Digital Banks: A Proposal For Licensing & Regulatory Regime For India
Digital Banks: A Proposal For Licensing & Regulatory Regime For India
Digital Banks: A Proposal For Licensing & Regulatory Regime For India
July 2022
A Proposal for Licensing & Regulatory
Regime for India
July 2022
In writing this Report, “A Proposal for Digital Banks in India: Licensing & Regulatory
Regime”, we are pleased to have collaborated with Black Dot Public Policy Advisors as
the knowledge partner. Mr Mandar Kagade, Founder Principal at Black Dot made valuable
contributions in developing this Report.
Ms Shehnaz Ahmed of the Vidhi Centre for Legal Policy acted as external expert reviewer
of the Report and offered detailed comments and inputs. We acknowledge her valuable
We are also grateful for the support and inputs from the Department of Financial Services,
Ministry of Finance, representatives of public sector banks including the State Bank of
India, and Sabyasachi Upadhyay, Associate, NITI Aayog.
Useful insights were also obtained from the deliberations in the conference, “Neo-banking
for Business: The Future of Digital Banking”, especially Mr Sopnendu Mohanty, Chief
Fintech Officer, Monetary Authority of Singapore. They are gratefully acknowledged.
Last but not the least, the inputs offered by the fintech sector stakeholders who were
approached for inputs in the course of drafting this Report is acknowledged. NITI Aayog
would endeavour to continue with the stakeholder consultation in evolving policy dialogue.
Anna Roy
Senior Adviser
NITI Aayog
The Report on licensing and regulatory regime for Digital Banks released by NITI Aayog
aims to cement India’s place as a trailblazer in fintech industry. The report highlights
the promise that full-stack Digital banks hold as a potential solution for the persistent
policy challenge of credit deepening. It is the next stage of financial inclusion. Technology
and increased digitalisation are bound to be disruptive for the incumbents impressing
the need to provide a level playing field between different business entities for holistic
growth of the sector.
The Report addresses the feedback received from 24 organisations, large-scale multi-
stakeholder round table discussion, and a series of consultations with industry leaders
and experts. I extend my support to all the Ministries, Fintech organisations, platforms,
and others who can work on the implementation of the Report’s recommendations for a
“full-Stack” digital Bank.
Suman Bery
VC, NITI Aayog
Message from the CEO
In conclusion, with the establishment of India Stack, the Aadhar layer and the UPI rails
that catalysed a payments revolution in this nation, India has become a beacon for global
community of Nations. Fully Digital Banks will reinforce India’s apex position on the global
firmament. The Digital Bank licensing and regulatory framework proposed by Niti Aayog
in this Report is a bold initiative towards that inevitable digital future.
Parameswaran Iyer
I. Introduction 2
II. Financial Inclusion: Recent History & Evolution & India’s Rapid Strides 4
III. Are We There Yet? Current Credit Gap, Business & Public Policy Constraints 7
Conclusion 43
Annexure-I 44
List of Abbreviations
AA Account Aggregator
ATM Automatic Teller Machine
B-A-A-S Banking as a Service
BR Banking Regulation (Act)
CAC Customer Acquisition Cost
CAGR Compounded Annual Growth Rate
CBS Core Banking Solution
CGTMSE Credit Guarantee Fund Trust for Micro and Small Enterprises
DB Digital Banks
DICGC Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation
e-KYC e-Know Your Customer
ECLGS Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Scheme
FIBAC Annual FICCI Conference on Banking
FPC Fair Practices Code
FSCS Financial Services Compensation Scheme
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GFC Global Financial Crisis
IFC International Finance Corporation
IMF International Monetary Fund
INR Indian National Rupee
MAS Monetary Authority of Singapore
MSME Micro Medium and Small Enterprises
NBFC Non Banking Financial Company
NEFT National Electronic Fund Transfer
NFB New Finance Bank
NIM Net Interest Margin
NPCI National Payment Corporation of India
PCI-DSS Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard
PMJDY Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana
PRA Prudential Regulation Authority
PSP Payment Service Provider
RBI Reserve Bank of India
RTGS Real Time Gross Settlement
UK United Kingdom
UPI Unified Payments Interface
VAS Value Added Services
xii Digital Banking: A Proposal for Licensing & Regulatory Regime for India
July 2022 1
This Report makes a case, and offers a template and roadmap for a Digital bank licensing
and regulatory framework in India.
Section II gives a summary of recent developments in the area of financial inclusion and
the rapid strides India has made in that direction catalysed by PMJDY and India stack.
Section III caveats these achievements by observing the identifying significant credit
gap that persists among various segments, like the MSMEs underlining the need for
complementary mechanisms. Likewise, section III also points to macro data on the retail
consumer credit market that suggest credit gap may be a feature of that market as well.
Section IV explains the promise and gives an overview of the prevalent business models,
while defining the concept of “Digital bank”.
Section V explains the bank-fintech partnership model that has emerged in India in the
context of absence of a Digital bank license regime.
Section VI describes the elements of a “Digital Global Regulatory Index”, created for
the purposes of this Report and maps out the regulatory practices of certain identified
benchmark jurisdictions against the Index.
Finally, Section VII serves as the capstone and recommends a template for a Digital
bank licensing regime/regulatory framework and a pathway for sequencing the ensuing
reforms. Section VIII concludes.
2 Digital Banking: A Proposal for Licensing & Regulatory Regime for India
Introduction 3
Financial Inclusion:
II Recent History &
Evolution & India’s
Rapid Strides
Pursuant to the Committee’s recommendations, RBI issued guidelines for both Payments
Banks (PBs) and Small Finance Banks (SFBs), in 2014 respectively. PBs were essentially
“narrow banks” that issue deposits, offer payments services and not issue credit in any
form , thus having no asset side of the balance sheet (See Box below). SFBs3 are full-
fledged banks that focused principally on lending to small businesses. The motivation
appeared to be that with the benefit of the banking license, SFBs could leverage low-
cost deposits to lend to micro, small and medium sector enterprises and enable financial
Payments Banks
Are essentially narrow banks that issue deposits and earn income from HQLAs
and fees from distribution, aimed at furthering financial inclusion.
The focus was issuing safe deposit as store for value to unbanked customers
and offer payments services on top of that account eg. remittance
Are also envisaged as distribution points for other socially relevant financial
instruments (e.g. insurance).
11 licensees applied. Only 6 continue to operate.
The RBI recently offered these Payments banks an up-ramp onto Small Finance
bank license.5
1 Report of the Committee On Comprehensive Financial Services for Small Businesses & Low Income Households (2014)
available at,
2 See p. 4 of the Report (Preface).
3 The recommendation of issuing a specialized small finance bank was first made by the Committee on Financial Sec-
tor Reforms in 2008. See A Hundred Small Steps: Report of the Committee on Financial Sector Reforms available at,
4 The Committee defined “financial deepening” as the percentage of credit: GDP at various levels of the economy.
5 See
4 Digital Banking: A Proposal for Licensing & Regulatory Regime for India
Small Finance Banks
Have to maintain at least 50 % of the loan portfolio in ticket size of ₹ 2.5 million
and below.
75% of the credit to sectors identified as priority sector
Are envisaged to leverage technology to increase coverage and financial
11 SFBs presently licensed and operational
The RBI recently issued a framework for “on-tap” regime for SFBs
Even as these reforms took shape on the banking front, a broader Digital India revolution
catalyzed by PMJDY, India Stack, e-KYC and UPI led a paradigm shift in the way India
interacted with and consumed financial services. Under PMJDY, launched in 2014, 420
million bank accounts have been opened till date. UPI, launched in 2016 was the bellwether
of enabling real-time payments system, clocking ₹ 4 trillion (in value) transactions till
date. Starting from peer-to-peer use-case, it has since leveraged third party applications -
fintechs and pure-play technology incumbents - as channel partners to add commercial
use-cases across varied contexts. In parallel, India has also taken steps towards
operationalizing its own version of “Open banking” through the Account Aggregator
(“AA”) regulatory framework enacted by the RBI. Once commercially deployed, the AA
framework is envisaged to catalyse credit deepening among groups that have hitherto
been under-served.
However, while regulatory innovation has catalysed payments sector reforms, the principal
beast of burden for credit delivery and issuance of demand deposits, ie. the incumbent
bank has remained undisrupted. Most of these reforms upended the user experience,
i.e. the engagement layer of payments but making little improvement in the core utility
banking layer.
Partly flowing from that inertia, the country still has large segments who have not befitted
from this digital revolution.
Financial Inclusion: Recent History & Evolution & India’s Rapid Strides 5
6 Digital Banking: A Proposal for Licensing & Regulatory Regime for India
Are We There Yet?
III Current Credit Gap,
Business & Public
Policy Constraints
Despite the rapid strides India has taken to further its financial inclusion agenda, the lack
of financial deepening remains a challenge, especially on the small business financing
agenda. The latest MSME census (2015-16) figures indicate India has 63.88 million
unincorporated MSMEs, (of which about 99 % (63.5 million) are categorized in the
“micro” bucket).6 MSMEs have been creating north of 110 million jobs, per the 73rd round
of National Sample Survey, 2016 cited in the MSME Annual Report, 2020-21. The share of
MSME gross value added in the national GDP for the year 2019-20 is 30%.7
A substantial fraction of these 63.88 million remain outside the ambit of formal finance
and there is continued reliance on informal money markets like money lenders (quick
disbursal without documentation) or chit funds (delayed disbursal but lower interest rates
than money lenders) to finance itself, even at the cost of staying uncompetitive owing to
the usurious interest burden.8
IFC9 estimates the total addressable credit gap in the MSME segment to be ₹ 25.8 trillion
and growing at a CAGR of 37% (total addressable market demand by the MSME sector
is approximately ₹ 37 trillion, of which banks, other institutions and NBFCs supply about
₹ 10.9 trillion). Over the years, the RBI has aligned its regulatory policies towards the
objective of financial deepening including revising the Priority Sector Lending guidelines
and prescribing sub-bucket wise allocation for the micro and small segment. Despite
these measures having yielded some success10, an addressable credit gap of ₹ 25 trillion
credit gap suggests room for further structural policy reforms.
Traditional brick and mortar banks, even with the most optimum priority sector guidelines,
face business constraints in evaluating credit risks of small ticket sizes (roughly ₹ 0.1-
1 million) that the micro and small sector enterprises may require. A principal inhibiting
factor is lack of ability to under-write the credit risk (schematic given in Figure-I below).
Are We There Yet? Current Credit Gap, Business & Public Policy Constraints 7
Firstly, as IFC research suggests, many of these MSMEs rely on informal money market
instruments and money lenders for their debt demand out of preference. This “opting-
out” means that the owners never create a credit history with the credit information
companies that banks may evaluate the credit risk against. Secondly, even if the MSME
owners have a personal loan or other exposure to formal financial markets, their debt
profile is “blended” in that it is partly funded in formal and partly in informal money
markets. Since the informal debt definitionally is not visible in the credit bureaus, lenders
exercise rational apathy towards funding the MSME segment.11 In other words, the costs
of due diligence that a bank will incur towards evaluating the credit risk adjusted against
the ticket-size and the yield from the loan make it unviable.
High Lack of
transaction product
costs innovation
Limited SUPPLY
Low risk
underwriting SIDE
FACTORS appetite
The other part of this conundrum is that being regulated entities and as fiduciaries of
public trust in that they issue retail deposits and are critical Payment Service Providers
(PSPs), the compliance requirements of applying for a bank loan are onerous for an
unincorporated micro and small enterprise owner (“MSE”). So, even in cases where the
bank may otherwise be willing to fund a prospect, the adjacent documentation cannot be
produced readily.12 In such cases, it is trite that the MSE owner will rationally opt-out and
prefer the informal markets with their light-touch processes. Thus there is both demand-
side and supply-side friction that results in what economists refer to as “market failure”
in the formal MSME debt markets.
The other supply side stakeholder here are the NBFCs. NBFCs are regulated moderately
relative to banks and have leveraged that autonomy to develop distribution, underwriting
and product expertise in niche areas that are not serviced by banks.13 This is especially
true of the modern NBFCs that have digitized all elements of their value chain14, giving
8 Digital Banking: A Proposal for Licensing & Regulatory Regime for India
them greater reach as evidenced by a larger market share than banks in MSME funding.
However, lacking the ability to take deposits, they rely on funding from bank loans and
debt capital markets themselves. This translates into higher cost of capital for the NBFCs
with corollary consequences for the MSMEs relying on them. By way of illustration, even
one of the largest well-capitalized (deposit-taking) NBFCs in India has a cost of funds of
approximately 7.5%.15 A well-capitalized bank by contrast raises funds at 3.8%.16
This canonical example informs us about the “bank license premium” that the credit
markets offer to the borrowing entity. Evidently, the cost of funds for NBFCs lower down
the pyramid is progressively and non-linearly higher. Prudent asset-liability management
requires them to observe credit cost discipline, thus limiting their ability to issue loans and
other facilitation to micro and small enterprises, lower than a viable level of net interest
margin (NIM). While NBFCs, especially those that utilize technology for distribution and
underwriting have lowered cost-to-serve in terms of these costs, their lack of access to
e-KYC channel via Aadhaar authentication constitutes a fixed cost-to-serve that policy
reform is yet to ameliorate. (The recent RBI circular opening up access to e-KYC via
Aadhaar for NBFCs on the approval route is one step in that direction).
The other salient supply side solution that has emerged in the recent years is Trade
Receivables Electronic Discounting System (TReDS). TReDS licensed in 2016 was aimed
at addressing the high receivables problem of MSMEs and brings corporate buyers, their
MSME supply chain and regulated financing entities together to enable “non-recourse”
funding to the MSME suppliers. While sound in theory,17 as observed by the U K Sinha
Committee, the bill discounting platforms have failed to take off and create meaningful
volumes of invoice discounting. Some of the principal challenges are:
Are We There Yet? Current Credit Gap, Business & Public Policy Constraints 9
Other Lean proprietary invoice discounting programs on the market:
Many corporate buyers have corporate treasury departments that operate their
own reverse factoring programs (supply chain financing programs) for their
supplier ecosystem. Other banks including SBI also offer such programs for
their clients, for vendor and dealer financing.
The recent pandemic also brought the financing gap for MSMEs in the informal sector
into sharp relief. Although both Atma Nirbhar and ECLGS 2.0 were a success,19 coverage
had to be restricted to “banked” MSMEs only. Furthermore, disbursal of loans took upto
60 days leading to loss of critical business for some MSMEs.
An exhaustive review of reasons underlying the financing gap for the MSME sector is
beyond the scope of this Report. Nonetheless, the current credit gap and the business
and policy constraints this section highlighted, reveals there is a need for licensed
entities that leverage technology to moderate the costs of acquisition and cost-to-
serve and also have the benefit of low-cost deposits to sustainably supply credit to the
MSME sector.
Moreover, with the rise of entrepreneurship, there are new forms of “digital-native” micro
and small businesses emerging that have novel business use-cases that they expect their
bank to offer them. A typical example in this regard is a gourmet cafe / bakery (typically
incorporated as a privately held company) in an urban center that relies on subscription-
based S-A-A-S vendors for its office operations. It needs a credit line tailored to its billing
and payment cycle to manage its working capital cycle better. Traditional banks (including
small finance banks that essentially operate to issue loans to traditional micro and small
enterprises)20 may not be able to customize credit codes on their CBS on the fly for this
Retail Credit: Data & Recent Evidence Suggest Credit Gaps Demand
Policy Intervention
Furthermore, as the feedback received on the first draft of the Discussion paper (published
on November 25, 2021), suggests, although policymakers have focussed on it less than
the credit gap for MSMEs, there is a discernible credit gap in the retail credit market in
India as well. Data supports this proposition.
19 8.7 million of the 9.2 million borrowers were MSMEs. 82 % of the ₹ 3 trillion CGTMSE guaranteed financial assistance
was disbursed. See Minister, MSME replying to a related query in Rajya Sabha.
20 See Management Discussion and Analysis AUBank available at,
p.111 (highlighting the opportunities in the MSME credit space for Small finance banks lie with a borrower profile that is
in the unorganized sector relying on cash basis accounting). Moreover, established Small finance banks typically issue
loans in their core markets and rely on urban centers to issue demand and term liabilities. So, they are not the ideal
vehicle to serve the needs of urban businesses.
10 Digital Banking: A Proposal for Licensing & Regulatory Regime for India
It is (also) an under-penetrated market in terms of credit.
There is significant room to grow consumption in India and promote credit usage.
A data point from a recent CIBIL Report underscores the point; out of a total
220 million credit-eligible retail customers, CIBIL found that banks are servicing
33%. As CIBIL notes, the balance 150 million customers are inactive but will
have credit needs that need to be serviced. Reflecting this, India has an under-
penetrated credit card market. There are approximately 66 million outstanding
credit cards (3 cards per 100 of pop; compare that to 892 million outstanding
debit cards).
At a macro level, the PFCE component of the GDP has been a moderated 60%.
India’s household debt/GDP is ~12%, arguably low by comparable standards.21
A BIS study estimates that household debt to GDP of ~55% appears to be
necessary for economic growth.22 Thus, policy levers facilitating personal credit
(a subset of household debt) at current levels of household debt to GDP, are
imperative to offer impetus to growth.
It (also) has significant potential to be more competitive and pro-innovation
As the events that precipitated the formation of internal working group of the
RBI on digital lending suggest to us, bad actors have perverse incentives to
take advantage of desperate borrowers in urgent need of funds. The RBI Report
recommends several supply and demand-side measures to mitigate the potential
risks flowing from digital lending. However, the fundamental drawback of the
formal and regulated retail banking space, is lack of innovation, which constrains
potential “thin-file” borrowers to look towards the unregulated and gray markets
for their financial needs. Innovation from within the regulated ecosystem and
products more tailored to the consumer niches that are otherwise under-served
appears to be one potential way to organically wean away consumers from
predatory suppliers of credit in the marketplace. The median age of India is 28
years (proxying an aspirational middle class) and it would be ideal to provide
them with multiple credit opportunities such as small ticket personal loans, credit
cards, Buy-now-pay-later or earned wage access and other substitutes to enable
higher consumption and unleash economic growth.
Likewise, there may be scope for banking licence innovation on the retail (consumer)
credit market side as well, to inject competition and facilitate corollary innovation for the
reasons mentioned in the previous paragraph.
21 See IMF, Household Debt, Loans and Debt securities, available at,
GDD/GBR/USA/JPN (IMF data here also gives comparators. Comparatively, China is at 55% and US is 75%).
22 See Lombardi et al, The Real Effects of Household Debt In Short & Long Run (2017) available at,
Are We There Yet? Current Credit Gap, Business & Public Policy Constraints 11
Licensed Digital banks is an emerging vehicle that policymakers globally, especially in
South East Asia, have implemented to try and achieve aforementioned objectives. (See
also, Box) We define and evaluate Digital banks in the following section.
These researchers found that lending to a random sample of 40,000 MSEs by a Digital
bank (MyBank) was positively associated with sales growth at borrowers. They further
established a possible causal relationship between lending by a Digital bank and the
MSE’s higher sales growth during the pandemic.23
The results are an early empirical confirmation of the narrative in business media that
the ability of Digital banking to leverage data and platforms to lend remotely can play
a positive role supporting small businesses amidst the pandemic.
23 See Digital Banking Support to Small Businesses Amid Covid-19 available at,
pdf/journals/065/2021/002/article-A001-en.xml p. 9
12 Digital Banking: A Proposal for Licensing & Regulatory Regime for India
Are We There Yet? Current Credit Gap, Business & Public Policy Constraints 13
IV Digital Banks:
A New Kid In Town
“Digital Banks” or DBs referred in this Paper means Banks as defined in the Banking
Regulation Act, 1949 (B R Act). In other words, these entities will issue deposits, make
loans and offer the full suite of services that the B R Act empowers them to. As the name
suggests however, DBs will principally rely on the internet and other proximate channels24
to offer their services and not physical branches.
However, as a natural corollary to being a “Bank” in full sense of its legal definition,
it is proposed that DBs will be subject to prudential and liquidity norms at par with
the incumbent commercial banks. Creating a new licensing / regulatory framework is
being proposed as regulatory innovation and not as regulatory arbitrage. Having said
that, DBs offer a differentiated proposition and as such, there is scope for differentiated
treatment in adjacent areas of their operation consistent with treating them identically
with incumbent commercial banks, in the critical areas of prudential and liquidity risk.25 A
template of a regulatory framework for DBs for India has been given in Section VII below.
Digital Banks (as proposed here) ARE DISTINCT from Digital Banking
The Finance Minister in the budget address for FY-23 announced the proposal to
establish “Digital banking Units” (“DBUs”) of scheduled commercial banks in 75 districts.
The objective is to ensure the benefits of digital payments, banking and fintech
innovations reach the grass-roots of India in a consumer friendly manner. Pursuant to
the budgetary announcement, the RBI issued guidelines (“DBU Guidelines”) on DBUs
on April 7, 2022. Since DBUs and Digital Banks are similar constructs, for the sake of
abundant clarity and to distinguish the proposal advanced in this Report from DBUs,
this section will underline the key differences between the two.
14 Digital Banking: A Proposal for Licensing & Regulatory Regime for India
The DBU guidelines define, “digital banking” as, present and future electronic banking
services provided by a licensed bank for the execution of banking and financial
transactions over websites, mobile phones and other digital channels ....” 26. A DBU
is defined as, “a fixed point business unit/hub housing digital infrastructure for
delivering digital banking products and services…” Furthermore, the DBU guidelines
state DBUs will be treated as “banking outlets”27, (thus effectively equivalent to a
branch as “banking outlets” are essentially redefined branches to account for the use
of technology).28
That summary leads us to the following differences between “Digital banks” as this
Report recommends, and DBUs.
Balance Sheet/Legal Personality
DBUs DO NOT have legal personality and ARE NOT licensed under Banking
Regulation Act, 1949. Legally, they are equivalent to “banking outlets” ie,
Digital Banks will have a balance sheet and legal personality & are proposed
to be duly licensed banks u/ B R Act.
Level of Innovation/Competition
DBUs improve existing channel architecture by offering regulatory recognition
to digital channel. However, they are silent on competition. The DBU guidelines
expressly state that only existing commercial banks may establish DBUs.
In contrast, a licensing and regulatory framework for Digital banks as
proposed here, is more enabling along competition/innovation dimensions
Neo-banking business models emerged globally in the aftermath of the global financial
crisis as a response to loss of faith in the incumbent banks. It came of age in 2015 in
markets like the United Kingdom and has since matured. Three models of these “challenger
banks” (so-called because of their emergence in the aftermath of global financial crisis)
appear to have emerged globally.29
Characteristic Features
Business proposition of neo-banks is niche products targeted to demographics
that are under-catered to, by mainstreet banks (eg. small businesses, migrants,
paycheck-to-paycheck retail consumers, gig economy workers and millennials).
They offer speed (and its corollary, the absence of friction), superior user
experience relative to traditional banks and low cost and transparent cost
structures, to their consumers.
Profitability has emerged a key challenge for entities that do not have regulated
status31 (See Box).
Starling Bank: Starling bank acquired a restricted license from the PRA Prudential
Regulatory Authority in 2016. In the past 5 years, it has come of age with offerings
both on the small business side and retail side. While in the initial years, interchange
revenue dominated other sub-heads, the latest annual Report reveals NIM to outrank fee
income from their interchange, B-A-A-S and marketplace offerings.33 Most importantly
and supported by NIM growth, Starling turned monthly profitable from October 2020.
On the other side of the balance sheet, acquiring the restricted banking license early
on the curve enabled Starling to issue low-cost deposits (protected by UK’s deposit
insurance scheme- FSCS).
30 See
31 See
32 Kakao (South Korea) and WeBank (China) are other examples of profitable digital banks.
33 See Starling Trading Update 2021 available at,
16 Digital Banking: A Proposal for Licensing & Regulatory Regime for India
Starling’s case study highlights the importance of NIM and on-balance sheet lending
on profitability. The ability to do balance sheet lending is especially important for a
fintech offering digital banking in India given RBI’s prescriptive regulation capping
interchange. So, regulatory innovation in terms of engineering a DB license they can
leverage is the key.34
Estimates indicate that DBs have high cost efficiency. Webank for instance incurs a per-
account operation cost of $0.5. Compare that to traditional banks and (depending where
we are), it may come upto 10-20 times higher.35 In the Indian context, a FIBAC 2019
Annual Insights Report estimated the banking industry cost to income ratio at about
50 %. Looking beneath the hood, it is apparent that cost to income ratios of large and
medium PSBs as also old private banks are more than 50 %. The new private banks, while
they run a more efficient operation relative to their peers, still had a cost to income ratio
as high as 43 %.36
These ratios reduce their reach by excluding micro and small businesses, and credit of
smaller tickets from their reach. Digital banks offer promise because their business model
can organically cut down cost-to-serve and CAC37 thus offering them the headroom to
expand coverage than the incumbent commercial bank.
34 See How the UK Became the Galapagos Of Fintech Innovation available at,
35 See
36 See p.10 (C:I ratios of Indian banks)
37 They can acquire the customer at lower costs for example because using APIs, they can embed loan journeys in part-
ner e-commerce applications.
To summarize, B-a-a-S makes it possible for the existing banking ecosystem to “do
more with less” (in other words, to enhance unit economics) thus making it more
competitive and efficient.
Custodian Banking
A custodian is a specialised financial Institution that holds customers’ securities for
safekeeping.38 Panel discussants in the industry consultation held in connection with
this Report also highlighted the need for creation of a specialised custodian banking
licence in India in keeping with the differentiated (specialised) banking licence policy
in India.
Given the rapid rise in expanse and depth of India’s capital markets in the last half
a decade- and especially in the “pandemic years” of 2020 and 2021, there may be
a case for evaluating the proposal again. In the alternative, RBI may permit SEBI
regulated non-bank custodians to have a reverse repo account that would hold both
proprietary funds and client fund balances they hold under a Power Of Attorney, in
addition to issuing them a AD-I licence (for rendering forex services).
38 See Centre for Innovation in Public Policy “Reforms in Custodian Banking” Policy Brief on Custodian banking (2021)
available at,
18 Digital Banking: A Proposal for Licensing & Regulatory Regime for India
Digital Banks: A New Kid In Town 19
Challenges With
V the Existing
Neo-Bank Model
The prevalent Neo-bank business model in India is a function of regulatory vacuum. In the
absence of a licensing regime for “full-stack” digital banks, fintechs offering the Neo-bank
proposition in India have improvised and adopted the “front-end neo-banks” model. As
the name indicates, this is a partnership between traditional banks and neo-banks such
that the latter bring in the engagement layer and the former bring in the “utility” layer
and offer both sides of their balance sheet.
These Neo-banks have further specialized into consumer-facing and small business-facing
offerings respectively. A typical consumer facing Neo-bank offers additional conveniences
like digital debit card, Personal finance management tools like spend analytics for better
budgeting, investment avenues through its mobile application through its B2B partnerships
and potentially a credit line. A typical small business-facing fintech offering neo-banking
services will offer expense management products (like employee prepaid cards), payroll
management, accounts receivables management platform and a business loan / credit
line facility through the banking partner.
But this model presents several challenges including with respect to revenue and viability.
Some challenges have been presented below:
20 Digital Banking: A Proposal for Licensing & Regulatory Regime for India
Challenge #1: Limited Revenue Potential
Mapping this bouquet of services against revenue potential, it becomes immediately
apparent that fintechs have a monetization (and therefore viability) problem. They earn
fee-based revenue wherever they act as channel partners (account opening and on-
boarding, investment opportunities credit), and potentially earn a fraction of interchange
on payments processed through cards; but other than these two buckets, lack any other
revenue sources. Moreover, interchange is indirectly regulated in India (through merchant
discount rate regulation), so unlike developed markets like the United States (where
fintechs can earn revenue on interchange by partnering with small and medium banks),
fintechs in India are constrained along this dimension.
As we have pointed out above, traditional banks (with their legacy technology stack with
limited product codes) may lack the ability to serve an emerging class of “digital-native”
businesses. Solving for this gap through a regulatory innovation in the form of DB license
may be a potential solution so that these businesses located downstream of banks may
thrive and become engines of employment.
Reports indicate that the RBI is contemplating to establish a working group to regulate
“front-end only” neo-banks that are presently operating in the partnership model. 41A
useful point for consideration will be to evaluate a “full stack” DB license which offers
42 India has less than 1 bank per million population. See Nachiket Mor et al,
22 Digital Banking: A Proposal for Licensing & Regulatory Regime for India
Challenges With the Existing “Partnership-Based” Neo-Bank Model 23
VI A Digital Bank
Global Regulatory
As we briefly touched upon in the previous section, Singapore, Hong Kong and Malaysia
have issued special DB regulatory regimes. Elsewhere, as in the United Kingdom, regulators
have recognized the DB business model by issuing banking licenses to banks offering
“digital-first” / “digital-only” propositions within already existing regulations without
creating specialist regimes.
In this section, we define a 4-factor “de jure” index— the Digital Bank Global Regulatory
Index (“Index”) — to map these global regulatory responses (whether through specialist
regimes or generally). As a first step towards doing that, we first describe the four factors
comprising the index and the scoring methodology adopted. In the next step, we score
each of the benchmark jurisdictions against the Index with a view to draw lessons for
the proposed Indian DB legal framework. The benchmark jurisdictions chosen for the
purposes of this Report are Singapore, UK, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Australia and South
24 Digital Banking: A Proposal for Licensing & Regulatory Regime for India
Illustratively, this filter will determine an eligibility condition requiring prior track
record in e-commerce / financial services/ technology sectors to be proportionate.
On the other hand, eligibility conditions that disable a potential applicant based
on “status” will be marked negative. Illustratively, a eligibility barrier that states
only “entities already regulated by a defined financial regulator are eligible”
excludes several entities with expertise to deliver digital banking and as such
will be marked negative by the Index.
Competition: This factor scores a regime in terms of how pro-competitive it
is. In the context of the banking services market, competition arises between
incumbent predominantly “brick-and-mortar” commercial banks and digital
banks. Regimes that do not privilege incumbents relative to Digital banks
operationally will be scored positively against this factor. On the other hand,
regimes that discriminate against digital banks operationally by excluding them
from access to privileges that incumbent commercial banks can avail of, will
be scored negatively against this factor. (An illustration of this could be if,
say, a particular jurisdiction offers access to Central Bank payments systems to
legacy banks but denies such access to DBs. Another illustration in this regard
is unequal access to the deposit insurance system if the jurisdiction has enacted
Business Restrictions (NOT adjusted for prudence): This factor scores a regime
in terms of the degree of autonomy it confers on a DB in its day to day
operations. The risks unique to banking as a business model means that certain
restrictions and calibration are necessary for prudential reasons. The “adjustment
for prudence” element of this factor accounts for these caveats. Illustratively, if a
regime restricts business growth in terms of a defined quantitative threshold of
assets / deposits in the initial phase of a DB’s journey as a licensed entity, this
factor will recognize the rationale driving the restriction if there is a transparent
pathway out of these restrictions.
Technological Neutrality: Fintech regulation has low shelf-life as the underlying
technologies that regulated entities use are in a state of dynamic flux. This
“natural rate of change” can be inhibited however if a regulatory regime leans
in favor of one technology / technology standards over another. Such regulatory
favouritism can have a chilling effect on innovation. Technological neutrality
is therefore a key metric to score a regulatory regime on. Consistent with
the above descriptor, regulatory regimes that mandate or otherwise privilege
specific technologies by hard-coding them in law are scored negatively against
this factor, and vice versa.
= Yes = No
43 HKMA prescribes identical minimum capital rules (HKD 300,000) for both incumbent commercial banks and Digital
banks (“Virtual banks” as they are referred to in HongKong). In so far the entry barrier applies a one-size-fits-all rule
without regard to the different business models, and objectives of two types of banks concerned, the Index marks it
as a negative.
44 MAS precludes Digital Full Banks from accessing ATM Network.
45 MAS regulation precludes Digital Banks from imposing minimum balance fees. In so far as such restriction reduces
avenues for revenue generation and has no nexus to prudential aspects, the Index marks it as negative. Note that
individual Digital banks may choose to voluntarily waive such fees to attract more customers. Competition on such
measures should be welcomed by the policymakers.
46 HKMA regulation precludes Digital Banks from imposing minimum balance fees. In so far as such restriction reduces
avenues for revenue generation and has no nexus to prudential aspects, the Index marks it as negative. Note that
individual Digital banks may choose to voluntarily waive such fees to attract more customers. Competition on such
measures should be welcomed by the policymakers.
47 Financial Services Commission precludes Digital banks from lending to Corporates.
48 See footnote 3
49 See footnote 4
26 Digital Banking: A Proposal for Licensing & Regulatory Regime for India
Purpose of the Index is to give us a frame of reference for what “default settings”
India’s Digital bank regulatory framework should adopt.
As it will be apparent from the mapping out exercise:
Technological neutrality is a common theme. That is a learning India’s
regulatory policy can take home. There are certain technologies that have
gotten entrenched in regulation. Illustratively, India’s extant e-KYC regulations
embed use of OTP as the second factor in authentication. That has gained
ubiquity over the years despite the fact that there are other options with
lesser friction and same / more effectiveness available. While that promotes
standardization arguably, global regulatory practice is not in favor of such
prescriptive approach as it may have a chilling effect on innovation.
Calibration is another common theme. Differentiated minimum capital
requirements is the key-a progression to offer the new entities a head-
start is facilitative of competition. One size fits requirements for merely
commencing business favors incumbents over challenge
Exit plan “Living Wills” as they are called, is also a common feature.
This section will serve as the capstone of this Report and recommend a potential template,
pathway and the operative steps under the applicable laws to be executed for enacting a
DB licensing and regulatory regime for India. The infrastructural enablers for it in terms of
a national ID, credit information architecture (credit information companies), a real time
payments protocol (UPI), and an emerging open banking regulatory framework (account
aggregators) are already present. India has the opportunity to leverage these enablers to
enact an industry leading regime for governing DBs.
The sequence and the template suggested here is informed by the DB Regulatory Index
created for the purposes of this Report.50 In addition, inputs and written submissions
received from stakeholders forming part of the 60 day consultation window, relevant
practitioners and public policy commentary and the interviews conducted for the
purposes of this Report have also been relied upon.
A. The Sequence
Consistent with best practises revealed by the DB Regulatory Index, the following 3 step
sequence is recommended:
Step 1: Introduce a restricted Digital Business bank licence and a restricted
Digital Consumer Bank license (the dimensions along which these licences will
be restricted has been detailed below in subsection-B and the legal mechanics
involved in sub-section- C below).
Step 2: The applicant acquiring this restricted license (“Licensee”) enlists in
the regulatory sandbox and commences operations as a Digital Business bank/
Digital Consumer bank as the case may be, in the sandbox.
RBI’s regulatory sandbox framework (“Sandbox framework”) recognizes the need
to offer relaxations (including inter alia financial soundness, track record and
adjacent issues) to entities enlisted in the sandbox to facilitate experimentation.51
50 See Section IV for a description of the four factors underlying the Index and the scoring methodology. Section V also
tabulates the results of mapping identified Benchmark Jurisdictions against the Index to tease out certain best prac-
tices that should inform the India template.
51 See Clause 6.2 of the RBI Regulatory Sandbox available at,
aspx?UrlPage=&ID=1161 (stating that the RBI may consider relaxing conditions regarding financial soundness, liquidity
and track record among other things for applicant(s) for the duration of the sandbox).
52 This is on identical lines as Singapore. MAS retains the discretion to make the determination about the licensee’s
progress based on disclosed objective factors but does not prescribe any time period. See
media/Annex-A-Digital-Full-Bank-Framework.pdf p. 2
53 See Clause 6.1 of the Sandbox Framework available at,
?UrlPage=&ID=1161#S8 (recognizes that cohorts may run for varying time periods and offers an indicative timeline of
6 months).
30 Digital Banking: A Proposal for Licensing & Regulatory Regime for India
As already pointed out above, this approach is mirrored by global regulatory
best practices. It offers the RBI the opportunity to calibrate timeline based
on relevant factors. including experience / track record/ fit-and-proper of the
On the other hand, if the metrics agreed on ex ante are not met over a defined
period, the licensee may be given a window to unwind the liabilities created
including any term deposits, assign assets created to an identified buyer and exit
the sandbox, per the process laid down in RBI’s regulatory sandbox framework.
(For the sake of abundant clarity, other grounds for exiting the sandbox provided
therein would continue to be available to the RBI and the Licensee).54
B. F
eatures/Conditions of Digital Business bank License/Digital
Consumer bank Licence
Minimum paid-up capital: Minimum Paid-up Capital for a restricted Digital
Business bank operating in a regulatory sandbox may be proportionate to its
status as restricted. While the RBI is the final arbiter of what numerical value
constitutes “proportionate”, the following recommendations are offered:
As pointed out above, the Sandbox Framework recognizes relaxations along
the financial soundness dimension. It is recommended that the RBI consider
offering the Licensees relaxation in terms of minimum paid up capital using
this lever. In the restricted phase, Digital Business bank may be required to
bring in ₹ 20 crore of minimum paid-up capital.
Upon progression from the sandbox a full-scale Digital Business bank will
be required to bring in ₹ 200 Crores (equivalent to that required of the
Small Finance bank).55
The minimum capital for a Digital Consumer bank in the restricted (sandbox)
phase may follow the same approach as above. Since a Digital Consumer
bank is a case of first instance in India with no incumbent proxy, RBI may
consider asking the licensee minimum capital to bring in minimum capital
proportionate to the projected book size and risk profile of borrowers in
the business plan, while operating in the sandbox.
The same calibrated approach may be adopted after the Digital Consumer
bank “graduates” from the regulatory sandbox and begins operations as a
full-scale Digital Consumer bank.
Track record & Potential Applicant Pool: Given the “digital-native” nature of
banks that will operate under this license, the license may require one or more
controlling persons of the applicant entity to have an established track record
in adjacent industries such as e-commerce, payments, technology (e.g. cloud
54 See Clause 6.6 (b), and (c ) of the Sandbox Framework available at,
Details.aspx?UrlPage=&ID=1161#S8 (stipulating grounds of exit at the behest of the RBI, and the sandbox entity (in this
instance, the Digital Business Bank licensee).
55 Small Finance Banks, with their focus on small businesses on the asset side are the closest equivalent to the (pro-
posed) Digital Business bank. As such, progressively raising the min. paid-up capital requirement to ₹ 200 crores
promotes competition without treating disproportionately favoring any entity.
32 Digital Banking: A Proposal for Licensing & Regulatory Regime for India
Prudential / Liquidity risk regulation: This aspect will be identical for both
Digital Business banks / Digital Consumer bank that have progressed to full
license, and the incumbent commercial banks. Regulatory touchpoints like
capital adequacy, risk weights, liquidity coverage ratio will be included under
this head. Being a full-fledged bank, Digital business bank(s) will be required to
be fully compliant with the relevant thresholds applicable to them specifically
or commercial banks generally.
In the sandbox (restricted) phase of a Digital business bank, RBI may prescribe
prudential / liquidity standards proportional to the asset and deposit caps it is
subjected to.
Technological Risk regulation: Technology risks assume greater importance for
Digital Business Banks / Digital Consumer banks relative to the traditional banks
because they leverage their APIs to have relationships to numerous counter-
parties that risks can originate from. The licence should require conditions for
ex ante technological preparedness and ex post business continuity planning
(detailed in the following segment). Ex ante technological preparedness will
Incorporation of zero trust architecture to mitigate technology risks-
the panel discussants highlighted this point in the industry consultation
organized in connection with this Report.
Creation of clearly defined processes (leveraging technology) enabling
consumers that have encountered a security event, to report the event.
The panel discussants also stressed on this aspect. They also recommended
spreading awareness across the digital banking ecosystem including through
innovative use of marketing.
Continuing compliance with industry-grade certifications like PCI-DSS and
the attendant audits of the Digital Business Banks.
Board-level policies and expertise in assessing evolving cybersecurity risks
(including saliently that of ransomware illustratively), by mandating a defined
fraction of executive directors to have relevant skill sets, augmented by a
carrots-and-sticks compensation framework that motivates these personnel
to be proactive about these risks.
Additionally, installing and upskilling technology risk supervision personnel
of the RBI commensurately to offer intelligent oversight of the first line of
defence delineated above.
Due to their “digital-native” avatar, new technologies such as machine
learning and blockchain can be more easily and seamlessly integrated into
the overall operations of Digital Business banks (as also DBs generally).
These technologies can provide an extra layer of security.
Relatedly, panel discussants highlighted the need for clear regulatory
guidelines for deploying core banking system on cloud. At present, while
regulations do not foreclose such deployment in the absence of clearly
Once neobanks and digital-only banks employ RegTech solutions, this could “improve
compliance outcomes, enhance risk management capabilities and generate new
insights into the business for improved decision-making.” According to a report by
Deloitte57, RegTech solutions provide five basis core services - Compliance, Identity
Management and Control, Risk Management, Regulatory Reporting and Transaction
Monitoring. The successful deployment of these technologies will help in facilitating
automated tech and data-driven two-sided flow of information and thereby enable
seamless compliance. Additionally, across all banks, whether traditional or digital:
34 Digital Banking: A Proposal for Licensing & Regulatory Regime for India
There should be guidelines for the right standards of reporting to the authorities.
Common reporting standards can be developed for police authorities, regulators
etc. to enable easier investigation.
Automated generation of STR (Suspicion Transaction Report) can be made
a norm among all banks. Legal & departmental action against all such bank
managers and unit for negligence.
Digital banks should have an automated or emergency request team. This will cut
short the time in obtaining bank data. One of the biggest huddles with traditional
banking ecosystem is the non-availability of bank staff on some particular days
of the month. This is a huge challenge as it delays the investigation process.
Finally, appointment of CISOs (Chief Information Security officer) in digital banks.
The CISO will act as nodal officer for immediate response for any cyber-attack.
Business Continuity Planning: Since after the global financial crisis, regulators
including the Federal Reserve have required banks under their supervision to
submit “business continuity plans” (BCPs) (also known as “Living Wills”) in order
to game out “an exit strategy” for depositors and other creditors to the bank,
in the event of bank failure or winding down of business for other reasons. RBI
also has enacted such requirements in the regulations concerning P2P-NBFCs.58
As the Index reveals, almost every jurisdiction also requires DBs or banks generally
to submit these BCPs and keep them updated. On the same lines, Digital Business
banks / Digital Consumer banks will be required to submit BCPs to provide for
exit strategy for all potential creditors for all financial, operational and saliently,
technology risks. Regulatory oversight over BCPs is especially important in the
context of DBs given that they can leverage their APIs to have relationships to
numerous counter-parties that risks can originate from.
Other Regulatory Aspects / Ecosystem Enablers: Likewise, Digital Business
banks will be required to fully comply with any regulations touching upon bank
conduct that RBI may issue from time to time. This should also be the case for
Digital Consumer banks.
In terms of ecosystem enablers, financial literacy will be the key enabler (or
challenge, seen in a different lens) in the context of a regulatory framework for
digital bank licence. A National Centre for Financial Education (NCFE) survey
(2019) found that only 27 % of adult Indians are financially literate. The NCFE has
proposed a “5Cs” approach in its national strategy document released in 2020
to ensure a greater fraction of Indians are financially literate. The “5Cs” approach
is premised on:
58 See
36 Digital Banking: A Proposal for Licensing & Regulatory Regime for India
Furthermore, while tailoring of these restrictions is an operational decision that
is best taken at the time of entry into regulatory sandbox, experience with
Payments banks suggests that it may be prudent to not be too rigid in defining
these limits lest it create disincentives for micro and small businesses to utilize
these accounts for their business transactions. Illustratively, consider a limit
of ₹ 100,000/- for end of day balances in current accounts offered by these
banks. Such limits can restrict micro and small businesses from utilizing these
accounts during seasonal cash flow surges (eg, Diwali) or use these accounts as
designated accounts for loan disbursals. After the progression to fully licensed
stage, it can continue to offer these and other products and services at scale
and without restrictions.
The corresponding products/ services for the Digital Consumer bank in the
restricted phase may potentially include the following:
Term Loans / credit cards (subject to appropriate prudential safeguards)/
other innovative credit products to retail consumers (This expression is
worded broadly deliberately. It is expected that licensees will create
innovative products for retail consumers responding to felt needs of the
Time deposits from retail consumers, MSME businesses and other corporate
and unincorporated entities
Distribution of products and services
Others specified in section 6 of the BR Act subject to exclusions issued by the
RBI under the terms of the license
Progressive interpretation of branch mandates: Consistent with the best
practices that the Index revealed, the license may stipulate that the Digital
bank may have one place of business. Furthermore, consistent with the RBI’s
continuing progressive re-interpretation of branch mandates59 (issued pursuant
to the guidelines under Section 23 of the BR Act) to account for technology as
a factor in delivery channel, the license may lay down the objective of delivering
banking services to defined unbanked areas leaving the channels of delivery to
be determined based on the bank’s policies.
Value Added Services: Digital Business banks as a business construct are
uniquely placed to benefit from a unified offering of both banking and value-
added commercial services, because the idea of licensed Digital Business bank
has evolved from “front-end” Neo-banks that, as engagement layers of their
partner-banks, are already offering many of these services in India. APIs enable
them to integrate services like payroll, accounts receivables/ accounts payables
management, tax compliance and other S-A-A-S based services in the business
flows of their customers directly. These services offer both an engagement
avenue and revenue source for the proposed Digital Business Bank.
This policy design can be applied beneficially in the context of creating a licensing
regime for Digital Business banks in India. Digital Business banks as a business construct
are uniquely placed to benefit from a unified offering of both banking and value-added
commercial services, because the idea of licensed Digital Business Banks has evolved
from “front-end” neo-banks that, as engagement layers of their partner-banks, are
already offering many of these services in India. APIs enable them to integrate services
like payroll, accounts receivables/ accounts payables management, tax compliance
and other S-A-A-S based services in the business flows of their customers directly.
Permitting Digital Business banks to continue to offer these and other value-added
services that are complementary to their core financial services will offer two-fold
advantage of enabling greater customer stickiness and increasing revenues for them. .
60 This is not an isolated shift. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation recently approved Square Inc’s “Industrial Loan
License”- a licensing structure that permits convergence of banking and commerce. See
61 See a summary of the MAS reform measure here,
38 Digital Banking: A Proposal for Licensing & Regulatory Regime for India
Critically, from a regulatory stand-point, since these are fee-based services and do not
involve any incremental credit risk, there are no externalities flowing to the said Digital
Business bank from offering these services on the same balance sheet as the banking
business. In fact, deep integration with a business only enhances the transparency
between the business and the Digital Business bank.
The same principle should inform Digital Consumer bank proposed here. As with Digital
Business banks, Central Government in consultation with the RBI may lay down an
exhaustive list of “go” and “no-go” NFBs. Subject to exclusions, a Digital Consumer bank
may engage in NFBs that are unique to the niche retail consumer segment it may be
62 See Master Directions- RBI (PSL- Targets & Classification), 2020 available at
tion/PDFs/MDPSL803EE903174E4C85AFA14C335A5B0909.PDF (p.15)
40 Digital Banking: A Proposal for Licensing & Regulatory Regime for India
D. Legal Mechanics to Issue the License
While RBI’s authority to issue a license to a banking company under Section 22 of the
Banking Regulation Act (BR Act) is straightforward63, an additional step is necessary for
creating a licensing regime for Digital Business banks and Digital Consumer banks that
permits them to offer value-added-services (and generally, NFBs) that are complementary
to their core financial business, on the same balance sheet as the banking services.
The enumerated forms of business stipulated in Section 6 does not stipulate NFBs. So,
the Central Government will have to invoke its powers under the residuary clause, (o) of
Section 6 to notify, “NFBs that are complementary to core financial business of banks” as
an (additional) business that a Digital Business Bank may engage in.
Accordingly, the legal engineering for the respective license takes the following two steps:
A Digital business bank license / Digital Consumer bank license under Section
22 with the requisite enablers and business restrictions (minimum capital / asset
& deposit size caps et al) as described above. The license may also lay down
the path to “Full scale” Digital business bank / Digital Consumer bank license.
A central government notification under Section 6 (0) notifying “NFB that is
complementary to core financial business of Digital business banks”/ “Digital
Consumer Banks as an additional line of business they can engage in.
Following the MAS template, the Central Government in consultation with the
RBI, may create permissible list of NFBs for Digital business banks and Digital
Consumer banks respectively, and a list of non-permissible NFBs to ensure
prudential decorum.
63 Both Payments bank and Small Finance bank licenses were engineered pursuant to the authority under Section 22.
India’s public digital infrastructure, especially UPI has successfully demonstrated how to
challenge established incumbents. As pointed out in the opening section, UPI transactions
measured have surpassed ₹ 4 trillion in value. Aadhaar authentications have passed 55
trillion. Finally, India is at the cusp of operationalizing its own Open banking framework.
These indices demonstrate India has the technology stack to fully facilitate DBs. Creating
a blue-print for digital banking regulatory framework & policy offers India the opportunity
to cement her position as the global leader in Fintech at the same time as solving the
several public policy challenges she faces.
Conclusion 43
44 Digital Banking: A Proposal for Licensing & Regulatory Regime for India
S.No. Institution Comment received Action Taken
8 Vidhi Center of Suggestion about specifying The Report already incorporated the
Legal Policy the relaxations if any that would recommended relaxations in Section VII,
be available for licensees in the Sub-section B at pp. 23, 24 (in terms of
regulatory sandbox minimum-paid up capital).
We further also highlighted that the extant
regulatory sandbox framework of the RBI
recognizes these types of relaxations as
being available.
9 Vidhi Center of Suggestion about providing for Added in section VII at p.23 of the Report.
Legal Policy the situations in which the Digital
bank licensee has to exit the
sandbox (eg, when it is unable to
meet regulatory expectations /
10 Vidhi Center of Suggestion about dealing Added in section VII at p.22 of Version 2 of
Legal Policy explicitly with the timelines for the Report
the Digital bank licenses in the
sandbox (duration of a Digital
bank licensee in a sandbox)
11 Vidhi Center of Suggestion about recommending Added in section VII at p. 24 of the Report
Legal Policy an eligibility criteria for Digital Version 2
bank license
12 Vidhi Center of Suggestion about providing for The Report already provides for this on
Legal Policy RBI monitoring and supervision a composite read of Section VII at pp. 21
over Digital bank licensees in the and 25.
sandbox phase.
13 Vidhi Center of Suggestion to clarify if incumbent Added a clarification in section VII at p.29
Legal Policy traditional banks will also have of the Report Version 2.
the license to offer “NFB” on their
balance sheet
14 Vidhi Center of Suggestion to illustrate a list of The Report has referred the interested
Legal Policy permissible NFBs. reader to a note by LinkLaters discussing
the issue via footnote 33.
So, this suggestion was NOT included.
15 Vidhi Center of Suggestion to add a segment NOT added as being too obvious.
Legal Policy recommending RBI to publish the When the RBI issues license under S. 22 of
Digital bank guidelines. the Banking Regulation Act, it is trite that
the process thereunder will be followed.
16 Sabyasachi U Suggestion about use-case for The use-case about collective lending
“group-based” lending(similar to products/ schemes is already provided for
SHGs in villages) by MFI-NBFCs.
The digital bank licensing and regulatory
framework proposed here was primarily
aimed at bridging the INR 30 trillion (by
latest estimates) credit gap in the micro
and small segments of the MSME sector
primarily (with one-to-one lender-borrower
So, this suggestion was not included.
Annexure-I 45
S.No. Institution Comment received Action Taken
20 SBI Raising caution about the Added a detailed ex-ante and ex-post
increased cyber-security risks technology risk mitigation framework in
from a full-stack Digital bank the Report Version 2.
license See section VII (pages 25, 26).
46 Digital Banking: A Proposal for Licensing & Regulatory Regime for India
S.No. Institution Comment received Action Taken
23 IAMAI Min. cap should be in the range of The Report in its first version already
INR 50- 100 Cr recommends INR 100 Cr upon the licensee
graduating from a regulatory sandbox, to
being a full-scale bank.
Please see p.46
The lesser thresholds of min. cap. in the
regulatory sandbox “restricted” phase, are
fully supported by the data evidenced by
the Index created in the Report - majority
of the jurisdictions comprising the Index
have adopted lower thresholds in the
sandbox phase.
Please see p.40
Furthermore, note that the licence is
“restricted” and hence licensees will
operate with entity-level asset/ liability /
customers served limitations. As such, a
lower threshold of capital in the regulatory
sandbox is reasonable.
25 NASSCOM Reg. Sandbox is not necessarily This suggestion does not stand legal
needed to “domicile” this scrutiny.
innovation The Reg. Sandbox framework notified by
the RBI offers the legal basis for the RBI to
prescribe proportionately lower minimum
capital requirements for the licensee(s)
during the “restricted” phase.
The RBI is itself bound by laws and
regulations already enacted. As such,
relaxations outside of the reg. sandbox
framework are legally untenable.
The recent example of NARCL where the
RBI declined approving the initial structure
proposed because the SARFAESI did not
recognize it, is a case in point. As such,
routing this innovation through a reg.
sandbox is important.
Absent relaxation on minimum capital and
other compliances allowable under the reg.
sandbox framework, the policy reform will
not achieve the intended goal of attracting
a deep and competitive pool of applicants
for the Digital bank licence
Annexure-I 47
S.No. Institution Comment received Action Taken
26 NASSCOM Clearly distinguish between “full- This issue is not current anymore in the
stack Digital Business Bank and final version of the Report.
“full-stack Digital Universal bank” Taking into account feedback to consider
recommending a framework for retail
consumer, the final version of the Report
recommends two regimes respectively,
towards Digital Business bank and Digital
Consumer bank.
The rationale and data supporting the
reasons for a Digital Consumer Bank
licensing regime is offered in the final
version of the Report.
Please see pp.19, 20.
For the sequence for bringing in, and the
features of the Digital Consumer bank,
Please see pp. 51, 52 et al
Finally, the expression, “full-stack” that
can potentially be confusing is changed
to, “full-scale” to describe a Digital bank
that graduates from the reg. sandbox and
commences operations.
27 NASSCOM Prescribe the Min. Capital (As already pointed out above), the
thresholds clearly for all stages minimum capital recommendation in the
previous version of the Report is retained
in the final version for reasons elucidated.
Please see p.45
28 NASSCOM Minimum. the threshold for The lesser thresholds of min. cap. in the
participation in “restricted” phase regulatory sandbox “restricted” phase, are
should be raised. fully supported by the data evidenced by
the Index created in the Report - majority
of the jurisdictions comprising the Index
have adopted lower thresholds in the
sandbox phase.
Please see p.40
Furthermore, note that the licence is
“restricted” and hence licensees will
operate with entity-level asset/ liability /
customers served limitations. As such, a
lower threshold of capital in the regulatory
sandbox is reasonable.
48 Digital Banking: A Proposal for Licensing & Regulatory Regime for India
S.No. Institution Comment received Action Taken
29 NASSCOM Offer greater clarity on existing The Report highlights the limitations of
neo-banking arrangements existing neo-banks as context for making a
case for a Digital bank licensing framework
in India.
As such, existing neo-bank partnerships
may continue at present as also later when
India enacts a Digital Bank framework,
subject to RBI outsourcing guidelines and
related regulations.
Commercially, a license is merely one way
for organizing and operating a business.
For any eligible applicants, their respective
boards will take the commercial decision
on whether to partner with incumbent
banks and operate a B2B2C business, or
go for the licence and create their own
balance sheet.
30 NASSCOM Priority sector Guidelines will Taking into account this (and other)
require a fresh look feedback, this recommendation is included
in the final version of the Report.
Please see p.56 and following pages.
31 NASSCOM Engage more directly with Taking this feedback into account, and
challenges of consumer protection since the issues of consumer protection are
(that Digital Banks throw up) wide and encompass banking and finance
in general, it is proposed to create another
research project on “Digital Literacy” and
related issues and zoom in narrowly on
how public policy may be reformed to
mitigate the risks.
32 Revolut Players meeting a defined (For the reasons stated above), this
stringent qualifying criteria should recommendation was not accepted.
be directly granted a “full-scale” To reiterate: The recommendation goes
Digital Bank licence while others against the principle of promoting
should take the reg. sandbox competitive neutrality.
route to get the regulator’s
As the section on factors comprising the
Index reveals, competitive neutrality is one
of the key pillars informing the present
proposal. Hard coding a particular category
of applicant over others violates it.
Furthermore, it may be noted that if a given
category of applicant is already experienced
and has a track record of operating as a
regulated entity, the regulatory sandbox
framework timelines recommended in the
Report are malleable and could be tailored
to a particular licensee.
Please see p. 45
Annexure-I 49
S.No. Institution Comment received Action Taken
35 ORF Ownership structures of Fintechs As pointed out in the Report, Digital Banks
are diversified and some of them will be “bank” as understood in the BR Act,
may not be controlled by Indian 1949.
residents, as required by RBI As such, the extant FDI policy applicable to
the banking sector would be applicable to
Digital Banks, as they would be applicable
to all banks.
In light of this, applicants that are fintechs
and desirous of seeking a Digital Bank
licence will have to re-engineer their cap
table (capital structure) to comply with the
sectoral ownership rules prescribed by the
This is also consistent with the regulatory
parity principle embraced by the Report.
50 Digital Banking: A Proposal for Licensing & Regulatory Regime for India
S.No. Institution Comment received Action Taken
36 ORF The Report should consider how This recommendation is accepted and
priority sector guidelines can implemented in the final version of the
be incorporated in regulatory Report.
framework for Digital Banks Please see p. 56
37 ORF A potential template for Digital This recommendation is accepted and
Retail Bank licensing may also be implemented in the final version of the
created Report.
Please see p. 51, 52 and following pages.
38 ORF Minimum criteria on applicant The Report, both in the first and final
pool- the need to ensure these do version, is committed to mitigate all
not operate as a entry barrier potential entry barriers and promote
competition by widening the applicant
pool consistent with the need to ensure
only serious entities having expertise in
relevant areas and understanding of risks
in the digital domain.
The minimum criteria recommended
balances this tension, and is supported by
the data revealed by the Global regulatory
Index created under the Report.
39 PayU Expand the scope of the deposits This recommendation is adopted in the
to TGs other than MSMEs, for final version of the Report.
Digital Banks Accordingly both types of Digital Banks -
Business and Consumer- may issue
deposits to a wide set of customers. This is
aimed to enable the licensees to moderate
the weighted average cost of deposits.
Please see pp. 51-53
40 PayU Entities that already have lending This recommendation is not accepted for
experience (NBFC, PPI licence) the following reasons:
should be directly issued a full- The recommendation is inconsistent with
scale licence the principle of promoting competitive
As the section on factors comprising the
Index reveals, competitive neutrality is one
of the key pillars informing the present
proposal. Hard coding preference for a
particular category of applicant over others
is inconsistent with the principle.
Furthermore, it may be noted that if a given
category of applicant is already experienced
and has a track record of operating as a
regulated entity, the regulatory sandbox
framework timelines recommended in the
Report are malleable and could be tailored
to a particular licensee.
Please see p. 45
While NBFCs do have experience with
operating the credit book, most NBFCs
in India are non-deposi-taking and do not
have a track record of issuing and growing
a CASA franchise. (PPIs are even more
irrelevant to the argument as they have
neither and are merely PSPs).
Annexure-I 51
S.No. Institution Comment received Action Taken
44 PwC The Report should include The final version of the The final version
nuanced licences (such as of the Report has incorporated a parallel
Digital Retail Bank) and that an reg. and licensing framework for Digital
identically phase-wise approach Consumer banks.
should be followed for Digital Please see p.42, pp 51, 53 et al
Retail bank.
45 PwC The applicant pool should include The final version of the Report clarifies
Fintechs as well as other players by way of abundant caution that the
specified categories of potential applicants
mentioned are illustrative, not exhaustive
and that Fintechs are included.
Please see p. 47
52 Digital Banking: A Proposal for Licensing & Regulatory Regime for India
S.No. Institution Comment received Action Taken
51 Deloitte Several submissions touching The RBI has recognized and implemented
upon the scope of the Digital a differentiated bank licensing policy
Bank license and operational since adoption of the Mor Committee
requirements. recommendations in 2014. The
Salient suggestions: differentiation proposed in the Report is
consistent with that differentiated banking
-Introduce a consolidated
Digital Bank license (rather than
differentiated licenses for MSMEs Furthermore, taking feedback received
and retail separately. during consultation phase, The final draft
of the Report recommends that the RBI
-Digital Banks should also be
issue the relevant licenses and test the
subject to the deposit insurance
performance of qualified licensees in the
requirement and limits
sandbox, across both small business and
consumer categories.
Regarding deposit insurance, the Report
already incorporats that requirement by
explicitly stating that licensees under this
proposed framework are “Banks” as we
understand them in B R Act. It bolsters
that by explicitly stating regulatory parity
between incumbents and Digital banks
as a necessary principle of the proposed
Annexure-I 53
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