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Cold calling script

You: Hey, can I please speak to {name}? OR Hey, is this {name}?

Gatekeeper: What is this regarding?

You: It’s regarding the correspondents I sent to {prospects name} earlier this week. This is
(your name). He should know who I am, thanks.

Gatekeeper A1: He's busy right now, can I put you through to his voicemail? — You: Sure.

Gatekeeper A2: Sure, I'll put you through. —

You: Thank you.


When they will call you back :

Prospect: Hello?

You: Hey (name), this is (your name) calling from VPM-MEDIA. I sent you a few emails and
some resources earlier this week about having a multi-level funnel builder with A.I. Does that
ring any bells?

Prospect: Yes/No (Doesn't matter)

You: Okay, well we specialise in systems and reason for me calling today is because I was
doing some research on you and your company and I noticed you (insert personalised
reference points).

Prospect: Yes/No (Doesn't matter)

Okay, well we helped dental clinics from Romania and Denmark go from $35,000 to $78,000
in just 90 days.

When was the last time you looked at more patients for high ticket services ? ( like implant,
all- on-4, invisalign etc )
You: Got it, and if you don't mind me asking, what’s your goal or trying to create?
You: Okay, great. Well it seems like we can be of high value to you. Do you mind if I ask you a
few questions to learn more and also share more about our company?

You: Great, well again, we specialise in helping dental clinics and dentists to become owner of
the clinic and to increase the number of locations and also increase a multi level funnel
builder with A.I, but the best part is you will pay us just when the patient is on the chair.
What’s your current qualification process?

How many locations do you have ?

You: Okay, got it. Well based on what you told me {name}, what we do here at VPM-MEDIA is
a perfect fit for you.

Are you open to schedule a longer demo call with me which would be hosted on Zoom so I
can show you how we can help you in detail, what we offer, case studies, etc.?

Okay, great. How about (Tuesday at 3pm). Does that work?

What is the best email I can use to send you the invite including the Zoom link?

... (Book prospect in for a demo using Calendly)

Okay, great. Then watch out for my email and I’ll speak to you on (Tuesday)!
Thanks {name}!


1. Im not interested

Well xx at this point, I wouldn’t expect you to be and other people whom I make this call too
felt the same way until they learned how much more paying customers I can get into their

Look, we don’t even know if my services are a good fit for your unique business situation, but
doesn’t it make sense to get together for a short 15mins and find out?

How about DATE

Owner: Nah still not interested

Me: Well if that’s the case, what would you want to know/hear for you to become interested in
me getting you new profitable customers

Owner: says something, if I can do it…

That is something I can do for you, lets talk on DATE so I can give you more detail about it and
how I will tailor a solution for you
2. Already getting a lot of customers

That’s great! Happy to see youre still busy. Just a quick question before I go. Can you
confidently say that 3-6 months from now you still be fully booked with customers or is this
just a short term influx?

Owner : Long-Term - Ask How and say you can compliment

Own- Short term: That’s exactly why I called, I want to offer you a long term solution so you
stay this booked.

Look Im not even 100% sure I actually help you achieve this goal, which is why I want to talk
on X for 15mins so I can learn about your business and get you were you want to be.

3. Im already using someone/something else for marketing

I see, and if you're happy with your current methods keep them going! However,that’s exactly
why I called. Many businesses like yourself have multiple ways of marketing, so you can think
of me as a way to compliment your current marketing efforts.

This way if one of the avenues of you getting customers falls short or you want to save money
and stop the other avenue, I can pick up the slack and generate you new profitable business.

However, we still don’t know if we would be a good fit for each other and if I can even help
your current situation and get you where you want to be.

So lets get together for a short 15-min call where I can show you how I've helped clients like
yourself get new business and we can make a decision from there to work with each other or

Lets talk DATE

Owner: No thanks Im very happy with their service

Me: Okay great! Glad that other marketing agencies are help businesses grow! Out of
curiosity, what about them is working so well

Owner LISTEN and see if I can find loopholes if not…

Me: Looks like they're checking off all the boxes, but it doesn’t hurt to get a 2'nd pair of
professional eyes on what they're doing right?

Tell you what, Ill give you a free audit using a priportery software which will truly show if your
agency is doing the absolute best job it can be doing.

This way you can see downfalls and report it to them for the agency to fix! Lets talk DATE so
we can discuss running this audit for you.
4. Im busy at the moment

That’s why I called I figured you would be, and want to find a time more convenient for you so
we can discuss if I really can help your business get more profits.

How does DATE sounds?

Owner: sorry Im so busy I cant meet with at all

Me: I understand that since my calendar is pretty booked as well, and business owners like
yourself barely had time for me too.

But when they found the 15-mins for us to talk, they were able to see how I could get them
from where they are now to where they want to be in there business faster than they

So I usually don’t do this, but I can meet with you on a Saturday morning 10:00am call for a
short 15mins, that way we can both enjoy our weekends without to much hassel and see if we
are a good fit

5. Just email me some information

Fantastic! Happy to hear that you would like to learn more.

But I have so much information I can share,I would not to bombard you with generic
information, what information would you like to see?

Owner: Says stuff

Ok Ill send it to your email address, lets talk again at DATE so we can review that information,
and I can learn more about your business and tailor a solution to your needs

Owner : nah just send it and Ill get back to you

Me: Usually when people say that, I send them the info and they never get back to me.

This is why I would want to visually show/explain you, once I learn about your business and I
deem we are a good fit, how I can get you from point A to point B, more profits.

So Lets talk on DATE for a 15-min Uncovering call so I can do just that, learn about your
business situation and get you to point B

6. You'll cost to much for me

A lot of clients say that to me too but then once they learned the price they learn how
affortbale my services are.

All I want is the opportunity to get to know you a bit better and show how I’ve helped
businesses like yours without drastically increasing your current expenses.

How does DATE sound?

Owner: Well how much will this cost me

Me: Well I do custom pricing or a pay per lead structure depending on what your business
needs are, however usually once I get you your first paying customer (and trust me Ill get you
more than that), it covers most if not the expenses plus some extra profit for you, I would be
happy to tell you more about it on DATE

Owner: Well [Price still issue]

Well XXX, what would you want to hear/know for that issue to be aliveated?

Owner says it, if possible move on, if not be honest/compromise

Well its possible for me to do X so lets talk on DATE so we can discuss it more in detail, sound
fair? If not IS that the only thing holding you back?

Owner: Yes

Than tell you what Ill think it over and send you an email if I can do that for you.

Either way Ill email you an answer and a link where you can book a time at your convenience
for us to talk more about it, sound fair?

7. Online Ads don’t work for our industry

A lot of people in your industry do say that, and unfortunately Online Ads aren’t easy, heck
getting certified to do all this wasn’t a walk in the park either and most people who run ads
haven’t gotten proper training.

However when done right by the right person, businesses like yours have seen 2x-3x Return
on ad spend which there are case studies for, and as a certified ads manager, my mission is to
get you that 3x return on ad spend.

However we still need to decide if I can really help your business achieve this, so lets talk at
DATE so I can learn your unique situation.

Owner: Nah Online ads really don’t work

Me: I can feel your pain as when done wrong they can be costly.

What would you want to know/hear about online ads for you to be comfortable with that


Honestly, what you just said about XX can be done with online ads, I can give you more
details about that specifically at DATE and also describe how you can achieve that as well
8. This isn’t the right time

I understand, times are tough and you have to make some calls, however.

The more you delay the more oppturnities for profitable customers you lose out on and the
more your competitors are snagging those customers from you.

But hey lets jump on a short 15-min call so I can learn more about you and your business
situation and see if I can get you to point A to point B, more profits, then we can determine if
now is actually the right time to get started.

How does DATE sound for you?

Owner: really now isn’t a good time

Me: what makes you feel so strongly about that?

Owner listen

Me: Okay, so if I could alievate XXX for you, would now be a good time to start making a

Owner: Yes Me: Great, let me do some digging so I can give you an answer to your unique
challenges, and Ill give you and honest answer at DATE.

If I honestly feel I can’t help your unique situation, Ill email you and let you know and cancel
the meeting, so we don’t waste each other’s time sound fair?

9. Your just trying to sell me something

To be honest, XX, I have nothing to sell to you. I know nothing about your current business
situation and if my services would even benefit you.

This is why I called, to set up a time where we I can extensively learn about your business and
see if I can actually make you guys more money.

So lets talk at DATE to see if I can actually help you.

Owner: Still trying just to sell me something

Me: I do feel for you as people try to sell me services all the time! What would you want to
hear/know about for you to see I truly want to help your business grow.


Me Well XXX, I just wrote those down. I can understand where your coming from and will
check all those boxes for you.

Even so, I have to check some boxes I have for you myself to see if we are a good fit. So lets
talk at DATE so I can check those boxes for myself, if I cant after the meeting we will go our
separate ways, sound fair?
11. Tried a guy like you/a marketing agency and got burned

I totally get it, I've been burned to by a guy promising to get me leads through email, I paid
him the money, and no results to show for it.

That’s why I told myself I wouldn’t do the same to any other business no matter what.

This is why we should get on a quick 15 minute call on DATE, so I can learn about your
business situation and from there I will HONESTLY judge of I can help you or not.

If I have the slightest feeling that I cant help you Ill be the one to tell you and we can end the
relationship before we get serious.

So does DATE work for you?

Owner: Still scared of getting burned

Me: I understand the pain and that you find it hard to trust someone else.

What would you want to hear/know for me to get through that Im here to help you grow your

Owner says it, if possible move on, if not be honest/compromise

Well its possible for me to do X so lets talk for 15 minutes on DATE so we can discuss it more
in detail, sound fair?

If not IS that the only thing holding you back?

Owner: Yes Than tell you what Ill think it over and send you an email if I can do that for you.

Either way Ill email you an answer and a link where you can book a time at your convience for
us to talk more about it, sound fair?

12. After 3 rd objection (if it’s the same) or just wont get through Ok XXX, I see that you're not
going to have a 15-min call with me that could potentially be the key for generating you more
profits and having your customers go to you instead of you competitors, and that’s fine.

Unless you have any more questions, we should just go our separate ways so I can make
other calls to businesses like yours whom need help and you can get on with your day

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