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Nanotechnology and Its Application

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Presented by: Avishek Bhattacharjee

Msc. Biotechnology,2nd sem

Institute Of Genetic Engineering
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Nanoscience and Nanotechnology are the study and
manipulations of structures ,devices and phenomena on the length
scale of less than 100 nanometers.
Involves developing materials, devices within that size, and
analytical tools (methodology), which can be used for analysis
and measurement on a molecular scale
Interdisciplinary area :Biology, Physics, Chemistry,
Material science, Electronics, Chemical Engineering,
Information technology
Nanotechnology Plays by Different Rules

Normal scale Nanoscale

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Analytical methods and Nano-sized materials

Analytical tools :We now have the Technology to see nanoscale

objects through Atomic force microscopy(AFM), Electron
microscopy (EM) .

Image of ATP
synthase composed of

Example showing the resolution of protein structure by AFM

Nano-sized materials
 Unusual and different
- Semiconductor
nanocrystals: Size-dependent
optical property

 Nanoparticles: Magnetic
nanoparticles (Ferromagnetic,
super paramagnetic), Gold,
Carbon nanotubes, Quantum
dots (Semiconductor
Future implications of nanotech

Nanotechnology may be able to create many new materials

and devices with a vast range of applications, such as in
medicine, biomaterials, electronics, and energy production.

Nanotechnology raises many of the same issues as with any

introduction of new technology, including concerns about the
toxicity and environmental impact of nanomaterials, and their
potential effects on global economics.
Two of most promising technologies of future:
Biotechnology: Use of living in the creation of wealth
(products or processes)
Nanotechnology: creation, investigation and utilization of
systems that are 1000 times smaller than the components
currently used in the field of microelectronics.
The interface of these two worlds lies Nanobiotechnology
It uses nanotechnology to analyze and create biological
It uses biological materials and structural plans to produce
technical, functional nanosystems
Bio-molecules :Proteins, DNA, RNA, Aptamers, Peptides,
Antibody, Virus
Nano-Bio Convergence
Bio-inspired device and

Bio-Technology Nano-Technology

Molecular Imaging

Molecular Switch

DNA barcode
Biochip / Biosensor

Nanotherapy / Bionano-machine /
Delivery Nano-Robot
Applications and Perspectives of Nanobiotechnology

Development of tools and methods

- More sensitive
- More specific
- Multiplexed
- More efficient and economic

Diagnosis and treatment of diseases
- Rapid and sensitive detection (Biomarkers,
- Targeted delivery of therapeutics
Drug development
- Understanding of life science
- Bio-Chips
- Lab-on-a-chip
Issues to be considered

Synthesis or selection of nano-sized/ structured


Functionalization with biomolecules or for


Integration with devices and/or analytical tools

Assessment : Reproducibility, Toxicity


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Bionano-DNA as template
DNA is very suitable for nanotechnological applications
from the material science point of view:

1. The diameter of ssDNA is less than 1 nm

2. DNA molecules are chemically very robust
3. Low cost of large-scale chemical DNA synthesis
4. Easy modification: for example, by biotinylation or
DNA used in the formation of nanowires (1998):
Metallization of dsDNA between two gold electrodes to
form conductive silver nanowire

DNA-binding proteins (Figure)

Molecular imaging
 Biomedical & Biological Sciences :
 Ultra-sensitive imaging of biological targets under
non-invasive in-vivo conditions.
 Fluorescence, positron emission tomography,
Magnetic resonance imaging.

 Ultra-sensitive imaging
- Cancer detection, cell migration, gene expression,
localization of proteins, angiogenesis, apoptosis.

- MRI : Powerful imaging tool as a result of non-

invasive nature, high spatial resolution and
tomographic capability.
Resolution is highly dependent on the molecular
imaging agents.
 Signal enhancement by using contrast agents :
iron oxide nanoparticles
Semiconductor Nanocrystals
Quantum Dots

- Properties and Biological Applications

Another minuscule molecule that will be used to detect cancer is a quantum dot.
Quantum dots are tiny crystals that glow when they are stimulated by ultraviolet light.
The wavelength, or color, of the light depends on the size of the crystal. Latex beads
filled with these crystals can be designed to bind to specific DNA sequences.

By combining different sized quantum dots within a single bead, scientists can create
probes that release distinct colors and intensities of light. When the crystals are
stimulated by UV light, each bead emits light that serves as a sort of spectral bar code,
identifying a particular region of DNA.
Quantum Dots
Ultraviolet Ultraviolet
light off light on

Quantum Quantum Quantum dots

dot dots emit light

Water Nanodevices White

molecule Quantum dots blood cell
In Vivo Cell Imaging

Live Cell Imaging

Quantum Dot Injection

▶ Red Quantum Dot

locating a tumor in a live
Cell Motility Imaging

◀ Green QD filled
vesicles move toward
to nucleus (yellow
arrow) in breast
tumor cell
Quantum Dots Can
Find Cancer Signatures

Cancer cells Quantum dot beads

Healthy cells

Cancer cells Quantum dot beads

Healthy cells
Nanotech in Drug Delivery
Controlled drug-delivery systems deliver drugs in the optimum
dosage for long periods
increasing the efficacy of the drug
maximizing patient comfort
enhancing the ability to use highly toxic, poorly soluble or relatively
unstable drugs
Nanoscale materials can be used as drug delivery vehicles to
develop highly selective and effective therapeutic and diagnostic
Nano vs micro
nanoscale particles can travel through the blood stream without
sedimentation or blockage of the microvasculature
Small nanoparticles can circulate in the body and penetrate tissues
nanoparticles can be taken up by the cells through natural means such
as endocytosis
Another interesting nanodevice is the nanopore. Improved methods of reading the
genetic code will help researchers detect errors in genes that may contribute to
cancer. Scientists believe nanopores, tiny holes that allow DNA to pass through
one strand at a time, will make DNA sequencing more efficient.

As DNA passes through a nanopore, scientists can monitor the shape and
electrical properties of each base, or letter, on the strand. Because these properties
are unique for each of the four bases that make up the genetic code, scientists can
use the passage of DNA through a nanopore to decipher the encoded information,
including errors in the code known to be associated with cancer.
DNA molecule
A Single-
T A stranded
C Nanopore DNA
G molecule


DNA molecule

Water Nanodevices White

molecule Nanopores blood cell

Nanoshells are miniscule beads coated with gold. By

manipulating the thickness of the layers making up the
nanoshells, scientists can design these beads to absorb specific
wavelengths of light. The most useful nanoshells are those that
absorb near-infrared light, which can easily penetrate several
centimeters of human tissue. The absorption of light by the
nanoshells creates an intense heat that is lethal to cells.

Researchers can already link nanoshells to antibodies that

recognize cancer cells. Scientists envision letting these
nanoshells seek out their cancerous targets, then applying
near-infrared light. In laboratory cultures, the heat
generated by the light-absorbing nanoshells has successfully
killed tumor cells while leaving neighboring cells intact.
Near-infrared light off Near-infrared light on



Nanoshell absorbs heat

Water Nanodevices White

molecule Nanoshells blood cell
Nanoshells as Cancer Therapy

Cancer Cancer cells


Healthy cells Healthy cells

Near-infrared light

Dead cancer cells

Intact healthy cells

Nanodevices as a Link Between
Detection, Diagnosis, and Treatment
Traditional NanoBiotechnology
Cancer Treatment Cancer Treatment

Cancer cell Cancer cell



Detection Targeting
Nanodevices Can Make Cancer Tests
Faster and More Efficient
Patient A Patient B

Researchers aim eventually to create nanodevices that do

much more than deliver treatment. The goal is to create a
single nanodevice that will do many things: assist in
imaging inside the body, recognize precancerous or
cancerous cells, release a drug that targets only those cells,
and report back on the effectiveness of the treatment.

Mini-aturization will allow the tools for many different

tests to be situated together on the same small device.
Researchers hope that nanotechnology will allow them to
run many diagnostic tests simultaneously.
Ehud Gazit, Plenty of room for biology at the bottom: An
introduction to bionanotechnology. Imperial College Press,
"Nanobiology". Swiss Nanoscience Institute.
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Nolting B, “Biophysical Nanotechnology”. In: “Methods in
Modern Biophysics”, Springer, 2005, ISBN 3-540-27703-X
"The future of nano-biology". ZD Net.
"Nanobiology: from physics and engineering to biology".
IOP Science.
"The Nanobiology Imperative".

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