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Recipe Design

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Beer Recipe Design

Presented by Mick Spencer

Recipe Approaches
Less Advanced <------------------------------------------------------------------------> More Advanced

Brew Recipes "as is" Tweak Existing Build Recipes from

from books like Recipes (ingredient Scratch, using Build "ouside the box," using
Brewing Classic Styles amounts, process knowledge of the any ingredients/processes
or NHC award winners times style (or guidelines) that serve the intended beer
from the AHA web site. /temperatures) to and Traditional characteristics, whether
(But beware of fix problems or Ingredients/ aimed at a particular style or
random online enhance to Processes for the not
recipes.) personal tastes. style/region

Replace 2-Row with Maris

Otter or Golden Promise for
Start with an
nuttiness. (Or add a little
Replace half of the American Base Malt
Biscuit Malt.) Maybe use
Janet's Brown Ale (2-Row), select a mid-
British Crystal and Chocolate
recipe's Chocolate range American
Malts for complexity. Stick
Malt with Pale Caramel Malt for
with Cascade (or other
Tasty McDole's "Janet's Chocolate Malt, for flavor, and Chocolate
Simple Examples American) Hops in fairly large
Brown Ale" as is added cocoa-like Malt(s) for color,
amounts and late, to
complexity. Maybe roast, and cocoa
distinguish it from English
add a tiny amount flavor. Cascade Hops
brown ales. Consider a higher
of Roasted Barley to to 40-ish IBUs and
mash temp and/or an English
restore lost color. Chico Yeast…it’s an
Yeast strain to leave a little
American Brown Ale.
more residual sweetness, if it
serves the intent.
Recipe Design Basic Factors



Recipe Design - Ingredients

•Malts and Adjuncts

• covered in Intro to Water Brewing Treatment

Malts and Adjuncts

•Malts: Grains (Barley or Other) that have

been (at a minimum) steeped, germinated,
and dried
• most have also have been through some
combination of kilning (beyond that needed to
dry), roasting, and/or stewing

•Adjuncts: Non-Malted sources of


Malt Categories

• Base Malts: Malts that have been relatively lightly kilned,

preserving their diastatic power (enzymes) for mashing.
• Toasted Malts: Malts that have been relatively higher kilned
(higher temps and or times), or lightly roasted, destroying
much (or all) of their diastatic power.
• Crystal/Caramel Malts: Malts that have been Stewed,
converting most of their starches to sugars (largely
caramelized) and other dextrins. Sometimes roasted.
• Dark Roasted Malts: Malts that have been roasted (often in
drum roasters) for color and roasty flavors.

Malt Category Examples
Pilsner, 2-Row Brewers, Pale Ale, Vienna, Munich,
Base Malts Pale Wheat Malt, Malted Oats, Rye Malt, Malted

Victory, Biscuit, Honey, Brumalt, Melanoidin,

Toasted Malts
Aromatic, Amber, Brown,

Carapils, Carafoam, Carahell, Caravienne,

Caramel /
Caramunich, Caraaroma, Briess Caramels, English
Crystal Malts
Crystals, Special B, Golden Naked Oats

Dark Roasted Chocolate, Coffee, Black Patent, Carafa/Carafa

Malts Special

Base Malts

• “Backbone” of the grain bill

• Provide the enzymes needed in the mash, and the bulk of
the starches to be converted to sugars and unfermentable
• Their contributions to worts are more fermentable than
other malt categories’ contributions.
• see Attenuation Factors Presentation
• Usually lighter in color than other categories
• Used in higher proportions than other categories - typically

Base Malts – Characteristics (subjective)
Lighter • Pilsner: mild, sweet, honey notes, hay, cracker
& more
• 2-Row Brewers: neutral
• Pale Ale (e.g. Golden Promise, Maris Otter): sweet, rich,
nutty, bready
Darker &
• Vienna: sweet, honey, nutty
• Munich: honey, bready, subtle caramel, toasty
• (Pale) Wheat Malt: bready, biscuit. Improves foam.
• Malted Oats: nutty. Silky mouthfeel. Bad for foam.
• Rye Malt: grainy, earthy. Improves foam. Dry mouthfeel.
• Malted Corn: earthy, sweet, vegetal

Toasted Malts

• Specialty “accent” malts – typically 0-15%

• Few or No Enzymes
• starches in these malts must be converted by enzymes from base
• Their contributions to worts are somewhat less fermentable
than base malts’ contributions.
• Darker than base malts. Typically 20-30 Lovibond (~60 Lov
for Brown Malt)
• Used to enhance honey, toasty, and/or strong malty flavors
that come from Maillard (“browning”) reactions.
• Also used for Color

Toasted Malts – Characteristics (subjective)

• Melanoidin/Aromatic: biscuit, nutty, toasted

bread, strong malty aroma
• Honey/Brumalt: honey, toast, bread crust,
• Victory/Biscuit/Amber: biscuit, toasted bread,
• Brown: toasty, nutty, bitter, chocolate

Caramel/Crystal Malts (aka C-Malts)

• Specialty malts – typically used at 0-15%

• No Enzymes… but very little starch due to pre-conversion
• Can be steeped without a base malt
• Their contributions to worts are much less fermentable than
base malts’ contributions.
• Used for…
• Color
“Color” C-Malts
• Caramelly/Sweet/Dark Fruit Flavors
• Body/Foam (especially Carapils/Carafoam/Carahell, i.e. Dextrin

Color C-Malt Flavors

Representative examples. There are also many “in between” colors,

particularly from British Maltsters.

Listed flavors tend to be more intense in darker vs. lighter colors.

Dark Roasted Malts

• Specialty malts – typically used at 0-15%

• No Enzymes… but very little starch due to high temperature
• Can be steeped without a base malt
• Contributions to worts are much less fermentable than base
malts’ contributions
• Much Darker (130-625 Lovibond) than base malts
• Used for…
• Color
• Roasty Flavors
• Foam

Dark Roasted Malts – Characteristics
• Coffee (130-170 Lov): Coffee Flavors, Moderately Roasty
• Pale Chocolate (~220 Lov): Coffee, Cocoa. Moderately
• Chocolate (350-475 Lov): Coffee, Cocoa, Burnt Roasty
• Carafa I, II, III (340, 431, 525 Lov): Roasty
• Carafa Special I, II, III (340, 431, 525 Lov):
“Debittered”…Dehusked and Less Roasty than regular
• Black Patent (500-625 Lov): Very Roasty, Bitter, Subtle


• Unmalted Grains and Other Sources of Carbohydrates

• No Enzymes… starches from Adjunct Grains must be
converted by enzymes from base malts, so are Not
• Includes Raw/Processed Sugars, Honey, etc.
• Used (depending on adjunct) for…
• More Body
• Less Body
• Various Flavors and Other Characteristics
• Cheap Alcohol Production

Adjunct Grains – Characteristics

• Barley: increase body and foam retention, haze, grainy

flavor, lighter color (or darker in the case of Roasted Barley)
• Corn: decrease body/haze/foam, slightly sweet
• Rice: decrease body/haze/foam, lighter color
• Wheat: increase foam retention, haze
• Oats: silky mouthfeel, decrease foam, increase haze
• Rye: earthy flavor, increase foam, dry mouthfeel
• Spelt: slight nutty flavor

Most are available in both “raw” (unprocessed) and flaked forms. Raw
grains benefit from a cereal mash, which gelatinizes the starches,
making them available to the main mash.
Some Non-Grain Adjuncts
• Table Sugar (Sucrose): 100% Fermentable. Neutral Flavor. Boosts
ABV without adding body
• Corn Sugar (Dextrose): Nearly 100% Fermentable (some water
content). Metabolically easier for yeast to use than table sugar.
• Brown Sugar/Piloncillo: Caramel/Toffee flavor. Less fermentable.
• Molasses/Black Treacle: Smokey/Bitter. Less fermentable.
• British Invert Syrups/Belgian Candi Syrups: Various colors. Flavor
ranges similar to Caramel Malts. Darker colors less fermentable.
• Lactose (Milk Sugar): Not fermentable by ale/lager yeast strains.
Adds body and sweetness. About 20% as sweet as (unfermented)
table sugar.

Hops – Some Major Groupings and General
• Nobles/Quasi-Nobles: Grown in Germany Herbal/Spicy

and Czech Republic relatively

survivable, even
used early in the
• English boil

• American: Typically from the Pacific Fruity/Floral

Northwest characteristics
relatively volatile,

• Southern Hemisphere: Australia and New

better for late
additions and dry

Hops (dry hops) provide most of the Haze in New England IPAs.

Hops – Some Popular Examples
Hop Characteristics Common Use
Amarillo Citrus, Orange, Floral IPAs, Wheat Beers
Cascade Floral, Spicy, Citrus, Grapefruit West Coast IPAs, American Ales
Centennial Floral, Citrus West Coast IPAs, Wheat Beers
Challenger Pine, Fruity, Grassy, Spicy English Ales, American Ales
Citra Citrus IPAs, Wheat Beers
Columbus Orange, Grapefruit, Earthy, Spicy West Coast IPAs
East Kent Goldings Herbal, Floral, Grassy, Orange Peel English Ales, Belgian Ales
Galaxy Passion Fruit, Citrus NEIPAs
Hallertau Mittelfrüh Herbal, Earthy, Hay, Spicy, Floral Lagers, Belgian Ales, Hefes
Idaho 7 Tangerine, Herbal NEIPAs
Magnum Neutral, slightly Fruity Bittering
Mosaic Citrus,Pine, Bueberry,Peach, Tropical IPAs
Motueka Tropical, Citrus NEIPAs
Riwaka Kumquat, Grapefruit Pilsner, IPA, Saison
Saaz Spicy, Earthy Lagers
Sabro Tangerine, Coconut, Tropical, Stone Fruit IPAs, Wheat Beers
Simcoe Pine, Passion Fruit, Berry, Bubblegum, Citrus West Coast IPAs
Strata Strawberry, Passion Fruit, Grapefruit IPAs
Vic Secret Pineapple, Pine, Passionfruit NEIPAs

Yeast – Some Major Strain Groupings and
General Characteristics
• American: generally the cleanest, most neutral ale
• English: usually more fruity (esters), less attenuative,
and faster flocculation than American strains. Some
more prone to diacetyl production.
• Belgian: often highly phenolic/spicy and fruity. Some
tolerant of high fermentation temperatures.
• Hefeweizen: Clove and Banana
• Lager: cleanest strains, especially when fermented cold.
Some more prone to diacetyl production.
• Kveik: Tolerant of very high fermentation temperatures.
Some cleaner than others. Just Say No to Kveik “Lagers.”
Process Considerations Related to Recipe
• Mash Time: Longer Mash Times yield more fermentable worts.
• Mash Temperatures: Temps at/below 151F yield more
fermentable worts. Above 151, the higher the Temp, the Lower
the fermentability. And Step Mashes can yield the most
fermentable worts.
• pH
• Higher Mash/Boil pH yields darker color
• Higher Mash pH yields more mouthfeel
• Hops increase beer pH.
• Lower beer pH accentuates hop flavors
• Boil Time: Longer boils may be appropriate for recipes with
large amounts of Pilsner Malts, to avoid noticeable DMS in beer.

Recipe Tweaks/Troubleshooting
Beer is/has… Try…
Mash Longer and/or at Lower Temp. Cut back on Caramel/Crystal Malts. Use a
Too Sweet
More Attenuative Yeast Strain
Mash Shorter and/or at Higher Temp. Add Caramel/Crystal Malts. Use a Less
Too Dry
Attenuative Yeast Strain. Add Lactose.
Make sure mash pH is not too high. Reduce Caramel/Crystal, Toasted, Roasted
Too Dark
Too hazy Reduce Flaked Barley/Wheat/Oats. Cold Crash/Condition and/or use Gelatin.
Not hazy enough Add Flaked Barley/Wheat/Oats. Increase Dry Hops
Bad Foam Retention Add Wheat or Rye. Reduce Oats. Add Dextrin Malt. Add Roasted Malts
Replace 2-Row Malt with another Base Malt. Add Vienna, Munich, or Toasted
Lack of Malt Character
Poor Mouthfeel Mash at Higher Temp. Add Malted Oats
Too Much Body Replace some Base Malt with Flaked Corn or Rice, or Sugar.
Too Roasty Reduce Dark Roasted Malts or Roasted Barley, or replace with Carafa Special
Not Chocolatey Enough Mix Brown Malt, Pale Chocolate and Chocolate Malts. Add a hint of Vanilla.
Not Enough Fruity Esters Use an English Yeast Strain. Ferment at Higher Temperature.
Too Many Esters Use an American Yeast Strain. Ferment at Lower Temperatures.
Objectionable Buttery Flavor Longer Fermentation. Diacetyl Rest. Use a Yeast Strain less prone to Diacetyl.
Green Apple Flavor Longer Fermentation.
IPA Tastes Dull Add Citric Acid after fermentation
Cooked Corn/Vegetal Flavor Longer Boil Time.

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