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org © 2022 IJCRT | Volume 10, Issue 3 March 2022 | ISSN: 2320-2882

A Six Sigma application for the reduction of defects

in a rubber products manufacturing industry
Prof. Dhwani Bhavsar1, Akshat Doshi 2, Boddeti Yogesh Kumar 3
1. Assistant Professor, Parul Institute of Management & Research (MBA), Parul University, Vadodara
391760, India
2. Student, PIET (MBA), Parul University, Vadodara 391760, India
3. Student, PIET (MBA), Parul University, Vadodara 391760, India

improvements in quality in their processes and continue

striving for excellence. In globalization times, the
ABSTRACT competition between organizations is highly intensified thus
A quality improvement program whose methodology is to its almost absolutely necessary for them to provide with
look at processes with a view to analyze their process superior quality products in order to gain advantage and stay
steps, determine what elements need improvement, ahead from their competitors, hence DMAIC, also known as
develop alternate strategies for improvement and finally the problem-solving methodology of six sigma is regarded
select and implement one is called as Six Sigma. The main as one of the better techniques used by industries to improve
advantage of selecting Six Sigma project is that it helps to the most important aspect of any product, that is ‘quality’.
generate potential savings in improving any process which This paper can also be used as a reference which can guide
maybe any for example production, administration, the top-level management personnel, the managers working
services or engineering. under them and also the various engineers working for them
This paper exhibits an empirical application of Six Sigma in the organization
and DMAIC in order to carry out the reduction of product
defects within a rubber hose manufacturing organization.
Keywords : Six Sigma, defects, quality, hoses, DMAIC,
It sticks to follow the DMAIC methodology to
manufacturing, leakage.
methodically evaluate the root cause of those defects and
hand over a feasible solution to reduce or eliminate them.
In particular it was observed that the oven’s temperature INTRODUCTION
as well as the speed of conveyer had a significant impact Due to tough and neck to neck competition and increasing
on the number of defects, so it was necessary to evaluate demands and needs of customers, every industry or
their optimum values in order to accomplish our aim organization has been forced to work on achieving a single
which is to reduce or eliminate the defects. The primary utmost feature of the product which is its quality which
concern of defects was the leakage in the hoses. Hoses are might help them maintain their reputation and hold over
extensively used in automobiles and hence this type of the market. This is an organization which manufactures rubber
defect becomes a major concern because it might lead to hoses hence its aim about striving for quality itself should
huge losses to the life of vehicle as well as the life human be a big deal for the organization in order to maintain its
who are inside the vehicles having defective hoses. After hold over market and compete in it. There are many general
employing Six Sigma and DMAIC, and through analysis defects which come into the picture as soon as we talk about
the aim was to reduce the number of defects by 50 percent manufacturing of rubber products namely holes, stains,
which will hence help the organization to reduce costs. marks, etc. It is very clear to understand that the
The study mentioned in the paper helps to carry out a vivid consumption of materials, time and manpower increases due
demonstration of how the application of Six Sigma and to rework which is a direct effect of generation of defects in
DMAIC can help any manufacturing organizations to the product. Along with these things various other
overcome difficulties in production defects and costs parameters like inspection, service to customers, scrap
associated with their rework and thus achieve costs, inventory management are all affected due to the

IJCRT2203332 International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) c849 © 2022 IJCRT | Volume 10, Issue 3 March 2022 | ISSN: 2320-2882
generation of defects in the product. DMAIC is associated with continuous learnings by Deming
As much as these factors lead to affect operational costs and the infamous PDCA model (plan, do, act, check)
or manufacturing costs but the most important factor will It gives a step-by-step indication about how the problems
be customer dissatisfaction, hence it becomes important to need to be addressed, the grouping of quality tools and along
supply flawless hoses for the growth of organization with it about the establishment of a standardized and well-
One of the most essential elements of six sigma is DMAIC formed routine to find the answers to the problems. This
(define, measure, analyses, improve, control). Alongside well-formed and well-structured plan is what many pundits
with this model, few statistical tools for quality conclude that is the major characteristic which makes the
improvement such as Pareto chart, cause and effect six-sigma process effective. DMAIC is considered a model
analysis, etc. were used and are presented in the paper. used for learning and it also stresses on the importance of
Initially the paper focuses on the review of theory of six data collection and its respective analysis which comes or
sigma and DMAIC and principles associated with it plus precedes the execution of the improvement aspect of any
its advantages and optimistic impact on the growth of the product.
industry. DMAIC are the initials for define, measure, Hence along with experience and knowledge, the people
analyze, improve and control. Few terms are also using DMAIC are able to take decisions on basis of real
necessary in implementation of six sigma mentioned here: scientific facts and methods.
Even though different process improvement techniques and
problem-solving methods such as 7 STEP method, QC
story, ADDIE, FADE have been initiated and developed by
Define− Understand and define the needs of customer many industries but out of all of them, DMAIC is reputedly
Identify− Identify the customer and project parameters. titles as one of the best and widely used and this is due to
Design− To design the project which meets customer the fact of its essential element six sigma and lean six sigma.
needs. Optimize− To determine various process capability
and identify the most optimum Rubber gloves manufacturing process
Verify− Validation and review of the design Due to the increasing competition in the automotive sector,
the demand of good quality rubber hoses has also
expanded.For example, JCB has a requirement of rubber
LITERATURE REVIEW hoses having higher strength than standard value because of
In quality term, sigma is utilized to measure the variation its application in JCB vehicles. Also, this industry exports
in the output, however this word is originated from Greek the hoses to various countries like the USA, UK, Germany,
terminology etc. hence quality of hoses needs to be absolutely premium.
The Sigma Level generally is an indication about the Thus, the company needs to focus on the improvement in
performance of the organization. Generally six sigma their manufacturing environment and standards that should
refers to 3.4 defects per million opportunities or in simple ultimately satisfy the demands and needs of their customer.
language it refers to owning a process which only The manufacturing of rubber hoses comprises of various
produces 3.4 units of defects per every one million processes or steps namely raw material testing,
products produced. compounding, vulcanizing, quality control, packing, etc.
Pundits like Brue and Howes have also regarded Six
Sigma as a management strategy and philosophy
Primarily, six sigma narrows down on characteristics METHODOLOGY
which are critical and relevant to customers. Taking this
into account, the defects and problems that may affect the The following section represents a practical application of
performance of process is identified and eliminated. Six Sigma and DMAIC, in the rubber hose manufacturing
industry. The whole section is divided into various steps that
Bailey in 2001 told that six sigma has the highest record need to systematically carried out for improvement process.
of effectiveness amongst the relevant market approaches
like TQM, Lean Management, etc. Important advantages 1. DEFINE
that a company can gain by applying six sigma are The first stage in the six sigma and DMAIC methodology is
improvements in cycle time, elimination/reduction in called as define. Define stage gives information about scope
defects, reduction in costs and a notable rise in the profits and boundary of the project.
made by the company. It also aims to identify the voice of the customer means
Famous pundits like Keller and Pyzdek, Stamantis, Dale, customer requirements and goals of the respective project.
Markarian give their views on the fact that usage of six To ensure that the research is effective and in control and it
sigma is not just restricted to improvement of processes in has the strength to focus itself on the problem, we need to
the industries but can also be applied in the field of decide or define a boundary of the project.
purchasing, logistics, etc.
This research has a single purpose to deal with standard
In addition to their views Mr. Kumar in 2008 suggested hoses of medium size (90 degree bend). We know that in
that Six Sigma can also be applied to develop new business order for any process to get implemented we need the top
models in business processes. management on our side in agreement, thus obtaining and
IJCRT2203332 International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) c850 © 2022 IJCRT | Volume 10, Issue 3 March 2022 | ISSN: 2320-2882
defining objectives of this process becomes necessary. To Miscellaneous 1686 6.38
conclude with this stage, we prepare a project charter, to Dirty 788 3.19
state all the relevant information and structure of the
Total 6969 28.47

This part in the DMAIC model consists of thorough analysis
Detailed project charter methodology:
of the system, here the operational processes that is
PROJECT CHARTER- responsible for manufacturing of hoses, this is carried out to
Project Title: Defects reduction in rubber hoses reduce the distance between our set objectives and current
Background and reasons for selecting the project:
There are different tools and techniques used for analysis
A large amount of rubber hoses has been rejected by stage in DMAIC, they include hypothesis testing, design
customers due to they were defective. This problem causes
several types of losses to the company, for example: time, of experiments, cause and effect diagram, brainstorming,
materials, capital as well as it creates customers’ etc.
dissatisfaction, which negatively affects the organization’s Once the sequence of the process along with its inputs and
image. outputs were decided and understood there was an analysis
Project Objective: To reduce the defects by 50% after undertaken to figure out the root cause of the leakage defect.
applying Six Sigma into the hoses manufacturing process A number of brainstorming sessions took place to identify
about the issue as to why the defect is observed.
Voice of the Customer (VOC): Product’s quality
After taking all factors into account it was found that during
Project Boundary: Focusing the hoses solely on EPDM
the operational stages within the industry had a significant
Type of % Of % Of effect on the generation of defect of leakage.
defects defects defects Particularly two process factors namely temperature of oven
BEFORE AFTER and speed of conveyer had an effect on the defective hoses.
trial trial One more interesting thing which was observed was that
Leaking 18.9 8.05 both these causes had a relationship between each other
Miscellaneous 6.38 3.65 because the hoses need to be dried by using the heat from
Dirty 3.19 2.35 oven at the same time when they are being conveyed with
the help of rollers.
Total 28.47 14.05
hoses of “Medium” (M) size
Team members: Production manager, an experience shop- 4. IMPROVE
floor operator Now further the DMAIC stage emphasizes on tackling the
and the improvement project leader problem which was identified.
Expected Financial Benefits: A considerable cost saving Using ANOVA and hypothesis methodology it was
due to defects reduction statistically proven that speed and temperature had a
significant correlation with the number of defective hoses
Expected Customer Benefits: Receiving the product with
so now we have to fix an optimum temperature and speed
the expected quality
which would help in eliminating and reducing this defect.

This phase of DMAIC comprises of obtaining reliable
•C 600 650 700 750
metrics to help the process monitor towards the predefined
goal which is to reduce or eliminate defects in the rubber 1 278 189 156 147 2
hoses manufacturing process. One of the metrics used was 220 2 244 154 193 108 6
just stating the no. various types of defects. According to
the analysis and past records, there were two major types 3 253 173 129 83 8
of defects namely the leakage in the hoses and amount of 4 214 147 101 113 2
dirt on its surface. Remaining less frequent defects were
1 212 120 101 78 1
grouped in the miscellaneous category.
225 2 152 85 62 28 7
In this specific research we have defined the leakage
defect at those hoses which had one or more holes and 3 200 71 94 71 8
hence resulted in the leakage when they underwent quality 4 166 106 83 152 0
testing. The data was collected for 20 days.
1 189 41 78 232 2
Type of defects Number of Percentage of 230 2 150 60 127 173 1
defects defects 3 168 74 133 193 0
Leaking 4495 18.9
IJCRT2203332 International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) c851 © 2022 IJCRT | Volume 10, Issue 3 March 2022 | ISSN: 2320-2882
We can concur that our research presented a successful case
1 78 97 242 299 2
study about elimination / reduction of defective hoses in the
235 2 127 85 205 292 7rubber products manufacturing organization by six sigma
3 87 147 170 219 4principles and problem-solving methodology called
DMAIC. This paper shall be used as a reference or for
4 94 99 223 278 2
guidance towards application of six sigma methodology by
2758 1691 2192 2668 top management personnel, owner or managers of the
X = TOTAL NUMBER OF DEFECTS (UNITS) = 18616 organization for improvement in processes, projects and
thus working towards the growth of the organization.
Although the management was pretty sure about an
After observing the analysis, we got the results that oven’s
existing relation between the two variables, temperature of
temperature and speed of conveyer were primary reasons for
oven and speed of conveyer by seeing the number of
the production of defects and by modifying their values to
defective hoses, they gave allowance to conduct a design
of experiment which would help in validating the optimum an optimum value we found that there was a considerate
values of the responsible variables. Hence the experiment reduction in defects. The company realized SIX SIGMA
AND DMAIC problem solving methodology is effectively
was carried out to investigate or come to conclusion
helping the organization to reduce the number of defects.
whether the combination of factors had a negative sort of
effect on the process. A two-way analysis of variance Hence we conclude that long term benefits such as increase
ANOVA was used, it is a statistical model used for in productivity, cost benefits, cost savings, customer
comparing differences among average of two or more satisfaction, quality, etc will be achieved if the organization
parameters implements six sigma methodology continuously
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performed in order to verify them. A certain sample size 1. REFERENCES
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