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AC 1104 Digital Notes

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CHAPTER 1: PARTNERSHIP b. Ostensible/by Estoppel

VI. As to Publicity
Definition of Partnership
a. Secret
1. Art. 1767, Civil Code of the Phils. b. Open or Notorious
2. Uniform Partnership Act, Section 6
3. Eastman vs Clark, 52 N.H. 276, 16 Am. VII. As to Purpose
Rep. 192 a. Commercial
4. Mechem, Elements of the Law of b. GPPs
5. Words and Phrases, 1957 Ed., page 291- VIII. As to Nature of Business
293 a. Trading
b. Non-trading
General Professional Partnership (GPP)
Classification of Partners
I. Profession
II. Exercise of a Profession I. As to Contribution
a. Capitalist
Characteristics of a Partnership b. Industrial
1. Mutual Contribution c. Capitalist-Industrial
2. Division of Profits or Losses II. As to Liability
3. Mutual Agency a. General
4. Co-Ownership of Contributed Assets b. Limited
5. Limited Life III. Other Classifications
6. Partner’s Equity Accounts a. Nominal
7. Income Taxes b. Secret
c. Silent
Advantages d. Dormant
I. Over Sole Proprietorships e. Managing
II. Over Corporations f. Liquidating

Disadvantages Steps to Register a Partnership Business

I. Over Sole Proprietorships 1. Register the business in the Securities

II. Over Corporations and Exchange Commission (SEC)
2. Get a Barangay Clearance
Classification of Partnership 3. Register the business and employees in
I. As to Object Social Security System (SSS)
a. Particular 4. Obtain a Business or Mayor’s Permit
b. Universal 5. Register the business with the Bureau of
- All present property Internal Revenue (BIR)
- Profits Partnership Contract

II. As to Liability of the partners There is a need for a partnership contract to be

a. General in writing when:
b. Limited a. Capital of the partnership is P3,000 or
more in money or property
III. As to Duration b. Immovable property or real rights are
a. Partnership at will contributed into the partnership
b. Partnership with a fixed term
The same shall also appear in the public
IV. As to Legality of its Existence instrument to be recovered in the SEC.
a. De jure Articles of Co-Partnership
b. De facto
a. Partnership name
V. As to Representation to Others
a. Ordinary or Real
b. Names, nationalities, and residences of the b. Fair Market Value – estimated amount a
partners (indicate if general or limited if willing seller would receive from a
limited partnership) capable buyer for the sale of the asset in
c. Principal office of the partnership a free market
d. Purpose of the partnership
Opening Entries of a Partnership upon
e. Duration of the partnership (term of
f. Capital of the Partnership I. Individuals with no existing business
g. Transfer clause form a partnership
h. Undertaking to change partnership name a. Record investment of each partner in
i. Other provisions, conditions, terms, and the partnership books
j. Signatures of the partners II. A sole proprietor and another individual
k. Notarial Page forming a partnership
a. Adjust the sole proprietor’s books
Partnership Taxation
b. Close the books of the sole
- GPPs are exempt from income of tax proprietor
- Co-partnership subject to 25% c. Record the opening entries in the
- Partner’s share in GPP is subject to new partnership books
10% tax
- Dividend tax of 10% in co- III. Two sole proprietorships forming a
partnership partnership
- GPP individual income is subject to a. Adjust each proprietor’s capital
individual income tax accounts in accordance with the
- Co-partnership individual partners are agreement
not subject to individual income tax b. Close the books
c. Record the investment of each
Owner’s Equity Accounts
- Credited for initial and additional net
Divisions of Profits and Losses
investments (credit balance)
- Debited for permanent withdrawals If no agreement is made, profits and losses are
(debit balance) divided according to original capital
Loans to/from Partners
I. Equally
- If a partner withdraws a substantial
amount of money with the intention
II. In unequal/arbitrary ratio
of repaying it, the debit should be to
a. Multiply profit by ratio
Loans Receivable-Partner.
b. Record the product according to
- A partner may lend amounts to the
each partner
partnership more than his intended
permanent investment, credited to Division of P/L in the Ratio of Partners’ Capital
Loans Payable-Partner Account Balances
- In case of liquidation loans payable to
III. Ratio of Original Capital Balances
partners must be paid after the claims
a. Profit x original investment/total
of outside creditors have been paid in
capital investment of all partners
- These loans have priority over
IV. Ratio of Beginning Capital Balances
partners equity.
(is the same with ratio of original
CHAPTER 1.2 PARTNERSHIP capital balances but will differ after
FORMATION next accounting period since the
beginning capital balance refers to
Valuation of Investments by Partners
beginning capital of partner in the
a. Agreed value (upon agreement of accounting period)
a. Profit x capital balance at end of Balance divided equally
[(350,000)-228750]=121250 60,625 60,625 121,250
the period/total ending capital
balance of all partners
Partners’ Share in Profits 225,450 124,550 350,000
IX. Net profit before allowances for
V. Ratio of Average Capital Balances
salaries and interest but after
a. Calculate capital account balance
deduction of the bonus
x year unchanged = average
capital balances Net profit before
salaries, interest, and
Ex. bonus 300,000 =125%
Net profit after bonus
Capital Portion of the
(300,000/125%) 280,000 =100%
Date Account year
Bonus 70,000 =25%
Balance unchanged
Jan. 1 100,000 3/12 a. Follow standard procedure after
Apr. 1 190,000 6/12
getting the bonus by adding
Oct. 1 150,000 3/12

b. Add average capital balances of X. Net profit after allowances for

each partner for total average salaries and interest but before bonus
capital balances
c. Profit x average capital balance
Net profit before salaries,
of partner/total ave. capital 350,000
interest, and bonus
balance (Salaries) 100,000
(Interest) 41,250 141,250
VI. Interest allowed on Partners’ Capital Net profit before bonus 208,750
with Remaining Profit and Loss Bonus percentage 25%
Divided in an Agreed Ratio Bonus 52,188
a. Multiply interest with capital
b. Add total interest a. Follow standard procedure by
c. Subtract total interest from net adding bonus as subtrahend
profit = remainder from profit to calculate
d. Remainder divided equally (or remainder
according to agreement) = b. Share profits
partner’s share in profit/loss
e. Subtract/add share from capital XI. Net profit after allowances for
salaries, interest, and bonus
VII. Salary Allowance to Partners with Net profit before salaries,
Remaining Net Profit or Loss interest, and bonus 350,000
Divided in an Agreed Ratio
a. Add salary allowance to get total (Salaries) 100,000
salaries allowance (Interest) 41,250 141,250
b. Remainder = profit – total Net profit before bonus
208,750 =125%
salaries allowance
c. Divide remainder according to Net profit after bonus
167,000 =100%
Bonus 41,750 =25%
Bonus to Managing Partners Based on Net
Profit a. Follow standard procedure by
adding bonus as subtrahend
VIII. Net profit before allowances for from profit to calculate
salaries, interest, and bonus remainder
b. Share profits
Gomez Cando Total
Bonus x Profit
87,500 - 87,500
Salaries Allowance
60,000 40,000 100,000
Interest on Ave. capital
balances 17,325 23,925 41,250

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