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ISSN 0042-9007 (Print) ISSN 1423-0410 (Online) Volume 116 Number 2 FEBRUARY 2021

The International Journal of Transfusion Medicine

In this issue
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2: implications for
blood safety and sufficiency

Re-introducing whole blood for transfusion: considerations for blood


Registration errors among patients receiving blood transfusions:

a national analysis from 2008 to 2017

Elimination of pretransfusion RhD typing at Mackay Memorial

Hospital, Taiwan: 30 years’ experience (1988–2017)
Vox Sanguinis
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Vox Sanguinis (2021) 116, 139–253
© 2021 International Society of Blood Transfusion


Review Articles Transfusion Medicine and New Therapies

141 Pharmacogenomics with red cells: a model to study protein 217 Clinical outcomes of cardiac surgery patients undergoing
variants of drug transporter genes W. A. Flegel, K. Srivastava, therapeutic plasma exchange for heparin-induced
T. M. Sissung, B. R. Goldspiel & W. D. Figg thrombocytopenia I. Moreno-Duarte, M. Cooter,
O. A. Onwuemene, K. Ghadimi & I. J. Welsby
155 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2:
implications for blood safety and sufficiency P. Kiely, 225 Registration errors among patients receiving blood
V. C. Hoad, C. R. Seed & I. B. Gosbell transfusions: a national analysis from 2008 to 2017
S. Vijenthira, C. Armali, H. Downie, A. Wilson, K. Paton,
167 Re-introducing whole blood for transfusion: considerations B. Berry, H.-X. Wu, A. Robitaille, C. Cserti-Gazdewich &
for blood providers T. A. Hervig, H. A. Doughty, J. Callum
R. A. Cardigan, T. O. Apelseth, J. R. Hess, F. Noorman,
M. Bohoněk, M. H. Yazer, J. Lu, S. Wendel & R. L. Sparrow &
Biomedical Excellence for Safer Transfusion Collaborative 234 Elimination of pretransfusion RhD typing at Mackay
Memorial Hospital, Taiwan—30-year experience
Original Papers (1988–2017) M. Lin

Donors and Donations Cellular Therapies

175 Blood supply sufficiency and safety management in Iran 239 Development and evaluation of stem cell collection
during the COVID-19 outbreak M. Maghsudlu, P. Eshghi, procedure diagrams to support the education and
S. Amini Kafi-Abad, A. Sedaghat, H. Ranjbaran, recruitment of committed stem cell donors W. Fingrut,
S. Mohammadi & S. M. Tabatabai A. B. Cuperfain, S. W. S. Chan, E. Ptak, M. Kahlon, J. Dhaliwal,
A. Naidu, Y. (G) Wang, O. Baribeau, T. Mahmoudi, A. Lee,
Blood Component Collection and Production R. Suppiah, O. D. Luo, M. Green, J. T. Weiss, D. Mercer,
181 28-day thawed plasma maintains α2-antiplasmin levels and H. Elmoazzen, T. Petraszko & D. Allan
inhibits tPA-induced fibrinolysis G. R. Stettler,
E. E. Moore, B. R. Huebner, G. R. Nunns, H. B. Moore, Letters to the Editor
J. R. Coleman, M. Kelher, A. Banerjee & C. C. Silliman
249 The protective effect of O blood type against SARS-CoV-2
190 Whole blood haemostatic function throughout a 28-day cold infection M. Franchini, C. Glingani, C. Del Fante, M. Capuzzo,
storage period: an in vitro study H. L. McRae, F. Kara, V. Di Stasi, G. Rastrelli, L. Vignozzi, G. De Donno & C. Perotti
C. Milito, C. Cahill, N. Blumberg & M. A. Refaai
251 Lack of association between ABO blood groups and
Transfusion-transmitted Disease and its Prevention susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 infection J. E. Levi, P. R. Telles,
197 Evaluation of the WHO global database on blood safety H. Scrivani & G. Campana
U. Kanagasabai, D. Selenic, M. S. Chevalier, B. Drammeh,
253 Diary of Events
M. Qualls, R. W. Shiraishi, N. Bock, I. Benech & F. D. Mili

207 10-year analysis of human immunodeficiency virus

incidence in first-time and repeat donors in Brazil
S. de Oliveira Garcia Mateos, L. Preiss, T. T. Gonçalez,
C. Di Lorenzo Oliveira, E. Grebe, C. Di Germanio, M. Stone,
L. Amorim Filho, A. B. Carneiro Proietti, A. R. Belisario,
C. de Almeida-Neto, A. Mendrone-Junior, P. Loureiro,
M. P. Busch, B. Custer & E. Cerdeira Sabino & Recipient
Epidemiology, Donor Evaluation Study (REDS-III)
International Component Brazil

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Vox Sanguinis (2021) 116, 141–154
© Published 2020. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA
REVIEW DOI: 10.1111/vox.12999

Pharmacogenomics with red cells: a model to study protein

variants of drug transporter genes
Willy Albert Flegel,1 Kshitij Srivastava,1 Tristan Michael Sissung,2 Barry Ronald Goldspiel3 & William Douglas Figg2
Department of Transfusion Medicine, NIH Clinical Center, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA
Clinical Pharmacology Program, Office of the Clinical Director, Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health,
Bethesda, MD, USA
Clinical Trials Operations and Informatics Branch, Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health,
Bethesda, MD, USA

The PharmacoScan pharmacogenomics platform screens for variation in genes

that affect drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, elimination, immune
adverse reactions and targets. Among the 1,191 genes tested on the platform, 12
genes are expressed in the red cell membrane: ABCC1, ABCC4, ABCC5, ABCG2,
CFTR, SLC16A1, SLC19A1, SLC29A1, ATP7A, CYP4F3, EPHX1 and FLOT1.
These genes represent 5 ATP-binding cassette proteins, 3 solute carrier proteins,
1 ATP transport protein and 3 genes associated with drug metabolism and
adverse drug reactions. Only ABCG2 and SLC29A1 encode blood group systems,
JR and AUG, respectively. We propose red cells as an ex vivo model system to
study the effect of heritable variants in genes encoding the transport proteins on
the pharmacokinetics of drugs. Altered pharmacodynamics in red cells could also
cause adverse reactions, such as haemolysis, hitherto unexplained by other mech-
Received: 13 February 2020,
revised 11 June 2020,
accepted 11 August 2020, Key words: pharmacogenomics, pharmacogenetics, drug transporters, erythro-
published online 30 September 2020 cytes, DMET, PharmacoScan.

transporters that contribute to the absorption, tissue dis-

tribution and elimination of various drugs [1, 2]. More-
Many proteins of the red cell membrane have been recog- over, drug transporters often influence homeostatic
nized as blood groups. The currently established 36 blood expression of a variety of genes that regulate drug meta-
group systems are encoded by 41 genes [1]. They are bolism and disposition [5, 6]. The potential for these
involved in various cellular functions: transport of sub- membrane proteins to influence pharmacology has been
strates (ABCG2, ABCG6, SLC29A1, AQP1, AQP3, poorly studied.
SLC14A1, SLC4A1 and XK); cellular adhesion (ACKR1, Transporters are classified into 2 superfamilies: ATP-
BCAM, BSG, CD151, CD44, ERMAP, ICAM4, MIC2 and binding cassette (ABC) proteins and solute carrier (SLC)
SEMA7A); enzymatic activity (ABO, ACHE, ART4, proteins. ABC transporters are involved in the transloca-
GBGT1, GCNT2, KEL, FUT1 and FUT3); red cell stability tion of a wide variety of substrates including amino acids,
(GYPC, RHAG, RHCE, RHD, SLC4A1 and SMIM1); viral sugars, vitamins, inorganic ions, peptides, hormones,
and bacterial attachment (A4GALT, B3GALNT1, FUT3, large polypeptides (>100 kD) and therapeutics [7, 8]. In
GYPA, GYPB and GYPE); complement interaction (C4A, eukaryotes, ABC proteins contribute only to the ATP-de-
C4B, CD55, CD59 and CR1); and unknown function (XG) pendent efflux of substrates from cells against a concen-
[1–4]. Several of these membrane proteins serve as tration gradient [9, 10]. SLC proteins mediate the cellular
uptake of drugs through facilitated diffusion or secondary
Correspondence: Willy A. Flegel, MD, Laboratory Services Section, active transport [11].
Department of Transfusion Medicine, Clinical Center, National Institutes Similar to ABC and SLC transporters, the ion pumps
of Health; Bethesda MD 20892, USA (ATPases) [12] and ion channels [13] transport ions, such

142 W. A. Flegel et al.

as Na+, K+, H+, Cl- and Ca2+, across the cell membrane, DMET Plus microarray platform to adjust drug dose in
utilizing energy from ATP hydrolysis or electrochemical patients with variants of high, intermediate or low activ-
gradients, respectively. Aquaporins are a special class of ity [32].
bidirectional channel proteins that are involved in the We review the involvement of blood group proteins
transfer of water across the membrane driven by the and other red cell membrane proteins and their potential
osmotic gradient [14]. applications to provide mechanistic insights in pharma-
Inter-individual variation in the human genome due to cogenomics. As red cells are easily accessible, we pro-
single-nucleotide variations (SNVs), small-scale insertions pose an approach of using human red cells with
and deletions (InDels) and copy number variations (CNVs) variants of drug transport proteins, naturally occurring
may result in altered pharmacokinetic and pharmacody- among blood donors and other healthy individuals. They
namic characteristics of drugs leading to a lack of thera- can serve as an ex vivo model systems to study the
peutic efficacy or a risk for drug-induced toxicity [15, kinetics of drug transport, as it may be affected by the
16]. Variations in genes encoding drug transporters have protein variants.
been documented to affect responsiveness to chemothera-
peutic agents [15, 17]. Rarely, sensitivity of red cells to
Data search criterion and Methods
the direct toxicity of the drugs can lead to drug-induced
haemolytic anaemia [18–21]. Some medications bind to The exact number of genes expressed in the red cell
the RBC cell surface or alter RBC surface antigens result- membrane with drug transport function is unknown. We
ing in immune attack [22]. Drug-induced immune com- examined the blood group genes with drug transport
plexes can bind to RBCs [22], and alloantibody therapies function in red cells and represented on a commercial
that react with RBC antigens also cause haemolysis [23]. genotyping platform: the PharmacoScan array (Thermo-
Lastly, oxidative injury to RBCs results from peroxide for- Fisher Scientific). The Clinical Pharmacogenetics Imple-
mation and subsequent haemolysis, particularly in popu- mentation Consortium (CPIC) is an international
lations who harbour deleterious variants in G6PD or consortium that provides genotype-based drug guidelines
haemoglobin H [24]. Drug metabolism can alter drug-in- to optimize drug therapy [33]. The CPIC drug–gene pairs
duced haemolytic anaemia [25, 26]. And drugs bound to table includes a total of 363 drug–gene interactions
red cell proteins, including blood group proteins, can bind (DGIs), representing 214 unique drugs and 127 unique
drug-dependent antibodies [22, 27]. Such antibodies can genes [33]. Among the 1,191 genes present on the 2
cause drug-induced immune haemolytic anaemia [28]. arrays, only 113 gene–drug pairs are covered by the
Therefore, the potential for inter-individual variation in CPIC guidelines. One CPIC gene FCGR3A is present on
drug binding and transport resulting from novel genetic red cell membrane (with low confidence [34]) but not
variations should be explored and eventually considered present on any of the arrays. The remaining 13 genes in
to guide indications and dose recommendations. CPIC (ABL2, ASL, HPRT1, NAGS, SERPINC1,
The DMET Plus array, launched in 2012, scans 1936 CYP2A7P1, CYB5R1, CYB5R2, CYB5R4, MT-RNR1,
variations (1931 SNVs and 5 CNVs) in 231 absorption, PROS1, TMEM43 and YEATS4) are not present on red
distribution, metabolism and elimination (ADME)-related cell membrane and thus irrelevant for the current
genes [29, 30]. The PharmacoScan Solution array, an approach [34]. By searching the published literature and
updated version of DMET Plus launched in 2016, scans public databases [34], we retrieved the genes that are
4627 variations in 1191 genes of known or suspected present on the PharmacoScan array and also expressed
pharmacogenomic consequences. PharmacoScan incorpo- on red cell membranes.
rated all 231 genes from DMET Plus and nearly all of its
variations but scans many additional variations and genes
Red cell membrane genes among the
not present on DMET Plus.
PharmacoScan and CPIC drug–gene pairs
The NIH Clinical Center has implemented a clinical
decision support (CDS) for patients who are on medica- We found 12 red cell membrane genes that met our
tions where SNVs may assist with optimal dose or predic- search criterion (Table 1). Apart from the ABC (ABCC1,
tion of adverse events [31, 32]. In this pharmacogenomics ABCC4, ABCC5, ABCG2 and CFTR), SLC (SLC16A1,
approach, we have been screening HLA antigens by SLC19A1 and SLC29A1) and ATP transporters (ATP7A),
nucleotide sequencing to avoid exposure of patient with 3 additional genes associated with drug metabolism
distinct HLA alleles to drugs associated with severe aller- (CYP4F3 and EPHX1) and adverse drug reactions (ADRs;
gic reactions (e.g. allopurinol and carbamazepine) [31]. rs3909184 in FLOT1) were identified. Hegedus et al. [34]
Nucleotide variations affecting proteins with transporter associated each gene with a confidence level to evaluate
and metabolic functions have been determined by the the potential validity of its protein’s presence in the red

© Published 2020. This article is a U.S. Government wor.

and is in the public domain in the USA
Vox Sanguinis (2021) 116, 141–154
Pharmacogenomics, drug transporters and erythrocytes 143

Table 1 Genes present in the red cell membrane and routinely tested in severe haemolytic disease of the foetus and newborn
pharmacogenomics. (HDFN) [35, 36, 39].

platform AUG blood group system
Red cell membrane
Gene confidence threshold* DMET PharmacoScan The high prevalence Ata antigen was first identified in
1967. AUG was defined as a blood group system in 2015
ABCC1 High Yes Yes
[37]. The dbSNP database lists 351 non-synonymous or
ABCC4 High Yes Yes
frame shift variants in the SLC29A1 gene. Only 3 variants
ABCC5 High Yes Yes
encoding 4 antigens in the AUG system are known. Indi-
ABCG2 High Yes Yes
SLC16A1 High Yes Yes
viduals carrying these variants developed alloantibodies,
SLC19A1 Medium Yes Yes which can cause haemolytic transfusion reactions and
SLC29A1 High Yes Yes mild HDFN [40, 41].
CYP4F3 Medium Yes Yes
CFTR High No Yes
FLOT1 High No Yes
Other blood group systems
ATP7A High Yes Yes In addition to ABCG2 and SLC29A1, the 4 blood group
EPHX1 High Yes Yes system genes ABO (ABO; ISBT 001), BCAM (LU; ISBT
005), ACKR1 (FY; ISBT 008) and CR1 (KN; ISBT 022) are
*High = identified in at least 2 mass spectrometry-based studies, an
established blood group, or a CD marker for red cells; Medium = identi-
also represented on the PharmacoScan array. Some
fied in only 1 mass spectrometry-based study [34]. resources consider them having impact in pharmacoge-
nomics [42]. We do not review these 4 blood groups
because CPIC did not identify a drug-gene pair for them.

cell membrane: high level if the protein was present in at

Protein structural feature of the 12 genes
least two mass spectrometry studies or was an established
blood group or CD marker; medium level if the protein As expected for membrane transporters, 9 proteins are
was present in at least 1 mass spectrometry study; and multi-pass transmembrane proteins (Table 3). Another 2
low level if the protein was identified only semi-automat- proteins, EPHX1 and LTB4H, are single-pass transmem-
ically from reviews [34]. We summarized the clinical brane proteins. Only 1 protein, FLOT1, is inserted in the
interpretation of drug-gene pairs, based on the PharmGKB inner leaflet of the plasma membrane of the red cell but
Clinical Annotations tables. does not traverse it. None of the 12 proteins identified
were GPI-anchored [43–45]. The 12 proteins are involved
in the transport of a wide variety of drugs in humans
Only 2 of the 12 genes define blood group
(Table 4).
Variations in the proteins of the red cell membrane are
Disease association of the 12 genes
the hallmark and requirement for defining blood group
systems. However, only 2 of the 12 genes from the pre- Gene variants (alleles) of any of the 12 genes have been
sent search are defined as blood group systems. The associated with various diseases. Variations can occur at
ABCG2 gene encodes the JR (ISBT 032) [35, 36], and the the genetic level, involve changes of the mRNA and pro-
SLC29A1 gene encodes the AUG blood group system tein expression, and affect the localization of the proteins
(ISBT 036; Table 2) [37]. in cellular compartments. The number of such variants is
growing, and their tabulation is basic for pharmacoge-
nomics (Table S1).
JR blood group system
The high prevalence Jra antigen was first reported in
1970. JR was defined as a blood group system in 2012
[38]. The dbSNP database lists 341 non-synonymous or ABCC1 is the first identified member of the ABCC sub-
frame shift variants in the ABCG2 gene. Until today, group and is ubiquitously expressed in almost all human
however, all individuals who developed anti-Jra lack the tissues [46]. Increased MRP1 protein or mRNA concentra-
whole JR protein from their red cell membranes. The anti- tions or both were found in many haematologic and solid
body can cause haemolytic transfusion reactions and malignancies as predictor of poor chemotherapy response

© Published 2020. This article is a U.S. Government wor.

and is in the public domain in the USA
Vox Sanguinis (2021) 116, 141–154
144 W. A. Flegel et al.

Table 2 Genomic characteristics of the 12 genes‡.

Chromosome Length of cDNA Length of coding sequence

Gene location Genomic size GenBank number Exons (nucleotides) (CDS) (nucleotides)

ABCC1 16p13.11 200498 bp NG_028268.1 31 6504 4596

ABCC4 13q32.1 288618 bp NG_050651.1 31 5871 3978
ABCC5 3q27.1 98027 bp NG_047115.1 30 5790 4314
ABCG2* 4q22.1 68596 bp NG_032067.2 16 4206 1968
SLC16A1 1p13.2 44507 bp NG_015880.2 5 3927 1503
SLC19A1 21q22.3 29905 bp NG_028278.2 6 4982 1776
SLC29A1† 6p21.1 10648 bp NG_042893.1 14 2201 1497
CYP4F3 19p13.12 19864 bp NG_007964.1 13 5053 1563
CFTR 7q31.2 188703 bp NG_016465.4 27 6132 4443
FLOT1 6p21.33 15143 bp NC_000006.12 13 1866 1284
ATP7A Xq21.1 139740 bp NG_013224.2 23 8492 4503
EPHX1 1q42.12 35489 bp NG_009776.1 9 1847 1368

*ABCG2 - Junior blood group system (JR; ISBT 032) [35, 36].

SLC29A1 - Augustine blood group system (AUG; ISBT 036) [37].

For a list of variants in the 12 genes and associated clinical outcomes, see Table S1).

[47]. A number of variations in ABCC1 were associated population [51]. A large number of SNVs in ABCC4
with therapeutic response, cancer prognosis, drug toxicity altered the affinity for the protein’s substrate drugs [49,
and disease susceptibility [48, 49]. 52, 53].

Increased MRP4 membrane localization and retention ABCC5 variants were associated with tumour response to
were associated with drug resistance in acute myeloid gemcitabine-based chemoradiotherapy and survival in
leukaemia [50]. Expression changes caused by an intronic patients with pancreatic cancer [54]. Increased ABCC5
CNV in ABCC4 correlated with an increased risk for oeso- mRNA concentrations were reported in lung, colon, pan-
phageal squamous cell carcinoma in the Chinese Han creatic and breast cancer [49].

Table 3 Protein characteristics of the 12 genes.

Length Transmembrane
Gene Protein (amino acids) Amino-terminal Carboxy-terminal segments

ABCC1 Multidrug resistance-associated protein 1 (MRP1) 1531 Extracellular Cytoplasm 17

ABCC4 Multidrug resistance-associated protein 4 (MRP4) 1325 Cytoplasm Cytoplasm 12
ABCC5 Multidrug resistance-associated protein 5 (MRP5) 1437 Cytoplasm Cytoplasm 12
ABCG2 ATP-binding cassette sub-family G member 2 (ABCG2) 655 Cytoplasm Cytoplasm 6
SLC16A1 Monocarboxylate transporter 1 (MCT1) 500 Cytoplasm Cytoplasm 12
SLC19A1 Folate transporter 1 (RFC1) 591 Cytoplasm Cytoplasm 12
SLC29A1 Equilibrative nucleoside transporter 1 (ENT1) 498 Cytoplasm Extracellular 11
CYP4F3 Docosahexaenoic acid omega-hydroxylase (LTB4H) 520 Extracellular Cytoplasm 1
CFTR Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) 1480 Cytoplasm Cytoplasm 12
FLOT1 Flotillin-1 (FLOT1) 427 Cytoplasm Cytoplasm 0
ATP7A Copper-transporting ATPase 1 (MNK) 1500 Cytoplasm Cytoplasm 8
EPHX1 Epoxide hydrolase 1 (EPHX1) 455 Cytoplasm Extracellular 1

*Predicted or experimentally proven location of the amino- or carboxy-terminal protein ends at the cytoplasmic or extracellular side of the plasma

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Pharmacogenomics, drug transporters and erythrocytes 145

Increased ABCG2 protein concentrations were associated Absence, reduced concentration, or malfunction of the
with poor outcome in large B-cell lymphoma [55] and CFTR protein resulted in cystic fibrosis [77, 78] and cystic
acute myeloid leukaemia [56]. Increased ABCG2 protein fibrosis-associated diseases, including bronchiectasis [79],
expression correlated with reduced survival of patients chronic pancreatitis [80] and congenital bilateral absence
with small cell and non-small cell lung cancers [57]. A of the vas deferens [81].
genome-wide association study (GWAS)-associated
ABCG2 alleles with hyperuricaemia and gout [58–60].
ABCG2 variations were associated with various malig-
nancies including colorectal cancer, lymphoma and leu- The FLOT1 gene is located 620 kb upstream of the HLA-B
kaemia [61]. The ABCG2 variant (rs2231142, Gln141Ly) gene on the short arm of chromosome 6. A FLOT1 variant
causes reduction of transport activity [62] and increased (rs3909184) was identified as a tagging SNV for the HLA-
drug concentrations leading to drug-induced toxicity B*15:02 allele, associated with carbamazepine-induced
[63]. Alloimmunizations occurred, complicated transfu- Stevens–Jonson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis
sions and caused HDFN disease (see JR blood group). in the Asian population [31, 82, 83]. A recent study iden-
tified FLOT1 variants affecting FLOT1 mRNA expression
as susceptibility risk factor for major depressive disorder
[84]. Upregulation of FLOT1 mRNA or FLOT1 protein
MCT1 protein was overexpressed in cancer cells and expression may promote oesophageal squamous cell [85],
involved in pH regulation [64]. The SLC16A1 variant colorectal [86], breast [87] and hepatocellular cancer [88].
(rs1049434, Asp490Glu) correlated with survival rates in
patients with non-small cell lung [65] and colorectal can-
cers [66]. SLC16A1 promoter mutations were implicated
in hereditary exercise-induced hyperinsulinism and hypo- ATP7A variants caused various copper transport disor-
glycaemia [67] and ketoacidosis [68]. ders, such as Menkes disease [89], occipital horn syn-
drome [90] and the ATP7A-related distal motor
neuropathy [91].
SLC19A1 variants affected methotrexate toxicity and out-
come in leukaemia [69]. A recent meta-analysis suggested
a role of SLC19A1 rs1051266 variant in haematopoietic The low-activity genotype of the EPHX1 exon 3 variant
malignancies [70]. (rs1051740, Tyr113His) was associated with a decreased
risk for lung cancer in Caucasians [92]. Functional vari-
ants were also associated with susceptibility to various
cancers, such as lung [93], upper aerodigestive tract [94–
Decreased ENT1 protein expression correlated with recur- 96], colorectal [97], bladder [98] and breast cancer [99].
rence and poor outcome in patients with hepatocellular
carcinoma after surgery [71]. Expression of SLC29A1
Advantages of red cells in pharmacologic
mRNA and ENT1 protein in tumour tissues was a predic-
tive marker of outcome in cancer patients receiving gem-
citabine [72]. SLC29A1 promoter region variants altered Previous studies, using site-directed mutagenesis, have
gene expression and gemcitabine chemosensitivity [73]. been applied in cell cultures, such as human embryonic
The SLC29A1 variant (rs45573936, Ile216Thr) may kidney-293 [100] and Madin–Darby canine kidney cells
increase the risk for seizures during alcohol withdrawal [101] or oocytes from Xenopus laevis [102]. However,
[74]. Alloimmunizations occurred, complicated transfu- these methods and cellular assays can be artificial, expen-
sions and caused HDFN disease (see AUG blood group). sive, laborious and time-consuming. Proteomic analysis
of the red cells, the most abundant cells in human body
[103], has identified multiple transporter proteins in their
membrane. Several of these proteins are known to be
CYP4F3 variants were associated with the risk of ulcera- involved in the influx or efflux of clinically important
tive colitis [75] and lung cancer [76]. drugs [34].

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146 W. A. Flegel et al.

Table 4 Common substrate drugs of the 12 genes.

Gene Substrate drugs

ABCC1 Doxorubicin, methotrexate

ABCC4 Antivirals: acyclovir, ritonavir, adefovir, tenofovir;
Diuretics: furosemide, hydrochlorothiazide;
Cephalosporins: ceftizoxime, cefazolin;
Cytotoxic drugs: methotrexate, 6-mercaptopurine, 6-thioguanine, topotecan; olmesartan, para-methoxy-N-ethylamphetamine. renal
excretion of a wide variety of antiviral, cytostatic, antibiotic and cardiovascular drugs
ABCC5 Methotrexate, 6-thioguanine (anticancer drug), PMEA (anti-HIV drug), 5-fluorouracil, rosuvastatin, atorvastatin, kainic acid,
domoic acid, ZJ43
ABCG2 Anthracyclines, daunorubicin, doxorubicin, topotecan, SN-38, irinotecan, methotrexate, imatinib, irinotecan, Mitoxantrone, nucleoside
analogs, prazosin, pantoprazole, statins, topotecan, rosuvastatin, teriflunomide, chlorothiazide
SLC16A1 3-bromopyruvate (3-BrPA), a cancer drug candidate that inhibits glycolysis
SLC19A1 5-methyl-tetrahydrofolate, methotrexate
SLC29A1 Cladribine, cytarabine (for AML, ALL etc), fludarabine, gemcitabine capecitabine fialuridine, ribavirin
CYP4F3 Metabolize numerous drug substrates
CFTR Ivacaftor
FLOT1 Carbamazepine
ATP7A Cisplatin, oxaliplatin, carboplatin (overexpression causes sequestration of the drugs into intracellular vesicles)
EPHX1 Carbamazepine

The membrane structure of the red cell is arguably the red cells [18–21, 25, 26, 28]. Various other factors such
best studied of all human cell types [104], which enables as red cell enzymopathy, infections, uraemia, diabetic
us to draw worthwhile conclusions [105]. Red cells can be ketoacidosis, deficient of vitamin E and low levels of glu-
haemolysed and later resealed to regain limited perme- cose can increase the haemolytic effect of a drug [28].
ability [106]. This technical feature is rather unique for Drugs, such as phenylhydrazine [111] cause haemolysis
red cells. No wonder that several studies utilized resealed in all subjects in relatively low concentrations; while pri-
human erythrocyte membranes, dubbed ghosts, as model maquine, acetanilid, nitrofurantoin, p-aminosalicylic acid,
system for drug transport studies [107, 108]. Use of naphthalene, phenylsemicarbazide, sulphonamides and
ghosts circumvented the interference from proteins and sulphones cause haemolysis in normal subjects only in
enzymes present in the erythrocyte cytoplasm [109]. high concentrations [28, 112, 113]. Genetic variants in
drug transport or drug metabolism genes may determine
the intracellular concentration of the drug and its impact
Study topics for pharmacogenomics with red
on haemolysis.

Clinical syndromes: haemolysis Haemolysis, immune mediated

The SLC28A3, a drug transporter gene not expressed on Although underdiagnosed, an incidence of approximately
the red cell membrane, is tested on both the DMET and 1 per million per year [114, 115] has been proposed for
PharmacoScan arrays. A SLC28A3 variant (rs10838138) drug-induced immune haemolytic anaemia, a rare but
was associated with a lower incidence of severe haemoly- severe hypersensitivity reaction to drug administration
tic anaemia in patients with chronic hepatitis C receiving [116, 117]. It is caused by warm autoantibodies against
pegylated interferon and ribavirin [110]. Haemolytic red cells induced by many antibiotic, anti-inflammatory
events may however remain undetected until the haemol- and chemotherapy drugs [118, 119]. A large and growing
ysis becomes rather severe. Haemolysis by drugs can be list of drugs have been associated with drug-induced
caused by 2 mechanisms: (1) non-immune mediated, and immune haemolytic anaemia, and the most common are
(2) immune mediated. piperacillin, cefotetan and ceftriaxone [118]. Platinum-
based chemotherapeutic agents such as oxaliplatin, cis-
platin and carboplatin are also known to induce drug-in-
Haemolysis, non-immune mediated
duced immune haemolytic anaemia in rare cases [25, 118,
Non-immune–mediated drug-induced haemolytic anaemia 120, 121]. While drug-induced immune haemolytic anae-
is due to direct toxicity through irreversible damage of mia is often diagnosed by excluding alternative causes

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Pharmacogenomics, drug transporters and erythrocytes 147

rather than by direct evidence, genetic variants of red cell the kinetics of drug transport using red cells harbouring
membrane proteins, other than blood group proteins, are naturally occurring variants of drug transport proteins
not routinely considered. may allow direct insight in pharmacokinetics for red cells.
We wonder how many clinical haemolytic events are not Such results may be carefully extrapolated to other cell
properly attributed to be caused by variants of membrane types that express any of the 12 genes in their cell mem-
proteins? Each protein variant is rare, but a large fraction branes. However, using ghosts as model systems has its
of patients may carry one of the host of such variants. limitations: the protein isoforms and the amount of protein
expressed may differ between red cells and other tissues;
also, the membrane lipid composition, cytoskeleton pro-
Reservoir or sink for a drug
teins and interacting proteins differ among cell types.
Red cells may function as a reservoir or sink. Their effec-
tiveness can vary if protein variants are involved. Drug
Transplant and iatrogenic chimeras
transporter proteins can bind drugs to the red cell surface
or transport the drug into the red cell cytoplasm. Either Peripheral blood, routinely used for pharmacogenetic
way, the drug’s plasma concentration may be reduced, analysis, would reflect the genotype of the donor after a
delaying or preventing efficient delivery of therapeutics hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Chronic trans-
to target tissues. The role of red cell membrane proteins fused patients and patients with solid organ transplants
has been studied extensively in drug transport or drug are known to accept donor granulocytes and lymphocytes
binding [122]. The effect of these proteins’ variants has even with leucoreduced donor blood [128, 129]. Being an
not been systematically evaluated so far. emerging field, there is a dearth of information on the
relevance of donor or recipient genotype to pharmaco-
logic outcome, and both the donor and recipient genetic
Drug delivery
backgrounds and their discrepancies should be taken into
Resealed red cells have been manufactured for in vivo account.
drug delivery [123]. They have a long life span, excellent
biocompatibility, complete biodegradability and low
Therapeutics with potentially important RBC
immunogenicity [124]. Protein variants may be a lesser
pharmacogenomics relationships
concern when allogeneic red cells are manufactured. In
an autologous setting, the variant of a red cell membrane
protein in the patient would matter.
Drugs can be targeted to red cells in two ways, such as Methotrexate polyglutamates accumulate within erythro-
encapsulation and conjugation. The drugs are encapsulated cytes in a dose-dependent fashion, significantly influenc-
inside the ghosts, which reduces the possibility of an ing long-term methotrexate plasma concentrations [130].
immune reaction and protects the drug from inactivation One study evaluated the relationship between ABCC1
[125]. Molecular variants of transport proteins may alter variants and methotrexate concentrations in erythrocytes,
the entrapment and eventual release of the drug. By chem- finding that rs35592 was associated with lower
ical or genetic means, drugs can be physically conjugated methotrexate polyglutamate concentrations and
to lectins and other ligands that bind to distinct red cell rs3784862 was associated with higher concentrations
membrane proteins [126]. For example, single-chain vari- [131]. Other studies have identified genetic variants in the
able region fragment (scFv) of TER-119, a monoclonal folate transporter (SLC19A1, FOLT and RFC1) that are
antibody to the mouse analogue of human glycophorin A associated with erythrocyte folate concentrations
(GPA), was genetically attached to complement-regulating [132,133]. Although controversial [134], RBC methotrex-
proteins including decay-accelerating factor (DAF) which ate polyglutamate concentrations are associated with
protected the mouse red cells against lysis by complement genetic variants in SLC19A1 [135]. SLC19A1 loss results
[127]. Of course, molecular variants of red cell surface pro- in reduced methotrexate uptake and methotrexate resis-
teins can alter the binding affinity of the drug-ligand con- tance in erythroleukaemia cells [136]. Variants in RBC
jugates and affect the bioavailability of the drug. transporters have also been associated with methotrexate
plasma concentrations [137], and RBC folate concentra-
tions have been associated with methotrexate outcomes
[138]. Although methotrexate likely targets white cells,
Red cells recapitulate the in vivo condition where the methotrexate polyglutamates in circulating RBCs may be
expression of a transporter protein and presence of multi- associated with clinical efficacy of methotrexate, deter-
ple transporters for same drug are accounted for. Studying mining both dose and therapeutic selection [139]. Such

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148 W. A. Flegel et al.

relationships may underlie the association between vari- haemolytic anaemia [160], variants in this transporter
ants in ABCC1, SLC19A1 and other polymorphisms with should be studied to determine whether a population of
methotrexate efficacy. Thus, understanding how allelic individuals is at particular risk of haemolytic anaemia
variants in RBC transporters influence this relationship during ribavirin therapy.
may increase the likelihood of developing precision use
of methotrexate. This field remains in its infancy.
ABCG2 substrates
ABCG2 transports a very wide variety of medications
from different classes, and genetic variants in ABCG2
Located in a variety of tissues, including erythrocytes, have been associated with the pharmacokinetics and out-
thiopurine methyl transferase (TPMT) is the major meta- comes of numerous therapeutics (Table S1). The implica-
bolic detoxification route for mercaptopurines. Red blood tions of erythrocyte ABCG2 expression remain poorly
cells may act as a reservoir for mercaptopurine metabo- characterized. Yet, changes in the expression of ABCG2
lites, and low erythrocyte TPMT activity is a marker for resulting from genetic variation are reflected in the red
mercaptopurine toxicity [140] and lower risk of relapse cell membrane [161]. One study discovered a novel
[141]. Both MRP4 and MRP5 transport mercaptopurine ABCG2 variant (ABCG2-M71V; rs148475733) after noting
out of red blood cells, whereas ENT1 is a mercaptopurine that certain patients had very low (50% of average)
uptake transporter associated with mercaptopurine sensi- ABCG2 erythrocyte membrane expression levels [162].
tivity [142–144]. The rs3765534 polymorphism in ABCC4 Thus, RBC transporter expression can be used to identify
impairs membrane localization and is associated with sig- potentially important variants affecting the expression or
nificant mercaptopurine sensitivity [145, 146]. One study function of transporters. Further study is warranted on
determined that variants in SLC29A1 were associated ABCG2 expression in red cell membranes and the impli-
with erythrocyte concentrations of thiopurines in patients cations of such expression in pharmacology.
receiving azathioprine for neuromyelitis optica spectrum
disorders [147]; however, the genetic influences of ery-
CFTR potentiators
throcyte transport and its implications on the pharmacol-
ogy of mercaptopurines are rather poorly studied. Erythrocytes are representative of the CFTR status of
patients [163]. Membrane preparations from erythrocytes
are already used to study CFTR structure, function and den-
sity [164–166]. Numerous genetic variants are associated
Low erythrocyte inosine triphosphatase (ITPA) activity is with CFTR potentiators (Table S1). Thus, erythrocyte mem-
associated with the development of adverse events during brane preparations may be useful for non-invasive diagnos-
antiretroviral therapy [148, 149] and metabolizes purine tic purposes, developing novel CFTR potentiators, or
analogues used in HIV treatment [149]. Since ITPA activity understanding unusual clinical outcomes [167, 168]. Such
is decreased in individuals infected with HIV [150], factors approaches do not appear to be prevalent in the literature.
influencing ITPA metabolism in erythrocytes may be of
significant importance. Several studies have identified vari-
ants in transporters that are associated with the pharma-
cokinetics or clinical outcome of antiretrovirals [151–158]. Red cells are easily accessible for pharmacologic studies.
However, to our knowledge, no study has yet determined The DMET and more recently the PharmacoScan arrays are
whether these variants are associated with intra-erythro- increasingly used worldwide for clinical pharmacogenetic
cyte concentration of these medications, and therefore, the decision-making. A thorough search of literature identified
availability of antiretroviral substrates to erythrocyte ITPA. 12 genes that are scanned by the arrays and also expressed
in the red cell membrane. We propose red cells as an
ex vivo model system to study the effect of variants of these
Nucleoside analogues
12 membrane proteins on the pharmacokinetics of drugs.
SLC29A1 (encoding ENT1) is involved in the pharmacol-
ogy of many nucleoside analogues (e.g. cytarabine, gemc-
itabine, 5FU, pentostatin, zidovudine, ribavirin,
dipyridamole and draflazine) [159]. Interestingly, we did This work was supported in part by the Intramural Research
not find a single study that has evaluated whether RBC Program (project ID Z99 CL999999) of the NIH Clinical
ENT1 uptake effects the pharmacology of these medica- Center and (grant ID ZIA BC 010627) of the National
tions. Since ribavirin is known to cause dose-limiting Cancer Institute at the National Institutes of Health.

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Pharmacogenomics, drug transporters and erythrocytes 149

Health and Human Services, or the U.S. Federal Govern-

Conflict of interest
The authors declared having no competing financial
interest relevant to this article.
Author contribution
WAF asked the relevance of red cells for pharmacoge-
Statement of disclaimer nomics studies; KS and TMS screened the literature and
compiled the tables; all authors researched and discussed
The views expressed do not necessarily represent the view the data. WAF, KS and TMS edited the drafts and wrote
of the National Institutes of Health, the Department of the manuscript.

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Supporting Information
Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online version of this article:
Table S1: Pharmacogenomic variants and associated clinical outcomes.

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© 2020 International Society of Blood Transfusion
REVIEW ARTICLE DOI: 10.1111/vox.13009

Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2:

implications for blood safety and sufficiency
Philip Kiely,1,2 Veronica C. Hoad,1 Clive R. Seed1 & Iain B. Gosbell1,3
Cinical Services and Research, Australian Red Cross Lifeblood, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Transfusion Research Unit, Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, Monash University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Western Sydney University, Penrith, NSW, Australia

Background and Objective Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2

(SARS-CoV-2) is a novel coronavirus, first identified in China at the end of 2019
and has now caused a worldwide pandemic. In this review, we provide an over-
view of the implications of SARS-CoV-2 for blood safety and sufficiency.
Material and Method We searched the PubMed database, the preprint sites bioR-
xiv and medRxiv, the websites of the World Health Organization, European Cen-
tre for Disease Prevention and Control, the US Communicable Diseases Center
and monitored ProMed updates.
Results An estimated 15%–46% of SARS-CoV-2 infections are asymptomatic. The
reported mean incubation period is 3 to 7 days with a range of 1–14 days. The
blood phase of SARS-CoV-2 appears to be brief and low level, with RNAaemia
detectable in only a small proportion of patients, typically associated with more
severe disease and not demonstrated to be infectious virus. An asymptomatic blood
phase has not been demonstrated. Given these characteristics of SARS-CoV-2
infection and the absence of reported transfusion transmission (TT), the TT risk is
currently theoretical. To mitigate any potential TT risk, but more importantly to
prevent respiratory transmission in donor centres, blood centres can implement
donor deferral policies based on travel, disease status or potential risk of exposure.
Conclusion The TT risk of SARS-CoV-2 appears to be low. The biggest risk to
blood services in the current COVID-19 pandemic is to maintain the sufficiency
of the blood supply while minimizing respiratory transmission of SARS-CoV-19
Received: 13 May 2020,
to donors and staff while donating blood.
revised 28 August 2020,
accepted 1 September 2020, Key words: blood safety, epidemiology, transfusion - transmissible infections,
published online 23 September 2020 SARS-CoV-2.

CoV-2), classified within the Severe acute respiratory syn-

drome-related coronavirus species, Sarbecovirus subgenus,
On 31 December 2019, China notified WHO of a cluster Betacoronavirus genus and Coronaviridae family [4–6].
of pneumonia cases with unknown aetiology in the city Sequence analysis has indicated that SARS-CoV-2 is clo-
of Wuhan, Hubei Province [1]. By 7 January 2020, Chi- sely related to SARS-CoV (approximately 80% sequence
nese scientists had identified the pathogen as a novel homology) [5,7,8]. The disease associated with SARS-
coronavirus [2,3]. Initially referred to as 2019 novel coro- CoV-2 has been designated as coronavirus virus disease
navirus (2019-nCoV), the virus has now been designated 2019 (COVID-19) [9].
severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS- On 30 January, the WHO Emergency Committee
declared the COVID-19 outbreak a Public Health Emer-
Correspondence: Philip Kiely, Cinical Services and Research, Australian gency of International Concern (PHEIC) [10] and on 11
Red Cross Lifeblood, Perth, WA, Australia March, declared it a pandemic [11]. As at 17 September
E-mail: 2020, WHO had reported over 29.4 million confirmed

156 P. Kiely et al.

COVID-19 cases globally [12]. Initially, the highest num- laboratory conditions, it has been demonstrated that infec-
ber of confirmed COVID-19 cases was reported in China. tious virus is stable for a limited time on surfaces
However, by mid-March, the highest number of new con- (fomites) and in generated aerosols contaminated with
firmed cases was being reported in the European Region cultured virus. [34,35]. Studies of isolated COVID-19
(particularly Spain, Italy, France, Germany, the UK and, patients and hospital wards have reported natural SARS-
subsequently, the Russian Federation); since mid-May, the CoV-2 RNA contamination of commonly used items, sur-
highest number of new cases has been reported in the faces, outdoor environment and air samples, suggesting
Region of the Americas, primarily due to the US and Bra- the contamination of surfaces by airborne droplets
zil, and the South-East Asian Region, primarily due to [33,36–38]. However, these studies either did not detect
India [12]. or did not test for infectious virus and therefore the
In this review, we summarize what is currently known importance of fomites in the transmission of SARS-CoV-2
about SARS-CoV-2 and the associated disease, COVID-19, is not clear.
particularly those characteristics of the virus that are rele- There is evidence that SARS-CoV-2 is transmissible by
vant to assessing the potential risk to blood safety. We infected asymptomatic and pre-symptomatic individuals
then discuss whether the virus is potentially transfusion- [39,40]. A number of transmission clusters with evidence
transmissible and consider the impact of risk mitigation of possible transmission from pre-symptomatic individu-
strategies that can be employed by blood centres. Addi- als in close contact have been reported [41–44]. Several
tional supporting references are included in the supple- studies have reported serial intervals (time from symptom
mentary material file. onset in a primary case to symptom onset in a secondary
case) shorter than the incubation period, suggesting
asymptomatic and pre-symptomatic transmission [45,46].
Epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2
In addition, SARS-CoV-2 RNA has been detected in respi-
The origin of SARS-CoV-2 and mode of transmission to ratory swabs and faeces from asymptomatic individuals
humans has not been definitively established [13–15]. [47,48].
Sequence homology studies indicate that SARS-CoV-2 There is currently no evidence for intrauterine trans-
may have originated from a bat coronavirus and trans- mission of SARS-CoV-2 [49,50] or vertical transmission
mitted to humans via an intermediate host [7,14,16,17]. to newborns [51]. A small number of cases of SARS-CoV-
Many of the earliest, although not all, reported cases of 2 RNA detection in the breast milk of infected nursing
SARS-CoV-2 (prior to 1 January 2020) were directly or mothers have been reported [52–54]. However, the detec-
indirectly associated with a seafood/animal market in tion of infectious virus in breastmilk or transmission by
Wuhan, which now appears to have been due to human- breastfeeding has not been reported, consistent with
to-human transmission [18,19]. Subsequently, the rapid MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV. There is no evidence of sex-
geographical spread and increase in case numbers of ual transmission of SARS-CoV-2 [51,55]. One study has
SARS-CoV-2 in China and beyond has demonstrated that reported evidence that SARS-CoV-2 may be transmissible
sustained person-to-person transmission is now the pri- by the ocular conjunctival route under some circum-
mary mode of transmission [3,20]. COVID-19 cases have stances, however this has been questioned [56–58].
been reported in clusters typified by people coming into SARS-CoV-2 has been shown to infect cells in the ileum
close contact in confined spaces, often with the identifi- and colon, and infectious virus has been isolated from
cation of superspreaders [21–23]. These include house- rectal swabs and stool, indicating that the digestive sys-
holds, public gatherings, conferences, healthcare facilities, tem may also be a route of infection and faecal transmis-
religious gatherings and cruise ships [3,24–26]. For exam- sion may be possible [59–62].
ple, the Diamond Princess cruise ship off Japan resulted
in 712 confirmed cases [12] and there were 600 con-
COVID-19: disease characteristics
firmed cases on the Ruby Princess in Sydney, Australia
[27]. Directly estimating the proportion of asymptomatic
Evidence indicates that the predominant mode of SARS-CoV-2 infections in the general population is not
human-to-human SARS-CoV-2 transmission is via air- currently possible as the total number of infections is
borne droplets. SARS-CoV-2 has been demonstrated to unknown, and awaits the publication of reliable sero-
infect cells of the upper respiratory tract and isolated prevalence studies. In addition, reported estimates of the
from a variety of human respiratory fluids including sal- proportion of asymptomatic infections vary due to the
iva, bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, nasopharyngeal and differences in methodology and the epidemiology of the
throat swabs [28–30]. Transmission by aerosol particles is study population. Three studies have reported estimates
not a major mode of transmission [31–33]. Under based on specific study groups in which all individual

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were tested for SARS-CoV-2 RNA (but not serologically) injury [89,90]. More recently, acute temporary loss or
[63–65]. The estimated percentage of asymptomatic infec- impaired taste, olfactory and chemesthesis function have
tions varied between a mean of 308% (95% CI: 77– been recognized as common (>60% in some studies) and
538%) and a median of 346% (95% credible interval: specific early symptoms of SARS-CoV-2 infection [91–
294%–398%). Subsequently, there have been a number 93]. Compared to adults, it appears children have a higher
of additional studies and meta-analyses, with estimates proportion of asymptomatic infections, milder symp-
varying from 15% (95% CI: 12–18%) to 46% (95% CI: tomatic infections, a lower fatality rate and possibly a
18–73%) [66–69]. longer incubation period [94–96]. A syndrome, which has
The incubation period for SARS-CoV-2 infection has Kawasaki disease-like symptoms and referred to as multi-
been modelled by several studies, most showing close system inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) or
agreement with the estimated means/medians ranging paediatric inflammatory multisystem syndrome – tempo-
from 30 days (IQR: 20–60) to 75 days (95% CI: 41– rally associated with SARS-CoV-1 (PIMS-TS), has been
109) [70–72]. There was some variation between studies reported in children with COVID-19. The syndrome has a
for the estimated ranges of the incubation period but wide range of presenting symptoms, from fever, inflam-
most were within the range of 2 to 11 days and almost mation and gastrointestinal symptoms to myocardial
all infections developed symptoms by day 14. These esti- injury, shock and development of coronary artery aneur-
mates have been supported by several subsequent meta- ysms [97–100].
analyses which estimated mean values between 424 days While the fatality rate among reported confirmed cases
(95% CI: 303–544) and 693 days (95% CI: 611–775) varies substantially between regions, the risk factors for
[68,73–75]. death are consistent, namely older age, male gender and
Studies from several countries have demonstrated that comorbidities [101–103]. The Chinese study noted above
the majority of reported confirmed COVID-19 cases in the reported no fatalities in patients under 10 and 02% fatal-
general population are mild/moderate [76–79]. For exam- ity rate in those between 20 and 40, but increasing to
ple, a large study of reported confirmed cases in China 80% for those 60–69 and 148% for those 80 or over
(n = 44 672) reported that 81% of cases were mild infec- [20,102], and similar findings have been reported by
tions, 14% were severe, 5% were critical and 23% of other studies [102–107]. The same Chinese study found
cases died [3,20]. The median age of COVID-19 patients that male patients were overall approximately 16 times
varies between countries due to differences in epidemiol- as likely to die than female patients (28% vs. 17%), a
ogy and the stage of the pandemic. In initial reports, finding also reported by other studies [102,105]. Com-
based primarily on Chinese studies, the median age of pared to all reported COVID-19 cases, patients with a fatal
patients varied between 47 and 56 years and a majority outcome have higher rates of comorbidities including
were males (534–73%) [18,80]. Subsequently, studies hypertension, diabetes, chronic vascular disease and
from several countries have reported the mean age of chronic lung disease [102,104,105]. It is currently not
COVID-19 patients, varying from 39 years (Brazil) to possible to accurately estimate the total number of SARS-
72 years (US) [77,81–84]. For most countries, the average CoV-2 infections due to asymptomatic infections which
age of patients was >60 years. Although there is some would typically not be reported nor diagnosed, underre-
variation between studies, typically the most common porting of symptomatic cases and lack of attribution of
symptoms were fever (83–98%), cough (59–81%), myal- COVID-19 as cause of death [108–110]. As a consequence,
gia/fatigue (44–70%) and breathing difficulties (31–55%). it is not possible at present to estimate the infection fatal-
Less common symptoms included confusion, headache, ity rate (IFR) for all infections (reported and unreported).
sore throat, rhinorrhoea, congestion, expectoration, cuta- However, a number of studies and meta-analyses have
neous symptoms (including chilblain-like lesions), cardio- modelled the IFR, taking into account the proportion of
vascular complications, gastrointestinal symptoms unreported infections. While estimates of the mean over-
(diarrhoea, anorexia, nausea and vomiting) and neurolog- all IFR vary from 0% to approximately 5%, most studies
ical symptoms. People of older age, male gender, smokers reported values between 02% and 2% [68,111–114].
or those with underlying disease, particularly cardiovas- Data on SARS-CoV-2 RNA detection in blood (RNAae-
cular disease, chronic respiratory disease, hypertension, mia) are limited, and the blood phase of SARS-CoV-2
diabetes, chronic kidney disease and Down’s syndrome, infection has not been well defined. A number of studies
are at a higher risk of developing severe symptoms have shown that only a small proportion of COVID-19
[3,20,77,83–88]. Patients with severe disease may also patients had detectable RNAaemia, although most had
have neurologic symptoms including acute cerebrovascu- detectable viral RNA in respiratory swabs [18,59,115–
lar diseases, impaired consciousness, seizures, meningoen- 120]. The RNAaemia period appears to be brief, low level
cephalitis, Guillain–Barre syndrome and skeletal muscle and typically associated with more severe disease

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symptoms. There has been one report demonstrating that that are predominately transmitted human-to-human may
SARS-CoV-2 RNA detected in the blood of patients was also impact sufficiency of supply due to donors being
not associated with infectious virus [121]. A single case reluctant to attend donor centres out of fear of being
study of a patient with an extended period (approxi- infected. In this section, we will assess the likelihood that
mately 40 days post-symptom onset) of RNAaemia has SARS-CoV-2 can be transmitted by transfusion and then
been reported [122]. However, the RNA levels were low, summarize some of the strategies that blood centres can
anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG was detectable and the presence of use to mitigate any potential risk to blood safety and sup-
infectious virus was not demonstrated. There have also ply.
been reports of SARS-CoV-2 detection in peripheral blood
mononuclear cells (PBMCs) [123] and platelets [124].
However, this appears to be rare, the levels of RNA in
these cases were low and the presence of infectious virus The following criteria have been used to assess if an EID
was not demonstrated. In summary, RNAaemia is not pathogen is a potential risk to blood safety: (1) able to
detectable in most COVID-19 patients, is low level, brief establish infection in humans and spread within popula-
and may not represent infectious virus. tions, (2) infection includes an asymptomatic blood phase,
A number of studies have reported SARS-CoV-2 anti- (3) able to survive during blood processing and storage,
body seroconversion times relative to time of symptom (4) transmissible by the intravenous route and (5) associ-
onset with mean/median times varying from 5–11 days ated with a clinically apparent disease in at least a pro-
for total antibody, 8–14 days for IgM and 10–14 days for portion of recipients [135].
IgG [125–130]. Neutralizing antibodies become detectable As noted in the first part of this review, it is now clear
within 10–15 days of symptom onset and correlate with that SARS-CoV-2 can establish infection in humans and
total antibody levels [129]. Severe COVID-19 is associated cause disease (COVID-19), which may result in severe
with higher levels of antibody compared to mild cases symptoms and death, and also spread efficiently from
[130,131]. Long-term serological studies are not yet possi- human-to-human within populations. Although SARS-
ble, but initial studies have indicated that IgM declines CoV-2 RNA has been detected in respiratory swabs of
from about 2 weeks post-symptom onset. One study asymptomatic patients [64,136], it has not been deter-
reported the loss of detectable IgG within 2 months [132], mined if SARS-CoV-2 infection includes an asymptomatic
but most reports indicate that while IgG levels decline blood phase, either the pre-symptomatic period for infec-
after approximately 2 months, levels remain relatively tions that become symptomatic or during the course of
high for several months [131,133,134]. Assuming that infection in cases that do not develop symptoms. How-
detectable RNAaemia represented infectious virus, it ever, the absence of reported cases of SARS-CoV-2 RNA
would be expected that blood would no longer be infec- detection in the blood of asymptomatically infected indi-
tious once rising titres of IgG or total antibody become viduals may be due to infrequent testing of blood as res-
detectable and viral RNA levels declined. This is indicated piratory swabs are primarily used for laboratory
by a study of COVID-19 patients who were plasma RT- diagnosis, most cases referred for laboratory testing are
PCR-positive. Using a fitted curve, the plasma RT-PCR- symptomatic and the potential viraemic period is proba-
positive rate in samples from the patients was> 90% for bly brief and low level. The relative viral loads in the dif-
samples taken 1–3 days post-symptom onset but declined ferent constituents of blood, and whether viable SARS-
to <50% by 14 days [127]. CoV-2 is able to survive during blood processing and
storage (for fresh products) has also not been determined.
Similar to other human coronaviruses (including SARS-
Implications for safety and sufficiency of the
CoV and MERS-CoV), transfusion transmission of SARS-
blood supply
CoV-2 has not been reported [137–140], suggesting that
Broadly, emerging infectious disease (EID) pathogens can transfusion transmission of coronaviruses is rare, if it
be classified into two categories. Firstly, those that are occurs at all. However, it is acknowledged that SARS-
vector-borne, with limited or no human-to-human trans- CoV-2 has only recently been identified and therefore
mission. Secondly, those that are spread predominately future reporting of transfusion-transmitted cases cannot
human-to-human, such as respiratory viruses. Both cate- be excluded.
gories of pathogen may impact blood safety due to the Several studies have reported results of SARS-CoV-2
potential transfusion-transmission risk and the sufficiency RNA testing of blood donors. A study of seven Korean
of the blood supply due to infected donors/staff being donors, identified as COVID-19 cases post-donation, failed
unwell and unable to donate/attend work, or the loss of to detect SARS-CoV-2 RNA in repository samples from
donors due to deferrals or social disruption. Pathogens all donors [141]. In addition, platelets and red cells from

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some of these donors were transfused, but no recipients especially in the initial phase of the epidemic when most
had developed COVID-19 symptoms between 19–29 days cases are imported. Blood centres in these countries can
post-transfusion. A study of blood donor screening/retro- implement a deferral, either for donors returning from
spective testing at the Wuhan Blood Center reported countries assessed as high risk for SARS-CoV-2 infection
detectable RNAaemia in four donors [142]. However, or, given that most countries are now affected by SARS-
these results should be interpreted with some caution. The CoV-2, all donors returning from overseas. As the epi-
RT-PCR results showed weak signals, indicating low levels demic progresses in a particular geographical region with
of RNA and the possibility of false-positive results or sustained widespread local transmission, travel-related
assay contamination cannot be excluded. A case of a deferrals will be less effective in mitigating transfusion-
patient with very severe aplastic anaemia who received transmission risk, especially if government closes the bor-
an apheresis platelet transfusion from a donor diagnosed ders to overseas travellers and imposes a period of isola-
with COVID-19 three days after donation has been tion for returning citizens [147]. A deferral for donors
reported [143]. There was no evidence of transfusion infected with or potentially exposed to SARS-CoV-2 can
transmission as the recipient tested negative on follow-up be implemented to further reduce any potential transfu-
testing and did develop symptoms. A report of SARS- sion-transmission risk. For example, the WHO, US FDA
CoV-2 RNA blood donor screening and retrospective test- and Asia Pacific Blood Network (ABPN) guidelines recom-
ing in Wuhan on donor samples collected during January mend a deferral period of 28 days for donors after possi-
found 4 of 7425 donors were RNA-positive. In all cases, ble exposure and the deferral of recovering confirmed
RNA was present at low levels and infectious virus was cases of SARS-CoV-2 for at least 28 days after symptom
not confirmed [144]. A subsequent report of SARS-CoV-2 resolution [148–150]. For convalescent plasma donors,
RNA screening of 94 342 blood donations in Hubei Pro- the US FDA has recommended that a period of at least
vince between 9 February and 30 April 2020 found no 14 days after resolution before the donation [151].
RNA-positive donations [145]. However, it was noted that Other potential risk mitigation strategies that can be
this testing period was immediately after the height of used to reduce the transfusion-transmission risk of
the COVID-19 outbreak in Hubei. A Chinese study has emerging infectious diseases include pathogen reduction
estimated the number of donors who may have donated technologies (PRTs), donor laboratory screening and quar-
while in the COVID-19 incubation period for the period antine of blood components with delayed release if there
through to the 17 March [146]. Although the number of is no subsequent illness reported by the donor [152–154].
potentially infected donors in the incubation period was Commercial PRTs are effective for MERS-CoV and SARS-
low (405 for the whole of China), it should also be noted CoV and at least one is effective for SARS-CoV-2 [155–
that only a small proportion of window period cases 157]. However, for countries that have not already imple-
would likely have detectable viral RNA and, as noted, it mented PRTs, it is unlikely to be a cost-effective strategy,
has not been established that infectious virus circulates in particularly as transfusion transmission of SARS-CoV-2
the blood. has not been reported [139,158]. For each country, the
implementation of blood donor screening for SARS-CoV-
2 would require a validated assay approved by that coun-
Risk mitigation strategies
try’s regulator and, at present, this is not an option for
As noted, a majority of SARS-CoV-2 infections probably most countries. In addition, given the low risk, if any, of
result in symptomatic infections with a relatively short transmitting SARS-CoV-2 by transfusion, implementing a
incubation period. Donors with symptomatic infection, if donor screening assay would not be cost-effective. Quar-
presenting to donate, would be deferred from donating. antining of components would be difficult to implement
In addition, blood donors should be encouraged to notify operationally and, particularly if there is widespread
the blood centre if they develop symptoms post-donation, transmission of SARS-CoV-2, could potentially impact
such as fever in the two days post-donation or sudden the sufficiency of supply. In addition, quarantining plate-
taste or smell dysfunction, a strategy that would partly lets would not be feasible due to the short shelf life.
mitigate any theoretical transfusion-transmission risk
associated with donors in the incubation period but more
Sufficiency of supply and proportionate response
importantly, allows contact tracing to occur if required.
For countries that have either not reported SARS-CoV- The response by blood centres to outbreaks and epidemics
2 cases or have small clusters of human-to-human trans- should be proportionate to the level of risk to both recipi-
mission (i.e. no sustained human-to-human transmission), ents and sufficiency of supply [150,159]. Decisions about
the potential SARS-CoV-2 transfusion-transmission risk implementing donor travel deferrals need to balance the
can be reduced by travel-related donor deferrals, safety and sufficiency of the blood supply. For example,

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the deferral of donors will result in the loss of product in policies relating to potential geographical exposure, a his-
the short term and, potentially in the longer term, donors. tory of SARS-CoV-2 infection or potential local exposure
The deferral of blood donors can have adverse psycholog- to SARS-CoV-2 cases. For countries with widespread and
ical impacts on donors and negatively impact future sustained local transmission, in addition to the deferral of
donation intention [160,161]. In addition, it is important confirmed cases and those potentially exposed, PRT may
that both blood centres and government health depart- be an option to reduce the transfusion-transmission risk,
ments carefully manage their response to infectious dis- but each country would need to perform its own risk
ease outbreaks, taking care not to create undue concern assessment to determine the cost-effectiveness. However,
among donors and the general population as donors may based on current knowledge of SARS-CoV-2 infection
be reluctant to attend donor centres due to a fear of being and the absence of reported transfusion transmission of
infected and/or reluctance to travel due to restrictions coronaviruses, the risk of transmitting SARS-CoV-2 by
[162–165]. Therefore, it is important for blood centres to transfusion appears to be low or may not occur at all. If
take appropriate measures to mitigate the risk of SARS- it does occur, the risk is certainly substantially lower than
CoV-2 transmission in donor centres, as this will reassure the respiratory route. Accordingly, the biggest risk to
donors and minimize the risk of transmission to staff. A blood services in the current COVID-19 pandemic is to
potential measure to maintain donor numbers is to relax maintain the sufficiency of the blood supply, including
existing donor deferrals, where it is demonstrably safe to adequate provision of plasma, while minimizing respira-
do so. For example, the US FDA has recently recom- tory transmission of SARS-CoV-19 to donors and staff
mended a relaxation of donor deferrals relating to sexual while donating blood.
activity [166]. Attracting and selecting suitable donors is
an important challenge, given that convalescent plasma
[167–169], intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) and Acknowledgements
hyperimmune globulin [170,171] are being investigated The authors thank staff of the Donor and Product Safety
as potential treatment options for COVID-19. Policy Unit for their support. Australian governments
fund Australian Red Cross Lifeblood to provide blood,
Conclusions blood products and services to the Australian community.
For countries without a substantial number of reported
cases or where most cases are imported, the potential Conflict of interests
transfusion-transmission risk associated with SARS-CoV-
2 could be reduced by the implementation of deferral The authors declare no conflict of interests.

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Supporting Information
Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online version of this article.

© 2020 International Society of Blood Transfusion

Vox Sanguinis (2021) 116, 155–166
Vox Sanguinis (2021) 116, 167–174
© 2020 International Society of Blood Transfusion
REVIEW DOI: 10.1111/vox.12998

Re-introducing whole blood for transfusion: considerations

for blood providers
Tor A. Hervig,1 Heidi A. Doughty,2 Rebecca A. Cardigan,3 Torunn O. Apelseth,4 John R. Hess,5
6 7 8
Femke Noorman, Milos Bohonek, Mark H. Yazer, Jia Lu, Silvano Wendel,10 Rosemary L. Sparrow11
Biomedical Excellence for Safer Transfusion Collaborative
Blood Bank, Haugesund hospital, Haugesund, Norway
Medical, NHS Blood and Transplant, Birmingham, UK
Component Development, NHS Blood & Transplant, Cambridge, UK
Department of Immunology and Transfusion Medicine, Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen, Norway
Laboratory Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA
Quality, Research and Development, Military Blood Bank, Leiden, Netherlands
Hematology, Biochemistry and Blood Transfusion, Central Military Hospital Prague, Prague, Czech Republic
Department of Pathology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Defence Medical & Environmental Research Institute, DSO National Laboratories (Kent Ridge), Singapore City, Singapore
Blood Bank, Hospital Sirio Libanes, S~ao Paulo, Brazil
Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, Monash University, Melbourne, Vic, Australia

Whole blood is the original blood preparation but disappeared from the blood
bank inventories in the 1980s following the advent of component therapy. In the
early 2000s, both military and civilian practice called for changes in the transfu-
sion support for massive haemorrhage. The ‘clear fluid’ policy was abandoned
and replaced by early balanced transfusion of platelets, plasma and red cells.
Whole blood is an attractive alternative to multi-component therapy, which
offers reduced hemodilution, lower donor exposure and simplified logistics. How-
ever, the potential for wider re-introduction of whole blood requires re-evalua-
tion of haemolysins, storage conditions and shelf-life, the need for leucocyte
depletion/ pathogen reduction and inventory management for blood providers.
This review addresses these questions and calls for research to define the optimal
whole blood product and the indications for its use.
Received: 29 June 2020,
accepted 11 August 2020, Key words: whole blood, transfusion, emergency, pre-hospital, haemorrhage,
published online 30 September 2020 blood components.

variety of practice including obstetrics, gastrointestinal

bleeding and major surgery. The perceived benefits of re-
There is a resurgence of interest amongst clinicians for introducing whole blood include the delivery of opti-
the use of whole blood (WB) in the treatment of haemor- mized resuscitation together with logistic simplicity and
rhagic shock, initially primarily for the treatment of trau- reduced donor exposure. The re-introduction of whole
matic haemorrhage especially in the pre-hospital setting blood into systems optimized for component product may
and remote locations where the availability of blood com- be challenging. However, the feasibility of re-introducing
ponents may be limited [1, 2]. However, major haemor- whole blood programmes has been demonstrated by early
rhage is a clinical emergency associated with a wide adopters [3, 4]. The purpose of this review from members
of the Biomedical for Excellence for Safer Transfusion
(BEST) Collaborative is to describe the practical issues
Correspondence: Rebecca Cardigan, Component Development, NHS
Blood & Transplant, Long Road, CB2 OPT, Cambridge, UK and considerations related to the ‘re-introduction’ of WB
E-mail: for blood providers. For civilian blood providers, cold-s-
[Correction added on 08 October 2020, after first online publication: T- tored whole blood (CSWB) rather than fresh whole blood
he affiliation for author Tor A. Hervig has been corrected] (FWB) is the more practical option, as this can be

168 T. A. Hervig et al.

refrigerated for longer periods of up to several weeks supports intravascular volume replacement and microvas-
instead of the 48–72 h for FWB. Therefore, this review cular perfusion. Observational studies seeking to identify
predominantly focuses on CSWB, information on FWB optimum trauma transfusion protocols have been con-
can be found elsewhere [5–7]. flicting and difficult to interpret [16, 17]. Despite the lack
of a universally accepted transfusion protocol for the
treatment of haemorrhagic shock, early transfusion of
Brief historical perspective of WB transfusion
plasma and platelets has been associated with improved
The discovery in the early 1900s that citrate was an effec- outcomes [18–20]. Half of critically injured patients who
tive anticoagulant heralded the ability to collect anticoag- will die, do so before they reach the hospital. A signifi-
ulated WB, which could be kept for a few days. The cant percentage, estimated to be as high as 8–19% of
addition of glucose to the anticoagulant (i.e. acid citrate such deaths, are caused by uncontrolled haemorrhage.
dextrose, ACD) helped preserve the red blood cells (RBCs) Many of those deaths are potentially preventable with
for several weeks [8]. CSWB in glass bottles was the origi- early haemorrhage control manoeuvres, haemostatic
nal blood component and was pioneered in World War I resuscitation and rapid delivery to temporizing or defini-
(1914–1918) and used widely since [9]. WB was the only tive surgical care. Blood products for use in such an envi-
blood product available for transfusion in the military ronment needs to support blood volume, oxygen delivery
and civilian settings through to the late-1960s. By this and haemostasis, while remaining simple to use. Whole
time, the need for cellular concentrates, especially plate- blood is attractive because it meets these criteria and
lets, and plasma derivatives enabled by the availability of ensures balanced resuscitation. In addition, it is efficient
plastic blood bag collection and storage systems led to in terms of therapeutic impact for delivered weight,
the development of processing procedures to prepare sep- because there is only anticoagulant and no additive solu-
arated blood components from each WB donation, that is, tion in whole blood.
RBCs, platelets and plasma. CPDA-1 (citrate, phosphate, The renewed use of whole blood in the civilian setting
dextrose, adenine solution-1), the last WB preservative is still under debate, partly because of lack of data
solution released into the market [10], was largely redun- demonstrating a clear clinical benefit compared with
dant by the time it was licensed in 1979 being superseded component therapy, and partly due to logistical and oper-
by SAG (saline, adenine, glucose), the first RBC additive ational considerations in supplying it. Some of the per-
solution, developed in Sweden in 1975 [11]. These devel- ceived barriers include ensuring appropriate haemolysin
opments together with leucocyte depletion, optimal com- testing, a lack of choice of platelet-sparing leucocyte
ponent use and self-sufficiency in fractionated products depletion filters, wastage of the product and impact on
contributed to the rapid disappearance of WB usage in the supply of blood components. In the past, WB was
the late 1980s. However, WB remained within military only allowed in some countries as ABO identical transfu-
protocols, continues to be the main source of blood for sions. However, the move towards low titre group O
transfusion in sub-Saharan Africa and many low and whole blood as the initial resuscitative strategy, rather
middle-income countries (LMIC) and has also been used than separate blood components [21], has already led to a
in some centres for paediatric transfusion [12]. review and revision of the standards for emergency whole
blood by AABB. The latest version of AABB Standards
approves the use of type specific or low titre group O
Massive haemorrhage and transfusion
whole blood (LTOWB).
From the 1950’s, massive haemorrhage was increasingly
Re-introduction of WB transfusion in the
managed with fluid replacement and blood components.
civilian setting
During military conflicts in the 1990’s and later, exsan-
guination was recognized as a potentially preventable Whole blood is being re-introduced into the civilian
cause of battlefield mortality and the treatment of haem- blood bank inventory. In addition, some civilian blood
orrhage became the focus for trauma care innovation banks provide whole blood for pre-hospital and military
[13]. The new understanding of the coagulopathy associ- programmes. The increasing studies and case reports
ated with severe trauma [14] led to development of trans- demonstrate that introduction is feasible in a small scale,
fusion support within the paradigm of Damage Control but whole blood programmes/provision for many large
Resuscitation [15]. national blood providers is in its infancy. In Norway,
Transfusion support provides RBCs to maintain oxygen whole blood was introduced in two air ambulance ser-
transport together with haemostatic components. In addi- vices, following the successful introduction of pre-hospi-
tion, the volume associated with transfusion treatment tal use of red cell concentrates and lyophilized plasma

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[22]. In USA, The University of Pittsburgh Medical Center guidelines. CPDA-1 is supplemented with adenine and
has been using low titre group O CSWB for several years 25% more dextrose compared to CPD, which enhances
for all male and females who are >50 years old and who the RBC preservation properties and allows extended stor-
are hypotensive from traumatic haemorrhage. The clinical age to 35 days [10].
safety and feasibility of this approach have been well The FDA’s WB shelf-life limits were derived based on
documented [1, 23, 24]. At the Mayo Clinic, whole blood the viability of red cells and were conditional on storage
has been introduced in the pre-hospital setting through of the WB units at 1–6°C. The effect on platelet and
its availability in the air ambulances. The Mayo Clinic plasma constituents of the WB was not a key determinant
serves a large area with scarce population and long pre- in setting shelf-life limits. The optimal shelf-life for
hospital transport times [2]. Later, whole blood has also CSWB that is to be used for resuscitation may need re-
been introduced at several ambulance services and hospi- evaluation to take into consideration the effects on the
tals in USA [3]. The Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines has non-RBC constituents of WB, including consideration as
developed a programme for remote whole blood transfu- to the optimal anticoagulant; although preferential, speci-
sions; during a 36-month period, 37 severely bleeding fic collection of units into CPDA1 for the purpose of
individuals were transfused with a mortality of 13% [2]. CSWB may not always be practical. For these reasons,
In New Zealand, the Auckland Rescue Helicopter and some have opted to restrict the shelf-life of CPD CSWB to
land-based rapid response vehicle carry one or two units 14 days [3, 26].
of leukoreduced blood group O negative CSWB for pre- Standard blood bank storage of CSWB is without agita-
hospital resuscitation. This programme is managed in tion. However, agitation is a potential consideration for
conjunction with the New Zealand Blood Service. Other optimal maintenance of platelet viability. It is well
blood providers are considering the use of whole blood in accepted that platelet concentrates stored at ambient tem-
the context of clinical trials to assess its efficacy/safety perature need agitation in gas permeable containers to
compared to component therapy. remain viable [27], while platelets stored at 4°C may be
kept at rest due to their decreased rate of metabolism
[28]. Recent studies suggest that WB units do not require
WB product basics and variables
agitation but data on this aspect are sparse [24, 29, 30].
WB preparations are diverse and data on one product
type might not extrapolate to another. Apart from donor-
Cold storage and impact on constituents
related variables such as sex and blood group, variables
in the collection, processing and storage of WB can also The cold storage of WB units is a balance between main-
influence the biological composition, quality and safety taining sufficient quality of the RBCs, platelets and
of the final preparation. Examples include the type of plasma while minimizing risks associated with progressive
anticoagulant, storage conditions, length of storage storage lesions and potential microbial growth. Separated
(shelf-life), whether WB is filtered to deplete platelets as blood components, that is, RBCs, plasma and platelets,
well as leucocytes, and whether WB is pathogen inacti- are stored at different optimized temperatures, that is,
vated. There is no consensus on the terminology used to refrigerated at 1–6°C, frozen at -18°C or colder and room
describe or label WB products in terms of these variables, temperature 20–24°C respectively. While refrigerated stor-
especially in relation to the storage temperature and pla- age of WB may be optimal for RBCs, the combined effect
telet content. of cold temperature and length of storage on the platelet
Whole blood is initially collected into a citrate-based and plasma constituents in the WB unit have not been
anticoagulant at a volume ratio of 1:7 anticoagulant to extensively investigated.
WB. In this sense, WB is already a diluted blood product An important but under-explored consideration is the
from the outset, but not as dilute as transfusing its com- interaction between RBCs, platelets, leucocytes and
ponent parts where these may be stored in additive solu- plasma when stored together. Leucocytes and their bio-
tion (approximately 100 ml each RBC unit, and 200 ml in logically active factors can impact on red cells and plate-
each pooled platelet product if stored in additive solution lets [31], and thus pre-storage leucocyte reduction of WB
with 35% plasma). CPD is the anticoagulant most used units is desirable. Plasma and red cells may improve
for the collection of WB units in developed countries. buffering, which may improve platelet metabolism. Addi-
CPD CSWB has a 21-day licensed shelf-life when stored tionally red cells provide oxygen, consume nitric oxide
at 4°C, defined by the United States Food and Drug and consume activated complement fragments in a way
Administration’s (FDA) requirement for >75% of trans- that probably protects platelets [32, 33]. This appears to
fused RBCs to be circulating in vivo 24-h after transfusion be reflected in better recovery and survival in vivo of
[25], although may be stored for longer according to EU platelets in stored in CSWB compared with cold-stored

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apheresis platelets (Stolla 2018; Slichter 2019) [29, 34]. oxidative-induced damage of red cells and DEHP is bene-
Because of these possible interactions it is inappropriate ficial in stabilizing RBC membranes and reducing
to extrapolate outcomes of storage time and temperature haemolysis [45]. The potentially negative effect of low
on separated blood components, even when refrigerated, gas permeability of PVC-DEHP for platelets is counter-
to that of WB units. acted by the ability of the RBCs to release oxygen to sup-
It has long been known that cold temperature is subop- port platelet respiration and to consume the expired
timal for the storage of platelets in the context of in vivo carbon dioxide. As there is an international effort to
platelet survival after transfusion for prophylactic pur- reduce exposure to DEHP where appropriate, considera-
poses [35]. However, cold-stored platelets have increased tion will need to be given to the storage of WB as well as
in vitro aggregation and superior correction of the bleed- components in alternative plastics/plasticisers as they
ing-time compared with platelets stored at 20–24°C [36– become available.
38]. Therefore, in scenarios, such as haemorrhagic shock,
where activated platelets are required for immediate ther-
Blood safety
apeutic function to stop bleeding rather than for prophy-
laxis, the reduced in vivo survival of cold-stored platelets Blood safety starts with donor selection and serological
may not be as important. Laboratory studies examining screening together with quality management systems and
aspects of platelet function in platelet concentrates or appropriate clinical use. Further enhancements are pro-
whole blood stored refrigerated have been summarized vided by NAT, leucodepletion and pathogen inactivation.
elsewhere [1, 39]. The effect of storage times beyond
seven days on the in vivo functionality of platelets in
Donor selection
CSWB has not been well documented and is the subject
of ongoing clinical trials. Further, there is little interna- The risk of transfusion transmissible infectious diseases
tional consensus on which aspects of platelet function (TTID) is no greater for WB than for separate blood com-
should be assessed and how to use this information to ponents, provided policies for standard screening and
determine shelf-life. leukocyte depletion are applied. Indeed, because a WB
Studies of cold-stored liquid plasma have been well unit is from a single donor, whereas separate components
described and have demonstrated the need to carefully are from multiple donors, the TTID risk of a WB unit is
consider its shelf-life [40]. When separated plasma is likely to be less.
stored at 1–6°C, there is a gradual decrease of coagulation To limit the risk of transfusion-related acute lung
factor activity over time, most noticeably FV, FVIII and injury (TRALI) due to inadvertent transfusion of donor-
protein S, but not fibrinogen, which is very stable. In derived anti-histocompatibility antibodies (i.e. HLA, plate-
addition, contact factor activation that occurs more fre- let and or neutrophil antibodies), and in accordance with
quently with increasing duration of cold storage of current AABB Standards, the selection of male donors,
plasma and donor-dependent variables is well described, women who have never been pregnant, or women who
although the clinical significance is unclear. This has led have tested negative to histocompatibility antibodies
to several European countries limiting the shelf-life of since their most recent pregnancy would be necessary
liquid stored plasma to 7–14 days [41, 42]. Recent studies [46].
suggest that decline in coagulation factor activity in WB In the setting of WB transfusion for emergency resusci-
is not the same as liquid plasma, most notably a more tation purposes, the selection of blood group O donors
pronounced decrease in Factor V in the presence of plate- who have low titre anti-A and anti-B antibodies is advo-
lets [26, 43]. Additionally, it is now recognized that cated as a strategy to mitigate the risk of a serious HTR
plasma appears to modulate the endotheliopathy associ- where group O WB containing plasma may be transfused
ated with haemorrhagic shock and may reduce capillary to non-O recipients [3]. However, there is no consensus of
leakage and that perhaps this may be as, if not more, test method to determine titre, or a definition of a ‘safe’
important than the coagulation content of plasma [44]. A titre in WB. The US military experience defined a titre
revised understanding of the role of plasma will have an threshold of less than 1:256; however, in the civilian set-
impact on the future evaluation of plasma, whole blood ting, a tighter limit of less than 1:50 has been applied by
and cold platelets stored in plasma. some [24].
Current WB collection-storage bags are made from
polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plasticized with diethylhexyl
phthalate (DEHP), or less commonly with other plasticiz-
ers. PVC-DEHP is advantageous for the preservation of Leucocyte depletion reduces the risk of transmission of
RBCs as it has low gas permeability, which lessens intra-leucocyte pathogens such as HTLV, CMV and prions

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as well as conferring other benefits. For many providers, shorter shelf-life than red cells to ensure maximal clinical
LD is now the standard of care. Most filters that remove efficacy as a resuscitative therapy for haemorrhagic
WBC also remove platelets. At least one type of ‘platelet- shock, although there is little consideration given cur-
sparing’ WB LD-filter is available and has been reported rently to re-assigning the shelf-life of whole blood in the
to have relatively little impact on platelet function; how- current context in which it is being used. Most civilian
ever, there is an approximate 10–20% loss of platelets centres who have re-implemented a whole blood pro-
[47, 48]. Lately, several papers have demonstrated that a gramme in the pre-hospital setting do not store CSWB
platelet-sparing filter provides good platelet recovery and beyond 14 days, despite storage to 21 days or beyond
does not significantly impair the product quality [49–51]. being permitted by regulatory authorities. This may lead
to wastage, unless recycling processes are put in place to
produce other blood components from WB when it
Pathogen inactivation
reaches the end of its shelf-life, such as that practiced in
As for LD, PI is another strategy to mitigate the risk of Pittsburgh during the initial study phase [3]. However, for
transfusion-transmitted infections. Most PI methods are some larger national blood providers, return of blood to
based on physicochemical or photochemical disruption of stock holding inventory once it has been issued to hospi-
structural or nuclear elements to prevent replication of tals is currently not permitted. Computer modelling could
infectious agents. Blood elements, including cellular and be used to evaluate the impact of revised inventories.
protein, are also affected to varying degrees by these
treatments; the challenge has been to find the balance to Future areas for research
obtain maximal efficacy, but avoid damage to RBCs, pla- In this paper, the term low litre has been used according
telets and plasma constituents. PI technology based on to the use in different published papers. The challenge is,
riboflavin and UV light is now available for WB and has however, that this term is not well defined. In addition,
recently received CE-marking for a 14-day shelf-life [52]. the testing methods vary – also influencing the anti-A
Other pathogen reduction technologies for whole blood and anti-B titres. Also, anti-A and anti-B are both IgG
are under development, but so-far the different blood and IgM – and there are different opinions concerning
components must be inactivated separately. The focus of the importance of the immunoglobulin class. There have
activity for PI and WB is application in countries where been several attempts to resolve these issues [54, 55].
access to resources/equipment for component production However, further international agreement is required to
may be limited, and where there is a high prevalence of standardize the methodology and definitions for low and
infectious agents such as HIV or malaria in the donor high titres and to gather data on the safety of transfusing
population. group O plasma to non-O recipients.
The optimal shelf-life of whole blood needs to be rede-
fined since its current shelf-life is based on red cell via-
Where to from here?
bility and does not take into account platelet and plasma
elements of whole blood and their deterioration on cold
Inventory management
Cold-stored whole blood is a currently licensed blood Studies are needed to understand the clinical and logis-
product in most jurisdictions and could be made available tical benefits that whole blood may bring compared to
as a safe transfusion product by most blood providers. As component therapy, to define what patient populations
for all other blood products, CSWB should be subject to might most benefit from WB and to define the maximal
full regulatory requirements including hemovigilance. number of units that might safely be transfused before
The re-introduction of whole blood would lead to a switching to component therapy. Recent observational
mixed inventory of both components and whole blood. studies suggest a benefit of whole blood [56, 57], but
The financial implications for each producer will vary but there is a need for well designed randomized trials to
should include considerations such the potential loss of address these questions.
income from whole blood-derived platelets/plasma and Local risk-based frameworks are needed to balance the
challenges of supplying enough quantities of group O timely and sufficient provision of whole blood, with the
high titre negative blood. Some have reported that the provision of a safe product for its intended use. These
provision of whole blood has little impact on the supply need to include considerations around the need or not for
of O RhD negative red cells for other patient groups [53], leucocyte depletion, selection of blood group and level of
this will need to be established for different jurisdictions anti-A and B.
where the practicalities of how blood is supplied may dif- The pathogen inactivation of whole blood is of major
fer. Like platelets, it is assumed that CSWB would have a clinical interest. We salute the ongoing studies by Allain

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and others to optimize the potential of safe simple trans- therapy. The solutions are not just a matter for the trans-
fusion support to the communities who will most benefit fusion community in developed countries with an estab-
[58]. lished component portfolio. They have a wider
application to global healthcare. The challenge to re-eval-
uate an old friend in a modern regulatory and scientific
era provides new opportunities for good quality labora-
Early balanced transfusion may be lifesaving in patients tory and clinical studies.
with, or at risk of haemorrhagic shock. WB may be the
most practical option in many emergencies. However,
Conflict of interest
there are still unresolved questions related to the optimal
preparation and storage of whole blood, and the advan- The authors do not have any conflict of interest with the
tages of cold-stored whole blood versus component contents of this paper.

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Dumont LJ, et al. Reducing the varia- ated with improved survival compared nato SM, et al.: Effect of Plasmodium
tion in performance of antibody titra- to component therapy in adults with inactivation in whole blood on the
tions. Vox Sang 2008; 95:57–65 severe traumatic hemorrhage. Transfu- incidence of blood transfusion-trans-
55 Bachegowda LS, Cheng YH, Long T, sion 2020; 60 Suppl 3:S2-S9. https:// mitted malaria in endemic regions: the
et al.: Impact of uniform methods on African Investigation of the Mirasol
interlaboratory antibody titration vari- 57 Williams J, Merutka N, Meyer D, System (AIMS) randomised controlled
ability: antibody titration and uniform et al.: Safety profile and impact of trial. Lancet 2016; 387:1753–1761
methods. Arch Pathol Lab Med 2017; low-titer group O whole blood for

© 2020 International Society of Blood Transfusion

Vox Sanguinis (2021) 116, 167–174
Vox Sanguinis (2021) 116, 175–180
© 2020 International Society of Blood Transfusion
ORIGINAL PAPER DOI: 10.1111/vox.13012

Blood supply sufficiency and safety management in Iran

during the COVID-19 outbreak
Mahtab Maghsudlu,1 Peyman Eshghi,1 Sedigheh Amini Kafi-Abad,1 Abbas Sedaghat,1 Hossein Ranjbaran,1
Saeed Mohammadi & Seyed Morteza Tabatabai1

Blood Transfusion Research Center, High Institute for Research and Education in Transfusion Medicine, Tehran, Iran
Hematology, Oncology and Stem Cell Transplantation Research Center, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

Background COVID-19 first appeared in Iran on 19 February 2020, and then

spread rapidly over the country. In this article, we review the action plan of the
Iranian Blood Transfusion Organization with respect to this disease.
Method and materials We collected data on blood donations and RBC inventory
for the first 8 weeks of the outbreak. We also evaluated the trend of blood dona-
tions and RBC inventory and compared them with the data of the past year. We
include a summary of actions taken by the National Committee on Management
of COVID-19 outbreak.
Results Blood donations decreased from 33 275 to 23 465 units during the first
2 weeks of the outbreak with a corresponding decrease in the RBC inventory. But
after that, donations gradually increased from 23 465 to 29 665 units. RBC
inventory levels improved at the same time. Then, the Iranian New Year’s holiday
resulted in another downward trend. After the holiday, blood donations revived,
along with the RBC inventory.
Discussion Although it appears that this virus cannot be transmitted through
transfusion, changes in lifestyle had a significant impact on reducing blood sup-
ply. Following implemented measures, we saw an upward trend in blood dona-
tions and an adequate supply of RBC units in blood centres, helped by a
reduction in demand by hospitals. Blood centres need to be more prepared to
Received: 18 May 2020,
manage future viral disasters, especially in case of transfusion-transmissible
revised 28 August 2020,
accepted 6 September 2020,
published online 30 September 2020 Key words: blood collection, blood safety, donors.

then throughout the world. WHO declared the COVID-19

outbreak to be a pandemic on 12 March 2020 [2].
On 31 December 2019, China first reported to the World Blood component safety is a main concern in viral out-
Health Organization (WHO) a pneumonia of unknown breaks, yet no evidence exists of transmission of respira-
cause in the city of Wuhan [1]. The disease is caused by tory viruses through blood transfusions. One study in
the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 China showed that 15% of patients with severe COVID-19
(SARS-CoV-2). This virus spread rapidly, first in China symptoms had RNA in their plasma [3]. However, the
presence of infectious virus was not reported [4]. The
main challenge for blood establishments is recruitment of
Correspondence: Peyman Eshghi, Pediatric Congenital Hematologic
Disorders Research Center, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical healthy blood donors in a time of pandemic, ensuring the
Sciences, Blood Transfusion Research Center, High Institute for Research safety of staff and blood donors, and providing an ade-
and Education in Transfusion Medicine, and Mofid Children Hospital, quate blood supply. Therefore, we need an emergency
Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Next to Milad Tower, plan to manage the blood supply. To provide a safe envi-
Shahid Hemmat expy, Tehran 14665-1157, Iran ronment for blood donation, The American Association of

176 M. Maghsudlu et al.

Blood Banks (AABB) has recommended certain measures

Strategies to provide safe and adequate blood
and US blood centres can voluntarily implement them
[4]. The WHO has released guidance on maintaining a Iranian Blood Transfusion Organization took the follow-
safe and adequate blood supply during the COVID-19 ing actions to assure the availability of a safe and suffi-
outbreak [5]. cient blood supply as well as to provide a healthy
Iran had its first case of confirmed positive COVID-19 environment for its blood donors and personnel:
on 19 February 2020. Subsequently, the disease spread
rapidly throughout the country. Public events were then • The first step was to correspond with the Shanghai
Blood Transfusion Centre in order to learn from their
cancelled and schools, universities, shopping centres and
experiences with the management of blood centres
holy shrines were closed down by the government. People
during the COVID-19 outbreak. Special thanks to Dr.
were also encouraged to stay at home. Because of these
Ming for sending us their ‘Recommendations for
measures, the Iranian Blood Transfusion Organization
Blood Establishments regarding the Novel Coron-
(IBTO) suffered a drop in the number of blood donors.
avirus Disease’ from Chinese Society of Blood Trans-
There was also concern about the adequacy and safety of
blood components. Another worry was the safety of staff
members who had to deal with volunteers in the blood • A group consisting of faculty members of the Insti-
tute for Research and Education in Transfusion Med-
centres. In order to manage these concerns, the IBTO
icine (IRETM) was formed to review and evaluate the
headquarters formed a National Committee on Manage-
latest findings and research about the effects of
ment of COVID-19 outbreak.
COVID-19 on blood transfusion.
This Committee constantly monitored the RBC inven-
tory and blood donations, made decisions based on the • We approved and implemented mandatory changes
in the eligibility criteria for blood donation in all
results obtained through monitoring, and updated inter-
blood centres.
national and national evidence and facts. The aim of this
article is to review the trend of blood donations and (a) A 28-day deferral after complete resolution of
blood supply during the COVID-19 outbreak in Iran, illus- symptoms for blood donors diagnosed with
trating the leadership of the National Committee on Man- COVID-19 or suspected respiratory infections.
agement of COVID-19 outbreak and the resulting blood (b) A 28-day deferral for blood donors who have had
centre practices. close contact with COVID-19 patients.

The changes in eligibility criteria were inserted into the

Method and materials blood donor information software, and validation process
was completed.
Data collection
• To protect blood donors and staff, a station for mea-
We obtained data pertaining to the year 2019 from suring body temperature and mask distribution was
weekly reports received from all blood centres throughout established in each blood collection centre. We pro-
the country. The data sent to the main headquarters of vided disinfecting materials for the reception area,
IBTO included the numbers of weekly blood donations physician’s room, blood collection hall and refresh-
and the available RBCs for distribution to hospitals (blood ment area. Distancing was set up between the chairs
inventory). Blood centres extracted these data from of the reception area and blood collection beds. Pos-
provincial databases. The Donor Recruitment Department ters instructed about the use of masks and disinfec-
at the main headquarters verified and monitored the data. tion of hands.
We designed statistical software and implemented it
• Personnel were trained about methods for individual
shortly before the first case of COVID-19 was reported in and public prevention of COVID-19. The training
Iran. The data entry started from 20 February 2020, the included issues on keeping social distance, cleaning
day after the first officially confirmed case of COVID-19 surfaces and hands, and covering the mouth and
in Iran. The software enabled blood centres to send data nose.
on daily blood donations and RBC inventory levels.
• We held several webinars with the participation of
In this article, we report the action plan and activities all provincial managers and key staff members to
of National Committee on Management of COVID-19 out- discuss necessary actions and changes; insights and
break in IBTO. We also evaluate the trend of weekly feedbacks were received.
whole blood donations and RBC inventory throughout the
• We activated an online blood donation appointment
country from 20 February to 19 April 2020 and compare system throughout the country.
it with the data of last year.

© 2020 International Society of Blood Transfusion

Vox Sanguinis (2021) 116, 175–180
Blood sufficiency during COVID-19 outbreak 177

• We put out extensive information on the need for • We arranged a national project to collect COVID-19
blood components and encouragement of eligible convalescent plasma (CCP) from all the eligible,
people to donate blood during the COVID-19 out- recovered patients who have been free of symptoms
break. This went out through mass media, social at least for 28 days. This followed a national ran-
media and patient advocacy groups representing domized clinical trial on treatment of COVID-19
patients in need of blood transfusion. Some of the patients with convalescent plasma which had been
slogans used were as follows: approved by the Research Council of IRETM. We
took into consideration the recommendations of the
(a) Our blood centres consider all safety issues and USA Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and of
have adopted all new scientific guidelines. European countries, based on the promising news of
(b) Patients are awaiting your life-saving blood dona- efficacy of CCP therapy.
tions during COVID-19.
(c) Excuses for coronavirus? No. Do not forget blood
donation to save lives. Results
(d) When out of your home, remember to donate
blood at one of the blood centres near you. The trend of weekly blood donations during the 8 weeks
following the outbreak is shown in Fig. 1. This shows a
• We provided Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) decrease from 33 275 in the beginning to 23 465 blood
such as masks, gloves, sanitizers, and disinfecting units after the first 2 weeks of the outbreak. Although the
materials for blood centres’ staff and blood donors. number of blood donations decreased about 294%, the
• A meeting was organized with members of the Asso- number of RBC units in inventory only decreased 19%.
ciation of Thalassaemia and Haemophilia Patients in The trend of weekly blood donations then gradually
order to assure them that blood supply is safe during increased from 23 465 to 29 665 blood units (264%)
the outbreak and to attract their cooperation in within the next two weeks. National RBC inventory levels
recruiting blood donors. reached a peak (35 747 blood units) at the same time.
• We started plans to audit blood centres directly and The 3rd and 4th weeks of March are the New Year’s
without notice. Considering that it was not possible holiday in Iran and schools, universities, and offices are
for auditors to be present in all blood centres due to closed. Therefore, a significant drop normally occurs in
travel limitations, we used alternative methods the rate of blood donations each year during this period.
including a ‘Blood Donor Auditors Program’. This year, the government adopted stricter policies and
• We involved regular and experienced blood donors health regulations to manage people during the holidays
in this program. Thus, in each province, three regular because of the COVID-19 outbreak. As a result, IBTO was
blood donors were identified who met the following confronted with a significant reduction of blood dona-
criteria: tions again during the 3rd and 4th weeks of March. This
(a) Adequate experience in blood donation. showed in RBC inventory levels.
(b) Sufficient knowledge of the blood donation pro- After the holiday, weekly blood donations recovered
cess. from 23 670 to 40 114 blood units (769%). Simultane-
(c) Maintaining team spirit. ously, the trend of RBC inventory levels went up rapidly
as well (Fig. 2).
Finally, we chose one of the three nominated regular
blood donors in each province. These donors were then
informed by phone about the importance of this program Discussion
and invited to participate in audits. They were trained to
We drew several conclusions after analysing the trend of
complete a checklist in the blood donation centres. They
weekly blood donations and RBC inventory levels. First
undertook the responsibility of making unscheduled visits
of all,, there was a sudden drop of about 30% in dona-
to blood centres and filling out the checklist with preci-
tions in the beginning of COVID-19 outbreak. The per-
sion and honesty. The completed checklists were for-
centage was variable among different blood centres based
warded to the IBTO main headquarters for analysis and
on the severity of the outbreak in each province. It was
corrective actions.
due to the fact that people were frightened by the out-
• We asked hospitals to minimize the number of RBCs break and preferred to stay home. They were also afraid
in their inventories and encouraged them to imple- of being infected in blood centres. Wang et al. reported a
ment patient blood management strategies. drop of 67% at the beginning of the outbreak in Zhejiang

© 2020 International Society of Blood Transfusion

Vox Sanguinis (2021) 116, 175–180
178 M. Maghsudlu et al.


Weekly 50000
donations 44220
41077 40114
2020 40000 39942

33275 29568
30000 29665
28336 27804
First reported
case of COVID-19
23465 23325 22670

New Year
Beginning of the

Weekly 20000

End of the
New Year

2019 10000

3rd week

1st week

1st week

2nd week
4th week

2nd week

3rd week

4th week
of March
of March

of March

of March

of April

of April
of Feb
of Feb

Fig. 1 Weekly blood donations in 2019 and 2020.

RBC 45000 45030 45765
40000 39269 40418
levels, 36010 38640 38238
2020 35000 34974 36170 35747
32912 33849
30000 30719
28326 28613
RBC 25000
of COVID-19
First reported case

inventory 20000
Beginning of the

End of the New

New Year holidays

Year holidays

2019 15000
4th week of Feb

1st week of

2nd week of

3rd week of

4th week of
3rd week of Feb

1st week of April

2nd week of April



Fig. 2 RBC inventory levels in 2019 and 2020.

© 2020 International Society of Blood Transfusion

Vox Sanguinis (2021) 116, 175–180
Blood sufficiency during COVID-19 outbreak 179

province of China [6]. Franchini et al. [7] showed a 10% challenge. The final challenge was recruitment of recov-
drop in blood donors during the first week of COVID-19 ered patients as plasma donors, which is ongoing. Blood
outbreak. Lee et al. found a 169% reduction in blood centres need to gain more experience in this field.
donation due to a decrease of donors in blood centres This study had a few limitations that need to be consid-
and cancellation of mobile sessions during SARS out- ered. A major limitation was that information pertaining
break in 2003 [8]. hospital RBC requests were not included. These data existed
Second, we saw an upward trend in weekly blood in all blood centres throughout the country, but were not
donations 2 weeks after the outbreak, while the preva- included in the weekly reports to headquarters, so we could
lence and incidence of COVID-19 was increasing in Iran not analyse them. Lacking knowledge of hospital requests
[9]. It shows that the National Committee on Management made it difficult to interpret the data. Another limitation in
of COVID-19 outbreak in IBTO could manage the blood this study is that Iran is a large country and the severity of
donor recruitment process and quickly build trust among COVID-19 varied in different parts of the country. Therefore,
the general population. As previously discussed, IBTO it was better to analyse the data by severity of disease in dif-
activities were focused on three aspects: (1) donor recruit- ferent part of the country.
ment, (2) donor safety and (3) blood centre staff safety. In summary, blood donations were affected at the
All of these aspects had either a direct or indirect impact beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak. With all of the
on blood donation. above-mentioned measures and participation of dedicated
Finally, although the number of blood donations was people, trend of weekly blood donations (with notable
less than it had been at the same time in 2019, the number fluctuation) increased by 264% during the 3rd and 4th
of stored RBCs did not drop below 28 000 units through- weeks compared with the first week of the outbreak. In
out the first 8 weeks of the outbreak. Based on IBTO’s cur- addition, the RBC inventotry remained adequate in blood
rent policy, the acceptable RBC inventory is sufficient for centres, mainly due to a reduction in blood demand by
4 to 5 days. This amount is normally equal to the demand hospitals. Finally, SARS-CoV2 is not considered a trans-
of 4 days of all hospitals throughout the country. Inven- fusion-transmitted infection (TTI). However, it was a chal-
tory levels remaining in the acceptable range may have lenging problem for blood centres. It seems that in this
been due to a simultaneous decrease in hospitals’ demand era, blood centres need to be more prepared to manage
during COVID-19; most patients other than COVID-19 future viral disasters, especially one involving a transfu-
were not admitted in order to prevent further spread of sion-transmissible infection.
the virus. In addition, elective surgeries were cancelled by
the Ministry of Health regulation. People suffering from
chronic diseases also preferred to postpone their treat- Acknowledgements
ment. However, patients with haemoglobinopathies who
The authors would like to acknowledge the dedicated staff
needed regular blood transfusions did not have to avoid
and donors for their hard work during COVID-19 and a
or postpone their transfusions.
special thanks to Dr. Soheila Nasizadeh for her valuable
There were many challenges in the CCP program. The
main one was the limited availability of antibody test
kits. Once these kits reached the market, 14 blood centres
started to collect CCP based on the authorized protocol of Conflict of Interests
IBTO. More blood centres are interested in joining this
program. The accuracy of antibody tests was another The authors declare no conflict of interest.

1 World Health Organization:Novel rgencies/covid-19. [Last accessed 1st
Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Situation May, 2020] government/Documents/Impact-of-2019-
Report-1. 3 Chang Le, Yan Ying, Wang Lunan: Novel-Coronavirus-on-Blood-Donation.
ult-source/coronaviruse/situation-reports/ Coronavirus disease 2019: Coron- pdf [Last accessed 1st June, 2020]
20200121-sitrep-1-2019-ncov.pdf?sfvrsn aviruses and blood safety. Transfus 5 World Health Organization: Maintain-
=20a99c104. [Last accessed 1st June, Med Rev 2020; 34:75–80 ing a safe and adequate blood supply
2020] 4 AABB’s Transfusion Transmitted Dis- during the pandemic outbreak of coron-
2 World Health Organization: Coronavirus eases Committee: Impact of 2019 Novel avirus disease (COVID-19). Interim
disease (COVID-2019) situation reports. Coronavirus and Blood Safety (last guidance, 2020 updated February 25, 2020. 2019:

© 2020 International Society of Blood Transfusion

Vox Sanguinis (2021) 116, 175–180
180 M. Maghsudlu et al.

6 Wang Yongjun, Han Wenjuan, Pan Lin- outbreak on the safety and availability blood in Hong Kong in 2003. Transfus
gling, et al.: Impact of COVID-19 on of blood transfusions in Italy. Vox Sang Med 2020; 30:169–171
blood centres in Zhejiang province 2020. [published online ahead of print, 9 World Health Organization: Coronavirus
China. Vox Sang 2020. 2020 Apr]. disease (COVID-2019) situation reports.
10.1111/vox.12931 12928
7 Franchini M, Farrugia A, Velati C, 8 Lee CK: Impact of severe acute respira- ses/novel-coronavirus-2019/situation-
et al.: The impact of the SARS-CoV-2 tory syndrome on blood services and reports. [Last accessed 1st June, 2020]

© 2020 International Society of Blood Transfusion

Vox Sanguinis (2021) 116, 175–180
Vox Sanguinis (2021) 116, 181–189
© 2020 International Society of Blood Transfusion
ORIGINAL PAPER DOI: 10.1111/vox.12997

28-day thawed plasma maintains a2-antiplasmin levels and

inhibits tPA-induced fibrinolysis
Gregory R. Stettler,1 Ernest E. Moore,1,2 Benjamin R. Huebner,3 Geoffrey R. Nunns,1 Hunter B. Moore,1
Julia R. Coleman, Marguerite Kelher,1,4 Anirban Banerjee1 & Christopher C. Silliman1,4,5

Department of Surgery, University of Colorado, Auora, CO, USA
Department of Surgery, Denver Health Medical Center, Denver, CO, USA
Department of Surgery, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, USA
Vitalant Mountain Division, Denver, CO, USA
Department of Pediatrics, University of Colorado, Auora, CO, USA

Introduction Evidence supports the use of plasma-first resuscitation in the treat-
ment of trauma-induced coagulopathy (TIC). While thawed plasma (TP) has logis-
tical benefits, the ability of plasma proteins to attenuate fibrinolysis and correct
TIC remain unknown. We hypothesize that TP retains the ability to inhibit tissue
plasminogen activator(tPA)-induced fibrinolysis at 28-day storage.
Methods Healthy volunteers underwent blood draws followed by 50% dilution of
whole blood (WB) with TP at 28-, 21-, 14-, 7-, 5-, and, 0-day storage, normal
saline (NS), and WB control. Samples underwent citrated tPA-challenge (75 ng/
ml) thromboelastography (TEG). Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) and
a2-antiplasmin (a2-AP) concentrations in thawed or stored plasma were
Results In the presence of tPA, 28-day TP inhibited tPA-induced coagulopathy
as effectively as WB. 28-day TP had a similar R-time, MA, and fibrinolysis
(P > 005 for all) compared to WB, while angle was enhanced (P = 002) com-
pared to WB. Significant correlations were present between storage time and clot
strength (P = 004) and storage time and fibrinolysis (P = 00029). Active PAI-1
levels in thawed plasma were 110 – 054 ng/mL while total PAI-1 levels were
479 – 141 ng/mL. There was no difference of a2-AP levels in FFP
(4045 – 35 lg/mL) compared to plasma thawed for 14 (3678 – 539 lg/mL,
P = 065) or 28 days (4516 – 561 lg/mL, P = 051).
Discussion Thawed plasma retained the ability to inhibit tPA-induced fibrinolysis
over 28-day storage at 1–4°C. a2-AP levels were maintained in plasma thawed
Received: 29 June 2020,
for 28 days and FFP. These in vitro results suggest consideration should be made
revised 1 August 2020,
accepted 4 August 2020,
to increasing the storage life of TP.
published online 7 September 2020 Key words: hemostasis, plasma, transfusion, traum.

Introduction mortality from haemorrhage [1, 2]. As pre-hospital resus-

citation with crystalloid has been shown to exacerbate
Hyperfibrinolysis is a lethal phenotype of trauma-induced
fibrinolysis, recent research efforts have focused on the
coagulopathy (TIC) that is associated with a high rates of
use of plasma-first resuscitation, which supports the use
for correction of hyperfibrinolysis [1, 3, 4]. There are
Correspondence: Gregory R. Stettler, University of Colorado, 12631 East logistic challenges of early plasma administration that are
17th Avenue Room: 6111, 80045, Auora, Colorado, USA well-documented, including time to thaw the plasma for
E-mail: use, appropriate length of storage, and transport of

182 G.R. Stettler et al.

plasma [5]. These challenges have led to pre-treatment without changes in ability to inhibit tPA-mediated fibri-
thawing of plasma and storage at 4°C for subsequent use nolysis [7]. Extending the ability to utilize TP beyond
in situations of haemorrhage requiring blood component 14 days may further improve availability and accessibility
transfusion in the injured patient [6]. to TP in remote hospitals and austere environments.
Data shows that there is a 22% outdated wastage rate Therefore, we hypothesize that TP would retain the ability
of plasma in the United States. This accounts for almost to inhibit tPA-mediated fibrinolysis at 28-day storage at
130 000 units or wasted plasma each year at a cost of 1–4°C similar to FFP and a2-AP levels will be maintained
over $7 million [7]. Increasing the ability to store thawed during this same time period.
plasma should reduce the wastage rate and further
improve availability and accessibility to plasma in remote
medical centres or austere environments. Currently,
thawed plasma (TP) is stored at 4°C for up to 5 days to
be available for use in exsanguinating haemorrhage [8].
Current 5-day TP lifespan recommendations are based on Human single-chain tissue plasminogen activator (tPA)
factor V, VII, and VIII activity levels in the thawed from Molecular Innovations (Novi, MI) underwent dilu-
plasma [5, 9]. The key plasma proteins involved with tion with 5% bovine serum albumin in phosphate-buf-
ameliorating fibrinolysis and correction of TIC remain fered solution (PBS) followed by separation into aliquots
unknown however. Similarly, the changes in activity level and storage at -80°C. AB blood type FFP was donated by
of these proteins over time and how the change in protein Vitalant Mountain Division (Denver, CO). Normal saline
activity affects haemostatic capacity is unknown. In a was purchased from Baxter International (Deerfield, IL).
modified assay evaluating susceptibility to tissue plas- a2-AP deficient plasma was purchased from Sekisui Diag-
minogen activator (tPA)-mediated hyperfibrinolysis, we nostics (Lexington, MA).
have previously evaluated coagulation proteins and
plasma proteins in fresh frozen plasma (FFP), freeze-dried
Healthy volunteer blood collection
plasma (FDP), and 5% albumin [10]. Ongoing studies of
proteomics continue to identify specific proteins that may Blood samples were collected from eight healthy volun-
be involved with specific TIC phenotypes. teers in 33-mL buffered sodium citrate (32%) tubes
Tissue plasminogen activator is a serine protease known (Vacutainer, Becton-Dickinson, Franklin Lakes, NJ) under
to catalyse the conversion of plasminogen to plasmin the Colorado Multiple Institutional Review Board
leading to the breakdown of clot while plasminogen acti- (COMIRB) protocol number 10-0477. Of the volunteers, 5/
vator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) and a2-antiplasmin (a2-AP) act 8 were men, ages 25–33, not pregnant or taking any
as the primary inhibitors of fibrinolysis [11]. Multiple medications at the time of blood draw (n = 8).
mechanisms have been found to elicit resistance to fibri-
nolysis including human neutrophil elastase, fibrin struc-
tural modification via thrombin-activatable fibrinolysis
inhibitor, or inhibitors of binding to plasminogen [12, 13]. Seven units of AB (Rh-) FFP were thawed and separated
Multiple studies have suggested that PAI-1 is the primary into one millilitre aliquots, stored in two millilitre cen-
driver of fibrinolysis resistance in trauma [14–17]. How- trifuge tubes, and flash frozen with liquid nitrogen. Sam-
ever, in fresh plasma samples, these levels are extremely ples were subsequently thawed in a 37°C water bath and
low [18]. While less research has focused on a2-AP, this is stored at 1–4°C at the following intervals: 28, 21, 14, 7,
a potent inhibitor of fibrinolysis and in the injured patient 5 days prior to the experiment as well as thawed on day
and the bleeding associated with a deficiency of a2-AP of experiment.
occurs secondary to premature dissolution of a haemo-
static plug prior to tissue repair [11, 19, 20]. This removal
or inhibition of a2-AP has been shown to enhance fibri-
nolysis [11, 19, 20]. Conversely, high tPA activity levels Blood samples underwent a 50% dilution with the above
drive hyperfibrinolysis in severely injured patients (injury TP intervals as well as immediately thawed FFP, normal
severity score > 15) [21, 22]. We have previously saline (NS), and whole blood (WB) control. A 50% dilu-
described an in vitro assay combining whole blood with tion produces a reliable fibrinolysis profile that can be
tPA to assess the impact of clot fibrinolysis with thrombe- used to test interventions (addition of TP). To determine
lastography (TEG) for the evaluation of plasma resuscita- fibrinolysis in a2-AP deficient plasma, blood samples
tion and fibrinolysis [3]. Furthermore, our group has underwent a 50% dilution with NS, 0-day TP, or a2-AP
evaluated the extended storage of up to 14 days of TP deficient plasma.

© 2020 International Society of Blood Transfusion

Vox Sanguinis (2021) 116, 181–189
Thawed plasma inhibits tPA-induced fibrinolysis 183

Citrated native (CN) and a tPA-challenge (75 ng/mL) distribution. Differences across dilution groups were
CN TEG were run for each dilution as previously detected using a non-parametric paired Friedman test and
described using the TEG 5000 Thrombelastograph Dunn’s multiple comparisons test to compare 28-day TP
Hemostasis Analyzer (Haemonetics, Niles, IL) [3]. TEG to immediately thawed FFP, whole blood, and normal sal-
properties including speed of clot initiation (R-time), rate ine. To determine whether a correlation between storage
of clot formation (angle), maximum clot strength (maxi- time and clot properties existed, a Spearman correlation
mum amplitude, MA), and percent lysis at 30 min (LY30) was done for R-time, angle, MA, and LY30. a2-AP levels
were analysed. were normally distributed. Differences over thawed time
were detected using a parametric paired RM one-way
ANOVA test with Dunn’s multiple comparisons for compar-
Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 levels
ison of 28- and 14-day TP to immediately thawed FFP.
A quantitative ELISA kit for active and total human PAI- Difference of plasma and a2-AP deficient plasma com-
1 levels was purchased from R&D Systems (Minneapolis, pared to WB were detected using one-way ANOVA test with
MN) and plasma levels were measured following the man- Dunn’s multiple comparisons test.
ufacturer’s instructions. Because the initial levels of PAI-1
were significantly lower in thawed plasma than previ-
ously published values for fresh platelet-free or platelet-
rich plasma [18], further testing of PAI-1 levels for dura-
Thawed plasma maintains or enhances TEG
tion of stored thawed plasma was not completed as these
properties in the absence of tPA
levels were unlikely to be relevant in the inhibition of
tPA-induced fibrinolysis. Without the addition of tPA, thawed plasma enhanced or
maintained TEG properties (Fig. 1) when added to WB
compared to WB alone. FFP, 28-day TP, and NS added to
a2-Antiplasmin levels
WB had similar time to clot initiation compared to WB
A quantitative ELISA kit for human a2-AP levels was (P > 050 for all comparisons). FFP and 28-day TP added
purchased from Molecular Innovations, Inc (Novi, MI) to WB enhanced the dynamics of clot formation (angle)
and plasma levels were measured following the manufac- compared to WB (P = 001 for both) whereas a normal
turer’s instructions. In brief, plasma was thawed at 28 saline dilution did not affect angle (P > 099) compared
and 14 days and stored at 4°C until day of experiment. A to WB. Day 0 TP, day 28 TP, and NS added to WB had
third group of plasma samples were thawed the day of similar clot strength (MA) compared to WB (P > 009 for
the experiment. These plasma samples were subsequently all comparisons). Finally, the addition of day 0, day 28
run in duplicate and a 1:100 000 dilution was necessary TP, and NS to WB had similar fibrinolysis profiles com-
for appropriate determination of a2-AP levels in thawed pared to WB (P > 029 for all comparisons).
Thawed plasma maintains or enhances TEG
Statistics properties in the presence of tPA
Sample size was calculated using PASS14 (NCSS, LLC) With the addition of tPA, thawed plasma again enhanced
based on an adequate power (09) for a non-inferiority or maintained TEG properties (Fig. 2). Day 0 TP, 28-day
paired study for principal outcome LY30. Based on previ- TP, and NS added to WB had similar time to clot initia-
ous analysis of 160 healthy volunteer tPA-challenge TEGs tion compared to WB (P > 009 for all comparisons).
(75 ng/mL), the median LY30 was 83% with a standard When added to WB, FFP and 28-day TP enhanced the
deviation of 99% and 95th percentile of 27% (at which dynamics of clot formation (angle) compared to WB
point treatment would be initiated for hyperfibrinolysis). (P = 0003 and P = 002, respectively) whereas a normal
A sample size of 8 pairs allowed for an equivalence test saline dilution did not affect angle (P > 09999) compared
with limits -26 to 26 (52%) with 90% power using a to WB. FFP and 28-day TP dilution had similar clot
5% significance level. strength (MA) compared to WB (P > 09999 for all com-
TEG values are reported as median with interquartile parisons) whereas NS dilution significantly impaired max-
ranges. PAI-1 and a2-antiplasmin values are reported as imum clot strength compared to WB (P = 004). Finally,
mean – SEM. Statistical analysis was done using SPSS dilution with FFP and 28-day TP had similar fibrinolysis
version 24 (IBM) and GraphPad Prism version 7.0a profiles compared to WB (P > 03 for both) while NS
(GraphPad Software, Inc; La Jolla, CA). TEG values R- dilution enhanced hyperfibrinolysis drastically compared
time, angle, MA, and LY30 had a skewed, non-normal to WB (P = 00001).

© 2020 International Society of Blood Transfusion

Vox Sanguinis (2021) 116, 181–189
184 G.R. Stettler et al.

R-Time Angle
20 80
* *

Angle (Degrees)
15 60

R-Time (min)
10 40

5 20

0 0










Maximum Amplitude LY30
100 15

MA (mm)

LY30 (%)


0 0












Fig. 1 Box-plot of citrated native TEG properties of whole blood (WB), normal saline (NS) dilution, 0-day thawed plasma (FFP) dilution, and 28-day
thawed plasma (TP) dilution. *P < 0011 compared to WB.

R-Time in presence of tPA Angle in presence of tPA

20 80
* *
Angle (Degrees)

15 60
R-Time (min)

10 40

5 20

0 0














MA in presence of tPA LY30 in presence of tPA

80 80
60 60
MA (mm)

LY30 (%)

40 40

20 20

0 0













Fig. 2 Box-plot tPA-challenge TEG properties of whole blood (WB), normal saline (NS) dilution, 0-day thawed plasma (FFP) dilution, and 28-day thawed
plasma (TP) dilution. *P < 003 compared to WB.

© 2020 International Society of Blood Transfusion

Vox Sanguinis (2021) 116, 181–189
Thawed plasma inhibits tPA-induced fibrinolysis 185

Clot Initiation Over Time Dynamics of Clot Formation Over Time

20 80

Angle (Degrees)
15 70

R-Time (min)
10 60

5 50

0 40
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
Days Thawed Days Thawed

Clot Strength Over Time Fibrinolysis Over Time

100 15


LY30 (%)
MA (mm)



0 0
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
Days Thawed Days Thawed

Fig. 3 The was no significant correlation between time to clot initiation or dynamics of clot formation with storage time. Over 28 days of storage, there
is weak but significant correlations between storage time and clot strength (R2 = 0086, P = 00428) as well as storage time and fibrinolysis
(R2 = 01767, P = 00029).

Thawed plasma clotting properties over time testing for duration of stored thawed plasma was not
In the absence of tPA, there were differences in clotting
properties over time (Fig. 3). There was no significant cor-
relation between time to clot initiation or dynamics of clot a2-Antiplasmin levels
formation with storage time (P = 044 and P = 039,
a2-AP levels were not significantly different over the 28-
respectively). However, over 28 days of storage there was
day period of thawing. a2-AP levels in plasma thawed
weak but significant correlation between storage time and
and stored at 4°C for 28 days, 14 days, and FFP are
clot strength (R2 = 0086, P = 004) as well as storage time
shown in Fig. 4. There was no difference of a2-AP levels
and fibrinolysis (R2 = 01767, P = 0003). These changes
in FFP (4045 – 35 lg/mL) compared to plasma thawed
were not present over a 14-day time period (P = 020 for
for 14 days (3678 – 539 lg/mL, P = 06461) or 28 days
MA and P = 021 for LY30). There were no significant
(4516 – 561 lg/mL, P = 05049).
changes with storage time and clot properties including R-
time (P = 0099), angle (P = 01932), MA (P = 044), and
LY30 (P = 011) in the presence of tPA. At 28 days, the
median R-time was 98 min (IQR: 9–131 min), angle 5735
Concentration (ug/mL)

degrees (IQR 518–633 degrees), MA 57 mm (IQR: 53–

5825 mm), and LY30 44% (IQR: 17–1138%). 40

PAI-1 levels 20

Thawed plasma levels for active and total PAI-1 were

measured following thawing of plasma samples. Active 0
PAI-1 levels in TP were 110 – 054 ng/mL while total



PAI-1 levels were 479 – 141 ng/mL. Because these






levels are significantly lower in thawed plasma than pre-

viously published values for fresh platelet-free or plate- Days Thawed

let-rich plasma [18, 23] (54–210 ng/mL for platelet-free Fig. 4 a2-antiplasmin levels of plasma thawed and stored at 4°C for dif-
plasma and 2826 ng/mL in platelet-rich plasma), further ferent intervals.

© 2020 International Society of Blood Transfusion

Vox Sanguinis (2021) 116, 181–189
186 G.R. Stettler et al.

Table 1 tPA-challenged citrated native TEG properties.

R-Time (min) Angle (degrees) MA (mm) LY30 (%)

WB 1075 (1068–1188) 532 (4513–6178) 585 (535–6513) 38 (125–73)

NS 1045 (1003–112) 497 (3983–5293) 4475 (4175–4838) 2365 (778–3908)*
Plasma 625 (58–673)* 719 (7033–7248)* 625 (5938–645) 46 (345–5625)
a2-AP Deficient 635 (503–673)* 7265 (699–7418)* 6075 (5988–6638) 355 (218–42)

Values reported as median (interquartile range).

*P < 005 compared to WB.

a2-Antiplasmin deficient plasma does not lead to There are a number of anti-fibrinolytic proteins present
enhanced fibrinolysis in plasma that may mediate tPA-mediated fibrinolysis,
including PAI-1 and a2-AP. When elevated, both serpins
Fibrinolysis is not enhanced in whole blood diluted with
are associated with increased thrombotic activity [28].
a2-AP deficient plasma. Again, thawed plasma enhanced
PAI-1 is present in both the plasma and platelet a-gran-
or maintained TEG parameters similar to WB. a2-AP
ules and is released by thrombin to rapidly inhibit tPA
deficient plasma also enhanced or maintained TEG
activity [23]. Importantly, PAI-1 levels in platelet-free
parameters, and specifically did not lead to enhanced
plasma are <10% of the PAI-1 concentrations in platelet-
fibrinolysis (Table 1, Figure 5). NS dilution of whole
rich plasma [29, 30]. Previous studies have shown that
blood showed a significant increase in hyperfibrinolysis
normal levels of PAI-1 are 210 ng/mL in fresh platelet
(P = 00175).
poor plasma [18]. The active (110 ng/mL) and total
(479 ng/mL) levels of PAI-1 in our thawed platelet poor
Discussion plasma samples were significantly lower than fresh
plasma or serum [23]. Furthermore, fresh platelet-rich
Dilution of whole blood with normal saline leads to sig-
plasma samples were noted to have PAI-1 levels almost
nificant abnormalities in the presence of tPA, most nota-
109 greater than platelet poor plasma and almost 709
bly hyperfibrinolysis. Both 50% replacement of whole
greater than the total PAI-1 concentration in our thawed
blood with FFP or 28-day thawed plasma retained near-
plasma sample. Further, a recent study by Huebner et al
normal TEG properties and did not lead to exacerbation
evaluating the effects of PAI-1 on tPA-mediated fibrinol-
of tPA-mediated hyperfibrinolysis as seen in a similar
ysis in platelet lysates showed that concentrations of PAI-
dilution with a crystalloid solution. While TEG properties
1 of 87 ng/mL did not attenuate tPA-mediated
remain near-normal up to 28 days after thawing of
plasma, there is a weak but significant correlation
between decreased clot strength and increased fibrinolysis
LY30 in presence of tPA
over the time course of the 28-day experimental period.
50 *
Furthermore, a2-AP levels are maintained over the 28-
day period. However, an absence of a2-antiplasmin in 40
plasma did not result in a significant increase in hyper-
LY30 (%)

fibrinolysis. 30

The dangers of hemodilution as they relate to TIC 20

have been extensively evaluated [24–26]. As such, early
trauma resuscitation has shifted from crystalloid to blood 10
product administration, e.g. plasma [27]. There is an
increased risk of hyperfibrinolysis in severely injured



patients with each litre of pre-hospital crystalloid, [18]




which has been confirmed in vitro [3, 7, 10, 23]. The


reported data reveal: a maintained time to clot initiation

2 -A

after dilution with saline or plasma; the angle (dynamics

LY30 in presence of tPA
of clot formation) is enhanced in WB diluted with
plasma – tPA; and MA (cloth strength) and fibrinolysis Fig. 5 Box-plot tPA-challenge TEG properties of whole blood (WB), nor-
(LY30) are maintained with TP dilutions compared to mal saline (NS) dilution, plasma dilution (plasma), and a2-AP deficient
WB – tPA. plasma (a2-AP Def Plasma) dilution. *P = 00175 compared to WB.

© 2020 International Society of Blood Transfusion

Vox Sanguinis (2021) 116, 181–189
Thawed plasma inhibits tPA-induced fibrinolysis 187

fibrinolysis [23]. This indicates that higher levels of PAI-1 differences in reagents that effected TEG parameters,
are needed to efficiently bind tPA to inhibition of tPA- physiologic changes of individuals between blood draws,
mediated fibrinolysis. As the levels of PAI-1 in our TP or that volunteers had a more robust generation of
samples were much lower, we concluded that the levels thrombin and/or tissue factor at second blood draws that
of PAI-1 in our thawed plasma contributed negligibly to sensitized the patient to plasma addition to WB.
the inhibition of tPA-mediated fibrinolysis. It has been There are limitations to this study. While increased tPA
shown that longitudinal storage of frozen plasma does activity has been repeatedly shown to be present in the
not lead to significant PAI-1 degradation up 59 months plasma of trauma patients [21, 22], there are undoubtedly
of storage [31]. However, no studies have evaluated the other clotting abnormalities that may impact the fibrinoly-
effects on PAI-1 levels in plasma after multiple freeze/ sis profile. We acknowledge that the use of exogenous
thaw cycles. a2-AP, on the other hand, acts as a direct tPA, with significant haemodilution, does not completely
inhibitor of plasmin [11], and clinical bleeding due to a2- replicate the plasma changes of trauma patients, but our
AP deficiency occurs secondary to premature dissolution addition of in vitro exogenous tPA to whole blood dilu-
of a haemostatic plug. Furthermore, inhibition or removal tions does produce a reliable fibrinolysis profile to study
of a2-AP increases fibrinolysis [11, 19, 20]. In the the effects of interventions. Furthermore, while PAI-1 and
reported study, a2-AP levels were maintained in plasma a2-AP levels were evaluated in this study, there are other
that had been thawed for 14 and 28 days versus freshly proteins that could also affect fibrinolysis and may con-
thawed plasma, and although the concentration was tribute to inhibiting tPA-mediated fibrinolysis after
decreased versus fresh plasma [32]. Thus, we speculated 28 days of storage. Given that PAI-1 levels in our thawed
that a2-AP may have an important role in the inhibition samples were so low, a2-AP, as the primary inhibitor of
of tPA-mediated fibrinolysis. However, when WB is plasmin, was thought to impart the highest yield to focus
diluted with a2-AP deficient plasma, there is not an this study. These experiments were performed with blood
increase in hyperfibrinolysis compared to TP or WB, sug- of healthy volunteers and likely do not reflect the full
gesting that a2-AP does not contribute to inhibiting tPA- spectrum of metabolic and proteomic abnormalities seen
mediated fibrinolysis. It is possible that in the injured with the physiologic stress of trauma. Further, our ali-
patient, the physiologic, metabolic, and proteomic quoted samples of plasma went through more freeze-thaw
derangements that occur following injury are mitigated cycles than clinically used plasma secondary to our
by the presence of a2-AP in plasma. There are a number aliquoting process. We acknowledge that this does not
of other fibrinolytic proteins that could be responsible for completely replicate what would happen in the clinical set-
inhibition of tPA-mediated fibrinolysis. Recent studies ting and may result in loss of protein function or changes
from our group have focused on proteomic analysis in in protein activity due to an extra freeze-thaw cycle.
patient plasma and identified a number of proteins in In conclusion, there is preservation of haemostatic
hyperfibrinolytic patients that could be influenced with properties over a 28-day storage of TP by TEG in the
the administration of plasma [33], although individual presence of tPA, most notably the ability to maintain a
proteins or metabolites could not be evaluated in this fibrinolysis profile similar to that of WB in the presence
study. Interestingly, WB samples treated with TP and a2- of tPA. While PAI-1 levels are very low, levels of a2-AP
AP deficient plasma had enhanced clot initiation com- are maintained in TP over 28 days of storage and were
pared to WB (Table 1), while WB that was treated with TP comparable to FFP. Further work evaluating the effects of
at different storages times did not (Fig. 2). These samples TP on damaged endothelium may also help discern the
were drawn from the same volunteers, although the blood mechanism by which plasma attenuates the coagulopathy
samples were drawn at temporally unique time points. It of trauma. While further in vitro and clinical studies are
is unclear the aetiology of the enhanced clot initiation. needed to confirm the applicability, consideration should
Recent work has identified prothrombotic extracellular be made to increase the duration of stored TP as this will
vesicles in thawed plasma and perhaps these increase decrease the outdated wastage rate as well as increase the
with storage time [34]. Other explanations include small availability of TP in austere environments.

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© 2020 International Society of Blood Transfusion

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Vox Sanguinis (2021) 116, 190–196
© 2020 International Society of Blood Transfusion
ORIGINAL PAPER DOI: 10.1111/vox.13005

Whole blood haemostatic function throughout a 28-day

cold storage period: an in vitro study
Hannah L. McRae, Ferhat Kara, Chelsea Milito, Christine Cahill, Neil Blumberg & Majed A. Refaai
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Transfusion Medicine Division, University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, NY, USA

Background In recent years, there has been renewed interest in whole blood
(WB) transfusion, particularly in damage control resuscitation, in part due to the
ability to provide the adequate ratio of blood components in a single transfusion.
However, there is insufficient evidence to suggest that WB units maintain their
haemostatic function during storage, which could compromise their quality and
efficacy if transfused. Here, we evaluate the in vitro haemostatic function of
stored WB units over a 28-day refrigeration period.
Methods Standard WB units were collected from healthy volunteers and stored
at 4°C for 28 days. Samples were collected from each unit on several days
throughout the storage period and tested for complete blood count (CBC), WB
aggregation, clot kinetics as measured by thromboelastography (TEG), closure
time and plasma-free haemoglobin.
Results Throughout the storage period, there were gradual, significant decreases
in platelet count and function, including WB aggregation in response to collagen
(P < 005) and closure time with epinephrine (P < 00005). Plasma-free haemo-
globin increased substantially (by 163%) throughout the storage period. However,
TEG results remained relatively stable for 3 weeks, indicating possible preserva-
tion of haemostatic function during that time.
Conclusion This study shows that clot kinetics (as measured by TEG) in WB units
stored at 4°C are preserved for up to 21 days. However, high levels of free hae-
moglobin raise concern for the potential risks of transfusing stored WB. Clinical
studies are required to evaluate optimal storage times and outcomes of patients
Received: 24 June 2020,
resuscitated with WB as compared to blood components.
revised 21 August 2020,
accepted 26 August 2020, Key words: whole blood, transfusion, whole blood storage, haemostasis, platelet
published online 23 September 2020 function.

with a ratio of 1:1:1 (plasma to platelets to RBC) was

developed [4–6]. While this method dramatically
For over half a century, whole blood (WB) units have improved patient outcomes as compared to the prior
been separated into components, allowing for targeted practice of infusing large quantities of crystalloid in mas-
blood product transfusion, reduced wastage rate and cost, sively bleeding patients, trauma-induced coagulopathy
and increased storage flexibility [1, 2, 3]. More recently, remains difficult to manage [7, 8], and there is conflicting
findings from both civilian and military studies have doc- evidence surrounding the optimal ratio of blood compo-
umented the prevalence of coagulopathy in trauma, for nents in massive transfusion protocols [9–11]. Further-
which the current US practice of balanced resuscitation more, the 1:1:1 component ratio results in a dilute
mixture compared to WB, with a decreased haematocrit,
Correspondence: Majed A. Refaai, MD, University of Rochester Medical platelet count and coagulation factor concentration [12].
Center, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, 601 There has been renewed interest in WB transfusion in
Elmwood Avenue, Box-608, Rochester, NY 14642, USA recent years, particularly in the setting of damage control

Whole blood haemostatic function in vitro 191

resuscitation, due to its physiologic ratio of components an informed consent. Subjects were compensated mone-
and ability to be collected and used emergently [13]. This tarily for their time and travel.
has become a particularly effective solution in remote
areas and combat zones, or smaller hospitals and clinics
Whole blood unit collection
that do not have adequate blood bank supply of individ-
ual components. WB is often used in military hospitals in Healthy donors (n = 6, 3 males) of 18 years of age and
combat zones, where platelets especially are often in short older (age range 22–60) provided informed consent for a
supply, in part due to their short shelf life [14]. In these single unit WB donation. Three of the six donors had
cases, fresh WB is often preferable to components as it is group A, two had group O, and one had group B blood.
readily available and provides adequate coagulation fac- Donors were free of anticoagulants, NSAIDs, and all other
tors, functional haemoglobin and platelets [15]. This con- medications and supplements for at least 10 days prior to
trasts with the prevalence of WB transfusion in civilian collection. One unit of 530 ml of WB was collected in a
settings, which accounted for 015% of total civilian citrate phosphate dextrose adenine (CPDA-1) bag com-
transfusions in 2011. Despite the increased general inter- posed of polyvinyl chloride (PL 146) material (Fenwal,
est in WB transfusion, this rate did not increase by 2013 Inc., Lake Zurich, IL) from each donor. WB units were
among AABB-member hospitals [16, 17]. stored unagitated in a walk-in refrigerator set to 4°C for
There are insufficient data in the literature to sufficiently 28 days.
support the efficacy of WB transfusion as compared to
blood components. A retrospective analysis of the 2009
Whole blood unit storage and processing
National Trauma Data Bank based on data from 1745
patients from 567 US hospitals revealed that patients who Each WB unit was stored in the collection bag at 4°C for
received blood component transfusion were three times 28 days. Testing was performed on days 0, 3, 7, 14, 21
more likely to succumb to their trauma as compared to and 28 from the day of collection. On each testing day,
those who received WB transfusion, even with identical the bags were mixed via gentle inversion prior to sam-
injury severity scores (ISS) [18]. Nevertheless, the large dis- pling. Samples (15 ml each) were obtained directly from
crepancy between transfusion rates of blood components the collection bag via a sterile connection using a 30 ml
versus WB combined with the lack of randomized trials Luer-Lok syringe (BD Biosciences, San Jose, CA). From
make it difficult to derive meaningful conclusions. days 0 to 28, a total of 90 ml of blood were removed
Laboratory analysis of the functionality of WB in vitro is from each collection bag, leaving 440 ml leftover in each
also an important component in the determination of the bag at the conclusion of the study. A complete blood
efficacy of WB as a transfusion product. One study per- count (CBC) was obtained for each sample using a Sys-
formed in 2013 revealed that refrigeration of WB for 21 days mex Kx-21 (Sysmex Corporation, Kobe, Japan). In addi-
at 4°C helped retain haemostatic function as compared to tion, on each day of testing 4 ml of WB was removed
WB stored at room temperature in terms of prothrombin time from the bag and split into two equal aliquots; 2 ml was
(PT) and partial thromboplastin time (PTT), clot kinetics as centrifuged at 15009 g 12 min to obtain platelet poor
measured by thromboelastography (TEG) and thrombin gen- plasma (PPP) for coagulation testing, including prothrom-
eration [19]. Another recent study from 2018 outlined the bin time (PT) and partial thromboplastin time (PTT).
effects of standard leucoreduction on haemostatic function Plasma samples were stored at -80°C for future testing
on cold-stored (4°C) WB units up to 15 days; it found that purposes.
platelet concentration, thrombin generation and viscoelastic
properties measured via rotational thromboelastometry-
Extrinsic Screening Test (ROTEM-EXTEM) were all signifi-
cantly decreased after leucoreduction compared to nonleu- The clot kinetics of the WB samples were evaluated using
coreduced WB [20]. Here, we evaluate the in vitro thromboelastography (TEG) (TEG 5000 Thrombelastograph
haemostatic potential of nonleucoreduced normal donor WB Hemostasis Analyzer, Haemonetics, Braintree, MA)
units that were cold-stored over the course of 28 days. according to manufacturer protocol. For each test, 1 ml
of WB sample was pipetted into a 15 ml polyethylene
tube containing 40 µl of kaolin (Haemoscope, Niles, IL)
Materials and methods
and mixed via gentle inversion. Next, 340 µl of the kao-
lin-treated WB sample was transferred into a disposable,
Research subject participation
prewarmed TEG cup containing 02 M stock calcium
Participation in this study was approved by our internal chloride (final concentration 10 mM) (Haemoscope, Niles,
Research Subject Review Board, and all volunteers signed IL) and analysis was started.

© 2020 International Society of Blood Transfusion

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192 H. L. Mcrae et al.

Whole blood aggregation Corporation). The sample was then inserted into the instru-
ment and simultaneously oxygenated and allowed to equi-
Whole blood impedance aggregation (Chrono-Log Model
librate to 37°C. Samples were then de-oxygenated via the
700, Havertown, PA) using collagen (2 µg/ml), adenosine
introduction of nitrogen over time. The oxygen dissocia-
diphosphate (ADP, 10 µmol/ml) and arachidonic acid
tion curve was then recorded by the analyser.
(AA, 10 µmol/ml) (all Chrono-Log Corporation) was per-
formed on each day of testing. For each test, 450 µl WB
and 450 µl normal saline (NS) were dispensed into a test Statistical analysis
cuvette. The cuvette was allowed to warm to 37°C, and
Day 0 samples from each donor were used as controls for
the impedance probe was inserted into the cuvette. The
all experiments. Due to variability between donors, per
baseline impedance was set, and the specific agonist was
cent changes over the storage period were calculated for
added, according to the manufacturer protocol. After the
each test value of each donor. The average per cent
addition of the agonist, the test was started and allowed
change for each test was then calculated for all donors
to run for 12 min. The lag time and area under the curve
over the 28 day storage period. The Student t-test was
were calculated by the instrument software.
performed in all pair testing statistical analyses, calcu-
lated from the raw values. A P-value of <005 was con-
Closure time sidered to be statistically significant.

Closure time with epinephrine (CT-Epi) was measured via

PFA-100 (Platelet Function Analyzer-100, Dade Behring, Results
Deerfield, IL). Briefly, one test cartridge was used per sample,
which was allowed to warm to room temperature for 15 min Platelet counts significantly decreased over two
prior to use. The test cartridge was inserted into the instru- week period
ment and 800 µl WB were dispensed into the cartridge. The
Platelet count markedly decreased starting from day 0
test was then started per manufacturer protocol.
and continuing throughout the storage period, becoming
statistically significant by day 14 (dropping from
Plasma-free haemoglobin 158 – 47 to 70 – 44 9103, respectively, P < 005) and
worsening by day 21 (59 – 34, P < 0005). Significant
The plasma-free haemoglobin was assessed using the
decreases in WBC were also observed towards day 28
QuantiChrom Hemoglobin Assay Kit (BioAssay Systems,
(P < 005) (Table 1).
Hayward, CA). This is a colorimetric assay involving a 96-
well plate in which haemoglobin is converted into a
coloured end product and read at 400 nm using a spec- Significant prolongations in prothrombin time
trophotometer (ELx808 Absorbance Reader, BioTek, (PT) and partial thromboplastin time (PTT)
Winooski, VT). Briefly, undiluted PPP samples (50 µl each) observed by the third day of storage
were pipetted in duplicate into wells, followed by 200 µl
Both PT and PTT increased significantly by day 3 (from
of the assay reagent, and blank and calibrator wells were
121 – 08 to 133 – 09 seconds, and 327 – 27 to
used as controls (the calibrator is equivalent to a free hae-
368 – 30 seconds, respectively, P < 005 each) and
moglobin concentration of 010 g/dl), as well as in the
remained significant throughout the 28-day storage per-
final calculation of the free haemoglobin concentration.
iod to reach 168 – 15 and 490 – 86 seconds on day
28, respectively (P < 0005 each) (Table 1).
P50 of haemoglobin
P50, which is the partial pressure of oxygen at which hae- Thromboelastography revealed impaired
moglobin (Hb) is 50 per cent saturated with oxygen [21], haemostatic function
was also obtained for each sample. Physiologically, Hb has
Several viscoelastic properties as measured by TEG were
a variable affinity for binding to oxygen, which is evalu-
found to gradually change throughout the storage period.
ated via P50. From each WB sample, 50 µl was used to
While R time remained relatively stable, the K time
test p50 on the Hemox Analyzer (TCS Scientific Corpora-
increased, becoming significant by day 21 with a 33%
tion, New Hope, PA) according to manufacturer protocol.
increase as compared to day 0 (P < 005). The maximum
The WB aliquot was diluted with 5 ml of the Hemox buffer
amplitude (MA) gradually decreased, becoming significant
solution, 20 µl of anti-foaming agent and 20 µl of bovine
once it had decreased by 11% on day 21 (P < 005). How-
serum albumin (BSA) (all obtained from TCS Scientific
ever, these changes were still within the normal TEG

© 2020 International Society of Blood Transfusion

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Whole blood haemostatic function in vitro 193

Table 1 CBC, PT and PTT results up to day 28

CBC Day 0 Day 3 Day 7 Day 14 Day 21 Day 28

WBC (103/µl) 48 – 13 49 – 13 46 – 14 39 – 21 32 – 17 28 – 16*
RBC (106/µl) 39 – 02 38 – 05 37 – 04 38 – 06 37 – 04 39 – 05
HGB (g/dl) 122 – 10 119 – 17 115 – 15 117 – 20 115 – 16 121 – 19
HCT (%) 351 – 29 349 – 56 343 – 49 359 – 62 355 – 53 373 – 67
MCV (fl) 89 – 3 91 – 4 92 – 4 94 – 5 95 – 6 95 – 7
MCH pg/cell) 311 – 11 310 – 1.0 301 – 11 307 – 12 308 – 12 310 – 11
MCHC (g/dl) 348 – 06 340 – 12 335 – 10* 326 – 11* 324 – 15* 326 – 17*
PLT (103/µl) 158 – 47 115 – 65 105 – 50** 70 – 44** 59 – 34** 55 – 48**
RDW (%) 127 – 03 126 – 05 129 – 05 129 – 08 128 – 09 127 – 09
PT (seconds) 121 – 08 133 – 09* 138 – 14* 147 – 16* 158 – 17** 168 – 15**
PTT (seconds) 327 – 27 368 – 30* 383 – 51* 414 – 57* 454 – 78* 490 – 86**

Data shown in mean – SD.

CBC, complete blood count; HCT, haematocrit; HGB, haemoglobin; MCH, mean corpuscular haemoglobin; MCHC, mean corpuscular haemoglobin concen-
tration; MCV, mean corpuscular volume; PLT, platelets; PT, prothrombin time; PTT, partial thromboplastin time; RBC, red blood cells; RDW, red blood cell
distribution width; WBC, white blood cells.
*P < 005.
**P < 0005.

range (50–72 mm). No changes in a angle were observed significant after a 36% decrease on day 21 as compared
throughout the storage period (day 0: 5397 – 974; day to baseline (P < 005). The plasma-free haemoglobin
28: 4653 – 478 degrees; P = 0136). The LY30, which increased substantially by day 3 (006 – 003 g/dl, 38%)
measures fibrinolysis, was significantly decreased by day and throughout the storage period to reach
3 (P < 005). The coagulation index (CI), which is indica- 012 – 003 g/dl by day 28 (163%), which was not statis-
tive of the clot firmness and stability, was significantly tically significant (P = 016) but clinically important
decreased by day 28 (P < 005), which implies worsening (Table 4).
overall clot formation (Table 2).
WB aggregation in response to collagen decreased
Within three days of storage at 4°C, we observed signifi-
significantly by day 3
cant decreases in platelet count and function in terms of
Significant decreases in WB aggregation in response to closure time and WB aggregation, in addition to prolon-
collagen were observed starting on day 3 (78% decrease, gation in PTT. However, TEG data indicated the preserva-
P < 005). Marked decreases in aggregation in response to tion of platelet function in terms of close to normal MA
AA and ADP were also recorded throughout the storage up to day 21, as well as conservation of coagulation fac-
period but were not statistically significant (Table 3). tors and fibrinogen as measured by R time and a angle,
which retained their function throughout the whole stor-
age period. K time, which also represents the quality and
Closure time with epinephrine (CT-epi) was
quantity of fibrinogen, was retained until day 21. Like-
significantly prolonged by day 3
wise, the CI was increasing throughout the period, which
Compared to the normal CT-Epi for all donors at time of denotes a marked shift towards hypercoagulability by the
donation (day 0), a significant increase of 64% was seen end of the storage period. These results indicate that the
by day 3 (P < 0005). This persisted to reach a 95% cold-stored WB was able to retain most of its haemostatic
increase by day 28 (P < 0001) (Fig. 1). function until at least day 21, making it a potentially
viable option for the management of trauma-induced
coagulopathy within that timeframe if kept refrigerated.
Significant changes were also observed for P50
Furthermore, the preserved haemostatic function through-
and plasma-free haemoglobin
out the long storage period alone lends itself as a better
The oxygen dissociation as measured by P50 decreased option than the component storage of platelets, which
gradually throughout the storage period, becoming only have a 5-day shelf life in the United States and have

© 2020 International Society of Blood Transfusion

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194 H. L. Mcrae et al.

Table 2 TEG results up to day 28

TEG Day 3 Day 7 Day 14 Day 21 Day 28

R in min (%) 67 – 18 66 – 17 79 – 17 81 – 21 76 – 16
(4–10 min)
K in min (%) 26 – 07 24 – 04 29 – 04 33 – 05* 42 – 09**
(1–3 min)
Angle in degrees (%) 505 – 143 587 – 42 521 – 2.6 512 – 45 465 – 48
(53–73 deg)
MA in mm (%) 541 – 64 532 – 31 522 – 28 489 – 28* 443 – 31**
(50–72 mm)
LY30 (%) 03 – 06* 00 – 00* 00 – 00* 00 – 00* 00 – 00*
CI (%) -2.7 – 26 -21 – 11 -37 – 14 -44 – 17 -54 – 13*
(-3 to 3)

Normal ranges are shown for each parameter. Data shown in mean – SD.
*P < 005.
**P < 0005.

Table 3 WB aggregation results up to day 28

Agonist Day 3 Day 7 Day 14 Day 21 Day 28

AA lag time -43% -6% -24% -34% 19%

AA area under the curve 75% 29% -46% -4% -38%
ADP lag time -1% 37% 4% 1% 38%
ADP area under the curve -50% -40% -48% -52% -67%
Collagen lag time 199% 212% 188% 233% 227%
Collagen area under the curve -78%* -92%* -80%* -90%* -92% *

Data shown in per cent change.

*P < 005.

Changes in Epinephrine Closure Time over 28 Days

300·00 *** *
** ***
Mean Closure Time (seconds)






0 7 14 21 28
Time (days)
*p<0·05; **p<0·005; ***p<0·0005
Fig. 1 Epinephrine closure time results up today 28. Data shown in mean – SD. Reference range also shaded in green. *P < 005; **P < 0005;
***P < 00005

© 2020 International Society of Blood Transfusion

Vox Sanguinis (2021) 116, 190–196
Whole blood haemostatic function in vitro 195

Table 4 P50 and plasma-free haemoglobin results up to day 28

Test Day 3 Day 7 Day 14 Day 21 Day 28

P50 in mmHg (%) (267 mmHg) 345 – 127 (-5) 240 – 42 (-34) 262 – 101 (-28) 234 – 63 (-36)* 197 – 13 (-46)*
Free haemoglobin in g/dl (%) (<005 g/dl) 006 – 003 (38) 006 – 004 (36) 008 – 006 (72) 008 – 003 (80) 012 – 003 (163)

Normal ranges shown for each test. Data shown in mean – SD (per cent change).
*P < 005.

demonstrated impaired function in vivo [22]. Of course, would be expected to yield proportionally increased
further studies are required to ascertain whether WB results as compared to epinephrine.
retains its haemostatic function in vivo. Despite increasing discussion of the potential return to
On the other hand, high levels of plasma-free haemo- WB transfusion in lieu of separate blood components in
globin, while not statistically significant, were detected damage control resuscitation, there has been limited
by day 3 and were markedly increased by day 28 as com- research surrounding its efficacy both in vitro and
pared to day 0. The abundance of free haemoglobin could in vivo. Our limited in vitro data indicate that WB units
cause clinical complications such as renal injury, inflam- can be considered more haemostatically efficient (via pre-
mation, thrombosis, and acute and chronic vascular dis- served TEG parameters) and less potentially harmful (via
ease [23], and these risks would be multiplied after lower plasma-free haemoglobin levels) up to day 21 of
transfusion of multiple units of WB, which would be storage. Further clinical studies are required to evaluate
expected in a massively exsanguinating trauma patient. the optimal storage times as well as patient outcomes
Previous studies have shown that average plasma-free after resuscitation with WB as compared to blood compo-
haemoglobin concentrations for packed RBC units at 2, nents.
26 and 40 days of storage are 0017, 0090 and 0193 g/
dl, respectively [24], indicating that our WB unit had an
approximately 33% higher plasma-free haemoglobin con-
centration at 28 days as compared to an average 26-day- We thank the donor room staff and blood bank techni-
old RBC unit. In addition, the significant decrease in P50 cians at Strong Memorial Hospital for their assistance
by day 21 suggests an increase in oxygen binding affin- with whole blood unit collection and scientific expertise.
ity, thereby reducing the carrying capacity to the tissues.
This would be another indication that cold-stored WB
Conflicts of interest
starts to have significant deleterious changes by 21 days
that render it ineffective and potentially harmful if trans- The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
fused after that point.
Our study was notably limited by a small sample size.
Author contributions
In addition, our WB units were not leucoreduced, since
the presence of WBC is not significant when measuring Hannah McRae: wrote manuscript, devised and performed
the haemostatic potential in vitro. However, it would be experiments, analyzed data. Ferhat Kara: assisted in per-
important to reproduce these results using leucoreduced forming experiments, data analysis, final manuscript
WB units, as up to 80% of all RBC units transfused in the review. Chelsea Milito: assisted in data analysis and
United States are leucoreduced [25]. In addition, our statistics, final manuscript review. Christine Cahill:
study lacked a proper control group, as the control for involved in study conception, final manuscript review.
WB would be separate blood components, and it would Neil Blumberg: involved in study conception, final manu-
be difficult to achieve a physiologically correct ratio script review. Majed Refaai: study conception, assisted in
using component units in vitro. We also chose to perform data analysis and statistics, supervised research, assisted
closure time with epinephrine only as opposed to both in manuscript preparation, final manuscript review.
epinephrine and adenosine diphosphate (ADP). Closure
time was used only to assess overall platelet function as
opposed to a specific deficiency in response to either epi-
nephrine or ADP, especially given that the WB units came This is a principal investigator-initiated study. There are
from normal donors and thus the closure time with ADP no sources of outside funding or grant support to report.

© 2020 International Society of Blood Transfusion

Vox Sanguinis (2021) 116, 190–196
196 H. L. Mcrae et al.

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© 2020 International Society of Blood Transfusion

Vox Sanguinis (2021) 116, 190–196
Vox Sanguinis (2021) 116, 197–206
Published 2020. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA
ORIGINAL PAPER DOI: 10.1111/vox.13001

Evaluation of the WHO global database on blood safety

Udhayashankar Kanagasabai,1,2 Dejana Selenic,2 Michelle S. Chevalier,2 Bakary Drammeh,2 Michael Qualls,2
Ray W. Shiraishi, Naomi Bock, Irene Benech2 & Fatima D. Mili2
2 2

Epidemic Intelligence Service, CDC, Atlanta, GA, USA
Division of Global HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis, Center for Global Health, CDC, Atlanta, GA, USA

Objective While the Global Database on Blood Safety (GDBS) helps to monitor
the status of adequate and safe blood availability, its presence alone does not
serve as a solution to existing challenges. The objective of this evaluation was to
determine the GDBS usefulness in improving the availability of adequate safe
blood and its ability to function as a surveillance system.
Methods The GDBS was evaluated using methods set out by the Centers for Dis-
ease Control and Prevention (CDC) Guidelines for assessing surveillance systems.
Six recommended tasks were used to evaluate if the GDBS met the requirements
of a surveillance system in a public health context.
Results The majority of stakeholders engaged with GDBS found it was unique
and useful. The GDBS answered all six questions essential for determining a
blood safety surveillance system’s usefulness. The GDBS fully met the needs to
six of the eleven attributes used for evaluating the usefulness of a surveillance
Conclusion The GDBS is a unique global activity that provides vital data on
safety of blood transfusion services across countries and regions. However,
aspects of the GDBS such as timeliness of reporting and improvement of WHO
Received: 17 April 2020,
Member States national blood information systems could enhance its effective-
revised 11 August 2020,
accepted 20 August 2020,
ness and potential to serve as a global surveillance system for blood safety.
published online 30 September 2020 Key words: blood safety, WHO, transfusions, surveillance.

pregancy [3,5,6]. An investment in a safe and adequate

blood supply is therefore not only a responsibility of gov-
The right to an adequate and safe blood supply is one ernments, but also a cost-effective investment in the
that the World Health Organization (WHO) has champi- health and economic wealth of every nation [4, 5].
oned for over a decade [1]. However, in many low-re- The Global Collaboration for Blood Safety (GCBS) was
source countries, the morbidity and mortality associated a WHO-convened forum, established in 1995 in response
with an inadequate supply of safe blood products remains to the Paris AIDS Declaration to fight HIV/AIDS [4]. The
high and has a direct impact on individuals and their GDBS had the mission to promote the harmonization of
families [2]. Blood transfusion is an essential component all efforts to improve global blood safety and avoid
of health care which saves millions of lives each year. duplication of activities [7].
Every second, someone across the world needs blood for The WHO Global Database on Blood Safety (GDBS) was
surgery, trauma, severe anemia or complications of established in 1998 and in 2001, the WHO Global Data-
base on Blood Safety (GDBS) published its first report on
blood safety in WHO Member States. Over the years, the
Correspondence: Udhayashankar Kanagasabai, Epidemic Intelligence GDBS has evolved from paper-based forms to electronic
Service Officer, DGHT/CDC, Corporate Square, MS E-04, Atlanta, GA, forms. Despite many initiatives and interventions, blood
30329, USA
safety remains an important public health concern in

198 U. Kanagasabai et al.

Africa and other parts of the world where lack of avail- sources or tools available for monitoring the availability
ability of blood or provision of unsafe blood impacts of adequate and safe blood around the world.
morbidity and mortality [6]. One measure of a successful
public health programme is the production, analysis, dis-
Patient and public involvement
semination and use of reliable and timely information on
health determinants and health status; however, the GDBS This research was done without patient involvement.
has struggled with the timely dissemination of informa- Patients were not invited to comment on the study design
tion [7, 8]. and were not consulted to develop patient relevant out-
Despite the GDBSs’ operating for over a decade, it has comes or interpret the results. Patients were not invited to
never been formally evaluated for its impact on improv- contribute to the writing or editing of this document for
ing blood safety and public health globally. The aim of readability or accuracy.
this paper is to evaluate the GDBS using the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Updated Guidelines
for Evaluating Public Health Surveillance Systems (here-
after, Guidelines) as a framework to assess if the GDBS
Public health information system evaluation
has the potential to function as a public health surveil-
lance system [9]. Since its establishment, the GDBS has collected vital data
from WHO Member States, used to guide recommenda-
tions and strategies to improve global blood safety.
We used the CDC Guidelines as a framework to evaluate Task A. Engage the stakeholders in the evaluation
the usefulness of the GDBS as a global health tool and We engaged the GDBS technical advisor and the expert
its ability to serve as a potential surveillance system. committee that oversees the GDBS status reports when
According to the CDC Guidelines, a surveillance system conducting this evaluation. The expert committee con-
is defined as ‘the ongoing systematic collection, analysis sisted of representation from the six WHO regions. An
and interpretation of health data essential to the plan- informal interview of the expert committee was con-
ning, implementation and evaluation of public health ducted with open ended questions. Due to time con-
practice, closely integrated with the timely dissemina- straints, it was not possible to engage all member states
tion of this information to those who need to know’ for the evaluation. However, we were able to engage with
[9]. The CDC guidelines recommend the use of six a single member state during the course of the evaluation.
required tasks in the performance of surveillance evalu- The conclusions drawn from the stakeholder interviews
ations [9]: were used primarily as anecdotal evidence.

• Task A. Engage the Stakeholders in the Evaluation

Task B. Describe the system to be evaluated
• Task B. Describe the system to be evaluated
The GDBS was designed to collect key data that facilitate
• Task C. Focus the Evaluation Design
to monitoring of blood transfusion services in all Member
• Task D. Gather Credible Evidence Regarding the Per-
States of the WHO with the following objective: To col-
formance of the System
lect and analyze data from all countries on blood and
• Task E. Justify and State Conclusions, Make Recom-
blood product safety as the basis for effective action to
improve blood transfusion services globally. The GDBS
• Task F. Ensure Use of Evaluation Findings and Share
yearly sends a standardized questionnaire consisting of 7
Lessons Learned
sections and 100 indicators to all health authorities in
WHO Member States. In 2002, the questionnaire was
revised and in 2005, the questionnaire was translated and
Literature review
issued in six languages (i.e., Arabic, Chinese, English,
We conducted a literature review of the English-language French, Russian and Spanish).
peer reviewed academic research and grey literature (that A programme logic model (Fig. 1) was developed by
is published reports by WHO). The internet and PUBMed the authors to explain the system’s objectives, resources,
was searched for reports published from 1995-2017 con- activities, outputs and outcomes. Blood donors and blood
taining the words: Global Data Base on Blood Safety and donation information is collected at the level of the blood
Blood Safety Database. A review of existing literature did banks; data are aggregated at the level of the National
not reveal any similar or comparable global blood safety Blood Transfusion Service (NBTS) or by an organization
database or other comprehensive blood safety data or entity that is responsible for national blood safety

Published 2020. This article is a U.S. Government wor.

and is in the public domain in the USA
Vox Sanguinis (2021) 116, 197–206
Evaluating the WHO global database on blood safety 199

programs, and submitted to the national health authori- reviewed all GDBS reports from 1998 to 2016, for criteria
ties who report the information to GDBS. In some cases, that answered or was related to the six questions.
the data maybe aggregated at the level of the national
health authority and then reported to GDBS. A group of Evaluation of surveillance attributes. Using a rating
international experts from the transfusion medicine com- scale developed for this purpose, of fully meets needs
munity analyses that data, and WHO generates and dis- (80-100%), partially meets needs (60–79%), does not meet
seminates the report and findings to WHO Member States needs (<59%) and not applicable, we evaluated the ten
(Table. 1). The total cost of personnel and blood informa- attributes (Table 3) of a public health surveillance system
tion systems per NBTS is dependent upon multiple factors as stated in the CDC Guidelines [10].
such as size of country, population, existing systems and Acceptability was rated as ‘fully meets the needs’: On
Gross Domestic Product. WHO and CDC currently fund average 87% (77–93%) of all WHO Member States (195)
the GDBS. However, at the Member State level funding fully participate in the process of reporting data into the
for the NBTS is primarily from MOH and other donor GDBS [1, 5, 11–14].
sources. Data Quality was rated as ‘partially meets the needs’:
The GDBS data quality was rated ‘partially meets the
Task C. Focus the evaluation design needs’ because at the central level, the data are cleaned
The intent of the evaluation was to understand if the with routinely conducted data checks. However, at the
GDBS, which was established to provide data on blood WHO Member State level data reported into the GDBS
transfusion services in all WHO Member States, met this often times only represents data collected at the NBTS
need and if its purpose could be expanded to that of and excludes data on blood safety activity conducted in
surveillance system. CDC Guidelines suggest that meet- the private sector. Some WHO Member States have blood
ing the following attributes: simplicity, flexibility, data safety information systems that make the collection, anal-
quality, acceptability, sensitivity, positive predictive ysis and report generation easier and more accurate,
value, representativeness, timeliness and stability, are whereas others have less automated systems with a num-
good indicators that a surveillance system will be more ber of choke points for error.
useful and complete for public health action [9]. How- Simplicity was rated as ‘partially meets the needs’: The
ever, due to the scope of the GDBS, and need to focus data information flow is simple at the level of WHO
on characteristics that are essential for a useful surveil- headquarters in Geneva and at the WHO Member State
lance system, six attributes were prioritized. The system level. NBTS collect data that are reported to health
attributes prioritized for this GDBS evaluation were use- authorities who subsequently report the data to WHO.
fulness, representativeness, simplicity, flexibility, stability However, the GDBS’s simplicity is dependent on the exist-
and acceptability. We then proceeded to evaluate each ing funding, infrastructure and reporting mechanism of
attribute prioritized based upon how they provided evi- the individual NBTS of the Member State. For example,
dence supporting the activity objectives (Table 1), which Member States whose NBTS depends on a paper-based
included collecting and analysing data from all coun- system may find it difficult to provide the data required
tries, assessing global blood safety, best available infor- for the country to submit into the GDBS. Therefore, the
mation and monitoring trends in blood safety. The rating is ‘partially meets the needs’, the system meets the
overall performance of each attribute was evaluated, needs when the mechanism for data flow exists within
using a rating system of; fully meets the needs, partially Member States.
meets the needs, does not meet the needs, and not Flexibility was rated as ‘fully meets the needs’: Over the
applicable. past decade, the GDBS has adapted to changing needs in
the field of blood safety and public health, making signif-
Task D. Gather credible evidence regarding surveil- icant changes at four different time points. The GDBS has
lance system performance also adapted to advances in technology by transitioning
A surveillance system is considered useful if it answers at to web-based electronic data collection and availability of
least one of six questions (Table 2) [9, 10]. The GDBS forms in multiple languages.
exceeds the criterion set by the CDC Guidelines for use- Informatics was rated as ‘partially meets the needs’:
fulness as demonstrated in that it answers all six ques- The GDBS was rated as ‘partially meets the needs’,
tions [9]. The GDBS was designed to collect and analyze because the data housed in the GDBS at headquarters are
data on national blood systems from all countries as the comprehensive, spanning 20 years and over 195 WHO
basis for effective action to improve access to safe blood Member States on secure servers. However, the data qual-
and blood products and transfusions globally2. We ity reported into the system is dependent upon the

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Vox Sanguinis (2021) 116, 197–206
200 U. Kanagasabai et al.

Fig. 1 Simplified chart for data flow within the Global Database on Blood Safety (GDBS).

existing funding, infrastructure and health systems in Timeliness was rated as does ‘not meet the needs’: The
WHO Member States. Unfortunately, there does not exist need to provide an update on the status on adequate and
a universally agreed upon computerized blood bank safe blood at a regular interval is a critical objective of
information management system that all WHO Member the GDBS. WHO Member States do not have a fixed time-
States could use. Instead, WHO Member States and WHO line for reporting; instead, they are encouraged to report
regions use different commercial systems for data collec- data on a yearly basis. Reporting times from WHO Mem-
tion, tracking and monitoring. ber States into the central GDBS varied from one year to
Positive Value Predictive (PVP) was rated as ‘not appli- eighteen months. Thus, the variability in reporting leads
cable’: The PVP for the GDBS could not be calculated due to the inability to publish the data on a regular interval.
to factors, such as the GDBS not capturing data on a sin- Sensitivity was rated as ‘fully meets the needs’: Sensi-
gle disease; multiple indicators being captured; testing tivity can be defined as the probability that a positive
algorithms between countries varying greatly. result occurs when the condition actually exist. Given the
Representativeness was rated as ‘fully meets the needs’: complexity of the GDBS and the large number of indica-
The objective of the GDBS is to provide information and tors monitored, sensitivity could not be calculated in the
guidance pertaining to the status of adequate and safe traditional sense.
blood. The GDBS has a global reach extending over all Therefore, for the purpose of the calculating sensitivity,
six regions and including all 195 WHO Member States we used self-reported published data provided by NBTS
(2018). The 2016 GDBS status report included data from from the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief
180 countries representing a total population of 7 billion (PEPFAR) supported countries in the AFRO region as the
or 983% of the global population [1]. This does not take gold standard and data reported into the GDBS from the
into consideration blood collected within the private sec- same subset of countries. We used purposive selection of
tor and only refers to blood collections made in the pub- the countries based upon the accessibility of data, repre-
lic sector; however, it is representative of public sector sentation of national blood donations (100% of donations
data and adequate and safe blood availability in coun- in the country are collected in the public sector with no
tries. blood collections conducted by the private sector), and

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Evaluating the WHO global database on blood safety 201

Table 1 Programme logic model showing activity objectives, resources, activities and outputs: Global Database on Blood Safety

Objectives Collect and analyse data from all Member States on blood and blood product safety as the basis for effective action to
improve blood transfusion services globally
To assess the global situation on blood safety
To obtain the best available information on blood transfusion services in each Member State
To identify problems and needs in order to provide appropriate technical support
To identify countries for priority assistance
To monitor progress and trends in blood safety
Resources Funding to support activity at central level (WHO)
Funding to support activities both at central and country level (CDC)
Funding at country level (MOH and NBTS)
Technical Blood Safety Advisor
Administrative staff at Member State health ministries
Blood Transfusion Service Staff
Supplies and Equipment
Activities Disseminate data reporting forms to NBTSs
Collect and aggregate data
Provide reminders for delayed reporting
Analyse, interpret data and generate reports
Provide recommendations based upon emerging trends and evidence-based research
Provide technical support to countries
Outputs Recommendations for improving blood safety
Assist Member States prioritize their needs in strengthening NBTS
Provides yearly updates to CDC on priority countries
Published updates available to public via WHO websites
Short-term outcomes Early detection of changing trends in blood safety
In some countries, only source of data on diseases such as hepatitis B and hepatitis C
Middle-term outcomes Understanding of changing priorities and needs
Identification of trends in transfusion-transmitted infections
Adequate availability of blood
Long-term outcomes Potential to identify shortages in global blood availability
Potential to become a global surveillance system for blood safety
Potential to identify emerging trends in blood safety and availability

CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; MOH, Ministry of Health; NBTS, National Blood Transfusion Services; WHO, World Health Organization.

similarity of reported indicators. To calculate the sensitiv- In country C, the ratio was far less 03%
ity of the GDBS, we used select indicators as a proxy for (1 - 0997 = 0003 9 100 = 03%) which suggests that
the whole database. The selected indicators used were self-reported data from NBTS captured 03% less total
‘Units of Blood Donated’ and ‘Units Screened’. donated blood units reported compared with GDBS. Six out
The objective of this exercise was to estimate the ratio of of the nine countries had ratios of 10, suggesting that the
the (blood donated: NBTS) to the (blood donated: GDBS. A majority of the countries captured by the NBTS and GDBS
ratio greater than 10 suggest that (blood donated: were reporting the same figures. Three countries detected
NBTS > GDBS), a ratio less than 10 indicates that the differences across the indicator ‘Blood donated’.
(blood donated: NBTS < GDBS), and a ratio of 10 means When using the same method to compare the ratio of
that (blood donated: NBTS = GDBS). In the following cal- the (Units Screened for TTIs: NBTS) to the (Units Screened
culations, we are using a ratio of NBTS/GDBS. To demon- for TTIs: GDBS) the findings were similar. The ratio of
strate this, the ratio of (blood donated NBTS) to (blood ‘screened units’ (NBTS: GDBS) in country A was 1092,
donated reported to GDBS) in country A is 1148, which which means that the self-reported NBTS data recorded
means that self-reported data from NBTS recorded 148% 92% more units screened than the GDBS. In contrast, the
more total blood donations than the GDBS. In contrast, the ratio in country B is 0824, which suggests that the self-re-
ratio in country B is 0844, which suggests that the GDBS ported NBTS data captured 176
captured 156% (1 - 0844 = 0156 9 100 = 156%) fewer (1 - 0824 = 0176 9 100 = 176%) fewer units screened
total donated blood units reported as compared with NBTS. as compared with GDBS. In country C, the ratio was far less

Published 2020. This article is a U.S. Government wor.

and is in the public domain in the USA
Vox Sanguinis (2021) 116, 197–206
Table 2 Measure of GDBS usefulness

Questions from CDCa Guidelines GDBS answers Evidenceb Measure

202 U. Kanagasabai et al.

Detects diseases, injuries, or adverse or protective The GDBS detects diseases and adverse exposures of Screening for transfusion transmitted infections √
exposures of public health importance in a timely public health importance. increased from 54% in 1998, to 91% in 2016
manner The GDBS monitors TTIs and hemovigilance. Globally, 2013 it is estimated that 1.8 million blood
donations collected were discarded due to
transfusion-transmissible infection reactivity
Detect trends that signal changes in occurrence of The GDBS collects and analyzes data on four TTIs in all In 1998-1999, 40% of LMIC did not screen for all four √
disease, including the detection of epidemics member states TTIs, while in 2016 only 7% did not screen for TTIs
In 2016, GDBS noted that the prevalence of the four
TTIs in low-income countries was 1.08% (HIV), 3.74%
(HBV), 1.03% (HCV), and 0.90% (syphilis)
Lead to improved clinical behavioral, social, policy or The GDBS has led to implementation and adaption of In 1998-1999, a total of 106 countries reported that √
environmental practices the following policies: national blood policy, screening national blood policy had been developed versus 145
policy, and hemovigilance policy to name a few. countries in 2001-2002
In 2004-2005, only 49% had a policy on the clinical
use of blood while in 2016, 70% had such a policy
Provide estimates of the magnitude of morbidity and The GDBS monitors the magnitude or transfusion- In 2013, the GDBS 39% (70 of 180) countries reported √
mortality, and identification of events under transmitted infections and adverse events. data on adverse events
Permit assessment of the effect of prevention and The GDBS collects and analyzes data on quality In 2016, a total of 155 countries reported the √
control programs assurance and monitoring existence of national standards for collection, testing,
processing, storage and distribution of blood and
blood products
Stimulate research intended to lead to prevention and The GDBS stimulates research in the field of The GDBS has stimulated much research around the √
control transfusion medicine intended to lead to prevention blood donors and the clinical use of blood
and control programs.

Abbreviations: GDBS = Global Database on Blood Safety; LMIC = Low and Middle Income Countries; NBTS = National Blood Transfusion Services; TTI = Transfusion TransmittedInfections √ = yes meets criteria
set by CDC guidelines
German RR, Lee LM, Horan JM, et al. Updated guidelines for evaluating public health surveillance systems: recommendations from the Guidelines Working Group. MMWR Recomm reports Morb Mortal Wkly
report Recomm reports. 2001.
World Health Organization. Global Status Report on Blood Safety and Availability. Geneva; 2016.

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Vox Sanguinis (2021) 116, 197–206

Evaluating the WHO global database on blood safety 203

Table 3 Summary of CDCa guidelines attributes, definition and GDBS rating

Attribute Definition GDBS Rating

Acceptability Willingness to participate in the activity Fully meets the needs

Data Quality Completeness and validity of the data Partially meets the needs
Flexibility Adaptability to changing information needs Fully meets the needs
Informatics User experience Partially meets the needs
Positive Value Predictive Proportion of reported cases that actually have the health-related event under surveillance Not applicable
Representativeness The occurrences of the health event over time and its distribution in the population Fully meets the needs
Simplicity Ease of activity operation Partially meets the needs
Sensitivity Proportion of reported cases of a disease detected by the system Fully meets the needs
Stability System reliability (i.e. the ability to collect, manage and provide data properly without Fully meets the needs
failure) and availability (ability to be operational when needed)
Timeliness Speed between steps in as system Does not meet the needs
Usefulness Value, or practicality of the information generated Fully meets the needs

GDBS, Global Database on Blood Safety.

German RR, Lee LM, Horan JM, et al. Updated guidelines for evaluating public health surveillance systems: recommendations from the Guidelines Work-
ing Group. MMWR Recomm reports Morb Mortal Wkly report Recomm reports. 2001.

0996, which suggest that the NBTS captured 04% GDBS meets six of the priority attributes that define a
(1 - 0996 = 0004 9 100 = 04%) fewer units screened surveillance system as being useful. Overall, six out of
than NBTS. Six out of the nine countries had ratios of 10, the eleven attributes (fully met), three (partially met), one
suggesting again that the majority of countries captured by (not applicable), and only one (did not meet) the criteria
the NBTS and GDBS are reporting the same figures with by which the GDBS was evaluated. The results show that
differences only in three out of the nine countries. the GDBS is an effective public health activity that has
Overall, we see that for the indicators ‘Blood donation’ the potential to serve as a surveillance system for captur-
and ‘Units screened’, respectively, 928% and 912% of ing information concerning blood availability, safety,
the time data captured by the self-reported NBTS and haemovigilance and accessibility. The GDBS also serves
GDBS are reporting the same figures. Therefore, we could the role of providing effective feedback to the WHO
conclude that sensitivity of the GDBS is high given that Member States via analysis and recommendations pre-
six out nine countries report accurate data. pared by experts from the transfusion medicine commu-
Stability was rated as ‘fully meets the needs’: Since its nity. Major stakeholders described the GDBS as a unique
inception and implementation, the GDBS has not experi- activity that captures a wide range of information on all
enced any interruptions or delays in accessibility of data aspects of blood transfusion including, collection, screen-
with comprehensive reports published regularly at 2-year ing, distribution and haemovigilance not only on a local
intervals covering data from a year. There have been no level but at global one [15].
reported instances of loss of data or issues with the web- The GDBS exceeded the CDC Guidelines for the mini-
based system for data submission. mum requirement of a system’s usefulness by successfully
Five out of the ten attributes were rated as ‘fully meets answering all six questions meant to establish if a
the needs’, three were rated as ‘partially meets needs’, one surveillance system is useful. Further review also revealed
was rated as ‘does not meet needs’, and one was ‘not appli- that the GDBS was acceptable, flexible and stable and
cable’. Three of the priority attributes (flexibility, accept- had a high representativeness among WHO Member
ability, stability) were rated as ‘fully meets the needs’ and States. According to the standards stated in the CDC
simplicity was rated as ‘partially meets the needs’. Guidelines these attributes indicate that the GDBS activity
is useful and provides vital information for public health
Task E and F. Justify and state conclusions and rec- action. Overall, the GDBS meets the needs of the stake-
ommendations, and ensure the use of the evaluation holders, although the timeliness and data quality could be
findings improved.
The GDBS was established in 1997 to address global con-
cerns about the availability, safety and accessibility of
blood transfusions. The CDC Guidelines were used to
assess the GDBS’ ability to function as a potential surveil- Public health information systems are designed to provide
lance system. The findings from this review show that the specific information on a particular health condition(s)

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and is in the public domain in the USA
Vox Sanguinis (2021) 116, 197–206
204 U. Kanagasabai et al.

that affect a large population. The data from such systems global blood safety as stated in its objectives. The CDC
ideally can be used to monitor trends, identify outbreaks, Guidelines provided a standardized framework for evalu-
provide recommendations, develop and implement public ating all attributes of the GDBS while also allowing the
health programmes/activities. The GDBS despite monitor- database to be evaluated as a surveillance system. Of the
ing changing trends of the availability of safe blood glob- ten attributes evaluated, six fully met the needs of the
ally was not designed to serve as a surveillance system; system with only one attribute, timeliness not meeting
however, after fifteen years of serving as the only global the need. Paper-based systems which are used in some
blood safety database in existence and given the needs of Member States are often too slow for analysis to guide
the future, we should consider expanding its use beyond urgent action and are difficult to maintain [17]. A well-
that of a database, to that of a blood safety surveillance designed electronic information system facilitates a
system. The impact of the GDBS could be made broader streamlined data entry process or the direct digital cap-
by adapting its use to the of a surveillance system which ture of laboratory tests results; efficient data merge capa-
would allow for serial analysis of progress made in the bilities from multiple data sources; automated data
field of blood safety. Multiple studies cite the GDBS as a quality checks; rapid search, retrieval and visualization
source of data when evaluating the status of blood safety capabilities; and early warning alerts for potential out-
across multiple countries [18-22]. The GDBS remains the breaks [10, 17]. Increased commitments and investments
single most comprehensive source of blood safety and by Member States into NBTS electronic information sys-
availability data that is collected globally and serves as a tems is needed for countries who struggle to provide
critical source for monitoring trends and progress made complete and timely data. There is a critical need for gov-
in the field of safe blood transfusions. The GDBS though ernments and development donors to invest in support
not designed as a surveillance system definitely meets the for information management systems for NBTS and
six essential criteria of usefulness of public health mechanisms for improving data collection, donor and
surveillance systems. The GDBS evidently is a unique recipient tracking, and hemovigilance at hospitals 2. One
activity that collects information from all regions of the of the benefits of routine collection of data from multiple
world while at the same time monitoring changing trends Member States is the ability to use the data for making
among diseases such as HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C and policy changes, targeted interventions and advocacy.
syphilis in blood donations and serves functions very However, despite decades of data collection by the GDBS,
similar to that of a proxy surveillance system. According research has shown the need for systematic data capture,
to the GDBS status reports, HIV prevalence among blood analysis, and data visualization methods which tend to
donors in low-income countries form 11% in 2004–2005 hinder its goals and objectives [2,4,22]. The GDBS should
to 108% in 2016 [1,13]. The impact of WHO blood safety consider modernizing its data capture and the use of data
policies have been captured by the GDBS in aspects of visualization, to improve its timeliness of reporting and
blood transfusions such as: nationally coordinated blood use of data for advocacy.
transfusion services; collection of blood from voluntary
non-remunerated blood donors; testing and screening of
all blood donors for blood grouping and TTIs; and reduc-
tion in unnecessary transfusions [23]. Our evaluation indicated that the GDBS met five out of
The data housed in the GDBS serve an important public the six criteria set forth by the CDC Guidelines for a
health role in monitoring the safety and availability of surveillance system to be defined as useful. The GBDS
blood and has the potential to serve as an important glo- also met eight out of the nine attributes used for evaluat-
bal surveillance system for blood safety. The GDBS has ing the completeness of a public health surveillance sys-
greatly influenced the availability of safe blood in the tem. Though the GDBS has been monitoring the
field of HIV transmissions, via policy, guidelines and availability, safety and accessibility of blood in all Mem-
advocacy for safe blood that results from the availability ber States globally for the past two decades successfully
of data [24]. Research shows that almost 500,000 poten- meeting its objectives, it may be time to strengthen the
tial HIV infections via blood transfusions are averted in activity to that of a surveillance system.
SSA through the adoption of simple blood safety mea-
sures in voluntary blood donation, blood donor selection
and quality assured testing of donated blood [24].
Public health programmes can be evaluated for the The authors acknowledge the work of National Blood
effectiveness and impact of interventions, policies and Transfusion Services from WHO Member States and the
public health strategy [16]. Since its establishment the expert panel.
GDBS has not been formally evaluated as to its impact on

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Vox Sanguinis (2021) 116, 197–206
Evaluating the WHO global database on blood safety 205

data for the manuscript. NB and IB participated in the

Conflicts of interest drafting of the manuscript. FM supervised the data collec-
The authors declared no potential conflicts of interest tion and drafting of the manuscript. The corresponding
with respect to the research, authorship and/or publica- author attests that all listed authors meet the criteria for
tion of this article. authorship and that no others meeting the criteria have
been omitted. All authors have read and approved the
final draft. UK is the guarantor.
Authors’ note
The findings and conclusions in this publication are those Data sharing
of the authors and do not necessarily represent the offi-
cial position of the funding agencies. No additional data are available.

Author contribution Funding

UK led the design of the study, guided the data collection This publication has been supported [in part] by the Presi-
and creation of tables and figures, and drafted the manu- dent’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) through
script. DS, MC, MQ and BK provided critical guidance on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
the project to make it as relevant as possible and con- under the terms of Cooperative Agreement number
tributed to the drafting of manuscript. RS contributed to GH001180.
review data, table and figure creation, and analysis of the

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© 2020 International Society of Blood Transfusion
ORIGINAL PAPER DOI: 10.1111/vox.13002

10-year analysis of human immunodeficiency virus incidence

in first-time and repeat donors in Brazil
Sheila de Oliveira Garcia Mateos,1,2 Liliana Preiss,3 Thelma T. Goncßalez,4 Claudia Di Lorenzo Oliveira,5
Eduard Grebe, Clara Di Germanio, Mars Stone,4 Luiz Amorim Filho,2 Anna B
4,6 4
arbara Carneiro Proietti,7
7 8,9
Andre Rolim Belisario, Cesar de Almeida-Neto, Alfredo Mendrone-Junior,8 Paula Loureiro,10,11
4,6 4,6,†
Michael P. Busch, Brian Custer, Ester Cerdeira Sabino1,12,† & Recipient Epidemiology, Donor Evaluation Study
(REDS-III) International Component Brazil,‡
Departamento de Mole stias Infecciosas e Parasitarias da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de S~ ao Paulo, S~
ao Paulo, Brazil
Department of Hemotherapy, Hemorio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Division of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, RTI International, Rockville, MD, USA
Vitalant Research Institute, San Francisco, CA, USA
Federal University of Sao Joao del-Rei, Minas Gerais, Brazil
University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA
Department GDTC (Technical-Scientific Development Management), Hemominas, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Fundacß~ao Pro-Sangue Hemocentro de S~ao Paulo, S~ao Paulo, Brazil
Disciplina de Ci^e ncias Me dicas, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de S~
ao Paulo, S~
ao Paulo, Brazil
Pernambuco University, Recife, Brazil
Fundacß~ao Hemope/Hemocentro de Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil
Instituto de Medicina Tropical da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de S~ ao Paulo, S~
ao Paulo, Brazil

Background and objectives Incidence in first-time and repeat blood donors is an

important measure of transfusion-transmitted HIV infection (TT-HIV) risk. This
study assessed HIV incidence over time at four large blood centres in Brazil.
Materials and methods Donations were screened and confirmed using serological
assays for HIV from 2007 to 2016, and additionally screened by nucleic acid test-
ing from 2011 forward. Limiting antigen (LAg) avidity testing was conducted on
HIV seroreactive samples from first-time donors to classify whether an infection
was recently acquired. We calculated incidence in first-time donors using the
mean duration of recent infection and in repeat donors using classical methods.
Time and demographic trends were assessed using Poisson regression.
Results Over the 10-year period, HIV incidence in first-time donors was highest in
Recife (451/100 000 person–years (105 py)) followed by S~ao Paulo (322/105 py)
and then Belo Horizonte (233/105 py), and in repeat donors was highest in Recife
(332/105 py), Belo Horizonte (275/105 py) and S~ao Paulo (170/105 py). Results
from Rio de Janeiro were available from 2013 to 2016 with incidence in first-time
donors of 359/105 py and repeat donors from 2011 to 2016 of 292/105 py. Inci-
dence varied by other donor demographics. When incidence was considered in 2-
year intervals, no significant trend was evident. Overall residual risk of TT-HIV was
Received: 12 June 2020,
546 and 741 per million units of pRBC and FFP transfused, respectively.
revised 18 August 2020,
accepted 20 August 2020, Conclusion HIV incidence in both first-time and repeat donors varied by region
published online 30 September 2020 in Brazil. Clear secular trends were not evident.

Correspondence: Sheila de Oliveira Garcia Mateos, Department of Hemotherapy; Rua Frei Caneca, 8; CEP 20211-030, Centro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Equally contributing last/senior authors.

Recipient Epidemiology, Donor Evaluation Study (REDS-III) International Component Brazil members presented in Appendix.

208 S. de Oliveira Garcia Mateos et al.

Key words: blood safety, donors, residual risk estimation, serological testing,
transfusion- transmissible infections.

approximately 10% of all donations in the country [4].

Donor and donation data from 1 January 2007 to 31
In Brazil, there are more than 35 million voluntary blood December 2016 were included for Hemominas in Belo
donations per year. Donors are differentiated as to Horizonte, Hemope in Recife and Fundacß~ao Pr o-Sangue
whether they are providing replacement donation (dona- in S~ao Paulo. Hemominas, Hemorio and Fundacß~ao Pr o-
tion in order to replenish the stock of blood because of Sangue are located in the Southeast and Hemope in the
the need for blood transfusion to a family member or Northeast of Brazil. Complete data for Hemorio in Rio de
person who has some relationship with the donor) and Janeiro were available from 1 January 2013 to 31 Decem-
community donation (voluntary donation to support the ber 2016 for first-time donors and from 1 January 2011
overall blood supply) [1]. In Brazilian Public Health Ser- to 31 December 2016 for repeat donors. This study was
vice, blood centres most donations are from repeat donors conducted as part of the NHLBI Recipient Epidemiology
(RD), but at the national level donations are equally dis- and Donor Evaluation Study (REDS)-II and -III Brazil pro-
tributed in first-time donors (FTD) and RD [1]. gram.
Trends in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) inci- Donor and donation data during the study period were
dence in blood donors and the residual risk of transfusion- collected into a centralized database. The scope of the
transmitted HIV in Brazil are unknown. Donations with data captured in the REDS-II (from 2007 to 2012) and
incident infection, particularly the ones only detected by REDS-III (from 2013 to 2016) databases in Brazil has pre-
nucleic acid testing (NAT), have an increased chance of viously been described [5, 6]. Briefly, potential donors
being missed by current screening assays and could lead included all candidates for blood donation who answered
to transfusion transmission. The higher the incidence in screening questions that included the donor’s health his-
the donor population, the greater the likelihood of dona- tory, a brief physical examination with vital signs and a
tions in the pre-NAT and pre-seroconversion window peri- haematocrit/haemoglobin test. Donor eligibility was fur-
ods. Therefore, monitoring incidence over time provides ther assessed through a face-to-face interview with stan-
an assessment of changes in infection risk in donors as dardized questions, including HIV risk behaviours and
well as an indicator of potential public health concern. risk factors for other transfusion-transmitted infections.
Calculating incidence in repeat donors relies on classi- RTI International, the data-coordinating centre for REDS-
cal methods [2]. However, incidence can also be calcu- III, performed all statistical analyses.
lated in first-time donors using cross-sectional
approaches that rely on measures of HIV antibody matu-
Laboratory methods
ration. Persons with recently acquired infection have
lower anti-HIV IgG antibody avidity. The HIV-1 limiting Samples from all donations were screened by two HIV
antigen avidity enzyme immunoassay (LAg-Avidity EIA) chemiluminescence immunoassays (ChLIA) or EIAs in
measures antibody avidity in persons who have serocon- parallel from 2007 to 2011 and with one serological assay
verted and allows classification of infections as ‘recent’ or and NAT in minipool format of 6 donations per pool
‘long-term’[3]. The objective of this study is to assess starting on various dates in 2011 at each site to 2017.
changes in HIV incidence in blood donors over time in Routine donation screening tests were completed accord-
different geographic locations and to monitor trends in ing to standard operating procedures at each centre, and
HIV incidence in FTD and RD based on the demographic the specific serological assay reagents in use at each cen-
characteristics of the blood donor population in the dif- tre may have varied over time based on the procurement
ferent geographic locations. process used in Brazil. The NAT test for HIV, HCV and
HBV is the Bio-Manguinhos NAT assay in a minipool for-
mat of 6 donations. The assay is the same for all Brazilian
Materials and methods
Public Health Service blood centres and is used to test
about 60% of the overall blood supply in the country [7].
Study setting
All screening test results were reviewed individually for
We estimated HIV incidence in four large public blood each donor including the results from additional testing
centres in Brazil. Together these centres collect of samples obtained by the centres at the time of donor

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HIV incidence among blood donors in Brazil 209

return for confirmation testing and notification. If a final Because our analysis was divided into five 2-year period,
status could not be defined based on these results (e.g. donors only contributed to incidence in the two-year
EIA reactive and NAT negative or not available, with no intervals in which they had two or more donations. For
additional routine testing results available), we performed example, a donor that made their first-ever donation in
Western blot (MP Diagnostics HIV Blot 22) on the dona- the second interval (2009–2010) would contribute to FTD
tion sample at a central laboratory in Sao Paulo. person years in the second interval. If the donor made a
Available HIV EIA reactive samples were tested at Vita- second donation in the same interval, then the donor
lant Research Institute (San Francisco, CA) using the would also contribute person years to RD incidence. If the
LAg-Avidity EIA (Sedia BioSciences, Portland, OR). In donor made two or more donations in the third interval
accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions for use, (2011–2012), after making at least one in the second
samples with an initial normalized optical density (ODn) interval, then that donor would further contribute person
value of ≤20 were retested in triplicate, with the median years to RD incidence in the third interval.
of the retest results constituting the final result. Any sam- Repeat donors with HIV infection are assumed to be
ple with a final ODn of ≤15 was classified as a recently infected at the mid-point of the inter-donation interval.
acquired infection [8]. The total individual inter-donation intervals for unin-
fected donors and half of the inter-donation intervals for
infected donors are then summed to determine the total
Calculation of incidence among first-time donors
person years. The incidence rates are calculated as the
We defined a FTD to be someone with no history of number of infections divided by the py, reported as /105
donation at the participating blood centre. A FTD with an py, and with associated Wald 95% CIs.
HIV-negative donation could also contribute to the RD
analysis if that person donated at least one more time
Calculation of residual risk for first-time and
after their first donation. FTD with unknown or indeter-
repeat donors
minate HIV status or having long-standing infections
(based on LAg) were excluded from the numerator and The residual risk (RR) was estimated by multiplying the
denominator of the incidence calculation. We used LAg overall incidence estimate for 2015–2016 with a model-
results to derive incidence using a mean duration of based estimate of the infectious window period (‘risk day
recent infection (MDRI) of 129 days, which is the esti- equivalents’) with minipool NAT screening using the Bio-
mated MDRI for HIV clade B infection using an ODn Manguinhos NAT assay. The model relies on virus doubling
threshold of 15 [9]. HIV incidence was computed as the time during ramp-up phase viremia [9] the probability of
number of recent infections over person years. Uninfected non-detection by minipool NAT screening – estimated using
donors contributed 129 days each to the total time at risk the reported 50% and 95% limits of detection (LoD), calcu-
(denominator), while recently infected donors contributed lated from analytic standards [7], the probability of infec-
645 days, based on the assumption of HIV infection tion when a single virion is present in the transfused
occurring, on average, at the mid-point of the MDRI. product (per-virion infectiousness) [10] and transfused vol-
Results were reported as the HIV infection rate per ume of plasma. The per-virion infectiousness is inferred
100 000 person years (/105py). These estimates were from limited data generated using the simian immunodefi-
adjusted for non-LAg avidity tested HIV-positive samples ciency virus (SIV) Macaque transmission model for HIV
assuming the same proportion of recent and long-term infection [11]. We estimated a point estimate and plausible
infections as in the tested population. Wald 95% confi- range for the residual risk of HIV transmission by packed
dence intervals (CI) were calculated for each rate. red blood cell (pRBC) and fresh frozen plasma (FFP) transfu-
Incidence by blood centre was calculated overall and sion, with an average of 20 and 200 ml of plasma, respec-
for each of the following 2-year periods: 2007–2008, tively [10, 12]. The plausible range is based on the lower
2009–2010, 2011–2012, 2013–2014 and 2015–2016. We and upper bounds of the incidence estimate confidence
generated these estimates individually for each centre and interval and a range of assumed per-virion infectivity
then in aggregate for all three centres. For donors from levels. The upper end of the range was conservative since it
Rio de Janeiro, we calculated incidence for each of the assumed an infectious dose at which no animals in the SIV
last 2 time periods (data available starting in 2013). Macaque studies were infected [11].

Calculation of incidence among repeat donors Statistical analysis

Repeat donors were defined as any person who made at We analysed data using SAS 9.4 (SAS Institute, Cary,
least two donations during the 10-year study period. North Carolina, USA). Results are reported by FTD/RD

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210 S. de Oliveira Garcia Mateos et al.

status and blood centre. Other potentially important vari- overall or by individual blood centre (Fig. 1) for FTD or
ables influencing incidence included age and sex, type of RD incidence rates.
donation (community or replacement), and calendar time
interval. To assess which factors were independently asso-
Incidence in first-time donors (FTD)
ciated with incident infection in multivariable analysis,
we employed backward elimination using predictor vari- Among FTD the HIV incidence was highest in Recife
ables associated with HIV infection at a level of P ≤ 005 (451/105 py) followed by Sao Paulo (322/105 py) and
from bivariable analyses. The final multivariable models then Belo Horizonte (233/105 py) (Table 2). Overall, Belo
include variables significantly associated with incident Horizonte had the lowest incidence in FTD donors in each
HIV infection in FTD and RD at a level of P ≤ 005. Con- 2-year period, except 2009–2010 (363/105 py). When
fidence intervals for incidence adjusting for covariates stratified by age, the highest HIV incidence was observed
were computed using multivariable Poisson regression. among blood donors < 24 years old in Recife at 538/105
For each parameter included, the Poisson regression py. In S~ao Paulo and Belo Horizonte the highest inci-
model estimates the confidence intervals, and the Wald dence was among donors 25–34 years old (432/105 py
chi-square statistic and associated P-value. The relative and 295/105 py, respectively). By 2-year interval, inci-
incidence (incidence rate ratio) for levels or categories of dence varied among FTD donors, but no specific trend
each predictor variable compared to the reference group was evident. The results for Rio de Janeiro show inci-
within each variable are reported as exponentiated values dence rates in FTD in the 2 later 2-year periods (2013–
to indicate excess risk in incidence in different levels of 2014 and 2015–2016) to be similar in magnitude to those
each categorical variable. Values above 1 indicate greater in Recife and Sao Paulo. HIV incidence in FTD donors
incidence relative to the reference group and values was highest in Recife males, community donors and
below 1 indicate lower incidence, adjusting for all other those < 24 years of age, all over 50/105 py. Incidence in
factors included in the model. HIV incidence rates were FTD male donors in Sao Paulo was also over 50/105 py
compared for the five 2-year calendar periods, and we (Table 2). HIV incidence among FTD was higher among
used Poisson regression to assess linear trends in inci- community donors compared with replacement donors in
dence over calendar time. The residual risk model was all sites. The left panel of Fig. 2 shows the age-stratified
implemented in Python 37 (Python Software Foundation, incidence rates for FTD. The results do not show any
Beaverton, OR, USA) and is publicly available [13]. specific patterns or trends for FTD.
In the multivariable analysis, two factors were signifi-
cantly associated with HIV incidence in FTD. The inci-
Ethical considerations
dence risk ratio was 024 (95% CI 014–041) times lower
Study protocols were approved by the Federal Committee in females compared to males and 239 (95% CI 154–
on Human Subjects (CONEP) of the Ministry of Health in 370) times higher in community donors compared to
Brazil as part of the REDS-II/III International Program, replacement donors. No other factors including blood
local ethical committees at each blood centre, and also centre, age or 2-year interval were significantly associ-
the UCSF and RTI IRBs in United States. ated with incidence in FTD.

Results Incidence in repeat donors (RD)

The four blood centres together collected over 400 000 Overall, the incidence in RD was highest in Recife fol-
donations per year during the study period. The study lowed by Belo Horizonte and S~ao Paulo. The results for
population in Recife, Belo Horizonte and S~ao Paulo com- Rio de Janeiro show incidence rates in RD in the 3 later
prised 930,180 (366%) FTD and 1,614,172 (634%) dona- 2-year periods to be similar in magnitude to those of
tions by RD (Table 1). Hemorio was not included in the the other centres. The HIV incidence was higher among
10-year analysis. We did include data from Hemorio con- younger blood donors (<24 years old) and decreased
sisting of 173 497 (735%) FTD between 2013 and 2016, with age at each of the three blood centres (Table 2).
and 62 447 (265%) RD between 2011 and 2016. The High variability was evident in each of the 2-year inter-
overall incidence of HIV among FTD was 344/105 py and vals when comparing age groups (Fig. 2). We found
among RD was 251/105 py. The HIV incidence varied by higher incidence of HIV among community as compared
blood centre, from 451/105 py in Recife to 233/105 py to replacement donors in Recife (377/105 py vs. 248/
in Belo Horizonte among FTD and from 332/105 py in 105 py), Belo Horizonte (279 vs. 133/105 py) and S~ao
Recife to 17/105 py in S~ao Paulo among RD (Table 2). Paulo (175 vs. 81/105 py). The right panel of Fig. 2
There were no significant trends by 2-year intervals either shows the age-stratified incidence rates for RD with

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Table 1 Characteristics of the 2 544 352 donations by First-time and Repeat donors, 2007–2016

First-time donora Repeat donor

Characteristics Number of donations % Number of donations %

Overall 930 180 1 614 172

Blood Centre
Recife 326 177 351 585 249 362
Belo Horizonte 230 259 248 330 413 205
S~ao Paulo 373 744 401 698 510 433
Type of donation
Community 471 917 507 1 188 359 736
Replacement 458 263 493 420 869 261
Missingb 0 0 4 944 03
Age (years)
≤24 332 206 357 213 933 133
25-34 334 699 360 556 059 345
35-44 161 381 173 462 075 286
≥45 101 894 110 378 211 234
Missing 0 0 3 894 02
Female 400 634 431 431 776 267
Male 529 546 569 1 182 396 733
2007-2008 186 128 200 318 099 197
2009-2010 191 392 206 339 138 210
2011-2012 194 300 209 331 319 205
2013-2014 194 330 209 317 548 197
2015-2016 164 030 176 308 068 191

First-time donors included in the analysis are donors with no previous donation screening data at the participating blood centres.
Repeat donor is those with two or more donations in each two-year estimation interval. Each donor only contributes person-time to those intervals
where he or she made two or more donations.

lower incidence in older RD more evident in Recife and weighted average of first-time and repeat donor inci-
Belo Horizonte. dence, weighted according to the numbers of donations
Multivariable analysis showed a significant difference from each group at each centre for 2015–2016. The over-
between the blood centres. The incidence rate ratio in RD all residual risk for HIV was 546 (plausible range: 307–
was 191 (95% CI 125–293) times higher in Recife and 847) and 741 (441–1103) transmissions per million
was also borderline significantly higher in Belo Horizonte pRBC and FFP transfusions, respectively (Table 4). Addi-
compared with Sao Paulo (Table 3). Similar to FTD, the tionally, residual risk in a best-case scenario (better sensi-
incidence risk ratio in RD was 031 (95% CI 018–054) tivity of the NAT assay, as reported using clinical
times lower in females compared to males and 178 (95% samples) [7] was estimated at 226 per million pRBC
CI 116–274) times higher in community donors com- transfusions, and in a worst-case scenario (a single virion
pared to replacement donors. In addition, incidence rate in the product would cause transfusion-transmitted infec-
ratios ranged from sixfold to threefold higher in age tion) was estimated at 888 per million pRBC transfusions.
groups <24, 25–34, 35–44, respectively, compared to
≥45-year-old RD. Following multivariable adjustment, we
did not observe incidence differences in RD by 2-year
intervals. In this study, we found incidence is higher in FTD com-
pared to RD donors, consistent with data reported for
other countries. However, the incidence rates in FTD and
Residual risk of HIV transfusion transmission
RD donors in Brazil are more similar in magnitude than
We estimated contemporary residual risk of TT-HIV, after reported for other countries [14] Incidence in both FTD
the adoption of MP6 NAT screening for HIV. We used a and RD varied between the blood centres, type of

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212 S. de Oliveira Garcia Mateos et al.

Table 2 HIV Incidence per 100 000 Person Years and 95% Confidence Interval (CI) by characteristics for First-time and Repeat donors, 2007–2016

Characteristics Recife 95% Cl Belo Horizonte 95% Cl S~

ao Paulo 95% Cl Rio de Janeiro 95% Cl

First-time donors
Time interval
All yearsa 451 344–592 233 149–366 322 242–42.9 N/Ab N/A
2007–08 342 144–813 196 63–609 266 133–532 N/A N/A
2009–10 631 342–1163 363 163–809 173 72–415 N/A N/A
2011–12 348 138–876 31 104–927 372 206–671 N/A N/A
2013–14 575 255–1299 188 06–5616 598 372–961 3614 172–758
2015–16 355 153–822 114 28–455 209 94–464 4587 238–882
Type of donation
Community 640 406–1008 389 197–768 377 277–514 N/A N/A
Replacement 348 200–606 138 58–329 176 84–369 N/A N/A
Age (years)
≤24 538 337–861 221 93–525 372 228–607 N/A N/A
25–34 409 213–786 295 127–684 432 281–662 N/A N/A
35–44 330 9–1207 163 41–65 297 142–624 N/A N/A
≥45 410 137–1227 143 2–1017 119 3–474 N/A N/A
Female 206 82–52 75 24–232 114 57–229 N/A N/A
Male 575 392–842 388 212–709 514 375–703 N/A N/A
Repeat donors
Time interval
All years 332 260–423 275 192–394 170 124–232 N/A N/A
2007–08 349 207–589 175 66–467 248 141–436 N/A N/A
2009–10 372 224–617 365 19–701 104 43–249 N/A N/A
2011–12 182 87–381 177 67–472 258 147–455 209 87–503
2013–14 337 196–58 404 202–808 184 92–368 43 215–861
2015–16 415 255–678 261 109–627 46 12–185 255 96–681
Type of donation
Community 377 313–454 279 216–36 175 147–208 N/A N/A
Replacement 248 207–298 133 87–201 81 34–194 N/A N/A
Age (years)
≤24 782 584–1048 678 458–1003 255 145–449 N/A N/A
25–34 429 358–514 262 193–358 248 193–318 N/A N/A
35–44 196 147–261 138 84–225 162 119–22 N/A N/A
≥45 95 6–148 24 06–95 69 42–113 N/A N/A
Female 172 116–257 86 5–149 63 4–99 N/A N/A
Male 326 284–374 293 232–37 233 193–28 N/A N/A

Overall estimates for first–time donors using weighted averages.
N/A - HIV-positive first-time blood donations in Rio de Janeiro were analysed only between the years 2013–2016 and for repeat donors were analysed
between 2011 and 2016.

donation, and by donor demographic characteristics of hence leading to higher infection rates in replacement
age and sex. donors, but our results do not align with this expectation.
Our 10-year analysis expands previous findings show- The reasons why HIV incidence is higher in community
ing that HIV incidence was higher among community donors in Brazil are not known. Previous results from our
rather than replacement blood donors [6] and challenges group have shown that test-seeking behaviour is higher
WHO guidelines, which recommend community over among HIV-positive blood donors than donors with no
replacement donation [1]. The conventional thinking is infection [15]. In our previous study, although the pro-
that replacement donors may feel compelled to donate portion of test seekers was higher among replacement
and therefore may not fully answer screening questions donors, this association was not maintained in multivari-
intended to exclude donors with infectious disease risks able analysis [16]. Therefore, test-seeking behaviour is

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HIV incidence among blood donors in Brazil 213

São Paulo Recife


120 120
HI V I nc i denc e

HIV Incidence
100 100

80 80

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
2007-08 2009-10 2011-12 2013-14 2015-16 2007-08 2009-10 2011-12 2013-14 2015-16

Belo Horizonte Rio de Janeiro


120 120

HIV Incidence
HI V I nc i denc e

100 100

80 80

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
2007-08 2009-10 2011-12 2013-14 2015-16 2007-08 2009-10 2011-12 2013-14 2015-16

Fig. 1 HIV Incidence per 100 000 Person Years and 95% Confidence Interval by Time Interval and Blood Centre for First-Time (FTD) and Repeat Donors
(RD), 2007–2016.

First-time Donors Repeat Donors

140 140

120 120

100 100
80 80
60 60
40 40
20 20
0 0
Recife Belo 32-Minas
Horizonte São Paulo
33-Sao Paulo
31-Recife Belo 32-Minas
Horizonte São

<=24 25-34 35-44 45+ <=24 25-34 35-44 45+

Fig. 2 Comparison of HIV Incidence per 100,000 Person Years and 95% Confidence Interval by Age and Blood Centre for First-Time (FTD) and Repeat
Donors (RD), 2007–2016.

not a simple explanation for why community donors had achieve without effective messaging strategies since the
higher HIV incidence. Test-seeking behaviour is also asso- return rate of replacement FTD is around half that of
ciated with male gender, lower educational attainment community FTD [18]. Additionally, use of pathogen
and lower income [16]. Lack of knowledge of locations reduction has been shown to be effective to reduce risk of
for free and confidential public HIV testing services as TTI, especially when it becomes available for all blood
well as dissatisfaction with past experiences with HIV components. Currently, only plasma and/or platelet inac-
testing has been associated with test seeking at blood tivation procedures are licensed by the US FDA, European
centres [17]. In our current study, we do not know if any Union and other countries [19]. At this time, pathogen
of these factors contribute to incidence rates in FTD or reduction is not being considered for adoption by Brazil-
RD. ian Public Health Service blood centres.
New strategies in donor recruitment and screening are Another aspect of our findings is the age distribution
necessary to avoid the risk of HIV and others infectious of HIV incidence among blood donors. It is expected that
diseases transfusion transmission. A possible model for HIV incidence would be higher among young individuals,
Brazil would be to continue to recruit replacement whether FTD or RD, due to a more active sexual life in
donors, but to focus effort on conversion of those donors younger ages. This pattern is observed among RD but not
to community donors whether they are first-time or among FTD. Another relevant point to note is that in
repeat donors [1]. However, this may be difficult to Recife and Belo Horizonte the young RD have a higher

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214 S. de Oliveira Garcia Mateos et al.

Table 3 Multivariable analysis of the HIV incidence of First-time (FTD) and Repeat donors (RD), 2007 to 2016

First-time donor Repeat donor

Characteristics IRRa Wald 95% Cl P value IRR Wald 95% Cl P value

Blood Centre
Recife 130 084–201 024 191 125–293 <001
Belo Horizonte 076 042–136 035 160 098–261 006
S~ao Paulo 1 1
Type of donation
Community 239 154–370 <001 178 116–274 <001
Replacement 1 1
Age (years)
≤24 167 074–372 021 676 294–1557 <001
25–34 179 080–398 015 664 305–1448 <001
35–44 124 050–306 064 363 160–824 <001
≥45 1 1
Female 024 014–041 <001 031 018–054 <001
Male 1 1
2007–2008 085 042–172 066 103 059–178 092
2009–2010 118 061–227 061 104 060–182 088
2011–2012 108 055–210 081 0,90 050–162 073
2013–2014 160 086–297 013 121 069–210 050
2015–2016 1 1

Incidence rate ratio in the groups compared with the reference group designated by the 1 value.
Bolded parameters indicate those with statistical significance.

Table 4 Residual risk estimate per 1 million donations for 2015 to 2016 and Risk-day equivalents per day for all centres combined

Risk-day equivalents Point Estimate (range)

Residual Risk Point Estimate (range) transmission/million transfusions infectious window period/days

RBC (20 ml) 546 (307–847) 796 (654–938)

FFP (200 ml) 741 (441–1103) 1079 (938–1221)

incidence than young FTD. One reason for this could be 521 per million RBC transfusions, similar residual risk
that ‘at risk’ young individuals are donating more fre- results to ours have been reported for Italy [25]. In our
quently than those at lower risk in the same age groups. study, we estimated RR for both RBC and FFP based on
Efforts to understand the motivations to donate and the the amount of plasma in each component to help further
possibility of test seeking in this group may help blood define risk to recipients in Brazil.
centres to develop specific strategies to reduce donation Our study has limitations. First, we did not have com-
from younger higher risk donors. plete data for Rio de Janeiro available for the entire study
Estimation of residual risk is an important tool to period, so we were unable to assess demographic factors
assess whether reductions in TT-HIV risk are being or trends over time for that blood centre. A second limi-
achieved [20]. Previous research in the Northeast of Brazil tation is that our study was conducted at four blood cen-
for the period 2012-2014 from the State of Para (with tres; as a result, we are not able to comment on trends in
approximately eight million inhabitants) support the order HIV incidence in blood donors in other regions Brazil.
of magnitude of the residual risk we report [21]. Our esti- Despite these limitations, we believe the results from the
mates show that residual risk of HIV transfusion trans- four centres are indicative of general trends in HIV infec-
mission in Brazil is higher than in many other countries, tion in donors in Brazil. The difference in the incidence
such as Germany, reported as 052 [22], France 040 [23] of HIV in males compared to females was stable over
and Canada 004 [24] per million RBC transfusions. At time, and age and regional differences that are consistent

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HIV incidence among blood donors in Brazil 215

with the known epidemiology of HIV infection in Brazil assured way to reduce the risk of transfusion-transmitted
were evident. A third limitation is that the proportion of infection, and particular attention is needed for RD, age
first-time donors for whom we had samples we could test groups and regions with the highest incidence of HIV.
using LAg avidity was 722%, so almost three-quarters of
first-time donors with HIV infection had LAg-avidity
results. We believe this proportion of tested samples is
sufficiently high to give us confidence our incidence cal- We would like to thank George Rutherford, Sheri Lipp-
culations are accurate. We have no reason to be think man, Matt Price and Nancy Hills from the UCSF for their
that sample availability would be different between sam- review and their thoughtful comments.
ples that tested recent versus longstanding on the LAg-
Avidity assay, thus we do not believe our findings are
biased. However, we may have reduced precision in the
form of wider confidence intervals as a result not being Data collection and analysis were funded by the U.S.
able to test all samples from HIV positive first-time National Institutes of Health (NIH) National Heart, Lung,
donors. and Blood Institute (NHLBI) Recipient Epidemiology and
In summary, these incidence results show that a sub- Donor Evaluation Study (REDS-III), International Compo-
stantial number of HIV-infected donors are presenting to nent Brazil (HHSN268201100007I), by a training grant
donate within 4 months of HIV acquisition in Brazil. Over from VRI, and by UCSF from the following grants from
the 10-year study period, this did not substantially NIH: National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), Center
change and consequently, the residual risk of HIV trans- for AIDS Prevention Studies (P30 MH062246), Interna-
mission has remained higher than in developed countries tional Traineeships in AIDS Prevention Studies (ITAPS,
even after the introduction of NAT screening. Our find- R25MH064712).
ings suggest that it remains important to continue efforts
in donor education and refinement of donor recruitment
Conflict of interest
strategies that promote the disclosure of risk at the time
of donation. Reducing donation among the cohort of The authors have disclosed no conflicts of interest.
donors with recently acquired HIV infection is the most

1 WHO: Blood safety and availability. 6 Sabino EC, Goncalez TT, Carneiro- staging of primary HIV infection.
Geneva: World Health Organization. Proietti AB, et al.: Human immunode- AIDS 2003; 17:1871–9
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2 Brambilla DJ, Busch MP, Dodd RY, and residual risk of transmission by melen H, et al.: Refinement of a viral
et al.: A comparison of methods for transfusions at Retrovirus Epidemiol- transmission risk model for blood
estimating the incidence of human ogy Donor Study-II blood centers in donations in seroconversion window
immunodeficiency virus infection in Brazil. Transfusion 2012; 52:870–9 phase screened by nucleic acid testing
repeat blood donors. Transfusion 7 Rocha D, Andrade E, Godoy DT, et al.: in different pool sizes and repeat test
2017; 57:823–31 The Brazilian experience of nucleic algorithms. Transfusion 2011; 51:203–
3 Corporation SB. SediaTM HIV-1 LAg- acid testing to detect human immun- 15
Avidity EIA: single well avidity enzyme odeficiency virus, hepatitis C virus, 11 Ma ZM, Stone M, Piatak M, et al.:
immunoassay for detection of recent and hepatitis B virus infections in High specific infectivity of plasma
HIV-1 infection. 2018; 1:1–28. blood donors. Transfusion 2018; virus from the pre-ramp-up and ramp-
4 ANVISA: Ag^encia Nacional de Vig- 58:862–70 up stages of acute simian immunode-
il^ancia Sanitaria. ANVISA, PRODUC ~
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HEMOTERAPICA, Hemoprod 2017. et al.: Recalibration of the limiting 83:3288–97
2018. antigen avidity EIA to determine mean 12 Bruhn R, Lelie N, Custer B, et al.:
5 Carneiro-Proietti AB, Sabino EC, Leao duration of recent infection in diver- Prevalence of human immunodefi-
S, et al.: Human T-lymphotropic virus gent HIV-1 subtypes. PLoS One 2015; ciency virus RNA and antibody in
type 1 and type 2 seroprevalence, inci- 10:e0114947 first-time, lapsed, and repeat blood
dence, and residual transfusion risk 9 Fiebig EW, Wright DJ, Rawal BD, donations across five international
among blood donors in Brazil during et al.: Dynamics of HIV viremia and regions and relative efficacy of alter-
2007–2009. AIDS Res Hum Retro- antibody seroconversion in plasma native screening scenarios. Transfu-
viruses 2012; 28:1265–72 donors: implications for diagnosis and sion 2013; 53:2399–412

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13 Grebe E: Residual risk of HIV transfu- motivation and prior HIV testing 22 an der Heiden M, Ritter S, Hamouda
sion transmission with NAT screening. experiences in S~ao Paulo, Brazil. AIDS O, et al.: Estimating the residual risk
Zenodo 2019; Version v1.0 Behav 2015; 19:1574–8 for HIV, HCV and HBV in different
14 Vermeulen M, Lelie N, Coleman C, 18 de Almeida Neto C, Mendrone A, Cus- types of platelet concentrates in Ger-
et al.: Assessment of HIV transfusion ter B, et al.: Interdonation intervals many. Vox Sang 2015; 108:123–30
transmission risk in South Africa: a and patterns of return among blood 23 Pillonel J, Laperche S, sang EFd:
10-year analysis following implemen- donors in Brazil. Transfusion 2012; Trends in risk of transfusion-transmit-
tation of individual donation nucleic 52:722–8 ted viral infections (HIV, HCV, HBV)
acid amplification technology testing 19 Schlenke P: Pathogen inactivation in France between 1992 and 2003 and
and donor demographics eligibility technologies for cellular blood compo- impact of nucleic acid testing (NAT).
changes. Transfusion 2019; 59:267–76 nents: an update. Transfus Med Euro Surveill 2005; 10:5–8
15 Moreno EC, Bruhn R, Sabino EC, Hemother 2014; 41:309–25 24 O’Brien SF, Yi QL, Fan W, et al.:
et al.: Test seeking: are healthcare pro- 20 Busch MP: Residual risks of viral Residual risk of HIV, HCV and HBV in
fessionals referring people to blood transmission by transfusions and pro- Canada. Transfus Apher Sci 2017;
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41:229–35 Study (REDS). Transfus Clin Biol Prevalence, incidence and residual risk
16 Oliveira CD, Goncalez T, Wright D, 1996; 3:7–11 of transfusion-transmitted hepatitis C
et al.: Relationship between social 21 Vieira PCM, Lamar~ao LM, Amaral virus and human immunodeficiency
capital and test seeking among blood CEM, et al.: Residual risk of transmis- virus after the implementation of
donors in Brazil. Vox Sang 2013; sion of human immunodeficiency nucleic acid testing in Italy: a 7-year
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17 Truong HM, Blatyta PF, Santos FM, by blood transfusion in northern Bra- 2018; 16:422–32
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Carolina Miranda, Tassila Salomon, Andre Rolim Belisar-

io, Anna Barbara de Freitas Carneiro-Proietti; Fundacß~ao
Hemope (Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil): Paula Loureiro;
The Recipient Epidemiology and Donor
Hemorio (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil): Maria Esther Duarte
Evaluation Study (REDS-III) International
Lopes, Luis Amorim Filho, Sheila de Oliveira Garcia
Component Brazil is the responsibility of the
Mateos; Data Warehouse: University of S~ao Paulo (S~ao
following persons
Paulo, Brazil): Jo~ao Eduardo Ferreira, Mina Cintho,
Brazil Investigators Marcio Oikawa, and Pedro Losco Takecian.
Departamento de Molestias Infecciosas e Parasitarias da U.S. Investigators
Faculdade de Medicina, University of S~ao Paulo, S~ao Vitalant Research Institute, San Francisco, California,
Paulo, Brazil: Ester Cerdeira Sabino, Ligia Capuani; USA: Brian Custer, Shannon Kelly, Michael P. Busch, Ed-
Fundacß~ao Pro-Sangue/Hemocentro S~ao Paulo, S~ao Paulo, uard Grebe, Clara Di Germanio, Mars Stone; Coordinating
Brazil: Cesar de Almeida Neto, Alfredo Mendrone Jr., and Center RTI, USA: Liliana Preiss, Donald Brambilla;
Nanci Salles; Federal University of Sao Joao del-Rei, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, NIH: Simone
Divinopolis, Minas Gerais, Brazil: Claudia Di Lorenzo Oli- Glynn.
veira; Hemominas (Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil):

© 2020 International Society of Blood Transfusion

Vox Sanguinis (2021) 116, 207–216
Vox Sanguinis (2021) 116, 217–224
© 2020 International Society of Blood Transfusion
ORIGINAL PAPER DOI: 10.1111/vox.13008

Clinical outcomes of cardiac surgery patients undergoing

therapeutic plasma exchange for heparin-induced
Ingrid Moreno-Duarte,1 Mary Cooter,1 Oluwatoyosi A. Onwuemene,2 Kamrouz Ghadimi1 & Ian J Welsby1
Department of Anesthesiology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, USA
Division of Hematology, Department of Medicine, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, USA

Background and Objectives Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) is an anti-

body-mediated condition that leads to thrombocytopenia and possible thrombo-
sis. Patients with HIT who require cardiac surgery pose a challenge as high doses
of heparin or heparin alternatives are required to permit cardiopulmonary bypass
(CPB). Intraoperative therapeutic plasma exchange (TPE) is a valuable adjunct in
the management of antibody-mediated syndromes including HIT. The clinical
impact of TPE on thromboembolic events, bleeding and mortality after heparin
re-exposure is not well established. We hypothesized that TPE with heparin re-
exposure will not lead to HIT-related thromboembolic events, bleeding or
increased mortality after cardiac surgery with CPB.
Materials and Methods We reviewed 330 patients who received perioperative
TPE between September 2012 and September 2017.
Results Twenty four patients received TPE for HIT before anticipated heparin use
for CPB. Most patients were males (79%) scheduled for advanced heart failure
therapies. Three patients (125%) died within 30 days after surgery but none of
the deaths were considered HIT-related. Thromboembolic events (TE) occurred in
3 patients within 7 days of surgery; of those, two were possibly HIT-related.
Conclusion Therapeutic plasma exchange with heparin re-exposure was not
strongly associated with HIT-related thrombosis/death after cardiac surgery with
Received: 20 January 2020,
revised 29 July 2020,
accepted 31 August 2020, Key words: cardiac surgery, heparin, plasma exchange, platelet factor 4, thrombo-
published online 23 September 2020 cytopenia.

medical indications, and in approximately 50% of

patients exposed to heparin during the course of cardiac
Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) is a prothrom- surgery. Patients with HIT who require cardiac surgery
botic condition in which antibodies to the antigenic com- pose a challenge as high doses of heparin or heparin
plex of heparin and platelet factor 4 antigen (anti- alternatives are required to permit cardiopulmonary
heparin/PF4) activate platelets to degranulate and aggre- bypass (CPB). The risks of thrombosis associated with
gate in the microcirculation [1]. These events lead to early heparin re-exposure during CPB must be balanced
thrombocytopenia and possible thrombosis [1]. Serocon- against the adverse effects (i.e. bleeding and circuit
version occurs in 8–17% of patients requiring heparin for thrombosis) that are a consequence from the use of irre-
versible heparin alternatives such as bivalirudin [2–4] for
Correspondence: Ian Welsby, Department of Anesthesiology, Duke
which there are no reversal agents or adequate intraoper-
University Medical Center, 10 Duke Medicine Cir, Durham, NC 27710, ative laboratory monitoring strategies to date.
USA. Intraoperative therapeutic plasma exchange (TPE) is a
Email: valuable adjunct in the management of antibody-

218 I. Moreno-Duarte et al.

mediated syndromes including HIT. TPE permits heparin heparin is removed during TPE, additional heparin was
use by removing immune complexes and HIT antibodies infused during the exchange based on the following esti-
[5]. Intraoperative TPE allows the use of heparin rather mation. Assuming a haematocrit of 025, we replaced
than irreversible heparin alternatives. In a retrospective heparin lost during TPE as calculated by 4 U/ml of
study of 11 HIT or heparin/PF4 seropositive patients plasma removed administered as a 4000-U bolus after
undergoing TPE in preparation for cardiac surgery, a sin- every litre removed with any remainder at the completion
gle TPE treatment reduced heparin/PF4 titres by 50–84%, of treatment.
and 7 of 9 patients had normal anti-heparin/PF4 levels Daily minimum platelet counts were abstracted 7 days
after treatment [6]. Following re-exposure to heparin, no before to 30 days after TPE. Arterial/venous thromboem-
serious adverse complications of HIT or to TPE were bolic (TE) events within 7 days of TPE and survival status
noted. up to 30 days were determined. Patient demographic and
Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia is associated with clinical variables were summarized by frequency (%) for
postoperative morbidity and mortality. Recent studies categorical and mean (SD) or median [IQR] for continuous
have shown that clinical complications of thrombosis and variables.
thrombocytopenia are highly correlated with antibody
levels [7,8]. Studies have also shown that TPE effectively
removes heparin/PF4 antibodies [6,9]. The clinical impact
of TPE on thromboembolic events, bleeding and mortality Patient demographic and descriptive data are summarized
after heparin re-exposure is not well established. We in Table 1. We reviewed 330 patients who received intra-
hypothesized that TPE with heparin re-exposure will not operative TPE between September 2012 and September
lead to HIT-related thromboembolic events, bleeding or 2017 (Fig. 1). Of the 164 patients that underwent TPE
increased mortality after cardiac surgery with CPB. during cardiac surgery using CPB, 24 patients received
TPE for HIT before anticipated heparin use for CPB; the
remainder received TPE in order to clear human leukocyte
antigen (HLA) specific antibodies prior to heart or lung
After obtaining IRB approval, we retrospectively reviewed transplantation. All patients (24) had a history of HIT.
cardiac surgical patients undergoing TPE before CPB with Also, seven patients (29%) had a history of prior VTE, but
heparin between September 2012–September 2017. We it was not clear from the records if this was HITT based
identified adult patients ≥18 years with a prior history of on timing therefore we did not include this. Of the 24, 12
HIT (decrease in the platelet count of more than 50% patients had preoperative anti-heparin/PF4 antibody test-
from the highest platelet count value after the start of ing at our hospital; we had other patients transferred to
heparin with an onset 5–10 days after the start of hep- us from outside hospitals with a history of HIT and a
arin) or preoperative anti- heparin/PF4 antibody seroposi- ‘positive ELISA’ although we did not have these data in
tivity (polyclonal ELISA OD >04; GTI PF4 EIA, GTI our records.
diagnostics, Waukesha, WI, USA) as their indication for Most patients (790%, 18 patients, Table 1) were males
TPE, which was performed as described in a previous scheduled for advanced heart failure therapies (i.e. left
study [6]. The American Society for Apheresis (ASFA) ventricular assist device insertion or heart transplanta-
designates TPE for pre-CPB in HIT as category III (opti- tion), they all received heparin for CPB. Twenty-one
mum role of apheresis therapy is not established. Decision patients were anticoagulated with bivalirudin before sur-
making should be individualized) [10]. The level of evi- gery, one patient with argatroban and one patient with
dence is grade 2C. coumadin. Postoperative anticoagulation for the LVAD
Therapeutic plasma exchange was performed using the patients used bivaiirudin. The median preoperative HIT
COBE Spectra (from 2012 to 2015) or Spectra Optia  ELISA test optical density (OD) of 139 [067, 243]. Two
(2014 to 2017) after the induction of general anaesthesia. patients with a positive polyclonal heparin/PF4
TPE was performed with plasma replacement using a ELISA, were subsequently negative on the IgG specific
standardized protocol to exchange 10 plasma volume assay.
(approximately 3500–4500 ml based on the patient’s Platelet counts typically reached a nadir on the day of
height, weight, gender and haematocrit [11]. The timing surgery and steadily recovered for most patients during
of TPE was dependent on the haemodynamic stability of the first ten postoperative days (as shown in Fig. 2 and
the patient. Ideally, it was performed before hepariniza- individually as Fig. S2). For the 24 patients, in the cohort
tion (400 U/kg as a bolus) but if necessary, heparin was the preoperative median was 160 x 103/mm3. The lowest
given, CPB initiated to stabilize the patient, and TPE per- daily median occurred on the day of surgery and had a
formed during CPB as previously described [12]. Because median of 100 x 103/mm3. Thereafter, the median values

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Plasma exchange, HIT and cardiac surgery 219

Table 1 Demographic data

Variable (n = 24 patients) Mean – SD Percentage (n)

Age (years) 552 – 944

Gender (Male) 79% (19)
Heart transplant 21% (6)
VAD insertion/replacement 54% (13)
Other procedures 22% (5)
African American 37% (9)
Caucasian 54% (13)
Other 4% (2)
BMI 320 – 980
Height (m) 175 – 009
Weight (kg) 983 – 302
Preoperative Anti-heparin/PF4 Antibody OD value 139 – 089
Nonischaemic cardiomyopathy 62% (15)
Ischaemic cardiomyopathy 29% (7)
Coronary artery disease 33% (8)
Mod-Sev Aortic stenosis/regurgitation 50% (12)
Atrial fibrillation/flutter 50% (12)
Diabetes 42% (10)
Hypertension 67% (16)
Smoker 8% (2)
Hypercholesterolemia 62% (15)
CKD 42% (10)
ESRD 4% (1)
Previous MI 25% (6)
Previous stroke 12% (3)
Prior VTE 29% (7)
Peripheral Vascular Disease 8% (2)
Mechanical circulatory support 67% (16)
Preoperative IABP 58% (9)
Preoperative VA ECMO 8% (5)
Preoperative VV ECMO 4% (2)
Preoperative LVAD 25% (6)
Redo sternotomy 29% (7)

monotonically increased through postoperative day 10 to 001], and the Wilcoxon Signed rank P-value is 0037,
a median of 292 x 103/mm3. By day 16, all platelet suggesting a significant decrease in OD level in this
counts were above 150 x 103/mm3. patient group.
Only 11 patients had a postoperative HIT ELISA Three patients (125%) died within 30 days after sur-
retested. These patients had a preoperative median OD of gery. One patient died after a haemorrhagic stroke with
199 and a single, intraoperative TPE treatment reduced subsequent brain death. The platelet counts in the weeks
the OD titre to a median of 034. One patient had a sig- preceding death were normal (Fig. S1) The second patient
nificantly increased OD titre after TPE (09 preoperatively died from respiratory failure secondary to pneumonia.
to 141 postoperatively), although this was an increase in The third patient had multiorgan failure secondary to sep-
the polyclonal ELISA only. The IgG specific ELISA was sis; this patient presented with a TE event associated with
negative. There was no difference between pre and post- a drop in his platelet count after an initial recovery, that
operative OD titres in two patients, and for the remaining could have been HIT related. He died later after resolution
seven, the OD titres were reduced by 35–85% from the of thrombocytopenia; the cause of death was unrelated to
preoperative value (Fig. 3). Similarly, seven patients the prior TE event and was not TE-related. None of the
decreased their postoperative OD to <04. The median deaths were considered HIT-related, as the platelet counts
[Q1, Q3] change from pre-to-post surgery is -157 [-201, were normal at the time of death. For these three patients,

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220 I. Moreno-Duarte et al.

Fig. 1 CONSORT 2010 flow diagram.

Fig. 2 Platelet trajectories for all patients. This graph shows the daily mean platelet count. The band represents the 95% confidence interval.

the preoperative median OD was 247 [0233–2487]. After

TPE, the median OD was 0467 [0151–0933]. Discussion
Thromboembolic events occurred in three patients We present a series of 24 patients with current or recent
within 7 days of surgery. Two were possibly HIT-related. HIT that were treated with TPE to remove heparin/PF4
One was a stroke with an ELISA OD four days before the antibodies and allow standard heparin anticoagulation for
TE of 047 and a PLT count of 54 x 103. The second their complex cardiac surgery. These patients were suc-
event was a deep venous thrombosis with an ELISA OD cessfully re-exposed to heparin, without intraoperative
1 day before the TE of 093 with a PLT count of incident, to permit cardiopulmonary bypass. In our
106 x 102. A third TE occurred well after platelet count cohort, platelet counts reached a nadir on the day of sur-
recovery to 330 x 103 and was therefore unlikely HIT-re- gery. Platelet counts typically decrease during cardiac
lated. surgery as a result of blood loss, transfusion,

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Plasma exchange, HIT and cardiac surgery 221

Fig. 3 Median [Q1, Q3] change from pre-to-post surgery. The median [Q1, Q3] change from pre-to-post surgery is -157 [-201, 001]. The Wilcoxon
Signed rank P-value is 0037.

haemodilution and activation with sequestration in the provided they had stable platelet counts postoperatively
extracorporeal circuit (primarily the fibres of the oxy- or could tolerate bivalirudin anticoagulation. Repeated
genator). It is challenging to differentiate this from HIT, postoperative TPE may be unwarranted due to risks of
other than it is an expected observation with a typical haemodynamic instability and exposure to additional
nadir on the day of surgery, or the day after, with subse- blood products. However, it is unknown whether addi-
quent recovery. The postoperative platelet count profile tional TPE based on repeat anti- heparin/PF4 testing
seems to follow two specific patterns in the setting of HIT could help further reduce TE complications in this morbid
[13]. One of the patterns is biphasic and shows an initial group. Serial PF4-dependent enzyme-immunoassay (EIA)
recovery of the platelet count post bypass with a subse- testing for HIT antibodies may be useful especially if the
quent decrease in the count of at least 40% compared to IgG specific ELISA is unavailable. This is a simple, feasi-
the maximum postoperative value. The second pattern is ble method but is technically challenging as it only
monophasic with a low platelet count that persists in detects HIT antibodies indirectly [15].
postoperative days 5–10. The Lillo-Le Lo€ uet score was There is no predetermined value for defining high-titre
created to diagnose HIT after CPB and includes the post- antibodies, and OD levels correlate poorly with antibody
operative platelet profile as a variable [14]. burden. The sensitivity and specificity for PF4/heparin
Anti-heparin/PF4 antibody titres were significantly optical density >040 is reported as 100% and 26%
reduced (by 35–85%) in the majority of the patients with respectively [16], which means that some patients with
available postoperative antibody testing data. A previous positive test results in this assay may never develop HIT
study also reported a reduction of 50%–84% after a single [17–19]. Some authors suggest that an OD >10–14
TPE treatment [6]. In our cohort, only two of the three TE increases the risk of thrombosis [18,20]. In our study, of
events were possibly HIT-related, and none of the deaths the eleven patients with postoperative OD data, 10 had
were likely HIT-related. Therefore, TPE could be consid- OD below 1, while one patient had a postoperative OD
ered a reasonable option for patients with HIT requiring >14. Interestingly, this patient neither presented with TE
urgent cardiac surgery who were considered clinically nor died in the first 30 days after surgery. The relation-
unsuitable for heparin alternatives [2], due to complexity ship between OD and antibody levels are expressed
of surgery with anticipated long duration and therefore a through a hyperbolic curve function [21]. At high ODs
large expected total bivalirudin dose in the setting of (>2–3), antibody saturation in the ELISA does not accu-
likely renal dysfunction and high bleeding risk. rately reflect the antibody burden or actual titre. Serial
None of the patients underwent additional TPE treat- dilutions of test samples over a wide range help to quan-
ments aiming to achieve complete antibody removal, tify the titre of antibody present.

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222 I. Moreno-Duarte et al.

Accuracy in the assessment of titres is particularly rele- This study is a case series without a control group and,
vant for HIT TPE, as one exchange may not be sufficient consequently, has some limitations. It included a small
to remove high-titre antibodies [22,23]. Some HIT patients number of patients, and not all patients had confirmatory
with high ODs and high titres are likely to need more tests (e.g. SRA). We based the diagnosis on PF4/heparin
than one TPE to lower circulating PF4/H antibody burden. EIA only, which may be insufficient as only 50% of anti-
Functional assays such as a serotonin release assay (SRA) bodies causing a positive EIA have clinical relevance.
or heparin-induced platelet activation assay (HIPA), are Most of the available SRA results were reported late dur-
more specific for immune-mediated HIT but take longer, ing the hospital stay, which made them clinically unhelp-
are more technically demanding, and not widely available ful. We also did not check for antibody re-emergence
[23]. Achieving SRA negativity through multiple sessions which may be a possibility after re-exposure to heparin.
of TPE can remove a sufficient amount of HIT antibodies Bivalirudin for complex redo surgery has not been
despite persistent positive titres with ELISA [22]. In our studied, and the bleeding risk in this setting maybe even
study, the patients were not tested with functional assays higher. TPE permits standard anticoagulation for complex
after TPE, but previous studies have shown that the med- procedures and may be a feasible option for these types
ian time to a negative SRA after a single session is of procedures. Genetic assessments may also be useful in
around 50 days [24,25]. To date, TPE is scarcely used for future studies to correlate the response to TPE to specific
HIT in most institutions, mostly because it is not recog- genotypes.
nized as an option. In a recent survey [26], only 37% of
the surveyed institutions used TPE for HIT for indications
such as cardiovascular surgery and HIT-associated throm-
bosis. There were no major complications from TPE. Hae- Intraoperative TPE is one strategy to facilitate standard
modynamic instability due to TPE or any plasma reaction heparin anticoagulation during CPB in patients requiring
was not apparent, although they may have been masked urgent cardiac surgery in the setting of acute HIT. Modi-
because patients were anaesthetized and often already fying the protocol to plan for additional TPE based on
maintained on vasoactive medications. There were no repeat anti-heparin/PF4 testing could further reduce
technical issues encountered. Hypocalcemia is expected thromboembolic complications, depending on the results
and was prevented with concomitant intravenous calcium of future studies.
gluconate administration (3–4 g).
Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) is emerging as a
useful approach that can also help to treat patients with
HIT. IVIg works by inhibiting HIT antibody-mediated pla- O. A. Onwuemene: Receives funding from Hemostasis and
telet activation, apparently through competitive binding Thrombosis Research Society, supported by an unre-
[24]. The inhibition is dependent on the constant domain stricted educational grant from Shire, PLC; K. Ghadimi:
of IgG (Fc) but not the antigen-binding portion (Fab), and Receives funding from NIH T32GM008600; I. J. Welsby:
the presence of the HH131 genotype. Other genotypes Received financial support from Terumo BCT for an
such as RR131 and HR131 responded favourably to high Investigator Initiated Trial of Intraoperative Plateletphere-
doses of IVIG, although not as well as the patients with sis in 2017.
the HH131 genotype. To date, there are no studies relat-
ing response to TPE to specific genetic phenotypes. Fur-
Conflicts of interest
thermore, IVIg had no effect on HIT antibody binding in
a solid phase PF4-ELISA testing or in the SRA values, The authors declare no conflict of interests.
which were still strongly positive. In any case, IVIg treat-
ment successfully achieved platelet count recovery [24].
Author contributions
Although laboratory assessments demonstrate antibody
persistence after both TPE and IVIg, it is possible that the I. Moreno Duarte: Data collection, statistical analysis, data
titre magnitude is not sufficient to trigger a pathological interpretation, manuscript writing. M. Cooter: Statistical
immune and platelet response. Another potential analysis and graphics. O. A. Onwuemene: Manuscript
approach involves the concurrent use of cangrelor, a writing, data interpretation. K. Ghadimi: Study design,
short-acting, intravenous P2Y12 inhibitor, and heparin Manuscript writing, data interpretation. I. J Welsby:
for cardiopulmonary bypass in patients with HIT but there Study design, Manuscript writing, data interpretation,
is limited literature at this time. [27] final approval of the version to be published.

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Plasma exchange, HIT and cardiac surgery 223

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for off-pump coronary artery bypass tool for identifying patients with true enzyme-immunoassay and platelet
grafting: the results of the EVOLU- heparin-induced thrombocypenia after activation test reactivities. Blood 2015;
TION-OFF study. J Thorac Cardiovasc cardiac surgery. J Thromb Haemost 125:195–198
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surgery for ASFA category indications. topenia after cardiopulmonary bypass. cally ill patients. Crit Care Med 2019;
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© 2020 International Society of Blood Transfusion

Vox Sanguinis (2021) 116, 217–224
224 I. Moreno-Duarte et al.

Supporting Information
Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online version of this article:

Fig. S1. Platelet trajectories for patients with outcomes of interest (thrombotic events-TE/death).
Fig. S2. Platelet trajectories for all patients (n = 24).

© 2020 International Society of Blood Transfusion

Vox Sanguinis (2021) 116, 217–224
Vox Sanguinis (2021) 116, 225–233
© 2020 International Society of Blood Transfusion
ORIGINAL PAPER DOI: 10.1111/vox.13007

Registration errors among patients receiving blood

transfusions: a national analysis from 2008 to 2017
Shangari Vijenthira,1 Chantal Armali,2 Helen Downie,2 Ann Wilson,3 Kathy Paton,4 Brian Berry,4 Hong-Xing Wu,5
Ann Robitaille, Christine Cserti-Gazdewich1,6
& Jeannie Callum2,6
Laboratory Medicine Program, University Health Network, Toronto, ON, Canada
Department of Laboratory Medicine and Molecular Diagnostics, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto, ON, Canada
Department of Hematology, McGill University Health Centre, Montreal, QC, Canada
Island Health, Victoria, BC, Canada
Blood Safety Surveillance Division, Public Health Agency of Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada
Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada

Background and objectives The key first step for a safe blood transfusion is
patient registration for identification and linking to past medical and transfusion
history. In Canada, any deviation from standard operating procedures in transfu-
sion is an error voluntarily reportable to a national database (Transfusion Error
Surveillance System [TESS]). We used this database to characterize the subset of
registration-related errors impacting transfusion care, including where, when and
why the errors occurred, and to identify frequent high-risk errors.
Materials and methods A retrospective analysis was conducted on transfusion
errors reported to TESS by sentinel reporting sites relating to patient registration
and patient armbands, between 2008 and 2017. Free-text comments describing
the error were coded to further categorize into common error types. The number
of specimens received in the transfusion laboratory was used as the denominator
for rates to allow for comparison between hospital sites.
Results Five hundred and fifty-four registration errors were reported from 10
hospitals, for a global error rate of 54/10 000 samples (median 50 [interquartile
range 37–70]). The potential severity was high in 857% of errors (n = 475). The
patient experienced a consequence in 108% of errors (n = 60), but none resulted
in patient harm. Rates varied widely and differed by nature across sites. Errors
most commonly occurred in outpatient clinics or procedure units (n = 160,
288%) and in emergency departments (n = 130, 235%).
Conclusion Registration errors affect transfusion at every step and location in the
hospital and are commonly high risk. Further research into common root causes
Received: 29 June 2020,
is warranted to identify preventative strategies.
revised 11 August 2020,
accepted 28 August 2020, Key words: blood safety, hemovigilance, quality control, quality management,
published online 30 September 2020 transfusion medicine.

patient identification errors are high risk to patients. Regis-

tration, the key first step in the transfusion chain, is essen-
The blood transfusion chain is complex, frequently manual tial for positive identification. New patient registration was
and error-prone. Due to transfusion’s inherent hazards, identified as the most critical patient identification point
[1], while correct registration at readmission is required for
Correspondence: Jeannie Callum, Department of Laboratory Medicine linking to past medical and transfusion history, including
and Molecular Diagnostics, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto, concordance with previous ABO and Rh typing and
ON, Canada requirements for specialized components (e.g. antigen neg-
E-mail: ative, irradiated products).

226 S. Vijenthira et al.

Errors in sample collection and handling have been the [MS] 03) and/or ‘patient armband not available/incorrect’
subject of past studies [2–7], but there is a paucity of (Sample Collection [SC] 10) during the reporting process
research relating to errors in patient registration. Regis- (representing registration-related errors), entered between
tration errors can lead to loss of historical patient infor- January 1, 2008 and December 31, 2017. Errors were
mation and misidentification, failing to match for either extracted by PHAC or sent directly to the research
previously identified red blood cell alloantibodies, and team by the TESS participating site. Data were available
accidental sharing of confidential personal health infor- from 10 sentinel hospital sites in three Canadian pro-
mation [8]. As a consequence, registration errors account vinces: Ontario, Quebec and British Columbia. Only sen-
for up to 10% of ABO-incompatible transfusions [9]. tinel sites were included due to the possibility of non-
These errors also affect the patient and are a financial sentinel sites coding events incorrectly, because they do
burden due to requirements for sample recollection, not participate in the same coding exercises as sentinel
delayed procedures and wasted products and components sites. Errors were analysed globally and by site for fre-
[10]. quency, characteristics, variability, nature and conse-
In Canada, transfusion errors are voluntarily reported quences.
to the Transfusion Error Surveillance System (TESS). The
objective of this study was to describe registration errors
in this multicentre national database at sentinel reporting
sites over a 10-year period, aiming to characterize these Errors are coded during the reporting process by when
errors, identify high-risk system critical failure points, and where in the blood transfusion chain they occurred
and understand needs for system re-evaluation and re-de- and when and where they were discovered, days from
sign. error to discovery, time of day of occurrence and discov-
ery, and role of the person involved in occurrence and
discovery. Errors are considered near miss if they are dis-
Materials and methods
covered before infusion and do not affect the patient; and
The TESS database is a web-based system which was ini- are considered to have reached the patient if the patient
tiated in 2005 by the Public Health Agency of Canada is affected in any way, including if the transfusion pro-
(PHAC), an agency of the Government of Canada, to log ceeded prior to error corrective action. The method of dis-
errors occurring at any point in the blood transfusion covery is recorded for near miss errors; the outcome for
chain, including blood components and blood products the patient is recorded for patient-reaching errors (termed
[11]. Errors are defined as any unplanned deviations from ‘actual events’ in TESS). The potential severity is recorded
standard operating procedures in transfusion [11]. Sen- for all errors, assessed on a low–medium–high scale.
tinel and non-sentinel hospital sites voluntarily report High-potential severity errors are defined as errors which
errors to TESS quarterly. Sentinel sites, but not non-sen- had the potential to cause serious injury or fatal out-
tinel sites, meet monthly by conference call and annually comes (including errors described as ‘patient registration
in person to discuss coding harmonization and process incomplete/incorrect’ or ‘armband incorrect/not avail-
improvement. Error reporting is non-punitive. Sites are able’); medium potential severity errors are those with
able to enter reports directly or to upload from their own potential to cause minor or transient injury; low-potential
databases and/or blood bank laboratory information sys- severity errors have no potential for adverse effects [11].
tem. Since 2016, the actual severity for actual events is also
This database is a secure online platform accessible to recorded on this scale. The hospital site (by numeric
the participating public health workers at regional, anonymous code) reporting the error is also recorded.
provincial, territorial and national levels within TESS. It PHAC records these sites’ sizes on a small–medium–large
was developed by and housed within the secure environ- scale based on number of red blood cell units transfused
ment of the Canadian Network for Public Health Intelli- per year (<2000, 2000–10 000, >10 000 units) [11]. The
gence. All access to the TESS database is based on number of patient samples received in the transfusion
defined security and data can only be viewed by regis- laboratory is recorded by site and year to allow the calcu-
tered users within jurisdictional boundaries. All errors are lation of rates for benchmarking.
anonymized during the reporting process and contain no Error nature was further sub-coded centrally by the
patient data. research team based on the free-text comments regarding
This is a retrospective analysis of errors reported into the error description or its discovery details entered for
the TESS database that were categorized by the sites as each report. 14 sub-categories were created for the most
‘incorrect/incomplete patient registration’ (Miscellaneous common registration errors reported: Doppelg€anger error,

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Registration errors in transfusion 227

name error, wrong date of birth (DOB), duplicate registra- Table 1 Errors reported to Transfusion Error Surveillance System, 2008–
tion, missing armband, wrong armband, wrong provincial 2017
health insurance number (PHIN, used for Ministry of
Error details Errors reported (n) %
Health reporting and physician billing), comingling of
more than one patient in a single hospital number, 554
patients using another’s identification (ID) either inten- Province
tionally or in error, incorrect sex, missing medical record Province 1 197 356%
number (MRN, used for hospital records), wrong MRN, Province 2 174 314%
other and unknown (unable to further categorized given Province 3 183 330%
the details provided in the free-text comments). Name Year
2008–2012 261 471%
error was defined as incorrect or misspelled patient name.
2013–2017 293 529%
Previously described methods for coding errors involving
Potential severity
similar files or patients were used as follows [8, 12]: Dop- High 475 857%
pelg€anger was defined as multiple records both contain- Medium 14 25%
ing information from more than one patient with similar Low 54 97%
identifiers; duplicate was defined as a single patient hav- Unknown 11 20%
ing multiple records at the same hospital site, causing a Hospital size
fragmentation of the record; comingling was defined as Large 250 451%
one record containing information from more than one Medium 277 500%
patient. Each error could have up to three codes for Small 23 42%
events with more than one error. Unknown 4 07%

Statistical analysis
Descriptive statistics are reported. Categorical variables
Missing data
are summarized with percentages, with missing data
included in the denominator. Normally distributed data Four error reports (07%) had missing site ID and could
are reported using mean and 95% confidence interval not be included in site or size calculations. These errors
(95% CI). Non-parametric data are reported using median were all from Province 1 and were reported from 2009 to
and interquartile range (IQR). For categorical data, the 2010. Days to discovery were missing in 66 reports
chi-square test was used and a P-value < 005 was con- (119%); these were all from four sites. Time and day of
sidered statistically significant. week of error occurrence were both missing from 12
A generalized linear regression model with a log-link reports (22%), time of discovery was missing from 26
Poisson distribution was performed to analyse changes in reports (47%), the point of discovery was missing from
error rates by year. A P-value < 005 was considered sta- 18 error reports (33%), and the person involved in the
tistically significant. Least squares means were estimated error was missing in 9 error reports (16%). The person
from the regression model for rates by year, year and involved was marked as ‘other’ in 113 reports (204%); 70
hospital size, year and hospital site, hospital size and hos- of these were determined by the research team to actually
pital site. be a clerk, as free-text description listed them as admit-
The number of patient samples received in the transfu- ting—a clerical task—leaving 43 remaining ‘other’ entries
sion laboratory was used as denominator data, where (78%). The person who discovered the error was
available, to calculate rates. unknown in 16 error reports (29%). Location of occur-
rence was missing from 15 error reports (27%); location
of discovery was missing from 14 error reports (25%).
The potential severity of the error was missing in 11
From 2008 to 2017, 554 registration errors were reported reports (20%). 236% of errors were classified as
from 10 hospital sites in three provinces (Table 1). These unknown nature due to the free-text entry for both event
included five sites in Province 1, three sites in Province 2 description and discovery description being left blank
and two sites in Province 3. Four sites were small size, (n = 131). This lack of free-text entry was not unique to
four sites were medium size, and two sites were large size. any province, site or year. One site did not have free-text
During this period, 1 022 556 patient samples were entry in any of its reports because they exclusively used
received in these sites’ transfusion laboratories. an upload tool rather than direct entry. Sites had a

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228 S. Vijenthira et al.

median of 250% of errors having unknown error (IQR verification, before or during cross-match or processing
155%–333%). Two sites were outliers with a smaller pro- (n = 94); 162% were discovered after product issue but
portion of unknown natures (n = 24, 155%; n = 1, 59%) before infusion (n = 90).
while one site had a higher proportion (n = 40, 421%)
than the rest.
Health care worker
The person involved in the error was most frequently a
Error rate
hospital clerk (n = 284, 513%) or a nurse (n = 150,
The global registration error rate per samples received in 271%), while errors were typically discovered by a medi-
the transfusion laboratory was 54/10 000 (median 50 cal laboratory technologist or assistant (n = 435, 785%)
[IQR 37–70]). There was no significant change in error (Table 2).
rate overall from 2008 to 2017 (P = 05).
However, on analysis of year-by-year changes, there
was an increase in error reports in 2014 (119 errors vs.
median 515). This was not unique to any province or site Errors most commonly occurred in outpatient clinics or
and is not accounted for by new hospital sites or site procedure units (n = 160, 289%) and in emergency
dropouts from the TESS program. departments (n = 130, 235%) (Table 2). In the hospital,
the least errors occurred in operating rooms (n = 14,
26%). Errors were most often discovered in the transfu-
Site characteristics
sion service (n = 426, 769%); 72% were discovered in
Site had a highly significant impact on error rates outpatient clinics and procedure units (n = 40).
(P < 00001), as did hospital size between large and med-
ium sites (P < 00001) and between medium and small
sites (P = 0002). Medium size hospitals had the highest
error rates (mean 80/10 000 [95% CI 71–90] for med- Error nature was variable across sites (Fig. 1). The most
ium, 44/10 000 for large [95% CI 39–50] and 40/ frequent reports were name errors (n = 134, 317%),
10 000 for small [95% CI 27–61]). duplicate patient registrations (n = 124, 293%) and
Province had a highly significant impact on rate missing armbands (n = 45, 106%) (Table 2). Examples
(P < 00001). Specifically, Province 1 had the highest of common name errors included: spelling errors, dis-
error rates compared to the other provinces (83/10 000 crepancies between the name in the hospital system and
for Province 1 [95% CI 72–96], 49/10 000 for Province on the provincial health insurance card, no notification
2 [95% CI 49–57], 47/10 000 for Province 3 [95% CI of name change when provisional names (e.g. Unidenti-
41–55]). fied, Andrew) were updated, incorrect assignment of
There was no significant change in error rate from provisional names (i.e. assigning a name of the wrong
2008 to 2017 by hospital size (P = 034), by province sex) and simply ‘incorrect name’ without further
(P = 033) or by site (P = 006). description. The least common reports were wrong arm-
bands (n = 3, 07%), patients using another individual’s
identification (n = 7, 17%) and incorrect sex (n = 7,
The median time between the error and discovery was
0 days (IQR 0-1). Time of occurrence and time of discov-
ery were not significantly different (P = 059). 516% of
errors occurred during the day, between 8 AM and 4 PM The potential severity of the error was high in 857% of
(n = 286); 527% of all errors were discovered during this cases (n = 475), medium in 25% (n = 14, e.g. incorrect
time interval (n = 292) (Table 2). Errors were most fre- Provincial Health Insurance Number) and low in 98%
quently made (n = 176, 317%) and discovered (n = 173, (n = 54, e.g. spelling error in name). Actual severity data
312%) in the morning between 8 AM and 12 PM. Most were collected starting in 2016 for Provinces 2 and 3,
errors occurred on weekdays (n = 418, 755%) rather than and 2017 for Province 1, a period during which 50 events
weekends or holidays (n = 124, 224%). occurred and 13 reached the patient (Table 3). The actual
In the transfusion chain, errors were typically discov- severity was medium in one case (77%), and low in
ered before laboratory sample testing (n = 222, 401%); twelve cases (923%). The medium severity error was due
170% were discovered during or after patient test to incorrect sex which was corrected just before surgery,

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Registration errors in transfusion 229

Table 2 Characteristics of errors reported to Transfusion Error Surveil- Table 2 (Continued)

lance System, 2008–2017
Errors Error details reported (n) %
Error details reported (n) %
Wrong armband 3 05%
554 Unknown 131 236%
Discovered during Person involved in the error
Before testing patient sample 222 401% Clerk 284 513%
During/after patient test verification 94 170% Nurse 150 271%
or during cross-match/processing Medical laboratory technologist/ 60 108%
After issue before infusion 90 162% assistant
After cross-match/processing before 49 88% Physician 8 14%
or at issue Other 43 78%
Other 26 47% Unknown 9 16%
Subsequent patient sample test or 21 38% Discoverer
event did not involve a product Medical laboratory technologist/ 435 785%
After infusion 16 29% assistant
Product check-in 10 18% Nurse 50 90%
Quality assurance review 8 14% Quality assurance/Supervisor/ 38 69%
Unknown 18 32% Transfusion Safety Officer
Location occurrence Clerk 3 05%
Outpatient clinic/procedure unit 160 289% Physician 3 05%
Emergency 130 235% Other 9 16%
Laboratory service 82 148% Unknown 16 29%
Medical/Surgical ward 50 90% Subsequent events
Intensive care unit 44 79% Record corrected 192 347%
Obstetrics 37 67% Patient sample recollected 112 202%
Operating room 14 25% Product destroyed 21 38%
Transfusion service 12 22% Product retrieved 11 20%
Supplier/Service provider 10 18% Additional testing 10 18%
Unknown 15 27% Discovery method
Location discovery Request/sample receipt process check 239 484%
Transfusion service 426 769% Bedside check 51 103%
Outpatient clinic/procedure unit 40 72% Notification by ward 45 91%
Emergency 18 32% Testing process check 38 77%
Medical/Surgical ward 16 29% Return to inventory 31 63%
Operating room 15 27% Issuing process checks 24 49%
Intensive care unit 14 25% Quality assurance review/quality 24 49%
Supplier/Service provider 5 09% control/administrative check
Obstetrics 3 05% Customer inquiry/complaint 13 26%
Laboratory service 3 05% Notification by supplier 11 22%
Unknown 14 25% Transfusion/inventory audits 4 08%
Error nature Review of documentation of 2 04%
Name error 134 242% transfusion
Duplicate registration1 124 224% Miscellaneous 12 24%
Missing armband 45 81% Consequence
Wrong DOB2 33 60% Transfusion delayed 46 83%
Other 21 38% Product transfused - no reaction 8 14%
Wrong MRN3 20 36% Procedure delayed or cancelled 6 11%
Missing MRN 19 34% 1

Doppelg€anger4 19 34% Two files for one patient.


Wrong PHIN5 16 29% Date of birth.


Comingling6 9 16% Medical record number.


Patient using another’s identification 7 13% Mingling of information for two patients in two files.

Incorrect sex 7 13% Provincial health insurance number.

Two patients’ information in one file.

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230 S. Vijenthira et al.

Fig. 1 Error nature by site, 2008–2017.

requiring a new sample to be drawn. This caused Discovery

unmatched blood to be issued for surgery while the sam-
For the 494 errors that were a near miss, the most com-
ple was being tested and a 45-minute delay in issuing
mon discovery method was through a process check dur-
crossmatched blood.
ing the receipt of a test request and/or product order
108% of errors reached the patient (n = 60); 892%
(n = 239, 484%); 103% of near miss errors were discov-
were a near miss (n = 494) (Table 2). The most frequent
ered during a bedside check, including during sample col-
consequence of errors reaching the patient was a delayed
lection or transfusion (n = 51); 91% were discovered due
transfusion (n = 46, 767%). Eight events involved the
to a notification from the hospital ward (n = 45)
product being transfused with no transfusion reaction
(Table 2).
(133%), while six caused a procedure to be delayed or
cancelled (100%). Examples include: (1) Patient with
known anti-Jka being transfused Jka antigen unknown
blood due to a duplicate registration and an undetectable
antibody (no transfusion reaction reported); (2) Nurse not- To our knowledge, this is the first multi-site analysis of
ing on transfusing the second of two units that the hospital registration errors impacting transfusion. This
patient had no armband and that the bedside check (and study highlights five important areas for attention. First,
the sample collection check) had been omitted for the registration errors are potentially an under-recognized
first unit requiring re-draw of an additional sample before cause of potentially high-severity transfusion errors. Sec-
proceeding with the second unit. ond, registration error rates and nature of these errors
The patient record was corrected in 347% of errors vary widely across sites. Third, registration errors com-
(n = 192) (Table 2). The patient sample was recollected in monly occurred in outpatient areas and emergency
202% of errors (n = 112). The product was destroyed in departments. Fourth, the most common consequence is a
38% of errors due to the unit being unable to be delay in transfusion. Last, missing data in TESS reports
returned to inventory, due to temperature or time devia- were common and warrants system re-design to ensure
tions at point of return to the transfusion service complete data entry for all uploaded events.
(n = 21). The product was retrieved and able to be Previous literature on all types of errors reported to
returned to available inventory in 20% of events TESS shows a global potential high-severity rate of
(n = 12). Ten patients required additional testing (18%). between 14% and 17% [11, 13]. In the subset of

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Registration errors in transfusion 231

Table 3 Characteristics of errors reported with actual patient harm to more existing interventions in place, while smaller sites,
Transfusion Error Surveillance System, 2016–2017 with less traffic, have greater capacity to avoid errors;
medium size sites may have higher error rates due to less
resources for prevention and high volumes of patients.
Error details reported (n) %
However, it is also likely that this is due to small sample
13 size. The doubling of errors during the year 2014 with no
Actual severity discernible cause also highlights the variability of error
Low 12 923% occurrence over time and the need for long periods of
Medium 1 77% data collection. The nature of errors varied by site. The
Location occurrence most common registration errors across sites were name
Emergency 6 462%
errors and duplicate registrations, which concurs with the
Outpatients clinic/procedure unit 4 308%
findings of several other studies [7, 14–16]. The hetero-
Operating room 1 77%
Medical/Surgical ward 1 77%
geneity of errors across sites suggests that root causes for
Transfusion service 1 77% these errors or existing preventative measures will need
Person involved in the error to be studied by site; the absence of some error types or
Clerk 7 538% lower rates at some sites suggest transfusion chain system
Medical laboratory technologist/assistant 4 308% improvement exist and could be adapted at other sites,
Nurse 2 154% and that these improvements will need to be tailored at
Error nature the site level.
Name error 3 231% Outpatient areas and emergency departments were
Missing armband 3 231% identified as concerning areas for targeting registration
Duplicate registration 1 77%
process improvements. Other studies investigating sample
Wrong date of birth 1 77%
collection and handling errors have found frequent errors
Incorrect sex 1 77%
Unknown 4 308%
in the emergency department, operating room and inpa-
Subsequent events tient wards, but not outpatient units [2–4]. This indicates
Additional testing 5 385% that outpatient areas may be uniquely at risk for registra-
Patient sample recollected 4 308% tion errors over other error types. Clerks, including admit-
Record corrected 3 231% ting clerks, were involved in 513% of registration errors,
Product retrieved 1 77% suggesting that registration may be underprioritized in
Consequence high-volume outpatient units, including outpatient sam-
Product transfused - no reaction 5 385% ple collection clinics and office visits. However, we did
Procedure delayed or cancelled 5 385% not have access to denominator data for the number of
Transfusion delayed 3 231%
registrations by hospital location, so true rates by location
could not be calculated. It is likely that outpatient areas
and emergency departments, as points of first patient
registration-related errors in this analysis, 857% were contact with first blood sample draw, experience more
potentially high severity. A previous Canadian single-site registration than other areas of the hospital. This could be
study by our team on all error types also shows just 4% a potential reason for higher volumes of errors, compared
of errors reaching the patient [14]; 108% reached the to other hospital areas.
patient in this registration error study. Thus, registration A minority of errors reached the patient; the most
errors may be higher risk to patients and less likely to be common consequence for the patient was a delayed trans-
detected prior to transfusion than other transfusion-re- fusion or procedure. Of 13 errors that reached the patient
lated errors. However, of 13 errors reaching the patient during the period in which actual severity data were
for which actual severity data were available, none were available, none resulted in patient harm. Similarly, a
high severity. The discrepancy between the generally recent transfusion report with a larger sample size showed
high-potential severity and low actual severity may be one out of 51 actual events caused by registration errors
explained by the quick identification (usually same day led to major morbidity, compared to one out of 50 actual
in this study) of errors. events caused by errors in pre-transfusion testing [17].
Registration error rates varied by an order of magni- Not all of the fields in each report were completed, cre-
tude across sites, with medium size hospitals reporting ating a large amount of missing data. In particular, there
the highest rates. It is possible that larger sites, being was a lack of data for determining error nature. Part of
more accustomed to high-transfusion and high-registra- the reason for this is that rather than entering reports
tion rates, have more experience preventing errors or directly into TESS, some sites upload existing databases,

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232 S. Vijenthira et al.

meaning any blanks or missing fields in their databases could not be calculated for any variable other than year
appear as unknowns when extracted. This suggests an or site, as these denominator data were only available
important potential process improvement for TESS: given for year and site.
that all fields are mandatory to be filled out, and directly
entered reports cannot be submitted with any missing
data, the system should also not allow reports that have Conclusion
any blanks to be uploaded until all errors are checked This study provides an analysis of registration errors
and corrected. There was also a large number of entries impacting transfusion care that were reported to a
with the person involved in the error listed as ‘other’, national hemovigilance programme. Overall, 857% of
though many of these turned out to be employees in cler- registration errors have potentially serious consequences
ical positions, indicating a need for re-training of error for patients. Further research is warranted to understand
reporting technologists at all sites. This problem is not the root causes for the drivers of these potentially serious
unique to TESS; the United Kingdom’s Serious Hazards of errors, to assist with re-design of patient registration pro-
Transfusion reported missing data on human factors in cesses and systems.
11% of error reports in 2018 and many which may have
been incorrectly reported [17].
This study had several limitations. Sites and provinces Acknowledgements
with higher rates could reflect higher detection and
The authors thank Liying Zhang for her statistical analyses.
reporting capabilities rather than inferior safety. Some
Data were collected for the Canadian Transfusion Error
of the 10 sites joined TESS between 2008 and 2017,
Surveillance System courtesy of the Public Health Agency
meaning there is inconsistency in reporting across this
of Canada. This work was supported by the Canadian Blood
time period. Any degree of under-reporting cannot be
Services Program Support Award and the University of Tor-
detected in this study and may cause artificially low-er-
onto Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology Summer
ror rates. Registration errors detected by the Transfusion
Undergraduate Research Experience Program.
Service and errors reported in TESS represent only a
fraction of errors that exist and that pose a risk to
patients. Participating TESS sites do not report these Conflicts of interest
errors in a consistent manner; some may not receive
systematic notices of all registration errors, and those The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
that do may not have entered them (e.g. because of vol-
ume and missing date and time information that should
Sources of research support
be included in the error report). Missing data, as men-
tioned, affected results for categorical data. True denom- Public Health Agency of Canada, Canadian Blood Services
inator data (number of patients registered and armbands Program Support Award, University of Toronto Labora-
generated) were not available so number of samples tory Medicine and Pathobiology Summer Undergraduate
received in the blood bank was used as a proxy. Rates Research Experience Program.

1 Parisi LL: Patient identification: the experience in the North East of Eng- 8 Cohen R, Ning S, Yan MTS, et al.:
foundation for a culture of patient land. Transfus Med 2013; 23:321–5 Transfusion safety: the nature and out-
safety. J Nurs Care Qual 2003; 18:73–9 5 Moiz B, Siddiqui AK, Sana N, et al.: Doc- comes of errors in patient registration.
2 Kaufman RM, Dinh A, Cohn CS, et al.: umentation errors in transfusion chain: Transfus Med Rev 2019; 33:78–83
Electronic patient identification for sam- Challenges and interventions. Transfus 9 Figueroa PI, Ziman A, Wheeler C, et al.:
ple labeling reduces wrong blood in tube Apher Sci 2020); 59(4), 102812 Nearly two decades using the check-
errors. Transfusion 2019; 59:972–80 6 Sindhulina C, Joseph NJ: Addressing type to prevent ABO incompatible trans-
3 Strauss R, Downie H, Wilson A, et al.: sample identification errors in a multi- fusions: one institution’s experience.
Sample collection and sample han- specialty tertiary care hospital in Ban- Am J Clin Pathol 2006; 126:422–6
dling errors submitted to the transfu- galore. Vox Sang 2014; 107:153–7 10 Maskens C, Downie H, Wendt A, et al.:
sion error surveillance system, 2006 to 7 Stainsby D: ABO incompatible transfu- Hospital-based transfusion error track-
2015. Transfusion 2018; 58:1697–707 sions–experience from the UK Serious ing from 2005 to 2010: identifying
4 Varey A, Tinegate H, Robertson J, Hazards of Transfusion (SHOT) scheme the key errors threatening patient
et al.: Factors predisposing to wrong Transfusions ABO incompatible. Trans- transfusion safety. Transfusion 2014;
blood in tube incidents: a year’s fus Clin Biol 2005; 12:385–8 54:66–73

© 2020 International Society of Blood Transfusion

Vox Sanguinis (2021) 116, 225–233
Registration errors in transfusion 233

11 Public Health Agency of Canada: (TESS) - 2012–2013 Report. Ottawa: State: an analysis of 10 years’ experi-
Transfusion Error Surveillance System Centre for Communicable Diseases and ence. Transfusion 2000; 40:1207–13
(TESS) 2008-2011 Summary Results. Infection Control, Public Health 16 McCoy AB, Wright A, Kahn MG,
Ottawa: Centre for Communicable Dis- Agency of Canada, 2015. et al.: Matching identifiers in elec-
eases and Infection Control, Public 14 Ning S, Yan MTS, Downie H, et al.: tronic health records: implications for
Health Agency of Canada, 2014. What’s in a name? Patient registra- duplicate records and patient safety.
12 Cummins D: Patient identification: tion errors and their threat to transfu- BMJ Qual Saf 2013; 22:219–24
hybrids and doppelgangers. Ann Clin sion safety. Transfusion 2018; 58: 17 Narayan S, (Ed) Poles D et al. on
Biochem 2007; 44:106–10 3035–6 behalf of the Serious Hazards of
13 Public Health Agency of Canada: 15 Linden JV, Wagner K, Voytovich AE, Transfusion (SHOT) Steering Group:
Transfusion Error Surveillance System et al.: Transfusion errors in New York The 2018 Annual SHOT Report. 2019.

© 2020 International Society of Blood Transfusion

Vox Sanguinis (2021) 116, 225–233
Vox Sanguinis (2021) 116, 234–238
© 2020 The Authors.
ORIGINAL PAPER Vox Sanguinis published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of International Society of Blood Transfusion
DOI: 10.1111/vox.13000

Elimination of pretransfusion RhD typing at Mackay

Memorial Hospital, Taiwan—30-year experience
Marie Lin
Transfusion Medicine Laboratory, Mackay Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan

Background The frequency of the RhD negative (D-) phenotype among the popu-
lation of Taiwan is only 034% and so anti-D is a relatively rare antibody. Rou-
tine pretransfusion D typing of patients at Mackay Memorial Hospital (MMH)
was discontinued in 1988, and this report is a look back and retrospective evalu-
ation over 30-years (1988–2017).
Study Design and Methods The incidence of anti-D among patients at MMH dur-
ing the periods 1984–1988 (when D typing was performed) and 1988–2017 (when
D typing was not performed) was reviewed. Also, the incidence of anti-D among
both MMH patients and voluntary blood donors at the Taiwan Blood Foundation
was compared. The importance of anti-‘Mia’ in Taiwan is also discussed.
Results The incidence of anti-D relative to other Rh antibodies among MMH
patients when D typing was performed and D typing not performed has remained
relatively unchanged (5%). The frequencies of anti-D and anti-‘Mia’ among
38 537 patients who were transfused at MMH during 2008–2017 were found to
be 006% and 26%, respectively. During the same period, among 3 510 131
blood donors at Taiwan Blood Foundation, the frequencies of anti-D and anti-
‘Mia’ were 0004% and 02%, respectively.
Conclusion The elimination of D typing of patients at MMH has proven to have
been a correct and logical decision. D- patients, if they do not carry anti-D, can
Received: 17 February 2020,
thus be safely transfused with D+ red cells.
revised 17 July 2020,
accepted 14 August 2020, Key words: anti-‘Mia’, anti-D, anti-D induced by the Del phenotype, blood transfu-
published online 20 September 2020 sion in D-, Taiwan.

donation being still in its infancy, resulting in several

fatal outcomes, especially in emergency situations. In
Modification of ‘standard Western pretransfusion testing’ 1988, MMH made the courageous decision to discontinue
for use in Taiwan [1] has been a difficult task, as it is routine pretransfusion D typing of patients in order to
considered the global gold standard. However, for the reduce the fear surrounding the D- phenotype among
past 30 years, (since 1988) MMH has not routinely per- Taiwan’s general population and also to help inform med-
formed D typing of patients requiring transfusion because ical personnel that transfusing D+ blood to D- patients
9966% of the population of Taiwan are D+. Prior to who did not carry anti-D was safe. In addition, Prof. M.
1988, undertransfusion of D- patients often occurred Contreras of the North London Blood Centre replied to
because D- blood was often unavailable due to blood our letter of concern as follows: ‘After a long discussion
with Prof. Mollison. . .it is not logical to type for D when
Correspondence:: Marie Lin, Transfusion Medicine Laboratory, Mackay E-typing and c-typing are not done. . .. My conscience is
Memorial Hospital, 45 Minsheng Road, Tamsui, New Taipei City 251, quite clear when I give you this advice that it is ethical
Taiwan to discontinue routine Rh(D) typing of recipients and

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License,
234 which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited and
is not used for commercial purposes.
Elimination of pretransfusion RhD typing 235

antenatal patients’. (Contreras, personal communication, or not performed (1988–2017). In fact, it actually
1985). In addition, at that time we were trying to save decreased to 2% during the most recent 10-years period
limited medical resources by eliminating unnecessary (2008–2017). A similar result (5%) was observed among
testing (National Health Insurance was established in blood donors and interestingly was obtained during the
1995 and offered reimbursement to hospitals for D typ- period when all hospitals in Taiwan, except MMH, were
ing). From 1988–2018, pretransfusion testing at MMH all routinely performing pretransfusion D typing of
consisted of ABO grouping, antibody screening and major patients.
cross-matching by the manual Polybrene method. No D From Table 2, it can be seen that during the period
typing was performed [1,2]. MMH is a general hospital 2008–2017 among 38 537 patients at MMH, 1002 cases
and also a teaching medical centre with 1130 beds, usu- of anti-‘Mia’ (26%) were detected compared with only 22
ally having 90% bed occupancy rate. During 2008–2017, cases of anti-D (006%) [6]. During the same period
30 000–32 000 units of RBC were transfused each year among 3 510 131 blood donors at Taiwan Blood Founda-
(every unit was made from 250 ml whole blood). The Tai- tion, 7015 cases of anti-‘Mia’ (02%) were detected com-
wan blood donation centre usually delivers only D+ blood pared with only 146 cases of anti-D (0004%) [5]
to hospitals if there is no special request for D- blood. On indicating that anti-D is a relatively low-frequency
the other hand, RhD typing is a routine test in the prena- alloantibody compared with other clinically significant
tal care of our Obstetric Department for any female alloantibodies. See the complete list of alloantibodies in
patient who wants to have a baby. Table 2.
This report is a look back evaluation of our policy to Among 22 D- patients who had anti-D during 2008–
discontinue D typing over the past 30 years by analysing 2017 at MMH, 10 cases were induced by transfusion
the incidence of anti-D among both patients and blood (Table 3): nine cases were the result of transfusion of D+
donors. However, it is of interest to mention that at the blood and one case was due to the transfusion of 2 units
end of 2018, the blood bank at MMH started to automate of the Del phenotype. This latter case occurred in an 81-
and D typing was reintroduced due to the purchase of a year-old lady with upper G-I bleeding. Anti-D was
Western style analyser which included both ABO and D detected 3 months after the transfusion of 4 units of D-
typing reagents together. In addition, Taiwan has in blood and 2 units of Del positive blood. Of the remaining
recent years gradually become a global village and many 12 D- patients with anti-D, 10 patients had all been pre-
Caucasians now live in Taiwan. Therefore, since the end viously sensitized prior to transfusion at MMH; one
of 2018, D typing has once again become part of the rou- patient had passively received anti-D from transfusion of
tine pretransfusion testing protocol at MMH. However, we D- blood carrying anti-D and one patient due to Rhogam
hope that our 30 years’ experience might be helpful to administration. During the 10-year period from July 1992
other Southeast Asian countries whose populations are to June 2002, five cases of transfusion-induced anti-D
genetically closely related to Taiwan and also have a high occurred at MMH [7].
incidence of both D and ‘Mia’ (Miltenberger) phenotypes Since anti-‘Mia’ and anti-E are the most common
[3,4]. alloantibodies detected among patients at MMH, it is not
surprising to discover that anti-E/E+c and anti-‘Mia’ are
also commonly incriminated in haemolytic disease of the
Materials and methods
newborn (HDNB). During the period 2008–2017 at MMH,
The incidence of anti-D among patients at MMH during the causative antibodies of HDNB were found to be anti-
the periods 1984–1988 (D typing performed) and 1988– E/E+c (16 cases), anti-Jkb (three cases), anti-‘Mia’/’Mia’+E
2017 (D typing not performed) was reviewed. In addition, (two cases) and one case each of anti-C+ e and anti-D.
the incidence of anti-D in both patients (MMH) and blood Not surprisingly, anti-D rarely causes HDNB among Tai-
donors (Taiwan Blood Foundation) [5] was compared. The wanese.
clinical significance of both anti-D and anti-‘Mia’ (the
most common alloantibody in Taiwan) among both
patients and blood donors was also analysed.
The D- phenotype is rare among the population of Tai-
wan with a frequency of 034% (Taiwan Blood Founda-
tion). Since the discontinuation of routine pretransfusion
From Table 1, it can be seen that the relative frequency D typing of patients at MMH 30 years ago, it is likely that
of anti-D vs. other Rh system alloantibodies (5%) among almost all D- patients since then have been transfused
hospital patients at MMH has remained unchanged with D+ blood. However, the incidence of anti-D did not
whether D typing was performed routinely (1984–1988) increase during this period and has actually decreased

© 2020 The Authors.

Vox Sanguinis published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of International Society of Blood Transfusion
Vox Sanguinis (2021) 116, 234–238
236 M. Lin

Table 1 Comparison of the incidence of anti-D vs. other Rh system alloantibodies among MMH patients, before (1984–1988) and after (1988–2017) dis-
continuation of routine pretransfusion D typing, with that among blood donors

Year Routine D typing Number of cases of anti-D vs. other Rh system alloantibodies %

1984–1988a [4] Yes 5/103 5

1992–1996a [4] No 4/102 4
1999–2001a [4] No 10/194 5
2008–2017a No 22/1404 2
2008–2017 [5](blood donors) Yes 146/2792 5

Patients at MMH.

Table 2 Alloantibodies encountered during the most recent 10 years (2008–2017) in patients at MMH and among blood donors at the Taiwan Blood

MMH [6] Total no. of patients: 38 537 Taiwan Blood Foundation [5] Total no. of blood donors: 3 510 131

Anti- No. Anti- No.

‘Mia’ 1002 ‘Mia’ 7015

E 906 P1 3159
c 367 Lea 2440
P1 257 E 2281
Lea 198 Leb 1660
M 193 M 1537
C 73 c 283
Leb 70 Wra 165
Dia 60 D 146
e 58 S 138
Jka 58 e 116
Jkb 42 Dia 97
Wra 40 C 94
D 22 Fyb 43
Fyb 19 N 40
S 18 G 13
Bga 16 Jka 8
N 13 Jkb 4
Bgb 7 Lebh 4
Fya 1 Jk3 3
Jk3 1 Ce, Cw, Dib, Mg, Pr 2
i 1 V, PP1Pk, Vw, He, Kpa, Ku, Lan, Jra, LW, Lwa 1
Total 3422 (89%)a Total 19 266 (055%)a

Antibody screening and identification were performed by the manual Polybrene method at MMH and on an Olympus PK7300 analyser (03% bromelin-
ized screening cells on a specially designed microplate) at Taiwan Blood Foundation. Anti-I/HI and cold agglutinins were excluded.
Frequency (%) of alloantibodies encountered in patients and blood donors.

during the most recent 10 years (2008–2017), as shown donors) is more representative of the actual incidence of
in Table 1. Interestingly, since the discontinuation of rou- anti-D among the general population of Taiwan when all
tine pretransfusion D typing of hospital patients at MMH, hospitals apart from MMH performed pretransfusion D
the relative incidence of anti-D versus other Rh alloanti- typing of patients routinely. Therefore, anti-D is not as
bodies (5%) among patients has been found to be identi- important in the Taiwan population as it is in Caucasian
cal to that among Taiwanese blood donors (5%) as shown populations and it appears to be unnecessary to transfuse
in Table 1. This relative incidence of anti-D versus other D- patients in our population with D- blood when they
Rh alloantibodies among blood donors (3 510 131 do not carry anti-D.

© 2020 The Authors.

Vox Sanguinis published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of International Society of Blood Transfusion
Vox Sanguinis (2021) 116, 234–238
Elimination of pretransfusion RhD typing 237

Table 3 Ten cases of transfusion-induced anti-D detected during 2008– fear has resulted in significant and harmful under trans-
2017 at MMH fusion in many cases. D- patients, if they do not carry
anti-D, can thus be safely transfused with D+ red cells.
Case Anti- Sex Age (year) Transfuseda MPb LIAT
Since the discovery in 1987 of the GP.Mur phenotype
1 D + C+Jka F 44 2U 3+ 4+ and the corresponding antibody anti-‘Mia’ among the Tai-
2 D + C+E M 76 4U 3+ 3+ wan population, the GP.Mur phenotype has become the
3 D +E F 5M 4U 1+ Negative clinically most important blood group in Taiwan [12].
4 D F 92 16U 4+ NA The GP.Mur phenotype has therefore been included in
5 D +E M 52 2U 1+ – antibody screening cells in Taiwan since 1990. In addi-
6 D F 83 2U 1+ – tion, anti-‘Mia’ and anti-E have proven to be the most
7 D F 81 10U 2+ NA
common and clinically significant alloantibodies (see
8c D F 81 2U 2+ NA
Table 2). Anti-‘Mia’ has caused both intravascular haemo-
9 D +C M 52 5U 1+ NA
10 D M 38 2U 2+ 3+
lytic transfusion reactions and severe HDNB [15,16]. The
Taiwan Blood Foundation has successfully produced
LIAT, LISS indirect antiglobulin test. monoclonal anti-Mia, anti-Mur and anti-Mut [17] making
Units of packed RBC transfused. it possible to perform mass screening of blood donors.
Manual Polybrene method. The frequency of the GP.Mur phenotype in Taiwan was
Patient was transfused with 2 units of Del phenotype blood. found to be 471% after the screening of 704 833 donors
in 2018 (Taiwan Blood Foundation, 2019).
With regards to the Del phenotype, as in case 8 in Since the D- phenotype is rare throughout Southeast
Table 3, it can be seen that transfusing D- patients with Asia, Taiwan’s experience may be of benefit to other
‘supposedly’ D- blood does not necessarily prevent them countries in this region.
from producing anti-D due to the presence of the ‘Del
phenotype’ [8,9] in the Taiwan population [10]. The Del Acknowledgements
phenotype is an extremely weak D phenotype in which
the D antigen is only detectable by adsorption and elution The author would like to thank colleagues at MMH Blood
with anti-D [11] and has a frequency of 326% among Bank (Siaw-Ling Chang,Yung-Shu Chan, Fong-Chuan
serologically D- individuals in Taiwan [12]. In case 8, the Chang, Chih-Fan Chu, Chang-Ling Wang ) for their excel-
patient was transfused with 2 units of the Del phenotype lent technical work , Richard E. Broadberry FIMLS for
resulting in the production of anti-D. The genetic marker advice and reading of the proof and Dr. Sheng-Mou Hou,
RHD1227A for the Del phenotype was recently found to the President of Taiwan Blood Foundation for supplying
be present in all Del individuals [13]. Since 2017, a rapid donors’ data.
genotyping assay for the detection of the RHD1227A
allele is now performed routinely for all D- blood donors Source of support
(with an additional confirmatory adsorption and elution
test with anti-D on all first time D-donors) [14]. The Del There was no Source of support in the form of grants,
phenotype in Taiwan is now considered as D+ and all equipment or drugs.
such units are labelled D+.
In addition, because of the rarity of the D- phenotype Conflict of interests
in Taiwan it has in the past caused unnecessary anxiety
and fear among the general population. This irrational The authors declare no conflict of interests.

1 Lin M, Broadberry RE: Modification of 3 Lin M, Chu CC, Chang SL, et al.: The 5 Taiwan Blood Foundation: Blood group
standard Western pretransfusion test- origin of Minnan and Hakka, the so- antigen and antibody frequency of blood
ing procedures for Taiwan. Vox Sang called "Taiwanese", inferred by HLA donors of Taiwan Blood foundation; in:
1994; 67:199–202 study. Tissue Antigens 2001; 57:192– Lin M (ed): Transfusion Medicine. Taipei,
2 Lin M, Broadberry RE: Elimination of 199 Taiwan: Wu-Nan Book Inc, 2018:505–520
Rh(D) typing and the antiglobulin test 4 Lin M: Taiwan experience suggests 6 Lin M, Chan YS: Compatibility Test-
in pretransfusion compatibility tests that RhD typing for blood transfusion ing; in: Lin M (ed): Transfusion Medi-
for Taiwanese. Vox Sang 1994; 67:28– is unnecessary in southeast Asian pop- cine. Taipei, Taiwan: Wu-Nan Book
29 ulations. Transfusion 2006; 46:95–98 Inc, 2018:186–187

© 2020 The Authors.

Vox Sanguinis published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of International Society of Blood Transfusion
Vox Sanguinis (2021) 116, 234–238
238 M. Lin

7 Lin M: Transfusion Medicine, 3rd edn. 11 Okubo Y, Yamaguchi H, Tomita T, et al.: A 15 Broadberry RE, Lin M: The incidence
Taiwan, Taipei: Health-World, 2005 D variant, Del? Transfusion 1984; 24:542 and significance of anti-"Mia" in
8 Wang M, Wang BL, Xu W, et al.: 12 Lin M, Broadberry RE: Immunohema- Taiwan. Transfusion 1994; 34:349–
Anti-D alloimmunisation in pregnant tology in Taiwan. Transfus Med Rev 352
women with DEL phenotype in China. 1998; 12:56–72 16 Lin M, Broadberry RE: An intravascu-
Transfus Med 2015; 25:163–169 13 Chen JC, Lin TM, Chen YL, et al.: RHD lar hemolytic transfusion reaction due
9 Wagner T, Kormoczi GF, Buchta C, 1227A is an important genetic marker to anti-’Mi(a)’ in Taiwan. Vox Sang
et al.: Anti-D immunization by DEL for RhD(el) individuals. Am J Clin 1994; 67:320
red blood cells. Transfusion 2005; Pathol 2004; 122:193–198 17 Yang M, Cheng J, Liu M, et al.: Estab-
45:520–526 14 Feng S, Wu P, Chang Y, et al.: Rapid lishment of human hybridoma cell
10 Chen WP, Li L, Lin Tsai SJ, et al.: genotyping assays for the detection of lines capable of producing antibodies
Anti-D immunization by del red blood Asian Del, D hybridizations and true D against Miltenberger blood group anti-
cells in Taiwan: two case reports. negatives in blood donors. Transfusion gens (abstract). Vox Sang 2017; 112
Transfusion 2006; 46:129A 2019; 59:119A–120A (S2):17

© 2020 The Authors.

Vox Sanguinis published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of International Society of Blood Transfusion
Vox Sanguinis (2021) 116, 234–238
Vox Sanguinis (2021) 116, 239–248
© 2020 International Society of Blood Transfusion
ORIGINAL PAPER DOI: 10.1111/vox.13010

Development and evaluation of stem cell collection

procedure diagrams to support the education and
recruitment of committed stem cell donors
Warren Fingrut,1,2,3 Ari B. Cuperfain,1,4,5 Sze Wah Samuel Chan,1,5 Emilie Ptak,1,2 Manjot Kahlon,1,2
Justine Dhaliwal, Anish Naidu,1,6
Yongjun (George) Wang,1,6 Owen Baribeau,1,5 Tina Mahmoudi,1,7 Anna Lee,1,7
Roopa Suppiah, Owen D. Luo, Meagan Green,10 Jason T. Weiss,10 Dena Mercer,10 Heidi Elmoazzen,10
1,8 1,9

Tanya Petraszko2,10 & David Allan10,11,12,13

Stem Cell Club, Toronto, ON, Canada
Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Adult Bone Marrow Transplantation Service, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, United States
Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
Faculty of Medicine, Western University, London, ON, Canada
Faculty of Medicine, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada
Faculty of Medicine, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada
Faculty of Medicine, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada
Canadian Blood Services, Ottawa, ON, Canada
Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, The Ottawa Hospital, Ottawa, ON, Canada
Department of Medicine, The Ottawa Hospital, Ottawa, ON, Canada

Background Diagrams which allow potential unrelated stem cell donors to visu-
alize the stem cell collection process were hypothesized to support the recruit-
ment and education of committed stem cell donors.
Study design and methods A series of bone marrow and peripheral blood stem
cell collection procedure diagrams were developed, featuring young adult male
donors of varied ethnic backgrounds. Post-implementation, surveys were con-
ducted to evaluate stakeholder perspective on the diagrams’ utility. A quality
improvement project was conducted at five stem cell drives from 2017 to 2018
at which recruiters did or did not show the diagrams to potential donors. Follow-
ing the drives, registrants were invited to complete a survey exploring their
experience, knowledge and attitude towards donation.
Results The diagrams were implemented in Canada in 07/2016. Of 293 partici-
pating registrants (247% non-Caucasian males) recruited at five drives between
2017 and 2018, 76% (n = 197) were shown the diagrams. Participants who were
shown the diagrams were significantly more likely to report that the recruiters
appeared very knowledgeable (89% vs. 76%, P = 0019) and to report improved
self-reported knowledge of stem cell donation (P = 0010) compared to partici-
pants not shown the diagram. Data are also shown demonstrating that stakehold-
ers in donor recruitment used and valued the diagrams and that use of the
diagrams was associated with improved donor recruitment outcomes in Canada.
Received: 5 June 2020, Conclusion This report is the first evaluation of stem cell collection diagrams in
revised 1 September 2020, the literature. The diagrams are relevant to donor registries, recruitment organi-
accepted 2 September 2020, zations and transplant centres worldwide, and their use may support efforts to
published online 24 September 2020 educate and recruit committed, ethnically diverse donors.

240 W. Fingrut et al.

Key words: donor recruitment, informed consent, donor, donation, bone marrow,
peripheral blood stem cell.

Introduction efforts to educate donors about the donation procedure

could help to reduce attrition.
Allogeneic stem cell transplantation is a potentially cura-
Infographics are often used to convey medical informa-
tive therapy for a variety of blood, immune and meta-
tion, and previous studies have shown that infographics can
bolic diseases; however, the majority of patients do not
increase readers’ attention, comprehension, recall and adher-
have a suitable matching donor in their family, and
ence [21]. We hypothesized that diagrams which allowed
require an alternative donor. Matched unrelated donors
potential donors to visualize the stem cell collection process
remain the most common alternative donor choice,
could enrich the informed consent process and support the
though haploidentical donors have been increasingly used
recruitment and education of quality stem cell donors. Here,
in recent years [1, 2]. Unrelated donors are typically
we describe the development of stem cell collection proce-
recruited either online or at stem cell drives, at which
dure diagrams, and their implementation at stem cell drives
they provide informed consent and a tissue sample for
spearheaded by the Canadian donor recruitment organiza-
human leucocyte antigen (HLA)-typing. Registrants’ HLA
tion Stem Cell Club [22]. Our aim was to develop a resource
typing is listed in an international database, and trans-
to help recruiters and healthcare professionals realize World
plant physicians can search the global inventory using
Marrow Donor Association (WMDA) standards, especially
their national registry.
standards 304 and 305 [23]. We show data evaluating Stem
Despite over 35 million unrelated donors around the
Cell Club’s donor recruitment outcomes prior to and follow-
world today [3], many patients are unable to find a suit-
ing implementation of the diagrams; recruiter perspective of
able matching unrelated donor. This is especially true for
the diagrams; and the impact of the diagrams on registrant
ethnic and racial minority groups, many of which experi-
knowledge and attitudes.
ence lower rates of finding HLA-matched donors, both
within [4–7] and outside [8–10] of North America. This is
due to the combination of smaller donor pools, dispropor- Methods
tionate representation on individual registries and on the
worldwide network, and ethnic/racial differences in Stem cell collection procedure diagram
genetic diversity and in attrition from the registry [11, development
12]. Younger donors are needed as they are associated
A graphic artist was retained to develop the diagrams based
with improved survival in transplant recipients and can
on preliminary designs provided by the authors. This work
remain on the registry longer once they have signed up
was informed by the seven G.R.A.P.H.I.C. principles for
[13, 14]. The transplantation community has also demon-
public health infographic design [24]. Accompanying text
strated a preference for selecting male donors [15], due to
was written to be understandable to the lay-person. The
the reduced risk of chronic graft-versus-host disease in
artist was instructed to feature the most needed donor-de-
recipients and the higher cell count yields with peripheral
mographics: ethnically diverse, young adult males. Dia-
blood stem cell collections, although a recent study
grams were reviewed for accuracy by actively practising
showed that donor age was the only variable which
transplant haematologists and for appeal by community
impacted on recipient survival [16, 17].
representatives from the respective ethnic groups.
Securing informed consent for unrelated haematopoi-
In total, four versions of the bone marrow and peripheral
etic stem cell donors is an important ethical and legal
blood stem cell collection procedure diagrams were devel-
obligation. Moreover, several studies have found that
oped, featuring Black (Fig. 1A,B), Chinese (Figure 1C,D),
donors who felt less informed at various points in the
South Asian (Fig. 1E,F) and Indigenous Peoples of Canada
donor recruitment, evaluation and workup process were
(Figure 1G,H) young adult male donors. The peripheral
more ambivalent about donation and more likely to with-
blood stem cell collection procedure diagrams (Fig 1A,C,E,
draw if asked [18–20]. This work suggests that increasing
G) highlight pre-procedure GCSF administration and day-
of-donation apheresis. The bone marrow collection proce-
Correspondence: Warren Fingrut, MD FRCPC, Division of Hematology dure diagrams (Fig 1B,D,F,H) illustrate marrow being har-
Academic Office, 2775 Laurel St -10th floor, Vancouver, BC Canada V5Z vested from the posterior superior iliac spine via a bone
marrow aspiration needle. A zoom-in of the needle inside

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Stem cell collection diagrams 241

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig. 1 Bone marrow and peripheral blood stem cell collection procedure diagrams, featuring Black (Figure 1A,B), Chinese (Figure 1C,D), Indian (Fig-
ure 1E,F) and Indigenous (Figure 1G,H) young adult male donors. The peripheral blood stem cell collection procedure diagrams (Figure 1A,C,E,G) highlight
pre-procedure GCSF administration and day-of-donation apheresis. The bone marrow collection procedure diagrams (Figure 1B,D,F,H) illustrate marrow
being harvested from the posterior superior iliac spine via a bone marrow aspiration needle, a procedure performed under general anaesthetic. A zoom-
in of the needle inside the marrow is shown. These diagrams are available in colour at

the marrow is shown. The diagrams were published online 2016 to complement these modules. One of these videos
to in 07/2016 and made available for discusses informed consent, and features the use of these
the transplantation community to access and use. diagrams (; also available

Implementation of stem cell collection procedure

diagrams Donor recruitment outcomes before and after
implementation of the diagrams
Starting in 07/2016, the stem cell collection procedure
diagrams were built into Stem Cell Club’s stem cell drives We set out to determine the number, demographics and
[25]. The Stem Cell Club checklists (available at stemcellc availability of the donors recruited in the 18 month peri- were modified, requiring recruiters ods prior to (January 2015-June 2016) and following
to bring these diagrams to each stem cell drive and show (July 2016-December 2017) implementation of the stem
them to all new registrants. Furthermore, Stem Cell Club’s cell collection diagrams at drives spearheaded by Stem
training modules (available at Cell Club. Donors were tracked through the Canadian
ing/index.html) were updated to include these diagrams, Blood Services Stem Cell Registry Stem Cells National
and a series of recruiter training videos was developed in System Solution software. We also tabulated how many

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242 W. Fingrut et al.

(e) (f)

(g) (h)

Fig. 1 (Continued)

in each time horizon had been requested for verification were or were not shown the stem cell collection dia-
typing (VT), the proportion unavailable at VT (due to loss grams as part of their recruitment as donors. This work
of interest of the donor or inability of the registry to con- was conducted as a quality improvement project accord-
tact or locate the donor) and the number of donors who ing to criteria of the Hamilton Integrated Research
proceeded to stem cell donation. Ethics Board [26]. The project was conducted at five
stem cell drives which took place between 03/2017 and
04/2018 in Ontario or British Columbia. Ahead of each
Evaluating recruiter perspective
drive, participating recruiters (5–8 per drive) were asked
Six months following implementation of the stem cell to sign up for shifts to confirm their participation. All
collection procedure diagrams, Stem Cell Club recruiters recruiters completed Stem Cell Club’s updated recruiter
across Canada were invited by email to participate in a training programme, which introduced and discussed use
SurveyMonkey survey ( of the diagrams. A numbered list of participating recrui-
to assess their perspective on the diagrams; survey ques- ters was generated, in order of when they confirmed
tions employed Likert scales. their participation. A random number generator (https:// was
then used to select four participating recruiters to
Exploring the impact of the diagrams on
receive a copy of the diagrams to use at the drive. These
registrant knowledge and attitudes
four recruiters were instructed to show the diagrams to
We set out to investigate whether there were differences potential donors, and, where possible, to specifically
in the knowledge or attitudes of registrants who either approach ethnic demographics matching that of the

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Stem cell collection diagrams 243

characters portrayed in the diagram they carried; other Results

recruiters did carry or use these diagrams, and relied on
face to face discussion to explain the donation process. Donor recruitment outcomes before and after
Recruiters were informed that a survey was being con- implementation of the diagrams
ducted at the drive to examine registrant experience, but
were not explained the nature of the quality improve- In the 18 months prior to implementation of the stem cell
ment project ahead of time, and were not shown the collection procedure diagrams (01/2015–06/2016), stem
survey questions. cell drives spearheaded by Stem Cell Club recruited 2148
Newly registered stem cell donors at these drives were stem cell donors at 71 stem cell drives; 55% (n = 1190)
invited immediately after recruitment to provide their were male and 59% (n = 1265) were non-Caucasian
emails to participate in an anonymous survey. Registrants (Table 1). Forty-one donors were requested for verifica-
were told that the survey objective was to explore regis- tion typing, of whom 414% were unavailable and none
trant experience at the stem cell drive and that they went on to donate stem cells. In the 18 months following
would receive a $10 gift card after completion of the sur- implementation (07/2016–12/2017), 4601 donors were
vey for their time. Surveys were administered via Sur- recruited at 89 stem cell drives; 49% (n = 2238) were
veyMonkey ( immediately male and 56% (n = 2578) were non-Caucasian. Fifty-six
following the drive. In total, two reminder emails were donors were requested for verification typing, of whom
sent to registrants who did not complete the survey. Sur- 303% were unavailable and 7 went on to match to a
veys asked registrants to provide or withdraw consent to patient and donate stem cells (Table 1).
be included in the analysis. After survey completion, par-
ticipants were directed to a second, nonanonymous sur- Recruiter perspective on stem cell collection
vey asking for an email address to which the $10 diagrams
honorarium would be sent.
Participating registrants were asked to report their Seventy-six Stem Cell Club donor recruiters based in 17
sex and ethnicity. The Simmons Ambivalence Scale cities in 5 provinces across Canada participated in the
(SAS) was employed to assess registrant ambivalence at online survey conducted six months following implemen-
the time of registration. This seven-item scale has been tation of the diagrams at drives. Participants reported
used to assess ambivalence in previous studies of mar- prior experience at a median of 3 stem cell drives (range
row donors [18, 27]. We dichotomized the responses for 1–15). Most agreed or strongly agreed that: the diagrams
each item to reflect whether participants expressed any were available for recruiters to use at every drive (99%);
ambivalence (score = 1) or no ambivalence (score = 0). every registrant was shown the diagrams (91%); and the
We employed a 14-question, true or false, informed diagrams made it easier to explain the stem cell donation
consent quiz which we previously designed [22] to process (96%) and supported efforts to recruit ethnically
assess registrants’ knowledge according to World Mar- diverse donors (85%) (Fig. 2A).
row Donor Association-suggested procedures for
informed consent at the time of registration [28]. Regis-
Impact of diagrams on registrant knowledge and
trants also were asked whether they had any unan-
attitudes towards donation
swered questions after the drive, and they rated their
knowledge of stem cell donation before and after the Five-hundred and one registrants (34% non-Caucasian
drive and their perception of recruiter knowledge. These males) were recruited at the stem cell drives conducted as
metrics of registrant experience have been shown previ- part of the quality improvement project, of whom 293
ously to impact on ambivalence [18]. (247% non-Caucasian males) participated in the online
Mean informed consent quiz score, SAS score and survey following the drive, reflecting a 585% participa-
markers of registrant experience were compared between tion rate. Sixty-seven per cent (n = 197) of survey partic-
the participants who were or were not shown the stem ipants reported being shown the stem cell collection
cell collection diagrams at the drive. Categorical variables procedure diagram, and 33% (n = 96) reported they were
were compared using the chi-square or Fisher exact test. not shown the diagram. There was no significant differ-
Mean informed consent and SAS scores between groups ence in the proportion of non-Caucasian males in the
were compared using two-tailed t-tests. All statistical groups who were or were not shown the diagrams (253%
analyses were performed using SPSS v.20.0 (IBM Corp., vs. 245%, P = 0886). Of those registrants who were
Armonk, NY, USA). shown the diagrams (n = 197), most (91–93%) agreed or

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244 W. Fingrut et al.

strongly agreed that they helped them understand the or strongly agree that the recruiters appeared knowledge-
respective collection procedures (Fig. 2B). Participants able compared to participants not shown the diagram
who were shown the diagrams were more likely to agree (89% vs. 76%, P = 0019, Fig. 3A).

Table 1 Stem Cell Club donor recruitment outcomes

January 2015 – June 2016 July 2016 – December 2017

(Prior to implementation of (Following implementation of stem
stem cell collection procedure diagrams) cell collection procedure diagrams)

Number of stem cell drives run by Stem Cell Club 71 89

Total donors recruited by Stem Cell Club 2148 4601
Total males recruited by Stem Cell Club1 1190 (55%) 2238 (49%)
Total non-Caucasian people recruited by Stem Cell Club1 1265 (59%) 2578 (56%)
Verification Typing (VT) Requests2 41 56
% Donors unavailable3 414% 303%
Number of donors who matched to 0 7
patient and donated stem cells

Per cent shown is per cent of total donors recruited during the time horizon.
Number if VT requests for donors recruited during the time horizon, as of April 2020.
Number of donors who lost interest in donation or were not contactable or locatable divided by total VT requests.

Fig. 2 Recruiter (Figure 2A) and registrant (Figure 2B) perspective on the stem cell collection procedure diagram. Figure 2A: Results from an online
survey of Stem Cell Club donor recruiters conducted six-month post-implementation of the diagrams at stem cell drives (n = 76 participants from 17
cities in 5 provinces across Canada. Figure 2B: Results from an online survey of newly recruited stem cell donors who were shown the stem cell collec-
tion procedure diagrams at the stem cell drive (n = 197 participants; 245% non-Caucasian males). Participants were recruited at one of five stem cell
drives run by Stem Cell Club chapters in Ontario or British Columbia from 04/2017 to 03/2018. Surveys were completed within two weeks of recruitment
as donors.

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Stem cell collection diagrams 245

Fig. 3 Impact of stem cell collection procedure diagrams on registrant perception of recruiter knowledge (Figure 3A) and self-reported knowledge of
stem cell donation prior to and following the stem cell drive (Figure 3B). A quality improvement project was conducted at a series of five stem cell
drives run by Stem Cell Club chapters in Ontario or British Columbia from 04/2017 to 03/2018. At these drives, four recruiters carried and used the stem
cell collection procedure diagrams while securing informed consent, and the remainder (n = 1–4) secured informed consent without these diagrams.
Two-hundred ninety-three registrants participated in the survey, reflecting a 58% participation rate. Answers are stratified according to whether partici-
pants were shown the stem cell collection procedure diagrams (n = 197) or not (n = 96). Figure 3A: Participants who were shown the diagrams were
significantly more likely to agree or strongly agree that recruiters at the drive were knowledgeable, compared to participants who were not shown the
diagrams (P = 0019 by Fisher’s exact test). Figure 3B: Participants’ self-reported knowledge of stem cell donation was greater following the stem cell
drive compared to prior to the drive (P < 0001 by chi-squared test). There was no significant different in self-reported knowledge of stem cell donation
prior to the drive (P = 0914 by Fisher’s exact test); however, self-reported knowledge following the drive was significantly increased in those who were
shown the diagrams (P = 0010 by Fisher’s exact test).

Overall, participants’ self-reported knowledge of stem drive, P = 0010). There were no significant differences
cell donation significantly improved following the drive between groups in mean scores on the 14 question
compared to prior to the drive (26% reporting a moderate informed consent quiz (Table 2) or the seven question
amount or a lot of knowledge about stem cell donation Simmons Ambivalence Scale (Table 3).
prior to the drive vs 80% following the drive, P < 0001)
(Fig. 3B). There was no significant difference in self-re-
ported knowledge prior to the stem cell drive in the group
who was shown the diagrams compared to the group who We report the development stem cell collection procedure
was not (P = 0914). However, participants self-reported diagrams which feature a range of ethnically diverse
knowledge following the stem cell drive was greater in young adult male donors donating peripheral blood stem
the group who reported seeing the diagrams compared to cells or bone marrow, and their implementation at stem
those who did not (85% vs. 74% reporting moderate or a cell drives run by the Canadian donor recruitment organi-
lot of knowledge about stem cell donation following the zation Stem Cell Club. To our knowledge, these are the

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246 W. Fingrut et al.

Table 2 Registrant knowledge about donation

Percentage correct

Correct Not shown diagram Shown diagram

Informed consent quiz question answer (n = 96) (n = 196)

Everyone can register to donate stem cells False 5729% 6497%

Stem cell donors can direct their donations to a patient of their choice False 8316% 8214%
Swabs collected at stem cell drives are stored for future additional testing True 9158% 8980%
Everyone who registers as a donor will have the opportunity to donate stem cells False 7579% 7296%
All stem cell donations involve surgery under anaesthetic False 9368% 9133%
Donors could be saving the life of a patient who could be in any country, anywhere in the world True 7895% 7908%
Donors are informed of the identity of the person who will receive their stem cells before the False 6737% 6990%
Once committed to save a patient’s life, donors are not allowed to withdraw from the programme False 9263% 9439%
Donors who have blood-born and transmissible diseases (such as HIV or Hepatitis) are allowed to False 9263% 9286%
donate stem cells
Potential donors need to inform Canadian Blood Services when their contact information changes True 8737% 9235%
Donors are paid in exchange for their stem cells False 9579% 9643%
Common side effects of stem cell donation include pain, nausea, fatigue and difficulty sleeping True 7368% 7704%
Prior to donating stem cells from blood, the donor is given injections of a growth factor to move True 6842% 7602%
stem cells from their bone marrow into their blood
A registrant’s medical information (HLA markers, medical history) will be shared with other stem True 8632% 8673%
cell donor databases around the world, but their personal information (name, contact
information) will be kept strictly confidential
Mean score on informed consent quiz 8176%* 8329%*

*P = 0717 by two-tailed t-test.

Table 3 Registrant ambivalence towards donation

Percentage expressing any ambivalence

Answers demonstrating Not shown diagram Shown diagram

Simmons ambivalence scale question any ambivalence (n = 96) (n = 196)

How hard a decision was it for you to register as a Moderate, Hard 2842% 3163%
potential stem cell donor?
Did you know right away that you would do it or did you Had to think it over 2315% 3725%
think it over?
Many donors have doubts and worries about registering as Yes 3684% 4897%
a donor, even though they go through with it. Did you
ever have doubts about registering as a potential donor
How would you feel if you found out that you couldn’t Relieved 0% 561%
donate for some reason?
How strongly do you agree or disagree with the statement Agree, Strongly agree 2947% 4285%
“I sometimes feel unsure about whether I would go
through with donating.”?
How strongly do you agree or disagree with the statement Agree, Strongly agree 947% 1071%
“I would want the transplant patient to get stem cells
from someone else instead of from me.”?
How strongly do you agree or disagree with the statement Disagree, Strongly disagree 1894% 1479%
“I would really want to donate myself even if someone
else could do it.”?
Mean simmons ambivalence score 150* 192*

*P = 043 by two-tailed t-test.

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Stem cell collection diagrams 247

first stem cell collection diagrams which have been evalu- self-selected to participate in this survey; however, the
ated and published in the literature. We show (1) recruiter use of a survey incentive may have mitigated potential
perspective that the diagrams support the education of bias. Third, the quality improvement project had a num-
stem cell donors and the recruitment of ethnically diverse ber of potential confounders, including lack of random-
donors; (2) newly registered donors’ perspective that the ization of registrants who were approached by the
diagrams help them to understand the stem cell collection recruiters. Further, the surveys were completed within
procedures; (3) data supporting that registrants who are two weeks following the drive and relied on registrants’
shown the diagrams have significantly improved scores recall of whether or not they had been shown the
on key performance indicators which have previously diagrams.
been shown to be associated with reduced ambivalence In addition to their use at time of recruitment of unre-
(perception of recruiter knowledge and self-reported lated donors, these diagrams could be employed at a later
knowledge of stem cell donation); and (4) data supporting stage in the donation process. The World Marrow Donor
strong donor recruitment outcomes following implemen- Association (WMDA) standard 311 states that valid
tation of these diagrams by the donor recruitment organi- informed consent must be secured from volunteer donors
zation Stem Cell Club, including successful targeted at time of workup. The diagrams could also be included
recruitment of ethnically diverse males during a period of as part of donor retention efforts and adapted to counsel
time in which Stem Cell Club’s annual donor recruitment matched sibling or haploidentical donors. They are rele-
doubled. vant to donor registries, recruitment organizations and
Attrition remains a challenge for donor registries transplant centres around the world.
around the world. In Canada, almost half of all donors on
the Canadian Blood Services Stem Cell Registry who have
matched to a patient do not go through with donation
[29]. Similar rates of attrition have been reported with WF acknowledges funding from a Canadian Blood Ser-
Anthony Nolan of the United Kingdom and with the vices BloodTechNet grant and from Doctors of BC. DA
National Marrow Donor Program of the United States [12, acknowledges support from the Department of Medicine,
30]. Multiple studies have shown that donor attrition is University of Ottawa. We thank the transplantation
considerably higher in ethnic minorities [12, 20, 30]. In experts and representatives from the ethnic communities
our study, a better understanding facilitated by the use of who reviewed the stem cell collection diagrams prior to
stem cell collection diagrams may have contributed to the publication. We thank our graphic designer Elanna Segal
observed decreased proportion of donors unavailable at for her work in developing the diagrams in coordination
VT after implementation compared to prior (303% vs. with the authors and reviewers. Thank you to the Stem
414% respectively; Table 1). These diagrams could there- Cell Club recruiters who participated in the online survey,
fore be implemented as part of a multi-pronged effort to as well as recruiters at all chapters for their efforts to
improve donor awareness and commitment, including in recruit the most needed stem cell donors.
ethnic minority groups.
Our work has several limitations: first, recruiters self-
Conflicts of interest
selected to participate in the survey administered six-
month post-implementation of the diagrams; those with The authors have no conflicts of interest to report. DA is
negative feedback may have been less likely to partici- a paid medical consultant with Canadian Blood Services
pate. Second, the quality improvement project surveys (CBS). MG, JW, DM, TP and HE are employed by CBS.
of newly registered donors included 293 participants WF receives grant funding from CBS.
recruited at five stem cell drives at which 501 donors
were recruited, reflecting a 585% participation rate.
This incomplete participation could have introduced bias
into the survey; however, it is reassuring that the pro- This work was supported with funding from Canadian
portion of non-Caucasian males is similar in the overall Blood Services, Doctors of BC, and the Department of
sample and in the survey participants. Registrants also Medicine at University of Ottawa.

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© 2020 International Society of Blood Transfusion
LETTER TO THE EDITOR DOI: 10.1111/vox.13003

The protective effect of O blood type against SARS-CoV-2

Massimo Franchini,1 Claudia Glingani,1 Indeed, in accordance with the Italian transfusion law
Claudia Del Fante, Martina Capuzzo,3 Vincenza Di Stasi,4 for the prevention of transfusion-related acute lung
Giulia Rastrelli, Linda Vignozzi,4 Giuseppe De Donno5 injury (TRALI), only nulliparous women can donate CP.
& Cesare Perotti The prevalence of O blood type in CP donors was sig-
Department of Hematology and Transfusion Medicine, Carlo nificantly lower than that observed in healthy blood
Poma Hospital, Mantova, Italy donors of Mantua and Pavia (Table 1). According to
Immunohematology and Transfusion Service, IRCCS Policlinico these data, the relative risk (and 95% confidence inter-
San Matteo, Pavia, Italy val) of having experienced SARS-CoV-2 infection in O
Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences for Mother, Child blood type subjects is estimated as 074 (06–090), thus
and Adult, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy suggesting the protective role of O blood type towards
Women’s Endocrinology and Gender Incongruence Unit, SARS-CoV-2 contraction. When considering in CP
Department of Experimental and Clinical Biomedical Sciences donors the clinical course of the disease, O blood type
‘Mario Serio’, Careggi Hospital, University of Florence - Andrology, did not appear as a modulator of the severity of
Florence, Italy COVID-19 (Table 1 bottom section). Interestingly, con-
Lung Unit, Carlo Poma Hospital, Mantova, Italy sidering O and B blood groups together and comparing
them with the other blood types, the O blood type-re-
ABO antigens, which are ubiquitously expressed on the
lated protective effect disappeared (Table 1). This find-
surface of human cells and tissues, have been implied
ing could be in contrast with the hypothesized anti-
in a wide array of diseases, first of all cardiovascular
SARS-CoV-2 activity of anti-A isoagglutinins, which are
disorders [1,2]. Recent evidence has suggested a rela-
tionship between the ABO blood group and the suscep-
tibility of developing severe acute respiratory syndrome
Table 1 Comparison of characteristics of observed samples.
coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) [3,4]. In particular, it has
been hypothesized that individuals belonging to O blood Characteristics CP donors Healthy blood donors P valueb
type are less susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 infection than
those belonging to non-O blood groups [4]. The reason Number 447 16 911
for this phenomenon could reside in the presence in O Mean age (y, –SD) 477–121 471 –143 041
N Males/Females 385/62 10 321/6590
blood group subjects of IgG anti-A isoagglutinins which
%Males 861 610 <00001
would prevent the binding of SARS-CoV-2 to its recep-
ABO blood group
tor thereby inhibiting the virus entry into the targeted
O 162 (362%) 7,375 (436%) 0002c,d
human cells [5]. To verify the protective effect of O Non-O 285 (638%) 9,536 (564%)
blood type against SARS-CoV-2 infection, we have A 207 (463%) 7,209 (426%)
compared the ABO blood group distribution of all B 54 (121%) 1,620 (96%)
donors of convalescent plasma (CP) with that of healthy AB 24 (54%) 707 (42%)
uninfected periodic volunteer blood donors. During the
Non-O P
period between 25 March 2020 and 22 June 2020, 447
O blood type blood type valuec
consecutive CP donors were enrolled at the University
Hospital of Pavia and the City Hospital of Mantova, O vs. non-O blood type comparisons in CP donors
Lombardy region, Italy. All CP donors were of Cau- Asymptomatic COVID-19a 5/162 (31%) 6/285 (21%) 051
casian origin and were recovered (clinical resolution of Non-severe COVID-19a 145/162 (895%) 259/285 (908%) 063
symptoms from at least 14 days with two consecutive Severe COVID-19a 12/162 (74%) 20/285 (71%) 087
negative SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR nasal swabs) from coron-
CP, convalescent plasma; SD, standard deviation; y, years.
avirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). These subjects were a
Patients with SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia requiring hospitalization with
compared with an historical series of 16 911 healthy mechanical (invasive or not invasive) respiratory support. All the other
blood donors from the same geographical area (Table 1, cases were classified as non-severe.
upper section). The two analytical population were com- b
CP donors vs. healthy blood donors.
parable in terms of age, whereas as expected an extra O blood type versus non-O blood type.
representation of males was observed in CP donors. O and B blood types versus other blood types: P = 006.

250 Letter to the Editor

present also in B group individuals. However, the neu- 2 Franchini M, Mannucci PM: ABO blood group and thrombotic
tralizing effect could be a characteristic of anti-A isoag- vascular disease. Thromb Haemost 2014; 112:1103–1109
glutinins belonging to IgG class (predominant in O 3 Li J, Wang X, Chen J, et al.: Association between ABO blood
blood type individuals) and not of those belonging to groups and risk of SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia. Br J Haematol
2020). 190, 24–27.
IgM class (predominant in B blood group subjects).
4 Dzik S, Eliason K, Morris EB, Kaufman RM, North CM: COVID-
In conclusion, we documented for the first time the
19 and ABO blood groups. Transfusion 2020.
association between ABO blood type and COVID-19 in a 10.1111/trf.15946. [Epub ahead of print].
homogeneous population of CP donors recovered from 5 Focosi D: Anti-A Isohemagglutinin titers and SARS-CoV2 neu-
SARS-CoV-2 infection, having O blood type subjects a tralization: implications for children and convalescent plasma
reduced predisposition to become infected. selection. Br J Haematol 2020). 190, e148–e150. https://doi.

Conflict of interest Received: 24 July 2020,

revised 9 August 2020,
The authors declare no conflict of interests. accepted 12 August 2020

Correspondence: Massimo Franchini, Department of Hematology

and Transfusion Medicine, Carlo Poma Hospital, Mantova, Italy
1 Anstee DJ: The relationship between blood groups and disease.
Blood 2010; 115:4635–4643




© 2020 International Society of Blood Transfusion

Vox Sanguinis (2021) 116, 249–250
Vox Sanguinis (2021) 116, 251–252
© 2020 International Society of Blood Transfusion
LETTER TO THE EDITOR DOI: 10.1111/vox.13015

Lack of association between ABO blood groups and

susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 infection
Jose Eduardo Levi,1,2 Paulo Roberto Telles,1,3 Hommenig and lower of O type comparing SARS-CoV-2 patients
Scrivani & Gustavo Campana1
with the general population attended by the laboratory,
Dasa Laboratories, Barueri, Brazil these differences are quite small and did not reach statis-
Tropical Medicine Institute, Universidade de S~
ao Paulo, S~
ao Paulo, tical significance. Essentially, 30% of the patients in our
Brazil cohort had one or more laboratory markers indicating
Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Universidade previous or current SARS-CoV-2 infection, irrespective of
Federal Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil the blood group (Table 2). The absence of a relationship
between ABO blood type and susceptibility to SARS-CoV-
2 infection was also reported in another US study [4],
Studies in China, the USA and Turkey, summarized by which suggested that ethnicity may have biased previous
Focosi [1], described an association between risk for analysis. Noticeably, a higher frequency of type A was
SARS-CoV-2 infection and ABO blood groups, with the found among COVID-19 patients in non-Hispanic White
results converging to a higher rate of infection among subjects but not in Black or Hispanic subjects [5], who
type A and lower among type O subjects. These data are are certainly more related to the genetic background of
reinforced by an elegant study employing genome-wide Brazilians. In conclusion, ABO blood group types do not
association, which identified a region on chromosome 9 seem to significantly impact on the risk for SARS-CoV-2
corresponding to the ABO locus, with frequency misbal- infection among a representative population from Brazil.
ance between severe COVID-19 patients and healthy
blood donors from Italy and Spain [2].
The biological mechanism behind the increased suscep-
tibility of type A and resistance by type O individuals to Table 1 Frequency of ABO blood group types in the general patient’s
SARS-CoV-2 infection has been related to anti-A iso- population, SARS-CoV-2 testing patients and SARS-CoV-2-reactive
haemagglutinin, which may prevent the binding of the patients
viral spike protein to the cellular receptor ACE2 [3].
We sought to evaluate the relationship between blood
Patients in general# suspects positives*,#
group types and SARS-CoV-2 laboratory results from our
database. Up to 22 June 2020, 196 897 and 256 471 real- Blood group
time PCR (RT-PCR) and serological tests respectively were O 843 108 465% 3002 465% 913 448%
performed at Dasa, the largest clinical pathology labora- A 682 074 3762% 2505 388% 816 401%
tory in Brazil. B 217,970 1202% 713 110% 237 116%
Among patients submitted to SARS-CoV-2 testing, we AB 70 085 387% 237 37% 71 35%
Total 1 813 237 100% 6457 100% 2037 100%
identified 6457 who had a concomitant ABO blood group
typing result, being 4353 tested by RT-PCR and 2275 for *Either by RT-PCR (n = 1589), serology (n = 442) or both (n = 6).
COVID-19 antibodies, while 171 did both (Table 1). Most #
Chi-square for patients in general x SARS-CoV-2-positive patient com-
patients submitted to RT-PCR were hospitalized, as testing parison, P-value = 01405.
due to reagent shortage was prioritized to them, while
serology did not require a prescription and was performed
by asymptomatic individuals and patients presenting a Table 2 SARS-CoV-2 reactivity (serology and/or qPCR) according to ABO
broader range of clinical manifestations. However, results blood group
did not differ when analysing in separate RT-PCR and
serology patients (data not shown). We also retrieved Blood group SARS-CoV-2+ SARS-CoV-2- Total % COVID+
historical ABO blood group typing from our records,
Oa 913 2089 3002 030
representing 1 813 237 patients. The program
Aa 816 1689 2505 032
’R’ (R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Aus- B 237 476 713 033
tria) was used to perform Pearson’s chi-squared test. AB 71 166 237 029
Our data failed to reproduce the skewed frequency of TOTAL 2037 4420 6457
ABO blood group types reported by the studies above.

Though we do find a trend for a higher frequency of A Chi-square for A x O blood group comparison, P-value = 0085.


Engl J Med 2020;NEJMoa2020283.

Conflict of interests Moa2020283. Online ahead of print
3 Gerard C, Maggipinto G, Minon JM: COVID-19 and ABO blood
The authors declare no conflict of interests.
group: another viewpoint. Br J Haematol 2020; 190:e93–e94
4 Dzik S, Eliason K, Morris EB, et al. COVID-19 and ABO blood
Funding groups. Transfusion 2020.
Online ahead of print
None. 5 Leaf RK, Al-Samkari H, Brenner SK, et al.: ABO phenotype
and death in critically ill patients with COVID-19. Br J Hae-
matol 2020. Online ahead
Data availability statement of print
Data sharing requests should be sent to Jose Eduardo Levi
( Received: 24 August 2020,
revised 10 September 2020,
accepted 14 September 2020
1 Focosi D: Anti-A isohaemagglutinin titres and SARS-CoV-2 Correspondence: Jose Eduardo Levi, Research and Development,
neutralization: implications for children and convalescent Dasa Laboratories, Rua Gilberto Sabino, 215 - Pinheiros, S~ao
plasma selection. Br J Haematol 2020; 190:e148–e150 Paulo, SP 05425-020, Brazil
2 Ellinghaus D, Degenhardt F, Bujanda L, et al.: Genomewide E-mail:
association study of severe covid-19 with respiratory failure. N

© 2020 International Society of Blood Transfusion

Vox Sanguinis (2021) 116, 251–252
Vox Sanguinis (2021) 116, 253

DIARY OF EVENTS © 2021 International Society of Blood Transfusion

DOI: 10.1111/vox.12950

See also

4.5.2021 IPFA/PEI – The International Workshop on Surveillance and Screening of Blood-borne Pathogens

13–15.5.2021 The Canadian Society for Transfusion Medicine (CSTM) are holding their annual scientific conference virtually in 2021.

26–27.05.21 21st Congress of the European Society for Hemapheresis

5–9.6.2021 ISBT In Focus, the 31st regional congress of the ISBT, will be a virtual event in 2021

17.9.2021 11th BIC International Conference – Advances in Haemostasis and Bleeding Disorders

22–24.9.2021 Deutsche Gesellschaft f€ur Transfusionsmedizin und Immunh€amatologie e.V.

23–26.9.2021 16th International Congress on Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS 2021)

13–16.11.2021 32nd Regional congress of ISBT, Brisbane, Australia


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