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The IEEE Yellow Book Its History and Present Status Standards News

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Daleep Mohla

The IEEE Yellow Book:

Its History and Present Status

EEE Standard 902, IEEE Guide for Grounding of Industrial and would be a reference source to plant
for Maintenance, Operation, and Commercial Power Systems. engineers for the fundamentals of
Safety of Industrial and Com- 3) IEEE Gray Book—IEEE Standard safe and reliable maintenance and
mercial Power Systems, commonly 241, Recommended Practice for operation of industrial and commer-
known as The Yellow Book, is one of Electrical Power Systems in Com- cial power systems.
a series of 13 standards referred to mercial Buildings. The Working Group on a Guide
as the IEEE Color Book series. The 4) IEEE Buff Book—IEEE Standard for Operation, Maintenance, and
IEEE Color Books are developed 242, Recommended Practice for Safety of Industrial and Commer-
and revised by the technical com- Protection and Coordination of cial Power Systems was formed in
mittees of the IEEE Industry Appli- Industrial and Commercial Power 1981. The requirements of the then-
cations Society (IAS) and Industrial Systems. new OSHA, a U.S. law, and the lim-
and Commercial Power Systems 5) IEEE Brown Book—IEEE Stan- ited information that was generally
(I&CPS) Department. dard 399, Recommended Practice offered at that time were prime driv-
In the early 1980s, safety-based for Industrial and Commercial ing forces.
standards such as the U.S. Occu- Power Systems Analysis. It was decided that the Yellow
pational Safety and Health Admin- 6) IEEE Orange Book—IEEE Stan- Book would cover the following six
istration’s (OSHA’s) 1910 subpart dard 446, Recommended Practice major fundamental elements:
S and the National Fire and Pro- for Emergency and Standby Power 1) maintenance, operation, and
tection Agency’s 70E did not yet Systems for Industrial and Com- safety considerations in system
exist. And there was no standard mercial Applications. design
guidance on the maintenance and 7) IEEE Gold Book—IEEE Standard 2) development of a maintenance
operation of industrial and com- 493, Recommended Practice for and operations strategy to ensure
mercial power systems. the Design of Reliable Industrial long-term reliability
By that time, I&CPS already had and Commercial Power Systems. 3) development of record keeping
either completed or was working on 8) IEEE White Book—IEEE Stan- and documentation files
the following nine Color Books: dard 602, Recommended Practice 4) development and implementation
1) IEEE Red Book—IEEE Standard for Electrical Systems in Health of testing and inspection methods
141, Recommended Practice for Care Facilities. 5) development of procedures for
Electric Power Distribution for 9) IEEE Bronze Book—IEEE Stan- auditing maintenance and opera-
Industrial Plants. dard 739, Recommended Practice tion performance
2) IEEE Green Book—IEEE Stan- for Energy Management in Indus- 6) development of procedures to
dard 142, Recommended Practice trial and Commercial Facilities. ensure personnel safety.
Senior engineers in the operating The first project authorization
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MIAS.2021.3131065
companies and members of I&CPS request was submitted in 1981 for
Date of current version: 4 February 2022 explored the idea of a standard that IEEE Standard 902, The Yellow

94 IEEE Industry Applications Magazine  MARCH/APRIL 2022

Book. It was withdrawn in 1987 and Industrial and Commercial Power Work on the other two standards has
resubmitted in 1997. Systems, published in 2010. been placed on hold until sufficient
The first edition of the Yellow 3) IEEE 3007.3—IEEE Recommended resources are available.
Book—IEEE Standard 902-1998, Guide Practice for Electrical Safety in Today, we urgently need more vol-
for Maintenance, Operation, and Industrial and Commercial Power unteers to update IAS standards. After
Safety of Industrial and Commercial Systems, published in 2012. more than four decades working on
Power Systems, was published in 1998. Under the IEEE Standards Asso- standards, I can assure you it is a
Circa 2006, a decision was made ciation process, a standard must very rewarding and learning experi-
to update the contents of each Color be updated within 10 years, or it ence. For subject-matter experts, this
Book by chapters instead of revising is placed on inactive status. Due to is your opportunity to share your
the whole Color Book. the COVID-19 pandemic and a lack expertise and be a mentor. For Young
At that time, The Yellow Book of volunteers, it was infeasible to Professionals, this is your chance to
was split into the following three dif- update the three 3007-series stan- learn and network with subject-matter
ferent standards: dards. To make the situation even experts to advance your skills.
1) IEEE 3007.1—IEEE Recommended more difficult, the working group Please do not hesitate to contact
Practice for the Operation and chair had to resign due to a work- me at if you are
Management of Industrial and force realignment in his company. interested in participating in any
Commercial Power Systems, pub- So a decision was made to focus all IAS standards or are willing to be a
lished in 2010. available resources on IEEE Stan- working group officer for IEEE Stan-
2) IEEE 3007.2—IEEE Recommended dard 3007.3 under the leadership of dard 3007.1 or 3007.2.
Practice for the Maintenance of Ron Widup of Shermco Industries.

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M ARCH/AP RI L 2022  IEEE Industry Applications Magazine 95

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