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Report On Business Communication

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Cover page

An analytical report on
course of Business
Prefatory part
Title fly

An analytical report on the

course of Business
Title page

An analytical report on the course of Business Communication

Submitted to: Mr. Usama Abdul Rahman

Lecturer, Business Communication

Submitted by: Zain Ul Abideen Bhutto

Student of BBA-IV (A)
Business Communication

Date of Submission: 30 June,2022.

Letter of Authorization
Knowledge Center
Floor no. 02
Sukkur IBA University
Nisar Ahmed Siddiqui Road

20 April, 2022.

Student of BBA IV
Sukkur IBA University
Nisar Ahmed Siddique Road


Dear all:

I hope this letter finds you well and you are doing well. I am writing this letter to inform you that
you are supposed to write an analytical report on the course of business communication.
A formal report of 6000 thousand in well-mannered in soft form, the deadline for this analytical
report is 30 June,2022.

your report will be based on 5 sections

1, Prefatory part
2, Introduction
3, Body
4, Terminal
5, supplementary part
And the introduction part must be of 2000 thousand words, plagiarism is allowed only 17

I hope, you will submit on time and will show your interest with full confidence and will fulfil
all requirements that I have mentioned above. You have to analysis this course in detailed way,
what we have done in this class from first day till last day. I pray you will achieve success in
both worlds. Thanks!

Yours truly,
Usama Abdul Rahman
Lecturer, Business Communication

Enclosure: report format. Docs

Letter of Acceptance

Kafila Sirai Gaad Street

Impire Road

Mr. Usama Abdul Rahman

Lecturer, Business Communication
Knowledge Center
Floor no. 02
Sukkur IBA University
Nisar Ahmed Siddiqui Road


Dear Mr. Rahman:

Hope you are fine, I have read your letter of authorization, I am feeling thankful, you have
authorized me to write an analytical report on the course of business communication in formal
way, which is based upon the five parts. I accept this opportunity with fulfil of confidence and
with zeal and zest, I will try my best to submit report before 30 May,2022.

We learnt so many things in this course

1, Seven C’s of Business Communication

2, Letter format
3, Direct letter
4, Indirect letter
5, Memorandum
6, Short report
7, Long report
8, Cross cultural presentation
9, Mock job interview

Conclude all that, I will deeply analyze on these 9 things, thank you for choosing for such an
important task, I will do my best and fulfil all the requirements. Thanks!

Yours truly,
Zain Ul Abideen
Student of BBA IV
Sukkur IBA University
Letter of transmittal

Kafila Sirai Gaad Street

Impire Road

Mr. Usama Abdul Rahman

Lecturer, Business Communication
Knowledge Center
Floor no. 02
Sukkur IBA University
Nisar Ahmed Siddiqui Road


Dear Mr. Rahman:

I hope this letter finds you well and hope you are fine. This report contains my analysis on the
course of Business Communication, findings, my personal experience through survey which I
have conducted and recommendation. Through which the instructor can modify this course.

The research that I have conducted is quantitative approach, I have made google form with 10
objective type questions and collected 30 responds, the students that are studying this course or
that have studied this course, have responded based on their experience with this course.
Based on these responds I have written my findings, conclusion, recommendation at the end of
this report. And this report has improved my writing and way of thinking.

Thank you for giving me such opportunity and entrusting on me. I have tried my best in this

Yours truly,
Zain Ul Abideen
Student of BBA IV
Sukkur IBA University

All the knowledge comes from Allah, who is Rahman and Raheem. I like to thank my supervisor
Mr. Usama Abdul Rahman who had helped me in each and every corner, he taught me the
pattern of this report and parts of report, he also guided me in how to form a google forms, he
rechecked my questionnaire, I like to thank all the friends who had helped me in this report and
also I like to thank all my batch mates for their precious time to respond on the questionnaire,
without those responds I will not conclude and analyze the report. Thank you all.

The title of this report is solicited, and an analytical report on the course of business
communication, it investigates the responds of students. Analysis was done on the statistics that
had provided by the google forms. It also consists of my recommendations for students and
faculty of Business Communication.


I am very thankful to Mr. Usama Abdul Rahman, the course of Business Communication, who
have authorized me to conduct this research and to write an analytical report on the course of
Business Communication. I have changed my tendency of research to other universities of
students, who have concerned with this course.

Statement of Purpose

The purpose of this report is to analyze and reflect the experience of me and my batch mates of
this course in order to obtain potential (peak) utility from this course and try to overcome on
shortcomings of this course, I have done my research for upcoming students, in order to, they
will receive maximum utility from this course and will not face shortcomings of this course.


The scope of this report is based on the students who are currently enrolled in this course or who
are enrolled in the course and their course schema is related with course of Business
Communication or who have done with this course, students of different department, for instance
BBA, EE, CS are the part of this research. It is the broader scope research based report.


The method of research I have chosen the quantitative approach. The quantitative based data is
collected from questionnaire form which is made with google forms, this form is based upon the
10 multiple choice questions with options are, strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly
disagree. The form was sent to 149 students I have received only 30 responds; the responses
were mostly from BBA department.


The course of Business Communication is designed to facilitate the students, how to

communicate in the organization in formal way. This course content contains both verbal and
written communication. The basic aim of this course is to polish the communication skills of
students and to improve.

Seven C’s of Communication

Seven C’s are basics of communication, and our journey of course was started from this basic.
There are seven C’s of communication
1. Completeness
2. Concreteness
3. Conciseness
4. Correctness
5. Clarity
6. Courtesy
7. Consideration

The role of seven C’s in communication is crucial, they helped me in writing the letters, and
enlightened my business proposal and email. The message that we are trying to send others,
without and logical error or mistake, we need to learn these seven C’s of communication.

Completeness gave me knowledge about the importance of complete information. For instance,
Ali has sent invitation to her friend for party and mentioned time at 10.00, now here information
is incomplete because there is not mentioned AM or PM, so a single mistake can create a

Concreteness gave me knowledge about the information should contain specific facts.

Conciseness gave me knowledge about the use relevant material, moreover information should
not be over loaded.

Correctness gave me knowledge about, there should be accuracy in communication.

Clarity gave me knowledge about, information should be short and clear.

Courtesy gave me knowledge about, use the expression of respect in your communication.

Consideration is the mother of all C’s, it gave me knowledge about, react according to situation.
It allows us to be some considerate in communication, and act according to your audience.

All C’s helped me to enhance my language and improve my communication.

Letter writing

The very first this that we have done in letter writing was direct letters, it contains good
newsletter, information seeking letter, order placement letter.
Direct letter

In direct letter, firstly we learnt the full blog format of letter writing, it states that everything
starts from left.
Second, we have to follow the following steps:
1. Sender’s Address
2. Date
3. Recipient’s Address / Inside Address
4. Subject
5. Salutation
6. Body Paragraphs
7. Complimentary Close.

1, Sender’s address contains three things and that are written without space.
Name of name from which you are sending, (Title case).
Address of company, (Title case).
Country, (Upper case).

2, Date will write after sender’s address with one-line spacing.

First we have to write day in double digit. Second, we have to write the month in English
alphabet. Third, we have to write year but we need to put comma before the year and after the
month, and in last put full stop. For instance, 05 June, 2022.

3, Recipient’s address will write after one-line spacing. (title case)

Full name of recipient with the title
Company name
Country (Upper case)

4, Subject will write after one-line spacing.

The word subject will write in title case, after we have to put colon, then write subject in
capital letters and not put full stop at the end.

5, Salutation will write after one-line spacing, first we have to write dear or Mr., after space,
write the last name, and at the end write colon.

6, Body is bifurcated into three parts.

Greetings and give direct news to the recipient
Friendly close

7, Complimentary close
After one-line gap, “Yours truly” will be written and in last comma must be written.
You put your signature
After signature you suppose to write your name without title.
Second page format

When you turn to the next page, then, at the beginning of second page, you are supposed to
write date without line spacing. After this, write the recipient’s name without line spacing,
after the name, write “page no” like page no.02 without line spacing.

Indirect letter

Indirect letter comes under like bad news letter, that shows negative impression. For instance,
job termination letter, rejection of business proposal, negative response from information seeking
letter. The format is parallel to the direct letter and in the course we will also follow the full blog

1. Buffer
 Neutral statements
 Avoid to say no
 Avoid irrelevant information
 Avoid to say sorry or apologizing

2. Explanation
 Your statements must be logical and neutral
 Tell the logical reason of what you have done
 Explanation should be satisfied with reason

3. Bad news
 Use the complex sentence to de-emphasize.
 Using if

4. Friendly close
 You have to provide alternative and in last close with friendly

Cross cultural communication

After the both direct and direct letter we learnt cross cultural communication, every nation has
their own culture and values, when we communicate with a person who has totally different
culture, there might be difficult to communicate in well-mannered if we do not know about their
tradition and culture.
Cross cultural communication guided us, how to be a social in diversify, when there are people
belong from different culture. Because for same thing, there might be different ways of doing, in
two cultures.
Before being social in society which belongs to other culture, first we need to understand and
learn the culture and traditional values of that society. Because culture can create huge impact on
communication with other people who are belong to different culture.
It helped me a lot, and changed my tendency of communication.

Cross cultural presentation

The presentation that we did in class with the follow the protocol, dressing of specific country
which a group have chosen, famous food item of that country and power point presentation that a
group presented and told about their tradition, culture, values, holy events, language, social
Each group carried nation flag of country.
These presentations gave more knowledge of countries, it helped us whenever we will go abroad
and will meet people from different culture and country, so it really enlightened in my
knowledge about different cultures.


The purpose of memo is to provide information, convey policy, suggestion, and report an
agreement inside the organization. And pattern and format are almost similar with the letter
writing. But in the memo we will not mention the address and will not write the salutation,
because this communication is in the organization.

We are supposed to write the word “memorandum” at the top of page, in the header.
We draw a rectangle.
We write “To” with colon in the title case, in the rectangle at the top and after spacing write
name and designation.
After one-line gape we need to write “From” with colon in title case, in the rectangle and after
spacing, to write name and put signature.
After one-line gap we need to write “subject” with colon in title case.
After one-line gap we need to write “Date” with colon after spacing write date in “09 June,
2022.” this format.

After this rectangle the three paragraphs will write with the same as letter format.
To: Feroz Ahmed Mahar, Additional director finance

From: Zahid Hussain khand, Registrar / ZHK

Subject: Issue the fees receipts to students

Date: 24 June, 2022.

Proposal writing

Proposal writing is an extra version of persuasive letter. It can be solicited or unsolicited, and
the format is in memorandum or letter. The format of proposal is similar as letter.
The body of proposal may change from letter.

It contains

First paragraph:
 It can be solicited or unsolicited
 The source of information about proposal
The word “Introduction” is written after one-line gap in upper case.
 Cheer up your company
 Why this proposal will be given to you
The word “background” is written after one-line gap in upper case.
 To make them satisfy that you are the only person who have the solution of that
 To make them assure that you are the best and fit for this proposal offer.
the word “objective” is written after one-line gap in upper case.
 You are supposed to express your objectives in confident way.
 You can give them cause for tackling your proposal.
The word “objective” is written after one-line gap in upper case.
 You should bifurcate your work of proposal in phases.
 Elaborate each and every phase of your proposal, for instance mention date for
completion of phase.
 Show graphical representations for your phases.
Staffing and Resources:
Both of these words is written after one-line gap in upper case.
 You are supposed to show your staff, for instance their qualification, salary, no of
workers, engineers, supervisors, architectures.
 Show the resources that are used in whole work.
The word “benefit” is written after one-line gap in upper case.
 You are written the benefits for this project.
 Tell them benefits for proposal in such a way that the will show more attraction to us.
 Benefits are real and genuine to meet their expectation at the end of construction work.
The word “summary” is written after one-line gap in upper case.
 Capture the reader’s attention through dedication of company.
 To provide consolation
 Best selling point
 Entreaty for pondering on the proposal.

Short report writing

The short report can be written in either solicited or unsolicited, and it can be analytical or
informational in nature, it can be written in either memo or letter format. And it can be called
informal report.

Informational report writing

There are four parts in short report writing,
1, Statement of purpose
 Do not mention the heading for it
 It is the first paragraph of short report
 You write the purpose of this report
 The answer of question, why to write this report, should be in the statement of purpose
 We are supposed to mention the whether it solicited or unsolicited
2, Introduction
 Write the “Introduction” after one-line gap in upper case letter
 You can merge background and introduction
 Give a sneak to the theme of report.
3, Body
 You are supposed to write the discourse
 You show discussion under the headings
 You are supposed to write findings in the body
4, Summary
 You write the quick view of your short report, keep me mind, in the summary, you cover
the whole report in the summarize way.

Analytical report

The whole process is same as I have mentioned above in format of informational report writing
but only we will add conclusion and recommendations instead of summary.

You will write a conclusion in which you are supposed to mention your findings.

You are supposed to write recommendations which are consisted of your conclusion and

Mock Job interview

It was my best and fabulous experience in the mock job interview, for the post of management
trainee officer (MTO). Actually from the start of degree I have finalized the decision that I will
do my majors in finance. In the mock job interview I felt the real experience, like this was my
first interview for the first job. I waited for 2-3 hours, in the waiting area, it felt like real time
experience. After, I went in the room where interview was conducted, there was panel
consisted of five-member. The most questions were related to my previous finance related
subjects, for instance principles of accounting, corporate accounting and introduction to
business finance. It took me about 12-17 minutes.
Over all, I enjoyed it and it was my best experience, now, I know at least what the companies
are trying to look in the candidate for the selection of job.


I have conducted the quantitative research, and conducted the survey that through google
form. And received the data from students of BBA, Account and finance, engineering, computer
science. Google form was used in order to collect responses from students. I had received 40
responses; the responses were different from each other. Each question is type of multiple
choice question, where the options are: strongly agree, agree, neutral, strongly disagree,
Responses were collected from those who are currently studying this course and who passed
this course. Out of 40 responses, 30.8 percent were female and 69.2 percent were male.

The questions of my survey were:

Do you believe that the course of Business Communication was easy?

strongly agree
Strongly Disagree
Remarks: 61.5 percent were agreed and 38.5 percent were strongly agreed. So the majority
were supporting, this course is not very easy, little bit difficult.

I believe that, after the course of business communication I will write both direct and indirect
letters in creative and formal way
strongly agree
Strongly Disagree
Remarks: 38.5 percent were agreed, 53.8 percent were strongly agreed, 7.7 percent were
disagreed. So some students believe that after this course they will not able to write letters in
formal and creative way.

I believe that this course has improved my communication skills that will help me in corporate
strongly agree
Strongly Disagree
Remarks: 30.8 percent were strongly agreed, 46.2 percent were agreed, 7.7 percent were
neutral and 15.4 percent were disagreed. So mostly said this course has helped in
communication skills.
I believe that this course improved our both writing and communication skills
strongly agree
Strongly Disagree
Remarks: 30.8 percent were strongly agreed, 46.2 percent were agreed, 15.4 percent were
neutral and 7.7 percent were disagreed. So mostly said this course has helped in both writing
and communication skills.

do you think content of course meets todays formal communication requirements?

strongly agree
Strongly Disagree
Remarks: 15.4 percent were strongly agreed, 53.8 percent were agreed, 23.1 percent were
neutral and 7.7 percent were disagreed. So mostly agreed that the content of this course meets
today’s requirements.

do you agree the content of this course should be more towards verbal communication rather
than written?
strongly agree
Strongly Disagree
Remarks: 15.4 percent were strongly agreed, 46.2 percent were agreed, 23.1 percent were
neutral and 15.4 percent were disagreed. So mostly agreed that content of this course should
be more towards the verbal communication rather than written.

do you agree the environment of class was well maintained and formal?
strongly agree
Strongly Disagree
Remarks: 23.1 percent were strongly agreed, 61.5 percent were agreed, 7.7 percent were
neutral and 7.7 percent were disagreed. So mostly agreed that environment of class was well
and good.
this course has improved your communication skills
strongly agree
Strongly Disagree
Remarks: 15.4 percent were strongly agreed, 46.2 percent were agreed, 23.1 percent were
neutral and 15.4 percent were disagreed. So mostly said this course has helped in
communication skills.

do you think throughout course you have covered all necessary letters that will use in corporate
strongly agree
Strongly Disagree
Remarks: 30.8 percent were strongly agreed, 53.8 percent were agreed, 7.7 percent were
neutral and 7.7 percent were disagreed. Mostly agreed we have covered all the necessary
letters that will help us in corporate world.

do you think instructor of this course was able to make this course understandable?
strongly agree
Strongly Disagree
Remarks: 38.5 percent were strongly agreed; 53.8 percent were agreed 7.7 percent were

After the study and analyze the statistics of google form, I have concluded that, the course of
business communication is very important specially for the business students, because students
should have an idea and pattern, how to write the proposals letters and reports in creative and
formal way. survey that I conducted, states that this course has helped out in the both writing
and communication skills. But in the world many people or commonly we can say that outliers,
they were strongly disagreed at most things where most of the people are agreed.

Based upon survey, based upon personal observation, I have concluded

 The course is designed in such that it helps in our corporate world.

 The content of this course is absolutely as same as today’s corporate needs
 The writing of business related letters is related with today’s corporate world
 The session of CV writing was absolutely amazing, it changed our mentality and
approach about job interviews and stereotype of CGPA that we have made this.
 The instructor of our course, Sir Usama Abdul Rahman is amazing personality, in every
class we did not feel bored, the way he teaches, the way he talks, no doubt he is the
best ever, we are feeling lucky, we are the students of Sir Usama Abdul Rahman.
 All are agreed at one point, the course of Business communication is not only important
for business students, but it is important for other felid also.
 The understanding of cultural values is important, because from this we will learn about
other, and it helps us, when we communicate with stranger, so the cross cultural
communication has helped us in communication in diversity.

Missed things:

 The course is more focused to written communication

 The course is rigid according to survey
 The course need to be ready for upcoming challenges
 It is more towards letter writing on paper, despite E-mail.

The course was more towards written communication; it should be towards verbal
communication, because from that we will improve our communication skills.

The cross cultural communication, the presentations were good to understand the cross
cultural communication, but the research based work should be there.

The course should touch the technological practices, that in today’s world most companies shift
to the online work (work from home).

The course should do more formal talks, for instance when two companies do contract, the use
the talks and formal meetings are under process of contract. In this course’s content the formal
meeting should be included where two companies (informal group of students) will contract
with each other and use the business talks and official meeting.

Appendix A


I believe that the course of Business Communication was easy

 strongly agree
 Agree
 Neutral
 Disagree
 Strongly Disagree

I believe that, after the course of business communication I will write both direct
and indirect letters in creative and formal way
 strongly agree
 Agree
 Neutral
 Disagree
 Strongly Disagree

I believe that this course has improved my communication skills that will help me
in corporate world
 strongly agree
 Agree
 Neutral
 Disagree
 Strongly Disagree

I believe that this course improved our both writing and communication skills
 strongly agree
 Agree
 Neutral
 Disagree
 Strongly Disagree

do you think content of course meets todays formal communication requirements

 strongly agree
 Agree
 Neutral
 Disagree
 Strongly Disagree

do you agree the content of this course should be more towards verbal
communication rather than written?
 strongly agree
 Agree
 Neutral
 Disagree
 Strongly Disagree

do you agree the environment of class was well maintained and formal?
 strongly agree
 Agree
 Neutral
 Disagree
 Strongly Disagree

this course has improved your communication skills

 strongly agree
 Agree
 Neutral
 Disagree
 Strongly Disagree

do you think throughout course you have covered all necessary letters that will
use in corporate sector?
 strongly agree
 Agree
 Neutral
 Disagree
 Strongly Disagree
do you think instructor of this course was able to make this course
 strongly agree
 Agree
 Neutral
 Disagree
 Strongly Disagree

Appendix B



I believe that the course of Business Communication was easy

I believe that, after the course of business communication I will write both direct and
indirect letters in creative and formal way

I believe that this course has improved my communication skills that will help me in corporate

I believe that this course improved our both writing and communication skills
do you think content of course meets todays formal communication requirements?

do you agree the content of this course should be more towards verbal communication rather
than written?

do you agree the environment of class was well maintained and formal?
this course has improved your communication skills

do you think throughout course you have covered all necessary letters that will use in corporate

do you think instructor of this course was able to make this course understandable?

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