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Tutorial - Behavioral Approach

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Psychology and
Tutorial: Discussion on
Behavioral approach on
health care professional
Learning Theories
1. Classical Conditioning
2. Operant Conditioning
3. Observational Learning

Classical Conditioning

• Classical conditioning: learning to make a reflex

response to a stimulus other than the original,
natural stimulus that normally produces the reflex

Operant Conditioning
• Operant Conditioning refers to the learned
association between voluntary actions and their
consequences or outcomes.
• Operant conditioning applies to voluntary
behaviors – those over which we normally have
conscious control
• Learning takes place as a result of reinforcement
and punishment
The Concept of Reinforcement &
Positive - delivery Negative - removal
Reinforcement Positive Negative
To  the probability reinforcement reinforcement
of a behaviour

Punishment Positive Negative punishment

To  the probability punishment
of a behaviour

The Concept of Reinforcement

• Reinforcement: any event or Stimulus, that when

following a Response, increases the probability
that the response will occur again
– Primary reinforcer: any reinforcer that is
naturally reinforcing by meeting a basic
biological need, such as hunger, thirst, or touch
– Secondary reinforcer: any reinforcer that
becomes reinforcing after being paired with a
primary reinforcer, such as praise, tokens, or
gold stars

Schedules of Reinforcement

• Continuous reinforcement: reinforcement of each

and every correct response

• Partial reinforcement effect: a response that is

reinforced after some—but not all—correct
responses tend
• to be very resistant to extinction

Schedules of Reinforcement

• Fixed interval schedule

• Variable interval schedule
• Fixed ratio schedule
• Variable ratio schedule
Applications of Operant Conditioning:
Shaping and Behavior Modification
• Behavior modification: use of operant conditioning
techniques to bring about desired changes in
• Token economy: use of objects called tokens to
reinforce behavior in which tokens can be
accumulated and exchanged for desired items or
• Contingency contract: a formal, written agreement
between the therapist and client in which goals for
behavioral change, reinforcements, and penalties
are clearly stated
Applications of Operant Conditioning:
Shaping and Behavior Modification

• Self-modification: Anna finds it difficult to get out

of bed in the mornings. She needed to address
this urgently. She decided to get in some special
treats for breakfast to tempt herself out of bed

Observational learning
Learning new behavior by watching a model
who performs that behavior
• Attention: the learner must first pay attention to
the model.
• Memory: the learner must also be able to retain
the memory of what was done
• Imitation: the learner must be capable of
reproducing, or imitating, the actions of the
• Desire: the learner must have the motivation to
perform the action.
Lifestyle and behavior
• Taking up a new health-related behaviour such
as exercise requires extra time and space within
an individual’s lifestyle, therefore, another activity
will need to be displaced.
• If exercise is to be maintained, it must be more
reinforcing for the individual than alternative
ways of using their time.
• It is easier to diet if foods that increase weight
are exchanged for similar quantities of food that
are just as desirable but do not put on weight
Group Exercise 1: Exercise
• The patient is a 20y/o college student who has type
1 diabetes and normally walks each evening as part
of her exercise regimen. She now plans to enroll in a
swimming class to meet her physical education
• Based on concepts of Operant conditioning, what
adjustment in her intervention plan should the
nurse make to help this patient?
Group Discussion
Group Exercise 2: Exercise
• The patient is a 10y/o boy who is extremely obese.
To avoid the risk of type 2 diabetes in childhood or
cardiovascular disease in adulthood, his parents
sent him to our hospital.
• As his case nurse, based on concepts of operant
conditioning, design an intervention plan for this
Group Discussion

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