Hamtig - Midterm Exam
Hamtig - Midterm Exam
Hamtig - Midterm Exam
1.) How do you find the subject The Nationalian course online on terms of
the following
(Reflection/ Journal Writing and Nationalian Hymn Performance Task)
The importance of the nationalian
General Directions: Answer the EXAMINATION
course subject is about the history of the school. Where it came
following question as neatly as possible. Kindly
from, when it was built and who did it first. It also helps us how to develop by giving integrity and
compassion. They also giveausdocument
attached aboutifIN
knowledge file the NationalDon’t
needed. university andto
forget Nupersonally
hymn that
represents us as a student of NU, so that we can better understand the content of the NU hymn.
Logo is importance via
for us to
be MS
known Chat on orand
as a student before
the NUthe deadline.
university, and not only that,
we learned the importance and meaning of the logo, how it was formed and how the National
1. How do you the educational
find institution.
the subject
university logo changes and evolved. The nationalian course subject helps us recognize and
The Nationalian course online in terms of the
The content of the nationalian course educates us about the history, institutions and the purpose
Hanna M. Hamtig
1.1 Importance/Significance
of dynamic filipinism from which we gain knowledge. The mission and vision is especially
Content BSBA
to students like us, howMARKETING
we will be assessed by the core values that come from Nu. One of
the contents of the nationalian course is the NU hymn how it reminds us that we are a proud
Methodology MANANGEMENT (MAR211)
or proud bulldogs, we will remain NU students and it shows your loyalty and respect as a
nationalian. We were taught how the national university started and grew, how to get a degree
Evaluative Measure of Learning
a master's degree. The history and the contributions of the people to the institutions
2. Enumerate thehow their ability
learning and knowledge
experience they from
you gain have tothe
be able to build
offering ofathe
subjectthat is
1.3 by all.
The method
Nationalian of nationalian
course online. course is providing information about the history of the national
university. Not only does it provide knowledge about the history of the school but it also gives
3. What are the things
us knowledge about ourabout
lives, The Nationalian
it gives us inspirationCourse
to reach we’ve discussed
our desired inlife,
dreams in thisnot only
course our lives but also for the future of all. And that's the methodology shown here.
far that you enjoyed/appreciated the most?
For me i think i find the nationalian course is a good subject, because I gained a lot of
4. Consider
knowledgethat youNU,
about arethea history
graduate ofhow
of nu, your thedegree
national from National
university started University,
in the beginning or
if we call it "Colegio filipino" which is the first name of NU since it was built. I can also use it
and you are about be part of the NU Alumni Federation. Think of ways on how
2.) Enumerate the learning experience you gain from the offering of the
subject The Nationalian course online.
▪️One of the things I learned was about the origin of jhocson which started with
crispulo jhocson where he was the one who wood carved the original seal of NU.
▪️We were provided with accessible quality education and other development
programs and how NU has evolved as an educational institution.
▪️How nu logos evolved and each meaning of logos that have evolved
▪️what is also the meaning of each nu hymn per word
▪️NU was first known as “Colegio Filipino.” Which is the first name in 1900-1904
that NU was built, but in 1904, the name of the school changed to Colegio
Marcantil to 1915. After that on October 26, 1916 was changed again into
national academy, and National Academy on january 17, 1921 was re-
incorporated and replaced again by National University. And that’s where the
school name change began and ended.
▪️Camilo Osias was the first president of NU and policy where he grew the
university well and managed it well.
▪️Also, Mariano F. Jhocson Sr., or known as the founder of the University,
founded the institution on August 1, 1900 as Colegio Filipino in Quiapo, Manila.
▪️NU provide a platform, such as Office 365 where you already have everything
you need to use for activities and much more, and Microsoft Teams where online
classes are held, so that students can be more productive and creative in learning.
And these are one of my learning experiences.
3.) What are the things about The Nationalian Course
we’ve discussed in this course so far that you
enjoyed/appreciated the most?