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Globalization DBQ

● DBQ stands for Document Based Question.

● It is a way of learning about a topic through primary and secondary documents to serve
as a source of information.
● It does not necessarily test content knowledge but instead your reading comprehension
and analysis skills of the documents.

Historical Context

Globalization is the way countries use technology, communication, and transportation to

connect with one another. Globalization connects governments, cultures, and economies, or a
system of producing and distributing wealth. Globalization fuels trades and affects the way all
of us live.

DBQ Prompt

Has the world changed for better or worse as a result of Globalization?


1. Read each of the following documents (A - F).

2. As you read the document, answer the questions that follow.
a. Note, any underlined words have definitions in a word bank that follows the
3. Complete the DBQ Buckets and Thesis Statement.

Document A
Source: Roger A. Arnold, Economics: New Ways of Thinking, EMC Publishing 2007 (adapted)
1. Using the graph above, identify the five The five most globalized countries are Ireland,
most globalized countries. (Look at the X Switzerland, Canada, United States, and
and Y axis to help you). Austria.

2. Using the graph above, identify the five The five least globalized countries are Iran,
least globalized countries. (Look at the X Egypt, Venezuela, Bangladesh, and Kenya.
and Y axis to help you).

3. What is the relationship between The lower life expectancy and less globalized
globalization and life expectancy rank? countries have a bigger relationship.
(How long people live)

4. Is this document arguing that Globalization Better ______ Worse ______Both ___X___ (check
has made the world better, worse, or a little one)
of both?

Document B
Source: Herbert Buchsbaum, “Living in a Global Economy,” 7 March 1997

Welcome to the mixed-up world of globalization where business deals regularly cross the
planet and national borders are growing more unclear. However, it wasn't always this way.
Chances are, your parents wore American-made clothes, ate American-made food, and drove
American-made cars. But a boom in world trade has changed all of that.

The expansion of world trade has caused many other dramatic changes as well. Whole
countries have seen their fortunes grow as foreign investment has poured in, creating factories
and providing jobs for millions of people. Other countries have been left behind in the process,
billions of lives are affected, for better and for worse .

Vocabulary Word Bank

● Foreign investment: Money one country provides to help the development of another country

1. Using the document above, what is the big World Trade made a big difference in how and
difference between how and where a good where a good was produced when my parents
was produced when your parents were were my age vs. me at my own age.
your age versus now?

2. Using the document above, identify and Foreign investments became very popular and
briefly describe two of the dramatic world trade became popular as well.
changes occurring around the world due to

3. Is this document arguing that Globalization Better __X____ Worse ______Both ______ (check
has made the world better, worse, or a little one)
of both?

Document C
Source: Joseph E. Stigiltz, Globalization and its discontents, 2003

Today, globalization is being challenged around the world. Many people are unhappy with
globalization, and rightfully so. But others argue there is much to be gained.

Globalization can be a force for good, the globalization of ideas about democracy and of a successful
society have changed the way people think. Globalization has helped hundreds of millions of people
get higher standards of living beyond what they, or most economists, thought imaginable only a short
while ago. The globalization of the economy has benefited countries that took advantage of this
process by looking for new markets for their exports and by welcoming foreign investment. Countries
that have benefited the most have been those that were proactive and had governments that took part
in their development.

But, for millions of people globalization has not worked. Many lives have actually been made worse off,
have seen their jobs destroyed and their lives become more uncertain. They have felt increasingly
powerless against the forces beyond their control. They’ve seen their democracies weakened and their
cultures destroyed.

Many are already unhappy with the way globalization is going today. If we do not learn from our
mistakes globalization will lead to poverty and unpredictable futures. Ultimately this will cause more
anger and frustration.

Vocabulary Word Bank

● Democracy: a system of government where ● Foreign investment: Money one country
people choose their leaders. provides to help the development of another
● Society: group of people, community country.
● Standards of living: quality of life ● Development: Growth and progress of a
● Economy: money in a country
● Markets: people or places to buy products
Exports: products sold to another country ● Poverty: extremely poor

1. What are 3 effects globalization has on Three effects of globalization has increased
people (this should include both positives the regular civilian’s way of living, it has made
and negatives)? jobs go overseas, and the future of
globalization could lead to poverty

2. What are 3 effects globalization has on It gave people a positive view on the
governments and the economy (this should democracy and society, globalization gave
include both positives and negatives)? people a better economy, and the
governments are angry and frustrated
because of globalization

3. Is this document arguing that Globalization Better ______ Worse ______Both __x___ (check one)
has made the world better, worse, or a little
of both?

Document D
Source: Wines, Michael, The Rise of China, The New York Times Upfront, September 5, 2011

...China’s economic progress as a result of globalization has not come without costs. The
country’s environment has suffered a lot as factories pop up everywhere and 2,000 new cars hit
Beijing’s road each day. Pollution in Chinese cities is among the world’s worst, with air so
contaminated that children are often warned not to play outside.

The working conditions for many Chinese are also a problem. Millions of people crowd into
cities for factory jobs making the shirts, sneakers and cell phones that the rest of the world
buys. Many of them work 12 hours a day, 7 days a week earning as little as $150 per month.

1. What are some consequences of China’s The working conditions have become worse
economic progress on citizens? for chinese workers, and as much as 2,000
new cars hit beijings road everyday.

2. What are some consequences of China’s The working conditions got worse and
economic progress on the environment? pollution has gotten extremely worse.

3. Is this document arguing that Globalization Better ______ Worse __X____Both ______ (check
has made the world better, worse, or a little one)
of both?

Document E
1. What are the things that go into the Free Global cheap labour and Natural Resources
Trade and Globalization Machine? go inside the machine.

2. What are the things that come out of the Consumer junk, environmental destruction,
Free Trade and Globalization Machine? and pollution and CO2 emissions

3. Is this document arguing that Globalization Better ______ Worse __X____Both ______ (check
has made the world better, worse, or a little one)
of both?

Document F
As the world gets more connected through globalization, changes are taking place; life as we know it is
changing. Changes enter our lives through technology, consumer products, new thoughts, lifestyles and
opinions of others. In this sense, globalization is a social and cultural process in which individuals of
different cultural backgrounds interact with each other more than ever before. This connection is
showing different ways of thinking, cultural values, and new forms of family life. Women are getting out
of the family home and children are educated and able to experience more of the world than their

One of the most interesting effects of globalization is the online communities. The digital sharing of ideas
has allowed people to shift their thinking and identities. They are no longer limited by where they live or
their nationality. New ideas, methods of work, common interests and ideas about government are being
shared worldwide, even in the most far off places of the globe.

All of these changes have a major impact on the family. The family is significant because it is the main
social unit that educates children on ideas, social roles, money, and religion. They also make decisions
together on the future of their family members. Such decisions have big impacts not only on the
members, but also the society that they live in.

1. Identify 2 ways in which globalization has The sharing of digital ideas has influenced people
affected our daily lives through the internet. way too much, and they are no limit to these ideas.
2. Identify 2 ways in which globalization has Family lives were affected because children has
affected our family lives through the their ideas, social roles, money, and religion
internet. changed.

3. Is this document arguing that Globalization Better ______ Worse ___x___Both ______ (check
has made the world better, worse, or a little one)
of both?

DBQ Buckets
Step 1
Directions: Look over all of the Globalization DBQ Documents (A-F) and decide on an answer to the
following question → Has the world changed for better or worse as a result of Globalization?

Has the world changed for better or worse as a result of Globalization? (Check one)

BETTER: _____________ WORSE: ____________

Step 2
Directions: Look over all of your Globalization DBQ Documents (A-F) and come up with 3 brief concrete
reasons that support your position above.

Reason 1: Reason 2: Reason 3:

Family lives and children were Global Cheap Labour and Working conditions become
affected because of globalization natural resources get sacrificed worse and new cars get made
for terrible things everyday in Beijing

Step 3
Directions: Look over your DBQ documents and write the letter of the document that corresponds to
each of your reasons above. Note: You need at least 2 document numbers under each reason and
should have at least 4 different documents total. A document letter can go in more than one bucket.

Reason 1 Document Letters: Reason 2 Document Letters: Reason 3 Document Letters:

Document E Document D
Document F

DBQ Thesis Statement

Directions: The thesis is truly the heart and soul of any paper. It states what the paper is about and gives
the reader an idea of what information will follow your introduction paragraph. Think of it as the topic
sentence for your entire paper. The thesis is an idea, opinion, or conclusion about the topic and is the last
sentence of your introduction. A good thesis IS:

● ONE sentence
● Does NOT have pronouns such as: I, me, you, us
● It is clear and to the point
● Based on the information in the DBQ Documents
Use the following graphic organizer to help you plan and organize your thesis statement. Before you
start writing, please review the example thesis.
Example Thesis

Issue Position 3 Reasons for Thesis


Sports offered in high They have a positive 1. Teach social skills High school sports
school influence unquestionably have a
2. Teach time positive influence on high
management school students because
they teach social skills,
3. Teach benefits of hard reinforce
work time-management skills,
and show the benefits of
hard work.

YOUR Thesis

Issues Position 3 Reasons for Thesis

What is the Issue What is your answer to support Combine all the boxes to
surrounding this DBQ? the prompt? You cannot What are the 3 reasons the left to your thesis in
use I, me, you in your you wrote above under ONE complete sentence.
answer step #2: Buckets?

Debating if globalization Globalization has more Family and children's Globalization has
is a good thing or a bad downsides than upsides lives are affected, labor changed the world for
thing and natural resources the worse because it
get sacrificed for negatively impacts
pollution, and working
families and children,
conditions in Beijing get
natural resources are
worse as with new cars
being made every day. sacrificed for pollution,
and it creates poor
working conditions.

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