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Lesson 79

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420 recognize

Do you think you’d be able to recognize me if we met each other again in

thirty years’ time? Yes, I think I’d be able
to recognize you if ... ~ No, I don’t
think I’d be able to recognize you if ...
Would you say you were good at recognizing people after not having
seen them for several years? Yes, I’d say I was good at ...
~ No, I wouldn’t say I was good at ...


Would you say you spoke English rather well now? Yes, I’d say I spoke ...

would rather

“Would rather“ means the same as “would prefer“. The difference is that
we put the infinitive without “to“ after “would rather“, whereas we put
the infinitive with “to“ after “would prefer“.

What can we say instead of “I would prefer to drink tea“?

We can say “I would rather drink tea“
instead of “I would prefer to drink tea“
Would you rather have a cold drink than a hot drink at the moment?
Yes, I’d rather have …
~ No, I wouldn’t rather have …
Which would you rather do this evening: read a book, watch television, or
go to the cinema? I’d rather ... than …

421 Would you rather go on a long flight or a long train journey?

I’d rather … than …
faith Christian

Do you have very much faith in your government? Yes, I have a lot of
faith in my government ~ No, I don’t
have very much faith in my government
About how old is the Christian faith? The Christian faith is
about two thousand years old

“Will” and “to be going to”

predict prediction

just this moment

Two common ways to talk about the future are:

I will go to London tomorrow (future simple)

I am going to go to London tomorrow (“to be going to“)

These different forms communicate different ideas.

One common use of the future simple is to communicate that we have just
this moment decided to do something. For example, if I say “It’s getting
cold; I’ll close the window“, I am communicating that I have just this
moment decided to close the window.

We can also use the future simple to make a prediction. For example, if I
say to a friend “Don’t worry about your exam tomorrow; I’m sure it will
be easy“, I am making a prediction that the exam will be easy.

422 Tell me one common use of the future simple, please.

One common use of the
future simple is to communicate that we
have just this moment decided to do something
Give me an example, please. Sorry I forgot to bring the
money for you; I’ll bring it tomorrow, I promise!
Tell me another common use of the future simple, please.
Another common use of the
future simple is to make a prediction
Give me an example, please. I can’t remember what she
looks like but I’m sure I’ll recognize her when I see her

“To be going to“ can also be used to make a prediction, but a prediction
using information we already have. For example, if I say “Oh, look at the
sky; I think it’s going to rain“, I am predicting rain because I can see that
the sky is dark and cloudy now.

Another common use of “to be going to“ is to communicate a future

intention; something that we have already decided to do. For example, if
I say “I’m going to buy a new car“, I am communicating that I have already
decided to buy a new car; it is my intention to buy one.

Tell me one common use of “to be going to“, please. One common
use of “to be going to“ is to make a
prediction using information we already have
Give me an example, please. Be careful; that wine glass
is going to fall off the table!
Tell me another common use of “to be going to“, please.
Another common use of
“to be going to“ is to communicate a future
intention; something that we have already decided to do
Give me an example, please. I’m going to go to the
cinema next Saturday

423 To communicate your future intentions, it is important to remember to

use “to be going to”, not the future simple. If you decide to watch a film
tonight, and then later you tell a friend what you have decided to do, you
should say “I’m going to watch a film tonight”. It is wrong in this situation
to say “I will watch a film tonight”. This is a very common mistake.

Tell me what you have decided to do this afternoon (or this evening),
please. This afternoon (or this evening),
I’m going to visit a friend etc.

stairs upstairs downstairs

living room lift

In a house, are the bedrooms usually downstairs? No, in a house …;

they’re usually upstairs
And is the living room usually upstairs? No, the living
room …; it’s usually downstairs
If you had to get to a room that was on the tenth floor of a building,
would you take the stairs or the lift? If I had
to …, I’d take the lift

lip lipstick

Is this my top lip? No, it isn’t your top lip; it’s your bottom lip

Do you think women look better with or without lipstick? I think women
look …

424 system

What system of government do you have in your country?

We have a ... system
of government in my country

sail sailor

Is sailing a popular sport in your country? Yes, sailing’s …

in my country ~ No, sailing isn’t … in my country
Would you like to be a sailor? Yes, I’d like to ...
~ No, I wouldn’t like to ...

Dictation 50

I do not get up/ immediately after I wake up,/ but I lie in bed/ for a few minutes./
We sometimes/ go through the summer/ without going for a swim./ There is no
comparison/ between the prices on the website/ and those in the shop./ The fridge
he bought/ from the shop on the corner/ was faulty./ It made him angry/ and he
took a long time/ to calm down./ That guard dog/ is much too dangerous/ to keep
in the house.

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