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LH UpperInt Wordlist U2

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Unit 2 Wordlist Language Hub Upper Intermediate  

Part of
Word/Phrase speech IPA (UK) IPA (USA ) Definition Sample sentence
Health and fitness
anxiety noun æŋˈzaɪəti the feeling of being very It’s generally agreed that
worried that something bad is too much caffeine can
going to happen cause anxiety.
calorie noun ˈkæləri units for measuring how much How many calories are
energy you get from food there in a slice of pizza?
cholesterol noun kəˈlestərɒl kəˈlestərɑl a type of fat in the blood that Try to avoid fatty
can cause heart disease if you foods that are high in
have too much cholesterol.
depression noun dɪˈpreʃ(ə)n a medical condition in which He has suffered from
a person is so unhappy they depression for years.
cannot live a normal life
level of fitness phrase ˈlev(ə)l əv ˈfɪtnəs how healthy and strong Regular cycling can help
someone is increase your level of
life expectancy noun laɪf ɪkˈspektənsi the length of time that Medical advances have
someone is likely to live helped increase life
mental health noun ˈment(ə)l helθ the condition of your mind Adel has suffered from
various mental health
problems for years now.
obesity noun əʊˈbiːsəti oʊˈbisəti a condition in which someone Unhealthy school
is too fat in a way that is dinners contribute to
dangerous for their health obesity in children.
physical adjective ˈfɪzɪk(ə)l relating to your body rather Adults are generally
than your mind advised to do at least
30 minutes of physical
activity every day.
processed foods noun ˈprəʊsest fuːdz prəˈsest fudz edible products that are My doctor suggested I
manufactured cut down on processed
reduce the risk phrase rɪˈdjuːs ðə rɪsk rɪˈdus ðə rɪsk to lower the chances of Cutting down on fatty
something bad happening foods can reduce the
risk of heart disease.
slow the ageing phrase sləʊ ðə ˈeɪdʒɪŋ sloʊ ðə ˈeɪdʒɪŋ to reduce the speed at which Eating well and doing
process ˈprəʊses prəˈses people’s bodies deterioriate exercise can slow the
ageing process.
stress noun stres pressure or worry caused by I just couldn’t take the
problems in everyday life stress of working in the
city anymore.
Adverbs of stance
admittedly adverb ədˈmɪtɪdli ədˈmɪtədli saying something is true even I’m sure it was her
though it may weaken your although, admittedly,
argument she was wearing a
different coat.
apparently adverb əˈpærəntli əˈpærəntli based only on what you have Apparently, Felix is
heard, not on what you are looking for a new job.
certain is true
frankly adverb ˈfræŋkli saying that you are about to Frankly, I don’t care who
give your honest opinion, even you are.
though the person you are
talking to might not like it
merely adverb ˈmɪə(r)li ˈmɪrli saying that something is small This job is merely a way
or unimportant for me to pay the bills.
naturally adverb ˈnætʃ(ə)rəli saying that something happened Naturally, Maria was
in the way that you would expect very keen to meet the
new starters.

Language Hub Upper Intermediate Student’s Resource Centre.

Published by Macmillan Education, a division of Springer Nature Limited. © Springer Nature Limited, 2020. This page may be photocopied and used within the class. 1
Unit 2 Wordlist Language Hub Upper Intermediate  

Part of
Word/Phrase speech IPA (UK) IPA (USA) Definition Sample sentence
sadly adverb ˈsædli saying that you think She made it through to
something is bad or wrong the last round, but sadly,
didn’t get the job.
simply adverb ˈsɪmpli used for emphasising that what We simply don’t have
you are saying is nothing more time to go through
than what you say it is everything now.
undoubtedly adverb ʌnˈdaʊtɪdli saying that something is In my opinion, she was
certainly true or is accepted by undoubtedly the best
everyone person for the job.
Adverb + adjective collocations
absolutely adjective ˈæbsəluːtli ˈæbsəluːtli very silly or unreasonable and Steph looks absolutely
ridiculous phrase rɪˈdɪkjʊləs rɪˈdɪkjələs deserving to be laughed at ridiculous in that hat.

bitterly adjective ˈbɪtə(r)li ˈbɪtərli unhappy because something They were bitterly
disappointed phrase ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪntɪd ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪntəd that you hoped for or expected disappointed to lose
did not happen or because on the final day of the
someone or something was season.
not as good as you expected
deeply adjective ˈdiːpli kənˈsɜː(r)nd ˈdipli kənˈsɜrnd very worried about something I’m deeply concerned
concerned phrase about your lack of
progress this year.
highly likely adjective ˈhaɪli ˈlaɪkli very probable It seems highly likely
phrase that she will step down
at the end of the month.
ridiculously easy adjective rɪˈdɪkjʊləsli ˈiːzi rɪˈdɪkjələsli ˈizi not difficult to do, or not These days, it’s
phrase needing much work ridiculously easy to
keep in touch with

Language Hub Upper Intermediate Student’s Resource Centre.

Published by Macmillan Education, a division of Springer Nature Limited. © Springer Nature Limited, 2020. This page may be photocopied and used within the class. 2

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