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An Overview of Portfolio Insurances:


Elisabeth Joossens, Wim Schoutens

EUR 23576 EN - 2008

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EUR 23576 EN
ISBN 978-92-79-10655-2
ISSN 1018-5593
DOI 10.2788/30344

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1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2 Credit Risk and Credit Default Swaps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.1 What is Credit Risk? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.1.1 How to model Credit Risk? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.2 Credit Default Swaps (CDS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3 Portfolio Insurances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.1 Constant Proportion Portfolio Insurance (CPPI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.1.1 Recent Developments for CPPI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.2 Option Based Portfolio Insurance (OBPI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
4 A New Financial Instrument: Constant Proportion Debt Obligations (CDPO) 17
4.1 The Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
4.2 Some Results from the Literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.3 CPDOs in the Spotlight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
5 Comparison between CPPI and CPDO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
6 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
1 Introduction 2

1 Introduction

Financial institutions try to protect their portfolios against failure events and therefore
they often invest in derivative instruments. Derivative instruments are a fast growing
market in which new products such as Constant Proportion Portfolio Insurance (CPPI)
and Constant Proportion Debt Obligation (CPDO) are created. Although these two re-
cently developed instruments function in different ways when deciding on their investment
strategy, both investment funds attempt to provide a portfolio insurance. More precisely,
their strategy is to invest only a part of the capital in a risky asset and to invest the
remainder in a safe way. The total value of the portfolio at each time step will influence
the position taken in the risky asset. The decisions on the risk position at each time step
aim to allow the investor of a CPPI or CPDO to recover, at maturity, a given percentage
of their initial capital. It could happen that the promised return is not achieved. In this
case, for the CPPI structure, the bank will have to cover the losses at maturity while
for the CPDO structure, the CPDO will unwind and the investor will not receive the
promised amount at maturity but only the remainder amount at the time of unwinding.
CPPI clearly safeguards a given percentage of the invested capital for the investor, while
for CPDO the investor appears to be taking a risk. In the past this risk has always been
seen as very small and CPDO has been sold as very safe. Here we will study those two
products in depth in order to answer the question whether CPDO and CPPI are really as
safe and attractive as they seem.
We will introduce the concept of Credit Risk in the first section. This is the risk that,
after agreeing on a certain contract, one of the involved parties will not fulfil its financial
obligations (such as paying a premium). Often the quality and price of financial products
will heavily depend on this risk. Different ways to model this risk are presented and can
be used to price financial products. Next, a financial instrument called credit default
swap (CDS) is introduced. This is an instrument which tries to provide a protection for
credit risk by transferring it. In exchange for a predefined cost, also called ”spread”, a
second party will cover the losses one might suffer due to credit risk. The cost for such an
insurance will clearly depend on the size of the risk and the impact of the possible losses.
This cost and hence the price can be determined using the above mentioned models for
credit risk. There are no obligations to perform credit default swaps so their changes in
credit spread can be used for speculations, for example: CDS spreads can be used as risky
assets in investment structures such as CPPI and CPDO.
In the next section two different types of insurance portfolios, CPPI and OBPI (option
based portfolio insurance), are compared. They are capital guarantee derivative securities
2 Credit Risk and Credit Default Swaps 3

that use a dynamic trading strategy in order to incorporate the performance of a certain
underlying product such as a simple stock or a CDS. They were introduced more than
10 years ago and are frequently used. Here we will study the CPPI structure in detail
including a short discussion on available papers on CPPI. In order to be able to test its
functionality under different conditions or constraints the OBPI is introduced briefly as
an alternative portfolio insurance.
One of the recent new products based on the idea of a CPPI is the CPDO or constant
proportion debt obligations, which is discussed in section 4. CPDOs are used for credit
portfolios comprising exposures to credit indices such as iTraxx and CDX. The CPDO
structures borrow many features from the CPPI, such as the constant proportion. The
main goal of a CPDO is to produce a high-yielding product and this is achieved through
a high degree of leverage. Contrary to the CPPI, leverage will be increased when the net
asset value of the portfolio decreases and descends below the target amount, but leverage
will be decreased when the net asset value of the portfolio increases and approaches the
target. Once this target amount is reached the CPDO will completely de-leverage. In this
section we will not only focus on the dynamics of the structure but we will also give a
short overview of the research concentrating on this topic and discuss the question of the
”safeness” of this structure as has been highlighted recently in the news.
We will conclude by discussing in more depth the differences and similarities of CPPI
and CPDO. This should give an even better insight into the structure of both financial

2 Credit Risk and Credit Default Swaps

This section is intended to give a short introduction to the main financial concepts which
will play a role in this work. First the concept of credit risk is introduced and different
ways to model this risk are discussed. Next, a short introduction on credit derivatives, i.e.
more precise credit default swaps, is provided.

2.1 What is Credit Risk?

Credit risk refers to the risk that a specified reference identity does not meet its credit
obligations within a specified time horizon T (called maturity). In other words, whenever
two or more parties sign an agreement there is a risk that one of them will not meet its
obligations. A simple example is the case where a single person signs a loan with a bank.
Here, it can happen that the person does not repay his debt according to the agreement.
In such a case, where one of two parties can no longer meet its obligation, we say that
2 Credit Risk and Credit Default Swaps 4

default will have occurred. The risk that such an event will happen is called credit risk.
The risk will always be spread over a certain time length.
Taking a more global perspective, in finance we do not only deal with the situation
of a person and a loan but it is always possible to characterize credit risk in terms of
the following components: the obligor, the set of criteria defining the default, and a time
interval over which the risk is spread. When, for instance, we talk about bonds, their
default can be defined in several ways. It could, for example, be bankruptcy but it might
also be a rating downgrade of the company or failure to pay an obligation (such as a
coupon). But it could also concern the value of a firm - here a firms value is linked to the
value of its financial assets. In general one will look at the asset value V = Vt , 0 ≤ t ≤ T
and default will be defined as a boundary condition on the asset value. Here we could say
that default occurs if the value falls below a certain fixed level L within the time horizon.
Figure 1 presents two possible paths for the firm value over time [0, 10] modelled through
Black-Scholes where µ = 0.05, σ = 0.4 and S0 = 100 as explained in Subsection 2.1.1. In
the case of the blue line, the value of the firm will fall below just before t = 5, the lower
bound, which is fixed at 20 and hence will default. In the case that the firm value follows
the red path no default will occur before T = 10.
As one will try to protect oneself from such defaults the size of the risk will also have
an effect on prices and hence the techniques for estimating the probability of default of a
reference entity within time T will be very important.
In the next subsection we will briefly explain some of the possible ways in which credit
risk can be modelled.

2.1.1 How to model Credit Risk?

Developing new models for credit risk is an important topic in the field of finance. This
is linked to the fact that in the last couple of years the volume of instruments linked
to credit risk traded on the market has increased exponentially. Besides the increase in
investments there has also been interest due to the Basel II Accord which encourages
financial institutions to develop methods for assessing their risk exposure.1 Credit risk
models are usually classified into two categories: intensity-based models and structural
The Basel II Accord, issued by Basel Committee on Banking Supervision in 2004, aims to secure the
financial market. The accord sets up capital requirements for financial institutions to ensure that a bank
holds capital reserves appropriate to the risk the bank exposes itself to through its lending and investment
2 Credit Risk and Credit Default Swaps 5






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Fig. 1: Two possible paths for a firms asset value over time with T = 10.
When the blue line occurs the obligor will default (when Vt < L)
in the other case the obligor will survive.
2 Credit Risk and Credit Default Swaps 6

Intensity-based models, also known as hazard rate or reduced-form models, focus di-
rectly on modelling the default probability. The main idea of these models lies in the fact
that at any moment in time (as long as the contract is running) there is a probability
that an obligor might default. Default is hence defined at the first jump of a counting
process with a certain intensity. In practice, the models assume that the intensities of
the default times follow a certain process (stochastic or deterministic) and under those
conditions the underlying default model can be constructed. This intensity of the process
depends heavily on the firms overall health and on the situation of the market.
The structural models, also known as firm value models, link default events to the
value of the financial assets of the firm, such as in the example presented above. Credit
risk will hence depend on the model used for the value of the financial assets of the firm
and the criteria used for a default. In this paper we will almost always use this approach
when modelling credit default.
A common way to model the time evolution of assets uses the following diffusion

dSt = St (µdt + σdWt ), S0 > 0, (1)

where Wt is a standard Brownian motion and µ and σ the so-called drift and volatility
factors. A standard Brownian motion is defined as follows:

Definition 1. Brownian motion: A stochastic process W = {Wt , t ≥ 0} defined on

a probability space (Ω, F, P) is a Brownian motion (or Wiener Process) if the following
conditions hold:

1. W0 = 0 almost surely,

2. the process has stationary,

3. the process has independent increments,

4. for s < t the random variable Wt − Ws has a normal distribution N (0, (t − s)).

From the above it follows that the path of a Brownian motion will be continuous. The
can easily be simulated when one discretizes the time using very small steps ∆t. The
value of a Brownian motion at time {n∆t, n = 1, 2, . . .} is obtained by sampling a series
of independent standard normal random numbers {νn , n = 1, 2, . . .} and setting:

W0 = 0, and Wn∆t = W(n−1)∆t + ∆tνt .
2 Credit Risk and Credit Default Swaps 7

Using the diffusion processes from 1 and the above way to model the Brownian motion,
asset values over time can be modelled through

St = S0 exp((µ − σ 2 /2)t + σWt ). (2)

The above way to model price changes of financial products is also referred to as
the Black-Scholes model. The main advantages of using the Black-Scholes formula for
modelling are that it is easy to understand its background and modelling price changes
of assets and derivatives is not time-consuming. A drawback is that it assumes normality
of the log returns of the financial assets, which is often not true in reality. Moreover,
the Black-Scholes model does not capture the possibility of sudden jumps which do occur
in real live and often cause extra credit risk. Hence a more flexible stochastic process is
needed to model reality in a better way.
It would be good to keep some properties of the Brownian motion such as indepen-
dence and stationarity of the increments but to drop the constraints of normality and
continuity of the paths. To create such a process we will restrict ourselves to the group
of infinitely divisible distributions.2 For each infinitely divisible distribution (with char-
acteristic function φ(u)) a stochastic process can be defined which starts at zero and has
independent and stationary increments such that the distribution of the increments over
[s, s + t], s, t ≥ 0 has (φ(u))t as characteristic function. Such processes are called Lévy
processes, in honour of Paul Lévy, a pioneer of the theory.

Definition 2. Lévy process: A cadlag3 stochastic process X = {Xt , t ≥ 0} defined on a

probability space (Ω, F, P) is a Lévy process if the following conditions hold:

1. Xt is a continuous process P-almost surely:

∀ε > 0 lim P(|Xt+h − Xt | ≥ ε) = 0,


2. X0 = 0,

3. the process has stationary increments,

4. the process has independent increments.

Suppose φ(u) is the characteristic function of a random variable X. If for every positive integer n,
φ(u) is also the n-th power of a characteristic function, we say that the distribution is infinitely divisible.
A function f : [0, T ] → Rd is said to be cadlag if it is right-continuous with left limit. the name derives
from the French continue à droit et limites à gauche.
2 Credit Risk and Credit Default Swaps 8

Lévy processes became very popular and are still more and more used in practice. An
in-depth study of Lévy processes in finance can be found in Schoutens (2003). Examples
of Lévy processes are the (Compound) Poisson process, the Gamma process, the inverse
Gaussian process and the Variance Gamma process (VG).
We will describe the Variance Gamma process, introduced in the financial literature
by Madan and Seneta (1990), a bit more in de detail as it will be used in the further of
this paper. We start from the characteristic function of Variance Gamma (VG(σ, ν, θ))
distribution which is defined as follows:
φV G (u; σ, ν, θ) = (1 − iuθν + σ 2 νu2 )−1/ν .
(V G)
This distribution is infinitely divisible and we can define the VG process X (V G) = {Xt ,t ≥
0} with parameters σ, ν > 0 and θ as a process which starts at zero, has stationary and in-
(V G) (V G) √
dependent increments and for which the increments Xs+t −Xs follow a V G(σ t, ν/t, tθ)
distribution of over the time [s, t + s].
Another way of constructing the VG process is by the technique of time changing. Here
we will start from a Gamma process. Recall that the density function of a Gamma(a, b)
distribution is given by
ba a−1
fGamma (x; a, b) = x exp(−xb), x > 0,
where Γ(.) is the Gamma function. It can be shown that the distribution is infinitely
divisible and hence using the Gamma distribution one can build a process with independent
and stationary Gamma increments. If we define G = {Gt , t ≥ 0} as a Gamma process
with parameters a = b = 1/ν, we have that Gt will follow a Gamma(at, b) distribution
and E(Gt ) = t. The VG (σ, ν, θ) process can also be defined as
(V G)
Xt = θGt + σWGt , t ≥ 0, (3)

where W = {Wt , t ≥ 0} is a standard Brownian motion independent from the Gamma

process. For simulation reasons, a sample path of the VG processes can thus be obtained
by sampling a standard Brownian motion and a Gamma process. The Gamma process can
easily, like the Brownian motion, be simulated at time points {n∆t, n = 1, 2, . . .} with ∆t
small. First generate independent Gamma (a∆t, b) random numbers {gn , n = 1, 2, . . .}.
Then the Gamma process can be constructed by

G0 = 0, and Gn∆t = G(n−1)∆t + gn , n ≥ 1.

Similarly to Equation 2 for the Brownian motion, the value over time of an asset using
the dynamics of a Variance Gamma process can now be modelled by:
2 Credit Risk and Credit Default Swaps 9

St = S0 exp(ωt + θGt + σWGt ), (4)

with ω = ν −1 log(1 − σ 2 ν/2 − θν).

Both models will make it possible to generate a sample path for the price changes of
financial assets over time and hence to model the connected credit risk.
In the next section we will define an important group of credit derivatives which are
often used in practice. Generating a sample path of their prices can be done using one of
the above models for the underlying asset(s).

2.2 Credit Default Swaps (CDS)

Credit Default Swaps (CDS) are very simple credit derivatives and have a big share in
the market of credit derivatives. Credit derivatives can be defined as the group of all
derivatives whose payoffs are affected by the default of a specified reference entity (or a
basket of entities). They are often used to hedge, transfer or manage risk and can hence
be considered as an insurance against default. The main idea of credit derivatives is that
credit risk is transferred without reallocating the ownership of the underlying asset(s).
This way they provide a certain protection against decreasing solvency or default of the
underlying asset(s).
CDS in particular are designed to isolate the risk of default on a credit obligation.
The protection buyer transfers the credit risk of a reference identity to the protection
seller for a fixed time T . In exchange for this shift of risk, the protection buyer will
make predetermined payments to the protection seller. These payments will occur in a
continuous way until the end of the contract (the time of maturity) T unless a default
occurs before the time to maturity. If default of the reference entity occurs, the protection
seller will cover the losses (or part of the losses) of the protection buyer due to the default
of the underlying entity and the contract will be terminated. The yearly rate paid by the
protection buyer to enter a CDS contract against failure is called the CDS spread.4 The
amount of the spread will reflect the riskiness of the underlying credit, if the probability
of default increases also the cost of the CDS (the spread) will increase. There is no
requirement to actually hold any asset or suffer a loss, hence credit default swaps can also
be used to speculate on changes in credit spread.
For a simple example, Figure 2 presents the cash flows for two possible scenarios
(default at time t = 7 or no default). Here we consider the case where a person owns
a zero-coupon defaultable bond of a company with a face value F = 10.000 Euro and
Spreads are often quantified in bp; bp stands for ”basispoint” and is equal to 0.01%.
2 Credit Risk and Credit Default Swaps 10

maturity T = 10 years. Suppose that this person would like to cover himself against
the possible default of the bond. He can buy this protection by entering into a CDS
contract. A possible situation would be that the contract requests an annual payment of
an amount of 400bp from the protection buyer to be protected against default. In return,
the protection seller will cover the loss which might result from defaulting. The amount
of the loss will be equal to the difference between F and the recovery value after default.
We hence take into account that in case of default the total amount will not automatically
be lost but that the value might be partially recovered. The concept of recovery can be
understood through the following example. In the case that a company goes bankrupt,
there are creditors claiming against the assets of the company, and the owner of the bond
is one of those creditors. The assets are sold by a liquidator and the profits are used to
meet the claims as far as possible. Historically values of the recovery rate fall between
20% and 50%. For the current example we assume that the recovery rate will be equal to
R = 40%.
The annual amount paid by the protection buyer in this example is hence equal to
400bp·10.000 = 400 Euro and the payment of the protection seller in case of default will
be F (1 − R) = 6.000 Euro. In Figure 2 it is assumed that in the second scenario the bond
defaulted at the beginning of the seventh year.
In practice, CDS are not only used to reallocate the risk of a single asset but a basket
of assets might be considered. A credit default swap index is a credit derivative used to
hedge credit risk or to take a position on a basket of credit entities. There are currently two
main families of CDS indices: CDX en iTraxx. CDX indices contain North American and
Emerging Market companies and are administered by CDS Index Company (CDSIndexCo)
and marketed by Markit Group, and iTraxx contain companies from the rest of the world
and are managed by the International Index Company (IIC).
The most widely traded of the indices is the iTraxx Europe index composed of the
most liquid 125 CDS referencing European investment grade credits, subject to certain
sector rules as determined by the IIC and also as determined by the SEC. There are also
significant volumes, in nominal values, of trading in the HiVol and Crossover indices. HiVol
is a subset of the main index consisting of what are seen as the most risky 30 constituents
at the time the index is constructed. Crossover is constructed in a similar way but is
composed of 45 sub-investment grade credits. A new series of CDS indices is issued every
six months by Markit and IIC.
As there exist no requirements to hold CDSs and their indexes, they are not only used
as insurance against risk but are also traded on the market in a speculative way. As a
3 Portfolio Insurances 11








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Fig. 2: Cash flows from the protection buyer for a 10 year CDS.
Blue: cash flows in case no default occurs. Red: cash
flows in case there is a default at time t = 7.

consequence pricing of the CDSs is a popular subject for research (see e.g. Cariboni, 2007).

3 Portfolio Insurances

Portfolio insurances are capital guarantee derivative securities that embed a dynamic trad-
ing strategy in order to make a contribution to the performance of a certain underlying
assets. Two different types of portfolio insurances are considered here. First, the constant
proportion portfolio insurance (e.g. Overhaus et al., 2007) and, second, the option-based
portfolio insurance. Both invest partially in a risk-free way and combine this with a risky

3.1 Constant Proportion Portfolio Insurance (CPPI)

The family of constant proportion portfolio insurance consists of investments for which
the amount necessary for guaranteeing a repayment of a fixed amount N at maturity T
is invested in a risk-free way, typically a bond, B, and only the exceeding amount will
be invested in one or more risky assets, Si . This way an investor can limit its downside
risks and maintain some upside potential. This type of portfolio insurance has first been
3 Portfolio Insurances 12

introduced by Black and Jones (1987) and Perold (1986).

The product manager will take larger risks when the market is performing well. But
if the market is going down he will reduce the risk rapidly. The following factors play a
key role in the risk strategies an investor will take:

• Price: The current value of the CPPI. The value at time t ∈ [0, T ] will be denoted
as Vt .

• Floor: The reference level to which the CPPI is compared. This level will guarantee
the possibility of repaying the fixed amount N at maturity T , hence it could be seen
as the present value of N at maturity. Typically this is a zero-coupon bond and its
price at time t will be denoted as Bt .

• Cushion: The cushion is defined as the difference between the price and the floor,

Cushion = Price − Floor.

• Cushion % = Cushion/Price.

• Multiplier: The multiplier is a fixed value which represents the amount of leverage
an investor is willing to take.

• Investment level: is the percentage invested in the risky asset portfolio; this also
known as the exposure and is for each step fixed at:

e = Multiplier × Cushion%.

• ”gap” risk: is the probability that the CPPI value will fall under the Floor, see e.g.
Cont and Tankov (2007).

The level of risk an investor will take is equal to the investment level as long as the
value of the CPPI exceeds the floor. For any time t the future investment decision will be
made according to the following rule:

• if Vt ≤ Floor = Bt , we will invest the complete portfolio in a into the zero-coupon


• if Vt > Floor, we will invest an amount equal to e in the risky asset portfolio.
3 Portfolio Insurances 13

It can easily be shown that under the assumption that underlying stock will follow a
Black-Scholes model with continuous trading, there is no risk of going below the floor and
that the expected return at maturity of the CPPI is equal to (e.g. Cont and Tankov, 2007)

E(VT ) = N + (V0 − N e−rT ) exp(rT + m(µ − r)T ).

In practice, however, it is known that the probability of going below the floor is non-
zero. It might, for instance, happen that during a sudden downside move, the fund
manager might not be able to adjust the portfolio in time, which then crashes below
zero. In the case of an event where the actual portfolio value falls under the floor, at
maturity the manager will have to cover the difference between the portfolio value and
the guaranteed amount N . It is therefore of importance for the issuer of a CPPI note to
be able to quantify this risk, also called ”gap risk.”
We will present an example of a possible cash flow for a CPPI with maturity T equal
to 10 years. For the sake of simplicity we will consider only one risky asset with prices St
and a risk-free asset, a zero-coupon bond Bt with a constant interest rate r = 5%. We also
assume that the initial price of the asset is equal to S0 = 100 and the prices over time will
be modelled using a Variance Gamma model as presented in Equation 4 with parameters
σ = 0.5, ν = 0.25 and θ = 0.026. For the CPPI process the leverage or multiplier is fixed
at 2.5 and the starting capital is 100. We also consider that the CPPI at maturity repays
the investor with at least the initial capital. Figure 3 and Figure 4 present two examples
of possible scenarios for the simple CPPI. In the first example the value of the CPPI will
always stay above the floor, while in the second example at time τ a sudden drop of the
risky asset will result in a CPPI value below the floor which is the gap risk.
In this example, as the repayment at maturity of the initial value should be insured,
the floor will be 100 exp(−r(10 − t)) at each time t. For each step the value of the cushion
is calculated and the portfolio is re-balanced according to the risk exposure. The re-
balancing is such that the bigger the difference between the CPPI value and the floor, the
higher the cushion value and the more risk one will take. The process will stop once a
drop of the asset value occurs of such a level that the CPPI value falls below the floor.
If such a drop happens the product manager will put the risk exposure to zero and only
invest in a risk-free way until maturity.

3.1.1 Recent Developments for CPPI

CPPIs receive a lot of attention, not only from banks but also from academia. Three main
topics of research can be identified: limiting the risk, building insurances for this risk and
the behaviour of CPPI.
3 Portfolio Insurances 14

110 250
Bondfloor Stockprice

100 200


90 150


80 100


70 50


60 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time Time










0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Fig. 3: top left: CPPI performance, top right: value of the risky asset, bottom:
3 Portfolio Insurances 15

180 250
Bondfloor Stockprice





Gap risk


60 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time Time







0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5

Fig. 4: top left: CPPI performance, top right: value of the risky asset, bottom:
3 Portfolio Insurances 16

The first group of papers try to measure the risk factors involved. For example, in
Bertrand and Prigent (2002) an upper bound for the multiplier m is sought in such a
way that the investment in the risky portfolio is maximized under the condition that the
gap risk must stay under a certain limit. While Brun and Prigneaux (2007) presents an
extended way to calculate the VaR and GVaR of the CPPI portfolio.
The next group of papers concentrate on extending the CPPI in such a way that an
insurance against the small but existing gap risk is build in. The price and size of such
an extra insurance will depend on the probability of hitting the floor and hence ways to
quantify this risk are discussed in this group. Examples are Prigent and Tahar (2005) and
Cont and Tankov (2007).
The last group of papers study in detail the behaviour of CPPI strategies under specific
conditions for the underlying portfolio, such as Bertrand and Prigent (2003) and Garcia
et al. (2007). In this last article, A dynamic Lèvy model, more precise a Multivariate
Variance Gamma (MVG) model, is set up for a series of correlated spreads. As this jump
diffusion model can generate spreads in a very fast way, it has been applied in order to
price different exotic structures such as the CPPI. In this paper it is considered that the
underlying risky asset of the CPPI fund is an index or a basket of indices.

3.2 Option Based Portfolio Insurance (OBPI)

Besides the CPPI this strategy of insuring a pay-off of a portfolio is also popular. The
OBPI, introduced by Leland and Rubinstein (1976), consists essentially in buying simul-
taneously a risky asset S (usually a financial index such as the S&P) and a put option5
written on it. Investing this way, independently of the value of S at maturity date T , the
OBPI portfolio value will always be greater than the strike K of the put. Hence a pay-off
value of K can be guaranteed. It might seem that the goal of the OBPI method is to
guarantee a fixed amount only at the terminal date but in fact it can be shown that the
OBPI method allows one to get a portfolio insurance at any time.
Note that the OBPI has just one parameter, the strike K of the put while the CPPI
method is based on the choice of two parameters: the initial floor F0 and the multiplier
m. The strike K will therefore play the same role as F0 erT in the CPPI model.
In this paper we will not discuss the OBPI further as the OBPI will only be used as a
tool to discuss the CPPI performance.
A European put option gives someone the right but not the obligation to sell an underlying stock (with
value St at time t) at maturity time T at a fixed value K (called strike price) instead of the actual value.
4 A New Financial Instrument: Constant Proportion Debt Obligations (CDPO) 17

4 A New Financial Instrument: Constant Proportion Debt Obligations


Constant Proportion Debt Obligations (CPDO) first appeared in August 2006 and are a
variation on the CPPI structure. They are used for credit portfolios comprising exposures
to credit indices such as CDX and iTraxx. The CPDO’s risk exposure, just as with the
CPPI, is determined using a constant proportion approach and rebalances its portfolio
between the credit portfolio and a safe asset. The CPDO structure does this with the aim
of producing a high-yielding ”AAA” rated product.6
A CPDO funds itself through the issuance of long-term debt paying timely coupon
and principal on the notes. The promised coupon is a spead above LIBOR. 7 The high
coupon together with the high rating have made CPDOs very popular products.
First, we will try to explain the structure in detail. Next, a short overview of research
currently carried out in practice is given. Besides research papers, CPDOs have also been
discussed within the news and a summary of this is provided in the third section. The
final section studies an example in more detail.

4.1 The Structure

Constant proportion debt obligations are structures which use, as suggested by their name,
a constant proportion approach for their risk exposure and re-balance their portfolio at
every time step between the credit portfolio and a safe asset. The CPDO structure takes
leveraged exposure to a risky asset by selling protection on individual names or indices
(CDS or indices on CDS). The risky exposure ensures that there is enough spread to meet
the promised liabilities and also covers the costs and potential losses that the transaction
will absorb.
Risk will be taking in function of the value of the CPDO. If the structure is not
performing well, the structure will increase its risk exposure (up to a pre-defined maximum
leverage level) in order to allow for recovery from the negative performance by increasing
the income from the risky asset to rebuild the portfolio’s value. The following factors play
a key role in the risk strategies an investor will take:
In practice rating is used to classify different financial products according to their underlying risk
of default. Rating agencies such as Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s evaluate the creditworthiness of
companies and related financial instruments. Ratings are denoted with letters: while AAA stands for very
safe, a rating of B3 is not safe (it refers to a default probability of around 12%).
LIBOR refers to the 3 month London Interbank Offered Rates and are often used as a reference rate
for short term interest rates
4 A New Financial Instrument: Constant Proportion Debt Obligations (CDPO) 18

• Net Asset Value (N AV ): This is the current value of the CPDO. It will be the sum
of the safe investment and the market value of the risky portfolio.

• Riskfree: The amount of the total CPDO value invested in a risk free way.

• P V (liabilities): The present value of the current liabilities will be the sum of all
discounted coupons still to be paid and the discounted value of the final principal

• Shortfall: The shortfall is defined as the difference between the present value of the
liabilities and the net asset value,

Shortfall = P V (liabilities) − N AV.

• CDS premium: The Premium is the amount to be paid to the protection seller (such
as a CDS or CDS index) in exchange for the insurance. An increasing value of the
spread refers to an increased default probability of the underlying asset and hence
it will be a negative sign as a default will lead to a decreasing N AV . Conversely, an
increasing spread results in an higher income.

• P V (CDS premium): The present value of all future premium payments up to ma-

• Leverage: The leverage refers to the degree of risk which will be taken at each time
step. A maximum level is often fixed at 15× and is defined as
Leverage = min(β , max(Leverage)), (5)
P V (CDS premium)
where β is a multiplier. Similar as in Standard&Poor’s (2007)(see pg 18) in this
document β will be fixed at 1/riskfree.

• Cash-in: In case the N AV is equal or exceeds the target value (P V (liabilities))

the necessary amount to cover all future liabilities is reached and hence the risky
exposure and leverage will be put to zero. From this point onwards the N AV will
be completely invested at the risk-free rate, with coupon and fees being paid until

• Cash-out: if there are substantial losses and the N AV falls below a certain threshold
(often fixed at 10% of the initial investment), it will be said that cash-out has
occurred. In such a situation the CPDO will unwind and the investor will receive
the remaining value.
4 A New Financial Instrument: Constant Proportion Debt Obligations (CDPO) 19

The investment strategy follows the following steps. At every time-step one should
check the discounted value of the future obligations (coupon and principal payment),
which is the amount which one tries to reach.
Next, as the CPDO exposes itself to risk by selling protection (CDSs or CDS indices),
the market-to-market of this risky investment is checked and compared to the price paid
on the previous time step for this investment. An increase in the spread of the risky CDS
means that the underlying insurance has become more expensive and hence it will be more
likely that the seller of the protection will have to cover a future loss. Compared to the
previous time-step this can be considered as a loss for the protection seller, as he appears
to be underpaid for the protection it provides, and a gain for the protection buyer.
Besides this gain or loss linked to the protection spread, the costs (or incomes) related
to the protection also need to be taken into account. Those costs are referred to as the
fee which is equal to the sum of all the CDS premium payments made by the protection
buyer for the insurance within the time step, taking into consideration the possibility of a
default event.
The total value of the CPDO (N AV ) at time t + 1 will hence be equal at the accu-
mulated value of the cash, invested risk free at time t, plus the value of the risky asset at
time t + 1 augmented with the gains (or losses) made by investing and the fees collected
(or paid) for the insurance in the time period [t,t+1]. From this value we should subtract
the coupon payments which need to be made to the CPDO investor.
Based on the above value, and before going to the next step, a decision is made on
the leverage and according to the leverage a new investment is made in the risky asset. If
the N AV increases, the shortfall decreases, and hence the leverage will go down; while if
the shortfall increases the leverage will go up in order to try to fix the previous negative
The above steps are repeated at each time step unit cash-in or cash-out occurs. Cash-
in occurs when the total value of the CPDO reaches or exceeds the current value of the
future obligations. In this case, the seller of a CPDO is sure to be able to fulfil all its
future obligations and will from then on only invest in a risk free way. The probability for
a CPDO that such an event takes place will have a big impact on its rating.
Cash-out occurs when the value of the CPDO hits or shoots below a predefined lower
bound which is fixed in the beginning. If this happens, the CPDO will unwind and the
investor will receive the remaining proceed. Such an event could be called the gap risk and
is comparable to the gap risk of a CPPI. The risk of a cash-out event cannot be excluded,
since in case of under-performance more risk will be taken, which increases even more the
4 A New Financial Instrument: Constant Proportion Debt Obligations (CDPO) 20

possibility of arriving below the lower bound when a downward jump occurs.
As an example we take a similar situation as in Section 3 for Figures 3 and 4. For
the risky asset a CDS-index is considered with starting spread S0 = 100, and the spreads
follow the same Variance Gamma model as before. The risk-free interest rate is fixed at
r = 5%. For the CPDO structure the coupon payment is fixed at r+2% and the maximum
leverage is equal to 15×. In this example a cash-out level of 10% of the initial investment is
considered. Figures 5 and Figure 6 present two examples of possible scenarios of a CPDO.
In the first example, the target level is reached before maturity at time t around 8 from
that point onwards all cash will be invested in a risk-free way. For the second example, the
CPDO value will drop below the cash-out level just before time t = 5, which is similar to
what the CPPI case referred to as a gap. If such an event occurs the CPDO will unwind
and the investor will receive all remaining cash.
In practice risk positions will almost always be taken into CDS indices (iTraxx and
CDX). The benefits of this choice are summarized on slide 10 of ABN-AMRO (2007).
However, questions about safety in the sense of the correctness of the high triple-A rating
do remain as is discussed in the next two sections.

4.2 Some Results from the Literature

CPDOs are very attractive as they appear very safe, thus their effects are a popular
topic for research. As the structure is rather new, up until now most of the reports still
concentrate on the dynamics of the CPDO structure. In this section an overview of the
most important publications is provided.
Standard&Poor’s (2007) discuss principally their modelling framework and criteria
for rating CPDO structures. A detailed explanation of the mechanism of the modelling
algorithm is provided and it is assumed that the prices of the underlying credit portfolio
are modelled in a Gaussian copula framework. The article does not contain any concrete
rating examples and only provides the detailed path of one single run.
UBS is the leading global wealth manager and one of the largest global asset managers,
hence the dynamics of the CPDO have been studied in depth by UBS. In their first research
paper on CPDOs of 2006 they consider a CPDO which looks like a BBB+ asset (which
means that it has a chance of being fully paid out of 96%). Based on this fact it is
considered that the outcome can be compared with a mezzanine 6-9%. Using Monte
Carlo simulations they study the time to cash-in. The spreads seem to be one of the
factors which play a key role on the CPDO value. For this reason the effect of the spreads
on the value is studied in more detail. It is finally concluded that in their opinion CPDOs
4 A New Financial Instrument: Constant Proportion Debt Obligations (CDPO) 21




0 1 2 3 4 5
portfolio 6 7 8 9 10

0 1 2 3 4 5
Shortfall 6 7 8 9 10


0 1 2 3 4 5
Leverage 6 7 8 9 10

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Fig. 5: first graph: value of the risky asset (CDS index); second: the
corresponding CPDO performance in case of a cash-in situation;
third: shortfall at each time step; final: leverage taken at each
4 A New Financial Instrument: Constant Proportion Debt Obligations (CDPO) 22




0 1 2 3 4 5
portfolio 6 7 8 9 10

0 1 2 3 4 5
Shortfall 6 7 8 9 10



0 1 2 3 4 5
Leverage 6 7 8 9 10

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Fig. 6: first graph: value of the risky asset (CDS index); second: the
corresponding CPDO performance in case of a cash-out situation;
third: shortfall at each time step; final:leverage taken at each
4 A New Financial Instrument: Constant Proportion Debt Obligations (CDPO) 23

are a welcome additional structure.

In February 2007 UBS CDO Insight published a CPDO Primer. The document de-
scribes the CPDO structure and its risks by explaining in detail the initial flows, the
revenue and expense items, and the operating rules. Next, an analysis of the market risk
and the time to cash-in has been performed. The authors refer to a figure, produced by
Moody’s, where the probability to cash-in appears to be 100%. Cashing-in almost always
occurs here within 8 years and hence the AAA-rating for such CPDOs is defended. How-
ever, the authors admit that the analysis depends on many risk assumptions and may
therefore be far from reality. As a last step the authors also perform a scenario analysis
using Monte Carlo simulations in order to assess the reaction of the CPDO on the different
risk factors. As a result it is concluded that the CPDO structure really does offer a certain
protection. The level of the protection is, however, put up for discussion.
Another document on CPDOs was published by UBS in April 2007. Here a simplified
model of the CPDO is introduced which has the virtue of reducing itself to a closed form
formula. This simplification allows the authors to give an idea of the likelihood of a
downgrade and the size of impact an active manager can have on a CPDO strategy. One
of the simplification assumptions is that the model assumes normality of the returns of
the credit investment. As result, cash-out is only observed in 0.31% of the cases which
would lead to a Aa3 rating and an average cash-in time of 5.1 years is observed. Using
this probability of cash-out and the expected price in case of cash-out and cash-in, a fair
value can be given to the CPDO. Besides the calculation of the fair value, the simplified
model also allows the authors to study the rating dynamics in depth.
The main difference in approach with the document published by Fitch (see Linden
et al. 2007) is the way the credit spreads are modelled. In this paper, the authors claim
that the choice of the model will have a significant impact on the probability of failure
events in the CPDO model and hence the main focus of the article is put on the model
and its corresponding parameters. Connected to this a sensitivity analysis is conducted
and the robustness of the CPDO structure is tested.
ABM-AMRO has also published some documents regarding this new structure. In their
presentation, ABN-AMRO (2007), they mainly describe the dynamics of the CPDO. They
introduce the so-called surf step-up CPDO where the maximum leverage is determined
based on the level of the index spreads: the higher the spread, the higher the maximum
leverage. The presentation concludes with publicity for one of their products, namely
Degas. The product offers tranches with have received Aaa and Aa2 ratings from Moody’s.
As a final document we would like to mention the presentation Cont and Jessen (2008).
4 A New Financial Instrument: Constant Proportion Debt Obligations (CDPO) 24

Here the dynamics of the CPDO are studied assuming a 1-factor top-down model for
portfolio default intensity. The spreads will be linked to the time evolution of the default
intensity of the in the underlying portfolio. The spreads will go up if the default intensity
goes up. Next, these settings are used in a simulation study where it appears that if
the probability of default within the underlying portfolio (within 10 years) is put equal to
2.5% the CPDO will cash-out with a probability of 0.7%. Furthermore a simple sensitivity
analysis is performed.
As can be concluded, most of the research is still concentrated on understanding the
dynamics of the CPDO in detail and on correct rating of the product. It should be noted
that the above documents only give an overview of some of the reports published on
CPDOs and should not be considered as complete, for example JP Morgan has also done
research in the field of CPDOs (see e.g. Saltuk and Goulden 2007).

4.3 CPDOs in the Spotlight

Recently it has became clear that CPDOs are not as safe as is often thought. In real life
cash-out events have occurred and these events have also received attention in the media.
As a result the safety of CPDOs has been put up for discussion.
The article by Reuters (Richard Barley) of November 16th, 2007, discusses the fact
that Moody’s Investors Service downgraded its ratings on six CPDOs, one of which even
to a ”junk” rating of Ba2. The downgrading was done because of the continuing spread
widening on the financial names underlying these CPDOs.
Soon after this article, on November 28th 2007, the first CPDO unwinding was an-
nounced. This unwinding shows the controversial credit product’s potential for volatility,
and moreover it has raised the question of whether the probability they will pay off is as
high as the 99-plus percent implied in a triple-A rating.
And also more recently, on January 25th, 2008 Reuters (Karen Brettell and Jane
Baird) published ”UPDATE 1-More CPDOs liquidate, ratings cut-Moody’s”. In the article
it is mentioned that Moody’s Investors Service confirms that two more series of notes
from structured deals backed by financial companies were liquidated after losing investors
approximately 90 percent of their investment. Besides the two unwindings it also discusses
a list of downgrading which have occurred.
The above mentioned articles only give a snapshot of the situation. A quick search
on the web reveals that many more cases of downgrading and even unwinding have taken
place in the last year.
5 Comparison between CPPI and CPDO 25

5 Comparison between CPPI and CPDO

When CPDOs were created, they were considered as a variation of the CPPI. They borrow
certain features such as a ”constant proportion” approach to determining leverage and the
re-balancing of the portfolio between the credit portfolio and the safe asset.
On the other hand, they are also very different. A CPPI will, at maturity, irrespective
of the performance of the risky asset, receive the principal, together with any positive
return generated from the risky asset. In case of loss, when the CPPI portfolio falls below
the floor, the losses are covered by the seller of a CPPI so that the investor will still receive
the principal. An investor can hence always be sure of receiving the principal and, in the
case of good performance, even more. For the CPDO, on the other hand, a target value
is aimed for and in the case of a well performing risky asset a cash-in event will occur and
the investor will receive all promised coupon and principal payments. But when the risky
asset does not perform well and a cash-out event occurs, the CPDO will unwind before
maturity. In such a situation only the remaining amount will be paid out to the investor.
Investors will want to know the amount of risk by investing in a CPDO and they will use
its rating as an indication. This way, the rating of a CPDO becomes important and will
have an effect on the price of a CPDO. In practice the risk of a cash-out event is often
under-valued, which leads to a CPDO price higher than its correct value.
Besides the difference in outcome, different investment strategies are also used in order
to realize the outcome. Initially, the CPDO value will be below the target value, while
the CPPI manager tends to invest only the amount exceeding the floor which is needed
to make the principal payment at maturity in a risky way. Once decisions on the risky
exposure need to be taken the idea is that a CPDO investor will increase its risk as it is
performing negatively while the CPPI will decrease its risk as it is not performing well and
approaches the floor level. In other words, at each time step the CPPI investor takes risk
exposure positions based on the amount of surplus the portfolio value has with respect
to the floor value. The CPDO investor, on the other hand, will at each time take risk
exposure proportional to the amount the CPDO portfolio is lacking in order to reach
the target value. Once the CPDO value reaches the target value the manager will stop
investing in a risky way as there is sufficient capital to pay out all future liabilities and
there is no more need to create capital in a risky way. A CPPI manager will try to optimize
its profit but will stop taking risk at the moment that the CPPI value touches the floor,
as he is afraid to fall below by taking more risk.
So it can be concluded that besides the joined use of the re-balancing and constant
proportion the two products are very different.
6 Conclusions 26

6 Conclusions

As the market of structured credit products keeps on growing, also the request of protection
mechanisms in structured credit transactions stays high and hence also here a continuous
evolution can be observed. CPPI and CPDO are recently developed products which aim
to provide a protection.
CPPIs first came into use around 10 years ago and promise a pre-defined principal
payment at maturity. A constant proportion rule is applied to decide the investment
strategy. at every time step the investment in the underlying risky asset and the safe asset
is re-balanced in order to optimize the profit.
CPDOs were only introduced in 2006 and are intended to be safe, high-yielding instru-
ments. A similar constant proportion rule is used for their investment strategies and they
will invest in a risky asset by selling protection (such as CDX and iTraxx). Similarly to
the CPPI, re-balancing will be done at every time step until the targeted value has been
The aim of this document was to create an in depth view of the dynamics and risks
linked to both products. Hence, first we have tried to explain step by step how they both
function and how investment decisions are made.
Understanding the dynamics well helps to identify remaining ”safety gaps” and allows
a person to get an idea about the size and possibility of experiencing such a gap. For the
CPPI, the possibility that the value of the total portfolio will fall below the floor exists
and will create a loss, while for the CPDO a loss occurs when a cash-out event occurs.
In both cases there is a strong interest in quantifying this risk. For CPPIs many
existing research papers discuss this risk and for this paper we concentrated on the existing
literature. In a first group of papers the researchers concentrate on quantifying the risk
using specific conditions. Next, some propose ways to limit the multiplier factor in order
to limit the risk, while other papers suggest the possibility of taking out an insurance on
this risk. But also for those new developments a good and robust way of quantifying the
risk is necessary and hence presented. It could be concluded that the gap-risk for CPPIs
should not be neglected but safety nets can be used to avoid suffering from it.
As CPDOs are still very new, the field of research is still limited, and as they have
only been used on the market for a couple of years, their performance in the real world
has only been observed over a short time. As recent experience has shown, in real life
CPDOs do not seem to be as safe as they were expected to be. Clearly there is still a
strong need to quantify the risk of cash-out events in a more realistic manner, and a great
deal of research remains to be done in this field.
6 Conclusions 27


ABN-AMRO (2007). Surf CPDO: A Breakthrough in Synthetic Credit Investments. In

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Bertrand, P. and Prigent, J. (2002). Portfolio Insurance: The Extreme Value Ap-
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Risks Inernational Forum.

Cont, R. and Tankov, P. (2007). Constant Proportion Portfolio Insurance in Presence

of Jumps in Asset Prices. SSRN eLibrary .

Garcia, J., Goossens, S. and Schoutens, W. (2007). Let’s Jump Together: Pricing
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Leland, H. and Rubinstein, M. (1976). The Evolution of Portfolio Insurance. In

Portfolio Insurance: A Guide to Dynamic Hedging (D. Luskin, ed.). Wiley.

Linden, A., Neugebauer, M., Bund, S., Schiavetta, J., Zelter, J. and Hardee,
R. (2007). First generation CPDO: Case Study on Performance and Rating. Structured
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Insight .
6 Conclusions 28

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Prigent, J.-L. and Tahar, F. (2005). CPPI with Cushion Insurance. SSRN eLibrary .

Reuters (Karen Brettell and Jane Baird) (2008). UPDATE 1-More CPDOs
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Reuters (Richard Barley) (2007). Moody’s cuts six financial CPDOs, one to ”junk”.

Saltuk, Y. and Goulden, J. (2007). CPDOs and the Upcoming Roll. Tech. rep., JP

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Standard&Poor’s (2007). Quantitative Modeling Apporach to Rating Index CPDO

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Structured Credit .
European Commission

EUR 23576 EN – Joint Research Centre – Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen
Title: An overview of portfolio insurances: CPPI and CPDO
Author(s): Elisabeth Joossens, Wim Schoutens
Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities
2008 28pp
EUR – Scientific and Technical Research series – ISSN 1018-5593
ISBN 978-92-79-10655-2

Derivative instruments attempt to protect a portfolio against failure events. Constant proportion portfolio
insurance (CPPI) and constant proportion debt obligations (CPDO) strategies are recent innovations and have
only been adopted in the credit market for the last couple of years. Since their introduction, CPPI strategies
have been popular because they provide protection while at the same time they offer high yields. CPDOs were
only introduced into the market in 2006 and can be considered as a variation of the CPPI with as main
difference the fact that CPDOs do not provide principal protection. Both CPPI and CPDO strategies take
investment positions in a risk-free bond and a risky portfolio (often one or more credit default swaps). At each
step, the portfolio is rebalanced and the level of risk taken will depend on the distance between the current
value of the portfolio and the necessary amount needed to full all the future obligations. In a first step the
functioning of both products is studied in depth concluding with drawing some conclusions on their risky-ness.
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