cruise ships,
recreational water testing provides additional
peace of mind, helping ensure reasonable care
for their passengers and crew.

Potable water analysis Recreational water testing provides additional

helps clients monitor peace of mind, helping ensure reasonable care
the water quality on for their passengers and crew. On-board test
their ships, helping them kits are a useful tool for allowing ship staff to
maintain higher quality monitor day-to-day changes in the quality of
levels and reducing the recreational water. Intertek Lintec is able to
risk of infection or offer a range of kits suitable for on-board use to
illness. complement laboratory analysis
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