Lecture 08
Lecture 08
Lecture 08
of Economics
Theory of Production
In technical terms,
2. Place utility,
3. Time utility.
Production Function
(According to Stigler)
Production Function
stands for output,
…. are the productive resources
refers to function.
Thus, is the function of
which means depends upon
Production Function
TC @ 10 units = ?
Example: If you know that with 10 units of
output, average fixed cost is $15 and average
variable cost is $81, then total cost at this
Fixed and output level is:
variable Q=10 AFC=15 AVC=81 TC @ 10 units = ?
Example: If you know that with 10 units of
output, average fixed cost is $15 and average
variable cost is $81, then total cost at this
Fixed and output level is:
variable Q=10 AFC=15 AVC=81 TC @ 10 units = ?
Example: With fixed costs of $500, a firm has
average total costs of $5 and average variable costs
of $3. Its output is:
Fixed and
Total Fixed Total Variable Total Cost
Cost (£000) Cost (£000) (£000)
1 100 50 150
2 100 80 180
Total Fixed 3 100 100 200
and variable 4 100 110 210
1 100 100
2 100 50
Average 3 100 33.3
4 100 25
Fixed Cost 5 100 20
6 100 16.6
7 100 14.3
8 100 12.5
Total Variable Cost Average Variable Cost
(£000) (£000)
1 50 50
2 80 40
3 100 33.3
Average 4 110 27.5
Variable Cost 5 150 30
6 220 36.7
7 350 50
8 640 80
Average Fixed Average Variable Average Total
Cost (£000) Cost (£000) Costs (£000)
1 100 50 150
2 50 40 90
Variable Cost 5 20 30 50
6 16.6 36.7 53.3
7 14.3 50 64.3
8 12.5 80 92.5
Average Fixed ATC
and variable
Factors affecting costs of production
• Raw materials: A rise in the cost of raw materials, e.g., oil, plastic,
and metal – will increase the cost of firms
Factors affecting costs of production
• Transport costs