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December 2004

Systems Operation
Testing and Adjusting
1103 and 1104C Engines
DC (Engine)
DD (Engine)
DJ (Engine)
DK (Engine)
RE (Engine)
RG (Engine)
RJ (Engine)
RR (Engine)
RS (Engine)
DF (Engine)
DG (Engine)

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Important Safety Information

Most accidents that involve product operation, maintenance and repair are caused by failure to observe
basic safety rules or precautions. An accident can often be avoided by recognizing potentially hazardous
situations before an accident occurs. A person must be alert to potential hazards. This person should also
have the necessary training, skills and tools to perform these functions properly.
Improper operation, lubrication, maintenance or repair of this product can be dangerous and
could result in injury or death.
Do not operate or perform any lubrication, maintenance or repair on this product, until you have
read and understood the operation, lubrication, maintenance and repair information.
Safety precautions and warnings are provided in this manual and on the product. If these hazard warnings
are not heeded, bodily injury or death could occur to you or to other persons.
The hazards are identified by the “Safety Alert Symbol” and followed by a “Signal Word” such as
“DANGER”, “WARNING” or “CAUTION”. The Safety Alert “WARNING” label is shown below.

The meaning of this safety alert symbol is as follows:

Attention! Become Alert! Your Safety is Involved.
The message that appears under the warning explains the hazard and can be either written or pictorially
Operations that may cause product damage are identified by “NOTICE” labels on the product and in
this publication.
Perkins cannot anticipate every possible circumstance that might involve a potential hazard.
The warnings in this publication and on the product are, therefore, not all inclusive. If a tool,
procedure, work method or operating technique that is not specifically recommended by Perkins
is used, you must satisfy yourself that it is safe for you and for others. You should also ensure that
the product will not be damaged or be made unsafe by the operation, lubrication, maintenance or
repair procedures that you choose.
The information, specifications, and illustrations in this publication are on the basis of information that
was available at the time that the publication was written. The specifications, torques, pressures,
measurements, adjustments, illustrations, and other items can change at any time. These changes can
affect the service that is given to the product. Obtain the complete and most current information before you
start any job. Perkins dealers have the most current information available.

When replacement parts are required for this

product Perkins recommends using Perkins
replacement parts or parts with equivalent
specifications including, but not limited to, phys-
ical dimensions, type, strength and material.

Failure to heed this warning can lead to prema-

ture failures, product damage, personal injury or

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents Electric Starting System - Test .............................. 50

Glow Plugs - Test .................................................. 52
V-Belt - Test .......................................................... 53
Systems Operation Section
Index Section
Engine Design ....................................................... 4
General Information ................................................ 5 Index ..................................................................... 54
Fuel System ......................................................... 10
Air Inlet and Exhaust System ................................ 11
Lubrication System .............................................. 14
Cooling System .................................................... 17
Basic Engine ......................................................... 19
Electrical System ................................................. 20

Testing and Adjusting Section

Fuel System
Fuel System - Inspect ........................................... 23
Air in Fuel - Test .................................................... 23
Finding Top Center Position for No. 1 Piston ........ 24
Fuel Injection Pump Timing - Check ..................... 25
Fuel Injection Pump Timing - Adjust ..................... 26
Fuel Quality - Test ................................................. 28
Fuel System - Prime ............................................. 28
Fuel System Pressure - Test ................................. 29

Air Inlet and Exhaust System

Air Inlet and Exhaust System - Inspect ................. 31
Wastegate - Test ................................................... 31
Compression - Test ............................................... 32
Engine Valve Lash - Inspect/Adjust ...................... 32
Valve Depth - Inspect ............................................ 34
Valve Guide - Inspect ............................................ 35

Lubrication System
Engine Oil Pressure - Test .................................... 36
Engine Oil Pump - Inspect .................................... 36
Excessive Bearing Wear - Inspect ........................ 37
Excessive Engine Oil Consumption - Inspect ....... 37
Increased Engine Oil Temperature - Inspect ........ 38

Cooling System
Cooling System - Check (Overheating) ................ 39
Cooling System - Inspect ...................................... 40
Cooling System - Test ........................................... 40
Engine Oil Cooler - Inspect ................................... 42
Water Temperature Regulator - Test ..................... 43

Basic Engine
Piston Ring Groove - Inspect ................................ 44
Connecting Rod - Inspect ..................................... 44
Connecting Rod Bearings - Inspect ...................... 45
Main Bearings - Inspect ........................................ 45
Cylinder Block - Inspect ........................................ 45
Cylinder Head - Inspect ........................................ 46
Piston Height - Inspect .......................................... 46
Flywheel - Inspect ................................................. 47
Gear Group - Inspect ............................................ 48

Electrical System
Alternator - Test .................................................... 49
Battery - Test ......................................................... 49

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4 SENR9777-03
Systems Operation Section

Systems Operation Section Bore ......................................... 105 mm (4.134 inch)

Stroke ........................................ 127 mm (5.00 inch)

Displacement ...................................... 4.4 L (268 in3)
Engine Design
Compression ratio

Naturally aspirated ........................................ 19.25:1

Turbocharged 1104A engines ......................... 17.2:1

Turbocharged 1104C engines ....................... 18.23:1

Number of cylinders ................................................ 4

Cylinder arrangement ..................................... In-line

Firing order ................................................ 1, 3, 4, 2

When the crankshaft is viewed from the front of

the engine, the crankshaft rotates in the following
g00984281 direction. ................................................... Clockwise
Illustration 1
1104 example of the layout of the valves The front of the engine is opposite the flywheel end
(A) Inlet valve of the engine. The left side of the engine and the right
(B) Exhaust valve side of the engine are determined from the flywheel
end. Number 1 cylinder is the front cylinder of the
1104 Engine Specification engine.

Type ............................ Four cylinder and four stroke

Type of combustion ............................ Direct injection

Bore ......................................... 105 mm (4.134 inch)

Stroke ........................................ 127 mm (5.00 inch)

Displacement ...................................... 4.4 L (268 in3)

Compression ratio

Naturally aspirated ........................................ 19.25:1 Illustration 2


1103 example of the layout of the valves

Turbocharged ................................................ 18.23:1
(A) Inlet valve
(B) Exhaust valve
Number of cylinders ................................................ 4
1103 Engine Specification
Cylinder arrangement ..................................... In-line
Firing order ................................................ 1, 3, 4, 2
Type .......................... Three cylinder and four stroke
1104 Engine Specification
Type of combustion ............................ Direct injection
Bore ......................................... 105 mm (4.133 inch)
Type ............................ Four cylinder and four stroke
Stroke ........................................ 127 mm (5.00 inch)
Type of combustion ............................ Direct injection

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Displacement ...................................... 3.3 L (201 in3) i01958097

Compression ratio General Information

Naturally aspirated ........................................ 19.25:1

Turbocharged ................................................ 18.23:1 Engine Description

Number of cylinders ................................................ 3 Note: When you are ordering new parts, refer
to the engine identification number in order to
Cylinder arrangement ..................................... In-line receive the correct parts. Refer to the Operation
and Maintenance Manual, “Product Identification
Firing order ..................................................... 1, 2, 3 Information” for the correct numbers for your engine.

1103 Engine Specification The engine cylinders are arranged in-line. The
engines are controlled by a mechanically governed
Genset fuel injection pump.

Type .......................... Three cylinder and four stroke The cylinder head assembly has one inlet valve and
one exhaust valve for each cylinder. Each valve has
Type of combustion ............................ Direct injection one valve spring. The pistons have two compression
rings and an oil control ring.
Bore ......................................... 105 mm (4.133 inch)
It is important to ensure the correct piston height so
Stroke ........................................ 127 mm (5.00 inch) that the piston does not contact the cylinder head.
The correct piston height also ensures the efficient
Displacement ...................................... 3.3 L (201 in3) combustion of fuel.

Compression ratio The 1104 engine crankshaft has five main journals.
End play is controlled by thrust washers that are
Naturally aspirated ........................................ 19.25:1 located on both sides of the center main bearing.

Turbocharged 1103A engines ......................... 17.2:1 The 1103 engine crankshaft has four main journals.
End play is controlled by thrust washers that are
Turbocharged 1103C engines ....................... 18.23:1 located on both sides of the number three main
Number of cylinders ................................................ 3
The timing case has a hole that corresponds with
Cylinder arrangement ..................................... In-line a hole in the crankshaft. Use an alignment pin to
find TC. The camshaft gear has a timing hole that
Firing order ..................................................... 1, 2, 3 corresponds with a timing hole in the timing case.
The timing holes ensure that the camshaft and the
When the crankshaft is viewed from the front of crankshaft are in time with each other.
the engine, the crankshaft rotates in the following
direction. ................................................... Clockwise The crankshaft gear rotates the idler gear. The idler
gear rotates the camshaft gear and the fuel injection
The front of the engine is opposite the flywheel end pump gear. The idler gear for the engine oil pump is
of the engine. The left side of the engine and the right rotated by the crankshaft gear. This idler rotates the
side of the engine are determined from the flywheel engine oil pump.
end. Number 1 cylinder is the front cylinder of the
engine. The fuel injection pump is a gear-driven pump that
is mounted to the back of the front housing. The
fuel transfer pump is electrically operated. The fuel
transfer pump has an integral fuel filter. The fuel
transfer pump is usually located on the left hand side
of the cylinder block. Some applications may have
the fuel transfer pump and the water separator (if
equipped) relocated off the engine.

The oil pump is driven by an idler gear. The engine

oil pump sends lubricating oil to the main oil gallery.
The oil relief valve is internal to the oil pump.

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Systems Operation Section

Coolant from the bottom of the radiator passes

through the water pump. The water pump is driven
by the idler gear.

Lifting the Engine

Failure to follow recommended procedures for han-
dling or transporting engines can lead to engine dam-

To avoid possible engine damage, use the following


When you are lifting or moving the engine, use the

following procedures in order to prevent engine

1. Do not tilt the engine to an extreme angle unless

the lubricating oil is first drained from the oil pan.

2. Do not turn the engine onto a side or an end

surface unless the lubricating oil is first drained
from the oil pan.

3. If the oil is not drained prior to tilting the engine or

turning the engine onto a side or an end surface,
the lubricating oil from the oil pan can flow into
the intake manifold and the cylinder bores. This
situation could cause a hydraulic lock in the
engine. Hydraulic lock can severely damage the

4. The engine oil should be refilled to the correct

level before the engine is started.

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Systems Operation Section

1104 Engine Model Views

Illustration 3
(1) Water temperature regulator housing (4) Engine oil cooler (7) Crankshaft pulley
(2) Valve mechanism cover (5) Fan drive (8) Oil pan
(3) Fuel transfer pump and fuel filter (6) Water pump (9) Engine oil filter

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Systems Operation Section

Illustration 4
(10) Engine oil filler cap (13) Alternator (16) Starter motor
(11) Exhaust manifold (14) Flywheel housing
(12) Turbocharger (15) Flywheel

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Systems Operation Section

1103 Engine Model Views

Illustration 5
(1) Alternator (3) Turbocharger oil supply (5) Turbocharger
(2) Fan pulley (4) Turbocharger oil drain (6) Exhaust manifold

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Systems Operation Section

Illustration 6
(1) Fuel transfer pump (6) Oil filter
(2) Oil filler cap (7) Oil pan
(3) Fuel filter (8) Crankshaft pulley
(4) Starter motor (9) Water pump
(5) Dipstick (10) Water temperature regulator housing

i02211831 The fuel transfer pump draws fuel from the fuel tank
and through the water separator. When the fuel goes
Fuel System through the water separator, any water in the fuel will
go to the bottom of the bowl. The fuel transfer pump
sends the fuel at a low pressure to the fuel filter. From
the fuel filter, the fuel goes through the supply line to
The Delphi DP210 or the Delphi DPG fuel injection the fuel injection pump.
pump is installed on the 1104 engine and the 1103
engine. The Delphi STP fuel injection pump is The fuel injection pump sends fuel through the high
installed on the 1103 engine only. The Delphi DPA or pressure fuel line to each of the fuel injectors. The
the Bosch EPVE fuel injection pump is installed on fuel injector sprays the fuel into the cylinder. Fuel that
the 1104 engine only. is not injected flows through the fuel return line to the
top of the fuel filter, back to the fuel tank.

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Systems Operation Section

The engine must not be started until the fuel injection The coolant switch for the cold start advance unit is
pump is full of fuel that is free of air. The fuel injection on the water temperature regulator housing on the
pump requires fuel for lubrication. The precision parts left side of the engine.
of the pump are easily damaged without lubrication.
When the engine is cold, the sender unit is
The fuel system must be primed when any of the energized in order to advance the fuel injection
following conditions occur: pump timing for the cold start operation. When the
correct temperature is achieved the sender unit is
• The fuel filter is changed. de-energized and the fuel injection pump timing is
returned to the normal operating position.
• The fuel line is removed.
If the switch fails in the closed position, the engine
• The fuel injection pump is removed. will run with advanced fuel injection timing. The
engine will have higher cylinder pressure and engine
damage may result.
Fuel System Components
If the switch fails in the open position the engine
Fuel Injection Pump will run with the fuel injection timing in the normal
operating position. The engine will be more difficult
General Operation to start. When the engine is cold the engine might
emit white smoke.
The fuel injection pump is a pressurized system
that is totally enclosed. The pump sends the correct
amount of fuel under high pressure at the correct time i02212832
through the fuel injectors to the individual cylinders.
The fuel injection pump regulates the amount of fuel Air Inlet and Exhaust System
that is delivered to the fuel injectors. This action
controls the engine rpm by the governor setting or
the position of the throttle control.

The fuel lines to the fuel injectors are equal lengths.

This ensures even pressure and correct injection
timing at each fuel injector.

During operation, extra fuel is used as coolant and

lubricant for moving parts of the pump. The extra fuel
is circulated through the pump housing. The extra
fuel is then returned to the fuel tank.

The Delphi DP210, DPA, DPG and STP fuel injection

pumps must be serviced by an authorized Delphi
technician. For repair information, contact your
Perkins dealer or contact your Perkins distributor. Illustration 7

Air inlet and exhaust system (typical example)

High idle and low idle of the fuel injection pump are
factory set. Idle adjustments can not be made to the (1) Exhaust manifold
(2) Intake manifold
fuel pump. The Delphi DP210 fuel injection pump (3) Engine cylinders
has a boost control. The Delphi DP210, DPA, DPG (4) Air intake
and STP fuel injection pumps have an engine stop (5) Turbocharger compressor wheel
solenoid and a feature that vents air from the pump. (6) Turbocharger turbine wheel
(7) Exhaust outlet
The Delphi DP210 and STP fuel injection pumps
have a cold starting aid. The cold starting aid Engines which are naturally aspirated pull outside air
advances the timing of the pump when the engine is through an air cleaner directly into the inlet manifold
cold. The cold starting aid is electrically operated. (2). The air flows from the intake manifold to the
engine cylinders (3). The fuel is mixed with the air in
the engine cylinders. After the fuel combustion occurs
Cold Start Advance Unit in the engine cylinder, the exhaust gases flow directly
to the outside air through the exhaust manifold (1).
The cold start advance unit holds the timing of the
fuel injection pump in an advance position when the
engine is cold.

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Systems Operation Section

Turbocharged engines pull outside air through an air • Durability of the engine is improved.
cleaner into the air intake (4) of the turbocharger. The
suction is caused by the turbocharger compressor • Emissions from the engine are reduced.
wheel (5). Then, the turbocharger compressor wheel
compresses the air. The air flows through the intake
manifold (2) which directs an even distribution of the
air to each engine cylinder (3). Air is pulled into the
engine cylinder (3) during the intake stroke of the
piston. Then, the air is mixed with fuel from the fuel

Each piston makes four strokes:

1. Intake

2. Compression

3. Power

4. Exhaust

The sequence of the strokes by all of the pistons in

all of the engine cylinders provide constant air flow
through the inlet system during the engine operation.
Illustration 8
The exhaust stroke and the timing of the valve
mechanism pushes combustion gases through the Components of a turbocharger (typical example)
open exhaust valve into the exhaust manifold (1). (1) Air intake
The exhaust gases flow through the blades of the (2) Compressor housing
(3) Compressor wheel
turbocharger turbine wheel (6) which causes the (4) Bearing
turbine wheel and the compressor wheel to turn. (5) Oil inlet port
Then, the exhaust gases flow through the exhaust (6) Bearing
outlet (7) of the turbocharger to the outside. (7) Turbine housing
(8) Turbine wheel
(9) Exhaust outlet
The air inlet system is also equipped with a crankcase (10) Oil outlet port
ventilation system. The intake strokes of the pistons (11) Exhaust inlet
pull in atmospheric air to the crankcase.
A turbocharger is installed between the exhaust
Turbocharger and intake manifolds. The turbocharger is driven by
exhaust gases which flow through the exhaust inlet
Note: The turbocharger is not serviceable. (11). The energy of the exhaust gas turns the turbine
wheel (8). Then, the exhaust gas flows out of the
A turbocharger increases the temperature and the turbine housing (7) through the exhaust outlet (9).
density of the air that is sent to the engine cylinder.
This condition causes a lower temperature of ignition The turbine wheel and the compressor wheel (3) are
to develop earlier in the compression stroke. The installed on the same shaft. Therefore, the turbine
compression stroke is also timed in a more accurate wheel and the compressor wheel rotate at the same
way with the fuel injection. Surplus air lowers the rpm. The compressor wheel is enclosed by the
temperature of combustion. This surplus air also compressor housing (2). The compressor wheel
provides internal cooling. compresses the intake air (1). The intake air flows
into the engine cylinders through the inlet valves of
A turbocharger improves the following aspects of the cylinders.
engine performance:
The oil from the main gallery of the cylinder block
flows through the oil inlet port (5) in order to
• Power output is increased. lubricate the turbocharger bearings (4) and (6). The
pressurized oil passes through the bearing housing
• Fuel efficiency is improved. of the turbocharger. The oil is returned through the oil
outlet port (10) to the oil pan.
• Engine torque is increased.

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Systems Operation Section

The turbocharger has a wastegate. The wastegate is

controlled by the boost pressure. This allows some
of the exhaust to bypass the turbocharger at higher
engine speeds. The wastegate is a type of valve
that automatically opens at a preset level of boost
pressure in order to allow exhaust gas to flow around
the turbine. The wastegate allows the design of the
turbocharger to be more effective at lower engine

The wastegate is controlled by a diaphragm. One

side of this diaphragm is open to the atmosphere.
The other side of this diaphragm is open to the
manifold pressure.

Cylinder Head And Valves

The valves and the valve mechanism control the
flow of the air and the exhaust gases in the cylinder
during engine operation. The cylinder head assembly
has two valves for each cylinder. Each valve has one
valve spring. The ports for the inlet valves are on
the left side of the cylinder head. The ports for the
exhaust valves are on the right side of the cylinder
head. Steel valve seat inserts are installed in the
cylinder head for both the inlet and the exhaust
valves. The valve seat inserts can be replaced.

The valves are installed in valve guides. The valve

guides can be replaced. The exhaust valve guide has
a counterbore in order to prevent the seizure of the
valve stem. The seizure of the valve stem is caused
by a buildup of carbon under the head of the valve.

The inlet and the exhaust valves are opened and

closed by the rotation and movement of the following

• Crankshaft
• Camshaft
• Valve lifters
• Pushrods
• Rocker arms
• Valve springs
The camshaft gear is driven by the crankshaft gear.
The camshaft and the crankshaft are timed together.
When the camshaft turns, the valve lifters and the
pushrods are moved up and down. The pushrods
move the rocker arms. The movement of the rocker
arms open the valves. The opening and closing of
the valves is timed with the firing sequence of the
engine. The valve springs push the valves back to
the closed position.

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Systems Operation Section


Lubrication System

Illustration 9
Flow diagram of the lubrication system for the 1104 engine

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Systems Operation Section

Illustration 10
Flow diagram of the lubrication system for the 1103 engine

Lubricating oil from the oil pan flows through a The lubricating oil flows from the outlet side of the oil
strainer and a pipe (9) to the suction side of the pump (10) through a passage to the oil filter head (7).
engine oil pump (10). Pressure for the lubrication The oil then flows from the oil filter head through a
system is supplied by the oil pump . The crankshaft passage to a plate type oil cooler for the 1104 engine,
gear (13) drives a lower idler gear (12). The lower or a modine oil cooler (3) for the 1103 engine. The oil
idler gear drives the oil pump gear (11). The pump cooler is located on the left side of the cylinder block.
has an inner rotor and an outer rotor. The axis of
rotation of the rotors are off-center relative to each From the oil cooler, the oil returns through a passage
other. There is an interference fit between the inner to the oil filter head. The oil then flows through a
rotor and the drive shaft. bypass valve that permits the lubrication system
to function if the oil filter becomes blocked. Under
The inner rotor has five lobes which mesh with the six normal conditions, the oil then flows to the oil filter (8).
lobes of the outer rotor. When the pump rotates, the
distance increases between the lobes of the outer
rotor and the lobes of the inner rotor in order to create
suction. When the distance decreases between the
lobes, pressure is created.

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Systems Operation Section

The oil flows from the oil filter through a passage that
is drilled across the cylinder block to the oil gallery
(4). The oil gallery is drilled through the total length
of the left side of the cylinder block. If the oil filter is
on the right side of the engine, the oil flows through
a passage that is drilled across the cylinder block to
the pressure gallery.

Lubricating oil from the oil gallery flows through

high pressure passages to the main bearings of
the crankshaft (5). Then, the oil flows through the
passages in the crankshaft to the connecting rod
bearing journals (6). The pistons and the cylinder
bores are lubricated by the splash of oil and the oil

Lubricating oil from the main bearings flows through

passages in the cylinder block to the journals of the
camshaft. Then, the oil flows from the second journal
of the camshaft (2) at a reduced pressure to the
cylinder head. The oil then flows through the center
of the rocker shaft (1) to the rocker arm levers. The
valve stems, the valve springs and the valve lifters
are lubricated by the splash and the oil mist.

The hub of the idler gear is lubricated by oil from the

oil gallery. The timing gears are lubricated by the
splash from the oil.

An external line from the cylinder block supplies oil to

the turbocharger. The oil then flows through a return
line to the oil pan.

Engines have piston cooling jets that are supplied

with oil from the oil gallery. The piston cooling jets
spray lubricating oil on the underside of the pistons in
order to cool the pistons.

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Cooling System

Illustration 11
Flow diagram of the cooling system for the 1104 engine

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Illustration 12
Flow diagram of the cooling system for the 1103 engine

The coolant flows from the bottom of the radiator to From the rear of the cylinder block, some of
the centrifugal water pump. The water pump assists the coolant passes into the modine oil cooler (if
in the flow of the coolant through the system. The equipped). The modine oil cooler is located on the
water pump is installed on the front of the timing left side of the cylinder block. The coolant passes
case. The water pump is gear-driven by the fuel through the oil cooler before being returned through
injection pump gear. an external line to the inlet side of the water pump.

The water pump forces the coolant through a 1104 engines

passage in the front of the timing case to the water
jacket in the top left side of the cylinder block. The From the rear of the cylinder block, some of the
coolant continues to the rear of the cylinder block. coolant passes into the oil cooler. The oil cooler is
located on the left side of the cylinder block with no
The main flow of the coolant passes from the rear of external lines. The coolant flows around the element
the cylinder block into the rear of the cylinder head. of the oil cooler before being returned to the rear of
The coolant flows forward through the cylinder head the cylinder block.
and into the water temperature regulator housing. If
the water temperature regulator is closed, the coolant
goes directly through a bypass to the inlet side of
the water pump. If the water temperature regulator
is open, the bypass is closed and the coolant flows
to the top of the radiator.

1103 engines

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Systems Operation Section

i02212837 • Higher integrity for the rod

Basic Engine • The splitting produces an accurately matched
surface on each side for improved strength.

• Modern design
Cylinder Block and Cylinder Head
The connecting rod is matched to each cylinder.
The cylinder block for the 1104 engine has four The piston height is controlled by the length of the
cylinders which are arranged in-line. connecting rod. Six different lengths of connecting
rods are available in order to attain the correct piston
The cylinder block for the 1103 engine has three height. The different lengths of connecting rods are
cylinders which are arranged in-line. made by machining the small end bearing off-center
in order to form an eccentric bearing. The amount of
The cylinder block for the 1104 engine has five the eccentricity of the bearing creates the different
main bearings which support the crankshaft. Thrust lengths of the connecting rods.
washers on both sides of the center main bearing
control the end play of the crankshaft. Crankshaft
The cylinder block for the 1103 engine has four The crankshaft changes the linear energy of the
main bearings which support the crankshaft. Thrust pistons and connecting rods into rotary torque in
washers on both sides of the number three main order to power external equipment.
bearing control the end play of the crankshaft.
A gear at the front of the crankshaft drives the timing
A cylinder head gasket is used between the gears. The crankshaft gear turns the idler gear which
engine block and the cylinder head in order to seal then turns the following gears:
combustion gases, water, and oil.
• Camshaft gear
The engine has a cast iron cylinder head. The inlet
manifold is integral within the cylinder head. An inlet • Fuel injection pump
valve and an exhaust valve for each cylinder are
controlled by a pushrod valve system. The ports for • Lower idler gear which turns the gear of the
the inlet valves are on the left side of the cylinder lubricating oil pump
head. The ports for the exhaust valves are on the
right side of the cylinder head. Lip type seals are used on both the front of the
crankshaft and the rear of the crankshaft.
Pistons, Rings, and Connecting
Rods Camshaft
The pistons have a combustion chamber in the top of The engine has a single camshaft. The camshaft
the piston in order to provide an efficient mix of fuel is driven by an idler gear in the front housing. The
and air. The piston pin is off-center in order to reduce camshaft uses only one bearing on the front journal.
the noise level. The other journals rotate in the bore of the cylinder
block. The front bearing and the camshaft bores
The pistons have two compression rings and an oil in the cylinder block support the camshaft. As the
control ring. The groove for the top ring has a hard camshaft turns, the camshaft lobes move the valve
metal insert in order to reduce wear of the groove. system components. The valve system components
The skirt has a layer of graphite in order to reduce move the inlet and exhaust valves in each cylinder.
wear. The camshaft gear must be timed to the crankshaft
gear. The relationship between the lobes and the
The correct piston height is important in order to camshaft gear causes the valves in each cylinder
ensure that the piston does not contact the cylinder to be opened and closed at the correct time. The
head. The correct piston height also ensures the relationship between the lobes and the camshaft
efficient combustion of fuel which is necessary in gear also causes the valves in each cylinder to close
order to conform to requirements for emissions. at the correct time.

Engines are equipped with connecting rods that have

bearing caps that are fracture split. The bearing caps
on fracture split connecting rods are retained with
torx screws. Connecting rods with bearing caps that
are fracture split have the following characteristics:

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20 SENR9777-03
Systems Operation Section


Electrical System

The electrical system is a negative ground system.

The charging circuit operates when the engine

is running. The alternator in the charging circuit
produces direct current for the electrical system.

Starting Motor

Illustration 13
12 Volt Starting Motor
(1) Terminal for connection of the battery cable
(2) Terminal for connection of the ignition switch

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SENR9777-03 21
Systems Operation Section

Illustration 14
24 Volt Starting Motor
(1) Terminal for connection of the ignition (2) Terminal for connection of the battery
switch cable

The starting motor turns the engine flywheel. The Alternator

rpm is high enough in order to initiate a sustained
operation of the fuel ignition in the cylinders.

The starting motor has a solenoid. When the ignition

switch is activated, voltage from the electrical system
will cause the solenoid to engage the pinion in the
flywheel ring gear of the engine. When the pinion
gear is engaged in the flywheel ring gear, the
electrical contacts in the solenoid close the circuit
between the battery and the starting motor. This
causes the starting motor to rotate. This type of
activation is called a positive shift.

When the engine begins to run, the overrunning

clutch of the pinion drive prevents damage to the
armature. Damage to the armature is caused by
excessive speeds. The clutch prevents damage by
stopping the mechanical connection. However, the
pinion will stay meshed with the ring gear until the
ignition switch is released. A spring in the overrunning
clutch returns the clutch to the rest position.
Illustration 15
(1) Shaft for mounting the pulley

The alternator produces the following electrical


• Three-phase
• Full-wave
• Rectified

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22 SENR9777-03
Systems Operation Section

The alternator is an electro-mechanical component.

The alternator is driven by a drive belt from the
crankshaft pulley. The alternator charges the storage
battery during the engine operation.

The alternator converts the mechanical energy

and the magnetic energy into electrical energy.
This conversion is done by rotating a direct current
electromagnetic field on the inside of a three-phase
stator. The electromagnetic field is generated by
electrical current flowing through a rotor. The stator
generates AC electrical power.

The alternating current is changed to direct current

by a three-phase, full-wave rectifier. Direct current
flows to the output terminal of the alternator. The
rectifier has three exciter diodes. The direct current
is used for the charging process.

A regulator is installed on the rear end of the

alternator. Two brushes conduct current through two
slip rings. The current then flows to the rotor field. A
capacitor protects the rectifier from high voltages.

The alternator is connected to the battery through

the ignition switch. Therefore, alternator excitation
occurs when the switch is in the ON position.

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SENR9777-03 23
Testing and Adjusting Section

Testing and Adjusting 2. Install a suitable fuel flow tube with a visual sight
gauge in the fuel return line. When possible, install
Section the sight gauge in a straight section of the fuel line
that is at least 304.8 mm (12 inches) long. Do not
install the sight gauge near the following devices
that create turbulence:
Fuel System
• Elbows
• Relief valves
Fuel System - Inspect • Check valves
Observe the fuel flow during engine cranking.
A problem with the components that send fuel to Look for air bubbles in the fuel. If there is no fuel
the engine can cause low fuel pressure. This can that is present in the sight gauge, prime the fuel
decrease engine performance. system. Refer to Testing and Adjusting, “Fuel
System - Prime” for more information. If the engine
1. Check the fuel level in the fuel tank. Ensure that starts, check for air in the fuel at varying engine
the vent in the fuel cap is not filled with dirt. speeds. When possible, operate the engine under
the conditions which have been suspect.
2. Check all fuel lines for fuel leakage. The fuel lines
must be free from restrictions and faulty bends.
Verify that the fuel return line is not collapsed.

3. Inspect the fuel filter for excess contamination. If

necessary, install a new fuel filter. Determine the
source of the contamination. Make the necessary

4. Service the primary fuel filter (if equipped).

5. Remove any air that may be in the fuel system.

Refer to Testing and Adjusting, “Fuel System -


Air in Fuel - Test

This procedure checks for air in the fuel system. This Illustration 16
procedure also assists in finding the source of the air. (1) A steady stream of small bubbles with a diameter of
approximately 1.60 mm (0.063 inch) is an acceptable amount
of air in the fuel.
1. Examine the fuel system for leaks. Ensure that (2) Bubbles with a diameter of approximately 6.35 mm (0.250 inch)
the fuel line fittings are properly tightened. Check are also acceptable if there is two seconds to three seconds
the fuel level in the fuel tank. Air can enter the intervals between bubbles.
fuel system on the suction side between the fuel (3) Excessive air bubbles in the fuel are not acceptable.
transfer pump and the fuel tank.
3. If excessive air is seen in the sight gauge in the
fuel return line, install a second sight gauge at the
inlet to the fuel transfer pump. If a second sight
gauge is not available, move the sight gauge from
Work carefully around an engine that is running. the fuel return line and install the sight gauge
Engine parts that are hot, or parts that are moving, at the inlet to the fuel transfer pump. Observe
can cause personal injury. the fuel flow during engine cranking. Look for air
bubbles in the fuel. If the engine starts, check for
air in the fuel at varying engine speeds.

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24 SENR9777-03
Testing and Adjusting Section

If excessive air is not seen at the inlet to the fuel

transfer pump, the air is entering the system after
the fuel transfer pump. Refer to the Testing and
Adjusting, “Fuel System - Prime”.

If excessive air is seen at the inlet to the fuel

transfer pump, air is entering through the suction
side of the fuel system.

To avoid personal injury, always wear eye and face

protection when using pressurized air.

To avoid damage, do not use more than 55 kPa (8 psi)
to pressurize the fuel tank.

4. Pressurize the fuel tank to 35 kPa (5 psi). Do

not use more than 55 kPa (8 psi) in order to Illustration 17
avoid damage to the fuel tank. Check for leaks in
(1) Hole for crankshaft pin
the fuel lines between the fuel tank and the fuel (2) Hole for camshaft pin
transfer pump. Repair any leaks that are found.
Check the fuel pressure in order to ensure that 1. Remove the valve mechanism cover, the glow
the fuel transfer pump is operating properly. For plugs, and the cover for the front housing.
information about checking the fuel pressure, see
Testing and Adjusting, “Fuel System Pressure - Note: The crankshaft timing pin can be inserted with
Test”. the crankshaft pulley still on the engine.
5. If the source of the air is not found, disconnect 2. Rotate the crankshaft in the normal direction of
the supply line from the fuel tank and connect an the engine until the inlet valve of the No. 4 cylinder
external fuel supply to the inlet of the fuel transfer has just opened and the exhaust valve of the No.
pump. If this corrects the problem, repair the fuel 4 cylinder has not completely closed.
tank or the stand pipe in the fuel tank.
3. Carefully rotate the crankshaft in the normal
direction of the engine in order to align the hole
in the crankshaft with the hole in the cylinder
Finding Top Center Position block and the timing case. Insert the 27610211
Crankshaft Timing Pin fully into the hole in the
for No. 1 Piston crankshaft web.

4. Insert the 27610212 Camshaft Timing Pin

Table 1
through the hole in the camshaft gear and into the
body of the timing case. The engine is set at the
Required Tools top center position for No. 1 piston.
Part Description Qty Note: The camshaft gear can rotate a small amount
when the pin is installed.
27610211 Crankshaft timing pin 1
27610212 Camshaft timing pin 1 5. Remove the timing pins from the camshaft gear
and the crankshaft web.

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SENR9777-03 25
Testing and Adjusting Section


Fuel Injection Pump Timing -


Delphi DP210, Delphi DPA, Delphi

DPG and Delphi STP Fuel Injection
Note: The Delphi DP210, Delphi DPA, Delphi DPG
and Delphi STP fuel injection pump timing cannot be
checked. If you suspect that the fuel injection pump
timing is incorrect, contact your Perkins dealer or
your Perkins distributor for further information.

Note: The Delphi DPA fuel injection pump is only

installed on the 1104 engine.
Illustration 18
Delphi DP210, Delphi DPA, Delphi DPG and
Delphi STP fuel injection pumps must be serviced (1) Plug
by an authorized Delphi technician. For repair
information, contact your Perkins dealer or your
Perkins distributor. The internal adjustment for the
pump timing is tamper proof. High idle and low idle
are factory set. Idle adjustments cannot be made to
the fuel pump.

Bosch EPVE Fuel Injection Pump

Note: The Bosch EPVE fuel injection pump is only
installed on the 1104 engine.

Table 2
Required Tools
Part Description Qty
Bosch EPVE fuel injection pump
27610248 1
timing adapter

1. Set the number one piston at the top center piston Illustration 19
on the compression stroke. Refer to Testing and (2) Bosch EPVE fuel injection pump timing adapter
Adjusting, “Finding Top Center Position for the No. (3) Dial indicator
1 Pistion” for the procedure.
3. Remove the plug (1) and the washer from the rear
2. Remove the high pressure fuel lines from the fuel of the fuel injection pump and install 27610248
injection pump. fuel injection pump timing adapter (2). Install
a suitable dial indicator (3) into 27610248
fuel injection pump timing adapter. Set the dial
indicator to approximately 3 mm (0.1181 inch).

4. Rotate the crankshaft counterclockwise until the

dial indicator (3) indicates that the plunger of the
fuel injection pump is at the bottom of the stroke.
Set the dial indicator (3) to zero.

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26 SENR9777-03
Testing and Adjusting Section

5. Rotate the crankshaft clockwise, until the Table 3

crankshaft timing pin can be pushed into the hole Required Tools
in the crankshaft web.
Part Description Qty
6. With the engine set at the Top Center Position Number
for the No. 1 piston, check the reading on the
dial indicator (3). Refer to Specifications, “Fuel Bosch EPVE fuel injection pump
27610248 1
Injection Pump” for the correct reading for the timing adapter

7. If the fuel injection pump timing is correct remove Note: This procedure must only be carried out by a
the dial indicator (3). Remove 27610248 fuel person with the correct training.
injection pump timing adapter from the fuel
injection pump. Install a new washer to the plug Note: Do not rotate the fuel injection pump if the fuel
and install the plug in the back of the fuel injection injection pump shaft is locked.
pump. Refer to Specifications, “Fuel Injection
Pump” for the correct torque. 1. Set the number one piston at the top center on
the compression stroke. Refer to Testing and
8. Install the high pressure fuel lines on the fuel Adjusting, “Finding Top Center Position for the No.
injection pump. Eliminate all air from the fuel 1 Pistion” for the procedure.
system. Refer to Testing and Adjusting, “Fuel
System - Prime”. 2. Remove the rocker shaft. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, “Rocker Shaft and Pushrods”.
9. If the fuel injection pump timing is incorrect, refer
to Testing and Adjusting, “Fuel Injection Pump 3. Remove the high pressure fuel lines from the fuel
Timing - Adjust”. injection pump.


Fuel Injection Pump Timing -


Delphi DP210, Delphi DPA, Delphi

DPG and Delphi STP Fuel Injection
The Delphi DP210, Delphi DPA, Delphi DPG and
Delphi STP fuel injection pumps must be serviced
by an authorized Delphi technician. For repair
information, contact your Perkins dealer or your
Perkins distributor. The internal adjustment for the
pump timing is tamper proof. High idle and low idle
are factory set. Idle adjustments can not be made to
the fuel pump. Illustration 20

(1) Plug
Bosch EPVE Fuel Injection Pump
Note: The Bosch EPVE fuel injection pump is only
installed on the 1104 engine.

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SENR9777-03 27
Testing and Adjusting Section

Illustration 21
(2) Bosch EPVE fuel injection timing adapter
(3) Dial indicator

4. Remove the plug (1) and the washer from the

rear of the fuel injection pump and install the
27610248 fuel injection pump timing adapter g00996240
Illustration 22
(2). Install a suitable dial indicator (3) into the
27610248 fuel injection pump timing adapter. (4) Washer
(5) Locking screw
Set the dial indicator to approximately 3 mm
(0.1181 inch).
8. Lock the fuel injection pump shaft.
5. Ensure that the timing pins have been removed In order to lock the shaft of the Bosch
from the engine. EPVE fuel injection pump, loosen the locking
screw (5) and remove the washer (4). Tighten the
6. Rotate the crankshaft counterclockwise when locking screw to 31 N·m (23 lb ft). Ensure that the
the crankshaft is viewed from the front of the needle of the dial indicator has not moved.
engine. Carefully rotate the crankshaft until the
dial indicator (3) indicates that the plunger of the 9. Remove the water pump. Refer to Disassembly
fuel injection pump is at the bottom. Set the dial and Assembly, “Water Pump - Remove and
indicator (3) to zero. Install”.

7. Rotate the crankshaft clockwise, until the 10. Remove the front cover. Refer to Disassembly
required lift on the plunger is achieved. Refer and Assembly, “Front Cover - Remove and Install”.
to Specifications, “Fuel Injection Pump” for the
correct reading. 11. Remove the fuel injection pump gear. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Fuel Injection pump
- Remove”.

Illustration 23
(6) Keyway

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28 SENR9777-03
Testing and Adjusting Section


Fuel Quality - Test

Use the following procedure to test for problems

regarding fuel quality:

1. Determine if water and/or contaminants are

present in the fuel. Check the water separator (if
equipped). If a water separator is not present,
proceed to Step 2. Drain the water separator, if
necessary. A full fuel tank minimizes the potential
for overnight condensation.

Note: A water separator can appear to be full of fuel

when the water separator is actually full of water.

2. Determine if contaminants are present in the

fuel. Remove a sample of fuel from the bottom
g00996245 of the fuel tank. Visually inspect the fuel sample
Illustration 24
for contaminants. The color of the fuel is not
(7) Outlet necessarily an indication of fuel quality. However,
fuel that is black, brown, and/or similar to sludge
Note: A key should not be installed in the keyway (6). can be an indication of the growth of bacteria or
oil contamination. In cold temperatures, cloudy
Note: If the fuel injection pump is on the correct fuel indicates that the fuel may not be suitable for
stroke, the keyway (6) is toward the outlet (7). the operating conditions. Refer to Operation and
Maintenance Manual, “Fuel Recommendations”
12. Set the number one piston at the top center for more information.
piston on the compression stroke. Refer to Testing
and Adjusting, “Finding Top Center Position for 3. If fuel quality is still suspected as a possible
the No. 1 Pistion” for the procedure. cause of problems regarding engine performance,
disconnect the fuel inlet line, and temporarily
13. Install the fuel injection pump gear. Refer to operate the engine from a separate source of
Disassembly and Assembly, “Fuel Injection pump fuel that is known to be good. This will determine
- Install”. if the problem is caused by fuel quality. If fuel
quality is determined to be the problem, drain the
14. Install the front cover. Refer to Disassembly and fuel system and replace the fuel filters. Engine
Assembly, “Front Cover - Remove and Install”. performance can be affected by the following
15. Install the water pump. Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, “Water Pump - Remove and Install”. • Cetane number of the fuel
16. Install a new washer to the plug and install the • Air in the fuel
plug in the back of the fuel injection pump. Refer
to Specifications, “Fuel Injection Pump” for the • Other fuel characteristics
correct torque.

17. Install the rocker shaft. Refer to Disassembly and i02214029

Assembly, “Rocker Shaft and Pushrods”.
Fuel System - Prime
18. Install the high pressure fuel lines on the fuel
injection pump. Eliminate all air from the fuel
system. Refer to Testing and Adjusting, “Fuel
System - Prime”. If air enters the fuel system, the air must be purged
before the engine can be started. Air can enter the
fuel system when the following events occur:

• The fuel tank is empty or the tank has been partially

drained during normal operation.

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SENR9777-03 29
Testing and Adjusting Section

• The low pressure fuel lines are disconnected. i02214768

• A leak exists in the low pressure fuel system during Fuel System Pressure - Test
engine operation.

• The fuel filter or the fuel pump is replaced.

• The high pressure fuel lines are disconnected.

Delphi DP210, Delphi DPA, Delphi

DPG and Delphi STP
The Delphi DP210, Delphi DPA, Delphi DPG and
Delphi STP fuel injection pumps will eliminate the
air from the fuel system automatically. Position the
starting switch to the RUN position for three minutes.
Air in the fuel and the fuel lines will be purged from
the system.
Illustration 25
Bosch EVPE (A and B) Fuel outlet
(1) Fuel transfer pump
The Bosch EPVE fuel injection pump will not (2) Fuel filter
eliminate air automatically from the fuel system. the
following procedure must be used. The pressure test measures the output pressure of
the fuel transfer pump. Low fuel pressure and starting
• Remove the valve mechanism cover. difficulty may be indications of problems with the fuel
priming pump.
• Turn the start switch to the RUN position for three
minutes. Then return the start switch to the OFF
Check the Function of the Fuel
Transfer Pump
• Loosen the high pressure lines at the fuel injectors.
1. Make a note of the location of the fuel lines from
• Operate the starting motor until fuel free from air the fuel transfer pump. Remove the two lines from
comes from the connections. the outlets (A) and (B).

• Tighten the connections for the fuel injectors. Refer 2. Connect two lengths of 5/16 inch rubber hose to
to Specifications, “Fuel injection Lines”. outlets (A) and (B). Place the hoses into a suitable
container that is capable of holding 3 L (3.17 qt) of
• Operate the engine and check for leaks. fuel.

• Fit the valve mechanism cover. 3. Energize the fuel transfer pump until a constant
flow of fuel is running from the outlet for the supply
for the fuel injection pump.

Note: The flow from the outlet for the return for the
fuel tank will have a slower flow rate.

4. Measure the combined flow of both outlets with

a stopwatch. Fuel flow should be a minimum of
2 L/min (0.53 US gpm).

5. If the combined flow is less than 2 L/min

(0.53 US gpm), repair the pump or replace the

6. Reconnect the outlet lines in the correct positions.

7. Start the engine and check for any leakage of fuel

or air from the fuel lines.

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30 SENR9777-03
Testing and Adjusting Section

Check the Function of the Pressure

1. Remove the fuel line from the outlet for the supply
for the fuel injection pump (B).

2. Install a pipe with a tap for a pressure gauge.

Connect a 0 to 80 kPa (0 to 12 psi) pressure

3. Start the engine and run the engine at idle for two
minutes in order to remove any trapped air.

4. Record the pressure reading at idle and at rated

speed. The minimum pressure reading should be
the following values:

All Fuel Injection Pumps

Idle ........................................ 25 kPa (3.6 psi)
Rated speed ......................... 23 kPa (3.3 psi)

Note: The maximum pressure for the fuel injection

pump at idle speed or rated speed is 75 kPa
(10.9 psi).

5. Reconnect the fuel line. Run the engine at idle for

two minutes in order to remove any trapped air.

Check for the following issues if the pressures are

outside of the above specifications.

• All electrical connections are installed correctly.

• There are no leaks in the fuel lines or connections.
• The O-ring on the fuel filter housing (2) does not

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SENR9777-03 31
Testing and Adjusting Section

Air Inlet and Exhaust i01935833

System Wastegate - Test


Air Inlet and Exhaust System

- Inspect

A general visual inspection should be made to the air

inlet and exhaust system. Make sure that there are
no signs of leaks in the system.
Hot engine components can cause injury from
There will be a reduction in the performance of the burns. Before performing maintenance on the
engine if there is a restriction in the air inlet system or engine, allow the engine and the components to
the exhaust system. cool.

Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Hot engine components can cause injury from
burns. Before performing maintenance on the Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
engine, allow the engine and the components to component life.

Making contact with a running engine can cause

burns from hot parts and can cause injury from
rotating parts.

When working on an engine that is running, avoid

contact with hot parts and rotating parts.

1. Inspect the engine air cleaner inlet and ducting

in order to ensure that the passageway is not
blocked or collapsed.
Illustration 26
2. Inspect the engine air cleaner element. Replace a
dirty element with a clean element. Note: The turbocharger is a nonserviceable item.
The pressure for the wastegate can be checked, but
3. Check for dirt tracks on the clean side of the not adjusted.
engine air cleaner element. If dirt tracks are
observed, contaminants are flowing past the 1. Use a suitable magnetic base dial indicator (1).
element. Align the dial gauge to the actuator rod (2).

2. Remove the air hose to the actuator (3). Install an

air line that can be adjusted in order to give the
correct pressure.

Note: Do not exceed 205 kPa (30 psi) in order

to check the actuator. Refer to the Specification,
“Turbocharger” topic for information on the correct
pressure setting for your actuator.

3. Carefully apply the air pressure until the air

pressure has moved the rod 1 mm (0.0394 inch).
Check that the air pressure is correct for your

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32 SENR9777-03
Testing and Adjusting Section

4. For more information on installing a new i02214770

turbocharger, contact your Perkins dealer or your
Perkins distributor. Engine Valve Lash -

Compression - Test

To prevent possible injury, do not use the starter

The cylinder compression test should only be used in to turn the flywheel.
order to compare the cylinders of an engine. If one or
more cylinders vary by more than 350 kPa (51 psi), Hot engine components can cause burns. Allow
the cylinder and related components may need to additional time for the engine to cool before mea-
be repaired. suring valve clearance.
A compression test should not be the only method
which is used to determine the condition of an engine. Valve Lash Setting
Other tests should also be conducted in order to
determine if the adjustment or the replacement of Valve lash setting
components is required.
Inlet valve ........................... 0.2 mm (0.008 inch)
Before the performance of the compression test, Exhaust valve ................... 0.45 mm (0.018 inch)
make sure that the following conditions exist:
Refer to Systems Operation, “Engine Design” for the
• The battery is in good condition. location of the cylinder valves.

• The battery is fully charged. Valve Lash Adjustment

• The starting motor operates correctly. If the valve lash requires adjustment several times
in a short period of time, excessive wear exists in
• The valve lash is set correctly. a different part of the engine. Find the problem and
make necessary repairs in order to prevent more
• All fuel injectors are removed. damage to the engine.
• The fuel supply is disconnected. Not enough valve lash can be the cause of rapid
wear of the camshaft and valve lifters. Not enough
1. Install a gauge for measuring the cylinder
valve lash can indicate that the seats for the valves
compression in the hole for a fuel injector.
are worn.
2. Operate the starting motor in order to turn the
Valves become worn due to the following causes:
engine. Record the maximum pressure which is
indicated on the compression gauge.
• Fuel injectors that operate incorrectly
3. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 for all cylinders.
• Excessive dirt and oil are present on the filters for
the inlet air.

• Incorrect fuel settings on the fuel injection pump.

• The load capacity of the engine is frequently

Too much valve lash can cause broken valve stems,

springs, and spring retainers. Too much valve lash
can be an indication of the following problems:

• Worn camshaft and valve lifters

• Worn rocker arms

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SENR9777-03 33
Testing and Adjusting Section

• Bent pushrods a. Loosen the valve adjustment screw locknut

that is on adjustment screw (1).
• Broken socket on the upper end of a pushrod
b. Place the appropriate feeler gauge (2) between
• Loose adjustment screw for the valve lash the rocker arm and the valve. Turn adjustment
screw (1) while the valve adjustment screw
If the camshaft and the valve lifters show rapid wear, locknut is being held from turning. Adjust the
look for fuel in the lubrication oil or dirty lubrication valve lash until the correct specification is
oil as a possible cause. achieved.

The valve lash is measured between the top of the c. After each adjustment, tighten the valve
valve stem and the rocker arm lever. adjustment screw locknut while adjustment
screw (1) is being held from turning.
Note: An adjustment is not necessary if the
measurement of the valve lash is in the acceptable 3. Rotate the crankshaft in a clockwise direction that
range. Inspect the valve lash while the engine is is viewed from the front of the engine. When the
stopped. The temperature of the engine does not inlet valve of the No. 2 cylinder has opened and
change the valve lash setting. the exhaust valve of the No. 2 cylinder has not
completely closed measure the valve lash of the
Note: When the following procedures are performed, inlet valve and the exhaust valve of the No. 3
the front housing must be installed. cylinder.

If adjustment is necessary, refer to Steps 2.a, 2.b,

and 2.c above.

4. Rotate the crankshaft in a clockwise direction that

is viewed from the front of the engine. When the
inlet valve of the No. 1 cylinder has opened and
the exhaust valve of the No. 1 cylinder has not
completely closed measure the valve lash of the
inlet valve and the exhaust valve of the No. 4

If adjustment is necessary, refer to Steps 2.a, 2.b,

and 2.c above.

5. Rotate the crankshaft in a clockwise direction that

is viewed from the front of the engine. When the
inlet valve of the No. 3 cylinder has opened and
the exhaust valve of the No. 3 cylinder has not
completely closed measure the valve lash of the
inlet valve and the exhaust valve of the No. 2
g01016764 cylinder.
Illustration 27
Setting the valve lash If adjustment is necessary, refer to Steps 2.a, 2.b,
(1) Adjustment screw and 2.c above.
(2) Feeler gauge
6. Install the valve mechanism cover. Refer to
Valve Lash Adjustment for the 1104 Disassembly and Assembly, “Valve Mechanism
Cover - Remove and Install”.
1. Remove the valve mechanism cover. Refer to Valve Lash Adjustment for the 1103
Disassembly and Assembly, “Valve Mechanism engine
Cover - Remove and Install”.
1. Remove the valve mechanism cover. Refer to
2. Rotate the crankshaft in a clockwise direction that Disassembly and Assembly, “Valve Mechanism
is viewed from the front of the engine. When the Cover - Remove and Install”.
inlet valve of the No. 4 cylinder has opened and
the exhaust valve of the No. 4 cylinder has not
completely closed measure the valve lash of the
inlet valve and the exhaust valve of the No. 1
cylinder. If necessary, make adjustment.

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34 SENR9777-03
Testing and Adjusting Section

2. Rotate the crankshaft in a clockwise direction that i01889422

is viewed from the front of the engine. When the
inlet valve of the No. 1 cylinder has opened and Valve Depth - Inspect
the exhaust valve of the No. 1 cylinder has not
completely closed measure the valve lash of the
inlet valve of No. 2 cylinder and the exhaust valve
Table 4
of No. 3 cylinder. If necessary, make adjustment.

a. Loosen the valve adjustment screw locknut Required Tools

that is on adjustment screw (1).
Part Part Description Qty
b. Place the appropriate feeler gauge (2) between Number
the rocker arm and the valve. Turn adjustment 21825617 Dial gauge 1
screw (1) while the valve adjustment screw
locknut is being held from turning. Adjust the 21825496 Dial gauge holder 1
valve lash until the correct specification is

c. After each adjustment, tighten the valve

adjustment screw locknut while adjustment
screw (1) is being held from turning.

3. Rotate the crankshaft in a clockwise direction that

is viewed from the front of the engine. When the
inlet valve of the No. 2 cylinder has opened and
the exhaust valve of the No. 2 cylinder has not
completely closed measure the valve lash of the
inlet valve for No. 3 cylinder and the exhaust valve
for No. 1 cylinder.

If adjustment is necessary, refer to Steps 2.a, 2.b, g00983531

Illustration 28
and 2.c above. Measurement of the valve depth
(1) 21825617 Dial gauge
4. Rotate the crankshaft in a clockwise direction that (2) 21825496 Dial gauge holder
is viewed from the front of the engine. When the
inlet valve of the No. 3 cylinder has opened and 1. Use the dial gauge (1) with the dial gauge holder
the exhaust valve of the No. 3 cylinder has not (2) to check the depths of the inlet valves and
completely closed measure the valve lash of the the exhaust valves below the face of the cylinder
inlet valve for No. 1 cylinder and the exhaust valve head. Use the cylinder head face (3) to zero the
for No. 2 cylinder. dial gauge (1).
If adjustment is necessary, refer to Steps 2.a, 2.b, 2. Position the dial gauge holder (2) and the dial
and 2.c above. gauge (1) in order to measure the valve depth.
Measure the depth of the inlet valve and the
5. Install the valve mechanism cover. Refer to exhaust valve before the valve springs are
Disassembly and Assembly, “Valve Mechanism removed.
Cover - Remove and Install”.
Refer to Specifications, “Cylinder Head Valves”
for the minimum, the maximum, and the service
wear limits for the valve depth below the cylinder
head face.

If the valve depth below the cylinder head face

exceeds the service limit, use a new valve to
check the valve depth. If the valve depth still
exceeds the service limit, renew the cylinder head
or renew the valve seat inserts (if equipped). If the
valve depth is within the service limit with a new
valve, renew the valves.

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Testing and Adjusting Section

3. Inspect the valves for cracks and other damage. 5. Move the valve in a radial direction toward the dial
Check the valve stems for wear. Check that the indicator as far as possible. Note the distance of
valve springs are the correct length under the test movement which is indicated on the dial indicator.
force. Refer to Specifications, “Cylinder Head If the distance is greater than the maximum
Valves” for the dimensions and tolerances of the clearance of the valve in the valve guide, replace
valves and the valve springs. the valve guide.

When new valve guides are installed, new valves

and new valve seat inserts must be installed.
Valve Guide - Inspect Valve guides and valve seat inserts are supplied
as an unfinished part. The unfinished valve guides
and unfinished valve seat inserts are installed in
the cylinder head. Then, the valve guides and
Perform this inspection in order to determine if a valve inserts are cut and reamed in one operation
valve guide should be replaced. with special tooling.

Refer to Specifications, “Cylinder Head Valves” for

the maximum clearance of the valve in the valve

Illustration 29
(1) Valve guide
(2) Radial movement of the valve in the valve guide
(3) Valve stem
(4) Dial indicator
(5) Valve head

1. Place a new valve in the valve guide.

2. Place a suitable dial indicator with the magnetic

base on the face of the cylinder head.

3. Lift the edge of the valve head to a distance of

15.0 mm (0.60 inch).

4. Move the valve in a radial direction away from the

dial indicator. Make sure that the valve moves
away from the dial indicator as far as possible.
Position the contact point of the dial indicator on
the edge of the valve head. Set the position of the
needle of the dial indicator to zero.

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36 SENR9777-03
Testing and Adjusting Section

Lubrication System i01893791

Engine Oil Pump - Inspect


Engine Oil Pressure - Test

If any part of the oil pump is worn enough in order to
affect the performance of the oil pump, the oil pump
must be replaced.
Low Oil Pressure Perform the following procedures in order to inspect
the oil pump for clearances and torques.
The following conditions will cause low oil pressure.
Refer to the Specifications Module, “Engine Oil
• The oil level is low in the crankcase. Pump”.
• A restriction exists on the oil suction screen. 1. Remove the oil pump from the engine. Refer to
the Disassembly and Assembly, “Engine Oil Pump
• Connections in the oil lines are leaking. - Remove”. Remove the cover of the oil pump.
• The connecting rod or the main bearings are worn. 2. Remove the outer rotor. Clean all of the parts.
Look for cracks in the metal or other damage.
• The rotors in the oil pump are worn.
• The oil pressure relief valve is operating incorrectly.
A worn oil pressure relief valve can allow oil to leak
through the valve which lowers the oil pressure.
Refer to the Specifications Module, “Engine Oil Relief
Valve” for the correct operating pressure and other

When the engine runs at the normal temperature for

operation and at high idle, the oil pressure must be
a minimum of 280 kPa (40 psi). A lower pressure is
normal at low idle.

A suitable pressure gauge can be used in order to

test the pressure of the lubrication system.

High Oil Pressure

High oil pressure can be caused by the following
conditions. g00985779
Illustration 30
Clearance for the outer rotor body
• The spring for the oil pressure relief valve is
installed incorrectly. (1) Measure the clearance of the outer rotor to the body.

• The plunger for the oil pressure relief valve 3. Install the outer rotor. Measure the clearance of
becomes jammed in the closed position. the outer rotor to the body (1).

• Excessive sludge exists in the oil which makes the

viscosity of the oil too high.

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Testing and Adjusting Section


Excessive Bearing Wear -


When some components of the engine show bearing

wear in a short time, the cause can be a restriction in
an oil passage.

An engine oil pressure indicator may show that there

is enough oil pressure, but a component is worn
due to a lack of lubrication. In such a case, look at
the passage for the oil supply to the component.
A restriction in an oil supply passage will not allow
enough lubrication to reach a component. This will
result in early wear.

Illustration 31
Excessive Engine Oil
Clearance for the inner rotor
(2) Measure the clearance of the inner rotor to the outer rotor.
Consumption - Inspect
4. Measure the clearance of the inner rotor to the
outer rotor (2).
Engine Oil Leaks on the Outside of
the Engine
Check for leakage at the seals at each end of the
crankshaft. Look for leakage at the gasket for the
engine oil pan and all lubrication system connections.
Look for any engine oil that may be leaking from
the crankcase breather. This can be caused by
combustion gas leakage around the pistons. A dirty
crankcase breather will cause high pressure in the
crankcase. A dirty crankcase breather will cause the
gaskets and the seals to leak.

Engine Oil Leaks into the

Combustion Area of the Cylinders
Engine oil that is leaking into the combustion area of
the cylinders can be the cause of blue smoke. There
are several possible ways for engine oil to leak into
the combustion area of the cylinders:
Illustration 32
• Leaks between worn valve guides and valve stems
5. Measure the end play of the rotor with a straight
edge and a feeler gauge (3). • Worn components or damaged components
(pistons, piston rings, or dirty return holes for the
6. Clean the top face of the oil pump and the bottom engine oil)
face of the cover. Install the cover on the oil
pump. Install the oil pump on the engine. Refer to • Incorrect installation of the compression ring and/or
Disassembly and Assembly, “Engine Oil Pump - the intermediate ring
• Leaks past the seal rings in the turbocharger shaft
• Overfilling of the crankcase

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Testing and Adjusting Section

• Wrong dipstick or guide tube

• Sustained operation at light loads
Excessive consumption of engine oil can also
result if engine oil with the wrong viscosity is used.
Engine oil with a thin viscosity can be caused by fuel
leakage into the crankcase or by increased engine


Increased Engine Oil

Temperature - Inspect

Look for a restriction in the oil passages of the oil

cooler (if equipped). The oil temperature may be
higher than normal when the engine is operating. In
such a case, the oil cooler may have a restriction.
A restriction in the oil cooler will not cause low oil
pressure in the engine.

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SENR9777-03 39
Testing and Adjusting Section

Cooling System 7. Check the cooling system hoses and clamps.

Damaged hoses with leaks can normally be seen.
Hoses that have no visual leaks can soften during
i01892576 operation. The soft areas of the hose can become
kinked or crushed during operation. These areas
Cooling System - Check of the hose can cause a restriction in the coolant
(Overheating) flow. Hoses become soft and/or get cracks
after a period of time. The inside of a hose can
deteriorate, and the loose particles of the hose
can cause a restriction of the coolant flow.
Above normal coolant temperatures can be caused
by many conditions. Use the following procedure 8. Check for a restriction in the air inlet system. A
to determine the cause of above normal coolant restriction of the air that is coming into the engine
temperatures: can cause high cylinder temperatures. High
cylinder temperatures require higher than normal
1. Check the coolant level in the cooling system. If temperatures in the cooling system.
the coolant level is too low, air will get into the
cooling system. Air in the cooling system will 9. Check for a restriction in the exhaust system.
cause a reduction in coolant flow and bubbles A restriction of the air that is coming out of the
in the coolant. Air bubbles will keep the coolant engine can cause high cylinder temperatures.
away from the engine parts, which will prevent the
transfer of heat to the coolant. Low coolant level is a. Make a visual inspection of the exhaust system.
caused by leaks or incorrectly filling the expansion
tank. b. Check for damage to exhaust piping. Check for
damage to the exhaust elbow. If no damage
2. Check the mixture of antifreeze and water. The is found, check the exhaust system for a
mixture should be 50 percent water and 50 restriction.
percent 21825166 POWERPART antifreeze.
10. Check the water temperature regulator. A water
3. Check for air in the cooling system. Air can enter temperature regulator that does not open, or a
the cooling system in different ways. The most water temperature regulator that only opens part
common causes of air in the cooling system of the way can cause overheating. Refer to Testing
are not filling the cooling system correctly and and Adjusting, “Water Temperature Regulator -
combustion gas leakage into the cooling system. Test”.
Combustion gas can get into the system through
inside cracks, a damaged cylinder head, or 11. Check the water pump. A water pump with a
a damaged cylinder head gasket. Air in the damaged impeller does not pump enough coolant
cooling system causes a reduction in coolant for correct engine cooling. Remove the water
flow and bubbles in the coolant. Air bubbles keep pump and check for damage to the impeller.
the coolant away from the engine parts, which
prevents the transfer of heat to the coolant. 12. Consider high outside temperatures. When
outside temperatures are too high for the rating
4. Check the sending unit. In some conditions, the of the cooling system, there is not enough of
temperature sensor in the engine sends signals a temperature difference between the outside
to a sending unit. The sending unit converts these air and coolant temperatures. The maximum
signals to an electrical impulse which is used by a temperature of the ambient air that enters the
mounted gauge. If the sending unit malfunctions, engine should not exceed 50 °C (120 °F).
the gauge can show an incorrect reading. Also if
the electric wire breaks or if the electric wire shorts 13. When a load that is applied to the engine is too
out, the gauge can show an incorrect reading. large, the engine rpm does not increase with an
increase of fuel. This lower engine rpm causes
5. Check the radiator for a restriction to coolant flow. a reduction in coolant flow through the system.
Check the radiator for debris, dirt, or deposits on This combination of less air and less coolant flow
the inside of the core. Debris, dirt, or deposits will during high input of fuel will cause above normal
restrict the flow of coolant through the radiator. heating.

6. Check the filler cap. A pressure drop in the cooling

system can cause the boiling point to be lower.
This can cause the cooling system to boil. Refer
to Testing and Adjusting, “Cooling System - Test”.

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40 SENR9777-03
Testing and Adjusting Section

i01889427 i01964006

Cooling System - Inspect Cooling System - Test

This engine has a pressure type cooling system. A Remember that temperature and pressure work
pressure type cooling system gives two advantages: together. When a diagnosis is made of a cooling
system problem, temperature and pressure must
• The pressure type cooling system can operate be checked. The cooling system pressure will have
safely at a higher temperature than the boiling an effect on the cooling system temperature. For
point of water at a range of atmospheric pressures. an example, refer to Illustration 33. This will show
the effect of pressure on the boiling point (steam) of
• The pressure type cooling system prevents water. This will also show the effect of height above
cavitation in the water pump. sea level.

Cavitation is the sudden generation of low pressure

bubbles in liquids by mechanical forces. The
generation of an air or steam pocket is much more
difficult in a pressure type cooling system.

Regular inspections of the cooling system should be

made in order to identify problems before damage
can occur. Visually inspect the cooling system before
tests are made with the test equipment.

Visual Inspection Of The Cooling

1. Check the coolant level in the cooling system. Illustration 33
Cooling system pressure at specific altitudes and boiling points
2. Look for leaks in the system. of water

3. Inspect the radiator for bent fins and other

restriction to the flow of air through the radiator.
Personal injury can result from hot coolant, steam
4. Inspect the drive belt for the fan. and alkali.
5. Inspect the blades of the fan for damage. At operating temperature, engine coolant is hot
and under pressure. The radiator and all lines
6. Look for air or combustion gas in the cooling to heaters or the engine contain hot coolant or
system. steam. Any contact can cause severe burns.
7. Inspect the radiator cap for damage. The sealing Remove filler cap slowly to relieve pressure only
surface must be clean. when engine is stopped and radiator cap is cool
enough to touch with your bare hand.
8. Look for large amounts of dirt in the radiator core.
Look for large amounts of dirt on the engine.
The coolant level must be to the correct level in order
9. Shrouds that are loose or missing cause poor air to check the coolant system. The engine must be
flow for cooling. cold and the engine must not be running.

After the engine is cool, loosen the pressure cap

in order to relieve the pressure out of the cooling
system. Then remove the pressure cap.

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Testing and Adjusting Section

The level of the coolant should not be more than • Seal

13 mm (0.5 inch) from the bottom of the filler pipe. If
the cooling system is equipped with a sight glass, • Surface for seal
the coolant should be to the correct level in the sight
glass. Remove any deposits that are found on these
items, and remove any material that is found on
these items.
Checking the Filler Cap
3. Install the pressure cap onto a suitable
One cause for a pressure loss in the cooling system
pressurizing Pump.
can be a faulty seal on the radiator pressure cap.
4. Observe the exact pressure that opens the filler

5. Compare the pressure to the pressure rating that

is found on the top of the filler cap.

6. If the filler cap is damaged, replace the filler cap.

Testing The Radiator And Cooling

System For Leaks
Use the following procedure to test the radiator and
the cooling system for leaks.
Illustration 34
Typical schematic of filler cap
(1) Sealing surface between the pressure cap and the radiator
Personal injury can result from hot coolant, steam
and alkali.

At operating temperature, engine coolant is hot

Personal injury can result from hot coolant, steam and under pressure. The radiator and all lines
and alkali. to heaters or the engine contain hot coolant or
steam. Any contact can cause severe burns.
At operating temperature, engine coolant is hot
and under pressure. The radiator and all lines Remove filler cap slowly to relieve pressure only
to heaters or the engine contain hot coolant or when engine is stopped and radiator cap is cool
steam. Any contact can cause severe burns. enough to touch with your bare hand.
Remove filler cap slowly to relieve pressure only
when engine is stopped and radiator cap is cool 1. When the engine has cooled, loosen the filler cap
enough to touch with your bare hand. to the first stop. Allow the pressure to release from
the cooling system. Then remove the filler cap.
To check for the amount of pressure that opens the 2. Make sure that the coolant covers the top of the
filler cap, use the following procedure: radiator core.
1. After the engine cools, carefully loosen the filler 3. Put a suitable pressurizing Pump onto the radiator.
cap. Slowly release the pressure from the cooling
system. Then, remove the filler cap. 4. Use the pressurizing pump to increase the
pressure to an amount of 20 kPa (3 psi) more than
2. Inspect the pressure cap carefully. Look for the operating pressure of the filler cap.
damage to the seal. Look for damage to the
surface that seals. Remove any debris on the cap, 5. Check the radiator for leakage on the outside.
the seal, or the sealing surface.
6. Check all connections and hoses of the cooling
Carefully inspect the filler cap. Look for any system for leaks.
damage to the seals and to the sealing surface.
Inspect the following components for any foreign The radiator and the cooling system do not have
substances: leakage if all of the following conditions exist:

• Filler cap

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42 SENR9777-03
Testing and Adjusting Section

• You do NOT observe any leakage after five If necessary, clean the outside and clean the inside
minutes. of the cooling plates. Use a solvent that is not
corrosive on copper. Ensure that no restrictions for
• The dial indicator remains constant beyond five the flow of lubricating oil exist in the cooling plates.
Dry the cooling plate with low pressure air.
The inside of the cooling system has leakage only Flush the inside of the cooling plate with clean
if the following conditions exist: lubricating oil.

• The reading on the gauge goes down. 5. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, “Engine Oil
Cooler - Install” for installation of the engine oil
• You do NOT observe any outside leakage. cooler.

Make any repairs, as required. 6. Ensure that the cooling system and the oil system
of the engine are filled to the correct level. Operate
the engine. Check for oil or coolant leakage.

Engine Oil Cooler - Inspect Modine oil cooler for the 1103
Perform the following procedure in order to inspect
the modine oil cooler (if equipped):

Hot oil and hot components can cause personal 1. Place a container under the modine oil cooler
injury. Do not allow hot oil or hot components to in order to collect any engine oil or coolant that
contact the skin. drains from the modine oil cooler.

2. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, “Engine Oil

Engine oil cooler for the 1104 Cooler - Remove” for removal of the engine oil
engine cooler.

Perform the following procedure in order to inspect 3. Thoroughly clean the outside of the cooler plates
the engine oil cooler (if equipped): with a suitable cleaning fluid.

1. Place a container under the oil cooler in order to

collect any engine oil or coolant that drains from
the oil cooler. Personal injury can result from air pressure.
2. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, “Engine Oil Personal injury can result without following prop-
Cooler - Remove” for removal of the engine oil er procedure. When using pressure air, wear a pro-
cooler. tective face shield and protective clothing.
3. Thoroughly clean the flange face of the cover Maximum air pressure at the nozzle must be less
plate and the cylinder block. than 205 kPa (30 psi) for cleaning purposes.

4. Thoroughly clean the inside of the cooler plates

with clean water.
Personal injury can result from air pressure.
Dry the cooling plate with low pressure air.
Personal injury can result without following prop- Flush the inside of the cooling plate with clean
er procedure. When using pressure air, wear a pro- lubricating oil.
tective face shield and protective clothing.
5. Install the modine oil cooler. Refer to Disassembly
Maximum air pressure at the nozzle must be less and Assembly, “Engine Oil Cooler - Install”.
than 205 kPa (30 psi) for cleaning purposes.
6. Ensure that the cooling system and the oil system
4. Inspect the cooling plates for cracks and dents. of the engine are filled to the correct level. Operate
Replace the cooling plates if cracks or dents exist. the engine. Check for oil or coolant leakage.

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SENR9777-03 43
Testing and Adjusting Section


Water Temperature Regulator

- Test

Note: Do not remove the water temperature regulator

from the water temperature regulator housing in
order to perform the test.

1. Remove the water temperature regulator housing

which contains the water temperature regulator
from the engine. Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, “Water Temperature Regulator -
Remove and Install”.

2. Heat water in a pan until the temperature of

the water is equal to the fully open temperature
of the water temperature regulator. Refer to
Specifications, “Water Temperature Regulator”
for the fully open temperature of the water
temperature regulator. Stir the water in the pan.
This will distribute the temperature throughout the

3. Hang the water temperature regulator housing in

the pan of water. The water temperature regulator
housing must be below the surface of the water.
The water temperature regulator housing must be
away from the sides and the bottom of the pan.

4. Keep the water at the correct temperature for ten


5. After ten minutes, remove the water temperature

regulator housing. Immediately measure the
opening of the water temperature regulator.
Refer to Specifications, “Water Temperature
Regulator” for the minimum opening distance of
the water temperature regulator at the fully open

If the distance is less than the amount listed in the

manual, replace the water temperature regulator.
Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, “Water
Temperature Regulator - Remove and Install”.

Install the water temperature regulator. Refer to

Disassembly and Assembly, “Water Temperature
Regulator - Remove and Install”.

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44 SENR9777-03
Testing and Adjusting Section

Basic Engine Note: Some pistons have a tapered top groove and
the piston ring is wedged. The clearance for the top
piston ring cannot be checked by the above method
i01889476 when this occurs.
Piston Ring Groove - Inspect Inspect the Piston Ring End Gap

Inspect the Piston and the Piston

1. Check the piston for wear and other damage.

2. Check that the piston rings are free to move in the

grooves and that the rings are not broken.

Inspect the Clearance of the Piston

1. Remove the piston rings and clean the grooves
and the piston rings.

Illustration 36
(1) Piston ring
(2) Cylinder ring ridge
(3) Feeler gauge

1. Clean all carbon from the top of the cylinder bores.

2. Place each piston ring (1) in the cylinder bore just

below the cylinder ring ridge (2).

3. Use a suitable feeler gauge (3) to measure the

piston ring end gap. Refer to Specifications,
“Piston and Rings” for the dimensions.

Note: The coil spring must be removed from the oil

control ring before the gap of the oil control ring is
Illustration 35
(1) Feeler gauge i01946425
(2) Piston ring
(3) Piston grooves Connecting Rod - Inspect
2. Fit new piston rings (2) in the piston grooves (3).

3. Check the clearance for the piston ring by placing This procedure determines the following
a suitable feeler gauge (1) between the piston characteristics of the connecting rod:
groove (3) and the top of piston ring (2). Refer
to Specifications, “Piston and Rings” for the • The distortion of the connecting rod
• The parallel alignment of the bores of the
connecting rod

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SENR9777-03 45
Testing and Adjusting Section


Connecting Rod Bearings -


Check the connecting rod bearings and the

connecting rod bearing journal for wear or other

Connecting rod bearings are available with a smaller

inside diameter than the original size bearings. These
bearings are for crankshafts that have been ground.
Illustration 37
Inspection of the connecting rod parallel alignment. i01748792
(1) Measuring pins
(2) Connecting rod Main Bearings - Inspect
(L) Measure the distance between the center of the bore for the
piston pin bearing and the center of the connecting rod bearing
(K) Measure the distance 127 mm (5.0 inch) from the connecting
rod. Check the main bearings for wear or other damage.
Replace both halves of the bearings and check the
1. Use the appropriate tools in order to measure the condition of the other bearings if a main bearing is
distances for the connecting rod (2). worn or damaged.

• Appropriate gauges for measuring distance Main bearings are available with a smaller inside
diameter than the original size bearings. These
• Measuring pins (1) bearings are for main bearing journals that have
been ground.
Note: The connecting rod bearings should be
removed before taking the measurements. i01946424

2. Measure the connecting rod for distortion and Cylinder Block - Inspect
parallel alignment between the bores.

The measurements must be taken at distance (K).

Distance (K) has a value of 127 mm (5.0 inch) 1. Clean all of the coolant passages and the oil
from both sides of the connecting rod. passages.

Measure length (L). 2. Check the cylinder block for cracks and damage.

The total difference in measurements of length 3. The top deck of the cylinder block must not be
(L) from each side should not vary more than machined. This will affect the piston height above
± 0.25 mm (± 0.010 inch). the cylinder block.

If the piston pin bearing is not removed, the limits 4. Check the camshaft bearing for wear. If a new
are reduced to ± 0.06 mm (± 0.0025 inch). bearing is needed, use a suitable adapter to press
the bearing out of the bore. Ensure that the oil hole
3. Inspect the piston pin bearing and the piston pin in the new bearing faces the front of the block.
for wear and other damage. The oil hole in the bearing must be aligned with
the oil hole in the cylinder block. The bearing must
4. Measure the clearance of the piston pin in be aligned with the face of the recess. Refer to
the piston pin bearing. Refer to Specifications, Disassembly and Assembly, “Camshaft Bearings
“Connecting Rod” for clearance dimensions. - Remove and Install”.

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46 SENR9777-03
Testing and Adjusting Section

i01905914 Refer to Specifications, “Cylinder Head” for the

requirements of flatness.
Cylinder Head - Inspect
Remachining the Cylinder Head
1. Remove the cylinder head from the engine. The bottom face of cylinder head can be resurfaced if
any of the following conditions exist:
2. Remove the water temperature regulator housing.
• The bottom face of the cylinder head is not flat
3. Inspect the cylinder head for signs of gas or within the specifications.
coolant leakage.
• The bottom face of the cylinder head is damaged
4. Remove the valve springs and valves. by pitting, corrosion, or wear.

5. Clean the bottom face of the cylinder head Note: The thickness of the cylinder head must not be
thoroughly. Clean the coolant passages and less than 117.20 mm (4.614 inch) after the cylinder
the lubricating oil passages. Make sure that the head has been machined.
contact surfaces of the cylinder head and the
cylinder block are clean, smooth and flat. If the bottom face of the cylinder head has been
remachined, the recesses in the cylinder head for
6. Inspect the bottom face of the cylinder head for the valve seat inserts must be machined. The valve
pitting, corrosion, and cracks. Inspect the area seat inserts must be ground on the side which is
around the valve seat inserts and the holes for the inserted into the cylinder head. Grinding this surface
fuel injectors carefully. will ensure that no protrusion exists above the bottom
face of the cylinder head. Refer to Specifications,
7. Test the cylinder head for leaks at a pressure of “Cylinder Head Valves” for the correct dimensions.
200 kPa (29 psi).

Piston Height - Inspect

Table 5

Required Tools

Part Part Description Qty

21825617 Dial gauge 1

g01012606 21825496 Dial gauge holder 1

Illustration 38
Flatness of the cylinder head (typical example)
If the height of the piston above the cylinder block
(A) Side to side
(B) End to end
is not within the tolerance that is given in the
(C) Diagonal Specifications Module, “Piston and Rings”, the
bearing for the piston pin must be checked. Refer to
8. Measure the cylinder head for flatness. Measure Testing and Adjusting, “Connecting Rod - Inspect”.
the flatness of the cylinder head with a straight If any of the following components are replaced or
edge and with a feeler gauge. remachined, the piston height above the cylinder
block must be measured:
• Measure the cylinder head from one side to the
opposite side (A). • Crankshaft

• Measure the cylinder head from one end to the • Cylinder head
opposite end (B).
• Connecting rod
• Measure the cylinder head from one corner to
the opposite corner (C). • Bearing for the piston pin

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SENR9777-03 47
Testing and Adjusting Section

The correct piston height must be maintained in order i01897548

to ensure that the engine conforms to the standards
for emissions. Flywheel - Inspect
Note: The top of the piston should not be machined.
If the original piston is installed, be sure that the
original piston is assembled to the correct connecting Alignment of the Flywheel Face
rod and installed in the original cylinder.

Six grades of length of connecting rods determine

the piston height above the cylinder block. The grade
of length of a connecting rod is identified by a letter or
a color. The letter or the color is marked on the side
of the connecting rod. Refer to Testing and Adjusting,
“Connecting Rod - Inspect” and Specifications,
“Connecting Rod” for additional information.

Illustration 40

1. Install the dial indicator. Refer to Illustration 40.

2. Set the pointer of the dial indicator to 0 mm

(0 inch).

3. Turn the flywheel. Read the dial indicator for every

90 degrees.
Illustration 39
(1) Dial gauge Note: During the check, keep the crankshaft pressed
(2) Dial gauge holder toward the front of the engine in order to remove any
end clearance.
1. Use the dial gauge (1) and the dial gauge holder
(2) in order to measure the piston height above 4. Calculate the difference between the lowest
the cylinder block. Use the cylinder block face to measurement and the highest measurement of the
zero the dial gauge (1). four locations. This difference must not be greater
than 0.03 mm (0.001 inch) for every 25 mm
2. Rotate the crankshaft until the piston is at the (1.0 inch) of the radius of the flywheel. The radius
approximate top center. of the flywheel is measured from the axis of the
crankshaft to the contact point of the dial indicator.
3. Position the dial gauge holder (2) and the dial
gauge (1) in order to measure the piston height
above the cylinder block. Slowly rotate the
crankshaft in order to determine when the piston
is at the highest position. Record this dimension.
Compare this dimension with the dimensions that
are given in Specifications, “Piston and Rings”.

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48 SENR9777-03
Testing and Adjusting Section

Flywheel Runout i01958093

Gear Group - Inspect

Illustration 41

1. Install the dial indicator. Refer to Illustration 41.

Illustration 42
2. Set the pointer of the dial indicator to 0 mm
(1) Fuel pump drive gear
(0 inch).
(2) Camshaft drive gear
(3) Idler gear
3. Turn the flywheel. Read the dial indicator for every
90 degrees. Remove the front timing cover and inspect the gears.
The timing marks on the gears indicate the front side
4. Calculate the difference between the lowest of the gears. Inspect the gears for broken teeth or
measurement and the highest measurement of worn teeth.
the four locations. This difference must not be
greater than 0.30 mm (0.012 inch).

This document has been printed from SPI². Not for Resale
SENR9777-03 49
Testing and Adjusting Section

Electrical System Warning Light is On When the

Engine is Running
1. Start the engine and run the engine at fast idle.
Alternator - Test 2. Measure the voltage between terminal (A) and

3. Measure the voltage between terminal (B) and


4. The measured voltage for terminal (A) and

terminal (B) should be 13 to 15 volts for a 12 volt
system. The measured voltage for terminal (A)
and terminal (B) should be 26 to 30 volts for a 24
volt system.

5. If the voltages do not match replace the alternator.

6. Increase the engine to high idle. Turn an electrical

load ON.

7. Measure the voltage between terminal (A) and


8. Measure the voltage between terminal (B) and


g00931045 9. The measured voltage for terminal (A) and

Illustration 43 terminal (B) should be 13 to 15 volts for a 12 volt
Typical wiring schematic for an alternator system. The measured voltage for terminal (A)
(A) Terminal “B+” and terminal (B) should be 26 to 30 volts for a 24
(B) Terminal “D+” volt system.
(C) Terminal “W”
(D) Ground
(1) Electrical switch 10. Replace the alternator if the voltage does not
(2) Dash light match.
(3) Ignition switch
(4) Battery

Warning Lamp Does Not Illuminate Battery - Test

The warning lamp for the charging system should
illuminate when the ignition switch is in the ON
position. Follow the steps below in order to test the Most of the tests of the electrical system can be done
system. on the engine. The wiring insulation must be in good
condition. The wire and cable connections must be
1. Check the light bulb. Replace the light bulb if the clean, and both components must be tight.
element is broken.

2. Use a suitable Multimeter to check the battery

voltage. Check the battery voltage with the ignition
switch OFF. Never disconnect any charging unit circuit or bat-
tery circuit cable from the battery when the charg-
3. Check the voltage between the terminal (A) and ing unit is operated. A spark can cause an explo-
ground. The measured voltage should equal the sion from the flammable vapor mixture of hydro-
battery voltage. gen and oxygen that is released from the elec-
trolyte through the battery outlets. Injury to per-
4. Turn the ignition switch to the ON position. Check sonnel can be the result.
the voltage between terminal (B) and ground. If
the voltage is more than 2 Volts the alternator The battery circuit is an electrical load on the charging
needs to be replaced. unit. The load is variable because of the condition of
the charge in the battery.

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50 SENR9777-03
Testing and Adjusting Section

Cranking of the engine continues until current to the

NOTICE solenoid is stopped by releasing the ignition switch.
The charging unit will be damaged if the connections
between the battery and the charging unit are broken Power which is available during cranking varies
while the battery is being charged. Damage occurs according to the temperature and condition of the
because the load from the battery is lost and because batteries. The following chart shows the voltages
there is an increase in charging voltage. High voltage which are expected from a battery at the various
will damage the charging unit, the regulator, and other temperature ranges.
electrical components.
Table 6
Typical Voltage Of Electrical System During Cranking
The correct procedures to test the battery can be At Various Ambient Temperatures
found in the manual that is supplied by the OEM.
Temperature 12 Volt 24 Volt
System System
−23 to −7°C 6 to 8 volts 12 to 16 volts
Electric Starting System - Test (−10 to 20°F)
−7 to 10°C 7 to 9 volts 14 to 18 volts
(20 to 50°F)
10 to 27°C 8 to 10 volts 16 to 24 volts
General Information (50 to 80°F)

All electrical starting systems have four elements:

The following table shows the maximum acceptable
• Ignition switch loss of voltage in the battery circuit. The battery
circuit supplies high current to the starting motor.
• Start relay The values in the table are for engines which have
service of 2000 hours or more.
• Starting motor solenoid Table 7

• Starting motor Maximum Acceptable Voltage Drop In The Starting

Motor Circuit During Cranking
Start switches have a capacity of 5 to 20 amperes. Circuit 12 Volt 24 Volt
The coil of a start relay draws about 1 ampere System System
between test points. The switch contacts of the start
relay for the starting motor are rated between 100 Battery post “-” to 0.7 volts 1.4 volts
and 300 amperes. The start relay can easily switch the starting motor
terminal “-”
the load of 5 to 50 amperes for the starting motor
solenoid. Drop across the 0.5 volts 1.0 volts
disconnect switch
The starting motor solenoid is a switch with a capacity
Battery post “+” 0.5 volts 1.0 volts
of about 1000 amperes. The starting motor solenoid to the terminal of
supplies power to the starter drive. The starting motor the starting motor
solenoid also engages the pinion to the flywheel. solenoid “+”

The starting motor solenoid has two coils. The Solenoid terminal 0.4 volts 0.8 volts
pull-in coil draws about 40 amperes. The hold-in coil “Bat” to the solenoid
terminal “Mtr”
requires about 5 amperes.

When the magnetic force increases in both coils, Voltage drops that are greater than the amounts
the pinion gear moves toward the ring gear of the in Table 7 are caused most often by the following
flywheel. Then, the solenoid contacts close in order conditions:
to provide power to the starting motor. When the
solenoid contacts close, the ground is temporarily • Loose connections
removed from the pull-in coil. Battery voltage is
supplied on both ends of the pull-in coil while the • Corroded connections
starting motor cranks. During this period, the pull-in
coil is out of the circuit. • Faulty switch contacts

This document has been printed from SPI². Not for Resale
SENR9777-03 51
Testing and Adjusting Section

Diagnosis Procedure The current and the voltages that are specified
in the Specifications Module are measured
The procedures for diagnosing the starting motor at a temperature of 27°C (80°F). When the
are intended to help the technician determine if a temperature is below 27°C (80°F), the voltage will
starting motor needs to be replaced or repaired. The be lower through the starting motor. When the
procedures are not intended to cover all possible temperature is below 27°C (80°F), the current
problems and conditions. The procedures serve only through the starting motor will be higher. If the
as a guide. current is too great, a problem exists in the starting
motor. Repair the problem or replace the starting
Note: Do not crank the engine for more than 30 motor.
seconds. Allow the starter to cool for two minutes
before cranking the engine again. If the current is within the specification, proceed
to Step 3.
If the starting motor does not crank or cranks slow,
perform the following procedure: 3. Measure the voltage of the starting motor.

1. Measure the voltage of the battery. a. Use the multimeter in order to measure the
voltage of the starting motor, when you are
Measure the voltage across the battery posts with cranking or attempting to crank the engine.
the multimeter when you are cranking the engine
or attempting to crank the engine. Do not measure b. If the voltage is equal or greater than the
the voltage across the cable post clamps. voltage that is given in Table 6, then the battery
and the starting motor cable that goes to the
a. If the voltage is equal or greater than the starting motor are within specifications. Go to
voltage in Table 6, then go to Step 2. Step 5.

b. The battery voltage is less than the voltage in c. The starting motor voltage is less than the
Table 6. voltage specified in Table 6. The voltage drop
between the battery and the starting motor is
A low charge in a battery can be caused by too great. Go to Step 4.
several conditions.
4. Measure the voltage.
• Deterioration of the battery
a. Measure the voltage drops in the cranking
• A shorted starting motor circuits with the multimeter. Compare the
results with the voltage drops which are
• A faulty alternator allowed in Table 7.

• Loose drive belts b. Voltage drops are equal to the voltage drops
that are given in Table 7 or the voltage drops
• Current leakage in another part of the are less than the voltage drops that are given
electrical system in Table 7. Go to Step 5 in order to check the
2. Measure the current that is sent to the starting
motor solenoid from the positive post of the c. The voltage drops are greater than the voltage
battery. drops that are given in Table 7. The faulty
component should be repaired or replaced.
Note: If the following conditions exist, do not perform
the test in Step 2 because the starting motor has a 5. Rotate the crankshaft by hand in order to ensure
problem. that the crankshaft is not stuck. Check the oil
viscosity and any external loads that could affect
• The voltage at the battery post is within 2 volts the engine rotation.
of the lowest value in the applicable temperature
range of Table 6. a. If the crankshaft is stuck or difficult to turn,
repair the engine.
• The large starting motor cables get hot.
b. If the engine is not difficult to turn, go to Step 6.
Use a suitable ammeter in order to measure the
current. Place the jaws of the ammeter around the 6. Attempt to crank the starting motor.
cable that is connected to the “bat” terminal. Refer
to the Specifications Module, “Starting Motor” for a. The starting motor cranks slowly.
the maximum current that is allowed for no load

This document has been printed from SPI². Not for Resale
52 SENR9777-03
Testing and Adjusting Section

Remove the starting motor for repair or Table 8

replacement. 12 Volt System
b. The starting motor does not crank. Amp Time (sec)
30 Initial
Check for the blocked engagement of the
pinion gear and flywheel ring gear. 21 4
14 8
Note: Blocked engagement and open solenoid
contacts will give the same electrical symptoms. 10 20
9 60

Glow Plugs - Test Table 9

24 Volt System
Amp Time (sec)
12 Initial
Continuity Check of the Glow Plugs
8.5 8
The following test will check the continuity of the glow 7 20
6 60
1. Disconnect the power supply and the bus bar.
6. Check the reading on all of the glow plugs.
2. Use a suitable digital multimeter to check
continuity (resistance). Turn the audible signal on 7. If there is no reading on the ammeter check the
the digital multimeter ON. electrical connections. If the readings on the
ammeter are low replace the glow plugs. If there
3. Place one probe on the connection for the glow is still no reading replace the glow plugs.
plug and the other probe to a suitable ground. The
digital multimeter should make an audible sound.
Replace the glow plug if there is no continuity.

4. Check the continuity on all the glow plugs.

Checking The Operation of The

Glow Plug
The following test will check the operation of the glow

1. Disconnect the power supply and the bus bar.

2. Connect the power supply to only one glow plug.

3. Place a suitable ammeter on the power supply


4. Connect a suitable digital multimeter to the

terminal on the glow plug and to a suitable ground.

5. Turn the switch to the ON position in order to

activate the glow plugs.

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SENR9777-03 53
Testing and Adjusting Section


V-Belt - Test

Table 10

Belt Tension Chart

Gauge Reading
Size of Belt Width of Belt
Initial Belt Tension(1) Used Belt Tension(2)
1/2 13.89 mm (0.547 Inch) 535 N (120 lb) 355 N (80 lb)
Measure the tension of the belt that is farthest from the engine.
(1) Initial Belt Tension refers to a new belt.
(2) Used Belt Tension refers to a belt that has been in operation for 30 minutes or more at the rated speed.

1. Check the belts for wear and check the belts for
damage. Belts must always be changed as a pair.

2. Fit a suitable Burroughs gauge at the center of

the longest free length of the belt and check
the tension on both belts. Check and adjust the
tension on the tightest belt. To adjust the belt
tension, see Disassembly and Assembly Manual,
“Alternator - Install”.

This document has been printed from SPI². Not for Resale
54 SENR9777-03
Index Section

A Engine Valve Lash - Inspect/Adjust ....................... 32
Valve Lash Adjustment ...................................... 32
Air in Fuel - Test..................................................... 23 Valve Lash Adjustment for the 1103 engine....... 33
Air Inlet and Exhaust System ........................... 11, 31 Valve Lash Adjustment for the 1104 engine....... 33
Cylinder Head And Valves ................................. 13 Valve Lash Setting ............................................. 32
Turbocharger ..................................................... 12 Excessive Bearing Wear - Inspect......................... 37
Air Inlet and Exhaust System - Inspect.................. 31 Excessive Engine Oil Consumption - Inspect........ 37
Alternator - Test ..................................................... 49 Engine Oil Leaks into the Combustion Area of the
Warning Lamp Does Not Illuminate ................... 49 Cylinders .......................................................... 37
Warning Light is On When the Engine is Engine Oil Leaks on the Outside of the Engine.. 37
Running............................................................ 49

Finding Top Center Position for No. 1 Piston......... 24
Basic Engine.................................................... 19, 44 Flywheel - Inspect.................................................. 47
Camshaft............................................................ 19 Alignment of the Flywheel Face......................... 47
Crankshaft.......................................................... 19 Flywheel Runout ................................................ 48
Cylinder Block and Cylinder Head ..................... 19 Fuel Injection Pump Timing - Adjust...................... 26
Pistons, Rings, and Connecting Rods ............... 19 Bosch EPVE Fuel Injection Pump...................... 26
Battery - Test ......................................................... 49 Delphi DP210, Delphi DPA, Delphi DPG and Delphi
STP Fuel Injection Pumps ............................... 26
Fuel Injection Pump Timing - Check...................... 25
C Bosch EPVE Fuel Injection Pump...................... 25
Delphi DP210, Delphi DPA, Delphi DPG and Delphi
Compression - Test................................................ 32 STP Fuel Injection Pumps ............................... 25
Connecting Rod - Inspect ...................................... 44 Fuel Quality - Test.................................................. 28
Connecting Rod Bearings - Inspect....................... 45 Fuel System..................................................... 10, 23
Cooling System ............................................... 17, 39 Fuel System Components................................... 11
Cooling System - Check (Overheating) ................. 39 Fuel System - Inspect............................................ 23
Cooling System - Inspect....................................... 40 Fuel System - Prime .............................................. 28
Visual Inspection Of The Cooling System.......... 40 Bosch EVPE ...................................................... 29
Cooling System - Test............................................ 40 Delphi DP210, Delphi DPA, Delphi DPG and Delphi
Checking the Filler Cap...................................... 41 STP .................................................................. 29
Testing The Radiator And Cooling System For Fuel System Pressure - Test ................................. 29
Leaks................................................................ 41 Check the Function of the Fuel Transfer Pump.. 29
Cylinder Block - Inspect......................................... 45 Check the Function of the Pressure Regulator .. 30
Cylinder Head - Inspect ......................................... 46
Remachining the Cylinder Head ........................ 46

E Gear Group - Inspect............................................. 48

General Information................................................. 5
Electric Starting System - Test............................... 50 1103 Engine Model Views.................................... 9
Diagnosis Procedure.......................................... 51 1104 Engine Model Views.................................... 7
General Information ........................................... 50 Engine Description............................................... 5
Electrical System ............................................. 20, 49 Lifting the Engine ................................................. 6
Alternator ........................................................... 21 Glow Plugs - Test................................................... 52
Starting Motor .................................................... 20 Checking The Operation of The Glow Plug ....... 52
Engine Design ......................................................... 4 Continuity Check of the Glow Plugs................... 52
Engine Oil Cooler - Inspect.................................... 42
Engine oil cooler for the 1104 engine................. 42
Modine oil cooler for the 1103 engine ................ 42 I
Engine Oil Pressure - Test..................................... 36
High Oil Pressure............................................... 36 Important Safety Information ................................... 2
Low Oil Pressure................................................ 36 Increased Engine Oil Temperature - Inspect ......... 38
Engine Oil Pump - Inspect..................................... 36

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SENR9777-03 55
Index Section

Lubrication System .......................................... 14, 36

Main Bearings - Inspect......................................... 45

Piston Height - Inspect .......................................... 46

Piston Ring Groove - Inspect................................. 44
Inspect the Clearance of the Piston Ring........... 44
Inspect the Piston and the Piston Rings ............ 44
Inspect the Piston Ring End Gap....................... 44

Systems Operation Section ..................................... 4

Table of Contents..................................................... 3
Testing and Adjusting Section ............................... 23

V-Belt - Test ........................................................... 53

Valve Depth - Inspect ............................................ 34
Valve Guide - Inspect ............................................ 35

Wastegate - Test.................................................... 31
Water Temperature Regulator - Test ..................... 43

This document has been printed from SPI². Not for Resale
©2004 Perkins Engines Company Limited
All Rights Reserved Printed in U.K.
This document has been printed from SPI². Not for Resale
Spare parts catalog

The information given within this parts book was correct at the time of printing and is
subject to change without notice. Always refer to your local Perkins outlet For the latest
information: Only fully trained personnel should carry out servicing of engines. Before working
on any engine always refer to the correct user service and maintenance manual.
Always refer to your local Perkins outlet before purchasing any parts
Subject to any existing rights of third parties, the information given in this document is the
property of Perkins Engines Limited and should not be copied, in whole or part, without the prior
written consent of the Company.
The build list of your engine, found on the front page of this parts book, provides a unique
reference to the components fitted to your engine; therefore this parts book is only applicable to
this particular engine

Always quote your build list and engine serial number when contacting your Perkins outlet.

How to use your Parts Book

This parts book has been designed to provide you with all the information you need'to identify
parts to service your engine. There are several features within the book to make it easy to find
the parts you require.

Front Page
This lists your build list number and the date of publication of this book

Symbol Descriptions
Provides a quick reference guide to the symbols used within the book.

Engine Breakdown
Use this to identify all the major sections of your engine and the relevant pages within the book.

Parts Lists & Illustrations

This section shows each major section of your engine broken down into individual part numbers
along with an associated illustration for identifying the parts you require.

The illustrations used in this parts book are representational only and should only be used for
identification purposes.

For fitting instructions please refer to your engine Service Manual.

Parts Index
Using either the part number or description of the part you require this section will help you
locate the page within the Parts Lists & Illustrations section where the part appears.
Symbol Descriptions

NLA - The No Longer Available symbol is displayed when a part cannot be purchased from Perkins. The NLA
date is displayed in the General Info section of the Additional Information window.

Cut in – From engine Number / Date

Cut Out – Upto engine Number / Date

1104C-44T RG38206

Short / Long Engine (ACE40004)
PPL037415 Short Engine P001
Short / Long Engine (ACE40024)
PPL086170 Short Engine P002
Exchange Long Engine (ACER3786)
PPL080852 Exchange Long Engine P003
Core Unit (ACHR0047)
PPL026422 Pistons & Rings P004
PPL026424 Connecting Rods P005
PPL026425 Rear End Oil Seal P006
PPL026427 Rocker Shaft Assembly P007
PPL026428 Timing Gear & Camshaft P008
PPL085974 Crankshaft, Main & Big End Bearings P009
PPL085975 Connecting Rods P010
PPL090338 Cylinder Block & Liners P011
PPL091432 Crankshaft, Main & Big End Bearings P012
PPL091901 Cylinder Head Assembly P013
Fuel Injection Equipment (AFHR4285)
PPL024159 High Pressure Fuel Pipes P014
PPL024160 Atomisers P015
PPL024167 Pick-Up Sensor P016
PPL024169 Boost Control Pipe P017
PPL024170 Fuel Leak-Off Pipe P018
PPL024174 Pick-Up Sensor P019
PPL032459 Fuel Injection Pump P020
Flywheel Housing (CDHR1053)
PPL023459 Flywheel Housing P021
Flywheel & Ring (DDHR2012)
PPL031926 Flywheel & Starter Ring P022
Starter Motor (EDHR0955)
PPL069762 Starter Motor P023
Fan Drive (FBHR1013)
PPL025582 Fan Drive P024
Lubricating Oil Sump (GBHR2764)
PPL024257 Dipstick & Filler Tube P025
PPL024259 Oil Strainer P026
PPL074314 Sump P027
Lubricating Oil Filler & Breather (HBHR2744)
PPL023828 Cylinder Head Cover P028
PPL023830 Breather P029
PPL023831 Blanking Plates P030
PPL023833 Cylinder Head Cover P031
Lubricating Oil Filter & Integral Oil Cooler (JBHR2347)
PPL025121 Oil Filter P032
PPL025123 Blanking Plates P033
PPL051183 Oil Cooler P034
Lubricating Oil Filter & Integral Oil Cooler (JDHR0023)
PPL042033 Oil Filter P035
Front End Drive Input (KBHR0519)
PPL023541 Front End Drive Input P036
Front End Drive Input (KBHR0782)
PPL083509 Front End Drive Input P037
Water Pump & Thermostat (LBHR2253)
PPL023651 Pipes P038
PPL031928 Water Pump P039
1104C-44T RG38206

PPL090028 Water Pump P040
Water Outlet / Inlet (LDHR0704)
PPL023643 Water Outlet Housing P041
PPL037468 Water Outlet Housing P042
Alternator & Generator (NDHR2711)
PPL023657 Alternator P043
PPL023659 Alternator Bracket & Fixings P044
PPL023660 Pulleys P045
Timing Case & Gear (QCHR0024)
PPL024423 Timing Case P046
PPL024424 Timing Cover P047
PPL024651 Timing Case P048
Gear Driven Auxiliary Drive Options (QDHR1382)
PPL023997 Drive Adaptor P049
PPL023999 Blanking Plugs P050
Lubricating Oil Pump & Delivery Housing (RBHR0031)
PPL023626 Lubricating Oil Pump & Delivery Housing P051
Joints & Gaskets - Top Service Kit (SACR0001)
PPL025538 Top Service Kit P052
Turbocharger, Manifolds & Air Charge Cooler (SBHR1498)
PPL026492 Turbocharger P053
PPL026494 Feed Pipes P054
PPL026495 Leak-Off Pipes P055
PPL026498 Pipework & Connections P056
PPL026499 Exhaust Manifold P057
PPL026500 Pipework & Connections P058
Joints & Gaskets - Bottom Service Kit (SGBR0381)
PPL039701 Bottom Service Kit P059
Induction Manifold & Air Charge Cooler (TBHR0886)
PPL024217 Pipework & Connections P060
Low Pressure Fuel System (VBHR2249)
PPL023964 Filter to Injection Pump Pipe P061
PPL044998 Injection Pump to Filter Pipe P062
PPL084613 Lift Pump P063
Cold Start System (WDHR0345)
PPL022822 Heater Plugs P064
Engine Lifting Eyes (XBHR0458)
PPL023448 Engine Lifting Eyes P065
Mountings (ZCHR0879)
PPL023581 Engine Mounts P066
Heater / Starter Switch (ZEHR1057)
PPL023450 Heater Switch P067
Lubricating Oil Pressure Switch / Gauge (ZJHR0546)
PPL032665 Lubricating Oil Pressure Switch/Gauge P068
PPL032669 Lubricating Oil Pressure Switch/Gauge P069
Lubricating Oil Pressure Switch / Gauge (ZJHR0547)
PPL033008 Lubricating Oil Pressure Switch/Gauge P070
PPL033012 Lubricating Oil Pressure Switch/Gauge P071
Temperature Gauge & Sender (ZLHR0384)
PPL087795 Temperature Gauge & Sender P072
Applications Miscellaneous & Auxiliaries (ZZHR1015)
PPL023580 Miscellaneous & Auxiliaries P073
1104C-44T RG38206
Short Engine ACE40004 P001
1104C-44T RG38206
Short Engine ACE40004 P001

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL037415 Short Engine
1 Check History 1 SHORT ENGINE - ASSEMBLY 186.00, 65.00x48.00x55.00

RG40004 SHORT ENGINE - ASSEMBLY 186.00, 65.00x48.00x55.00

2 ZZ50324 1 CYLINDER BLOCK ASSEMBLY 134.00, 55.00x61.00x33.00


25 ZZ90239 1 CRANKSHAFT KIT 35.00, 20.00x64.00x23.00

35 4115C313 cmt 4 CON ROD ASSEMBLY GRADE H WHITE 2.19, 37.00x27.00x1.00

35 4115C314 cmt 4 CON ROD ASSEMBLY GRADE J GREEN 2.16, 27.00x37.00x4.00

35 4115C315 cmt 4 CON ROD ASSEMBLY GRADE K PURPLE 2.16, 27.00x38.00x4.00

35 4115C316 cmt 4 CON ROD ASSEMBLY GRADE L BLUE 2.16, 37.00x27.00x1.00

35 4115C311 cmt 4 CON ROD ASSEMBLY GRADE F RED 2.18, 27.00x37.00x4.00

35 4115C312 cmt 4 CON ROD ASSEMBLY GRADE G ORANGE 2.18, 37.00x26.50x1.00

40 4115P015 4 PISTON AND RING KIT 2.01, 11.00x11.00x13.00

40 4115P016 (+)0.50MM 4 PISTON AND RING KIT - O/S 2.15, 15.00x15.00x15.00

40 4115P017 (+)1.00MM 4 PISTON AND RING KIT - O/S 2.18, 15.00x15.00x15.00

48 2418F704 1 SEAL - REOS HOUSING 0.45, 5.00x29.00x37.00

49 3211C002 10 METRIC BOLT 0.01, 11.00x11.00x1.00

36 1 CON ROD
37 1 CAP
38 3112A005 1 SMALL END BUSH 0.06, 15.00x9.00x0.30

39 3212V003 cmt 2 CON ROD BOLT 0.06, 8.00x1.00x1.00

ZZ50311 CYLINDER BLOCK ASSEMBLY 134.00, 55.00x61.00x33.00


4 3133F051 1 BEARING CAP
5 3133F052 2 BEARING CAP
6 3133F053 1 BEARING CAP
7 3133F054 1 BEARING CAP
8 33142111 10 THIMBLE 0.01, 1.00x2.20x2.20

9 32166329 10 SCREW 0.17, 2.50x11.00x2.50

10 3112D075 1 CAMSHAFT BUSH

11 3241A011 2 PLUG 0.02, 1.00x10.00x10.00

12 3241A012 1 PLUG 0.03, 1.00x10.00x10.00

13 0650588 1 PLUG 0.04, 2.30x3.00x3.00

14 0650710 1 PLUG 0.01, 1.00x12.00x8.00

15 32141316 2 PLUG 0.08, 1.00x1.00x1.00

16 3212P008 1 PLUG 0.03, 1.00x10.00x8.00

17 3244A009 2 DOWEL 0.01, 1.00x10.00x10.00

18 2485A108 1 PLUG 0.02, 0.50x10.00x10.00

19 3212V006 1 PLUG 0.01, 1.00x10.00x10.00

20 2113A003 4 PISTON COOLING JET 0.01, 10.00x10.00x3.00

21 2314F001 4 SCREW 0.05, 0.40x0.40x2.00

22 3623A009 1 BLANKING PLATE 0.28, 16.00x16.00x1.00

23 3688A039 1 GASKET - OIL FILTER HEAD 0.01, 1.00x10.00x10.00

24 2314H033 4 SCREW 0.01, 1.00x3.00x1.80


10 3112D075 hst 1 CAMSHAFT BUSH 0.09, 12.00x10.00x3.50

ZZ90222 CRANKSHAFT KIT 35.00, 20.00x64.00x23.00

26 3131D072 1 CRANKSHAFT
27 U5MB0033A (+) 0.010" 1 MAIN BEARING KIT - U/S 0.59, 16.00x5.00x9.00

27 U5MB0033B (+)0.020" 1 MAIN BEARING KIT - U/S 0.63, 16.00x5.00x9.00

27 U5MB0033C (+) 0.030" 1 MAIN BEARING KIT - U/S 0.67, 16.00x5.00x9.00

27 U5MB0033 1 MAIN BEARING KIT 0.59, 25.00x10.00x5.00

30 U5ME0034 1 BIG END BEARING KIT 0.37, 12.00x8.00x8.00

30 U5ME0034A 1 BIG END BRG KIT - U/S 0.00, 0.00x0.00x0.00

30 U5ME0034B 1 BIG END BRG KIT - U/S 0.00, 0.00x0.00x0.00

30 U5ME0034C 1 BIG END BRG KIT - U/S 0.00, 0.00x0.00x0.00

32 31137551 2 THRUST WASHER 0.02, 16.00x10.00x0.30

1104C-44T RG38206
Short Engine ACE40004 P001
1104C-44T RG38206
Short Engine ACE40004 P001

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
32 31137312 (+)0.007" 2 THRUST WASHER 0.02, 0.30x10.00x16.00

33 31137561 2 THRUST WASHER 0.02, 0.50x10.00x15.00

33 31137322 (+)0.007" 2 THRUST WASHER 0.02, 15.00x10.00x2.50

34 0500012 1 WOODRUFF KEY 0.01, 0.50x2.00x1.00

34 U5MB0037 hst 1 MAIN BEARING KIT 0.46, 16.00x9.00x4.00

34 U5ME0034 hst 1 BIG END BEARING KIT 0.43, 6.00x7.00x16.50

U5MB0018 MAIN BEARING KIT 0.59, 25.00x10.00x5.00

28 5 MAIN SHELL BEARING 0.05, 8.00x5.00x3.00

29 31126391 5 MAIN SHELL BEARING 0.04, 3.50x8.00x4.00

1104C-44T RG38206
Short Engine ACE40024 P002
1104C-44T RG38206
Short Engine ACE40024 P002

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL086170 Short Engine
15 2418F704 1 SEAL - REOS HOUSING 0.45, 5.00x29.00x37.00

16 3211C002 10 METRIC BOLT 0.01, 11.00x11.00x1.00

17 3627P041 1 BRIDGE PIECE 0.49, 20.00x27.00x2.00

18 2311D039 2 SCREW 0.06, 10.00x7.00x1.00


25 4115P015 4 PISTON AND RING KIT 2.01, 11.00x11.00x13.00

25 4115P016 (+)0.50MM 4 PISTON AND RING KIT - O/S 2.15, 15.00x15.00x15.00

25 4115P017 (+)1.00MM 4 PISTON AND RING KIT - O/S 2.18, 15.00x15.00x15.00

28 4115C361 cmt 1 CON ROD GRADE:R - RED

28 4115C362 cmt 1 CON ROD GRADE:O - ORANGE

28 4115C363 cmt 1 CON ROD GRADE:W - WHITE

28 4115C364 cmt 1 CON ROD GRADE:G - GREEN

28 4115C365 cmt 1 CON ROD GRADE:P - PURPLE

28 4115C366 cmt 1 CON ROD GRADE:B - BLUE

28 4115C361G 4 CON ROD

32 2485A109 1 PLUG 0.03, 1.00x10.00x10.00

33 2314C049 1 SCREW 0.02, 2.20x1.60x0.70

34 2415D053 1 WASHER 0.00, 0.20x2.00x2.00

35 0650594 1 PLUG 0.01, 0.50x1.00x2.00

4115C361G CON ROD

29 T407114 1 CON ROD
30 3112A005 1 SMALL END BUSH 0.06, 15.00x9.00x0.30

31 T400001 cmt 2 CON ROD BOLT

5 2314C049 1 SCREW 0.02, 2.20x1.60x0.70

6 2415D053 1 WASHER 0.00, 0.20x2.00x2.00

7 0650594 1 PLUG 0.01, 0.50x1.00x2.00

8 2113A003 4 PISTON COOLING JET 0.01, 10.00x10.00x3.00

9 2314F001 4 SCREW 0.05, 0.40x0.40x2.00

10 2485A108 1 PLUG 0.02, 0.50x10.00x10.00

11 3212V006 1 PLUG 0.01, 1.00x10.00x10.00

12 3623A009 1 BLANKING PLATE 0.28, 16.00x16.00x1.00

13 3688A039 1 GASKET - OIL FILTER HEAD 0.01, 1.00x10.00x10.00

14 2314H033 4 SCREW 0.01, 1.00x3.00x1.80


4 3112D075 1 CAMSHAFT BUSH
21 U5MB0033 1 MAIN BEARING KIT 0.00, 0.00x0.00x0.00

21 U5MB0033A (-)0.25MM 1 MAIN BEARING KIT - U/S 0.00, 0.00x0.00x0.00

21 U5MB0033B (-)0.50MM 1 MAIN BEARING KIT - U/S 0.00, 0.00x0.00x0.00

21 U5MB0033C (-)0.75MM 1 MAIN BEARING KIT - U/S 0.00, 0.00x0.00x0.00


23 31137551 2 THRUST WASHER 0.02, 16.00x10.00x0.30

23 31137312 (+)0.007" 2 THRUST WASHER 0.02, 0.30x10.00x16.00

24 31137561 2 THRUST WASHER 0.02, 0.50x10.00x15.00

24 31137322 (+)0.007" 2 THRUST WASHER 0.02, 15.00x10.00x2.50

1104C-44T RG38206
Exchange Long Engine ACER3786 P003
1104C-44T RG38206
Exchange Long Engine ACER3786 P003

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL080852 Exchange Long Engine
1 RGL3786R 1 ENGINE - EXCHANGE 0.00, 0.00x0.00x0.00

RGL3786R ENGINE - EXCHANGE 0.00, 0.00x0.00x0.00

2 Check History 1 SHORT ENGINE - ASSEMBLY 186.00, 65.00x48.00x55.00

3 ZZ80268 1 CYLINDER HEAD KIT 57.00, 35.00x61.40x22.00

4 3716C573 1 TIMING CASE 3.18, 60.00x60.00x8.00

5 4142A504 1 TIMINGGEAR COVER 2.04, 50.00x40.00x2.00

6 4115R612 1 ROCKER SHAFT ASSEMBLY 3.04, 54.00x12.00x12.00

RG40004 SHORT ENGINE - ASSEMBLY 186.00, 65.00x48.00x55.00

3 3112D075 1 CAMSHAFT BUSH

1104C-44T RG38206
Pistons & Rings ACHR0047 P004
1104C-44T RG38206
Pistons & Rings ACHR0047 P004

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL026422 Pistons & Rings
1 4115P015 4 PISTON AND RING KIT 2.01, 11.00x11.00x13.00

1 4115P016 (+)0.50MM, cmt 4 PISTON AND RING KIT - O/S 2.15, 15.00x15.00x15.00

1 4115P017 (+)1.00MM, cmt 4 PISTON AND RING KIT - O/S 2.18, 15.00x15.00x15.00
1104C-44T RG38206
Connecting Rods ACHR0047 P005
1104C-44T RG38206
Connecting Rods ACHR0047 P005

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
2 3133R05F 1 CON ROD
3 3112A005 1 SMALL END BUSH 0.06, 15.00x9.00x0.30

4 3212V003 cmt 2 CON ROD BOLT 0.06, 8.00x1.00x1.00

PPL026424 Connecting Rods

1 4115C311 cmt 4 CON ROD ASSEMBLY GRADE F RED 2.18, 27.00x37.00x4.00

1 4115C312 cmt 4 CON ROD ASSEMBLY GRADE G ORANGE 2.18, 37.00x26.50x1.00

1 4115C313 cmt 4 CON ROD ASSEMBLY GRADE H WHITE 2.19, 37.00x27.00x1.00

1 4115C314 cmt 4 CON ROD ASSEMBLY GRADE J GREEN 2.16, 27.00x37.00x4.00

1 4115C315 cmt 4 CON ROD ASSEMBLY GRADE K PURPLE 2.16, 27.00x38.00x4.00

1 4115C316 cmt 4 CON ROD ASSEMBLY GRADE L BLUE 2.16, 37.00x27.00x1.00

1104C-44T RG38206
Rear End Oil Seal ACHR0047 P006
1104C-44T RG38206
Rear End Oil Seal ACHR0047 P006

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL026425 Rear End Oil Seal
1 2418F704 1 SEAL - REOS HOUSING 0.45, 5.00x29.00x37.00

2 3211C002 10 METRIC BOLT 0.01, 11.00x11.00x1.00

1104C-44T RG38206
Rocker Shaft Assembly ACHR0047 P007
1104C-44T RG38206
Rocker Shaft Assembly ACHR0047 P007

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
4115R612 ROCKER SHAFT ASSEMBLY 3.04, 54.00x12.00x12.00

2 4115R703 1 ROCKER SHAFT ASSY - MINOR 1.32, 4.00x10.00x47.00

5 4115R314 4 ROCKER ARM ASSEMBLY 0.18, 10.00x15.00x3.00

10 3174A015 3 ROCKER SHAFT SPRING 0.20, 4.00x15.00x15.00

11 4115R315 4 ROCKER ARM ASSEMBLY 0.18, 15.00x10.00x2.00

16 2722A022 2 CIRCLIP 0.01, 3.00x3.00x0.05

17 2134A502 2 WASHER 0.01, 10.00x10.00x1.00

18 2316A901 1 SCREW 0.02, 0.70x7.00x0.40

19 2316A902 3 SCREW 0.14, 15.00x10.00x2.00

4115R314 ROCKER ARM ASSEMBLY 0.18, 10.00x15.00x3.00

6 3737A281 1 ROCKER ARM

7 3271A011 1 PAD
8 0576052 1 NUT 0.05, 1.00x10.00x15.00

9 32114145 1 SCREW 0.01, 1.00x10.00x10.00

4115R315 ROCKER ARM ASSEMBLY 0.18, 15.00x10.00x2.00

12 3737A291 1 ROCKER ARM

13 3271A011 1 PAD
14 0576052 1 NUT 0.05, 1.00x10.00x15.00

15 32114145 1 SCREW 0.01, 1.00x10.00x10.00

4115R703 ROCKER SHAFT ASSY - MINOR 1.32, 4.00x10.00x47.00


4 2485A104 2 PLUG 0.01, 9.00x9.00x1.00

PPL026427 Rocker Shaft Assembly

1 4115R612 1 ROCKER SHAFT ASSEMBLY 3.04, 54.00x12.00x12.00
1104C-44T RG38206
Timing Gear & Camshaft ACHR0047 P008
1104C-44T RG38206
Timing Gear & Camshaft ACHR0047 P008

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL026428 Timing Gear & Camshaft
0500012 hst 1 WOODRUFF KEY 0.01, 0.50x2.00x1.00

1 4112K043 hst 1 CAMSHAFT 4.48, 11.00x11.00x54.00

4 3142U991 8 TAPPET 0.13, 3.00x3.00x9.00

5 31434307 8 PUSHROD 0.11, 31.00x14.00x2.00

4112K043 CAMSHAFT 4.74, 12.00x54.00x11.00

2 3141D223 1 CAMSHAFT
3 0500012 1 WOODRUFF KEY 0.01, 0.50x2.00x1.00
1104C-44T RG38206
Crankshaft, Main & Big End Bearings ACHR0047 P009
1104C-44T RG38206
Crankshaft, Main & Big End Bearings ACHR0047 P009

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL085974 Crankshaft, Main & Big End Bearings
7 3117C221 1 CRANKSHAFT GEAR 0.81, 11.00x8.00x8.00

8 0500012 1 WOODRUFF KEY 0.01, 0.50x2.00x1.00


2 3131D123 1 CRANKSHAFT
3 U5MB0033 1 MAIN BEARING KIT 0.00, 0.00x0.00x0.00

3 U5MB0033A (-)0.25MM 1 MAIN BEARING KIT - U/S 0.00, 0.00x0.00x0.00

3 U5MB0033B (-)0.50MM 1 MAIN BEARING KIT - U/S 0.00, 0.00x0.00x0.00

3 U5MB0033C (-)0.75MM 1 MAIN BEARING KIT - U/S 0.00, 0.00x0.00x0.00


5 31137551 2 THRUST WASHER 0.02, 16.00x10.00x0.30

5 31137312 (+)0.007" 2 THRUST WASHER 0.02, 0.30x10.00x16.00

6 31137561 2 THRUST WASHER 0.02, 0.50x10.00x15.00

6 31137322 (+)0.007" 2 THRUST WASHER 0.02, 15.00x10.00x2.50

1104C-44T RG38206
Connecting Rods ACHR0047 P010
1104C-44T RG38206
Connecting Rods ACHR0047 P010

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL085975 Connecting Rods
1 4115C361 cmt 1 CON ROD GRADE:R - RED

1 4115C362 cmt 1 CON ROD GRADE:O - ORANGE

1 4115C363 cmt 1 CON ROD GRADE:W - WHITE

1 4115C364 cmt 1 CON ROD GRADE:G - GREEN

1 4115C365 cmt 1 CON ROD GRADE:P - PURPLE

1 4115C366 cmt 1 CON ROD GRADE:B - BLUE

1 4115C361G 4 CON ROD

4115C361G CON ROD
2 T407114 1 CON ROD
3 3112A005 1 SMALL END BUSH 0.06, 15.00x9.00x0.30

4 T400001 cmt 2 CON ROD BOLT

1104C-44T RG38206
Cylinder Block & Liners ACHR0047 P011
1104C-44T RG38206
Cylinder Block & Liners ACHR0047 P011

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL090338 Cylinder Block & Liners
3 3133F051 1 BEARING CAP
4 3133F052 2 BEARING CAP
5 3133F053 1 BEARING CAP
6 3133F054 1 BEARING CAP
7 33142111 10 THIMBLE 0.01, 1.00x2.20x2.20

8 32166329 10 SCREW 0.17, 2.50x11.00x2.50

9 3112D075 1 CAMSHAFT BUSH

10 3241A011 2 PLUG 0.02, 1.00x10.00x10.00

11 3241A012 1 PLUG 0.03, 1.00x10.00x10.00

12 0650588 1 PLUG 0.04, 2.30x3.00x3.00

13 0650710 1 PLUG 0.01, 1.00x12.00x8.00

14 32141316 2 PLUG 0.08, 1.00x1.00x1.00

15 3212P008 1 PLUG 0.03, 1.00x10.00x8.00

16 3244A009 1 DOWEL 0.01, 1.00x10.00x10.00

17 2314C049 1 SCREW 0.02, 2.20x1.60x0.70

18 2415D053 1 WASHER 0.00, 0.20x2.00x2.00

19 0650594 1 PLUG 0.01, 0.50x1.00x2.00

20 2113A003 4 PISTON COOLING JET 0.01, 10.00x10.00x3.00

21 2314F001 4 SCREW 0.05, 0.40x0.40x2.00

22 2485A108 1 PLUG 0.02, 0.50x10.00x10.00

23 3212V006 1 PLUG 0.01, 1.00x10.00x10.00

24 3623A009 1 BLANKING PLATE 0.28, 16.00x16.00x1.00

25 3688A039 1 GASKET - OIL FILTER HEAD 0.01, 1.00x10.00x10.00

26 2314H033 4 SCREW 0.01, 1.00x3.00x1.80


9 3112D075 hst 1 CAMSHAFT BUSH 0.09, 12.00x10.00x3.50
1104C-44T RG38206
Crankshaft, Main & Big End Bearings ACHR0047 P012
1104C-44T RG38206
Crankshaft, Main & Big End Bearings ACHR0047 P012

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL091432 Crankshaft, Main & Big End Bearings
7 3117C221 1 CRANKSHAFT GEAR 0.81, 11.00x8.00x8.00

8 0500012 1 WOODRUFF KEY 0.01, 0.50x2.00x1.00

1104C-44T RG38206
Cylinder Head Assembly ACHR0047 P013
1104C-44T RG38206
Cylinder Head Assembly ACHR0047 P013

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL091901 Cylinder Head Assembly
1 ZZ80268 1 CYLINDER HEAD KIT 57.00, 35.00x61.40x22.00

22 3681E051 1 GASKET - CYLINDER HEAD 0.33, 61.00x34.00x2.00

23 3218A011 7 CYLINDER HEAD BOLT 0.20, 3.00x4.00x15.00

24 3218A012 3 CYLINDER HEAD BOLT 0.24, 2.40x3.50x18.00

ZZ80268 CYLINDER HEAD KIT 57.00, 35.00x61.40x22.00

2 3712H261 1 CYLINDER HEAD

3 3313A012 4 VALVE GUIDE 0.03, 12.00x11.00x2.00

4 3313A012 4 VALVE GUIDE 0.03, 12.00x11.00x2.00

5 3314A241 4 VALVE SEAT INSERT 0.03, 1.00x10.00x11.00

6 3314A231 4 VALVE SEAT INSERT 0.02, 10.00x10.00x1.00

7 32416117 2 PLUG 0.04, 2.00x3.50x4.00

8 0650588 4 PLUG 0.04, 2.30x3.00x3.00

9 3142H071 4 INTAKE VALVE 0.10, 20.00x10.00x5.00

10 2418M519 cmt 4 SEAL - VALVE STEM 0.01, 10.00x10.00x2.00

11 3174A016 4 VALVE SPRING 0.04, 3.00x5.00x3.00

12 3342A011 4 CAP 0.01, 10.00x10.00x2.00

13 3142W004 8 VALVE COLLET 0.01, 0.50x1.00x1.00

14 3142A151 4 EXHAUST VALVE 0.11, 4.00x5.00x13.00

15 2418M517 cmt 4 SEAL - VALVE STEM 0.01, 10.00x10.00x2.00

16 3174A016 4 VALVE SPRING 0.04, 3.00x5.00x3.00

17 3342A011 4 CAP 0.01, 10.00x10.00x2.00

18 3142W004 8 VALVE COLLET 0.01, 0.50x1.00x1.00

19 3278A006 1 PLUG 0.06, 1.00x10.00x10.00

20 2415H003 1 SEAL - O RING 0.10, 1.00x1.00x0.10

21 2431154 1 PLUG 0.03, 2.00x15.00x10.50

1104C-44T RG38206
High Pressure Fuel Pipes AFHR4285 P014
1104C-44T RG38206
High Pressure Fuel Pipes AFHR4285 P014

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL024159 High Pressure Fuel Pipes
1 Check History cmt,h 1 PIPE - FUEL INJ NO 1 CYL 0.00, 0.00x0.00x0.00

1 3525A101 1 PIPE - FUEL INJ NO 1 CYL 0.12, 14.00x20.00x6.00

2 Check History cmt,h 1 PIPE - FUEL INJ NO 2 CYL 0.00, 0.00x0.00x0.00

2 3525A102 1 PIPE - FUEL INJ NO 2 CYL 0.18, 13.00x30.00x6.00

3 Check History cmt,h 1 PIPE - FUEL INJ NO 3 CYL 0.00, 0.00x0.00x0.00

3 3525A103 1 PIPE - FUEL INJ NO 3 CYL 0.17, 14.00x40.00x15.00

4 Check History cmt,h 1 PIPE - FUEL INJ NO 4 CYL 0.00, 0.00x0.00x0.00

4 3525A104 1 PIPE - FUEL INJ NO 4 CYL 0.17, 0.10x10.00x45.00

5 2481Y011 1 CLIP 0.02, 3.00x15.00x15.00

5 2646E017 hst 1 CLIP 0.01, 3.00x10.00x10.00

6 2481Y012 1 CLIP 0.02, 10.00x10.00x3.00

6 2646E017 hst 1 CLIP 0.01, 3.00x10.00x10.00

7 2646E017 hst 1 CLIP 0.01, 3.00x10.00x10.00

7 2646E019 1 CLIP 0.01, 4.00x10.00x10.00

1104C-44T RG38206
Atomisers AFHR4285 P015
1104C-44T RG38206
Atomisers AFHR4285 P015

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL024160 Atomisers
1 2645K011 4 INJECTOR 0.09, 15.00x12.50x2.50

6 3751A241 4 INJECTOR CLAMP 0.09, 10.00x9.00x2.00

6 Check History hst 4 INJECTOR CLAMP 0.00, 0.00x0.00x0.00

7 2314W009 4 SCREW 0.02, 1.50x1.50x6.00

7 2314W008 hst 4 SCREW 0.02, 1.00x10.00x10.00

2645K011 INJECTOR 0.09, 15.00x12.50x2.50


3 2645K611 1 INJECTOR NOZZLE 0.04, 3.00x3.00x9.00

4 26460064 1 SEAL - INJECTOR 0.00, 2.00x2.00x1.00

5 L311FF02 1 INJECTOR WASHER 0.02, 10.00x10.50x0.10

1104C-44T RG38206
Pick-Up Sensor AFHR4285 P016
1104C-44T RG38206
Pick-Up Sensor AFHR4285 P016

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL024167 Pick-Up Sensor
2415H001 hst 1 SEAL - O RING 0.01, 1.00x10.00x10.00

2415H003 hst 1 SEAL - O RING 0.10, 1.00x1.00x0.10

3278A005 hst 1 PLUG 0.02, 1.00x10.00x10.00

3278A006 hst 1 PLUG 0.06, 1.00x10.00x10.00

1 2848A123 hst 1 WATER TEMPERATURE SWITCH 0.04, 10.00x10.00x3.00

1 2848A127 1 WATER TEMPERATURE SENSOR 0.05, 2.50x10.00x9.00

1104C-44T RG38206
Boost Control Pipe AFHR4285 P017
1104C-44T RG38206
Boost Control Pipe AFHR4285 P017

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL024169 Boost Control Pipe
1 4121A058 hst 1 PIPE - BOOST 0.02, 16.00x16.00x1.00

1 4121A063 1 PIPE - BOOST 0.03, 8.00x15.00x20.00

5 0206002 1 UNION 0.10, 1.00x10.00x10.00

6 0576111 1 NUT 0.01, 1.00x1.50x1.20

7 0566002 1 OLIVE 0.01, 0.50x10.00x10.00

8 2481D406 1 PIPE CLIP 0.00, 1.00x2.50x1.00

4121A063 PIPE - BOOST 0.03, 8.00x15.00x20.00

3 3353D004 1 UNION NUT 0.01, 1.50x1.00x1.00

4 33811112 1 OLIVE 0.00, 1.00x15.00x15.00

1104C-44T RG38206
Fuel Leak-Off Pipe AFHR4285 P018
1104C-44T RG38206
Fuel Leak-Off Pipe AFHR4285 P018

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL024170 Fuel Leak-Off Pipe
1 2646F501 3 HOSE 0.01, 1.00x18.00x20.00

2 2646E501 1 CAP 0.00, 0.10x10.00x10.00

1104C-44T RG38206
Pick-Up Sensor AFHR4285 P019
1104C-44T RG38206
Pick-Up Sensor AFHR4285 P019

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL024174 Pick-Up Sensor
1 2485A109 cmt 1 PLUG 0.03, 1.00x10.00x10.00
1104C-44T RG38206
Fuel Injection Pump AFHR4285 P020
1104C-44T RG38206
Fuel Injection Pump AFHR4285 P020

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL032459 Fuel Injection Pump
1 Check History hst 1 FUEL INJECTION PUMP 7.72, 17.00x24.00x31.00

7 3117L261 1 FUEL INJECTION PUMP GEAR 1.58, 27.00x24.00x3.00

8 2411D008 3 WASHER 0.00, 0.10x2.00x2.00

9 2314H004 3 SCREW 0.15, 12.00x10.00x2.00

10 3641A007 1 BRACKET 0.06, 3.00x10.00x10.00

11 2314H003 1 SCREW 0.13, 1.20x1.90x1.20

12 2318A603 1 NUT 0.07, 1.00x12.00x15.00

13 2314J002 1 SCREW 0.24, 9.00x9.50x2.00

2644H013 FUEL INJECTION PUMP 7.80, 17.00x31.00x24.00


3 26420318 1 SEAL - O RING 0.01, 2.00x8.00x8.00

4 26420469 cmt 1 SOLENOID 0.10, 11.00x9.00x2.00

5 2318A108 1 NUT 0.23, 14.00x10.00x2.00

6 K134AF01 1 WASHER 0.04, 10.00x9.00x0.50

1104C-44T RG38206
Flywheel Housing CDHR1053 P021
1104C-44T RG38206
Flywheel Housing CDHR1053 P021

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL023459 Flywheel Housing
1 3713K065 1 FLYWHEEL HOUSING 38.00, 24.00x66.00x55.00

2 2314J603 2 SCREW 0.04, 1.80x4.50x3.00

3 2487Y005 1 PLUG 0.03, 1.80x2.20x2.20

4 3245A011 hst 1 DOWEL 0.02, 1.00x4.50x1.00

5 2314J204 6 SCREW 0.03, 4.00x2.00x2.00

6 2487A452 1 PLUG 0.13, 4.00x20.00x20.00

7 2314J001 3 SCREW 0.21, 2.00x9.00x10.00

8 36843154 1 SEAL 0.00, 0.60x24.30x2.00

1104C-44T RG38206
Flywheel & Starter Ring DDHR2012 P022
1104C-44T RG38206
Flywheel & Starter Ring DDHR2012 P022

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL031926 Flywheel & Starter Ring
1 41117315 hst 1 FLYWHEEL ASSEMBLY 27.50, 4.50x41.00x41.00

1 4111D274 1 FLYWHEEL ASSEMBLY 30.00, 25.00x48.00x53.00

4 32162203 10 SCREW 0.04, 2.00x4.00x2.00

5 33117127 10 WASHER 0.00, 0.20x2.00x2.00

4111D274 FLYWHEEL ASSEMBLY 30.00, 25.00x48.00x53.00

2 31221326 1 FLYWHEEL
3 31162121 1 STARTER RING GEAR 1.86, 40.50x40.50x2.00
1104C-44T RG38206
Starter Motor EDHR0955 P023
1104C-44T RG38206
Starter Motor EDHR0955 P023

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL069762 Starter Motor
1 2873K632 1 STARTER MOTOR
2 2313C078 3 STUD 0.02, 1.00x4.50x1.00

3 2318A604 3 NUT 0.12, 1.00x10.00x9.50

1104C-44T RG38206
Fan Drive FBHR1013 P024
1104C-44T RG38206
Fan Drive FBHR1013 P024

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL025582 Fan Drive
1 2614B643 cmt 1 BELT 0.29, 5.00x20.00x39.00
1104C-44T RG38206
Dipstick & Filler Tube GBHR2764 P025
1104C-44T RG38206
Dipstick & Filler Tube GBHR2764 P025

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL024257 Dipstick & Filler Tube
1 4126A081 1 DIPSTICK TUBE 0.14, 1.50x15.00x74.00

5 33812116 1 OLIVE 0.00, 0.60x1.20x1.20

6 2314F009 1 SCREW 0.11, 1.50x10.00x10.00

6 2314F909 hst 1 SCREW 0.01, 1.00x1.00x4.50

7 2314F002 1 SCREW 0.06, 1.50x10.00x8.00

8 3178C184 hst 1 DIPSTICK 0.02, 69.00x1.00x1.00

9 2318A602 hst 1 NUT 0.03, 10.00x10.00x0.50

9 3733A009 1 BRACKET 0.02, 10.00x10.00x2.00

4126A081 DIPSTICK TUBE 0.14, 1.50x15.00x74.00

3 0180170 1 CLIP 0.01, 1.20x2.80x1.60

4 3353D005 1 NUT 0.16, 2.00x9.00x9.00

1104C-44T RG38206
Oil Strainer GBHR2764 P026
1104C-44T RG38206
Oil Strainer GBHR2764 P026

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL024259 Oil Strainer
1 3575A061 1 PIPE - OIL SUCTION 0.25, 6.00x20.00x20.00

2 36832137 1 GASKET 0.01, 0.50x10.00x10.00

3 2314H004 2 SCREW 0.15, 12.00x10.00x2.00

1104C-44T RG38206
Sump GBHR2764 P027
1104C-44T RG38206
Sump GBHR2764 P027

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL074314 Sump
1 T406003 1 SUMP
2 32186405 2 PLUG 0.06, 10.00x10.00x3.00

3 2415715 2 SEAL - O RING 0.01, 1.00x9.50x10.00

4 2431A016 1 PLUG 0.11, 0.80x10.00x13.00

5 3681K037 1 GASKET - SUMP 0.14, 1.00x30.00x60.00

6 2314H033 2 SCREW 0.01, 1.00x3.00x1.80

7 3627P041 1 BRIDGE PIECE 0.49, 20.00x27.00x2.00

8 2311D039 2 SCREW 0.06, 10.00x7.00x1.00

9 2314H003 2 SCREW 0.13, 1.20x1.90x1.20

10 2314K166 4 SCREW 0.03, 2.00x1.00x10.00

11 2314H003 11 SCREW 0.13, 1.20x1.90x1.20

12 2314H003 1 SCREW 0.13, 1.20x1.90x1.20

4145H131 SUMP 3.69, 16.00x28.00x57.00

2 2137435 hst 2 INSERT 0.00, 1.00x2.00x2.00

1104C-44T RG38206
Cylinder Head Cover HBHR2744 P028
1104C-44T RG38206
Cylinder Head Cover HBHR2744 P028

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
4142X099 OIL FILLER CAP 0.04, 3.50x7.00x7.00

12 1999/12/12 1 OIL FILLER CAP 0.04, 5.00x16.00x16.00

13 2415A131 1 SEAL - O RING 0.06, 15.00x15.00x4.00

PPL023828 Cylinder Head Cover

1 4142X323 hst 1 CYL HEAD COVER ASSY 1.60, 70.00x17.00x6.00

4142X323 CYL HEAD COVER ASSY 1.60, 67.00x31.00x6.00


3 3681A055 1 GASKET - CYL. HEAD COVER 0.07, 49.00x16.00x1.00

4 2161A013 10 SCREW 0.00, 0.00x0.00x0.00

5 3174A017 1 SPRING 0.02, 3.50x16.00x16.00

6 3788A002 1 CAP 0.01, 1.00x15.00x15.00

7 3789A001 1 DIAPHRAGM 0.01, 15.00x16.00x1.00

8 3615A009 1 COVER PLATE 0.09, 0.20x15.00x15.00

9 2151A001 4 SCREW 0.00, 1.00x2.00x1.00

10 3788A003 1 CAP 0.02, 1.00x16.00x16.00

11 4142X099 1 OIL FILLER CAP 0.04, 3.50x7.00x7.00

1104C-44T RG38206
Breather HBHR2744 P029
1104C-44T RG38206
Breather HBHR2744 P029

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL023830 Breather
1 Check History hst 1 PIPE - BREATHER 0.11, 20.00x15.00x5.00

1 4134K022 1 PIPE - BREATHER 0.01, 17.00x17.00x0.40

5 2314F005 2 SCREW 0.07, 1.00x10.00x8.00

6 33872632 1 HOSE 0.20, 2.30x2.30x97.00

7 3175P003 1 SPRING 0.02, 3.00x30.00x17.00

8 2481877 1 HOSE CLIP 0.02, 1.50x4.00x4.00

9 36241123 1 SUPPORT BRACKET 0.01, 0.50x5.00x3.20

4134K015 PIPE - BREATHER 0.11, 20.00x15.00x5.00

Check History cmt,h 2 SCREW 0.15, 2.00x10.00x10.00

4 3688A038 hst 1 GASKET - BREATHER 0.01, 1.00x3.50x7.00

4134K022 PIPE - BREATHER 0.01, 17.00x17.00x0.40

2 3783R045 1 PIPE - BREATHER

3 2415A068 1 SEAL - O RING 0.01, 1.00x10.00x10.00

4 2415H701 1 SEAL - O RING 0.00, 0.02x10.00x11.00

1104C-44T RG38206
Blanking Plates HBHR2744 P030
1104C-44T RG38206
Blanking Plates HBHR2744 P030

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL023831 Blanking Plates
1 2485A124 1 PLUG 0.02, 0.90x4.00x4.00
1104C-44T RG38206
Cylinder Head Cover HBHR2744 P031
1104C-44T RG38206
Cylinder Head Cover HBHR2744 P031

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL023833 Cylinder Head Cover
1 3788N003 1 COVER 0.19, 5.00x9.00x46.00

2 2314F003 3 SCREW 0.06, 1.00x10.00x8.00

1104C-44T RG38206
Oil Filter JBHR2347 P032
1104C-44T RG38206
Oil Filter JBHR2347 P032

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL025121 Oil Filter
1 3773A061 1 OIL FILTER HEAD 0.37, 10.00x10.00x9.00

2 3688A039 1 GASKET - OIL FILTER HEAD 0.01, 1.00x10.00x10.00

3 2314H034 4 SCREW 0.15, 1.80x10.00x10.00

4 3278A007 1 PLUG 0.01, 1.00x1.00x1.00

5 2415H009 1 SEAL - O RING 0.01, 0.25x10.00x10.00

4134E058 OIL FILTER HEAD 0.43, 10.00x10.00x13.00

2 33554128 hst 1 CONNECTION 0.03, 4.00x3.00x3.00

1104C-44T RG38206
Blanking Plates JBHR2347 P033
1104C-44T RG38206
Blanking Plates JBHR2347 P033

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL025123 Blanking Plates
1 3623A009 1 BLANKING PLATE 0.28, 16.00x16.00x1.00

2 3688A039 1 GASKET - OIL FILTER HEAD 0.01, 1.00x10.00x10.00

3 2314H033 4 SCREW 0.01, 1.00x3.00x1.80

1104C-44T RG38206
Oil Cooler JBHR2347 P034
1104C-44T RG38206
Oil Cooler JBHR2347 P034

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL051183 Oil Cooler
1 4134W025 hst 1 OIL COOLER 3.63, 16.00x34.00x24.00

4134W021 OIL COOLER 3.63, 16.00x34.00x24.00

7 2311D060 hst 2 SCREW 0.14, 2.00x10.00x8.00

7 2314H004 hst 8 SCREW 0.15, 12.00x10.00x2.00


2 3772A035 1 HOUSING
3 2486A217 1 OIL COOLER 1.71, 11.00x11.00x25.00

4 3685A025 2 GASKET - OIL COOLER 0.00, 0.01x10.00x15.00

5 3685A033 1 GASKET - OIL COOLER 0.03, 40.00x30.00x1.00

6 2314K161 3 SCREW 0.28, 2.00x14.50x10.50

7 2314H004 10 SCREW 0.15, 12.00x10.00x2.00

8 2314H006 4 SCREW 0.19, 15.00x13.00x1.50

1104C-44T RG38206
Oil Filter JDHR0023 P035
1104C-44T RG38206
Oil Filter JDHR0023 P035

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL042033 Oil Filter
1 2654407 1 OIL FILTER 0.56, 10.00x10.00x19.00
1104C-44T RG38206
Front End Drive Input KBHR0519 P036
1104C-44T RG38206
Front End Drive Input KBHR0519 P036

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL023541 Front End Drive Input
1 3114V041 1 CRANKSHAFT PULLEY 2.47, 7.00x20.30x20.30

2 3241N001 1 BLOCK 0.41, 6.30x6.30x1.80

3 32186137 3 BOLT 0.04, 2.00x15.00x10.00

1104C-44T RG38206
Front End Drive Input KBHR0782 P037
1104C-44T RG38206
Front End Drive Input KBHR0782 P037

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL083509 Front End Drive Input
2 32186146 3 BOLT
1104C-44T RG38206
Pipes LBHR2253 P038
1104C-44T RG38206
Pipes LBHR2253 P038

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL023651 Pipes
1 4133L048 1 CONNECTION 0.03, 3.00x6.00x11.00

5 2314H003 2 SCREW 0.13, 1.20x1.90x1.20

4133L048 CONNECTION 0.03, 3.00x6.00x11.00

2 3782L003 1 CONNECTION
3 2418F002 1 SEAL - O RING 0.01, 0.25x2.00x2.00

4 2418F001 1 SEAL - O RING 0.00, 0.25x10.00x10.00

1104C-44T RG38206
Water Pump LBHR2253 P039
1104C-44T RG38206
Water Pump LBHR2253 P039

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL031928 Water Pump
1 U7LW0172 1 REPAIR KIT - WATER PUMP 0.59, 9.00x16.00x24.00

U7LW0172 REPAIR KIT - WATER PUMP 0.59, 9.00x16.00x24.00

2 2559-15 1 IMPELLER
3 2559-31 1 ROLLER BEARING
4 2559-32 1 BEARING
5 2559-33 1 SEAL - OIL
6 2326-34 1 SEAL
7 S36-31 1 CIRCLIP
8 S36-32 1 CIRCLIP
9 24880234 1 GASKET - WATER PUMP 0.17, 1.00x20.00x20.00

10 2559-14 1 DRIVE SHAFT

11 3682A011 1 GASKET - WATER PUMP 0.07, 31.00x20.00x0.30
1104C-44T RG38206
Water Pump LBHR2253 P040
1104C-44T RG38206
Water Pump LBHR2253 P040

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL090028 Water Pump
1 U5MW0206 hst 1 WATER PUMP KIT 4.80, 31.00x24.00x16.00

7 2314K164 2 SCREW 0.33, 1.00x11.00x15.00

8 2314H005 2 SCREW 0.17, 12.50x11.50x1.50

9 2314H012 5 SCREW 0.03, 1.50x7.50x1.50

1104C-44T RG38206
Water Outlet Housing LDHR0704 P041
1104C-44T RG38206
Water Outlet Housing LDHR0704 P041

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL023643 Water Outlet Housing
1 4133L509 1 CONNECTION 0.27, 9.00x25.00x28.00

5 2314H012 1 SCREW 0.03, 1.50x7.50x1.50

6 2314H004 1 SCREW 0.15, 12.00x10.00x2.00

4133L503 CONNECTION 0.27, 9.00x25.00x28.00

2 3782L006 1 CONNECTION
3 Check History 1 THERMOSTAT 0.08, 6.00x8.00x7.00

4 2415H219 1 SEAL - WATER OUTLET 0.00, 0.30x7.00x7.00

1104C-44T RG38206
Water Outlet Housing LDHR0704 P042
1104C-44T RG38206
Water Outlet Housing LDHR0704 P042

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL037468 Water Outlet Housing
1 4133L509 1 THERMOSTAT ASSEMBLY 0.85, 10.00x10.00x25.00

7 2314H012 1 SCREW 0.03, 1.50x7.50x1.50

8 2314H004 1 SCREW 0.15, 12.00x10.00x2.00

4133L509 THERMOSTAT ASSEMBLY 0.85, 10.00x10.00x25.00

4 2415H219 1 SEAL - THERMOSTAT HOUSING 0.00, 10.00x10.00x1.00

5 29990015 1 PLUG 0.02, 2.00x2.00x2.00

6 29990016 1 SEAL - O RING 0.00, 10.00x10.00x2.00

1104C-44T RG38206
Alternator NDHR2711 P043
1104C-44T RG38206
Alternator NDHR2711 P043

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL023657 Alternator
1 2871A306 cmt 1 ALTERNATOR 5.03, 16.00x23.00x16.00
1104C-44T RG38206
Alternator Bracket & Fixings NDHR2711 P044
1104C-44T RG38206
Alternator Bracket & Fixings NDHR2711 P044

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL023659 Alternator Bracket & Fixings
2131A008 hst 1 WASHER 0.02, 0.20x10.00x10.00

1 3824A071 1 ALTERNATOR BRACKET 0.15, 20.00x10.00x3.00

2 0920497 1 WASHER 0.03, 0.20x10.00x10.00

3 2314J007 2 SCREW 0.38, 2.00x15.50x12.50

4 2314H052 1 SCREW 0.05, 2.00x2.00x14.00

5 2318D208 1 NUT 0.01, 0.70x1.00x1.00

6 36155429 1 LEVER 0.11, 17.00x2.50x0.30

7 2314H004 1 SCREW 0.15, 12.00x10.00x2.00

7 2314H103 hst 1 SCREW 0.01, 1.60x3.00x1.60

8 2314J012 1 SCREW 0.05, 1.50x8.00x2.50

9 0920497 1 WASHER 0.03, 0.20x10.00x10.00

10 0920465 1 SPACER 0.01, 0.60x2.00x2.00

11 2318A604 1 NUT 0.12, 1.00x10.00x9.50

1104C-44T RG38206
Pulleys NDHR2711 P045
1104C-44T RG38206
Pulleys NDHR2711 P045

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL023660 Pulleys
1 3115H003 1 ALTERNATOR PULLEY 0.47, 3.00x17.00x22.00
1104C-44T RG38206
Timing Case QCHR0024 P046
1104C-44T RG38206
Timing Case QCHR0024 P046

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL024423 Timing Case
1 Check History hst 1 TIMING CASE 3.25, 60.00x47.00x6.00

1 3716C573 1 TIMING CASE 3.18, 60.00x60.00x8.00

2 2418F437 1 SEAL - FRONT END OIL 0.04, 8.00x8.00x1.00

3 2314H034 4 SCREW 0.15, 1.80x10.00x10.00

4 3681P053 1 GASKET - TIMING CASE 0.15, 0.20x40.00x50.00

5 2314H003 6 SCREW 0.13, 1.20x1.90x1.20

6 2314H006 2 SCREW 0.19, 15.00x13.00x1.50

6 2314H003 hst 8 SCREW 0.13, 1.20x1.90x1.20

1104C-44T RG38206
Timing Cover QCHR0024 P047
1104C-44T RG38206
Timing Cover QCHR0024 P047

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL024424 Timing Cover
1 4142A504 hst 1 TIMINGGEAR COVER 2.00, 4.00x43.00x45.00

4 2314H002 9 SCREW 0.12, 1.00x10.00x10.00

5 2314H012 5 SCREW 0.03, 1.50x7.50x1.50

6 2314J002 1 SCREW 0.24, 9.00x9.50x2.00

4142A504 TIMINGGEAR COVER 2.04, 50.00x40.00x2.00

2 1 TIMING COVER 2.00, 3.00x46.00x43.00

3 3681P047 1 GASKET - TIMING CASE COVER 0.17, 50.00x40.00x1.50

1104C-44T RG38206
Timing Case QCHR0024 P048
1104C-44T RG38206
Timing Case QCHR0024 P048

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL024651 Timing Case
0500012 hst 1 WOODRUFF KEY 0.01, 0.50x2.00x1.00

1 4111A034 hst 1 IDLER GEAR 2.37, 5.00x23.00x25.00

4 3311A054 1 HUB 0.63, 9.00x8.50x5.00

5 3241A025 cmt 1 PLATE 0.27, 11.00x10.00x1.00

5 Check History hst 1 PLATE 0.15, 8.00x8.00x0.50

6 2314J011 3 SCREW 0.05, 10.00x10.00x2.00

6 2314J010 hst 3 SCREW 0.42, 15.00x11.00x2.00

7 3117N001 1 CAMSHAFT GEAR 1.75, 27.00x21.50x4.00

8 3112X011 1 THRUST WASHER 0.05, 1.00x10.00x10.00

9 2116053 1 DOWEL 0.01, 0.30x10.50x10.50

10 3321A003 1 WASHER 0.10, 0.50x5.30x5.30

11 2314J606 1 SCREW 0.05, 3.00x6.00x6.00

4111A034 IDLER GEAR 2.55, 28.00x21.00x4.00

2 1 IDLER GEAR 0.00, 0.00x0.00x0.00

3 1 BUSH
1104C-44T RG38206
Drive Adaptor QDHR1382 P049
1104C-44T RG38206
Drive Adaptor QDHR1382 P049

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL023997 Drive Adaptor
2311D559 hst 3 SCREW 0.01, 1.10x2.70x1.10

1 4113H093 1 ADAPTOR 3.63, 24.00x17.00x16.00

7 2415B167 1 SEAL - O RING 0.01, 0.10x10.00x10.00

8 2311D578 1 SCREW 0.01, 1.10x2.70x1.10

9 2311D560 5 SCREW 0.01, 4.00x2.00x2.00

9 2311D559 hst 5 SCREW 0.01, 1.10x2.70x1.10

4113H093 ADAPTOR 3.63, 24.00x17.00x16.00

2 3751K151 1 ADAPTOR
3 3117C252 1 GEAR 1.05, 10.00x8.00x8.00

4 2521A207 1 BALL BEARING 0.12, 11.00x10.00x2.00

5 2521A415 1 BALL BEARING 0.36, 3.00x15.00x14.00

6 2721A537 1 CIRCLIP 0.03, 0.20x8.50x8.50

1104C-44T RG38206
Blanking Plugs QDHR1382 P050
1104C-44T RG38206
Blanking Plugs QDHR1382 P050

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL023999 Blanking Plugs
2 2314C049 1 SCREW 0.02, 2.20x1.60x0.70

2 Check History hst 1 PLUG 0.01, 2.00x1.00x1.00

3 2415D053 1 WASHER 0.00, 0.20x2.00x2.00

3 Check History hst 1 PLUG 0.01, 2.00x1.00x1.00

1104C-44T RG38206
Lubricating Oil Pump & Delivery Housing RBHR0031 P051
1104C-44T RG38206
Lubricating Oil Pump & Delivery Housing RBHR0031 P051

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL023626 Lubricating Oil Pump & Delivery
1 4132F071 1 OIL PUMP 3.37, 26.00x34.00x16.00

2 2314J008 5 SCREW 0.04, 2.00x6.00x2.00

1104C-44T RG38206
Top Service Kit SACR0001 P052
1104C-44T RG38206
Top Service Kit SACR0001 P052

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL025538 Top Service Kit
1 U5LT0357 hst 1 GASKET KIT - TOP 0.84, 2.00x40.00x65.00

U5LT0348 GASKET KIT - TOP 0.84, 2.00x40.00x65.00

2 3681E046 cmt 1 GASKET - CYLINDER HEAD 0.57, 0.50x34.00x60.00

2 Check History 2006/09/26, nla,h 1 GASKET - CYLINDER HEAD 2.42, 40.00x65.00x2.00

3 3681A055 1 GASKET - CYL. HEAD COVER 0.07, 49.00x16.00x1.00

4 2415H219 1 SEAL - WATER OUTLET 0.00, 0.30x7.00x7.00

5 3681V512 1 GASKET - EXHAUST MANIFOLD 0.09, 0.50x14.00x66.00

6 3684N503 1 GASKET 0.03, 1.00x11.00x18.20

7 3688A035 1 GASKET 0.00, 0.10x10.00x10.00

8 3688A029 1 GASKET - TURBOCHARGER 0.01, 13.00x10.00x2.00

9 L311FF02 4 INJECTOR WASHER 0.02, 10.00x10.50x0.10

10 3688A036 1 GASKET 0.00, 0.10x10.00x10.00

11 Check History cmt 4 SEAL - VALVE STEM 0.13, 15.00x15.00x2.00

12 2418M519 cmt 4 SEAL - VALVE STEM 0.01, 10.00x10.00x2.00

1104C-44T RG38206
Turbocharger SBHR1498 P053
1104C-44T RG38206
Turbocharger SBHR1498 P053

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL026492 Turbocharger
1 2674A200 1 TURBOCHARGER 6.35, 26.00x26.00x26.00

1 2674A200R 1 TURBOCHARGER 6.39, 24.00x24.00x24.00

2 3688A029 1 GASKET - TURBOCHARGER 0.01, 13.00x10.00x2.00

3 T409161 4 STUD
3 2313M377 hst 4 STUD 0.02, 1.00x1.00x4.00

3 3254K013 hst 3 STUD 0.01, 10.00x10.00x2.00

4 2318A634 3 NUT 0.12, 1.00x10.00x15.00

1104C-44T RG38206
Feed Pipes SBHR1498 P054
1104C-44T RG38206
Feed Pipes SBHR1498 P054

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL026494 Feed Pipes
1 4128A027 1 PIPE - TURBO OIL FEED 0.15, 2.00x20.00x42.00

4128A027 PIPE - TURBO OIL FEED 0.15, 2.00x20.00x42.00

2 704128A027 1 PIPE - TURBO OIL FEED

3 3218R036 1 BANJO BOLT 0.01, 1.00x10.00x10.00

4 2131A506 1 WASHER 0.00, 0.02x10.00x10.00

5 2131A506 1 WASHER 0.00, 0.02x10.00x10.00

6 3218R036 1 BANJO BOLT 0.01, 1.00x10.00x10.00

7 2131A506 1 WASHER 0.00, 0.02x10.00x10.00

8 2131A506 1 WASHER 0.00, 0.02x10.00x10.00

1104C-44T RG38206
Leak-Off Pipes SBHR1498 P055
1104C-44T RG38206
Leak-Off Pipes SBHR1498 P055

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL026495 Leak-Off Pipes
1 3584A001 1 PIPE - TURBO OIL DRAIN 0.19, 5.00x20.00x20.00

2 3688A035 1 GASKET 0.00, 0.10x10.00x10.00

3 3688A036 1 GASKET 0.00, 0.10x10.00x10.00

4 2314F004 2 SCREW 0.06, 1.00x10.00x8.00

5 2314H003 2 SCREW 0.13, 1.20x1.90x1.20

1104C-44T RG38206
Pipework & Connections SBHR1498 P056
1104C-44T RG38206
Pipework & Connections SBHR1498 P056

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL026498 Pipework & Connections
1 3766A131 1 EXHAUST ELBOW 2.34, 24.00x16.00x16.00

2 3824A261 1 BRACKET 1.21, 14.50x15.00x9.00

3 3347A091 1 ADAPTOR 0.67, 10.00x10.00x13.00

4 2314J003 3 SCREW 0.22, 2.00x10.00x15.00

5 2318A634 3 NUT 0.12, 1.00x10.00x15.00

6 2314J004 2 SCREW 0.03, 2.50x4.00x3.00

7 T409161 3 STUD
7 2313M377 hst 3 STUD 0.02, 1.00x1.00x4.00
1104C-44T RG38206
Exhaust Manifold SBHR1498 P057
1104C-44T RG38206
Exhaust Manifold SBHR1498 P057

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL026499 Exhaust Manifold
2 3681V512 1 GASKET - EXHAUST MANIFOLD 0.09, 0.50x14.00x66.00

3 3218J013 8 SCREW 0.03, 3.00x2.00x4.00

1104C-44T RG38206
Pipework & Connections SBHR1498 P058
1104C-44T RG38206
Pipework & Connections SBHR1498 P058

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL026500 Pipework & Connections
1 3571C067 1 PIPE - CROSS OVER 1.76, 15.00x55.00x20.00

2 2481D073 1 HOSE CLIP 0.03, 10.00x10.00x2.00

3 3383A027 1 HOSE 0.05, 7.00x5.50x5.50

4 2481D073 1 HOSE CLIP 0.03, 10.00x10.00x2.00

5 2314H033 4 SCREW 0.01, 1.00x3.00x1.80

6 3688A037 1 GASKET - IND MANIFOLD 0.02, 1.00x15.00x15.00

1104C-44T RG38206
Bottom Service Kit SGBR0381 P059
1104C-44T RG38206
Bottom Service Kit SGBR0381 P059

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL039701 Bottom Service Kit
1 U5LB0381 1 GASKET KIT - BOTTOM 0.54, 2.00x40.00x63.00

U5LB0381 GASKET KIT - BOTTOM 0.54, 2.00x40.00x63.00

2 2415715 1 SEAL - O RING 0.01, 1.00x9.50x10.00

3 36832137 1 GASKET 0.01, 0.50x10.00x10.00

4 3681P047 1 GASKET - TIMING CASE COVER 0.17, 50.00x40.00x1.50

4 3681P053 hst 1 GASKET - TIMING CASE 0.07, 1.00x35.00x40.00

5 26420348 1 SEAL - O RING 0.01, 0.50x10.00x10.00

5 3681P053 hst 1 GASKET - TIMING CASE 0.01, 0.10x10.00x10.00

6 3688A041 1 GASKET - OIL FILTER HEAD 0.01, 1.00x10.00x10.00

7 3688A039 1 GASKET - OIL FILTER HEAD 0.01, 1.00x10.00x10.00

8 3682A011 1 GASKET - WATER PUMP 0.07, 31.00x20.00x0.30

9 3688A035 1 GASKET 0.00, 0.10x10.00x10.00

10 3685A033 1 GASKET - OIL COOLER 0.03, 40.00x30.00x1.00

11 3685A025 2 GASKET - OIL COOLER 0.00, 0.01x10.00x15.00

12 3681K037 1 GASKET - SUMP 0.14, 1.00x30.00x60.00

13 3681P053 1 GASKET - TIMING CASE 0.15, 0.20x40.00x50.00

1104C-44T RG38206
Pipework & Connections TBHR0886 P060
1104C-44T RG38206
Pipework & Connections TBHR0886 P060

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL024217 Pipework & Connections
1 Check History 3 PLATE 0.34, 0.50x8.90x8.90

2 2314H033 12 SCREW 0.01, 1.00x3.00x1.80

3 3684N503 3 GASKET 0.03, 1.00x11.00x18.20

1104C-44T RG38206
Filter to Injection Pump Pipe VBHR2249 P061
1104C-44T RG38206
Filter to Injection Pump Pipe VBHR2249 P061

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL023964 Filter to Injection Pump Pipe
1 2646F001 1 PIPE - FILTER TO INJ PUMP 0.02, 2.00x14.00x30.00
1104C-44T RG38206
Injection Pump to Filter Pipe VBHR2249 P062
1104C-44T RG38206
Injection Pump to Filter Pipe VBHR2249 P062

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL044998 Injection Pump to Filter Pipe
1 2646F009 1 PIPE - INJ PUMP TO FILTER 0.06, 43.00x25.00x11.00

2 3763A045 1 CONNECTION 0.00, 1.00x10.00x10.00

3 2481D406 1 PIPE CLIP 0.00, 1.00x2.50x1.00

4 2481D456 1 CLIP 0.01, 10.00x10.00x1.00

5 3733A011 1 BRACKET 0.01, 2.00x15.00x15.00

6 2481D559 1 PIPE CLIP 0.00, 2.00x1.00x2.00

6 2481D558 hst 2 PIPE CLIP 0.00, 1.00x10.00x10.00

1104C-44T RG38206
Lift Pump VBHR2249 P063
1104C-44T RG38206
Lift Pump VBHR2249 P063

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL084613 Lift Pump
11 U5MK0696 1 MOUNTING KIT 0.08, 15.00x10.00x3.00

16 3763A046 1 CONNECTION 0.01, 2.00x10.00x10.00

1104C-44T RG38206
Heater Plugs WDHR0345 P064
1104C-44T RG38206
Heater Plugs WDHR0345 P064

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL022822 Heater Plugs
1 2666A016 4 GLOWPLUG 0.04, 2.00x15.00x15.00

2 T409642 hst 1 BAR 0.08, 2.00x12.00x54.00

3 2481D456 1 CLIP 0.01, 10.00x10.00x1.00

1104C-44T RG38206
Engine Lifting Eyes XBHR0458 P065
1104C-44T RG38206
Engine Lifting Eyes XBHR0458 P065

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL023448 Engine Lifting Eyes
1 3617A015 1 LIFTING BRACKET 0.21, 1.00x10.00x20.00

2 2314J002 2 SCREW 0.24, 9.00x9.50x2.00

3 3624A016 hst 1 LIFTING BRACKET 0.40, 2.00x20.00x2.00

4 2314J002 2 SCREW 0.24, 9.00x9.50x2.00

1104C-44T RG38206
Engine Mounts ZCHR0879 P066
1104C-44T RG38206
Engine Mounts ZCHR0879 P066

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL023581 Engine Mounts
1 2313M101 8 STUD 0.38, 1.20x15.50x10.00

2 2318A605 8 NUT 0.02, 1.50x2.50x2.50

3 2487207 10 PLUG 0.00, 1.00x1.50x1.50

1104C-44T RG38206
Heater Switch ZEHR1057 P067
1104C-44T RG38206
Heater Switch ZEHR1057 P067

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL023450 Heater Switch
1 2846130 1 IGNITION SWITCH 0.20, 13.00x6.00x6.00

2 31812163 1 PLATE 0.00, 11.00x10.00x0.20

3 2815651 1 CONNECTOR 0.01, 0.50x10.00x10.00

4 35684 1 SLEEVE 0.00, 3.50x1.00x0.50

5 2815512 6 CONNECTOR 0.01, 0.50x10.00x10.00

6 35683 6 SLEEVE 0.00, 0.40x2.50x1.00

1104C-44T RG38206
Lubricating Oil Pressure Switch/Gauge ZJHR0546 P068
1104C-44T RG38206
Lubricating Oil Pressure Switch/Gauge ZJHR0546 P068

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL032665 Lubricating Oil Pressure
1 3278A004 1 PLUG 0.02, 1.00x10.00x10.00

2 2415H002 1 SEAL - O RING 0.00, 0.10x10.00x10.00

1104C-44T RG38206
Lubricating Oil Pressure Switch/Gauge ZJHR0546 P069
1104C-44T RG38206
Lubricating Oil Pressure Switch/Gauge ZJHR0546 P069

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL032669 Lubricating Oil Pressure
1 0650594 1 PLUG 0.01, 0.50x1.00x2.00
1104C-44T RG38206
Lubricating Oil Pressure Switch/Gauge ZJHR0547 P070
1104C-44T RG38206
Lubricating Oil Pressure Switch/Gauge ZJHR0547 P070

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL033008 Lubricating Oil Pressure
1 3278A004 1 PLUG 0.02, 1.00x10.00x10.00

2 2415H002 1 SEAL - O RING 0.00, 0.10x10.00x10.00

1104C-44T RG38206
Lubricating Oil Pressure Switch/Gauge ZJHR0547 P071
1104C-44T RG38206
Lubricating Oil Pressure Switch/Gauge ZJHR0547 P071

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL033012 Lubricating Oil Pressure
1 2848062 cmt 1 OIL PRESSURE SWITCH 0.03, 9.00x9.50x2.00
1104C-44T RG38206
Temperature Gauge & Sender ZLHR0384 P072
1104C-44T RG38206
Temperature Gauge & Sender ZLHR0384 P072

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL087795 Temperature Gauge & Sender
2 2415H003 1 SEAL - O RING 0.10, 1.00x1.00x0.10
1104C-44T RG38206
Miscellaneous & Auxiliaries ZZHR1015 P073
1104C-44T RG38206
Miscellaneous & Auxiliaries ZZHR1015 P073

Item Part No. Reference Qty. Description Notes Weight (kg), Size
PPL023580 Miscellaneous & Auxiliaries
1 2431154 1 PLUG 0.03, 2.00x15.00x10.50

2 33552414 1 ADAPTOR 0.09, 2.30x5.50x2.30

3 33552414 1 ADAPTOR 0.09, 2.30x5.50x2.30

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