Hanhan 2001
Hanhan 2001
Hanhan 2001
Usama A. Hanhan, MD, Mariano R. Fiallos, MD,
and James P. Orlowski, MD
The cause of SE varies according to the age group studied. In adults, the
largest group of patients are those with an underlying seizure disorder in whom
SE develops as a result of drug withdrawal or in whom alcohol use is a f a ~ t o r . ~
Other causes include acute central nervous system (CNS) injury, such as stroke,
anoxic insults, tumors, and meningitis.
In a group of children with SE, Aicardi and Chevrie' reported that 26% of
the patients had an acute insult to the CNS or a metabolic disorder and that
21% had an underlying chronic seizure disorder or static encephalopathy. In this
group of children, sudden discontinuation of antiepileptic medications and fever
were the commonest precipitants. The remaining 53% had no apparent cause.
Of this group of patients, however, fever was thought to have provoked the SE
in half.
In another study, Maytal et all3 reported that approximately one fourth of
From the Division of Pediatrics, Department of Critical Care Medicine, University Commu-
nity Hospital, Tampa (UAH, MRF, PO); Department of Pediatrics, NOVA Southeast-
em University, Ft. Lauderdale (UAH); and Department of Pediatrics, Critical Care,
and Medical Ethics, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida (JPO)
children with SE had fever as the precipitant event; one fourth had a previous
neurologic problem; one fourth had an acute symptomatic event, such as anoxia,
trauma, hemorrhage, anticonvulsant withdrawal, or CNS infection; and one
fourth had no apparent cause of SE.
The main goals of the treatment of SE are to (1) maintain adequate vital
functions with prevention of systemic complications, (2) terminate the seizure
activity safely and quickly while minimizing treatment-related morbidity, and
(3) evaluate and treat any underlying causes.
The management of patients with SE requires prompt intervention. As with
any other acute medical emergency, the initial goals of therapy are maintenance
of adequate airway, breathing, and circulation, with particular attention to pre-
venting hypoxia. Accordingly, the first step in management, before attempting
to stop the seizures, is providing adequate oxygenation.
The patient should be positioned to avoid aspiration and physical injury.
Airway patency may be maintained by a plastic oral airway device or a nasopha-
ryngeal device, if tolerated. Tongue blades or other foreign metal objects in the
mouth should be avoided because they can cause severe oral injury. Oxygen
should be administered by a nasal cannula or a nonrebreathing mask. Patients
with SE are continuously at risk for respiratory failure and inadequate ventila-
tion, and many of the drugs used to terminate seizures are respiratory depres-
sants. Therefore, the treating physician continuously and repeatedly must assess
adequacy of oxygenation and ventilation and be prepared to intervene and
intubate the patient at any time if there is any clinical or laboratory indication
of respiratory insufficiency or if the SE becomes refractory to the standard
therapy. If intubation becomes necessary, the rapid-sequence technique should
be used.
Some patients with SE require muscle relaxants to facilitate mechanical
ventilation. In these patients, clinical seizure activity no longer can be used to
guide and titrate anticonvulsant therapy, and continuous EEG monitoring should
be considered. Maintenance of airway, breathing, and circulation is assessed best
by direct physical examination, vital signs, and monitoring of the electrocardio-
gram (ECG) and pulse oximetry.
The next steps in management are to establish a secure intravenous catheter
for obtaining blood samples for laboratory studies and to administer intravenous
fluids and anticonvulsant drugs. The patient should have a rapid determination
of the blood glucose level at the bedside. Other initial laboratory studies should
include serum chemistries and electrolytes, blood gases, pH level, calcium and
magnesium levels, and a complete blood cell count. In addition, blood samples
for toxicology screens, liver function, blood cultures, and anticonvulsant levels
should be collected and some blood kept for additional testing if indicated later.
Several crucial laboratory studies can be performed at the bedside using
point-of-care (POC) testing systems, including measurement of blood gases,
electrolytes, calcium, and glucose, which enables the treating physician to treat
and correct any abnormalities promptly. If hypoglycemia is found or suspected,
2 mL/kg of 25%dextrose solution should be administered. Maintenance intrave-
nous fluids should be started next, unless the patient clearly is dehydrated.
Metabolic acidosis is common among patients with SE, and it usually resolves
after seizure control has been achieved. If however, the patient is in shock
or hypotensive, intravenous fluid resuscitation and pressor therapy should be
administered. Intravenous bicarbonate therapy rarely is necessary.
The initial stabilization phase of patients with SE usually is accomplished
within the first 10 minutes after presentation to the emergency department.
Specific anticonvulsant therapy then is initiated.
Although the definition of SE incorporates a 30-minute duration, which is
useful for research and publications, it can be misleading in terms of treatment
The benzodiazepines are effective, highly potent, and rapidly acting antiepi-
leptic agents. They also are administered easily and are effective in controlling
generalized and partial seizures and therefore often are preferred as initial
therapy for SE.
Drug Initial IV Dose Rate of Infusion Maximum Single Dose Remarks
Diazepam 0.3 mg/kg 2 mg/min 10 mg* Sedation, apnea, respiratory depression, hypotension;
must be followed by phenytoin loading
Lorazep am 0.05-0.1 mg/kg 0.5-2 mg/min 4 mg Same side effects as diazepam; may repeat after 5-7
min if needed
Phenytoin 20 mg/kg 1 mg/kg/min 1500 m g / d t Cardiovascular collapse with rapid IV infusion;
(max, 50 mg/min) arrhythmias, hypotension; mix only with N/S
Fosphenytoin 15-20 mg PE/kg 3 mg/kg/min 1500 m g / d t Require BP and ECG monitoring; same side effects
(max, 150 mg/min) as phenytoin, less risk for hypotension and
phlebitis; limited pharmacokinetic data in children
Phenobarbital 20 mg/kg 2 mg/kg/min 1000 mg/dt Hypotension and respiratory depression, especially if
(max, 30 mg/min) used after benzodiazepines
*May require less of initial dose if seizure terminates before completing the dose.
tMonitor drug levels.
IV = intravenous; N/S = normal saline; BP = blood pressure; ECG = electrocardiogram.
Drug Initial IV Dose (mgkg) Maintenance Infusion Remarks
Pentobarbital 0.5-5.0 mg/kg/h Significant respiratory and hemodynamic adverse effects;
titrate drip to seizure control or burst suppression
Midazolam 0.15 1 pg/kg/min Increase as needed every 15 min; respiratory depression;
fewer hemodynamic adverse effects than pentobarbital
Propofol 1-3 2-10 mg/kg/h Rapid infusion can cause apnea; fewer hemodynamic
adverse effects than pentobarbital; quick recovery time
Diazepam is highly lipid soluble and appears in the brain as quickly as 1
minute after injection, with a median time to terminate a seizure of 2 minutes.
Its antiepileptic effect, however, lasts only 20 to 30 minutes. In children, the
initial dose is 0.3 mg/kg intravenously over 2 minutes (maximum, 10 mg).
Because of its short antiepileptic effect, if diazepam is used to treat SE, a
longer-acting agent, such as phenytoin, fosphenytoin, or phenobarbital, must be
Diazepam administered per rectum (0.5 mg/kg) is valuable in premonitory
SE when intravenous access or intravenous injections are unavailable.
Lorazepam is less lipid soluble than is diazepam, but it is almost as fast as
diazepam in controlling seizures, with a median time to end a seizure of 3
minutes. Unlike diazepam, lorazepam has a long antiepileptic effect (12-24 h),
giving lorazepam an important advantage over diazepam as initial therapy for
SE. If seizures are controlled with lorazepam, it becomes less imperative to use
additional long-acting drugs immediately, such as phenytoin or phenobarbital,
to maintain seizure control. The dose in children is 0.1 mg/kg intravenously
(maximum, 4 mg). It is infused over 1 or 2 minutes and may be repeated in 5
to 7 minutes, if needed. Like diazepam, its likelihood of effectiveness decreases
if multiple dosages have been unsuccessful. Adverse effects of benzodiazepines
include respiratory depression, apnea, and hypotension.
Phenobarbital is a potent, long-acting antiepileptic agent that has been used
for many years in the treatment of seizures. It is a depressant drug and can lead
Midazolam is a water-soluble imidazole benzodiazepine with a short elimi-
nation half-life of 1.5 to 3.5 hours. Commonly used as a sedative hypnotic and
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