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DLL No. 4 - Areas of Concerns For Safety Measures

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Daily School Antipas National High School Grade Level 8

Lesson Teacher Leyric S. Biogos Learning Area Agricultural Crop Production

Log Teaching (November 28, 2022- December 2, 2022) Quarter 1


Content Standard The learner demonstrates and understanding of applying safety measures in the farm.

Performance Standard The learner consistently applies safety measures in the farm.

Learning Objectives 1. Identify work task in line 1. Determine time for 1. Identify the different PPE 1. Follow
with farm operation, and safety measure in line used in the body parts, and emergency
2. Determine place for safety with farm operation. 2. Give the function of each procedures to
measures in line with farm 2. Prepare appropriate PPE and the shelf life. ensure safe work
operation. tools, materials and
requirements, and
outfits in line with job
2. Report hazards
on workplace in
line with farm
Topic Lesson 1: Lesson 2: Lesson 3: Lesson 4:
Work Task and Place for Time For Safety Measures Effectivity and Shelf Life of Emergency Procedure
Safety Measures Outfits and Materials
and Appropriate Tools,
Materials and Outfits and Hazard in a


SLM- AgriCrop 8 pp. 3- 5 (Module 4)
References SLM- AgriCrop 8 pp. 6-10 (Module SLM- AgriCrop 8 pp. 11- 16 (Module SLM- AgriCrop 8 pp. 17- 22
Learner’s Material 4) 4) (Module 4)

Other Resources and and and and
ELICIT The students will answer the The teacher will ask The teacher will ask questions The teacher will ask
A. Reviewing previous Pre-Assessment Test about questions about the last about the last topic. questions about the last
lesson or presenting the the topics of the week. topic. topic.
new lesson
B. Establishing a purpose for The teacher will present the The teacher will present the The teacher will present the The teacher will present
the lesson. topic and the learning topic and the learning topic and the learning the topic and the
objectives. objectives. objectives. learning objectives.
ENGAGE The students will draw an The students will connect pictures to The students will supply
animal which drawn a plow. its corresponding names.
C. Presenting examples or the letters in every
instances of the new lesson (WHAT’S IN) picture presented to get
the correct answer in
What’s New.
EXPLORE The students will determine The students will answer the The STUDENTS will
D. Discussing new concepts the different work task follow- up questions. discuss the ff: 1.) Farm
practicing new skills #1 presented in the pictures by emergency procedures
writing their answer on the regarding safety working
space provided. environment ; 2.)
(WHAT’S NEW) General precautions
when mixing and
spraying herbicides.
E. Discussing new concepts
and practicing new skills #2
EXPLAIN The teacher will discuss and The teacher will explain the The teacher will explain the The teacher will present
F. Developing Mastery explain the different work safety measures in using different types of Personal different picture
Leads to Formative tasks in farm. appropriates tools, materials Protective equipment and its presenting the different
Assessment 3 and outfits. function. types of Hazards. Then,
the student will try to
identify it.
ELABORATE The students will The students will answer The students will answer The students will answer
G. Finding practical answer the Activity 2.1. Activity 2.1 Activity 3.1 (What's More). Activity 4.1 (What’s
application of concepts and (WHAT’ S MORE) (WHAT’S MORE) More) of the Module.
skills in daily living.
H. Making generalizations The students will answer The students will briefly The students will answer The students will answer
and abstractions about the Activity 2.2. explain the given safety Activity 3.2 (What I have Activity 4.2 (What I Have
lesson (What I have learned) measures in Activity 2.2 Learned). Learned) of the Module.
EVALUATE A quiz will be given to assess A quiz will be given to assess A quiz will be given to assess A quiz will be given to
I. Evaluating Learning students’ learning. students’ learning. students’ learning. assess students’
EXTEND The students will answer The students will The students will write the The students will answer
J. Additional activities for Activity 2.3 (What I can do). identify the different appropriate PPE used in the Activity 4.3 (What I Can
application/ remediation tools and PPE being Human Body image. Do) of the Module.
used in land preparation
in Activity 2.3 (WHAT I
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional activites
for remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
caught up with the lessons.
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well:

strategies worked well? ____ Group Collaboration ____ Group Collaboration ____ Group Collaboration ____ Group Collaboration

Why did these work? ____ Games ____ Games ____ Games ____ Games

____ Solving Puzzel/Jigsaw ____ Solving Puzzel/Jigsaw ____ Solving Puzzel/Jigsaw ____ Solving Puzzel/Jigsaw

____ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) ____ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) ____ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) ____ Think-Pair-Share (TPS)
____ Rereading of Pharagraphs/Poems/Stories ____ Rereading of Pharagraphs/Poems/Stories ____ Rereading of Pharagraphs/Poems/Stories ____ Rereading of Pharagraphs/Poems/Stories

___ Role Playing/Drama Why? ___ Role Playing/Drama Why? ___ Role Playing/Drama Why? ___ Role Playing/Drama Why?

___ Complete IM's ___ Complete IM's ___ Complete IM's ___ Complete IM's

___ Availability of Materials ___ Availability of Materials ___ Availability of Materials ___ Availability of Materials

___ Students eagerness to learn ___ Students eagerness to learn ___ Students eagerness to learn ___ Students eagerness to learn
___ Group member's cooperation in doing ___ Group member's cooperation in doing ___ Group member's cooperation in doing ___ Group member's cooperation in doing
their tasks their tasks their tasks their tasks

F. What difficulties did I ___ Bullying among students ___ Bullying among students ___ Bullying among students ___ Bullying among students

encountered which my ___ Student's behavio/attitude ___ Student's behavio/attitude ___ Student's behavio/attitude ___ Student's behavio/attitude

principal or supervisor can ___ Colorful IM's ___ Colorful IM's ___ Colorful IM's ___ Colorful IM's

help me solve? ___ Unavailable Technology Equipment ___ Unavailable Technology Equipment ___ Unavailable Technology Equipment ___ Unavailable Technology Equipment

___ Science/Computer/Internet Lab ___ Science/Computer/Internet Lab ___ Science/Computer/Internet Lab ___ Science/Computer/Internet Lab

___ Additional Clerical Works ___ Additional Clerical Works ___ Additional Clerical Works ___ Additional Clerical Works

G. What innovation or Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations:

localized materials did I ___ Localized Videos ___ Localized Videos ___ Localized Videos ___ Localized Videos

used/discover which I wish ___ Making big books from views of the
___ Making big books from views of the
___ Making big books from views of the
___ Making big books from views of the
to share with other ___ Recycling of plastics to be used as ___ Recycling of plastics to be used as ___ Recycling of plastics to be used as ___ Recycling of plastics to be used as
instructional Materials instructional Materials instructional Materials instructional Materials
___ Local poetical composition ___ Local poetical composition ___ Local poetical composition ___ Local poetical composition

Prepared by: Checked by:


Subject Teacher Master Teacher I Principal I

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