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The following report investigates about the

satisfaction level of employees withcurrent
employee engagement with the help of a survey
research method .Afterstudying this; the whole
data collected is analyzed using various tools such
as SPSSand Microsoft Excel in order to assess the
level of employee engagement in JWMarriott.Prior
to 1980s, the employers expected more loyalty for
the organization and inreturn of that they offered
lifetime employment. Then in 1980s, the scenario
begins tochange. With increased competition,
there was redeployment of plants as well as
r. The rules of the business game changed and the
philosophy of “survival of thefittest” arrived. The
era of lifetime employment in terms of loyalty
ended so far.
 The epoch of change comes into picture then.
Employees wanted to change andemployers
wanted too. And because of that productivity
suffered a lot. Skilledemployees were not willing
to put extra effort more slow down in
productivityhappened. This situation created the
need for something new, and that new
wasemployee engagement.The 1st use of
employee engagement occurred in 1990 Academy
of managementJournal by William A. Kahn. Kahn
in his article on Psychological conditions
of personal engagement and disengagement at
work discovered that individual and othersources
like safety, availability impacts engagement.After
that during mid 1990s, Gallup started to refine and
extend the definition ofemployee engagement with
the help of Q12.Q12 is a twelve copyright
surveyquestionnaire based on employee
engagement.In 2000, engagement gathered speed,
depth and breadth. That time Google searchfor the
term Employee engagement offered about 50,000
results and now the samesearch offers 29,600,000
results. After each minute, there is a tweet on
twitter aboutemployee engagement.The last
decade was the historic period of surveys that
gives about 1000s ofdefinitions of employee
engagement. There were many business cases
developed onengagement especially in UK. In UK,
in support of employee engagement the 2
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ime Minister’s started Engage for Success
movement that encourages as well as
created awareness among the citizens about
engagement.At the end of 2012, there were
reports, cases, and research articles and papers
onengagement. The engage For Success also
released a report based on evidences onemployee
engagement.In the Current Scenario, engagement
is the process of leading people by enablingthem
to want to do whatever is necessary to ensure the
continuous high performance and
success of the business. From the employees’
perspective, engagement is their attitudinal
and emotional state developed from experiences
perceived to be controlled by
management. These experiences or “drivers”
determine engagement level. By managing
these drivers to be positive experiences, leaders
can stimulate an intrinsic desire foremployees to
consistently do their best work. Employee
engagement management is analternative to
commanding and controlling what specific work
should be done, when, atwhat speed and with what
kind of attitude.To manage engagement one must
first define it correctly. Scarlett Surveys
definesemployee engagement as
an individual’s degree of positive or negative
attachment to their organization, their job and their
colleagues. This definition ofemployee
engagement has increasingly become the generally
accepted global standardfor three reasons: 1) it is
measurable through the deployment of a survey
questionnairevalidated to measure the 15 drivers of
engagement; 2) this definition provides
leadershipwith a cause and effect understanding
they can successfully influence; and 3)
thisdefinition will improve business performance
when embraced as a responsibility ofleadership.
Adopting a solid definition of employee
engagement is the critical first step ineffectively
managing this valuable phenomenon.It is also
important to note that employees alone do not
drive engagement. Theentire organization, its
managers and its employees comprise the level of
For engagement to truly “work” employees must
both feel satisfied and produce quality
work. In other words, employees need to be happy
and productive. Managers mustcommunicate and
lead their employees toward the goals of the
organization. Surveyshave shown that managers
do not feel communication is a job responsibility,
but this is

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not the case. Organizations and leaders must set
forth clear visions and goals. They needto
encourage the spread of this vision throughout the
company. A major challenge for HRtoday is how
to engage and ultimately retain employees
particularly amid an economicdownturn. It is no
longer sufficient to carry out daily routine
processes for the functioningof the organization.
HR management today involves many of the
subjective andambiguous concepts like employee
engagement. The purists might even frown at
thescope and the vagueness of the topic like
engagement.Employee engagement is a desirable
condition, has an organizational purpose,
andconnotes involvement, commitment, passion,
enthusiasm, focused effort, and energy, soit has
both attitudinal and behavioral components. A
number of popular views ofengagement suggest
that engaged employees not only contribute more
but also are moreloyal and therefore less likely to
voluntarily leave the organization.An
amalgamation of commitment, loyalty,
productivity and ownership is
also perceived to be a way of measuring engageme
nt. The categories of job satisfaction,organizationa
l commitment, psychological empowerment and
job involvement formanother school of thought.
Resource availability, opportunity for development
and clarityof expectations is the Gallup way of
looking at employee satisfaction facets.

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