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Esports Yr2 Unit 10 News Update Evaluation LW

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Reflective Evaluation worksheet

(U10, LO3: AC 3.1&3.2)


You are required to complete both sections on this sheet and place the content in your Weebly section called UNIT 10

Wherever you use a quote from any other source, please say where you got it from or it could result in a PLAGIARISM
mark which would automatically fail the unit.

Reflect on how your work fits your audience (U10:LO3_AC3.1)

Please answer ALL boxes in order to pass this section. You can include screen grabs and links to help. This section is about
evaluating how your work fits the audience you have chosen to target. Answer all three questions fully with supporting
images, links and evidence of audience/survey feedback.

Choose THREE existing professional versions aimed at the same audience/genre as your work. How does yours compare to them? BE

Example 1 of 3
URL/link, image and description

Something your NEWS UPDATE does as well

I believe that my news update provides a reasonable number of relevant clips for each topic similar to the example

Something the PROFESSIONAL EXAMPLE does better

The Creator gave a massive amount of information in a short time even though it was all is easy to understand

How you would improve yours based on this

I could learn to gather more clips and challenge myself to compress it all into 60 seconds.

Example 2 of 3
URL/link, image and description

Something your NEWS UPDATE does as well

I dislike that the example uses a text to speech voice. It is too distracting which I think I avoided quite well in comparison

Something the PROFESSIONAL EXAMPLE does better

The Video appeals much more to the younger generation with a casual flow. They manage to talk about only a few
Stories but they give it more clarity
How you would improve yours based on this
I may consider also trying to give more clarity of my information while also reducing how long I talk about them.
Example 3 of 3
URL/link, image and description

Something your NEWS UPDATE does as well

I think both videos maintain a good flow to them with clear voices.

Something the PROFESSIONAL EXAMPLE does better

The video is accompanied with sound effects that adds to the video

How you would improve yours based on this

I would consider adding a similar form of sound effects to add to my content

Results and reflection of your survey

Show evidence of your audience feedback and reflect on what it tells you.
Show evidence of your survey results here (screen grabs/graphs/urls/Youtube comments/other) All screenshots can be found at the lower end of this page Video Link

What patterns or trends did you notice from your audience feedback?
In terms of positives the video was said to have good information and the stories were relevant to those who watched it.
On one occasion I was compared to IGN which is a much more professional variation of news updates in gaming.
For improving the Music that i used was apparently quite distracting so I should consider making it less prevalent.
The Audio was apparently also quite hard to hear in general so I will work on adding clarity to my voice.
In addition to this the audience also wanted to see more eye contact which I will work on for my next project.
What did you learn from thinking about this?
I feel that for visual effects I am doing fine but I must refine other skills such as Audio levelling and Eye Contact.
These can improve both through practice and exposure to more projects.
How might you make improvements to your work based on what you’ve learnt from your audience? Be specific
I want to improve my Eye contact as it seemed to distract a few people. The same applies for my Audio work as the music
Bothered most of my audience, my voice also was hard to keep track of which is very important for an informative video
My visual effects specifically transitions and custom effects I feel I can improve on as well. I would also like to gather my
Own clips next time as well.

Conclusions on your audience feedback

Based on what you’ve learnt above, write about whether your feel your work is fit for your specific audience overall.
Remember to say why and prove it
I feel that the work I produced is relevant to my specific audience, the reasoning comes down to the topics I discussed.
being about games and the subjects specifically within the games were easily familiar to those within the demographic
I wished to appeal to (16–24-year-old gamers). I also found this evident in my feedback forms as they agreed that my they
were fond of my video and liked its appeal to their hobby.

Reflect on your own skills, processes and personal development (U10:LO3_AC3.2)

Please answer ALL sections fully in order to pass this section. You can include screen grabs and links to help. This section is
about how you feel your creative abilities and processes have improved during this assignment. Answer all sections fully
with supporting images (including your own screen grabs) and any other evidence you feel is relevant

Talk about three issues you had during production. These could be based on practical parts of the work, supporting tasks
such as research or even audience surveys.
The audio was difficult to manage, I found that I had a lot of echoes in my voice which made me sound like I was
1. in a large room, this was a big factor in how my audio ended up the way it is but I feel I managed to compress it to
an acceptable level.
Finding examples of 60 second news updates. This was surprisingly difficult though I did use exclusively YouTube
so perhaps that was why it was so limited.
Selecting Music, as is evident from my feedback I made a bad choice for music. This is a subjective topic for
certain, but it is still a blaring factor.

How/to what degree were you able to resolve each issue?

For my voice I managed to adjust the audio effects to allow it to sound at least moderately normal though it was
still troubling.

2. The 60 second clips were eventually found by finding science and political news, surprisingly there is a lot of it!

The music I ended up using wasn’t all that appealing to my audience, in future I feel I could spend more time
getting better music and doing a bit more research into what my audience likes.

Write about at least three things which well during the whole process?
Talk about what you felt went particularly well about them.
I feel that the Visual effects such as the moving background was done well, I feel I managed to make enough
subtle additions that were not distracting but nice additions none the less.
For writing I feel I have remained informative and given a good enough amount of elaboration in my topics and
the questions presented to me.
I feel that my attitude towards this assignment was well done, I tried my best to give good enthusiasm in the
recording and had a lot of fun actually making the 60 second videos.
And finally, write a small amount about what you enjoyed about the project which you could possibly use in future work
or assignments. This could be from research, design or your practical production process. Feel free to use screen grabs.
In the project I enjoyed recording myself and ignoring my own self critique as I need to build confidence in this industry,
researching in the industry of esports also allowed me to see how critics and general audiences have a large impact on
the sales made which showed me that I must appeal to my main audience where possible. I also liked the mass amount
of usage of Premiere Pro as I feel like I learn something new each time I use it, learning as much about the software as
possible will obviously help a load when I am in the industry and having to use said software.

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