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Gs 1 Decoded

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❑ GENERAL STUDIES 1 DECODED - Indian Art and Culture; History;

Geography and Society

1. Indian Culture - Salient aspects of Art Forms, Literature and

Architecture from ancient to modern times.

→ Indus Valley Civilization Salient Aspects (town planning, A&C)

→ Rock Cut Architecture
→ Geography of RIG VEDIC PERIOD; Social Organization; Varna system
→ Buddhist Stupa Art; Gandhar, Mathura & Amravati School of Art
(inspired by Central Asian, Greek etc.)
→ Mauryan Society; A & C; Ashoka Dhamma, Inscriptions & Sites
→ “Gupta is called Golden Age”. (Urbanization)
→ Brief Account of Foreign Traveller (Fa-Hein, Huen Tsang etc.)
→ Vijayanagar Empire – Society, A&C
→ Effect of Bhakti Movement on Indian Culture.
→ Sangam Literature Significance on Early Society
→ Mughal Period – Zenith of Art and Architecture.
2. Modern Indian History from about the middle of the eighteenth
century until the present (1757- 1947)- significant events,
personalities, issues.
3. The Freedom Struggle — its various stages and important
contributors/contributions from different parts of the country.

→ Revolt Of 1857 (Causes, Leaders, Nature, Reason of Failure etc )

→ Role of Education; Press in spreading Nationalism
→ INC (safety valve theory); Moderates & Extremist Role
→ Tribal & Peasant Movement
→ Role of Women during Freedom Movement
→ Gandhi Era and Movement.
→ 1909 Act, 1919 Act & GOI Act 1935
→ Indian Renaissance / Socio Religious Movement
→ Communalism During Freedom Movement
→ Governor Generals
→ Freedom movement Leaders

4. Post-independence Consolidation and Reorganization within

the country.

→ Constitutional Provisions Related to State Formation.

→ Merger Of Princely States.
→ Linguistic Organization of State (Recent Hindi Controversy)
→ Tribals Issue after Independence.
→ Formation of new states. Pros & Cons?
5. History of the World will include events from 18th century such
as Industrial Revolution, world wars, Redrawal of National
Boundaries, Colonization, Decolonization, political philosophies
like Communism, Capitalism, Socialism etc.— their forms and
effect on the society.

→ French Revolution, American Revolution & Russian Revolution –

Significance & its Impact.
→ Industrial Revolution
→ Unification Of Germany; Italy
→ WW1 and WW2
→ Decolonization & Formation of UN
→ Cold War
→ Communism, Capitalism, Socialism – Concept, Types and Examples ++
Significance in Present Time ++ Neo-Colonialism

6. Salient features of Indian Society, Diversity of India.

→ Features of Indian society

→ Indian Society Today – Change & Causes
→ Diversity – Definition, Types (race, caste, religion, linguistic etc.) and
→ Unity In diversity – reality or myth

7. Role of Women and Women’s Organization, Population and

Associated Issues, Poverty and Developmental issues,
Urbanization, their problems and their remedies.

→ Women’s organizations in Indian history – Types, Achievements, Few

Case Studies, Problem Faced ++ Add SHGs + MFIs
→ Demography of India; Causes, Effects & Challenges of Over Population;
Demographic Dividend: How to Reap; Population Policy
→ Development and Poverty Relationship; Cause, Consequences,
→ Smart Cities, Population Pattern, Smart Villages, Rurban
→ Measures, Govt Initiative Related to Poverty Alleviation. (Inequality,
Malnutrition etc.) - mention FYPs; Global Reports etc.
→ Sen vs Bhagwati Model
→ Urbanization – Trends, Factors, Problems, Problems of Slums, Urban
Local Bodies
→ Reverse Migration and Displacement
→ Poverty is cause of Population or Population is cause of Poverty.
8. Effects of Globalization on Indian society.

→ Meaning of Globalization; Globalization & India; Think Global, Act Local

→ Globalization - Homogenization vs. Glocalization
→ Impact of Globalization on India - Socio-cultural, economic (poverty), on
women, agrarian sector, development, etc.

9. Social Empowerment, Communalism, Regionalism &


→ Social Empowerment – Meaning, Dimensions, Need, Vulnerable Sections,

Govt Efforts.
→ Communalism – meaning, characteristics, causes, consequesnce, in past,
in present (recent), secularism vs communalism.
→ Regionalism – Meaning, Causes, Consequences, Different Forms of
Regionalism, Sons of Soil Theory, Regional Parties, Regionalism In IR
→ Secularism – Meaning, Indian vs Western Model of Secularism,
Constitutional Angle, UCC, Threat to Secularism

10.Salient features of World’s Physical Geography.

→ Origin & Evolution of Earth; Distribution of Continents & Oceans; Plate

Tectonic Theory; Seafloor Spreading; Distribution of Earthquakes &
Volcanoes; Earth’s Atmosphere; Soil Erosion & Conservation; World

11. Distribution of Key Natural Resources across the world

(including South Asia and the Indian sub-continent); factors
responsible for the location of primary, secondary, and tertiary
sector industries in various parts of the world (including India).

→ Key Natural Resources – Water, Forest, Land, Minerals (Ferrous & Non-
Ferrous), Conventional & Non-Conventional Energy - Land Degradation &
Conservation; Deforestation & Measures; Water Crisis & Integrated
Water Resources Management, Watershed Development; Cropping
Patterns; Agriculture & Climate Change – Food Security;
→ Classification of Industries
→ Location & Distribution of the Industries on the Basis of - Raw Material;
Labour; Market; Capital; Land; Connectivity; Sea & Port; Weight Losing
Industries etc.
→ Distribution of Major Industries – Iron & Steel, IT, Cotton Textile

12. Important Geophysical Phenomena such as earthquakes,

Tsunami, Volcanic activity, cyclone etc., geographical features
and their location-changes in critical geographical features
(including water-bodies and ice-caps) and in flora and fauna and
the effects of such changes.

→ Earthquakes
→ Tsunami
→ Volcanic
→ Cyclone
→ Melting of Ice Sheets, Desertification

Factors, Types, Reason for Occurrence, Most Affected Region, Role in shaping
the geographical features, Formation of Land forms; Rehabilitation.

13. UP History and Geography

→ Art and Culture, Folk Dance, Regional Language, Customs & Traditions
→ Location of Natural Resources and Industries, Types & Sources of

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