Invoice 17780702440786029961
Invoice 17780702440786029961
Invoice 17780702440786029961
Invoice No : B570001688
Sales Order No :ISCE001775
ORIGINAL FOR CUSTOMER Invoice Date : 03/09/2022 15:04:47
From To
VSVB Business Solutions P Ltd C570001094
No. 247, Second Floor Express Avenue Mall,,Royapettah,, Mr. ARAVIND G
Chennai, Chennai ,TAMIL NADU,India
Phone No: 044-48681350 Email: ISCE@TITAN.CO.IN +91-9515224856
GSTIN No: 33AADCP1648M2Z9 Unified Loyalty No.: 700386922996
State code: 22 State code: 33
Place of Supply: TAMIL NADU
Item Code Item Description Qty Unit Price Amount Discount Inv. Amt.
No. Code
% Amount
Fastrack Sunglass
1 M165SL38GV 90041000 1 3099.0 3099.0 3099.0
with UV Protection
Round off 0.00
Total 1 3099.0 0.0 3099.0
Discount Applied: Rs. 0.0
Invoice Amount(value/in words): Rs. 3099.0 / THREE THOUSAND NINETY NINE RUPEES ONLY
UPI Payment: Rs. 3099.00
UPI Payment Reference No.: 40251381000188
. Hold the spectacles under running tap water or rinse and wash away the surface dust and deposits gently and then clean
the lenses. Wipe them with micro-fiber cloth in one direction gently to dry. Only use micro-fiber cloth and do not use any
other material to clean.
. It is advisable to use Spectacle Lens cleaning solution.
. Use both hands to wear and remove the spectacles.
. When spectacles are not in use, store them in hard spectacle case.
. Never place the spectacle with lens touching any surface like table.
. Visit us for regular servicing - every 3 months, which is free (Ultrasonic cleaning, alignment and nose pads cleaning or
replacing). Please dont try to fix your spectacles on your own.
. In case of any disputes, Bangalore courts alone shall have the jurisdiction to deal with any such disputes.
. TITAN EYE+ reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions.
. Company gives cognizance only to computer generated Tax invoice.
. Goods once sold will not be taken back or exchanged.
. Please refer the warranty card for specific brand or product warranties.
. Prices are inclusive of taxes and other statutory levies.