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MODULE 7 (HEALTH CONCEPTS) expectancy, and the development of

vaccines and antibiotics added more

years to the average life span.

-By the 1940s, progressive thinkers in

public health began to note that there
was more to health than the early
-Prior to the 1800s, if you weren't sick, associations with hygiene or the focus on
you were not only regarded as lucky, disease had indicated. At an
but also regarded as healthy. When international conference in 1947 focusing
deadly epidemics such as bubonic on global health issues, the World Health
plague, pneumonic plague, influenza, Organization (WHO) took the landmark
tuberculosis, and cholera killed millions step of trying to clarify what health truly
of people, survivors were believed to be meant:
of hearty, healthy stock, and -Health is the state of complete physical,
congratulated themselves on their mental, and social well-being, not just the
good fortune. These diseases affected absence of disease or infirmity.
people of all ages. It is not surprising
then that the emphasis of health in the -For the first time, health came to mean
past was freedom from illness. more than ―the absence of disease.‖ This
definition set forth a goal toward which
-Poor health was often associated with public health leaders and individuals
poor hygiene and unsanitary conditions, aimed (24).
and certain stigmas were attached to
households that harbored any of these  Physical well-being. We can
illnesses. It wasn't until early 1900s that keep our bodies healthy by
researchers slowly began to discover that exercising regularly. The human
victims of these epidemics were not body is designed for movement
simply unhealthy or dirty people. Rather, and it needs exercise in order to
they were victims of environmental function properly. Different kinds
factors that made them sick and over of exercise enable us to build up
which they often had little control strength, suppleness, and
(microorganisms found in contaminated stamina the three main elements
water, air, and human waste). Public of physical fitness (24).
health officials moved swiftly to address  Mental well-being. Mental
these problems, and as a result, the term health, like physical health, is
health became synonymous with good more than just the absence of
hygiene (13). illness. People in good mental
health feel comfortable with
-Researches into the environment as the themselves and with others. They
primary cause of diseases continued well are able to love and be loved.
into the early 1900s. Continued They can work well and play
improvements in sanitation brought health is well. And they can
about dramatic changes in life cope successfully with the
normal problems and stresses of with higher levels of social health
life. give more to the world than they
Beyond this, people in good take from it.
mental health are energetic and
enthusiastic about life. They are DIMENSIONS OF HEALTH
relaxed, confident, and usually
optimistic. They do not avoid life's -I wasn’t until the 1960s and 1970s that
problems. Rather, they see that critics successfully argued that health
coping with problems provides included much more than physical,
an opportunity for personal social or mental elements of life, and
development. They welcome that other elements such as
new experiences and are not environmental, spiritual, emotional
afraid to ask for help when they aspects, helped define whether a
need it. person was truly healthy. Hence, it
 Social well-being. Social health is wasn't just how long a person lived or
concerned with the people with the number of years he was disease-free
whom we come into contact. that really mattered, but whether he
Our relationships with our parents, was able to live life to the fullest and
friends, neighbors, and reach his optimum potential for a
acquaintances all have a bearing happy, healthy and productive life (13).
on our health. Conflicts with
-Today, health is defined as ―the
parents or friends are stressful, and
dynamic, ever-changing process of
stress can have adverse effects
trying to achieve one’s individual
on our bodies and our minds
potential in each of the following
People who enjoy close,
interrelated dimensions— physical,
supportive relationships and who
mental, social, environmental,
get along well with others are
emotional and spiritual health.‖
likely to be healthier than those
who don't. -The physical, mental and social
aspects have been fully explained in
-At a higher level, social health is
the preceding discussions.
concerned with our roles within
society as a whole. For a society  Environmental Health. This refers to
to function well, its members need an appreciation of the external
to recognize certain basic needs. environment and the role
Each one of us can contribute to individuals play in preserving,
the well-being of our own society protecting, and improving
in a variety of ways. environmental conditions.
-Taking responsibility for your  Emotional Health. It refers to the
personal health also contributes to feeling component; to express
social health. If you look after emotions when appropriate and
yourself, you are less likely to to control expressing emotions
become a burden to others either when it is inappropriate to
because of illness. Ideally, people do so or in an inappropriate
manner. Feelings of self-esteem,  getting a good night's sleep
self-confidence, self-efficacy, (minimum of seven hours)
trust, love, and many other  maintaining healthy eating habits
emotional reactions and  weight management
responses are all part of
 physical recreational activities
emotional health.
 avoiding tobacco products
 Spiritual Health. This may involve a
 practicing safe sex
belief in a supreme being or a
 limiting intake of alcohol
specified way of living prescribed
 scheduling regular self-exams and
by a particular religion. Spiritual
medical check-ups
health also includes the feeling of
unity with the environment—a -Although health professionals can
feeling of oneness with others and statistically assess the health benefits of
with nature—and a guiding sense these behaviors, there are several other
of meaning or value in life. It also actions that may significantly result in
may include the ability to ―years added to life,‖ such as (22):
understand and express one's
purpose in life; to feel a part of a  controlling the real imaginary
greater spectrum of existence; to stressors in life
experience love, joy, pain, sorrow,  forming and maintaining
peace, contentment, and wonder meaningful relationships with family
over life's experiences; and to and friends
care about and respect all living  making time for oneself
things.  participating in at least one fun
activity each day
DETERMINANTS OF HEALTH  respecting the environment and
the people in it
-The four major factors that determine
 considering alternatives when
health are: personal health behavior,
making decisions and assessing
biological influences such as heredity,
how actions affect others
the physical environment, and health
 valuing each day and making the
services (24).
best of opportunities
 viewing mistakes as opportunities
to learn and grow being as kind
Personal Health Behavior
to oneself as to others
-Although mounting evidence indicates  understanding the health-care
that there are significant benefits to system and using it wisely
being healthy, many people find it -Those who practice most or all of these
difficult to become and remain healthy. behaviors tend to be in better physical
Most experts believe that there are and mental health than those who
several key behaviors that will help follow a few or none. People who are
people live longer, such as: in good physical shape are better to
handle the pressures in their lives. Health Services
People who have a good mental
-The quality of the health care available
health have a good self-concept (18).
to a person helps determine the quality
of his general health. If he can get
Biological Influence—Heredity regular medical and dental care, he
may be able to prevent many health
-Sometimes your ability to prevent
problems. Preventing an illness is almost
diseases is limited by heredity and by
always easier than curing one.
other personal factors. Heredity is the
passing of traits biologically from
parents to child. If many members of HEALTH PROMOTION
the family have died of heart disease, -The term health promotion is used to
then a person may be less able to refer to the educational, environmental,
prevent heart disease than someone and social organizations that help
whose family members have been free people reduce negative health
of heart disease. Sometimes disability behaviors and promote positive
can keep an individual from being change (13).
able to exercise regularly. Whatever
-The government emphasizes the need
his heredity or physical condition,
for action by people in all walks of life. In
though, he can improve his chance of
particular, it calls upon industry, labor,
having a lifetime of good health by
schools, churches, and consumer groups
choosing responsible health behaviors.
to play an active role in promoting
health. Among the areas on which the
Physical Environment government chooses to focus its efforts
are the following:
-The physical environment is the physical
 smoking
surroundings—any place in which one
lives, work or play. Health threats in the  alcohol and drugs
physical environment may affect  nutrition
people's personal health. Air pollution  family planning
may increase their chance of
 pregnancy and infant health
developing lung disorders, or worsen a
 immunization
condition such as asthma, and may
even cause some diseases like cancer.  sexually transmitted diseases
Other factors in the environment that  toxic substances
may affect people's health are too  accident prevention
much noise, very crowded living places,  dental health
and infected food or water.
 control of infectious diseases
 pollution
-Health professionals can do only so
much. They need the voluntary
cooperation of community organizations if
they are to carry out their functions. Let us nutrition plays in attaining and
consider the government's immunization maintaining good health.
programs. Health professionals have the
-Nutrition is the science of food as it
capability and equipment to immunize
relates to optimal health and
but they can't visit every home to
provide immunizations. They have to rely
on individuals coming to them. Schools
and employers can help inform people of -Nutrition is the science that investigates
the value of immunizations and the relationship between physiological
encourage individuals to take advantage function and the essential elements of
of them. foods we eat.

-Nutrition is the process by which the

body takes in and uses food.

-Nutrition became a controversial issue THE BASICS OF GOOD

only during the 1970s when reports NUTRITION
began circulating about harmful In the past, nutritionists confined
substances in food: pesticides and themselves to studying the kinds and
fertilizers from the farm, cancer- amounts of food people eat.
producing hormones in cattle feed, and Nowadays, the greatest need in
fish polluted by industrial waste. nutrition, in addition to ongoing
-Interest in good nutrition has grown research, are education and
rapidly since then. In reaction to these communication (33). A solid background
issues, people began to turn away from in the basics of good nutrition is essential
processed foods. Some resorted to for understanding the functioning of the
health food stores and ―organic‖ foods. human body.
Others became vegetarians in the belief -Your body cannot synthesize or produce
that lifestyles (or) such a diet posed less certain essential nutrients. You must
of a threat of consuming quantities of obtain them through the foods we eat.
toxic pollutants. But many still suffer from Nutrients in food perform life-sustaining
malnutrition—faulty or poor nutrition. functions in the body. During digestion,
food is broken down into simpler forms of
nutrients that are released and absorbed
(29). Through the blood, nutrients are
-Good nutrition is fundamental to the taken to body cells where nourishment
idea that health is not simply the takes place. Nutrients nourish the body in
absence of disease but a continual three main ways:
process of attaining greater personal  They provide materials to build,
well-being. It is important, therefore, that repair, and maintain body tissues.
each individual understands the basic
 They supply substances that help
concepts of good nutrition and the role
regulate body processes. tend to increase intake of both dietary
fiber and many vitamins and minerals
 They furnish food needed for
and would help attain a better
nutritional status.
-It is important that you consume a
-Frequent high intake of carbohydrates
variety of foods to ensure that you obtain
especially in the form of refined sugar,
the nutrients that perform each of those
contributes to obesity and dental
three basic functions. Scientists have
decay, obesity in turn can contribute to
identified more than 40 different nutrients
heart disease, diabetes, and arthritis
for good health.
-These basic nutrients contained in -When your body uses carbohydrates,
foods can be grouped into four main fats, and proteins, energy is released.
categories: carbohydrates, proteins, fats, This energy is measured in calories. A
vitamins and minerals. In addition, water calorie is a unit of heat energy Using
and fiber although do not have calories as a way of measuring is useful
nutritional values are essential in our in comparing the energy available
diet. Each nutrient hass all the function from different foods. Make your diet
in the normal growth and functioning healthier by avoiding high-sugar
of the body. No one food provides all products. As much as possible, obtain
the nutrients your body needs. your dietary carbohydrates from
relatively low-calorie, high-fiber foods
such as potatoes (not fried), and
Carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are the whole-grain bread and cereals.
body's preferred source of energy and
are necessary for cell metabolism. The
two main groups of carbohydrates are: Proteins. Proteins are major components
 Starches which are found in of nearly every body cell and have been
large amounts in foods such as called the ―body builders‖ because of
flour, potatoes, whole grains, their role in developing bone, muscle,
cereals, bread, pasta, seeds and skin, teeth, and blood (13). Proteins are
nuts; made up of amino acids. It takes 23
 Sugars which occur in large different amino acids to make up human
amounts in fruits and some protein. Your body can manufacture only
vegetables, milk, and in foods 15, and the other 8 called essential
such as jams, cakes, sweet amino acids, must come to you ready-
drinks. made in the food you eat. Meat, fish,
eggs, milk, and other foods from animals
-Nutritionist recommend that it would be
have all 8 of the essential amino acids
better to reduce refined and processed
and are therefore said to contain
sugar intake found in sugar-laden food
complete protein. Grains and
by fifty percent while doubling intake of
vegetables do not have all 8 amino
natural sugars which are found in fruits
acids. They contain incomplete protein
and their juices. This change would
and need to be combined with other There are two main kinds of fats:
foods to form complete protein. Such  Saturated fats. These fats are hard
combinations include cereal with milk, at room temperature. These fats
rice with beans and macaroni with are undesirable; are oily or greasy
cheese. Eating less protein than you materials found in abundance in
need can have serious effects as well. meats, animal and dairy products
Even slight protein shortages can affect including eggs, cheese, milk, and
the body’s function. Tiredness and lard and in two plant oils, coconut
irritability can occur. The body may form and palm oil. A high intake of
fewer antibodies, catch diseases more saturated fats is believed to
easily, and get well more slowly than it increase the amount of cholesterol
should. in the body which in turn can
increase the risk of atherosclerosis
and heart disease. Some fats are
Fat or Lipids (Scientific Name of Fat). ―friendly‖ to the heart and blood.
Fat is an essential component in a These are called high density
balanced diet but most individuals lipoproteins (HDL). They actually
consume far too much fat in their diets. remove cholesterol from the
Fat is concentrated high-energy various places where it has been
nutrient that contains more than twice deposited and take it back to the
as many calories than either liver for disposal. Other ―good fats‖
carbohydrates or proteins. Fats serve a called the ―omega 3 acids‖ are
number of vital purposes in the body: thought to help in reducing breast
 Fats are a source of your energy; cancer and colon cancer. These
provides you with twice as much fats are found in soybeans,
energy as any other food. spinach, nuts.
 They help your body absorb  Unsaturated fats are liquid at room
vitamins—A,D,E and K and carry temperature. Examples of
these vitamins throughout the unsaturated fats are olive oil,
blood stream. peanut oil, avocado oil, corn oil
 Fats help form hormones and help and soybean oil. These fats do not
make blood clot. have adverse effects on blood
 Fats add flavor, help satisfy cholesterol
hunger and because they move
slowly through the digestive tract
and are no: digested quickly, they Vitamins. These are nutritional catalysts
help you feel full and satisfied that facilitate metabolic processes in the
when you have eaten. body. They are organic compound
 Fatty tissue surrounds and cushions needed in small amounts to assist in
your body's bones and vital organs processing other nutrients and to
protecting them from injury. participate in the formation of blood
cells, homones, genetic material and
nervous system chemicals. Often they potassium, phosphorous, and sodium.
work with enzymes to carry out their
 Calcium is an important mineral
functions and are called coenzymes—
that keeps bones and teeth
substances that work with enzymes to
hard and performs other vital
carry out their functions. For example:
functions. People who do not
calcium cannot become part of the
get enough calcium suffer
bone structure without the presence of
from calcium deficiency which
vitamin D. Vitamins are classified into
causes osteoporosis, a
two groups:
condition in which bones do
 Water-soluble vitamins. These are not develop properly and
vitamins that dissolves in water. become brittle and
Vitamins B complex and C are susceptible to breaking.
water soluble. These vitamins pass  Iron and salt (sodium chloride)
easily into the blood in the process are necessary minerals. Iron
of digestion. However, water- helps red blood cells carry
soluble vitamins are not stored to oxygen. No one should take
any extent in the body tissue. iron supplement, however,
Instead, any excess is excreted in before consulting a doctor.
urine. Although salt is a necessary
 Fat-soluble vitamins. These are mineral, excess salt has been
vitamins that are absorbed and linked to congestive heart
transported by fat. Vitamins A, D, E, failure, kidney disorders and
and K are fat-soluble vitamin. The toxemia (blood poisoning and
body stores fat- soluble vitamins in increased blood pressure).
fatty tissues. Excess buildup of
these vitamins can have a
dangerous toxic effect. People Water. Water, in itself, has no nutritional
who take nutrient supplements of value. However, it is perhaps the most
very large doses of fat-soluble important component in the diet. Your
vitamins are vulnerable to the body can go without food for long
toxic effects. Toxic means periods. However, without water, your
poisonous. body can survive no longer than four
days. You will suffer from dehydration—
loss of liquids from body tissues. Although
Minerals. These are inorganic elements
most foods contain substantial amounts
needed for basic body metabolism. At
of water, it is sensible also to drink several
least 20 minerals are needed by your
glasses of pure water each day. Water is
body in small amounts every day to
essential to sustain life. Water plays many
help it form tissues and vital chemical
substances. These minerals also help
regulate your body's fluid levels. Some  It is the solvent that transports
of the necessary minerals are: calcium, nutrients to and carries wastes
chloride, copper, iodine, iron, away from your cells.
 It is needed for the many chemical EXERCISE
reactions that occur during
-Good health requires lifelong
maintenance of the body. A healthy-
 It enables you to swallow foods, promoting lifestyle—eating balanced
absorb nutrients and eliminate diet and exercising regularly—not only
wastes. reduces the chances of premature
 Through perspiration, water death from heart disease or cancer but
helps your body cool down and also slows down the natural process of
prevents the buildup of internal aging.
-Exercise is the performance of any
 Water in the body tissues also
physical activity that improves health or
cushions vital organs and lubricate
that is used for recreation or the
the joints and central nervous
correction of physical injury or
deforming as in physiotherapy.
—The British Medical Association, 1990
Fiber. Fiber is an indigestible substance 419.
found in plants. It is also known as
-Physical activity is any force exerted
roughage or bulk. It is the tough, stringy
by skeletal muscles that results in energy
part of vegetables, fruits, and grains.
usage above the level used when the
Foods that are particularly high in fiber
body's system are at rest.
include: wholegrain/wheat breads and
—Caspersen, Powell, and Christianson,
cereals, nuts, oatmeal corn, fruits and
vegetables. Although it does not
provide the body with any nutrients, -The terms, exercise and physical activity
fiber is essential in so many ways: will be used synonymously in the
following discussions.
 It helps move waste through your
digestive system.
 It provides dietary bulk without
excess calories and offer a feeling FITNESS FOR YOUNG AND
of fullness. OLD
 It is a necessary aid to digestion.
-Exercise is necessary for fitness at any
 It helps prevent constipation, age, but it is especially important for
appendicitis, hemorrhoids and young people. In the development
gallbladder disease and other years from birth to age 20, the body is
intestinal problems. constantly changing and growing. It
 It helps in watching your weight as needs exercise to ensure that the
it is low in fat and calories. muscles, bones, heart, lungs and other
organs develop properly. Children who
don't get any exercise may develop
permanent physical handicaps. The
handicap may not show up until middle
age. Middle- aged men and women additional oxygen to meet the
who did not exercise when they were requirements of the muscles-the
children may suffer from a variety of kind of exercise that makes you
disorders, such as those mentioned breathless. It is the best kind of
earlier. Medical treatment can exercise for improving
sometimes bring relief when those cardiovascular fitness, and also
disorders strike. But it is sad to realize improves the strength and
that many people suffer years of pain flexibility of certain muscles and
and discomfort simply because they did joints. Activities such as jogging,
not get adequate exercise during their rowing, cycling, swimming,
childhood (24). dancing, and walking with a
rapid stride fall into this category.
-People even in their 70's should get
2. Isometric exercise. It is an exercise
regular exercise. It is suggested that, after
without movement, in which one
clearance from a physician, older
group of musles exerts pressure
people walk fast enough to increase their
against an immovable object (a
heart rate to about 125 beats per minute
wall, for example) or against an
for 35-45 minutes, three days per week.
opposing group of muscles.
Five or six days a week of this type of
Isometric exercises improve
exercise is even better. Such exercise is
muscle strength, but they do not
excellent for the heart and also increases
have any effect on
the ability of older folks to do other
cardiovascular fitness or on
normal activities with less stress (32).
3. Isotonic exercise. It is a form of
exercise in which the body work
against its own weight or against
-There are many different types of an external weight. Weight-lifting
exercise, which can be performed to calisthenics (repetitive exercises
fulfill different functions. Some exercises that have been designed to
improve flexibility, some improve stretch and strengthen particular
muscular strength, some improve muscle groups) are examples of
physical endurance, and some isotonic exercises.
improve the efficiency of the 4. Isokinetic exercise. This type
cardiovascular and respiratory systems. combines elements of isometric
A well-balanced exercise program will and isotonic exercise. It is usually
contain activities that provide a performed on the sophisticated
combination of benefits. fitness training equipment found in
sports centers and gymnasiums.
-The Complete Family Health
Encyclopedia (1990) enumerates the -Exercises that improve the condition of
following types of exercise. the heart and lungs have three essential
characteristics (29):
1. Aerobic exercise. It is an activity
that requires the lungs to take in  They must be brisk. They should
raise the heart rate and breathing blood pressure in people with
rate. normal and high blood pressures.
 They must be continuous. They It reduces the ―bad cholesterol‖
should be done for 20 to 30 while increasing the ―good
minutes without stopping. cholesterol‖ in the blood.
 They must be regular. They should 4. Exercise improves body functions,
be repeated at least three times a such as, it (18):
week to maintain one's fitness a. strengthens bones and
level. ligaments;
b. provides strength and
muscular endurance;
c. keeps muscles and joints
-Regular physical activity or exercise is an flexible;
important means of improving health. It d. improves digestive and
improves different physiological, and excretory functions; and
psychological and social aspects of e. provides greater energy.
human life. 5. Exercise improves appearance,
such as, it:
a. maintains good muscle tone;
Physiological Benefits of Exercise
b. keeps off excess fat; and
-Regular physical activity or exercise c. maintains posture.
results in benefits for your entire body
1. Regular exercise enhances Psychological Benefits of Exercise
cardiorespiratory efficiency.
Regular exercise strengthens the -The psychological benefits that we
heart, enabling it to pump more derive from exercising regularly are (13):
blood with each beat. It aids 1. Exercise increases ability to cope
therefore in the better circulation with stress. It ―burns off‖ the
of blood to the heart thereby chemical byproducts released
reducing the risk of heart disease. by the nervous system during our
2. Exercise improves oxygen uptake. normal response to stress.
Regular participation in vigorous 2. It increases self-esteem. Because
exercise increase the body's regular exercise improves our
capacity to metabolize oxygen physical appearance by
by expanding the lungs and reshaping muscles and eliminating
strengthening the muscles fat deposits, you feel good about
responsible for respiration. personal appearance which
3. Exercise prevents hypertension. tremendously booster your self-
Regular physical activity can esteem.
reduce both systolic and diastolic 3. It relieves chronic depression.
Regular exercise releases habits, and cleanliness. Proper hygiene
chemicals called is essential to optimum health as diet
endorphins into the bloodstream and exercise. There is a direct
which help alleviate depression. relationship between good hygiene and
4. It enhances quality of sleep. good health. The better is your hygiene,
the better is your overall health profile.
5. It improves alertness.

Proper Personal Hygiene

Social Benefits of Exercise
-Personal hygiene involves those
-As your physical fitness and positive
practices that promote not only your
attitude increase, your social relationships
physical health but also your mental,
also tends to improve (33):
emotional, as well as social well-being.
 People who exercise regularly tend Hereunder are some helpful tips on
to be physically active and how to maintain and improve your
become more confident and personal hygiene. Every external part
outgoing, do better work, and get of the body demands a basic amount
greater pleasure from associations of attention on regular basis.
with other people.
 When exercise activities is
performed in groups or with Hands
partners, this can strengthen old
-Wash your hands properly. Washing
social ties and help form new
hands correctly is an important
outlets for social activities.
personal hygiene practice to prevent
spread of communicable diseases. If
EXERCISE WARNING hands are not properly washed,
-Stop exercising and seek medical advice if communicable diseases can be
you suffer from any of the following spread easily. Washing with soap and
symptoms: water helps get rid of disease-causing
 Chest pain germs that collect under the
 Pain in neck fingernails Soaping and rinsing should
 Pain in arm cover the areas between fingers nails,
 Palpitations and back of the hand. Dry with clean
 Severe breathlessness towel after wash. When do we wash our
 Feeling faint hands? Wash your hands:

 after using the toilet

PROPER HYGIENE AND  handling food or eating
 before touching the eyes, nose,
-Hygiene is a set of healthful practices and mouth because germs and
that help prevent diseases. Hygiene bacteria can enter the body
includes good health and grooming easily through them.
 after handling articles soiled by scrubbing. An abrasive material for
faeces, respiratory or other bodily brushing is not advisable.
secretions  Wash off well after soaping. Dry with
 after touching public installations a clean towel Avoid sharing soaps
or equipment, such as door and towels.
knobs, handrails, etc. which can  Use deodorants and antiperspirants
easily gather germs. to fight body odor.
-When hand washing facilities are not  If daily cleanliness routines do not
available, use 65-95% alcohol solution to reduce body odor, consult the
disinfect your hands. doctor. Clean the genitals and the
anus well because of the natural
secretions of these areas. Unhygienic
-Knowing how to care properly for your conditions of these areas can cause
skin, hair, nails, teeth and feet is an irritation and infection.
important part of developing and
 Avoid soaking in a bath for long
maintaining a healthy look.
periods of time. Your skin will lose
1. Hands
 Change into clean underwear after
 Wash your hair every day. Unusually
bath. Do not wear tight fitting
oily hair and air pollution may make
synthetic underwear.
more frequent shampooing
 Apply a moisturizer to skin after
washing to help retain moisture. Use
 You may use conditioners after
skin care products in moderation.
shampooing to avoid dryness,
 Drink plenty of water and eat a
dullness or tangling.
balanced diet. Get enough sleep.
 Be sure to rinse hair thoroughly after

shampooing and conditioning. Keep
3. Teeth
your hair clean, brushed, and free of
tangles.  Eat a balanced diet or meal every
day to prevent dental decay.
 Brush your hair regularly to stimulate
the circulation of blood to your scalp.  Healthy oral hygiene should include
Excessive brushing, however, regular brushing and flossing. Brush
damages the hair and scalp. your teeth at least twice or thrice a
day after every meal.
2. Skin  Use a flat, soft toothbrush that can
 To keep the skin clean, soap and reach all of your teeth. Use a circular
water are essential. motion in brushing your teeth.

 Bath or shower once or twice a day.  Pay attention to your tongue by

For those who are involved in active brushing it as well. You may also use
sports or workout to a sweat, take a a mouthwash to freshen your breath.
bath after the activity.  If you regularly brush and floss your
 You may use a bath sponge for teeth and bad breath persists, you
should see your dentist/doctor. SANITATION
 A regular dental check-up is vital for
-Sanitation refers to the development
prevention of tooth and gum
and practical application of sanitary
disease: Regular visits to the dentists
measures for the sake of cleanliness and
make it possible to discover and treat
protecting health.
problems early.
-Community hygiene is mostly concerned
4. Nails with the prevention of the transmission of
 Washing with soap helps get rid of communicable diseases. Several of the
disease-caring germs that collect most important means by which a
under the fingernails. community's health is protected are
often grouped together under sanitation.
 Grow nails only if you can keep them
By sanitation is meant care of the home,
care of food and drink, disposal of
 Clip nails short along their shape.
excreta, and regulation of environment—
Don't cut them so close that it
all focused on preservation of health and
pinches the skin.
prevention of diseases (35).
 Do not keep you nails painted
continuously. It causes the keratin, of
which nails are made to split. Brittle or HOME SANITATION
discolored nails show up deficiencies
or disease conditions. -An ideal house is always orderly and
clean. Cleanliness and orderliness are
5. Feet two different things. A place can be
 Wash and scrub your feet regularly clean but disorderly, orderly yet really
because they pick up dirt and dust. dirty. The ideal one is to have one's
Dry your feet every after bath home both reasonably clean and
between toes. orderly

 For males, if you wear shoes every -The two most important places in the
day, wear cotton socks and wear a house which need special attention in
clean pair every day. Powder your the preservation of health and
feet before wearing socks to avoid prevention of diseases are the washroom
odorous smell. and the kitchen. Hereunder are some tips
 If possible do not wear the same pair on washroom and kitchen sanitation.
of shoes everyday Keep at least one
Washroom. Washroom maintenance
more pair and use it alternatively.
should be scheduled in off-hours or as
 When buying shoes, you should pay
needed (40).
more attention to fit and comfort
than to fashionable appearance.
 Clean urinals/bowl thoroughly with
 Choose shoes to match the activities bowl cleaner. Be sure to get the
in which you participate. cleaner up under the rim and around
the water outlets. Clean down all
sides and into the lower level. Flush
and swab, rinse, making certain Rinse with clean water and wipe
nothing is left out uncleaned. water spots off with a clean cloth.
 Disinfect the toilet bowls after
 Defrost your refrigerator regularly.
Sanitize shelves and doors of
 Empty all waste receptacles regularly
refrigerator weekly.
or as needed.
 Sponge floor area in the toilet  Sweep all loose dirt by using the push
regularly. broom. Empty all waste receptacles
 Have soap and a clean towel always regularly.
hanged in the washroom.
 Pour water into drain outlets regularly
to prevent foul air and insects in the FLOOD SANITATION (Home
sewage pipe from entering the Clean-Up)
-Flood water carries disease producing
 Make sure drains and pipes do not
bacteria. These bacteria can remain on
leak or aren't blocked.
items covered or exposed to flood water
 Periodically, clean walls and ceiling
if things are not clean-up The Bureau of
thoroughly with a disinfectant
Public Health in West Virginia shares the
cleaner to remove marks and
following instructions for flood sanitation
(home clean-up).

Kitchen -To protect your health while working in

 Keep the kitchen surfaces and flood clean-up:
counters and appliances
refrigerators, stoves, oven toaster,  Keep hands away from mouth and
etc.—free of food particles. face while working.
 Clean spills in the kitchen and  If you have wounds, disinfect and
appliances immediately. dress them properly before
 Wash cutting boards after each use. cleaning.
Let the board’s air dry.  Wear protective clothing like
 Always have soap for hand washing rubber boots, gloves and eye
and towels for drying hands available protection.
at the sink area.  Wash your
 Replace dishcloths and dish towels hands often
daily. using clean
 Replace plate/utensil sponges at water and
least weekly or as needed. soap.
 Clean sinks with a disinfectant After the flood waters
cleaner. Remove food particles and have receded:
wash it every after use.
 Be sure to clean fixtures as well as  Drain and pump water out of
hardware and pipes under the sink. flooded area. Before the surfaces
dry, hose down all floors, walls and
ceilings with clean water. 2. No diseased animal should be
 Scrub all surfaces using soap or slaughtered for food.
detergent and clean water. 3. Flesh foods—meats be—refrigerated
 Disinfect surfaces. immediately because they can easily
 Wooden, metal or plastic furnitures become contaminated and be a
can be salvaged for use. Brush off medium in which germs multiply
all dirt and loose material. Wash rapidly.
all surfaces with soap or 4. Wash your hands thoroughly before
detergent clean water handling food, immediately after
(preferably hot). Dry thoroughly, handling raw meat, and between
preferably in open air and sun. preparing meat and preparing other
 Mattresses and stuffed furnitures
5. All vegetables to be cooked should
when soaked in flood waters
be clean, but if they are to be eaten
cannot be readily cleaned or
raw, they must be more than merely
disinfected. They should be
clean. Vegetable foods are easily
thrown away or destroyed.
contaminated by contact with soil
 For clothings, curtains and
fertilizers, especially animal or human
draperies, wash them with hot
excreta. This kind of contamination
water and soap or detergent. Dry
carries germs that can cause serious
thoroughly in open air and
bowel infections and diarrhea.
sunshine where possible.
6. Kitchen surfaces, cutting boards and
 Wash and sanitize all cooking
cooking utensils should be thoroughly
and eating utensils. Discard
clean before use.
those which are cracked and
7. Keep pets away from all food, kitchen
surfaces and utensils.
 Appliances should be checked
8. Buy the freshest produce you can. If
by service before being put back
the food smells bad, throw it away
into use.
9. Fridge foods properly. All foods should
FOOD SANITATION be covered, wrapped, or put in a
-Nowadays, the incidence of food clean container.
poisoning-particularly involving bacterial 10. To avoid cross contamination, store
contamination—has risen substantially. You cooked food in the upper
can minimize the risk by following the simple compartment of the refrigerator and
guidelines set out below: raw food in the lower compartment.
1. Unpackaged foods should be 11. Prepare raw food and cooked food
protected against flies while being separately using knives and chopping
transported and marketed. Bruised boards for each to avoid cross
spots on fruits cause them to decay contamination.
rapidly. They are easily contaminated 12. Cook meat thoroughly before eating.
by germs carried by flies. A high temperature can kill germs.
13. Cooked foods should be served and streams. Underground storage tanks
promptly before there is a possibility of from gasoline may develop leaks (13).
contamination. Pollutants can enter water ways by a
14. Leftovers should be stored properly in number of different routes.
refrigerators and thoroughly heated to
-Water coming from doubtful sources
75°C or above before being served
such as open dugs wells, unimproved
springs, wells that needs priming and
15. Do not consume any canned foods
the like is unsafe for drinking unless
with bulging lids, broken seals or any
treated through proper container
food that has a bad odor or unusual
disinfection. The sources of safe water
characteristic after opening.
are: deep well, improved dug wells,
16. Check expiration dates. Do not use
improved springs, rain water in close
foods past the expiration dates.
container and piped water.
17. Throw away entire food packages or
containers with any mold present. -Some diseases that can be transmitted
18. Food storage areas must remain by drinking water from unsafe sources
clean. Make sure the refrigerator is are: diarrhea, amoebiasis, cholera,
cleaned once a week. hepatitis, and typhoid fever.
19. Do not store food supplies under
the sink. Do not store chemicals -You can avoid the waterborne illnesses
and cleaning solutions near or over cited above by following these
food supplies. guidelines:

 Drink bottled water but be careful

WATER SANITATION of locally bottled water; it can also
be unsafe.
-Seventy-five percent of the earth is  Boil water for 2-5 minutes.
covered with water in the form of  Use a water container with cover.
oceans, seas lakes, rivers, streams and
 Clean the water container as
wetlands. Beneath the landmass are
often as every refilling.
reservoirs of groundwater. We draw our
 You may use water-purification
drinking water from either this
underground source or from surface
freshwater sources (13). The status of our  Use your own glass for drinking.
water supply reflects the pollution level of  Wash glass with soap and water.
our communities and, ultimately, of the
whole earth.
-Any substance that gets into the soil has
the potential to get into the water supply
Contaminants from industrial air pollution -Mosquitoes, flies, rats, and cockroaches
and acid rain eventually work their way are disease carriers. In controlling these
into the soil and then into the pests, it is important to kill those that
groundwater. Spills of oil and other already exist but it is even more
hazardous wastes flow into local rivers
important to prevent the propagation of 8. To prevent mosquito bites, apply
the young. Let us consider these tips on insect repellent on exposed part
how to control mosquitoes and flies at of the body
home and keep rats and cockroaches e.g. limbs, arms—if you stay
away. outdoors for a long period of
time in sites where controlling
mosquitoes with insecticide is
How to control mosquitoes at home. impractical.
Here are some tips to control mosquitoes 9. Chemical Control. This is the last
at home: resort in pest management
(spraying, misting, or fogging).
However, in some places,
1. Check regularly property for
community-wide application of
mosquitoe-breeding places. The
fog using kerosene and pesticides
water in flower vases and other
are active ingredients.
plant holders are potential
breeding places. Change water
for flowers and plants at least
How to control flies at home. To control
once a week. Fill up ground
flies at home, here are some tips to follow:
surface to prevent accumulation
of stagnant water. 1. Maintain sanitary conditions
2. Clean up surroundings. Remove where animals are kept and
breeding places. Get rid of where refuse of any kind is
empty tin cans where dirty rain deposited. All refuse, as well as
water accumulates which can fertilizer should be kept in tightly
house hundreds of mosquito covered containers.
larvae. 2. Garbage containers should be
3. Trim shrubs and keep flowerbeds tightly covered. Empty them often
clean and tidy to prevent rodent so they don't spill and attract flies.
infestation. 3. Bury or burn garbage if there is no
4. Periodic oiling of standing water regular garbage collection in your
will poison the immature area.
mosquitoes. 4. Since flies are hard to chase and
5. Clear clogged canals. swat, indoor spraying of flies with
6. Smudge the area. The emitted insecticides is very effective.
smoke generated by burning Aerosol insectisides are
leaves, especially when neem recommended because of the
leaves are used will help control fine mist they emit. You can also
mosquitoes. use traps like sticky paper to
7. Adequate screens on windows catch flies.
and doors, as well as the use of
bed nets, will protect against
Keeping rats and cockroaches away.
You can keep rats and cockroaches
away by following these tips.

1. Keep foods in closed containers.

2. Tightly close garbage and refuse
3. Keep doors closed when not in
4. Close holes around pipes or drains
with concrete or sheet metal.
5. Store things 10 to 12 inches above
the floor so you can regularly clean
the place.
6. Outside the home, don't pile wood
against the side of the house.
7. Lumbers should be stored off the
ground, with space underneath for
MATERIAL 8 (ILL EFFECTS AND drug tolerance and the appearance
of withdrawal symptoms if drug use is
VICES) suddenly stopped. Psychological
dependence is the emotional
attachment to the drugs' effects and
DRUG ABUSE AND PREVENTION even to the process of administering
or taking a substance.
- A drug is any chemical substance
which, when taken into the body, COMMONLY ABUSED DRUGS
produces a physical, mental,
emotional, or behavioral change in - Many different drugs are abused. The
the user. main classification of abused drugs
- Drugs are so important for human are: hallucinogens, stimulants,
welfare. They are prescribed by a depressants, and inhalants. All of
physician for health purposes. They these drugs have one thing in
can prevent, shorten, and cure common. To one degree or another,
illnesses. They can save and prolong they affect the user's feelings,
millions of lives. perceptions and behavior. Most of
- Drugs, however can be harmful. There these drugs affect the user in physical
is a tendency for their misuse in our ways as well, but they are abused
drug- oriented society. Practically for because of their psychoactive (mind-
example, we do use any of these altering) properties
psychoactive drugs- -aspirins, 1. Hallucinogens or psychedelics are
tranquilizers, anti-depressants, caffine drugs which distort a person's concept of
(in coffee and tea), and nicotine (in reality and thinking as well as his
tobacco). Any of these drugs is perceptions of time, sound, space, and
subject to misuse and abuse. sensation Hallucinogens produce
- Taking prescribed or over-the-counter hallucinations (false perceptions). They
(OTC) drugs for a reason for which the alter the perception of objective reality
drug was medically intended and by allowing the user to see what she or
according to the directions is termed he is feeling. They produce exhilaration or
drug use. The use of a drug for a depression, and can lead to serious
reason other than that for which it was mental changes, psychotic
intended is called drug misuse. manifestations, suicidal or homocidal
- Drug abuse is the use of a drug for tendencies. The effects of hallucinogens
other than medicinal purposes which or psychedelics, however, vary greatly
results in the impaired, physical from user to user depending on the
mental, emotional or social well-being amount of the dose, the user's
of the user. personality, mood, expectations; and the
- Tolerance is a physical adaptation conditions under which the drug is used.
that causes certain drugs to become Hallucinogens come in powder, tablet,
less effective. It involves taking larger capsule, ampule forms or in saturated
and larger doses to obtain a desired sugar cubes. They are taken orally, can
effect. Physical dependence involves
be sniffed or injected. Drugs that are drugs, which may be over-the-counter or
considered hallucinogens include the prescription drugs such as anesthetics-
following: Marijuana, Lysergic Acid nitrous oxide (a painkiller used by dentists),
Diethylamide (LSD), Mescaline, ether, and chloroform; aerosols (which are
Psilocybin, Phencyclidine (PCP) and household products) such as shoeshine
Morning glory seeds. compounds, insecticides, spray paints, and
hair spray, and solvents (which are
2. Stimulants or “Uppers‖ are drugs that
commercially items such as gasoline
produce physiological and mental
transmission fluid, paint thinner and rugby
arousal. Specifically, they can decrease
fatigue, increase talkativeness and TABLE OF ABUSED DRUGS
physical activity, enhance endurance,
diminish appetite, produce a state of
alertness and for a time elevate mood,
often to the point of euphoria. The
stimulant drugs are generally swallowed
1. Hallucinogen
(as pills or liquid). They can be injected
into a vein at regular time intervals.
Amphetamine, cocaine,
methamphetanines (shabu), caffeine (in LSD
coffee, tea and colas) and nicotine (in (Lysergic
tobacco) are stimulants. Acid
3. Depressants or “downers‖ are drugs e)
that act on the central nervous system to Mescaline
reduce pain, tension, and anxiety, to Psilocybin
relax and disinhibit, and to slow down PCP
intellectual and motor activity. The major (Phencyclid
depressants are sedatives such as ine)
babituates, tranquilizers such as librium Morning
and valuim; narcotics such as opium, Glory Seeds
morphine, codeine, heroin and alcohol. Marijuana
2. Stimulants Methamph Amphe
4. Inhalants are drugs inhaled through the
etamines tamine
nose. Inhaled drugs quickly pass through the
(or Shabu) Cocain
mucous membrane into the blood stream.
People inhale drugs to get a quick lift. This
method of taking drugs is sometimes called
"snorting". Strictly speaking, tobacco,
cocaine, and marijuana could be
considered inhalants. But the term inhalant
3. Depressants Sedativ
more commonly refers to three categories
of products: solvents, aerosols, and
anesthetics. Inhalants are sometimes legal
Tranqui 3. Peer Group Factors
lizers • To get the attention and approval of
Alcoho his ―barkadas‖
l • To establish their identity as members
Narcoti of a peer group
cs 4. Neighborhood or Community Factors
Opium • Hostility of community members
Morphi • Unemployment
ne • Anomie or normless social
Codein environment
e 5. School factors
Heroin • Authoritative and unreasonable
4. Inhalants Solvents Anesth teachers
Aerosols etics
• Unavailability of recreational facilities
in which the students could release
WHY DO PEOPLE TURN TO DRUGS their energies. • Poor concept of
drugs and their effects
Several factors may cause an individual to 6. The Economic Establishment Factor
continuously and persistently resort to drug • Easy access of the drug because of
use. These factors which propel a person to the uncontrollable number of
using drugs are cited below. drugstores and sari-sari stores selling
drugs without prescriptions.
1. The Precipitating Factor. Precipitating
7. The Recreational Center Factor
factors are the situations or conditions
• Unsupervised sports centers which
in the individual's conscious world that
become places where players or
initially draw him to try drugs.
athletes indulge in drugs to improve
• Curiosity
athletic performance. 8. The Filipino
• Boredom-pleasure. Individuals take
Values Factors
drugs to have fun, to escape from
• Pakikisama or concession
• Gaya-gaya
• To establish their identity as members
of a peer group • Utang na loob (gratitude)

• To express dissatisfaction • ―Bahala na‖ attitude

2. Family Factors • Machochismo
• Authoritarian upbringing. Strict and
domineering parents are contributory ILL EFFECTS OF DRUG ABUSE ON THE
factors to drug abuse. INDIVIDUAL (Source Pre-Service Teacher
• Overprotective parents Education Model: A Strategy for Drug Abuse
• Reduced child-parent contact Prevention, 1990)

• Separation of wife and husband Physical Effects

• Permissive atmosphere in the home
❖ Malnutrition. The life of a drug dependent
• Desire for social acceptance
revolves around drugs such that he neglects
food and develops anorexia (loss of unpredictable. In a state of euphoria or
appetite), and eventually malnutrition. If he exhiliration, they may display impulsive and
tries to withdraw from the drug, he may unacceptable behavior. Others may exhibit
suffer from diarrhea that may cause aggressive feelings and use inappropriate
dehydration. language, thus, terrifying those around
them. Some may become violent,
❖ Dependency. Almost all drugs can be
predisposing them to commit murder, rape,
habit-forming while others lead to or robbery. ❖ Criminal involvement.
dependency. The abuser may manifest
Experimentation with dangerous drugs could
inability to reduce or stop using the drug in
lead to a life of crime. Since these drugs are
large doses. There might be persistence of
unprescribed they can be obtained only
drug abuse despite the occurrence of an
through illegitimate sources. The cost these
illness or disease as a result of its continued
drugs is so prohibitive that a drug
abuse; and the need to use drugs in
dependent may resort to crime to support
increasing amounts in order to function
his habit.
adequately in social situations.
❖ Inadequacy of communication with
❖ Skin infections and rashes. More often, the
others. Intoxicated and cranky, the drug
misusers utilize unsterilized needles and
abuser finds it difficult to communicate with
syringes, which may cause skin infections like
other people. Gradually, he severes his
rashes, abscesses, ulcers, or even allergic
relationship with non-users and depends
reactions to drugs. These conditions are
more on other drug abusers. Insecure about
common among drug dependents.
the future, he loses trust in himself and those
❖ Damage to vital organs. In addition to around him.
disease associated with unsterile needles Mental Effects
and syringes and contaminated drugs,
excessive amount of medicine may lead to ❖ Adverse effects on the central nervous
liver and kidney damage. Neglect of system. Regular use or ingestion of large
personal hygiene due to drugs might doses of a substance reduces the activity of
eventually end up in kidney failure, hepatitis, the brain and depresses the central nervous
drastic weight loss, and physical system. The drug dependent then manifest
complications affecting vital body organs. changes in his mood and behavior that are
considered undesirable by people in his
❖ Sensory distortion. Drugs disrupt normal
environment. ❖ Deterioration of the mind.
sensory perception. Some constrict or dilate
The dependent is a ―mental invalid‖ in the
the pupils thereby leading to failure of the
sense that drugs can manipulate him, make
eye to respond to light properly. Hearing
him lose his power, and prod him to behave
and the sense of touch may be impaired.
contrary to what he usually thinks is right.
Social Effects Drugs can reduce or accelerate activity to
create indifference, depressive mood, or
❖ Community hazard. People who have carelessness. As a result, the abuser's mind
―good‖ or ―bad‖ trips become social deteriorates gradually.
hazards because their behavior is
Economic Effects consequences to our citizens. The cost
in loss of life, personal tragedies,
❖ Inability to hold a stable job. It is
wasted opportunities and emotional
impossible for a drug abuser to hold a energy is beyond human calculation.
steady job since he spends all his time and Let us join forces to make the problem
money on drugs the does not have a significantly smaller.
regular job, he and his friends steal to raise - What can the person, the parents, the
money. If he has one, he would be unable teachers and the school, the
to concentrate on it since he would be community and the church do to
either over-stimulated (in speeds) or lazy prevent Drug Abuse?
and drowsy (in downers). - The Dangerous Drug Board (Ideas for
❖ Dependence on family resources. Instead Action, 1974) and Lefton and
of contributing to the economic stability of Valvatne (1985) suggest the following:
the family, a dependent becomes an The Person
economic burden. This is because he needs
money for treatment and rehabilitation and 1. Understand, accept and respect
for court litigations if he has committed a himself;
crime. Besides depending on the family for
2. Develop his potentials and engage in
his basic necessities, he also has to rely on
wholesome, productive, and satisfying
the family resources to provide him money
for the support of his "expensive habit
Eventually, he is forced to sell some family 3. Learn to relate effectively with others
possessions in order to raise money for drugs. and have a confidant to whom he can
communicate personal problems freely;
❖ Accidents in industry. Some factory
workers meet accidents in their work 4. Learn to cope with personal problems
because of their dependence on drugs. In a and other stresses without the use of
state of agitation or dullness of the mind as drugs;
a result of the drug he has taken, the
5. Seek professional help for problems he
dependent becomes careless and loses
cannot cope with;
concentration on his job Consequently, an
accident may while he may adversely 6. Develop strong moral and spiritual
affect both drug abuser and his co-workers. values;
The aggravating circumstances could be
the destruction of industrial equipment 7. Learn about the effects of drug use,
which could cause a number of people to the reasons drugs are harmful, and ways
lose their jobs. to resist pressures to try drugs; and

8. Use an understanding of the danger

posed by drugs to help other students
- Drug problem is serious nowadays. It The Parents
continues to cause tragic
1. Create a warm and friendly and character of drug use and establish
atmosphere at home; 2. Develop a means of monitoring that use regularly;
effective means of communication with
2.2 Establish clear and specific rules
regarding drug use that include strong,
3. Take time to be with the children no corrective actions;
matter how busy they are;
2.3 Enforce established policies against
4. Strengthen moral and spiritual values— drug use fairly and consistently, and
the foundation of a strong and stable implement security measures to eliminate
personality; drugs on school premises. 2.4 Implement
a comprehensive drug prevention
5. Help children to resist peer pressure to
curriculum; and
use drugs by supervising their activities;
and 2.5 Reach out to the community for
support and assistance in making the
6. Be knowledgeable about drugs and
school's anti-drug policy and program
signs of drug use. When symptoms are
work by developing collaborative
observed, respond promptly.
The Teachers/The Schools
The Community
1. The teachers can help prevent drug
The community leaders have the
abuse of they:
following responsibilities:
1.1 Know their student's strengths,
1. Help schools fight drugs by providing
weaknesses, needs and abilities;
them with expertise and financial
1.2 Are sensitive to their students' needs resources of community groups and
and problems; agencies;

1.3 Establish rapport with their students to 2. Plan and implement social action
gain their confidence, programs involving young people, civic
groups, religious organizations, other
1.4 Encourage their students to professionals to improve community life;
participate in co-curricular activities
which will further enhance their mental 3. Encourage and support the
health and strengthen their moral and establishment of preventive centers such
spiritual values; as community guidance clinics;

1.5 Use teaching approaches and 4. Help in the after-care and follow-up of
strategies that are effective and discharged clients from residential
stimulating to the students; rehabilitation centers;

1.6 Show models of good behavior; and 5. Strengthen moral and spiritual values;
2. The schools can help prevent drug
abuse, if they: 2.1 Determine the extent 6. Coordinate with public and private
agencies that could lend assistance to
the drug abuse prevention and control interferes with the ability to respond
program. quickly to dangerous situations. —
Meeks, Heit and Page, 1996.6
The Church
- Alcohol is absorbed into the
- As a social institution, the church is bloodstream by passing through the
entrusted with the humanitarian tasks stomach and intestinal walls. Since
of moral guidance of the youth and its alcohol need not be digested, it's on
attending social problems. In this its way to all parts the body in almost
connection, the church leaders, aside no time. It travels to the brain, where it
from preaching the word of God, interferes with activities people usually
need to get involved in contemporary take for granted-seeing, thinking,
issues like drug abuse that beset talking, walking and, of course,
society. The church is also committed driving.
to the fight against drug abuse. The - Alcohol reaches the liver where it is
church leaders should: oxidized (changed into water, carbon
dioxide energy). This process takes at
1. Help in the campaign against drug least one hour per drink, and nothing
abuse; can be done to speed it up. The drug
continues to affect the drinker until
2. Organize programs on the prevention
the liver oxidizes all of the alcohol
of drug abuse in the form of lectures,
circulating through the body.
forums, value clarification exercises and
other related activities; Intoxication
3. Help in the establishment of drug - Alcohol is toxic. Toxic means
rehabilitation centers; poisonous. Intoxication is the set of
bad effects that alcohol has on the
4. Enjoin young people to become
body and mind. Intoxication begins
members of religious organizations which
with one drink. It affects the drinker's
provide civic and recreational activities;
personality, mind and body.
Intoxication develops in stages:
5. Serve as models of exemplary
character for the youth. 1. Happy. Some drinkers become
sociable, relaxed, and talkative.

2. Excited. Behavior may become

uncontrolled; reactions are slowed.
(Source: Coordinating Office for Drug
3. Confused. Poor coordination,
and Alcohol Abuse Programs,
disorientation, slurred speech is evident.
Philadelphia 1982)
4. In a stupor. Drinker may vomit,
- Alcohol is a psychoactive drug that
become semi-conscious, etc.
depresses the central nervous system,
dulls the mind, impairs thinking and
judgment, lessens coordination, and
5. In a coma. Unconsciousness occurs, stress, worry, and unhappiness. They are
with possible respiratory paralysis and able to stop drinking if they have a very
death. strong reason. For example, they may
stop if they wish to improve their health,
Alcoholism is a chronic disease, or
get a job, or please someone important
disorder of behavior, characterized by
to them.
the repeated drinking of alcoholic
beverages to an extent that exceeds ▪ Alcoholics are psychologically and
customary dietory use or ordinary physically dependent on alcohol and
compliance with the social drinking cannot control their drinking. Drinking is
customs of the community and which the most important part of their life. It is
interferes with the drinker's health, more important than family, friends, job
interpersonal relations or economic or health. Alcoholics go through
functioning. Alcoholism refers to the withdrawal when they cannot get
pattern of alcohol use characterized by alcohol.
emotional and physical dependence, as
well as general loss of control over the
TYPES OF DRINKERS The effects of alcohol abuse are
influenced by blood alcohol level. In
small amounts, alcohol has a tranquilizing
There are basically three kinds of effect on most people, although it
drinkers—social drinkers, problem appears to stimulate others because it
drinkers, and alcoholics. Most social and relaxes inhibitions due to the depression
even many problem drinkers never of certain parts of the brain.
become alcoholics. On the other hand,
Heavy drinking (frequent drinking to
changing from one type of drinker to the
intoxication over an extended period)
next is the route by which some people
can have serious physical and mental
do become alcoholics. Some people
may become addicted after only a few
drinks. Physiological Effects. As a person
consumes more alcohol, a steady
▪ Social drinkers are people who have
deterioration of all body functions results,
certain times when alcohol fits into their
such as:
social life and who can stop drinking
without any trouble. They connect 1. increased heart rate and skin
drinking with pleasant occasions. temperature
Generally, they drink only at meals and
special events. 2. perception is distorted (double vision,
blurred vision)
▪ Problem drinkers are heavy, regular
drinkers who are psychologically 3. poor coordination (loss of muscle
dependent on alcohol. They use alcohol control)
as a social crutch. They drink to handle
4. slurred speech body, the more quickly their judgment
and motor coordination will be affected.
5. malnutrition (if the drinker doesn't eat
a balanced diet)

6. hangover miseries: fatigue, nausea, WHY DO SOME PEOPLE DRINK

headache, etc.
People drink for a variety of reasons:
7. increased risk of cirrhosis, ulcers, heart
1. because of curiosity
disease, heart attack and cancers of
liver, mouth, throat and stomach, larynx, 2. because of social pressure
esophagus, pancreas and rectum
3. to feel good and have fun
8. impaired hearing, resulting in loud
talking 4. to relieve stress or fatigue

9. loss of equilibrium, causing dizziness 5. to escape some problems

and staggling 6. to enjoy the taste of alcoholic
Psychological Effects. When blood beverages
alcohol reaches a level of 0.3 or 0.4
7. to be more at ease at get-togethers
percent, it severely disrupts activity in the
brain, such as: 8. to be one of the crowd (status symbol)

1. impaired judgment and self-control 9. to get high and feel the tranquilizing
effect, providing a release and escape
2. altered or impaired thinking and
from tension
reasoning processes enhance the pleasure of
3. poor concentration or diminished

4. blackouts, memory loss

5. hallucinations
Persons who abuse alcohol face the
6. loss of inhibitions: exaggerated feelings
same problems as other alcohol abusers
of anger, fear, anxiety, etc.
7. subject to alcoholic psychoses (an
1. Drinking and Driving. The combination
acute form of mental illness) kills or seriously injures thousands of drivers
8. damage to brain cells, and each year. Solution: Don't drive drunk or
ride with a drunk driver. Ride with a sober
9. at a blood-alcohol level of about 0.5 friend, take a public transportation, or
percent, heartbeat and breathing stop, stay where you are.
and DEATH occurs. The effects of alcohol
have especially dangerous implications 2. Drinking and Drugs. This combination
for young people— the smaller their can have unexpected, dangerous
results: the two together can produce a very skills that drivers need to be safe.
totally different effect than either alone. Alcohol causes:
Solution: Avoid drinking while taking
1. Poor Judgment. The ability to make quick,
drugs. Ask your physician for any special
sound decisions is the first skill that alcohol
instructions when you're given a
affects. Drivers who've been drinking are
prescription. If someone has a bad
more likely to take chances, such as driving
reaction from mixing alcohol and drugs,
too fast or following other vehicles too
get medical help right away. Bring a
sample of the drug(s).
2. Slowed Reaction Time. A drinker needs
3. Family Problems. Alcohol abuse can
more time to move his or her foot from the
be a cause of, or a reaction to, family
gas pedal to the brake pedal. Even a
stress. Poor academic performance and
fraction of a second can mean the
trouble with the law can strain family
difference between life and death.
unity and stability. Family pressures that
give rise to feelings of guilt or moral 3. Loss of Concentration. Alcohol reduces
conflict can lead to alcohol abuse. alertness and causes the mind to wonder.
Solution: Try discussing feelings honestly. Drivers who can't concentrate are less likely
Listen to other people's viewpoints and to spot potential hazards, and less able to
look for compromises. Seek counseling if avoid hazards when they do see them.
you're troubled by problems at home.
4. Visual Problems. Alcohol relaxes eye
4. Trouble with the Law. Heavy alcohol muscles and interferes with the amount of
abuse can release anger and frustration light entering the eyes. This may cause
and impair judgment. The result may be blurring and double vision. Alcohol can also
vandalism, violence, or serious crime affect ability to judge distance, reduce side
such as robberies, murder and гаре. That and night vision, and create other visual
can mean arrest, a police record and difficulties.
possibly prison for offenders. Solution:
Drink sensibly or not at all, and avoid
situations and places where violence
Alternatives to Drinking and Driving
seems likely. Don't get involved in
destructive behavior. Obey state rules on There are many alternatives to drinking and
alcohol. driving. The safest alternative is to abstain
from drinking. But people who plan to drink
can arrange to:
ALCOHOL AND DRIVING 1. Give their keys to a nondrinker before
- Drinking and driving is a dangerous they start drinking, with the understanding
combination. that the keys will be returned only if they are
Effects of Drinking to Driving Skills
2. Have a sober friend drive, and pick up
- Because alcohol affects the body's their own car the next day.
control—the brain—it weakens the
3. Stay overnight, so there will be no need to 7. Serve or use alcohol only in
drive under the influence. environments conducive to pleasant and
relaxing behavior.
4. Stay until you're—sober no matter how
long it takes.

5. Call a friend and ask him or her for a ride WHAT TO DO WHEN DRINKING
When on certain occasions drinking
6. Use public transportation. could not be avoided, you should:

Prevention... 1. Set a limit in advance, on the number

of drinks you'll have and stick to your plan

2. Know how much you're drinking, by

keeping track of how many drinks you've
had, and by asking that a shot glass be
- For whatever reasons, hosting used when making mixed drinks.
responsible parties at which alcohol is
3. Sip—don't gulp your drinks to give the
served is becoming a trend.
liver more time to process the alcohol.
Hereunder is a list of guidelines for
hosting a social event that includes 4. Space drinks. Try alternating food and
the use of alcoholic beverages (20): drinks.

1. Provide other social activities as a 5. Eat a meal. Eat starchy foods, such as
primary focus when alcohol is served. cheese and crackers, before and while
you drink. Food slows alcohol's effects.
2. Respect an individual's decision about
alcohol if that decision is either to abstain 6. Participate in activities that take the
or to drink responsibly. drink out of your hands for a while --
helping food preparation, dancing, etc.
3. Provide food when alcohol is served.
7. Watch for signs that you’ve had too
4. Serve diluted drinks and do not urge
much—talking loudly, walking unsteadily,
that glasses constantly be full.
feeling tired or overly relaxed.
5. Keep the cocktail hour before dinner
to a reasonable time and consumption

6. Recognize a responsibility for the It's okay to say ―NO‖ to alcohol. Even if
health, safety, and pleasure of both the you're of legal drinking age, you should
drinker and the nondrinker by avoiding never be afraid to refuse a drink.
intoxication and helping others to do the
Learn to refuse alcohol politely--but
firmly. Here are some general guidelines
to help you:
o Decline drinks politely but firmly. Say 1. Private physicians, who can give
―NO THANK YOU.‖ At first your friends may medical care or make referrals to other
try to pressure you into drinking, but soon sources of help, if necessary.
they'll become accustomed to your
2. The National Council on Alcoholism
which through local affiliates can provide
o Explain your decision. Sometimes a information and referral services to
simple explanation can help others to alcoholics, family, friends and
understand and accept your reason for employees.
not drinking.
3. Other Sources of help include the local
o Insist on your right to abstain. Stick by medical society, Department of Health,
your decision. social service agencies, etc.

o Ask for other drinks like coffee, tea or


WHERE TO GET HELP ▪ The World Health Organization (WHO)

estimated that there are 1.1 billion
Help for alcohol problems may involve
smokers in the word at the beginning of
short-term, intensive care or long-term
this decade. That’s about one-third of
the world’s adult population!
On Campus
▪ Four million people died yearly from
On campus check with— tobacco-related disease throughout the
world. That’s one death every eight
1. Health center which can provide seconds! If current trends continue, WHO
counseling, medical care and/or referral estimates that the toll will rise to 10 million
to other agencies. by the year 2030. That’s one death every
three seconds. —Lemuel Ll. Niere.
2. School/Guidance Counseling centers
―Choosing not to Smoke‖ Health and
which are staffed by trained
Home (September-October 1999).
psychologists and counselors.
In the Philippines...
3. Peer counseling centers which are
staffed by qualified students who offer ▪ Every day, 16 million Filipinos, one third
confidential advice and information in of the population, light up a total of 162
an informal atmosphere. million cigarettes.
4. Student advisors who can offer ▪ Studies show that for cigarettes alone,
personal support for people who want consumers spend P 20 million every day.
help in solving problems.
▪ It has been estimated that tobacco is
In the Community responsible for at least one million
In the community, check with—
premature deaths annually throughout whether it is smoked or used as
the world. smokeless tobacco, tobacco is
harmful to the body (18). Health risks
▪ The World Health Organization (WHO)
begin from the moment the cigarette
estimates that worldwide, one person
smoke enters the body.
dies every 13 seconds from tobacco-
- There are about one billion particles in
related diseases.
a cubic centimeter of cigarette
▪ The Philippine Tumor Registry from 60 smoke. Very tiny and easily inhaled,
hospitals shows that lung cancer is No. 1 these particles enter the deepest
among males affected with cancer and recesses of the lungs. If a smoker
is emerging as No. 3 among females. inhales, about 70% of the particulate
matter is retained in the lungs (33). The
▪ It has been estimated that there are 26 tar and nicotine in these particles
million smokers, of which one third or 8.8 have powerful effects on the body.
million is the total predicted death. - Tar is a gummy mixture of hundreds of
chemicals which contains most of the
▪ At least 2 million Filipinos aged under 20
cancer-causing substances called
now living in the Philippines will eventually
carcinogens in cigarette smoke.
be killed prematurely by cigarettes
Nicotine is a chemical substance
found in tobacco. It affects the heart,
blood vessels, digestive tract, kidneys,
and nervous system. Although
Cigarettes nicotine alone does not cause
cancer, it seems to interact with other
- For hundreds of years, people did not substances in the tar to produce
agree about the harm of tobacco. cancerous tumor. Carbon monoxide is
But in the last 40 years, medical a colorless, odorless, poisonous gas in
research has proved that tobacco cigarette smoke that passes through
has many harmful effects. It is harmful the lungs into the blood. This is the
to the human body both immediately same gas in automobile fumes that, if
and in the long run (18). inhaled, could prove fatal (29). It
- With each puff of a cigarette, a unites with the body’s hemoglobins,
smoker comes in contact with more preventing them from carrying the
than 3,000 chemicals. About 1,200 of oxygen needed for energy to the
them are poisonous. The chemicals in body’s cells..
tobacco can cause ailments as well
(29) The poisonous chemicals are Why do People Start Smoking
different in cigarette, pipe, and cigar
People often start to smoke because they
smoke. The differences depend on
the mix of tobacco, the chemicals
used by farmers on the plants, and 1. that smoking can remove their fears or
the amount of heat generated. But no insecurities;
matter what form tobacco is in, or
2. that they can be someone like the Childhood respiratory ailments. Youngsters
people they admire; exposed to parents' tobacco smoke have
six times as many respiratory infections as
3. that it is a good way to start a
kids of nonsmoking parents. Smokers'
children also face an increased risk of
4. that smoking is a good way to eat less or cough, chronic bronchitis and pneumonia.
to stop biting their nails;
Diabetes. Smoking decreases the body's
5. that smoking is just a passing habit and absorption of insulin.
that they can drop the habit at anytime.
Drug interaction. Smokers need higher than
However, what people do not realize is that
normal dosages of certain drugs prescribed
smoking is not a habit; it is an addiction and
by a doctor for recovery.
it is difficult to stop.
Ear infections. Children of smokers face an
increased risk of otitis media (middle ear

(Dr. Alan Blum, Associate Professor, Emphysema. Smoking accounts for deaths
Department of Family Medicine, Baylor attributable to emphysema (chronic
College of Medicine Houston TX) obstructive pulmonary disease.)

- The effects of tobacco use or smoking Esophageal cancer. Smoking accounts

worsen and multiply overtime. These cases of esophageal cancer.
effects are dangerous to hundreds of
Gastrointestinal cancer. Preliminary research
smokers. Hereunder is a list of several
indicates that smoking at least doubles the
diseases and health risks that have
risk of cancer of the stomach and
been linked to smoking or tobacco
duodenum-the portion of the small intestine
just downstream from the stomach.
Back Pain. Smoking is probably a major risk
Heart disease. Smokers are up to four times
factor in recovery from back pain because
more likely to develop cardiovascular
poor oxygen levels of those who smoke
disease than non-smoker Mechanism:
prevent lumbar disks from being adequately
Carbon monoxide and other poison gases in
tobacco smoke replace oxygen on the
Bladder cancer. Smoking causes cases of blood cells, promote coronary spasm and
bladder cancer. cause accumulation of clot-producing
Breast cancer. Women who smoke are 75%
more likely to develop breast cancer than Infertility. Couples in which at least one
are nonsmoking women. member smokes are more than three times
more likely to have trouble conceiving than
Cervical cancer. Women who smoke are nonsmoking couples.
four times more likely to develop the disease
than are nonsmoking women. Kidney cancer. Smoking causes cases of
kidney cancer.
Laryngeal cancer. Smoker who smokes Delayed recovery from injury or surgery.
more than 25 cigarettes a day are 25 to 30 Smokers have delayed wound and bone
times more likely to develop cancer of the healing. They also have a greater risk of
larynx than non-smokers. complications from surgery, including
pneumonia (due to weaker lungs) as well as
Leukemia. In addition to tobacco smoke
a longer hospital stay.
condensate, better known as tar, tobacco
smoke contains several powerful Stroke. Smoking doubles the risk of stroke
carcinogens, including the organic among men and women. Special danger: In
chemical benzene and a radioactive form women who smoke the risk of stroke is ten-
of the element polonium both which are fold.
known to cause leukemia.
Tooth loss. Use of snuff or chewing tobacco
Low birth rate. Women who smoke as few as causes tooth abrasion, two frequent
five cigarettes daily during pregnancy face contributors to tooth loss.
a significantly greater risk of giving birth to
an unnaturally small lightweight infant.
Mouth cancer. Tobacco causes the vast
majority of all cancers of the mouth, lips, - Giving up smoking can be tough, but
cheek, tongue, salivary glands and even there are many ways to stop and
tonsils. Men who smoke, dip snuff or chew many places that offer support and
tobacco face a 27-fold risk of these help with the process. A smoker who
cancers. Women smokers— because they wants to quit smoking should
have tended to use less tobacco—face a remember that he will go through a
six-fold risk. period of withdrawal-feeling nervous,
moody, or having difficulty sleeping.
Nutrition. People who smoke tend to have
However, these symptoms of
poorer nutrition than do nonsmokers. People
withdrawal do not last long.
who smoke also have lower level of HDL
(good cholesterol). 1. Cut down on the number of cigarettes
Osteoporosis. Women who smoke
experience menopause on an average of 2. Decide once and for all that you want
five to 10 years earlier than nonsmokers, to quit, set a target date for quitting and
causing a decline in estrogen production— stick to it.
and thinning bones—at an earlier age.
3. Avoid people who smoke, situations
Pharyngeal (throat) cancer. The vast that trigger smoking and smoking
majority of pharyngeal cancer death reminders such as ashtrays, matches and
resulted directly from smoking. lighters.
Premature aging. Constant exposure to 4. When you feel like smoking, chew
tobacco smoke prematurely wrinkles the sugarless gum, suck on sugarless candy,
facial skin and yellows the teeth and or eat other healthy snacks.
5. Drink plenty of water to flush out toxins.

6. Begin an exercise program.

7. Avoid alcohol, coffee, tea, and colas

for a while because these substances
often stimulate the craving for tobacco.

8. Brush your teeth often to remove

tobacco residue.

9. Tell friends and relatives that you have

quit smoking.

10.Think about all the benefits of being


11.Make a list of what smoking is costing

you, in terms of money, health,
appearance, and social acceptance.

12.If you do smoke again, don't give up.

Many people have relapses. Start again
on the smoke free trial. It's worth it.
MODULE 9: HIV/AIDS PREVENTION The books on ―AIDS: A Guide for Survival‖
gives some symptoms which are common in
AND EDUCATION most people who become ill as a result of
HIV. These people may experience some or
all of the following:
• Unexplained, persistent fatigue
-AIDS...or Acquired Immunity Syndrome is a
• Unexplained fever, night sweats or
severe disease caused by the Human
shaking chills that last for several weeks or
immunodeficiency Virus or HIV (the AIDS
virus), that permanently disables the body's
immune system. It weakens the body's ability • Sudden and unexplained weight loss of
to fight off life-threatening diseases. Each of more than 10 pounds
the letters in AIDS stands for a word.
• Diarrhea that continues for several
Acquired. This means the disease is weeks
passed from one person to another. It is
• A dry cough that will not go away
not hereditary in nature.
• Abnormal drowsiness
Immune. The body's defense system,
which normally protects us from disease. • Swollen glands or enlarged lymph
nodes in the neck, armpits, or groin
Deficiency. This means the defense
system is not working. • Bruising and bleeding that do not heal
Syndrome. A group of symptoms which, TRANSMISSION...HIV/AIDS transmission occurs
when they occur together, means a per- in a few very particular ways. HIV can
son has a particular disease or condition. spread by having direct contact with body
fluids like semen, vaginal secretions, blood
and breast milk.
▪ Sexual Contact. This means having
The HIV virus appears to be present to some sexual intercourse (vaginal or anal) with
extent in every country. In the Philippines, an infected person. Transmission through
cases have been found. This can grow into intercourse can take place between a
alarming proportions within a short period of man and a woman or between a man
time as has been experienced in other and another man. Anal intercourse is the
countries. most dangerous behavior.

Anybody who has the virus is a carrier and HIV can be passed during oral/genital
can infect others. Very often the person who sex and possibly through oral/ anal sex.
may look and behave as normal as anyone, Transmission between women is
does not know that she/he is a carrier extremely rare but possible. Although
because signs and symptoms of AIDS are there are no known cases of HIV spread
not manifested until the terminal stage of through saliva, it is wise to avoid ―French
the disease.
kissing‖ or deep kissing since other - Other Contact. The virus cannot be
diseases are spread in this way. caught from toilet seats or objects.

▪ Blood Contamination. This happens TREATMENT... Increasingly, medical

when HIV (AIDS Virus) gets directly into authorities view the AIDS as a disease with
the bloodstream. Transfusion of which victims may live for years. But AIDS is
contaminated blood or blood products incurable. No treatment has successfully
can transmit HIV. If all donated blood is restored the immune system of an AIDS
screened, transfusion-related infections patient to normal functioning. Making the
would become extremely rare. Giving task of reaching AIDS more difficult, the virus
blood poses no risk to the donor as long can lie inactive in the human body for as
as a sterile needle is used. long as 10 years without causing any
symptoms. When this occurs, a ―carrier‖ of
The most common method of infection
AIDS can infect others with the disease
by blood is by the sharing of needles
(Medical and Health Encyclopedia, 1990).
during intravenous drug. It is also possible
to pass on the virus /with shared tattoo PREVENTION... There is no effective cure for
needles, unsterile acupuncture needles, AIDS. No one who has developed AIDS has
sharing razors or even toothbrushes. The recovered from it. Until a cure or vaccine is
common element in all these is getting found, prevention is the most important
the blood of an infected person directly measure against AIDS.
into the bloodstream of another person.
• Practice safer sex. Safer sex is any kind
▪ Mother To Child. A woman who is of sexual activity that prevents an
infected by HIV may spread the disease exchange body fluids such as blood,
to her baby during pregnancy or during semen and vagina secretions. Safer sex
birth. It is also possible for an infected practices include hugging kissing and
mother to pass the virus during correct consistent use of condom. Using
breastfeeding. condom would help in preventing the
spread of the virus. However, using other
There is no risk in the following activities:
birth control methods like pills or intra-
- Touching. AIDS virus cannot be uterine devices will not protect you from
transmitted by social contact such as HIV. They cannot keep body fluids like
shaking hands. blood, semen and vaginal secretions out
- ―Dry‖ kissing. Kissing without exchange of the body. Avoid sexual contact that
of saliva possess no risk of virus could cause cuts or tears in the skin or
transmission. tissue.
- Embrassing. There is no risk of
• Avoid Drugs. Any drug abuse can lower
transmitting the virus by embracing or
the capacity of the body's immune
system. Intravenous drug users should not
- Giving blood. Only sterile needles are
share hypodermic needles.
used for taking blood from donors
(who are not HIV infected). • Get periodic screening tests for HIV and
other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
• Do not donate blood or body organs if ✓ guiding concerned sectors in caring
you are HIV positive, or you are at high for infected people;
risk for AIDS.
✓ strengthening the Philippine National
• Avoid sharing razors, toothbrushes, or AIDS Council; and
other items that might cause cuts or carry
contaminated blood. ✓ other provisions... (Testing, screening
and counseling and the Human Rights of
• Health-care workers should follow persons with HIV/AIDS)
proper procedures in caring for patients.
We know how to prevent AIDS, or at least
to prevent infection with HIV. Whether ❖ HIV Antibody Test is a blood test that
people follow the various preventive determines if a person is infected or not
methods is another matter. For the next with HIV, HIV testing determines the
several years people who are currently presence of antibodies. negative result
infected with HIV become ill. Most will would mean there are no HIV antibodies.
die. A positive result would mean the
The only real hope for controlling AIDS
now is EDUCATION that would change ❖ The HIV Antibody Test is anonymous
people's behavior. Basic messages are and confidential. This means that you
simple but they must be heard and may not use your identity/name.
❖ HIV Antibody Testing may be done at
REPUBLIC ACT 8504 Republic Act 8504... the Department of Health (DOH)—
accredited hospitals, clinics or
AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency laboratories. These health institutions offer
Syndrome) has become a growing concern free pre- and post-test counseling for
of the Philippine government. In response to those who will undergo HIV Antibody
the problem, Republic Act 8504 otherwise Testing.
known as the ―Philippine AIDS Prevention
and Control Act of 1998‖ was signed into ❖ All HIV Tests are confirmed by the
law. This act aims to promote public Bureau of Research Laboratory (BRL) and
awareness about AIDS. Republic Act 8504 is the Research Institute for Tropical
the law concerned with: Medicine (RITM).

✓ disseminating policies and prescribing ❖ Pretest counseling provides the person

measures for the prevention and control with an introduction to the procedure, a
of HIV/AIDS in the Philippines; guarantee of confidentiality, and basic
information about HIV/AIDS. Post-test
✓ instituting a nationwide HIV/AIDS
counseling includes the release of results,
information and educational program; discussion of results, and arrangement for
✓ establishing a comprehensive a community referral, if necessary.
HIV/AIDS monitoring system;
❖ Generally, HIV testing is voluntary and o In the workplace... A person with
can't be done without a written informed HIV/AIDS can continue working and can
consent. If you're under 18, a parent or a enjoy the same employment rights,
legal guardian will make the consent benefits and opportunities as other
except for cases of anonymous testing. employees. It is against the law to fire
someone because of actual, perceived
❖ HIV testing cannot be required unless or suspected HIV status. Acts of
you want to be a blood or an organ discrimination in the workplace should be
donor, in which case, your blood will be reported to the Department of Labor
tested. and Employment in the case of
❖ There are existing health and support nongovernment employees, and to the
Civil Service Commission in the case of
services for people with HIV/AIDS. The
PNAC (Philippine National AIDS Council) government employees.
has established hospitals and ▪ In Educational Institution... An
community-based services for people educational institution cannot:
with HIV/AIDS. They have established
policies, which ensure that HIV infected o Refuse admission to any prospective
people live a normal life and are student
protected from discrimination.
o Expel a student based on his/her
perceived HIV status

HUMAN RIGHTS... confidentiality, o Deny him/her the benefits and services

discriminatory acts and policies that they give to other

▪ Confidentiality... The rules and People who may have been infected
regulations of RA 8504 (Philippine AIDS with AIDS pose no threat to other people.
Prevention and Control Act) requires that They shall be free to participate fully in all
results of an HIV Antibody Test be treated school activities. Remember, HIV does
with confidentiality. Results of the HIV test not spread easily.
will only be released to:
▪ In Travel and Residence... It is illegal to
o the person who was tested deny travel, lodging or establishment of a
home to any person with AIDS. The law
o the parent of a minor who was tested says that no person can be quarantined,
placed in isolation or refused lawful entry
o the legal guardian of an insane person
into or deported from the Philippines
or an orphan who was tested. Anyone
who violates this may be imprisoned and because of his/her perceived HIV status.
fined. ▪ In Public Service... A person with HIV
▪ Discriminatory acts and policies... It is can run for an elective position or be
important to remember that this fight is appointed to public office.
against a disease and not against the ▪ In Credit and Insurance Services... A
persons who have it. Thus, RA 8504 has person who actually has or is perceived
provisions against discriminatory acts.
to have HIV/AIDS cannot be denied
credit and loan services and/or health,
accident and life insurance on that basis.
However, the person living with HIV/AIDS
should be honest about his/her condition
and should not lie about his/her status
upon application.

▪ In Health Institutions... A person living

with HIV/AIDS cannot be denied by a
hospital or other health institution access
to health services. He/She should not be
charged higher fees and must be given
equal access to health services.

▪ In Availing of Decent Burial Services… A

person who was known, suspected or
perceived to be HIV positive should be
given the same kind of decent burial
services, provided that universal
precautions for infection control are
observed in the process.

Anyone found guilty of violating these

policies on discriminatory acts may be
imprisoned for 6 months to 4 years and
fined with not more than P10,000. If found
guilty, schools, hospitals, and other
institutions shall have their licenses or
permits revoked.

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