Smart Grid Pak Perspective
Smart Grid Pak Perspective
Smart Grid Pak Perspective
Keywords: With the advancement in technologies, the power requirement around the globe is tremendously increasing,
Smart grid control putting extra loads on grids. The existing grids cannot bear that load and also do not provide the interface with
Power management Distributed Renewable Energy Sources (DRES). Building new lines and substations alone do not serve the
Operational schedule purpose of overcoming energy shortfall. Thus a major transformation in electricity infrastructure is need of the
hour to meet the ever growing demands of electricity. Converting current power management system to a smart
autonomic system is pertinent to achieve an increasing amount of renewable energy generation. This paper
presents a comprehensive review of advances in control of smart grids. Various robust and adaptive strategies
are spotlighted with a detailed description of control of overloads and power smart grids. Also, power
generation, storage and management techniques and development of operational schedule of sources and loads
are elaborated. Recently reported systems and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) techniques
in smart grid are highlighted. Renewable energy has potential to eliminate the current electricity crisis in
Pakistan's energy sector. The solar, wind, hydro and biogas/biomass are the alternative energy resources found
abundantly in the country, which have tremendous potential to offer environment-friendly energy solutions.
This in-depth study reveals that a lot of opportunities and potential of smart grid technology exist in developing
countries like Pakistan that need to be exploited so as to cope with energy crisis.
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (J. Iqbal).
Received 18 December 2014; Received in revised form 14 December 2016; Accepted 23 December 2016
1364-0321/ © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Please cite this article as: Irfan, M., Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (2016),
M. Irfan et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (xxxx) xxxx–xxxx
M. Irfan et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (xxxx) xxxx–xxxx
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Fig. 4. The Roque system is comprised of renewable energy supply, a smart controller, battery storage, load balancing capabilities and a grid tie connection [33].
The uptime of gasoline based generators is reduced by smart grid renewable energy resources including wind [37,38] and solar [39] with
with higher penetration of DRES ultimately reducing the CO2 emission. the grid. Comprehensive reviews of smart grid and the related
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, US assessed that by year 2030, technologies from DR perspective are reported in [40,41]. A compre-
CO2 emission will be reduced up to 0.525 billion metric tons which is hensive state-of-the-art on diverse load classification algorithm for
18% of total CO2 emission in US [34]. European Technology Platform smart grid is presented in [42]. The application of cloud computing in
(ETP) estimated that by 2050, the annual CO2 emission in Europe will order to develop an advanced smart grid is given in [43]. To achieve
be reduced by 0.7Gt to 2.1Gt [35]. efficient low cost communication infrastructure in smart grid, Khan
Scientific community has recently highlighted research in various et al. in [44] have proposed implementation of Cognitive Radio Sensor
aspects of smart grids. Applications of smart grid technologies in Network (CRSN). IEEE vision for smart grid controls for 2030 and
industrial sector have been thoroughly visited by Samad and Sila in beyond is reported in [45].
[36]. Shafiullah et al. have investigated the challenges of integrating Key elements in global modernization and Information and
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Communication Technologies (ICT) in the context of smart grid provide independent active and reactive power in the islanded mode
continuum are listed in Fig. 5. These elements range from modern [50]. Smart grid can operate in both the islanded as well as Main Grid
hardware resources to software based supervisory control schemes and (MG) connected mode. The principal roles of the smart grid control
consumer interfaces. This multi-disciplinary research on various structure are [51]:
domains of smart grid witnesses that these grids certainly do have
potential to replace the conventional grids in the future [39]. Being a • Voltage and frequency regulation
timely review, the present paper is focused on control of smart grid. • Proper load sharing and coordination in the distributed energy
3. Advances in control of smart grid • Synchronization of smart grid with the main grid;
• Power flow control between smart grid and the main grid;
The domain of control and automation is the key enabler of smart • Optimizing the operating cost of smart grid.
grid. With the help of advanced control techniques, electrical grids can
be integrated with distributed renewable energy generation systems so In the secondary level regulation voltage and frequency are
as to realize the concept of ‘smart electrical grid’ [47]. Furthermore, controlled. For smart grid, its role is to maintain stability under certain
application of advanced control on all levels of smart grid is required tolerance parameter set for main grid operation i.e. ensuring the
for efficient grid management system. Several basic scientific issues controlled values of voltage and frequency despite of changes in load
[48] related with smart grid occur during its construction and devel- and production. Secondary level control can be used in both centralized
opment process which primarily includes prediction, energy storage, and decentralized mode [52]. The position of perspective central
control, dispatching, planning and their assessment. The fundamental controller is the main difference between both modes of use. The
characteristics of a smart grid [49] include interaction with the power central control is suitable for a group of resources that are of similar
user, adaption to power demands, support of the mature power market, type or certain micro-sources that are manually controlled.
asset optimization, self-healing and prevention from external damages The constant measurement of voltage and frequency is fundamental
and attacks. Successful implementation of the grid is a function of for connecting smart grid to main grid. These values are provided as
following features: reference to the secondary controlled loops and their connection and
synchronization is the function of tertiary control.
• Predictive control of different renewable energy generation systems.
• Coordination and synchronization of generation systems with the
central electrical grid and associated loads.
• Cooperation among different control systems.
3.2. Control of hybrid generation systems
3.1. Control system hierarchy
The performance of electricity systems can be enhanced by inte-
On the basis of synchronization and coordination, the control grating smart grid technologies as they offer better coordination among
hierarchy of smart grid consists of three control levels, which contains grid operators. Additionally, smart grid technologies offer grid condi-
primary, secondary and tertiary level control loops. The control tions’ dependent control which in turn allows high level integration of
hierarchy of a smart gird is shown in Fig. 6. In the primary control renewable energy resources at optimal cost. However, renewable
loop, also known as inner control loop, the voltage and current of the energy resources are reliant on the geographical, economical and
distributed energy resource are maintained in the presence of both regulatory environment conditions, thus needing advanced control of
linear and nonlinear loads. The phase control at this level helps to power systems to sustain reliability of the system. The control of smart
grid is subjected to the resource information in order to make smart
decisions [53]. Wind, solar and tidal energies are natural yet inter-
mittent resources of renewable-energy. Their dependence upon cli-
matic and weather changes makes them unsuitable as a prime energy
source for grids and hence inability to retain reliable and continuous
supply of energy. This leads to failure for provision of cost effective
energy resource, especially in comparison with conventional grid.
Consequently, hybrid generation systems evolved as a replacement of
conventional energy systems [54]. Hybrid generation systems address
the problem by combining two or more systems, thus reducing the
dependency of the overall system upon environment parameters
resulting in production of reliable and cheap electricity [55–57].
Fig. 6. Hierarchical structure of smart grid [50].
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3.3. Forecasting the demand in smart grids such as Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) and Wide-Area
Monitoring, Protection And Control systems (WAMPAC) [66] that
A pre-knowledge of the estimated number of consumers of a smart- are heavily dependent on the cyber infrastructure since the data is
grid is required for prediction of direct participation of consumers in transported through several communication protocols to utility control
demand management. Demand Response (DR) forecasting for single or centres and consumers. AMI is based on the deployment of smart
monolithic load is usually done using Short Term Load Forecasting meters at consumer locations to provide two-way communication
(STLF) [58]. Multiple STFLs are required when forecasting of various between the meter and the utility. This provides the utility with the
loads is anticipated i.e. one STFL for each load. The scalability problem ability to push real-time pricing data to consumers, collect information
in forecasting hundreds of thousands of loads is addressed by Short on current usage, and perform more advanced control analysis of fault
Term Multiple Load Forecasting (STMLF) by combining individual detection techniques within the distribution system [67]. WAMPAC
load time-series into a concise model to forecast various loads based on can be further subdivided into its constituent components namely,
a single model. The accuracy of STMLF has been reported to be 7% Wide-Area Monitoring Systems (WAMS), Wide-Area Protection
higher in comparison with short term forecast for each load individu- Systems (WAPS) and Wide-Area Control (WAC) [68]. Conceptually,
ally [59]. three classes of attacks on this control system model for WAMPAC are
possible [69]: timing based attacks, integrity attacks and replay attacks.
3.4. Demand and supply management in smart grid Timing attacks tend to flood the communication network with packets
and this slows the network down in several cases and can even shut
Electric load for a small area or community requires a small-scale them down. In data integrity attacks, the data is corrupted in forward
low voltage power supply which are provided by micro grids [60]. On or reverse path in the control flow. Replay attacks are similar to data
the power supply side, a demand control scheme need to be built so as integrity attacks, where the attacker manipulates Phasor Measurement
to achieve the economic consumption scheduling and to fulfil the Units (PMU) data or the control messages.
requirements set by energy users; whereas, on power demand side,
there is a need to properly model the randomness of renewable energy 4. State-of-the-art
generation, which may account for a significant portion of power
supply in micro grids. It is pertinent to mention that the load balance The control of smart grid power plants has been widely studied
constraints act as the connection between power consumption and from the last four decades, as it emerged that new cheap energy
generation. Given the uncertainties in renewable generation as well as resources are required for home and industrial use, thus making it a
in load consumption, a hierarchical control strategy (e.g. [61]) is well-established scientific domain [70]. When modeling the power
required which can ensure regulation of frequency to allocate resources plants, many assumptions are made and mathematical models thus
in an optimal way. obtained are close approximations to the real world plants. Almost all
Demand control techniques are classified into price based load the plants related with smart grids are non-linear in nature. Many
control techniques which are referred to demand response methods processes occurring in the plants are time invariant with respect to the
and direct load control which is linked with Demand Side Management changing environments [71]. When smart grids are designed, it is
(DSM). In price based load control scheme [62], users are encouraged ensured that stability, reliability and efficiency are met according to
to make energy consumption decisions individually according to the design specifications since these parameters play an important role for
price information. DSM strategies, however, require consumer sub- successful operations of the smart grid. Fig. 7 shows a generalized
scription to an economic incentive program and are usually applied architecture of smart grids.
directly by the main controller. Smart grids can fulfil energy requirements of dispersed populations
Reported studies also address the renewable energy uncertainties in rural topographies and can additionally provide energy to the
when scheduling the energy generation. Hidden Markov models have national grid. The smart grid also ensures reliable energy supply in
also been adopted to characterize renewable energy generation [63– case of severe climate conditions due to adaptability, flexibility and
65]. An important task of power demand and supply management in robustness [72]. Smart grids also offer a cost effective solution for
micro grids is to maintain a good match between power generation and overcoming limitations which were evident in already existed distrib-
consumption at the minimum cost. Since the highly fluctuant renew- uted systems. Limited switching is possible in changing loads of AC and
able energies constitute a significant portion of the power resources in heaters in peak conditions and in emergency situations. With usage of
micro grids, the Micro Grid Central Controller (MGCC) faces the smart grids, active participation of consumers is also possible which
challenge of effectively utilizing the renewable energies while fulfilling results in cost effective and energy efficient utilization of smart grid
the requirements of customers. Firstly, a novel uncertainty model is resources [3]. Several techniques have been developed for the control
required to capture the randomness of renewable energy generation by of smart grid applications ranging from conventional to advanced
introducing a reference distribution according to past observations and control design strategies.
empirical knowledge. The model confines the uncertainty of renewable
energies permitting these to fluctuate around the reference distribu- 4.1. Control strategies for smart grid
tion. An optimization problem is then formulated to determine the
optimal power consumption and generation scheduling for minimizing The control problem is very challenging since it involves in
the fuel cost. Finally, a two-stage optimization approach is proposed to delivering robustness, effectiveness and optimum performance. The
transform and solve the prime problem. control design personals are also responsible for modeling, simulation
and identification of system parameters [70]. Various control design
3.5. Cyber-physical security of smart grid techniques for developing different controllers in smart grid systems
can be found in literature including Proportional Integral Derivative
Smart grid initiative will result in a grid that is increasingly (PID), Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR), Linear Parameter Varying
dependent on its cyber infrastructure in order to support the numerous (LPV) control, Sliding Mode Control (SMC), Model Predictive Control
power applications necessary to provide improved grid monitoring and (MPC), Fuzzy Logic Control (FLC), Time Delay Compensation (TDC),
control capabilities. Cyber security concerns within the communication Neural Network Control (NNC), H- infinity control, Internal Mode
and computation infrastructure and may allow attackers to manipulate Control (IMC) and Phase Locked Looped (PLL) based control.
either the power applications or physical system. Use of PID controllers has been reduced because of safer operating
Smart grid applications incorporate various individual technologies constraints and requirements of additional compensators for proper
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Fig. 12. Block diagrams of direct FLC [87]. rates updation and constraint limits are uncertainties which are
controlled by applying Multirate MPC scheme [93].
errors and uncertainties are reduced by using AGC approach [89]. Adaptive Logic Controller (ALC) manages the flow of energy in the
The Optimal charging Control strategies are used for autonomous solar systems, smart grids, storage devices and consumer's load. This
Plug-in Electric Vehicles (PEVs). The PEVs coordination schemes are approach also takes care of weather conditions and balances power
of two types centralized and decentralized or distributed strategies. The flow. ALC has learning ability and can develop own controlling and
coordination and grid level analysis for PEVs is performed in Ma et al. optimization algorithms for energy demands, pricing signals, resources
[90]. availability and loading timings etc. [94]. Fig. 14 presents a typical
The Adaptive Power Damping Controllers are utilized for rectifying block diagram of ALC.
latency and phasor quantities present in smart grid systems. The Power The integrated control systems are employed for forecasting,
system electromechanical mode damping controllers are of two types estimation and solar system heliostat calibration. Supervisory Control
which include Power System Stabilizers (PSS) and Flexible AC and Data Acquisition (SCADA) is a type of Process Control System
Transmission Systems (FACTS) controllers. Various aspects of Phasor (PCS) which is capable of gathering, analyzing and monitoring
Measurement Units (PMU) for damping control are proposed in Joe information in a smart grid system. PCSs are comprised of Remote
et al. [91]. The Adaptive Power Damping Controller block diagram is Terminal Unit (RTU) and Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)
shown in Fig. 13. integrated with sensors and actuators [95].
Model Reference Control (MRC) approach is implemented for
ensuring stability and robustness in smart grid system. Aranya et al. 4.2. Optimization approaches for smart grid
[92] have proposed three steps MRC approach namely Model reduc-
tion, Aggregate Control and Control inversion. This scheme is very The smart grid is considered a complex system and the sub
advantageous in dealing damping issues. components in a smart grid are defined by certain criteria: homogenous
Multirate Model Predictive Control (MPC) approach is proposed for components, interacting elements, intelligent or common interest
coordinating demand response and regulation. The varying dynamics, features. The single optimization algorithm can be applied for a
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residential area which requires certain amount of electricity having solving grid algebraic system equations. Parallel computing schemes
same characteristics. Local optima are employed in sub components of are also employed using multilevel approaches. The faster flow solver
smart grids which guarantee transparency and anonymity. Thus global results in faster calculations, quick decision making, restoration and
optimum is also ensured because of this self-regulation. Optimization faults diagnosis [98].
of smart grid is challenging task even if computer models are used. The The Least square estimation method is used for unconstraint
classical and game theoretical methods are usually utilized for achiev- nonlinear optimization problems. Many approaches including Trust
ing optimization ensuring flexibility and scalability [96]. The optimized Region, Quasi-Newton, Newton-Raphson, Conjugate gradient,
solutions for smart grid systems are described as follows: Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) and double dogleg are utilized for system
Distributed Generation: The central optimization is very costly grid optimization [98].
in terms of memory and time therefore optimization is carried out in a The voltage optimization is effective for increasing efficiency. Its
distributed manner at all grid levels. advantages include demand reduction (1.5–2%), energy reduction
Home Automation: Home automation is also beneficial and it (1.3–2%), cost effectiveness for already existing devices and short
also fulfils consumer's needs. Smart devices in home automation thus implementation schedule. This scheme also ensures early prediction of
reduce the overall energy consumption. voltage regulation and voltage quality issues [88]. The voltage optimi-
Energy Storage Device: The optimized mechanisms are em- zation schemes such as DMS based Volt-VAR and Auto adaptive Volt-
ployed combined with energy storage devices in all grid activities. This VAR optimization are also applied in smart grid systems.
results in regulating energy consumption and reduces the peak loads. The market-clearing optimization approach is utilized for obtaining
Transmission & Distribution Losses: The optimized local and reliable and effective cost function depending upon various system
global algorithms reduce the transmission and distribution (T & D) constraints. The network losses and reduced line capacity are major
losses and routing errors are corrected. constraints present in grid systems [99]. The end-use optimization is
Intelligent Price Control: The electricity unit prices are varied used for load forecasting (substation, feeder, section) levels and
according to the consumer's new needs. The intelligent price control handling demand management issues.
regulates per unit electricity rate. Per unit rate is high at peak hours
and rate is less at low demand hours.
4.3. Power generation, storage, management and automation
Heuristic optimization is a modern technique utilized for complex
systems. It offers flexibility and robustness. The development time is
shorter as compared to classical approaches. The missing data infor-
A review of new techniques for generation of renewable energy is
mation is considered uncertainty and this optimization approach is also
reported in [100], which discusses Approximate Dynamic
insensitive to noise. Heuristic optimization methods are employed for
Programming (ADP) and others strategies that find potential in
analyzing forecasting energy demands, weather conditions, per unit
automation and control of next generation smart grids. Werbos et al.
cost, control and system planning, lost data, storage systems and
[101] have further investigated the skills required for management of
energy demand response [97].
mathematical system parameters. The intelligent control development
Smart grid optimization is dependent upon estimating network's
for distributed energy and storage capability of smart grid systems is
state. The real time information is gathered from Advanced Metering
discussed and implemented in [102]. It also relates the development
Infrastructure (AMI) and two sided communication. The Distributed
work with the required demands of the market.
Generation (DG) which includes fuel cells, turbines, renewable sources
Blaabjerg et al. [6] have investigated the trends occurring in power
is optimized for grid enforcement. The benefits include reducing power
electronics fields and control of renewable energy systems. Many
loss, load factor improvements, system upgrades elimination, system
control design strategies have been investigated and implemented for
integration, efficiency and reliability improvements. The objectives of
DG in context of Distribution System Automation (DSA). With inven-
DG optimization comprise reduction in active power losses, enhancing
tion of new Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs), it is easier to replace
capacity and load minimization. The DG optimization is ensured using
faulty equipment and also process large amount of data with high
Voltage control, Feeder configuration and Phase balancing [98].
speed. DSA offers these services by utilizing communication protocols
The transmission optimization is also vital as transmission network
and advances in IED technologies [103]. DG plays an important role
is huge even crossing international borders. The failure in any region
from energy generation to energy conversion and is mainly used for
may cause the breakdown of entire network. The control equipment for
smoothing load requirements. With increase in energy consumption
ensuring computation of power flow on milliseconds level is required.
and energy demands, Green House Gases (GHG) emission needs to be
Jacobian-free Network-Krylov (JFNK) methods are proposed for
reduced [104–107]. Another DSM refers to development plans for
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ensuring decrease in energy consumption. It also accounts for keeping tions produced in the grid system, voltage and phase control is
balance of supply and demands of electricity [108]. required, which is achieved by controlling the inverter switches [19].
The performance of the system can be enhanced using advanced By exploiting useful features of fuel cells, these oscillations can also be
electronic systems. Photo Voltaic (PV) systems are also an important reduced for mitigating changes in load and power generation in smart
choice in developing smart grid systems with their topology and grids [121]. The overloaded condition can also be resolved by Building
modulation determining behavior of the system [6]. PV systems and Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV) systems where PV acts as a power
Concentrated Photo Voltaic (CPV) are very efficient and provide high producing source [122]. The control of wind turbine in overloaded
electric voltage and thermal energy [109]. Associated problems include conditions is suggested by Chen et al. [123] by using Islanding control
voltage changes, frequency fluctuations and power quality issues [110]. architecture. Garcia and Houpis have thoroughly reviewed various
DC/DC converters are also mounted for power factor boost and they strategies of wind energy systems from control engineering design
also result in lowering efficiency because of high duty cycle [111]. Al perspective [124].
Saffar et al. [112] have proposed techniques to reduce switch stresses.
To maximize profit and efficiency, electronic circuits sizing is also
4.5. Development of operational schedule of sources and loads
carried out for finding suitable circuits and inverters which are suitable
for operation in smart grids [113]. AC power generation, stability and
Demand Management System (DMS) regulates and optimizes the
synchronization issues have been discussed in [114] that reviews
voltage and power generated in the smart grid system. DMS also
renewable integrated technology techniques to resolve these issues.
ensures minimum losses and keeps track of BESS system. DR
For maintaining a uniform and fixed load, biomass generators are
calculates and manages the available power in the grid system and
an important choice for smart grids [115]. Diesel generators for wind
electric power required by the consumers [41]. A DR program has been
turbines are proven to be reliable and efficient source for reducing fuel
successfully implied on 33 smart grids for scheduling solar and
costs [116]. Molina et al. in [82] have described the integration
geothermal power sources in Queensland Australia for shifting loads
techniques for wind turbines using Permanent Magnet Synchronous
of peak hours by using economical load model and price control [125].
Generator (PMSG).
Another DR program using load profile improvement has also been
tested on Iranian smart grids [126]. This technique saved power by
4.4. Control of overloads in smart grid reducing peak loads by up to 8% and increased overall DR by 40%
[127]. For stability of smart grid systems, DMS programs are of three
Over the years, the load on the grids has reached its limit due to types [19]; Environment based, Network based and Economic/market
immense increase in demand. The overload scenario occurs when based.
demand supply is more than the generated power of the smart grid. In Researchers at Independent System Operator-New England (ISO-
such situation, Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) plays a vital NE) have successfully implemented two types of DR programs; Price
role for sustaining constant electric supply. The effective utilization of Response Program (PRP) and Real Time Demand Response Program
BESS is responsibility of Energy Management System (EMS) [117], (RTDRP). In PRP, consumers are able to control energy consumption
which results in giving more back up time in case a smart grid is on hourly basis tariff. In RTDP, internet based technology is used to
overloaded. Each battery bank of BESS works as a separate parallel gather online meter data which can be used for DR programming
string [118]. EMS charges BESS backup batteries at a faster rate using [128]. New York ISO (NYISO) has four different types of DR; Day
shorter cycles at low State Of Charge (SOC). This quick charging Ahead Demand Response Program (DADRP), Energy Demand
technique results in enhancing battery current rate and BESS batteries Response Program (EDRP), Demand Side Ancillary Service Program
are fully charged in normal operating conditions of the smart grid. For (DSASP) and Installed Capacity (ICAP) Special Case Resource (SCR).
maintaining effective usage of BMS systems, Ah balancing is very These all DRs provide feasible, effective and cheap solutions to the
crucial step for determining SOC. The balancing technique for overload energy scheduling problems [19].
control of smart grids considering different variable losses and timings The scheduling of power generation problem is sorted out by
have been proposed by Duryea et al. in [119]. Wade et al. have dividing it in sub-problems and developing Lagrangian functions
conducted the experiments to prove validity and effectiveness of the [129]. Multi Agent System (MAS) is also suggested for scheduling of
BESS storage system by maintaining voltage and power flow for 11 kV energy sources using Artificial Intelligence (AI) [130,131]. MAS
system in Great Britain [120]. method is developed considering mathematical tools, DRES and
The abrupt changes in the load and generation of smart grids lumped loads as shown in Fig. 15. Various advantages including
results in oscillations due to uneven behavior. For overcoming oscilla- fulfilling, exporting and rescheduling of energy demands are offered
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Fig. 16. Smart grid energy flow networks for scheduling [140].
Fig. 17. Overview of research trends in applications of control systems in smart grid 4.6. Control of Active power v/s frequency (P-f) and Reactive power
[154,156–162]. v/s voltage (Q-V) in smart grids
by MAS method [19]. For enhancing control and generated power in With advances in renewable energy technology applications, such
smart grids, cloud computing is also applied by Jin et al. [132], which as PV, wind turbines, fuel cells etc, the power sharing in the smart grid
uses Cyber Physical System (CPS) to efficiently control power and systems is actively being researched [142]. For power sharing, two
communication systems. DSM can be accomplished based on game techniques are commonly used to overcome the problems arising from
theory [133], where energy consumers act as a game player and their sharing operations namely P-f droop control and Q-V droop control
strategies play a role as usage of energy. The power company can set [143]. These droop control methods are utilized for balancing active
the tariff rates for different timings by watching the trends and and reactive power which in turn regulates voltage and frequency
strategies of the consumers [133]. amplitude [144]. The droop control techniques give an autonomy to
Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is also being investigated for smart grid as additional DGs can be added or removed from the grid
predicting energy generation for day ahead scheduling [134]. This system without interrupting other operations of the grid [144].
prediction is very useful for DSM and plays an important role for easing Many droop control techniques and their variants are reported in
energy scheduling tasks. An intelligent decision support structure the literature. Wang et al. have proposed a Q-V droop control
system has been proposed by Guan et al. in [135] for generated power mechanism [144] based on fuzzy logic and reciprocal characteristics.
dispatching. This dispatching process comprises of decision making In comparison with conventional droop techniques, fuzzy logic based
and security of the control systems. Planas et al. have presented a approach improves the stability of the grid. However, the deterioration
centralized scheme based on hierarchical control [136]. Applicable on occurs because of dependence of reactive power on line impedance. To
grid, field and management levels, the scheme ensures importing and overcome such issues, an improved Q-V has been proposed by Lee et al.
exporting of real and reactive power. The variations in frequency, [145]. The droop control results in improving reactive power sharing
voltage fluctuations and amplitude restoration problems are also among parallel connected inverters. The multi agent consensus based
controlled for isolating and connected grids as well. The decentralized reactive control techniques have also been considered in research
control scheme for shifting loads has been implemented by Ahn et al. [146–148]. Bolognani et al. [149] have explored the distribution
[137]. Load is managed by coordinating power generation and char- control strategies for reactive power compensation. Etemadi et al.
ging system patterned through optimization solutions based on linear [150,151] have developed the robust control and power management
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strategies for reactive power. The stability issues of P-f has been implemented for two-way meters/utility communication. AMI offers
studied in [152] using consensus based control design techniques. various benefits such as lowering cost of data gathering, permitting
Voltage control and optimization issues have been thoroughly explored disconnection/re-connection of consumers, managing load control,
in Uluski et al. [88] by proposing an auto-adaptive approach for save theft of energy, monitoring quality of power and its usage. AMI
overcoming active and reactive power sharing. Vornaus et al. [153] increases the efficiency and also results in reduction of losses. Fortum's
have proposed the distributed voltage control schemes for active and intelligent system ensures management of electrical consumption using
reactive power. With an investigation on stability and control aspects, AMI devices for gathering and analysis of data. Vattenfall's ‘automatic
they have improved the existing conventional techniques. household electricity consumption metering system’ also remotely
A concise look on the reported literature illustrating research trends measures consumer data. AMI based methods and techniques have
in various control applications in smart grid is presented in Fig. 17. been thoroughly reviewed in [165].
Meter Data Management (MDM): MDM ensures automation
of real time processes and sharing of data within key business
4.7. Reported system and technologies used in smart grids
applications thus resulting in effective and efficient operations. It
improves decision making process easy for the enterprises. MDM helps
Numerous technologies are playing an important role for successful
in handling large volume of data and is being successfully used by large
control and automation of smart grids. These technologies help smart
grid designers to have a cost effective solution and also enable
Distribution Management System (DMS): DMS system is
consumers to participate in the grid system operations [3]. The
used for modeling distribution areas and prediction of transmission,
technologies are related with one or more components of the overall
power generation, power outage, variation of voltage/frequency etc. In
smart grid system shown in Fig. 18. Most important technologies are
return cost is reduced and existing resources can be better utilized.
mentioned briefly.
DMS offer different rate options and gives solutions to various
Automatic Voltage Regulators (AVR): AVR find applications
problems in renewable energy generation. It also manages change
to control, manage and interface various entities of the system to
stations. As an example, Elektra's DMS provides solutions for improv-
counter effects of disturbances. Generators are also dependent on AVRs
ing service quality using advanced devices which ensures management
and govern their smooth and disturbance free operation. AVR keeps
and control of data.
the voltage constant by adjusting generator field and its reactive power.
Demand Side Management (DSM): DSM is used for providing
Energy Management Systems (EMS): EMS ensures safe and
energy control to the consumer's side of the meter. DSM programs help
secure operating points to achieve Supervisory Control And Data
efficient use of system resources without installation of new transmis-
Acquisition (SCADA). EMSs help in adjusting control consumption,
sion and generation structures. These programs offer efficient energy
storage and generation of electricity and vehicle charging. Energy
conservation, response demand management and load management
management is considered as a large scale optimization problem and is
issues. DSM also provide reduction and shifting in consumption of
still implemented in many commercial and industrial sectors. The
energy [166–168].
power sector has many uncertainties including consumer preferences,
Geographical Information System (GIS): GIS is used for
pricing, generated power and distributed power. Smart grid systems
management of infrastructure, modeling and integration of data onto
and devices are ensured to behave optimally under these uncertainties
graphical maps. Its usage results in simplification in planning, analysis
and challenges [3].
and lowering the response time. Smart grid accepts lot of data from
Automatic Generator Control (AGC): AGC employs closed
different applications such as AMI, renewable energy, SCADA, asset
loop control and rescheduling of set points to cope frequency variations
management, weather etc. GIS visualization is an important solution
and tie-line flow requirements [3]. AGC matches the area matching
for converting this huge amount of data [169].
between generation and load i.e. to control system frequency and
Outage Management System (OMS): OMS provides solutions
matching tie-line interchanged with the current schedule. It also
for restoration of energy. They also minimize manual reporting and
changes load distribution among various generators present in a smart
provide automatic solution for reported problems. The previous outage
grid [164].
data is analyzed which can identify the improvements. OMS also
Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI): AMI is usually
M. Irfan et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (xxxx) xxxx–xxxx
Table 1
Literature at a glance – Advances in control and automation of smart grid.
AVR [171] 2014 Ting-Chia et al. Inst. of Nuclear Energy Research, Taoyuan, Taiwan etc. 1. Hybrid algorithm for AVR.
2. For controlling power, Fuzzy logic SMC is used.
3. Stable power generation is achieved by Recurrent
Radial Base Function Network (RRBFN).
[172] 2010 Morris et al. Deptt. of Energy, Milan, Italy etc. 1. AVR control based on sensitivity theory.
2. Ensures distributed voltage regulation.
3. Follows topological approach.
EMS [117] 2012 Rahman et al. Center of Research Excellence in Renewable Energy, King Fahd 1. For effective operation of BMS.
University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. 2. For charging backup batteries speedily.
[3] 2011 Eduardo et al. Univ. of Sevilla, Spain etc. 1. EMS ensures reduction in uncertainties and
challenges in smart grids.
[120] 2010 Wade et al. School of Engineering and Computing Sciences, Durham 1. Validity and effectiveness of BESS system for 11 kV
University, UK etc. systems.
[118] 2007 Kaiser et al. Fraunhofer-Inst. for Solar Energy Systems, Freiburg, Germany. 1. Charging of BESS speeded up by using shorter cycles
at low SOC.
2. More backup time for overloaded conditions.
[119] 2001 Duryea et al. Western Power Corp., Jandakot, Western Australia etc. 1. Losses reduction by using Ah balancing control
2. Effective usage of BMS system.
AGC [172] 2014 Siddharth et al. Deptt. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Iowa State Univ., 1. Study the impact of data integrity on AGC.
Ames, US. 2. Smart attack detection and mitigation.
3. Attack detection algorithm through simulation.
[164] 2012 Ali et al. Deptt. of Electrical Engineering, Ohio State University (OSU), 1. New AGC structure for tackling intermittency in
Columbus, US. smart grids.
2. Control of high frequency load fluctuations.
[3] 2011 Eduardo et al. Univ. of Sevilla, Spain etc. 1. Reduction in uncertainties and challenges in smart
2. Ensuring constant value of frequency and tie-line
AMI [3] 2011 Eduardo et al. Univ. of Sevilla, Spain etc. 1. Lowering cost of data gathering.
2. Managing load control.
3. Theft control of energy.
4. Disconnection/re-connection of consumers.
[155] 2011 EIA/SAIC US Deptt. of Energy, Washington DC. 1. Data for AMI legislation and regulation.
2. Adapted AMI plans and requirements.
3. Dynamic pricing using AMI.
[165] 2010 TFCC Inc. Twenty First Century Communications Columbus, Ohio, US. 1. AMI/Smart grid communication issues discussed.
2. Lowering cost and improving customer service using
AMI communication.
3. Tips for implementing successful AMI/Smart grid
MDM [173] 2013 Zheng Qin Washington Univ. in St. Louis, 1. MDM for networking issues
2. Wide area, Local area, Home area and Multimedia
[174] 2012 Jesika et al. MaRS Market Intelligence, Toronto, Canada etc. 1. Market impact of MDM data.
2. Balancing energy generated and demand issues.
3. Giving control to consumers for effective solution.
[3] 2011 Eduardo et al. Univ. of Sevilla, Spain etc. 1. Automation of real time processes.
2. Sharing of data within key businesses and
[175] 2009 Sharelynn Moore Itron Inc., Washington, US etc. 1. Market impact
2. Maximizing investment.
DMS [176] 2013 John Dirkman Schneider Electric, France 1. DMS is built on precise and up to date information of
network infrastructure.
2. Small corrections in smart grid model with DMS.
[3] 2011 Eduardo et al. Univ. of Sevilla, Spain etc. 1. Prediction of power generation and transmission.
2. Cost reduction.
3. Provision of different rate options.
DSM [166] 2012 Thillainathan et al. National Univ. of Singapore (NUS), Singapore 1. DSM using heuristic optimization.
[3] 2011 Eduardo et al. Univ. of Sevilla, Spain etc. 1. Management of Infrastructure.
2. Modeling and integration of data.
[133] 2010 Amir et al. Univ. of British Columbia (UBC), Canada 1. DSM based on game theory energy consumption.
GIS [176] 2013 John Dirkman Schneider Electric, France 1. Improved quality and timeliness of GIS.
2. Modeling connectivity for demand management.
3. Reduction in data duplication.
4. Database management.
[169] 2012 Dao Viet Nga et al. Deptt. of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Univ. 1. GIS for buffer special analysis.
(continued on next page)
M. Irfan et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (xxxx) xxxx–xxxx
Table 1 (continued)
Tenaga Nasional Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia 2. GIS for Google earth display.
[177] 2012 Schneider Electric Schneider Electric, France 1. Effective smart grid strategies based on GIS.
2. GIS based model for maintaining data accuracy of
network model.
3. Reduced design time and backlog.
4. Efficient workflow.
5. Accurate availability of network information.
[178] 2009 Esri Inc Esri Inc., California, US 1. Role of enterprise GIS in smart grid.
2. Utility challenges.
OMS [176] 2013 John Dirkman Schneider Electric, France 1. OMS for normal operations and emergencies.
2. OMS for better decision support and workflow.
3. Prediction roadmap.
[3] 2011 Eduardo et al. Univ. of Sevilla, Spain etc. 1. Restoration of energy.
2. Automatic solutions for reporting problems.
[163] 2007 Intergraph Corp. Intergraph Corp., Madison, US 1. OMS for operational benefits.
2. Network control supported.
3. Integration of OMS with other technologies.
WAMS [179] 2013 Lee-Cheun Hau et al. Faculty of Engineering and Science, Univ. Tunku Abdul Rahman, 1. Literature survey for WAMS techniques.
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 2. Ensuring network reliability before implementation
of WAMS schemes.
3. Prediction, diagnosis and recovery methods.
[180] 2013 M. Junaid et al. Univ. of Engineering and Tech., Peshawar, Pakistan. 1. WAMS for transmission line through GSM.
[3] 2011 Eduardo et al. Univ. of Sevilla, Spain etc. 1. Ensuring accuracy and synchronization.
2. PMU for precise measuring.
3. Disturbance analyses.
[181] 2010 Wang et al. Chongqing Univ., China 1. Reliability analyses for WAMS.
2. WAMS evaluated on IEEE 14-bus system.
[182] 2010 M. Vaiman V & R Energy Syst. Res., Inc., Los Angeles, US 1. Region of Stability Existence (ROSE) for WAMS.
2. Implemented ROSE on ISO NE transmission
BESS [117] 2012 Rahman et al. Center of Research Excellence in Renewable Energy, King Fahd 1. Effective utilization of BESS.
Univ. of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. 2. More backup time for overloaded condition.
[120] 2010 Wade et al. School of Engineering and Computing Sciences, Durham Univ., 1. Validity and effectiveness of BESS system for 11 kV
UK etc. systems.
[118] 2007 Kaiser et al. Fraunhofer-Institute for Solar Energy Systems, Freiburg, 1. BESS working as a parallel string.
Germany. 2. Speeding up of charging process for BESS.
[119] 2001 Duryea et al. Western Power Corp., Jandakot, Western Australia etc. 1. Ah balancing control technique.
discharge cycle and should take minimum amount of time for charging
There is rapid growth with many in progress projects to propose
better solutions for implementation of smart grids. Table 1 presents
reported systems and technologies used in smart grid.
M. Irfan et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (xxxx) xxxx–xxxx
Fig. 21. Trends of installed energy capacity in Pakistan (in MW) [186].
M. Irfan et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (xxxx) xxxx–xxxx
Table 2
Renewable energy projects in Pakistan [188].
1. Solar M/s Appolo Solar Development Pakistan Ltd. Quaid-e-Azam Park, Bahawalpur, 100 Completed on 6th Nov. 2015
2. M/s Quaid-e-Azam Solar Power (Pvt.) Ltd. Quaid-e-Azam Park, Bahawalpur, 100 Completed on 13th Nov. 2015
3. M/s Best Green Energy Pakistan (Pvt.) Ltd. Quaid-e-Azam Park, Bahawalpur, 100 Construction in process
4. Wind M/S Sachel Energy Development (Pvt.) Ltd. Jhimpir, Sindh 50 Completed on 17th Dec. 2015
5. Zorlu Sindh Wind Farm, Yunus Jhampir Wind Farm and Fauji Gharo and Jhimpir, Sindh 156 Financial closure
Jamphir II Wind Farm
6. Fauji Kuttikun I and II Wind Farm Kuttikun, Sindh 100 Financial closure
7. AES Sindh Wind Metro Gharo Wind Farm Gharo Corridor in Thatta, Sindh 100 In pipeline
8. Gul Ahmed Sindh MasterWind Sindh Sapphire Jhampir Wind Jhampir, Sindh 150 In pipeline
9. Biomass M/s JDW Sugar Mills Ltd. (Unit III) District Ghorki, Sindh 26 Completed on 25th April 2014
10. M/s Chiniot Power Ltd. Chiniot, Punjab 62.5 Completed
11. SSJD Sindh Biomass Plant Hyderabad, Sindh 12 Financial closure
12. M/s JDW Sugar Mills Ltd. (Unit II) District R.Y. Khan, Punjab 26.35 Completed on 25th April 2014
13. Hydro K-Water Star Patrind HPP Jhelum river, AJK 147 Financial closure
14. White Chrystal Suki Kinari HPP Kunshar River, Kaghan Valley, 840 In pipeline
Mansehra, KPK
15. Yunus Asrit-Kedam HPP Swat River Kalam, KPK 215 In pipeline
16. Mira Gulpur Hydropower Plant and Mira Kotli HPP Poonch River, Kotli, AJK 200 In pipeline
Fig. 22. Wind meteorology masts installed by Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD) [194].
irradiation falling on horizontal surface in Pakistan is about 200– 5.4. Renewable energy and smart grid: ultimate solutions to national
250 W/m2 per day with about 1500–3000 sunlight hours in a year energy crisis
[196]. As per available statistics, the south-western province of
Baluchistan receives the largest solar energy with an average daily While Pakistan's strategic policy makers have long been realized the
global insulation of 19–20 MJ/m2 a day with annual mean sunshine benefits offered by exploiting potential of renewable energy, suitable
duration of 8-8.5hrs. Such conditions are ideal for PV and other solar priority to promote and develop these small-scale setups has not been
energy applications [197] to generate electricity particularly for off-grid unfortunately given. Hurdles to adopt and establish renewable energy
localities in northern mountainous zones as well as in western and culture on a national level are related with institutional, fiscal,
southern deserts. regulatory and technical expertise issues. These barriers have ulti-
AEDB has initiated another program to provide solar power mately led to the present energy crisis in the country, which finally
electricity for the development of rural areas. In the first phase, solar urged the government circles to awake in order to improve socio-
systems are planned to be set up in 100 and 400 villages of Sindh and economic circumstances of public. The need of the hour is to improve
Baluchistan respectively. In Sindh, 3000 solar home systems have national infrastructure along with technological uplifts of R & D and
already been installed [198]. productions setups. Public should be convinced and educated with
practical demonstration to develop pilot scale setups. The government
M. Irfan et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (xxxx) xxxx–xxxx
Fig. 23. Pakistan flat plate tilted at latitude annual solar radiation [199].
Table 3 Table 5
Energy integration plan for on-grid applications [200]. Total grid stations and Grid lines in Pakistan [201].
Resource For 2018 [in MW] For 2025 [in MW] Grid station capacity Number of grid stations Length of gridlines (km)
Wind 1750 3500
Small Hydel 180 500 500 13 5077
Solar PV 1000 2000 220 37 7359
Biomass/Waste to energy 800 1500 133 Information not available 23,994
Total 3730 7500 66 9169
M. Irfan et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (xxxx) xxxx–xxxx
Fig. 25. Distributed energy resources with transmission lines of 500 kV and 220 kV [201].
infrastructure of national grid and by integrating various technologies & D losses. The government is also encouraging solar power generation
like Advance Metering Infrastructure (AMI), Home Area Networks for tube wells, street lights, commercial loads (billboard lights, search
(HANs), Distribution Automation (DA) and bi-directional communica- lights, outdoor lighting) and rural electrification.
tion between IED's and Control Station (CS). The off-grid applications for renewable sources will also prove to be
considerably effective solution for energy crisis and developing the
5.5. Short and medium term targets for renewable energy resources country's infrastructure. Some consistent subsidiary mechanism is also
required from the government to achieve these targets. The short term
Considering the potential of various renewable energy resources and long term targets for off-grid applications are mentioned in
currently being explored in Pakistan, a target of 4130 MW (10% of total Table 4.
installed capacity) has been suggested by 2018. The target for year Additionally biogas plants are being promoted in agriculture,
2025 is set to generate at least 7500 MW (10% of installed capacity). domestic and commercial sectors. The renewable energy resources
The short term and medium term targets for on-grid applications are can also be utilized for water cleaning and captive power plants. The
tabulated in Table 3. Battery charging can also be accomplished by renewable energy
The investment from private sector to achieve short term and long sources. The major focus is to facilitate projects of public-private
term goals for 2018 and 2025 is estimated to be 7 billion and 13.5 partnership to setup new plants as well as to enhance capacity of
billion US Dollars respectively. The government must ensure attractive existing projects.
and hassle free policies for private companies. Strengthening and
improvement of national grid system is also required. Small scale 5.6. Challenges of control in perspective of Pakistan
industries are also being encouraged by putting up their own generated
electricity into the grid system, therefore Net Metering is also being In Pakistan, National Transmission and Dispatch Company (NTDC)
employed. From Net metering, 3000 MW electricity can be generated operates and maintains most of the grid lines and grid stations. Fig. 24
into the system [200]. The grids are also being updated to overcome T shows the power structure transition where NTDC and Karachi Electric
M. Irfan et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (xxxx) xxxx–xxxx
Fig. 26. Major projects of CPEC [206]. Power related projects are highlighted.
Table 6
CPEC projects related with renewable energy [207].
Priority 1 Quaid-e-Azam solar park, Bahawalpur Punjab 1000 1350 – Commercial Operational Date (COD) of 1st 100 MW achieved
– 2nd and 3rd 100 MW under testing
2 Dawood wind farm, Bhambore Sindh 50 125 – Financial Close (FC) achieved
– Construction started
– COD September 2016
3 UEP wind Farm, Jhimpir Sindh 100 250 – FC achieved March 2015
– Construction started
– COD September 2016
4 Sachal wind farm, Jhimpir Sindh 50 134 – FC achieved
– Construction started
– COD June 2017
5 Suki Kinari Hydro power Station KPK 870 1802 – Supplemental Agreement Approved
– Land acquisition in process
– COD 2020
6 Karot hydropower station AJK & Punjab 720 1420 – Land acquisition at advance stage, near to resolution
– FC August 2016
– COD 2020
Actively promoted 1 Kohala hydel project AJK 1100 2397 – Feasibility study (stage−1) Tariff announced by NEPRA
– Land acquisition process started
– Environmental impact assessment study being updated
– Expected COD 2024
2 Pakistan wind farm II Jhampir, Thatta Sindh 100 150 –
Supply Company (KESC) are two major systems of energy transmission lines respectively [201]. Moreover, the focus has recently been shifted
and distribution in the country. Detailed information of grid lines and towards renewable energy in the country, therefore, until now most of
grid stations in various parts of the country is provided in Table 5 and the renewable energy resources are being utilized in islanded mode. In
Fig. 25. Pakistan, these energy resources are distributed from north to south
The smart grid usage in Pakistan is challenging because transmis- with lot of potential of micro-hydel energy in north, solar energy in
sion network in Pakistan is not reliable. Whereas, the smart grid can south Punjab and upper Sindh region and wind energy in the southern
only be connected to the main grid when the phase conditions are coastal belt.
compatible and synchronized with the main grid. Furthermore, the Therefore, due to the above stated conditions in the country, the
allowable source voltage must be within the required limits to feed the smart grid can be implemented up to secondary level of control in
main grid from distributed energy sources [202]. decentralized mode. Since most of the renewable energy resources are
The number of planned and forced outages in the network and their distributed, synchronization and energy management system at cen-
duration are the important indicators subject to the reliability of a tralized level is not apparently possible at the moment.
transmission network. The transmission network of Pakistan is unreli-
able; according to a report in 2010 the NTDC system encountered total
140 and 657 planned and unplanned outages in 500 kV and 220 kV
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