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Eat Fat Get Thin 21 Day PLan

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D R H Y M A N .

Introduction 5
What to expect

Getting Started 7
Pre-plan quizzes

Tools to help you prepare for your plan

Your Eat Fat, Get Thin 21-Day Plan 18

Your daily meals

What to eat/What to avoid

Supplement protocol

Your daily schedule

Transition Phase 22
What’s next: 3 transition
plans for after the program

Post-plan quizzes

FAQs 28

D R H Y M A N . C O M 3
4 D R H Y M A N . C O M
Welcome to the 21 days that will not only change how you think and
feel about eating fat – it will also forever alter how you think and feel
about your body and how to care for your health and well-being.
You’ll no longer have to wonder what to eat or how much. You’ll learn
the secrets that will give you the life-changing confidence that comes
from knowing you’re in command of the most potent medicine there
is: what you put on the end of your fork.

I created this plan to clear up the confusion and give you the skinny
on fat in our diet and the biological fat on our bodies (why it
accumulates and how to get rid of it). I also wanted to give you a
roadmap to understand exactly what to eat to lose weight, reverse
disease and get vibrantly healthy.

This program is designed to reduce inflammation, cut cravings, re-

boot your genes for weight loss and boost your mood. My goal is for
you to sustain your lifelong journey of health and happiness while
gaining freedom from the fear of fat.

My latest book, Eat Fat, Get Thin is about putting the love and joy
back into your relationship with food, ending deprivation and enjoying
rich, satisfying food without guilt. Fat is what makes food taste good;
what we were programmed to enjoy and thrive on. Bringing fat back
into your diet will not only make you fit and healthy, but also help you
reclaim pleasure and joy in your relationship with food. It is the perfect
way to love food that loves you back!

D R H Y M A N . C O M 5
What to expect
The Eat Fat, Get Thin 21-Day Plan happens in four stages:

• Stage 1 is the time you will spend figuring out your baseline. This is when
you come to terms with your personal situation and make the commitment
to change.
• Stage 2 is the preparation stage and should be completed two days prior
to beginning your program.
• Stage 3 is the actual 21-Day Plan and includes everything that you’ll eat,
drink and do to keep delivering the energizing, slimming, health-boosting
results you’re about to experience.
• Stage 4 lays out three options for transition plans, any of which will give
you a blueprint to follow for the rest of your life.

In this program, you won’t be counting calories, or weighing your food or anything
else that makes eating a chore. And most importantly, you won’t feel deprived or
hungry! The plan is scientifically designed to curb cravings and help control your
appetite. At the same time, once you get rid of the toxic foods that clog your
system and wreak havoc on your taste buds, you’ll rediscover just how delicious
real food can be. You’ll discover day by day, through experience, what a positive
difference it can make on your health, your mood, your waistline and even your skin
when you nourish your body with the right food in the right amounts.

You don’t have to believe me that this plan will work. You don’t even have to
believe the 1,000 trial participants who dropped pounds quickly and easily and saw
astonishing improvements to their health. Just try it for 21 days, and you’ll see and
feel the results for yourself. Your body has tremendous capacity to repair when you
remove processed, sugary nonfoods and feed it real, whole, delicious foods,
complete with healthy fat.

Let’s get started!

6 D R H Y M A N . C O M
Getting Started
You wouldn’t construct a building without first determining the needs and designing
the right plan. The very first thing you need to do is figure out your personal journey.
To do this, let’s take a look at where you stand, health and toxicity wise, today.

STAGE 1 Establishing your baseline

Pre-plan quizzes

Before you start any of the preparations, it is important to establish your baseline.
Below are the two most important quizzes to take before you start the plan. I also
recommend taking these quizzes after the plan so you can compare and contrast
how far you have come. And remember, always check with your personal physician
before making major changes to your diet and exercise programs, as your personal
health situation may dictate certain requirements.

D R H Y M A N . C O M 7
Diabesity / Carbohydrate Intolerance Quiz

Read the statements below, and put a checkmark in the box for each one that applies to
you. If you check off any of the following statements, then you may already have diabesity
(and thus are carbohydrate intolerant), or are headed in that direction. The higher the score,
the worse your carbohydrate intolerance, and the more you will benefit greatly from the Eat
Fat, Get Thin 21-Day Plan:

1. I have a family history of diabetes, heart disease, or obesity

2. I am of non-white ancestry (African, Asian, Native American, Pacific Islander,

Hispanic, Indian, Middle Eastern)
3. I have trouble losing weight on a low-fat diet

4. I crave sugar and refined carbohydrates

5. I am inactive (less than 30 minutes of exercise 4 times a week)

6. I am overweight (body mass index, or BMI, over 25)

Go to to calculate your BMI based on weight and
7. I have heart disease

8. I have high blood pressure

9. I suffer from infertility, low sex drive or sexual dysfunction

10. I have extra belly fat

Waist circumference greater than 35 inches for women or greater than 40 inches for
11. My doctor told me that my blood sugar is a little high (over 100 mg/dl) or I have
been diagnosed with insulin resistance, pre-diabetes or diabetes
12. I have high levels of triglycerides (over 100 mg/dl) or low HDL (good) cholesterol
(under 50 mg/dl)
13. For women: I have or have had gestational diabetes or polycystic ovarian

For every checkmark on statements 1 to 9: score 1 point _______

For every checkmark on statements 10 to 13: score 2 points _______

If you checked off any statement but scored less than 5, you may have carbohydrate intolerance
and benefit from the Eat Fat, Get Thin 21-Day Plan. In fact, it is worth it for anyone to try this
program because when you eat more fat, you will lose weight; feel good; prevent heart disease,
diabetes, dementia, cancer; and live longer.

If you scored more than 5, then you have advanced carbohydrate intolerance or diabesity and would
benefit from the Eat Fat, Get Thin 21-Day Plan until your score improves.

8 D R H Y M A N . C O M
Feel Like Crap (FLC Quiz)

Take the following quiz to find out where you rate on the FLC scale. For the “before” part of
the questionnaire, rate each of the following symptoms based upon your current health
profile for the past 30 days. The symptoms listed indicate levels of toxicity in your system
that might be causing inflammation.

You’ll take this quiz again after your 21-Day Plan; however, it’s especially important to take
the time to complete and score it now, before you embark on the program. Without your
baseline score, you may have a hard time believing just how different your “after” results are
21 days from now.


0 = Never or almost never have the symptom

1 = Occasionally have it, effect is not severe

2 = Occasionally have it, effect is severe

3 = Frequently have it, effect is not severe

4 = Frequently have it, effect is severe


___ Nausea or vomiting EARS

___ Diarrhea ___ Itchy ears

___ Constipation ___ Earaches or ear infections

___ Bloated feeling ___ Drainage from ear

___ Belching or passing gas ___ Ringing in ears or hearing loss

___ Heartburn

___ Intestinal/stomach pain Total before_______

Total after_______

Total before_______

Total after________

D R H Y M A N . C O M 9

___ Mood swings ___ Watery or itchy eyes

___ Anxiety, fear, nervousness ___ Swollen, reddened, sticky eyelids

___ Anger, irritability, aggressiveness ___ Bags or dark circles under eyes

___ Depression ___ Blurred or tunnel vision (not

including near- or farsightedness)

Total before ____

Total before___
Total after____
Total after___

___ Fatigue or sluggishness
___ Headaches
___ Apathy or lethargy
___ Faintness
___ Hyperactivity
___ Dizziness
___ Restlessness
___ Insomnia

Total before____
Total before___
Total after____
Total after___


___ Irregular or skipped heartbeat

___ Rapid or pounding heartbeat

___ Chest pain

Total before___

Total after___

10 D R H Y M A N . C O M

___ Pain or aches in joints ___ Chronic coughing

___ Arthritis ___ Gagging or frequent need to clear

___ Stiffness or limitation of movement
___ Sore throat, hoarseness, loss of
___ Pain or aches in muscles voice

___ Feeling of weakness or tiredness ___ Swollen or discolored tongue, gums

or lips

___ Canker sores

Total before___

Total after____
Total before___

Total after___

___ Poor memory

___ Confusion or poor comprehension
___ Stuffy nose
___ Poor concentration
___ Sinus problems
___ Poor physical coordination
___ Hay fever
___ Difficulty in making decisions
___ Excessive mucus formation
___ Stuttering or stammering
___ Sneezing attacks
___ Slurred speech

___ Learning disabilities

Total before____

Total after___
Total before___

Total after___

D R H Y M A N . C O M 11

___ Binge eating/drinking ___ Frequent illness

___ Craving certain foods ___ Frequent or urgent urination

___ Excessive weight ___ Genital itch or discharge

___ Compulsive eating

___ Water retention Total before ____

___ Underweight Total after____

Total before____

Total after____ GRAND TOTAL BEFORE _________


What your score means:

Less than 10 points: Optimal health

10 to 50 points: Mild toxicity

51 to 100 points: Moderate toxicity

More than 100 points: Severe toxicity

If you scored not-so-great on either of the quizzes above, don’t panic. Here’s the
good news: you can reverse diabesity and carbohydrate intolerance. You can get
over FLC syndrome. And, you can do all of that while delighting in the abundance
of whole, rich foods. With the Eat Fat, Get Thin 21-Day Plan, you will not suffer or
feel deprived. The promise of this program is that if you eat more of the right fats
you will feel good, get slim, look better and get healthier than ever before while
enjoying delicious, savory, mouthwatering food.

12 D R H Y M A N . C O M
STAGE 2 Preparing for the Plan

Now that we know what’s needed, we can lay the foundation. For the two days
prior to beginning the Eat Fat, Get Thin 21-Day Plan, you’ll set aside time to gather
your supplies and – most importantly – prepare your mind, so you can begin the
program with confidence, knowing you’re set up to succeed.

Kitchen Makeover
Take some time during this stage to detox your kitchen from the items on the list
below. Don’t just tuck these away – toss them in the garbage! If you have a
moment of panic, rest assured: we’re going to quickly and easily replace them with
delicious, healthy alternatives that will leave you more than satisfied.

X All fake and processed foods

X All foods that contain sugar
X Any drinks that contain sugar
X Anything containing artificial sweeteners
X Anything containing hydrogenated oils or refined vegetable oils
X Anything containing gluten
X Anything containing dairy
X All grains
X All beans and legumes

Stock Your Toolbox Pantry

Now that you’ve cleared your kitchen of the toxic, inflammatory foods, let’s re-stock
it with the good stuff! The following is a list of essential staples you’ll want to get to
enable you to make the recipes included in the program and prepare basic meals:

! Extra-virgin olive oil

! Extra-virgin coconut oil
! Sea salt
! Black pepper
! Detoxifying and anti-inflammatory herbs and spices (ginger, turmeric,
cinnamon, cayenne pepper, thyme, rosemary, cumin, sage,
oregano, onion powder, coriander, cilantro, paprika, parsley)
! Nuts (walnuts, pecans, almonds, macadamia nuts, etc. but no
! Seeds (hemp, chia, flax, pumpkin, sesame)
! Grass-fed butter, clarified butter or ghee
! High-quality coffee (if you drink coffee)

D R H Y M A N . C O M 13
Stock Your Toolbox Supplements
We all need a foundational amount of nutrients to help our bodies burn calories
efficiently, regulate appetite, cool inflammation, optimize gut flora and help our cells
become more insulin sensitive. Though you will be fueling your body with real food
that is packed with vitamins and minerals on this plan, you will likely still need help
to achieve optimal levels.

That is why I recommend the following basic supplements to optimize your body’s
fat-burning and repair mechanisms. You can purchase these as a full pack for ease
and convenience at, or purchase them
individually at your local health food store. But be cautious about which brands and
products you pick. You want to use brands that are free from contaminants, fillers
and allergens like gluten (which was recently found in many probiotics).

I recommend the following:

● A high-quality multivitamin and multimineral supplement, daily as

● 2 grams of purified fish oil (EPA/DHA), daily
● 2,000 units of vitamin D3, which helps insulin function, daily
● 300 to 400 milligrams of L-carnitine, twice daily. Carnitine helps transport
fat into your cells so you burn fat more effectively and boost your
● 30 milligrams of coenzyme Q10, twice daily. This is a critical nutrient for
turning food into energy.
● 100 to 150 milligrams of magnesium glycinate, 1 capsule twice daily.
Magnesium is the relaxation mineral and helps improve anxiety, improve
sleep, improve blood sugar control, and even cure muscle cramps. Check
with your personal physician if you have any kidney issues before introducing
magnesium as a supplement.
● PGX (in powder or capsule form)—a super fiber to slow blood sugar and
insulin spikes that can also cut cravings and promote weight loss. Take 2 to
5 grams, just 15 minutes before every meal with a large glass of water. This
can be taken in powder form (½ to 1 scoop) or in capsule form (3 to 6
capsules); the powder form tends to work better. If you have night cravings
or night eating, you can also take an additional dose after dinner.
● 10 to 20 billion CFU Probiotics, daily. CFU stands for colony forming units

14 D R H Y M A N . C O M
● 1 to 2 tablespoons MCT Oil, daily. This is a super fat derived from coconut
oil that speeds up your metabolism and fuels your brain. You can add it to
your shake or put on a salad. You can find out where to buy MCT Oil at
● Electrolytes: E-Lyte (a liquid electrolyte solution) 1 to 2 capfuls, daily
● Potato starch: Add 1 to 2 tablespoons to 8 ounces of water, twice daily,
to help balance your blood sugar and feed the good gut bugs, both of which
help promote weight loss. We suggest Bob’s Red Mill Organic Potato

Record Your Measurements

Take the following measurements the day before you start the plan and record
them in your journal:

Your weight: Weigh yourself first thing in the morning without clothes and
after going to the bathroom.

Your height: Measure your height in feet and inches.

Your waist size: Using a tape measure, find the widest point around your
belly button, not where your belt falls.

Your hip size: Again using a tape measure, find the widest point around your

Your thigh circumference: Measure the widest point around each of your

Your blood pressure: This can be done by your doctor, at the drugstore or
at home if you want to purchase a basic home blood pressure cuff.

D R H Y M A N . C O M 15
Get Tested by Your Doctor (optional)

The tests I recommend include:

Insulin response test, which is like a two-hour glucose tolerance test

but this one also measures insulin. It is done by measuring both insulin and
glucose, when fasting and then again at one- and two-hour intervals, after
consuming a 75-gram glucose drink.

Hemoglobin A1c, which measures your average blood sugar over the
past six weeks. Anything 5.5 percent or above is considered elevated; over
6.0 percent is diabetes.

NMR lipid (cholesterol) profile, or Cardio IQ test, which measures LDL,

HDL and triglycerides, and the particle number and particle size of each
type of cholesterol and triglycerides. (These are newer tests, but I would
demand them from your doctor, because the typical cholesterol tests done
by most labs and doctors are out of date.) These tests can only be
obtained through LabCorp or Quest. You can find a link to these sites at

Here is what to look for.

Total cholesterol – ideally under 200 mg/dl but this matters less than
the overall profile. If your total cholesterol is 300 mg/dl and your HDL is
100mg/dl, then that is much better than a total cholesterol of 150 mg/dl
and an HDL of 30 mg/dl

LDL cholesterol – ideally under 100 mg/dl but more important is the
total particle number which should be under 1000 and the small LDL
particle number which should be less than 400 (or even lower)

HDL cholesterol – ideally over 50 mg/dl for men and over 60 mg/dl for

Triglycerides – okay if under 100 mg/dl; ideal if under 70 mg/dl

Total cholesterol to HDL ratio less than 3:1

Triglyceride to HDL ratio less than 2:1/ ideally 1:1 (if it is over 3:1,
then you almost certainly have carbohydrate intolerance)

16 D R H Y M A N . C O M
Join the Community
Losing weight and getting healthy is a social activity! You can do the program
alone. But if you find a buddy, join or create a group, or join our online community
(, you will not only find support for your journey but
also friends to help if you have questions or feel discouraged – and you will likely
achieve twice the results as when you go it alone.

Preparation Phase Checklist

Completed kitchen makeover

Stocked pantry and fridge with essential staples
Purchased supplements
Taken all body measurements and noted in journal
Completed any optional testing
Checked with your doctor before beginning the program

Once all are checked, you are ready to begin the program. Let’s get started!

D R H Y M A N . C O M 17
Your 21-Day Plan to
Your Eat Fat, Get Thin 21-Day Plan is very simple and easy to follow. I designed it
that way to give you a working template so you can learn for yourself the essentials
of how and what to eat to maximize weight loss and optimize your health.

STAGE 3 Experiencing the 21-Day Plan

Your Daily Meals

Here’s a snapshot to show you just how filling and satisfying your meal plans will be
each day. Remember – this plan isn’t about starvation and deprivation…it’s about
filling you up and fueling you for an energetic, vibrant day. Meal suggestions are just
that – suggestions; you will find full recipes and other options in the Eat Fat, Get
Thin Recipe Planner and Meal Guide.

Fat, proteins and vegetables /

Breakfast Smoothie

Snack (Optional) Any of the approved foods

25% protein and 75% non-starchy

Lunch vegetables

Snack (Optional) Any of the approved foods

25% protein and 75% non-starchy

Dinner vegetables + ½ to 1 cup of
starchy vegetables (optional)

18 D R H Y M A N . C O M
What to Eat/What to Avoid

Here are the basic guidelines of what you’ll be eating each day, and what to avoid.
Focus on ... Avoid...

Organic coconut milk, cashew

milk, hemp milk, almond milk
Fat Avocado, nuts & seeds, nut
butters, olives Dairy products except for
grass-fed butter and ghee
Extra-virgin olive oil, extra-virgin
coconut oil, MCT oil, avocado oil, All refined oils (corn,
macadamia oil, walnut oil, almond canola, soy, sunflower,
oil, grass-fed butter, ghee safflower)

Fresh or water-packed fatty fish

(sardines, mackerel, herring,
black cod, wild salmon)

(All grass-fed)
Beans, legumes
Lamb, venison or elk, ostrich,
bison, beef
Protein Processed meats (bacon,
salami, canned meats, hot
(All organic)
dogs, deli meats)
Eggs, chicken, duck, turkey

Raw, steamed, roasted, or Gluten, all grains

sautéed non-starchy veggies
All fruit (with the exception
Carbohydrates If adding starchy veggies ½ to 1 of berries, pomegranate
cup allowed up to 4 times a week seeds, watermelon,
at dinner (sweet potatoes, winter lemon, lime, kiwi)
squash, pumpkin, beets,
rutabaga, parsnips, turnips)

Hot lemon water, sparkling water, Soda, diet soda, milk, fruit
Drinks herbal or green teas, Bulletproof® juices, sports drinks,
coffee or tea, bone broth alcohol

Sea salt, tahini, almond flour, Additives, dyes,

coconut flour, arrowroot, preservatives, MSG
unsweetened/ alcohol-free vanilla Artificial sweeteners
Condiments, extract, cocoa powder, apple (Splenda, Equal,
cider vinegar, balsamic vinegar, Aspartame, Sorbitol,
Spices, Etc. gluten-free tamari, organic Xylitol, Stevia)
vegetable & chicken stock, Dijon Natural sweeteners
mustard, black peppercorns, (honey, maple syrup, raw
dried or fresh herbs and spices sugar, etc.)

D R H Y M A N . C O M 19
Supplement Protocol

Supplement Dosage

Multivitamin Take as directed on the label, daily

Purified fish oil (EPA/DHA) 2 grams, daily

Vitamin D3 2,000 IU, daily

L-carnitine 300 to 400 milligrams, twice daily

Coenzyme Q10 30 milligrams, twice daily

Magnesium glycinate 100 to 150 milligrams, twice daily

2 to 5 grams, just before each meal;

PGX (powder or capsules) optional additional dose after dinner if
needed to control cravings

Probiotics 10 to 20 billion CFU, daily

MCT oil 1 to 2 tablespoons, daily

1 to 2 capfuls in 8 ounces of water,

Electrolytes (E-Lyte)
twice daily
1 to 2 tablespoons in 8 ounces of
Potato starch
water, daily

20 D R H Y M A N . C O M
Your Daily Schedule
Here is your daily schedule for the Eat Fat, Get Thin 21-Day Plan:

● Begin the day with 30 minutes of brisk walking (or any other workout)
● Before breakfast take 2 to 5 grams of PGX fiber: 3 to 6 capsules or ½ to 1
scoop of the powder in large glass of water
● Take your supplements with breakfast
● Take your MCT oil
● Have your shake or breakfast
● Enjoy a mid-morning snack (optional)
● Drink water (at least 4 glasses throughout the morning)

● Before lunch, take 2 to 5 grams of PGX fiber
● Eat lunch
● Enjoy a mid-afternoon snack (optional)
● Drink water (at least 4 glasses throughout the afternoon)

● Take PGX before dinner
● Eat dinner
● Take your second dose of supplements with supper
● Add at least 1 capful of E-Lyte to 8 ounces of water
● Do one or more of your relaxation practices (alternatively, this can be done
any time of day that works best for you)
● Optional: 1 tablespoon potato starch in water before bed
● Get 7 to 8 hours of sleep

A Note About Snacks

To keep energy and blood sugar levels even, this plan is designed to include two
optional snacks a day. If you are feeling a bit hungry in between meals, enjoy any
of these easy snack options:

● A handful of raw nuts

● Raw veggies with almond or cashew butter, olive tapenade or tahini
● ½ avocado sprinkled with sea salt, lime or lemon juice, and pepper

D R H Y M A N . C O M 21
Transition Phase
Once the 21 days is over, you might wonder “So what now?” What happens now
that you’ve gotten the toxic, health-robbing, waistline-sabotaging foods and
substances out of your system and replaced them with whole, real fresh food, with
a healthy dose of good fats? Where do you go from here to continue your health
and weight loss journey?

Those are all excellent questions that I’ll answer in a moment, but before we get to
that, I want to ask you a question: How do you feel? What’s changed for you over
the past 21 days? Because as I’ve said all the way through, you are your own best
judge of what works for your body. My aim with this plan was not only to empower
you with knowledge about fats and free you from “fat fear,” but also to empower
you with the tools you need to be able to answer for yourself – now and forever –
the question, “What should I eat to achieve (or maintain) my healthiest, happiest
and slimmest self?”

STAGE 4 Transitioning to your plan for life

Next Steps

Re-take your quizzes

Re-check your measurements
Re-check your lab tests

Based on your results, you can now select a transition plan from the following
options that works best for you and your long-term health goals.

22 D R H Y M A N . C O M
Transition Plans

Option 1: Continue with the Eat Fat, Get Thin 21-Day Plan

I suggest staying on the Eat Fat, Get Thin Plan if you:

● Want to lose 25 pounds or more

● Have diabetes and want to reverse it
● Are on diabetes medication or insulin and want to get off them
● Have high triglycerides and low HDL (good cholesterol) and want to get off
statin medication
● Have high blood pressure and want to get off medication
● Just feel so great and want to keep going to experience greater levels of

Option 2: The Pegan Diet

The transition into the Pegan Diet happens in two phases.

First, you’ll follow a basic version, as a way to keep the healing and weight loss
going while reintroducing legumes (beans and lentils) and ½ cup per day of non-
gluten grains. Ideally, I encourage you to stay on this phase of the transition for at
least three months.

After three months, you can move on to the second phase, which allows for more
flexibility. During this second phase, there are options to test and add back in small
amounts of gluten, dairy and treats. If, after testing, you determine you’re okay with
gluten, dairy and the occasional treat, I encourage you to incorporate those options
only sparingly, for all the reasons you’ve learned throughout this program.

In the pages that follow, I’ll walk you through exactly when and how to test these
foods and the best ways to include them in your diet, if you choose, in a balanced,
smart way. This is indeed a diet meant for life, as it allows for great flexibility and
enjoyment of good food that supports your healthy new lifestyle.

D R H Y M A N . C O M 23
The Pegan Diet: Phase 1

Transition to Phase 1 of the Pegan Diet if you:

● Want to continue to get the benefits of the Eat Fat, Get Thin 21-Day Plan
and add beans and/or non-gluten grains back to your diet to see how you
respond to them (some people with diabesity can’t tolerate beans because
they contain enough starch to spike blood sugar, as well as lectins that
create inflammation and weight gain)
● Have normal blood sugars and blood pressure but still want to continue with
weight loss or still have belly fat
● Have any health conditions, inflammation or generally don’t feel fabulous
● Don’t have a history of heart disease or diabetes
● Have lab tests that show you still have high triglycerides, low HDL, small LDL
particles, high blood sugar, and insulin which means you have insulin

Here is the protocol for Phase 1 of the Pegan Diet:

Continue to eliminate all gluten- and flour-based products (including gluten-

free) and dairy (except grass-fed butter or ghee).
Continue to eliminate all forms of sugar and sweeteners.
Continue to avoid processed foods.
Avoid overdoing it on fruit (stick with ½ cup to 1 cup per day of berries,
pomegranate seeds, watermelon, kiwi, lemon or lime).
Avoid inflammatory beverages (alcohol, soda or sweetened drinks of any
kind, and juice).
Include up to ½ cup per day of gluten-free grains in their whole-kernel form:
quinoa; black, brown, or red rice; buckwheat.*
Include as many nonstarchy vegetables as you want in all meals and snacks.
If you like, include one serving of a starchy vegetable at dinner.
Include 4 to 6 ounces of protein (eggs, fish, chicken, or animal protein) or ½
cup beans or legumes per meal.*
Have 4 to 5 servings of healthy fats per day (e.g., ½ to 1 avocado, or 1
tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil, grass-fed butter, clarified butter, walnut oil,
sesame oil, extra-virgin coconut butter or oil, or nut or seed butter such as
almond or cashew). See page 218-220 in Chapter 13 of my book Eat Fat,
Get Thin for a review of your good fat options.
Continue with your daily practices: 30 minutes of exercise, supplements,
relaxation, and 7 to 8 hours sleep.

24 D R H Y M A N . C O M
Use your favorite recipes from the Eat Fat, Get Thin recipes, or check out
The Blood Sugar Solution Cookbook or The Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day
Detox Diet Cookbook for more recipe ideas. Avoid the recipes with gluten or
dairy and the desserts.
Continue to take the same supplements that you have been taking during
the Eat Fat, Get Thin 21-Day Plan. You can order them at

*As you reintroduce beans or non-gluten grains, it is important to notice how you feel.
How is your digestion? Are you bloated? Are you tired? Are you gaining weight or still
losing weight? Do you have any other inflammatory symptoms? Your body is the best
feedback mechanism. It will tell you exactly what works and what doesn’t, what feels
good and what doesn’t. If reintroducing these foods doesn’t work for you, then stay off
of them for three months and try again. Sometimes it takes a while to reset your body,
and after a time you can broaden your diet without side effects.

The Pegan Diet: Phase 2

You’ve met your weight loss goals… your health is where you want it to be… you
feel fabulous and scored well on the FLC quiz. It’s time to become a lifelong Pegan!
Phase 2 of the Pegan Diet is similar to the basic Pegan Diet but allows for more
flexibility. It introduces gluten and dairy (to see if you can tolerate a little bit) and, if
you wish, some treats.

Here is the protocol for the lifelong Pegan Diet:

Avoid liquid sugar calories such as soda or juices (fresh green juices are
Continue to eliminate all artificial sweeteners - now and forever!
Minimize all forms of sugar, but especially avoid foods with added sugars.
You can always add a little bit of sugar, maple syrup or honey to the food
you cook yourself. That way you know exactly how much you are getting.
Note that you should watch to see if any sweetener (sugar, maple syrup,
honey, etc.) triggers an addictive pattern of eating. If so, you may have zero
tolerance, and I’d encourage you to stay away from any type of sugar or
sweetener and get your “sugar” exclusively from whole fresh fruit.
Enjoy a little alcohol if you want (optional). One glass of wine or alcohol, three
to four times a week can eventually be well tolerated by most people. Just
pay attention and notice how alcohol makes you feel. Avoid all other liquid
sugar calories.
Continue to avoid processed foods.

D R H Y M A N . C O M 25
Include as many nonstarchy vegetables as you want in all meals and snacks.
Remember, if 50 to 75 percent of your plate is filled with nonstarchy
vegetables, you’re on the right track.
Include up to ½ cup of gluten-free grains in their whole-kernel form: quinoa;
black, brown, or red rice; buckwheat.
Avoid all processed grains or flours (with the exception of the pasta you will
use to test gluten according to the instructions provided in the section
following, “Reintroducing Gluten and Dairy”).
Include ½ to 1 cup of nutrient-dense starchy vegetables such as sweet
potatoes and winter squash.
Include ½ to 1 cup of low-glycemic fruit such as apples, pears, berries,
pomegranate seeds, watermelon, kiwi, lemon and lime. Up to 1 to 2 servings
per day.
Include a moderate amount of beans and legumes, ½ to 1 cup cooked or
canned per day.
Continue with your daily practices: supplements, 30 minutes of physical
exercise, relaxation, hydration, and 7 to 8 hours of sleep.
Use your favorite recipes from Eat Fat, Get Thin, or experiment with some
new ones from The Blood Sugar Solution Cookbook or The Blood Sugar
Solution 10-Day Detox Diet Cookbook.
Reintroduce gluten and dairy, as instructed on the following page.

26 D R H Y M A N . C O M
Reintroducing Gluten and Dairy

The process for reintroducing gluten and dairy is slow and systematic. This is a
unique chance to really see how your body tolerates these high-sensitivity foods.
We want to add these foods to your diet responsibly and without compromising all
your hard work. Here are the steps I recommend:

Start with dairy:

1. Eat it at least 2 to 3 times a day for three days. Stick to plain milk or plain
yogurt without anything added to see how you feel.
2. Track your response for the next 72 hours using a food log.
3. If you have a reaction, stop dairy immediately.

Then, wait at least 3 days before testing gluten:

1. Eat foods containing gluten at least 2 to 3 times a day for three days. Use
only plain wheat without added ingredients. The best thing to try is pasta,
because most breads also contain yeast and sugar. Or you might try cream
of wheat cereal for breakfast.
2. Track your response for 72 hours using a food log.
3. If you have a reaction, stop gluten immediately.

D R H Y M A N . C O M 27
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What do I do if I don’t feel good on the program?

A. It’s not uncommon for the body to have a strong reaction when you stop feeding
it the processed foods and chemicals it is accustomed to, or when you get off
inflammatory foods, or foods to which you are addicted. As I wrote about in my
book, The Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet, most people are trapped by
food addictions that have been chemically engineered by the food companies to
keep us biologically hooked on their sugary, salty, processed “non-food.” We’re
cleaning out your system of these toxic foods and drinks, and just like any detox,
that can cause some uncomfortable reactions like achy, flulike feelings, irritability,
nausea, headaches, and brain fog. The good news is that the discomfort usually
passes within 48 hours. See below for my tips on how to help alleviate detox

Tips for Easing Your Detox

● Take a sauna, get a massage or do gentle stretching or yoga to flush out

your circulation and lymphatic system.
● Make sure your elimination system is running smoothly! If you are backed
up, so, too, will be the toxins you’re trying to flush out. See page 232 of my
book Eat Fat, Get Thin for how to combat constipation.
● Drink plenty of water to flush out the toxins.
● Get up and get going! Did you know that your lymph system only works
through the contraction of your muscles. Light exercise gets everything
circulating and flushes out the lymph or fluid that transports the toxins out of
your body. So get contracting!
● Take 2,000 milligrams of buffered vitamin C, once or twice daily
● Get plenty of rest. Naps or lying down for 10 minutes are good things.
● Trust the process. These symptoms are a sign that your detox is working,
and you’re only days away from feeling lighter, cleaner and more energized
than you ever have before.
● Add 1 capful of E-Lyte to 8 ounces of water, twice a day, to make sure you
are fully hydrated. The electrolytes help with intracellular hydration which is
what most of us need.

Another culprit for feeling rundown or just generally crappy may be that you’re not
getting enough salt. When you cut down on the sugar and unhealthy carbs, you
dump fluid and water from your kidneys, along with salt. This causes a contraction
of your blood volume and a general feeling of dizziness, weakness and generally
feeling crappy. So be sure you are getting at least 1 to 2 teaspoons of sea salt daily

28 D R H Y M A N . C O M
in your food. If you have salt sensitive blood pressure or heart failure, be sure to
monitor your blood pressure and symptoms. If you use E-Lyte (at least 1 capful in 8
ounces of water, twice a day), it can have profound benefits of rehydration and
replenishment. It tastes like salty water but it is so worth it for how it makes you
feel. I use it all the time!

Q. What if I have digestive issues during the program?

A. As you optimize your diet, your body adjusts to the positive bacteria changes in
your gut. There are many reasons you might develop issues. Some people are not
used to eating fat and it can cause loose stools. It may take a little more time to
adjust or you may need some digestive enzymes. Changing your diet and not
drinking enough water can cause constipation, especially if you increase fiber such
as PGX. Without water, fiber turns to cement in your intestinal tract.

If you have bacterial overgrowth, you can add resistant starch, which can cause
bloating or gas. Take a comprehensive digestive enzyme to help break down fats
(lipase), proteins (proteases) and carbohydrates (amylases). Plant or animal-based
enzymes are both okay; just make sure you choose one that doesn’t contain any
fillers, gluten, dairy, dyes or binders. I like Digestive Enzyme Ultra (2 capsules with
each meal) by Pure Encapsulations. Find how to get it at

If you are constipated, see below for tips on how to safely and easily get your
elimination system in gear.

D R H Y M A N . C O M 29
Tips to Combat Constipation

● First and foremost, be sure you are drinking enough water to clean out your
bowels. The PGX fiber can really stop things up if it is not taken with enough
water! Be sure to drink at least one full glass of water with each dose of
● Sprinkle ground flaxseeds into your salads or smoothies. They are high in
fiber and absorb a lot of water and help you go to the bathroom.
● Increase the amount of daily magnesium supplement to 600 to 1,000
milligrams until the constipation is alleviated. If you take too much you will
get loose stools, so you may need to adjust to find the right level. If you have
kidney failure check with your personal physician before taking magnesium.
● Take 1,000 to 2,000 milligrams of buffered vitamin C, once or twice a day.
You can even increase it to 2,000 to 4,000 milligrams, once or twice a day,
to help you go. As with magnesium, just ease up on the amount if you get
loose stools.
● Get up and get moving! Exercise is one of the best ways to kick start your
elimination system into gear.
● If none of these strategies work, you can take an herbal laxative such as
cascara, senna or rhubarb at bedtime for short-term relief. I like Laxablend,
which you can find at If those don’t work,
try liquid magnesium citrate or use a glycerin or bisacodyl suppository or an
enema. If still nothing, it’s time to check in with your doctor, as something
else is likely going on.

If you are still having problems, then read my free ebook Beyond Food: Other
Causes of Obesity and Damaged Metabolism and follow the section on “How to
Tend Your Inner Garden.” You can download it at If you are still not better, then see a Functional
Medicine practitioner.

Q. I am feeling exhausted on the program. What’s wrong with me?

A. First, and most obviously, be sure you are getting enough sleep each night.
Poor quality sleep or not enough sleep will sabotage your efforts at weight loss and
optimal health. It will alter your appetite signals making you crave carbs and sugar
and will slow your metabolism. If you are getting enough quality sleep and are still
fatigued, it may be a signal that your body needs additional carbohydrates or
protein (especially if you are exercising often or vigorously). If you aren’t already
eating a starchy carbohydrate like sweet potato or winter squash with dinner,
consider adding that in now. You can also increase your protein intake throughout

30 D R H Y M A N . C O M
the day. Keep track in a journal of how you feel as you increase these items to help
you land on the optimal amount for your individual body.

Q. I am not losing as much weight as I did at the beginning, what’s

going on?

A. There could be a few reasons for this that may require further evaluation for
hormonal, inflammatory, gut, toxin problems, genetics or more. To learn more
about why you may have hit a plateau and how to address it check out my free
ebook Beyond Food: Other Causes of Obesity and Damaged Metabolism. You can
download it at But first, let’s start with the easy
and often most common causes:

● Hidden gluten, dairy or sugar or sugar substitutes are slipping into your diet
(or other potential allergens like soy or peanuts, or hidden additives,
preservatives or other chemicals). I encourage you to read labels carefully
and/or just cook at home for a while, to minimize exposure to these.

● Carbs - your body may require more or less carbohydrates.

● For some people, a very low carbohydrate diet may not be optimal. If
you are stuck and have hit a weight loss plateau, try adding in the
starchy veggie at dinner, if you are not doing so already. If that doesn’t
help you break through the plateau, then it may be useful to see a
Functional Medicine doctor to evaluate other causes of weight loss
resistance such as low thyroid function, adrenal dysfunction, intestinal
bacterial overgrowth and leaky gut, overload of toxins, latent infections,
mitochondrial dysfunction or more.

● For those who are very carbohydrate intolerant, you may need to cut
way down on carbs in order to reset your body system. If you are
diabetic or pre-diabetic, if you have high triglycerides or very low HDL,
and if you have extra belly fat, then you are most likely very
carbohydrate intolerant. Cut out the starchy veggie at dinner and all fruit,
and record how you feel (energy level, mental sharpness, digestive
functioning, etc.) and your results over the next few days. You may need
to experiment to get to the right level of carb intake, and the best way to
do this is to track it closely.

● Coffee (if you are drinking any) is having a negative effect on your system. Do
a trial of going cold turkey on the coffee and continue on the program to see

D R H Y M A N . C O M 31
if this is the case. Try my simple method for cutting out caffeine on page 33
for tips on minimizing any discomfort from caffeine withdrawal.

● Not adhering closely to the program. The meal recommendations,

supplements and practices are all scientifically designed to work in tandem,
which is why I encourage you to follow the program to the letter. Record
your meals, exercise and sleep to make sure you are staying on track. If you
need extra support, seek out a health coach or a life coach. I recommend
you work with the Handel Group (

● Thyroid or stress hormones can be out of balance, requiring special care

from a Functional Medicine doctor. Go to to
find a practitioner in your area. You can also check out my ebook, The
UltraThyroid Solution at

● Toxic overload in the body. Heavy doses of environmental toxins and heavy
metals can interfere with metabolism and weight loss, and may require a
more comprehensive detoxification program. Again, seek out a Functional
Medicine doctor for help with this by going to
to find one.

If none of the above helps you break through the plateau, then it may be useful to
see a Functional Medicine doctor to evaluate other causes of weight loss resistance
such as low thyroid function, adrenal dysfunction, intestinal bacterial overgrowth
and leaky gut, overload of toxins, latent infections, mitochondrial dysfunction or
more. You can always book an appointment with one of our team members at The
UltraWellness Center in Lenox, Massachusetts ( or at
the Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine in Cleveland, Ohio

32 D R H Y M A N . C O M
Q. I quit coffee cold turkey and feel horrible. Any tips?

A. Kicking the caffeine to the curb is easier than you might think…if you follow the
right protocol. Here’s how to make it as painless as possible:

● Do it slowly. Reduce your caffeine intake by half on the first day, then by
another half on the second day, and then down to zero.
● To reduce headaches, drink lots of water, do gentle exercise and take 1,000
milligrams twice a day of buffered vitamin C
● If needed for headaches, try 400 milligrams of ibuprofen. I don’t believe in
unnecessary suffering!
● If you’re tired, nap. Ideally you can quit caffeine on a weekend to allow
yourself some extra rest as needed.

D R H Y M A N . C O M 33

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