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Scale aware modeling and monitoring of

the urban energy chain

Zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades eines


von der KIT-Fakultät für

Bauingenieur-, Geo- und Umweltwissenschaften
des Karlsruher Instituts für Technologie (KIT)



von MSc.

Alexandru N ICHERSU

aus Tulcea, Rumänien

Tag der mündlichen Prüfung: 31.05.2022

Referent: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Stefan H INZ

Institut für Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung (IPF)
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)

Korreferent: Prof. Dr. Martin Breunig

Geodätischen Institut (GIK)
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)

Korreferent: assist. Prof. Giorgio Agugiaro, PhD

Department of Urbanism, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment
Delft University of Technology (TU Delft)

Karlsruhe 2022

Declaration of Authorship
I, Alexandru N ICHERSU, declare that this thesis titled, “Scale aware modeling and
monitoring of the urban energy chain” and the work presented in it are my own. I
confirm that:
• This work was done wholly or mainly while in candidature for a research de-
gree at this University.
• Where any part of this thesis has previously been submitted for a degree or
any other qualification at this University or any other institution, this has been
clearly stated.
• Where I have consulted the published work of others, this is always clearly
• Where I have quoted from the work of others, the source is always given. With
the exception of such quotations, this thesis is entirely my own work.
• I have acknowledged all main sources of help.
• Where the thesis is based on work done by myself jointly with others, I have
made clear exactly what was done by others and what I have contributed my-


“If you really want to affect environmental outcomes it’s not shaping a building that matters,
it’s shaping a community”

Peter Calthorpe (Architect and urban planner)

“We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would
be less because of that missing drop.”

Mother Teresa (Nun)

“Sustainable development is the central challenge of our times”

Ban Ki-Moon (Diplomat)

“There is no such thing as a free lunch”

Kevin McKoen (Physicist)

“... it’s always a team sport”

Diana Nyad (Long-distance swimmer)



Department of Civil Engineering, Geo and Environmental Sciences

Doctor of Engineering

Scale aware modeling and monitoring of the urban energy chain

by Alexandru N ICHERSU

Keywords: smart cities, 3D semantical city models, spatial aware energy data, inter-
operability, UBEM, IoT, spatial actors, spatial scales, spatial standards, urban energy
management, urban planning, city-wide energy chain, spatial awareness

With energy modeling at different complexity levels for smart cities and the con-
current data availability revolution from connected devices, a steady surge in de-
mand for spatial knowledge has been observed in the energy sector. This transfor-
mation occurs in population centers focused on efficient energy use and quality of
life. Energy-related services play an essential role in this mix, as they facilitate or
interact with all other city services. This trend is primarily driven by the current
age of the Ger.: Energiewende or energy transition, a worldwide push towards renew-
able energy sources, increased energy use efficiency, and local energy production
that requires precise estimates of local energy demand and production. This shift
in the energy market occurs as the world becomes aware of human-induced climate
change, to which the building stock has a significant contribution (40% in the Euro-
pean Union [71]). At the current rate of refurbishment and building replacement, of
the buildings existing in 2050 in the European Union, 75% would not be classified
as energy-efficient, [70]. That means that substantial structural change in the built
environment and the energy chain is required to achieve EU-wide goals concern-
ing environmental and energy policy. These objectives provide strong motivation
for this thesis’ work and are generally made possible by energy monitoring and
modeling activities that estimate the urban energy needs and quantify the impact of
refurbishment measures.
To this end, a modeling library called aEneAs was developed in the scope of this
thesis that can perform city-wide building energy modeling. The library performs
its tasks at the level of a single building and was a first in its field, using standard-
ized spatial energy data structures that allow for portability from one city to another.
For data input, extensive use was made of digital twins provided from CAD, BIM,
GIS, architectural models, and a plethora of energy data sources. The library first
quantifies primary thermal energy demand and then the impact of refurbishment
measures. Lastly, it estimates the potential of renewable energy production from
solar radiation. aEneAs also includes network modeling components that consider
energy distribution in the given context, showing a path toward data modeling and

simulation required for distributed energy production at the neighborhood and dis-
trict level.
In order to validate modeling activities in solar radiation and green façade and roof
installations, six spatial models were coupled with sensor installations. These dig-
ital twins are included in three experiments that highlight this monitoring side of
the energy chain and portray energy-related use cases that utilize the spatially en-
abled web services SOS-SES-WNS, SensorThingsAPI, and FIWARE. To this author’s
knowledge, this is the first work that surveys the capabilities of these three solutions
in a unifying context, each having its specific design mindset.
The modeling and monitoring activity and their corresponding literature review in-
dicated gaps in scientific knowledge concerning data science in urban energy mod-
eling. First, a lack of standardization regarding the spatial scales at which data is
stored and used in urban energy modeling was observed. In order to identify the
appropriate spatial levels for modeling and data aggregation, scale is explored in-
depth in the given context and defined as a byproduct of resolution and extent,
with ranges provided for both parameters. To that end, a survey of the encountered
spatial scales and actors in six different geographical and cultural settings was per-
formed. The information from this survey was used to put forth a standardized spa-
tial scales definition and create a scale-dependent ontology for use in urban energy
modeling. The ontology also provides spatially enabled persistent identifiers that
resolve issues encountered with object relationships in modeling for inheritance, de-
pendency, and association. The same survey also reveals two significant issues with
data in urban energy modeling. These are data consistency across spatial scales and
urban fabric contiguity. The impact of these issues and different solutions such as
data generalization are explored in the thesis.
Further advancement of scientific knowledge is provided specifically with spatial
standards and spatial data infrastructure in urban energy modeling. A review of
use cases in the urban energy chain and a taxonomy of the standards were carried
out. These provide fundamental input for another piece of this thesis: inclusive soft-
ware architecture methods that promote data integration and allow for external con-
nectivity to modern and legacy systems. In order to reduce time-costly extraction,
transformation, and load processes, databases and web services to ferry data to and
from separate data sources were used. As a result, the spatial models become central
linking elements of the different types of energy-related data in a novel perspective
that differs from the traditional one, where spatial data tends to be non-interoperable
/ not linked with other data types. These distinct data fusion approaches provide
flexibility in an energy chain environment with inconsistent data structures and soft-
ware. Furthermore, the knowledge gathered from the experiments presented in this
thesis is provided as a synopsis of good practices.


Fakultät für Bauingenieur-, Geo- und Umweltwissenschaften


Skalenbewusste Modellierung und Monitoring der städtischen Energiekette

by Alexandru N ICHERSU

Stichworte: Smart Cities, semantische 3D-Stadtmodelle, ortsbezogene Energiedaten,

Interoperabilität, UBEM, IoT, räumliche Akteure, räumliche Maßstäbe, räumliche
Standards, energetisches Stadtmanagement, Raumplanung, stadtweite Energiekette,

Einhergehend mit der Energiemodellierung auf verschiedenen Komplexitätsebenen

für smart cities und der gleichzeitigen Revolution der Datenverfügbarkeit durch
vernetzte Geräte ist im Energiesektor ein stetiger Anstieg der Nachfrage nach räum-
lichem Wissen zu beobachten. Dieser Wandel vollzieht sich in Bevölkerungszentren,
die auf effiziente Energienutzung und Lebensqualität ausgerichtet sind. Energiebe-
zogene Dienstleistungen spielen in diesem Mix eine wesentliche Rolle, da sie alle an-
deren städtischen Dienstleistungen erleichtern oder mit ihnen interagieren. Dieser
Trend wird vor allem durch die Entwicklungen der Energiewende angetrieben, einem
weltweiten Vorstoß zum Ausbau erneuerbarer Energiequellen, effizienterer Energien-
utzung und lokaler Energieerzeugung. Dieser Wandel des Energiemarktes, wird
durch eine wachsende Wahrnehmung des vom Menschen verursachten Klimawan-
dels befeuert, zu dem der Gebäudebestand einen erheblichen Beitrag leistet (40 % in
der Europäischen Union [71]). Bei der derzeitigen Sanierungs- und Erneuerungsrate
würden von den im Jahr 2050 in der Europäischen Union bestehenden Gebäuden 75
% nicht als energieeffizient eingestuft werden, [70]. Das bedeutet, dass ein erhe-
blicher Strukturwandel in der bebauten Umwelt und der Energiekette erforderlich
ist, um die EU-weiten Ziele in der Umwelt- und Energiepolitik zu erreichen. Diese
Ziele stellen eine starke Motivation für diese Arbeit dar und werden im Allgemeinen
durch Energiemonitoring und Modellierungsaktivitäten ermöglicht.
Zu diesem Zweck wurde im Rahmen dieser Arbeit eine Modellierungsbibliothek na-
mens aEneAs entwickelt, mit deren Hilfe stadtweite Gebäudemodellierung durchge-
führt werden kann. Die Bibliothek repräsentiert die Elemente der Energiekette auf
der Ebene einzelner Gebäude und war ein Novum in ihrem Bereich, da sie standar-
disierte räumliche Energiedatenstrukturen verwendet, die eine Übertragbarkeit von
einer Stadt zur anderen ermöglichen. Für die Dateneingabe wurden digitale Zwill-
inge aus CAD, BIM, GIS, Architekturmodellen und einer Reihe von Energiedaten-
quellen verwendet. Die Bibliothek quantifiziert den primären Wärmeenergiebedarf

und die Auswirkungen von Sanierungsmaßnahmen. aEneAs enthält auch Kompo-

nenten zur Netzwerkmodellierung, die die Energieverteilung im gegebenen Kontext
berücksichtigen und einen Weg zur Datenmodellierung und Simulation aufzeigen,
die für die verteilte Energieerzeugung auf Nachbarschafts- und Stadtteilebene er-
forderlich sind.
Um die Modellierungsaktivitäten im Bereich der Sonneneinstrahlung und der Fass-
aden- und Dachbegrünung zu validieren, wurden sechs räumliche Modelle mit Sen-
sorinstallationen gekoppelt. Diese digitalen Zwillinge werden in drei Experimenten
genutzt, die diese Überwachungsseite der Energiekette beleuchten und energiebe-
zogene Anwendungsfälle, welche die raumbezogenen Webdienste SOS-SES-WNS,
SensorThings API und FIWARE nutzen, darstellen. Soweit dem Autor bekannt
ist, ist dies die erste Arbeit, die die Fähigkeiten dieser drei Webdienste in einem
vereinheitlichenden Kontext untersucht, wobei jeder Dienst seine eigene Design-
Mentalität hat.
Im Rahmen der Modellierungs- und Überwachungsaktivitäten und der dazugehöri-
gen Literaturrecherche zeigten sich Lücken in den datenwissenschaftlichen Metho-
den im Bereich der städtischen Energiemodellierung. Erstens wurde ein Mangel
an Standardisierung in Bezug auf die räumlichen Maßstäbe festgestellt, auf denen
Daten in der städtischen Energiemodellierung gespeichert und verwendet werden.
Um die geeigneten räumlichen Ebenen für die Modellierung und Datenaggregation
zu ermitteln, wurde der Maßstab im gegebenen Kontext eingehend untersucht und
als Nebenprodukt von Auflösung und Umfang definiert, wobei für beide Parame-
ter Gültigkeitsbereiche angegeben werden. Zu diesem Zweck wurde eine Erhebung
über die angetroffenen räumlichen Maßstäbe und Akteure in sechs verschiedenen
geografischen und kulturellen Umgebungen durchgeführt. Die Informationen aus
dieser Umfrage wurden verwendet, um eine standardisierte Definition von räum-
lichen Maßstäben zu erstellen und eine maßstabsabhängige Ontologie für die Ver-
wendung in der städtischen Energiemodellierung zu entwickeln. Diese Ontolo-
gie bietet auch ortsbezogene persistente Identifikatoren, die Probleme mit Objekt-
beziehungen bei der Modellierung. Die gleiche Umfrage zeigt auch zwei wichtige
Probleme mit Daten in der städtischen Energiemodellierung. Dabei handelt es sich
um die Datenkonsistenz über räumliche Maßstäbe hinweg und die Kontiguität der
städtischen Struktur.
Weitere wissenschaftliche Fortschritte konnten insbesondere durch Standards für
räumliche Daten und eine ortsbezogene Dateninfrastruktur für die Modellierung
städtischer Energie erreicht werden. Es wurde ein Überblick über die Anwendungs-
fälle in der urbanen Energiekette und eine Taxonomie der Standards erstellt. Diese
liefern den grundlegenden Input für einen weiteren Teil dieser Arbeit: integrative
Softwarearchitekturmethoden, die die Datenintegration fördern und die externe Kon-
nektivität zu modernen und bestehenden Systemen ermöglichen. Um zeit- und
kostenintensive Extraktions-, Transformations- und Ladeprozesse zu reduzieren, wur-
den Datenbanken und Webservices eingesetzt, um Daten zu und von separaten
Datenquellen zu transportieren. Infolgedessen werden die räumlichen Modelle zu
zentralen Verbindungselementen der verschiedenen Arten von energierelevanten
Daten in einem neuartigen Ansatz, der sich von dem traditionellen unterscheidet,
in welchem räumliche Daten in der Regel nicht interoperabel sind. Diese unter-
schiedlichen Datenfusionsansätze bieten Flexibilität in einem Ökosystem von En-
ergieketten mit inkonsistenten Datenstrukturen und Software.

I want to acknowledge my family’s unwavering support throughout the entire life of
this project. You are my lighthouse; I’d be lost without you. Thank you for guiding
my voyages.
The most significant influence on my development has come from my parents, my
mom, a mechanical engineer, and my dad, a Ph.D. in geodesy. Both provided me
with endless love and persistent stability. Since the very start, they have been a
source of strength and inspiration in my life. They have taught me priceless lessons,
from decency to modesty, geometry to French, and the value of teamwork to the sig-
nificance of family. In addition, my friend, teammate, ally, collaborator, companion,
and twin sister, who has known me ever since I was smaller than a raindrop, was
always there, guided by her outstanding determination. She offered support and
different perspectives, as twins always do, and her career as a Ph.D. Civil Engineer
gifted me with another path of inspiration.
My dear sweetheart, partner, love, companion, and beloved wife provided me with a
constant source of support and encouragement even as she moved to another coun-
try, grappled with recognizing her titles to be allowed to practice Orthodontics in a
new language (not a feat for the fainthearted) and pursued, parallel to my own, her
Ph.D. in Medicine. To myself and all who know her, she is a fountain of perseverance
and integrity and played a large part in bringing this thesis’ to the printer.
We traveled the world, had two kids, and completed our PhDs.
For the duration of my employment at EIFER, I have actively participated in con-
structing a city simulation platform with a broad goal of urban simulation. The
project, named CURTIS (Coupled URban SimulaTIon), financed by the EDF (Élec-
tricité de France) group, successfully built and delivered a city simulation platform.
This has supported activities (meetings, conferences, publications, and student the-
sis supervision) in this Ph.D. For that, the author is ever grateful to the EIFER man-
agement: Dr. Jean Copreaux, Dr. Roman Zorn, Dr. Nurten Avci and Ludmila
Gautier, the EDF management: Fabrice Casciani and Maxime Cassat, the project
management: Dr. Kevin McKoen, David Blin and Dr. Alberto Pasanisi, my project
colleagues: Alexander Simons, Dr. Jochen Wendel, Dr. Sebastien Cajot, Dr. Samuel
Thiriot, Dr. Daniel Fehrenbach, Dr. Jonathan van der Kamp, Francisco Marzabal,
Isaac Boates, Jason Yip, Manfred Wieland, Dr. Maria Sipowicz, Dr. Atom Mirakyan,
Dr. Syed Monjur Murshed, Omar Benhamid, Saed Muhamad and Wanji Zhu, the
partners at ULPGC: Pablo Fernández and Jaisiel Santana and my students: Aleksan-
dra Gabryjalowicz, Chenfeng Liu, Yao Jiacheng and Thibault Morin.
Sincere thanks go to the thesis supervisors for their assistance. The GRACE school
system had a system of three persons helping and guiding, each with their fair share
of work and associate contribution. Prof. Dr. Stefan Hinz, head of the IPF (Institut
für Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung), is the supervisor in charge and the main
guarantor responsible for the work presented here. On behalf of EIFER, my former
group manager from EIFER, Dr.-Ing. Andreas Koch made this thesis possible from
an administrative and managerial perspective. Both Dr. Koch and Dr. Hinz saw the
potential of collaboration between IPF and EIFER and helped create the structure
and support that this Ph.D. candidate benefited from in his work. For this, I am very
much grateful.

The third supervisor, Dr.-Ing. Sven Wursthorn, my direct/personal supervisor, as-

sisted me in the continuous struggle that a Ph.D. is. He constantly provided different
perspectives that I would have otherwise overlooked and was actively involved in
the entire process of the thesis conception, development, and writing. At times he
motivated me and acted as a beacon of hope. In addition to this, there was infras-
tructure (servers), expertise (geomatics), and human compassion that Dr. Wursthorn
never hesitated to show, for which I am deeply grateful.
Other individuals also assisted this construct. These are Prof. Dr. Ute Karl (EIFER’s
scientific director) and Dr.-Ing. Andreas Schenk (GRACE’s scientific coordinator).
Both Prof. Karl and Dr. Schenk supported this work from the very beginning. I
recognize and thank both of you for your guidance and support.
This thesis life ran parallel with standardization efforts in the semantic city mod-
els field. The author was very fortunate to be involved with the Energy ADE and
the UtilityNetwork ADE development efforts. The experience gained helping these
standardization efforts greatly facilitated the work within this manuscript. For that,
I would like to thank Dr. Joachim Benner, whose data modeling skills helped finish
the first version and then further improve the Energy ADE to version 2.0, Romain
Nouvel for his vision and work on the Energy ADE extension, Dr. Giorgio Agugiaro
for creating database tools that facilitate work with the Energy ADE and the Util-
ityNetwork ADE, Dr. Tatjana Kutzner and Prof. Thomas Kolbe for their work on
both CityGML and the UtilityNetwork ADE.
Extensive assistance was provided in proofreading by Ursula Antoni and Dr. Franz
Symalla. This support is highly cherished and greatly improved the present thesis.
Furthermore, this doctoral candidate was supported by many individuals and en-
tities. The author would like to mention that many other silent contributors and
colleagues helped the thesis with advice, administratively, and motivation. That is
why: it is teamwork.
Lastly, I would like to thank all my teachers and professors for their passion, inspi-
ration, and precious time. I am but a drop in your ocean of teaching.


Declaration of Authorship iii

Abstract vii

Acknowledgements xi

Contents xiii

1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Research questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.3 Outline of the thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.4 Why We . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2 Defining the city wide energy chain 7

2.1 Spatial and thematic boundaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.1.1 Cities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.1.2 Energy and networks in city public services . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.1.3 Energy chains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.2 The ever changing city - trends in cities and the energy chain . . . . . . 12
2.2.1 Smart, intelligent and next generation cities . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Smart districts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Open digital governance and open data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Citizen observatories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.2.2 Big data and urban digital infrastructure with the Internet of
Things - IoT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

3 One scale too many - Divisions of UBEM space 19

3.1 Defining the spatial context . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.1.1 Spatial scale as a general problem in spatial sciences . . . . . . . 19
3.1.2 Extent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.1.3 Resolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.2 Spatial actors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.2.1 Classification of spatial actors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3.3 A proposal of standardized spatial scales in UBEM . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3.3.1 Spatial relevance of data unit sample size - scale sensitivity in
UBEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3.4 Spatial consistency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.4.1 Scale related ETL operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.4.2 On generalization by (dis)aggregation and clustering . . . . . . 34
3.5 On urban fabric contiguity impact on scales in city energy modeling . 35
3.6 A scale dependent urban data ontology with persistent identifiers . . . 37

4 Not all data are created equal - elephants in the room 43

4.1 Use cases - just what the doctor ordered . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
4.2 Taxonomy of spatial standards and scales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
4.3 Digital domains for spatially aware cities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
4.3.1 CAD and BIM technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
4.3.2 GIS’s take on cities - semantic city models and CityGML . . . . 51
4.3.3 Bridging the divide - ADEs to the rescue . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Modeling buildings’ energy data. The Energy ADE . . . . . . . 55
Urban lifelines. The UtilityNetwork ADE . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
4.3.4 CityJSON, a convenient alternative to CityGML - data inter-
change formats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
4.3.5 Accommodating the leviathans - an ETL funneling system . . . 62
4.4 Web services lend a hand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
4.4.1 GIS web services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
4.4.2 CAD and BIM web services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
4.4.3 Sensor frameworks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
OGC Sensor Web Enablement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
FIWARE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Technical summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

5 Energy relevant coupling of sensors and 3D models 73

5.1 The impetus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
5.2 Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
5.2.1 Sensor installations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
5.2.2 Measurement data stream . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
5.2.3 3D spatial data flow via web services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
5.3 Experiments related summary and discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
5.4 Good practices and a check-list for next generation cities . . . . . . . . 86
5.4.1 Common, adaptable and reusable SDI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
5.4.2 Reusability of developed tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
5.4.3 Open source and open data for open governance . . . . . . . . 90
5.4.4 Digital by default . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
5.5 On data fusion - to merge or not to merge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
5.5.1 Tight and loose coupling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
5.5.2 Energy chain architectures - discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95

6 aEneAs, the scale aware urban energy modelling library 99

6.1 Desideratum - why UBEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
6.1.1 UBEM classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
6.1.2 Variables and UBEM general workflow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
6.2 aEneAs - Trojan hero’s odyssey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
6.2.1 The backbone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
6.2.2 Components - models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107

7 Outcome - Conclusion and Outlook 125

7.1 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
7.2 Outlook - the future of semantic city models and the urban energy chain132

A Figures from other sources 135

Bibliography 141

List of Figures

2.1 A conservative perspective of the city wide energy chain . . . . . . . . 11

2.2 Inner city energy chain components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.3 A renewed perspective on the smart district energy chain . . . . . . . . 15

3.1 Energy chain actors spatial scale classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

3.2 Spatial scales in the city wide energy chain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3.3 Spatial scales in the city of Torino, Italy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.4 Building blocks, building parts and energy meters in Torino, Italy . . . 28
3.5 Spatial energy data inconsistency example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3.6 Spatial borders inconsistencies in the energy chain data spatial units . 32
3.7 Building footprint conflicting definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
3.8 Hierarchical proposed structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
3.9 Hierarchy based on spatial levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
3.10 Spatial scales based identification system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

4.1 Taxonomy categories for UBEM standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

4.2 Spatial model standards and design scales for BIM, CAD and GIS . . . 47
4.3 Classes of the CityGML standard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
4.4 CityGML and extensions jigsaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
4.5 CityGML and the Energy ADE linkage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
4.6 Energy ADE classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
4.7 CityGML and the UtilityNetwork ADE link, screen capture in Enter-
prise Architect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
4.8 The core class of the UtilityNetwork ADE link, screen capture in En-
terprise Architect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
4.9 Accommodating the leviathans - an ETL funneling system . . . . . . . 63

5.1 Sensor installations used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

5.2 Sensor data infrastructure and flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
5.3 Four suitable approaches for CityGML web service . . . . . . . . . . . 82
5.4 Good digital practices in modeling, simulating and monitoring the
energy chain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
5.5 Open source solutions available for the energy chain . . . . . . . . . . . 92
5.6 Tight coupling general architecture - theoretical implementation . . . . 94
5.7 Loose coupling general architecture - theoretical implementation . . . 95
5.8 Energy chain components and storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
5.9 Tight coupling general architecture - practical implementation . . . . . 96
5.10 Loose coupling general architecture - practical implementation . . . . 97

6.1 UBEM model classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101

6.2 UBEM general steps, own work with elements from [6] . . . . . . . . . 104
6.3 aEneAs and the support infrastructure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
6.4 Heat loss model fact sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111

6.5 Solar radiation model fact sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112

6.6 Solar gains and PV paneling models fact sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
6.7 Heating demand and GHG emissions fact sheet and computation work-
flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
6.8 Green roof and green façade, fact sheet, concept and graphical results . 120
6.9 Fact sheet for integrated water/electrical networks management . . . . 124

A.1 Digital transformation, Digitalization and Digitization hierarchical re-

lationship, discussed in section 5.4.4, from [197] . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
A.2 Technology readiness levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
A.3 Thermal components of the green façade model, as presented in sec-
tion 6.2.2, from [223] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
A.4 Solution for coupling the water and electrical networks at a turbine . . 137
A.5 Topological and topographical connectivity, conceptual representation 138
A.6 Space heating regression analysis for measured and simulated values . 138
A.7 CityGML production flows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139

List of Tables

2.1 Electrification trends in urban population centers and population . . . 9

3.1 level of detail for data used in the urban domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

3.2 Energy chain spatial scales description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3.3 Description of a PID and GUID in the case of a town . . . . . . . . . . . 39
3.4 Description of PID and GUID identifier in the case of a building . . . . 39

4.1 Use cases for 3D city models in the energy wide chain . . . . . . . . . . 45
4.2 BIM data formats used in the urban energy chain . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
4.3 CityGML 1.0 and 2.0 level of detail concept scale and accuracy re-
quirements, adapted from [91] and [242] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
4.4 CAD, BIM and GIS standards/methodologies summary . . . . . . . . 54
4.5 Utility network modeling solutions, after [34], [23] and own work,
with three support levels, 1 - poor, 2 - basic, 3 - good . . . . . . . . . . . 61
4.6 Standards/Methodologies information sheet, aggregated from own
work and [79] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
4.7 Sensors/things web service summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

5.1 Sensor installations summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

5.2 Comparison of the spatial workflow technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
5.3 Web services used in BIM, CAD and GIS for geospatial data relevant
in UBEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
5.4 Common licence models for code and data, after [185] and own work . 91


List of Abbreviations

ACH Air exChange Rate

ADE Application Domain Extension
API Application Programming Interface
ANN Artifical Neural Networks
BESTEST Building Energy Simulation TEST
BCF BIM Collaboration Format
BCF-API BIM Collaboration Format - Application Programming Interface
BEM Building Energy Modeling
BIM Building Information Modeling
BKI BauKosteninformationszentrum Deutscher Architektenkammern
CAD Computer-Aided Design
CAPEX CApital EXpenditure
CEP Complex Event Processing
CIM City Information Model
CityGML City Geographic Markup Language
CHP Combined Heat and Power
CCHP Combined Cooling Heating and Power
CO Citizen Observatories
CSV Comma Separated and Value
DaaS Data as a Service
DB Data Base
DCP Distributed Computing Platform
DG Direct Generation
DHN District Heating Networks
EIFER European Institute For Energy Research
EDF Électricité De France
EPFL École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
ETL Extract Transform Load
EU European Union
FID Feature IDentification
FIWARE Future Internet platform
FM Facility Management
GEri GEneric enablers
GIS Geographical Information Systems
glTF graphics language Transmission Format
GML Geographic Markup Language
GHG Green House Gas
GWPV Global Warming Potential Values
GRACE GRAduate school for Climate and Environment
GUID Globally Unique IDentifier
GWPV Global Warming Potential Values

HDD Heating Degree Day

HTTP HyperTextTransfer Protocol
ICT Information and Communications Technology
IAI Institute for Automation and Applied Informatics
IMK Institut für Meteorologie und Klimaforschung
IoT Internet of Things
IPF Institut für Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung
ISO International Organization for Standardization
IT Information Technology
IWU Institut für Wohnen und Umwelt
KIT Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
KVP Key Value Pair
KPI Key Performance Indicator
LOD Level Of Detail
NGO Non Governmental Organisation
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
OID Object IDdentification
OGC Open Geospatial Consortium
O&M Observations & Measurements
OPEX OPerating EXpense
OSF Open Software Foundation
OSM Open Street Map
OSS Open-Source Software
OWS OGCWeb Services Common Standard
PCA Principal Component Analysis
PID Persistent IDentifier
PV PhotoVoltaic
REST REpresentational State Transfer
QoL Quality of Life
SAR Synthetic-Aperture Radar
SAS Sensor Allert Service
SCIS Smart Cities Information System
SCP Smart City Planning
SDI Spatial Data Infrastructure
SensorThingsAPI Sensor Things
SES Sensor Event Service
SensorML Sensor Modeling Language
SHP SHaPefile
SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol
SOM Self Organizing Maps
SOS Sensor Observation Service
sqkm square kilometers
SQL Structured Querry Language
STEP Standard for the Exchange of Product Data
SWE Sensor Web Enablement
UM Urban Modeling
UBEM Urban Building Energy Modeling
UESM Urban Energy System Modeling
ULPGC Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
UML Unified Modeling Language
URL Uniform Resource Locator

URI Uniform Resource Identifier

UUID Universal Unique IDdentifier
VBK VerkehrBetriebe Karlsruhe
VCS WFS Virtual City Systems Web Feature Service
WCS Web Coverage Service
WFS Web Feature Service
WMS Web Map Service
WNS Web Notification Service
W3C World Wide Web Consortium
XML eXtensible Markup Language
XML-RPC eXtensible Markup Language-Remote Procedure Call

List of Symbols

Ai is the component surface area W m−2

AP area represented by each surface point m2
EDi Annual heat energy demand for building i kWh
BPi Beam and diffuse components of solar irradiance for a point W m−2
P at time step i
Cair heat capacity of air J K−1
c pstr Specific heat of structural material J/kg K
c pwater Specific heat of water J/kg K
csub Specific heat of substrate material J/kg K
Cvw Convection to/from the vegetated façade W/m2
CO2 Ee Energy related GHG emissions in Carbon Dioxide equivalent (tonsCO2 e
d distance m
D Subtract thickness m
DM number of days per month
DPi Beam and diffuse components of solar irradiance for a point W m−2
P at time step i
EDhl energy demand corresponding to the heat loss of the building Wh
EFi Emission Factor for heating source of building i kg/KWh
ft factor for the temperature zone -
GB global radiation on a building Wh
GP global radiation on a point Wh
GS global radiation on a surface Wh
HD heating hours a day
HDDa Heating Degree Days per year Kh
L structural thickness m
LRvw Longwave radiation to/from the vegetated façade W/m2
nA building air exchange rate ACH
NFi Number of floors for building i -
Phl building heat loss W K−1
P power W J s−1
RCi Refurbishment cost for building i €
Qvw Heat conduction through the wall behind the vegetated façade W/m2
Svw Heat stored in the wall behind the vegetated façade W/m2
SRvw Shortwave radiation to/from the vegetated façade W/m2
t Time s
T0 daily average temperature per month °C
Ti set temperature inside the building °C
U thermal transmittance W/(m2 K)
U Ai Usable area for building i m2
VA inner building volume m3
XRvw Radiative exchange between the bare façade/soil and plant W/m2

∆t time step length h

ω angular frequency rad
ρ pstr Structural material density kg/m3
ρ pwater Water density in substrate layer kg/m3
ρsub Substrate material density kg/m3

Dedicated to those who made it all possible: my Family and

my Teachers

Chapter 1


From Kupe (Polynesian/Maori) to Zheng He (Chinese), Ahmad ibn Majid (Omani),

Ferdinand Magellan (Portuguese) or James Cook (English), all pioneers understood,
used and respected maps. With their maps they planned the course of their lives and
of millions of others that followed in their steps. Today the questions we want maps
to answer are ever more complicated and have evolved, from finding the shortest
route to spice producing lands to calculating solar radiation potential on vertical
surfaces or finding the best location for electric car charging stations inside cities. To
handle this changing environment, map makers and data providers have to provide
an evolution of the backbone that maps are built on. This thesis provides an in-depth
look at how spatial data models associated with an entire infrastructure chain can
support energy city planning and management activities by means of 3D city digital
twins. The cyber versions of cities are linked to near-real live data and showcase a
living, breathing (by way of sensors and things that sense) digital copy of the built
environment that allows for modeling and simulation of the energy chain in cities.
This work allows for shared immersive decision making to happen by accelerating
data sharing among stakeholders.

1.1 Motivation
Cities are great centers of human capital concentration. They have always been
places that attract, gather, facilitate and drive innovation. To do this they help peo-
ple congregate and foster companies development. This happens as long as a sum of
factors transpire simultaneously. These factors are generally related to either geogra-
phy or governance. A successful city is one that provides good quality city services
that convince people to move in and stay. According to [175], one century ago 10%
of all people used to live in cities, where as today, that ratio has exceeded 50%. This
trend, slowly decelerated by today’s pandemic, will nevertheless accelerate towards
the mid of this century and is projected to stabilize in 2100 at around 85%. The pre-
viously cited report argues that cities have always existed and expanded because of
the economic growth and services that benefit their residents. These services pro-
vide for a better quality of life at a lower economic cost due to economies of scale.
These can only be achieved in urban areas with a corresponding human settlement
density. On the other side, large numbers of humans bundled up in cramped pop-
ulation centers bring about issues of its own. These are related to quality of life,
city services and space sufficiency which urban planners and managers have to deal
with. The indicators, [175], used for the comparison of cities are:
• Livability – clean, healthy living, digital infrastructure for city services
2 Chapter 1. Introduction

• Workability – enabling infrastructure: energy, connectivity, computing, essen-

tial services
• Sustainability – future generations
• Learnability – quality learning for all
From a mayors perspective, [190], cities are built on three pillars: general public
services, citizens satisfaction (it represents a measure of quantifying the first pillar)
and narrative storytelling. The first pillar is the foundation pillar, as it allows for the
others to exist and includes public utilities, transportation, hospitals, schools and
cleaning. This thesis focuses specifically on public utilities and services related to
energy in cities. It aims to use data modeling in energy chains in cities and follows
energy from production to transportation of the commodity and finally to consump-
In the attempt of providing an ever better quality of life, the built environment
(human-made) has become the world’s largest energy consuming sector, constitut-
ing 64% of global primary energy, and producing 70% of the world’s carbon dioxide
(CO2 ) emissions, [106]. To alleviate these issues, significant innovation and trans-
formation of the way in which energy demand and consumption happens in urban
environments is required, a statement also made in the preamble of the New Green
Deal pushed by the European Commission, [71]. This thesis aims to facilitate this
change by improving the handling of energy-related data. This was done with the
development of models and standards, essential tools that support these changes.

Smart cities
Most often these changes in city energy data management and data handling are
identified as a primordial requirement, which is part of the new generation cities
(often also referred to as smart cities) revolution. In interviews with different city
stakeholders (the people responsible for planning and management of cities), [104],
three depths of the smart city trend setters were identified:
• Tools-economic dimension
• Administrative-procedural dimension
• Governance dimension
From the city perspective, for change to happen there is a clear need to improve and
coordinate the collection, processing and connectivity of existing (and/or available)
information in order to achieve efficient resource management (tool/instrumental-
economic dimension). Also required are technical specifications for objectives and
actions for city development (administrative-procedural dimension) and new city
stakeholder interaction constellations (governance dimension). This thesis tackles
parts of the dimensions mentioned for next generation cities trying to offer an inte-
grated perspective from both a spatial but also an energy thematic viewpoint of the
city wide energy chain.
Both scientists and practitioners of the urban management have shown heightened
interest in the topic of smart cities, being very visible in standardization organiza-
tions. This standardization work is being carried by the OGC (Open Geospatial
Consortium) - with the Smart Cities WG (Working Group) and the ISO (International
Organization for Standardization) [111] with the Smart community infrastructures
1.1. Motivation 3

- Specification of multi-source urban data integration for smart city planning (SCP)
group. The work pushed by these communities is also joined by volunteer based
committees that work on standardization within the intertwining geospatial and en-
ergy domain, namely the Energy ADE, [22] and the Utility Network ADE, [1]. A
definition of the term smart city is provided in Chapter 2 as part of the trends that
ever changing cities are currently experiencing.

GIS and the new generation cities evolution

To bring further clarity to the contribution, the question of what does GIS (Geo-
graphical Information Systems) provide with in energy urban planning and urban
management is asked. And further, what motivates state entities in building exten-
sive GIS systems? Historically, it appears that the original reason was financing.
Every budget starts from land taxation, or, in other terms, cadastre. It is the ba-
sis for any budget planning as it is the safest form of income (land does not grow
or shrink in size). In cities, GIS is needed to simplify spatial complexity because it
presents information in situational context which most often explains complex en-
tity relationships. These systems have evolved from taxation to providing spatial
repositories of multiple types of information. Once such a system is built it needs
to be maintained and constantly refreshed so it stays up to date. It means that cities
most often have a department with the sole focus on maintaining such spatial data
for use in city management and urban planning. GIS repositories often contain in-
formation on the building stock but also for near real time event monitoring. This
allows for trends to be observed and measures to be implemented when they are
According to [182], quality GIS data systems and tools provide cities and specifi-
cally their municipal governance with increased governance capacities. Also, latest
technology delivers two-, three-, four-, ..., n-dimensional management and visual-
ization of cities and their incremental change over different periods of time. Change
detection and change impact functions aid architects, urban designers, and public
and private stakeholders in seeing ways to think beyond their individual projects
and understand the impact on an entire district, city, or region. This also transforms
the change process, as it tends to make it more democratic and exposes it to a larger
cross section of city residents.

Energy, infrastructure and the city wide energy chain

Energy is a primary commodity which impacts real and perceived life quality. Most
often it also impacts decisions taken by people and companies of whether to move to
or away from a city or region. At the same time the types of energy, its diverseness,
reliability and availability to people and companies can increase the chances for suc-
cess in the never ending competition of cities. Examples of this influence abound in
history. [16] uses a concept called the "rank clock" to show the impact on the growth
of cities in the south of the USA during industrialization. Cities lacking cheap access
to energy were, in the long term, dislodged from the largest cities in the US. It is this
impact that helps motivate the work carried out in this thesis.
Having abundant energy is not enough. The distribution of it via energy infrastruc-
ture is a major city service. It represents the backbone of all other services and it is
the role of the public sector to facilitate it. City infrastructure can have very different
4 Chapter 1. Introduction

dimensions, be it physical (e.g. roads, electrical networks) or human (e.g health or

education sectors). At the same time, it is expensive to build and will often not be
erected by private entities without public financial incentives.
The world’s population expected to reach 8 billion by 2025 and 9 billion by 2040.
As the United Nations recognizes this worldwide trend towards urbanization, [198],
prosperous, healthy and resilient cities are key in this development. Keeping the
same quality of city services while providing them to a higher number of recipi-
ents requires ingenuity and determination. Of course this trend puts pressure on the
public sector to provide adequate infrastructure and resources to cities and their citi-
zens, pushing cities to improve and innovate (there are countless studies comparing
cities livability, sustainability, "smartness").
The work of [61] analyzes a speckled (large variation in population size and geo-
graphical indicators) dataset of 274 cities in order to demonstrate that economic ac-
tivity, transport costs, location, and urban form explain 37% of urban direct energy
use and 88% of urban transport energy use. With the underlying trend in urban ex-
pansion set to continue well past 2050, world urban energy use will increase three
times, from 240 EJ in 2005 to 730 EJ in 2050. At the same time, keeping limited re-
sources in mind, increasing the efficiency of energy use is, a low hanging fruit of
sorts, as it contributes towards increased stability and reliability of the energy chain
inside cities.
The solution presented in this study involves the use of detailed 3D semantical city
models that serve as a basis for different domain data coupling. The motivation for
cities and companies involved in the city wide energy chain to build such spatial
models and integrate them with energy data originating either from production fa-
cilities, from transportation entities or consumers, differs. From a cities’ perspective,
public funding needs to create opportunity both in terms of jobs, but also in terms of
sustainability and long term development. The main reasons behind such expensive
endeavours are:
• The enablement of smart (energy, water, waste) applications, essential in be-
coming a smart city
• Public engagement in urban planning and management
• Improved urban planning
• Improved city services
• Utility networks management
• Tourism - boost tourism by displaying cities landmarks online
• Fostering economic development
From an energy utility company perspective, the motivation to pursue smart city
initiatives relates to, first and foremost, improved services, while also keeping or
reducing operational costs. To that end these companies seek to:
• Accurately and precisely estimate energy demand
• Forecast trends in energy demand and prepare for them
• Partake in the urban planning process, so as to advise and implement the best
solutions available for the future clients
1.2. Research questions 5

• Improve their services, especially in the context of free markets

• Better their management of utility networks
• Access live information already available in smart homes and devices
• Foster economic development
• Reduce their GHG (Green House Gas) footprint

Spatial context
As concluded in [62], the spatial context has big weight in the city wide energy chain
and a spatial approach is fundamental. This helps build an exhaustive information
system concerning the energy performances of buildings in the urban context. This
in turn is used in modeling and simulation by energy providers to estimate energy
demand and quantify hourly and spatial variation.
The current proposed solution has been tried out in different geographical contexts.
While performing this analysis different organizational models of cities have been
observed as well as divergent citizens’ expectations. The implementation was tested
in distinct legislation and requirements under which companies operate. In this
thesis examples related to the following cities were provided: Singapore (Singapore),
Berlin (Germany), Geneva (Switzerland), New York (USA), Karlsruhe (Germany),
Torino (Italy) and Bucharest (Romania). These cities have different urban sprawls,
densities, historical and cultural backgrounds. This is reflected in the spatial and
temporal scales at which information is stored and organized.

1.2 Research questions

The following questions were formulated and grouped into four thematic blocks in
order to clearly frame the scope of this thesis:
• City wide energy chain:
What is the city-wide energy chain, and how is information exchanged within
this conglomerate?
• Spatial scale in the dissertation context:
What is the correct scale for modeling and monitoring the urban energy chain?
• Standardization and interoperability for collaborative urban management and
urban planning:
How to achieve interoperability in the management and planning of the urban
energy chain?
• Energy domain modeling and simulation:
How to efficiently model and monitor the urban wide energy chain using
spatio-temporal data?

1.3 Outline of the thesis

This section presents a description of the thesis layout.
6 Chapter 1. Introduction

In Chapter 1, Introduction, the motivation behind the thesis is defined as well as

the research questions that are answered in this thesis. In Chapter 2 the City Wide
Energy Chain is defined, by presenting the actors that form it. Additionally the very
different perspectives that they take on the energy chain and the ways in which they
approach geospatial information are presented. Further, the commodity flows are
presented, from production to consumption and explored within the current thesis
limitations. Chapter 3 presents the spatial context and spatial actors that intertwine
at this specific extent. Additionally it discusses issues stemming from the lack of
standardized data units and proposes a scale based persistent identifier to manage
this issues. Chapter 4 presents the spatial data domains that intertwine in the given
context and compares their different approaches to the modeling and sharing of data
in this context. In Chapter 5 work related to the coupling of sensors and 3D mod-
els is presented. This includes three experiments for data transmission and linking.
Furthermore, best practices for spatial data actors are proposed and described in
order to achieve collaborative urban management and urban planning. These prin-
ciples should facilitate work in the city wide energy chain irrespective of the scale
at which the actors operate. Data fusion in this context is also explained, with two
opposite approaches illustrating spatial actor handling methodologies. In Chapter 6,
energy domain modeling and simulation in the city wide energy chain is explained,
as well as results from this thesis modeling and simulation work using the previ-
ously defined principles, infrastructure and methodologies are presented. Chapter
7 displays the conclusions of this work. Lastly, an outlook for the future of semantic
city models and the urban energy chain is provided.

1.4 Why We
In certain sentences and phrases of this thesis the pronoun We is used to describe
the authors work. The author of this work believes that such a manuscript is never
a single individuals work but it is always team work that helped build, model, di-
rect the methodologies, results, conclusions and findings. A similar example of this
philosophy is Diana Nyad, who swam, alone, from Cuba to Florida - the longest
recorded unassisted swim. She testifies that her work, a single individual in the wa-
ter, in what is an incredible feat of human resilience, is actually nothing else than
team work.
One can argue that even the main structure of support for this PhD student at the
University of Karlsruhe, (KIT - the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), the GRACE
(GRACE - GRAduate school for Climate and Environment) program has a similar
perspective and recognizes the need for team work in achieving results like the the-
sis presented here. This student received support from three parties, trying to bal-
ance out the conflicting interests affecting the thesis work, be those scientific, work
or personal life related. These were: the supervisor in charge, the direct/personal
advisor and the group manager, and also institutional from three institutes, EIFER
(the European Institute For Energy Research), IPF (Institute for Photogrammetry and
Remote Sensing) and IAI (Institute for Automation and applied Informatics).

Chapter 2

Defining the city wide energy chain

With this dissertation study the focus is on a complex mechanism which relates to
public services delivery, namely production, delivery, storage and use of energy that
cities deliver to their inhabitants in an urban spatial environment. The current chap-
ter describes the city wide energy chain from the perspective that it is referred to in
this thesis. This envelope helps prepare the chapters that follow, supports the so-
lutions proposed and confines their scope. In order to define the city wide energy
chain the concepts in it are separated as follows: city, energy and chain. Different
definitions are explored for each of those 3 concepts and explained within the scope
of the methodological approach by defining its viable spatial and thematic context.

2.1 Spatial and thematic boundaries

2.1.1 Cities
Let us first define the spatial context, which is the city, or the urban spatial envi-
ronment. Historically, cities appeared first as locations of commerce, government
and transportation hubs and also as places where large densities of people live and
work. According to the United Nations, [222], urban areas are defined differently
from country to country, a single definition has not been agreed upon. Addition-
ally, the geographical extent of a city also lacks a uniform international criterion for
boundaries. Habitually a city can have multiple distinct perimeter concepts:
• “city proper”, using the administrative boundary definition,
• “urban agglomeration”, where the extent of the contiguous urban area, or
built-up area construct is used,
• “metropolitan area”, in which the number and depth of economic and social
interconnections of nearby areas (assessed with economical or transportation
indicators) is employed.
Another study, [198], uses absolute values to set thresholds for the definition of ur-
ban settlements: the population of the area is at least 2000 people living in a dense
settlement, while for other countries this value is set at 5000. Regarding population
density, this value tends to vary greatly. The European Commission, [66], defines
urban centres as containing a minimum of 1500 persons per square kilometer, a def-
inition to which the authors of [193] concur.
Both of the above definitions are used to determine the urban areas (or urban ag-
glomerations) studied in the present work as: Places where people live together in
a high density urban sprawl that allows city services to be delivered in networks.
8 Chapter 2. Defining the city wide energy chain

The urban sprawl has a minimum density of 1000 persons per square kilometer and
a minimum size set at 5000 individuals. Diversified energy networks are unattain-
able in rural areas due to larger distances and lower population density and, most
importantly, the associated costs. The thesis scope is further narrowed to the ad-
ministrative boundary of the spatial entities defined in the chain subsection be-

2.1.2 Energy and networks in city public services

To further define the spatial and thematic context, a rigorous review of the public
services that deliver energy inside cities is performed in this sub-section. In the
physics realm, energy is, [41], the capacity for doing work. It may exist in potential,
kinetic, thermal, electrical, chemical, nuclear, or other various forms. Energy, after
it is transferred, is designated according to its nature (e.g. heat transferred becomes
thermal energy).
According to [222], cities are responsible for 75% of global energy consumption. This
energy is provided from a mix of all possible national/world and local sources (coal,
crude oil, natural gas, nuclear or renewable), [221]. Cities have traditionally had
their own production facilities. This is done to complement the national grids and
also help stabilize local grids. At the same time it reduces the dependency on exter-
nal factors. However, in the last years discussions have started on creating national-
grid independent cities. This conversation has stayed in general in the realm of plan-
ning, with few cities showing interest in achieving near or complete independence.
This is mostly due to the high costs associated with this action and, surprisingly, the
green house gas footprint that such an action would entail.
City energy services achieve one important goal, and that is to maintain and im-
prove real and perceived quality of life of the people living and/or working in their
perimeter. To support quality of life these city services deliver energy in the form of
electricity, heat, cold or another energy carrier, with different end applications con-
nected to each of those networks. The delivery of these very precious commodities
takes place trough very different network types. Through a user survey among the-
matic experts and city project managers carried out in the EIFER institute in 2016 city
networks that serve as use cases for the development of this thesis were identified.
The survey results were presented to a panel of experts at the Utility Network Con-
sortium meeting in December 2017 and together with the expert members an expert
reviewed systematic survey of network types in cities was completed, [126]. The
following types of energy are, as documented in the working minutes, transported
in the cities’ utility networks:
• Electricity
• District heating
• Gas
• Waste water*
• Storm water*
• Fresh water*
• Communication**
• Process steam
2.1. Spatial and thematic boundaries 9

• Oil
• Waste
• Air pressure
* when used for energy production ** utility networks usually integrate communi-
cation tools, or use communication networks for their own data transmission
Out of all energy goods delivered in cities, electricity is the most readily available
commodity to all population types. It is also the only one for which world wide
database numbers exist (United Nations, International Energy Agency and World
Bank), see 2.1. Specific to urban environments, according to the IEA 2017 data, [105],
as of 1991, 97% of the world urban population (or 2.28 billion urban dwellers) had
access to electricity. Since then, that percentage decreased for a decade (even though
in absolute numbers the value increase remained), a process most likely caused by
the main communist socialist block disintegration (with large numbers of people
leaving rural communities) and the lack of state investment that followed. However,
considering the accelerated urbanization trend mentioned in 1 and visible in the
numbers presented in table 2.1, the new arrivals to urban environments have moved
to cities that already had this resource readily available.
Moreover, regional and national governments strive to provide cities first with ac-
cess to reliable electricity. The reason is that the main factor in electrical network
development is population density, [24]. These trends and policies are further con-
firmed by numbers from 2017 where the same percentage of 97% of the world urban
population is shown to have access to electricity (while the relative number was con-
stant, the absolute value increased in the 25 years span that the table depicts). In any
case, this numbers make electricity the most readily available energy resource out of
all the types identified in the previous list.

TABLE 2.1: Electrification trends in urban population centers and

population, source [105], [220]

Total world population Urban population With access to electricity

[billions] [%] [billions] [%] [billions]
1991 5.41 43.29 2.34 97.19 2.28
2001 6.22 47.1 2.93 94.72 2.77
2011 7.04 52.11 3.67 95.95 3.52
2017 7.55 54.85 4.14 97.36 4.03

As it is such a coveted commodity, the spatial coverage of electrical networks is not

necessarily explained by supply and demand economical mechanisms, meaning that
different public stakeholders heavily subsidize the process of network development,
thus providing a larger geographical extent than would be available if only spatial
parameters would be used (as defined above). This creates geographically unbal-
anced networks which cover areas that would normally not justify the connection
to a national grid. Gas and oil networks in certain countries follow similar patterns
as they are prized commodities both for the general population and industrial ac-
tivities. With most of the other commodities, the price of network expansion plus
maintenance and rapid energy losses associated with distance generally act as bal-
ance regulators. It keeps such networks in the urban domain or at least to naturally
relevant geographical extents.
10 Chapter 2. Defining the city wide energy chain

In cities, energy networks are sometimes physically visible, sometimes inconspicu-

ous and noticeable only through substations (or "middle men" such as gas stations),
and represent the lifelines of cities as one of the main facilitator to quality of life
(QOL). These can be viewed like veins and arteries of a human body that take pre-
cious blood (energy) to the farthest corners of the system and (sometimes) bring it
back to the power plant (the human heart, e.g. district heating networks). In a sim-
ilar fashion energy networks are described as the lifelines that cities use to take and
bring energy to/from its inhabitants.

2.1.3 Energy chains

In a conservative way, the energy chains in a city can be defined as composed of
three separate levels: production, utility (or ubiquitous) networks for energy carrier
transportation and consumption. Most often energy comes from outside of the city,
with the alternative being that energy is produced inside the city either from cen-
tralized facilities or even by prosumers (someone who both produces and consumes
energy). The visual description of the energy flow is described in Figure 2.1. In it,
the flow is presented using spatially separated entities. In cities the energy source
could be fossil, renewable, waste energy from industrial processes and in rare cases
The energy produced is either consumed next to the production facility or trans-
ported. In an overwhelming majority of cases energy is transported, either via utility
networks or vehicles. City utility networks used for energy transportation can be of
multiple types: electrical, gas, district heating, district cooling, waste water, steam
and oil.
The last level in energy modeling in the city wide energy chain are the consumers.
One way of classifying these consumers is as residential, tertiary and industrial.
These consumers can also be producers, as mentioned before.
To explain energy chains, a methodology described by Batty in [16] was adopted,
which has cities depicted as chains of entities that can be represented with a hi-
erarchical structure. Stocks and flows are used to describe in general how people
connect different points in the cities by commuting from one place to another. A
similar understanding is adopted in this manuscript with regard to energy chains,
which connect energy production centers, delivery centers and final consumers in-
side the urban space. Batty goes further and defines cities as complex systems and
uses system dynamics to explain the complex processes that go on in cities.
With regards to the entities that compose the energy chain the data modeling in this
dissertation is confined to all static entities that are encased in the built environment.
One can argue that not all energy distribution or consumer objects are spatially static,
and therefore not encased in a building. This can be seen for example with trucks
that distribute oil products from a gas station to houses. However, the energy which
is invested in the final consumer is always modeled in a physical building, where
the energy is drained from the mobile entity. This means, the energy consumed will
always be modeled in a static physical entity, namely a building.
To continue in explaining the energy chain, the entities that compose it are described.
For the purpose of city modeling all the following entities are housed in buildings,
or better said, in the built environment:
2.1. Spatial and thematic boundaries 11

F IGURE 2.1: A conservative perspective of the city wide energy chain,

energy flows from left to right, producer to consumer

• energy production centers: built entities that produce or accommodate energy

production capabilities (inside or outside)
• the primary network: the energy transmission lines, performing the energy
transfer in between production centers and substations
• substations or delivery centers: components of the energy chain that transform
the properties of the energy commodity (e.g. lowering voltage for electrical
pipes, lowering pressure for district heating networks) to a level that can be
used by the final consumer.
• the secondary network: the energy transmission lines that perform energy
transfers in between the substations and the final consumer
• storage entities: facilities that store energy, these refer to stand alone entities,
as storage can occur most often on the premises of the final consumers
• final consumers: the end energy consumer is defined as a consumer building,
with either residential, tertiary or industrial focus.
The classification presented above is rather traditional in the sense that it is uni-
directional, energy flows one way to an end consumer. However existing situations
that also motivate this thesis (some of them facilitated or brought up by the energy
transition) allow end entities to produce energy themselves in order to use, store or
sell that commodity back in the chain (e.g electricity from PV panels or heat from
boilers). This also reduces the need for energy transportation in the primary net-
works and increases it in the secondary networks. This change is sometimes trigger-
ing the need for additional secondary networks to be built. Additionally, in cities,
energy experts have an eye out for sector coupling - the use of residual energy from
energy-intensive heating, cooling from (sometimes) industry operations. The enti-
ties that compose the energy chain are depicted in figure 2.2 with light blue depicting
12 Chapter 2. Defining the city wide energy chain

F IGURE 2.2: The energy chain inside urban spaces with its compo-
nents and flows of energy, special notice to newly added flow direc-

national/regional grid input, green the traditional chain components and yellow the
most recent additions to the city.
Energy chains help further define the spatial extent of the study areas. This the-
sis is purposely confined to exclusively study directly (physically) connected enti-
ties in the urban domain. For example, an electrical network connected from local
source to end user, represents the maximum extent of urban space as described in
this manuscript. This extent respects in most cases the administration boundaries
of cities but does not constitute a rule. As such, the approach has to consider both
administrative boundaries and those of energy utilities.

2.2 The ever changing city - trends in cities and the energy
One cannot discuss the city wide energy chain and present solutions to today’s prob-
lems without understanding the current trends and disruption technologies affect-
ing the different fields and actors intertwining in this context. Furthermore, data
from different, intertwining fields is modelled: GIS, energy and IT. Very often do-
main experts propose solutions from their own field of expertise and perspective. In
this thesis a holistic approach that handles the connections in the most efficient and
non-partisan way possible is used.

2.2.1 Smart, intelligent and next generation cities

A most significant trend with cities and their administrators is the smart city move-
ment. The term smart city, generally refers to a city that has undergone a process
of digital transformation in the public services it provides to its inhabitants and
companies. This transformation impacts urban management and urban planning,
2.2. The ever changing city - trends in cities and the energy chain 13

changing the fabric of cities in real life not just digitally. In [63] a survey of existing
definitions was made. The study also proposed a comprehensive definition. A smart
city is:
• a well defined geographical area,
• governed by a well defined pool of subjects, able to state the rules and policy
for the city government and development.
• using high technologies such as ICT, logistic, energy production, and so on,
• creating benefits for citizens in terms of well being, inclusion and participation,
environmental quality, intelligent development;
Based on interviews and reviews presented in [104], the term Smart City is not differ-
ent in terms of substance that clearly differentiate it from other recognized naming
conventions such as Green Cities, Sustainable Cities or Low-Carbon Cities. What the
concept does achieve is a definition of the conversion process. Purposefully used by
decision makers in the public domain, it has built acceptance within the mainstream
and has thus allowed for funds to be dedicated to smart city investments (e.g. in-
frastructure investments).
In Europe, as far back as 2007, the cities associated together in the Covenant of May-
ors program, [44]. Among their declared aims are the improvement of energy effi-
ciency and increased renewable energy use inside cities. The authors of the previous
study, provide the alternate term intelligent cities and mention citizens QoL as the
most important indicator with which all initiatives should be rated. They look at
cultural, economic and social growth in a healthy, safe, stimulating and dynamic
environment as the components of positive effects in peoples lives from smart city
initiatives. From the authors perspective the central challenge for cities in this ini-
tiatives is the integration of new enabling infrastructures and IoT with pre-existing
structures while exploiting synergies and interoperability between systems. This
facilitates better value services for citizens, and contributes to an improved QOL.
Taking a stakeholder perspective in [16], Batty explains that interviews with deci-
sion makers and interested parties show that they are very much aware of and un-
derstand the smart city concept. They also see their own cities current situation as
one of competition with other cities. That means that in order to stay relevant, cities
need to adopt technologies, integrate them in their decision making process and use
them in order to provide a higher QoL that convinces citizens to reside in their city,
and companies to operate there. This is only possible when manpower and infras-
tructure combine to provide the right recipe for success.
More generally, digital transformation can be understood as the use of new and fre-
quently changing digital technology to solve problems often using cloud computing
while also enhancing capabilities of traditional software products. It is achieved
when the digital enables innovation and creativity and stimulates significant change
within the professional or knowledge domain, [120]. Specifically with regards to the
digital change that cities undergo, these can be structured in 4 pillars, [55], digital:
• infrastructure, the backbone that allows for public digital services to exist in
the first place, including WI-FI, 5G and broadband
• services for citizens, direct online citizen relationship to the public administra-
14 Chapter 2. Defining the city wide energy chain

• education, the restructuring of peoples skills so that all citizens can have basic
access to digital privileges
• skills valorification, or the building and development of projects and initia-
tives, to help spread the value creation from digital footprints both for compa-
nies and people
As with many profound societal changes that impact citizens lives, it takes time
for the term to be universally adopted and agreed to, so alternatives have emerged
to the term "smart city". The same term was used to describe very different and
sometimes seemingly not converging activities. Parts of the scientific community
choose to distance themselves from it, for example Ursula Eicker, one of the most
cited authors in the UBEM (Urban Building Energy Modeling) field, prefers the term
‘next-generation city’, and defines it by linking it to sustainability - a bridge that
unifies our common purpose with these transformation actions, [155].
For this present thesis a smart city and a next-generation city are one and the same.
They are defined as: a city that has embraced digital amenities and provides its inhabitants
and companies with digitally optimized and innovative public services. This is done in a
way that stimulates and enhances open data initiatives, direct citizen participation in city
management in order to guide resources allocation and change.

Smart districts
Smart districts are the embodiment of a smart city on a district scale. In the European
Union context, a knowledge platform was built to exchange data on the topic of
smart cities. Called the Smart Cities Information System (SCIS), it allows cities to
exchange data, experience and know-how required in order to achieve smart cities,
[68]. On the same platform, a definition of smart districts as spatial units that rely
on three pillars can be found. These are:
• to make efficient use of energy through smart grids,
• the inclusion of district heating and cooling distribution systems,
• to provide new mobility solutions and the use of ICT.
Using the three components mentioned above energy loads can be locally handled,
reduced and shifted from peak to off-peak hours. This maximizes energy load bal-
ancing and allows for the integration of renewable energies. Even though the def-
inition is very much "alive" in the sense that it changes as things progress in the
field, the current one gives us an idea as to the goals of the projects aiming to deploy
smart districts. These are most often projects that do so from an energy perspective
or at least include it in the proposed work. In addition the use of ICT can enable
energy providers and policy makers to use the monitoring data to guarantee a level
of transparency in between all stakeholders. This allows citizens to have an impact
and even take responsibility in the smart management of energy in their district. At
the same time it often leads to changing habits. In addition, largely automatized
systems can decrease administrative loads and diminish the costs associated with
network operation.
Direct energy generation and storage at building and district level is also identified
in [43] as one of the most important trends in local energy management. Benefiting
from lower costs and technological break troughs, direct generation from local re-
newable sources and energy storage continues to gain in presence. The emergence of
2.2. The ever changing city - trends in cities and the energy chain 15

F IGURE 2.3: A renewed perspective of the smart district wide energy

chain, adapted with information from [8]
CHP - Combined Heat and Power
CCHP - Combined cooling, heating and power

these energy-efficient facilities and their integration into daily lives is what has been
identified as one of the most important tasks in achieving next generation cities. Re-
garding energy transportation, tendencies show that the micro grid and smart-grid
paradigms will become the standard in the electricity transportation domain.
The energy chain components at the level of a smart district can be categorized in 5
categories: producer, prosumer (an entity that both consumes and produces a com-
modity), energy storage, energy source and consumer. These categories and the
distinct entity types that are included in them are presented in 2.3.

Open digital governance and open data

Open governance refers to freedom and availability of information. [44] offers the
perspective that for citizens to successfully access information and data, inclusive
processes for widespread participation are needed. This in turn ensures collabora-
tive decision-making processes and effective value creation from data that the city
owns. At the same time ICT offers active and open communication in between citi-
zens and their elected leaders, leading to efficient tax payers money use and higher
QOL. One key benefit of open governance is value creation generated from open
data. Many city administrators are aware of their data value but not necessarily
have the resources or the skills in their budget deprived teams to make use of it.
As such, making data public creates opportunities both for the public and private
16 Chapter 2. Defining the city wide energy chain

domains to use open data. Of course, not all public data can become open data. The
intricate topic of privacy, with different restrictions set in various local, regional and
national contexts, requires constant attention and adjustments to data policy. This
process of data opening can be quite elaborate and time consuming.
However, open city data has its downsides too, and these come usually in terms of
quality and consistency, which affects data processes further down the processing
pipeline and most importantly the duration of the treatment required to make data
useful. In an attempt to tackle this issue, [169] defined and developed intricate ETL
(Extract Transform Load) processes with the help of semantics data and open API
called the CitySDK. However, this approach has still to gain notoriety and critical
implementation mass. This is why classical standard regression methods in combi-
nation with principal component analysis (PCA) used to improve the quality and
amount of predicted values are still a common tool within the data scientists com-
Keeping the advantages and disadvantages of open data in mind, one must rec-
ognize the increased legitimacy that it provides to city administrators and the fact
that it creates a tangible connection of citizens with their own city’ institutional rep-
resentatives, [27]. That is also concurred to by [177] who go further in analyzing
the impact of open data in Economy, Education, Energy, Environment, Governance,
Tourism and Transportation. Their results show the impact of data initiatives in the
5 smart cities sample they analyzed to be strongest in Governance and Economy.
The authors conclude from their analysis that such initiatives provide an inherent
innovation pattern which is most important in an “open innovation economy” that
brings together citizens, NGOs (Non Governmental Organizations) and companies.

Citizen observatories
The way in which cities are governed is changing in order to adapt to societal changes
in terms of life styles, to competition from other cities and to the integration of the
digital domain in daily lives. Citizens use a very diverse set of digital applications
in their daily lives and expect that their city administrator reacts and provides them
with similar ways of information exchange. This data flow needs to work both ways:
information is provided and feedback returned. For the scientists involved in study-
ing this phenomena, it is recognized as an established field called citizen science
which creates information hubs, called citizen observatories. These observatories,
provide further assistance in intricate endeavours such as energy urban planning
and management via participatory decision making tools that aim to enable citizens
to act as "eyes" of the authorities and policy makers and to monitor land-cover/use
changes through everyday activities, [219].
The success of such observatories is already visible in Horizon 2020 projects like
SCENT Citizen Observatory (CO), where infrastructure, monitoring systems and
legal and administrative frameworks that allow for monitoring and management
have been developed, [168]. The methodology used in this project is based on ex-
pert judgement (for data quality indicators) and ontological analysis (interpretation),
using citizen collected information with the SCENT toolbox. The data quality tests
performed by local experts follow the thinking that citizens that are familiar with the
specific urban context situations have thematic knowledge and possess an under-
standing of possible solutions and their implications. This is in turn complemented
by a set of Key Performance Indicators that the stakeholders have evaluated. To sum
2.2. The ever changing city - trends in cities and the energy chain 17

up, COs can be used to enhance communication opportunities and facilitate partic-
ipatory decision making whilst using local knowledge and human resources rather
than seeking top down measures.

2.2.2 Big data and urban digital infrastructure with the Internet of Things
- IoT
IoT is identified as early as 1999 as a potential game changer in the context of supply
chain management, [7]. IoT relates to one of the aims of this thesis, to show the
feasibility of using standardized integrated spatial-temporal data and standards in
the energy supply chain. As [213] shows, the Internet of Things can be realized in
three paradigms:
• Internet-oriented (middle-ware), Internet is used for data transmission,
• Things oriented (sensors), oriented to measuring devices,
• Semantic oriented (knowledge), linking the measurement and the devices with
the help of semantics to things in citizens’ surrounding.
Internet availability, the requirement of the first paradigm, is another commodity,
usually taken as granted by city citizens and even engraved in citizen rights in some
countries. Finland, [17], has even provided a minimum legal speed for nationwide
internet access at 1Mbps. 4G internet (60Mbps) has already made IoT possible, how-
ever the availability of 5G (22Gbps) is showing to be the tool that allows IoT to
achieve critical implementation mass and create what is called the 5G IoT or the In-
ternet of everyone and everything, [239]. It is precisely this availability of data flows
in near-real time that creates the so called big data perspective.
So how large does a data set need to be in order to be classified as big data? If the
concept of big data is treated from an absolute value perspective it must be men-
tioned that Bill Gates, the largest stakeholder of Microsoft, considered, at the birth of
his Windows operating system, that a data set was considered very large already at
640KB (the big data term did not exist at that date). As of the start of 2019 there is no
standard number that the IT community accepts as the threshold for discussions on
big data, this varies greatly depending on the skills and tools available to the users
in a group. It must also be said that these numbers matter because they form the
basis of discussions in between the departments that ensure continuous and unin-
terrupted data flows (e.g. IT and research groups). As to what exactly qualifies as
"big data", this also varies depending on the capabilities of the users and their tools,
and their available infrastructure. Ever expanding capabilities and better software
make defining big data in terms of information quantity difficult.
At the same time what also matters is the quality of data. Well structured, reliable
and well defined data sets are the general standard of data in relational databases.
Big data is generally defined as the opposite approach to relational databases, large
volumes of poorly structured data that is sometimes provided with gaps and per-
haps affected by errors. What these data sets lack in structure and perhaps quality
is covered however by simple sample size. These provide scientists and city stake-
holders with perspectives that would have otherwise remained unseen and unrep-
Within the urban energy chain, data flows remain an issue. It is not as if this data
was not produced before, but rather that its flow was and still is largely interrupted.
18 Chapter 2. Defining the city wide energy chain

It is part of this thesis scope to study infrastructure solutions and software that could
take advantage of this freshly freed energy (or energy relevant) data.

Chapter 3

One scale too many - Divisions of

UBEM space

Space is a resource.
This chapter focuses on the components and scales at which information is found
in the city wide energy chain. The spatial context is also properly explored, includ-
ing its dimensions of extent and resolution. As with regards to its components, the
use of the word refers to the spatial actors that interact with the energy produc-
tion, transportation and use. The chapter also includes a classification of this actors.
Further, the issue of the right scale for urban building energy modeling is exam-
ined and approached from a perspective of spatial relevance for the data used. The
issue of spatial data consistency for UBEM modeling is explored together with an
assessment of urban fabric contiguity impact. Finally, a scale dependent urban data
ontology with persistent identifiers to help with origin-destination relationships is
proposed for modeling of the urban energy chain.

3.1 Defining the spatial context

Scale is a fundamental issue in spatial science. In the context of the city wide energy
chain different data owners aggregate and maintain data which has an influence on
the acquisition, storage, processing, and visualization of data sets from this domain.
Scale brings with it the same difficulty in energy modelling. How do spatial actors
interact and at what spatial levels? What is the right level of aggregation? Where
should we try to gather all information so that the effort is rewarded by enough
accuracy? This chapter identifies spatial actors, scales and standards in urban energy
planning and management in smart open cities and presents two alternatives used
in the manuscript work for spatial scales used in aggregation, one approach that
relates all information to buildings and another one to neighborhoods.

3.1.1 Spatial scale as a general problem in spatial sciences

Whether in GIS, in CAD (Computer-Aided Design), or BIM (Building Information
Model) or any other spatial discipline, spatial context is intrinsic to the definition
of the problem algorithms are seeking to solve. In the manuscript [82], the author
stresses the significance of spatial context within many other different fields and
20 Chapter 3. One scale too many - Divisions of UBEM space

applications, such as geography, geology, agriculture, forestry, surveying, water sci-

ences and computer sciences. This chapter makes a case that the impact is as im-
portant within the energy domain and defines the spatial scales and the actors that
intertwine in order to handle spatial objects in the city wide energy chain.
Similar conclusions with regards to the significance of spatial context in energy plan-
ning, modeling and simulation are drawn from the publication of [119]. Accord-
ing to the authors, no specific integrated software for architects, civil engineers and
energy designers that combine multi scale indicators such as a neighborhood Key
Performance Indicator (KPI) framework, city wide energy simulation and building
KPI-optimisation was yet available. The emphasis of the entire effort presented in
the publication is neighborhood scale with the authors making a plea for it being
the "right" scale at which to perform building energy simulation in the context of a
urban area. It is a similar plea that this chapter also supports, seeking a meaningful
effort of data gathering, processing, modeling and simulation.

3.1.2 Extent
Scale has many meanings, but in GIS two are of greatest significance: resolution and
extent, [84]. With regards to the maximum perimeter or spatial extent of the thesis,
this is city wide as defined using the energy chain expanse in chapter 2. That means
an urban area where people live together in a high density urban sprawl, where a
minimum density of 1000 persons per square kilometer and a minimum size of 5000
individuals is found. Those criteria are paramount in order to allow city services to
be delivered in networks (unattainable in rural areas due to larger distances, lower
population density and most importantly associated economic costs). Also, the the-
sis confines itself in the administrative boundary of the spatial entities defined in the
chain subsection below.
This scale dimension is reasoned by [136] as the optimal one at which inclusive
urban-planning projects that consider full energy cycles cutting across all the pre-
sented intervention areas can be performed. Additionally, solitary efforts (e.g. de-
signing and managing independent passive houses and smart buildings) might not
be optimal overall, as these cannot facilitate the planning and management of in-
teractions between energy significant actors and their spatial locations. The scale
issue is also reflected in the work of [44] who evaluates different smart cities initia-
tives (from city, regional and nation levels). The work concludes that the scale at
which current projects in the topics of energy efficiency in buildings, flexible public
transport services, digital infrastructures, smart grids are focused on is still narrow.
This is due to the fact that most projects are proof of concepts rather than funda-
mental change implementation, at city level. As such, building level initiatives are
discarded as actual change, and rather as prof of concept implementations.

3.1.3 Resolution
With regards to resolution, this thesis makes a case for using buildings as the basic
unit for the specific needs in this thesis. The motivations behind this choice stem
rather from a mix of reasons both in the spatial and in the energy domain such as
specific data availability, geographical barriers, statistical sample scale significance,
and are presented and discussed within this chapter for spatial related issues, and
in 6 for UBEM (urban building energy modeling). This choice is significant because
the accuracy of the results of spatial analysis methods is linked to both the scale of
3.2. Spatial actors 21

the data sets involved and the algorithms used. [84] discusses the scale problematic
in GIS and its semantic definition in detail and concludes that raster and vector data
have to be treated differently.
In raster data, resolution has a direct link to the scale in which the data can be used
because of the explicit size of raster cells (pixel or voxel). Spatial urban energy data
is sometimes, albeit seldom, provided in raster format. Vector data has no direct
resolution compared to raster data. There is no simple definition like the resolution
in the raster case.
The vector data’s fitness for a distinct scale range has to be defined during its acqui-
sition process. Often, the metadata provides suggestions, if such data is available
at all. From within the vector data set itself it is difficult if not impossible to guess
scale. Vector data attributes have a scale dependency, too. The detail or number
of distinct features classes has a scale dependency which is directly linked to the
geometric objects involved.
To tackle different use cases requirements that involve discrete changes, data used in
spatial sciences is often provided at different levels of detail (LOD). 3.1 presents the
most typical level of detail with regards to data used in the urban domain. Engaging
different LODs simultaneously may require different data generation or acquisition
strategies. In the urban domain scale, the lowest level of detail may be represented
by a digital surface model, meteorological information, air pollution or geothermal
applications, with pixels in the order of magnitude of dozens to hundreds of meters.
A more detailed LOD with coarse 3D building geometries may be derived by extrud-
ing the 2D geometries of building footprints with corresponding building heights
stored in a different dataset. The features may be taken from a cadastral dataset,
a LIDAR or photogrammetric flight. The higher the level of detail should be, the
harder it is to maintain the consistency between the layers [89]. For new structures
and buildings, parametric approaches help to enable consistency between multiple
scales because they can be generated out of an all digital modeling workflow, [40].

TABLE 3.1: Typical level of detail for data used in the urban domain

Sample description Data type Level of detail [m] Accuracy [m]

Digital surface model Raster 10 − 103 0.1 - 1
Air pollution maps Raster 102 − 103 10 - 30
2D Building footprint Vector 0.2 - 1 0.1 - 0.5
3D Building geometry Vector 0.2 - 3 (height) 0.05 - 1
Street infrastructure Vector 0.1 - 2 0.02 - 0.5
Energy infrastructure Vector 0.2 - 1 0.02 - 0.1
Underground infrastructure Vector 0.2 - 0.5 (height) 0.02 - 1

3.2 Spatial actors

What kind of actors do we meet in the city wide energy chain? How can we enhance
interoperability among them? To energy data modelers in the city wide context re-
liable data in the urban planning and management process is extremely valuable.
However, at the same time this data is difficult to obtain and rarely standardized,
with each stakeholder generally having a narrow perspective of the energy chain,
usually an individually centered approach. This slows down the entire data gath-
ering process due to the data treatment and legal procedures required to bring all
22 Chapter 3. One scale too many - Divisions of UBEM space

information and actors together. Spatial data for the city wide energy chain is stored
and maintained by legal entities who are first of all entitled (or legally obliged) to
do so and whose activity revolves around administration, civil engineering, urban
planning or management.
The following list comes from open administrative data provided within a couple
of geographical areas that the author has extensive experience. These are depicted
as examples in the thesis. These areas are: Singapore (Singapore), Torino (Italy),
Bucharest (Romania), New York (USA) and Karlsruhe (Germany). This list is not
(and due to the different and unique nature of each city cannot be) exhaustive. It
presents the actor and their perspective, first from profession separation:
• Architects and architecture companies. By their profession description, they
design buildings and are sometimes involved in the construction process in
order to ensure correct building standards. Architects store and work with
data in a way that ensures them a functional perspective for the building. Ulti-
mately, an architect aims for beauty and functionality. This often involves the
creation of visualization prior to actual construction. This process often uses
standards that do not pursue the interoperability perspective. That means se-
mantical city models are rarely used, but rather CAD and BIM related stan-
dards with few, if any architects venturing in, and using, GIS domain stan-
dards. Due to the often unique nature of the products used, conversions from
files created by architects are difficult to complete due to the different perspec-
tive taken. For energy use analysis, architects use building scale products such
as EnergyPlus with extensions in their own architect oriented software prod-
ucts which focus on the detailed energy estimates of single buildings.
• Urban planner. An urban planner is a specialist that keeps an architectural,
economic and political perspective on neighborhood / city development with
an ultimate goal of public welfare. As urban planners often work on larger
projects, GIS is a necessity but often they are confronted with BIM and CAD
input which require costly standard conversions. For the energy chain work
this professionals regularly lack proper tools at neighborhood and city scale.
This is why a host of research projects have sprung up in the last years to assist
in mid and long term energy planning and management. In addition compa-
nies like EDF, IBM, Google, Microsoft, Siemens and others have created unique
software tools that allow for urban energy planning, see 6 for a presentation of
some of those tools.
• Civil Engineers. These are professionals which design, build, destroy or main-
tain structures or facilities for living, industry and transportation and also do
environmental/land improvements works. The civil engineer is a general user
of CAD and BIM. A rather large panel of software products exist which sup-
port the construction, development, and monitoring of construction works. By
the nature of their work engineering products tend to respect standards which
facilitates exchanges with the other professionals involved in the city wide en-
ergy chain.
• Public Administration / civil servants. These professionals are very often
building, maintaining or even designing public works. Most public admin-
istrations keep and maintain their own data repositories. These have mostly
been converted to a digital format. However, that is not always the case and
3.2. Spatial actors 23

there are still situations where historical print-ed blueprints are in use, some-
thing especially true with utility networks, which often have a history dating
back to longer than a century. When dealing with the city wide energy chain
these category of professionals are in general the most important data owners
/ actors in the data chain. They most often control or own the most signifi-
cant data. In the rare cases that they don’t they maintain a network of contacts
which facilitates the exchange of information. Standardization in storing this
data is rare due to the fact that data is presented to them in many different
formats and standards. However, there often exist local or institution based
data standards. Standardization of all data in the spatial domain is something
that has attracted the attention of strong institutions in the EU and these can be
seen by standardization drives like the INSPIRE framework. However, the im-
plementation is an ongoing work with a mid and long term completion goals
that this specialists have to accomplish. Regarding software choices both CAD
and GIS software are used by these professionals.
• Facility Managers maintain and support the use of built environments. Re-
garding spatial context they focus on building (rarely also at district) scale.
They go in to great detail to store all information related to the smallest uniquely
identifiable element that belongs to a facility. Due to the laborious nature of
their tasks they tend to be very precise and favor extremely detailed data mod-
els like BIM IFC models. Very often, facility managers are involved in opti-
mization tasks for the facilities they manage. In the energy domain that means
they maintain a good understanding of the material usage, the occupancy and
schedules in usage of their facilities. As shown in [80], building physics and
occupancy play a key role in energy demand, which makes these professionals
key stakeholders in energy modeling. Additionally, some experts of Facility
Management (FM) use sensors and gather data in order to perform detailed
analysis in order to support a sustainable use of their buildings. Facility man-
agers are among the first (together with security companies) to ask for and
develop smart applications that convert building to smart buildings - being
trend setters from this perspective.
• Transportation entities professionals (engineers) are transportation operators.
They transport people or goods in their networks and, after energy demand in
housing, they represent the second highest demand of energy in cities. Due to
the larger spatial context that they focus on it is quite common that they use
GIS both in data modeling and operation of their networks. There are plenty of
software solutions that support transportation planning, maintenance and op-
eration. CAD and BIM is also used when great detail is required, particularly
in transportation hubs, but then we go back to civil engineering and facility
• Utility network operators. Professionals working in energy utility network op-
erations are usually engineers focused on the delivery of the energy commod-
ity from the production center to the consumers. These professionals use net-
work specific standards and data models. The operation of such tools require
that standardization is respected and maintained, although in most situations
internationally recognized standards get a local flavor with specific extensions
or entities. It is very often the case that they use both CAD and GIS with some
very specific associated data models and software products. The spatial data
they use is rarely found in the open domain due to security concerns as most
24 Chapter 3. One scale too many - Divisions of UBEM space

utility networks are considered critical infra-structure. However, in the last

5 years (the duration of this thesis) there have been some positive develop-
ments, both from public funded research projects, [187], and also from cities
like Rotterdam (Netherlands) and Nanaimo (Canada). These developments
usually relate to electrical networks, with rare samples concerning other net-
work types.
• Energy producer professionals. These are usually engineers tasked with de-
signing, operating and maintaining energy production sites. The spatial stan-
dards they use in general are CAD and BIM. The spatial data they own is very
rarely shared outside of the companies that own the plants and networks. Ex-
ceptions appear when different entities own the utility networks and the en-
ergy production site and/or local public entities enforce the sharing of such
data. Other relevant data (to the city energy modeling field) that is released by
these professionals concerns the amounts and properties of the energy com-
modities delivered. These impact network sizing and their reliability.
Entities not included directly in the energy chain can also have a significant impact
on its management and modeling. These are usually statistical agencies or compa-
nies that store data and provide it as a service - DaaS (data as a service). Usually,
it is their data that is used in providing UBEM models with input and support for
representation of output data.
It goes without saying that the spatial actor list provided in this thesis is a general
list, This means that as every city has its own cultural, legislative and historical back-
ground the catalog presented here is not exhaustive in terms of numbers but rather
tries to be in the sense of categories. Spatial data relevant entities in the city wide
energy chain can be unique to a city or country, e.g. the organization that attends
the safety of chimneys and heating boilers in Germany, which appeared after ac-
cidents with carbon monoxide poisoning from heating installations based on fossil
fuel burning. Today the same organization maintains a database with all heating
sources for every household in Germany and performs yearly checks for safety in
their operation. Recognizing the differences in between different geographical con-
texts is of the upmost significance. The specifics of each area carry significant weight
and this is why scales, actors and standards have evolved naturally and differently
in different areas.

3.2.1 Classification of spatial actors

Spatial actors, or spatial data owners can be classified with the scale at which they
are active. The spatial scale is illustrated in figure 3.1. The main takeaway from
the table is the fact that all spatial actors meet at the district scale. This underlines
the significance of this scale in the city wide energy chain as it facilitates informa-
tion exchange required for UBEM modeling while also carrying sufficient weight in
the city system. This means that it is the first scale at which decision making can
have meaningful impact and it also the place where data is already in the hands of
participating stakeholders.
As the table also shows, multiple stakeholders can store information on the same
spatial entity. This brings the issue of data consistency among spatial actors, as the
same attribute can have different meanings, values and accuracy in different repos-
itories. Although it may appear to be a common issue, in practice it is not for two
straightforward reasons. First, real life data sets are incomplete and second, UBEM
3.3. A proposal of standardized spatial scales in UBEM 25

F IGURE 3.1: Spatial actors classification upon the scale at which they
operate and maintain data

modelers rarely have access to all the above mentioned spatial actors repositories.
As such, most often data sets are completed / repaired with the use of statistical
data and ETL (Extract Transform Load) operations.

3.3 A proposal of standardized spatial scales in UBEM

In [42] consistency of both data quality and access were recognized as major chal-
lenges in urban energy system planning. Data is indeed dispersed across different
physical and administrative scales, and spans the entire urban planning value chain,
all while being hindered by privacy issues and lack of standardization. Every spatial
actor presented in the previous section has it’s own specific spatial scale at which it
works and aggregates data. Because of the nature of administrative work and the
fact that cities are often not alone in regulating and controlling their energy chain,
data tends to be segregated among different spatial actors and scales. These lines
of division are connected to topographical, cultural, and historical differences that
influence the evolution of cities.

F IGURE 3.2: Spatial scales in the city wide energy chain in different
geographical, cultural and administrative contexts

Six cities that the author was able to obtain open data for were selected for a graphi-
cal representation of the spatial divisions of data, see 3.2. These cities were chosen to
26 Chapter 3. One scale too many - Divisions of UBEM space

depict different geographical and cultural contexts and share to different extent the
open data initiatives that facilitate the work carried out in this thesis. These cities are
Singapore (Singapore), Geneva (Switzerland), Shanghai (China), Berlin (Germany),
Bucharest (Romania), New York (USA). The cities chosen for the comparison lie in
terms of size and population in the same category of multi-million metropolis. What
can be observed from these examples is that public administration shares the ten-
dency of organizing data on a similarly called scale, neighborhood. This spatial
level contains anywhere in between a few hundred to a few thousand buildings,
3.2. Neighborhood, sometimes referred to as community district, section, borough,
precinct, block, area, zone, or in other languages as quartier (French) and Stadt-
teil (German), is in fact a common spatial scale (in terms of approximate size) used
for division across different cities and is something that people of all backgrounds
generally refer to when understanding city scale. The same concept can be met with
cities that contain smaller population numbers and have a reduced surface size, with
the difference that smaller cities tend to lack the the 4th administrative level (referred
to as town).
To best illustrate the spatial scales an example in the city of Torino, Italy was cre-
ated using the six spatial scales present in the city: city (città), town (circoscrizione),
neighborhood(foglio), district (isolati), building (edificio) and dwelling / client unit
(abitazione). This can be observed in 3.3.
Largely, the spatial scales identified in urban planning and management involve
a significant number of spatial data stakeholders and can be classified in six levels,
presented in 3.2. Across the world, the keywords used to name the areas vary greatly
in meaning and size, spanning municipalities, subdivisions of municipalities, school
districts, or electoral district. In this table, all names have been translated to English,
using Google provided machine translations. These are deemed correct for English
use in Academic Purposes by [87] for most purposes, except grammar. The numbers
provided in the table serve only as indication of scale, rather than accurate number-
ing. In fact few numerical description for these spatial scales have been found, with
the exception of China, where neighborhoods are estimated to be at around 2000-
10000 families, and quarters at 100 to 600 families, [49], however, numbers like this
are seldom provided and do not constitute a fixed rule, rather an indicative value,
even in the Chinese context. For this manuscript the following definitions were used:
• city, administrative entity where people live together in a high density urban
sprawl with a minimum density of 1000 persons per square kilometer and a
minimum size of 5000 individuals
• town, spatial unit, generally smaller (or equal) than a city, that encompasses
multiple distinct zoning areas (different area uses such as commercial, indus-
trial or residential)
• neighborhood, geographical entity that usually contains a single use zone,
very often residential in nature, with limited tertiary activities present;
• city block, the smallest group of buildings that is surrounded by streets; usu-
ally statistically significant for the city administration, and does not have ther-
mal bridges to other surrounding entities (a distance larger than 0.3m - nar-
rowest street in the world);
• building, structure with a roof and walls standing permanently in a location,
that has it’s own entryway (or multiple);
F IGURE 3.3: Spatial scales in the city of Torino, Italy
28 Chapter 3. One scale too many - Divisions of UBEM space

• energy meter, or the client unit / final consumer, usually having a one to one
relationship with an administrative unit (apartments, building or a couple of
buildings), is for energy companies a unique entity located on the premises of a
residential/tertiary/industrial unit usually within a larger structure/building;
a single building can contain multiple energy meters.
The logical way to describe the definitions and the relationship of scales from above
is as follows: every city has at least one town, and must have at least one neighbor-
hood with a couple of city blocks and a minimum of a thousand buildings. Within
the work presented in chapter 6, the energy data is linked or aggregated at the level
of buildings or city blocks. A graphical depiction of the definitions of city blocks,
buildings, and energy meters presented before is offered in 3.4.

F IGURE 3.4: Building blocks, building parts and energy meters in

Torino, Italy

The natural evolution for administrative scales means that often historical data sets
exist for these spatial units, which in turn allows for the performance of data-driven
approaches that support trend and change detection. For example in the Canton of
3.3. A proposal of standardized spatial scales in UBEM 29

TABLE 3.2: Description of spatial scales in the energy chain

Scale name Substitute names Rough Approximate

number of number of
buildings inhabitants
City Urban center, Polis, Metropolis, 103 − 106 104 − 106
Municipality, Conurbation
Town Borough, Sector, District 103 − 104 103 − 105
Neighborhood Community district, Section, Bor- 102 − 103 103 − 104
District Precinct, Building block, Quarter 10 - 102 102 − 103
Building Building parts, Structure, Ward 1 0 - 1000
Energy meter Final consumer, Client unit, 1 0 - 1000

Geneva in Switzerland, urban and energy data is centralized in an online database.

The data is kept open, by law, to researchers, citizens, journalists, and companies,
while protecting personal data. In the repository energy data is organized by scale
following the various planning scales, from building, to localized plots, to neigh-
borhood, town and canton, [42]. In certain cases, large scale urban or agglomeration
projects also warrant dedicated data structures exiting the usual spectrum of admin-
istration based data structures.

F IGURE 3.5: Spatial energy data inconsistency example: buildings

and energy meters data, left presents the entire building stock, right,
only the buildings with associated energy meters

3.3.1 Spatial relevance of data unit sample size - scale sensitivity in UBEM
A noteworthy aspect in the city wide energy chain modeling is the relationship be-
tween the extent of what is modeled and the size of the data unit at which informa-
tion is aggregated/modeled. This entire chapter makes a case for the use of build-
ings as data units and neighborhoods as the "right" spatial scale at which aggregated
and disaggregated data facilitates city-wide energy chain modeling and city data
modeling in general.
The lack of standardized input data means that UBEM models often make use of
"building archetypes" in order to reduce the simulation inputs required, [3], [228].
Archetypes are groups of buildings definitions that share similar properties, such as
use, age and belong to the same spatial extent. A review of existing national and
30 Chapter 3. One scale too many - Divisions of UBEM space

local archetypes was presented in [191] and further methods for developing multi-
scale (national, city, county and district) archetype development methodology using
different data-driven approaches can be found in [3], and [46]. The procedure gener-
ally consists of five steps: data collection, segmentation, characterization, quantifica-
tion, and results modeling. Archetypes and the entire effort of the UBEM scientific
community represent another testament to the potency of using buildings as data
units in energy modeling.
This chapter states that city wide modeling should be done at neighborhood level
with buildings as the data aggregation unit. However, one can argue for the possi-
bility of going beyond building data units, and providing more, or less, data aggre-
gation. For example, [121], approaches this issue from the perspective of sensitivity
of the energy model, and converges on the idea that larger data collection processes
for higher details in UBEM result in statistical improvement of the results only with
small sample size calculations (a small number of data units). In his case the data
unit is the household, what is previously identified in 3.2 as the energy meter. The
author compares simulation results at different scales against measured energy use
in the case of single residential units to a multi dwelling building in the area of Karl-
sruhe, Germany. The results depicted in A.6 show the increasing coherence of a
predictive energy demand model with increasing sample size of one, five, ten and
thirty residential units of the same building. The statistical model uses the mean
daily outdoor temperature as single regressor to predict daily heating needs. The
findings are an indirect indication of the dependency of scale in the aggregation of
energy use data. The correlation of both time series at the scale of individual units is
relatively weak and derives strongly from the line of equality, (top left figure). With
increasing scale (larger number of energy meters / consumers / residential units) a
much tighter fit of both samples is reached. This matches well the line of equality (30
samples, bottom right). As the predictive model is not adapted to represent individ-
ual behavior, the results indicate that these are clearly visible at a small sample size.
However, with increasing sample size the results indicate that different behavior is
resulting in an increased as well as diminished energy use so that the results can
be predicted using an uncalibrated model. This corresponds well with the purpose
of UBEM, city and town scale modeling, where large numbers of individual usage
patterns combine to form the total expected demand.
This statistic effect is also underlying the use of statistic load profiles, in which in-
dividual behavior is aggregated to a smooth profile. This perspective was studied
in electric systems, with the aggregation described by [181]. In the case of thermal
demand, [85] used the aggregation methodology for developing synthetic load pro-
files. The aggregation of load profiles allows for accurate prediction of energy use
at larger scales. In the electricity market this results in reliable predictions based on
standard electrical profiles for a large number of similar consumers as well as in the
gas load prediction for regulatory zones, [18].
The results for the scale of urban neighborhoods presented in [121] show similar
statistical effects. This leads to two main conclusions based on the same effect. On
the one hand statistical modelling approaches such as the energy signature model
proved to be applicable at this intermediate urban scale. This conclusion is in line
with [136] and is the main thinking behind UBEM applications that include the pre-
diction of energy needs for district heating systems or common systems for groups
of buildings. On the other hand, the fact that differences in energy use by individ-
ual behavior neutralize each other clearly indicates that the scale is not suitable to
3.4. Spatial consistency 31

detect excess energy use or under-supply of individual units. Therefore, energy-

monitoring strategies are highly scale sensitive and must consider different scales in
their design to validate their results.
At neighborhood scale (hundreds to thousands of buildings), regardless if data is
provided from statistical records, data-driven approaches, or disaggregation, taking
a modeling approach where buildings are data points will result in input error data
leveling itself out due to significant data and energy use volumes. At the same time
solutions can be provided in a meaningful manner, in the sense that local energy
issues can be tackled with a sense of .

3.4 Spatial consistency

Providing spatial data at the same scale and with similar resolution and accuracy
is crucial for energy modeling algorithms. Most of the times energy specific data is
inconsistently spread in corresponding spatial levels. Data sets consistency issues
in the spatial domain can be separated in three categories, first border / boundary
consistency, secondly multi scale coherence and thirdly data contiguity. Regarding
the first, the boundaries for energy relevant stakeholders in the city wide chain differ
widely, as can be seen in the case presented in the figure 3.6. Depicted with red are
the public administration spatial units while blue illustrates the ones of the statistical
agency. The example provided is located in the city of Torino and illustrates border
consistency issues and why data treatment and generalization are often required to
the information UBEM models require.
Multi-scale coherence regards the provision of attribute data at different levels of
resolution, e.g. buildings, districts, neighborhoods. Per se, GIS data has two com-
ponents, one regards spatial entities, their coordinates and information to their co-
ordinate systems (European Petroleum Survey Group identification code) and the
second, its attribute data. Attribute data are appended to their corresponding spa-
tial feature. The first example of such association is the papyrus of Torino, drawn
around 1150 BC, where gold and silver mines, associated with the mined quanti-
ties are depicted. The map was used for estimating financial revenue of the state,
[118]. In UBEM’s case, attributes regarding occupancy (such as number of inhabi-
tants, number of dwellings), or energy sources (independent source or grid district
network connection) are indispensable in energy demand calculations. This is why
having coherent data sets across multiple spatial levels is among the first targets of
ETL operations.
In addition to differences of borders, the issue of data contiguity plagues these data
sets. Contiguity is a concept used in GIS to define in topology the adjacency of
spatial objects. In the case of polygons they are contiguous to each other if they
share a common arc. Extrapolating this concept to the specific case of energy data,
data is contiguous when entities belonging to a string inside a data set, or ones that
share a spatial border with one another do not have data gaps.

3.4.1 Scale related ETL operations

Harmonizing data across different spatial scales is performed through a procedure
entitled generalization of energy data. This operations involve various ETL proce-
32 Chapter 3. One scale too many - Divisions of UBEM space

F IGURE 3.6: Spatial borders inconsistencies in the energy chain spa-

tial data units(red – public administration, blue – statistical agency,
map created from open repository offered by the municipality of
Torino and the Italian National Statistical Agency)

• Creation of hierarchies and spatial relationships. Establishing hierarchies, own-

ership, and spatial relationships are a major formal requirement of semantical
city models and UBEM modeling. These are explored further in sections 4 and
• Direct allocation from a data owner / source. It can be performed using spatial
methods (see figure3.4) or directly (when identification using unique identi-
fiers exists), by using the previously created hierarchies. Entity to sub-entities
• Generalization by (dis)aggregation and clustering. Relying again on the pre-
viously mentioned hierarchies, (dis)aggregation is required for UBEM mod-
eling, but also for interactions with modeling other kind of urban activities
such as waste management or water distribution, that interact with energy
systems. These other urban modeling activities are often performed at differ-
ent spatial and temporal resolutions. It is for this reason that there is a need
to (dis)aggregate information at smaller/larger spatial units. This processing
3.4. Spatial consistency 33

can also be required because of data inconsistency with regards to the spatial
levels in between stakeholders / institutions.
– Extrapolated from direct neighbours
– Disaggregation from the larger scale spatial unit to which the building
belongs to
– Aggregation from smaller residential units that belong to the building in
– Spatially randomly distributed from statistical data sets
– Clustering using socio-economic indicators
– Measurement based allocation
This procedures ensure consistency and provide an interrupted flow in UBEM method-
ologies. They are required either for providing data as input to the UBEM algorithms
(where they become the simulation backbone), either for the purpose of sharing re-
sults and providing immersive decision-making in the analysis sequence. Providing
data to the simulation is usually the first part in a inclusive and iterative process
where multiple stakeholders contribute input that help energy and urban planners
devise processes that involve multiple steps in the preparation. These processes can
even impact spatial segregation of planning units due to energy resources allocation
(over production in certain areas, energy poverty in others).
To facilitate the theoretical approach proposed in this thesis with regards to build-
ings as data units for energy information aggregation an example is offered in the
case of a neighborhood in the city of Torino, Italy. The energy and socio-economic
relevant data is linked to a 3D CityGML model of the buildings. The buildings are
a 3D data set, while the certificates are point data in 2D. Both data sets originate in
the open domain and prior to handling within UBEM algorithms underwent several
ETL procedures in order to further clean the data (eliminate incomplete, inaccurate
or conflicting entries). To facilitate the merger of such data two GIS related methods
were used: contained within and nearest neighbour assignment. These very potent
operations facilitate the assignment of energy certificates data to the buildings. As
can be graphically observed in figure 3.5, only one in five (19%) of all buildings with
an energy consumption located in the center area of Torino receive a direct assign-
ment from energy certificates. This incomplete data set is a common occurrence in
the UBEM field and is handled on a case by case basis.
In addition to missing or incomplete data, there is also the issue of contradicting
data. For example, energy certificates of dwellings of the same building can present
conflicting indicators (e.g. different year of construction or energy use class). Issues
such as this one can be tackled using automated data validation processes (for ex-
ample data-driven using rule based algorithms, as presented in [47]). However, in
certain cases, manual intervention is required on behalf of the modeler, and this is
the reason that the data processing itself is usually about 40 to 50% of the estimated
work load in the case of UBEM modeling.
34 Chapter 3. One scale too many - Divisions of UBEM space

3.4.2 On generalization by (dis)aggregation and clustering

With raster data, projects dealing with multi scale data resample image pyramids.
This is done in order to facilitate the use of algorithms for analysis and visualiza-
tion, so that the optimal amount of data is appropriated for each different scale.
In the case of vector data multiple scales can be derived by means of data gener-
alization such as the aggregation of geometric objects and aggregation of features
classes, approximation of geometric objects by simplification or replacement with
geometries of lower dimension. These energy specific ETL (Extract Transform Load)
data processes are time consuming and usually entail discrete changes to features
with every change of scale. [207] discuss how continuous changes of individual ob-
jects can be applied for visualization processes. Even though the work of Sester and
his colleagues focuses only on visualization, the same approach to decompose data
generalization into simple geometric and topological operations is arguably simi-
lar to what is proposed within this chapter. The objective is to generate a chain of
entities that reduces both data gaps and redundancies while also allowing for the
transmission of information via hierarchies and references which are needed when
energy and spatial algorithms working at other scales occur. The ETL operations can
be classified either as discrete or continuous changes, a similar classification to the
one used in the aforementioned manuscript that occur to spatial objects and result
in changes in topology and/or in geometry. These changes can be:
• Discrete changes of individual objects: the topology and the geometry of the
object changes, e.g. collapse operation, where the original geometry is replaced
by a completely new geometry;
• Discrete changes of groups of objects: usually occur when larger scale data
need to be brought together and thus the abstraction level and often the type
of object changes, e.g. typification, where a group of objects is represented by
a new group consisting of fewer objects;
• Continuous changes of individual objects: the topology remains the same,
however geometry and/or attributes change by moving either the whole ob-
ject or individual points of the object, e.g. continuous simplification of objects
where the original object points are relocated.
Creating UBEM data sets is often performed with statistical methods, namely clus-
tering. This methods are employed when some data sets with regards to morphol-
ogy, 3D models, socio-economic indicators are missing or difficult to acquire (in
terms of time or finances). The three methods identified in the UBEM field are PCA
(Principal Component Analysis), k-Means and SOM (Self Organizing Maps). Once
a cluster is identified, similar values are allocated to the entire lot. PCA is a hier-
archical unsupervised vector space transformation techniques used for exploratory
data analysis, [14]. It is used to reduce the number of dimensions of multivariate
data sets, particularly when the dimensions are related to each other. PCA shows
variation in the data set by constructing a set of new uncorrelated variables derived
from a linear combination of the original variables. An example of this work with
energy modeling is found in [152]. With PCA clustering analysis the significance of
the different parameters was performed in an urban data set. From that five repre-
sentative typological classes of the urban fabric for a Brazilian city were highlighted
(sparsely built, open-set mid-rise, colonial compact centre, modern high-rise, and
densely built low-rise). This allowed for statistical values to be allocated to the en-
tire data set. k-Means is a simple structured iterative clustering method based on the
3.5. On urban fabric contiguity impact on scales in city energy modeling 35

centroid method, [141]. Prior to processing taking place the number of cluster (k) is
defined and the optimal solution for the given k distributes centroids as far apart
as possible with data observations being associated with the nearest centroid. Clus-
ter centroids are recalculated based on mean distance to all observations in newly
generated clusters. This process is repeated with cluster centroids shifting locations
after each iteration, until the clusters stabilize. SOM, a specific case of ANN (Arti-
ficial Neural Networks), [241], are particularly useful with multi-dimensional data
sets. It projects input variables into a low-dimensional grid which is then used in
visualizing and exploring properties of the data. The SOM grid is user-specified in
terms of size and shape with cell values being initialized randomly. Through mul-
tiple iterations the values are adjusted. A good example of a UBEM publications
using clustering methods is found in [200] where SOM is applied on a dataset of ap-
proximately 40k buildings to identify clusters of similar socio-economic parameters
that can be used for energy retrofitting business cases.

3.5 On urban fabric contiguity impact on scales in city en-

ergy modeling
For UBEM applications, most often, neighborhood, city block and building are the
data units scales at which information is aggregated when energy modeling is per-
formed. This, combines with the importance of statistical significance for energy
urban planners, an item which cannot be understated in UBEM, and is explained
further below in this chapter. Habitually, one city block is provided with energy
from the same source, and energy renewable and refurbishment applications are ap-
plied at either such a scale or at the level of a building due to one often ignored
aspect: urban contiguity - non-interrupted urban fabric of building envelopes. The
significance of this aspect in the field is furthered in [152]. The fact that buildings
share envelope surfaces allows first of all for energy savings, due to the reduction
of weather related losses, a fact which, for example, further justifies the continued
use of row houses or apartment blocks. Moreover, energy production, storage and
distribution network infrastructure can be shared with minimal additional expenses
and distribution losses. Detailed energy related use cases and applications are fur-
ther explored in 2 and 6.
With regards to the building spatial definition given above, for the author of this
manuscript, who has both a geomatics and an energy engineering background, the
25cm distance rule is required for both spatial and energy factors. The first and sim-
plest reason is that the narrowest streets in the world are around the same size, and
streets are used generally to separate administrative units. Another factor is that
most UBEM simulations are habitually incapable of spatial segregation of buildings
and in some cases even of city blocks, [148], either for a lack of standards or useful
input data, more on this topic in 4 6. Another argumentation lies behind the speck-
led or patchy quality of varied spatial data used. In the 2D domain for example,
surveyors and photogrammetry experts can have a different understanding of what
constitutes the polygon describing the building footprint, as seen in 3.7. The outside
polygon can be, for the ETL experts who create the data set, either the physical side
of the building, the edge of a balcony or the edge of the roof. With regards to the 3D
part, the absence of underground structures (or cellars) in the definition, or the lack
of roof top description are both explained by the general lack of general information
36 Chapter 3. One scale too many - Divisions of UBEM space

at administrative units. However, cellars are confirmed by [80] to be playing a sig-

nificant role in UBEM calculations and such, the lack of such information, deprives
UBEM applications of enhanced accuracy in calculations. Together the 2D and 3D is-
sues can have a considerable impact on volume calculations, itself a major regressor
in thermal energy demand, [121].

F IGURE 3.7: A building footprint and its conflicting understanding

for several professionals

Even though, the spatial scales presented in 3.2 are the results of historical devel-
opments, it is noteworthy the fact that scientists also started recognizing neighbor-
hoods as the optimal scales for energy urban-planning projects, [136]. Due to its
significance, a definition of neighborhoods was sought in existing literature. In gen-
eral the concept is described by sociologists as the place where social interaction
occurs. As such it is essentially a social construct, made of ever-changing and lay-
ered systems of personal and collective links within and across cultural boundaries,
[156], which is a rather similar concept to energy networks. What makes people
share an energy network and an energy source is arguably very simply explained
by their vicinity and accessibility to/of it. This corresponds to Tobler’s first law of
geography in [217]: "everything is related to everything else, but near things are
more related than distant things.".
This is especially true with regards to energy trends presented in chapter 2, specif-
ically the fact that buildings and their inhabitants are now concurrently consumers
and energy producers (prosumers) and there is a lack of energy transportation net-
works able to take that extra energy in order to deliver it. For electrical networks the
issue is not a lack of networks, but rather a design "flaw" as originally networks were
designed with uni-directional flows from large production centers to consumers, see
2.2. For all other energy utility networks, in most cases they simply do not exist, and
represents one of reasons for which building data units are recommended for use
in city wide energy modeling the by this manuscript. Buildings, per se, constitute
contiguous entities. An appropriately scaled framework, in this thesis’s case, the
building unit, on which a more continuous, more spontaneous urban pattern may
be formed.
3.6. A scale dependent urban data ontology with persistent identifiers 37

3.6 A scale dependent urban data ontology with persistent

One of the main impediments in the adoption of UBEM tools is the lack of a stan-
dardized ontology, [77], as well as the lack of standardized city wide energy data,
3D city models and test cases. Within the economically well developed states of the
European Union the spatial part of the issue has been slowly finding resolution with
the advent of CityGML models constructed from aerial photogrammetry and Li-
DAR. This data availability has also been facilitating use cases, presented in chapter
2 and 4. In addition, there are open data initiatives providing energy relevant data,
such as [187] and [179]. However, the ontology matter remains a blocking issue, as
does the lack of unique building identifiers in the data sources, [51]. To facilitate
future development of UBEM tools and their connection to other urban modeling
activities this chapter proposes a scale dependent urban data ontology that can be
easily used by modelers and stakeholders of different backgrounds. The proposal
presented addresses separately energy and network thematic data by making use of
the Energy ADE and the Utility Network ADE. As such the focus in this sub-chapter
is not on the entire ontology, rather on the spatial relevant issues that guarantee
ownership tracing and energy chain linking.
The problem of valid identification at multi scale is well known in the Informa-
tion Technology domain and alternative solutions exist in the GIS field (for exam-
ple UUID or GUID). However, none of the solutions that the author identified are
adaptable and human readable for the multi scale issue presented in this chapter
2. UUIDs (Universally unique identifier for all the rest) or GUIDs (Globally Unique
Identifier for Windows developers) are large numbers that are nearly guaranteed to
be unique. They are usually 128 bits long and look as follows in hexadecimal:
The format is a well-defined sequence of 32 hex digits grouped into chunks of 8-4-4-
4-12. This gives us 2128 or about 1038 numbers. UUIDs are standardized by the Open
Software Foundation (OSF) and integrated in the CityGML standard to identify spa-
tial entities. This identifiers complement the proposal made in this section, as they
serve IT systems and existing standards with predefined integrated capabilities.
For an identification system that allows architects, engineers and IT experts to inter-
act together simple, scale dependent solutions are required. These identifiers should
be persistent, regardless of ownership changes and allow users with minimal IT
background the ability of controlling and handling ID allocation and configuration.
That makes the system multi-domain accessible, and similar in a way to XML (eXten-
sible Markup Language), where the language was designed to store and transport
data and at the same time be self-descriptive.
The proposal follows in the same rationale as presented in [16], where hierarchical
clustering is used to explain relationships by using origin-destination flows. As pre-
sented before, all the complex relationships between the objects in the city wide en-
ergy chain require an ontology complete with a spatial representation, formal nam-
ing, definition of the categories, and relations between the entities. The spatial struc-
ture of city, town, neighborhood, district, building and energy meter is presented
in 3.8. An example of the spatial units was previously illustrated for Torino, and is
depicted in figure 3.3.
38 Chapter 3. One scale too many - Divisions of UBEM space

F IGURE 3.8: Hierarchical proposed structures

The unique parent of all entities in a city is the object City. It contains at least one
town. Each town contains at least one neighborhood, which in turn has at least one
district. Districts can contain multiple buildings. Finally, the building meters can ex-
ist in buildings, however, it is often the case that multiple buildings can be allocated
to a single meter. The parent - child relationships are all of type one mandatory to
many optional. Thematic attributes are allocated to each entity and can be aggre-
gated and disaggregated from one scale to another using specific calculation meth-
ods. Certain attributes are present at all scales, for example, number of inhabitants,
while others could be scale specific, such as building physics parameters, as can be
observed in 3.9.
Within the energy chain energy thematic information are often linked to spatial units
building entities. Ergo, buildings host this data as attributes. This further facilitates
the links to the Energy ADE and the Utility Network ADE which also use buildings
for the storage of specific information. The larger scales, that go beyond buildings,
are relevant to energy planners and usually host energy related KPI indicators such
as total energy demand, GHG production, CAPEX (Capital expenditure) or OPEX
(Operating expense).
In order to facilitate modeling activities, the entities host two identifiers as attributes.
This are referred to as PID (Persistent IDentifier) and GUID (Globally Unique IDen-
tifier). No single PID system for urban energy planning was identified during the
writing of this thesis. Typically, in information technology, PIDs are used for the
foundation referencing of digital assets in scientific publications, books, and digi-
tal repositories, [229]. PIDs usually contain metadata, and the same thinking was
3.6. A scale dependent urban data ontology with persistent identifiers 39

applied to the realization of the ones included in the thesis. The method proposed
here embedded spatial levels in the identification, thus facilitating modelers under-
standing of the spatial entity that they are working with. The presence of the GUID,
sometimes referred to as a UUID (Universal Unique IDentifier,) as a second attribute,
is made so that the IT systems to be provided with a GIS typical unique identifica-
tion mechanism (also used in CityGML and the entire GML - Geographic Markup
Language community). Table 3.4 presents the two identifiers used in this proposal.
The number of digits used at each spatial level in PIDs was determined using sam-
ples available for the previously mentioned cities, while also giving future users
flexibility, in case certain spatial scales are non-existent in their own use case. The
length of the string depends on the number of spatial scales that precede it, see tables
3.4 and 3.3.
The flexibility of the proposed method allows for different sized cities to be modeled.
For example in the case of the city of Karlsruhe, Germany, with an approximate pop-
ulation size of 313k and 85k buildings the scale Town is not required (nor can it be
identified within the existing administrative structure). In fact, most UBEM model-
ing situations do not include an entire city, but rather sections of it. Also, multiple
cities can be included, as often data repositories contain multiple applications of the
same UBEM models. The modeled area can be referred to as a study area, in case
that the entire city is not being modeled, and replace one of the spatial scales in the

TABLE 3.3: Description of a PID and GUID identifier in the case of a


ID type General Example

PID Cxx Txx C01T05
GUID xxxxxxxx-xxxx-Mxxx-Nxxx- 1s3e45t7-z22c-15h3-a431-
xxxxxxxxxxxx 423sdf1567193

TABLE 3.4: Description of PID and GUID identifier in the case of a


ID type General Example

PID Cxx Txx Nxx Dxxx Bxxxxx C01T05N11D023B00141
GUID xxxxxxxx-xxxx-Mxxx-Nxxx- 1s3e4w67-e82b-1xd3-a451-
xxxxxxxxxxxx 423612114123

Following the identification and modeling of all spatial scales relevant to the study
area and use case, the existing spatial structure can use the EAV (Entity Attribute
Vale) data model for populating all relevant information. The proposed ontology
helps mitigate issues such as data heterogeneity and consistency in urban domains
by offering a binding platform to all stakeholders from a non-biased perspective.
F IGURE 3.9: Hierarchy based on spatial levels
F IGURE 3.10: Spatial scales based identification system

Chapter 4

Not all data are created equal -

elephants in the room

This chapter focuses on the spatial-temporal data in the digital domains that inter-
act in the urban energy chain of spatially aware cities. This includes the standards,
Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) and methodologies used when modeling and mon-
itoring the city wide energy chain domain, as previously defined in chapter 2. The
entities and interactions modeled with the standards included in this chapter are
approached from the perspective of urban energy modeling and planning. Mod-
eling activities require the detailed description of the existing situation in order to
carefully predict the behaviour of existing systems. Ideally, energy modelers are
looking for situations where the modeling input (the entire information required for
the description of the status quo ante) is made available, in uninterrupted workflows,
that allow for contiguous energy chain modeling, from standardized sources. In or-
der to process all this information good infrastructure and consistent data flows are
required. As Hodges and his colleagues explain in [101], declarative modeling lan-
guages already facilitate the definition of semantic relationships with such quality
that it makes them suitable for enabling machine-to-machine (M2M) interoperabil-
ity (interaction and understanding). They continue to identify gaps with regards to
proprietary ontologies and cascading effects from their use, an conclude that these
semantic models are unlikely to play a large part in resolving the pressing horizontal
and vertical interoperability issues currently encountered. These proprietary ontologies
hold the promise of interoperability in name only. This judgement further motivates the
work presented in this section as it focuses on using open semantically organized in-
formation as support for interoperable spatial-temporal data flows and applications
in energy modeling.

4.1 Use cases - just what the doctor ordered

The doctor that the title refers to is in this case a software expert. The doctor uses, as
a standard today, the AGILE software development method, [54]. One of the corner-
stone of this method are use cases, [203]. Producing city wide information models
in the city wide energy chain usually involves people with multiple competences
surrounding the spatial, energy and environmental domains. To justify the infras-
tructure and the data collected there is a need for wide ranging application potential.
As such this section of the manuscript presents use cases that involve the solutions
proposed and used. The work of Biljecki and colleagues, [26], identifies a total of 29
use cases where 3D city digital twins are deployed. These use cases are defined as
situations that cannot be resolved without 3D or where the use of it adds significant
44 Chapter 4. Not all data are created equal - elephants in the room

value in the use case. In the thesis context of the city wide energy chain, 25 use cases
were distinguished (presented in table 4.1) that help plan and manage the energy
chain in a city.
What can be observed from the table is that the use cases touch all the energy chain
components previously identified in Chapter 2, either directly in production centers,
substations, consumer buildings (residential and tertiary) or networks. With such an
inclusive list in terms of energy chain components the case for modeling the entire
energy chain by using CityGML as a data hub is strengthened. The fact that 3D se-
mantical city models are currently used in at least 25 use cases with ramifications in
the energy chain in cities also provides a justification for cities and mapping agencies
to provide data in this formats.
Specifically in urban energy planning both [183] and [196] highlight the importance
of open data and standard formats for decision support tools in urban planning.
This is essential for three main reasons: (i) to streamline workflows processes, from
input to output, (ii) to give software tools the ability of functioning in different ge-
ographical settings and at different spatial scales, and (iii) to facilitate comparison
and interpretation of results.
Planning of cities for urban infill (greenfield) or redevelopment (brownfield) invest-
ments both requires good data availability for successful design and implementation
decisions. However, brownfield is far more data intensive, as [42] indicates. To han-
dle the large amount and variety of related data in a structured way, this thesis has
adopted the CityGML standard, extending it in the process to cope with the genera-
tion of many urban scenarios through interactive optimization.

F IGURE 4.1: Taxonomy categories for UBEM standards

TABLE 4.1: 3D City Models uses cases in the energy wide chain, columns Use Case and Application example are developed from [26]

§ Use Case Application example Energy chain component

1 Estimation of the solar irradiation Surface suitability for installing photo-voltaic panels Producers
2 Energy demand estimation Assessing the return of a building energy retrofit Consumer buildings
3 Facility management Managing utilities Networks
4 3D cadastre Correct owner registration Consumer buildings
5 Classifying building types Semantic enrichment of data sets Consumer buildings
6 Geo-visualization and visualization enhancement Electricity towers positioning Producer
7 Estimation of shadows cast by urban features Determination of solar gains/envelopes Consumer buildings
8 Visibility analysis Finding the optimal location for a new generation facility Indirect
9 Estimation of the propagation of noise in an urban environment Wind mills positioning Indirect
10 Estimating the population in an area Demand estimates Consumer buildings
11 Visualization for network navigation Navigation Networks
12 Utility networks Conflict detection Networks
13 Urban planning Designing green facades and roofs areas Networks
14 Aiding positioning Map matching Indirect
15 Visualization for communication of urban information to citizenry Virtual tours Indirect
16 Reconstruction of sunlight direction Object recognition Consumer buildings
17 SAR images treatment support Interpretation of radar data Producers/Consumer buildings
18 Emergency response Coordinated utilities interventions Producers/Consumer buildings
19 Lighting simulations Planning lighting of landmarks Indirect
20 Computational fluid dynamics Predicting air quality Indirect
21 Determination of the floor space Valuation of buildings Consumer buildings
22 Routing Understanding accessibility Networks
23 Flooding Mitigating damage to utility management Networks
24 Change detection Urban inventory Consumer buildings
25 Volumetric density studies Urban studies Consumer buildings
46 Chapter 4. Not all data are created equal - elephants in the room

4.2 Taxonomy of spatial standards and scales

As the simple mention of standards in energy modeling can lead to multiple inter-
pretations there is a need to harmonize the different perspectives that these stan-
dards take and attempt a classification of those items. From the mindset that this
manuscript is written in, these perspectives are fourfold:
• format/content related (standard type, data model availability, data content),
• design scale,
• energy thematic (energy chain position, energy commodity type),
• entity type (public, private, citizen).
Figure 4.1 presents the different aspects of the taxonomy. In the following sub-
chapter explanations referring to these multiple viewpoints are given, so as to detail
the proposed terminology with the mention that the standards presented below are
not an exhaustive list of standards used in urban energy management, planning and
With regards to the data format there are three types of standards in use: file, web
services or repositories (data bases) based. In the case of files, information is con-
tained within a single or multiple file based standard (or within extensions of that
standard), for example CIM (Common Information Model), IFC (Industry Foun-
dation Classes), SHP (SHapeFile), CityGML (City Geographic Markup Language),
DWG (DraWinG). Another method of sharing data is with open standardized web
services, such as WFS (Web Feature Service) or BCF (BIM Collaboration Format)
while a third is represented by standardized interconnected frameworks or databases.
These can be structured - SQL (and even standard bound, as is the example of the
3DCityDB) or non structured - NonSQL.
The content related perspective pertains to the actual data that the standard stores.
From the perspective of UBEM this can be distinguished in two separate items: the
spatial and the energy model. This feature separation of modeling of the spatial
entities and modeling of the energy thematic information associated to each phys-
ical entity is present within most standards as energy domain relevant standards
rarely provide associated spatial information capabilities. In fact the only standard
encountered that has advanced capabilities in both directions was CityGML with its
extensions EnergyADE and the UtilityNetworkADE. Energy thematic standards go
around the issue of not containing actual geographical information with the use of
schematic diagrams, as can be seen with CIM. This standard is not to be confused
with the City Information Model, mentioned in Chapter 3. The lack of support for
such interoperability with spatial data has been recognized and there is ongoing re-
search into how this can be addressed, as [98] shows for CIM’s and GIS’s combined
use in the modeling of electrical distribution networks.
Standards also have a design scale at which they were designed to be operated. In
this manuscript, the subject of scales in urban energy chain modeling and monitor-
ing has been discussed broadly in chapter 3. The spatial scales used to define spatial
units in the thesis are City, Town, District, Neighborhood, Building, Energy Meter.
With the spatial domains in use within UBEM, their design scale is presented in fig-
ure 4.2. It can be observed that the number of entities is highest in the lower part
of the pyramid (high total number of buildings compared to a low total number of
cities). Similar observations can be made with regards to energy thematic standards.
4.2. Taxonomy of spatial standards and scales 47

However, the scale design and dependency is also linked to the energy commodity
that is transported. For example electrical network data using the CIM standard can
encompass cities, regions and even national and continental networks while district
heating networks standards such as DIN 4747-1 and the associated spatial model are
limited in scope to districts, neighborhoods and cities.

F IGURE 4.2: Spatial model standards and design scales for BIM, CAD
and GIS

The third perspective taken in the taxonomy is energy thematic. First with regards
to the position of a modeled element in the energy chain, these entities can be en-
ergy producers, transportation/utility networks entities, consumers or prosumers,
all described in detail in chapter 2. Standards used for producers often relate to the
technical requirements of the operator, this can be a heating production plant. For
the UBEM modeler the purpose is to be able to model the commodity exchange with
the producer, e.g. heating sent in the network has certain technical parameters de-
scribing it (temperature, flow) and other parameters on the return flow. Secondly
the standards refer to different commodities (electricity, heating, gas, waste water,
storm water, fresh water, communication, process steam, oil, waste, air pressure),
for example DIN 4747-1:2003 or VDI 2036:2009 for DHN components and annexes.
The last perspective included in the taxonomy is based on the entity type using them.
Standards in use by public entities - city administrations, standards in use by compa-
nies or standards in use by citizens. These three are separate because of the different
use cases that they serve. In general public entities are incentivized to maintain fac-
tually correct records of the energy chain components that they are responsible for,
and often use standards with open source data models, such as CityGML or CIM.
As such their data records tend to cover larger areas and use cases, while the ones in
use by companies tend to be narrower, as stipulated to legislation and related to the
specific business case of the company. In the context of the digital revolution dig-
ital devices such as smart homes installations, smart phones and low cost sensors
have also facilitated the emergence of citizen scientists that collect data and often
provide it via open data repositories. These treasure data trove often facilitate the
work performed by UBEM modelers.
48 Chapter 4. Not all data are created equal - elephants in the room

4.3 Digital domains for spatially aware cities

Digital city (wide) information models, also referred to as digital city models and by
others as digital twins, are digital representations of cities composed of a computa-
tional model and (sometimes) a real-world system, [188]. At its core the fundamental
characteristics of a digital twin are:
• data centricity, an architecture where data is the primary and permanent asset,
• 3D capabilities, data contains three dimensional location attributes,
• analytics capacities, the system has the ability of performing analysis on the
data supplied,
• computational sensing of an artefact or a process.
Collectively, these aspects ensure informed decision making is taking place, and also
allow for data-driven methods to be implemented. Digital twins are used in smart
cities applications as the basis for information repositories and form the backbone of
data models. Specifically, in energy urban planning projects they allow for building
plans and implementation steps to be tested before actual change begins, [80] and
also facilitate and improve city management and communication with citizens, [64].
However, building precise digital city models is expensive and a never ending task.
That means that with cities experiencing constant change, the digital version built
is obsolete by nature/design. Sensors and complex sensing equipment (such as self
driving cars with their sensor multitude collection capability) come in to play to
facilitate up to date models.
Existing building and urban models are very often proprietary and non-standardized
(non-interoperable), and only intended for high resolution, single building analyses.
Government legislation is being used to incentivize and bring forward standard-
ization in this field. This in turn enhances quality of services and the use of UBEM
methods, [51]. It is the purpose of this chapter to present standards and standardiza-
tion in the field, while urban digital twin models and their use in energy modeling
are described in greater detail in 6.
The most popular tools and standards used to describe the spatial part of the energy
chain can, depending on the scale, be assigned to one of the following categories:
CAD (with a focus on design), BIM (centred on buildings and their data models)
and GIS (a repository of geographical data). All of these standards can be used to
hold, connect and process relevant spatial energy data. The following subsection
describes CAD and BIM standards in use in the urban energy chain.

4.3.1 CAD and BIM technologies

CAD software tools are found in a wide variety of applications when it comes to
technical design. The most popular file formats for CAD files include DWG (from
Drawing) and DXF (Drawing Interchange Format), both developed by Autodesk,
and the non-proprietary STEP (Standard for the Exchange of Product Data) file for-
mat, recommended mainly for 3D drawings. CAD drawings generally contain the
geometric information of the object, without semantic information stored within it
(rarely through connections with external data repositories). As this technology is
well-developed and mature, there exist energy simulation software tools that allow
for the interoperability with CAD files. One of this software is the DesignBuilder,
4.3. Digital domains for spatially aware cities 49

which is a graphical user interface that connects to the EnergyPlus simulation en-
gine, [65]. It allows for the import of DXF files and is used to perform day lighting
analysis, thermal simulation of natural ventilation, visualization of site layouts, so-
lar shading and sizing of HVAC systems, [151]. Most energy simulation software
that allow for the import of CAD files are slowly being discontinued, these include
i.e.: Ecotect, [11]), and Project Vasari (now replaced by REVIT), [10]. Frequently the
software take the form of plugins, such as on AutoCAD products: EnergyPlugged,
e-QUEST, Energy + or Insight 360.
However, due to initial design decisions pure CAD data formats show their limita-
tions when it comes to data models in the built environment. CAD was designed to
cover different and very broad use cases related to computer-aided design. To cover
the emerging demand of complex and integrated engineering design and planning
standardized Building Information Modeling (BIM) has emerged. A BIM model is a
digital representation of physical and functional characteristics of a facility. As such
it serves as a shared knowledge resource for information about a facility forming
a reliable basis for decisions during its lifecycle from inception onward, [142]. It al-
ways contains a 3D graphical representation of the building and additionally focuses
on the information data model regarding the object. Given that, not only geometry,
but also semantic information, such as ownership, construction material, costs and
energy-related data are stored in the BIM model.
Fundamentally, BIM assists with constructing buildings virtually, before their con-
struction in the real world. However, it does not stop there, and further supports the
building use throughout its life cycle, all the way into dismantling and demolition,
[67]. What it brings in addition to CAD systems, is that it enables the creation of sin-
gle and unified representations of the building, so complete that it can generate all
the necessary documentation, [165]. Typical for BIM projects is a high level of detail,
which helps in conflict detection and improves planning and construction. Overall,
it delivers an optimisation in the quality of the entire building related process while
enhancing interoperability when connected with the use of single all-inclusive soft-
ware packages or open data formats, [93]. However, producing very detailed repre-
sentations of the building results in labor-consuming processes. Hence, the usage of
BIM is usually limited in terms of spatial scale to that of single buildings, or at most
Specifically for storing energy-related information, the BIM community has devel-
oped the Green Building XML (gbXML) data format, which enables interoperability
between BIM software and Building Simulation Tools. According to Hardin and
McCool, it supports model-based analysis for the energy simulations of the whole
building, [97]. gbXML is an XML file that includes over 500 categories of elements
and attributes used for the description of all aspects of a building related to its en-
ergy footprint: building physics, occupancy, meteorological parameters and the ge-
ometry. The gbXML schema was designed so as to enable interoperability between
energy analysis tools and BIM software.
Concurrently, significant research effort has been made to provide automatic data
flows that built gbXML data such as presented in [227]. BIM software tools that sup-
port gbXML include: Autodesk Revit, Bentley Architecture and ArchiCAD. gbXML
files can be used in multiple simulation software, for example Open Studio ([94]),
a full-featured software framework that supports rigorous, multidisciplinary build-
ing simulation. It is a collection of software tools that enable whole building energy
50 Chapter 4. Not all data are created equal - elephants in the room

modeling. With regards to the simulation engine used, it is that of EnergyPlus, [60],
as well as advanced daylight analysis using the Radiance software, [230].
The most used and produced data format in the BIM field is the IFC format, [97].
The Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) specification is a neutral data format devel-
oped and maintained by buildingSMART International, an international organiza-
tion which focuses on improving interoperability for software applications used in
the building industry. IFC is developed as an open specification data format for
describing, exchanging and sharing construction and management data across mul-
tiple applications in the building industry. The data model is object-oriented and
contains elements used throughout construction or facility management projects.
The IFC format is also the international standard for openBIM, [109], a collabora-
tive effort that is vendor-neutral with processes that supports seamless teamwork
throughout project lifecycle. This initiative seeks to enhance interoperability by pro-
viding reliable data exchanges and collaboration workflows. The latest version of
the standard is provided as an ISO standard - ISO 16739, [110], and can be described
using either the STEP (.ifc) or the XML (.ifcXML) data structure.
One other potential data source for UBEM practitioners is the BIM Collaboration
Format (BCF), a format used in the BIM community that allows multiple users to
work on the same file concurrently, [13]. It grants multiple BIM applications the
ability to communicate on model-based issues on already shared IFC models. There
are two alternative solutions, one based on file exchanges between software plat-
forms and another one using a web service. BCF is developed by buildingSMART
International, and provided as a standard. What makes BCF valuable in the energy
chain is that it can be easily exchanged or “roundtripped” (sent back and forward
in between users). This stands true as long as all users maintain the integrity and
uniqueness of the shared BCF file, [114].
Both gbXML and IFC formats represent a source of heightened interest for UBEM
experts and provide interoperable data exchange while BFC creates a framework for
data sharing within the same team and among institutions. The shift in the construc-
tions sectors towards standardized BIM formats and the similarity of design spatial
scales with UBEM is creating larger volumes of BIM data, therefor becoming a good
source of information in the modeling of the energy chain. Table 4.2 presents both
file formats and the BCF framework with their main characteristics.
While CAD tools and data may be encountered on each of the energy chain relevant
spatial scales mentioned in chapter 3, BIM’s use cases are narrower in terms of size.
CAD software can be used for the detailed drawings and plans of single buildings
as well as to work on larger regions, i.e. while planning and designing electrical
grid within the city. Due to the fact that BIM models are usually very detailed and
accurate depictions of reality, they are usually used to describe single buildings and
rarely districts. However, with the advent of BIM in industrial workflows, it is ex-
pected that the amount of data available will steadily increase. Figure 4.2 depicts the
spatial scales for which CAD, BIM and GIS technologies are employed.
For the handling of data within the applications related to this manuscript CAD and
BIM data has been converted to GIS relevant formats described in the next chap-
ter, SHP and CityGML. This was done mostly for the purpose of standardization of
input data to the simulation tool aEneAs (Energy Assessment) and various user in-
terfaces that were used. The conversions, energy model, workflow and architectural
solutions used are described in detail in chapter 6.
4.3. Digital domains for spatially aware cities 51

TABLE 4.2: BIM data formats used in the urban energy chain

Format Design use case Stored elements Data representation

IFC Supports all build- Comprehensive STEP, XML
ing life cycle appli- object-oriented
cations and software approach for all
interoperability building parts and
related processes
(with class defini-
gbXML Facilitates building Building physics, XML
design and energy occupancy, meteoro-
efficiency studies logical parameters
BCF Grants multiple BIM Sharing format XML
applications file
sharing capabilities
on IFC models

4.3.2 GIS’s take on cities - semantic city models and CityGML

The Geographic Information System (GIS) is defined as “computer-based tool for
mapping and analyzing things that exist and events that happen on Earth", [206].
This conceptualized framework provides expertise for acquiring and analyzing spa-
tial and geographic information. It provides urban planners and designers with very
potent tools, [150], and has become a standard utensil in the field of urban building
energy modeling, [191]. In the urban context, GIS had the advantage that it allowed
for multiple layering and analysis of data, closely modeling real-world complexities.
The spatial scales for GIS modeling activities in this setting are districts, neighbor-
hoods, towns and cities as shown in 4.2. GIS is rarely used to describe or model one
single building, see the definition of a building in 3, even as the standards presented
in this section are able to do this, in order to facilitate conversion from BIM, CAD
and other sources into it.
Multiple standards with the ability to store city data have been developed. They
cover very large data types and specific GIS needs. Largely, these can be classified
in mostly vector and seldom raster data types, as previously discussed in chapter
2. A very popular file format for GIS is shapefile (SHP). A shapefile stores non-
topological geometry and attribute information for the spatial features in a data set.
Shapefiles are composed of a set of vector coordinates that store the geometry of a
feature. However, as their original design was based on a use case that was pur-
posely wide in purpose, SHP files lack standardized data models useful for narrow,
or specific, applications such as in the energy chain. Shapefiles only ensure unifor-
mity in terms of unique identification of each geometrical item via the Object IDenti-
fication (OID)/Feature IDentification (FID) tool. Both OID and FID refer to a unique
identifier of an entity within a data table associated to a SHP file. FID is primarily
used in shapefiles while OID appears in geodatabases, a large repository solution
that replaces files in the case of geographical data.
GIS data sets constitute a crucial component of the input of energy modelling and
simulation tools and they have a significant impact on the quality of results, as
shown in [80, 171]. Such input and its significance are discussed in detail in chapter
52 Chapter 4. Not all data are created equal - elephants in the room

6, where the energy models library aEneAs - that uses Python/SQL is presented.
The library seeks to avoid issues of standardization by using semantical city mod-
els. In an urban context, for creating and standardizing digital urban twins semantic
city models have been the main solution employed in the field of UBEM, [191]. This
combines both vector and raster data sources and represents a good basis for urban
management and urban planning as [90] testifies. These models include:
• 3D geometry
• Thematic coverage (e.g. building, vegetation, city furniture)
• Topology (spatial relations between connecting or adjacent geometry)
• Semantics (e.g. the meaning of a surface door, window)
• Appearance (surface texture)
• LOD (level of details concept)
• Open standardization (to provide interoperability)
CityGML is the international standard of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)
for the representation and exchange of 3D city models. CityGML is based on XML
and is used for the storage and exchange of such models. It has gained traction over
the years to become a significant part of the open 3D data available in the developed
world. CityGML distinguishes between geometrical and thematic models. A geom-
etry model grants consistent and homogeneous definition of geometrical and topo-
logical properties of spatial objects within 3D city models. The thematic model of
CityGML employs the geometry model for different thematic fields like DTM (Dig-
ital Terrain Models), sites (e.g. buildings; bridges and tunnels), vegetation, water
bodies and transportation facilities.
CityGML 2.0 includes a concept of Levels Of Detail (LOD), presented in table 4.3.
It is a hierarchical detailed approach where objects evolve to include more details
with higher LODs with regards to their geometry and thematic differentiation, [91].
LODs are defined using data/point accuracy, minimal dimensions of objects and
related model scale. Simply put, the LOD0 includes a 2.5 dimensional Digital Ter-
rain Model, a ground mesh. Starting with LOD1, building blocks and classes are
included while LOD2 brings in differentiated structures, textures and thematically
differentiated surfaces. With LOD3 external building architectural models, as well
as high-resolution textures are included (facilitated by the intricate surface descrip-
tion). The highest level, LOD4 finally includes interior structures, and has been sel-
dom used outside of academia, as such models are usually built and managed within
the CAD or BIM domains. CityGML can concurrently include buildings with differ-
ent levels of information, which facilities the merger of multiple source data sets as
well as efficient data visualization and data analysis.
What makes the standard stand out is the fact that it includes not only graphical as-
pects of city models and the representation of the semantic and thematic properties,
taxonomies and aggregations, as seen in [91]. CityGML’s classes and ownership re-
lations for the most relevant topographic objects in cities and regional models with
respect to their geometrical, topological, semantical and appearance properties sup-
port the aforementioned design choices.
National and city level public authorities have started providing CityGML data, as
shown in [148] and [149]. This statement is valid for more than half the territory of
4.3. Digital domains for spatially aware cities 53

F IGURE 4.3: Classes of the CityGML standard, screen capture in En-

terprise Architect

the EU. The EU has also adopted CityGML building feature class as a standard with
the INSPIRE directive. In fact the main part of CityGML used in this thesis for de-
scription of the entities in the city revolves around the building class, significant for
modeling information used in the energy chain. This simplifies any ETL operation
that originates in the INSPIRE format. Figure 4.3 presents a diagram of the CityGML
core and the included classes.
When the concepts surrounding the thesis were developed, CityGML had been up-
dated to its second version 2.0. Summarized from [90], CityGML is:
• XML data model for exchanging 3D city models
• Open and international standard from the OGC since 2008
• Containing geometry, topology, semantics, visual appearance
• Based on Geographic Markup Language (GML)
• Describing entities and their spatial and non-spatial attributes, relations, and
their complex hierarchical structures in five levels of detail.
Beside the building class, there are other CityGML classes that did not come into
use in this thesis’ experiments, because the standard is used to describe all entities
in a city. On the other hand, CityGML has its own limitations, which a reference
benchmark study can attest to, [170]. As this manuscript finds its way to the printer,
CityGML is having a new upgrade in terms of content and syntax top, to 3.0; [124].
The scientific community is divided as to whether a new version was required at
this stage or rather increased use and implementation methodologies that facilitate
wider use of the standard. Certain constraints and drawbacks are corrected with
the upcoming version 3.0 of the standard, however, the solutions presented can also
have an enhancement effect with regards to difficulties in implementation.
As a data model’s advantages and disadvantages can only be properly understood
and tested when integrated in data flows, different implementations of the stan-
dard were analyzed. The open database schema version of CityGML, the so called
54 Chapter 4. Not all data are created equal - elephants in the room

TABLE 4.3: CityGML 1.0 and 2.0 level of detail concept scale and ac-
curacy requirements, adapted from [91] and [242]


Model region city/region city dis- architectural architectural
scale tricts model ex- models ex-
ternal and internal
Accuracy lowest low middle high very high
Position lower than 5/5m 2/2m 0.5/0.5m 0.2/0.2m
/ Height LOD1
Genera- maximal as object as object real as ob- constructive
lization block ject

3DCityDB, offered a great tool for connecting existing information and standards to
spatial entities. The open software tool, described in full detail in [238], offers so-
lutions for storage, analysis, management, interaction, and visualization of the 3D
city models stored in the standard. It works both with PostgreSQL and Oracle, the
second and third most used SQL (Structured Query Language) DB engines on the
planet in 2019, numbers presented in [205].
In the particular case of this manuscript the applications developed to test the re-
search questions use the aforementioned database schema within a spatial relational
database, PostgreSQL with the PostGIS spatial extension. The package has an as-
sociated set of procedures that allow one to import, export and manage virtual 3D
city models according to the CityGML standard. These procedures greatly facilitate
the use of CityGML. 3DCityDB was used in association with other non standard-
ized data sources. For that purpose the persistent identifier PID system presented in
chapter 3 was used and links to the entities in the schema by calling on the UUIDs
of each object were made.

TABLE 4.4: CAD, BIM and GIS standards/methodologies summary


Spatial Single building, Dis- Single building, Dis- District, Neighbor-
scale, see trict, Neighborhood, trict, Neighborhood hood, Town, City
figure 4.2 Town, City
Formats .dwg, .dxf, .stp .ifc, .gbXML .shp, .gml
Software AutoCAD, Inventor, Revit, ArchiCAD, QGIS, ArcGIS,
FreeCAD, QCAD BIMserver, BIMVi- CityEditor, Post-
sion greSQL/PostGIS
Energy DesignBuilder, Eco- Open Studio, Green CitySIM, aEneAs,
simula- tect, EnergyPlugged, Building Studio, En- EDF Curtis, Sim-
tion tools e-QUEST ergyPro Stadt, CitySim+,
City 4.0

Table 4.4 summarizes the information that regards CAD, BIM and GIS spatial scale,
formats, software, and energy simulation tools presented in this section of the pa-
per. Further information on simulation tools that use GIS is presented in chapter 6.
For all intents and purposes CityGML remains the only GIS related standard with
4.3. Digital domains for spatially aware cities 55

capabilities that support performing energy simulations at city scale using buildings
as the smallest measurement unit. Complete data sets (spatial and energy thematic
data combined) from single sources describing the characteristics of the objects to
be simulated are difficult to come by, a topic discussed in chapter 3. As such, these
models are generated with the help of different data sources from different energy
chain actors.

4.3.3 Bridging the divide - ADEs to the rescue

One of the great advantages of using CityGML is the possibility of employing the
Application Domain Extensions (ADE) mechanism. This allows users to store ad-
ditional information, e.g. energy-relevant data, directly in the spatial model. The
ADE mechanism has been proposed as a solution to assist in the use of standard-
ized city wide models in energy modeling. It extends the schema with new classes
and attributes which are not explicitly modeled in CityGML. An ADE is defined in
an extra XSD (XML Schema Definition) file (a special XML document that defines
the properties of, and allowed relationships between XML features) with its own
namespace, [57]. This file has to be explicitly imported with the XML Schema Def-
inition of the extended CityGML modules as it is used to validate the integrity of
an XML file. By these means it is guaranteed that all the elements found in the file
satisfy the conditions laid out in the XSD file. ADEs can be defined by information
communities which are interested in specific application fields. Further, the UML
(Unified Modeling Language) modeling approach for ADE’s is to convert UML to
XSD relational DB schema which in turn allows for database working methodologies
to be developed surrounding these data models. As [25] indicates there are multiple
advantages to applying the ADE approach:
• formal specification of extensions
• semantic and syntactic interoperability for application specific information
• validation via CityGML and the respective ADE schema
• multiple concurrent ADE usage possible
As ADEs use their own unique namespace when defining features, naming conflicts
are avoided between different ADEs when using multiple. This makes it possible
to employ multiple ADEs simultaneously within the same CityGML document in a
jigsaw like manner. ADEs can therefore add new features to a semantic city model,
without adding reliability issues. Figure 4.4 depicts such a situation where three
extensions-the Energy ADE, the UtilityNetwork ADE and the Dynamizer ADE, are
proposed as an all encompassing data model for the energy chain.

Modeling buildings’ energy data. The Energy ADE

The Energy ADE is an extension of the standard CityGML that uses the standard-
ized extension mechanism in order to create a standard where energy information
required for urban modelling can be found. It aims to provide interoperability to
existing standards and to be useful at all scales in between single building and city
wide, [2]. The Energy ADE has been published in a first and second stable ver-
sions, v1 and v2, which has allowed for its exploiting in research and development
projects. For example [194] demonstrates a workflow designed to work in the UK
spatial context for the creation of residential scenes encoded using CityGML and
56 Chapter 4. Not all data are created equal - elephants in the room

F IGURE 4.4: CityGML and extensions jigsaw, presenting the

CityGML extensions Energy ADE, UtilityNetwork ADE and the Dy-
namizer ADE connected to the core

Energy ADE which facilitates energy simulation at urban level with building scale
Figure 4.5 depicts the way in which the Energy ADE extension is built on top of the
Building class of CityGML and on entities and features defined in the international
standard ISO 19136 GML. Also included is the Timeseries ADE, another extension,
used internally at the KIT. In this specific case it is employed in order to accommo-
date time series data (a common occurrence in the energy domain, e.g. occupancy
profiles or measurement data from meters).
The CityGML Energy ADE enables the calculation of energy flows in buildings,
based on stored and managed data, [79]. For performing detailed energy calcu-
lations such as energy gains and losses, the envelope of the building (including
external installations, e.g. outdoor window shades or solar panels) is considered
the physical boundary of the data model and is stored in the new attributes, Ther-
malOpening, ThermalBoundary and ThermalZone. At the same time, the envelope
is also associating it with the geometry of features in the old Building class.
The data model also allows for energy systems mounted inside buildings to be mod-
eled. A significant design choice was not to include large energy producing instal-
lations that supply multiple buildings and are connected to grid infrastructure. An-
other ADE, the UtilityNetwork ADE, can be used to handle such installations, see
the following section for more details. The Energy ADE allows for buildings energy
input to be modeled within each unit inside the data model. This is also true for
energy output, in case the building houses a prosumer.
4.3. Digital domains for spatially aware cities 57

F IGURE 4.5: CityGML and the Energy ADE linkage, screen capture
in Enterprise Architect

Figure 4.6 presents the internal structure of the EnergyADE v1. It consists of four
modules: Occupant Behaviour, Material and Construction, Energy Systems and Build-
ing Physics, supporting classes and a core model. This structure can be extended by
adding new modules or adding new classes to the modules (a standard ADE fea-
ture). It includes the possibility for further data/concept model extension and in-
cludes interoperability between the modules. The modules in the data model can be
filled on an optional basis, depending on the purpose of the utilization.

F IGURE 4.6: Energy ADE classes, screen capture in Enterprise Archi-

58 Chapter 4. Not all data are created equal - elephants in the room

Urban lifelines. The UtilityNetwork ADE

A utility network allows the flow of commodities. These are defined and classi-
fied in chapter 2. Modeling such complex environments is very often done using
proprietary and unique solutions developed to satisfy local criteria, [21]. In [34],
the requirements to build a multi-network (that includes multiple types) model are
identified, that is a standardized set of defined feature types capable of modelling all
the constituent pieces of the network. The model needs to include standardized fea-
ture definition, the ability to model different network types, have both network and
feature hierarchy, support topological connectivity and include both explicit topo-
graphical and topological feature representation. A number of alternative standard-
ized data models exist for representing utility networks on an abstract level. This
means that they are able to represent different kinds of networks (such as water, gas,
electric, telecommunications, etc.) within the same data model.
Assessing three of the most well used data models, Becker and colleagues, [21],
looked at the IFC network data model, the “Network” package of the Infrastructure
for Spatial Information in Europe (INSPIRE), as well as the ESRI ArcGIS Network
Model, used in many GIS applications. INSPIRE is an EU drive for a standardized
general spatial data model in Europe, while ESRI is the largest software manufac-
turer in the GIS domaine. Becker and colleagues found that two of the models had
limitations in the context of spatial scale (among other various ways). The INSPIRE
Network package did not have the capability of decomposing individual network
component elements into constituent elements, meaning that a single model is re-
ally only suitable when working in single spatial scale. The IFC network data model
features are specified only in a local reference system, meaning that they are suitable
only at the single building scale. The ArcGIS Network Model, however, has the ca-
pability of aggregating and decomposing network features to represent networks at
multiple spatial scales, and it can be used in any spatial coordinate system, meaning
that it would be quite suitable for modelling at different spatial scales.
The Utility Network ADE is a more recent and in-development extension for CityGML
that uses the ADE mechanism. Figure 4.7 presents the extension and the links to the
GML standard, as well as CityGML and its Core, Building and CityObjectGroup
classes. It is designed to help store, by use of semantic city models, features related
to the generation, distribution and consumption of media such as water, electricity,
and gas which are considered essential in the modern urban environment, [33]. The
extension is meant to cover all conceivable spatial and semantic scales, and to deal
with existing gaps in current network data model alternatives, [20].
The consortium working on the development of the standard is also looking at the
definition of the level of detail concept for utility network features. The current
version of the data model is defined in such a way that it allows for networks and
network features to be defined as sub- or super-ordinate to others. Functional, pro-
tective or otherwise special elements along networks such as valves, meters, storage
devices, protective coatings are also supported. One of the key aspects that distin-
guishes this standard to other existing ones is the inclusion of a topological network
model, [125]. It comprises the core of the Utility Network ADE data model and
ensures that all kinds of networks defined in a single CityGML model are repre-
sented and can be operated upon in a unified way. This means that multiple types
of networks, transporting different types of medium and at any scale, as well as the
relationships and interdependencies between them can be effectively modelled us-
ing the UtilityNetwork ADE. In addition, due to the nature of the ADE mechanism
4.3. Digital domains for spatially aware cities 59

F IGURE 4.7: CityGML and the UtilityNetwork ADE link, screen cap-
ture in Enterprise Architect

such modelled systems are already compatible with existing CityGML-based city
models. Figure 4.8 depicts the core module of the UtilityNetwork ADE.
A more recent attempt at comparing standards in use and development for utility
networks, is found in [34]. The conclusion of the study is that the UtilityNetwork
ADE can handle multiple types of networks and features in a common infrastruc-
ture. At the same time the functionalities that are required with modeling complex
utility networks interactions are present. Additionally, a use case for interconnected
water and electrical networks is presented in the aforementioned manuscript. It
leverages the extension for modeling the two intertwined networks with water flow
being used to generate electricity.
Summarized in table 4.5 are the capabilities of different utility network modeling
solutions. These are compared from the different perspectives of the integrated fea-
tures: standardized features definition, different network types capabilities, network
hierarchies, feature hierarchies, topological connectivity, and explicit topography
versus topology. The table also includes work from [23] which focuses its analysis
on the LandXML standard. This standard is recommended by the OGC for use with
utility network modeling and includes a very simple topology model. The stan-
dard is specifically designed for open canals and waterways that transport water,
wastewater, storm water, and other similar products, and the associated properties
are similar in scope. This design decision is the reason for which the relevant pipe
element model structure is only basic (parametric geometrical representation, and a
spatial reference that includes point coordinates).
60 Chapter 4. Not all data are created equal - elephants in the room

UtilityNetworkADE KIT - Core NetworkClassValue

ADE «featureType» PipeNetwork
«A DE E lem...
_CityObject +consistsOf CityGML_Core::_CityObject
FunctionValue 0 ..*
+ feeding S patialQualityValue
+ draining
+ distribution
+ storage
+ venting calculated
+ abstraction interpolated
+ measurement estimated
assumed «FeatureType»
+ shortCircuit
Netw ork
+ branch «FeatureType» +component
+ observer AbstractNetworkFeature
«P roperty»
+ protection 0 ..* 0 ..* + class :NetworkClassValue [0..1]
+ control «P roperty»
+ function :NetworkFunctionValue [0..1]
+ shutOff + function :FunctionV alue [0..1]
+ unknown + yearO fConstruction :Date [0..1] 1 1 1
+ status :S tatusValue [0..1] +subdivision 0 ..* +relatedNetwork
+ locationQ uality :S patialQ ualityV alue [0..1] +belongsTo
+ elevationQ uality :S patialQ ualityV alue [0..1] «featureType»
* 0 ..* NetworkSystem
1 ..
+geoRep 0 ..*
+nodeMember 0 ..*
«dataType» +topoGraph 0..1
GeometricRep «FeatureType»
+geoRep +nodeMember NetworkGraph
«P roperty» 1 ..*
0 ..* 1
+ representationFrame :GeoRepFrameValue
+ representationContext :GeoRepContextValue
+ geometry :GM_Object +start 1 +end 1

+geoRep 0 ..*
«enumeration» +connectedWith 1 ..*
annotation +linkMember
axis 0 ..*
«P roperty»
footprint «enumeration»
+ type :RelNetworkNodesTypeValue
profile GeoRepFrameValue
paper «dataType»
geographic Netw orkLink 0 ..*

«enumeration» RelNetworkNodesTypeValue
in let
supply outlet
disposal undefined
communication unknown

F IGURE 4.8: The core class of the UtilityNetwork ADE link, screen
capture in Enterprise Architect

In order to classify the solutions depending on the level of support provided for
different features, each support level was categorized from 1 to 3 in the table (1 -
poor, 2 - basic, 3 - good). This indicates that the most complete solution is provided
by the UtilityNetworkADE, with runners-up being a tie in between LandXML and
IFC. These three solutions have different spatial design scales and scopes, the first
(CityGML coupled) is city oriented, the second (LandXML) directed to use at na-
tional level, while the third (IFC) is aimed at building to district level. As such, this
further indicated that the UtilityNetworkADE matches the use cases presented in
the dedicated section, 4.1. The other two runner-up solutions can facilitate similar
use cases, however, at different spatial scales.
Making a case for comprehensive data models of utility networks, [178] explains
that in the context of utility network renovation processes there is a lack of knowl-
edge of other existing networks. Most often, utility network operators operate their
own networks in close vicinity of other networks. When cities or companies concur-
rently refurbish their networks, each organization is responsible only for their own
network. However, due to to the nature of underground work and possible interac-
tions they should be forced to work together and share responsibility. Cities often
oblige these utilities to make public works at the same time, so as to avoid unnec-
essary repeated long duration construction sites in the same locations. This justifies
case for the further development and deployment of the UtilityNetwork ADE.

4.3.4 CityJSON, a convenient alternative to CityGML - data interchange

In the GIS world two data interchange formats are currently most used, XML and
JSON. Selecting an acceptable data interchange format is usually dependent on the
4.3. Digital domains for spatially aware cities 61

TABLE 4.5: Utility network modeling solutions, after [34], [23] and
own work, with three support levels, 1 - poor, 2 - basic, 3 - good

Aspect Design Standard Different Network Feature Topologic Explicit Result

//////// scale feature net- hier- hier- con- topog-
Solution defini- work archy archy nectiv- raphy
tion types ity vs.
Anylogic Dwelling 1 2 2 2 2 2 11
to Na-
ArcGIS Building 1 2 1 2 3 1 10
to Na-
CityGML Building 3 3 3 3 3 3 18
Utility to City
IFC Dwelling 3 2 1 3 3 3 15
to Dis-
INSPIRE City 3 2 1 1 3 1 11
to Na-
LandXML Regional 3 2 3 3 2 2 15
to Na-

data transmission rates and performance available to the proposed applications.

XML or the eXtensible Markup Language, is a language designed for universal data
representation that is human readable and has a fundamentally simple design, [57].
It also includes a user-defined hierarchical structure, which allows for and repre-
sents another advantage in using the scale based unique identifier solution proposed
in this manuscript in chapter 3. On the other side, engineered to be a data exchange
language, JSON is equally human readable and directly supported inside JavaScript,
Python and Ruby. This is also the reason for which it is the most popular data for-
mat for sending API requests and responses. A standardized schema or meta-data
definition was proposed for it in [184]. That allows the developers to specify the
structure of JSON documents.
In the case of this manuscript, the applications developed used a central data repos-
itory based on a database whose import-export mechanism revolves around XML
based files. In literature, comparisons of the use of JSON and XML have yielded
different results. Where [172] find JSON to be significantly faster (parsing is done
up to one hundred times faster than XML), [96] find that XML comes slightly on
top considering multiple user perspectives. This is why JSON usage is a significant
alternative to XML and is mentioned in this manuscript as a worthy alternative.
As stated in its dedicated sub-chapter, the standard CityGML was developed based
62 Chapter 4. Not all data are created equal - elephants in the room

on XML and GML. However, GML encoding has been shown to inhibit develop-
ment, [133], by way of difficult CityGML files parsing, different geometrical data
representations, XLinks, and a lack of implementation support for ADEs. Provid-
ing an easy-to-use alternative to CityGML, CityJSON uses a simpler JSON encoding
that streamlines file parsing operations and allows for 3D models/digital twins in-
side these files to be easily visualised, manipulated, and edited.

4.3.5 Accommodating the leviathans - an ETL funneling system

The title of this section hints at the elephants in the room. That is, the BIM, CAD and
GIS domains data served/provided either as files or as web services to energy mod-
elers responsible of running city wide simulations. It is one of this thesis’ hypotheses
that CityGML supports performing energy simulations at city scale using buildings
as the smallest unit. The hypothesis furthers that using CityGML as a backbone
for data modeling and linking of entities allows for energy data to be properly allo-
cated not only by identification means but also spatially. This section of the paper
looks at the infrastructure backbone that facilitates data input and conversion into
the CityGML format.
In the previous sections the types of data (format and transmission mode) from these
domains are discussed and their significance to the UBEM field is emphasized. Table
4.6 summarizes the information that regards CAD, BIM and GIS spatial scale, for-
mats, software, and energy simulation tools presented in this section of the paper.
Further information on UBEM and software developed during this thesis for energy
simulation is presented in chapter 6.

TABLE 4.6: Standards/Methodologies information sheet, aggregated

from own work and [79]


Spatial Single building, Dis- Single building, Dis- District, Neighbor-
scale, see trict, Neighborhood, trict, Neighborhood hood, Town, City
figure 4.2 Town, City
Formats .dwg, .dxf, .stp .ifc, .gbXML .shp, .gml
Software AutoCAD, Inventor, Revit, Autodesk QGIS, ArcGIS,
FreeCAD, QCAD BIM 360 Glue, CityEditor, Post-
ArchiCAD, BIM- greSQL/PostGIS
server, BIMVision
Energy DesignBuilder, Eco- Open Studio, Green CitySIM, aEneAs,
simula- tect, EnergyPlugged, Building Studio, En- EDF Curtis, Sim-
tion tools e-QUEST ergyPro Stadt, CitySim+,
City 4.0

Complete (this attribute should be taken with a grain of salt) spatial and energy the-
matic data sets originating in single data sources that describe the characteristics of
the objects to be modeled and simulated are difficult to come by, a topic discussed in
chapter 3. These have rather a speckled and inconsistent character. As such, the digi-
tal real world replicas (models) are generated with the help of different data sources
from disparate and very diverse energy chain actors. Therefor, the creation of ac-
curate digital city models and their following enrichment are time consuming and
expensive ETL data processes. To expedite this process and ensure the usefulness
of data, it must be usable for a wide range of applications. One way to ensure this
4.3. Digital domains for spatially aware cities 63

F IGURE 4.9: Accommodating the leviathans - an ETL funneling sys-


is the use of open standard formats such as CityGML. That was also the solution
chosen within the applications developed to help test the research questions posed
in this thesis. This aspect is discussed in [231] where different methodologies for the
rapid production of energy modeling prone city models are presented. For the work
performed to test the hypothesis in this manuscript the common feature of all those
formats is their open data structure.
Often, differences arise in between coordinate systems, which are at times local
Cartesian coordinate systems in BIM and CAD formats and geographical or geodesic
for GIS. The second category is most often included in the standardized 4-5 digit
EPSG system. This lack of foresight in data creation with local coordinates creates
further issues in handling combined GIS-BIM-CAD workflows. For this thesis the
conversion issues were handled in software tools such as PostgreSQL (with the ex-
tension PostGIS), FME, FZKViewer, QGIS or ArcGIS, City Editor, gModeller (both of
the last two are software extensions built on top of SketchUp).
Figure 4.9 depicts the funneling system and the tools used in the data conversion.
Most often, data provided is non-standardized. As such it requires extensive quality
testing before any standardized workflow can be applied to it. These processes,
referred to as ETL, Extract Transform Load, are previously discussed in chapter 2,
and can sometimes use more than half of the actual UBEM modeling time.
CityGML spatial models can be generated in multiple ways. In the case of the work
behind this manuscript it was mainly produced with three software solutions. In
the first case BIM or CAD (in IFC, gbXML or DXF format) data are extracted and
converted using FME. The same software can also add other UBEM relevant data
64 Chapter 4. Not all data are created equal - elephants in the room

to CityGML, providing quite a potent solution to ETL operations as it can generate

complex buildings in multiple LODs. In addition, the Energy ADE and the Utili-
tyNetwork ADE extensions can be used to populate multiple types of data used in
UBEM simulations.
An extensive literature search showed that first endeavours in merging data from
IFC into CityGML were published in [129] with the GeoBIM extension being devel-
oped for CityGML. The extension is integrated in the BIMserver serving as another
potential entryway for GIS-BIM links. Other attempts at linking the two worlds have
started to bear fruit. These efforts provide a similar tool to the database version for
CityGML DB, the 3DCityDB, [100]. However, as can be seen in the cited manuscript,
these efforts achieve limited success, for example on visualization, less so on accu-
rate IFC data positioning, as conflicting design choices and use cases behind GIS and
BIM make the merge difficult.
For GIS data that is stored in SHP files, Python code was developed that can create
a CityGML building based on the building footprint and the elevation. This gen-
erates a flat roof building in LOD1. With additional surface classification provided
by Python code a hybrid LOD2 model is created. A significant downside is that it
contains only flat roofs, however, the volume calculations of the buildings interior
can be adjusted statistically in order to take that into consideration (for example via
building cadastre code). As such the data produced can provide significant advan-
tages in energy modeling.
The last method that the figure presents uses data that stems mostly from architects
and town planners (urbanists). These professionals often use graphical design tools
that provide less in the direction of a standardized data structure. This was recog-
nized by software companies, and extensions have been developed that offer tools
to export standardized data. This is the case for SketchUp and the CityEditor exten-
sion. This tool includes a workflow that allows the extraction of CityGML data from
a SketchUp 3D model, in this thesis’ case LOD2 building models.
Out of all the tools presented, FME is the most complete solution. It can help ETL
processes by providing semi-standardized funneling conversion systems. In addi-
tion it can also integrate code snippets (in Python in this manuscripts’ case) to pro-
vide for the use of already implemented tools. Finally, the funnel system presented
above works for file based standards. With regards to web services integration the
next section is dedicated to them.

4.4 Web services lend a hand

The need to retrieve data from distributed sources brings with it connectivity and
functionality problems. Here, the adoption of a Web Service could provide remedy,
especially in the context of near real live data streams that produce large volumes
of data. An Application Programming Interface (API) considers both the provider
and the receiver in a IT system communicating over the internet, [123]. The web
service is the provider (server-side) portion of the API, an interface programmed to
include a pre-defined request-response message system. In very simple terms, web
services provide solutions that allow the sharing of data in between parties that host
data and others that require it without the sharing of the entire data set, or as [122]
explains, web feature services allow clients to only retrieve or modify the data they
are seeking, rather than retrieving a file that contains the data they are seeking and
4.4. Web services lend a hand 65

possibly much more. Web Services generally involve communication over the inter-
net using protocols like Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), Simple Object Access
Protocol (SOAP), REpresentational State Transfer (REST), and eXtensible Markup
Language-Remote Procedure Call (XML-RPC) as a means of communication.
As [162] demonstrate, being able to easily discover relevant data is a prerequisite
to unlocking the potential of data. Online sharing of spatial data faces similar chal-
lenges to other distribution methods, such as file based. These include provision of
descriptive and structural metadata to enhance data’s discoverability and reusabil-
ity. The W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) recommends the following best prac-
tices for data sharing on the web, [226]:
• valid licensing information,
• transparency regarding data provenance and quality,
• data versioning to deal with data update on a scheduled basis
• provision of unique identifiers,
• interoperability enforcement by way of standardized, locale-neutral and rich
data formats,
• improved data accessibility and usability from flexible and stable API.
Several web service standards, often used with sharing spatial data in the energy
chain, are covered in this section. Easy and stable access to data on the web allows
users to take advantage of the advanced web infrastructure which often means that
by default the HTTP method is used. This provides access to data using atomic
transactions (atomicity is the defining property of database transactions, where each
SQL query gets wrapped in its own transaction). In practice most data providers
or delegated third parties support data access either through bulk download or
through an API, or both of them.
When specifically discussing the issue of sharing spatial data, most often interoper-
ability issues arise due to the data heterogeneity of this data category. More specific,
most data providers might use different data formats with their own data models,
which requires a special and tailored software solution to share their data. These
data-driven implemented web services cause issues for data consumers, as they are
locked to specific vendors and increase the difficulties of sharing of the spatial data.
To overcome the interoperability issues, the OGC has been established. This consor-
tium aims at providing standards both in data model and web services. The purpose
is to make spatial data sharing across any network, application or platform routine.

4.4.1 GIS web services

Responsible for the standardization in this sub-domain of the GIS field is the OGC.
The organization has a long list of web services to show for its activity and these
have been crucial for the development of WebGIS, or GIS on the Web (Internet), the
use of Geographical Information Systems data online. For the better part of the last
two decades OGC has been a great locomotive for change within the GIS community.
It has helped develop and encouraged the implementation of different web services.
This section presents web services used for sharing spatial data produced in the GIS
world that are relevant for the city wide energy chain.
• Web Map Service (WMS)
66 Chapter 4. Not all data are created equal - elephants in the room

• Web Coverage Service (WCS)

• Web Feature Service (WFS)
• WFS in the 3DCityDB
In order for web services to function together, the OGC Web Services Common Stan-
dard (OWS) was developed. This is a standard which specifies those aspects that
are common to all or multiple OWS Interface Standards. In its scope fall contents,
parameters and data structures, and XML, KVP (Key Value Pair) or SOAP+XML en-
coding of Operation Requests and Responses, [39]. The OGC Web Services are im-
plemented on Distributed Computing Platform (DCP). DCP supports HTTP, where
the online resource of each service operation is the Uniform Resource Locator (URL).
The HTTP Post, Get and Response methods are the mainstay of these web services.
The Web Map Service
The WMS provides a simple HTTP interface for requesting geo-registered map im-
ages from one or more distributed geospatial databases, [19]. It can be used to re-
quest images from multiple WMS servers concurrently so that images can be over-
laid into a single view for users or included into a data handling pipeline (workflow).
The output format is of multiple types, among those: PNG, JPEG, GIF, TIFF, SVG,
PDF, KML. It also provides three request operation types, invocable in the form of
URLs. These are:
• GetCapabilities, a mandatory request that obtains service metadata (descrip-
tion of server information and request of parameter value)
• GetMap, also a mandatory request that provides a map image whose geospa-
tial and dimensional parameters are well defined
• GetFeatureInfo, an optional request available to communicate information about
particular features shown on a map
The Web Feature Service
WFS is a web service used for querying and editing vector geographic features. It
has radically changed the way in which geographic information is created, modified
and exchanged over the internet, [158]. The ability of sharing geographic informa-
tion at a feature level rather than file level has given users previously unmatched
flexibility. WFS is primarily used as Feature Accessing Service, but it can also be
a Feature Type Service, a Coordinate Conversion Service as well as a Geographic
Format Conversion Service. For encoding both XML and KVP are available. WFS
supports ad hoc and stored queries. According to the specification document, [225],
it provides multiple operations:
• Discovery Operations, allows clients to determine its capabilities and retrieve
the feature type,
• Query Operations, enables the client to retrieve features or values of feature
• Locking Operations, grants data lock for single and exclusive access to (a) fea-
ture(s) in order to modify or delete it (them),
• Transaction Operations, provides the ability to create, change, replace or delete
4.4. Web services lend a hand 67

• Stored Query Operations, sanctions custom made parameterized query ex-

pression stored by server.
A version of the WFS, designed to work with semantical city models stored in the
3DCityDB based either on PostgreSQL or Oracle is presented in the experiments
dedicated section of this chapter, 5.2.3.
Web Coverage Service
The WCS is a web service that supports retrieval of geospatial data known as “cov-
erage“ (geospatial information for space-varying phenomena), [176]. In this context,
with coverage, the OGC implies a feature that acts as a function to return values
from its range for any direct position within its spatial-temporal domain. This web
service can be employed for any property, e.g. surface reflectance, concentration of
pollutants, number of lanes, and can originate from different domains such as a util-
ity network/grid, or a transportation network. The web service can handle requests
of geospatial raster images, process results for complex modeling and analysis and
perform complex querying of coverage data. It is composed of a Core (that specifies
a set of requirements the WCS must fulfill) and an Extension (that brings further
functionality and defines means of protocol binding). Similarly to WMS, the WCS
returns raster formats, however with the WMS the spatial data to be portrayed is
static while the WCS adds dynamicity and provides available data and descriptions.
The binding is more flexible as it can be any of the protocols defined in the WCS
Extension. The web service includes three operations:
• GetCapabilities, provides metadata regarding the server’s capabilities and cov-
erages offered
• DescribeCoverage, seeks details on one specific coverage
• GetCoverage, asks for a selected range in a coverage according to properties of
an elected spatial-temporal location

4.4.2 CAD and BIM web services

The focus of this manuscript lies with open source standards and data. Within this
domain there are few web services developed that can serve CAD and BIM data,
even though as far back as 2010, members of the academia, [116] and [216], were
underlining the need for such services, that can provide similar functionalities to
the ones shown in the previous section. Open source architecture and prototype
solution have surfaced, as seen in [243], however, none have gained similar traction
and notoriety when compared to the ones in the GIS domain. This is due to a number
of factors, the most cited ones being issues with handling identification and multiple
editor issues. [135] proposes solving the identification issues using blockchain with
the drawback that the proposed system could be architecturally slow. The potential
of web services development in the CAD domain can also be seen in the attempt of
one of the largest software manufacturers to complete user surveys that help define
use cases, such as [9].
In fact the only non-proprietary web service provided in the BIM community of
buildingSMART Internatonal is the extended web service-based (RESTful) API mode
for BCF, [114]. In its web service version, the BCF-API is a RESTful service that al-
lows separate BIM file users to connect directly or to be connected via a server. This
requires operating a BCF server in parallel (that can double as the BIM server). All
68 Chapter 4. Not all data are created equal - elephants in the room

BCF data is stored in the cloud and enables concurrent users to sync BCF data in one
centralized location. The existence/presence of dedicated third-party BCF servers
are the main purpose for the development of the OpenBIM initiatives and help act
as the hub for such communications enhancing shareability among BIM users. BCF
is a powerful tool, similar to the WFS of the OGC, for BIM related data in the energy
chain and will impact the management of energy related facilities once BIM and BIM
data become part of the modus operandi.
The alternative to using the BCF-API for data sharing is the use of the open source
software BIM server. The Building Information Model server (BIMserver) enables
the handling and stockpiling of the information of a construction project by using
the open data standard IFC, [128]. The BIMserver uses a model-driven architecture
approach where IFC data is stored as objects, similar to a database where operations
such as query, merge and filter are possible. It also contains extra features (e.g. model
checking, versioning, project structures, merging). Other similar software in terms
of capabilities are all commercial solutions, [144].

4.4.3 Sensor frameworks

The previous sections take a rather spatially oriented perspective to the data shared
in the energy chain, be that file or web service based. The two following sub-
sections briefly introduce solutions that bring a sensor/things mindset. These are
the two sensor enabling frameworks that were used within this thesis’ experiments,
the OGC Sensor Web Enablement (with two alternatives, SOS-SES-WNS or Sensor-
ThingsAPI) and FIWARE. The three solutions are different from the conception per-
spective, as they use a SOAP (SOS-SES-WNS) and a REST architecture respectively
(SensorThingsAPI and FIWARE). [123, 211] analyse the performance of each solution
(SOAP vs. REST). Standardized SOAP is language, platform, and transport indepen-
dent, where REST requires use of HTTP. As SmartBear, the author of [211], puts it,
SOAP is preferable in distributed enterprise environments, as REST assumes direct
point-to-point communication. However, REST is easier to operate with a smaller
learning curve. In addition REST is closer to other web technologies in design phi-
losophy and is more efficient with regards to message size (SOAP uses XML for all
messages, REST mostly uses smaller message formats like JSON).

OGC Sensor Web Enablement

As discussed before, the OGC is a recognized authority in the standardization of the
geospatial information field. This has included an active role in standardizing sen-
sor data inputs with both spatial and temporal characteristics. Historically such data
originates from sensor like devices, or things that sense. This is why these standards’
names also reflect that. The Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) allows for different kinds
of sensors and their data to be communicated, compared and combined. It is a suite
of standards developed and maintained by the OGC, [36]. The trigger event for the
development of the SWE was the advent of the Sensor Model Language (SensorML),
an XML based standard that allows for the storage of geometric, dynamic, and ra-
diometric properties of dynamic remote sensors, [37].
Within the SWE, a conceptual schema encoding for observations (and for features
involved in sampling when making observations) was developed, [58]. Called the
Observations&Measurements (O&M) data model, it represents the corner stone be-
hind the web services used for this thesis’ experiments as it helps define the markup
4.4. Web services lend a hand 69

of sensor measurements results. An observation consists of information about the

observed geographic feature, the time of observation, the sensor, the observed phe-
nomenon, and the observation’s actual result.
To further facilitate modeling sensor data flow as well as proper storage and use
of the generated data, the SensorML was developed. It is currently in version 2.1,
[38]. It enables interoperability at the syntactic level and at the semantic level by
building upon ontologies and semantic mediation. The modeling language allows
the description of sensor data flow (during and post measurement) in a robust and
semantically-tied way. It aims at completely automated machine processing in com-
plex workflows.
The three musketeers: SOS-SES-WNS
The Sensor Observation Service (SOS) is one of the standards developed by the OGC
within the SWE. In simple terms it offers a standardized web service for transmis-
sion of sensor description and its associated data. It provides an interface to sensors,
their measurements and associated metadata and supports on site, mobile, remote or
networks of static sensors, [242]. Observations are available with an associated com-
putational representation of observed features. The standard version 2.0 was used
during the experiments for this thesis, which employs the SensorML standard for
meta description sensor encoding and the Observation and Measurement standard
(O&M Model) to encrypt data gathered by sensors. The implementation used in the
experiments led by this thesis’ author is open source and provided by 52◦ North, an
Open Source Foundation enterprise based in Münster, Germany. The implementa-
tion used in this thesis’ experiments, 52◦ N Sensor Observation Service 3.5, is devel-
oped in Java and it is of Server and Client type, [242], [140].
The Sensor Event Service (SES) is a web service for standardized monitoring of sen-
sors and the triggering of notifications. The software implementation was also de-
veloped by the same entity as with SOS, the 52◦ North, [115]. SES is a conceptual
enhancement of the Sensor Alert Service (SAS) - a previous SWE web service speci-
fication used by clients (information/data consumers) for subscribing to self defined
alert conditions. The basic SES produces notifications and provides methods to sub-
scribe for notifications and retrieve the latest notification. It offers the functionality
of registering new sensors dynamically and enables the creation of new notifications.
For the experiments developed during this thesis it permitted the monitoring of near
real-time sensor data and the measurement of continuous phenomenona. It allows a
publish/subscribe-based access to sensor data and measurements, being a standard
event notification system, [140].
The Web Notification Service (WNS) is a web service specifically designed for stan-
dardized sending of notifications via different protocols (e.g. SMS, e-mail). It acts
as a transport transducer by changing the protocol between incoming and outgoing
messages. It was designed for use with SES and allows the users to receive an alert
on their device based on this pre-determined alarm indicators. WNS handles the
message and its content as a black box. The WNS does not have any knowledge
about the message content. Combined together, the SOS, SES and WNS provide
complete functions to manage sensor data, its flow, and event management, [36].
The SensorThingsAPI
70 Chapter 4. Not all data are created equal - elephants in the room

The SensorThingsAPI was designed for things that sense and equips their users
with an open, geospatial-enabled and unified way to interconnect, thus constitut-
ing a standardized interface to the Internet of Things (IoT), [139]. It is an alterna-
tive solution to the previously presented SOS-SES-WNS, and can be regarded as a
lightweight SWE profile. The OGC SensorThings API architecture can be largely
separated in two parts, the Sensing part and the Tasking part. For this thesis, the
first was used as it provides a standard way to manage and retrieve observations
and metadata from heterogeneous IoT sensor systems. The implementation used in
the experiments was developed in Java EE by Fraunhofer IOSB, and is called the
SensorThingsServer and is of type Server.

FIWARE is a systematized framework, similar in scope to the SWE, provided how-
ever from a different perspective, that of the larger IT domain, and not specifi-
cally from the geospatial community. It does however offer integrated support for
geospatial data attributes. It is being developed by the FIWARE Foundation, also a
non-profit organization that promotes open standards across domains such as Smart
Cities, Smart Energy, Smart AgriFood and Smart Industry. FIWARE provides an
open alternative to existing proprietary internet platforms and it’s software ecosys-
tem is successfully constituting a reference option for developing digital twins, [56].
It’s development has received substantial funding and support from the European
Comission (EC) and has been supported by a large number of academic and private
entities, [201]. The project was started in 2011 and today provides cloud hosting
services based on OpenStack technology. It has a set of open standards APIs that
offer a number of added-value functions “as a service”, the Generic Enablers (GE),
[75]. These mainly facilitate the connection to the Internet of Things, the processing
of data and media in near real-time, and at large scale, the performing of Big Data
analysis. These APIs also incorporate advanced features for user interaction making
FIWARE an open alternative to existing proprietary internet platforms.
Important assets provided by using FIWARE are the abilities to manage spatial data
and multiple sensor networks (a specific use case that usually gives developers and
providers issues with handling different protocols and data structures), [74]. Specif-
ically for spatial data it includes functions for handling and querying (of interest for
this thesis’ use cases). Context information (data that characterizes the state of that
real-world object at a given moment in time) is allocated in the form of attributes as-
sociated with an instance of an object. One of the GE REST APIs, the Context Broker,
is used for that end. It can handle high data volumes, a concept known as Big Data
(or massive data), via a Hadoop framework. Similarly to the previously presented
SWE WNS alert manager, FIWARE contains a Complex Event Processing (CEP) GE.

Technical summary
A short summary of the capabilities of the two sensor frameworks with the three
available implementations included in this thesis’s experiments is presented in ta-
ble 4.7. The characteristics presented in the table purposefully do not include any
performance metrics, such as request response time or CPU use as the applica-
tions in which the software solutions were used are different as per the intended
use/characteristics. Ultimately, a choice of the best solution can only be done when
4.4. Web services lend a hand 71

TABLE 4.7: Sensors/things web service summary

Aspect SOS-SES-WNS SensorThings FIWARE

Sensor operations Full Minimal Full
Data handling com- High Low High
Data handling effi- Low High High
Critical rules for Supported - Supported
event handling

considering specifications of the intended use case. To propose a blanket recommen-

dation for all applications would not be target-oriented. This is why a table summary
brings more value for future readers of this manuscript.

Chapter 5

Energy relevant coupling of

sensors and 3D models

Within the energy chain one aspect is most important with regards to energy spatial
data, that of phenomena with both spatial and thematic varying properties. Long
before the term Internet of Things (IoT) or its associated data revolution, the energy
domain was producing large data sets of spaghetti like data sets, or better described
as continuous data bundles. Energy domain experts handling this data have focused
their attention to the thematic content and its functionality (energy relevant) and
have had less of an interest in the spatial character of these data sets. This can be
seen with the specifications of the most used electrical networks domain standard,
the Common Information Model (CIM), also a semantical standard, [59], developed
using UML, [236]. In general, network standards have been thematic oriented and
sensor data repositories had no specific association to location information.

5.1 The impetus

Most literature in this domain refers to measurement data sources as things. As dis-
cussed in chapter 2, one of the ongoing trends in cities is the IoT revolution. [92]
find that things have a constantly changing definition as technology has evolved.
Regardless of the changing nature, the main goal, that of making a computer sense
information without the aid of human intervention, has been ever present. What is
pushing for a evolution of current systems is the fact that the multitude of intercon-
nected objects that harvest information increases steadily every year. At the same
time these objects interact with the real world, and use existing internet standards
to provide services for information transfer, analytics, applications, and communi-
In a general fashion, spatial attributes can be looked at as only but another facet of
data, another property of an entity/object. However, the combined use of spatial-
temporal data in analysis in the energy chain has historically been less often done,
due to limitations in sensor connectivity and spatial/thematic data segregation in
data repositories. Scientists and practitioners alike are looking for ways to integrate
the two components in efficient ways that allow for value creation. However, only
a fraction of potential value creation has been accomplished, according to the report
[4], within EU wide state institutions (10-20%) and even retail-entities (30-40%) there
is much potential.
Nevertheless, the spatial characteristics of energy data gather more attention from
data owners in the energy chain as use cases develop, where location know-how
74 Chapter 5. Energy relevant coupling of sensors and 3D models

brings added value, see table 4.1. These requests for connectivity are now coming
from a variety of actors including architects, urban planners, facility managers, spa-
tial scientists and policy makers. Often, different actors interact within the data col-
lection, sharing and consumption process, as they act both as a collector/intermediate
data publisher but also as a data consumer (for analysis and decision support) which
in turn produces further data. This emerging trend gives access to spatial data and
byproducts to an increasing number of parties and thus enhances reproducibility,
collaboration and decision making. As such, considering the definitions presented
in 2, energy data with spatial attributes plays a vital role in smart city energy appli-
As with any nascent field no specific domain can claim ownership till expertise and
workflows are developed. That meant that both the W3C and the OGC have looked
for solutions for the problem of sharing large bundles of data that also holds spatial
characteristics. One of the main sources for this heightened interest is the current In-
ternet of Things (IoT) revolution, already mentioned in the ongoing trends with next
generation cities in 2. IoT requires functional interoperability with other products,
[226], and is interesting for this thesis as large parts of the data produced by this
domain are energy relevant (e.g. accurate occupancy for buildings, detailed weather
information, advanced forecasting for the aforementioned themes, energy use val-
ues, air pollution measurements). To achieve this capability, platform independent
APIs for application developers are needed, and a means for different platforms to
discover how to inter-operate with one another, [226]. The specific needs of this the-
sis requires the present work to focus on standardized frameworks that allow for
measured data (from sensors) and its spatial information to be stored together. The
suitable identified candidates are FIWARE (The Future Internet platform) developed
as a by-product of research paid for and organized by the European Commission,
and the SWE (Sensor Web Enablement) of the OGC with the SensorThings and SOS

5.2 Experiments
Within the scope of this thesis was managing the flow of energy related measure-
ments and incorporating them within the digital representation of a city. This is
why solutions were explored that allow things to be spatially located and for their
observations to receive location attributes. Such capabilities help enable distributed
energy production and a quantification of the environmental influences on that pro-
duction. Understanding where a measurement is made can make a world of differ-
ence. To provide a simple example, temperatures measured in the shade or in the
sun provide very different results even if the location is only but a few meters apart.
In order to abide by the good practices (presented in section 5.4) that this thesis seeks
to respect experiments were carried out as to the suitability of the previously pre-
sented web services solutions. The focus lies with the distribution and availability
of open standardized spatial and thematic data with public and private authorities.
A fully functional workflow, that facilitates the flow of information with regards to
UBEM models, in a solution that is purely based on web services was tested. The
implemented workflows aimed at paving the way for a seamless integration of spa-
tial CityGML and sensor data. On behalf of sensor data, SOS, SensorThingsAPI and
FIWARE successfully linked to spatial data and allowed for the linking of these dif-
ferent data sources, while for CityGML four solutions are presented.
5.2. Experiments 75

F IGURE 5.1: Sensor installations used, left hand side presents images
from [95], down-middle EIFER and ULPGC building test site, down-
right from [224] (left and right pictures: green façades on vineyard
house in Karlsruhe, Germany, an multi-family house in Ettlingen,
Germany, middle depicts a green roof installation in Illingen, Ger-

5.2.1 Sensor installations

Three use case experiments were performed to test the proposed solutions with the
objective being to integrate near-real live sensor data and 3D standardized data in
the format of CityGML. Figure 5.1 presents the general sensor configuration and im-
ages from the installation sites/tram. All three configurations follow the principles
of open infrastructure presented in this chapter, with the software solutions belong-
ing to different open source licence models. The upper pictures depict the sensor
installations while the ones below the location of the installed sensors.
In the first sensor use case, data is presented in the form of air quality data mea-
surements obtained from a KIT-IMK (Karlsruhe Institut für Technologie - Institut
für Meteorologie und Klimaforschung) measurement campaign (belonging to the
AERO-TRAM project). The project was sponsored by the environmental ministry of
the German state of Baden-Württemberg and aimed to be an extensively automated,
long-term study of concentration, spatial distribution of parameters, particle size
distribution and total particle number in the area of Karlsruhe. The sensor installa-
tion is a high quality mobile installation that was situated on top of trains (S-Bahn
trains in German, a train that can travel both on high voltage and low voltage pow-
ered lines allowing it to connect rural and urban settlements on similar gauge tram
and train tracks: "from the hinterland through the city center back into the hinterland")
belonging to the local transportation authority (Verkehrsbetriebe Karlsruhe, VBK).
This mobile laboratory "AERO-TRAM" for measurements of urban ground level pol-
lutants could perform fully automated measurements of the gaseous components:
76 Chapter 5. Energy relevant coupling of sensors and 3D models

H2O(g), O3, NO, NOx, CO and CO2, in addition to weather indicators like air tem-
perature, RH (relative humidity), P (air pressure) and horizontal wind. Its loca-
tion was measured using an integrated antenna for Global Positioning System (GPS)
measurements, [95, 242]. Data for both of the monitored train lines (S1/S11 and S2)
was offered in support of this research work for the purpose of sensor infrastruc-
ture experiments. Part of the train track runs in the Rhine valley, while a second
part continues up into the Black Forest (German: Schwarzwald). Measurements were
made at short time intervals as the train moved along its track, making the sensed
data a perfect candidate for our study with changing spatial, temporal and thematic
characteristics. The measurement campaign occurred prior to this thesis, and there
was no possibility to test live data feed from the tram onto the software platforms
proposed into this thesis. Data was provided in R format and then converted and
stored into a local database from where it was further used as sensor data for this
thesis’s infrastructure experiments.
Solar installations testing for vertical façades
The second use case includes data from a UV measurement campaign on a static lo-
cation in two buildings. One was located on the university grounds of Las Palmas de
Gran Canaria (ULPGC), , the most populous city in the autonomous community of
the Canary Islands, Spain. The second monitored facility was located in Karlsruhe,
Germany, the second-largest city in the state of Baden-Württemberg, in southwest
Germany, near the French-German border. Both buildings host tertiary activities,
namely research and development. One sensor installation was mounted on each
building facade (four in total for each location). The objective of the sensors instal-
lation was to provide data support for modeling activities. The model’s purpose
was to determine suitability of commercial solar energy installations on vertical fa-
cades in two very different locations, central European, with continental climate and
southwest European/northwest African, with sub-tropical climate. Both implemen-
tations have been realised under similar conditions and used the same equipment.
The sensor installation was designed and built in-house from separate purchased
parts. The sensors were directly situated on a window of each facade of each build-
ing, eight for the entire experiment. For radiation measurements the model SI1145
Digital UV Index/IR/Visible Light Sensor, from SiLabs was used. This equipment
can measure infrared as well as visible light and using a calibrated light sensing al-
gorithm it can provide the UV Index, which provided the input to further data mod-
eling in this experiment. The sensor was attached to a Arduino Uno Board REV3
with a UartSBee V5 - Xbee Adapter attached to it. It picks up the measurements
of the sensor and sends it to a centralising repository by using the Bluetooth capa-
bilities of the Xbee adapter. The central repository unit receiving these data was a
Globmall ABOX Raspberry Pi 3 Model. As such, all data produced was able to flow
in live fashion to the data repositories and make use of a standardized web services
Green roofs/façades monitoring
The third use case was a sensor installation developed to quantify the impact of
green roofs and green façades on a building’s energy demand. The sensors were
installed in three buildings located in the region of Baden-Württemberg, in south-
west Germany. One building included a green roof installation and the other two
had partial green façades on the side of the buildings. The objective of the installa-
tions was to measure the impact of green roofs and façades on the building heating
5.2. Experiments 77

and cooling demand. Parallel to the sensor installation a model was developed that
can provide estimates of the impact of such external building extensions on the heat
transfer based on the heat balance principle of foliage, soil, and structural layers,
[224]. The measurement campaign was performed during the summer and vali-
dated the model with regards to the estimates of impact on cooling.
The sensor installation was developed starting from senseBox, an educational sen-
sor toolkit, built on top of an Arduino, [173]. It provides (in this experiment) well
documented, portable interactive sensors for reproducible research based on open
source software. The data produced was released as open data on the platform’s
interactive website. It included multiple off the shelf additions and performed the
following measurements: air temperature and humidity (sensor HDC100x), air pres-
sure (BMP200), visible radiation (TSL45315), wind speed (Aenometer) and concrete
and substrate temperature (DS18B20). In two of the locations internet was available
and the data was able to flow live to the central data repository, located at the KIT,
while electricity was provided from large batteries. In one location (Karlsruhe vine-
yard house) no electricity or live data feed was possible, as such data was stored on
a memory card and then transferred to the repository post measurement campaign.

TABLE 5.1: Sensor installations summary

Aspect AERO-TRAM Vertical solar Green

installations roofs/façades
testing monitoring
Location Region of Karl- Las Palmas de Karlsruhe, Illin-
sruhe, Germany Gran Canaria, gen and Ettlin-
Spain and Karl- gen, Germany
sruhe, Germany
Sensor installation High accuracy Built from scrap Built on-top of
scientific installa- educational ver-
tion sion of senseBox
Location Mobile Static Static
Objective Measurements Validate model Monitor impact
of urban ground for solar panel of green roofs
level pollutants installations on and façades on
vertical facades building heating
and cooling de-
Measurements Location, Infrared, Visible T◦ , RH, P and
H2O(g), O3, light and UV In- Visible radiation,
NO, NOx, CO, dex Wind speed,
CO2, T◦ , RH, P Concrete and
and Horizontal substrate T◦
wind speed
Live data feed No (measure- Yes (two sites) Yes (two sites) No
ments delivered (Karlsruhe site)
as is)

A summary of the use cases and associated measurements and technologies is pre-
sented in table 5.1. This table indicates the location, the objectives of each experiment
and the measurements that were taken in each location and whether or not live data
feed was achieved within the trial.
78 Chapter 5. Energy relevant coupling of sensors and 3D models

5.2.2 Measurement data stream

With regards to sensor data flow, both the OGC (with SOS, SES, WNS, SensorThings
API and the WNS) and the FIWARE perspectives were implemented and tested. The
place to start was determined by analyzing the standards delivered by the OGC, as
this organization delivers products aimed at both spatial data and their thematic
AERO-TRAM In the case of the AERO-TRAM data the implementation occurred
long after the measurement campaign, as such no live data feed could be organized.
However, the data was stored in a 52◦ North SOS database and later was made ac-
cessible via a RESTful extension. The specifications of the sensors were described
using SensorML and stored within the SOS Service. The measurements were first
converted from R format into a CSV file and then further stored using the O&M
model inside an XML which was then finally imported in the SOS database using
the SOS Service. The 52◦ North SOS adheres to the OGC SOS standard and has
online support available, [242].
With regards to the complete SOS-SES-WNS profile, after the SOS database is pop-
ulated an SOS-SES feeder picks up the data and feeds it into the SES. From here
it is fed into an application layer by use of a SOAP Subscribe/Notification mecha-
nism. An SES-WNS translator, SOAP to XML, allows for the WNS service to receive
In the present experiment context, the extraction of sensor data to the web inter-
face was performed using a WFS showing static data present in the database. For
both OGC SWE options, a useful solution with regards to visualization of results is
presented in [50] with the 52◦ North Timeseries API.
Solar installations testing for vertical façades In this use case there is a need to
separate in between the two constellations used in the Karlsruhe experiment and the
one in Las Palmas. Even though both locations present the same use case and both
achieved live feeds to the repositories, the frameworks deployed were different. In
Karlsruhe, the experiment used the SensorThings API while the one in Las Palmas
used FIWARE.
For Karlsruhe, the sensor data flowed from the Arduino Uno via the Internet to a
server at the IPF, where an interface would allow connections to the SensorThingsServer.
This had the sensor specifications previously stored on it using SensorML. The server
would receive data via the Subscribe/Publish mechanism and store it accordingly
on the SensorThingsAPI database. Access to the data would be allowed via the Re-
quest/Response mechanism.
In Las Palmas, the FIWARE framework worked exclusively to store the data coming
from the sensors. The workflow includes two software components that were not
discussed before, ORION and Cygnus. ORION connects to the sensor and broad-
casts data in a standardized format, while Cygnus manages subscriptions to ORION
sensor data broadcasts and finally writes the measurements to a database.
Green roofs/façades monitoring
For the third use case, certain distinction must be made in between the three use
cases. In both Illingen (green façade) and Ettlingen (green roof), the SensorThings
API was used, while in the Karlsruhe vineyard house use case a lack of access to
internet hampered any possibility of a live feed. For the locations with feasible data
5.2. Experiments 79

TABLE 5.2: Comparison of the spatial workflow technologies

Method Developing entity Advantages Disadvantages

3DCityDB 3DCityDB consor- Readily available Only selection func-
WFS* tium with associated DB tion, No data man-
solution agement options
Standard Boundless Spatial, Most used server for Does not cover the
WFS and GeoSolutions, Re- geospatial data Generic Object class,
GeoServer* fractions Research No support for
complex data types,
complex geome-
try, No grouping
of features within
feature collections
Cesium JS Analytical Graphics Simple ETL pro-
interface* and Cesium Inc. cesses make large 3D
data sets available
REST [186] Acquisition of Focus only on the
based in- CityGML data building class
terface** based on seman-
tics, Queries can be
made, using topo-
logical and semantic
rules, Easily include
standard extensions
* in-house implementation and testing, use case AERO-TRAM data and 3D city
model of Karlsruhe, Germany
**alternative found in literature

stream the chosen protocol, although the simplest of the three proposed solutions,
offers sufficient capabilities for this use case: data gathering from sensors, well es-
tablished software solutions, with associated documentation and standardized data
The sensor data flowed from the sensors attached to a Arduino Uno via two Blue-
tooth adapters to a Raspbery Pi which then sent the data further to a central data
repository located on an EIFER PostgreSQL server using the SensorThings API database
structure. With regards to the location without internet access (Karlsruhe vineyard
house use case), the data had to be transferred manually, every second week during
the measurement campaign as the power source (battery) was depleted.
Figure 5.2 encapsulates the concepts presented above. An important mention is that
a real live implementation of the SOS-SES-WNS would not use the R format file as an
in-between the sensor and SOS. The R format was chosen only due to availability on
the side of the data hosting entity (KIT-IMK) and is valid in the presented experiment
as the measurement campaign occurred prior to this thesis.
F IGURE 5.2: Sensor data infrastructure, left SOS-SES-WNS, used with AERO-TRAM, middle SensorThingsAPI used both in the Vertical
solar installations testing and the Green roofs/façades monitoring, right FIWARE used in Vertical solar installations testing
5.2. Experiments 81

5.2.3 3D spatial data flow via web services

Spatial models

Spatial data in 2D that is relevant for the energy chain can be shared via web services
(such as the WMS, WCS or the WFS) in a standardized manner. These are presented
in their dedicated section, 4.4.1. The data can be sent for further use once ETL op-
erations are performed and the quality of data has been checked. This subsection
narrows its focus on the flow of spatial 3D city models. In this thesis’ case, these
were always stored in CityGML, either as files or in a database version of the stan-
dard, the 3DCityDB. This data originated from open data or it was built from open
data and is in general restricted to building models.
Three methods to produce CityGML data are presented in the section 4.3.5. These
methods were used directly in this thesis to produce CityGML files. Four additional
methods to obtain CityGML from open data are discussed in [231]. These are (1)
using building footprints and remote sensing data, (2) converting Open Street Map
(OSM) building data, (3) using LIDAR data sets and open data for building foot-
prints and (4) using geoportals, in case a city has one available, see figure A.7 for a
detailed presentation of each workflow. When CityGML samples could be directly
obtained, extensive testing had to be performed in order to ensure data quality. A
sample was provided by the public authorities of Karlsruhe, while for the building
in Spain it was built from openly available data.
In the case of CityGML data transmission via web services, different working solu-
tions were attempted. Figure 5.3 presents the different implemented solutions. Two
of these were purely CityGML serving oriented (one used the 3DCityDB WFS, and
another one used the GeoServer), while a third looked at a workaround for pro-
viding non-standardized spatial data, that can mimic CityGML data characteristics
(and can later be used to generate 3D city models). All approaches aimed at testing
the viability of such a solution in a completely open-source environment. From the
previously presented web services, the WFS (Web Feature Service) is found by [186]
to be the most suitable OGC standard for supplying real geometry data. Table 5.2
presents the implemented solutions with their associated advantages and disadvan-
As CityGML is much more than geometry, semantics and topology are big part of
the reason for which the standard has seen implementation and adoption by pub-
lic authorities. The first implementation of a useful WFS service for CityGML came
with [122], where the 3DCityDB library contained an OGC compliant WFS imple-
mentation working with the 3DCityDB schema. This implementation is referred to
as the 3D City Database WFS. With its open source software version, simple online
access to the 3D city entities is possible directly to the database, [163]. With the cur-
rent version (at the time of this manuscript writing v. 4.1) the following operations
are supported: GetCapabilities (metadata information regarding the server provid-
ing the WFS), DescribeFeatureType (returns a schema of the CityGML features that
are invocable via the WFS), ListStoredQuerries (provides a list of the cached queries),
DescribeStoreQuerry (makes available detailed information regarding the aforemen-
tioned queries) and GetFeature (returns a selection of CityGML features from the
3DCityDB using a query). A commercial solution, the Virtual City Systems Web Fea-
ture Service (VCS WFS), proposes a more complete solution where CityGML objects
82 Chapter 5. Energy relevant coupling of sensors and 3D models

F IGURE 5.3: Four suitable approaches for CityGML web service, after

can not only be queried from the database, as in the previously mentioned open-
source version, but can be filtered (spatially or thematically), as well as inserted,
edited and deleted, [215]. This first implemented solution provides only partial res-
olution to the research question and only focuses on the retrieval of CityGML data.
GeoServer App Schema
The second technical solution used, GeoServer, is an open source server, known
for its purposely interoperable design, [48], [131]. It was investigated if serving
CityGML via a WFS with advanced functionality is possible, with complete results
presented in [242]. This would allow for data exchanges based on specific fea-
ture types and complex queries to be performed. The implemented solution used
GeoServer (as it also respects the OGC WFS standard and provides all tools: dis-
covery, query, locking, transaction and stored query operations). It was found that
the tested solution can cover almost all CityGML classes with the exception of the
Generic Object one. For modeling the urban energy chain this represents a signif-
icant downside as the Generic Object can handle all objects not described by the
CityGML standard (in this thesis’s specific case, energy relevant data, such as build-
ing characteristics). These issues in between CityGML 2.0 and GML encoding rules
of GML refer to the fact that in the GeoServer Application Schema, all public GML
application schema used must respect the GML “Striping” encoding rule (a com-
plex type cannot be the direct property of another complex type). The generic.xsd
schema does not obey the GML encoding rules. In addition CityGML models often
use complex data types for properties and group features within feature collections
(this generates very useful multi-level hierarchical database structures, see the pro-
posed identifier structure in chapter 3). Another possible limitation stems from the
types of geometry used with CityGML which are more complex than the limited ge-
ometry types supported in relational databases. As such this second tested solution
is also incomplete.
A practical workaround
The third approach stems from a recognition of the data availability reality. This
means that most often available data is made available in SHP file format, it is not
standardized and incomplete, a fact debated broadly in chapter 3. Therefore, a solu-
tion was conceived to work within this reality: SHP file data that was subjected to
5.2. Experiments 83

ETL operations and then stored in local repositories. From there it was either fur-
ther shared via standard WFS, converted to CityGML with the use of Python scripts
or converted to glTF (graphics language Transmission Format) using the CesiumJS
application. Inside the shared data, an extra attribute was offered, that contains
the number of floors for each building. Using this attribute, the interface mimics
a CityGML LOD1 model in which an extrusion of the building is created. This is
useful as it generally replicates the volumes of the buildings in the city without the
shape of the roofs. In the background this data can be used to create 3D models and
perform detailed spatial analysis relevant for UBEM, such as shading analysis.
CityGML RESTful web service
Following an attempt to identify other available solutions, similar in purpose, in
literature, one such example was identified in the work of [186]. They compare
SOAP and REST solutions and propose another methodological approach based on
REST-style architecture. This allows for the acquisition of CityGML data based on
semantics instead of following on the same track as the standard OGC WFS, which
is designed to retrieve, visualize and modify data based on geometry characteristics.
The authors of the aforementioned study focus their efforts on the building class, as
it is the most commonly used with CityGML. They also provide a successful path
for integration into a virtual data hub for all the other CityGML classes. In their
proposed solution one can also query data beyond geometry, using topological and
semantic rules and most importantly the standard extensions, namely the Energy
ADE and the Utility Network ADE. This solution does fully cover the issue at hand,
and offers significant advantages from a perspective of energy relevant data transfer.
However, it is for the moment only a theoretical implementation. It does not include
data management such as update or edit abilities.
Technical summary

TABLE 5.3: Web services used in BIM, CAD and GIS for geospatial
data relevant in UBEM

Service standard Current Content Domain Type

Web Map Service 1.3 Serving georeferenced GIS Open
(WMS) map images
Web Coverage 2.1 Defines web-based re- GIS Open
Service (WCS) trieval of coverages
(digital geospatial in-
formation representing
space/time-varying phe-
Web Feature Ser- 2.0 Serving georeferenced GIS Open
vice (WFS) map images
WFS for 3DCi- 3.1 Querying and modifying GIS Proprietary
tyDB CityGML objects
Web Service for 0.1/? Serving georeferenced CAD Proprietary
CAD (WSC) map images
BCF-API 2.1 Supports BCF issues BIM Open
exchanges between soft-
ware applications
84 Chapter 5. Energy relevant coupling of sensors and 3D models

Table 5.3 presents web services encountered in the energy chain while testing hy-
potheses included in this manuscript. These web services, either used in applica-
tions developed and tested by the author, either serving as input, were integrated
in an infrastructure that was purposely designed to have a GIS centric perspective.
This happens as most data delivered per web service in this domain tends to be
stored in repositories that have GIS capacities. In addition, the funnel system devel-
oped to load data in the central repository of this thesis mainly imports 3D GIS data,
which means that data is converted or obtained a priori to feed it into the system.
Several possible parallel approaches are presented in the tight vs. loose coupling
section, 5.5.

5.3 Experiments related summary and discussion

The present thesis was, in the knowledge of the author, the first trial that brings
together CityGML, SOS, SensorThingsAPI and FIWARE. A rundown of the three
sensor installations that delivered data within the thesis is presented in 5.1. It can
be observed that the three different constellations allow for multiple configurations
to be tested out with regards to location and quality of sensor installation. The mea-
surements are different in scope with diverse end objectives. This creates a compre-
hensive perspective of the capabilities and implementations encountered. Further,
live data feed was achieved, as much as the technical and logistical situation could
allow for, in the second and third implementation that the author was completely in
control of directly.
As a general rule, choosing the right framework to work with when dealing with
sensors and city spatial models is always dependent on the specifications of the use
case. In the OGC case, the main take away is that the SensorThings API and the
SOS-SES-WNS pack differ significantly. The first follows specific design decisions
that support connecting things with modest resources to the web following mainly
REST principles (an efficient JSON encoding, the use of MQTT protocol, the flexible
OASIS OData protocol and URL conventions). As such, it is easier to implement
and use, but lacks significant abilities when compared to the three pack solution,
which, if implementation difficulties occur, can be reduced depending on require-
ments. Within these experiments the SOS-SES-WNS was found to be the most diffi-
cult to implement, however one of the most potent solutions. SES supports critical
rules that filter data and help derive new information, while WNS provides a variety
of ways to help transfer data via notifications. Only FIWARE offers similar capabil-
ities, and goes beyond as it involves in a normal fashion noSQL databases. With
regards to documentation it was found that FIWARE offers the best solutions, while
in terms of simplicity the SensorThings API wins, however basic its services may be.
Specifically to FIWARE, the ORION-Cygnus constellation provides useful capabil-
ities for establishing live data streams links to CityGML objects. This solution can
link objects described in the Energy ADE and the UtilityNetwork ADE with sensor
data measured on site. It would facilitate monitoring situations (visualization pur-
poses and event triggers). What makes it also very potent is its installation onto
a Docker system, and the fact that the data is stored into a MongoDB, a database
system specifically designed to handle large data sets, a so called NoSQL (not a
relational) database. In this manner, FIWARE allows for big data friendly archi-
tecture to be used in combination with the standard RDBMS (Relational DataBase
Management System). This data pursues the following flow: sensor installation,
5.3. Experiments related summary and discussion 85

Orion, Cygnus, NoSQL DB. The author finds that the FIWARE solution provides a
significant benefit for smart applications due to the very large capabilities bundled
together. It is a conclusion also shared in the study of Salhofer, who finds that this
statement holds true also for their tested use cases, [201].
What this manuscript’s reader should take away is that a proper use case definition
before any implementation is done is paramount. This will facilitate the choice with
regards to the proper implementation based on the table 5.1.
For the data modeling of the energy chain, one of the main issue is related to the cus-
tom devices from the energy and utility domain. These experiments show that they
can be modeled alternatively either using CityGML extensions (e.g. AbstractDevice
inside the UtilityNetwork ADE) or even inside FIWARE (with the DeviceModel, its
schema allows for the creation of custom devices that monitor ambient conditions
or state of components within a system). Within SensorThings API, the data model
contains a table entitled FeatureOfInterest. This entity was used to describe the build-
ing that housed the sensors. It was then further linked by way of an identifier to the
CityGML object. This information can be then inherited to the CityGML object that
describes the building.
The way in which data connectivity (in terms of the same object belonging to mul-
tiple data sources) was always assured in our implementations was via the unique
identifier method presented in chapter 3.6, that then allows for the same object to ex-
ist in two systems and to simply be referenced from one system to another by means
of XREF links. CityGML, FIWARE, SensorThings API and the SOS data model
specifically allow for this to exist. Similar work in terms of scope to the one pre-
sented in this chapter was submitted by Chiang and his colleagues, [52]. This work
approaches the integration of things and semantical city models by using the OGC
SensorThings API and OGC CityGML via Semantic Web Technology. The authors
present an integration ontology to connect data from these two standards that in-
cludes different perspectives and definitions of a Thing. To connect information from
the CityGML and SensorThingsAPI, SPARQL queries were used. It represents an-
other step forward and potentially a useful lead for developers implementing smart
city apps.
In general, this proposed sensor - urban energy data integration by way of spatial
links can facilitate the integration of IoT and/or energy data with 3D city models to
achieve truly interoperable smart cities. However, this work represents only a step
towards this goal. It can be regarded as a facilitator, if the distributed data/loose
coupling solution is adopted, as presented in the dedicated section on tight vs. loose
data coupling, 5.5.
The presented work includes no performance metrics, a potential drawback, even
though in the experiment phase performance and load tests were conducted. These
metrics cannot be used for comparison, as the services compared operated in differ-
ent use cases. Only SensorThings API and FIWARE could be directly compared in
the second tested constellation (Karlsruhe with the first and Las Palmas with the sec-
ond), however the two services belong to different weight categories when it comes
to the capabilities and support infrastructure and software. This is why the only
technical comparison that is included in this manuscript is to be found in table 4.7.
It should however suffice in helping practitioners orient themselves towards a pre-
ferred choice.
86 Chapter 5. Energy relevant coupling of sensors and 3D models

F IGURE 5.4: Good digital practices in modeling, simulating and mon-

itoring the energy chain

As can be seen in the presented work GIS has a slight lead on BIM when it comes to
standardized data sharing and availability. This is true when it comes to commercial
use, web services and data availability. As such, it supported the idea that the main
data infrastructure used in the applications of this thesis follows a CityGML centric
approach. This hypothesis was put to the test in the thesis life. A similar proposed
approach that stores all data in GIS and focuses on converting BIM to GIS was pro-
posed and tested by [237]. The authors partake in a GIS focused experiment with
limited conversions of BIM data and conclude that for meaningful city wide impact
to occur communities wide planning units and city scales with building units are re-
quired. In many ways this work draws parallels to the one presented in this chapter.

5.4 Good practices and a check-list for next generation cities

In principle all smart city efforts, as described in 2, involve a higher degree of in-
tegration of existing infrastructure and data. This sub-chapter seeks to formulate
requirements associated with this integration, by defining principles for next gen-
eration cities that facilitate integrated management of the energy chain, a sort of
check-list that next generation cities can abide by in order for their energy chain to
be properly managed by making use of spatial and thematic data. In figure 5.4 a
check list is presented. The implementations and experiments that were made dur-
ing the life of this thesis have indicated that these four points are facilitators towards
integrated energy chain management and planning. The concepts are further de-
tailed and explained in the following sub-sections, these are:
5.4. Good practices and a check-list for next generation cities 87

• Common, adaptable and reusable SDI,

• Reusability of developed tools,
• Open Data and Open Source code,
• Digital by default.
In this direction, a study of literature found the effort of [44], that assesses a multi-
tude of independent smart cities initiatives working at different spatial scales. The
authors conclude that in order to turn cities into smart cities, initiatives need a sys-
temic and integrated approach, one that makes the best use of infrastructures and
encourages interoperability and scalability of solutions. Seeking resolution to a sim-
ilar issue, but aiming in scope only at the scientific domain, the FAIR initiative has
taken shape, [235]. The authors define guidelines to improve digital assets’ by im-
proving the following characteristics:
• Findability,
• Accessibility,
• Interoperability,
• Reusability.
Wilkinson and his colleagues emphasise minimal to none human direct intervention
or supervision of machine-actionability (i.e., the capacity of computational systems
to find, access, interoperate, and reuse data ). In fact, they go as far as to propose a
reversal of historical roles, where humans accept the new reality, one in which so-
ciety increasingly relies on computational support to deal with spaghetti like data
(increased in volume, complexity, and its creation speed). This is however, less pos-
sible in the urban energy chain, outside of the academic context, especially as the
given context includes many less flexible legacy systems. However, the list of pro-
posals stemming from this author have certain similarities, as the SDI is what allows
for accessibility and interoperability. Findability should be ensured by the urban
ontology related identification system proposed in chapter 3, section 3.6.
Another important pillar in helping define such work principles for managing, mod-
eling and simulating spatial-temporal data in the city wide energy chain are the
United Nation sustainability development goals. Cities and states exist in very dif-
ferent realities, a fact debated upon in chapter 2, with significant geographical, leg-
islation or cultural differences. The 17 goals that the UN has defined are valid for
all humankind, as such, relevant also in our use case. Goals 6 to 9 (clean water and
sanitation, affordable and clean energy, decent work and economic growth, indus-
try, innovation and infrastructure) and 11 to 13 (sustainable cities and communities,
responsible consumption and production, climate action) are relevant to this thesis.
In a manual on sustainable development, [198], Sachs credits studies that confirm
that across the world people feel happier and more satisfied with life when they
trust their government. He continues to define good governance as something that
not only applies to the public sector but also to the private sector, which is also valid
in the energy chain use case, as public and private actors actions intertwine and
depend on one another.
Another interesting find during the literature research was a state wide initiative,
found to be contextually beneficial, in scope, to this work. It was found in the Baltic
88 Chapter 5. Energy relevant coupling of sensors and 3D models

nation of Estonia. In order to provide a solution for a functional data sharing infras-
tructure the Baltic state of Estonia has built a framework with virtual government
services called e-Estonia, [153]. Their service is built on block chain technology in
order to uniquely identify and secure transactions and offers citizens and companies
more than 4,000 virtual services. In fact 99% of their public services are accessible
online via a one-time login gateway, [174]. All spatial data that are owned by the
Estonian state, local governments and other legal persons governed by public law
are published and made available in a single point of access, [145]. This reliable
and secure way of exchanging information, based on transparency between citizens,
companies and the government, seems to have fostered faith between those actors,
with most IT framework projects started by the government in the late 2000’s (the
geospatial portal and the medical DB for example in 2008) and paying off in public
confidence. According to the 2015 spring Euro-barometer, [180], 51 percent of Esto-
nians trust their state, compared to the average of 29 percent of all Europeans. This is
related to the so-called snowball effect, as once the standardized web services were
put in motion and people started using them, there was an ever increasing depen-
dency on these services and interest in their further development.
The previous literature references focus on public actors. A balancing of this per-
spective is offered by [197]. The author presents solutions for companies seeking to
benefit from the ongoing digital transformation. They recommend that that digital
conscious companies should take part in standardization efforts as this is a mutu-
ally beneficial endeavour. Participating, brings in needed know-how and models
the further development of standards with the firms involvement.
In the energy chain specific spatial extent, all actors need to operate according to the
law, with accountability and transparency guiding political and business practices.
This should go further, using foresight to plan adequately to developing trends, such
as the current energy market transformation. At the same time stakeholders need to
be responsive to the needs of other stakeholders, and be proactive in critical issues
such as land use, pollution, and the fairness and honesty of political and business

5.4.1 Common, adaptable and reusable SDI

The four pillars, presented in figure 5.4 include as foundation step the common,
adaptable and reusable SDI. Similar to a building, spatial data infrastructure is the
corner stone of any attempt of a city to successfully push forward with planning and
adapting it’s infrastructure to the requirements of next generation cities, specifically
with regards to the energy chain. As all topographers and building site managers
know, a cornerstone is the first stone set within a construction of a masonry foun-
dation. It is then used as a reference point in determining the position of the entire
structure. This is also similar in impact to the SDI on the energy chain. There are
numerous use cases (presented in detail in section 4.1), that are positively impacted
when associated with a competent use of SDI.
A common SDI, that is shared by multiple groups prevents deprecated one of a kind
solutions to continue to function. These legacy software are common in the energy
and utilities domain due to the lack of standardized connectivity to other domain.
These can be seen playing a detrimental role in [75] reducing the ability of the local
utility company to upgrade it’s software to emerging use cases. A common solution
allows all actors in the energy chain to either store data on the public SDI or to link
5.4. Good practices and a check-list for next generation cities 89

their own SDI to the publicly available one via web services. Further facilitating this
links would be the unique identifiers proposed in chapter 3 and the use of spatial
entity marking and scales (presented in the same chapter mentioned before).
With an adaptable (sometimes referred to as a generic) SDI a city can able to be mod-
ify it for a new use or purpose. Generally, an adaptive system is able to respond to
changes in use or changes in the interacting parts, [5]. Software specific in a generic
system is their ability to support a variety of architectural models and adaptation
mechanisms. One of the features that commonly appears in such systems is a feed-
back loop. It ensures that the system can deal with the current requirements. In
addition such systems often present hierarchical structure.
Lastly, the reusable aspect, a key note in software architecture, as [157] testifies. Soft-
ware reusability is their ability to be reused without requiring further development
and should not be confused with the adaptable characteristic mentioned above. In
the case of a city SDI, whatever development is done of it, it should be made with the
direct intent of it being used more than once, not a one off solution that potentially
wastes the organizations resources.
Even though it would be a major advantage, using only open source SDI is not a
condition per se. It would however facilitate integration with other tools and ac-
tors. What is required of the SDI, is that it uses open web services, can work (im-
port/export) with open standards and has non proprietary entry/exit ways and data
storage capabilities. Architectural choices are further discussed in their dedicated
section 5.5.

5.4.2 Reusability of developed tools

In the IT (Information Technology) domain, reusability of software is the general
norm in product development. This is the second pillar in the present recommen-
dations. It relates to the use and re-use of existing products of the software devel-
opment life cycle (software components, test suites, designs and documentation) in
one form or another within the software product development process.
Considerable resources are invested by all the actors involved in our spatial context,
be they public or private, to develop or purchase software tools that control, manage
or facilitate use of the assets they control in the energy chain. This tools need be
redeployed without large cost and/or time impacts. At the same time this tools
need to work from one city to the next, so that software companies can re-deploy
Within the energy chain, multiple tools are developed to tackle specific use cases. A
first step in ensuring reusability of a tool is the connectivity to an SDI that respects
the first pillar. Dual flow should be also part of this criteria. It means that Get
capabilities should be complemented by Insert into the same SDI so that the data
is not hosted on the side of the software. This is a major impediment with legacy
software, as [240] find.
Development of energy models to assist in the management of the energy chain is
highly dependent on the implementation of such good practices. This is shown in
the publication of the Open Energy Modelling Initiative, [185]. Enforcing reusability
reduces duplication of work and makes high-quality data and planning tools acces-
sible to all actors with and without the funds for commercial options.
90 Chapter 5. Energy relevant coupling of sensors and 3D models

5.4.3 Open source and open data for open governance

As cities are the main contributors of greenhouse gas emissions, [212], Annex 63,
an effort of the International Energy Agency looked at the steps needed to tap into
the great potential of energy efficiency measures and emission reduction in this spa-
tial context. Their conclusion is that the effort revolves around implementation and
usage of technologies, but also at their adaptation to the local context. Among the
requirements, processes and frameworks identified, access to open data from the en-
ergy domain to efficiently support the modeling and simulation of energy scenarios
in communities has a crucial impact on the success rate of such initiatives, an idea
also supported in [189]. This large community effort supports the idea that open
data has an impact in local success of methods used and recommended in other
spatial contexts.
Another benefit of sharing open energy data is found in the study of [12]. It showed
that sending energy consumption data to an end-users, as well as the data of their
neighbors was a low-cost and durable way to reduce demand. The sharing of in-
formation created awareness of the consumer’s own behaviour. It also increased
intra-community communication on energy use patterns and successful local energy
consumption mitigation measures.
Of course, as with other actions and phenomena, open data initiatives have multi-
ple facets to a potentially positive action. For example, such applications raise the
question of privacy, and whether or not such practices are desired. [154] investi-
gated and evaluated this aspect, by balancing privacy concerns with potential bene-
fits of exploiting smart meter data. The manuscript presents the principle concerns
from end-users regarding smart meters, including the risk of illegal uses (e.g. bur-
glars knowing when households are unoccupied), commercial uses (e.g. targeted
advertisement) or legal and personal surveillance. The counter-balance to these con-
cerns is presented by the use of this data in modeling, simulation and operation in
distributed system operation and planning that ultimately helps with demand re-
duction. The authors of the aforementioned study argue in favor of privacy-friendly
measures that ensure beneficial use of open data without infringing on sensitive per-
sonal information. Other solutions proposed argue for the spatial and/or temporal
aggregation of such data or for the sharing and displaying of data locally, where
such data is generated and finally their aggregation into energy use profiles, [121].
Practice however, shows that data owners are reluctant to share data and have a
certain inertia about their current modus operandi way of doing things. This is to be
expected with public entities and companies that have often existed in one form
or another for a significant time duration. Nevertheless, entities seeking value cre-
ation in this environment are finding ways to do just that. One simple example are
hackathon events - sprint like events. Sprint events, used in the IT domain with
AGILE development methodologies have become the mainstay of software devel-
opment. Hackathon events that gather significant participation lead to value gener-
ation with small data samples from otherwise inaccessible data sources, [218].
With regards to spatial data on energy infrastructure, open data initiatives have
largely concentrated on public static data. Energy network data sets are starting
to become freely available, for example being integrated in the OSM data sets, but
also due to research projects, see [187] for examples. Many different public and
private actors are making ever larger open repositories available by the use of web
portals and spatial data infrastructure catalogues. Even if these data are present
5.4. Good practices and a check-list for next generation cities 91

in one source, they still very often entail very different characteristics, with a lack
of standardization presenting a large impediment. It creates the need for extensive
ETL processes, as presented in chapter, 3.
Linked to the open data initiatives by ideology open-source software (OSS) is defined
by [132] as a type of computer software whose source code is released under a license
in which the copyright holder grants users the rights to study, change, and distribute
the software to anyone and for any purpose. The success and impact of this software
was being predicted as far back as 2002, [35] and [137] when already OSS packages
were becoming available outside of the scientific community.
There are large variations of the licence models, however, as our spatial extent in-
cludes various actors with different interests. It is not the purpose of this thesis to
evaluate which model suits best what situation but rather to express the fact that
the entire process modeling and simulation of the energy chain can be performed
with OSS, a position also confirmed by [86] with regards to open source energy sys-
tem optimization tools. This approach enhances interoperability but does not ex-
clude connections to other commercial tools due to the open specifications of data
input/output mechanisms, a fact which is especially important as legacy software
exists in many of the entities from the energy chain.
In general, open source licenses can be categorised in two categories: Copyleft and
Permissive Licenses with the main differences occurring in compliance requirements
and the license of products developed on top of the current products. Permissive
licences promote re-use, including further assimilation into commercial products,
without requiring improvements to the code to be released at all. A copy of the
license text and the original copyright notice must be included in the newly licensed
code. Copyleft licenses have the same requirement as the permissive licences, with
the addition that any further development of the code must be made available under
the same license as the original. Table 5.4 presents the most common licences for both
data and code.
TABLE 5.4: Common licence models for code and data, after [185] and
own work

Domain Usage Licenses

Software Copy left GNU GPL, LGPL, AGPL,
Eclipse, Mozilla
Software Permissive BSD, MIT, Apache, European
Union Public License, ISC
Data Copy left Creative Commons BY-SA,
Open Data Commons ODbL
Data Permissive Creative Commons BY, CC0

In addition to file based standards, open (as in publicly available standards) web
services are required to standardize the input and output of information from data
owners or data managers to companies and citizens that can produce value out of it.
Because ultimately data is only valuable when it is used.
During the modeling, simulation and monitoring of different use cases in the energy
chain, this manuscript’s author aimed to use open source software and open data
throughout the experiments. Figure 5.5 presents at least one open source solution for
each of the domains that intertwine in the energy chain: spatial analysis, modeling,
92 Chapter 5. Energy relevant coupling of sensors and 3D models

F IGURE 5.5: Open source solutions for spatial analysis, modeling,

simulation, monitoring and statistical analysis of the energy chain,
depicted with colors are all open source solutions, with grey tones
commercial solutions in use encountered during this thesis, after

simulation, monitoring and statistical analysis. This point is also made in [167] for
the same given context. QGIS together with PostgreSQL and PostGIS were used for
spatial analysis and data storage, Python for modeling, C++ for simulation, R for
statistical testing and analysis and monitoring was performed with open hardware
solutions built from scratch or on top of senseBox, an educational sensor toolkit,
built on top of an Arduino (with an open source operating system).
The use of open standards and the publication of contiguous open data sets are pre-
requisites that, in addition to building public trust in authorities, increase services
quality and create added value for cities and all other energy chain stakeholders.

5.4.4 Digital by default

The words “digitization”, “digitalization” and "digital transformation are often used
interchangeably, as the work of [197] shows. There exist however important concep-
tual differences in between the three terms. Digitization regards the conversion of
certain technologies, e.g. digitizing of paper maps, where digitalization is about
making use of the newly digitized products and develop new procedures, business
models, or commercial offerings. Digitalization provides context to digitization and
explains the significance of a technology and its relevancy to the organization. Dig-
ital transformation is a “process that aims to improve an entity by triggering sig-
nificant changes to its properties through combinations of information, computing,
communication, and connectivity technologies". In figure A.1 the concepts and hi-
erarchical relationship behind the three terms is described. It clearly depicts digital
transformation encompassing all digitalization efforts, while the latter further incor-
porates all digitization works.
With regards to the energy chain specificity, an additional requirement should be set
in for all new projects, digital by default, with all utility networks, energy meters,
energy sources. Even though it may come as a surprise, one of the great issues with
5.5. On data fusion - to merge or not to merge 93

managing and modeling the city wide energy chain is the fact that very often, data
is still present only in paper form or basic digital sharing formats, such as PDFs. As
a consequence, there are many great efforts to digitize (creating a digital copy of)
still existing analog content, [147, 83, 204]. However, digitization per se, is only a
step towards the conversion of data and it requires to be done from a perspective
of digitalization, where the digital products are to be integrated with other ones.
This is where the previously mentioned open standards come to assist, a so called
digitizing towards open standards. This would create the premises for a successful
digital transformation of the energy chain.
Digital by default should ensure that the ETL operations discussed in Chapter 3
are greatly reduced. Even though the pyramid presented in figure 5.4 has Digital by
default as a smallest step, it is the spearhead that can further all the other three pillars
of good digital practices.

5.5 On data fusion - to merge or not to merge

Finally, with regards to the data of next-generation cities and their energy chain,
this subsection of the thesis discusses data fusion, a concept required for bringing
large data sets together (energy related and otherwise). These data are relevant for
modeling, simulation and monitoring activities. The relentless fight for consistent
proper data often has modelers integrating multiple data sources in their workflow.
The research question on integration of this data should be taken to see how and
how far this should be made. In the scientific domain it is referred to as data fusion.
It involves vast allocation of resources that are needed to bring existing SDIs in line
with the new requirement. Often, the spatial actors involved are reluctant in sharing
their data or to host it onto third parties and legislation is required in order to move
things over (convince them that such action is beneficial).
In the general IT domain data fusion brings together distinct data sources. The end
purpose can be application dependent, however it is generally recognized as a proce-
dure that produces consistent, accurate, and useful information than that provided
by any individual data source, [117]. Similarly, data integration involves combin-
ing data residing in different sources and providing users with a unified view of
these data, [53]. For experts working within the geospatial digital domains data in-
tegration and fusion are tantamount concepts and most applications combine spatial
data sets with different thematic content into a single (fused) repository containing
merged properties of the original sets.

5.5.1 Tight and loose coupling

An attempt was made to conceptualize the concepts surrounding data integration
and standardization presented in this chapter and to separate those in tight and loose
coupling. Often, the natural tendency of data owners is to accumulate data under
one roof and data structure, something that is particularly true for the energy chain
with the diverse actors and spatial scales described in the previous chapter. This
modus operandi is generally referred to as tight coupling. Data is brought together
from different repositories and connected on the side of the host, as can be seen in
figure 5.6.
As with many other architectural choices it has advantages and disadvantages. The
main advantage is the fact that the data is usually associated with a relational data
94 Chapter 5. Energy relevant coupling of sensors and 3D models

F IGURE 5.6: Tight coupling general architecture - theoretical imple-


structure. It facilitates the linking of all the previously mentioned categories of data
and can be easily linked to standardized data structures. The disadvantage is that the
relational data structure is more often than not lacking standardization. In addition,
hosting many different types of data together in a single repository forces the data
owner to use a one size fits all approach in terms of the databases and software. This
bundles in together sensor data, geospatial data and different energy chain thematic
data with various degrees of success.
An alternative to this approach is loose coupling. This method does not centrally
store data. It fact it does the exact opposite, and that is to keep it within different
repositories that have different data owners. A good practice within this approach
is that data is often treated is that from the very beginning and classified, for ex-
ample into databases with nonSQL or SQL characteristics. Figure 5.7 presents the
architectural concepts behind loose coupling.
However, even though separate, this data remains accessible to the outside world
via a virtual data hub. This hub ensures standardization of data available to the
spatial actors. The owners of the actual data repositories data usually have different
perspectives, energy thematic, spatial thematic or urban thematic. For this second
method to be efficient and handled with ease, standardization implementation needs
to be accepted on a wide scale.
As with the first method there are advantages and disadvantages. The main advan-
tage is that data is handled by their thematic experts, who are well aware of existing
standards in their field. Also, these repositories tend to be well maintained as they
are the bread basked of many of these spatial actors. A disadvantage is the lack of
control on the side of the virtual hub owner as to the content of data. This is how-
ever dependent on weather the access granted to the repositories is bi-directional,
meaning Get and Write, or unidirectional, meaning Get Capabilities only. Figure 5.7
presents the architectural concept of loose coupling.
The study [197] finds this second perspective useful and states that data ownership
per se should not be a priority, but rather data accessibility. Ensuring that information
5.5. On data fusion - to merge or not to merge 95

F IGURE 5.7: Loose coupling general architecture - theoretical imple-


is accessible to multiple actors, enforces successful management of the energy chain

and often provides increased quality of energy services.
In between the two architectures there are many shades of grey, that is to underline
the fact that one solution could implement technologies present in both frameworks.
For example, at times, loose coupling solutions employ multiple databases storage,
separating in between nonSQL and SQL structure where required, while still main-
taining data on the premises of a single spatial actor. At others there may be parts of
data that are allowed to stay with separate actors (due to legal requirements and/or
technical implementation advantages) while other parts of the data are brought in

5.5.2 Energy chain architectures - discussion

With regards to the energy chain, figure 5.9 presents an implementation that makes
use of tight coupling. Spatial data, building energy data, utility network and mon-
itoring data is all bundled up in a single file. This is of CityGML type and exploits
the extension mechanism presented in the dedicated ADE section of this manuscript,
4.3.3. Processes for ETL data handling have to be deployed throughout the work-
flow. The processes on the left hand side are not standardized and have to be re-
adapted to each situation and data source as the input will differ and data quality is
a major issue in geospatial data fusion. Once a standardized file has been produced
the production pipeline can include standardized ETLs and provide data to another
user, API, portal or interface.
A loose coupling implementation working for the entire energy chain is depicted in
figure 5.10. In addition to spatial data, building energy data, utility network data
and monitoring data, the proposed flow allows for integration of live data feeds.
Together with the web services presented in their dedicated sub-chapter, 4.4 this
architecture also allows for live feed data to be integrated. This solution is highly
flexible, allowing for fast re-utilization and makes proper use of dedicated databases
for specific data types (SQL and NoSQL).
96 Chapter 5. Energy relevant coupling of sensors and 3D models

F IGURE 5.8: Energy chain components and storage

F IGURE 5.9: Tight coupling general architecture - practical implemen-


Both of these solutions were implemented when dealing with the experiments pre-
sented in this manuscript, 5.2, and the UBEM modeling activities, 6. The loose cou-
pling presents the most advantages as it shortens ETL processing times, and always
provides access to the latest data available. However, the tight coupling implemen-
tation also provides a working solution, which can, in certain cases be the only viable
way to follow.
The loose architecture also embraces REST principles, allowing for interaction with
Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) available resources (in practical terms, over the
internet). In addition, the loose coupling architecture creates the premises for good
practices, as they include error handling in the inner APIs and prevent error affected
data of spreading in the data produced further down the pipeline. Adding new
components is a fairly straight forward procedure once the workflow has stabilized,
making the architecture scalable and flexible. This is for example how the infrastruc-
ture evolved to include monitoring data, from a first use case oriented only towards
UBEM, and then towards Things and energy monitoring for model validation. These
statements are also in line with the findings of [159], in a specific energy chain use
case, and [138] in a more general perspective.
5.5. On data fusion - to merge or not to merge 97

F IGURE 5.10: Loose coupling general architecture - practical imple-


To underline the fact that one most not simply choose among the two architecture
views, a mixed file/web service solution based on CityGML and sensor web services
is presented in figure 5.8. Similar situations are presented very often to practitioners,
where a purely loose solution is not feasible due to certain restrictions regarding
the data of one energy chain or another. Energy producer data is to be stored in
CityGML and the EnergyADE. These producers can be large entities, but can also
be a single family residence which owns a solar panel and is selling electricity in the
network. Consumers can be represented using the same solution. Networks require
the second extension, the Utility Network ADE. Lastly the monitoring data can be
stored using the EnergyADE, the DynamizerADE or another database solution via
the sensor specific web services mentioned in the dedicated section, 4.4. All types of
data can be either stored as a file or in a database depending on the use case.
Finally, a choice in between the two architecture types should be made once use cases
are defined, user categories have been properly identified and user stories have been
outlined, following the AGILE development logic. Further, all potential data sources
need to be identified, with entry/exit ports definitions and legal requirements estab-
lished (data and code licenses).

Chapter 6

aEneAs, the scale aware urban

energy modelling library

The odyssey (journey) refers to the implementation of a library of models used to

model different components of the urban energy chain. Named after Aeneas, a
mythical hero, it provides support to the claim that semantic city models can act
as data hubs for this kind of modeling. It mainly uses buildings as data units and
allows and can be classified in terms of scope as part of the UBEM field that uses
a mixture of spatial-physical models to model the real urban world. The library
was developed either directly by this author or under his supervision during his
employment at EIFER within the scope of this PhD as well as master and bachelor
thesis student overseer.
This thesis scope lies within the spatial and temporal side of the urban energy mod-
eling field. The following chapter focuses on the actual task of modeling the urban
energy chain, as previously defined. This effort is ever more significant today in
the context of high energy prices and a conscious audience with regards to human
induced climate change in search of mitigation solutions. This public interest also
advances political and managerial decisions in both state and private entities that
favor using both human and climate friendly approaches in urban planning and
management with different means to this ends. To facilitate such calculations energy
indicators are used as prime KPIs in decision making. This KPIs are fed directly from
results provided by UBEM modeling and simulations However important the task
may be, converting different stakeholders political and public interest in successful
policy integration in our own houses, districts and cities is no trivial task and this is
what urban energy domain modeling is here to facilitate.

6.1 Desideratum - why UBEM

Energy modeling is the computer simulation of a spatial object/entity used to deter-
mine or estimate building energy usage, [43]. Modelling and simulation are the most
common tools used to assess the technological and policy impacts of smart solutions
mentioned in 2, as well as to plan the best ways of shifting towards next generation
(smart) cities and classifies energy-related work on planning and operation models
within the smart city into five main intervention areas: generation, storage, infras-
tructure, facilities, and transport.
100 Chapter 6. aEneAs, the scale aware urban energy modelling library

At the interaction of the GIS, urban planning and energy modeling worlds lies a
nascent field, [191], called Urban Building Energy Modeling (UBEM). It is main ob-
jective is the modeling of dozens to thousands of buildings using bottom-up ap-
proaches and is somewhat opposite to detailed individual Building Energy Mod-
els (BEM). In BEM, practitioners perform energy use analysis of the building in-
ventory at the level of a single building in high detail. UBEM tools, standards,
and paradigms have been identified in the previously cited manuscript and are of-
ten simplified BEM tools that use streamlined workflows. In addition, UBEM also
provides hybrid methods, merging single building energy models and broad scale
building stock modeling, that survey the energy analysis of districts and cities. In
this context multiple studies show that the emerging science of UBEM (Urban Build-
ing Energy Modeling), can successfully provide support for different design or pol-
icy decisions with acceptable error ranges, [121], [164].
UBEM belongs in general to the Urban Modeling field, together with its sister field,
Urban Energy System Modeling (UESM), [202]. UESM is a discipline, that focuses
more on the energy solution in the energy chain. As depicted by Samadzadgegan
and colleagues, UBEM provides information on the energy demand to UESM, and
together provide for complete solutions in the modelling of urban energy chain.

6.1.1 UBEM classification

UBEM modeling approaches can be classified depending on the scale at which mod-
eling is performed, [76]. These can be separate using the perspective of the building
stock. Modeling at large scale bundles of buildings is referred to as top-down. At
the opposite end, the bottom-up method calculates energy consumption at a single
building unit.
The methods developed in UBEM help guide the energy management of multiple
buildings (dozens to thousands, [191]) and avoid the classical top-bottom approach
which extrapolates from the status-quo. This makes for imprecise results at building
unit but alleviates the large data gathering efforts required for city or district level
studies, as can be seen in [43]. The authors of the aforementioned study also iden-
tify the multiple degrees of complexity behind modelling a complete urban energy
system and present a classification of the analytical, iterative, and hybrid methods
Energy models used in BEM and UBEM can also be classified as black and white box
models, [103]. Traditionally, white box models are models that try to describe build-
ings as close as possible to reality. Opposite to that, black box models use historical
data for modelling and are of great value when exact information on the buildings is
missing. In between white and black box models there exist a large span of shades of
grey situations when one, two, or more parameters are missing and are replaced with
historical data or is generated from sources of statistical data by methods presented
in chapter 3. Most, if not all, UBEM models experience grey situations in which the
data input that models require is missing. Hong and his colleagues perform a review
of UBEM tools, restricted only to those that have associated scientific publications,
and go on to classify the methodological approach into:
• physics-based dynamic simulation (white box),
• reduced-order calculation method (grey box),
• data-driven method (black box).
6.1. Desideratum - why UBEM 101

F IGURE 6.1: UBEM model classification, after [76], [191] and [103]

The first type, physics-based dynamic simulation, tries to mimic a building’s energy
behaviour up to the smallest possible resolution, both spatially as well as tempo-
rally, identifying all sub-components responsible for energy flow, in and out as well
as within of a building. The second type of models, reduces the complexity of the
first models, and thus requires less data input. They are able to offer information
on building energy behaviour for large building numbers in a relatively short time
span. This category is also where the library of models proposed within this chapter
belong to. Lastly, data-driven methods rely on large quantities of statistical and/or
measured data. These usually include standards (ISO, DIN) based classifications of
buildings per different categories with associated occupancy and thermal charac-
teristics. Sensors then provide the ability to determine building characteristics and
match it to existing database types.
An integrated presentation of the two methods for classifying UBEM models is
found in the study [77]. This is presented in figure 6.1. What can be observed in
the figure is that ultimately both top-down and bottom-up methods can be physics-
based, reduced order approaches or data drive. It all depends on the availability of
data and the intended results use.

6.1.2 Variables and UBEM general workflow

With regards to the variables used by BEM and UBEM for a simulation, these pa-
rameters, as classified in [80], are largely similar in both fields. They have significant
differences only with regards to the accuracy of their determination (BEM using in
general more precision for its estimations) and fall in the following categories:
• Geometrical parameters,
• Building physics parameters,
• Meteorological parameters,
• Usage profiles,
102 Chapter 6. aEneAs, the scale aware urban energy modelling library

• Monitoring data.
The first category refers to building geometry and its physical location in the real
world, while the second one regards the physical properties of the materials that
form the building, as heat capacity and thermal transmittance of exterior building
elements (walls, slabs, roofs) and optical properties of windows. In the third cate-
gory all weather related variables are included, outside temperature, solar radiation,
wind speed, humidity, cloud coverage. The fourth category includes variables that
help classify the behavior of building occupants and profiles for heating, lighting
equipment and ventilation. The solutions proposed in this thesis fall in the field of
UBEM, as large city-wide spatial models were produced and combined with build-
ing physics and socio-economic indicators to provide a detailed approximation of
the city. Lastly, monitoring data is used for calibration and validation of results.
When the building inventory is described using the previously mentioned param-
eters a virtual (or digital) twin is created. This can also be referred to as a virtual
prototype - a dynamic digital representation of a physical system and of the spa-
tial entity, [146]. These twins are generally created using a software package, or a
combination of multiple software.
The UBEM workflow can be summarized in five steps, graphically depicted in figure
6.2. These are as following:
(1) First, the objective definition occurs. This entails the narrowing down of large
general national, regional and local policies down to local objectives. This ultimately
drive the energy model and scenario definition. In general results are presented as
Business as usual, where the status quo ante is quantified, and other scenario, where
different implementation measures are applied and their impact is quantified, rela-
tive to the status quo ante.
(2) In the second step, the spatial description of city entities is created. This step
involves extensive ETL processes that clean and validate data. Multiple data sources
(GIS, CAD, BIM) are combined to create uniform spatial data sets that represent
buildings and networks, components of the urban energy chain. Further, UBEM
relevant data (energy parameters) from multiple sources that can be used for energy
modeling is identified. Again, comprehensive ETL processes are employed, that
finally allow this data to then be merged to the previously mentioned spatial data.
These steps are presented in figure 4.9 and correspond to the section dedicated to
the data funnelling system section of this manuscript, 4.3.5. In this thesis manuscript
and in the presented experiments, this data is stored and linked to CityGML building
objects that contain hierarchical relations based on the identification system defined
in section 3.6. Once this step is complete the previously mentioned digital twin is
(3) In the following step, simulations are performed on the data, generating demand
estimates under different assumptions (scenarios) and other energy use related KPIs.
This step is performed with certain given assumptions over a predetermined time
duration. The given graphical depiction of figure 6.2 assume that a model library is
already in place that can be used with minimal effort.
(4) After the results are obtained, calibration and validation is performed, either by
comparing against statistical data or by use of the sensor data, see section 5.2.3 with
regards to the types of data, services and storage solutions. Finally the results are
6.2. aEneAs - Trojan hero’s odyssey 103

describes using a report or publication. Often, data is made available on open data
(5) These results are then used to achieve the goals of the UBEM modeling process,
to manage and improve the urban energy chain. These tasks, required for urban en-
ergy modeling, are prerequisites in all energy planning and management activities.
This is done in order to understand the processes and the relevant scales at which
they happen, as [99] indicates. This is due to the fact that optimal energy decisions
in city/district planning and design help optimize whole-system performance (city
and district level).

6.2 aEneAs - Trojan hero’s odyssey

The research questions posed in chapter 1 required the testing of the suitability of
semantic city models to act as data hubs for modeling of the urban energy chain.
During this dissertation work energy models with a focus on thermal energy de-
mand and supporting spatial calculation tools were implemented with the end goal
of providing UBEM functionalities. This sub-chapter presents tools and work, bun-
dled up in a model library, that were developed and implemented during the thesis,
and their corresponding description.
The library received the name aEneAs, which stands for urban Energy Assessment.
The name of the library bears the name of the mythological founding father of Rome
(and the grandfather of Romulus and Remus), Aeneas, who is a mythological hero
survivor from the ancient city of Troy. According to Roman and Greek literature,
Aeneas was a member of the royal line at Troy and played a prominent part in de-
fending his city against the Greeks during the Trojan War. He brought know-how re-
garding city structure, buildings and institutionalized organization along with him
as he made his way from Troy on to Rome and contributed to a successful and im-
proved city.
The author’s personal contribution to aEneAs is that of conceptual and code devel-
opment, scientific supervision and general management of the library package. In
addition to the authors work, the code development of the library was made with
the support of HiWi’s (Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft or assistant researchers). They
were writing their master or bachelor thesis under the author’s direct supervision at
EIFER. The purpose and vision of this manuscript’s author was to develop aEneAs
as a proof of concept for the validity of city wide energy and data modeling methods,
with most tools being developed as prototypes. However, three of the components
were further developed and became an integral part of software products used in
production workflows.
The library is aimed at using existing energy calculation methodologies and knowl-
edge and help replace unorganized or proprietary data structures behind energy
modeling. As far as possible, this functionalities make portability and reusability
from city to city possible. The components of the library presented in the thesis have
all been developed at least up to Technology readiness level (TRL) 4, and a maxi-
mum of 7. Figure A.2 presents the TRL levels as described by the EU for Horizon
2020 projects, [69]. Corresponding levels marked with yellow correlate with the lev-
els that components of the library have reached during their development.
F IGURE 6.2: UBEM general steps, own work with elements from [6]
6.2. aEneAs - Trojan hero’s odyssey 105

Based on the results presented in [149], it has been observed that a fifth of all UBEM
publications encountered work with EnergyPlus as the simulation tool, a physics-
based dynamic simulation engine. This happens even though the tool cannot make
use of CityGML data models, the most often used data set in UBEM, according
to [103], which means that ETL operations are involved. Chapter 4, section 4.3.5
presents and discusses data sets stemming from GIS, CAD, BIM and other relevant
data sources and methods of converting these into CityGML. In addition to these
methods, the ever greater availability of open data sets stored in this format made
it the ideal choice to support UBEM activities. This is why a library working exclu-
sively on such data input was proposed.
As such, it became part of the goal to show the viability of 3D semantic city models
as a data hub for energy modeling. As it is standard with software development
efforts, certain decisions related to the environment of development were made in
the very beginning. In short, CityGML allows for the storage of standardized 3D
semantic city models and has the ability to contain standardized extensions that are
built on top of it. One of the key things that needs to be mentioned here is that be-
yond its imperfections and difficulties with implementations there exists, still, no
viable alternative open standard that competes in terms of scope with CityGML,
at least none that this author has interacted with. In addition there is a community
of practitioners that stands behind it and offers support and develops open-source
tools. Beyond the standard, aEneAs library makes use of the work of standardization
within two consortia that the author of this thesis has been working in, one develop-
ing the Energy ADE and a second one the Utility Network ADE. Both the standards
and the extension concepts are further detailed in the aforementioned chapter.

6.2.1 The backbone

The aEneAs library’s first requirement was the establishment of an SDI (Spatial Data
Infrastructure). This current section briefly describes the actual support infrastruc-
ture (or backbone) used for the testing of hypothesis in this thesis. For use cases,
standards, and web services encountered and tested during the modeling of the en-
ergy chain please refer to chapter 4. These use cases were considered for the devel-
opment of aEneAs.
In order to efficiently handle CityGML, which is written based on XML, the deci-
sion was made to use a database version of it. This XML to UML converted version,
is suited to handle large data sets and allows the handling of data by using SQL
queries and PostgreSQL databases. There are alternative workflows, such as XML
based parsing, which other libraries have been using. However, given the general
institutional context (experience with tools, institutional IT conditions, availability
of support for the chosen tools and given trends), and the requirement that the de-
velopment is able to run on both large cities and also on smaller districts with ease
the decision was made to handle spatial data as a whole in spatial databases.
Figure 6.3 presents the support infrastructure for the aEneAs library. On the left
hand side the funneling system that converts data into CityGML can be observed,
this is described in greater detail in section 4.3.5. The data is then stored in a Post-
greSQL DB that uses the 3DCityDB data structure. Additional data sources are rep-
resented by sensor data and other UBEM relevant data (discussed extensively in
chapter 4 and 3). The same PostgreSQL DB and the 3DCityDB data structure is used
for data storage and spatial operations performed in the aEneAs library.
F IGURE 6.3: aEneAs and the support infrastructure
6.2. aEneAs - Trojan hero’s odyssey 107

Earlier versions of this infrastructure were presented and discussed in [166] and
[231]. When comparing to the previous versions of the infrastructure, the one pre-
sented in this manuscript includes additional components required for the coupling
of sensors with 3D spatial models and web services for data flow. The storage of
sensor data is made inside two databases, one PostgreSQL (for SOS, FIWARE and
SensorThingsAPI data) and another in MongoDB (a NoSQL database specifically
integrated in the workflow for use with FIWARE).
On the upper side of the same graphic, 6.3, visualization tools can be observed.
These access data stored in the two DBs via web services that at times permit even
data management inside the repositories. For more details on the web services
please see the dedicated section in 5.2.
The following tools and extensions were used extensively in the work for aEneAs:
• PostgreSQL, an open database system,
• PostGIS, a database extension that enables spatial data storage and calcula-
• Python, a programming language with a very large user base.
PostgreSQL is a free and open-source relational database management system. It
emphasises extensibility (an IT concept that provides space for further growth) and
SQL compliance. The extensible database management system was originally de-
veloped at the University of California and uses a relational data model (data is
organized with hierarchies, and structures), [195]. The choice for an SQL database in
a city environment where data can be provided in very large quantities, may seem
striking from that perspective, however, it is the urban context that provides hierar-
chies itself, with cities owning towns, who in turn contain neighborhoods, that are
composed of multiple districts with dozens to hundreds of buildings.
Enabling the storage of spatial data, PostGIS is a database extender for PostgreSQL.
It provides more than a thousand geospatial functions that work with both vector
and raster data, [15]. It supports all the open 2D and 3D spatial data types as defined
by the OGC. Additionally, a second extension made the modeling of networks pos-
sible. This is PGRouting, [130], which was used extensively with all network models
developed in this library (integrated water and electrical networks, iterative )
The coding of algorithms, as well as a functional coding interface, is programmed
in Python. This is a programming language that has a very large base of users,
[209] and support libraries. The large number of users means that it is attractive to
other potential users and developers. Additionally, it can connect to the PostgreSQL
database, easily import different types of file standards and provides for mecha-
nisms that allow it to be connected to other stand alone software and platforms.

6.2.2 Components - models

The focus of this section lies in the inputs, outputs, algorithms and their contribu-
tion to the aEneAs urban modeling library. The library contains 14 models that were
developed on top of the same infrastructure, figure 6.3. These models are all ser-
viced on the same urban spatial model, which is stored in the PostgreSQL 3DCityDB
database schema. Buildings and other spatial objects referred to in the models, are
identified using the PID system presented in chapter 3, the scale dependent identifi-
cation system (3.6). In addition, two extensions to the 3DCityDB relational database
108 Chapter 6. aEneAs, the scale aware urban energy modelling library

were used, representing a relational schema of the EnergyADE and the UtilityNet-
work ADE, explained in their dedicated section 4.3.3, and documented further in
[232] and [33]. A series of network analysis functions, implemented in SQL, are
stored within the PostGIS extension. These functions allow for the reading of seman-
tic properties of elements, calculating composite physical parameters of a network,
and performing simple topological routing.
The sections below provide only a bare description of each component, as this the-
sis focuses on binding this models into an UBEM capable library, and not on one
particular model per se. It provides further support to the hypothesis of this the-
sis, that spatial models can provide a solid base for, and act as bridging elements,
in modeling the urban energy chain. The main goal of these models is to assist in
thermal building simulation. As a secondary objective the modeling of urban energy
networks provides a means to the transportation of energy.
In addition to the models presented in this section further development has taken
place. Models were developed for statistical analysis of the building stock and re-
furbishment measures, optimal electric mobility stations placement, PV potential,
city services accessibility and iterative expansion of utility networks using the same
infrastructure and data principles. These models have been used in the production
workflow of the EDF city simulation platform and are not presented in this section.
As these models often required distinct spatial calculations the library was also ex-
tended so as to allow for the calculation of spatial functions. These functions are:
volume calculation, surface classification and CityGML data quality checks. The de-
velopment of these functions was also a time costly endeavour in itself, however,
the work falls outside of the boundaries of the present manuscript and will not be
presented in the section below. See [210], [166], [233], [234], [208], [33], [34], [224]
and [223] for further references with regards to these spatial operations.

Heat losses
Developed in the context of a master thesis [210] under the direct supervision of
this dissertation’s author, the model was partially published in [166]. This model is
designed to calculate heating losses for a building. The depending on the building
geometry and external temperature. The mathematical background is provided by
the Passiv Haus Method developed by the Institute for Passive House, [72], also
available in the form of a software package, [73].
Figure 6.4 depicts a fact sheet of the model with the most important characteristics
and graphic results. On the left hand side of the fact sheet information regarding
the model is depicted. The model’s purpose is defined as estimation of the ther-
mal energy losses in a building. The modeled resolution is a building or a group of
buildings when no distinction could be made with regards to building thermal en-
velope among a group of buildings. Further, the fact sheet specifies that the model
is connected to geometry. This means that certain input variables are calculated by
making use of the 3D spatial model. It also implies that the model uses the unique
identifier system allowing the model to extract information straight from the spatial
database. In the next lines the input, output, relevance and accuracy of the model
is defined. In the lower left hand corner, the spatial scales involved are presented.
The model resolution is presented with red, while yellow depicts the optimal de-
sign scale. When these two coincide, then the colour used is orange. On the right
hand side of the illustration graphical results from the model are depicted. These
6.2. aEneAs - Trojan hero’s odyssey 109

are heating losses estimates for buildings in the study area of Weidenweg, Karlsruhe
and the distributed relative heating demand for five IWU building types. This fact
sheet information pattern is repeated with following models in order to provide a
standardized description of aEneAs’s components.
The spatial input data required by this model are represented by the building model.
All the subsequent work assumes that the model was corrected in previous ETL op-
erations from a topological, semantic and syntax perspective. Spatial calculations
are performed that allow for the building’s inner volume and the further classifica-
tion of external surfaces to be performed (into roof, wall and ground types). Further,
the areas of each type are calculated. Classifying the previously mentioned surfaces
of the building envelope allows for the further energy relevant calculation of gains
and losses. Each of the corresponding building surfaces is allotted a thermal trans-
mittance U value depending on the building age and type. These U-values originate
with the IWU (ger.: Institut Wohnen und Umwelt) institute, [112], which provides a
German national database for building types. The previously calculated parameters
provide input to the calculation of the transmission and ventilation heat loss. Using
additional parameters, namely the temperature zone factor (an indicator that adds
climatic influences to the calculation) and air capacity coefficient the calculation of
the building heat loss (W K−1 ) is performed using the following formula:

Phl = ∑( Ai ∗ Ui ∗ f t ) + (VA ∗ n A ∗ Ca ir)


Ai − is the component surface area, (W m−2 )

Ui − thermal transmittance, (W m−1 K)
ft − factor for the temperature zone
VA − inner building volume, (m3 )
nA − building air exchange rate, (ACH)
Cair − heat capacity of air, (J K−1 )

Hourly values of temperature data allow for the calculation of a Heating Degree Day
(HDD) value (the difference between the set inside temperature of a building and
the daily average outside temperature). These values are calculated only when the
average day temperature was below 15◦ C for three days in a row (so that the thermal
inertia of the building allowed for the captive heat to be dissipated). Aggregating all
daily values produces the HDD annual value, HDDa (K h):
HDDa = ∑(( HD ∗ DM ) ∗ (Ti − T0 ))
110 Chapter 6. aEneAs, the scale aware urban energy modelling library


HD − heating hours a day

DM − number of days per month
Ti − set temperature inside the building, (°C)
T0 − daily average temperature per month, (°C)

Finally the energy demand corresponding to the heat loss of the building is calcu-
lated (W h):
EDhl = Phl ∗ HDDa

SolarB - Solar radiation

This model calculates the amount of solar radiation that a building receives through-
out the year. It is largely based on a method developed in the context of a master
thesis [233], under the direct supervision of this dissertation’s author, with the model
being partially published in [234]. This component of the library received the name
SolarB. The theoretical background was provided by the method presented in [244],
which remains largely unchanged even in this thesis’s implementation, as well as in
other software tools, such as GRASS GIS, [102].
In figure 6.5, the model fact sheet can be found portraying the most important char-
acteristics and graphic results. This model is designed to focus on the largest con-
tributors to solar radiation on a building, the direct and diffuse radiation. Reflected
radiation, as a minor contributor (<2%), [244], is ignored in this model. In order to
calculate the solar radiation a point grid is first devised on the buildings included
in the study (this varies in size, testing showing that a grid size of 0.5 meters was
sufficient for reaching high accuracy at the level of a building, [234]). The model
also has the ability to vary the time resolution of the calculation. All building sur-
faces are analyzed, with shared and ground surfaces excluded from the calculation.
For each time point the corresponding sun position is calculated. Further, the beam
and diffuse irradiance are computed, similarly for both horizontal and inclined sur-
faces Bhc and Dhc (W m−2 ), only once per time step. Shading calculations make use
of extensive PostGIS functions and are the most computational intensive step of the
algorithm. Converting from irradiance values per point to monthly radiation per
surface and then further to a building estimate is done with the following formula:

GP = A P ∗ ∑ ∆t ∗ ( BPi + DPi )
GS = ∑ ( GP )
GB = ∑( GS )
F IGURE 6.4: Heat loss model fact sheet and associated graphic results, developed after [72], and documented in [166] and [210]
F IGURE 6.5: Solar radiation model fact sheet and associated graphic results, developed after [244], and documented in [234] and [233]
6.2. aEneAs - Trojan hero’s odyssey 113


GP , GS , GB − are the global radiation on a point, surface and building, (W h)

AP − area represented by each surface point, (m2 )
∆t − time step length, (h)
BPi and DPi − Beam and diffuse components of solar irradiance for a point P at
time step i, (W m−2 )

The accumulation of the resulting irradiance values for the total time steps produces
the corresponding radiation values per square meter. Radiation values are interpo-
lated linearly for each surface point for each day of the year. Further, the summation
of global radiations value can be performed at the level of month, trimester and
yearly. These summations can be performed at the level of a surface or building
depending on user requirements.
A further application of the solar radiation model is the calculation of photo-voltaic
(PV) potential with different photo voltaic technologies. A model allowing this cal-
culation was proposed for aEneAs, to be built on top of the solar radiation model
presented in paragraph 6.2.2. However, no implementation in this library was made
that past the technical proposal stage. A model developed by colleagues at EIFER,
that follows in the steps of the SolarB and further developed parts of the code, was
published in [160].

Solar gains
Once the amount of solar radiation has been calculated it is then possible to calcu-
late the gains from solar radiation in the buildings heating demand equation. The
summary of this model is depicted in figure 6.6. Most often, the available spatial
data is missing window relevant information, as can be seen with public CityGML
in the federal states of Germany, [81]. It was decided to approach this issue from
a statistical perspective. The actual window surface is estimated using ratios pro-
vided by the IWU institute, in their systematic survey of the German building stock,
[112]. All external building surfaces receive corresponding window ratios according
to the year of construction and building type. In this way, the nominal value of the
window surface is obtained.
The IWU institute also provides a method to calculate window solar gains, [143].
This method is only applied on heating days (as defined with the Heating losses
model, 6.2.2). The value for solar gains is obtained at the relevant resolution desired
and can be determined per surface or per building. The following formula was used:

Qs = ri ∗ gnormal,i ∗ ∑ Gi ∗ A F,i
ri = r Frame ∗ rShadow ∗ r Dirt ∗ rnot−normal
114 Chapter 6. aEneAs, the scale aware urban energy modelling library


Qs − Solar gains, (kWh/a)

Gi − Global radiation during heating days, (kWh/m2 a)
A F,i − Window area, (m2 )
gnormal,i − Transmittance value of window glazing (single, double or triple),
(W m−1 K−1 )
ri − Reduction factor
r Frame − Reduction factor due to non-transparent window parts
rShadow − Reduction factor due to shading
r Dirt − Reduction factor due to dirt on the transparent window area
rnot−normal − Reduction factor due to the angle of contact in between light and
window surface

PV Paneling
This model is used to provide optimal positioning of the photo-voltaic panels that
are to be installed on the building roof tops. The model was first documented and
published in [208]. The main goal of the implementation is to seek the optimum
spatial position of PV panels on the roof of a building structure. In order to propose
such an installation, the place and orientation of the panel needs to be determined
on the roof of the building. In order to provide this estimate with regards to the
electricity produced by a PV panel, solar irradiation values for a typical year were
produced for the building rooftops. Typical years are meteorological average years
produced with a dedicated software solution, called Meteonorm, that uses stochas-
tic generation, [192]. For the technical details of the standard PV panel dimension,
multiple manufacturer technical specifications were found and averaged to obtain
an estimated surface size of 1.5m2 (1*1.5m).
With regards to the actual positioning and filling of the roof surface two methods
were proposed and tried. In the first method, given limitations to the weight of
the panels or to the cost of the panels are assumed. These are provided by giving
a maximum number of panels that can be installed on a building roof. The solar
irradiation is then calculated for a point grid resolution of 0.5m using the solar ir-
radiation model, 6.2.2. The roof grid points are sorted depending on the recorded
value of total solar irradiation. In the next step, a PV panel is created on the roof
top, in portrait or landscape, around the point with the highest radiation value. The
algorithm then iterates through the following points to determine the optimal posi-
tion for the panel, and if need be restarts the process with a lower ranking point. The
process is repeated with the remaining points so as to include the maximum number
of PV panels.
The second method is designed for use at district, neighborhood, town and city level.
It divides the building’s roof surface into PV panel sized pieces, and then calculates
the amount of solar radiation received by each piece. This implementation adjusts
the grid size definition from the solar irradiation model, 6.2.2 to 1*1.5m, thus remov-
ing the need for further processing time solely for the paneling model. The point
F IGURE 6.6: Solar gains and PV paneling models fact sheet, developed after [112], [143], and documented in [233], [200] and [208]
116 Chapter 6. aEneAs, the scale aware urban energy modelling library

grid dimensions are adjusted for portrait or landscape orientation, in order to en-
sure maximum coverage of the roof surface. For performing city wide PV panel
estimates, this second method was found optimal, even as it is less precise at the
level of a building (lower resolution point grid and less flexible positioning of the
PV panel).

Heating demand and associated greenhouse gas emissions

This model uses the input provided in the first and the third models, the heating
losses and the solar gains based on the buildings external hull, to calculate the total
heating demand. Heating demand is the difference in between the losses and the
gains, as defined and implemented in [199]. This method makes assumptions with
regards to the other components, that are shown in [81] to be otherwise large influ-
encers at the scale of a single building, occupancy behaviour, infiltration rate, wall
to window ratios. This assumptions inflict a large reduction in the accuracy of the
results at the level of a building and even each other out at significant larger scales,
neighborhoods and towns, [121]. The process flow that allows for this this calcula-
tion to be performed, as well as the model fact sheet are depicted in Figure 6.7. The
following formula describes the calculation of energy demand for heating:

EDheating = EDhl − Qs

Where the two components are described in the Heat losses (6.2.2) and Solar gains
(6.2.2) models.
GHG emission is a prevalent term used to describe greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4,
and N2O). In this model’s case, the results provide an estimate with regards to the
amount of GHG emitted with the generation of thermal energy for building heating.
The method used is presented in [200], and estimates the total amount of CO2 equiv-
alent gasses. It converts other greenhouse gases into CO2 by using the conversion
ratios of the GWPV (Global Warming Potential Values) presented in [161].
The method was applied in Karlsruhe, Germany where information on the heat-
ing sources was made available at the level of a town (Stadtteil) with the help of
a commercial database solution called INFAS, [108]. This solution has been used
previously with other scientific publications, see [107]. Statistical information with
regards to the average GHG emissions (CO2 equivalent was obtained from the IWU
institute, [88]. The formula used in the calculation, presented in [200], is as follows:

CO2 Ee = ∑(EDi ∗ EFi )/1000



CO2 Ee − Energy related GHG emissions in Carbon Dioxide equivalent,

(tonsCO2 e)
EDi − Annual heat energy demand for building i, (kWh)
EFi − Emission Factor for heating source of building i, (kg/KWh)
F IGURE 6.7: Heating demand and associated GHG emissions fact sheet and computation workflow, developed after [72], [112], [143]
and documented in [210], [166], [200] and [233]
118 Chapter 6. aEneAs, the scale aware urban energy modelling library

Refurbishment cost estimates

This component of the library allows for the approximate calculation of the refur-
bishment cost as well as the potential improvement to the buildings heating demand
by making use of the spatial and energy relevant parameters of the building. The po-
tential improvement to the building heating demand makes use of the heating de-
mand model presented in paragraph 6.2.2 and presents improvements to the build-
ing by calculating the differences in between the two calculations (before and after
refurbishment). It uses a method described by the Center for Construction Costs
of the German Architect Order (Ger: Baukosteninformationszentrum Deutscher Ar-
chitektenkammern - BKI) in their documentations, [32], [28], [29], [30], [31]. These
publications include 20 building types, that can be linked (as they are one and the
same) to the IWU building types, [112], mentioned before with the heat loss model,
6.2.2. The implementation of this model was facilitated by the work of an assistant
researcher, and was described in [113].
Refurbishment is a precondition defined by the EU in the New Green Deal, [71] so
that the climate protection goals, agreed under the Paris agreements in 2015, can be
achieved. As such, it was the next target for the aEneAs modeling work, as building
physical parameters are large influencers on thermal energy demand, as shown in
[71]. There are four types of refurbishment, as defined by the Directorate-General for
Energy of the EU, [70], defined according to the different renovation depths, relating
them to non-renewable primary energy savings achieved in a specific calendar year:
• Below threshold (x < 3% savings)
• Light renovations (3% ≤ x ≤ 30% savings)
• Medium renovations (30% < x ≤ 60% savings)
• Deep renovations (x > 60% savings)
According to [70], in 2019, the vast majority of renovations fall in the first category
and are performed in a step-by-step manner, with gradual improvements over a
long period of time. At the opposite end, deep renovations are performed in less
than 0.1 to 0.3% of all cases in a relatively short time span. The BKI costs indicator
for refurbishment, [32], largely focuses on bringing buildings to the current energy
use standards. This construction works would fall under two categories: medium
and deep renovations, depending on the buildings original construction year. They
bring a significant improvement to the building in terms of primary energy savings.
With regards to the workflow of the model, the aEneAs frontdesk is responsible for
logging and bookkeeping of the program running process, [113]. The cost estimate
provided by the BKI fluctuates in value depending on the Federal State in which the
building is located. As such, the ownership relation (building to Bundesland) has to
be performed first, making it the first parameter used in the price estimation. The
construction indices for different states and the historical indices from the table were
first normalized so as to provide mean values for each indicator used in the refur-
bishment (cost per square meter of useful surface and per building volume). Further
parameters used in the classification of price levels for refurbishment were the refur-
bishment type, which distinguishes in between deep and medium renovations, and
spatial indicators coming from the 3D city model (building useful area, volume and
roof surface). To help classify the buildings according to the 20 IWU categories, the
INFAS commercial database solution was used, [108].
6.2. aEneAs - Trojan hero’s odyssey 119

As per [30] and [32] the formulas below were used for the calculation. The formula
for the normalization of building refurbishment costs with help of the indices for
different states (example provided for BW, Baden-Würtemberg, where the city of
Karlsruhe, used in this application is located):

Land Kold
Knew = ∗ k m2 LandBW
k m2 Landi

The following formula was used for the normalization of building refurbishment
costs with help of the historical indices:

Year Kold
Knew = ∗ indexCurrentYear
index Re f urbYear

Finally, the formula for the cost estimation for new buildings provides the estimated
refurbishment costs in € at the level of a building:

Land Year type

RCi = Knew ∗ Knew ∗ U Ai ∗ NFi ∗ Pricem2


RCi − Refurbishment cost for building i, (€)

U Ai − Usable area for building i, (m2 )
NFi − Number of floors for building i, -
Pricem2 − Refurbishment price per square meter for the same building type, (€/m2 )

Different refurbishment strategies can be tested for medium and deep refurbish-
ments, and the application can be reduced in implementation for historical build-
ings, whose street facing façades have restrictions with regards to the type of refur-
bishment that can be performed.

Greenery as building installation

This model estimates the impact of green roofs or green façades on a building’s heat-
ing demand. The model was first documented in the frame of a master thesis, [223].
Greenery solutions are part of a group of solutions referred to in the academic en-
vironment as nature-based solutions. Green façades have been shown to be easier to
install on a building. At the same time they present large ecological benefits with
low associated costs. Green roofs require more investment in time and money but
are also effective, [127]. With regards to their impact on building energy demand,
these installations help reduce building solar gains in the summer time and reduce
heating losses in wintertime, [224]. Figure 6.8 depicts the model fact sheet, concept
and the 3D SketchUp model of the Illingen test site used in the validation of the
This model is formed from two separate implementations, one for green façade and
another one for green roofs. Both implementations follow the description provided
by Susorova et al. in [214]. The main difference in implementation stems from the
F IGURE 6.8: Green roof and green façade, fact sheet, concept and graphical results, developed after [214] and documented in [223] and
6.2. aEneAs - Trojan hero’s odyssey 121

fact that for the green façade no soil layer is included in the simulation. The primary
thermal exchange processes of the green façade model is presented in figure A.3.
The following formula represents the heat balance equation and, most importantly,
the heat stored in the wall behind the vegetated façade (Svw ) used in the model:

SRvw + LRvw + Cvw + XRvw = Qvw + Svw

dTSvw dTSsub
Svw = L ∗ c pstr ∗ ρ pstr ∗ ( ) + D ∗ (c psub ∗ ρ psub + c pwater ∗ ρ pwater ) ∗ ( )
dt dt


SRvw − Shortwave radiation to/from the vegetated façade (W/m2)

LRvw − Longwave radiation to/from the vegetated façade (W/m2)
Cvw − Convection to/from the vegetated façade (W/m2)
XRvw − Radiative exchange between the bare façade/soil and plant layer (W/m2)
Qvw − Heat conduction through the wall behind the vegetated façade (W/m2)
Svw − Heat stored in the wall behind the vegetated façade (W/m2)
L − structural thickness (m)
c pstr − Specific heat of structural material (J/kg K)
ρ pstr − Structural material density (kg/m3)
D − Subtract thickness (m)
csub − Specific heat of substrate material (J/kg K)
ρsub − Substrate material density (kg/m3)
c pwater − Specific heat of water (J/kg K)
ρ pwater − Water density in substrate layer (kg/m3)
t − Time (s)

The green roof model includes additionally the behaviour of the substrate layer (the
soil layer of the plants), which can be observed in the previous formula. Svw is
computed for both implementations using the temperature behind the vegetation
and the substrate layers using a numerical bisection method, also presented in [214].
The model was validated for using monitoring data from real-time experiments dur-
ing summer measurements at three locations in Germany (see 5.2 and [223] for more
details with regards to the monitoring installations and validation of results).

Integrated water and electrical networks management

The previous models take a building centered approach, where energy use is ana-
lyzed within the micro cosmos of a single construction and is then replicated district
and city wide. With regards to the energy utilities aspect, a model was developed
on top of the same infrastructure that illustrates the capabilities with regards to net-
works and related spatial calculations. Figure 6.9 present a fact sheet for the inte-
grated water/electrical networks management model.
122 Chapter 6. aEneAs, the scale aware urban energy modelling library

The model was developed within the framework of a master thesis, [34], and partly
documented (with regards to modeling of the water network) in [33]. This dual net-
work behavioural model simulated 24 hours of network operation at a time step of
30 minutes. The networks each have associated usage profiles sets with higher mea-
surement rates, however, for the model to run smoothly and show the downward
effect of a network event this time step was considered sufficient. It also included
cascading effects, which can be triggered by modifying the set of input parameters.
The integrated dual network acts as a demonstrator for the capabilities of modeling
multi-utility networks using the UtilityNetwork ADE and semantical city models
stored with CityGML.
In order to be able to perform such complex spatial operations a suitable data set
was found in the city of Nanaimo, Canada, where a coupled electric/water network
exists. There, an energy reclamation facility converts the incoming flow of fresh-
water and generates electricity. Thus, the two networks and their data models are
linked at the water turbines. This is presented conceptually in figure A.4. The object
class used to describe the turbine is the CityFurniture from CityGML. This solution
can be replaced by making use of the GenericCityObject class.
The city of Nanaimo with their local Public Works company (and very benevolent
staff) provided open data for their water and electrical networks and diagrams of
the mixed plant, freshwater delivery/power generation facility. The water network
pipes and appurtenances could be produced from the data provided by the city,
while the electrical network had to be fabricated by using the road network (which
was available as open data). The original water network data had to undergo a
lengthy ETL process in order to produce a UtilityNetwork ADE data set. This work
is documented in [33].
The behavioural model represents a typical day of operation on the water and elec-
trical network sample. It includes both water demand and electrical production from
the energy reclamation facility. Water demand is associated with the buildings in the
nearby suburb from the water reservoir. As water from the water reservoir is being
depleted by (building) usage it is replenished. The usage follows a consumption
pattern provided by the City of Nanaimo Public Works staff, [34]. As the re-filling of
reservoir is activated, the water pushing through the turbines produces electricity.
Additional electrical production in the network stems from PV panels installed on
the roofs of some of the buildings. This occurs only when the production exceeds the
electrical demand in the respective building. The electrical output from PV produc-
tion is replicated from that measured in a real local installation that provides open
source data, the Nanaimo Food Share PV power production.
The behaviour of the water and electrical networks is mimicked using a linear time
series model that is stored in a Python script. Values for properties of network ele-
ments are calculated at given locations (usually at appurtenances, bifurcations and
buildings). These values impact the state of other elements in the network, and
are able, for example, to open the valve for re-filling of the water reservoir at the
Nanaimo water and energy reclamation facility.
In order to simulate cascading effects, the topology of the model is altered. This
is depicted in figure A.5. If a water pipe belonging to the network is undergoing
maintenance or an electrical cable fails, the topological link in between the elements
is set to "broken". This change will impact further (connected) nodes, in what would
be a typical cascade effect. The behavioural model that models this behaviour does
6.2. aEneAs - Trojan hero’s odyssey 123

not interfere with the data model, stored in the DB and keeps a separate log to the
changes that occur to elements and their properties, thus maintaining a separation
between the logic and data tiers.
F IGURE 6.9: Fact sheet for integrated water/electrical networks management, documented in [34] and [33]

Chapter 7

Outcome - Conclusion and Outlook

In modeling the urban energy chain, there is no variable as potent as the fabric of
space and time. It brings the multiple components of the energy chain together and
allows for spatial and temporal dependencies to be correctly modeled collectively.
This embraces Tobler’s first law of geography, [217]: "[E]verything is related to ev-
erything else, but near things are more related than distant things."
Geographers are bound to observe the world while engineers help build it. To em-
brace both sciences, a facilitator is found in modeling and data integration, sup-
ported by spatial data in the form of 3D semantic city models that act as data hubs.
These are stored in spatial databases and use web services that ferry data to and
from one component to another without time-costly ETL processes.

7.1 Conclusion
This thesis’ results endorse the idea that city-wide energy modeling is most efficient
when performed at a neighborhood scale while using buildings as data units for
consumers and production entities. Utility networks require modeling under new
paradigms where both energy and information flows are bi-directional. End con-
sumers are no longer just that; they are transformed into prosumers. This is espe-
cially true for the Ger.: Energiewende concept where precise estimates of local energy
demand and production are required, and local energy production is preferred.
Modeling urban energy problems facilitates solving complex questions and equa-
tions as the spatial models become central linking elements of the different types of
energy-related data. Testing includes urban simulation, executed to provide quan-
titative and qualitative energy site management assessments. Using scenarios, both
green and brownfield urban development can be compared, and the influence of fu-
ture contextual parameters, such as energy prices, warmer climates, and upgraded
technologies, on new designs can be explored. This is also the primary use case
of the EDF city simulation platform project, which has partially financed this the-
sis, for which the author is very grateful. These scenarios and their corresponding
impact/results are then provided via visually intelligible/comprehensible predic-
tions to multiple stakeholders. The proposed open style architecture enables joint
decision making, a participatory approach, in which all actors can work together to
understand the impact of proposed actions.
All buildings and their associated energy systems are unique. Therefore, their digital models
must reflect this reality. Since the 1950s, there has existed a trend in creating standard-
ized building components, for example, the use of identical utility network cabi-
nets or shower/bath modules in sky-scrapers. These come pre-fabricated and are
126 Chapter 7. Outcome - Conclusion and Outlook

only installed on-site, as in large hotels. This is very similar to the proposed digi-
tal standardization approaches taken for modeling and further supports the use of
standardized buildings data models.

The city wide energy chain

During this thesis, it was found that the term ’urban’ in the GIS domain has a sub-
stantial variation in meaning and scope. As such, a description was provided that
can be used to define urban spaces in the context of energy modeling using build-
ings as well as energy behavior and energy networks in this domain. Additionally,
a detailed list of energy networks was defined that provides further input to the use
cases described in chapter 4.
Urban energy chain modeling is part of the more significant trends in urban man-
agement. Important trends were also identified to provide context and explain the
impetus for this thesis. These were smart or next-generation cities, smart districts,
climate change mitigation solutions, open data, open governance, citizen observato-
ries, standardization efforts, and the concurrent IoT/Big data revolution. A defini-
tion of a smart city was provided in the given context and a description of what it
entails at the level of a district.

Scale and UBEM space

One of the puzzling research questions of this thesis relates to the right scale for ur-
ban energy chain modeling. The evidence presented in this chapter suggests that
buildings, as defined in chapter 2, acting as energy chain data units, provide an op-
timum balance of scale and data accuracy, in the context of data revolutions, a signif-
icant step forward for better modeling platforms. However, for meaningful project
implementation of modeling results, the most favorable size is neighborhood and
district scale. To support its use in UBEM, data treatment methods and an ontology
were presented that were successfully used in multiple cities.
Scale is defined in chapter 2 as a byproduct of resolution and extent with ranges pro-
vided for both parameters. To help solve this question, a standardized spatial scales
definition was proposed. Further, an extensive survey was carried out to identify the
actors who interact in the energy chain. The district scale, also referred to as Precinct,
Building block, or Quarter in different contexts, containing between a dozen and a
hundred buildings, was identified as the scale at which all actors, their actions, and
their data meet.
The concepts presented in this manuscript make use of digital twins. Three domains
provide spatial data to create such replicas, the so-called elephants: CAD, BIM, and
GIS. A detailed survey of the scales used for these three domains was performed. It
was observed that the three domains converge at the district scale. This coincides
with the minimum scale deemed optimal for meaningful energy transition projects
and gives further credit to UBEM modeling performed at this scale. This conver-
gence of the digital domains and the spatial actors further facilitates the implemen-
tation of recommendations stemming from this thesis’ modeling activities.
In the scope of this thesis, data was collected and partitioned to building spatial
units and, with the help of ontology-based hierarchical relationships, amassed them
further on to larger units. Analysis of the spatial relevance of data unit sample size
7.1. Conclusion 127

in the case of UBEM models used for thermal energy demand provided further in-
sight into the appropriate scale in terms of results’ significance. Calculations were
made using building units that are then aggregated at a neighborhood or a district
level. This method facilitated the provision of accurate data at their respective spa-
tial scales. With the current availability of monitoring data and its use in model
validation and revision, there is a noticeable trend towards achieving high accuracy
at lower scales, going as far as the building unit and the residential unit.
Two significant issues with urban energy modeling are data consistency concerning
spatial scales and urban fabric contiguity. Spatial scale mismatches require exten-
sive ETL operations. An exhaustive list of scale-related ETL operations was pre-
sented and their impact and the potential use of the produced data. These oper-
ations should not be underestimated, as they can occupy a significant amount of
time in an urban energy model project’s life span. Regarding contiguity, the non-
interrupted urban fabric of building envelopes and neighborhoods helps to ensure
energy savings and facilitates the creation of planning units. This issue plays a vital
role in volume calculations, a major regressor in thermal energy calculations. Build-
ings, per se, constitute contiguous entities, and their use as spatial units allows for
continuous urban pattern analysis.
A taxonomy of spatial standards and scales is presented in chapter 4. Formats can
be classified by using four attributes: format/content related (standard type, data
model availability, data content), design scale, energy thematic (energy chain posi-
tion, energy commodity type), and entity type (public/private/citizen). These mul-
tiple characteristics illustrate and provide depth and dimensions to the complexity
of the task at hand, modeling and monitoring the entities, their attributes, and in-
teractions at play in the urban energy chain. Again, the scale appears as a major
separator, as the lack of standardized spatial units in the design scale hinders further
efforts of data integration and adoption of existing standards.
Standardized spatial scales and persistent identifiers
Holistic, integrated energy systems work on different spatial levels, from residential
and tertiary use buildings, which are now active players in energy production, up to
district, neighborhoods, city, regional and national scale. Modeling and simulation
are the sole means of exploring the performance of new designs and concepts in this
rapidly changing urban context. In section 3.3 a proposal of standardized spatial
scales for use in UBEM is made. These unit scales are energy meter, building, district,
neighborhood, town, and city. The scales were tested within different urban energy
chains regarding economic, cultural, and geographical characteristics and are shown
to be adaptable to new locations.
A scale-dependent urban data ontology with persistent identifiers was proposed to
solve the identified problems. This open ontology avoids issues related to propri-
etary ontologies and cascading effects from their use and is built on top of the pro-
posed standardized spatial sales. This human-readable code allows for differently
sized cities to be modeled and mitigates associated issues, such as data heterogene-
ity and inconsistency in urban modeling domains. In this manner, all urban energy
chain stakeholders are bound, within a non-biased perspective, by persistent means
of identification. For a successful implementation of this proposal, it is not necessary
that all energy chain actors use this system, but rather that the data is linked, in a
central repository or a virtual hub, see 5.5. This repository needs to contain a map-
ping system that allows for objects to be identified depending on their ownership
128 Chapter 7. Outcome - Conclusion and Outlook

status (What is the entity in the chain that they belong to?). This will fix the miss-
ing spatial data issue and help increase the quality of recommendations that can be
made on top of the modeling results.

On urban energy chain data

Data is only valuable when it is used.
Data in the urban energy chain is often stored and maintained in older client soft-
ware and on locally isolated server systems. This is why integration of legacy and
third-party software systems is a crucial step in the direction of smart applications,
as other authors concur, [45], [134], [78]. As was presented in this manuscript, the
energy chain contains multiple entities with inconsistent data structures and soft-
ware. This also often involves legacy standards and software whose architecture
was never designed to support the integration or sharing of data hosted by them
with third parties. At times, this is a solution chosen for the sake of data privacy;
at others purposely made by software developers. Part of the solution is found in
ontologies that include mapping the overall perspective. These offer support for se-
mantic heterogeneity and interoperability with external systems. They can be used
as a conceptual scheme to represent multiple repositories that allow seamless inte-
gration. This is where the spatial scale-based ontology proposed in this thesis can
It stands to reason that data and thematic experts don’t necessarily need visualiza-
tion tools to understand the raw data presented to them. It was found that plenty of
the tools used by geomatics, urban, and energy thematic experts are often a stum-
bling block, a hindrance of sorts, as they treat data without informing the user of
such an action. For example, this can be seen with a well-known tool that repeatedly
came up in user surveys, mentioned in chapter 4, for use cases behind the UtilityNet-
work ADE, the Microsoft Excel, and CSV (Comma Separated Value) files. Users are
left unaware that simply by opening a file, certain syntax elements are changed.
Such events transform the original data without the user’s intention and create is-
sues within the large community of actors in the urban energy chain that have to
share data among themselves and for the urban energy modeler to gather data from
all of them. This is why an essential result of this work lies in the fact that for a data
expert to understand the data, it does not necessarily mean visualizing it. Rather,
it should be done by analyzing samples outside of any client software, usually di-
rectly inside a database repository, behind a web service, or by using a programming
Performing data analysis without any treatment is the first step toward data integra-
tion in urban energy modeling. This conclusion should impact the way geomatics,
urban, and thematic energy experts are trained, as it should be the first exercise in
data handling. This outcome can also be observed in discussions in the data han-
dling community where the ETL vs. ELT (Extract Load Transform) debate is ongo-
ing. This author stands clearly on the ETL side, as it reduces data treatment times
further down the pipeline. It also ensures private and other confidential data ex-
posure risks are mitigated from the onset of a project by complying with strict data
handling directives and laws pertaining to data handling.
During this thesis’ experiments, certain situations showed that even when the same
file standard or API was used by a data owner and a data user, discrepancies in
7.1. Conclusion 129

data structure and representation can appear. This is due to misinterpretation as to

the standard implementation or even corner cutting by data creators, resulting from
insufficient quality checks or even incomplete implementation of standards. For ex-
ample, this can be seen in CityGML data where solids are sometimes present, some-
times not, even in the same file with the same LOD. This can also occur, specifically
regarding building thermal energy, with CityGML Building parts and CityGML En-
ergy ADE building zones. These can be entirely differently interpreted, even inside
the same country, as is the case in Germany, in two separate federal states, as shown
in [81]. Similar situations occur with sensor or simulated data, as due to inconsis-
tent metadata, attributes can be misunderstood, misspelled, or simply be missing.
These bring about tomato-tomahto issues, the most often encountered example being
kWh and kW, which stand for the total amount of energy used and rate of energy
use. Therefore, standardization is not a universal panacea, but a step forward, one
that requires constant implementation and verification as to the correctness of the
work performed and proper communication with all stakeholders so that value can
be created from public data.

Semantic city models as integration hubs

In this thesis, the hypothesis that urban spatial data in the form of semantic city mod-
els, and its use, by way of data modeling and analysis, provides the binding feature
for enabling next-generation or smart cities was tested. To facilitate this work, this
author oriented himself towards current IT work methodologies. The most used one
currently, the AGILE method, requires as a first step the identification of use cases
and users before any planning and coding can begin. For this purpose, twenty-five
use cases were identified that relate to the urban energy chain and require the mod-
eling of both spatial data in the form of semantic city models and thematic energy
data together. Combined with an inventory of the spatial actors and their existing
modus operandi, they provide the AGILE method with the required input. These use
cases involve the components presented in the energy chain components survey and
show the powerful impact of data with spatial and thematic energy characteristics
within the hypothesis of this thesis. These surveys further facilitate future standard-
ization efforts stemming from the ADE consortium.
Spatial and energy thematic data sets originating from single data sources describ-
ing entire urban energy chains are rarely available. The experiments presented a
funneling system that, with the aid of time costly ETL processes, stored or linked all
relevant information in/to semantic city models. Storage of urban energy chain data
used semantic city models as a data hub for integration. These city models were rep-
resented using the CityGML standard and its extensions, the Energy ADE, and the
UtilityNetwork ADE, as well as different web services for sensor data. Whenever
possible, web services were used as an alternative to file handling. Their use allows
for less time-intense ETL processes as web services often come with a high degree
of standardization and available support documentation. This combined system al-
lows data to be successfully fused using CityGML database structures.
CityGML remains the only spatial and GIS-related standard with capabilities that
support modeling and monitoring the energy chain at the city scale using buildings
as the smallest unit. Closed semantic models hold the promise of interoperability in name
only and have been shown, in this manuscript, as well as in [101], to be the cause of
130 Chapter 7. Outcome - Conclusion and Outlook

further issues in horizontal and vertical interoperability. The fact that CityGML in-
cludes graphical, semantic, and thematic properties, taxonomies, and aggregations
supports this manuscript’s claim to the suitability of CityGML for modeling the en-
tirety of the city-wide energy chain. These design choices allow for both UBEM input
data and the urban interactions, be they spatial or energy thematic, to be modeled
and simulated.

Monitoring: Energy relevant coupling of sensors and 3D mod-

Web services to the rescue
Digital twins, a mainstay of this thesis, also involve the use of monitoring equip-
ment, or things. Three experiments were carried out using sensors. In the author’s
knowledge, this is the first trial that brought together CityGML, SOS-SES-WNS, Sen-
sorThingsAPI, and FIWARE. Section 5.2 provides a comprehensive understanding
of the capabilities of these solutions. SensorThingsAPI turned out to be the easiest
to implement, but it is also the lightest in terms of capabilities. Even though SOS-
SES-WNS packs a stronger punch, the complex implementation, as well as the fact
that there is currently no connection to NoSQL database solutions in the sense of Big
data storage, means that FIWARE was the favored all in one solution.
The successful binding of spatial objects with the spatial models stored in seman-
tic city models through the identification system proposed in chapter 3 allowed for
the integration of sensors and energy data with 3D city models and represents a
step forward towards truly interoperable smart cities. The results will aid readers of
this manuscript choose a wise course of action for their applications. A significant
aid in this thesis’s experimentation with UBEM models, monitoring, and infrastruc-
ture was the previously mentioned identification of use cases and user types. Their
proper definition is paramount before any implementation can take place, as it will
help choose between different solutions and then lighten the actual system imple-
The convenient alternative to file-based solutions lies in the different harmonized
APIs presented. Data owners using a set of pre-defined operations allow for data
querying. This approach considerably simplifies the time-heavy ETL operations
mentioned repeatedly in this work. However, this approach also requires the hi-
erarchical inter-object mapping to be performed using the spatially related ontology
mentioned in chapter 3. Something must bring urban energy chain objects and phenomena
together, and that is the fabric of urban space.

aEneAs, the scale aware modelling library

Due to the significant contribution of the building stock to human-induced climate
change, UBEM can play an essential role in the planning phase. Impact estima-
tion of urban refurbishment measures combined with monitoring are viable tools in
the toolbox of urban planners and managers before greenfield or brownfield invest-
ments. Specifically, primary thermal energy demand is one of the most significant
untackled topics in the energy domain, as nothing similar to the lighting improve-
ment revolution has yet been seen for this part of the urban energy equation. This
is the transition that UBEM seeks to help. aEneAs, the modeling library developed
7.1. Conclusion 131

in the framework of this thesis starts by first quantifying primary thermal energy
demand and then the impact of refurbishment measures. Lastly, it estimates the po-
tential of renewable energy production. aEneAs also includes components that con-
sider energy distribution in the given context, showing a path toward data modeling
and simulation required for distributed energy production at the neighborhood and
district level.
Holistic, integrated energy systems work on different spatial levels, from buildings,
which are now active players in energy production, to district and city-level designs
and national-scale infrastructure. The technologies identified in chapter 2 with re-
gards to the urban energy chain meet at the level of a building. This scale is also
where they will have maximum impact, as this is the scale at which people live and
work and around which they usually plan their life. This is precisely why aEneAs
was developed to work using building units. It performs complex energy modeling
tasks using semantic city models stored in CityGML inside a spatial database.
Context is king
The technical solutions and implementations in the present thesis are designed to
work in an urban setting and allow for the harnessing of the power of the spatial and
temporal character of data in energy modeling. Standardizing the input of models
and binding it to open standards allows for the re-utilization of advanced tools. It
shortens the time to move one solution from one urban center to another.
aEneAs performs urban wide modeling and presents results at a single building unit
level. The model results offer varying accuracy at the standardized spatial scales
used in the thesis. Overall, good results are achieved at the district’s scale and in
some models at the level of a single building. The surrounding environment and its
influence, such as shading and collected solar gains, are also included. This informa-
tion can be used for integrated energy system planning and precise local renewable
energy production estimates.

Good practices
The experience gathered from this thesis’ experiments is provided as a synopsis in
the form of good practices that can be recommended to cities that want to evolve to-
wards next-generation cities. These are: the application of a common, adaptable, and
reusable SDI, the development of reusable tools, the creation of open data and use
of open source code, and the use of a digital by default policy. Once applied, these
work principles should improve future work on the energy chain, both in terms of
modeling and monitoring. They will also help facilitate intelligent cities initiatives,
enhance public trust and promote value creation from public data.
In the thesis’ experiments, a sturdy case is made for monitoring and modeling the
urban energy chain using exclusively open-source software solutions and open stan-
dards for files and web services. A good example lies in the implemented data stor-
age solutions: PostgreSQL and MongoDB. MongoDB is fast becoming an industry-
standard while PostgreSQL is already one, being the top choice for spatial reposito-
ries. Furthermore, PostgreSQL is a 30-year running open-source effort that shows
that open source is not just a trend but a phenomenon that is here to stay. It has
jumped from one generation to the next and supports cities and modelers alike in
many use cases. In addition, public data is a public good, and its availability, even
132 Chapter 7. Outcome - Conclusion and Outlook

limited, creates trust through open standards. This is a fundamental requirement for
a well-governed city.
What could be concluded from this work is that there is no perfect one size fits all
tool. Instead, the proposed good practices should be followed and implemented
as much as possible to allow the entire ecosystem to be made interoperable and
expanded in a sustainable manner.

The findings in this thesis should lead to enhanced data handling and data quality in
the urban energy chain. However, this is very much dependent on local know-how
and the willingness to invest in such adaptation. The author of this thesis recognizes
that, for the moment, such complex modeling and monitoring, even though central
to becoming next-generation cities, is an expensive feature. This is currently only
available to first-tier cities with enough capital for dedicated spatial departments
and skilled personnel to deliver such integrated data sets. On the other hand, the
willingness and political tenability to redirect substantial funds is also linked to po-
litical, cultural, and public recognition of environmental phenomena. Modeling of
urban heat island impact on cooling demand, green facades, and green surfaces can
easily find financial support in cities already impacted by climate change where the
general public and state officials follow scientifically supported evidence.
Another significant limitation of the proposed solution is that entities are often mov-
ing in the ever-changing city. The presented modeling focused on buildings alone.
However, a substantial part of the energy chain is not stationary. The modeling of
spatially moving entities, such as buses, trams, and metros, is also possible within
this methodology. This thesis has received basic testing in the AERO-TRAM use
case where moving trams were visualized, and the moving measurement flow per-
formed well while using the SensorThings API. Additionally, maintaining the city
model and its versioning are not easy tasks in the current versions of CityGML,
though its newest version promises to improve this capability.

7.2 Outlook - the future of semantic city models and the ur-
ban energy chain
Digital transformation
Cities, in general, are going through a significant transformation. This shift is part
of a society-wide change and is generally referred to as the digital transformation.
As shown in chapter 5, certain cities and countries are embracing it and will emerge
fundamentally changed out of it. The world pandemic context has accelerated this
change as it forced people and enterprises alike to use more digital services and
enhanced the focus on interoperability.
This shift means that standardization organizations are asked to provide standards
that work in an interconnected world of big data. At the same time, these standards
need to embrace legacy software and data structures that were never designed for
interoperability. This contrast requires a show of patience for the developing actors
and support for the overachievers - the ones who set new paths for others to follow.
7.2. Outlook - the future of semantic city models and the urban energy chain 133

This author expects live or near-real updates of 3D semantical city models in first-
tier cities in the next decade. This will be possible with the advent of very potent,
universally available mobile sensing platforms.
This ever more extensive interoperable infrastructure will require data storing capa-
bilities in organized and non-organized data structures. This is a strong incentive for
the further development of the existing standards, particularly the UtilityNetwork
ADE, which at the time that this manuscript was written is still primarily a work in
progress. Furthermore, links to non-organized data repositories need to be created
and maintained, such as FIWARE already foresees to MongoDB. High data volume
will help improve modeling results and, at times, reduce the need for modeling as
monitoring will help directly illustrate urban energy phenomena.
Initial objections towards XML as a solution in the IT domain regarding its size and
complexity have lost steam as computers kept acquiring more computational power
and internet bandwidth increased. At the same time, wide adoption of the CityGML
standard remains an elusive goal, with such data sets only being part of the spatial
repositories of first-tier cities, or better said, cities with available capital. At times,
as in the case of the EU, national or regional spatial data agencies take it upon them-
selves to provide such data sets. This is a step forward, however, as shown in [81],
data quality is not a given, and even though the format is the same, the content can
In parallel to this work, the CityGML 3.0 has been developed, [124]. This thesis fo-
cused solely on the second version of the standard for which large open data sets
exist. The new version proposes solutions to some of the points raised in this thesis.
It remains to be seen how successful it will become, an indicator easily measured
with the adoption ratio. However, the discussion surrounding CityGML v3.0 raised
at the standard adoption by the OGC shows that the spatial community at large is
very much interested in the further use and improvement of this standard, regard-
less if an improvement of 2.0 or adoption of 3.0 is the correct way to push ahead.
The circumstances in which CityGML 3.0 came to be are similar, in a way, to the
evolution of the Python programming language to version 3.0. Both Python 2 and
Python 3 continue to exist. Still, slowly the community seems to be inching towards
the later version, which presents a likely pattern for what will eventually happen
with CityGML semantic city models.
Sharing is caring
Specifically, in the energy chain, the residential, tertiary, and industrial urban sites
will be able to communicate and provide energy as a service to one another in the
same way that the car-sharing concept is operating today. Cities and local decision-
makers need to aim for energy sharing concepts at the neighborhoods and district
level first, for a plethora of reasons, some presented in this very thesis. Standard-
ization and data sharing among spatial actors will help locally produced energy be
consumed locally, significantly reducing the need for large distribution networks
and their associated losses, which follow the so-called distance decay law - related
to Tobler’s first law of geography. In a second stage, this can be shifted towards
the following spatial scales of the urban divide so that the urban fabric contiguity
discussed in chapter 3 is respected, and artificial boundaries are not an impediment.
To achieve this, communication standards are required and improved and widely
available utility networks.
134 Chapter 7. Outcome - Conclusion and Outlook

While electrical networks are a given in urban settings, a far-reaching effort to de-
velop heating and cooling networks is still required, with limited, yet significant, ex-
ceptions in mainly major planning-based economies. Existing infrastructure spaces,
such as gas networks, need to be used to provide existing installations with energy
and, potentially, make place for new utility infrastructure as space is a scarce and
precious resource in the urban domain. Development of the various energy net-
works of the urban energy chain presented in chapter 2 can be an expensive long-
term burden. This is why they should be included in comprehensive urban planning
and management, where the broad horizontal and vertical contributions to the ur-
ban energy system can be used to their full potential.
This means that the planning and management of the urban energy chain need ad-
justment, a balancing act of sorts between multi-faceted perspectives. Semantic city
models and web services are there to bolster this balancing act by enforcing inter-
operability, providing links between different actors and their data, and helping to
model and monitor the many types of spatial interactions that cramped urban spaces
see plenty of.

Appendix A

Figures from other sources

The figures included in this appendix are referenced to in different sections of the
thesis and belong to other publications.
136 Appendix A. Figures from other sources

F IGURE A.1: Digital transformation, Digitalization and Digitization

hierarchical relationship, discussed in section 5.4.4, from [197]

F IGURE A.2: Technology readiness levels, marked with color are the
levels at which the models produced in this thesis have been imple-
mented, after [69]
Appendix A. Figures from other sources 137

F IGURE A.3: Thermal components of the green façade model, as pre-

sented in section 6.2.2, from [223]

F IGURE A.4: Solution for coupling the water and electrical networks
at a turbine, as presented in section 6.2.2, from [34]. On the left a con-
ceptual representation of the means of coupling between the electric
and water networks via the connectedCityObject attribute and a City-
Furniture object. On the right a graphical representation of the data
138 Appendix A. Figures from other sources

F IGURE A.5: Topological and topographical connectivity, conceptual

representation, as presented in section 6.2.2, from [34]. On the left an
uninterrupted pipe segment with both topographical and topological
connectivity. On the right an interrupted pipe segment with topo-
graphical connectivity and topological break.

F IGURE A.6: Regression analysis of simulated against measured

daily space heating needs for random samples of one, five, ten and
thirty apartments (top left to bottom right) with least square regres-
sion function and line of equality, from [121]
F IGURE A.7: Four methods in which CityGML data was obtained/produced in this thesis, from [231]


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