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Object Oriented Programming With JAVA 4341602

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Object Oriented Programming with JAVA Course Code: 4341602


Competency-focused Outcome-based Green Curriculum-2021 (COGC-2021)

Semester -IV

Course Title: Object Oriented Programming with JAVA

(Course Code: 4341602)

Diploma programme in which this course is offered Semester in which offered

Information Technology 4th Semester

Java is a general-purpose computer programming language; it is platform independent,
open-source, class-based, and object-oriented with enriched open source libraries. It is a
simple, portable, distributive, robust, secure, dynamic, architecture neutral, object oriented
programming language. It has idealized ‘virtual machine’ that allows application developers
“write once, run anywhere", meaning that compiled Java code can run on all platforms that
support Java without the need for recompilation. In the current industrial scenario Java has
the broad industry support and prerequisite to many technologies like Java Server Pages,
and Android Application Development. This course develops necessary skills in students,
after learning this course; students will be able to develop object oriented applications using

The purpose of this course is to help the student to attain the following industry identified
competency through various teaching-learning experiences:
 Develop a program using object oriented programming concepts with java to solve
the given problems.


The student will develop underpinning knowledge, adequate programming skills of
competency for implementing various applications using object oriented programming with
java to attain the following course outcomes.
 Understand OOP (Object-Oriented Programming) concepts with java.
 Understand building blocks of OOPs language, inheritance, package and interfaces.
 Implement exception handling and multithreading in object oriented programs.
 Develop an object oriented program handling a Text file.


Teaching Scheme Total Examination Scheme
(In Hours) Credits
Theory Marks Practical Marks
(L+T/2+P/2) Total Marks
3 - 4 5 30 70 25 25 150

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Object Oriented Programming with JAVA Course Code: 4341602

(*): Out of 30 marks under the theory CA, 10 marks are for assessment of the micro-project
to facilitate integration of COs and the remaining 20 marks is the average of 2 tests to be
taken during the semester for the assessing the attainment of the cognitive domain UOs
required for the attainment of the COs.
Legends: L-Lecture; T – Tutorial/Teacher Guided Theory Practice; P -Practical; C – Credit, CA -
Continuous Assessment; ESE -End Semester Examination.


The following practical outcomes (PrOs) are the subcomponents of the COs. These PrOs
need to be attained to achieve the COs.

S. Unit
Practical Outcomes (PrOs) Hrs.
No. No.
Install JDK and Setup a Java Programming development I 01
environment by using:
1 1) Command Prompt (SET PATH command and using
Environment Variable).
2) Any open source IDE (Eclipse, Jcreater etc)
Test the java development environment setup by implementing a I 01
simple java program (print: “OOP with JAVA”).
Develop a basic java program that demonstrates data types of I 01
Develop a Java program to swap two numbers without using a I 01
4 temporary variable and with using a temporary variable (use
command line argument to accept value from user).
Develop programs to demonstrate use of - I 01
5 1) if statement and its different form
2) switch case statement
Develop program to demonstrate use of- I 01
6 1) for loop
2) ‘while’ and ‘do while’ loop
Develop a Java program to find maximum and minimum numbers I 01
from array elements.
Develop a basic java program that demonstrates the use of Class & II 01
Develop a java program to find the factorial of a given number II 02
using a recursive function.
Develop a java program that demonstrates method overloading. II 02
Develop a program for implementation of different functions of II 02
11 String class.
Develop a program for implementation of Wrapper Class to II 02
12 convert primitive value into object (Boxing) and object into
primitive value (Un-boxing).

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Object Oriented Programming with JAVA Course Code: 4341602

Develop a program with a static block and show that it will be II 01

13 executed before the main ( ) method in a class.

14 Develop a program to demonstrate use of static functions. II 01

15 Develop a program to demonstrate use of ‘this’ keyword. Check II 02

whether ‘this’ can access the private members of the class or not.
Develop a program with an overloaded constructor. Also develop II 02
16 the copy constructor to create a new object with the state of the
existing object.
Develop a program to demonstrate the use of private constructor II 02
17 and also write a method which will count the number of instances
created using default constructor only.

18 Develop a program to demonstrate single inheritance, multilevel III 02

inheritance, and hierarchical inheritance.
Develop a program with one class named shape which has two III 02

19 member functions named erase () and draw (). In the program we

have three other subclasses: circle, triangle and square. override
methods of the superclass into subclasses.

20 Develop a program for implementation of Dynamic method III 02


21 Develop a java program that demonstrates the use of Abstract III 02

Develop a java program that illustrates interface inheritance. III 02
Interface ‘A1’ and ‘A2’ are extended from interface ‘A’. Interface
22 ‘A12’ inherited from both ‘A1’ and ‘A2’. Each interface declares
one method and one constant. Class ‘Interface_Imple’ implements
‘A12’. Instantiate ‘Interface_Imple’ and invoke each of its methods.
Each method displays one of the constants.
Develop a program to create a Package and demonstrate how III 02
23 packages are used in java. And use java access modifier to
demonstrate the access rules in a package.

24 Develop a program to demonstrate the use of ‘super’ and ‘final’ III 02


25 Develop programs to demonstrate the use of Exception Handling IV 02

using predefined Exception Classes.

26 Develop a program to handle multiple exceptions using multiple IV 02

try blocks and multiple catch blocks.
27 Develop a program to implement user defined exceptions. IV 02

28 Develop a program to demonstrate use of throw, throws, and IV 02

finally keyword.

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Object Oriented Programming with JAVA Course Code: 4341602

Develop a program that executes two threads. One thread displays IV 02

29 “Java Programming” every 2 seconds, and the other displays

“Semester - 4th” every 5 seconds.(Create the threads by extending
the Thread class)
Develop a program that executes two threads. One thread will IV 02

30 print the even numbers and the another thread will print odd
numbers between 1 to 10.(Create the thread by implementing
runnable interface)
Develop a program to demonstrate use of synchronization of IV 02
31 threads when multiple threads are trying to update a common

32 Develop programs to create, write, modify, read operations on V 04

Text files.
Total 56
i. More Practical Exercises can be designed and offered by the respective course teacher to
develop the industry relevant skills/outcomes to match the COs. The above table is only a
suggestive list.
ii. The following are some sample ‘Process’ and ‘Product’ related skills (more may be
added/deleted depending on the course) that occur in the above listed Practical Exercises
of this course required which are embedded in the COs and ultimately the competency..

S. No. Sample Performance Indicators for the PrOs Weightage in %

1 Representation of classes and objects. 20
2 Coding methodology. 30
3 Testing and Debugging of the program. 20
4 Correctness of Program. 20
5 Submission in time. 10
Total 100


This major equipment/instrument/software with broad specifications for the PrOs is a guide
to procure them by the administrators. This will ensure conduction of practical’s in all
institutions across the state in the proper way so that the desired skills are developed in
S. PrO. No.
Equipment Name with Broad Specifications
1 Computer system with latest configuration.
2 JDK 1.8 (Java Development Kit) or above.
Text-Editor: Notepad or any other.
Open Source IDE: Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, Jcreator or any other.

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Object Oriented Programming with JAVA Course Code: 4341602

The following sample Affective Domain Outcomes (ADOs) are embedded in many of the
above-mentioned COs and PrOs. More could be added to fulfill the development of this
a) Work as a leader/a team member.
b) Follow ethical practices.
The ADOs are best developed through the laboratory/field based exercises. Moreover, the
level of achievement of the ADOs according to Krathwohl’s ‘Affective Domain Taxonomy’
should gradually increase as planned below:
i. ‘Valuing Level’ in 1st year
ii. ‘Organization Level’ in 2nd year.
iii. ‘Characterization Level’ in 3rd year.

Only the major Underpinning Theory is formulated as higher-level UOs of Revised Bloom’s
taxonomy in order development of the COs and competency is not missed out by the
students and teachers. If required, more such higher-level UOs could be included by the
course teacher to focus on the attainment of COs and competency.
Unit Unit Outcomes (UOs) Topics and Sub-topics
Unit – I 1.1. Describe 1.1.1 Introduction to programming
Programming paradigm, types of programming
Introduction to Paradigm. paradigm.
Object Oriented 1.2. Differentiate 1.2.1 Procedure-Oriented vs. Object-
Programming between POP and Oriented Programming concept.
paradigm. OOP. 1.3.1 Basics of OOP: Class, Object, data
1.3. Understand abstraction, encapsulation,
important OOP inheritance, benefits of
fundamentals. inheritance, polymorphism.
1.4. Understand basics 1.4.1 Basics of Java, Background/History
of java of Java, Java and the Internet,
programming and Advantages of Java.
environment setup 1.4.2 JDK, JRE, JVM, and Byte code.
of Java. 1.4.3 Java Environment Setup.
1.4.4 Java program structure.
1.4.5 Compiling and running a simple
java program.
1.4.6 Comments in java, data types,
variables, scope and lifetime of
variables, operators, type
conversion and casting, Control
Statements – If, else, nested if, if-
else ladders, Switch, while, do-
while, for, for-each, break,
continue, arrays in java.
1.4.7 Command line argument
1.4.8 Garbage Collection.

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Unit – II 2.1. Define Objects and 2.1.1 Defining classes, creating objects
Classes and and methods, Passing and
Object Oriented methods. Returning object form Method,
Programming 2.2. Differentiate String Method overloading.
Concepts. and StringBuffer 2.2.1 String class, StringBuffer class,
class. Operations on string, StringJoiner
2.3. Explain Constructor class, Wrapper Class.
with its types. 2.2.2 Access control, modifiers, this
keyword, static keyword.
2.3.1 Constructors: Default constructors,
Parameterized constructors, Copy
constructors, Private constructor,
and Constructor Overloading.
Unit-III 3.1. Explain Inheritance 3.1.1 Basics of Inheritance, Types of
with its types. Inheritance, Method overriding,
Inheritance, 3.2. Describe abstract super and final keyword.
Interface and class and Interface. 3.1.2 Basics of Polymorphism, Types of
Package. 3.3. Describe Creating Polymorphism, Difference
package, importing between method overloading and
package, access method overriding.
rules for packages, 3.1.3 Dynamic method dispatch &
class hiding rules in Object class.
a package. 3.2.1 Abstract classes v/s Interfaces,
defining an interface,
implementing interfaces, extending
interfaces, default method, lambda
3.3.1 Creating package, setting a
CLASSPATH, adding class and
interfaces to a package, importing
package, static import
3.3.2 Java access modifier, Access and
class hiding rules in a package.

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Unit-IV 4.1. Explain exceptions

4.1.1 Fundamentals of Exception and
with its type. Errors, Types of Exception.
Exception Handling 4.2. Define thread, 4.1.2 Using try and catch in Exception,
& Multithreaded creating threads, Multiple catch clauses, Use of
Programming. setting up thread nested try statements.
priority & thread4.1.3 Throw and throws keywords, and
synchronization. finally clause.
4.1.4 Built in exceptions, creating own
exception subclasses, Java Optional
4.2.1 Basics of Multithreading, The Java
thread model and main thread,
Creation of thread by extending
Thread class, implementing
Runnable interface.
4.2.2 Life cycle of a thread.
4.2.3 Thread priorities, Thread
synchronization, inter thread
communication, alive () &join () in
4.2.4 Exception handling in threads
Unit-V 5.1. Explain basics of 5.1.1 Introduction to Stream, types of
streams, stream Stream.
File handling in classes, creation, 5.1.2 Stream classes and its hierarchy,
Java. reading and writing I/O classes: File Class, File
files in context to InputStream, File Output Stream,
file handling. InputStreamReader,
OutputStreamWriter, FileReader,
FileWriter, Buffered Reader.
5.1.3 Reading and writing text files.
Note: The UOs need to be formulated at the ‘Application Level’ and above of Revised
Bloom’s Taxonomy’ to accelerate the attainment of the COs and the competency.
Unit Unit Title Teaching Distribution of Theory Marks
No. Hours R U A Total
Level Level Marks
I Introduction to Object Oriented 10 06 06 04 16
Programming paradigm
II Object Oriented Programming 06 04 04 04 12
III Inheritance, Interface and Package. 10 04 06 06 16
IV Exception Handling & 10 04 06 06 16
Multithreaded Programming.
V File handling in Java. 06 00 06 04 10
Total 42 18 28 24 70

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Legends: R=Remember, U=Understand, A=Apply and above (Revised Bloom’s taxonomy)

Note: This specification table provides general guidelines to assist students for their learning
and to teachers to teach and question paper designers/setters to formulate test
items/questions assess the attainment of the UOs. The actual distribution of marks at
different taxonomy levels (of R, U and A) in the question paper may vary slightly from the
above table.


Other than the classroom and laboratory learning, following are the suggested student-
related co-curricular activities which can be undertaken to accelerate the attainment of the
various outcomes in this course: Students should conduct following activities in group and
prepare reports of about 5 pages for each activity, also collect/record physical evidences for
their (student’s) portfolio which will be useful for their placement interviews:
a) Prepare a report based on practical performed in the laboratory.
b) Undertake micro-projects in teams
c) Give a seminar on any relevant topics.


These are sample strategies, which the teacher can use to accelerate the attainment of the
various outcomes in this course:
a) Massive open online courses (MOOCs) may be used to teach various
b) Guide student(s) in undertaking micro-projects.
c) ‘L’ in section No. 4 means different types of teaching methods that is to be
employed by teachers to develop the outcomes.
d) About 20% of the topics/sub-topics which are relatively simpler or descriptive in
nature is to be given to the students for self-learning, but to be assessed using
different assessment methods.
e) With respect to section No.10, teachers need to ensure to create opportunities and
provisions for co-curricular activities.
f) Guide students for open source editors.


Only one micro-project is planned to be undertaken by a student that needs to be assigned
to him/her in the beginning of the semester. In the first four semesters, the micro-project is
group-based. However, in the fifth and sixth semesters, it should be preferably be
individually undertaken to build up the skill and confidence in every student to become
problem solver so that s/he contributes to the projects of the industry. In special situations
where groups have to be formed for micro-projects, the number of students in the group
should not exceed three.
The micro-project could be industry application based, internet-based, workshop-
based, laboratory-based or field-based. Each micro-project should encompass two or more
COs which are in fact, an integration of PrOs, UOs and ADOs. Each student will have to
maintain a dated work diary consisting of individual contributions in the project work and
give a seminar presentation of it before submission. The total duration of the micro-project
should not be less than 16 (sixteen) student engagement hours during the course. The

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student ought to submit a micro-project by the end of the semester to develop the industry
oriented COs.

A suggestive list of micro-projects is given here. This has to match the competency and the
COs. Similar micro-projects could be added by the concerned course teacher:
Case Study 1: Develop a Banking management application that provides following services to
1. Customers can view their account details such as type of account, available
balance etc.
2. He/she can perform transactions (i. e. Cash Deposit and Withdraw).
Case Study 2: Develop a simple college management application that provides following
1. Stores Details of college, departments, and students (use inheritance to define
class hierarchy).
2. Shows exam results of Students (Result of Individual student, %pass, %fail, top-
3 students, etc).

Case Study 3: Develop a library book issue management system.


S. Author
Title of Book Publication with place, year and ISBN
1 Java: The Complete Herbert Schildt McGraw Hill Education, 11th Edition
Reference ISBN-13 : 1220440232-879
2 Programming with Balagurusamy E. McGraw Hill Education, 5th Edition
Java ISBN-13:978-93-5134-320-2
3 Java 8 Programming DT Editorial Dreamtech Press,New Delhi,
Black Book Services ISBN:978-93-5119-758-4


1. Java Development Kit:


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Object Oriented Programming with JAVA Course Code: 4341602

Semester II Object Oriented Programming with JAVA(Course Code: 4341602)

POs and PSOs
PO 1 Basic PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7
& Discipline Problem Design/ Engineering Engineering Project Life-long
Competency specific Analysis developme Tools, practices for Manag learning
& Course Outcomes knowledge nt of Experimenta society, ement
solutions tion And sustainability &
Testing environment
Develop a program using object oriented programming concepts with java to solve the given problem.
Course Outcomes
Understand OOP
(Object-Oriented 3 2 3 2 2 - 3
concepts with java.
Understand building
blocks of OOPs
language, inheritance, 3 2 3 3 2 2 3
package and
Implement exception
handling and
multithreading in 3 3 3 3 2 2 3
object oriented
Develop an object
oriented program
2 3 3 3 2 2 3
handling Text and
JSON file.
Legend: ‘3’ for high, ‘2’ for medium, ‘1’ for low or ‘-’ for the relevant correlation of each
competency, CO, with PO/ PSO


GTU Resource Persons

Name and Designation Institute Email
Ruchik N. Jani L. E. College
Lecturer in I.T. (Polytechnic), Morbi.
Shilpa K. Rathod L. E. College
Lecturer in I.T. (Polytechnic), Morbi.
Suryadeepsinh P. Jadeja L. E. College
Lecturer in I.T. (Polytechnic), Morbi.
Ajaypalsinh. S. Gohil
4 Sir B. P. T. I, Bhavnagar
Lecturer in I.T.

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