This document is a maintenance checklist for cleaning and servicing an air conditioning unit. It lists 18 tasks to be performed such as cleaning coils, filters, and drain lines; lubricating moving parts; checking electrical components and refrigerant levels; and recording temperature readings and unit status before and after cleaning. The technician indicates which tasks were performed, notes any remarks, and provides recommendations at the end.
This document is a maintenance checklist for cleaning and servicing an air conditioning unit. It lists 18 tasks to be performed such as cleaning coils, filters, and drain lines; lubricating moving parts; checking electrical components and refrigerant levels; and recording temperature readings and unit status before and after cleaning. The technician indicates which tasks were performed, notes any remarks, and provides recommendations at the end.
This document is a maintenance checklist for cleaning and servicing an air conditioning unit. It lists 18 tasks to be performed such as cleaning coils, filters, and drain lines; lubricating moving parts; checking electrical components and refrigerant levels; and recording temperature readings and unit status before and after cleaning. The technician indicates which tasks were performed, notes any remarks, and provides recommendations at the end.
This document is a maintenance checklist for cleaning and servicing an air conditioning unit. It lists 18 tasks to be performed such as cleaning coils, filters, and drain lines; lubricating moving parts; checking electrical components and refrigerant levels; and recording temperature readings and unit status before and after cleaning. The technician indicates which tasks were performed, notes any remarks, and provides recommendations at the end.
Temperature Reading: Before Cleaning __________________ After Cleaning ____________
Put “” if Remarks
Scope Performed 1. Clean evaporator coil, condensing coil unit, blower wheel and fan motor blade of the area concerned using soap and pressure washer. 2. Apply chemical cleaner every 12 months to remove clogged dirt. 3. Cleaning of wye strainer every 6 months. 4. Cleaning of filter and drain pan. 5. Cleaning of drain line by using of pressurize washer. 6. Check and lubricate all moving parts. 7. Check thermostat and electrical controls. 8. Check tension of belt and alignment. Adjust if necessary. 9. Check for compressor operation. Observe unusual sound and vibration. Get data readings (before and after). 10. Check for leaks and refrigerant charge. 11. Check the balancing valve for operation as needed. 12. Check and evaluate housing unit, body, base support, brace insulation canvass connector and ducting. 13. Check the drive blower motor and blade, shafting, and bearing greasing. 14. Re-straightening (combing) of aluminum fins. 15. Conduct room thermometer reading at dining areas before and after cleaning 16. Provide necessary service reports, picture (before and after) and recommend any necessary actions improvement. 17. Conduct testing of all units and observe proper housekeeping. 18. Turn-over and acceptance.
Unit Status (after cleaning): Working ________ Not Working _________