Upcycle Survey Questionnaires
Upcycle Survey Questionnaires
Upcycle Survey Questionnaires
Upcycling represents a variety of processes by which “old” products get to be modified Upcycling represents a variety of processes by which “old” products get to be modified
and get a second life as they are turned into a “new” product. This way, thanks to the mix and and get a second life as they are turned into a “new” product. This way, thanks to the mix and
aggregation of used materials, components, and items, the result is a “new product” with more aggregation of used materials, components, and items, the result is a “new product” with more
value than the original sum of all its components. In other words, upcycling is about materials or value than the original sum of all its components. In other words, upcycling is about materials or
items that get to be re-adapted and re-purposed creatively and whose lifespan is expanded. items that get to be re-adapted and re-purposed creatively and whose lifespan is expanded.
Instruction: Encircle your answer. The content of this questionnaire will keep strictly confidential and Instruction: Encircle your answer. The content of this questionnaire will keep strictly confidential and
will be used only for academic purposes. will be used only for academic purposes.
Part A Part A
This part contains personal information about your demographics. Choose and Upcycle
This part contains personal information Survey
about QuestionnairesChoose and
your demographics.
write the appropriate option for the same. write the appropriate option for the same.
Age *(Please input numerical value only.) Age *(Please input numerical value only.)
________________________ ________________________
Gender Gender
a. Female a. Female
b. Male b. Male
c. Others (LGBTQ+ Community) c. Others (LGBTQ+ Community)
Occupation Occupation
a. Student a. Student
b. Employed b. Employed
c. Unemployed c. Unemployed
d. Business owner d. Business owner
e. Others, please specify, ________________________________________ e. Other, please specify, ________________________________________
Part B Part B
This part contains your own opinion. Please feel free to share your information in the space This part contains your own opinion. Please feel free to share your information in the space
provided. (Number four (4) question.) provided. (Number four (4) question.)
1. How often do you shop for personal attire/accessories? 1. How often do you shop for personal attire/accessories?
a. Once a week a. Once a week
b. Twice a week b. Twice a week
c. More than a week c. More than a week
d. Not at all d. Not at all
2. What is the most important thing to you when purchasing an item of clothing either 2. What is the most important thing to you when purchasing an item of clothing either
online or in store? online or in store?
a. Price c. Price
b. Brand d. Brand
c. Quality c. Quality
d. Sustainable Material d. Sustainable Material
3. As customer, do you consider the environmental impact of a product before purchasing 3. As customer, do you consider the environmental impact of a product before
it? purchasing it?
a. Yes a. Yes
b. No b. No
c. Maybe c. Maybe
d. Not at all d. Not at all
4. Are you familiar with the concept of upcycle fashion? 4. Are you familiar with the concept of upcycle fashion?
a. Yes a. Yes
b. No b. No
7. Where do you think is the most convenient place to buy Upcycle products? 7. Where do you think is the most convenient place to buy Upcycle products?
a. At School a. At School
b. Home Based business. b. Home Based business.
c. Stall along the road or highway c. Stall along the road or highway
d. Anywhere d. Anywhere
e. Others, please specify, ________________________________________ e. Others, please specify, ________________________________________