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Evaluation Esports Yr1 U5 U6 U7 2023

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UAL Level 3 Diploma in in Creative Media Production & Technology



Student Name: William price

Student Number: 10662137

** PROBLEM: Something unexpected that caused difficulties during the project.


With the research that I have done it allowed me to see what types of
Explain how your research helped music fit specific types of videos and with the way that my video was
you to develop ideas for the designed to feel it gave me good reason to use the type of music I did as
sound track to your video? it had worked for other people when trying to give an intense vibe with
their video.
I used a bit of audio fading where I would give the audio a steady increase
Describe at least 2 audio at the beginning of the video and a steady decrease at the end of the
techniques you used during the video. The way I did this was by clicking the audio and adding keyframes
production of your promotion? into the audio which gives me the option to be able to increase and
decrease the audio levels. I also cut down the audio a bit just to try and
match the beat with some of the visuals that I have used.

The audio was difficult to match the beat with the visuals at some points
Describe an audio problem you because it was quite a fast song but I did find a work around for this buy
faced during the creation of this cutting down some of the clips to match the audio which worked quite
promotional video? well.

Did your audience feedback With my feedback it allowed me to take a deeper look into my audio
discuss any issues or positives editing skills. I found out that I can choose really good music for my
with audio quality? videos but I need to find a way to sync the audio up with the videos much
better as it was a very common comment that the audio should match my
Provide an example, if you can not visuals a lot better which is a really useful comment
please explain why.
Based on all of the above answers I personally believe that I could improve my timing with audio which can
name one skill you need to be easily improved by just changing the way I work because I first edit the
develop with this area? video then choose the audio but if I just switch that sound I should be
(Sound editing) able to make the audio fit a whole lot better.
UAL Level 3 Diploma in in Creative Media Production & Technology


Explain how your research helped With research it shows me that dark and flashy clips grab attention quite
you to develop ideas for the well and there are some editing techniques that I took inspiration from as
visual elements for your video? I think it adds quite well to the feel of the video.

Describe at least 2 video When making my video I used many editing techniques to make clips
techniques you used during the much better and to make it run a whole lot smoother. For example i used
production of your promotion? a glitch effect where it was used to switch between each player. For the
glitch that i used to switch between each players head rising. Its just a
basic transition that is built into premier pro but it looks really good. The
main thing that i changed was the geometry distortion on the Y angle
which changed the direction of the glitch to make it look more offset and
more like an actual glitch effect. I also changed the master amplitude
where 0 means no glitch and 100 means the glitch will appear. So for this
i used keyframes to make the glitch appear and disappear between each
player so when a player isn't there it's a keyframe at 0 and when a player
appears i set a keyframe at 100 to make the glitch appear. But if i wanted
to change the colour i would change the colour evolution which would
have switched the colours of the glitch. The reason I used this was
because it fit the style of the video really well and made it so much better.
I also used an rgb effect which was used for one of the players walk outs. I
had to use multiple effects to create this. The first effect i used was tint
and in this window i changed map to black to red and map white to black
to create the glow around the outside of raff to make the affect actually
appear. Next i used Emboss which is used to add a level of detail to the
effect. This helps make the effect look more clear and clean instead of
being a stiff ridged effect so this was key to making this effect look good.
Finally i used offset which simply just offsets the RGB effect to make it
appear like its being emitted off his body instead of being a part of his
body and i keyframed this to make it move a bit to make it appear as if it
was glowing off his body. The reason that I used this effect is because it
made a boring clip feel a lot more alive and made the whole video feel
like the same vibe.
Describe a video problem you This wasn’t really an issue with the video editing but an issue with me as
faced during the creation of this most of the video editing was very tedious and I found it really hard to
promotional video? maintain my attention as the process of editing is very long and requires
every ounce of your attention but eventually I got into the flow and
managed to finish the editing.
Overall the video quality was really good but there were 2 comments
Did your audience feedback saying that some of the transitions were a bit pixilated. Although this is
discuss any issues or positives the style I was going for, I should defiantly not do this as it could give the
with video quality? impression that the video was rushed which is the last thing that I would
UAL Level 3 Diploma in in Creative Media Production & Technology

want as this can give very negative impressions to either businesses that
Provide an example, if you can would want to collab in the future. It could also make our future audience
not please explain why. have a negative opinions on us and could ruin the audiences overall
opinion on us as a team.

Based on all of the above answers I could defiantly do some more complex editing techniques to make the
name one skill you need to video look a lot more professional. These techniques will be hard to learn
develop with this area? but hopefully I can learn them to make the video editing feel a lot more
(Video editing) professional.


Explain how your research helped The research for this was very necessary as it showed me what good
you to develop ideas for your websites need to be functional. With this research I found that sometimes
website / social media mock ups? a more simplistic website can be a whole lot more functional and easy to
navigate than a complex one and as long as it is visually pleasing that’s all
that matters.
When creating this website I used buttons at the bottom of each page
Describe at least 2 techniques you which gave a direct link to each page so it’s a lot more easy to navigate so
used during the production of it makes people feel like they can use the website a lot more freely. I also
website / social media mock ups? used social media links which is a property of weebly which allows you to
link social media. So I used this to link the bpc buccaneers Instagram so
people can have an easy way to find it.
Whilst creating the website I had a lot of difficulties with weebly itself as
Describe a problem you faced it’s not that great to navigate with it being fairly slow. But I did manage to
during the creation of the website make the website even though weebly didn’t make the process any easier
/ social media mock ups? as sometimes files wouldn’t upload or images wouldn’t display
themselves correctly.
With the feedback I have obtained about the website I can tell that I need
Did your audience feedback to add a lot more photos on pages as I was told that some pages seem
discuss any issues or positives bland without it. I was also told that I need to add a lot more description
with quality of your final about the players and what the course is about. This is really useful to
products? know as now with future projects I can take this onboard and make sure
there’s enough description and photos to make the users experience a lot
Provide an example, if you can better. I was also told that the buttons at the bottom of the pages were
not please explain why. really useful as then the user doesn’t have to go all the way back up the
page to access another page which is really good.
Based on all of the above answers When creating a new website I will have to learn how to make the pages
name one skill you need to look better and more appealing to the viewer and maybe add a bit more
develop with this area? information about each of the tabs.
(Web design)
UAL Level 3 Diploma in in Creative Media Production & Technology

Any other reflections about the With the whole project it was a great way to get into the ways of team
project as whole? promotion and how to edit videos and audio. This project as a whole was
a great learning experience and also showed me how to use new editing
technices that I wouldn’t have used in any other context. I also now know
how to create a website to promote a esports team which is great
because website making skills are really useful and people will pay a lot of
money for a well made website so if you know how to make a website
well you can earn a lot of money.

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