Direct Torque Control of Three Phase Induction Motor Drive Using Fuzzy Logic Controllers For Low Torque Ripple
Direct Torque Control of Three Phase Induction Motor Drive Using Fuzzy Logic Controllers For Low Torque Ripple
Direct Torque Control of Three Phase Induction Motor Drive Using Fuzzy Logic Controllers For Low Torque Ripple
Abstract— This paper presents an improved Direct Torque torque control (DTC) is used to improve dynamic response
Control (DTC) based on fuzzy logic technique. The major performance and decrease the torque ripples.
problem that is usually associated with DTC drive is the high
torque ripple. To overcome this problem a torque hysteresis band
with variable amplitude is proposed based on fuzzy logic. The II. DTC STRUCTURES
fuzzy proposed controller is shown to be able to reducing the
in Fig. 1. At each sample time, the two stator currents and
The basic model of DTC induction motor scheme is shown
torque and flux ripples and to improve performance DTC
and the DC bus voltage are sampled. Using the inverter
especially at low speed. The validity of the proposed methods is
Keywords- Direct torque control, induction motor, fuzzy logic, vector in the stationary reference frame are calculated as
torque ripple minimization. follows.
= −
= −
Fuzzy logic is recently getting increasing emphasis in drive (1)
control applications. Recent years, fuzzy logic control has
found many applications in the past two decades. This is so
largely increasing because fuzzy logic control has the The ,
components of the stator current space vector are
capability to control nonlinear uncertain systems even in the calculated using
" =
case where no mathematical model is available for the control
system [1]. So, the development of high performance control
" =
strategies for AC servo system drives resulted in a rapid #$% #$ (2)
evolution. To overcome the disadvantages of vector control √
technique, in the middle of 1980’s, a new quick response
technique for the torque control of induction motors was The stator flux is a function of the rotor flux which is
proposed by Takahashi as direct torque control (DTC) [2]. provides from the flux observer.
structure and hence, this technique is gaining popularity in
Since DTC was first introduced, several variations to its |& | = .&
+ &
original structure were proposed to overcome the inherent
disadvantages in any hysteresis-based controller, such as The electromagnetic torque is calculated by
variable switching frequency, high sampling requirement for
/ = 0& "1 & "
digital implementation, and high torque ripple[22]-[23]. To
solve this problem, various techniques have been proposed.
Including the use of variable hysteresis bands [17], predictive where p is the number of pole pairs.
control schemes [24], space vector modulation techniques [25]
and intelligent control methods [18]. This paper proposes a
novel scheme to improve the drive performance. Fuzzy direct
Switching Table
+ <;
-Fh Fh
/546 1
+ - Th
Torque and Flux
Sector 5
Sector 4
Sector 3
Sector 2
Sector 1
, ,
> , @
> , @
7 7
> , @
7 7
6 6
57 77
77 97
7 57
6 6
6 6
7 7
6 2
2 6
Decrease Torque 100 110 010 011 001 101
Flux Decrease
Torque 011 001 101 100 110 010
Increase Torque 110 010 011 001 101 100
Flux Decrease
Torque 001 101 100 110 010 011
state losses. In this way the output current harmonic can be
strongly reduced [15]. The hysteresis band has to be set large enough to limit the
inverter switching frequency below a certain level that is
usually determined by thermal restriction of power devices.
& C / D , & D / D Since the hysteresis bands are set to cope with the worst case,
the system performance is inevitably degraded in a certain
operating range, especially in a low speed region [17]. In
torque hysteresis controller, an elapsing time to move from
lower to upper limit, and vice versa can be changed according
to operating condition [17].
Switching Table
+ <;
-Fh Fh
/546 Fuzzy VSI
+ - controller
Torque and Flux
Figure4. Fuzzy logic DTC scheme
Lds=Ls-Lm; Ldr=Lr-Lm; C and J=0.062Kg.m2 are
Stator flux linkage comparing curves are shown in Figure 6
and Figure 7.
Compared with two groups of flux waveform, the flux track
amplitude of traditional DTC model is volatile. At certain
parts, there is a clear deviation, flux required for a longer time
to reach steady-state, the fuzzy logic DTC flux track has
always maintained a very good round, flux is required for a
short time to reach steady-state, and flux amplitude fluctuation
is small.
a) 0.5
fsbeta [Wb]
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
fsalfa [Wb]
Figure.6. Stator flux circle based Classical DTC
Figure.4. Input variables membership functions
-1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Figure.5. Output variable membership function
Torque [Nm]
fuzzy logic DTC current waveform is relatively smooth, so,
effectively reduces the harmonic.
Torque [Nm]
40 20
Current (A)
20 0
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 -40
Time [s]
Figure.9. Torque response based Fuzzy DTC 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4
Current (A)
0.8 -40
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4
Stator flux [Wb]
Figure13. Steady-state stator current based on fuzzy logic DTC
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4
The present paper has presented a sensorless speed DTC drive
Time [s] with fuzzy controller. This controller determinates the desired
Figure.10. Steady-state stator flux-response based Classical DTC amplitude of torque hysteresis band. It is shown that the
proposed scheme results in improved stator flux and torque
responses under steady state condition. The main advantage is
the improvement of torque and flux ripple characteristics at
low speed region, this provides an opportunity for motor
operation under minimum switching loss and noise.
Stator flux[Wb]
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