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DP Contract - Full Document 4

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For the Use and Benefit of



INCLUDES: Form of Contract Contract-1 to Contract-4

Table of Contents i to ii
General Requirements 1 to 41
Exhibits A to G
Forms Packet Forms-1 to Forms-27
Supplementary Services Requirements 1








THIS DESIGN PROFESSIONAL CONTRACT (hereinafter “Contract”) is made this XX day of XXXX, between the
BOARD OF REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY SYSTEM OF GEORGIA, with an address at 270 Washington Street, Atlanta,
Georgia 30334, hereinafter “Owner,” for the use and benefit of [USING AGENCY HERE], hereinafter “Using
“Design Professional.”

Design Professional’s SSN or Business FEIN: ________________________

Georgia State Registration Number of the Registered Professional

sealing the Construction Documents: XXX




4. FEES.

a. Basic Design Services Fee: $0 which amount includes reimbursables does NOT include

b. Basic Construction Contract Administration Services Fee: $0 which amount includes

reimbursables does NOT include reimbursables.

c. Additional Services Fees (at Contract execution included in Basic Services Fee): $0
(See Exhibit A)

d. Additional Services Hourly Rates: (See Exhibit A-1)

e. Fees for design and administration of Change Orders that require design or redesign activities shall
be as follows:

4.0 % for design and 2.0 % for Construction Contract Administration multiplied by the cost of the work
of the change, unless the fee is not commensurate with the services required, in which case payment
shall be based on the hourly rates shown in Exhibit A-1 plus reimbursable expenses as set forth in
Article 4.1.3 or on agreed upon lump sum. PROVIDED that the Design Professional shall have given
notice in writing prior to execution of the extra services due to the Change Order, and the Owner shall
have consented in advance in writing, and PROVIDED FURTHER that no fees shall be paid for
redesign accomplished under the Design Professional’s Limited Design Warranty. (Paragraph

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f. The above fees include the following components to be designed and incorporated by Component
Change Orders: (List): N/A

g. Reimbursable Fee: Not-to-Exceed (NTE) $0.

5. CM/GC DESIGN COORDINATION MEETINGS AND SITE VISITS. The total number of visits by the
Design Professional and consultants during the Design, Pre-Construction, and Construction Contract
Administration Phase included in the fee for Basic Services are listed on Exhibit B. Design Professional
represents to the Owner that the amount of Site Visits are adequate to perform all the obligations required of
him by this Contract, including those services and inspections that are normally required of the Building Official.

6. APPROVAL OF CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. When the design is completed with all review
comments incorporated, the Design Professional shall furnish two complete sets of Construction Documents
including plans and specifications to the Owner and shall furnish one set each to the Using Agency and to the
Program Manager (if any) . The Design Professional must wait to receive the written approval of the Owner.
(See also Para. 2..2.1.3)

7. SCHEDULE. The Design Professional shall provide the services required by this Contract in
conformance with the approved Preliminary Design and Construction Schedule. The Design Professional
agrees to complete the Construction Documents not later than or not later than
calendar days following execution of this Contract. Individual Milestones for completion of construction
documents will be mutually agreed by the Owner and Design Professional.

8. REPRESENTATIONS. The Design Professional represents the following:

a. It is an organization of professionals experienced in the type of services the Owner is
engaging the Design Professional to perform;
b. It is authorized and licensed to provide professional services in the State of Georgia;
c. It is qualified, willing, and able to perform professional services for the Project;
d. It has the expertise and ability to provide professional services that will meet the Owner's
objectives and requirements; and
e. It has the expertise to comply with the requirements of all governmental, public, and quasi-
public authorities and agencies having jurisdiction over the Project.

9. CERTIFICATES. By executing this Contract, the Design Professional agrees that it has reviewed the
certificates required by the Design Professional Services Requirements and the Construction Documents,
which it must execute with reference to this Project. The Owner and Design Professional agree that the
required certifications do not require knowledge, services, or responsibilities that are beyond the scope of this

10. BUILDING OFFICIAL. The Owner and Design Professional acknowledge that there is no state building
official other than for Life Safety, Elevator, Building Accessibility, and Fire Safety rules, regulations, and codes.
Local government officials (e.g. county and municipal) have no enforcement powers over state authorities
except with regard to certain Georgia Environmental Protection Division permits. Road projects may be
delivered pursuant to DOT’s General Permit GAR 100001 or GAR 100002, which are available for use by
general contractors and are regulated directly by EPD. See 2009 Op. Att’’y Gen. 2009-6 The Design
Professional, under the supervision of the Interim Vice Chancellor for Facilities, acts as the Building Official for
Projects owned by the Board of Regents. (See Paragraph

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11. PROJECT DEVELOPMENT FILE. The Design Professional shall not proceed with the performance of
any professional services until he shall have received from the Owner a copy of the Project Development File
or Program that has been approved by the Office of Planning and Budget, State of Georgia.

is not subject to the provisions of the Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Construction Act of 2008 (“Energy
Act”). Projects subject to the Energy Act require commissioning, water-use reduction, and use of not less than
10% of Georgia products. Commissioning as required by the Energy Act shall be performed by a third
party commissioning agent the Design Professional a commissioning agent to be retained by the Design
Professional, who shall commission the items listed on the Commissioning Checklist included in the Forms
Packet. For information regarding the Energy Act requirements, Design Professional shall refer to the Energy
Efficiency and Sustainable Construction Standards for State Buildings as promulgated by the Georgia
Department of Community Affairs, a copy of which is available at

14. BOYCOTT OF ISRAEL. The Design Professional certifies that it is not currently, nor will it engage in during
the duration of this contract, a boycott of Israel as defined in the Official Code of Georgia (O.C.G.A. 50-5-85).

15. ENTIRE CONTRACT. The Design Professional Services Requirements and all Exhibits are incorporated
into and made a part of this Contract by reference. This Contract represents the entire and integrated Contract
between the Owner and the Design Professional and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, or
Contracts, either written or oral. This Contract may be amended only by written instrument signed by both the
Owner and the Design Professional.

[Signatures Begin on Next Page]

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IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto, by their duly authorized representatives, have executed this Contract
the day and year first written above.



(L.S.) By: ______________________________ (L.S.)

, Secretary , President










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Part 1 - Preliminary Matters

1.1.1 – Project Parameters
1.1.2 – Project Team
1.1.3 – Project Team Cooperation, Partnering
1.1.4 – The CM/GC Contract’s General Requirements
1.1.5 – Insurance
1.1.6 – Meaning of Terms

Part 2 - Responsibilities of the Parties

1.2.1 – Cooperation and Working Relationships
1.2.2 – Owner-Furnished Information
1.2.3 – Responsibilities of the Owner
1.2.4 – Responsibilities of the Design Professional
1.2.5 – Access to Records and Documents
1.2.6 – CM/GC Construction Management Delivery Requirements
1.2.7 – Owner’s Instructions to Design Professionals


Part 1 - Design Services

2.1.1 – General
2.1.2 – Instruments of Service
2.1.3 – Site Evaluation and Planning Services
2.1.4 – Schematic Design Services
2.1.5 – Design Development Services
2.1.6 – Construction Documents
2.1.7 – Proposal Documents
2.1.8 – CM/GC Construction Procurement Services
2.1.9 – Selecting the CM/GC
2.1.10 – Pre-Construction Design and Related Services
2.1.11 – Georgia Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Construction Act of 2008 Related Services

Part 2 – Construction Contract Administration Services

2.2.1 – General Administration
2.2.2 – Basic Office Services
2.2.3 – Basic Field Services
2.2.4 – Component Change Orders
2.2.5 – The GMP Change Order
2.2.6 – Processing the GMP Change Order
2.2.7 – Monitoring CM/GC Performance
2.2.8 – Responding to the CM/GC
2.2.9 – Evaluations of the Work
2.2.10 – Certification of Payments to the CM/GC
2.2.11 – Submittals
2.2.12 – Changes in the Work after the GMP Change Order
2.2.13 – Project Completion
2.2.14 – Record Drawings and Final Documents


Part 1 – Additional Design Services

3.1.1 – General
3.1.2 – Typical Additional Design Services
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3.1.3 – Other Additional Design Services

Part 2 – Additional Construction Contract Administration Services

3.2.1 – General
3.2.2 – Typical Additional Construction Contract Administration Services
3.2.3 – Other Additional Construction Contract Administration Services


Part 1 - Compensation
4.1.1 – Compensation for Basic Services
4.1.2 – Compensation for Additional Services
4.1.3 – Reimbursable Expenses
4.1.4 – Payments to the Design Professional

Part 2 – Contract Adjustments

4.2.1 – General
4.2.2 – Modifications and Supplemental Fee Agreements
4.2.3 – Change in the GMP Cost Limitation
4.2.4 – Claims For Additional Fees


Part 1 - Disputes
5.1.1 – Initial Dispute Resolution
5.1.2 – Mediation
5.1.3 – Arbitration
5.1.4 – Claims for Consequential Damages

Part 2 - Termination
5.2.1 – Termination or Suspension by the Design Professional
5.2.2 – Termination or Suspension by the Owner
5.3.3 – Force Majeure

Part 3 – Miscellaneous Provisions

5.3.1 – Matters of Interpretation
5.3.2 – Matters of Law
5.3.3 – Other Contract Provisions

Exhibit A List and Description of Additional Services
Exhibit A-1 Schedule of Hourly Rates
Exhibit B Schedule of Anticipated Meetings & Site Visits
Exhibit C The Owner’s Predesign or Program
Exhibit D Preliminary Design and Construction Schedule
Exhibit E The Design Professional’s Key Personnel and Consultants
Exhibit F Site Memorandum
Exhibit G Owner’s Instructions to Design Professionals



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1.1.1 Project Parameters. Objectives/Use. The project is being constructed to provide a necessary facility for the State Agency identified
in the Contract. Physical Parameters. The project will be constructed on public property of the State of Georgia administered by
the State Agency identified in the Contract as the Owner. A plat of boundary line survey of the property involved was
furnished to the Design Professional under cover of a letter from the Owner identified in the Contract, and the Design
Professional is entitled to rely on such information. Owner’s Project Development File. The Design Professional will design the project in accordance with the
Owner’s Project Development File, if any, as amended, a copy of which is included as Exhibit C and incorporated into
and made a part of this document by reference. If no Project Development File is available, the Design Professional will
design the project in accordance with the Owner’s Program shown in Exhibit C. Time and Schedule. A Preliminary Design and Construction Schedule, including major milestones for the
production of the design and construction documents, as well as the anticipated time required for construction is attached
as Exhibit D and is incorporated into and made a part of this Contract by reference. The Design Professional and the
Owner agree that the time limits shown in the schedule are reasonable and achievable. Changes in the major milestone
dates will require the consent of both parties, which shall not unreasonably be withheld. Delays. The Design Professional is responsible for the timely performance of its design and administrative
services, but shall not be responsible for delays due to persons or conditions beyond the Design Professional's control.
The Design Professional assumes full responsibility for the timely performance of its consultants. Delays by Design Professional

If the completion of the Project is delayed by reason of ordinary negligence on the part of the Design Professional,
the Design Professional shall indemnify the Owner against all reasonable costs, expenses, liabilities, or damages
resulting from such delay. In addition, the Design Professional shall provide accelerated services at its own
expense to make up time lost because of such delay. Delay by the Owner

If the Design Professional is delayed in performance of its services by any act or omission of Owner, or by its
consultants or agents, or by changes ordered by the Owner, or by causes beyond the Design Professional’s
control, or by a delay authorized by the Owner, then the Design Professional may request an adjustment of its
fees and in the project schedule. Project Delivery Method This Contract presumes that the construction of the Project shall be procured by using
the construction management method specified as CM/GC with a multiple component packages.

1.1.2 Project Team. Owner’s Authorized Agent. For the purpose of administration of this Contract, the Owner’s Authorized Agent is
the Owner’s Representative. The Owner’s Authorized Agent has the right and power to bind the Owner in all project
matters, requiring approvals, authorization, written notice and Change Orders. The Owner’s Authorized Agent shall be
fully acquainted with project and provide the Design Professional the information and services required of the Owner by
this contract so as not to delay the services of the Design Professional. The Design Professional shall render all services
pursuant to this Contract under the direction and supervision of the Authorized Agent or its designated representative

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PART 1 – PRELIMINARY MATTERS Review of Services of the Design Professional. The Design Professional agrees that the Owner is at liberty to
engage consultants for the purpose of checking, reviewing, and commenting upon the deliverables provided under this
Contract. The Owner is hereby authorized to deliver a certified copy of this Contract to Design Professionals or
consultants, or both, as selected by the Owner for the foregoing purposes, and such delivery will constitute the unqualified
consent and agreement on the part of the Design Professional and its consultants to the checking, reviewing and
commenting upon the deliverables provided under this Contract. The Owner’s Consultants. If the Owner elects to engage an independent consultant for any reason (e.g., a
Commissioning Authority), the Design Professional agrees to cooperate with such consultant in the professional services
provided under this Contract. The Owner will provide a copy of the contract with such consultant to the Design
Professional upon a written request from the Design Professional. The Design Professional’s Team. Design Professional of Record. The Design Professional of Record is the individual identified in the
Contract. The Design Professional of Record shall not be changed without written permission from the Owner,
unless the Design Professional is incapacitated, is unable to perform, or leaves the firm. In that event, the
replacement is subject to approval by the Owner. Key Personnel and Consultants. The Design Professional agrees that the Project will be performed
substantially with the key personnel and consultants presented at the time of selection. The Design Professional’s
key personnel and consultants who have been assigned to the Project, along with a description of the role and
duties of such personnel are listed in Exhibit E hereof. The Design Professional acknowledges that the Owner
has relied upon the designated assignments and roles of the key personnel and consultants in its decision to
enter into this Agreement. Without good cause shown, the key personnel and consultants shall remain assigned
to the Project throughout the duration of the Project and shall not be changed without the Owner’s prior written
approval, which approval will not be unreasonably withheld. Design Team. The Design Professional represents that it has or will secure at its own expense, all
personnel required in the performance of this Contract, except for personnel required to be furnished by the
Owner. The Design Professional’s personnel shall not be employees of the Owner. . The Design Professional
further represents that all of the services required hereunder will be performed by the Design Professional or
under its supervision, or by subconsultants under its supervision, as applicable. All personnel so engaged shall
be fully qualified and shall be authorized under State or local law to perform such services. Change in Business Form. In the event the Design Professional changes its business form, it shall notify the
Owner in writing and include appropriate tax identification information. The Owner shall make all future payments in
accordance with such notice and a signed amendment to this Contract. Acquisition of Consulting Services. The Design Professional shall select, using qualifications-based criteria, the
following: Registered Professional Engineers and Other Licensed Consultants. The Design Professional may
select registered professional engineers or other licensed consultants to render professional services to the
Design Professional. Stamp of Registered Professional Engineer or Other Licensed Consultants. The Design Professional
agrees that all drawings and specifications for engineering services shall be performed by registered
professionals in its own organization, or the Design Professional agrees to employ without additional cost to the
Owner, the services of registered professionals regularly engaged in delivering such professional services.
Construction Documents so prepared shall bear the stamp of responsible registered professionals licensed in
the State of Georgia. Geotechnical Engineer. The Design Professional shall select a licensed geotechnical engineer to be
retained by the Design Professional. Other Consultants. Without diminishing its duties hereunder, but to assist the Design Professional in
performing its services, the Design Professional may select other consultants to render professional services to
the Design Professional but only with prior written approval of the Owner.

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PART 1 – PRELIMINARY MATTERS Incorporation of Terms in Consultant Contracts. The Design Professional agrees to incorporate all of
the material provisions of this Contract into each Consultant Contract, and that failure to accomplish such
incorporation by an express provision in each Consultant Contract is a breach of an essential covenant of this
Contract. In the event of such breach the Design Professional shall, within five (5) calendar days after demand
of the Owner, furnish proof in writing that the deficiency has been remedied to the end that no subcontractor or
consultant may maintain that he has not assumed toward the Design Professional all the obligations and
responsibilities that the Design Professional has assumed toward the Owner. Notification of Design Professional’s Consultants. As soon as practicable after award of the Contract, the Design
Professional shall furnish in writing to the Owner the names of persons or entities proposed to be consultants on the
Project not previously selected under Subparagraph The Owner will promptly reply to the Design Professional
in writing stating whether or not the Owner, after due investigation, has reasonable objection to any such proposed person
or entity. Failure of the Owner to reply within fifteen calendar days shall constitute notice of no reasonable objection. A
list of consultants and key personnel that will be retained by the Design Professional for the Project (along with a
description of their respective role or services), and that have been pre-approved by the Owner, as of the date of this
Contract, is attached hereto as Exhibit E. All consultants shall be duly licensed pursuant to the applicable requirements
and regulations of the State of Georgia. The Design Professional shall not, without good cause and only after obtaining
the written approval of the Owner, change a consultant (or its role or services) previously selected. The Design
Professional shall be responsible to the Owner for the acts of, and services provided by, its consultants. The Owner’s
review, approval, or rejection of consultants or their respective proposal or contracts, will not relieve the Design
Professional of its responsibilities under the Contract, nor will it relieve the Design Professional of its responsibilities to
obtain corrective work to remedy the unsatisfactory acts or omissions of such consultants. Coordination. The Design Professional shall coordinate all the services of all design consultants for the Project,
including coordinating its services as required with consultants retained by the Owner. The Owner shall require a
reciprocal coordination clause in each of its separate consultant contracts.

1.1.3 Project Team Cooperation, Partnering. Concept. It is the Owner's expectation that the Program Manager, if any, the Design Professional, the Owner,
Owner-retained consultants, the Using Agency, any Separate Contractors and the CM/GC shall work as a project team
to effect the commencement of and completion of construction in accordance with the Contract Documents. By its various
contracts with the other parties, the Owner will require that each team member communicate with all other team members
to encourage and facilitate overall coordination, cooperation and efficiency, and cooperate fully with and coordinate fully
with each other team member in order to achieve Project completion in an expeditious and economical manner. The
CM/GC, in consultation with the other team members, shall schedule regular meetings of the key principals of the project
team in an effort to solve problems in a partnering atmosphere to facilitate the ability of each team member to meet its
business objectives, so long as consistent with the successful completion of the Project, in real time. The Design
Professional shall not be required to attend such partnering meetings more than twice per month. It is the Owner’s intent
that all consensus decisions of the team, where differing from the Contract Documents, be reduced to writing in an
appropriate Change Order or amendment or modification. Conference. Promptly after the execution of the CM/GC Contract, the Design Professional shall confer with the
CM/GC, the Owner, the Program Manager (if any), and the Using Agency to identify personnel and relevant organizational
charts of each team member firm, and to establish working relationships with each team member. Team Evaluation, Covenant not to Sue. If the Owner determines to utilize the State of Georgia’s formal Team
Evaluation Process, then the Owner, Design Professional, CM/GC, and any other Team Member agree to participate in
good faith. In such event, the Design Professional waives any and all legal rights for defamation, libel or slander, and
covenants not to sue the State of Georgia, the Owner, the CM/GC, the Using Agency, other Team Members, and their
respective representatives and agents, as a result of rankings and results related to the Design Professional’s
performance, rendered and posted in good faith as part of and in accordance with said Team Evaluation Process. The
CM/GC and other Team Members, in their agreements with the Owner, shall execute a similar contract provision.

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1.1.4 The CM/GC Contract’s General Requirements.

A copy of the General Requirements to the CM/GC Contract is attached hereto and is incorporated herein by reference. If the
Owner approves the issuance of Component Change Orders to the CM/GC, the Design Professional shall perform the
Construction Contract Administration duties in this Contract and all of the duties of the Design Professional called for in the CM/GC
General Requirements. Specific attention is directed to the definitions and concepts of project completion as set forth in Section
3, Part 10, of the General Requirements. The CM/GC General Requirements, including all definitions therein, are expressly
adopted and incorporated into this Contract.

1.1.5 Insurance. Insurance Provisions. From insurers authorized to provide the required insurance in Georgia, the Design
Professional shall provide the following kinds of insurance in the minimum amount of coverage set forth below, to cover
all loss and liability for damages on account of bodily injury, including death therefrom, and injury to or destruction of
property caused by or arising from any and all operations carried on and any and all work performed by the Design
Professional under this Contract. Within ten (10) calendar days after execution of the Contract and during the entire
period of the Design Professional's responsibility under the Contract, the Design Professional shall maintain professional
liability insurance for claims arising from the negligent performance of professional services under this contract as
provided herein. The Design Professional shall file with the Owner a certificate of insurance from an insurance company
rated at least A- by Best’s and licensed to do business in the State of Georgia showing evidence of insurance as follows: Worker's Compensation and Employer's Liability. Statutory coverage; Employer's liability in the
minimum amount of $1,000,000 per occurrence; Commercial General Liability Insurance. Commercial General Liability Insurance of at least
$1,000,000 per occurrence, including Automobile Comprehensive Liability Coverage to cover vehicles, owned,
leased or rented by Design Professional. The Design Professional shall require its consultants to maintain
Commercial General Liability insurance with business automobile liability coverage with companies and limits as
stated above. The Commercial General Liability policy shall name the Owner and Using Agency as additional
insureds. Professional Liability (Errors and Omissions) Insurance. Limits shall not be less than the following:

(a) For Projects with a budgeted construction cost of more than $30,000,000:
i. For Design Professionals – $3,000,000 per claim and $4,000,000 in aggregate coverage;
ii. For Subconsultant Engineers and Architects – $2,000,000 per claim and $3,000,000 in
aggregate coverage;
iii. For Other Consultants – $1,000,000 per claim and $2,000,000 in aggregate coverage. At the
Design Professional’s request, the Owner may, at its sole discretion, agree to a lower limit for
certain consultants.

(b) For Projects with a budgeted construction cost of $20,000,000 up to $30,000,000:

i. For Design Professionals – $2,000,000 per claim and $3,000,000 in aggregate coverage;
ii. For Subconsultant Engineers and Architects – $1,000,000 per claim and $2,000,000 in
aggregate coverage;
iii. For Other Consultants – $1,000,000 per claim and $1,000,000 in aggregate coverage. At the
Design Professional’s request, the Owner may, at its sole discretion, agree to a lower limit for
certain consultants.

(c) For Projects with a budgeted construction cost of less than $20,000,000:
i. For Design Professionals – $1,000,000 per claim and $1,000,000 in aggregate coverage;
ii. For Subconsultant Engineers and Architects – $1,000,000 per claim and $1,000,000 in
aggregate coverage;
iii. For Other Consultants – $1,000,000 per claim and $1,000,000 in aggregate coverage. At
the Design Professional’s request, the Owner may, at its sole discretion, agree to a lower
limit for certain consultants.

(d) The Design Professional shall maintain professional liability insurance that shall be either a
practice policy or project-specific coverage. Professional liability insurance shall contain prior acts
coverage for services performed by the Design Professional for this Project. If project-specific
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coverage is used, these requirements shall be continued in effect for two years following the issuance
of the Certificate of Final Completion for the Project. Maximum Deductible. No policies shall specify a deductible of more than $100,000 per claim. If
demanded in writing by the insurer and with the Owner’s approval, the deductible limit may be increased to an
amount not in excess of the limit established for Design Professionals under the usual deductible guidelines of
the insurer. Insurer's Endorsement. Each certificate of insurance shall bear an endorsement in words exactly as

Insurer agrees that the coverage shall not be canceled, changed, allowed to lapse, or allowed
to expire until thirty calendar days (ten calendar days for nonpayment of premium) after
written notice by United States Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested, postage prepaid, in
an envelope addressed to the party to be notified at such party's address as follows:

Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia, Owner

270 Washington Street, SW, 6th Floor
Atlanta, Georgia 30334
Attn: Director of Contracts & Services Insurance Premiums and Deductibles. The Design Professional shall pay the insurance premiums. If additional
insurance coverage is required, an amendment to this Contract shall be executed and the additional cost of the insurance
shall be paid by the Owner as a reimbursable cost. All deductibles shall be paid by the Design Professional. Waiver of Subrogation. There is no waiver of subrogation rights by either party with respect to insurance.

1.1.6 Meaning of Terms. Meaning of Terms. Unless specifically defined herein, terms used in this Contract and its General Requirements
shall have the same meaning as in common usage and defined in a standard dictionary. Other Defined Terms. Terms defined in other documents associated with this Project, including the Program,
the Contract Documents and the CM/GC General Requirements, and CM/GC Supplementary General Requirements,
and any program management contract for the management of this Project, shall have the same meaning in this Contract
unless such meaning is in conflict with the meaning defined herein. Defined Terms. Construction Contract Administration. See Section 2, Part 2. Construction Documents. See Section 2, Part 1, Article 2.1.6. Design Coordination Meetings. A meeting between the Design Professional or Design
Professional’s consultant and the Using Agency and/or Owner, inclusive of all travel time, professional time,
documentation time, travel expenses, meals, lodging, and incidental expenses, during the performance of basic
design services, to review the design for validation, for constructability and for value engineering. Meetings shall
be accounted in half-day increments (i.e., 0 to 4 hours expended in a single day equal one-half meeting; 4 to 8
hours equal one meeting). (See also Article 1.2.6 and 2.1.10 below.) General Requirements (also CM/GC Contract’s General Requirements). This portion of the
Construction Documents deals with the general requirements of the construction process. See also Section 1,
Part 1, Article 1.1.4. Design Development Documents. See Section 2, Part 1, Article 2.1.5. Project Development File. This document includes the Program site analysis and other appropriate
studies that provide essential information including Statements of Probable Construction Cost, to support and
advance the decision-making process prior to the design and implementation phases of the project.
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PART 1 – PRELIMINARY MATTERS Preliminary Design and Construction Schedule. A schedule indicating proposed activity sequences
and durations, major milestone dates for receipt and approval of pertinent information and for production of the
schematic design development, construction drawings, and proposal documents, as well as estimated time
required for construction. It includes the Owner’s occupancy requirements showing portions of the Project (and
the Phases thereof if any) having occupancy priority, and proposed date(s) of Material Completion and Final
Completion. The Preliminary Design and Construction Schedule shall be in simplified critical path method format
as might be appropriate for the Project, and shall be in such detail as Owner reasonably requires. Program. The written and graphical definition of the Project’s space requirements provided by the
Owner to the Design Professional. .The Using Agency’s Program and the Project Development File are provided
to the Design Professional together with other relevant predesign information, including the purposes and
requirements of the Project for the purpose of creating the design and issuing the Construction Documents. Schematic Design. See Section 2, Part 1, Article 2.1.4, paragraph Site Visit. A visit to the Site for performance of construction contract administration by the Design
Professional or consultant, inclusive of all travel time, professional time, documentation time, travel expenses,
meals, lodging, and incidental expenses. One site visit shall require a minimum of 4 hours. Site Visits may be
accounted in half-day increments (i.e., less than 4 hours expended in a single day equal one-half visit;).. (See
also Paragraph below.) GMP Cost Limitation. The amount stipulated in the Design Professional Contract as the maximum
sum to be specified in the CM/GC Construction Agreement for the construction of the Project prior to execution
of the GMP Change Order. The GMP Cost Limitation does not include the cost of fixtures, furniture, or equipment
unless expressly stated in the Project Development File or Program. Fixtures, furniture, or equipment not
included in the Project Development File or Program may be added as a design requirement and included in the
GMP Cost Limitation by an amendment to this Contract. GMP Cost Limitation does not include design costs,
Owner contingency, or Site acquisition costs. CM/GC Supplementary General Requirements. The portion of the Construction Documents dealing
with specific requirements of the construction process that are unique to the Project and shall be drafted by the
Design Professional based on specimens provided by the Owner.
. Using Agency. The Unit of the University System of Georgia or the State agency, authority, or
commission for which the Project is being constructed. The term is synonymous with the term “Institution” (e.g.,
The University of Georgia) and may include a tenant agency such as an agricultural extension office or
experiment station. Using Agency’s Representative. The Using Agency may designate from time to time a Using
Agency’s Representative, who shall work with the Design Professional and the Owner’s Representative as a
liaison with the Using Agency.

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1.2.1 Cooperation and Working Relationships. The parties to this Contract agree to reasonably cooperate to fulfill their
respective obligations under this Contract and shall endeavor to maintain good working relationships with the other members of
the project team.

1.2.2 Owner-Furnished Information. The Design Professional may rely on the accuracy and completeness of Owner furnished
information unless notified otherwise. The Design Professional shall notify the Owner upon discovery of any inaccuracies in the
information furnished.

1.2.3 Responsibilities of the Owner. Timely Decisions. The Owner represents that it will assure reasonable access to available necessary records,
reasonable cooperation on the part of affected officials and employees, and expeditious decisions on matters that affect
the progress of work under this Contract. Project Development File. The Owner shall provide the Design Professional with the Project Development File,
if any, as amended. (See Exhibit C.) Program. In the event no Project Development File is available, the Owner shall provide the Design Professional
with a Program that describes the Owner’s objectives, schedule, constraints and criteria, including space requirements
and relationships, special equipment, systems and site requirements. If additional information or programming is required
to enable the Design Professional to design the Project, it shall be provided by the Owner or provided by the Design
Professional as at Additional Service. (See Exhibit C.) Modification of the Owner’s Requirements. In the event the Statement of Probable Construction Cost, as updated
by the Design Professional at the completion of each phase of Basic Services, exceeds the GMP Cost Limitation, the
Owner may at its discretion modify the Owner’s requirements sufficiently to permit balancing the Statement of Probable
Construction Cost with the GMP Cost Limitation. In this event, the Design Professional agrees that the modifications
made for the purpose of balancing the Statement of Probably Construction Cost with the GMP Cost Limitation shall not
create a claim for Additional Services. Surveys. The Owner shall furnish survey(s) describing physical characteristics, legal limitations, utility locations
for the site of the Project, as well as a written legal description of the site. If such services are deemed necessary by the
Design Professional and approved by the Owner as additional services, the Design Professional shall retain and
compensate a qualified, registered land surveyor to prepare a certified land survey of the site giving, as applicable, grades
and lines of streets, alleys, pavements, adjoining property; rights-of-way, restrictions, easement, encroachments, zoning,
deed restrictions, boundaries and contours of the site; locations, dimensions, and all available data pertaining to existing
buildings, other improvements, trees; and service and utility lines, both public and private, above and below grade,
including inverts and depths. The Owner shall approve the selection of the surveyor before the surveyor may commence
work. Responding to the Design Professional. Owner will review and respond with reasonable promptness in
accordance with the Preliminary Design and Construction Schedule to the Design Professional’s requests for additional
information, comments, or approvals that the Design Professional requires to complete the Construction Documents to
maintain the schedule. Owner shall require its separate consultants, if any, to respond to the Design Professional within
fourteen calendar days of any request by the Design Professional. Royalties, Patents, Copyrights. Owner shall pay all royalties and license fees for copyrighted material or patented
methods or systems required by the Owner to be in the Project. Duty to Report. The Owner shall promptly report to the Design Professional any errors, inconsistencies, or
omissions that the Owner discovers in the Construction Documents. However, nothing in this Paragraph shall relieve the
Design Professional of responsibility for its own errors, inconsistencies, and omissions.

1.2.4 Responsibilities of the Design Professional.

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PART 2 – RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE PARTIES Authority to Act. Authorization. The Design Professional of Record is authorized to act on the Design Professional’s
behalf with respect to the Project. Not an Agent of the Owner. The Design Professional is not a representative or agent of the Owner,
and has no authority to act on behalf of the Owner except to the extent provided in the General Requirements of
the construction contract unless otherwise specifically directed by the Owner in writing (see Exhibit A, Additional
Services, Program Management Services). Distribution of Project Information. No reports, information or other material given to or prepared by the Design
Professional under this Contract shall be made available to any person not directly or indirectly involved with the
construction or design of the Project by the Design Professional without the prior written approval of the Owner unless
otherwise required to do so by law. Written Approvals. The Design Professional shall comply with all applicable laws, codes, and regulations in effect
at the time the Construction Documents are completed, and shall make reasonable efforts to obtain written approval of
the appropriate authority of all proposed connections to private or public utility systems or public and private roads and
streets, when such connections are planned as part of the Project. If no such approval can be obtained, the Design
Professional shall so notify the Owner. The Design Professional shall design all connections to private or public utility
systems or public roads and streets to comply with applicable ordinances, regulations and codes. Applicable Building Codes. It is the professional responsibility of the Design Professional to provide Construction
Documents that conform to applicable building codes, zoning codes, laws, regulations and generally accepted
construction industry standards. The Design Professional shall signify its responsibility for the Contract Documents
prepared pursuant to this Contract by affixing its signature, date and seal thereto. The Design Professional shall insert
the following statement on the cover sheet of the drawings.

To the best of my knowledge, information and belief, the plans, specifications and addenda comply
with the applicable building codes in effect at the time of issuance for construction. Limited Design Warranty. The Design Professional warrants to the Owner that its design and the Professional Design
Services provided for the Project reasonably meet the intent of the Program, are consistent with sound design principles
commonly used by Design Professionals under similar circumstances, and the resulting design is constructible by a qualified
Contractor using appropriate construction methods. The Design Professional further warrants to the Owner that the technical
specifications of the equipment specified by the Design Professional meet industry standards (such as approval by UL, or
other independent quality assurance rating agencies) and the design permits installation in a useable configuration with
appropriate utilities. The Design Professional does not undertake to make any manufacturer’s warranty, such as a warranty
as to the materials, design, manufacture, or workmanship of the equipment. As between the Owner and the Design
Professional, the sole remedy for breach of this Limited Design Warranty during the design and Construction Contract
Administration phase of the Project by the Design Professional is that (i) the Design Professional shall redesign the defective
design, consistent with the Program or Project Development File, at no expense whatsoever to the Owner; and, (ii) if
construction of the defectively designed component has commenced, to the extent its remediation cost exceeds the cost that
the Owner would have reasonably incurred without the breach of this Limited Design Warranty, the Design Professional shall
indemnify the Owner for such additional cost. This Limited Design Warranty does not enlarge or diminish the Design
Professional’s liabilities as the result of a Negligent Professional Act in the performance of professional services as defined

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PART 2 – RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE PARTIES Design Professional Standard of Care and Indemnity. The Design Professional makes the following Professional
Indemnity: Standard of Care. The Design Professional by the execution of this Contract warrants that he is
possessed of that degree of care, learning, skill, and ability which is ordinarily possessed by other members of
its profession and further warrants that in the performance of the duties herein set forth he will exercise such
degree of care, learning, skill, and ability as is ordinarily employed by licensed professionals under similar
conditions and like circumstances and shall perform such duties without neglect, and shall not be liable except
for the failure to exercise such degree of care, learning, skill, and ability or as is otherwise set forth within this
Contract. Professional Services Indemnity. The Design Professional shall indemnify, release, and hold
harmless the Owner, its officers, members, employees, and agents, from and against all liability, damages, costs,
expenses (including reasonable attorney’s fees and expenses incurred by the Owner and any of the Owner’s
officers, members, employees or agents), claims, suits and judgments to the extent arising or resulting from the
delivery of Professional Services under this Contract, as defined below, but such indemnity is limited to those
liabilities arising from a Negligent Professional Act of the Design Professional, as defined below.

a. For the purposes of the Professional Services Indemnity in Subparagraph above,
Professional Services means those services performed by a licensed professional in Design Professional's

b. For the purposes of the Professional Services Indemnity in Subparagraph above,
Negligent Professional Act means a negligent act, error, or omission in the performance of Professional Services
by Design Professional (or by any person or entity, including joint ventures, for whom the Design Professional is
liable) that causes liability and fails to meet the applicable professional standard of care, skill and ability under
similar conditions and like surrounding circumstances, as is ordinarily employed by others in their profession. Non-Professional Services Indemnity. To the extent of the contractual liability provisions of the
Commercial General Insurance policy required by subparagraph above, Design Professional hereby
agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Owner, the State of Georgia and its departments, agencies and
instrumentalities and all of their respective officers, members, employees and directors (hereinafter collectively
referred to as the "Indemnitees") from and against any and all claims, demands, liabilities, losses, costs or
expenses, including attorneys' fees, due to liability to a third party or parties, for any loss due to bodily injury
(including death), personal injury, and property damage arising out of or resulting from the performance of this
Contract or any act or omission on the part of the Design Professional, its agents, employees or others working
at the direction of Design Professional or on its behalf, or due to any breach of this Contract by the Design
Professional or due to the application or violation of any pertinent Federal, State or local law, rule or regulation.
This indemnification extends to the successors and assigns of the Design Professional. This indemnification
does not extend beyond the scope of this Contract and the work undertaken thereunder. Nor does this
indemnification extend to claims for losses or injuries or damages incurred directly by the Indemnitees due to the
sole negligence of any Indemnitee. No Fee for Changes Caused by the Design Professional's Oversight. Notwithstanding any other provision in
this Contract to the contrary, the Design Professional shall receive no fee for Change Orders caused by the Design
Professional’s failure to comply with the obligations set forth in this Contract. The Owner’s Approval. The Design Professional acknowledges and agrees that the Owner does not
undertake to approve or pass upon matters of professional service and the Owner, therefore, assumes no responsibility
for such. The Design Professional acknowledges and agrees that the Owner approval or acceptance of the Design
Professional's services is limited to the function of determining whether there has been compliance with the Owner’s
Program. The Owner does not undertake to inquire into the adequacy, fitness or correctness of Professional Services.
The Design Professional agrees that no approval of services by any person, body, or agency shall relieve the Design
Professional of its responsibility for the adequacy, fitness, suitability, and/or correctness of its Professional Services.

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PART 2 – RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE PARTIES Consultants. The Design Professional shall furnish those consultants as are normal and customarily
necessary to complete the services as described in Section 2 as a part of the Design Professional’s Basic Services. The
Owner shall pay as Additional Services for other consultants to complete the services as described in Section 3 either
through the Design Professional utilizing a change to this Contract or as a separate contract between the Owner and such
outside consultant. Tests. The Design Professional shall select and engage additional consultants and testing firms as necessary
to perform surveys, geotechnical evaluations, including but not limited to borings, and test pits, as well as chemical or
mechanical tests, or other tests proposed by the Design Professional. The Design Professional shall require that all tests
called for in the Contract Documents be performed, and the Design Professional shall not be liable for errors on the part
of the laboratory, engineer, surveyor, or other testing service. The Owner shall pay for all such tests as a reimbursable
expense when approved by the Owner in advance. Geotechnical Engineer. The Design Professional shall select a licensed geotechnical engineer to produce
the Stage 1 Statement set forth in the Site Memorandum, to consult with the Owner and Design Professional and perform
geotechnical evaluations of the Site, and ultimately produce the Stage 2 Statement. The Design Professional shall fully
utilize the geotechnical engineer to identify to the extent practicable all adverse site conditions such that the Design
Professional has sound information upon which to base the design of the Project and to minimize the risk of unforeseen
site conditions upon commencement of construction. Information obtained from the geotechnical engineer may result,
under certain conditions, in the establishment of unit prices in the Supplementary General Requirements or pre-proposal
addenda. Building Official. The Vice Chancellor for Facilities is the Building Official for the Board of Regents of the
University System of Georgia. The Design Professional shall fully support the Building Official’s code enforcement duties
for the Project, for other than the Life Safety, Elevator, Building Accessibility and Fire Safety rules, regulations and codes
administered by the State Fire Marshal and local health department. Accordingly, the coordination of the “Special
Inspections” required under the Georgia State Minimum Standard Building Code, as adopted by the State of Georgia,
and the associated record-keeping activities, are a part of the Basic Services of this Contract. The Design Professional
shall keep two sets of the Record Documents and any other documents required by the building codes, zoning codes,
regulations, or applicable laws, for a period of ten years. Keeping the Project on Schedule. The Design Professional is responsible for timely completion of all its
activities, responsibilities, and obligations under this Contract in accordance with the Preliminary Design and Construction
Schedule as amended and approved by the Owner. The Owner shall seek the Design Professional’s input if any change
in the Owner’s requirements affects the design schedule. The Design Professional acknowledges and agrees, absent
fault of the Owner or force majeure, that if the agreed-upon design milestones in the Preliminary Design and Construction
Schedule are not met, the Design Professional will, at its own expense, accelerate its work, accelerate or replace
delinquent consultants, and retain such additional resources as necessary to return the Project to the Preliminary Design
and Construction Schedule. Upon approval by Owner of the Construction Progress Schedule as contemplated by
of the General Conditions, the Preliminary Design and Construction Schedule shall be amended to include the
Construction Progress Schedule. The amended schedule will become the Overall Project Schedule, which shall be
utilized by the Design Professional, Owner, and Contractor. Time Periods. If, because of events beyond its reasonable control, the Design Professional is not able to meet
a specified time period, then it may ask for additional time from the Owner. Compliance with Federal and State Work Authorization and Immigration Laws. The Design Professional, all
subcontracted design professionals, and all consultants must comply with all federal and state work authorization and
immigration laws, and must certify compliance using the form set forth in the CM/GC Forms Packet. Upon contracting
with a subcontractor or consultant, the Design Professional shall provide the Owner notice of the identity of any and all
subcontractors or consultants. Design Professional shall provide the Owner with notice of the identity of any and all
subcontractors or consultants within five days of entering into the subcontract. The notice shall include an affidavit from
the subcontractor or consultant attesting to the subcontractor or consultant’s name, address, user identification number,
date of authorization to use the federal work authorization program and certification that the subcontractor or consultant
shall verify the information of all newly hired employees. State officials, including officials of the Georgia Department of
Audits and Accounts and officials of the Owner, retain the right to inspect and audit the Project Site and employment
records of the Design Professional, all subcontracted design professionals, and all consultants without notice during
normal working hours until Final Completion, and as otherwise specified by law and by Rules and Regulations of the
Georgia Department of Audits and Accounts. See, e.g. O.C.G.A §13-10-90, 91.

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1.2.5 Access to Records and Documents. Access and Audit. The Owner shall have reasonable access to all books, documents, papers, and records of
the Design Professional concerning the Project in order to make audit examinations, excerpts, and transcripts relative to
this Contract. Records of reimbursable expenses and expenses pertaining to services performed shall be kept on the
basis of generally accepted accounting principles and shall be available to the Owner’s representative at mutually
convenient times, but in no event more than 72 hours after a written request from Owner. Open Records Act. The Design Professional acknowledges the application of the Georgia Open Records Act
(See O.C.G.A. §50-18-70) to the Design Professional’s records concerning this Project and agrees to comply with all
requirements thereunder and require same of all consultants. The Design Professional must promptly advise Owner in
writing within 24 hours of a request for records falling under the Act. Owner’s Instructions to Design Professionals. Attached hereto as Exhibit G are the Owner’s Instructions to
Design Professionals. Design Professionals shall become familiar with The information in the Owner’s Instructions to
Design Professionals and shall follow the instructions and guidelines unless either impractical or inconsistent with
professional standards as established by the Design Professional’s licensing board. In the event of such impracticalities
or inconsistencies, the Design Professional shall promptly notify the Owner and Using Agency in writing of the
impracticality or inconsistency, along with the rationale and recommended practice the Design Professional desires to

1.2.6 CM/GC Construction Management Delivery Requirements. The Design Professional shall coordinate its design and
administrative duties with the CM/GC as a team with the following objectives and responsibilities:

During Pre-construction:
 Design review for validation
 Design review for constructability
 Design review for value engineering

During Design and Construction:

 As needed, design review for constructability and value engineering
 Develop a cost tracking methodology to advise all parties during design activities if the expected or
projected costs may exceed the GMP Cost Limitation, and that provides realistic suggestions to regain
balance between cost and scope
 Develop, or if a Program Manager is engaged, coordinate a cost tracking methodology to compare
estimated costs with real time actual costs
 Document, or if a Program Manager is engaged, coordinate the documentation of all cost related
decisions and their rationale and provide Owner with this record in a bound volume upon completion of
the Project
 Development and issuance of construction documents for construction packages to implement
Component Change Orders for the components identified in the Contract or directed by the Owner
 Review and coordinate the issuance of Component Change Orders
 Review and coordinate the issuance of the GMP Change Order
 Review and coordinate the issuance of the Lump Sum Change Order, if requested by Owner

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2.1.1 General.
Basic Services shall include all normal and customary professional services of the Design Professional and its consultants required
in connection with the Schematic Design, Design Development, Construction Documents, Procurement of Construction Services
and CM/GC Construction Contract Administration Phases of the Project. Design services shall be provided consistent with the
Owner’s Instructions to Design Professionals. (.)

The Design Professional shall furnish or provide the architectural and engineering services necessary to design the Project in
accordance with the Owner’s requirements as outlined in the Owner’s Project Development File or Program. The Design
Professional agrees to prepare drawings, specifications, and other documents that are adequate, complete, coordinated, and fit
for construction. The Design Professional shall call for no result unless the Design Professional has furnished complete, definite,
and clear drawings and specifications as to the construction results to be achieved. In particular, the Design Professional shall
require of its Consultants the level of quality recommended by industry standards (e.g., ASCE for structural engineers). The
Owner and Design Professional, in this regard, acknowledge and agree that the Contract Documents are addressed to skilled
tradesmen in the construction profession who shall be required to use their special skills and experience, through submittals and
shop drawings, to translate the Design Professional’s design intent into a completed structure. Where appropriate, the Design
Professional shall indicate in the Contract Documents when particular shop drawings will require the seal of a specialty consultant
before being submitted for review. The Design Professional shall prepare suitable Proposal Documents adequate for the
preparation of proposals. Considerations for Design. The Design Professional shall review the Project Development File with the Owner
to confirm its understanding of the Owner’s requirements. The Design Professional shall assist the Owner in refining or
making clarifications to the Owner’s requirements for the Project. If extensive changes from the Project Development File
are required, the Design Professional’s compensation and schedule may be equitably adjusted. In the event no Project
Development File exists, the Design Professional shall design in accordance with the Program provided by the Owner,
taking into consideration the value of alternative materials, building systems, equipment, maintenance costs, budget, and
other considerations in its design. In the event the Project Development File or Program is more than one year old, the
Design Professional shall consult with the Owner in order to update the Project Development File or Program, if required,
as an Additional Service. Meetings and Presentations. The Design Professional shall attend meetings, take appropriate minutes, distribute
minutes to Owner, attendees and interested parties, and otherwise explain its work product as may be necessary to its
implementation. Periodically during the initial phases of Schematic Design and Design Development, the Design
Professional shall schedule meetings and presentations with the Owner and Using Agency to describe the work in
progress, address questions and prepare for Owner/Using Agency approvals. The Design Professional shall take
appropriate minutes and distribute them to the Owner, attendees, and other interested parties. After engagement of the
CM/GC, the Design Professional will continue to schedule meetings with the Owner and Using Agency for the purpose of
completing and securing approval of the Construction Documents. The CM/GC shall also be invited to all such design
review meetings. The Design Professional shall also schedule design coordination meetings directly with the CM/GC for
the purpose of collaborating and coordinating the development of Component Construction Documents, GMP Change
Order Documents, final design and the Overall Project Schedule. Approval of Governmental Authorities. The Design Professional shall assist the Owner in filing any required
documents for the approval of governmental authorities having jurisdiction over the Project, when applicable. Building Commissioning Support and Coordination Services. If a separate Commissioning Provider is retained,
the Design Professional shall consult with, coordinate with, and support the Commissioning Provider throughout the
Design and Construction Contract Administration phases of the Project. The Design Professional shall recognize that the
ultimate purpose of Commissioning—the full, complete, and functional operation of the item or system being
commissioned—is dependent upon the Commissioning Provider’s ability to review the design and installation of the
systems. Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE). The Design Professional, through its consultant engineers, undertakes to
assist managing certain risks associated with subsurface utilities by mapping and assessing existing utilities at appropriate
quality levels and coordinating the design and relocation of such utilities, in accordance with ASCE standards.

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PART 1 – DESIGN SERVICES Master Planning Integration. The Design Professional shall integrate the Project into the master plan for the
campus or facility. While master planning is normally done through a separate contract, where there is no master plan
developed, the Design Professional may be requested to perform such services for the Owner. Landscape Planning and Design. The Design Professional shall provide, or secure through a landscape
architect, landscape and irrigation planning for the project and adjacent lands for the campus or facility. Color Rendering of Project. To facilitate visualization and perceptions of the project, a color rendering must be
made of the Project. If applicable, a model or video may be added or substituted. Evaluation of Project Budget. Preparation of Statements of Probable Construction Cost. All Statements of Probable

Construction Cost required in this Contract shall be provided in the format shown in the CM/GC Forms Packet.
All statements of Probable Construction Cost shall represent the facts existing as of the date of execution of the
statement and shall represent the true state of the Design Professional's mind. Along with the Construction
Documents, the Design Professional shall submit in writing to the Owner a Final Statement of Probable
Construction Cost. The Design Professional shall keep the Owner informed of any adjustments to previous
Statements of Probable Construction Cost necessitated by changes in scope, requirements, or market
conditions. All Statements of Probable Construction Cost prepared by the Design Professional shall contain such
provisions for inflation or deflation as may be reasonably anticipated within the construction industry. The inflation
or deflation factor shall be applied based upon the anticipated start date of construction. In preparing all
Statements of Probable Construction Cost, the Design Professional should consider, as a general reference, the
information and matters required in ASTM Standard Practice E 1804-02, “Performing and Reporting Cost
Analysis During the Design Phase of the Project,” August 2002. Details and Effect of the GMP Cost Limitation.

(a) The Design Professional recognizes and agrees that he will design this Project such that the initial
Guaranteed Maximum Price will not exceed the GMP Cost Limitation.

(b) In contracting with a public or governmental body to render services, the Design Professional is
charged with knowledge of any limitation imposed on such body as to amount of money it may spend
for a given project; and

(c) The GMP Cost Limitation limits the Owner and the Design Professional prior to, but not after, the
award of the CM/GC Contract. Revision or Redrafting, GMP Cost Limitation.

(a) After the award of the CM/GC Contract, the GMP Cost Limitation may be increased to include any
additional costs for services required of the CM/GC not included in the GMP Cost Limitation, and shall
become the GMP Cost Limitation. It shall be the responsibility of the Design Professional to design
the Project so that the GMP or lump sum fixed price will not exceed the GMP Cost Limitation. It is in
the best interest of the public, and the intent of the Owner is, that the entire Project be constructed
within the funds allocated in the preliminary budget. Notwithstanding this overriding public policy, in
the event that the Design Professional finds, in its opinion, that the price will potentially exceed the
GMP Cost Limitation, the Design Professional shall immediately stop work and give written notice to
the Owner, who will either revise the budget to increase the GMP Cost Limitation or direct the Design
Professional to reduce the scope of the Project. If so directed by the Owner in writing, the Design
Professional shall, at no additional cost to the Owner, revise or redraft any and all documents
necessary for the construction award of the reduced scope project so as to bring the probable GMP
within the GMP Cost Limitation and maintain the Preliminary Design and Construction Schedule;
provided, however, if the cost of redesign is extensive, and the budget changes are the result of
unexpected market forces, the Design Professional shall be equitably reimbursed for such design

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(b) Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the design is within the GMP Cost limitation, and CM/GC or
program manager propose, and the Owner approve, changes after approval of the design of a
component, then the Design Professional shall be equitably reimbursed for such additional design

(c) The Design Professional shall promptly revise without additional compensation those documents
that have not been previously approved by the Owner or to which the Owner has reasonable and timely
stated objections. Revision or Redrafting of Construction Documents After Receipt of the Proposed GMP.

(a) If the GMP Cost Limitation is exceeded by the CM/GC’s proposed GMP, the Owner may.

i. Approve an increase in the GMP Cost Limitation; or

ii. Require the Design Professional, without additional compensation, to revise the
Construction Documents to reduce the Cost of the Work to the original GMP Cost Limitation,
with the Owner reducing the CM/GC non-construction services to reduce the GMP to the GMP
Cost Limitation.

(b) If the CM/GC’s proposed GMP is more than 5% but not less than $200,000 below the GMP
Cost Limitation, and if the Design Professional under Subparagraph reduced components
of the design of the Project to bring the probable cost of construction within the GMP Cost Limitation,
then the Owner may require the Design Professional, without additional compensation, to revise the
Construction Documents to restore such components of the design that were omitted, but without
exceeding the GMP Cost Limitation. Such components of the design will be implemented by
Change Order.

(c) After the CM/GC Contract has been awarded, if additional funding is obtained to increase the
GMP Cost Limitation and components reduced or eliminated during design are desired to be
reinstated, the Design Professional will be entitled to the same compensation as is provided for
Change Orders not the fault of the Design Professional. Contingencies. No Statements of Probable Construction Cost submitted by Design Professional shall include a
construction contingency amount, but shall include such design contingencies as are necessary to account for work for
which the design has not been completed. No Calculated Risks. The Design Professional agrees that budgetary limitations are not a justification for breach
of sound principles of architectural and engineering design. The Design Professional shall take no calculated risks in the
design of the work.

2.1.2 Instruments of Service. Definition of Instruments of Service. Instruments of Service are those drawings, specifications, and other
documents, including those in electronic form, prepared specifically for this Project by the Design Professional and its
consultants. In recognition of the public ownership of the Project, the Design Professional and its consultants agree and
shall be deemed to have prepared their respective Instruments of Service as architectural and engineering works and as
works for hire as defined in 17 U.S.C. §§102(a)(8) and 201(b), thereby transferring and vesting in the Owner, pursuant to
17 U.S.C. §201(d), all common law, statutory, and other reserved rights, including copyrights in the Instruments of Service
and in the buildings, improvements, and structures constituting the Project. Copyright. Upon execution of this Contract, the Design Professional expressly grants, assigns, transfers, and
otherwise quitclaims to the Owner, its successors, and assigns, pursuant to 17 U.S.C. §201(d), all common law, statutory,
and other reserved rights, including copyrights in both the Instruments of Service and in the buildings, improvements, and
structures embodying the architectural and engineering works that constitute the Project, provided that the Owner shall
comply with all obligations, including prompt payment of all sums, when due, under this Contract. The Design Professional
shall obtain similar grants, assignments, transfers, and quitclaims from its consultants consistent with this Contract. The
Design Professional warrants (and shall cause each of the Design Professional’s consultants to warrant also) that this
transfer of copyright and other rights is valid against the world.
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PART 1 – DESIGN SERVICES Reserved Rights and License to the Design Professional. Notwithstanding the rights, ownership, grants,
assignments, transfers, and quitclaims set forth in Paragraphs and of this Article above, the Design
Professional shall retain its rights to all its previously created standard design elements included within the Instruments
of Service, including its standard details, standard specifications and other standard design documents generated and
authored by the Design Professional for its repeated and regular use in other instruments of service for its clients, provided
however, that Design Professional grants and transfers an irrevocable license to Owner to use, reuse, and create
derivative works of such standard design elements for use in the buildings, improvements, structures and the campus of
the Project. In addition, the Owner expressly grants, assigns, and transfers a permanent and exclusive license to the
Design Professional, its successors, and assigns, for the Design Professional’s Instruments of Service, and to each
consultant (including the consultant’s successors and assigns) of the Design Professional for such consultant’s
Instruments of Service, to use, reproduce, sell, transfer, and accomplish derivative works therefrom, for any and all
purposes. Release of Liability. The Owner agrees and hereby forever releases the Design Professional from all liabilities
that might arise from the Owner’s use of the Instruments of Service or other licensed portions of the Construction
Documents for any alterations, additions, subtractions, or modifications of the Instruments of Service or of the buildings,
improvements, and structures of the Project resulting therefrom, or for use in other Projects; provided, however, that this
release does not apply to liabilities arising from the original Instruments of Service and the buildings, improvements, and
structures of the Project that have not been altered, added to, subtracted from, or modified subsequent to completion of
construction of the Project by the Owner, its successors, or assigns. Use of Instruments of Service. Except for the rights and licenses granted in this Article, no other license or right
shall be deemed granted or implied under this Contract. The Owner permits and authorizes the Contractor,
Subcontractors, sub-Subcontractors, and material or equipment suppliers to reproduce applicable portions of the
Instruments of Service appropriate to and for use in their execution of the Work. Documents in Electronic Format. Within sixty calendar days of the receipt of the marked-up Construction
Documents that are required to be furnished by the Contractor pursuant to the Contract Documents, the Design
Professional shall provide the Owner with Record Drawings and Final Documents as specified in Article 2.2.14. In the
event that the Project is terminated prior to construction, the Design Professional, upon the Owner’s request, shall provide
in digital format copies of all drawings and Project Manual content then existent. Electronic drawings shall be made
available for viewing in a format approved by the Owner. (See also Para. 4g, Contract, page Contract-2.) Acknowledgement of Risks Concerning Electronic Media. The Owner acknowledges that the automated
conversion or transfer of electronic documents may introduce inexactitudes, anomalies, or errors. Copies of documents
that may be relied upon by the Owner are limited to printed copies (also known as hardcopies) that are signed or sealed
by the Design Professional and its consultants. Files in electronic media format or text, data, graphic, or other types that
are furnished by the Design Professional to the Owner, are only for the convenience of the Owner. Any conclusion or
information obtained or derived from such electronic files will be at the user’s sole risk. When transferring documents in
electronic media format, the Design Professional makes no representations as to long-term compatibility, usability, or
readability of documents resulting from the use of software application packages, operating systems, or computer
hardware different from those in use by the Design Professional and its consultants at the beginning of this assignment. Copies of Contract Documents to CM/GC. Without charge to the CM/GC (but reimbursable to the Design
Professional, pursuant to Paragraph, the Design Professional shall furnish to the CM/GC one set of completed
Contract Documents in hardcopy, one set of reproducible and electronic background floor and reflected ceiling plan
drawings, and one copy in read-only electronic format.

2.1.3 Site Evaluation and Planning Services. Preliminary Evaluation. Site evaluation and planning functions should proceed concurrently with the
accomplishment of Schematic Design, Design Development, and Construction Documents. The Design Professional
shall conduct a preliminary review of the site based on information furnished by the Owner. The Design Professional will
advise the Owner of potential site-related problems that the Design Professional notes from such review. Plot Plan. The construction drawings must include a Plot Plan designated as such on the drawing and consisting
of one sheet only. The Plot Plan serves as the basis for the Site Memorandum. All work shall be sited on the plot plan
to scale. In the absence of written consent of the Owner in advance, the Plot Plan shall comply with The Policy.

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PART 1 – DESIGN SERVICES Site Memorandum. The Design Professional agrees to comply fully with the requirements of the attached
Exhibit F, Site Memorandum. The Design Professional agrees to notify the Owner, at once and in any event within ten
calendar days after execution of this Contract, of the amount of money the Owner should budget in order to cover costs
identified in the Site Memorandum. The Design Professional agrees that, without cost to the Owner, the Design
Professional shall make such proper and reasonable changes in the Site Plan and preliminary foundation design that are
either necessary or desirable as required by the Stage One statement and subsequent investigation by the geotechnical
engineer (see Subparagraph obtained pursuant to the Site Memorandum. All information should be
incorporated into the final Site Plan and final foundation design for the Stage Two statement. The Design Professional
shall file copies with the Owner and accompany them with a current Statement of Probable Construction Cost, in the
format shown in the Forms Packet, as a part of the next submittal required by this Contract. (See ASTM Standard Practice
E 1804-02, August 2002, Section 8.4 for guidance on information which is generally developed in site development
documents.) Land Disturbance Permitting. General. The Design Professional and its consultants are responsible for providing the initial sealed
Site Plan as a part of the Proposal Documents. The CM/GC is required by the General Requirements to
commence its review of the initial Site Plan at the beginning of the Pre-Construction phase. The CM/GC, with
the design assistance of the Design Professional, is contractually required to obtain the land disturbance
permit(s) that comply with the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) general permit for storm
water management for construction activities. As a general principle, compliance requires that there be properly
designed Best Management Practices (BMPs), properly installed BMPs, and inspection and maintenance of the
installed BMPs. Implementation. The Design Professional and its consultants shall depict upon the Site Plan their
initial recommendations as to elements of the erosion, sedimentation and pollution control plan, specifying its
recommended design of BMPs for the Project, including storm water management facilities, and other like
matters. It is the CM/GC’s responsibility to review the design of the BMPs and submit any requested changes to
the Plan, including the CM/GC’s desired use of entrances to the site, CM/GC’s trailer(s) location, laydown areas
and other similar matters affecting the design and implementation of the BMPs. The Design Professional will
incorporate all reasonable changes and produce a final sealed Site Plan, including fully designed BMPs, for
submission to the permitting officials that enables the land disturbance permitting of the Project. With assistance
of the CM/GC, the Design Professional shall resolve with the local permitting official any deficiencies with a goal
that all environmental permitting and plans be approved by the end of the Pre-commencement period. Installation, Inspection, and Maintenance. The CM/GC is responsible for installation and maintenance
of the BMPs as a part of its scope of Work. The Design Professional is responsible for and shall obtain the
services of a qualified testing laboratory to inspect the BMPs in accordance with the permits, the costs of such
inspections to be borne by the Owner. Unit Costs, Abnormal Weather Conditions, Changes. The Design Professional shall establish in the
Supplementary General Requirements unit prices to cover the addition or reinstallation of BMPs, by type and
linear foot, that would be compensable to the CM/GC in the event of force majeure, including abnormal weather
conditions, and Owner Requested Changes, as set forth in Section 3 Part 3 of the General Requirements. Additional Information. The Design Professional shall advise the Owner of the need for any information that the
Design Professional determines should be provided by testing laboratory or similar third party provider. With prior written
approval of the Owner as to cost and other business terms, the Design Professional shall contract for the information or,
if the Owner elects, the Owner shall contract as advised by the Design Professional. The Design Professional shall not
be liable to Owner for professional judgment of third party providers. The Design Professional shall inform the Owner if
the Design Professional discovers any defect in the information so provided. Except as provided above as to tests, the
retention of independent contractors or other assistance does not relieve the Design Professional of any responsibility
under this Contract.

2.1.4 Schematic Design Services. Concept Design Studies. In accordance with the approved Preliminary Design and Construction Schedule, the
Design Professional shall prepare and submit to the Owner Concept Design Studies consisting of a site plan, building
plans, sections, elevations, and such other graphic and narrative information as is necessary to describe fully the Design
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Professional’s proposed solution to the Owner for review and approval in accordance with Paragraph These
studies shall consider land use, the environment, master plans, traffic, parking, transportation, utilities, and functional
relationships within the Project and building systems. With such studies, the Design Professional shall prepare and
submit to the Owner an initial and subsequent updated Statements of Probable Construction Cost. Schematic Design Documents. In accordance with the approved Preliminary Design and Construction Schedule
and based upon approval of and comments made by the Owner regarding the Concept Design Studies, the Design
Professional shall prepare and submit to the Owner Schematic Design Documents, including drawings and outline
specifications. These documents shall represent a further development of the approved design concept, providing
additional detail and specificity regarding the intended design solution. Typically, all such documents shall be drawn to
scale, indicating materials and assemblies, as appropriate, to convey the design intent and to illustrate the Project’s basic
elements, scale and relationship to the Site. All major pieces of furniture and equipment to be fixed or supplied by the
CM/GC shall be illustrated to scale. (See ASTM Standard Practice E 1804-02, August 2007, Sections 6.3, 8.2 and 8.3
for guidance on information which is generally developed in Schematic Design.) Site Analysis. The Design Professional shall, in consultation with the geotechnical engineer and other project
consultants, develop and submit to the Owner, in conjunction with the Site Memorandum (see Paragraph above),
an analysis of the site describing significant features of physical environment and characteristics of the site, (i.e., climate,
topography, soils and conditions, ecology, utilities, circulation, views, noise and existing structures) stating the implication
of the above factors on design. Initial Statement of Probable Construction Cost. The Design Professional shall prepare and submit an initial
Statement of Probable Construction Cost in the UniFormat™ Level I shown in Exhibit F. To the extent the Statement of
Probable Construction Cost significantly deviates from the GMP Cost Limitation, the Design Professional shall discuss
the deviations with the Owner and prepare and submit a plan to address the differences. As the design progresses, the
Design Professional shall prepare and submit updated Statements of Probable Cost in like format. Schematic Design Approval. The Design Professional shall, on the Preliminary Design and Construction
Schedule, show the progress to date, confirm the remainder of the design portion of the schedule, and update the
projected construction portion of the schedule, The Design Professional shall meet with the Owner and Using Agency for
the purpose of presenting and reviewing the Schematic Design including the updated schedule and the initial Statement
of Probable Construction Cost. The Design Professional shall obtain the written approval of the Owner of the Schematic
Design Phase before proceeding with the next phase.

2.1.5 Design Development Services. Design Development Documents. In accordance with the approved Preliminary Design and Construction
Schedule and based upon approval of and comments made by the Owner regarding the Schematic Design Documents,
the Design Professional shall prepare and submit to the Owner the Design Development Documents. (See ASTM
Standard Practice E 1804-02, August 2007, Sections 6.4, 8.2 and 8.3 for guidance on information which is generally
developed in Design Development Documents.) The Design Development Documents shall consist of a Site Plan,
building plans, floor plans, sections, elevations, typical construction details, equipment layouts, and other drawings and
outline specifications. These documents will fix and illustrate the size and character of the entire Project in its essentials,
including but not limited to kinds of materials, criteria and sizing of major components, equipment sizes and capacities,
approximate layouts including required spaces for clearances, type of structure, grade elevations, sidewalks, utilities,
roads, parking areas, mechanical and electrical systems. The Design Professional shall also prepare Outline
Specifications giving basic descriptions of essential components of all systems. The Outline Specifications shall identify
major materials and systems and establish in general their quality levels. Upon the request of the Owner, the Design
Professional shall furnish to the Owner perspective illustrations, physical models, and 3-D computer models at a specified
size. Such illustrations and models shall be performed as an Additional Service to this Contract and shall be compensated
at the rates shown in Exhibit A and Article 4.1.3, Reimbursable Expenses. Floor Plans. The Design Professional shall prepare floor plans showing spaces by name, number, actual net
area of each space, structural module, mechanical spaces, equipment, chases and circulation area. The Design
Professional shall also prepare site plans (which show utilities), plumbing, electrical, mechanical, and structural plans,
and equipment layouts, lists and schedules. Drawings shall show overall building dimensions and major lines of
dimension. Initial Code Compliance Review. The Design Professional shall submit the completed Design Development
Documents for the State Fire Marshal’s review to the GSFIC Plan Review Division.

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PART 1 – DESIGN SERVICES Design Development Documents Approval. The Design Professional shall, on the Preliminary Design and
Construction Schedule, show the progress to date, confirm the remainder of the design portion of the schedule, and
update the projected construction portion of the schedule, The Design Professional shall meet with the Owner and Using
Agency for the purpose of presenting and reviewing the Design Development Documents including the updated schedule
and the updated Statement of Probable Construction Cost. The Design Professional shall obtain the written approval of
the Owner of the Design Development Documents Phase before proceeding with the next phase.

2.1.6 Construction Documents. General. In accordance with the approved Overall Project Schedule and based upon approved Design
Development Documents, the Design Professional shall prepare and submit to the Owner the Construction Documents
consisting of working drawings and specifications and setting forth in detail the architectural and engineering work required
to result in a complete and fully functional Project. The Design Professional must provide all design documents required
for regulatory approvals necessary to receive operating permits/authorizations and a Certificate of Occupancy (See ASTM
Standard Practice E 1804-02, August 2002, Section 8.4 for guidance. Basis of Construction Documents. The Construction Documents must be based upon the Project Development
File, or if none exists, the Program. The Construction Documents must indicate, in detail, the requirements for the
construction of the Project (including all on-site and off-site work). Conflicts. If there is any conflict between the Project Development File (or if none exists, the Program) and the
Construction Documents, the Project Development File (or Program) shall prevail and govern, except in the following

(a) When the Project Development File (or Program) causes a code violation; or

(b) When the Project Development File (or Program) shows or calls for a result that, based on evidence
presented to the Owner, will not function properly, will not be suitable for the purposes intended, or includes
requirements for processes or equipment that are subsequently determined to be unsuitable; or

(c) When a change was made during the design and approval process that modified the Owner’s requirements.
In such case, the Design Professional and the Owner must have approved this modification in writing. Free from Leaks. The Design Professional shall design the work in a non-negligent manner such that the building
will be free from leaks if all components are installed in accordance with the Construction Documents. Specification Format. The Construction Specifications must be in the full Construction Specifications Institute
(CSI) Division 17 Three Part Format as established in the CSI Manual of Practice covering required materials, products
and equipment, their installation and operation, quality assurances, reference standards and submittal requirements. The
Construction Specifications must provide all supplemental information and requirements included but not elsewhere
covered by the Contract Documents. Working Drawings. Working Drawings shall consist of those drawings necessary to describe the size and
character of the Project and its design, construction, materials, finishes, fixtures, civil, structure, mechanical systems and
electrical systems and other related work. The Working Drawings must include, where applicable, at least the following:

(a) Civil Engineering documents to consist of grading, storm drainage, erosion control, paving, fencing, Site
sanitary system, and Site water system;

(b) Architectural floor plans, exterior elevations, interior elevations, building sections, wall sections, reflected
ceiling plans, interior and exterior details, door and finish schedules, and roof plans. All Architectural Floor Plans
shall be at not less than 1/8" = 1' 0" scale, must be fully coordinated with all other disciplines and all required
equipment, and must show all required partitions, partition types, doors and door numbers, windows, room names
and numbers, dimensions and any other required notes and information for complete floor plans;

(c) Detailing and dimensions that comprehensively describe the design of the building and Site development
in a consistent and coordinated manner;

(d) Wall sections and interior elevations at scales appropriate to illustrate with sufficient detail and clarity the
intended work and thereby facilitate its construction;

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(e) Reflected ceiling plans at the same scale as the respective floor plans. All reflected ceiling plans must be
fully coordinated with all the engineering disciplines and must show all required ceiling lights, diffusers, access
panels, returns, fans, smoke detectors and any other required devices on the ceiling. The architectural reflected
ceiling plan takes precedence over all the other engineering plans in regards to fixture and device locations.
Sprinkler head requirements shall be per NFPA requirements and coordinated with the reflected ceiling plan;

(f) Structural construction drawings and specifications, e.g. structural steel and cast-in-place concrete work,
as well as for foundation reinforcing steel and any other structural elements, must include top of foundation
elevation and complete structural details at not less than 1/2" = 1' scale;

(g) HVAC, plumbing, and fire protection layouts showing major equipment and mains as well as typical
distribution branches, riser diagrams, supply and return grilles, fire dampers, and a schedule of plumbing fixtures
valves, and all other "end product” elements and features. All HVAC, plumbing and fire protection plans must be
fully coordinated with the architectural floor plans and reflected ceiling plans. All such drawings shall be at not
less than 1/8” = 1’ 0” scale;

(h) Electrical systems and separate signal and data/telecom conduit systems layouts, as well as riser diagrams
for the building, and all other "end product" elements and fixtures. All electrical power and lighting plans must be
fully coordinated with the architectural floor plans and reflected ceiling plans; and

(i) Electrical site plans at not less than 1” = 50' scale.

(j) Any specialty products, materials and supplies specified by the Design Professional must be available. Contractor’s Responsibilities. The Design Professional shall not require the Contractor to provide professional
services that constitute the practice of architecture or engineering in the Construction Documents unless such services
are proprietary for that portion of the Work or unless the Contractor needs to provide such services in order to carry out
the Contractor’s responsibilities for construction means, methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures. The
Contractor shall not be required to provide professional services in violation of applicable law. If professional design
services or certifications related to systems, materials, or equipment are specifically required of the Contractor by the
Contract Documents, the Design Professional will specify all performance and design criteria that such services must
satisfy. Review of Construction Documents. If requested by the Owner the Construction Documents shall be submitted
by the Design Professional to a designated third-party reviewer for review of constructability and or completeness. Construction Documents Approval. The Design Professional shall, on the Preliminary Design and Construction
Schedule, show the progress to date, confirm the remainder of the design schedule, and update the projected construction
schedule. The Design Professional shall meet with the Owner and Using Agency for the purpose of presenting and
reviewing the Construction Documents including the updated schedule and a final Statement of Probable Construction
Cost. The Design Professional shall obtain the written approval of the Owner of the Construction Documents before
proceeding with the next phase. (See ASTM Standard Practice E 1804-02, August 2002, Section 8.4 for guidance on
information which is generally contained in Construction Documents.)

2.1.7 Construction Proposal Documents. Proposal Submission Date. The date(s) for receipt of qualifications and proposals for selection of the CM/GC
shall be established by the Owner after consultation with the Design Professional. No changes shall be made in the Program or
the various documents prepared by Design Professional after proposals have been invited except by formal addendum approved
by the Owner and issued by the Design Professional. Issuance Of Documents. Upon receipt of the review comments from the Owner, the Design Professional shall
complete the Construction Documents for any Component Change Order or the final Construction Documents to respond to the
review comments and furnish final copies to the Owner prior to release of Construction Documents for a Component Change
Order. The Contract Documents for submission of proposals shall be bound into a Project Manual, including the Invitation to
Propose, the RFQ, the RFP, Proposal Form(s), Contract Form, General Requirements, Supplementary General Requirements
and, to the extent required, the Specifications.

2.1.8 CM/GC Construction Procurement Services.

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PART 1 – DESIGN SERVICES Assist The Owner. The Design Professional shall assist Owner in obtaining proposals from qualified firms to act
as CM/GC and construct the Project and shall assist in the selecting and awarding of the CM/GC Contract. Assistance may
include the determination of daily amounts for liquidated damages to be assessed the CM/GC for failure to complete the project
on time and determination of appropriate daily amounts to compensate the CM/GC for time dependent costs associated with
approved extensions of time. Prospective Proposers. If requested by the Owner, the Design Professional shall assist the Owner in preparing
a list of prospective proposers. Assistance may include the review and initial determination of qualifications of the CM/GC
candidates and selected Trade Contractors. The Design Professional shall accumulate an attendance roster of firms attending
any mandatory pre-proposal meeting and shall provide a copy of the roster to the Owner prior to the date set for receiving
qualifications or proposals. The Design Professional shall provide the Owner with a list of the plan holders of record as of the date
set for receiving proposals.

2.1.9 Selecting the CM/GC. The Design Professional shall advise and assist the Using Agency and the Owner with respect to
the preparation of documents necessary and appropriate for the process of selection of the CM/GC for the Project, including, but
not limited to, the following: Request for Qualifications. Using a format provided by the Owner, provide project specific requirements for the approval
of the Owner and Using Agency, to be utilized in the Request for Qualifications (RFQ), following the State guidelines for selection
procedures, that will solicit responses from private organization(s) that believe they are qualified to perform all the duties expected
of the CM/GC. Shortlist. Develop, or if a Program Manager is engaged, coordinate for approval by Owner and Using Agency the criteria
for selection of the CM/GC, following the State guidelines for selection procedures, that will result in a “short list” of qualified
organizations created from the pool of respondents to the RFQ. Request for Proposals. Using a format provided by the Owner, provide project specific requirements for the approval of
the Owner and Using Agency, to be utilized in a Request for Proposal (RFP), following the State guidelines for selection
procedures, that will be provided to the short-listed organizations that responded to the RFQ. Among other topics, review the RFP
for clarity and practicality concerning the following matters: A complete description of the process that will be used to select the CM/GC; A complete listing of the duties and expectations that will be required by the organization selected to be the
CM/GC; The criteria by which the selection of the CM/GC will be determined; A complete but brief description of the project’s goals (project description); The program and budget constraints data (including photographs, maps, etc.) from the approved Using
Agency’s Program; and Evaluation Criteria. Develop, or if a Program Manager is engaged, coordinate for approval by Owner and Using Agency
the criteria that will be used to evaluate the short listed candidates for the CM/GC; arrange site visit and interview schedules, and
coordinate as necessary to assure a successful interview process. Reproduction of Documents. The Design Professional shall arrange for the reproduction of proposal documents for
distribution to prospective proposers as required. Pre-Proposal Meeting. If so directed by the Owner, the Design Professional shall attend a pre-proposal meeting at the
location designated by the Owner. If so requested by the Owner, the Design Professional shall assist the Owner in determining
the following items for the CM/GC Contract.

a. The Contract Time;

b. The daily rate for Liquidated Damages;
c. The CM/GC fees;
d. The Guaranteed Maximum Price;
e. The maximum amount allowable for CM/GC Overhead costs and Expenses;
f. The daily rate for Time Dependent Overhead Costs;

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g. Any Unit Prices to be added to the Proposal Documents by addenda; and

h. Any other units or percentages required to be set by the Proposal Documents. Responses to Questions. The Design Professional will issue clarifications and/or addenda to prospective
proposers. CM/GC Contract Execution. Coordinate execution of the CM/GC’s contract that will be executed between Owner and
CM/GC utilizing contract documents provided as a part of the state-wide construction manual and coordinated through the
Department of Law. The Program must be fully approved by Owner prior to execution of the CM/GC’s contract, and must be
incorporated and made a part of the CM/GC’s contract. Kick-off Meeting. Coordinate a “kick off” meeting with the selected CM/GC and all interested parties, including the Using
Agency and identified user-group. The Owner or Program Manager will schedule the meeting and provide the location.

2.1.10 Pre-Construction Design and Related Services. The following services are to be provided by the Design Professional
during the pre-construction period leading to issuance of any Component Change Order and the GMP Change Order. CM/GC Design Coordination Meetings. The Design Professional shall from time to time meet with the CM/GC and shall,
with the Using Agency and the Owner, attend scheduled meetings for the purpose of collaborating and coordinating the final
design and Construction Documents. Coordination. The Design Professional, together with the Owner and Program Manager, is responsible for coordination
and cooperation with the CM/GC for the development of the design of the Project within the budgeted cost and schedule. The
objective of the coordination is to assure that the design meets the Using Agency Program in all respects, including but not limited
to the following areas:

 Cost containment and cost monitoring;

 Cost-effective decisions;
 Compatibility with Owner’s and Using Agency’s architectural standards.
 Consistency with the Owner’s, Using Agency’s and Tenant’s expectations in the Using Agency’s Program;
 The appropriate provision of all necessary services and utilities;
 The necessary level of environmental review and documentation;
 That the Owner and Using Agency are kept fully aware of the progress of the project;
 That the project schedule is maintained;
 That construction quality assurance complies with the Using Agency’s Program;
 That the Construction Documents are reviewed for constructability; and
 That all permits and approvals are obtained for occupancy by the Using Agency. Overall Project Schedule. The Design Professional shall develop with the CM/GC from its Construction Progress
Schedule an Overall Project Schedule for approval by the Owner of a realistic sequence of design, construction, and procurement
activities necessary to achieve completion of design and commencement and completion of construction of the Project in
accordance with the Using Agency’s Program. The Overall Project Schedule shall include, but is not limited to, the following:

i. a schedule for completion of Construction Documents for the entire Project;

ii. a schedule for the anticipated commencement and completion of construction and procurement activities under
Contract Documents for each Component for which separate Component Construction Documents are to be prepared;

iii. a schedule showing the date by which the CM/GC anticipates CM/GC shall propose a GMP Change Order to the
CM/GC Contract;

iv. a schedule showing the date by which the CM/GC anticipates CM/GC shall propose a lump sum price Change
Order to the CM/GC Contract;

v. a schedule for approval times for shop drawings and submittals required of the CM/GC, keeping in mind that the
CM/GC shall be instructed to take into account large submittal documents that will require longer review times, e.g.,
submittals with over fifty sheets of drawings;

vi. a schedule of dates for the submittal of approval documents to the Using Agency and the Owner;

vii. a schedule of dates for the submittal of approval documents to other state agencies
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PART 1 – DESIGN SERVICES Changes Prior to GMP Change Order. In the event the Owner and Using Agency propose a change to the Using
Agency’s Program, the Design Professional shall review the proposed revision to determine whether the change requires a change
in the GMP Cost Limitation.
2.1.11 Georgia Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Construction Act of 2008 Related Services. The following services are to be
provided by the Design Professional if this project is subject to the Georgia Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Construction Act of
2008 (“Energy Act”). See paragraph 13 of the Contract to determine if the Energy Act is applicable. Commissioning. The systems listed on the Commissioning Checklist, included in the CM/GC Forms Packet, must be
commissioned. Water Use Reductions. The project shall be designed, constructed, and commissioned or modeled to achieve a 15
percent reduction in water use when compared to water use based on plumbing fixture selection in accordance with the Energy
Policy Act of 1992. The Design Professional shall complete the Water-Use Reduction Checklist included in the CM/GC Forms
Packet to certify compliance with the Water Use Reduction provisions. Georgia Based Materials and Products. The project shall be designed so that not less than 10 percent of all building
materials used in the project are materials that are harvested, extracted, or manufactured in the State of Georgia where such
products are commercially available. The Design Professional shall include the 10 percent minimum requirement in the
specifications to ensure that sufficient Georgia based materials and products are incorporated into the project.

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2.2.1 - General Administration. Overall Administration. This function covers the overall Project administrative duties performed by the Design
Professional during the construction phase and includes the use of the Design Professional’s powers to require that the
Contractor comply with the Contract Documents. It includes all duties that constitute the Design Professional’s
administration of the Construction Contract. The Design Professional acknowledges that all definitions and terms of trade
usage set forth in the General Requirements of the CM/GC Contract are incorporated into this Contract by reference.
The CM/GC, however, shall be solely responsible for safety as well as the means and methods of construction. The
Construction Contract Administration services described in this Part are to be distinguished from the continuous services
of the CM/GC and the services of a third party construction inspector or quality control specialist. Duration. The Construction Contract Administration Services phase begins with the award of the CM/GC
Contract and is concerned with both “office” and “field” professional services required to direct the Construction Contract
Administration. The Construction Contract Administration services of the Design Professional shall commence upon
receipt of a letter from the Owner requesting the Design Professional to proceed and shall continue until completion of
the project. Cost Control Prior to GMP. At appropriate intervals prior to agreement on the GMP change order, the Design
Professional shall review the Construction Cost Estimate provided by the CM/GC and with the CM/GC develop the
Reconciled Construction Cost Estimate, consisting of a composite of the Design Professional's Estimate of Probable
Construction Cost and the CM/GC's Construction Cost Estimate, each separately derived and each based upon the
Program and design documents prepared by the Design Professional. If at any time the Design Professional's Estimate
of Probable Construction Cost and the Construction Cost Estimate of the CM/GC, are, in the Owner's judgment, not
reconcilable or exceed corresponding Components of the Project Budget, the Owner, the Design Professional and the
CM/GC shall confer to resolve such differences; and if such differences cannot be resolved, to recommend to the Owner
such actions as may be necessary or appropriate to resolve such differences. Cost accounting shall comply with GASB
34 accounting requirements. Site Visits. During the Construction Administration phase, the Design Professional and its professional
consultants shall make Site Visits to the project site to discharge their professional obligations as stipulated in the
Contract, Paragraph 5 - Site Visits. The Design Professional shall submit, for review and approval of the Owner, a
schedule of anticipated site visits, for each design discipline, that is compatible with the approved construction schedule.
Additional Site Visits shall be treated as Additional Services, except that additional Site Visits caused by any error or
omission of the Design Professional shall be part of Basic Services and shall not be an Additional Service. Additional
Site Visits caused or necessitated by unforeseen construction conditions or non-compliant Work of the Contractor shall
normally be approved by the Owner. Accessibility. The Design Professional shall designate a readily accessible representative (either on Site or by
computer, phone, fax, or otherwise) who shall have authority promptly to convey decisions and to furnish information
required of the Design Professional.

2.2.2 Basic Office Services. The basic office services performed during the construction phase include:

 Administering the construction contract

 Monitoring the status of Owner’s construction funds
 Requiring receipts from all known subcontractors and all known suppliers (1) if Design Professional has evidence of
delinquency on the part of the CM/GC in making payments or (2) if he is requested to do so by the Owner
 Recommending withholding payments to the CM/GC, as appropriate
 Issuing certificates of payments
 Reviewing and commenting on shop drawings and submittals for conformance with design intent
 Making revisions, corrections or clarifications to the Contract Documents by bulletins or change orders
 Maintaining correspondence and records
 Performing associated clerical services
 Reviewing / evaluating and processing of Change Order requests and claims.
 Issuing change orders as described in the General Requirements for changes in the work (No changes in the Contract
Documents shall be made except with the prior written consent of the Owner.)
 Responding to all RFI’s (Requests For Information)
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 Executing all other duties required of the Design Professional in the General Requirements
 Reviewing the certificates, manuals and guarantees assembled by the CM/GC as provided in the Contract Documents
 Recommending acceptance of the completed project

2.2.3 Basic Field Services. The professional services performed during the construction administration comprise on-site
observation, evaluation, and documentation by the Design Professional and its consultants to guard against nonconformity of the
work with the Contract Documents. In addition, the Design Professional shall observe and document appropriately any compliance
concerns with agreed construction schedules, the superintendence of the work, and the qualifications of skilled workers. Observations, Evaluations and Documentation. A principal of the Design Professional’s firm and/or each
consultant’s firm, or a qualified employee of each firm approved by the Owner shall perform observations, evaluations
and documentation. The Design Professional shall not knowingly certify Work for payment that has been improperly
installed .The Design Professional shall engage registered professional consultants licensed in the State of Georgia to
make periodic observations and evaluations and a final observation and evaluation of the work and to assist its in
administration of the construction contract. The Design Professional shall not accept, authorize the covering of, or certify
for payment Work in a field or trade in which the Design Professional is not skilled and competent, except upon the
personal advice and written approval of said consultants. The Design Professional shall arrange, as a part of its services,
for registered professional consultants responsible to the Design Professional to make periodic observations and
evaluations and to advise the Owner in writing from time to time and as the work progresses, as to the concurrence on
the part of the consultants in (i) the accepting, (ii) the consenting to the covering of, and (iii) the certifying for payment of
Work in their fields of practice. The Design Professional is fully responsible for any Work designed, approved, certified,
or accepted by its consultants the same as if the said Work were designed, approved, certified, or accepted by the Design
Professional. Once a month a written report shall be submitted to the Owner apprising it of the progress and condition of
the Work Construction Progress Meetings. The Design Professional shall attend Construction Progress Meetings
periodically held by the CM/GC at the job site on a schedule determined by the CM/GC. The Design Professional shall
review the minutes of the meeting and provide his written comments to the minutes to the Owner and CM/GC within seven
(7) calendar days after the meeting. Contracts with Consultants. Upon demand of the Owner, the Design Professional shall furnish the Owner a copy
of each contract between the Design Professional and its consultants, and such contracts must indicate (i) completely,
definitely and clearly the Construction Contract Administration services to be performed by the consultants, and (ii) bind
the consultant to the terms of this Contract which apply to the services of the consultants. Owner’s Quality Control Inspector. When desired by the Owner, a quality control inspector may be engaged by
the Owner, or upon direction of the Owner, by the Design Professional for and on behalf of the Owner, and paid or
reimbursed by the Owner. The individual or firm shall be one to whom the Design Professional has no reasonable

2.2.4 Component Change Orders. When the use of a Component Change Order and Component Construction Documents
are contemplated, the Design Professional shall request that the CM/GC submit a Component Change Order under the CM/GC’s
Agreement for the construction or procurement of the Component under the Component Construction Documents. Upon receipt
of the proposed Component Change Order, the Design Professional shall review the proposed Component Change Order to
determine its compliance with the CM/GC Contract. The Design Professional shall issue Component Construction Documents meeting the following minimum criteria:

a. The Component Construction Documents shall reasonably show the intent of the Work to be
b. The Component Construction Documents shall be sufficient for the Design-Builder to price the Work;
c. The Component Construction Documents shall meet all regulatory and Fire Marshal requirements (Refer
to Owner’s Instructions to Design Professionals for Fire Marshal CCO permit approval requirements); and
d. The Component Construction Documents shall be sufficiently detailed to preclude the necessity for
rework as the Construction Documents proceed to 100% completion; and
e. The Component Construction Documents (CCO) shall be stamped by the licensed/registered Design
Professional of record or his licensed/registered engineering consultant. If the CM/GC requests and the Owner approves a redesign of Component Construction Documents the Design
Professional shall undertake such redesign. (See Paragraph
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PART 2 – CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION SERVICES With respect to any Component Change Order proposed prior to the execution of a GMP Change Order, Design
Professional shall recommend to the Owner and Using Agency approval or disapproval of the Component Change Order.
With its recommendation, Design Professional shall (i) provide to Owner and Using Agency any analysis of the
Component Change Order price as it relates to Estimates of Probable Construction Cost submitted by the Design
Professional and to the Stated Cost Limitation, and (ii) shall recommend to Owner the amount to be established by Owner
as an Owner's contingency reserve with respect to the work governed by the Component Change Order if the Component
Change Order is approved by the Owner. If the proposed Component Change Order proposes a price for the work
governed by the Component Construction Documents to which the proposed Component Change Order relates which
materially exceeds the Design Professional's Estimate of Probable Construction Cost corresponding to such work, the
Design Professional shall recommend such corrective action, if any, which the Design Professional shall deem necessary
or appropriate such that the Project Cost shall not exceed the Stated Cost Limitation. Cost accounting shall comply with GASB 34 accounting requirements. Upon approval by the Owner of a Component Change Order, the Owner shall issue to the CM/GC a Proceed
Order under the Component Change Order

2.2.5 The GMP Change Order. The Design Professional is responsible for, or if a Program Manger is engaged, coordinates
the development of a framework for negotiating the guaranteed maximum price (GMP) and, if appropriate the subsequent lump
sum contract with the CM/GC. These duties include, but are not limited to: Monitoring the GMP and/or lump sum contract on behalf of the Owner and taking appropriate actions to assure
that the CM/GC maintains consistency with the terms and conditions of the contract(s). Monitoring construction activities to assure consistency with the Program’s project and quality specifications
expectations. Maintaining an “on-site” presence and accessibility (e.g., telephone, facsimile) through a qualified representative
during all construction activities to assist in clarifying design or construction issues where the Owner’s input is required,
and in general, assuring the Owner that the project is well and duly constructed. Cost accounting shall comply with GASB 34 accounting requirements.

2.2.6 Processing the GMP Change Order. When the Construction Documents for the entire project reach the stage of
completion at which the CM/GC is required to propose a GMP Change Order, the Owner shall request the CM/GC to submit a
GMP Change Order under the CM/GC’s Agreement for the construction of the entire Project under the Construction Documents.
Design Professional shall confer with CM/GC in CM/GC's development of a GMP Change Order proposed in connection with
those matters that affect the services of the Design Professional under this Agreement. Upon receipt of the proposed GMP
Change Order, Design Professional shall review the proposed GMP Change Order to determine its compliance with the Using
Agency’s Program and the CM/GC’s Agreement and shall recommend to the Owner approval or disapproval of the GMP Change
Order. With its recommendation, Design Professional shall (i) provide to Owner any analysis of the GMP Change Order price as
it relates to the prior Estimates of Probable Construction Cost submitted by the Design Professional and to the GMP Cost
Limitation; (ii) shall recommend to Owner the amount to be established by Owner as an Owner's contingency reserve with respect
to the work governed by the GMP Change Order if the Owner approves the GMP Change Order; (iii) shall determine whether the
proposed GMP Change Order is consistent with the CM/GC’s Agreement, including the Project Schedule to the extent any changes
to the Project Schedule proposed by the GMP Change Order affects the activities of the Design Professional under this Agreement
and, if there is a variance, whether Design Professional agrees to such variance; and (iv) shall determine whether the proposed
GMP Change Order and the assumptions on which it is based are consistent with the Using Agency’s Program or subsequent
revisions, prepared by the Design Professional and theretofore approved by the Owner. If the GMP Change Order proposes a Guaranteed Maximum Price which, taking into account recommended
contingency reserves, exceeds the GMP Cost Limitation for construction of the Project, Design Professional shall
recommend such corrective action which the Design Professional believes is necessary to reduce such price so that it is
within the GMP Cost Limitation or which is necessary to alternatively procure such work. If the Owner agrees to a
Guaranteed Maximum Price that exceeds the GMP Cost Limitation, then the GMP Cost Limitation shall be thereafter
equal to the Guaranteed Maximum Price but there shall be no increase in the compensation of Design Professional under
this Agreement as a result of such change to the GMP Cost Limitation.

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PART 2 – CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION SERVICES If the GMP Change Order is based on a design prepared by the Design Professional on behalf of the CM/GC
which has not been approved by the Owner or upon assumptions concerning such design, said assumptions having not
been approved by the Owner, the Design Professional shall identify such design or assumptions that require Owner's
approval. The Design Professional shall issue GMP Construction Documents meeting the following minimum criteria:

a. The GMP Construction Documents shall reasonably show the intent of the Work to be accomplished;
b. The GMP Construction Documents shall be sufficient for the CM/GC to price the Work;
c. The GMP Construction Documents shall meet all regulatory and Fire Marshal requirements; (Refer to
the Owner’s Instructions to Design Professionals for Fire Marshal permit approval requirements).
d. The GMP Construction Documents shall be sufficiently detailed to preclude the necessity for rework as
the Construction Documents proceed to 100% completion; and
e. The GMP Construction Documents shall be stamped by the licensed/registered Design
Professional of record or his licensed/registered engineering consultant Upon approval of the GMP Change Order, the Owner will issue to the CM/GC a Proceed Order. Upon approval by the Owner of the GMP Change Order, any revision of the Project Schedule proposed thereby
shall be incorporated into this Agreement and shall govern the schedule of activities of the Design Professional Upon approval by the Owner of the GMP Change Order, the Design Professional on behalf of the CM/GC shall
complete its design of the Project. This design shall include Construction Documents, developed in accordance with the
basis stated in the GMP Change Order.

2.2.7 Monitoring CM/GC Performance. The responsibility of Design Professional for enforcing the performance of the contract
is not affected in any respect by the presence of a contract compliance specialist at the site or by inspections by other employees
or contractors of the Owner. The Design Professional agrees that its responsibility for approving, accepting, consenting to the
covering of, and certifying Work for payment is not shared with employees or other contractors of the Owner.. If a contract
compliance specialist or quality control inspector has been assigned to the Project, the Design Professional shall direct same to
enter into the Project Diary the date on which the Design Professional approves or consents to covering of given Work together
with precise identification of the Work.

2.2.8 Responding to the CM/GC. Requests for Information (RFI). 2.211 The Design Professional will review and respond with reasonable
promptness normally five (5) business days from receipt to properly prepare any reasonable requests from the CM/GC
for additional information about the Contact Documents. The Design Professional shall prescribe the format for such
requests and shall instruct and assist the CM/GC in adhering to this format. (See, however, Article 2.2.8 concerning
Submittals.) Supplemental Drawings. The Design Professional shall prepare all supplemental drawings to the Contract
Documents as required for the successful completion of the Project or as requested by the Owner. The Design
Professional agrees he will not issue any verbal or written orders for omission from, additions to, or changes in the CM/GC
Contract until approved in writing by the Owner. The Design Professional as Interpreter. The Design Professional shall act as the initial interpreter of the
Construction Documents and shall make decisions within fourteen (14) calendar days after proper presentation of an
issue, claim or complaint by either party to the CM/GC Contract. In the event of noncompliance, including omission of
work or faulty workmanship, the Design Professional shall recite in the decision the paragraph number or article of the
specifications and/or the detail or drawing which has been violated, indicating the deviation from the design. The Design
Professional will include suitable specifications and/or drawings indicating the design to be used in executing the
correction or remedy of non-complying work in its decision. Impartial Decisions. The Design Professional is the interpreter of the conditions of the contract and the judge of
its performance, in the first instance. The Design Professional shall side neither with the Owner nor with the CM/GC, but
shall use its powers under the contract to enforce its performance by both. Aesthetic Effect. The Design Professional's decisions in matters relating to aesthetic effect shall be final if the
decision is within the terms of the Contract Documents.
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2.2.9 Evaluations of the Work. Site Visits. The Design Professional shall see that he and its consultants make field observations and evaluations
as called for in this Contract and during the critical phases of construction. To the extent practicable for visits not on the
schedule established under Paragraph above, the Design Professional shall provide advance notice to the Owner
and Using Agency of its site visits and by its consultants. The services of the Design Professional’s field representative,
if any, shall not be utilized for checking shop drawings unless the field representative is a design professional of the firm
or has a specific approval of the Owner. The Design Professional shall maintain a log of all its visits to the site and by its
consultants. The Design Professional shall not be responsible for construction means, methods, techniques, sequences,
procedures, or safety precautions and programs in connection with the Work, and shall not be responsible for a CM/GC’s
failure to carry out the work in accordance with the Contract Documents. However, where such deficiencies are observed
or where the Design Professional observes the CM/GC failing to execute the Work in accordance with the Contract
Documents, the Design Professional shall promptly notify the CM/GC in writing of all such deficiencies and shall issue
such notices of Non-Compliant Work he deems appropriate, including, when necessary, issuing a stop work order over
such part of the Work as is necessary and expedient. The Design Professional shall promptly inform the Owner of all
such actions, including copies of all notices and back up documentation. Deviations from the Contract Documents. The Design Professional shall report deviations from the Contract
Documents and the construction progress schedule to the Owner and the CM/GC through site observations and
evaluations appropriate to the stage of completion of the work or as otherwise agreed to by the Owner. The Design
Professional shall issue Notices of Non-Compliant Work for nonconforming work in accordance with the General
Requirements. The Design Professional is responsible for its acts and its consultants, but shall not have control over and
shall not be responsible for the acts or omissions of the CM/GC, subcontractors or their agents or employees. Access to the Work. The Design Professional and its representatives shall have access to the Work at all times
while it is in progress, and shall comply with all job site safety rules. Owner Communications. Both the Design Professional and the Owner agree that most communications on the
project should be through the Design Professional in order to keep the Design Professional informed of the status of the
project. The Owner also agrees that communications concerning matters relating to the Contract Documents with the
Design Professional’s consultants will be through the Design Professional. The Owner, through its Program Manager (if
engaged), shall coordinate all such communications and shall endeavor to keep the Design Professional informed of all
communications between the Owner and the CM/GC and vice versa. . Rejection of Work. The Design Professional shall reject work which does not comply with the requirements of
the Contract Documents or is not in compliance with the applicable laws and codes by utilizing the Notice of Non-
Conforming Work procedures outlined in the General Requirements. The Design Professional shall have authority to
order testing of the work as is provided in the Contract Documents or as otherwise required in its judgment, whether such
Work is fabricated, installed or completed.

2.2.10 Certification of Payments to the CM/GC. Issuance of Certification. Based on project site observation, the Design Professional shall review the
CM/GC’s Application for Payment and determine the amount owed to the CM/GC and shall certify the CM/GC's
Application and Certificate for Payment. Such issuance shall constitute a representation by the Design Professional to
the Owner that to the best of the Design Professional’s knowledge, information or belief, the Work has progressed to the
point indicated, and that the quality of Work is in accordance with the Construction Documents, and that the CM/GC is
entitled to payment in the amount requested. If the Design Professional declines to certify all or a portion of the amounts
requested by the CM/GC, he shall state the reasons therefore, in its certification, and shall provide written notice to the
CM/GC of the same. When requested by the Owner, the Design Professional shall require lien waivers prior to approving
the CM/GC’s Application for Payment. Record. The Design Professional shall maintain a record of the CM/GC’s Applications for Payment. Accounting Format. Applications for Payment shall comply with the General Requirements. Advice on Construction Progress. To each Application for Payment forwarded to the Owner, the Design
Professional shall attach its Advice on Construction Progress, in the format provided in the CM/GC Forms Packet, and
provide a copy to the CM/GC.
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2.2.11 Submittals. The Design Professional’s Review. Within fourteen calendar days from receipt, the Design Professional
shall review and give comment or approval regarding the submittal schedule as detailed in the CM/GC’s General
Requirements. The Contract Documents shall specify when shop drawings or submittals require the seal of a specialty
consultant. The Design Professional shall then review, approve, or take other appropriate action with respect to shop
drawings, samples, or other submissions of the CM/GC, including, but not limited to, confirmation of conformance with
the design concept of the Project and with the Contract Documents. The Design Professional shall respond to the CM/GC
and return said items to the CM/GC within fourteen calendar days from receipt, provided that the Contractor submits the
submittals in accordance with the required submittal schedule. In establishing the Submittal Schedule the CM/GC shall
be instructed to take into account large submittal documents that will require longer review times, e.g., submittals with
over fifty sheets of drawings. Record. The Design Professional shall maintain a record of submittals and copies of submittals supplied
by the CM/GC. Re-submittals. The Design Professional shall be responsible for an initial submittal review and one re-
submittal review. Where the re-submittal is not accepted due to noncompliance with the specifications, the CM/GC shall
be responsible for payment of the additional time required by the Design Professional to complete the submittal review. The Design Professional shall not redesign, add or change scope on submittals without first requesting
a change request and approval by the Owner.

2.2.12 Changes in the Work after the GMP Change Order. The Design Professional’s Review of Change Orders. The Design Professional shall review and submit
for approval of the Owner, Change Orders to the CM/GC Contract, as conditions warrant, utilizing the forms provided in
the CM/GC General Requirements. If the Change Order is Owner-directed, the Design Professional shall coordinate the
preparation of the Change Order with the CM/GC and Program Manager, if engaged. Determination of Cost. The Design Professional shall review the CM/GC’s proposed cost of the work,
time to complete, effect upon the construction progress schedule, and effect upon time dependent costs, and provide
appropriate comments within 14 calendar days concerning such proposed costs and expenses. Approval of the Owner. The Design Professional shall order no changes in the Work without the approval
of the Owner. Accounting Format. Cost breakdowns for Change Orders shall comply with the General Requirements. Advice on Construction Progress. To each Change Order which grants an extension in the Contract
Time, the Design Professional shall attach its Advice on Construction Progress, in the format provided in the Forms
Packet, and provide a copy to the CM/GC.

2.2.13 Project Completion. Project Completion is more fully addressed in Section 5 of the CM/GC General Requirements. Inspection for Material Completion. Material Completion is specifically defined in the General Requirements
and all references to substantial completion or the concept of substantial completion are deleted and of no force and
effect in the Contract Documents. The Design Professional shall cooperate with the CM/GC in preparing for and
implementing the Inspection for Material Completion, and shall conduct and document its inspections and evaluations for
Material Completion within ten business days from notice of request. Upon successful completion of the Inspection for
Material Completion as specified in the General Requirements, the Design Professional shall issue a Certificate of Material
Completion on the form included in the CM/GC Forms Packets. The Certificate of Material Completion shall include the
Final Punch List that shall specify each item that constitutes either a Minor Item or Permitted Incomplete Work, as defined
in the General Requirements, and shall additionally specify a value for each. It is the responsibility of the Design
Professional to have its representative and representatives of its major consultants present for the inspection and
evaluation for Material Completion. Otherwise, the inspection and evaluation will be canceled and rescheduled at the
Design Professional's expense. The Design Professional who executes the Certificate of Material Completion must be
the person who has executed the Design Professional’s Contract or its successor.

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PART 2 – CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION SERVICES Payment for Material Completion. Upon receipt of the Certificate of Material Completion, the CM/GC may make
Application for Payment for Material Completion (which includes retainage) with supporting documentation as required in
the General Requirements. Before certifying such payment, the Design Professional shall withhold from the amount
certified 200 percent of the value of each Minor Item or Permitted Incomplete Work and shall require the CM/GC to provide
the Statutory Affidavit, the Non-Influence Affidavit, and supporting documentation called for in the General Requirements.
If the CM/GC has shown any exceptions on the Statutory Affidavit, the Design Professional shall also make appropriate
deductions to the Certificate of Payment. Final Inspection and Evaluation. Upon receipt of the request for Inspection for Final Completion, the Design
Professional shall conduct and document its inspections and evaluations for Final Completion in accordance with the
General Requirements. The Design Professional shall confirm that the Final Punch List and all Minor Items and Permitted
Incomplete Work are successfully accomplished. Upon successful completion of such inspection, the Design Professional
shall certify to the best of its knowledge and belief to the Owner that the Project has been completed in compliance with
the Contract Documents. The Design Professional then shall issue to the Owner and to the CM/GC a Certificate of Final
Completion on the form included in the CM/GC Form Packet. The Design Professional who executes the Certificate of
Final Completion must be the person who has executed the Design Professional’s Contract or its successor. Final Payment. Upon issuance of the Certificate of Final Completion and receipt of an application for Final
Payment, the Design Professional, shall certify Final Payment for the funds withheld at Material Completion. Effect of Certificates. Neither the issuance of any certificate as to any Application for Payment, achievement of
Material Completion or Final Completion, or certification of any payment by the Design Professional, nor any other
provision in the Contract Documents, shall relieve the CM/GC of the responsibility for faulty materials or faulty

2.2.14 Record Drawings, Final Documents and Closeout Services. Record Drawings and Final Documents. The Design Professional shall, upon final completion of the
Project, revise the original drawings and specifications based upon documents incorporated by Change Orders, additional
sketches, answered RFI’s and marked up documents provided by the CM/GC to show the project “as built”. The Design
Professional shall furnish and deliver to the Owner after the entire work is completed, and not later than sixty (60) calendar
days after execution of its Certificate of Final Completion, the Record Drawings. (Record Drawings and Final Documents
shall reflect all changes caused by addenda, field changes, change orders or observed changes by the Design
Professional, the CM/GC or the subcontractor(s) to the extend such CM/GC or Subcontractor observations are
communicated in writing to the Design Professional. The Design Professional shall furnish the Owner, at no additional
cost, three bound sets of specifications, complete with all addenda and authorized Change Orders and the following sets
of Contract Drawings:

(a) One set of full-size reproducible documents,

(b) Three sets of full-size blue or black line prints, and
(c) Electronic media (CD-ROM including CADD) files in PDF Format or Autoview Format or Autocad)
or other approved equal

Based upon additional information provided by the CM/GC, the Record Drawings and Final Documents shall show the
Design Professional’s understanding of the locations of all utility lines and shall be altered to conform to all changes made
in the building during its construction. The Design Professional shall furnish additional copies of the aforesaid documents
or reproducible documents as requested by Owner, for which the Owner shall pay the actual cost of reproduction. Review of Operating Instructions. The Design Professional review and confirm that all equipment and systems
operation and maintenance manuals provided by the CM/GC are in compliance with the Specifications and shall forward
to the Owner all equipment and systems operation and maintenance manuals provided by the CM/GC in compliance with
the Specifications. Cooperation with Facility Operation and Training Services. The Design Professional shall cooperate with the
CM/GC to provided operations instructions and training for the Owner’s facilities personnel to include normal operation of
all building systems, emergency operations, and normal maintenance operations. Facility Observation and Evaluation – Warranty Services. The Design Professional shall observe and evaluate
the function of building systems during the warranty period to identify actual and potential warranty items, as well as any

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deficiencies or defects that require correction. Reports shall be rendered in sufficient time for the Owner to secure
corrections under applicable warranties Capital Cost Accounting. Pursuant to the General Requirements, the CM/GC shall provide a Final Certificate of
Costs for Capital Asset Accounting, to enable the Owner and Using Agency to accurately reflect the Project as a capital
asset in accordance with generally accepted government accounting principles (GASB – 34). The Design Professional,
using its final Statement of Probable Costs and the guides to useful life of capital assets contained in the CM/GC Forms
Packet, shall complete the certification on the CM/GC’s Certificate (the format for the Certificate is included in Exhibit L).
Should there be a disagreement with the categorization of any cost between the CM/GC and the Design Professional,
both should consult with the Owner. The Vice Chancellor for Facilities, in consultation with the Director, Construction
Division, GSFIC, shall make the final decision consistent with established State accounting policies and the Certificate
shall be adjusted accordingly.

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3.1.1 General. Supplemental to those services described under Basic Design Services and Basic Construction Contract
Administration Services, the Design Professional and its consultants may be called upon to provide certain Additional Design
Services and Construction Contract Administration Services during the course of the Project. For the purposes of this Contract, a
list of sample Additional Design Services and Construction Contract Administration Services is set forth in Exhibit A including any
stipulated payment amounts for those Additional Design Services and Construction Contract Administration Services for which
compensation can be projected and agreed upon in advance. The parties agree that other Additional Design Services and
Construction Contract Administration Services may be required or requested by the Owner, with the compensation to be agreed
upon prior to the Design Professional undertaking the Additional Design Services or Construction Contract Administration
Services; provided, however, that if such compensation cannot be agreed, the Additional Design Services or Construction Contract
Administration Services shall be performed at the hourly rates set forth listed in Exhibit A-1, plus reimbursable expenses pursuant
to Article 4.1.3, with a limitation as to maximum amount specified.

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3.2.1 General. Supplemental to those services described under Basic Construction Contract Administration Services, the
Design Professional and its consultants may be called upon to provide certain Additional Construction Contract Administration
Services during the course of the Project. These Additional Construction Contract Administration Services shall be listed on
Exhibit A including any stipulated payment amounts for those Additional Construction Contract Administration Services for which
compensation can be projected and agreed upon in advance. The parties agree that other Additional CM/GC Construction
Contract Administration Services may be required or requested by the Owner and set forth on Exhibit A, with the compensation
to be agreed upon prior to the Design Professional undertaking the Additional Construction Contract Administration Services;
provided, however, that if such compensation cannot be agreed, the Additional Services shall be performed at the hourly rates
set forth listed in Exhibit A-1, plus reimbursable expenses pursuant to Article 4.1.3, with a limitation as to maximum amount

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4.1.1 Compensation for Basic Services. Compensation for Basic Design Services. The Design Professional agrees to perform for the Owner the work
and the professional services hereinbefore denominated as Basic Design Services. The Owner agrees to pay the Design
Professional for such services a LUMP SUM FEE specified in the Contract, hereinafter known and referred to as the
"Basic Design Services Fee". The Basic Design Services Fee shall include all professional Basic Design Services for
design (Schematic Design, Design Development, Construction Documents, Proposal Documents, and Phased Services)
and the design of all Change Orders during the Construction phase that are not a result of a Change of Scope.
Compensation for services related to Change Orders that result from a Change of Scope shall be in accordance with
Contract, paragraph 4e. If the Owner does not elect to procure construction services, then there shall be no payment for
construction procurement services. Compensation for Basic Construction Contract Administration Services. If the Owner elects to require the Design
Professional to provide Basic Construction Contract Administration services the Owner agrees to pay the Design
Professional for such services rendered, an additional LUMP SUM FEE specified in the Contract, hereinafter known and
referred to as the "Basic CM/GC Construction Contract Administration Services Fee". Basic Construction Contract Administration Services Fee. The Basic Construction Administration
Services Fee shall include all Basic Construction Contract Administration Services, whether consisting of
professional or non-professional services including, without limitation, the Administration of Change Orders.
Compensation for services related to Change Orders that result from a Change of Scope shall be in accordance
with Paragraph 4e of this Contract. The Basic Construction Contract Administration Services of the Design
Professional shall commence upon receipt of a letter from the Owner requesting the Design Professional to
administer the Construction Contract and shall continue until completion of the Project. Extended Additional Construction Contract Administration Services. If the completion of the Project
is delayed by more than sixty calendar days past the established Contract time as amended by extensions of
time, the Design Professional and its consultants shall be paid for any necessary Extended Additional
Construction Contract Administration Services, provided that the facts indicate that the delay is not the result of
the delinquency of the Design Professional. If the Owner and the Design Professional cannot agree upon an
appropriate lump sum fee, then compensation shall be based upon the hourly rates set forth listed in Exhibit A,
plus reimbursable expenses pursuant to Article 4.1.3 below, with a limitation as to maximum amount specified,
provided that services rendered as a part of any remaining authorized Additional Site Visits shall be compensated
as set forth on Exhibit A and not included within the compensation for such Extended Additional Construction
Contract Administration Services.

4.1.2 Compensation for Additional Services. Compensation for Additional Services. Additional Services shall be compensated as set forth on Exhibit A for
the stipulated payment amounts set forth therein. Other Additional Services not set forth on Exhibit A that are required
or requested by the Owner shall be compensated as agreed, utilizing the methodology set forth on Exhibit A, prior to the
Design Professional undertaking such Additional Services; provided, however, that if such compensation cannot be
agreed, the Additional Services shall be performed at the hourly rates set forth listed in Exhibit A-1, plus reimbursable
expenses pursuant to Article 4.1.3 below, with a limitation as to maximum amount specified. Annual Adjustment of Additional Services Hourly Rates. Each year on the anniversary date of the execution of
this Contract, the Design Professional shall be allowed to submit a request for an adjustment of its hourly rates and its
consultant’s hourly rates for Additional Services as shown on Exhibit A-1, supported by appropriate cost indices, for
approval by the Owner. The Owner is not obligated to adjust hourly rates that are not, in the Owner’s reasonable
discretion, required or adequately supported.

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4.1.3 Reimbursable Expenses Additional Site Visits and Miscellaneous Travel. Site Visits. Additional s (those in addition to visits stipulated in Contract, paragraph 5) shall be
reimbursed at the unit prices established on Exhibit A, in compliance with Paragraph Miscellaneous Travel. Upon the express prior written approval of the Owner, miscellaneous travel
and subsistence shall be reimbursed to the Design Professional and its consultants at the same rates and
conditions for state employees. Reproduction of Documents. In addition to the Design Professional’s Basic Services fee as hereinbefore
established, the Design Professional shall be reimbursed at actual cost, but not greater than the most competitive market
rate, for reproductions of drawings and project manuals (specifications), for review and use of Owner and Program
Manager, if any; for reviews by authorities having jurisdiction. Advertisements. In addition to the Design Professional's fee herein established, the Design Professional shall
be reimbursed at cost for advertisements for proposals, if any. This reimbursement shall be requested on the same
document as reimbursement for printing of drawings and project manuals. The Design Professional shall provide the
Owner with a copy of the billing(s) for the advertisements for proposals. Advertisements for proposals shall appear in at
least 3 locations including a local county organ (newspaper). Other Direct Expenses. Other such project direct expenses as are approved in advance in writing by the Owner. Accounting Records. Accounting records of the Design Professional pertaining to the Project shall be kept on a
generally recognized accounting basis and shall be available to the Owner no later than seven (7) calendar days after a
written request is delivered to the Design Professional. Such records shall remain available to the Owner for eight (8)
years after material completion of Project.

4.1.4 Payments to the Design Professional. Basic Design Services Fee Payment Schedule. Upon completion and approval by the Owner of each phase of
documents and services specified herein, the Design Professional shall be entitled to payment of a percentage of the
Basic Design Services Fee substantially in accordance with the following schedule.

(a) Schematic Design Phase (20%)

(b) Design Development Phase (25%)
(c) GMP Construction Documents (30%)
(d) 100% Construction Documents (25%) Partial Payments. Partial payments for (a), (b) and (c) may be made monthly with the amount of the
payment prorated over the anticipated time required to complete a particular phase. In no case shall the total of
the partial payments for a particular phase exceed the fee established for that phase. Payments to Consultants. The Design Professional shall make payments to its consultants within five
(5) business days following receipt of payment from the Owner. Basic Construction Contract Administration Services Fee Payments. Payments to the Design Professional on
account of the Basic Construction Contract Administration Services Fee shall be made as follows. Monthly. On a monthly basis during the execution of the Work by the CM/GC and in equal proportions
to the amount of Work certified for payment by the Design Professional on the CM/GC’s Application for Payment,
which may be adjusted to account for design activities such as reviews of submittals, until such monthly payments
equal 95% of the Basic Construction Contract Administration Services Fee.

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PART 1 - COMPENSATION Final Payment. When the certificate for Final Payment has been executed by the Design Professional
pursuant to Section 6 of the CM/GC General Requirements and the Design Professional has completed all
requirements of the Contract including the furnishing of Record Documents, final payment shall be made in a
sum sufficient to increase payment to 100% of the Basic Construction Contract Administration Services Fee,
provided that the entire fee has not been previously paid pursuant to Paragraph above. Additional Services Fees. Payments to the Design Professional on account of Additional Services shall be made
as follows. Lump Sum Additional Services. Payments shall be made monthly to commensurate with the
percentage of the completion of the services. Hourly Additional Services. Payments shall be made monthly based on the time records of the Design
Professional and the Design Professional’s consultants. Reimbursable Expenses. Payments for authorized reimbursable expenses incurred by the Design Professional
and the Design Professional’s consultants shall be paid monthly based on documented costs. Payment Due Dates and Interest. Should the Owner fail to pay a proper invoice within thirty calendar days of
receipt, the Design Professional shall notify the Owner in writing by Certified or Statutory mail. If the Owner fails to pay
within five business days of receipt of the notice, the Design Professional shall receive, in addition the sum named in the
proper invoice, interest thereon at the rate of one half (½) percent per month on the unpaid balance as may be due. Statement Requirements. Statement or invoices for the Design Professional fees before award of the CM/GC
Contract must be accompanied by a current Statement of Probable Construction Cost. Deductions; Payments Withheld. No deduction shall be made from payments to the Design Professional on
account of penalties, liquidated damages or other amounts assessed against the CM/GC. The Owner reserves the right
to withhold payments to the Design Professional for losses connected with the Project caused by the negligent errors,
omissions, delinquencies or wrongful acts of the Design Professional in performing its duties under this Contract. Upon
receipt of written request from the Design Professional, the Owner agrees to discuss the amounts and reasons for which
the payments are withheld, to include participation in mediation with a neutral third party to assist in resolving the issues

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4.2.1 General Change in Duties. The duties, responsibilities and limitations of authority of the Design Professional under this
Contract shall not be restricted, modified or extended without written Contract between the Design Professional and the
Owner. Other Consultants. The Owner may contract with other consultants to perform services directly to the Owner
without voiding this Contract. In the event the Design Professional is caused additional coordination or effort though the
involvement of such consultants, the Design Professional shall be entitled to charge for such Additional Services at a
lump sum amount or the rates stipulated in Exhibit A-1 plus reimbursable expenses as set forth in Article 4.1.3. The
Design Professional shall give notice to the Owner prior to incurring these additional costs.

4.2.2 Modifications and Supplemental Fee Agreements. Changes in the Design Professional fees resulting from a
modification in the scope of services defined in this Contract are not valid or effective until executed by the Owner and the Design
Professional. Until the modifications and supplemental fee agreement is executed, there shall be no liability upon the Owner for
payment, nor shall there be an obligation on the part of the Design Professional to commence services on the modified work.

4.2.3 Change in the Construction Cost Limitation or GMP Cost Limitation. If the Construction Cost Limitation or GMP
Cost Limitation is (i) changed by the Owner and (ii) the need for that change was not caused by the Design Professional and (iii)
the Design Professional has commenced design, as previously authorized by the Owner and (iv) the SCL change causes a re-
design or additional design, then the Design Professional may request an adjustment in compensation for the cost of redesign or
additional design. The Design Professional and the Owner shall negotiate and agree upon a lump sum adjustment prior to initiating
any design change.

4.2.4 Claims for Additional Fees. Any claim for additional fees shall be made to the Owner no more than twenty (20) calendar
days after the occurrence of the event giving rise to the claim. The Owner may not honor claims made after twenty (20) calendar
days If the Owner and the Design Professional cannot agree on the additional fee requested, the dispute will be resolved according
to Section 5.

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5.1.1 Initial Dispute Resolution. If a dispute arises out of or relates to this Contract or its breach, the parties shall endeavor
to settle the dispute first through direct discussions between the Owner and the Design Professional representatives, who shall
have the authority to settle the dispute. If the Owner and the Design Professional representatives are not able to promptly settle
the dispute, the senior executives of the Owner and the Design Professional, who shall have the authority to settle the dispute,
shall meet within twenty-one (21) calendar days after the dispute first arises. If the dispute is not settled within seven (7) calendar
days from the referral of the dispute to the senior executives, the Owner and the Design Professional may submit the dispute to
mediation in accordance with Paragraph 5.1.2.

5.1.2 Mediation. Any claim, dispute or other matter in question arising out of or related to this Contract may be subject to
mediation. Requests for Mediation. The Owner and the Design Professional shall endeavor to resolve claims, disputes, and
other matters in question between them by impartial mediation. Requests for mediation shall be filed in writing with the
other party to this Contract. Fees and Enforceability. The parties shall share the mediator’s fee and any filing fees equally. The mediation
shall be held in Atlanta, Georgia, unless another location is mutually agreed upon. Agreements reached in mediation
shall be enforceable as settlement agreements in any court having jurisdiction thereof.

5.1.3 Arbitration. Arbitration is not contemplated nor allowed under this Contract.

5.1.4 Claims for Consequential Damages. The Owner retains its right to claim for consequential damages in the event the
Design Professional fails to perform under this Contract.

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5.2.1 Termination or Suspension by the Design Professional. Suspension by the Design Professional for Nonpayment. If the Owner should fail to pay the Design Professional
or provide a proper notice of dispute of the invoice within sixty (60) calendar days of presentation of a proper notice
pursuant to paragraph, then the Design Professional may, upon seven (7) calendar days written notice to the
Owner, suspend services or terminate this Contract and recover from the Owner payment for all services properly
performed and expenses properly incurred through the date of suspension. Upon payment, all drawings, specifications
and other documents relating to the design of the Project or Construction Contract Administration of the work shall be
surrendered forthwith by the Design Professional to the Owner. The Design Professional shall have no liability to the
Owner for damage or the delay of the Project resulting from a proper suspension or termination. The Owner will pay
reasonable costs incurred by the Design Professional as a result of the proper suspension or termination. If the services
are resumed, reasonable adjustments to the Design Professional’s compensation and the Project schedule will be made. Termination by the Design Professional due to Lengthy Suspension of the Work. If the Work should be stopped
under an order of any court or other superior public authority or by the Owner for a period of one hundred twenty (120)
calendar days through no act or fault of the Design Professional or by anyone employed by its, then the Design
Professional may, upon seven (7) calendar days written notice to the Owner, stop work or terminate this Contract and
recover from the Owner payment for all services properly performed and expenses properly incurred through the date of
suspension. Upon payment, all drawings, specifications and other documents relating to the design of the Project or
Construction Contract Administration of the work shall be surrendered forthwith by the Design Professional to the Owner.

5.2.2 Termination or Suspension by the Owner. Suspension of Contract by the Owner. Upon receipt of a notice to suspend services from the Owner, the Design
Professional shall immediately suspend services and may request payment for all services performed and expenses
incurred through the date of suspension. The Design Professional shall have no liability to the Owner for damage or the
delay of the Project resulting from the suspension. Owner will pay reasonable costs incurred by the Design Professional
as a result of the suspension. Upon payment, all drawings, specifications, and other documents relating to the design of
the Project or Construction Contract Administration of the Work shall be surrendered forthwith by the Design Professional
to the Owner. If the services are resumed, reasonable adjustments will be made to the Project schedule and the Design
Professional’s compensation and reimbursable expenses for the balance of its services. Termination Without Cause or For Convenience of the Owner. The Owner may at any time, and for any reason
or without any reason or cause, terminate this Contract by written notice to the Design Professional specifying the
termination date that shall be no less than seven (7) calendar days after receipt of the notice of termination. In event of
termination under this paragraph, the Owner shall pay to the Design Professional any fee properly due (i) for services
already properly performed prior to the effective date of the termination and (ii) for any reimbursable expenses properly
incurred. In the event of such termination the Design Professional shall have no claim in excess of what is allowed in this
paragraph for any sum of money, however denominated, as a result of or relating to such termination. All instruments of
service, including all drawings, models, specifications and other documents relating to the design of the Project or
Construction Contract Administration of the Work shall be surrendered forthwith by the Design Professional to the Owner.
The Design Professional shall be entitled to make and retain copies of all such documents and use all such design as set
forth pursuant to Article 2.1.2, Instruments of Service. Termination by the Owner for Nonperformance. In the event the Design Professional through any cause fails to
perform any of the material terms, covenants or provisions of this Contract, or if he for any cause fails to make progress
in the services hereunder in a reasonable manner, the Owner shall have the right to terminate this Contract by giving
notice in writing of the fact and date of such termination to the Design Professional. The termination date shall be no less
than seven (7) calendar days after receipt of the termination notice. Upon termination, all instruments of service,
including all drawings, models, specifications and other documents relating to the design of the Project or Construction
Contract Administration of the Work shall be surrendered forthwith by the Design Professional to the Owner. In such
case, the Design Professional shall receive proper compensation for such services that have been satisfactorily performed
by the Design Professional up to the date of termination of this Contract. In the event of a dispute, proper compensation
shall be determined by an independent auditor, to whom the Design Professional shall have no reasonable objection,
selected and paid for by the Owner. The Owner may take over the services to be provided hereunder and may prosecute
the same to completion by contract or otherwise, and the Design Professional shall be liable to the Owner for any excess
cost occasioned the Owner thereby.

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PART 2 - TERMINATION Use of Documents After Termination. In the event the Design Professional is terminated without cause or for
convenience of the Owner and the Project continues the Owner will be required to retain another qualified Design
Professional to complete the Project, and the Owner will release the Design Professional from any and all damage had
the Design Professional exercised the appropriate standard of care in the performance of its services.

5.2.3 Force Majeure. If the Design Professional shall be unable to perform or shall be delayed in the performance of any of
the terms and provisions of this Contract as a result of (i) governmental preemption of materials or services in connection with a
national emergency declared by the President of the United States; (ii) riot, insurrection, or other civil disorder, acts of terror or
terrorism affecting performance of the Work; or (iii) unusual and extreme weather conditions constituting Acts of God, then, and in
any such event, such inability or delay shall be excused, and the time for completing the affected portions of this Contract, the
Project (and the entire Project, if applicable) shall be extended for such reasonable period of time as the delay has affected the
performance of the Work hereunder. The Design Professional shall take all reasonable actions to minimize the delay caused by
any of the above factors, and shall notify the Owner in writing of any event allowing for excuse or delay not later than seven (7)
calendar days after the event the Design Professional first becomes aware of the event, or should have become aware, of the
event; otherwise the Design Professional will be deemed to have waived the excuse or delay.


5.3.1 Matters of Interpretation. Using Agency. The Design Professional hereby acknowledges that the Owner shall require the agency that will
make use of the Project to cooperate with the Design Professional during the progress of design, subject to the provisions
of this Contract, and to provide the Owner with written recommendations for approval of the services of the Design
Professional. In other documents related to this Project, the Using Agency may have been referred to as “Using Agency,”
“Department,” “Institution,” or “Lessee.” Masculine Gender. Throughout this document, both the Owner and the Design Professional are referred to in
the masculine gender for the convenience of both parties. The use of the masculine gender is not intended to and does
not exclude Owners or the Design Professionals of the feminine gender. No Estoppel. No course of action or failure to act by the Owner or any of its officers, members, employees,
agents or other representatives shall serve to modify this Contract, waive rights under it or arising from its breach, or to
stop the Owner from enforcing its terms. Captions. The Caption of each numbered provision hereof is for identification and convenience only and shall
be completely disregarded in construing this Contract. Notices. Any notice to be given hereunder shall be in writing and shall be given by delivery in person or by
depositing the notice in United States Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested, postage prepaid, or statutory mail in an
envelope addressed to the parties to be notified at such party's address as shown in the Contract. Project Name and Number. The Design Professional shall use the identical and full name and number of the
Project on all correspondence, Contract Documents and invoice for fees.

5.3.2 Matters of Law Drug Free Work Place. The Design Professional acknowledges that he is fully aware of the contents and
requirements of Chapter 24 of Title 50 of the Official Code of Georgia concerning the maintenance of a Drug Free
Workplace. The Design Professional by execution of this Contract does hereby certify that, to the best of its knowledge,
information and belief, the Design Professional and its consultants are in compliance with the aforesaid code section. Prohibition Against Contingent Fees. As required pursuant to O.C.G.A. §50-22-6(d), the Design Professional
warrants that he has not employed or retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely
for its, to solicit or secure this contract and that he has not paid or agreed to pay any person, company, corporation,
individual or firm, other than a bona fide employee working solely for its, any fee, commission, percentage, gift, or other
consideration contingent upon or resulting from the award or the making of this Contract.

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PART 3 – MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS Minority Participation. It is the policy of the State of Georgia that minority business enterprises shall have the
maximum opportunity to participate in the State purchasing and contracting process. Therefore, the State of Georgia
encourages all minority business enterprises to compete for, win, and receive contracts for goods, services, and
construction. Also, the State encourages all companies to sub-contract portions of any State contract to minority business
enterprises. Design Professionals who utilize qualified minority subcontractors may qualify for a Georgia state income
tax deduction for qualified payments made to minority subcontractors. See O.C.G.A. Section 48-7-38. For more
information, please contact the Board of Regents’ Office of Business Development by e-mail at for Board of Regents managed projects or contact the GSFIC Procurement Director at
404-463-5731 for GSFIC managed projects. Conflicts of Interest. The Design Professional acknowledges and certifies that the provisions of O.C.G.A. §45-
10-1 et seq. concerning conflicts of interest and prohibitions of certain state officials and employees dealing with state
agencies have not been and will not be violated. Gratuities. The Design Professional agrees that neither he nor any of its employees nor consultants shall accept
any gratuities nor receive any compensation from the CM/GC, subcontractors or material suppliers involved in the
construction of the Project. The Design Professional shall notify each of its employees and all consultants of the Design
Professional's commitments under this provision of this Contract. This provision expressly precludes any compensation
to the Design Professional, including any employee and consultant, by the CM/GC, subcontractors or material suppliers
involved in the construction of the Project for preparation of detail drawings, preparation of shop drawings, checking shop
drawings or any other service for work performed by the Design Professional under the Contract without prior written
approval of the Owner. Applicable Law. The law of Georgia shall govern this Contract. In case any dispute or controversy arises
between the Design Professional and the Owner, either party may exercise those legal remedies as may be available to
them. The venue for any proceedings is herein agreed to be Fulton County, State of Georgia, unless otherwise specifically
agreed. The Design Professional shall carry on the services required under this Contract, and the Owner shall continue
to pay the Design Professional for such services during any legal proceedings unless otherwise agreed by the Design
Professional and the Owner in writing. Statute Of Limitations/Statute Of Repose. The Statute of Limitations/Repose on any cause of action by either
party to this Contract shall commence to run on the date of the Design Professional’s Certificate of Final Completion or
upon a judicial determination of substantial completion of the Project. Compliance with Executive Orders Concerning Ethics. The Design Professional warrants that he and its firm
have complied in all respects with the Governor’s Executive Orders concerning ethics matters, including, but not limited
to, Executive Order dated January 13, 2003 (establishing Code of Ethics for Executive Branch Officers and Employees,
including provisions governing former officers and employees); Executive Order dated October 1, 2003 (governing
vendors to state agencies and disclosure and registration of lobbyists); and O.C.G.A. Sections 21-5-70(5), 21-5-71 and
21-5-73, all as amended effective January 9, 2006 (requiring registration and disclosure filings by state agency vendor
lobbyists). In this regard, the Design Professional certifies that any lobbyist employed or retained by the Design
Professional or its firm has both registered and made the required disclosures required by the Executive Orders, as
amended. Compliance with Federal and State Work Authorization and Immigration Laws. The Design Professional and all
subcontractors, suppliers and consultants must comply with all federal and state work authorization and immigration laws,
and must certify compliance using the form set forth in the Forms Packet. The required certificates must be filed with the
Owner and copied maintained by the Design Professional as of the beginning date of this contract and each subcontract,
supplier contract, or consultant contract, and recertified upon final payment to the subcontractor or consultant. State
officials, including officials of the Georgia Department of Audits and Accounts, officials of the Owner, retain the right to
inspect and audit the Project Site and employment records of the Design Professional, subcontractors and consultants
without notice during normal working hours until Final Completion, and as otherwise specified by law and by Rules and
Regulations of the Georgia Department of Audits and Accounts.

5.3.3 Other Contract Provisions. Third Party Beneficiary. The Design Professional acknowledges, stipulates, and agrees that the Owner is a
public department, agency, or commission of the executive branch of government of the State of Georgia performing an
essential public and governmental function by means of the Contract. The Design Professional acknowledges, stipulates,

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and agrees that the Using Agency is an express third party beneficiary of this Contract. There are no individual or personal
third party beneficiaries of this Contract. Hazardous Materials. Unless specifically provided otherwise in this Contract, the Design Professional shall have
no responsibility concerning the discovery, removal or handling of hazardous materials, including but not limited to,
asbestos or lead paint, or hazardous waste in soil or ground water. Advertising by the Design Professional. The Design Professional shall not use any photographic representation
or verbal description of the Owner, the Using Agency nor the Project in a derogatory manner. Successors and Assigns. Jointly Bound. The Design Professional binds itself jointly and severally, its successors, executors,
administrators and assigns to Owner and all covenants of this Contract. The Design Professional shall not
assign, sublet or otherwise transfer its interest in this Contract without the prior written consent of the Owner. Assignment. The Design Professional hereby agrees that the Owner may, if he wishes to do so, assign
this Contract to another state agency, authority, or commission and agrees further that, upon notice in writing to
the Design Professional of such assignment, the Design Professional is and shall be bound to the state agency,
authority, or commission by all the terms and conditions hereof the same as if said Contract had originally been
entered into with the state agency, authority or commission. Modifications or Changes. Modifications to this Contract, if any, must be by written amendment executed with
the same formalities as the original Contract. Time of Essence. Time is of the essence in the performance of the duties and obligations of this Contract.

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Exhibit A List and Description of Additional Services

Exhibit A-1 Schedule of Hourly Rates
Exhibit B Schedule of Anticipated Meetings & Site Visits
Exhibit C The Owner’s Project Development File or Program
Exhibit D Preliminary Design and Construction Schedule
Exhibit E Design Professional’s Key Personnel and Consultants
Exhibit F Site Memorandum
Exhibit G Owner’s Instructions to Design Professionals



Additional Services shall be provided only upon prior written authorization by the Owner and shall be paid for by the Owner as
provided in this Exhibit. The descriptions or scope of work of the Additional Services included in this Contract at Contract execution
are to be included on this Exhibit A. Additional Services added after Contract execution, if any shall be added by Contract

Note 1: An Additional Service may include services in both the design and the construction contract administration phases. Each blank
should be filled with one of the following three choices: (i) “Included,” for a service included within the Basic Design Services Fee or Basic
Construction Contract Administration Services Fee; (ii) lump sum a dollar amount for an agreed Additional Service not included in the Basic
Design Services Fee or Basic Construction Contract Administration Services Fee; or (iii) “N/A” for a service not included in the Contract.
Each dollar amount must be followed by an indication whether it is a fixed price lump sum (FP) or a guaranteed maximum price (GMP).
Allowable reimbursable expenses for the selected Additional Services shall be included in the description of scope of work description.
Reimbursable expenses are additional to a fixed price lump sum fee, but are included within a GMP.

Note 2: In the event the actual construction of the Project is not commenced, no Additional Services related to CM/GC Construction
Contract Administration shall be incurred and a written modification to this Contract should be put into place.





Unit Prices for Additional Design Coordination Meetings:


Unit Prices for Additional Site Visits:


Exhibit A – 1


The hourly rates to be included in the invoices shall be as follows:

Prime Firm – Insert Design Professional’s Firm Name

(Titles and rates as applicable to Design Professional)

Title Individual Hourly Rate

Division Manager Name $190

(Titles and rates as applicable to Design Professional’s Consultants)


Principal Name $145

These hourly rates may be adjustable annually on the anniversary date of this Contract subject to the customary salary
policies of the Design Team member firms and the approval of the Owner.

Exhibit A-1 – 1



(Included in Basic Services Fee)

SCHEDULE A-1 (PART I): Anticipated Meetings with Owner/Using Agency to Develop and Review and Project Design

Meetings includes participation by architect, structural engineer, civil engineer, mechanical engineer, and electrical engineer
and specialty consultants as needed)
Schematic Design Phase
Meeting with Using Agency & City for Utility Service Coordination
Design Charette with Using Agency
Conceptual Design Review Meeting with Using Agency
Schematic Presentation to Owner

Preliminary Design Phase

Preliminary Design Review Meeting with Using Agency
Preliminary Design Presentation to Owner

Construction Document Phase

50% CD Review Meeting with Using Agency
GMP Document Review with Owner & Using Agency
100% CD Presentation to Owner & Using Agency for Approval

SCHEDULE B (PART II): Anticipated Site Visits to perform Construction Contract Administration or Building Official Visits
(Based upon a ___ month Construction Schedule)

Standard Site Visits

Architect __ Site Visits
Structural Engineer __ Site Visits
Civil Engineer __ Site Visits
Mechanical Engineer __ Site Visits
Electrical Engineer __ Site Visits

Total Visits ____ Site Visits

Exhibit B - 1


The Design Professional shall prepare and present the program to the Owner and Using Agency for review and

The scope of the design professional services shall include but not be limited to:


Architectural Programming/Cost Model
Existing Site Conditions Analyses
Measured Drawings of Existing Site Conditions as Needed
Conceptual Design
Schematic Design
Design Development Documents
Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) Documents
Construction Documents
Construction Administration
Interior Design
Furniture, Fixture and Equipment Layout
Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing and Fire Protection
Detailed Cost Estimates
Code Review and Compliance
Commissioning Support
Structural Design
Civil Engineering
Wayfinding / Graphics (only to include Standard regulatory signage (restrooms, room numbers)
Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC)
Other requirements as per the Design Professional’s contract

Other services may also be included as Additional Services:

Landscape and Irrigation Design
Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment Selection
Audio/Visual/IT Design
Wayfinding/Graphics (enhanced)
Storm Water Management Permitting
Budgeting/Cost Management
LEED Documentation

Pass-through Services
*Surveying - topo, location of structures/site utilities/trees, construction limits
*Testing Agency – geotechnical evaluation, material testing, special inspections
*Environmental – Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, GEPA

*The Design Professional will be responsible for procuring and contracting for the services of this firm.

Exhibit C - 1



Exhibit D


Design Professional’s Key Personnel and Role Descriptions

Position Person Office Location

Principal-In-Charge Name Kennesaw, GA
Click here to enter text.

Consultant’s Key Personnel and Role Descriptions

Architecture - Consultant 1

Principal-In-Charge Name Atlanta, GA

Click here to enter text.

Exhibit E



(a) Plat of Boundary-Line Survey. The Design Professional shall not undertake the preparation of plans and
specifications until he has in its possession a plat of boundary-line survey furnished to him by the Using Agency or the
Owner. In the design of the work, the Design Professional must take into consideration all easements, rights-of-way
covenants that run with the land, and any U. S. Government "controls" that are referred to on the plat of boundary-line



(b) Plat of Survey of Site Conditions. The Design Professional shall obtain a complete and accurate survey of site
conditions. Said survey must give the grades and lines of streets, pavements, and adjoining properties, contours of the
Site, and full information as to sewer, water, gas, electrical service, telephone service, and any other utilities. The survey
may include existing vegetation at the option of the Using Agency. The Design Professional must not rely upon as-built
documents of existing structures for fulfillment of its contractual obligations to obtain the plat of survey of site conditions.

The plat of survey of site conditions shall be dated and must bear the signature, seal, and registration number of the
person who made the survey. In addition, a certificate exactly in the following words must appear on the plat of survey of
site conditions:


I certify that this plat is correct, that it gives a true representation of the conditions of the property, that
all building improvements and objects are shown to scale at actual locations on the property, and that it
gives a complete delineation of the grades and the lines of streets, pavements, and adjoining properties,
contours of the site, and full information as to sewer, water, gas, electrical service, telephone lines, and
other utilities. I certify further that I have examined maps filed pursuant to Ga. Laws 1969, pp. 50, et.
seq., as amended, and that all gas lines shown on the site or on adjoining property within one thousand
feet outside the boundary of the site as of the date of my examination, [insert date], are delineated on
the aforesaid plat. I certify further that all electric power lines carrying in excess of 750 volts and located
on the site or within 300 feet outside the boundary of the site as of the date of this certificate are
delineated on the aforesaid plat.

In the event that any grading or site work is proposed to be done by any party or agency other than the Contractor who
will construct the Project, the work must have been completed prior to obtaining (1) the Plat of Survey of Building Site
Conditions and (2) the report of subsurface investigations. This is because it is indispensable that the Proposal
Documents show topography and all other site conditions in strict conformity to the physical state of the site and any
existing work at the time proposers will submit their proposals.

(c) Report on Subsurface Conditions. A report on subsurface investigations shall be obtained for all sites unless the
work is limited to remodeling of, or construction of betterments to, the interior of an existing structure. The Design
Professional must coordinate the work of the structural engineer and the geotechnical engineer, as well as any testing
laboratory pertaining to the scope of the investigations that these experts recommend in order to complete these
documents. The geotechnical engineer should prepare the report on subsurface conditions. In general, the report should
cover a test boring program, seismic exploration (if appropriate), a laboratory testing program, and electrical resistivity
testing. After the initial results of the subsurface report (Stage One Statement) are complete, the structural engineer
should complete the preliminary design of the foundations and subsurface structures. This design should be provided to
the geotechnical engineer, who shall then conduct such additional subsurface investigations as the geotechnical engineer
shall deem appropriate. Upon completion of the Stage One Statement, the structural engineer shall make such changes
to the structural design as the structural engineer deems appropriate, subject to the approval of the Design Professional.

Exhibit F - 1

2. INCLUSION OF SUBSURFACE DATA IN PROPOSAL PACKAGES. When the Design Professional is on notice
regarding unsuitable fill or rock, the Design Professional should give immediate notice in writing to the Using Agency and Owner.
The Design Professional should include as a separate line item in its Statement of Probable Construction Cost the cost to remove
and replace the fill or rock, and should make provisions in the Contract for the CM/gc to include in its base price an amount to
remove the estimated quantities. The unit prices established should be based upon the Design Professional’s experience in the
area and verified by communicating with local contractors. The Design Professional should also compute, to the best of its
professional abilities and judgment, the amount of unsuitable conditions probable to be found, and obtain from the geotechnical
engineer the following opinion:

Based upon an analysis of test borings made at the site in a reasonable number to permit the forming of a
judgment and resolving doubtful signs of rock in favor of the assumption that all signs of rock represent actual
conditions, it is (my) (our) opinion and best judgment that the following quantity of rock will be encountered:
[amount to be inserted by registered geotechnical engineer].

The Design Professional must include language in the Supplementary General Conditions putting the proposer on notice of the
existence of such unsuitable conditions. The following is sample language that should normally be used when the Design
Professional has knowledge of unsuitable subsurface conditions:


Proposers are to include in the base price the cost of excavating ______ cubic yards of unsuitable fill material. Payment
will be made for all unsuitable fill material in excess of ________ cubic yards at the net unit price of ___________ per
cubic yard, which includes all overhead and profit. In the event that it is necessary to excavate less than ______ cubic
yards of unsuitable fill material, the Owner will take a credit of _________ per cubic yard. The unit price of _______ per
cubic yard shall include the excavation, haul off, and disposal of all unsuitable fill material. The Design Professional shall
be responsible for calculating the amount of all unsuitable fill material removed. Measurement of unsuitable fill material
shall be calculated on the basis of in-place compacted fill material and not expanded hauled fill material.

Proposers are to include in the base price the cost of importing _____ cubic yards of additional fill material to the site.
Payment will be made for all fill material in excess of ________ cubic yards at the net unit price of ___________ per cubic
yard, which includes all overhead and profit. In the event it is necessary to haul in less than ______ cubic yards of fill
material, the Owner will take a credit of _________ per cubic yard. The unit price of _______ per cubic yard shall include
the haul in, placement, and compaction of fill material in accordance with the project specifications for fill material. The
Design Professional shall be responsible for calculating the amount of all fill material brought to the site. Measurement
of cubic yards of fill material or excavation shall be calculated using compacted in-place fill material and not expanded
hauled fill material.

The following is sample language for rock:


Proposers are to include in the base price the cost of excavating ______ cubic yards of [RIPPABLE] [MASS] [TRENCH]
[CAISSON] rock. Payment will be made for all [RIPPABLE] [MASS] [TRENCH] [CAISSON] rock in excess of ________
cubic yards at the net unit price of ___________ per cubic yard, which includes all overhead and profit. In the event it is
necessary to excavate less than ______ cubic yards of [RIPPABLE] [MASS] [TRENCH] [CAISSON] rock, the Owner will
take a credit of _________ per cubic yard. The unit price of _______ per cubic yard shall include the excavation, haul
off, and disposal of all [RIPPABLE] [MASS] [TRENCH] [CAISSON] rock, as indicated in the Contract Documents, and
replacement with earth as required by {INSERT SPECIFIC SPECIFICATION SECTION} of the specifications and
compacted as required by {INSERT SPECIFIC SPECIFICATION SECTION} of the specifications. The Design
Professional shall be responsible for calculating the amount of all [RIPPABLE] [MASS] [TRENCH] [CAISSON] rock
removed. Measurement of [RIPPABLE] [MASS] [TRENCH] [CAISSON] rock shall be calculated on the basis of in-place
compacted material and not expanded hauled material. The Contractor agrees to be bound by the Design Professional’s
determination of the quantity of all rock removed.

Exhibit F - 2


(a) Stage One Statement of Geotechnical Engineer:

I, the undersigned registered geotechnical engineer, have made a visual inspection and subsurface
investigation at the project site and, based upon my analysis of (i) soil and test borings, (ii) geophysical
observations and testing, (iii) surveys, and (iv) electrical resistivity tests made as I deemed necessary in
my professional judgment to be suitable or advisable to the end that all subsurface conditions that might
necessitate redesign or Change Orders during construction if not taken into consideration in the design
of the work or provided for in the Proposal Documents, I find that:

(1) The following quantity of rock will be encountered: ;

(2) Unsuitable soil conditions for foundations will (not) be encountered;
(3) Springs or ground water will (not) be encountered;
(4) Fill areas will (not) be encountered and additional fill material will (not) be required;
(5) Deep foundations may (not) be necessary and the type of foundation recommended is
(6) That there is (not) suitable material elsewhere on the site to be cut and filled to remedy
unsuitable subsurface conditions; and
(7) There are other unsatisfactory site conditions as follows: [None or list].

(b) Stage Two Statement of Geotechnical Engineer: After the foundation design, including the fixed locations of
trenches, ditches, caissons, etc, has been completed and provided to the geotechnical engineer, the geotechnical
engineer should complete such further tests and analysis and reporting as he deems necessary and shall furnish the
following statement:

I, the undersigned registered geotechnical engineer, have made a visual inspection and subsurface
investigation at the project site, and have been furnished with the architectural and engineering site plan
dated ____________, a plumbing site plan dated ____________, an electrical site plan dated
____________, and a transmittal letter dated ____________ informing me that the aforesaid plans
(a) encompass and (b) delineate the final fixed locations of all areas in which (1) trenches, (2) ditches,
(3) excavations, (4) foundations, (5) elevator shafts, and (6) water wells and drainage structures will be
dug, excavated, or drilled to receive new utilities or new work for the project. I hereby confirm that I have
made such further subsurface analyses as are necessary in my professional judgment and have
supplemented and revised my Stage One certification based upon my analysis of (i) soil and test borings,
(ii) geophysical observations and testing, (iii) geotechnical surveys, (iv) electrical resistivity imaging,
profiling, and sounding, (v) ground penetrating radar, (vi) seismic refraction and reflection testing, etc.,
made as I deemed necessary in my professional judgment to be suitable or advisable. I find that all
subsurface conditions have been investigated that might necessitate redesign or change order during
construction (a) if not taken into consideration in the original design of the work and (b) if not provided for
in the original Proposal Documents.

4. SITE MEMORANDUM. The Site Memorandum of the Design Professional should include the information developed
above in a single document reporting the following:
(a) The Plat of Survey of Building Site Conditions and surveyor’s certifications;
(b) The Report of Subsurface Conditions;
(c) The Stage One and Stage Two Statements and certifications of the Geotechnical Engineer
(d) The applicable Supplementary General Conditions, including unit prices and estimated quantities;
(e) A current Statement of Probable Construction Cost; and
(f) The following certification:

I hereby certify, to the best of my professional skill, knowledge, information, and belief that the above
plats, reports, Statements and certifications of consulting professionals are accurate, and that the unit
prices and estimated quantities are my present opinion as to the costs probable to be incurred in the
construction of the project pursuant to the design, drawings and specifications.

Design Professional Signature and Seal

Exhibit F - 3


Board of Regents Building Projects Procedures Manual:

For Projects that are assigned to GSFIC for Management of the Construction phase, the Design Professional shall
follow the provisions of the GSFIC Process Guide for Construction Phase. The GSFIC Process Guide is available
on-line at

Exhibit G -


1. Statements of Probable Construction Cost Format
2. Georgia Security and Immigration Compliance Act Affidavits
3. Advice on Construction Progress for Certain Change Orders
4. Certificate of Material Completion
5. Certificate of Final Completion
6. Capital Asset Accounting
7. Commissioning Checklist



1. All Statements of Probable Construction Cost shall be
provided using the Construction Specifications Institute (CSI)
UniFormat™ classification of construction systems and
assemblies. The terms systems and assemblies refer to
physical parts of building projects with particular design
solutions. Note, not all Classes or Subclasses may be used
for a given project.

2. Statements of Probable Construction Cost shall be

coordinated and consistent with project descriptions, plans,
drawings, and specifications at the time the statement is

3. Statements of Probable Construction Cost shall be

provided in a spreadsheet format. For each element in the
Statement of Probable Construction Cost the information
provided shall include:

Unit of measurement,
Unit cost or rate, and

4. Lump sum costs for items are not acceptable.

Assumptions (e.g., type, quantity, etc.) used to estimate
costs for undeveloped design details must be documented.

5. When CM/GC Contract contains more than one building

or type of work (e.g., new construction, renovation, addition,
etc.) Statements of Probable Construction Cost shall be
prepared and summarized for each.

6. For Concept Design Studies, the Statement of Probable

Construction Cost should be prepared at Level 1 detail. For
Schematic Design and Design Development phases,
Statements of Probable Construction Cost should be at Level
2. For Construction Documents Statements of Probable
Construction Cost should be at Level 3, or greater, detail.

7. If the Design Professional proposes to use a different, but

similar, format to the UniFormat™ cost structure providing a
comparable level of detail, the Design Professional shall
submit the proposed structure to the Owner for written
approval prior to its use.

Statement of Probable Construction Cost Format - 1


Capital Cost Accounting: For purposes of proper capital asset reporting, the Design Professional shall include the
following summary with each Statement of Probable Construction Cost.


The following cost estimates shall be included in the final Statement of Probable Construction Cost for the purposes
of planning for capital asset accounting pursuant to the GASB 34 Accounting Statement:

1. BUILDING AND BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS: * $ _____________________________________

2. INFRASTRUCTURE: ** $ _____________________________________

3. FF&E TO BE SUPPLIED BY CM/GC: *** $ _____________________________________


TOTAL PROBABLE COST: $ _____________________________________


* 1. Building and Building Improvements: Include totals from CSI Categories/Major Groups A,
B, C, D, F, G (only costs inside 5 feet of building footprint) and Z.

** 2. Infrastructure: Include totals from CSI Categories/Major Groups G (only costs outside 5
feet of building footprint); including relevant portions of G-10, G-2040, G-30 and G-40. It
is anticipated that all of G-2010, 2020, 2030, 2050, 3010, 3020,3030, 4020, and 9010
would be considered Infrastructure.

*** 3. Fixtures and Furnishings (Including Equipment): Include totals from CSI Category/Major
Group E.

Upon completion of the project, the CM/GC will be certifying actual capital costs in a similar manner, following the
cost breakdowns specified in the General Requirements for the CM/GC’s periodical estimates. The Design
Professional, in reviewing the CM/GC’s Final Certification for Capital Cost Accounting, should refer to its final
Statement of Probable Cost in making the Design Professional’s certification (See Exhibit K herein). The Design
Professional should review change orders issued during the construction administration phase as they will have an
effect upon the final certification, depending upon the allocation of costs in the change order.

Required Certifications on the Statement of Probable Construction Cost:

1. I certify that I have examined the Project Development File (or Program) as furnished to me by the
Using Agency for this Project.

2. I certify to the best of my knowledge, information and belief that the Probable Construction Cost
furnished herein covers all work to be drawn, specified and constructed under the Project Development
File (or Program.)

3. I certify to the best of my knowledge, information and belief that, as to the Statement of Probable
Construction Cost furnished herein, all construction work necessary for the completion of the Project
for occupancy is included.

4. I certify to the best of my knowledge, information and belief that there is no work included in this
Statement of Probable Construction Cost furnished herein which is beyond the scope of this Project
as defined by the Project Development File (or Program) referred to in Paragraph 1 of this certificate.

5. certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief that:

Statement of Probable Construction Cost Format - 2


(a) The total sum area in square feet of this Project computed in accordance with the
criteria in Exhibit F of the Design Professional Contract, per the attached
computations, is .
(b) The total cubage of this project, per attached computations, is ___________ .
(c) The estimated cost per square foot based on the anticipated low base price (or
anticipated initial GMP Change Order) for a turn key job is, $
(d) The estimated cost per cubic foot based on the anticipated low base price (or
anticipated initial GMP Change Order) for a turn key job, is $ .
(e) The separate estimated cost of grading site, per attached detailed breakdown or
engineering figure, in compliance with the Site Memorandum, is $ .
(f) The time required for completion of construction is estimated to be
calendar days form the date of commencement of work.

6. Subsurface Investigations. The Design Professional certifies he has a report on file from a
competent geotechnical engineer or competent independent testing laboratory, the said report being
signed by a registered geotechnical engineer, in which the Design Professional has been furnished
with both the Stage One and the Stage Two Statements as prescribed in the Site Memorandum (see
Exhibit G), according to which the Design Professional advises the Owner that the following quantity
of rock will probably be encountered:

The Design Professional estimates that the cost of removing the above quantity of rock will be approximately
$ .

The Design Professional further advises that this amount has been included in the Statement of
Probable Construction Cost and that the Design Professional, if applicable, has included unit prices for
removal in the Supplementary General Requirements to the CM/GC Contract. Accordingly the Design
Professional notifies the Owner of the following conditions below the surface of the ground which are
at variance to the conditions indicated by the drawings and specifications or which may subsequently
require adjustments in the contract price:
(a) Investigations as reported by registered geotechnical engineer indicate the existence of
springs or ground water. (YES) (NO)
(b) Investigations as reported by registered geotechnical engineer indicate the existence of
unsatisfactory soil conditions for foundations. (YES) (NO)
(c) Investigations as reported by registered geotechnical engineer indicate the existence of
a filled area. (YES) (NO)
(d) Investigations as reported by registered geotechnical engineer indicate the necessity of
installing caissons. (YES) (NO)
(e) Investigations as reported by registered geotechnical engineer indicate the necessity of
obtaining additional fill materials. (YES) (NO)
(f) Investigations as reported by registered geotechnical engineer indicate the necessity of
requiring piles or other deep foundations. (YES) (NO)
(g) Investigations as reported by registered geotechnical engineer indicate the existence of
other conditions on a separate sheet. (YES) (NO)

I certify to the best of my knowledge, information and belief that the Probable Construction Cost is current with the date
of execution entered herein below.

Witness my hand this day of , 20 .

Design Professional

Statement of Probable Construction Cost Format - 3



“Contractor” in the following Affidavits shall mean “Design Professional” for the purpose of compliance
with O.C.G.A. § 19-10-91, (b).

For the purpose of completing the following Affidavits, please insert the following:
 “Name of Public Employer” shall mean “Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia,
Owner, for the use and benefit of [Using Agency Here], Using Agency”
 “Name of Project” shall mean “Project No. [Project No., Project Name]”.

Certificates of Compliance - 1

Contractor Affidavit under O.C.G.A. § 13-10-91(b)(1)

By executing this affidavit, the undersigned contractor verifies its compliance with O.C.G.A. § 13-10-91,
stating affirmatively that the individual, firm or corporation which is engaged in the physical performance of services
on behalf of Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia for the use and benefit of [Using Agency Here],
Using Agency (public employer) has registered with, is authorized to use and uses the federal work authorization
program commonly known as E-Verify, or any subsequent replacement program, in accordance with the applicable
provisions and deadlines established in O.C.G.A. § 13-10-91. Furthermore, the undersigned contractor will
continue to use the federal work authorization program throughout the contract period and the undersigned
contractor will contract for the physical performance of services in satisfaction of such contract only with
subcontractors who present an affidavit to the contractor with the information required by O.C.G.A. § 13-10-91(b).
Contractor hereby attests that its federal work authorization user identification number and date of authorization
are as follows:

Federal Work Authorization User Identification Number

Date of Authorization

Name of Contractor

Name of Project

Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia

for the use and benefit of [Using Agency Here], Using Agency
Name of Public Employer

I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.

Executed on ______, ___, 20__ in _____(city), ______(state).

Signature of Authorized Officer or Agent

Printed Name and Title of Authorized Officer or Agent


ON THIS THE ______ DAY OF ______________,20__.


My Commission Expires:

Certificates of Compliance - 2

Subcontractor Affidavit under O.C.G.A. § 13-10-91(b)(3)

By executing this affidavit, the undersigned subcontractor verifies its compliance with O.C.G.A. § 13-10-91,
stating affirmatively that the individual, firm or corporation which is engaged in the physical performance of services
under a contract with (name of contractor) on behalf of Board of
Regents of the University System of Georgia for the use and benefit of [Using Agency Here], Using Agency (public
employer) has registered with, is authorized to use and uses the federal work authorization program commonly
known as E-Verify, or any subsequent replacement program, in accordance with the applicable provisions and
deadlines established in O.C.G.A. § 13-10-91. Furthermore, the undersigned subcontractor will continue to use
the federal work authorization program throughout the contract period and the undersigned subcontractor will
contract for the physical performance of services in satisfaction of such contract only with sub-subcontractors who
present an affidavit to the subcontractor with the information required by O.C.G.A. § 13-10-91(b). Additionally, the
undersigned subcontractor will forward notice of the receipt of an affidavit from a sub-subcontractor to the
contractor within five business days of receipt. If the undersigned subcontractor receives notice that a sub-
subcontractor has received an affidavit from any other contracted sub-subcontractor, the undersigned
subcontractor must forward, within five business days of receipt, a copy of the notice to the contractor.
Subcontractor hereby attests that its federal work authorization user identification number and date of authorization
are as follows:

Federal Work Authorization User Identification Number

Date of Authorization

Name of Subcontractor

Name of Project

Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia

for the use and benefit of [Using Agency Here], Using Agency
Name of Public Employer

I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.

Executed on ______, ___, 20__ in _____(city), ______(state).

Signature of Authorized Officer or Agent

Printed Name and Title of Authorized Officer or Agent


ON THIS THE ______ DAY OF ______________,20__.


My Commission Expires:

Certificates of Compliance - 3

Sub-subcontractor Affidavit under O.C.G.A. § 13-10-91(b)(4)

By executing this affidavit, the undersigned sub-subcontractor verifies its compliance with O.C.G.A. § 13-
10-91, stating affirmatively that the individual, firm or corporation which is engaged in the physical performance of
services under a contract for (name of
subcontractor or sub-subcontractor with whom such sub-subcontractor has privity of contract) and
(name of contractor) on behalf of Board of Regents of the University System of
Georgia for the use and benefit of [Using Agency Here], Using Agency (public employer) has registered with, is
authorized to use and uses the federal work authorization program commonly known as E-Verify, or any
subsequent replacement program, in accordance with the applicable provisions and deadlines established in
O.C.G.A. § 13-10-91. Furthermore, the undersigned sub-subcontractor will continue to use the federal work
authorization program throughout the contract period and the undersigned sub-subcontractor will contract for the
physical performance of services in satisfaction of such contract only with sub-subcontractors who present an
affidavit to the sub-subcontractor with the information required by O.C.G.A. § 13-10-91(b). The undersigned sub-
subcontractor shall submit, at the time of such contract, this affidavit to
(name of subcontractor or sub-subcontractor with whom such sub-subcontractor has privity of
contract). Additionally, the undersigned sub-subcontractor will forward notice of the receipt of any affidavit from a
sub-subcontractor to (name of subcontractor or sub-
subcontractor with whom such sub-subcontractor has privity of contract). Sub-subcontractor hereby attests that
its federal work authorization user identification number and date of authorization are as follows:

Federal Work Authorization User Identification Number
Date of Authorization
Name of Sub-subcontractor

Name of Project

Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia

for the use and benefit of [Using Agency Here], Using Agency
Name of Public Employer

I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.

Executed on ______, ___, 20__ in _____(city), ______(state).

Signature of Authorized Officer or Agent

Printed Name and Title of Authorized Officer or Agent


ON THIS THE ______ DAY OF ______________,20__.


My Commission Expires:

Certificates of Compliance - 4



(To be attached to every Change Order that requests an extension of Time)

Date: ____________________________________

To: _______________________________________ (Owner)

_______________________________________ (CM/GC)

Advice on Construction Progress For:

Periodical Estimate No. _____________________________________________

Project No. _______, Project Name: _____________________________________________

at ______________________________________________________

1. Original Contract Time: _____________ consecutive calendar days.

2. Original Material Completion and Occupancy Date: ______________________.

3. Extensions of Contract Time through Change Order No. ____ : __________ calendar days (aggregate).

4. Revised Material Completion and Occupancy Date: ______________________

5. The most recent amended Construction Progress Schedule is dated: ______________________ .

6. The date, as of this Advice. to use in reading the most recent Construction Progress Schedule, after accounting
for the applicable approved extensions of Contract Time, is _________________________ .

7. The current percentage of Work complete (Original Contract and Change Order Work, excluding stored
materials) from this Periodical Estimate and Advice is: _________________ %.

8. The CM/GC is ___________ % [ahead] [behind] schedule.

9. The adjusted Contract Price through Change order No. _____ is $ _______________________.

10. A revised Construction Progress Schedule [is] [is not] being prepared by the CM/GC as of the date of this

Design Professional Date:


By: _______________________________________

Advice on Construction Progress Format




Institution _________________________________________

Project Number ____________________________________

Project Name ______________________________________

Design Professional __________________________________________

The Design Professional issues this Certificate of Material Completion of the Project and states to the best of his
knowledge, information and belief, limited to his on-site observations, as follows:

1. The above-named project has achieved Material Completion as provided in the Contract Documents on
, is available for immediate occupancy by the Using Agency, and is accepted by the undersigned under the
terms and conditions thereof.

2. The Contract Price, as amended by Change Order, reduced by the retainage, reduced by Liquidated
damages properly assessed, reduced by 200% of the value of both Minor Items and Permitted Incomplete
Work on the punchlist, reduced by funds withheld pursuant to Article 4.2.1 or otherwise, and reduced by
any established credits to the Owner, as shown on the attached Schedule of Monies retained by Owner, is
due and payable pursuant to the terms of the Contract Documents.

3. The CM/GC has furnished evidence satisfactory to the undersigned that all payrolls, material bills, and other
indebtedness connected with the work to this point, except for retainage, have been paid.

4. A (temporary) certificate of occupancy has been issued by the State Fire Marshal dated and numbered
. Said certificate has been delivered to the following person:

Name: ________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________

5. The punchlist is attached hereto. The CM/GC shall complete all items on the punchlist and achieve Final
Completion not later than 30 days from the date hereof.

6. As of this date the following occurs pursuant to the Contract Documents:

a. All warranties begin to run from the date Material Completion is achieved.

b. All utilities become the responsibility of the Using Agency.

c. The Using Agency is responsible for all insurance for the Project.

This day of , .

(Name of Firm)



Certificate of Material Completion – 1




Retainage: $_________________________________

Assessed Liquidated Damages: $_________________________________

Value of punchlist items x 200%: $_________________________________

Credits to Owner: $_________________________________

Other monies retained per $_________________________________

Article 4.2.1 or otherwise

Total Monies Retained: $_________________________________

Certificate of Material Completion – 2




Institution _________________________________________

Project Number ____________________________________

Project Name ______________________________________

Design Professional __________________________________________

The Design Professional issues this Certificate of Final Completion of the Project and states to the best of his
knowledge, information and belief, limited to his on-site observations, as follows:

1. The above-named project was fully constructed and completed as provided in the Contract Documents on
and is accepted by the undersigned under the terms and conditions thereof.

2. The Contract Price, as amended by Change Order and reduced by properly assessed Liquidated Damages,
and further reduced by the attached Schedule of Credits to the Owner, is due and payable.

3. The CM/GC has furnished evidence satisfactory to the undersigned that all payrolls, material bills, and other
indebtedness connected with the work have been paid.

4. A final certificate of occupancy has been issued by the State Fire Marshal dated and numbered
. Said certificate has been delivered to the following person:

Name: ________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________

5. The total cost of labor, materials, and equipment incorporated in the Project are as provided in the attached

6. All tests and inspections provided for in the Contract Documents that require a Design Professional’s
presence have been made in the presence of a registered architect or registered engineer, and all work was
found to meet said tests and inspections in accordance with plans and specifications. All mechanical
systems, equipment, apparatus and controls (plumbing, heating, electrical, water, septic tank and sewerage
disposal fields, refrigeration, kitchen equipment, fire alarm, program and public address, etc.) have been
found to be in compliance with the Contract Documents, all applicable codes and in safe operation condition.
Copies of all tests and certifications are included with the Final Documents.

7. To the best of his knowledge, information and belief, limited to his on-site observations, all work has been
installed in such a manner as to comply strictly with all laws, ordinances, codes, rules, and regulations
bearing on the conduct of the work as provided in the Contract Documents.

8. There are no credits due the owner for changes, deviations, omissions, or non-compliances other
than as shown on the attached Schedule of Credits.

9. Record Documents are to be furnished in accordance with the Design Professional Contract.

10. No work has been certified for payment which was covered prior to consent of the Design Professional.

11. Attached is one copy of each bond, guarantee, or warranty as called for in the Contract Documents.

12. Attached are two copies of each of the two affidavits of CM/GC as called for in the Contract Documents.

Certificate of Final Completion – 1


13. With exceptions noted below, there are, to the best of the knowledge and belief of the undersigned, no
claims outstanding against the CM/GC arising out of the Contract Documents.

This day of , .

(Name of Firm)



Certificate of Final Completion – 2




Schedule of Credits


The Design Professional shall have reached a final estimate of probable construction costs prior to completion of
the Project, which estimate includes the probable costs in each accounting category required by GASB-34
accounting principles (see Exhibit F above). During the construction administration phase, each periodical pay
application, and each approved Change Order, will have actual cost breakdowns set out by the same capital asset
categories. These will be reflected in the Contractor’s Final Certification of Costs for Capital Asset Accounting, a
copy of which is attached hereto.

The Design Professional, in addition to reviewing its final Statement of Probable Construction Cost, is required to
add certain specific items of information to its certification of the Contractor’s Final Certification of Costs for Capital
Asset Accounting. In addition to items such as the date of the Certificate of Occupancy, and certain basic information
about the Project, the Design Professional is required to assign the Building Occupancy Types, the Building Class
of Construction, and the Building Useful Life.

The Building Occupancy Types are determined by reference to the list below. If a building has more than one
occupancy type, indicate the percentage of the building that is used for each Building Occupancy Type.

Building Class of Construction is determined by reference to the chart below, which specifies five classes of
construction. The Design Professional should determine the best class for the Project based upon the best fit for
the frame, floor, roof, and wall construction. If the Project consists of more than one physically separate structure of
differing types (each with its own utilities, etc.), then the Design Professional should identify each structure and the
class involved. If the Project is a single integrated complex, then the Design Professional should choose the single
class that best fits the project complex.

Once the Building Class of Construction is determined, the Design Professional should, by reference to the Building
Useful Life guidelines, determine the appropriate building type and, given the Building Class of Construction, assign
an appropriate useful life for the Project. On the guidelines, use a specific category if available. If not, use a general
category matching the Project.

Building Occupancy Types

Offices and Legislative Buildings ISO Code 8

Colleges and classrooms ISO Code 25

Dormitories ISO Code 4

Libraries ISO Code 25

Warehouse/Storage ISO Code 6

Port facilities ISO Code 27

Correctional facilities ISO Code 23

Hospitals & health care facilities ISO Code 9

Parks and recreational facilities ISO Code 23

Convention Centers, Exhibition Halls, Arenas, Stadiums ISO Code 10

Transportation Maintenance Facilities (DOT) ISO Code 7

Armories ISO Code 12

Parking Garages ISO Code 11

Capital Asset Accounting – 1

Building Classes of Construction

Applicable DOAS
Class Frame Floor Roof Walls
Fire Standard Type
Structural steel
columns and “Fire Resistive”
concrete, precast Nonbearing curtain NFPA 220 Type I or
fireproofed with Concrete or
slabs, concrete walls, masonry, II
A masonry, concrete on steel None
or gypsum on concrete, metal and
concrete, plaster, deck, fireproofed SBC Type I or II
steel deck, glass panels, stone
or other
noncombustible IBC Type IA , IB or
material IIA

“Fire Resistive”
Reinforced Formed
concrete concrete, precast Nonbearing curtain NFPA 220 Type I or
Concrete or Type 4
columns and slabs, concrete walls, masonry, II
B concrete on steel or
beams; fire- or gypsum on concrete, metal and
deck, fireproofed SBC Type I or II Type 6
resistant steel deck, glass panels, stone
construction fireproofed
IBC Type IA, IB or
Masonry or
concrete load- “Ordinary”
bearing walls
Wood or NFPA 220 Type III
with or without Brick, concrete
concrete plank Wood or steel
pilasters; block, or tile
on steel floor joists with wood SBC Type V
C masonry or masonry tilt-up, Type 2
joists, or or steel deck;
concrete walls formed concrete,
concrete slab on concrete plank IBC Type IIIA or IIIB
with steel, fire curtain walls
retardant treated
wood (FRTW) or
concrete frame

“Frame” and “Heavy

Wood or steel Timber’
studs in bearing Wood or steel Almost any
Wood or steel Type 1
wall, wood frame, floor joists or material, generally NFPA 220 Type V &
D joists with wood Or
primarily concrete slab on combustible Type IV (Timbers)
or steel deck Type 7
combustible grade construction
construction SBC Type III or VI


Metal bents, “Non-Combustible”

columns, girders, Steel deck on Metal skin or
purlins, and girts; steel floor joists, Steel deck on sandwich panels; NFPA 220 Type II
S Type 3
noncombustible or concrete slab steel joists generally
construction on grade noncombustible SBC Type IV


Capital Asset Accounting – 2


Guidelines For
Probable Years of Useful Life by Building Type and Class
Building Type Building Class
Public Buildings A B C D S
Good and excellent libraries 60 60 55 50 50
Average libraries 55 55 50 45 45
Low-cost libraries 50 50 45 40 40
Good and excellent medical offices 50 50 45 40 40
Average and low-cost medical offices 45 45 40 35 35
Good and excellent governmental buildings 60 60 55 50 –
Average and low-cost governmental buildings 55 55 50 40 40
Good and excellent general hospitals 50 50 45 40 –
Average and low-cost general hospitals 45 45 40 35 35
Good and excellent convalescent hospitals 50 50 45 40 –
Average and low-cost convalescent hospitals 45 45 40 35 35
Average and good dispensaries – – 35 30 30
Good and excellent fire stations 50 50 45 40 40
Average and low-cost fire stations 45 45 40 35 35
Average and good veterinary hospitals 45 45 40 35 35
Low-cost veterinary hospitals – – 35 30 30

Colleges and Universities A B C D S

Good and excellent buildings 60 60 50 45 45
Average buildings 50 50 45 40 40
Low cost buildings – – 40 35 35

Theaters and Auditoriums A B C D S

Excellent auditorium 55 55 50 45 –
Good and average auditorium 50 50 45 40 40
Low-cost auditorium – – 40 35 35
Good and excellent theater 50 50 45 40 –
Average and fair theater 45 45 40 35 35
Low-cost and cheap theater – – 35 30 30
Good bowling alleys – – 40 35 35
Low-cost average bowling alleys – – 35 30 30
Good skating rink and tennis clubs – – 45 40 40
Average skating rink and tennis clubs – – 40 35 35
Low-cost skating rink and tennis clubs – – 35 30 30
Good handball racquetball clubs – – 45 40 40
Average handball racquetball clubs – – 40 35 35

Sheds and Farm Buildings A B C D S

Good creameries – – 45 – 45
Average creameries 45 45 35 – 30
Low-cost creameries – – 25 – 20
Grain elevator facilities – 60 – 55 –
Grain storage buildings – – – 30 30
Good and excellent dairies – – 35 30 30
Average dairies and fruit packing buildings – – 30 25 25
Low-cost dairies – – 20 20 15
Bulk fertilizer storage – – – 30 30
Excellent barns and stables – – 40 – 35
Good barns and stables – – 35 30 30
Average barns, hog barns, stables and silos – – 30 25 25
Low-cost barns and stables – – 20 15 15
Excellent poultry houses – – 30 25 25
Capital Asset Accounting – 3

Building Type Building Class

Good poultry houses, equipment, and utility sheds – – 25 20 20
Average poultry, equipment, and utility buildings – – 20 15 15
Low-cost poultry houses – – 15 15 15
Tobacco barns – – 20 20 15
Miscellaneous sheds and outbuildings 10 to 15 yrs
Good greenhouses – – – 30 40
Average lath and greenhouses – – – 20 25
Low-cost lath greenhouses – – – 10 15

Elementary and Secondary Schools A B C D S

Good school plants 50 50 45 40 –
Average school plants 45 45 45 40 –
Low-cost school plants – – 40 35 –
Good and excellent classrooms 50 50 45 40 40
Low-cost and average classrooms 45 45 40 35 35
Cheap classrooms – – 35 30 30
Good and average gymnasiums 45 45 40 35 35
Good and average multipurpose, manual arts 45 45 40 35 35
Low-cost multipurpose, manual arts – – 35 30 30
Average shower building – – 30 25 25
Good and excellent day care centers – – 45 40 –
Average day care centers – – 40 35 35
Low-cost day care centers – – 40 35 –
Re-locatable classrooms – – – 10 –

Capital Asset Accounting – 4


General Format from General Conditions for:



To: (Owner)

The following accounting of costs for Project No. _____________, Project Name:

is submitted as follows, with the breakdown of costs as specified in the Final Pay Request attached hereto and
incorporated herein, for the purposes of capital asset accounting pursuant to GASB 34 Accounting Statement:





Notes: (Contractor must insure costs from all Change Orders are apportioned and included in each line item above)

* Building: Include totals from Items A, 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15 and “Building” portions of Items 2, 4, and 16.
** Infrastructure: Include totals from the “Infrastructure” portions of Items 2, 4 and 16.
*** Furnishings & Equipment: Include totals from the “moveable” portions of Items 11 and 12.

I certify to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief that all of the amounts set forth on this Certificate are
true and correct and are supported by the financial records for this project on file with the CM/GC.


By: Title: Date


I state to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief, limited to my on-site observations, that the amounts
certified by the Contractor are consistent with the estimates provided in my final Statement of Probable Construction
Cost for the project; that the Building Improvement contains a footprint based upon a line five feet outside the building
structure) of _________ square feet, a total of __________ gross square feet, and contains ______ floors (including
basements). The building fire protection system is _________________ (include type of system). The Certificate
of Occupancy was issued on _________________________. I further state that to the best of my knowledge,
information and belief the design intent for this project is that the Building and the Building Improvements are of
Building Construction Class _________ and ISO Occupancy Type(s) _______and have an expected useful life of
_____________ years from the date of this Certificate, and that my observations of the construction confirm these


By: Title: Date


I certify that to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief that the cost of the real property covered by this
project, to the boundaries on the final Site Plan, was $ and the cost of additional
government-supplied furnishings and equipment acquired for this Project was $ __________________________ .


By: Title: Date


Capital Asset Accounting – 5



(Items checked must be commissioned if this Project is Subject to the Georgia Energy Efficiency and Sustainable
Construction Act of 2008)

MECHANICAL SYSTEMS - Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC)

Main Items Included in Scope

Thermometers and gauges
Vibration isolation
Steam condensate system
Hot water heating systems
Computer room HVAC systems
Chemical water treatment systems
Cooling towers
Condenser water system
Air terminal unit systems, VAV, PIU, etc.
Duct silencers
Variable frequency drives and motors
Air distribution systems
Exhaust air systems
Trend logs
Network communication
Test and Balance verification
Refrigeration equipment and controls
Chilled Water System


Main Items Included in Scope Options

Roofing system – water-proofing, insulation, roof membrane, rain and ice shield,
pitch, coping, flashing, curbs for mechanical equipment, downspouts, drains,
Exterior skin – curtainwall, storefront, masonry, brick / stone veneers, precast panels,
metal panels, stucco / EIFS, siding
Walls – vapor barriers, insulation, mortar nets, weeps, joints, sealants, masonry ties
Slab on grade – vapor barriers, water-proofing, drainage, foundation drains
Doors and windows – sealants, mechanical operation, sills, flashing, end dams,
Water tests, mockups, wind loads, thermal infiltration
Special design features – dome, cornice, canopy, skylight, etc.

Commissioning Checklist – 1


Main Items Included in Scope Required Options

Service switchgear
Emergency power system
Lighting controls (scheduled activators and occupancy sensors) -
Daylight dimming controls -
Lighting - exterior
Lighting - interior
Distribution panel boards
Motor Control Centers
Power monitoring and metering -
Transient voltage surge suppressors
Variable frequency and speed drives
Grounding and ground fault systems
Over-current protective devices
Low voltage bus ways
Thermographic survey
White noise system
Paging system and security
ATS auto transfer switches
Buss duct and tap devices
Fire alarm and smoke detectors
Standby and emergency power systems
Emergency lighting
Security systems
Electrical primary voltage system


Main Items Included in Scope Options

Lab waste neutralization
Fume hoods -
Special gas manifolds
Vacuum air system
Compressed air system
Emergency shower / eyewash
Sinks and drains -
Electronic calendaring or directory

Commissioning Checklist – 2


Main Items Included in Scope Required Options

Cleaning / flushing water systems
Trap primers
Vibration isolation
High purity water system
De-ionized water system
Thermometers and gauges
Irrigation systems
Water filtration (general use)
Domestic hot water systems -
Tempered water systems -
Fuel oil / gas systems
Potable water and booster pump systems
Sump pumps and electors
Backflow preventers and relief valves
Compressed air systems (non-lab use)


Main Items Included in Scope Options
Heat recovery systems -
Controls and thermostats -
Photovoltaic cell panels (solar power systems) -
Solar hot water systems -
Geothermal systems -


Main Items Included in Scope Options

Compressed air system
Steam condensate system
Hot water heating system
Computer room HVAC system
Chemical water treatment system
Cooling towers
Air terminal unit systems, VAV, PIU, AHU, etc.
Humidifiers and controls
Variable frequency drives and motors
Air distribution systems
Exhaust air systems and building pressurization controls
Building automation systems, including controlled devices, sensors, control
loops, and logic
Lighting controls (scheduled activators and occupancy sensors)
HVAC DX systems
Domestic hot water systems
Commissioning Checklist – 3


Commissioning Checklist – 4

Commissioning Checklist – 5

Commissioning Checklist – 6

Commissioning Checklist – 7

Commissioning Checklist – 8


1. The use of all forms of tobacco products on property owned, leased, rented, in the possession of, or
in any way used by the USG or its affiliates is expressly prohibited. “Tobacco Products” is defined as
cigarettes, cigars, pipes, all forms of smokeless tobacco, clove cigarettes and any other smoking
devices that use tobacco such as hookahs or simulate the use of tobacco such as electronic cigarettes.
(Board of Regents Policy Manual, 9.1.7 Tobacco and Smoke-Free Campus Policy.

2. Design Professional may be required to use E-Builder, the BOR’s Capital Program Management


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