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Course Title Buss. Intellegency

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CourseTitle:Business IntelligenceandDecision Support System

CourseCode:MISY 3075
Credit ValueofCourse: 5 EtCTS(135hours)

The mainpurpose of thisCourse istointroduce learnerstothemanagementsupportsystems.The
Coursepresentsthefundamentalsofthetechniquesandthemannerinwhichtheyaredeveloped and used.

Thismodule,therefore,ispreparedinaway thatthelearnersshallbeabletounderstandthe
conceptsofDecisionSupportSystemsthrough theirfundamentals:meanings, characteristics, capabilities,
components,types and models, and todevelop them.
Learning Outcomes

ThefundamentalobjectiveoftheCourse istomake thelearnerfamiliarizetheconceptsand practices ofdecision support

systems. Therefore, aftertheaccomplishment oftheseCourse students will ableto:
1. Understand the meaning, characteristics, capabilities, types & importance of Decision

Support Systems.

2. Discusswhatadecisionishowdecisionsarecharacterized,anddescribethephasesof decision making and decision

3. DefineSystemandInformationSystems,anddescribeSystemCharacteristics.Understand quality of
informationthevalueofmodels in decision support systems. Explain how decision Support Systems fit into
theoverallcategoryof information systems.
4. DescribeDecisionSupportSystemsArchitectureandidentifyingthefactorsyoushould consider in planningit.
5. IdentifythetypesofDatabasemanagementsystemsandtheirusefulness indecisionsupport
applications,whatprogramming languagesareusedinDecisionSupportSystems,andsteps to define theusers
interfaces of Decision Support Systems.
6. Describeissues in buildingand implementingDecision Support Systems.

7. Explain models and whymodels areusedin Decision Support Systems

8. Discuss Groups SupportingSystems and Expert Systems.

MajorContent Areas ofthe Course

Contents oftheCourse
Chapter Title and sub title ofthe chapter Reference Chapter and Duration
page ofthe
Chapter Introduction to Decision Support
One Systems

How Decision Support Systems evolved Chapter1

WhatisDecisionSupportSystem Pages3-35 4 hours

(DSS) and whystudyit? Efrem G.

Why DecisionSupport Systems matter?

HumanDecisionMaking Processes
 Introduction
 What is decision,
 Processes and Types ofdecisions
Chapter  How Business people make
two decisions
 Psychologyand culture in decision
making. Efrem G. Chapter
 Different decision makingmethod Mallach two 6 hours
Pages 36-82

Chapter Systems, InformationQuality, and Efrem G. Chapter

Three Models Mallach two
 Introductionto system
 Information Systems Pages 83-128
 Data flow diagram 8 hours
 DSSas information Systems
 Information and information quality
 Models

Chapter Types ofDecisionSupport Systems Efrem G. Chapter4 7 hours

Four  The DSS hierarchy and Mallach Pages 129-
Categories 160
 Matching DSS totheDecision Typesand
to thedecision maker‟s psychological
 Individual andGroup DSS

 Matchingbenefits to theDSSuser
 Usagemodels
 Institutional vsad hocDSS

Chapter DSSArchitecture, Hardware, and

Five Operating SystemPlatforms
 Introduction
 DefiningtheDSSArchitecture
 DSS on the central corporate system
 DSSand client/server computing 8 hours
 The internet and client/server
computingin DSS Chapter5
 DSS using shared data on a Efrem G. Pages 163-
separatesystem Mallach 196
 DSSon standalone system
 Open Systemand DSS
 Choosinga DSS hardware

Chapter DSS Software tools

Six  DSSsoftwarecategories
 DSSsoftwarestandard packages
 Specialized tools andgenerators Chapter6 8 hours
 ProgramminglanguageforDSS Efrem G. Pages 197-
 DSSuserinterfaces Mallach 256

Chapter Building andImplementing

Seven Decision Support Systems
 TheDSSdevelopment process
 DSS development project
 Theimplementation stage
 System conversion
 Overcomingresistancetochange Efrem G. Chapter7
 DSSimplementation issues Mallach Pages258-296 6 hours
 Ethical issues in DSS

Chapter Models inDecision Support

Eight Systems Chapter8 6 hours
 Types of models Pages 297-
 Discrete-Event simulation models Efrem G. 345
 Random numbers, pseudo- Mallach
randomnumbers, andstatistical
 Basic simulation models

Chapter GroupDecision Support Systems
Nine  What areGroup DSS?
 Group vs individual activities
 Types of GroupDSS Efrem G. Chapter10
 Groupware Mallach Pages 384- 4 hours
 Group DSSin usetoday 423
 Groupwareproducts

Chapter Expert Systems

Ten  ArtificialIntelligence
 Expert systems basic idea and
development tools
 Choosing a good expert system
application Efrem G. Chapter11
 Expert systems and DSS Mallach Pages424-461
 Pros and cons of expert systems 4 hours

Chapter Introduction to data warehousing

Eleven and data mining
 Basicconcepts of data warehousing.
 Data mining concepts and types Efrem G. Chapter12 3 hors
Mallach Pages 463-

1. Lecturethetheoretical parts ofthe Course
2. Group discussion and case analysis
3. Individual hometakes assignment and discussionin class room
4. Discouragecompetitiveness and encouragecooperativeness amonglearners
5. Problembasedlearning(BPL)whereourroleistofacilitateandstudentswillbeexposed
toproblemsandpassthrougheachstepuntilpossible suggestionsfor problemsolvingare formulated, tested and

Assessment Criteria
The assessment criteria of this Coursewillinclude:

1. Active class participation

2. Selfreportingofreadingassignmentsevaluatedbyparticipationinclassandexpected responses to questions
asked in class or asawritten assignment
3. Participation of eachgroup members in reading,and doingassignments
4. Activeparticipationincommentingandprovidingconstructivesubjectionsforother grouppresentation
5. Level of comprehensionofwhat is learned in class/lecturewith the real world case

Assessment Strategy
Basedon thesetcriteriato assess thelearningoutcomes ofstudents,thefollowingshallbeapplied as assessment strategies.

1. Equalopportunitygivenforstudentstoreflectinclass,askquestions,presenttheirown arguments and sharetheir
2. Students required to present hometake assignments in oral or in writing
3. Peerevaluationofmembersabouttheirlevelofparticipationinthegroupassignments includingreadingand
4. Class presentation and discussion as individual/groups what theylearned from the reading
5. Sitexaminations of closed book system
TheRespectiveRoles oftheInstructor and Students
The roles ofthe instructor shallbe:
1. Prepare ameaningful syllabus and distribute forstudents on the first dayofclass
2. Organizereadingmaterials(bothhardandelectroniccopiesasappropriate),andprovide the right direction for
thestudents wherethe readingmaterials areavailable
3. Informinadvancewithclearguidelineswhenandhowstudentsshallbeengagedin readingassignments andhome
take assignments
4. Preparelecturesas perassigned topics to each session
5. Makefollowupofstudentstosupportthemduringreadingassignmentsandfieldworks on individualand
6. Evaluateeach assignment and provide feedback to students on atimelybasis
7. Set a clear scheduleforcollaborativelearning
8. Prepare final examination and administer properly
9. Mark each assignment/exam objectively and conduct consultation sessions with
individual/groupofstudents beforethefinal marking
The role ofstudents shallbe:
1. To attendlectureclasseson regularbasis
2. Activelyparticipate ingroup and individual assignments
3. Come to lecture classes completingreading assignments
4. Activelyparticipate in lecture classes
5. Use effectivelythecollaborativelearning
6. Usethe independent learningtime properly
7. Makea collaborativeeffort amongtheir colleaguestudents to strengthengroup learning

Teachingsupport and inputs for eachcontent

1. Text books
2. Referencingmaterials
3. Activityandassignmentsheets
4. LCD for power point presentations
5. Computer lab to work on their assignments

Course requirements
This Course requires thefollowingtasks.
1. Fullclass attendance foratotal of 64 hours
2. Reading assignmentsandindependent learning foratotal of hrs
1. Group /individual projectwork foratotal of----hours. Theprojects requires
a. Group assignmentgivenat the end ofeachchapter/selectedchapters

b. Individual assignmentgiven at the end ofeach chapter/selected chapters

3. SitexaminationthatevaluatesthegeneralunderstandingsofstudentsrelatedtoLecturesand discussions
madein the class room.

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